ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CRICKET ASSOCIatION INCORPORatED Contents Patron 3 Board & Management 4 Executive Reports 6 Western Warriors 10 Perth Scorchers 12 Western Fury 14 Honour Board 16 Warriors, Fury & Scorchers Selected for Australia 17 Gallery of Greats 18 Life Members Induction 19 Financial Statements 20 Constitution 39 This Annual Report is prepared for the 22 October 2013 Annual General Meeting of Members. Copies of the 2012-2013 edition of The Western Cricketer will be available on the night of the Annual General Meeting and thereafter on application from the WACA Membership Office. Office Address: WACA Ground, Nelson Crescent, East Perth 6004 • Postal Address: PO Box 6045, East Perth 6892 Telephone: [+61 8] 9265 7222 • Facsimile: [+61 8] 9265 7275 • Email:
[email protected] • Website: Editor: Ben Somerford • Design & Production: Christian Komnick • Photography: Getty Images & Contributors Cover: Western Australian legend Mike Hussey, who retired from international cricket during the 2012-13 season, in action with the bat for Australia. 2 PatRON His Excellency with (from L-R): WACA Turf Manager Cameron Sutherland, Lord’s Taverners President Dr Ken Michael AC, Lord’s Taverners Chairman Mike Snell, Lord’s Taverners XI captain Michael Prindiville, Governor’s XI captain Nicole Bolton, WACA President Dennis Lillee AM MBE and WACA Chairman David Williams. he Governor of Western Australia, The strong support and lengthy stay by His Excellency on the TMr Malcolm J McCusker AC CVO QC, day of the Governor's XI vs Lord's Taverners' XI cricket match continued to act as Patron of the WACA late in the season, was a highlight for all of those involved during the season under review.