2 Migs Downed by Navy Bombers
PAGE m BTir-SIX V l WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9,1067 Avenge Dally Net Ande R n For Urn Week Ended The Weather Clearing tonight, not aa hu About Town Bids Open A drS S , Md7 Th« Junior HOgfa Fellowriilp mid, low 60-66; Incresalng of Emiinuel UiOierui Church cloudlneaa tomorrow, chance of and South Xatbodlat Church On Trucks 1 4 , 7 2 9 afternoon rain, high in 70a. will meet tonight at g:M tor Manchester— A City of Village Charm awimming at Olobe Hollow Ahd Paver Pool. Refredhmenta w ill be VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 264 (S E ^ E N PAGES—TWO SBCnONS) MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1967 (Ckuoified idvortMag on Fnge U) PRICE SEVEN CENTS aerred later at the campua of caiorohes Motors of Manches South Church. BIOTISH ter Is the apparent low bidder tor supplying the town with., Hartford - Tolland COu n t y tiwo dump trucks, complete Council of the VFW Auxiliary with body and hoist, and All Apprehended^ One Shot will meet Friday at 7:80 p.m. Oooke’e Equipment Co. of Wal at the Oak S t firehouse, Wind lingford is the apparent low sor Locks. bidder for furnishing a tra<dc 2 MIGs Downed paver. The items are for the T ^ E D “ The Invaders,” a rock and Town Highway Department. roil group, will play tomorrow 3 Escapees V Ghorches’ net price on the at a dance from 7:80 to 10:80 two dump trucks is 812,970, for p.m. at the parking lot of Man Dodge models. The price in chester Kgfa School: The event cludes the trade-in of a 1959 is sponsored by the Town Rec Ford truck and o f a 1960 OMC By Navy Bombers reation Department and is truck.
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