Orenburg Region
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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНТСТВО ПО ОБРАЗОВАНИЮ Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Оренбургский государственный университет» Н.С. САХАРОВА, Н.В. ЕРЕМИНА, В.В. ТОМИН THE ORENBURG REGION Методические указания к спецкурсу по страноведению Рекомендовано к изданию Редакционно-издательским советом государственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования – “Оренбургский государственный университет” Оренбург 2006 УДК 802.0(076.5) ББК 81,2 Англ-я73 С-22 Рецензент доктор педагогических наук, профессор В.Л. Тёмкина Сахарова, Н.С. С-22 The Orenburg Region : методические указания к спецкурсу по страноведению / Н.С. Сахарова., Н.В. Ерёмина, В.В Томин - Оренбург : ГОУ ОГУ, 2006 – 60 с. Данный спецкурс представляет подборку тестов по теме “The Orenburg Region” и систему упражнений к ним. Он предназначен для студентов, изучающих углубленно английский язык, по всем специальностям и студентам, занимающимся по программе дополнительной квалификации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» Все упражнения рассчитаны на развитие речевых навыков и умений и способствуют достижению основных целей обучения иностранному языку студентов неязыковых специальностей. ББК 81,2 Англ-я73 © Н.С. Сахарова., © Н.В. Ерёмина, ©В.В Томин, 2006 © ГОУ ОГУ, 2006 2 Содержание Введение..................................................................................................... 3 UniT 1 FIRST STEPS.................................................................................... 5 SECTION ONE......................................................................................... 5 SECTION TWO........................................................................................ 7 SECTION THREE..................................................................................... 9 SECTION FOUR..................................................................................... 12 UniT 2 “FATHER” OF THE TOWN.............................................................. 15 UniT 3 FINAL LOCATION............................................................................19 SECTION ONE....................................................................................... 19 UniT 4 The Concise Reference of The Orenburg Region............................. 30 UniT 5 SUPPLEMENTARY READINIG....................................................... 36 UniT 6 SITUATIONS.................................................................................... 45 Список использованных источников....................................................... 59 3 Введение Данный спецкурс предназначен для студентов, изучающих углубленно английский язык и представляет собой обзорный материал по страноведческой тематике Оренбургского региона. Цель пособия – помочь студентам приобрести знания, умения и навыки необходимые для того, чтобы вести беседу на английском языке или сделать сообщения по данной теме. Тесты взяты из учебной и научной литературы, частично сокращены и адаптированы. Тесты сопровождаются упражнениями, снижающими трудность восприятия основного текста. Все упражнения рассчитаны на развитие речевых навыков и умений и способствуют достижению основных целей обучения иностранному языку студентов неязыковых специальностей. 4 ORENBURG - CITY AND FORTRESS Unit 1 FIRST STEPS SECTION ONE 1.1.1 Learn the following words and expressions Stronghold - оплот, крепость Remote – отдаленный, далекий To cope with – справиться Vast – обширный To secure - охранять To establish close links - установить прочные связи Fatal mission - зд. неудачно, трагически закончившаяся экспедиция To be occupied – быть занятым Intercourse – общение, общественные связи To succeed – достигать цели, преуспевать ( in ); иметь успех To cause – послужить причиной / поводом для чего-л., мотивировать что-л. To swore – присягать; поклясться To be faithful – быть верным, стойким, преданным 1.1.2 Make up your own sentences using these words for your fellow students to translate them into Russian 1.1.3 Complete the following sentences with the words from ex. 1.1.1 1. Russia was in great need to found a town that could be a center of ……… . with Asia. 2. Orenburg was founded in the territories of ……. steppe. 3. There were no ……. on the …….. borders of Russia those times that’s why Orenburg was founded. 4. Peter the Great thought that Russia had to …………………… with other countries and especially with the East. 5. Orenburg was a fortress to ………. all the troubles that could arise on the frontier. 1.1.4 Find the synonyms in the right column to the words in the left column intercourse to manage to secure to overcome to cause communication 5 to succeed to defend to cope with fortress stronghold to be the reason 1.1.5 Paraphrase the following 1. Orenburg was a fortress placed on the border. 2. Strength was needed overcome all the problems arising in connection with the vast territory. 3. The state was involved in defending the western part of the country. 4. Russia founded a town to become both a fortress and a centre of communication with Asia. 5. The Jungars, who had established a powerful and aggressive state, were the reason of a lot of troubles on the Russian borders. 1.1.6 Find the words and phrases from ex. 1.1.1 in the text below and translate the sentences with them into Russian 1.1.7 Read the text and make a plan of it Russia's Southeastern Border Speaking of Orenburg and the history of its construction one cannot but mention the history of its foundation. A history that is most peculiar. But first we must briefly consider the cause why a stronghold of this kind was built in this remote part of eighteenth century Russia. Though Orenburg was a fortress placed on the border, it must be stressed that at that time there was no military expansion in this direction on the part of the young Russian empire created by Peter the Great. There was enough land to be cultivated. Strength was needed to cope with all the problems arising in connection with the vast territory. It must also be noted that the whole Russia had a progressive influence upon the Asian peoples. Russia reached the Yaik river, as the Ural was called, at the end of the XVI century. In the XVII century this river became her official border, which it was only nominally then. The state did not realize the importance of this vast region as it was involved in securing the western part of the country. It was only with Peter the Great at the head that Russia came to feel the necessity of establishing closer links with the East. It was clearly shown, when in 1716 Bekovitch Tcherkassky was sent on his fatal mission, but Peter was too occupied with establishing the young empire to take further measures, and soon he died. That is why it was only in the 30-s of the XVIII century that Russia founded a town to become both a stronghold and a centre of intercourse with Asia. The vast steppe behind the Yaik was used by the nomadic Kazakh people, who succeeded the Kalmyks in this region, the latter having moved farther to the southwest. A good pretext to found a stronghold appeared when Khan Abulkhair the head of the Little Horde of the Kirghiz-Kaisaks asked for help being pressed by 6 the Jungars, who had established a powerful and aggressive state and already caused a lot of trouble to the Kirghiz-Kaisak people. The only way out for Abulkhair was to become a vassal of the Russian Empire. In 1731 Abulkhair reached a preliminary agreement that is considered to be the starting point of Kasakhstan's joining Russia. He swore to be faithful to this country, and among other provisions it was agreed to build a town-fortress to protect the Kirghiz-Kaisaks. 1.1.8 Make questions on the text for your fellow students to answer them 1.1.9 Render the text in 10-12 sentences according to your plan SECTION TWO 1.2.1 Find the following words and phrases in a monolingual dictionary or give your own interpretation 1. Stable connections 2. Settler 3. Personnel 4. The mouth of the river 5. Mission 6. Confluence 7. Colonel 8. Diary 9. The appointed place 10.Delay 1.2.2. Translate the given word combinations and learn them An able person To stir up To bear in mind Subsequent plan To grant a privilege Radial-circular scheme To trade duty free To proceed further 1.2.3. Skim the following text to find out what it is about in general. Find the main subjects of the paragraphs and give each one a suitable title Expedition In 1734 a special expedition was organized, one of its tasks was to found the town. The initiator of this expedition was I.K.Kirillov, an able person, Secretary of the Senate. Bearing in mind the ideas of Peter the Great he wanted to establish stable connections with the Asian countries including India. That is why he chose the place at the mouth of the river Or, as this place was the nearest where from it was easier to reach the Aral Sea and proceed further South. The town had been 7 granted a Privilege before it was founded (the Privilege is unique and is kept at the Orenburg Archives). One of the paragraphs gave the settlers the right to trade duty free during the first three years. The non-existing town was given both Privilege and name in 1734. The main part of the expedition started from St. Petersburg on June 15, 1734 and arriving in Moscow stopped there to complete its personnel. It consisted of about 200 people. There were military personnel, engineers, geodesists, clerks, seamen of different rank, an interpreter. Kirillov's assistant was colonel Tevkelev who had