4 | Thursday, January 24, 2019 HONG KONG EDITION | CHINA DAILY CHINA FROM THE FRONT LINE Going strong at 117 Special wells New digital map guides proliferate migrant workers making to monitor way home by motorcycle groundwater By QIU QUANLIN in Zhaoqing, Guangdong By LI HONGYANG
[email protected] We are joining
[email protected] On Wednesday morning, hands with traffic To better conserve groundwater Zhang Aiping joined hundreds of authorities and resources, more professional moni migrant workers as he began his toring wells that can test water journey home by motorcycle for a social organizations quality have been set up across wid Spring Festival family reunion. to offer better er areas of China, the China Geo The journey of 600 kilometers logical Survey, an institute under from Zhaoqing, Guangdong pro services for this the Ministry of Natural Resources, vince, to Liuzhou, in neighboring special group — said at its annual conference on Guangxi Zhuang autonomous Wednesday. region, was particularly difficult migrant workers.” By the end of last year, the num because of harsh weather condi Dong Zhenning, ber of monitoring wells nationwide tions and difficulty in finding vicepresident of Gaode Map had risen to more than 10,100 com motorcycle maintenance shops. pared with 5,100 in 2017. And 93 “The first time I traveled home testing indexes for groundwater three years ago, I lost my way,” “We are joining hands with traf have been added to monitoring said Zhang, 48, who has been fic authorities and social organiza results, according to the CGS. working for a furniture company tions to offer better services for Li Wenpeng, senior engineer at in Zhaoqing, about 100 kilome this special group — migrant Zhang Xueli, 117, receives cataract surgery on his left eye at a local eye hospital in Jia county, Henan the CGS, said that previously they ters from Guangzhou, Guang workers,” said Dong Zhenning, province, on Tuesday.