EXPLdNATION OP THE PLATES, PIATEXV. Figs. 1, 3, 5. Hypolimnas misippus, 2 (3 forms). Pig. 2. Danais chrysippus. 4. ,, dorippus. 6. I, alc@pus. PLATEXVI. Pig. 1. Eiiplna Hopfferi. Fig. 2. Hypolininas po!z/nieiia. 4. ,, p,yr.q:Vion,d. 3. ,1 sco~l"s,8. 6. ,, I, 2, 6. 3, 9, $2 , PLATFJXVII. Pig. 2. Euplcea polgmena. Fig. 1. Hypolimicas, sp. 4. Amauris doo?~iinicantcs. 3. ,( mnrginnlis. 6. ,, egialea. 5. ,, ddia.

An Account of the of the Genus in the Collection of the British Museum. By ARTHURG. BUTLER, Ph.D., &c., Senior Assiutant-Keeper, Zoological Department. [Read 7th November, 1895.1 ONE of the first genera which 1 ever otudieil, and the Erst which I monographed, was the geiius Charaxes, a paper ou which I published in 1865 in the ' Proceedings ot the Zoological Society,' in which I recorded sixty-eight species (two of which, however, were noted as doubtful and ere subsequently suppremed) : the present paper enumerates no fewer than one hundred and fifty- nine. I have followed Prof. Aurivillius in uuiting Palla to Cliaraxes : if kept separate, it would have to be broken up into several geucra, and Charaxes ithelf would in like inanuer have to be sub- divided ; tliis, indeed, has been done for the Iiidian species by Mr. Moore ; but apart from outline of wing 1have been unable to discover any constant structural characters ou which to base these genera. That wing-outline in Charaxes is not of generic im- portance seems clear, from the fact that (i.) in iuany of the species it differs to an extraordinary degree in the sezes ; (ii.) the most nearly related species (as, for instance, C. Balfouri and C. warams) differ in this respect as much as any of the proposed iiem genera ; and, lastly, (iii.) it is not uniform, even nhen apparently so to a casual observer, the shortening or absence of the hind-wing tails occurriug abruptly in a single species in the middle of R group. When I last arranged Charaxes, about the year 1892, our series occupied a siugle cabinet of 20 drawers ; last year, how- ever, Messrs. Salvin and Godiuaii (with their uliual liberality) BUTrEKFLIES OF THE @ENUS CHARAXES. 349 presented the whole of their fine series of Charaxes to the Trustees, including the specimens formerly rcpresenting the collections of Messrs. Bates and Druce-thus enriching our already fine collection with iiuinerous types and with sliecimens of many species new to uii. With such rich materid, it has been posbiblc to form a much more just estimate of the value of characters forinerly held to have a specific value tlinii coiild otherwise have been formed j the result being that, iii some instances, described types have had to be sunk to the rank of seasonal or varietal phases, whilst in a fen. cases the evideut constancy of certain characteristics in long series has shonw that what have hitherto been regarded 11s varieties have some claiiii to he considered distinct. Tlie collection as it no\v stands fills thee cabinets or sixty cabinet-drawers, and as nearly every African collection which has arrived lately has nddecl to the species of this genus, it seciim probable that another tcm j ears will necessitate a further extension. The incorporatioil of the specimens iu the collection of the late Mr. Heritson will not greatly enrich the general series, so many of his spcciincns beiiig without localities, tllat it will be necessary to trwt thcsc as diiplicatcs ; all of them are, however, recorded in the presrut pper. Of the 159 described forins which I have permitted to stand as species, 142 are rzpreheirted in the Museum; but a3 several of those included in the larger iiuiiiber may prove upon examination to be merely iudividual variations of well-lrnown forms, it would be premature to assume that seventeen described species remained to be acquired by UR. (7. odysseus may be the fernalr of C. lacteiincfzcs, and it is eveii possible that the difereuces whicli separate C. Eueretti atid Staudiizgeri from C. Dur&-di may prole not to be constant to locality. How it is that Urury’s C. eudoxzis has never reached us froin the time when it was figured is indeed a puzzle ; it is hardly possible that it can have been a inade-up inswt, for 110 two known species coiiltl be so fitted together as to produce it. I: now proceed to eninlierate the whole of the specit.8 of‘ Charaxes at present described, together with descriptions of several not previously recoriled and a conipletc catnlugue of‘ the whole of the specimens iii the Museum collection-thosc from the Salvin nud Godmau collection being referred to as “frutu S. & G. coll.” 350 DR. A. 0. BU'I'LER OX THE

1. CnhRAXES BRUTUS. Papilio brutus, Oramer, Pap. Exof. iii. 1'1. cclli. fig<.E, F (1x2). Papilio cajus, Herbst, Xatursyst. Schmelt. iv. pl. Isiv. figs. 1, 2 (IiW). a. Natal (Bates coll.), d; from the Sdrin 8 Godmaii collectiou. b. S. Africa, 9. c. Delagoa Bay (Jloizteiro), 9 ; froin S. & G. coll. d. Slopes of Kiliiiia-njaro (Knn~zinqtoii),5 . e. Zomba (.&Cd021?2k), d . f. Taita, E. Africa (J.A. Wi.o!/), 8. .c/. Croboe Distr., Accra (Rigleft),d . A. Accra (E. T. Cwter), 9. i,j. Victoria, Canierooiis (D,*ucecoll.), d , 9 ; froin S. 6: G. coll. k. (Dr. Preuss), 5 ; from S. B G. coll. 1. Sierra Leone (E7oxcivff),9. m. Gold Coast, d. n. Winnebar, TV. Africa (C. Iz. K'illiams), d ; from S. & G. coll.

Var. with unusually broacl baud ncrow primaries. 0. Accra (E(qletf),Q .

Var. with unusually liarrow band across priinaries. p. West Africa, d . q. (Xonteiro, Druce toll.), 0 ; froin 8. & G. coll. r. W. Africa, 9.

Hewitson coll. s. Natal, d. f. Without locality, d. 26. Old Cdabai-, 9 . v. Without locality, 9. The South- Africa11 specinens ha\ e tlie batid on the pritiiaries more sinuous, mider at the back aiid narrower iii front thnn in the West Coast examples ; on the under surface also the discal outer bordering of tlie mliite belt is dull brick-red, like the ceiitre of the submarginal spots, \\hereas in the Western form it is ochreous j exainlilcs froni Delsgoa Bay aid Eat dfrlca, aro BUTTERFLIES OF THE (fENC5 CHARAXES. 351 intermediate in cliaractcr :LI~completely liuk the two local races.

2. CHARASESAXDARA. Charales atidara, If’urd, Euf. Jfoizfh .Mug.IY. 1). 200 (1873) ; dfuabille, in Grand. 41fud. 1). 187, 1’1. Axil. figs. 4-6 (IS?;). a. Antananarivo (Rm.12. Toy), 3. b, c. Fort D‘iuplii,i (XJ. C‘loivel), 9 9 . Hemitson coll. d-f. Without locLility, d d. g. Without locdity; confounded ~ithC. crccuthis, 9.

3. CHARAYESDnuct:.~i IT?. Charaxes Drnceaniis, BjLtlm, Cut. Ent. I. p. 3, n. l(1869) ; Lep. Esol. 111. 10. fig. 4 (1870); F17eestwood, ?‘lies. Oxon. 1’. 182, 1’1. 31. fig. 6 (1874). Cliarases c:nailon, IIew~tsoii,$Silt. Month. Xag. vi. 11. 177 (1870). a. Old Cnlabar (l’iifes coll.), d ; from S. & G. coll. Typ, 6. Old Cnlabar (Bruce coll.), d; from S. & (3. coll. c. Gabooii (Drzice coll.), 8;from S. & (3. coll. d. Zomba (Xacclozririe), 9. e. Orange Rircr (Di-ucecoll.), 8 ; from S. & G. coll. $ Kaffrarin (BI*LICC>coll.), d; from Y. & GF. coll. 9. Nyikn, Nyasa-lautl (X.Crazosriuy), 8. Hewitson coll. h. Witliout locality (prubnbly type of C. cinudon), 8. i. Orange liimr, 3.

4. c EARAXES ANDEAN0 DOltTjS . Charaxes andranoclor~is,JIubille, Bd1. SOC.Ent. Belg. 1884, p. 184 ; Grad Mad. p. 182, 111. TSI. fig?. 1 Xi 1 U, pl. XXV. a. figs. 1 & 1 a (1887). Var. 8.Charaxes zoippiizI, fifddfe, null. 8oc. Ent. Belg. 1884, p. 185 ; Grawd. Mud. p. 179, pl. A\\.. figs 2 & 2u (1387). a, b. Finnarautson (Deans C’ozuun), d , 2 . c. Aiilrnfana, Betsileo (De117s Cozuaiz), 9 . d. (Driice COX),0 ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. e. Without locality, labelled Drucearzus, , The male described as C. xoliipzcs diffcrs so slightly frotii that sex of tjpical C‘. undi*~i~odoi*us,that I call only regard it as :I hport. 352 DR. A. GI. BUTLER ON THE

5. CEARAXESPHRAORTES. Charaxes pliraortes, Doubleday, PTOC.Zool. SOC.1847, p. GO ; Butler, Lep. Ezot. pl. x. fig. 6 (1870) ; Grand. Jfad. p. 177, pl. xxv. figs. 1 & 1 a (1886). Type, a. Madagascar (Dr. Lyall), $2. This species must be very local, for the type still appears to be unique.

6. C~ARAXESPH~BUS. Charaxes phcebus, Butler, PTOC.Zool. SOC.1865, p. 625, pl. xxsvi. fig. 2. Types, a, 6. Abyssinia (SiivW. C. Harris’ Expedition toXhoa), d , Q .

7. CIIARAXESEUDOXUS. Papilio endoxus, Fuhrieius, Eut. Syst. iii. 1, p. 65, n. 203 (1793) ; Drury, 111. iii. pl. xxxiii. figs. 1, 2.

“ Sierra Leone.” This species is evidently intermediate between C. phcpbus and C. pollux, the under surfhe more nearly resembling the former and the upper surface the latter species. If C. eudoxus actually came from Sierra Leone, it is a moRt remarkable fact that none of the collections recently received from that locality have contained it, and that, up to the present time, Drury’s figures are all that remain to show us 11 hat this species is like.

8. CHARAXESPOLLUX. Papilio pollux, Cramer, Pup. Exot. i. pl. xxxvii. figs. D, E (1776). Papilio camulus, DTUTY,Ill. iii. pl. xxx. figs. 1, 2 (1782). a, b. Sierra Leone (Barchard), d d . c. Sierra Leone (P. Crowley), 9. d, e. Sierra Leone (coll. Druce), d ; from S. & C-. coll. .f. Sierra Leoiie (~021.Bates), d ; ffom S. 8: G. coll. 9,h. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), d d ; from S. & G. coll. i. Sierra Leone (COXDruce), d . j. Angola (Xonfeiro),d ; from S. & Q. coll. k. Monbuttu (Enrin Pasha), d . 1. Zomba (Macclounie), d . Hewitson coll. m-o. Sierra Leone, d . p, q. Sierra Leone, 9 . BUTTERFLIEY OF TEE GENUS CHARAXES. 353

9. CHARAXE? HANflALII. Charaxes Hansalii, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. 1ii. p. 446, n. 728, pl. 59. figs. 3, 1 (1867). a. Abyssinia (coll. Iluden), d ; from S. & 0. coll. Hewitson coll. b. Bogos, 9. This very rare spwie3 lins been confounded with tlie yellow- banded form of C. cnstor, to which I have giveu the name of C. JEauifasciatus. Through tlie carelessness of Fabricius, C. castor aud C.poZZux have been transposed : in my monograph (P. 21. S. 1865) I supposed tho Fttbrician iiaines to have priority aud therefore followed his lead ; Kirby put the synonyiiiy right, but left tlie species in the wrong places.

10. CHARAXE3 CASTOR. Papllo castor, Crnmer, Pop. Brot. I. 111. xxxvii. figs. E, F (1776). Papilio pollux, Fabricius, Eiit Syst. 1ii. 1, p. 63, 11. 197 (1793). Var. Charaxes flawfasciatus, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1895, p. 251. Tar. jbw'fasciutus. a, b. Delagoa Bay (Nonteiro), d,o ; from 9. & G. coll. c. Zambesi (Bates COZZ.), $! ; from S. & G. coll. d. Upper Egypt, 8. e,$ Central Africa (Enzi?LPasha), d d . g. Zomba (Baccloioiie), d . h. Accra (E. T. Carter). Hewitson coll. i,j. Delagoa Bay, d, 0.

C. cnsfor typical. lc. Sierra Leone (Or.Pretcss), 6 ; from S. & G. coll. 1. Sierra Leone (Barchard), 0. nt. Old Calabar (Bates coll). d;from S. & G. coll. n. Old Calabar (White),8; from 8. & G. coll. 0. , d;trom S. & G. eoll. p. Angola (Honteiro), d;from S. ti G. coll. q. Ashanti, d. r. Sierra Leone (Foacroft), 0 . s, t. Lake T'anganyika (C. Bore), d 8. u. Mamboia, E. Africa (Dr.Kirk), d ; from 9. & G. coll. 354 DU. A. a. BUTLER ON TNti Hemitson coll. 0. Sierra Leoue, d. w, 2. Feriiaiido Po, Q Q The pale-banded form is the comiiioner type in the East, and the orange-banded form in tile West. It is probable that they represent two races, the ranges of which overlap : in such cases it seems to mc imperative that both formv should have names. As we have not received C.$nvifascinfus [in any instance) with the typical form, it i3 possible that they do not actually occur together.

11. CHA~~AYESSATURNUS. 8. Cliaraxes saturnus, Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC.1865, p. 623, pl. xxxvi. fig. 1 j 2, Lep. B.iot. i. 11. 5, 1'1. ii. fig. 2 (1869). Charaxes pelias (part), Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Austr. i. p. 175 (1862). a. Congo, 8". b. West Africa, ; from S. & G. coll. c. Angola (illonteiro), d j froin S. pi G. coll. d. Angola (&gem), Q ; from Y. ~b G. coll. e. Lake Taiignnyilrn (C. Ilbre), d t. f. Zomba (&cclounic), d. g, h. Taita, E. Africa (J.A. Wmy),d, 0. i. Damara-land (Bofes~071.) ; from S. pi G. coll. j, k. Matabele (Selous), d;from S. & G. coll. Type, 1. Zambehi (IT. Walter), 8. In. Delagoa Bay (Monteiro), d . n. Delagoa Bay (Moizteiro), d j from S. & G. coll. 0. Durban (C. E. Nzelley), d; from S. 6: G. coll. Hewitson coll. (as C. pelias). p. Delagoa Bay, d. p, r. Angola, d d . s, t. Congo, d, 0. Var. laticincfus. Charaxes saturnus, var. laticinctus, Butler, P. 2. S. 1895, p. 251. Tjpe, u. Suliin bin Najinib, Konde (R.Crazcshny), 8. v. Zoniba (Macclounie), Q . 20. ShirB River (Bates coll.), d ; from S. pi G. coll. * Esnmples from the Congo and Angola are larger tllan elsewliere and have the blue spots on the hind sings better doveloped. t Also a second imperfect male from Niomkolo. This forin approaclics (”. ,juso~; indecd, excepting for the well-defined tawiiy baud u-liicli croweq the upper surface of the wings, it more nearly :Lppro:iclies that species than it does C. pelias.

12. CHARAXESPCLIAS. Papilio pelias, Cramer, Pup,Etot. I. 1’1. in.figs. C, D (1775). Charaxes pelias, Butler, Lep. Erot. I. 111. x. fig. 5 (1870). a, b. Loc:ility not recorded (Druce coll.), d , 9 ; from S. & G. coll As is well Itnown, this specics, n-hich is still extreiiiely rare in collections, appears to be coiifiiied to .


Papilio jason, Liiznrtus, Syst. Nut. 1. 2, p. 749 (1767); Drury, 111. Exot. Ent. i. p1. 1. fig. 1 (1773). Papilio jasius, Fahricius, Syst. Rxf.11. 449 (1775). Papilio rhea, Hiher, Ezw. Schtrrett. i. figs. 111, 112 (1794). Erihwaunedonis, Htcbner, T’tr;. 1’. 17 (1816). a. Coraica (Cool. Ir(,,.burr/). . b. Spain (Bates c~oll.),9 ; from X. B G. coll. c-e. Central Eiiropc (Diwre roll.), d d ; from S. 8 c* coll. fi S. Praiice (Bales calE.), d ; from 8. & (2. coll. g-i. Europe (Zeller coll.), d d j-1. Europe, 2, d 8. Hewitson coll. m-p. Without locality, d, 9.

14. CIUHAYES EPIJASIIIA. Charaxes epijasius, Reiche ijt Fwr. Gal. Voy. Abyss., Ent. p. 469, pl. :32 figs. 1,2 (1849). a. White Nile (Petherick), d . 6, c. Abyssinia, Atbara, d d . d, e. , d d . f Senegal (coll. KRC~~V~),d; from S. & G. COIL g. Lower Niger (W.A. Pm-bes), d ; from S. & G. col~. Hewitson coll.

h-j. Without locality, d d , 9 I LINN. J0URN.-ZOOLOGY, TOT,. XX V. a50 m. A. G). BUTLER ON TI~R


15. CHARAXESACIIEMENES. Charaxes achzmenes, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 446, pl. 59. figs. 6, 7 (1867). Charaxes jocaste, Boisduval MS., Butler, P. 2. S. 18G5, p. 628; Trans. Eni. Soc. 1869, p. 274. a, 6. Senegal, d, 2 . c-e. Abyssinia (Druce colz.), d 8, ; from S. & G. coll. f-h. Abyssinia, A tbara, $2 Q ,d . i. ICandera (Emin Pasha), 8. j. Zomba (A. Whyre), d. k, 1. Delagoa Bay, d ,?. nt. Delagoa Bay (Zonteiro), 0 ; from S. & G. coll. n, 0. Zambesi (Bates coll.), 0,d ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. p-t. Delagon Bay, d d,$2 $2.

16. CHARAXESFABIUS. Papilio fabius, FU~IT~C~US,Spec. Ins. ii. p. 12 (1781). Papilio solon, Fabricius, Bnt. Syst. ili. 1, p. 63 (179.3). Papilio euphanes, Esper, Ausl. Sc6mett. pl. 59. fig. 1 (1785-90). Burmese race, with markings above brimutone-yelloa. a. Thoungyeen Valley, Tennsuerim (Capt. Chas. Bingham). b, c. Tiiin Taw, Burma (3. Y. Watsou). Typical race. d. Mhow (Col. Swinhoe), 8. e. Bombay (Hunter), Q . J: Bombay, d; from S. & G. coll. 9. Poona (Cd. Swinhoe), 9. R. Neilgberries (Col. Szuinhoe), 8 . i. Madras (3.Y. When), 8. j, k. Madras (Vigors colZ.), 9,d . I, m. Ceylon (Col. Perbury), d d . n. Ceylon ( Whyte), d; froiii S. & 0. COIL

17. CHARAXESLAMPEDO. 0.Eribcea lampedo, Hiihner, Samml. erot. Schmett. ii. pl. 52. figs. 3,4. d. Charaxes zephyriis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 5 (1869) ; Lep. Erot. i. PI. x. fig. 1 (1870). RUTTERFLTEY OF TlTE QENUS CHIIRIYES. 3.57

Type, a. Without locality (coll. Brlcce), d ; from S. & G. coll. b. Palawaii, PLilippiiic~s(DT. Platen), d ; from Y. & G. coll. c. Without localit) (COXlinden), $? ; from S. 9 G. coll.

18. CHARAXES&CEO. Charaxes echo, Butler, Ann. 4. Xog. Nut. Hist, ser. 3, vol. IT. p. 401, pl. viii. figs. 5, 6 (1P6j). a. West coast of Roi-neo. d . b. Lnbuan, Borneo (Low), d; from S. & G-. coll. Hewitson coll. (as C. ln~i~pdo). c. Borneo, 6. d. Saratiak ( Wallace), d .

19 CHARAXESIIARNIB LL,. Charaxes hannibal, Butler, Lep. Erot. i. p. If, pl. vi. fig. 5 (1869). Hewitson coll. (as C. lumpedo). Type, a. Toudano, Ct.lebes ( IVdZace), $? . b. Macsssar, $? . This species seems to be closely allied to G. echo, and it is ju3t possible that it may prove to be the fernale of that sprcieq; but hitherto I have seen no feinales of C. echo from Borneo, and therefore am unable to say nhether the differences which exist are merely sexual or local.


20. CHARAXES ORILFTS. Charaxes orilus, Butler, Lep. E'xot. i. p. 13, pl. v. fig. 5 (1869). Hewitson call. Type, a. Timor ( Wallme),d .

The followirig is one of the most interesting groups in the genus, the greater number of the males being so similar that they are confounded in most collections under the names of C. ephy9.a or G. ethnlion ; many of the females, however, are witlc~ly different. Another poiot of interest is lhat in Rome of the spwies thrire are both blue-banded and white-banded females ; thew :ire probnbly seasonal forms. 30" 358 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE Owing to the slight differeiiccs which characterize some of the males, it is not surprising to find that they have not been referred to their proper females; but, on the other hand, it is singular that even careful Lepidopterists have agreed in regarding two distinct females as sexes in more tliau one instance.

4. C. ETHEOCLES GROUP. 21. CHARAXESGUDEI~IAXA. d . Nyinplialis Guderiana, Dewitz, Nova Acta Akad. A-utug. Halle, 1879, p. 200, 111. ii. fig. 18. 9. Charaxes Gudcrisna, Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC.1893, p. 648 j Trimen, Proc. 2001.Sac. 1894, p. 42, pl. v. fig. 8. a-c. Lake Mweru (R.C?*ccwshuy), d d . d. Fwambo (A. Carsoiz), 9 . e. British E. Africa (Dr. Gregory), d f-?i. Zomba (A. Whyte),2, d d . i. Zomba (A. Xlmrpe), d . Hewitson coll. (as C. alladinis d ). j. NyILsa, d .

22. CHARAXESKIRDII. 0. Charaxes Kirhii. Butler, Ent. Month. Mag. xviii. 11. 105 (1881). 8. Charaxes Kirliii, Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC. 1885, p. 60. a. Foda (Emin Pushu), d . Type, b. Mamboia (Dr. XirL), Q . c. Kandera (Emin Pasha), d . d, e. Abyssinia (Druce coll.), d d ; from S. & G. c.011. Hem itson toll. (as c. alladilzis d ). f. White Nile, d . This is the nearest ally of C. Guderinnu, which it approaches in both sexes. In the male the discoidal and two following subcostal spots ou the primaries are lilacine mid small, and, as a rule, 0111~ two of the submargiual beries exiht, even these are small wlth lilac edges ; very rarely oue or tno extra white points occur; the marginal spots also are bluish grey or bronze-greenish, llot white ; on the secondaries the blue band is either wholly wanting, or represented by two or three separate grcenish lunules, and in the marginal lunules green takes the plwe of white and the red central streaks upon them become more or less pronounced. The female iJ in ~omerespects iiearer to that Bex of C, 2;&, 1tPLII~;S UB TLlE 0IETI:S CIIARASEY. 359 and the form of the tawiiy band across the primaries agrees with that of the white band of C. etlreocles.

23. CHARAXESVIOLS. 0.Charaxes viola, Butter, ['roc. Zool. So?. 1S65, 11. 627, pl. xxsvi. fig. 4. 9 (as d). Charaxes chiroii, ,Stuudinger, E.rot. Schmett. p. 168, 111. Iviii. ( 1866). a. Old Calabiir (Whiff>),r( ; from H. & ct. coll. b. West -4frica, 9 . c. Angola (Rogers),(3 ; from S. R: C+. c~oll. d, e. Ashanti,& d . f. Croboe District, Accra (Riybett),d . Hewitson coll. (as C. cp?iym d ). ,7. Angola, & . The male of C. viola ue:Lrlg resemble# that of C. ITCiirLii, but has a greener tint abo-re and a redder tint below ; the two subapical spots on the upper surfitce of the primaries are rranting, and the marginal spots are iiictdlic green ; the red strcnlrs on t.ho marginal lunules of tlic 8econd:iries arc almost or altogether obliterated. Staudingcr's so-called male from Senegal is un- questionably a feinnle ; liow lie failed to recognize its identity with this figured by iiic in 1865 I do riot understand.

24. CEARAXES ETHEOCI,T.:S. 2. Papilio etheoclcs, Crnnier, Pap. Er'ot. ii. pl. mix. figs. D, E (1779). 8. Papilio ephyra, Godnrt, /$//c. ~116th.ix. 1'. 355, uo. 18 (1823). a. Ondo country, I,ng<~(Sir Q. Carter),d ; from S. & G. coll. b. Cape Coast, W. Africa (If: Xiblett), . c. Barombi, Cameroons (Druce colZ.),d; from 8. & G. coll. d. Stauley Pool, C'o~igo River (H.11. Johnston), d ; froiii G. & S. coll. The male on the upper surface niucti resembles that sex of c. viola, but the marginal spots of thc priimries are siiinller and less diffused, the white submargiiial spots of the secondaries :ire also smaller. On the uiider surface the differences are more pronounced, the whole basal area beiiig more or less sufusid with white, and the lunate spots towards outer margin miicii darker aud well-defined. M. Godart's description is sufficiently good to identify the species with certainty. 860 DU. 8. 0. BUTLER ON THE

25. CIIARAXES ROSB. 9. Charaxes rosz, Butler, Froc. Zool. Soc. 1395, p. 255. Charaxes phms 9, Ilczitson, Bnt. illonth. Mag. vol. xiv. p. 82 (lS77) ; Trimen, South Afr. Butt. i. 11. 344 (lS87). Var. ? Charaxes alladinis 2, Dewitz, Kova Acta Akad. Katurf. Halle, vol. 50. no. 4, pl. xvii. fig. 9 (1887). Types, a, 6. Delagoa Bay, 8 9. c, d. Delagoa Bay (Monteiro), d,Q ; from S. & G. coll. e. Zomba,, d (Macclounie). f. Lake Tanganyilia (C. =ore), d . Hewitson coll. g, h. Delagoa Bay (Monteiro),0 P.. The male is a shorter and broader insect than that ses of any of the preceding species : the primaries are less falcate, with the outer margin much less inarched ; these wings on the upper Furface are immaciilate, but the secondaries shorn precisely the Raine markings on the outer border ns the female; the under sarf;ice is glomed precisely as in the female, and sometimes shows well-marked iiidications of the TI-hitish characters of that sex. The only species with which it might be confounded, if carelessly examined, is C. eihalion ; but it is much more sericeous on the uuder surface, and its geographical distribution would assist in showiug to which female of' the white-banded species it belonged.

26. CHARAXESMANICA. F. Chmaxes manica, Trimen, Proc. %ooZ. SOC.1894, p. 43, pl. vi. fig. 9. Var. ? Charaxes ephvra 9,Dewitz, Notia Actu Akad. NaturJ Halle, vol. 50. no. 4, p1. xvii. fig. 11 (1887,. ? a. Atbara, Abyssinia, d . I am very doubtful about our male, and think it much more probable that the insect figured by Devitz (loc. cif. fig. 10) is the true male of this species, and our example that sex of C. Dewitzi.

27. CHARAXES PHIFUB. Q . Charaxes phieus d, Ht-witson, Ent. Month. &lag. vol. xiv. p. P2 (1877); Trimen, South Afr. Butt. i. p. 344 (1887). d. Charaxes alladinis, Butler it2 f'foc. zool. soc. 1893. p. 648. BUTTERFLIES OF THE QENUY CHARAXEB. 861

a. Ngama's, Kakorna (R. Crawshy),d . b. Zoinba (A. HViyfe), d . c. Delagoa Bay, . d. Delagoa Bay (Xonteiro),$? ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson COIL Type, e. Delagon Uny (Xoizfeiro),0. The form of the male is exactly that of the female, and the two subapical spots on the primaries are very characteridic of the species ; the secondaries are like those of Deaitz's nide C. ephyrn, esceptiug that the red margiiial markings are strongly defined j below, male and female are almost absolutely alike.

28. CHARAXES CEDREBTIS. 0 9 (as sexes). Charaws ccdreatis, Hewitson, Ent. Month. Mug. x. p. 247 (1874); Emt. Butt. v. Chur. id. v. figs. 22-24 (1876). d 0. Charaxes Carteii, Butler, Ent. Month. Mag. xviii. p. 108 (1881). Types, a, b. Accra (E. l'.Carter),d ,? . c. Croboe District, Accra (Hickling),d . d. Abhanti, d . e. West Africa, 0 . Hemitson coll. Type,$ Without locality, 9 ; (type of Hewitson's male). g, h. Fernaudo Po, 9. The male has much the clinracter of C. viola d oii the upper surface, but the nuder-aurface colburing is of a grcj ish-oIi\ o colour, precisely like that of the female : moat of the 11:ile borders to the lines also appear as in that sex, and especially the irregular whitish patch runuing to the abdominal margin above the anal angle.

29. CHARAXES ALLADINIR. 2. Charaxes alladinis, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 5 (1869) ; Lep. Ezot. i. pl. 10. fig. 2 (1870). a. Ondo Country, L~gou(Sir G. Carter), d ; from S. & G. coll. Type, b. Locality not known (Druce COX),$? ; from S. & G. coll. c. West Africa, d . d. Barombi, Cnmeroons (Dr. Preuss), d; from S. & Gt. coll. e. Gdboon (Bales coZl.), d ; from S. & Ci;. coll. 362 011. A. G. BUTLER ON THE Hewitson coll. f Without locality, Q . With the sexes of this species before one there is no possibility of doubting their identity, the rosy flush over the whole under surface being very charartc4stic. Above, the male has the basal two-fifths of the primaries bronze-green, the costal border is also of the same colour; at equal distances betweeu the cell and apex are three pale green spotw nearly equidistant, and aloug the outer rnargin a series upou bronze-green nehuh ; the second- aries show scarcely a trace of red on the greenish marginal spots, tlie submarginal white spots are sharply defined, and within is a Ruperciliary luuulate bronze-green streak (somewhat as in C. p?mus 6,but nearer to outer margiu). 30. CHARAXESHOLLAIWI. d, Q . Charaxes Hollandi, Butler, Ann. pi Mug. hT’lt. Hist. 6th ser. vol. xii. 11. 266 (18!B). Types, a-d. Sierra Leone (Barchnrcl), d d ,o . e,J Sierra Leone (Dr. Freuss), d , 0 ; from S. & G. coll. g, h. Sicrrs Leone (P.C‘nxoley), d d . Hewitsou coll. i. Without locality, . Seasonal form.-The inale niore Iienrly resembling tliat sex of C. efheocles on the upper surface ; the feniale with the unbrokeii part of tlie transverse band wlrite shaded with silvery blue. j, k. Sierra Leone (Dr. Pi-ems),d,Q ; from S. & G. coli. Local form.-l’lie niale larger, with less defined markings towards costa of primaries aud outer margin of secondaries ; the female like the preceding form, but with the spots on the primaries white instead of buff, and the band across tlie secondaries wider. 1, it. Old Calsbar (J. W. CocJcburn), d Q .

31. CHARAXtiS ETIIAIJOK. 0. Charaxes etliaiiou, Boisduval, Toy. de Deleg. ii. p. 5Y3 (1847). Nymphalis erithalion, JVestzcood 4 Heuiison, Gen. Diurn. Lep. pl. 48. fig. l(1850). Var. Charases Baumanrii, Rogenhofer, Verhundl. r.-b. Ges. Wien, xli. 1’. 564 (1891). Local form, C. Dewitzi, Butler, P. Z. 5”. 18!)5, p. 255. 2. Charaxes alladiriis d, Dewitz, iNwu Acta Akud. XuturJ Halle, YUI.50. no. 4, pl. rvii. fig. 8 (1887). UUTTlGRFLIES VP THE UESliY CHAILAXES. 363

Hewitson coll. a, b. Delagoa Bay (Monteiiw), d , . Excepting that the m wgiitnl green arid red inarliings on the secondaries are rather better devcloped, the male corresponds with that of the typical form. Seasonal form of vnr. Drzeifri.-The male lias lost the red marginal streaks on the scroiidarie~,and the female has the band white partly bordered nitlt rilvery blue, nearly as in that sex of the typical form. c. Zornba (Nacclounie), d. d. Delagoa Bay, 0. Typical C. ethalion. e,f. Fiaffraria (Druca coll.), 8,0 ; from S. QG G. coll. g. Durbati (G. E. &'heZZey), 2 ; from S. & Gt. coll. h. Natal (Bafescoll.), d j from S. & G. coll. i,j. Natal (Plant), d,9 . k. Natal (Gueinrius), 8 . 1. Zulu country (di~grrs),0 . Hewitson coll. (+as C. epliyrtr). rn-o. Natal, 8, 2 . p, y. Without locality, d,2 . Staudinger gives a poor figure of the iiiale under the namc nt' C. eplyra, a species from nliich thcre is iiot the lcast difficulty in distinguishing it. I cat1 make nothing irtorc of C. B/ruinnmi than a cl\\arfotl female ansn ering to our hpecitncii froin Zulu (I, supra).


Charaxes Hildebrnndti, Uewitx, Acta Ac. Nut. Cur. \li. 2, p. 200, pi 11 fig. l(i (1879). Charaxes talagugre, Holln)rtl, 'l'rms..4m. Bnt. SOC.x111. 11. 330, pl. VIII. fig. 2 (1886). a. Olido coiiritry, LCi,goa(Sir G. Carter), 8 ; from 9. & (2. coll. 'Phis iB ail extraordinarily distinct nncl tery beautiful species. 3.3. CHARAXESWnr~sr. 8.Charaxes Whytei, Butlet, Pioc Xool. ~OC.18:):{, p. 639, 111. Is. fig. 2 ; 0,1895, p. 255. 8.Charares Selousi, Tritnen, Pmc. Zool. SOC. 1893, p. 15, pl. VI fig. 10. 364 DR. A. Q. BUTLEB ON TEE a, b. Zomha (A. Whyte), d d. c, d. Zomba (Macclozmie), 9 Q . e, f. Zomba (Consul A. Sharpe), d ,9 . Since writing this paper, I have discorered that C. Thysii should be referred to this section of the genus.

5. C. AXTICLEA GROUP. 34. CHARAXESAXTICLEA. Papilio anticlea, Drury, Ill. EX.Ent. iii. pl. xxvii. figs. 5, 6 (1782). Papilio horatius, E'ubrzczus, Ent. Syst. iiI, p. 64 (1793). a. Sierra Leone (Foxcroft), d . b. Sierra Leone (Rev. D. 3'. Xorgan), 9. c. Sierra Leone (Stathard coll.), d . d. W~tlioutlocality (COXKaden) ; from 8. & G. coll. Ilewitson coll. e. Vithout locality, d . f. Angola, d. Seasonal form. (Orange deeper, ocelli more uumerous.) g. Sierra Leoue (Druce coll.); from 8. & G. coll. Henitson coll. h, i. Angola, d d.

35. CEAEAXESPBOTOCLEA. , Feisthamel, Ann. Soc. Ent. France, 1850, p. 260. a, b. Barombi, Cameroons (Dr.Preuss), d ,? ; from S. & G. coll. c-g. Cameroons, d d, 9 ; from S. & G. coll. h, i. Victoria, Cameroons (Druce coll.), d d ; from S. & G. coll. j, k. Cameroons, d ,$! . 1. Old Calabar (White),d ; from S. & G coll. m. Old Calabar (Druce coll.), ; from S. & G. coll. n. Aahauti, d. 0. Without locality (coll. &den), $! ; from S. & G. coll. p, p. Sierra Leone (Dr.Preuss), ,d;from S. & G. coll. Ilewitbon coll. r. Old Calabar, d. 8. Cameroons, d. i. Without locality, 9. BLTIEILTLINY OF THE OENCS CUIRASES. 3G5

36. CHARAXES AZOTI. 9.Philognoma azota, Hewitson, Eiztom. 3Ionth. Mng. vol. XIV. p. $2 (1W. d. Charaxes azota, Butler, Ann. @ &lay. &Vut. Hist. ser. 6, vol. LV. p. 219 (1895). Type, Delagoa Bay (Xonfciro), d . Lxal form : Chai-axfvcnlli~len, H. Grose Smith, hu.& Mag.

Nat. Hist. ser. 6, 1701. iii. 1). 1YO (1889). Mombasa. Not iu the British ~IUS~L~IIIcollection, but iutermcdmte iu character between tgpicnl C. crzoto end the folloniiig :-

Locd form : C?Larues 17ymm(z, Butler, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hiht. ser. 6, vol. xv. 1). 219 (I$%). Charaxes azotn 6, Flewitsou, Eiitom. illonih. May. vol. xiv. p. 1S1 (1 8;s). a. Zombn (illucclounse), d . Hewitson coll. b. Nyasa-land (TlirliuaZl), d . Now that I Lave secii Nr. Grose Siuith's examples of hi:, c. calliclea from &fomb;rsa, 1 can no longer regard this form a8 more than a local raa of C. azotn, the differcrices in C. calliden being such as partly to coiinect the two extremes. In all pob- ability a series collected. over tlie whole of Eastern Africa ~ould mpply all the liuks from me type to the other, but I do not doubt that the form of' I>elngoa Bay is constantly dissimilar from that of Nj adaiid, and tlwrefure that distinctive names, by which these local races may be indicated, are a positive gain to the student.


37. CHARAXES LACTETIXCrlJS. 8.Charaxes lactetinctus, Karsch, Ent. Kachr. xviii. p. 113 (1892) ; Berl. ent. Zeit. xxxviii. p. l!lO, Taf. v. fig. 3 (1893). Adeli. Probably allied to C. Zucrefius, to judge from the under sur- face; above, it is more like C. cnndiope, but with the basal area bluish white, more after the faHihion of C. varanes. 366 IIR. A. Q. BUTLER ON TUE

38. CHARAXESODYSSEUS. 2. Charaxes odysseus, Staudinger, Deulsche cnt. Zed., Lep. v. p. 4G0 (1892). Island of St. Thomas, West Africa. Said to be most like C. etesipe 011 the upper surface, but C. lucretius on the uuder surface. It is not iu the Museum collection.

39. CHARAXES LUCIlE'TIUS. Papilio lucretius, Cramer, Pup. Erot. i. pl. lxsxii. figs. E, F (1779). a, b. Sierra Leone (Barchnrd), d ,? . c. West Africa, d ; from S. & (2. coll. d, e. Isiibu, d,0 . f. Cameroons, d; from S. & G. coll. 9. Monbuttu (Emin Pasha), 2. A-j. Old Calabar, d d; from S. & G. coll. k. Old Cnlabar (White), d ; from Y. & G coll. Liz. Fernando Po, 9, d; from b. & G. coll. 0. Ashauti, 8. p. Croboe District, Accra (Higlett), d Hewitson coll. p-s. Fernando Po, d,0 0. t. Old Calabar, d. u. Angola, d.

40. CJIARAXESCTNTJIIA. 8. , Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC.1865, p. 626, pl. xxxvi. fig. 3. 9. Charaxes lysianassa, Westwood, Thes. Oxon. p. 181, pl. xxxiv. figs. 3) 4 (1874). a. Old Calabar (J. W. Cockbzwn), d . b. Old Calabar (White), $! ; from S. & G. coll. c. West Africa, 2 . d. Rio del Rey (H.H. Johnston), d . e. Locality unrecorded (Coal. Kadeen), d ; from S. & G. coll. Types,f,g. Ashanti, d 8. h. Victoria, Caiueroons (Druce coll.), d; from S. & 0. coll. Hewitson coll. i. Angola, 9. BUTTPRFLTESOF ‘rnE ~BNCSCIIAR LYW. 367 41 CHARAXESMACCLOUTNIT. Charaxes Macclotinii, Butler, I’roc. Zool. SOC.1P95, p. 252, d,pl. sv. fig. 1. a-d. Zornba (iKaccIuimic), c? d , 9 0 42. CHARAXESLas~r. Charaxes Lasti, H. Grose Smith, Ann. S. Mag. h’at. llist. ser. 6, vol. 111 p. 131 (1SR9) ; d. Rhop Eiot. 1). 8, 111. Char. iv. figs. 4, 5 (1890); 9. Trimen, Proc. Zool. So(. IWI, 1). 39, 111. v. fig. 6. Rlombasn, Puiip e V,tllcy and Pungwe River a, b. Zoinba, d 8 (C‘oiisul A. Shaip).

43. CHARAXESBOVEII Charaxes Roueti, Feistltnmrl. L4)tt~.Soc. E~zt.France, 1950, p. 26 I Gaiiibia. From the description, thiq species would seem to he nearly allied to C. candiope, mitl T sliuilld have considered it merelv a form of tLat specks, only P1’Ir. F’c~isthatmelhas omitted to mention the green veins ou the unilcr surface, nhich are especially chnr,ic- terivtic of the C. caniligr gro1111. If a tery distinct apecie.;l, (,lie would have supposed that it ir:ust have been received mid rec

7. C’. ChNI)TOPE GaonP.

44. CHABAXES C4XDIOI’F. Nymphalis candiope, Godnrt, Enc Mbth. ix. p. 353 (1819). Charaxes viridicostatus, Ai~rivillicrs, afv. Akad. Farh. XXXVI. (11. 7), p. 41 (1879). a. Nguru Hills, I3 Africa, d ; from S. & G. COIL b. Summit of JLt. TIolinel (BY.Grcgory), ? . c. Delagoa Bay (Xoateiro), d ; from S. & B. coll. d, e. Kaffiarin (Dwre roll ), d d; from 8. & G. coll. f. Durban (G. 2.Shellry), 0 ; from 8. & G. coll. 9, h. Natal (Guein=i7is), 0 , d . i. Natal (PZant), 8. j. Congo (Richai*dsoi~),d var. k. Angola (Jhnt~~i~o),d ; from 8. & G. coll. 1-12. Sierra Leone (Bnwhnrd), d d 0. Sierra Leone (Dr. Pi-euss); from S. & G. coll. 368 IIR. A. (7. BUTLER ON THE

Var. =pr,lbably ty picid uiidicostatu s. p. Taka, E. africa (J.A. Wray), 6 . p. Zornba (Xacclounie), 0 . IIewitson coll. r, s. Pu’atal, d d . Var. t. Delagott Bay, d. a. Aiigola, 2 . Local rxe ? : C. fhonzasius, Staudinger, Erot. Schmett. p. 169 (ItiSCi). Idand of St. Thornas. Staudinger describes the pattern as somewhat similn to that of C. Cotoani (my description of which he has evidently over- looked, inasmuch as he de-cribeu It as a new species).

45. CHARAXES AXTAlfBOU1,OU. Charaxes antamhodon, Lucas, Ann. Sci. Nat. vol. xv. p. 1 (1872). d as 0. Clmraies antatuhouluu, Jl~bilZ~,in Grand. Xud. p. 191, pl. 23. figs. 3, 4, var. (1585). *\-ar. a,b. Nndng Iscar, Fort Daiipliin (M. J. Cloisel), d d . T~pical,c. AiiBnfaun, Betsileo (Rev. Deans Cowan), 0. Hewit-011 coll. (as C. cnndiojw). d, e. BIndagascar, d d . The sexes of this species, as of the allied C. cnndiope, are alike on both surfaces, but the under surface varies considerably, as in the Coritinental species. Hewitson’s two males and oiie female correspond exactly oil both surfaces.

46. h.kEAXES C’OWANT. d, Charaxes Comani, Butler, Ann. 8 Mag. A’at. Xst. ser. 5, vol. ii. 11. 285 (1878) ; 0,ihid. vol. v. 11. 3% (1RPO). d. Charaxes antamboulou, Mabille (pait ), in Grand. Mad. p. 191, pl. 2.3. figs. 1, 2 (1885). Tjije, a. Fianarantson (Rev. Deans Cou~an),d . b. Pianarantsoa (Rev. Deans Cotuoctn), . c-e. Betsileo (Rev.Deans Cowan), d 8;from S. & G. poll. J: Madagascar, 8. The female has a curious general reseinblance to C. rrnfanz- boulou on the upper surface, but the external area is blacker nnd

* Corresponding with Mabille’s figlire of the supposed fenmle, but prir~iariea ore fulrnte. BTTTTERFLIEY OF TIIE CiEX3US CnARASES. 369 the apex of the primaries acuniinate as in the male ; on the under surface the pattern of the *exes closely corresponds and exhibits little variation. I do not k170\v what to make of Mabille’s second figure, but suspect it to bc taken from a male of C. antanzbozilou.

47. CHARAXES ANAIJAVA. Charaxes analava, Ward, Ent. ,l/lOnth. Jlag. is. p. 3 (1872) ; Mabdle, in Grand. Mad. p. 194, 111. YYV. figs 2, 2 a (1887). a. AutsLnanarivo (ICi~?ydon),d . b-c. Madagascar (B,*ucecoll.), 0,d ; from S. & a. coll. Hawitson coll. d-g. Madagascar, d d .


48. CUAEAXES BETANIMENd. Charaxes betanimena, Lucns, Ann. Sci. Nat. rol. xv. art. 22, p. 3 (1872). Charaxes andriha, Wurd, Is’nlom. Monlh. Mag. IX. 1). 210 (1873). 2. NJmphalis Fre! I, BrrrnrsiX, Jnhrrsb. T‘er. Trencsin, 1891, pl. 7. a. Fort llii11phi11 (X.J. Cloisel), 6 . Herr Brancsik’s figure is evitleiitly made from an imperfect or distorted specimen.

49. CHARAXES~YEINTITFS. Nymphalis neanthes, IImitso~,Exot. Butt. i. /I’y?np?k.pl. i. figs. 2, 3 (1853). a, 6. Kaffraria (Bruce coll.), d 8; from S. & G. COIL c. Natal (Bates colZ.), 0 ; from S. & G. coll. d, e. Natal (Gueinzius), 9 , d . f. Natal (Plant), 6. 9-i. Delagoa Bay (illonfeiro), d, 0 ; from S. & G. coll. j. Lake Mweru (I? Q-arushay), d . k, 1. Cameroons, 2,s. Hewitson coll. m. Natal, 8, n-q. Without locality, d, 0 . r. Delagoa Bay, 0. 50. CURAXES ELIMCKEI. Charaxes Ehmckei, Dewitz, Red. ent. Zeit., Lep. xxvi. p. 392, 131. \I&. fig. 4 (1882). a70 DR. A. 0. BIJTLFR OX TIIE Hewitson coll. (as C. betnnimena). a-c. Angola, d d. In colouring this species is intermediate between the C. neafithes and C. zoolina series : it is, however, remarkable on account of the development, in the male, of the tail st the extremity of the third median branch. I do not doubt that this species is one of the liulrs connecting Palln with Churrtxes, the upper-surface coloration of C. Ehmckii being very like that of P. unranes.

51. CHARASBSHoiwi, 1 YERI. Charaxes IIomeycri, Dewitz, Bed. ent. Zeit. xxvi. 11. 382, pl. vii. fig. 3 (1882). Augola. ?Sot in the Museum collecticu.

52. CHARAXESKAHLDENI. Charaxes Kahldeni, Dewitz, Bed. ent. Zeit. xxvi. p. 381, pl. vii. figs. 1, 2 (18P2). Angola.

63. CHARAXESZOOLINA. Nymplialis zoolina, Doubleday + Hewitson, Gen. Diurn. Lep. pl. 53. fig. 1 (1850). a, b. Cameroons, d , 9. c. Mambois (Dr.Kirk), 0. d. Nguru Hills, E. Africa, d ; from S. & G. coll. e. Slopes of Kilimt-njaro ( IInnniiyton), d . f. Victoria Nyanza (Elnnninyton), d . g, h. Delagoa Bay (Monteiro), d , 0 ; from S. & G. coll. i-k. Natal (Bates coll.), d , 9 $! ; froin 5. &: G. coll. 1. Natal (Gueinziics), 9. qn, n. Natal (Plunt), 2 2. Hewitson coll. OPT. Delagoa Bay, d d, 0 9. s. Natal, 0. t. Zambesi, d .

54. CHARAXESBETSIMISERAKA. Charaxes betsimiseraka, Lucas, Ann. Sci. Nut. vol. xv. art. 22, 11. 2 (1872) ; Mabille in Grand. Mad. p. 195, pl. xxi. figs. 2, 2a (IP87). Not in the British Museum collection. BUTTERFLIES OF THE QENUS CHARASES. 871

55. CHARAXESRELATUS. Charases relatus, Butler, Am. cy JIag. Nat. Ilist. ser. 5, vol. v. p. 334 (1880). a, b. Fort Dauphin (M.J. Cloisel), d,Q . Hewitson coll. Type, c. Madagascar, d . I believe, when perfect, the male of this species has a siiigle tail like the nearly allied C betsitiiiserak.n ; both of the males 111 the Museum are probably mutilatetl.

5G. CHARAXESNOBILIS. Charaxes nobilis, Druce, Bntom. Month. Mag. x. p. 13 (1873). Charaxes agabo, Distant, Proc. Zool. SOC. 1879, 11. 708, pl. liv. fig. 4. Charaxes homerus, Staudiwger, Ueutsche ent. Zeit., Lep. 1). 132, pl. 11. fig. l(1891). Type, a. Old Calabar (coZZ. Druce) j from 6. & G, coll. This grand species evidently belongs to the C. zoolim group.

9. c. JilIL1JSA GROUP 57. CHARAXES JAHLUSA. Nymphalis jahluss, Trinwit, Ithop. Afr. Austr. I. p. 177 (1S62), 11. p. 341, pl. iii. fig. 5 (1866). a, b. Cape of Good I-Iope (Lciyard), 8;from S. & G. CON, c. S. Africa (Xi. AIzdmw ,Smith), 2. d. Natal (Bates coll ), 6; from S. & G. coll. e. Natal (Druce coll.), 8; froiii H. & G. coll Hewitson coll. f,g. Cape of Good IIopc, d d . This is easily separable from C. argynizides by its paler ground- tint, less blackened apex and outcr border, ant1 the slightly leas prominently sigmoidal outer m:irgin to the primaries.

58. CHARAXES ARQTNNIDFS. Charaxes argynnitles, Westwood, Proc. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, vol. ii. 1’. 10 (1864). a. Lake Nyasa (CottPrrIZ), d ; from 9. 85 G. coll. b. Shire River (Bates coll.), $? ; from S. & G. roll. c, d. Lake Tanganyilia (C. Ilare), d d . Hewitson coll. (as C.juhlusa). e,$ Zambesi, d,9. I/. Nyasa, d. LINN. J OURN.-ZOOLO0 i’ , VOC. SXV. 81 372 DE. A. Q. BUTLER ON THE Both this species and C. jahlusa have two types of marking on the under surface-the one type haviug the apical area of pri- maries and the whole of the secondaries with a whitish ground to the markings, the other with a brownish argillaceous ground ; these differences are probably seasonal.

10. c. NICHETES GROUP. 59. CHARAXESLEONINUS. Charaxes leoninus, Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC. 1895, p. 253, pl. xv. fig. 2. a, b. Zomba (Nacclounie), d , 9. c-e. Zomba (Consd A. Shappe), d, 2 9.

60. CHARAXESNICHETES. Charaxes nichetes, H. Grose Smith, Ent. Month. Mug. xx. p. 58 (1883); Rhop. Ezof.i. Char. 111. iv. figs. 1-3 (1890). Charaxes hamatus, Dewitz, Ent. Nachr. x. p. 285 (1881) ; Nova Acta Leop.-Carol. Akad. Nuturf. vol. 50. no. 4, pl. xvii. fig. 12 (1887). Charares ogovensis, Holland, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xiii. p. 330, pl. viii. fig. 2 (1886). Type, a. Cameroons, d j from 5. & G. coll.

11. c. LAODICE GROUP. 61. CHARAXESZELICA. Charaxes zelica, Butler, Ent. Month. Mug. vi. p. 28 (1869) ; Lep. Ezot. i. p. 12, pl. v. fig. 3 (1869). Type, a. Ashanti ?, d .

62. CHARAXESPORTEOS. Charaxes porthos, H. Grose Smith, Ent. Month. Mag. xx. p. 57 (1853) ; Rhop, Ezot. i. Char. pl. i. figs. 4, 5 (1887). Charaxes midns, Standinger, Deutsche ent. Zeit., Lep. p. 135, pl. ii. fig. 4 (1 891). a. Old Calabar, d; from S. & G. coll. b. West Africa, d j from S. & G. coll.

63. CHARAXESMYCERINA. Nymphalis mycerina, Godart, Enc. Mith. ix. p. 369 (1823) ; Lucus, Lep. Erot. pl. 65. fig. 2 (1835). a. Old Calabar (Swan), d; from S. & G. coll. b. Old Calabar (White), d ; froin S. & G. COIL c. Without locality, 9 ; from S. & Q. coll. d, e. Cameroons, 8 d; from S. & Gt. coll. BUTTERFLIES OF THE QEKUS CHARAXES. 373 f, 9. Cameroons, d s . h. Victoria, Cameroons (Druce coll.), d ; from S. & G. coll. i. Bnrombi, Cameroons (Dr. Preuss), d ; from S. & G. coll. j,k. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), d ; from S. & G. coll. 1. Sierra Leone (Barchard), d . Hewitson coll. m, n. Cameroous, d, 2. 0. Fernando Po, d.

64. CHARAXESNAUSICIA. Oharaxes nausicaa, Stuudiiiger, Deutsche ent. Zeit., Lep. p. 137 (1891). a. Old Calabar (J. W. Cockburn), d . b. " R. Ogowai " (2 Ogooaaai, Soudan), 8. This insect is so extremely close to C. nzycerina, that it would not be at all surprising to find that it was an occasional sport of that species ; it is almost too rare for a seasonal form. The chief differences are in the ouiliiie of the Ltings, the primaries having the costal margin less arched, the secondaries haviug tlie outer margin regularly deutate-sinuate : tbe pattern and colouring on both surfaces are nearly the same as in C. nzycerina ; but on the under surface the darker baiidings are less clearly defined.

65. CHARAXESLAODICE. 9. Papilio laodice, Drury, I12. Exot. Ent. iii. pl. 26. figs. 1, 2 (1782). Papilio lycurgus, Fubricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 67 (1793). d. Nymphalis nesiope, Hewitson, Exot. Butt. i. Nymph. pl. i. figs. 5, 6 (1854). a. Old Calabar (Bates coll.), ; from S. & G. coll. b. Old Calabar (Druce coll.), ~3; from S. & G. coll. c. Old Calabar (J.W. Cockburn), S . d. Barombi, Cameroous (Dr. Preuss), d ; from S.& G. coll. e,$ Isubu, d 6. 9. Fernando Po, d; from S. & G. coll. h. Lake Tanganyilia (C. Bore), d . i. Ambriz (Dloizteiro), d . Hewitson coll. j. Cameroons, d. k, 1. Angola, d d. 374 DR. A. Ct. BUTLER ON THE

66. CHARAXENTHYSIT *. Charaxes thysii, Capronnier, Comptes Rend. SOC.Ent. Belg. xxxiii. p. cxxv (1889). Congo. I have been quite unable to identify this species with anything we possess : it expands 2 inches, has the upper surface black- brown with blue reflections ; the primaries with a submarginal series of blue spots uniting at the submedian vein into a metallic blue band which runs parallel to the outer margill of secondaries : so far the description answers fairly to the iiiale of C. Zaodice, but the secondaries are said to have two short tails. Uuder surface silvery white, with a continuous bronm submarginal line Nprinlrled with black markings on the secondaries, the border of these wings being also brown, with little black luuules ; there are also spots and little interrupted lines of black at the base of the primaries, and a large black-brown patch at external angle.


67. CHARAXESIMPERIALIB. 8. Charaxes imperialis, Butler, Trans. Ent. SOC.1874, p. 631, pl. xi. fig. 3; 0.Proc. Zool. Soc. 1887, p. 570. a. Sierra Leone (Dr. Pvezcss), d ; from S. & Q-.coll. b. Rio del Rey (Johnston), 9. The male is labelled “Charaxes inzperiabis, Stgr. in litt.” It is surprising how careless Dr. Staudinger is in looking up the authorship of a species ; however carefully it may have been figured and described, it is still in danger of being redescribed as new : this is repeatedly the case in his ‘ Exotische Schmetter- linge.’ C. intperialis is at present very rare in collections ; for thirteen years the type in Mr. Swanzy’s collection was the only speciwen knom to me. 68. CHARAXESAMELIE. 8. Charaxes Amellac, Doumet, Rev. Zool. 1861, p. 171, pl. v. fig. 1 ; Hewitson, Ezot. Butt. v. Char. pl. v. figs. 20,21 (1876). d. Cliarases regius, AurivilZius, Ent. Tidskr. x. p. 191 (1889). a-d. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), d d,9; from S. & G. coll. e-g. Sierra Leone (Barchard), Q 0.

* Bince this paper was written, a ooloured dr‘iwlng of the type has been shown to me by Mr. Aurivillius ; the species is allied to C JVhyteS. BETTERFLIEY OF T'HB GENEB CEARAXES. 376 h, i. Sierra Leone (P. Crowbey), d,0. j. Victoria, Cameroons (Druce coll.), d ; from S. & (3. coll. k. Old (lalabar (White), d; froui S. & G. coll. 1. Old Calabar (Dmce coll.), d; from S. & 0. coll. nz. Accra (E.T. Ca~ier), 9. Hewitson coll. n. Old Calabar, d. 0. Without locality, 9.

69. CHARAXESPITBODORIS. Charaxes pithodoris, Hewitsoti, Ent. Month. Mug. x. 1'. 57 (1873) ; &hot. Butt. iv. Char. pl. i. figs. 18, 19 (1874). Charaxes pythodorus, Kirby, Cut. Diurn. Lep., Sup$ p. 478 (1877). Charaxes nesaea, H. Grose Smith, Ann. 4 Mag. Nut. Hist. ser. 6, vol. iii. p. 132 (1889). a, 6. Lake Mweru (R.Cmwshay), d d . Hewitson coll. Type, c. Augola (Uogers), d . This species, in the tailless cliaracter of the hind wings of tho male, approaches the C. mycerinn group ; but the upper-surface pattern brings it nearer to C. eitJuvon.

70. CHARAXESCITII~ERON. , Felder, Il'ien. ent. Monatschr. iii. 1). 398, pl. viii. figs. 2, 3 (1859). a-c. Durban (G. 3.Shcllty), d d, Q ; from S. & Q. coll. d-g. Natal (Gueinzius), d 8,9 Q . h, i. Natal (PZajzf), d d . j. Natal (Bates coll.), d ; from S. & G. coll. k. Transvaal, 9 j from 8. & (4. coll. 1-a. Zomba (A.Whyte 4 Xacclounie), Q Q , 6. 0. Slopes of Kilima-njaro (Xannington),d . Hewitson coll.

p-s. Natal, d d ) 0.

71. CHARAXE0 SMARAGDILIB. 8. Charaxes smaragdalis, Butler, Pmc. 2001.SOC. 18fi5, p. 630, pl. 36. fig. 5; 0.Lep. Eaot. i. 11. 5,pI. ii. fig. I (1869). a. Sierra Leone (Ilrzme coll.), 6 ; from S. 65 cf. coll.

b-d. Sierra Leone (Dr.Preuss), Q ) d d; from 5. & G. coll. ej. Sierra Leone (Burchard), d d , Q 0 . k. Cameroons, d . a76 DB. A. G. BUTLER ON THE

2-m. Cameroons, d 8; from S. & G. coll. n. Victoria, Cameroons (Dmce COZZ.), d ; from S. & GF. ~011. Type, 0. Congo (Richardson), d . Hewitson coll. p. Without locality, 6. q. Congo, (example figured in ' Lep. Exot.').

72. CHARAXESPRINCEPS, sp. n. 8. Differs from C. smaru,ydaZis in the less produced, more truncated apex to the primaries, the outer margin almost straight ; much shorter tails to secondaries ; in colouring it is more violaceous ; the blue band completely divided on the primaries to the first median branch and by two black spots on the interno-median interspxce j secondaries with the first division of the blue baud represented by SL amall isolated spot ; border much less black, narrower, separating into ocelloid spots from median vein ; under surface more lilacine than in C. smaragdalis. Expanse 9'7 millim. a. Victoria, Cameroons (Druce COX),d ; from S. & G. coll. 73. CHARAXESMONTEIRT. Charaxes Monteiri, Staudinger, Ercot. Schrnett. p. 168, pl. lix. (1886). Isle of St. Thomas, . Not in the Museum collection.

74. CHARAXESVIOLETTA. , H. Grose Smith, Entom. Month. Mag. xsi. p. 247 (1885) ; Rhop. Ezot. i. Char. pl. i. figs. 1-3 (18P7). a. Delagoa Bay (Monteiro), 6. b. Zanzibar (Druce coll.), 9 ; from 8. & G. coll.

75. CHARAXESXIPHARES. 2. Papilio xiphares, Cramer, Pap. Esot. iv. pl. ccclxxvii. figs. A, B (I 782). 8. Pspilio thyestes, Stoll, Suppl. Cram. pl. xxxii. figs. 2, 2 b (1790). Nymphnlis thurius, Godart, Enc. Me'th. ix. p. 354 (1823). Nymphalis thieste, Westwood, Gen. Diurn. Lep. p. 307 (1850). a. South Africa (R.P. ManseZ Weale), 8. b, c. South Africa (Sir Andrew Snzifh), 0. Hewitson coll. d, e. Without locality, 9 0. f. Cape of Good Hope, 0. BUTTERFLIES OF THE QENU'B CHARAXES. 377

76. CEARAXESNUMENES. Nymphalis numenes, Hewitson, Ezot. Butt. ii. Nymph. pl. ii. figs. 9-11 (1859). a. West Africa, d j from S. & G. coll. b. West Africa, 2. C, d. Without locality (coll. liaden), 8, Q ; from S. & G. COIL e. Old Calabar, d ; from S. & G. coll. f. Cameroons (Bruce coll.), 9 ; from S. & Gt. coll. 9, h. Sierra Leone (Br. Preuss), d 6; fro111 S. & G. coll. i. Sierra Leone (Burchard), 0. j. Accra, d. k. Accra (E. 1: Carter), d . 1, m. Croboe District, Accra (Higlett), d d . Hewitson coll. Type, IL. Sierra Leone, 6. 0, p. Angola, d 8. q. Eernaudo Po, 2.

77. CHARAXESTIRIDATES. 8, P:ipilio tiridates, Cramer, Pap. E.tot. ii. pl. clxi. figs. A, B (1779). 2. Papilio marica, Fabricitis, Ent. Sysf. iii. 1, p. 113 (1793). Var., Charaxes mixtus, Rothsclrild, Tooit. .Zool. i. p. 536, pl. xii. 6g. 8 (1894) a. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), $; from S. & G. COIL b, c. Sierra Leone (Plant), Q ,d . d. Sierra Leone (P.Crozley), 8. e,f. West Africa, d,0 ; from S. & G. coll. g. Accra (2.Trimem), 8. h. Accra (E.T. Carter), 0. i. Lake Mweru (R. Crazushuy), d . j. Isubu, d. k, 1. Ashanti, d 8.

Var. mixtus, Roths. m,n. Victoria, Cameroons (Druce coll.), d,2j from S. 6 G. coll. Larger than the type from the Congo. There can be no doubt, I think, thaf; the prominence of the white centres to the blue spots, unless proved to he peculiar to oiie locality only, cau hardly indicate even a diatiucl race. Mr. Xothschild insist8 that the true female of C. ntixtus resembles the male ! a78 DR. A. 0. BUTLER OW THE Henitson coll. (uormal type). 0,p. Without locality, d ,? . q, r. Sierra Leone, 9 d.

78. CEARAXESBIPUNCTATUS. Charaxes bipunctatus, Rothschild, Novit. Zool. I. p. 536 (1894). a. Croboe District, Accra (Higlett), 6. This appears to be distinct from C. tiridafes,hub is very nearly allied : the absence of tails, the glossy greenish blue of the upper Burface, and the deep orange marginal spots are its best characters; the absence of some of the blue spots is less important.

’19. CHARAXESBOIIEXANI. d . Charaxes Bohemaui, Felder, Wien. ent. Monatschr. iii. p. 321, pl. vi. fig. 3 (1E59); 2. Butler, Lep. Exot. 1. pl. x. fig. 3 (1870). a-c. Angola (Moizteiro), d d ; from S. & G. coll. d. Angola (Bates coll.), 2 ; from S. & G. coll. e. Banks of the Congo (Honteiro), 0. f- Bembe (-Zonteii*o), d. y. Ngama’s (R.Crawshay), d . h. Lake Mweru (R.Crawshny), d . i, j. Zomba (Mncclounie), d 6. k. Kandertt (Xnain Pasha), 6. 1. Mamboia (Dr. &-irk), $2 j from 8.& G. coll. m. S. Salvado (Gmndy), 9 ; from S. & G. coll. Hemitson coll. n, 0. Zamhesi, d,P . p, 9. Without locality, d d .


80. . Papilio eupale, Drury, Ill. Exot. Ent. pl. vi. fig. 3 (1782). Papilio amasia, Fubricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 136 (1793). a-d. Ashanti, d,2. e. Ashanti (Horniman coll.), d . f,g. Crohoe District, Accra (Higlett), d 8 h. W. Africa (J.Macgillivray), d . i. Angola, Bembe iniucs (Monteiro), d . j. Angola (Rogers) ; from S. & G. coll. BUTTERFLIEB OF THE QPNUB CHARAXES. 379 k, 2. Sierra Leone (Barchard), d d . m. Barombi, Cameroons (Dr. Preuss) ; from S. & 0. coll. n, 0. Cameroons ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. p, y. Without locality, d d . r. Cape Coast, d. s. Angola, d.


81. CHARAXESDELPHIS. Charaxes delphis, Doubleday, Ann. SOC.Ent. France, 1843, p. 217, pl. 7. Charaxes concha, Vvllenhoven, Tijd. voor Ent. iv. p. 162, pl. x. figs. 1 & 3 (1861). a. Labuau (Low), d ; from S. & G. coll. 6, c. Borneo (Low), d d j from S. & G. coll. d. Borneo (Bates coll.), d ; from S. & G. coll. e. Palaman (Dr. Platen), d; from S. & 8. coll. $ Malacca (Bates coll.), d; from 8. & G. coll. g-i. Silhet (Staimforth), d d . Hewitson coll. j-1. Without locality, d d . It seems strange that all the specimens of this species wliich come to hand are males.


82. CHARAXESDOLON Charaxes dolon, Westwood, Cab. Orient. Ertt. 1’1. XXVII. figs. 2, 3 (18-M) a-d. Darjiliiig (Lidderdale), d d ; from 8. & G. coll. e, f. Sikhirn (G. C. Du,dyeo~i), d d . 9. Sikhirn (Wukson), d , h. N. India (Capt. Boyes), d . i,j. Nepal (General Barnsfly), d d . Hewitson coll. k-n. Without locality, d d . In this species also, fenides would appear to be extremely rare. all that I have seeu are males. 380 DB. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE

83. CHARAXESEUDAMIPPUS. Charaxes eudamippus, Doubleday, Ann. SOC.Ent. France, 1843, p. 217, pl. vii. Types, a, 6. Silhet (Stainsforth), d , . c. Silbet (Etainsforth), d . d. Darjiling (H.J. Elzces), d ; from S. & C. coll. e. Darjiling (Bates coll.), d; from S. & G. coll. f. Mungpliu (Afkinson), 6. g. Bhutan (G. C. Duclgeoiz), d . h. Nepal (Wright), d. i. Khasin Hills (Col. Swiizhoe), 8. j. Meetan, Burmah (A. 0. Hume), 8; from S. & G. coll. k. Tilin Yaw (Watson), 8. 1. East Pegu ( W. Bokerty), d ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. na-p.. Without locality, d d ,9 . It is a great pity that Heaitson did not preserve the locality on his female specimen, that sex being very rare in collections.

84. CHARAXESNEPENTIIES. Charaxes nepenthes, H. Grose Smith, Entom. Month. Mag. vol. XX. p. 58 (1883); Rhop. L’xot., Char. 111. ii. figs. 3, 4 (1887). a, b. Salween River, Shan States, Burmah (Miss Rose Jackson), d 8.

85. CHARAXES ROTI1SCHILDI. Charaxes gaiaymedes, Leech, Entomologist, vol. xxiv. Suppl. p. 30 (1891))not Staudinger. Charaxes Rothschildi, Leech, Butt. China, i. p. 128, pl. xiv. fig. 3 (1893). Omei-shau and Moupin. Not in the British Museum collection. It differs from C. eudam@pus just as C. mandarinus does from C. narcaus, therefore it would not be surprising if we were to receive intergrades from one to the other. Mr. Leech renamed his species on the ground that Westwood had already used the name for a species of Charaxes ! but Westwood (loc. cif.) gave the name ganymede (sic) to a Morpho, not a Ckaraxes. It was Staudinger who in 1886 used the name for a Charaxes. BUTTERFLIRS OF THE UENUS CHARAYEB. 381

86. CHARAXESNARCEUS. Nymphalis narczus, Hewitson, Exot. Butt. i. Nymph. pl. i. figs. 1, 4 (1854). Var., Charaxes mandarinus, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 437 (1 867). Charaxrs narcaens, var. thibetanus, Oberlhiir, Xtudes d’Ent. xv. p. 1 I, pl. ii. fig. 10 [July 1891). Charaxes satyrina, Butler, var. menedemus, Obertkiir, 1. c. p. 13, pl. ii. fig. 9. a, b. Shanghai ( W. B. Player), d d ; from S. & G. coll. c. North Cliitin, 9. Type, d. Shanghai (IFOt’tui?P), d ; “ Chekiang,” Hew. e-h. Kiukiang (Chas. illaries), d d . Hewitvon coll. i. China, 0. Var. inandnrinus = thibetnnus. j, k. North China (Portune), d 8. 1. North China, d. Hemitson coll. nz. Without locality, d. n. Cliina, 2. M. Oberthiir’s C. inenedeiuus is typical C. narcceus and C. thibetanus typical C. mandarinus. I was not aware that I had given the name C. satyrinffi to any Charases, but 31. Oberthiir (instead of looking up the Zoological Records) seetns to have been perfectly satisfied to accept a manuscript name attached to a specimen by a dealer (see Leech in Butt. Cliina, p. 1.27).

87. CHARAXESPOSIDONIUS. Charaxes posidonius, Leech, Entomologist, vol. xxiv., Suppl. p. 30 (May 1891) ; Butt. China, i. p. l??,111. xiv. fig. 4 (1893). Charaxes clitiphron, Oberthiir, Etudes d’Ent. XV. p. 12, pl. ii. fig. 11 (Julx 18911. Wa-ssu-koa and Ni-ton. Not in the Museum collection.

15. C. HADRIANUS GROUP. 88. CHARAXESHADRIAXUS. Charaxes hadrianus, Ward, Ent. Month. Mag. viii. p. 120 (1871). Charaxes gabonica, Crowley, Trans. Ezt. Soc. p. 553, pl. ii. fig. 1 (1891). Gaboon. Xot in the Museum collection 382 DR. A. GI. BUTLER ON THE

16. C. ATHAMAS GROUP. 89. CHARAXESJALYSUS. Charaxes jalysus, Felder, Reise der Nov.,Lep. 111. p. 438, pl. hx. fig. 5 (1867). a-d. Borneo (Low), d d ; from S. & G. coll. e. Sarawak (Everett), 8;from S. & G. coll. f. Perak (Townsend), d ; from 8. & G. coll. g, h. Malacca (Capt. Pinwill), d d . This is a very distinct species which has been incorrectly associated with the C. hebe group; it really belongs to the opposite end of the series of species allied to C. athamas, the bordering of the wings on the under surface being narrowest in this species.


Charaxes bharata, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. 111. p. 438 (1867). a. Dharmsala (Rocking), d . b. East India (Bohrn, Zeller coll.), 2. c. Darjiling (Xidderdale), d ; from S. & G. coll. The evident rarity of this form is rather suspicious ; but it differs in so many respects from C. athamas that, without positive evidence, it would be presumptuous to regard it a8 a variety of that species : in its much narrower dark borders it is considerably nearer to C. jalysus.

91. CEARAXE~HAMASTA. Eulepis hamasta, Moore, Proc. 2001.SOC. 1882, p. 238. Charaxes agrarius, Swinhoe, 1. c. 1886, p. 425, pl. xl. fig. 3. Types, a, b. Dharmsala (Hocking), d ,? . c. India (coll. Banks), d . d. Mhow ((201. Xwinhoe), d . e,$ Tilin Yaw (Watson), d d . 9. Chin Hills (Watson), d . We next come to a form corresponding closely with C athamas in pattern, and which I therefore regard as a variety of that species, but which, from the pale greenish-yellow colouring of the central area above, has been confounded with the narrow- bordered 0.bharata. BUTTERFLIES OF THE OENlis CIIARAXER. 383

92. CHARAXESATHAXAR. Papilio athamas, Drury, Ill. Eiot. Ent. i. pl. 11. fig. 4 (1773). Var. a. Charaxes saniatha, Moore, Proc. Zool. SOC.1878, p. 831. Var. b. Charaxes attalus, E’eltler, Reise der Xov., Lep. iii. p. 438 (1867). Charaxes Fruhstorferi, Kohcr, Etlt. Xuchr Charaxes phrixus, Rober, 1. c. p. 64. Var. 1. Resembling typical form, but with central band above pale greenish yellow as in C. bharatn a. Assam (Watson),d . 6. Bepal (Dv.FfXyhf), 2. c. Ehasia Hills ( Wa‘nfsoii),d . d. Sikhini (Watsou),d . Tar. 2. Intermediate betwccn var. 1 and typical form, the band above yellow but broad, inner apical spot large and quadrate. a. Krili valley, N.W. lndia (J. R. Buthie),8. 6. Landoor (Geaeml Bearsay), d . c. Darjiling (H.J. ElwPs), d ; from 8. & G. coll. d. Kullar, Nilgliiris (Unuison),d ; from S. & GF. coll e. Kandy (M~joi.Peihry), Q . f. Ceyloii (iyajor T’duiy), d . Hewitson coll. g, h. Simla, d d . Var. 3. Typical. (Drury’s type was from China.) a. Nepal (Dr. Wright),d . b. Darjiling (Lidderrlale), d ; from S. & G. coll. c. Mplang River (Dr.G. Wait),d . Tar. 4. 0. sumatha, Moore a. Upper Tenasserim ( FVood-Mason), 8. 6-e. Tilin Pam ( Wnfsou), , d d . J: Raugoon (J. G. Scott), d . 9. Rangoon (Couw), C? . h. Andaiiians (Commander A. Carpenter), d . i. Ceylon (Jamesoib),d . j, k. Ceylon (Col. Yerhry),d d . 1. Ceylon (Whyte),d ; from 8. & G. coll. nt-0. Philippines (Or. Platela), d d ; from S. & 0. coll. p, q. Philippines (Senyer),d d ; from S. & G. coll. Philippine examples hnrc the submarginal red spots on the secondaries better developed tlian in those from Burma and Ceylon. 384 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE Qar. 5. C. attalus, Felder. a. Borneo, d . b. Sarawalr (Everett),d ; from 8. & G. coll. c-e. Labuan (Low),$ d; from S. & G. coll. f. Sumatra (Sachs),d ; from S. & G. coll. g. Perak (Townselzd),d j from S. & G. coll. h-o. Java (HorsJield), d d,g Q . Bornean examples approach rery closely to typical C. samatha ; those from Sumatra and Java have the central band usually yellower, and most examples have two subapical spots on the primaries.

93. CHARAXESALPHIUS. Charaxes alphius, Staudinger, Erot. Schmett. p. 172 (1586). a, 6. Timor (from Xtaudinger), d d ; from S. & G. coll. c. Timor (Wallace),d j from S. & G. coll. d, e. Sambawa (Xtaudinger), d d ; from S. & G. coll. Nearly allied to the Javan form of C. athamas, but the iuner subapical spot geminate.

94. CHARAXESARJA. Charares arja, Felder, Reise der Nov.,Lep. iii. p. 435 (1867). Papilio pyrrhus, Donovan, Ins. Ind. pl. 29. fig. 3 (1800). a. Landour (Lidderdale),d ; from S. & G. coll. b-e. Silliet (Sowerb-y),d d ,v . f. Darjiling (Lidderdde),d ; from 8. & G. coll. g, h. Sikhim (G. C. Dudgeon), d d . i,.j. Silihim (G. 3. Humpson), d d ; var. pyrrhus, Don. k. Moulmein (Clark),9 . I, nz. Rangoon (Watson),d . n, 0. Rangoon (Cowen), d d ; from S. & G. coll. p. Thayetmyo (Watson),d . p. Toungoo (Watson),d . 7, s. Tilin Yaw (Watson),d d . t. Earen Hills (Watson),d . Vsr. with narrower black borders : less brown at base. u. Darjiling (Lidderdale), d ; from S. & 8. 0011. u. Darjiling (Brs. R. V. Boyle), d . Hea itson coll. t~.Silhet, d. I. Cherra Poonjee, d ; white band very narrow (nearly resembles 9). BCTTERFLIES OF THE QENUB CBARAXES. 385

95. CHARAXESFALLAX. Charaxes fallax, Rdber, Entom. h’uchr. xx. n. 19, p. 294 (1894). Charaxes javmus, Rober, 1. c. xxi. p. 66 (1595). a. Java ? (Z Reeves), 8. Var. C.javanus. (See Swainson’s 2001. Ill. 2nd ser. xi. pl. 90.) The type is evidently a starved specimen. 6. Java,d. c. Java (Wallace),d ; from S. & G. coll. Herr J. Rober admits that these two form$, which scarcely differ, certainly fly together ; “ whereby the independence of both forms is evidenced,” he says. I should have thought the fact clearly proved their specific identity. Herr Frdhstorfer thinks that our examples are not true C.jnvams, and that the latter is a synonym of C. Hoorei; he, \)owever, writes from memory, but the two species are certainly very nearly related.

96. CIIARAXESMOORET. Charaxes Moorei, Distant, Rhnp. Malay. p. 108,pl. xiii. fig. 3 (1883). Charaxes kaba, Klkeil, Fauna ~ndo-MaZay.Arch. p. 27, pl. iii. (1884). Charaxes heracles, Rdber, Entom. Nachr. xx. n. 19, p. 291 (1894). a, 6. Borneo (Low),d 8; from S. & G. coll. c. Sumatra (Sachs),d ; from S. & G. coll. d. Moulmein (ClarIc), . Hewitson coll. e. Borneo,3. f. Burma,?. Kheil’s figure certainly appears to me to be a good represen- tation of this species, and therefore I follow Mr. Distant in placing it as a synonym.

97. CHAEAXESHEBE. $2. Charaxes hebe, Butler, Proc. 2001.Soc. 1865, p. 634, pl. xxxvii. fig. 3. 8,Charaxes albanus, Rober, Entorn. Nachr. xxi. n. 4, p. 66 (1895). Var. d. Charaxes ganymedes, Staudinger, Esot. Schmett. p. 173 (1886). a-c. Malacca (Pinwill),d d , 0 . d, e. Borneo (Low),d 8. Type,$ Sumatra, $2. Hewitson COIL g. Sumatra, d (agrees with description of C. albanus). 386 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE J have seen a typical example of C. ganymedes from W. B. Pryer’s collection ; it is merely a slight melanism of the type form. 17. C. KADENTIGROUP. 98. CHARAXESKADEN~I. Charaxes Kadenii, Felder, Wien. ent. Monatschr. iv. p. 232, PI. iii. fig. 2 (1860). Type, a. Without locality (Kccden eoll.), ; from S. & G. coll. b. W. Java (Staudinger),d ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. c. Java,d. This species seems to be a type intermediate between the C. nthnwzns and C. Schreiberi groups.

18. C. SCHREIBERIGROUP. 99. CHARAXESSCHEEIBERI. Nymphalis Schreiberi, Godart, Enc. M6th. 19. Suppl. p. 825 (1823). Paphia Schreibers, Horsjield, Cat. Lep. E. I. Comp. pl. vi. figs. 3, 3 a (1829). a-c. Malacca (Pinwill),d d . d. Sumatra (~Yuchs),Q ; from S. 6: B. coll. e. Billiton I. (Wc~lt~r),Q ; from S. G. coll. f. Java (Brim coll.), $! ; from S. & G. coll. g. Java (Horsfield),Q . h. Labuan (Low),8; from S. & G. cnll. i. India, d; from S. & G. coll. j. Assam ( Wbrwick),d . Hewitson coll. k. Java, 6. I, m. Borneo,,d d .

100. CHARAXESNIASICUS. Charaxes niasicus, Butler, Ent. Month. Mag. xs. p. 50 (1883). a. Isl. of Nias (Dr. A. Xchreiber), 8.

101. CHARAXESCOGNATUS. Charaxes cognatus,VoZlenhowen, TQd.voor Ent. iv. p. 159, pl. ix. figs. 1,2 (1861). Moluccas. Not in the Museum collection. BUTTERFLIES OF THE GENUS CHARAXES. 1387

19. c. PPRRHUS GROUP. 102. CHARAXESPPBI~HUB. Papilio pyrrhus, Linneus, Afus. Lud. Ulr. 1). PO5 (1764) ; Clerck, Icoaes, pl. 25. fig. 2 (1764). Nymphalis pyrrhus, Lucas, Lep. Eaot. pl. 63. fig. 2 (1835). a. Amboina, d.

b. Without locality (coll. Xaden), 2 ; from Y. C& G. coll. c. Amboina (Bates coll. from Wallace), d ; from S.& G.col1.

103. CHARAXESJUPITER. Charaxes jupiter, Butler, Lep. Bxot. i. 11. 14, pl. v. tip. 4, 7 (1869). Var., Charares attila, Grose Smith, Bntom. Month. Mag. xxv. p. 301 (1889) ; Rhop. Exot. i. Char. 111. v. figs. 1, 2d (1891). a-cl. Port Moresby, N. Guinea (@oldie), d d ; froin S. & G. coll. e. Duke of Pork Island, d . f. Duke of Pork Islaiid ((2. Broian), d ; from S. 8: G. coll. g-i. Guadalcanar ( TVooclfoid), 0 ; from 8. & G. coll. The differences pointed out by Mr. Chose Smith to distinguish C. attila from C. jupiter are oulg such as occur between specirnem ~f C. sempronizcs.

104. CHARASESQALAXIA. Charaxes galaxia, ButEer, Proc. Zool. SOC.1865, p. 633, pl. xxxvii. fig. 2; Grose Smith, Rhop. Erot. i. Char. 111. ix. figs. 3,4 (1891). a-c. Timor (Wallace), d d ; from S. & G. coll. d. Locality unrecorded, d ; from S. & G. COIL Types, e,$ Timor ( Valbirce), d d . Hewitson coll. g, h. Timor (Wnllnce), d d .

105. CHARAXES QILOLENAIS. Charaxes gilolensis, Butler, Lep Exot. i. 1). 14, pl. v. fig. 6, pl. vi. fig.3 (1869).

" Gilolo and Batchian." a. Batchian (Dr. Platen), d ; from 9. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. Type, b. Batchian (Wallace),8. LINN. JOUBN.-ZOOLOQY, ForJ.xxv. a? 388 DH. A. 0. BUTLER ON TIIE

106. CHARAXESSEMPRONIUS. Yapilio sempronius, Fnbricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 62 (1793). Jasia austmlis, Swainson, 2002.lU., Ins. ii. pl. 114 (1833). Var., Charaxes tyrtmis, Felder, Wien. ent. Mon. iii. p. 399, pl. IX.fig. .? (1859). cc. N.E. Australia (J.Brenchlejj), d . b. Rockiughain Bay (Macgillivray),$? . c. Queeiisland (illacleay), 6 ; from S. & G. coll. d. Moretou Bay (Bates coll.), 0 ; from S. 6: G. coll. e. Sydney (JTacZeay),d ; from 8. & G. coll. g. Witliout locality (coll. hirden), d d j from S. & G. coll. Vnr. fyrtceus, h. Sydney (MacZeay),9 j froin S. & G. coll. i. Sontli Creek, New Holland (J.Hunter), 6. j. South-east Australia (3.Darnel), d . k, 1. South-east Australia (Stzctchbury), d ,? . Hewitson coll. m, n. Willlout locality, d ,$! . 0. Australia, $? .

107. CHARAYESCLITARCHUB. Charaxes clitarchus, Hewitson, E.rot. Butt. v. pl. iv. figs. 16, 17 (187.1). a. Lifu (Rev. S. J. Whitnzee),6. b-d. New Caledonia (Layard),d d ; from S. & G. coll. I-Iewitson coll. Type, e. New Caledonia, d (no locality label on specimen).

108. CHARAXES CAPIIONTIR. 0.Charaxes caphontis, Hewitson, Ezot. Butt. iii. Char. 1’1. iii. figs. 14, 15 (1862). Hewitson coll. Type, a. Port Denison, Australia, 0.

109. CHARAXESEPIOENES. Charaxes epigenes, Godman $. Salvin, Ann. .Y- Jlny. Nut. Hist. ser. 6, vol. i. p. 210 (1888). a-d. Ada, G uadalcanar ( WootTfod) ; from 8. cP: G. coll.

20. C. NITEBIS GROUP. 110. CHARAXESNITEUIS. Nyrnphalis nitebis, Hewitson, Ezot. Butt. ii. Nymph. pl. ii. figs. 7, 8 (1859). DUI'TERFLIES OF THE GEXUS CHARIIES. 380 a, b. Celebes (coll. Dricce), d d ; from S. & G. coll. c, d. Minahassa, Celeh, 0,d; from S. & G. coll. e. Macassar, Celebes (Wallace), d . Hewitson coll. fi 9. Celebes ( Wullnce), d d . h. Without locality, d . This species forms a good transitional form from the C. pyvrhus to the C.psapkon group, mhicli is rather interfered with by tho necessity for putting C. Dicrnfoordi next to it; there must always be these drawbacks to a linom arrnngemeut of species.

21. C. DURNFORDIGROUP. 111. CHARAXESDUriNrOIt1)T. Charaxes Durnfordi, Distant, Entotn. xw. p. 191 (1881) ; Rhop. ilfal. p. 432, pl. xl. fig. 8 (1886). Local form. Charaxes Nicholn, Grose Smith, Ann. 4 Mag. Nut. HiAt. ser. 5, vol. xviii. p. 150 (1886) ; Hhop. Emt. i. Char. pl. 11. figs. 1,2 (15s;) a. E. Pegu (W. Doherfy),d; from S. & G. coll.

112. CHARAXESEvERcT 1'1. Charaxes Everetti, Rolhschild, Beutsche ent. Zeit., Lep. vi. 11. 345 (1893). Baram, British North Borneo. The Bornean represcutatiJ e of the preceding species. 113. CHARAXESS~AUDINGFRI. Charaxes Staudingeri, Rothschdd, Deutsche ent. Zed., Lep. VI. 11. 349 (1893). Java. R,epresentu C. Durnfoidi iu Java.


114. CHARAXES ANTUNIUS. Charaxes antonius, Setnper, Verh. Ver. Hamburg, iii. p. 113 (1878); Reisen in Arch. Phil., Tagf. pl. xiv. figs. 6-8 (1887). a-c. S.E. Mindantio (Dr. Platen), d d,Q; from S. & G. coll. cl. Mindanio, d. Hewitson coll. e. Philippines, d . f. \Vitliout locality, d . 32 Y 390 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE

115. CHARAXESPLATENI. Charaxes Plateni, Staudinger, Deutsche ent. Zed., Lep. p. 82 (1889). a. Palavan, Philippines (Dr. Platen.), d ; from S. & G. con. The upper surface of this species is much like C.psaphon, but the tawny basal area of the primaries is smaller: the under surface is exceptionally white for this group.

116. CHARAXESPSAPHON. d. Charaxes psaphon, Westwood, Cab. Orient. Ent. pl. xxi. figs. 1, 2 (1848). 9. Charaxes serendiba, Moore, Lep. Ceyl. i. p. 30, pl. xv. fig. 3 (1R80). a, b. Trincomali (CoZ. Yerbury), d , 9 . c-h. Kandy (Col. Perbury), d d , 9 . i,j. Ceylon (HTs.Lindesay), 6,0. k, 1. Ceylon (Whyte), d d; from S. & G. coll. m, n. Ceylon (Jarneson), d d . Local race: Charaxes inzna, Butler, Trans. Eut. SOC. 1870, p. 122, pl. iv. fig. 2. 0, p. Nilgiris (Hampson), 8,9 . p. Bombay, d; from S. & G. coll. r. Bombay (Hunter), 2. s. Bombay (DT.Leith), d . Hewitson coll. t. Calcutta, d.

117. CHARAXESHIERAX. Charaxes hierax, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 442 (1867). Charaxes Watti, Butler, Proc. Zool. SOC.1880, p. 148, pl. XV.fig. 2. n. China (coll. Kadeen), d ; from S. & G. coll. b. N. India, d; from S. & G. coll. Type, c. Upper Assatn (Dr. Watt), d . d. Silhet (Stainsforth), 8.

118. CHARAXESHARPAX. Charaxes harpax, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 444 (1867). Charaxes agna, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1878, p. 832. a-h. Borneo (Low), d d, 0 0; from S. & G-. coll. i. Borneo (Bates COX),d ; from S. & G. coll. BUTTERFLIES OF THE OENUS CHARAXEJ. 39 1 j,L. Borneo, d d. I, nz. Sarawak (Euerett), d d; from S. & G. coll. n. Sarawak (Brooke), d . 0. Sumatra (Xachs), d; from S. & Gt. COIL p. East Pegu (747. Doherty), d ; from S. & G. coll. Type, 4. Upper Tenasserim ( Wood-Masoiz), d . r. Assam (Dr. Waft), d. s. Silhet (Xtainsforth), 3. Hewitaon coll. (as C. a$inis). t. Borneo, d.


Charaxes baya, Moore, Cat. Lep. E. I. C‘o. I. p. 207 (1857) , 3,Butlet, P~oc.ZOOZ. SOC. 1865, pl. xixvii. fig. 5. Types, a, 6. Java (HorsJieZtl coll.), d ,? . c-e. Sarawak (Evei*cff),d ; from S. & B. coll. f. Sarawnli (Bartlett), d . g-i. Borneo (Low), d d ; from S. & G. coll. The following is, perhaps, only a form of C. baya occurring iu Burma, the Plrilippinea, &c.

120. CHARAXESCORAL Charaxes coral, Feldw, IZezse der Nov., Lep. 111. 1’. 414 (1867) a. Moulmein (Archdencon Clark), d . b. Mergui (Conzimntlw A2fred Carpenter), d . c--8. Tenasserim (C’trpt Chas. Binghaiiz), d d . f. Philippines (Druce coll.), d ; from N. & G. coll. Var., g. Elephant Island (Xev. Deans Cowan), d . Dwarfed form=C. bayulrc, Staud. in litt. h, i. Palawan (Br. Rateit), d d ; from S. & 0. coll.

121. CHARAXESOEOEOIITI. Charaxes georgius, Staudinger, Ueutsche ent. Zezt., Lep. v. p. 262 (1892). n-c. Mindoro (Or.Platen), d d , 9 ; from S. & Gt. coll.

122. CHARAXESIIEMANA Charaxes hemana, Butler, Trans E’nt. Soc. 1870, p. 122, pl. IV. fig. 1 a. North India, 6. b-d. Mussuri (LidderduZe), d cf , 9 ; from S. & G. coll. e. North of Laudoor (Ldderdrcle), . 392 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON TAX

123. CHARAXES REPETITUS, Sp. 11. 8. The Bornean representative of C. p07yxena. Above tawny, deepening to mahogany-brown towards anal angle of secon- daries ; external border of primaries black, narrowest at external angles (about 6 millims.), enclosing a transverse oblique elliptical spot of the ground-colour near its irinei margin, on interno- median interhpace, gradually nidening above the latter to third median branch where it is 13 millimetres wide, thence running obliquely inwards to costa where it attains its greatest width of 1 inch; area immediately within the angle, from costa to first median branch yellowish, bounded interually by a black irregular dibcocehlar marking, and three irregularly placed lunules, a trace of a fourth interrupted lunule on the interno- median area ; secondaries with the apical area smoky black, forming a vagiie diffused patch, on which are two white points, the outer half of the veins, ahich pass through this patch, black ; the outer half of the area between the latter and the origin of the costal vein yellowish, bounded internally by an oblique blackish dash ; outer border deepening to mahogany-brown and with a smoky blackish marginal stripe ; a submarginal series of five diffused black spots, bounded internally by white transverse dashes, the last of these accoiiipanied by a few violet scales. Body normal : under surface glaucous violaceous ash-coloured, with the usual darker areas somewhat olivaceous ; other markings much as usual, but not strongly defined. Expanse of wings 91 millimetres. a. Saram ak (Zverett), d . There can be no question as to this being a distinct species, althcuqh not sufficiently different from its allies to be of' startling interest.

124. CHAHAXES POLTXENA. 9. Papilio polysena, Cramer, Pap. Emt. i. pl. liv. A, B (1779). a. Without locality (c07Z. &Wen), d; from S. & G. coll. b. China (Brmchley), $? .

125. CHARAXESBERNARDES. 2. Papilio Bernarclus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 71 (1793); Dono- van, Ins. China, pl. 35 (1789). BUT'I'ERFLIES OF THE QENUS OEIARAXES. 393

a. Without locality (coll. Bruce), d ; from S. & (3. coll. b. China, 9. c. '' N. India" (.E.I: ilfusezm), ? . Probably a seasonal forin of the preceding, which it ilea rly resembles; the male has a trace of wliite beyoiid the eel1 of primaries and less falcate wings, with scarcely any tawny markiug on the black border. From Tilin Pnw wc have a iiiale example of ,z Chnraxes, collected by Mr. E. Y. Wat'soii, which, on the upper surface so nearly approaches C. berlzardus d in general aspect aiid colouring, that I caiinot venture to separate it ; its iiiidcr-suryace colouring is, however, cuiisidimxbly darker. Pasiluly this will prove to be an aberrant form of some well-known aiid abundaut species.

126. C HARASES III PPON AS. Charaxes hipponax, Feltler, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 4-13 (1367). Var., Charaxes hintiix, h'ufler, Lep. Ez5t. xii. pl. xxxvii. fig. 5 (1372;. Var., Charaxes jxlioder, Butler, 1. c. pl. xsxvii. fig. 4 (1372). Yar. C. Aindia. a. Mungphu (Atkinson), d . b. India, ; from 8. & 0. coll. Transitional forms to C.jalinder. c. Bliotari (Lidde!erdir.Ze), d . cl. Bhotan (Ihyueft),d ; from S. & 0. coll. e, f. Dnrjiliiig (Drzice colb.), d d; from 8. & U. coll. g, h. Murigphu (dtliitrson), d . i. Sikhini (Liddei*daZe), d . j-T. Chin Hills, Burinnh (Wafson), d d . s. Moulmein (Archdencon CEm-k), Q . Tar. C.julinder, typical. t. Mungphu (Atkinson), d . u. Dajiling (Liddedale), 0 . iig (Druce coll.), d 6,Q . y. Bliotnn (Liilderdnle), 0. Hewitson coll. as (C. polyxena). 2. Without locality, ? . cia. India, d. True C. hkponax (probably wet-season form). bb, cc. North India, d , 0 . 394 DR. A. R. BUTLER ON THE dd. Darjiling (MissH. Dendy), d . ee. Darjiliug (hzdian Museum), d . ff. Darjiling (J.Iiotlze&qhnm), d . gg. Assam (Dr. Watt), d. hh. North India, d. ii, jj. Nepal (Hardwicke), d , . kL. Khasia Hills (Watson), 6. IZ. Chin Hills, Burmah (Watson), d .

127. CHARAXESBUPALUS. Charaxes bupalns, Staudinger, Deutsche ent. Zeit., Lep. 1889, p. 84. a, 6. Palawan (Dr. Platefi), d d; from S. YL. G. coll.

128. CHARAXESBORNEENSIB. Cjharaxes borneensis, Butler, Lep. Esot. i. p. 16, pl. vi. fig. 2 (1889). a, 6. Baram (Evereft), d d. c-e. Borneo (Low), d d ; from S. & G. coll.

129. CHARAXESPLEISTOANAX. Charaxes pleistoanax, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 443 (1867). Var., Charaxes khasiiinus, Butler, Lep. Esot. xii. pl. xxxvii. fig. 6 (1872). Var., Charaxes khimalare, Butler, 1. c. fig. 1. Typical form. a. Sikhim (G. 3. Hampson), 6. h. Darjiling (J. Fotlieringhum), d . c. Bhutan (G. C. Dudgeon), d . d. Assam (coZ2. Drrue), d; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. (as C. polyxena). e. Without locality, d . Var. C. khasianus (probably the dry-season form). J: Darjiliug (G. A. J. Rothney), d . g. Darjiling (Lidderdule), 2. h. Darjiling (Lidderclale), 6;from S. & G. coll. i. Darjiling (coll. Bruce), d ; from S. &: G. coll. .j. Darjiling (H.J. Elzues), ; from 8. & C-. coll. 7;. 7;. Darjiling (Indiaa Museum), d . 1. Sikhim (Dr. T. C. Jerdon), 6, Dr. F. Moore is of opinion that C. khnsinnus is distinct from C. pleisfonnax, but it chiefly differs in its clearer and brighter BUTTERFLIES OF TIIE QENUS CIIARAXES. 395 colouring; I cannot believe it to be more than a seasonal variety : the female differs ratlier more than the male. Var. C. khimalara (probably extreme wet-season form). m. Buxa (G. E: Iinmpson), d . n Darjiling (J. IrottAei-ingham), 8. This completes the so-called C. psnphoiz group, and commences the C. nzarmaz groiip ; tlir latter might formerly have been again subdivided on account of the two types of males, only the species now can be arranged to show a gradual transiticn from the one type to the other ; tlie fernales sliow great uuiformity of character tbroughout the entire series.


130. CHARAXES CIMON. Charaxes cimon, Felder, Reise der Nov., Lep. 111. p. 439,pl. 1% figs. G, 7 (1867). a, b. Batchian (Widlace), d , 0 : from S. & G. coll. c. Batchian (BY.Hnteia), 9 ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitson coll. as C. uflnLs. d. Batchian, d.

131. CHARAXES 1’ ~mmsr R .

Charaxes papuensis, Butler, Lep. Esot. p. 15, pl. VI. fig. 1 (1869). Charaxes cimonides, Rothschild, Nooit. Zool. ii. p. 35F (1894). n. N.W. New Guinea (Burlie), d . It is pofisible that there may be two species of nearly allied Qharaxes in New Guinea ; but it seenis inore probable that the differences between C. ppumsis and (7. cimonides indicated by Mr. Rothschild are of seasoiial than specific value. Howevor. with only one example before me, I do not feel competent to form any decided opinion on this point and am quite open to conviction.

132. CUARAXESLAYARDT, sp. n. C? . A representative of C. cimon, larger ; the inner edge of the black border of primaries deeply notched and not quite so wide ; a black bar on the discocellulnrv in all tlie wings, but no markings between the latter and the black border ; the black border of the secondaries narrower, the ocelloid submarginal spots more 306 DR. A. 0. BUTLER OR TEE isolated, not pupilled, excepting toward8 anal angle ; under surface altogeLher redder than in C. cimon, the ocelloid patchi.8 on the secondaries smaller, formiug a narrower belt, less brightly coloured, aud aith their outer marginal black spots narrower and more hate in character; outer border more uniform in colouring, tawny, with greyer marginal band. Expanse of wings 99 niillims. Type, a. New Britain (Jlzis. Godefroy), d . 6, c. New Irelaud (Lnyard), d d ; from S. & G. cull.

183. CHARAXES MAR^. Charaxes mars, Staudinyer, ExoI Schinett. p. 171 (1886). Celebes. This very fine species appears to belong to the C. ciinon group ; it i3 not iu tlie Muscum series.

134. CH~RAXESFCRTENS, sp. n. d . Size arid generd form of C. Laynrdi : pattern above very similar to that of C. bap, but with the broadest portion of the outer border of the priinaries produced in&ardly, the divided black spot on the discocellulars and the black marginal lumte ktreaks on tlie secondarim of C.pariizenion (C. Zatonn, d) ; the apic.,l patch and submarginal spots of the hind wings however remain as in C. baya: on the under surface the pattern and colouring show distinct affinity to C. cimon and allies, the band before the middle is honever better defined, standing out in rufous on a yellowish barkground, aid on the primaries it is more oblique than in any of the allied species. a. Nias (BY.Xchreiber).

135. CEARAXES AFFIXIS. 8. Charaxes affinis, B#tler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. G.36, 111. XXXVII. fig. 4. 2. Charaxes Wallacei, Butler, Lep. 3rot.p. 100, pl. xxxviii. fig. 2 (1872). d var., Chaiaxes demonax, Felder, Reise der Nov , LP~.ill. p. 430 (1867). Type, a. Macilssar (Wallace), d . b. Menado (Dr.Xeyer), 9 . c. Ternate (Wnllacej, d , var. clemonnx j from S. 85 C;. coll. Hewitson coll. d. Macasaar, 8. Type, e. Macetssar, 9 , as C. polyxora. BUTTERFLIES OF TIIE GENUS CIIARAXES. 39 7

13G. CHA~IAXESLATOXA. 0. Charaxes latona, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1865, p. GN6, pl. xxsvii. fig. 1. Charaxes brennus, Felder, Reise tier P,roov., Lrp. iii. p. 339, pl. lis. figs. I, 2 (1P67). d . Charaxes parmeniori, Fdilw, 1. c. n. 71 7. Charaxes aruanus, Butler, I+ Esot. 11. 100 (1872). a. Near Macass:ir (U-alltrce), d = C. ynrmenion. Type, b. Timor (Wdhrcc.), 9 . G. Amboyna, 8; I'roin S. & G. coll. d. Aru (?VuZlcrce), 9 = C. nrun~zus; frum 8. B; G. coll. Hemitson coll. (its C. qf7ilzi.s). e. Witliout localit?, 6.

137. CHARAXESSCPIAS. Charaxes scj-lax, Felder, licise der Nov., Lrp. iii. 11. 342 (IHG;). a. Java (Avgeizf), d .

138. CHARAXF;~AAIIPCIIS. Charaxes aiilycus, Feldcr, Il'ien. ent. Monatschr. v. p. 30:+ (I 861). Cliaraxes lunaivara, Butler, hp.Exot. pl. xravii. fig. 9 (lS72). a, b. Davacr, S.E. Miiiclanito (BT.Ploten), d , 9 ; from s. & G. col!. c. Philippiues (Bofes coll.), d ; from S. lk G. co!!. 0. Type of d. Without locality (Druce coll.), 0 *; from S. &. Q. C. lunriwura. I coll. Hewitson coll. (as C. polpenn). e. Ptiilip~~iues,0 .

139. CHARAXESARISTOGTTON. Charaxes aristogiton, FeZder, Reise der Nov., Lep. iii. p. 445 (1867). Charaxes desa, Moore, Proc. Zool. SOC.1878, 11. 85%. a-c. Darjiling (11.J. Mzces), 6 d; froiii S. & G. cull. d. Sikliim, d. Type Of 'I e. Upper Teiiasewini ( Wood-Muson), d C. desa. J' Dr. Moore has considered C. desn distinct on the ground thnt the inner edge of the black hordcr of the primaries is producwl iiiwitr~is,to some diatance beyond the hate niarkiugs, upon the costal area ; this character, IIOM ever, is certniiily no more eon- stant in this species than in the allied C. ~numv~c(z.

* The male of C. Izinarcalm 18 a 611ght varlatlon of 6. mnrntas. 398 DR. A. a. BUTLEB ON THE

140. CHARAXESMARMAX. Charaxes marmar, Westwood, Cub. Orient. Ent. pl. xxi. figs. 3-5 (1848). a-c. Darjiling (EL J. Elwes), 8 d , 2 ; from S. & G. ~011. d. Darjiling (Lidderdale), $! . e, f. Darjiling (Mrs. R. V. Boyle), d d. q, h. Khasia Rills (Watson), d d . i. Assam (Watson), 8. j. Silhet (E.Doubleday), 6. k. Silhet (Stainsforth), d . 1. Buxa (KByuett), d ; from S. & G. cull. m. Mungphu (Atkinson), 6. n. East Pep ( W. Dohprty), d ; from S. & G. COIL Hewitson coll. (as C. polyzena). 0. Without locality, d .

141. CHARAXESKAHRUBA. Haridra kahruba, Moore, Lepid. Ind. vol. ii. p. 235, pl. 17 1. figs. I u-C (1895). a. Assam (coll. Druce), 8;from S. & G. coll. b. Darjiling (Lidderdale), 0. c. Darjiling (Lidderdale), 9 ; from S. & G. coll. d. Darjiling (Mrs. R. V. Boyle), 8. e, f. Mungphu (Atkinson), 8 8. q. Bhutan (G. C. Dudgeon), 6. h. Silhet (Argent), d. Hewitson coll. (as C. polysena). i. Silhet, d. j. North India, d .

142. CHARAXESHARMODIUS. Charaxes hamodius, FeZder, Reise &T A'ov., Lep. iii. p. 445 (1867). a, b. Palawan, Philippines (Dr. Platen), d d . The above specimens are labelled as " C. harpagon, Staud.," apparently a MS. name ; they agree perfectly with the description of Felder's species from Java. 143. CHARGESDISTANTI. Charaxes Distanti, Honrath, Bed. ent. Zeit. xxix. p. 277 (1885). a, 6. Borneo (Low), & d; from S. & 0. coll. c. N.W. Borneo (Everetf),d . d, e. Borneo, d 8. BUTTERFLIEB OF TEE QENUS CHARAXEB. 399 This apecies has much the aspect of a ruddy-bordered C. mamiax, but the submarginal luniiles on the under surface are far more silvery. 24. C. PL:I~TAT,USGROUP.

3 44. CHARAXESEURYA.LVS. Papilio euryalus, Cramer, Pap. Esot. i. pl. lxxiv. A, B (1779). 9. Papilio uisus, Cramer, 2. c. ii. pl. cl. A, U (1779). a. Without locality (coll. Xaden), d ; from S. & G. coll. b. Arnboina ( Wallace), d ; froin S. & G. coll. c. Amboina ( WalZnce), d . Hewitson coll. d. Amboina, d . e,$ Without locality, d,2 .

26. C. ETESIPE GROUP. 145. CHARAXES CACUTIIIS. Charaxes cacuthis, Hewitson, Esot. Butt. iii. Char. pl. iii. figs. 12, 13 (1 863). a. Madagascar, d. Hewitson coll. b, c. Madagascar, 6,9. d. Without locality, 8.

146. CHARAXESTAVETENSIS. Charaxes tavetensis, Rothschild, Nouit. Zool. i. p. 535 (1894). Tavetn, E. Africa. Not in thc Museum collection.

147. CHARAXES ETESIPE. Nymphalis etesipe, Godart, Enc. Me'th. ix. p. 355 (1823) ; Butler, Trans. Ent. SOC.1869, p. 27.3, 111. v. figs. 5, 6. Papilio etheocles, Drury (not Cramer), Ill. Esot. Ent. iii. pl. 10 (1782). Nymphalis etheta, Godart, Eric. ME'th. ix. p. 356 (1823). a. Barombi, Cameroous (Dr.Preuss), d ; from S. &, G. coll. b. Cameroons, d ; from 8. & G. coll. c. Cameroons (Druce coll.), d; from S. & G. coll. d. Cameroons, 8. e,f. West Africa, $! 2 ; from S. & G. coll. g-i. Isubu, d d, 0. j, k. Old Calabar (White), d 8 ; from S. & G. coll. 1. Croboe district, Accra (Hickling), . 400 DX. A. 0. BUTLER ON TIIE m-O. Sierra Leone (Dr. Prezsss), d d , Q p. Sierra Leone (Crowley), 6. 4. Sierra Leone (Barchard), 0. IIewitson coll. r-t. Sierra Leone, d d,9. u, v. Without locality, 8, 9.

This completes the species usually considered to belong to the genus Charares. In 1881, however, we rtxeivcd a species from Socotra having all the characters of Charaxes excepting the pattern (which is that of Palla varnnes and allies). The supposcd genus Palla differs no more from Charaxes than the various sections of the latter genus do from one another; the single tail to the secondaries is characteristic of females iu the C. mycerinu group. 26 c. VlRANbS GROUP. 148. CHARAXESBALFOURI. Charaxes Ihlfoori, Butler, Proc. 2002.SOC. 1831, 11. 176, pl. XVIII. fig. ti. Tjpe, u. Socotra, (Prof. I. B. Balfoiir).

149. CHARAXEST'ARANES. Paplio varanes, Cramer, Pup. Exot. 11. pl. clx. D, E (1779). a. Caffrnria (Brz~ecobl.), 6;from S. & G. coll. b. S. Africa (Sir Andrezo Smzth), 9. G. Natal (Drzcce coll.), 9 : trom S. & G. coll. d. Natal (Shelley), 6;from S. & G. eoll. e. Natal (Argent), d . f. Natal (Gueilzzizrs), d . g. Durban (C. R. N. Burrows), d. h. Lake Mweru (C~cczushuy),C? . i, j. Central Africa (&tin Pasha), d . k. British E. Africa (BY.Gregory), d . 1. Lake Taiiganyika (C'. Zore), 0 . m. Taita, East Africa (J.A. Wruy), 0. 12. Zomba (ilzhcc7ountie), d. 0, p. Old Calabar (J.W. Coclcburn), 6. IIewitson coll. p, T. Natal, d , 2. o. Witliot4t locality, $! . BUTTERFLIEB OF TIIE QERUS 01IhRhXES. 801

150. CEARAXESNIORESCEXS. Possibly a seasonal form of C. fulcescens; in some respects nearer to C. varnnes, froin which it differs in the yelhiah b;~inl area and blackish external area of the upper surface ; the oiitcr or submarginal row of spots reduced to points, the inuer row small but sharply defiued and ochreous ; spots on disc of sewn- dnries large and blacl, : under surface pale greenish-yellow tonards the base, all tlio marlrings strongly defined in black, the postmediau stripe dark and Bell defined, the first occiluu very black, the external bordering of the postiiietliau strip rery silvery, very metallic, not merely glaucous ; extrrnal area, more olivaceous than in C. vnranes or C.juluescens. EX^" of n ings 90-98 millims. Tjpe, a. Sierra Leone (Dr. Pieziss), d ; from S. S; G. coll. 6, c. Sierra Leone (l'a~chaid),$2, d . d, e. Sierra. Leone (P.Cioiolty), d,0 . f. Croboe district, ilccrn (Ilzyletf),d . g. Accra (I?. T.Cut tw), 6 . W. Ashauti, d. Hewitson coll. i. Gold Coast, d. I sliould unhesitatingly liai e considered thiu to be distiiict from C. fulcescms, but for tlie fact that Drury gii ej Sierra Leone as the locality from which his spcciiiien (figured as Y.vnrmzes) a as received.

Charaxes fulvescens, Aurzuillius, Ent. Tdskr. xii. p. 216 ( L39l). Papllio varanes, Drury, 111. Kxat. Im. ill. p. 4'1, pl. 31. figs. 1, 2 (\~cc.?). n. Baronibi, Canirroous (Dr. Pmiss), d ; trom 8. G. coll. b. Victoria, Caiiicroons (Bruce coll ), d ; f'roiii S.S; G. cull. c. Congo (Bates coll.), d j from S. S; G. coll. 13enitson coll. d. Witliout locality.


152. CHARAXESLICIIAS. Philognoma Iichau, Dodileday, Gen. Diurn. Lep. pl. 49. fig. 3 (ISjO). (1-c. L4shant~,d d, . d. ,4~linnti(coZZ. Iiinderi), 8;from Y. & G. coll. 402 DR. A. 0. BUTLER ON THE

e. Accra (E. T. Carter), d . f- Croboe district, Accra (Higlett), d . g. Barombi, Cameroons (Dr.Preuss), d ; from 5.& G.coll. h, i. Old Calabar (J.W. Cockburn), d,9. j, k. Angola (Rogers), d d ; from S. & G. coll. I, m. Sierra Leone (BY.Preuss), 9 , d j from S. & G. coll. n. Sierra Leona (Barchard), d . HeEitson coll. 0-4. Angola, d d. r. Cameroons, 0.

163. CHARAXESFALCATA. Philognoma falcata, Butler, Lepd. Ed. p. 101, pl. xxxviii. fig. 1 (1872). Types, a-d. Ashanti, d 8. e. Old Cdabar (White),8 ; from S. & G. coll. This is a smaller, deeper coloured, more heavily black-bordered and shorter-tailed species than C. paphiaws ;it may be a seasonal form, for though Ke do not possess both from the same locality exactly, the range of C. paphianus would embrace that of C. falcatcc. I, however, am inclined to think that the latter is strictly a coast species of limited range.

154. CHARAXES PAPHIANUS. Charaxes paphianus, ward, E’nt. Month. Mag. viii. p. 120 (1871). a. Sierra Leone (Dr. Preuss), d ; from S. & G. COIL b. Barombi, Cameroons (Dr.Preuss), d ; froin S. & G. coll. c. Angola (Rqgers), d ; from 9. & G. coll. Hewitson COIL d, e. Angola, d d .


155. CHARAXES VIOLINITENS. Philognoma violinitens, CTowky, Trans. Ent. SOC.1890, p. 554, pl. xviii. figs. 1, 2. d Accra, 0 Cameroons. Hewitson coll. (as P. deciw). a. Old Calabar, 9. I think it open to question whether the sexes figured by Mr. Crowley actually belong to the same species, the female BUTTERFLIESOF *rim TIENFS CEARAXES. 403 heiiig remarkably near to an Angolan insect of which we have both sexes ; Iiowever, uii1 il feniales arc’ received from Accra which as nearly resemblc the ninle, tlie point cannot be decided.

156. CHARAXESCONIOEII., sp. n. Allied to C. iiecius, biit tlic niales with the white band rriucb more broadly bordtmd with sil\-ery-blue and extending to just below the medinn vein of secoriclaries, the orange-taivuy patch which joins it at this point innch brighter in colour and forming a well-defined cone, tlie oiiter edge of wliich is mott,led with blitclrish and boundcd by the third tuet1i:in branch ; the tail, which is longer timi in C. decim, is also tawny, but tipped with creamy-rrhitt. ; the subiiiar~iiisloce1l;is in t hc radial iiit crspace is isolated ; the fewales rcscnible the insect figured as C. violinifrns 0,excepting in having a rrubii1:irpinal band of six liastatc tawny (and a seveiitli rienr1-j sliite, costal) spots on the priinaries. In other respects this species agrees almost in every detail with C. decius. Types, a, 6. Old Cxlab:ir, d d ; from S. & G. coll. c. Congo (Brttes coll.), 9 ; froni S. & G. call. f7. Angola (xonlrii~o),d ; lrorn 9. 6t 0. coli.

ITewitson coll. (:IS C. dwircs). c, f. Angoh, d , 0 .

Tt is just. possil,le that, this ma.! be :i seasonal form of C. deciris, and C. pizllius a reasoii:il f,)rili of C. Usslieri ; but only breedillg can decide this.

157. C~IAEAXESDECIES. Papilio deck, Cmmer, Pop. ELof. ii. pl. cxiv. A, E (1779). n. Accra (2.1’. Chrfrr), 8. tr. C’roboe district, Accra (Eriglett), d . c. \Vest Airica, 6. d, e. Aslinnti, d d . f. Sierra Leone (Re[!.11. 17. .IIorgan), 9 . Hevitson coll. g. Withoiit locality, d . 158. CHARAXESrunr,rm. Palla piblius, Stmdi-Tger, Dcrrtsche mt. Zeif., Lep. v. p. 26; (1892). Philognoma rectifmcia, Wc.ymer, Stett. ent. Zed. liii. p. 91 (18!E 1. rdcm. JOURN.-ZOOLOOY, vor,. XST. 3 3 4'04 DR. A. 0. JICTLER ON TEE OEXUS CHhRhSICY.

ct-c. Old Cniahar (White), 8 8,2 ; from S. & 0. Cdl. d. TV7ieat Africa, 9 ; from S. & G. coll. Hewitsoil coll. R. Angola, 9. f. Withoiit loc:ility, 9 .

159. C!LkRAXP;S USSLLERI. Philognoma Usslieri, Butler, Trmis. Ent. SOC.1870, p. 121; Lep. Emf. i. 111. xxi. fia. 3 (1Ail). Nymphalis decius, Lucas, Lep. Bad. pl. lxiv. fig. 2 (1 835). n-c. Sicrra Leone (0)".I+eziss), d 6,9 ; from S. &. G. coll. d, e. Sierra Leone (Brtrcliurd), d . f. Sierra Leone (P. C'roicky), d . 9. Sierra Leons (Druce COX),d; from S. 8; G. coll. h, i. Baromhi, Cameroons (Or.Preuss), 6,9 ; from 9. & G. c.011. j. Camerooas, d. k, 1. Old Calabar (White), 6 d; from S. & G. coll. m. Old Calnbar, d . 91.. Collgo (Bates COZl.), d ; from s. s: G. coll. 0. Daliouiey (Bates coll.), 9 ; from S. & G. coll. p. Ashanti, 9 . NoTs.--Rince this paper xis read, Dr. F. Moore tias described :ind figured the following species, rmmely :-Ilaridm ddantsoni, Lepidopt. Indica, vol. ii. 1). 23G, pl. 173, and Eulepis Wardii, tom. cit. p. 2G2, pl. lSS.--A. G. B., July IF, 1.89G.