Lutheran Mission Matters, the journal of the Lutheran Lutheran Society for Missiology, serves as an international Lutheran forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of issues related to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally. Mission Matters Winner of Concordia Historical Institute's 2017 Award of Commendation TheThe Lutheran Lutheran Society Society for Missiology for Missiology http://LSFM.Global Volume XXV, No. 2 (Issue 51) November 2017 The Lutheran Society for Missiology’s Journal Lutheran Mission Matters Receives Concordia Historical Institute’s 2017 Award of Commendation Concordia Historical Institute is the official archive of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Its citation reads: Every year the Awards Committee surveys contributions made to North American Lutheran History to identify the most outstanding projects. After an in‐depth process, the committee is pleased to announce that your editorial work Lutheran Mission Matters (January 2016) has been selected to receive an Award of Commendation. On behalf of everyone at CHI, I offer my congratulations on your excellent publication. We look forward to publicly acknowledging you and your contributions to Lutheran history in North America. Copyright 2017 Lutheran Society for Missiology. Used by permission. View Lutheran Mission Matters 25, no. 2 (2017) at Membership in LSFM is available at E-mail
[email protected] to purchase a print copy of a single issue. Save the Date: January 30, 2018 Lutheran Society for Missiology (LSFM) Annual Banquet You are invited! Place: Koburg Hall of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Theme: "Recovering the Heart of Mission" Banquet speaker: Rev.