An Account of the Butterflies of the Genus Charaxes in the Collection of the British Museum

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An Account of the Butterflies of the Genus Charaxes in the Collection of the British Museum 318 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE EXPLdNATION OP THE PLATES, PIATEXV. Figs. 1, 3, 5. Hypolimnas misippus, 2 (3 forms). Pig. 2. Danais chrysippus. 4. ,, dorippus. 6. I, alc@pus. PLATEXVI. Pig. 1. Eiiplna Hopfferi. Fig. 2. Hypolininas po!z/nieiia. 4. ,, p,yr.q:Vion,d. 3. ,1 sco~l"s,8. 6. ,, I, 2, 6. 3, 9, $2 , PLATFJXVII. Pig. 2. Euplcea polgmena. Fig. 1. Hypolimicas, sp. 4. Amauris doo?~iinicantcs. 3. ,( mnrginnlis. 6. ,, egialea. 5. ,, ddia. An Account of the Butterflies of the Genus Charaxes in the Collection of the British Museum. By ARTHURG. BUTLER, Ph.D., &c., Senior Assiutant-Keeper, Zoological Department. [Read 7th November, 1895.1 ONE of the first genera which 1 ever otudieil, and the Erst which I monographed, was the geiius Charaxes, a paper ou which I published in 1865 in the ' Proceedings ot the Zoological Society,' in which I recorded sixty-eight species (two of which, however, were noted as doubtful and ere subsequently suppremed) : the present paper enumerates no fewer than one hundred and fifty- nine. I have followed Prof. Aurivillius in uuiting Palla to Cliaraxes : if kept separate, it would have to be broken up into several geucra, and Charaxes ithelf would in like inanuer have to be sub- divided ; tliis, indeed, has been done for the Iiidian species by Mr. Moore ; but apart from outline of wing 1have been unable to discover any constant structural characters ou which to base these genera. That wing-outline in Charaxes is not of generic im- portance seems clear, from the fact that (i.) in iuany of the species it differs to an extraordinary degree in the sezes ; (ii.) the most nearly related species (as, for instance, C. Balfouri and C. warams) differ in this respect as much as any of the proposed iiem genera ; and, lastly, (iii.) it is not uniform, even nhen apparently so to a casual observer, the shortening or absence of the hind-wing tails occurriug abruptly in a single species in the middle of R group. When I last arranged Charaxes, about the year 1892, our series occupied a siugle cabinet of 20 drawers ; last year, how- ever, Messrs. Salvin and Godiuaii (with their uliual liberality) BUTrEKFLIES OF THE @ENUS CHARAXES. 349 presented the whole of their fine series of Charaxes to the Trustees, including the specimens formerly rcpresenting the collections of Messrs. Bates and Druce-thus enriching our already fine collection with iiuinerous types and with sliecimens of many species new to uii. With such rich materid, it has been posbiblc to form a much more just estimate of the value of characters forinerly held to have a specific value tlinii coiild otherwise have been formed j the result being that, iii some instances, described types have had to be sunk to the rank of seasonal or varietal phases, whilst in a fen. cases the evideut constancy of certain characteristics in long series has shonw that what have hitherto been regarded 11s varieties have some claiiii to he considered distinct. Tlie collection as it no\v stands fills thee cabinets or sixty cabinet-drawers, and as nearly every African collection which has arrived lately has nddecl to the species of this genus, it seciim probable that another tcm j ears will necessitate a further extension. The incorporatioil of the specimens iu the collection of the late Mr. Heritson will not greatly enrich the general series, so many of his spcciincns beiiig without localities, tllat it will be necessary to trwt thcsc as diiplicatcs ; all of them are, however, recorded in the presrut pper. Of the 159 described forins which I have permitted to stand as species, 142 are rzpreheirted in the Museum; but a3 several of those included in the larger iiuiiiber may prove upon examination to be merely iudividual variations of well-lrnown forms, it would be premature to assume that seventeen described species remained to be acquired by UR. (7. odysseus may be the fernalr of C. lacteiincfzcs, and it is eveii possible that the difereuces whicli separate C. Eueretti atid Staudiizgeri from C. Dur&-di may prole not to be constant to locality. How it is that Urury’s C. eudoxzis has never reached us froin the time when it was figured is indeed a puzzle ; it is hardly possible that it can have been a inade-up inswt, for 110 two known species coiiltl be so fitted together as to produce it. I: now proceed to eninlierate the whole of the specit.8 of‘ Charaxes at present described, together with descriptions of several not previously recoriled and a conipletc catnlugue of‘ the whole of the specimens iii the Museum collection-thosc from the Salvin nud Godmau collection being referred to as “frutu S. & G. coll.” 350 DR. A. 0. BU'I'LER OX THE 1. CnhRAXES BRUTUS. Papilio brutus, Oramer, Pap. Exof. iii. 1'1. cclli. fig<.E, F (1x2). Papilio cajus, Herbst, Xatursyst. Schmelt. iv. pl. Isiv. figs. 1, 2 (IiW). a. Natal (Bates coll.), d; from the Sdrin 8 Godmaii collectiou. b. S. Africa, 9. c. Delagoa Bay (Jloizteiro), 9 ; froin S. & G. coll. d. Slopes of Kiliiiia-njaro (Knn~zinqtoii),5 . e. Zomba (.&Cd021?2k), d . f. Taita, E. Africa (J.A. Wi.o!/), 8. .c/. Croboe Distr., Accra (Rigleft),d . A. Accra (E. T. Cwter), 9. i,j. Victoria, Canierooiis (D,*ucecoll.), d , 9 ; froin S. 6: G. coll. k. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), 5 ; from S. B G. coll. 1. Sierra Leone (E7oxcivff),9. m. Gold Coast, d. n. Winnebar, TV. Africa (C. Iz. K'illiams), d ; from S. & G. coll. Var. with unusually broacl baud ncrow primaries. 0. Accra (E(qletf),Q . Var. with unusually liarrow band across priinaries. p. West Africa, d . q. Angola (Xonteiro, Druce toll.), 0 ; froin 8. & G. coll. r. W. Africa, 9. Hewitson coll. s. Natal, d. f. Without locality, d. 26. Old Cdabai-, 9 . v. Without locality, 9. The South- Africa11 specinens ha\ e tlie batid on the pritiiaries more sinuous, mider at the back aiid narrower iii front thnn in the West Coast examples ; on the under surface also the discal outer bordering of tlie mliite belt is dull brick-red, like the ceiitre of the submarginal spots, \\hereas in the Western form it is ochreous j exainlilcs froni Delsgoa Bay aid Eat dfrlca, aro BUTTERFLIES OF THE (fENC5 CHARAXES. 351 intermediate in cliaractcr :LI~completely liuk the two local races. 2. CHARASESAXDARA. Charales atidara, If’urd, Euf. Jfoizfh .Mug.IY. 1). 200 (1873) ; dfuabille, in Grand. 41fud. 1). 187, 1’1. Axil. figs. 4-6 (IS?;). a. Antananarivo (Rm.12. Toy), 3. b, c. Fort D‘iuplii,i (XJ. C‘loivel), 9 9 . Hemitson coll. d-f. Without locLility, d d. g. Without locdity; confounded ~ithC. crccuthis, 9. 3. CHARAYESDnuct:.~i IT?. Charaxes Drnceaniis, BjLtlm, Cut. Ent. I. p. 3, n. l(1869) ; Lep. Esol. 111. 10. fig. 4 (1870); F17eestwood, ?‘lies. Oxon. 1’. 182, 1’1. 31. fig. 6 (1874). Cliarases c:nailon, IIew~tsoii,$Silt. Month. Xag. vi. 11. 177 (1870). a. Old Cnlabar (l’iifes coll.), d ; from S. & G. coll. Typ, 6. Old Cnlabar (Bruce coll.), d; from S. & (3. coll. c. Gabooii (Drzice coll.), 8;from S. & (3. coll. d. Zomba (Xacclozririe), 9. e. Orange Rircr (Di-ucecoll.), 8 ; from S. & G. coll. $ Kaffrarin (BI*LICC>coll.), d; from Y. & GF. coll. 9. Nyikn, Nyasa-lautl (X.Crazosriuy), 8. Hewitson coll. h. Witliout locality (prubnbly type of C. cinudon), 8. i. Orange liimr, 3. 4. c EARAXES ANDEAN0 DOltTjS . Charaxes andranoclor~is,JIubille, Bd1. SOC.Ent. Belg. 1884, p. 184 ; Grad Mad. p. 182, 111. TSI. fig?. 1 Xi 1 U, pl. XXV. a. figs. 1 & 1 a (1887). Var. 8.Charaxes zoippiizI, fifddfe, null. 8oc. Ent. Belg. 1884, p. 185 ; Grawd. Mud. p. 179, pl. A\\.. figs 2 & 2u (1387). a, b. Finnarautson (Deans C’ozuun), d , 2 . c. Aiilrnfana, Betsileo (De117s Cozuaiz), 9 . d. Madagascar (Driice COX),0 ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. e. Without locality, labelled Drucearzus, , The male described as C. xoliipzcs diffcrs so slightly frotii that sex of tjpical C‘. undi*~i~odoi*us,that I call only regard it as :I hport. 352 DR. A. GI. BUTLER ON THE 5. CEARAXESPHRAORTES. Charaxes pliraortes, Doubleday, PTOC.Zool. SOC.1847, p. GO ; Butler, Lep. Ezot. pl. x. fig. 6 (1870) ; Grand. Jfad. p. 177, pl. xxv. figs. 1 & 1 a (1886). Type, a. Madagascar (Dr. Lyall), $2. This species must be very local, for the type still appears to be unique. 6. C~ARAXESPH~BUS. Charaxes phcebus, Butler, PTOC.Zool. SOC.1865, p. 625, pl. xxsvi. fig. 2. Types, a, 6. Abyssinia (SiivW. C. Harris’ Expedition toXhoa), d , Q . 7. CIIARAXESEUDOXUS. Papilio endoxus, Fuhrieius, Eut. Syst. iii. 1, p. 65, n. 203 (1793) ; Drury, 111. iii. pl. xxxiii. figs. 1, 2. “ Sierra Leone.” This species is evidently intermediate between C. phcpbus and C. pollux, the under surfhe more nearly resembling the former and the upper surface the latter species. If C. eudoxus actually came from Sierra Leone, it is a moRt remarkable fact that none of the collections recently received from that locality have contained it, and that, up to the present time, Drury’s figures are all that remain to show us 11 hat this species is like. 8. CHARAXESPOLLUX. Papilio pollux, Cramer, Pup. Exot. i. pl. xxxvii. figs. D, E (1776). Papilio camulus, DTUTY,Ill. iii. pl. xxx. figs. 1, 2 (1782). a, b. Sierra Leone (Barchard), d d . c. Sierra Leone (P. Crowley), 9. d, e. Sierra Leone (coll. Druce), d ; from S. & C-.
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