The Rome Tribune All the News Romans Need to Know August 13, 320 BC Rome

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The Rome Tribune All the News Romans Need to Know August 13, 320 BC Rome The Rome tribune All the News Romans Need to Know August 13, 320 BC Rome Memories That Will Last Forever By: Kylus Sansaricques Oh, I remember that battle like refused to end their besiegement. We it was yesterday. Although it occurred had another plan, however. We told 70 years ago, I can still picture the the Clusinians to attack their invaders. battle in my head. It began as the They accepted our advice, opened the Gauls against the Clusinians, but we gates of the city, and began a battle. would join the fight soon. Blood, sweat, One of our ambassadors who was still tears… so much to the point that we in Clusium did not shy away, fighting all rather be dead. It was not fun being alongside the Clusinians. When King a Roman, at least not in the beginning. Brennus saw this, he was beyond The Gauls were angry. Their leader angry, as our man had broken the law was King Brennus’s. His tribe was of all nations by joining the fight. This from central Europe but it spread may have been a turning point, across the globe in no time. Once they because King Brennus had now ended conquered new peoples, they forced his campaign in Clusium and headed them to adapt to a new culture. But we toward us. would not let this happen. We couldn’t face defeat…we The Gauls started by needed to prepare so we could be on destroying Etruscan city-states, top. We fought using a phalanx, just as pushing towards our base in central the Greeks did. This tactic included Italy. I remember, one main several lines of soldiers. The Gauls’ city-state was attacked…Clusium. The mindset, however, was exactly the Gauls besieged the city-state and opposite of ours…every man for began taking over. I remember my himself. That is how Gauls fought and good friend sent me a letter, saying “I that might have been the reason for can’t take it anymore. You need to their success. They clearly had the help us, somehow, because I don’t momentum edge on us. You could see think we have much time before we it in our eyes…we weren’t ready to are under complete control of the fight. We were in a lot of trouble when Gauls.” After reading this, I took action. the Gauls charged us. It was the I told our general to do something. He middle of a summer day. I couldn’t agreed to send several ambassadors believe what I was seeing and fled to over to Clusium, with the intention of Capitol Hill, along with everyone else persuading the Gauls to leave. able to get away. The Gaul’s burned This…was a failure. The Gauls Rome and killed many citizens, leaving us in disgrace. This photo is of us fighting off the Gauls. It was probably taken 80 years ago. The only reason King Brennus stopped was because we offered him gold. This was by far the most memorable experience of my life. Back in 390 B.C., I couldn’t think about the battle without shedding tears but I’m glad I was able to talk about it today. Source: 50 Battles That Changed the World By: William Weir The Rome Tribune All the News Romans Need to Know July 30th, 190 B.C. Rome My Political Life in Rome By: Kylese Sansariqese Being a senator in Rome is very power than the Senate. Tribunes of difficult. Although respected, we have the People have the ability to veto few powers. We are, however, anything that may be harmful to considered powerful men. There are plebeians. This is actually one of the so many positions in the government bigger tasks in politics. The tribunes that we are looked down upon and are can also propose laws, which makes seen as the weak ones. We have gone them one of the most important through many different types of groups in the government. government including a monarchy, a The Censors are another group republic, and an empire. The different who are superior to my colleagues and types of rulings bring different powers I. Censors watch over most of the in the government, but we still never government and basically “govern” have much power. the government. Now, let’s not forget One pair of people with a the Chief Legislative Body who votes higher rank than us are the Conuls. on the laws. This is one part of They are the chief administrators of government that really ticks me off. the government. But they’re not the Some of these laws are absurd and if I only ones. Praetors were the ones who could vote, I would veto them in a filled in for the Consuls when they heartbeat. were absent. Most of the time, they The Twelve Tables is a book of have a bigger responsibility than we laws that all Romans MUST follow. do as Senators. The Aediles are another group of officials with more These are the twelve power than the Senate. They have tables that became the several duties such as supervising basis for our weights and measures, enforcing government. traffic, etc. Quaestors also have an important role in government…well, at least more important than our job. They are the primary treasury officials. They move along with the army. Several laws in Table IV are absolutely Those are most of the main jobs in crazy, in my opinion. For example, “A government. dreadfully deformed child shall be Others include tribunes of the quickly killed.” I can’t imagine people, which are mostly in charge of someone being cruel enough to vote protecting the interest of the on this. This is why I am going to fight plebeians. They, too, have much more for power in the government, so I can be able to vote on laws and get ones like these vetoed. Source: Daily Life of the Ancient Romans By: David Matz ent/12tables.asp This is a photo of some of us senators discussing issues in a conference. The Rome tribune All the News Romans Need to Know October 8, 265 BC Rome Ancient Roman Soldier Gives Us a History Lesson Interview between Opruse Winfreyus and a Roman soldier OW: And now, please welcome Kylus and what kind were you? Sansaricques, a Roman soldier. Hi, Kylus, welcome to the show. KS: In the army, there was cavalry and infantry. I was in the infantry. KS: Thanks for having me, Opruse. I’m Although we were unable to choose glad I’m here and able to share my our position, I was glad I was put in memories with everyone. the infantry because I feel it is easier to fight on foot than on horse. OW: Ok then. Let’s get started. What kinds of weapons and equipment did OW: Since the cavalry were in you use while fighting? horseback, what kind of equipment did they use? KS: Our weapons included a scutum or elongated shield, a short sword, and a KS: They usually carried spears and pila (javelin). Less heavy fighters longer swords. carried a smaller shield. OW: Used artillery has been found at OW: How did soldiers protect old military sights. Can you describe themselves in battle? some of the artillery the armies used? KS: We wore plenty of armor, mostly KS: We used things like missiles and in the front. We had shields, greaves metal components from catapults. We and helmets. Our helmets were also used slingshots and shot arrows usually 2 or more segments joined at our enemies. along a central ridge. OW: What was the center of your army? KS: Well, with the cavalry on horseback, the armored infantry was the core of our army. OW: Were there auxiliaries in the Roman armies? If so, did they have the OW: What types of soldiers were there, same equipment as regular soldiers? These are some of the weapons and armor Romans used during battle. KS: Yes, Opruse, we did have auxiliaries. They usually carried oval shields and lighter javelins. However, they were still a big help during battles. OW: Was the same equipment used as years passed? KS: Some equipment we used in the later years was the same as the ones we used earlier. There were some replacements, thought, including spears instead of javelins and shorter types of swords rather than longer ones. OW: Ok, that’s all for today. Big thanks to Kylus Sansaricques for giving us a great history lesson on the ancient Rome army. KS: Thanks, Opruse, it’s really been a pleasure sharing my experience with everyone. Source: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome – Vol. 7 The Rome Tribune All the News Romans Need to Know March 17th, 44 B.C. Rome Looking Back on the Life of Julius Caesar By: Kyla Sansericy Today, many are mourning over Later in his life Caesar led an the death of the Roman leader Julius attack against the Mithradates of Pontus. Caesar. He was pronounced dead March This led to him gaining his first elected 15th, 44 B.C. office as a military tribune. The most important event of Caesar’s young life was the marriage of his aunt Julia and the consul Marius. This probably triggered Caesar’s marriage in 83 B.C. He married Cornelia, the daughter of the consul Cinna, a friend of Marius. Several years passed before any noticeable Here is a events occurred in the major leader’s life.
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