BEACON A Publication of Bellview Church of Christ 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL 32526 850.455.7595 Internet Web Page: E-mail: [email protected]

January May September January 5 May 4 September 7 January 12 May 11 September 14 January 19 May 18 September 21 January 26 May 25 September 28 February June October February 2 June 1 October 5 February 9 June 8 October 12 February 16 June 15 October 19 February 23 June 22 October 26 June 29 March November March 2 July November 2 March 9 July 6 November 9 March 16 July 13 November 16 March 23 July 20 November 23 March 30 July 27 November 30 April August December April 6 August 3 December 7 April 13 August 10 December 14 April 20 August 17 December 21 April 27 August 24 December 28 August 31

church, theopposite ismore is nearlytrue—it stead of emphasizing money too much in the al mistakes. My personalopinion is thatin teachers are humananddomakeoccasion church sometimes, for, after all, preachers and may beemphasized inthewrong wayinthe own and experiences. Money observations congregations? I doubt it seriously from my church bulletin, and in other ways in most phasized toomuchinthepulpit,classroom, ing, “All heever preaches onismoney!” he preached on“giving.” They went away say to comehappenedbeonaSunday onwhich worship assembliesandthetimetheydecided that they seldom (about once a year) attended The circumstances behindthecomplaint were complaint from afamilywhere hepreached. preacher friendoncetoldmeofhearingthis “the church emphasizes moneytoomuch.” A Deacons: Minister: Bishops: What aboutthiscomplaint?Is moneyem Sometimes thecomplaintisregistered that

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Emphasis onMoney BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 1 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,6:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. uncertainty ofriches.”uncertainty highminded, norhave theirhopesetonthe are rich inthispresent world,thattheybenot 6:17-19:“Charge themthat than 1 Timothy ed from several passages,butnoneisclearer proper useofmoney. Thiscouldbeillustrat use ofone’s moneythanwith baptism. more passagesdealingdirectly withtheproper ject. Idoubtnottheclaimthatthere are many God” withoutpreaching someonthissub Neither can one preach the“whole counsel of ness, theft,honesty, helpingthehelpless,etc. longwithoutreading aboutcovetousble very - theme oftheBible. One cannotread theBi us. Considerthefollowing: proper use of the money God to has entrusted proper, strong, and Scripturalemphasisonthe not emphasized enough. 2. We are commanded to emphasize the 1. Theproper useofmoneyisamajor An impressive listofreasons demandsa 850.455.7595 January 5,2015 - - - 3. It takes money to preach and distribute money. All need to know that “covetousness, the Gospel, to help the helpless, and to build which is idolatry” (Col. 3:5) and that “God up the church, even more so now than in the loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). . first century. Have you ever heard anyone who is giving . 4. Some Christians are yet untaught or un- generously to the Lord’s work complain about . convinced of the seriousness of the matter too much emphasis on money? I doubt it! . of their accountability to God for the use of Denton, TX . .

Plan Ahead Ken Chumbley Some time ago, I saw on a bulletin board around and not been able to see where such a the following statement: “Plan ahead. When vast amount of water would come from, but Noah started to build the ark, it hadn’t even Noah did not hesitate. Indeed, he “planned started to rain!” ahead” as he set out on the task of building the There is significance to that statement in ark according to the pattern that God had giv- at least two different ways, one of which was en unto him. We know also that he believed probably not in the mind of the individual what God had told him, and, as a “preacher who originally came up with the statement. of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), he pleaded with When God first commanded Noah to build the people of his day to turn from their wick- the ark, there is no evidence that it had ever edness. We know that only eight souls were even rained before; in fact, the indications saved (1 Pet. 3:20) and that they were just are that it had never rained. The second way, his one family. However, Noah did not flinch the one we would probably think of first is at the magnitude of his task in building the that when God commanded Noah to build ark and preaching to the people to repent but the ark, it was not raining and did not until went about faithfully doing the Lord’s will. the ark was completed according to God’s de- Truly, he planned ahead and he did so because sign. Indeed, that rain did not come for ap- of his faith in God and his trust in His prom- proximately 100 years while the ark was being ises (Heb. 11:7). prepared and Noah was preaching (Gen. 6, Are we planning ahead? God has fore- 7; 1 Pet. 3:19-21). That length of time would warned us of a judgment to come (Acts 24:25; also indicate that the first way is correct, that Mat. 24:31-36; 2 The. 1:7-10; etc.). He has it had never rained. also granted us a way of salvation, as He grant- Now, let us think about this. Noah had not ed to the wicked in the days of Noah. Noah seen rain, yet God had told him He would had built the ark of safety but only eight en- bring a flood of waters upon the earth. Where tered into the ark and were saved from the would all that water come from? I am sure that flood that destroyed the earth. God, in pro- from where Noah stood he would have looked viding the way of salvation through Christ, purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). God’s Plan of Salvation Are we planning ahead? When our Lord re- Hear...... Romans 10:17 turns will we be found in the ark of safety, the Believe...... Mark 16:16 Lord’s church? Only those in the ark in the Repent...... Luke 13:3, 5 days of Noah were saved from the destruction Confess...... Romans 10:9-10 of the flood. Only those who are in the ark of Baptism...... Acts 2:38 safety, the blood-bought church of Christ, will Be Faithful...... 1 Corinthians 15:58 be saved from the judgment that is to come. Do not be caught outside of the ark of safety when the Lord returns. Respond in obedience has provided for us an ark of safety. That ark to the Gospel today that you may enter into of safety is the church that our Lord suffered, the ark of safety. bled, and died for—the church which He Belvedere, SC

The Church is a Place of Work F. F. Conley The church is charged with three tremen- become a part of the teaching program of the dous tasks: church who fails to attend the services, all the 1. The church is charged with the services. work of spreading the Gospel (Mat. Edification can be accomplished at our 28:18-20). worship services. That time should be used 2. The work of benevolence is strongly wisely by the preacher and the elders. Only called for (Jam. 1:27; Gal. 6:10). those things that are germane to the cause of 3. The church is to do the work of edi- Christ should be presented. It is sad to see the fication (1 Cor. 14:12). whole church assembled to hear the Word of Look at these eye opening facts of God and the preacher give a book review and edification! a poem or two and the sheep go away starving Edification can be accomplished in the for the Gospel and its saving power. Bible School. This is an ideal situation for Deceased learning. The importance of the Bible School should be constantly stressed. Give special at- tention to every visitor and new member. Be 2011 Bellview Lectures Book enthusiastic. Enthusiasm quickens the pulse Moral Issues We Face and stirs and arouses the will as it passes from There are less than 25 copies of this book one to another. Teachers must fully be com- available for purchase. Order your copy mitted to their task of teaching. No Bible now! School teacher should have been invited to BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Pete Sunday andfamily(Nelda King’s Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Charles Smith (Sheila Myrick’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Al Flesher Marilyn Hall Lambert Dot Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: January 11 Sunday Every cousin) law’s son) friend) step-father) brother-in-law) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) 5:30 p.m., inroom 1. Deacons’ meetingwillbe heldat p.m., inthezone room. Ladies’ Bible Classwillmeetat5:00 Send your e-mail address to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember


Sick Anthony Polnitz Marge W Nancy T Cary P Cary illiams ravis arks

Book ofMormon swallowed wholeby over sixmillionadherents. the times.Its convoluted devolving messageis ues tobea ligious group inAmerica.TheLDScontin of themostfascinatingandfarcical ofanyre Jesus ChristisLatterDay Saints (LDS)isone origin and have been edited literally thou to Mormon mythology, allthree are ofhuman the dered the territory ofUtahdered the territory from becoming a disallowed polygamy. This practicehadhin Presidentwhen Wilford Woodruff suddenly was practiced by many Mormons until 1890 creed in1831thatgodwanted his mind. For example, Joseph Smith, Jr., de ture” by theLDSchurch. sands oftimes.Allthree are considered “scrip Deacons: Minister: Bishops: A caseinpointisitstriadof oftheChurch of I believe thatthehistory But lately, theMormon godhaschanged Doctrine &Covenants (D&C).Contrary The Mormon The Mormon ‘god’ Mind—Again ChangesHis

chameleon—ever changingwith Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher , the y Born,Elward Brantley, Pearl ofGreat Price BEACON nonsense: the polygamy. It Vol. XLIV/No. 2 Roelf L.Ruffner A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: , and ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,6:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. blacks could bemembers butnot priests.This President Brigham Young. He insistedthat lowed in.This changed duringthe regime of beginning oftheLDSchurch blacks were al ed tobemembersofthis priesthood.At the dek priesthood.Allmale members are expect - the ordination ofblackmentotheMelchize monism andtheworldhasbeenissueof nicator (cf. Mat. 19:9;Rev. 21:8). prophet (Deu. 13:1-3),aliar, andaserialfor was mistakenin1831.Actually hewasafalse tor, whomtheyexalttoalmostgod-likestatus, er admitit,theiroriginalprophet-seer-revela is “God’s standard.” Though they wouldnev mon whichactuallyteachesthatmonogamy lygamy (a“revelation”) withtheBookofMor- tie thatofficialdeclarationoftheendpo- digital editionoftheD&Cchurch triesto past likeascaldeddog.But now initsnew run fromstate. Thechurch itspolygamous has Another boneofcontentionbetween Mor 850.455.7595 January 12,2015 ------spiritual segregation continued into the 20th Century. I remember in the 1970s many black 2011 Bellview Lectures Book basketball players would refuse to take part in Moral Issues We Face any games with Brigham Young University in Less than 25 copies of this book are avail- Utah because of this prohibition. able for purchase. Order your copy now! Amazingly, in 1978 President Spencer W. Kimball rescinded this policy, in essence refut- ing Young’s policy. So one prophet officially PGP was not from Abraham but a description of Egyptian funerary practices. Smith’s trans- disavowed another prophet! Until recently the lation was a fraud! church was as silent as a tomb on this rever- The church continues to insist that Smith’s sal. However, the new digital D&C intimates fictional account was a “direct translation.” that the Book of Mormon always proclaimed Now, wonder of wonders, in the introduction the equality of the races (2 Nephi 26:33) and to the digitalized PGP it says it was a mere Young and his predecessors were wrong. So we “inspired translation.” You can slip a proverbi- see that for 165 years Mormon officials were al herd of Egyptian camels through the words not only wrong but “unscriptural.” “direct” and “inspired.” Another source of embarrassment for the I hope the Mormon heresy will continue LDS church has been the Pearl of Great Price to unravel, but as Christians we can learn a (PGP). In 1835 Smith came into possession of few things from these Mormon missteps: an ancient Egyptian papyrus with hieroglyph- ic writing on it. Smith had always claimed he 1. The God-given owner’s manual for hu- could translate ancient languages, including manity, the Holy Bible, has not changed the “reformed Egyptian” of the illusive golden in 2000 years (cf. Rev. 22:18-19). plates of the Book of Mormon. He translated 2. Religious error begets further error (cf. this papyrus into a fanciful tale by the patri- 2 Tim. 4:3-4). arch Abraham. His translation was presented 3. We need to love our Mormon friends to the world as “inspired” and placed in the and show them the way out of the dark- Mormon cannon of scripture. But a few years ness they are in (Acts 26:18); to the God later scholars figured out this dead language that does not change (cf. Mal. 3:6). and translated the papyrus into English. The Columbia, TN

“True or False,” Not “Multiple Choice” on Doctrine Johnny Oxendine In 2 Peter 2 we find the apostles bringing this will happen in the future (2:1), just as Jude news to the brethren that must have been dif- (Jude 4) speaks of it happening in the present. ficult to accept: The fight with false brethren The apostle Paul spoke to the elders in Acts (teachers/doctrine) would be an ongoing bat- 20 concerning the same matter (20:17-31), tle. Peter speaks to them with certainty that reminding them that he had warned them about this problem of false teachers (“griev- th ous wolves”) for three years! Brethren, howev- 40 Annual Bellview Lectures er, are often lax on matters of fellowship with Refuting Realized things that must be either “true” or “false.” June 12 – 16, 2015 False teaching hurts (weakens) the church, but Open Forum Questions many fail to see this. Truth matters! If you have a question send it to We commend the various brethren who [email protected] will always defend the “Truth.” The “Truth” is

very precious. God’s Word is “Truth.” In the commandments the Scriptures refer to those

Bible, things are quite often “true” or “false.” who teach error as “false prophets.” The label

We want to look at how that difference is not is a serious one, as both the Lord and the apos-

one to compromise on or be confused by. tles warn of the harm that they can and will do

Truth appears in the Bible over 200 times. to the souls of the faithful.

The word has invariably meant the same with “Beware of false prophets, which come to

respect to God’s will and Word: stability, cer- you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are

tainty, trustworthiness, and verity. God’s ravening wolves” (Mat. 7:15). Galatians 2:4

Word is “stable, certain, trustworthy, and also speaks to us of false brethren who come

verifiable.” In Psalm 26:3 we read, “I have in “unawares.” It is in the following verse that

walked in thy truth.” In Psalm 119:151 we we see how we are to handle these brethren:

read, “all thy commandments are truth.” Jesus not to give them hupotage (control) for even tells us in John 17:17 that the Word of God an hour! Paul did not allow Peter to reflect a (“thy word”) is Truth. An interesting use of “false” example to the brethren; he withstood the word also appears in Galatians 4:16. The him to the face. This is the lesson, that any question is asked, have I “become your ene- who teach any other doctrine than that which my, because I tell you the truth?” Here we see is of God shall be accursed (1:8). We are not that the Truth is a dividing line at times, as interested in pleasing men with the Gospel, Jesus said it would be. Truth is divided from lest we displease God (1:10). Those who wa- error and all that is “false.” If a person does ter down the commands of God, those who not preach/teach the Truth, then that which is change the demands of God, and those who spoken is “false.” The Scriptures inform us of omit the requirements of God are nothing this numerous times. less (other) than false teachers. Is there real- Pseudodutaskalos is the translated Greek ly any other way to view it according to the word for “false teacher” in 2 Peter 2:1, a com- Scriptures? pound word that means “a propagator of er- In the world, people sometimes do not take roneous Christian doctrine.” It is not limited “True” and “False” questions too seriously. In to any particular teaching, as the New testa- the Lord’s church, we must always view this ment seems to use it to reference any “false” quite differently. teaching that takes place regarding God’s San Mateo, CA BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- O.J. Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Charles Smith (Sheila Myrick’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Al Flesher Marilyn Hall Lambert Dot Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: January 19 January 18 Sunday Every law’s son) friend) step-father) brother-in-law) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) p.m. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 held at5:00p.m., inroom 1. Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe p.m., inthezone room. Ladies’ Bible Classwillmeetat5:00 Send your e-mail address to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember

Sick Anthony Polnitz Marge W Nancy T Cary P Cary illiams ravis arks

have aconscience void of offense toward God stated thathe hadexercised himselftoalways fore God until thatday(Acts 23:1). Later, he that hehadlived inallgoodconscience be 1:15). By contrast,Paul oncesaidofhimself their mind and conscience is defiled”(Tit. so Paul informed Titus. Paul wrote, “buteven he makesthatthingright. until dwell inmisery conscience, willcertainly who commitsanactwhichisagainsthisown whichcannotbeoverstated.importance One wrote: Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Unto those whoare defiled nothingispure, The qualityofagoodconscienceisan because And hethatdoubtethisdamnedifeat, himself inthatthingwhichhealloweth. God. Happy Hast thoufaith?have In thelasttwoverses ofRomans 14,Paul ever isnotoffaithsin(14:22-23).

he eateth not of faith: for whatso Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher is hethatcondemnethnot y Born,Elward Brantley, The Quality of a Good Conscience ofaGood The Quality it tothyselfbefore BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 3 Charles Pogue A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,6:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. or seared. At thatpointofsearing,hope for dividual until theconscienceiseither cleared it anywaysurely hauntsand frightens thein- that whichiswrong, know itiswrong, anddo faith inviolationofhisown conscience! To do frommust be for the person who departs that from thefaith;whatamiserableexistence it of beingcondemnedbefore God fordeparting 4:2). In addition to the peril critical (1 Tim. have hadtheirconsciencesseared are hypo 8:9).Byconscience (John contrast,thosewho ous womantoChrist,beconvictedby hisown will, likethemenwhobrought theadulter Even when hedoesdothatwhichiswrong, he estly withGod, withman,andtoward himself. The personwithagoodconsciencedealshon things willingtolive honestly” (Heb. 13:18). wefor we have trust agoodconscience,inall scription of the good conscience. “Pray for us: and men(24:16). The writerof Hebrews gives usagoodde 850.455.7595 January 19,2015 - - - - restoration dwindles appreciably, and often, necessary. He was noted for his paraphrase of vanishes completely. Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:25, about the di- Jesus assures us in the Sermon on the vided house. In spite of all of the untrue things Mount that if we stand faithfully for Him, which were said about the sixteenth president, we will be reviled and persecuted by men, like he made this statement: those prophets of old who were persecuted in I desire so to conduct the affairs of this their day (Mat. 5:12). Paul affirmed this fact administration that if at the end, when to Timothy: “Yea, and all that will live god- I come to lay down the reins of power, ly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” I have lost every friend on earth, I shall (2 Tim. 3:12). However, when such persecu- have at least have one friend left, and that tion is suffered, it is a favorable and thankful Some things make life pleasant, oth- thing. “For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering ers make it miserable. The following rules are not always easy to follow. But they help wrongfully” (1 Pet. 2:19). me. Maybe they will be of worth to you: Sooner or later, those who speak evil of 1. Make up your mind to be happy. Find those who have a good conscience, and who pleasure in simple things. do well, will be ashamed (3:16). It may not 2. Make the best of your circumstances. be until the day of judgment, but the reward Everyone has some sorrow. Seek to of a good conscience, and the punishment for make the smiles outnumber the tears. an evil conscience, including that punishment 3. You cannot please everyone. Do not let that is self-inflicted by the defiled conscience, your critics run and ruin your life. The will come someday. more you accomplish the more resis- In everything, one must have a good con- tance you will meet. science. Included in that is the holding of the 4. Do not borrow trouble. Imaginary mystery of the faith. “Holding the mystery of problems are heavier than the actual the faith in a pure conscience” (1 Tim. 3:9). ones. How tragic it is to defend that which is wrong, 5. Hate poisons the soul. Do not cherish or to impugn that which is good, while know- grudges. Avoid people who make you ing in one’s heart of hearts that he is wrong! unhappy.

The student of U.S. history knows that 6. Do not hold post mortems; brooding

Abraham Lincoln was a man who was contin- over sorrows and mistakes. ually under fire. The spurious attacks against 7. Do what you can for those less fortu- him began during the campaign for president, nate than yourselves; especially those and continued throughout his administration. who blessed your life. For instance, over and over again, Lincoln in- 8. Keep busy. A busy person does not sisted that his greatest concern was to preserve have time to be unhappy. the union, regardless if that meant freeing or Author Unknown not freeing the slaves. He would do what was friend shall be down inside me. trained properly by the Word of God, so the Job said, “My righteousness I hold fast, and thing for which an individual stands is right in will not let it go: My heart shall not reproach the Almighty’s eyes. But given that the truth is me so long as I live” (Job 27:6). It is indispen- known, for the person who knows to do right, sible to be right, and it is essential to hold on but does not do it, to him it is sin (Jam. 4:17). to that which is right. There is no greater trag- One of the worst things about that is, if the edy than one knowing he has an obligation to individual reasons about it correctly, he will know, follow, defend, and unwaveringly stand know his condition, both his present and fu- for that which is right, but not do it. The life ture one. How tragic it is, if he, being cogni- of such a one will be spent in misery, wrapped zant of his condition, does nothing to change in the gloom of a self-imposed torture. it.

It is true that the conscience must be Granby, MO

What Are You Doing When the Preacher Is Preaching?

Tim Smith

It really is important, you know, what you the evening in conversation. Thinking about

do when the preacher is preaching. The vast vacation time and where the family will go.

majority of the world is not even in the room What should people be doing when the

when a preacher preaches on any given Sun- preacher is preaching? Should they not be

day. Of those that are, far and away the ma- studying along with him? Indeed! It is the duty of each worshipper to participate in the jority of them are under the tutelage of a false act of worship that preaching is fully. Listen preacher receiving a perverted “gospel” mes- to what is said, think it through, check it out, sage. Of those few that are where the truth is maybe even take notes (if that helps you), fol- being preached by a faithful man, what are low along in your Bible—participate. His job they doing? is to preach—your job is to study with him. Perhaps they are thinking about what hap- Focus. Discipline yourself and love the Lord pened in the last week. Maybe about troubles enough to avoid straying in thought and wor- at home or problems with the neighbors or difficulties at the office. Perhaps the children ship in spirit and in truth.

had a bad week at school. Maybe the car broke Dothan, AL

down. Maybe the bills were bigger than the 40th Annual Bellview Lectures paycheck. It could be anything. Refuting Realized Eschatology Perhaps they are thinking about the week to June 12 – 16, 2015 come. Making plans for the supper they have Open Forum Questions invited friends to. Trying to remember which If you have a question send it to nights which kid plays baseball. Wondering if [email protected] they will be invited to someone’s house to pass BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Allen Born(Heny Born’s cousin) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Charles Smith (Sheila Myrick’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Al Flesher Marilyn Hall Lambert Dot Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: service. Bible class willfollow this afternoon will beheldat1:00pm. TheLadies normally held at 6:00 pm ning service Beginning February 1,theSunday eve January 28 Sunday Every friend) step-father) brother-in-law) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., p.m., inthezone room. Ladies’ Bible Classwillmeetat5:00 Sunday Evening Service Please Remember

Sick Anthony Polnitz Marge W Nancy T Cary P Cary illiams ravis arks -

why theydonot. of thosewhoshouldlove Sunday find reasons do notknow whattheyare missing,andmany of ahassle.Ironically, thosewholove Sunday genuine love forthedayconsiderittobeone should know enoughaboutSunday toexpress is a day offfrom work. Sadder yet, thosewho on andotherslove Sunday simplybecauseit reasons. Some love Sunday becausetheraceis ly, Sunday isloved by manyforallthewrong consideration. Sadof thesongisoneworth written withadenominationalbias,thetitle laxation andenjoyment. Thoughthesongis laid-back dayspentwithfamily, aday ofre sage ofthesongisthatSunday isanice,calm, be heard playing on theradio. Thebasicmes tled “That’s WhatILove About Sunday,” can Deacons: Minister: Bishops: During theweek, members ofthe church From songenti- time-to-time,acountry Things to Love Sunday about

Refuge fromRefuge the World Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, What ILove aboutSunday BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 4 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,6:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. of refuge. Being withotherChristiansisindeedaplace all inthenameofLord Jesus” (Col.3:17). we gather with those who “in word or deed, (Heb. 6:18).In theChurch, aplace ofsafety, uge tolayholduponthehopesetbefore us can gatherwithotherswhohave fledfor ref 10:13). On Sunday,dant (1 Cor. Christians It isatimewhentemptationsare ever abun to pleaseselfratherthanGod (cf. Acts 5:29). ment Christianity. Thoseinthe world seek who donotbelieve norpracticeNew Testa must spendagreat dealoftimearound those ers who 1:1).Itfaith (2 Pet. isatimetobewithoth ence ofthemthathave obtainedlike precious On Sunday, Christianscanenjoy thepres- be perfectly joinedtogether inthesame be perfectly be nodivisions amongyou; but all speakthe same thing,andthatthere 850.455.7595 Fellowship January 26,2015 ye that ye do - - - - mind and in the same judgment (1 Cor. Gospel Preaching 1:10). Apart from Gospel Meetings and Lecture- The fellowship that is shared by all who are ships, most people do not have the opportuni- faithful in Christ (Rom. 6:3-4) is truly a bless- ty to hear Gospel preaching on any day other ing indeed (cf. Eph. 1:3). than Sunday. Sadly, many consider the sermon Nourishing Children something they must endure on Sunday rath- Parents are commanded to raise their chil- er than something to love. In many churches, dren in the nurture and admonition of the Gospel preaching has been replaced with mo- Lord (6:4). On Sunday, parents have the op- tivational speeches and stories that make peo- portunity to train their children about God’s ple feel good. The same speeches can be heard plan to save and how it relates to worship. on any other day of the week at any number Children can be trained that worship is to be of secular locations by individuals who are not authorized by God (John 4:24) and that it is a even Christians. Gospel sermons are patterned time that is different from the rest of the week. after the very first (Acts 2)—full of Scripture Sadly, many parents seek a church where their and intended to “reprove, rebuke exhort with children can treat Sunday like any other day of all longsuffering and doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:2). the week—one of play and disregard. Sunday Gospel sermons are ones that promote God’s is a time to be honored and respected. Chil- Word (1 Pet. 4:11). We should love Sunday dren can be trained to know that Sunday is for Gospel sermons because it is in God’s a special day—the day God chose for man to Word that we find salvation (Rom. 1:16-17) worship Him—and that they should grow up and how to remain saved (1 Tim. 4:16). learning to love Sunday. Exhortation In-Depth Bible Study Christians can encourage and exhort one Christians are to study every day (2 Tim. another at any time. On Sunday, however, the 2:15). On Sunday, however, Christians can exhortation which accompanies assembling gather for a more detailed study and can glean with the saints to worship and praise God is from the knowledge of other Christians as unmatched (Heb. 10:25). When we assemble well. A well-prepared teacher has taken the together to worship, we express consideration time to dig deep into Cod’s Word to share for one another to provoke unto love and to valuable knowledge. good works (10:24) like at no other time of the week.

40th Annual Bellview Lectures There is no better place to be than in the Refuting Realized Eschatology faithful assembly of God’s people. There is much to love about Sunday, from a Spiritual June 12 – 16, 2015 and Scriptural perspective. If we will focus our Open Forum Questions love on these things, we will be a happy and If you have a question send it to blessed people. [email protected] Lenoir City, TN When You Care, it Shows

Paul Vaughn When the life of Christ is studied, it is very was not sold, “This he said, not that he cared clear to see that the Lord had compassion on for the poor; but because he was a thief, and many people. Jesus cared for all people and it had the bag, and bare what was put therein” was demonstrated in His teaching and His ac- (12:6). tions. It is written, “But when he saw the mul- When a husband cares for his wife it will titudes, he was moved with compassion on show in his attitude toward her. He will show them, because they fainted, and were scattered his wife respect, kindness, honor, and love. abroad, as sheep having no shepherd” (Mat. His care will show in his speech and his ac- 9:36). In contrast to the care and compassion tions. When parents care for their children it Jesus had for those in pain is the greed seen will show in the amount of time they spend in Judas Iscariot. Judas was more concerned together and the bond of love in the family. about money than the poor, and it showed. Caring parents will take the time needed to Just before His death, Jesus was anointed with encourage, educate, and discipline their chil- very costly oil by Mary, the sister of Lazarus dren. Children that are not disciplined are not (John 12:1-3). Judas asked why the costly oil loved. When we care for our neighbors it will show in seeking good for them. Our actions Before You Gossip will be heard in our words and seen in our in- If you have heard a bit of gossip volvement toward those we care about. I will tell you what to do; When we care for God, it will show in our That before you tell another love for Him. It is written, “Jesus said unto Just suppose it had been you. him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all Just suppose the latest scandal thy mind” (Mat. 22:37). It will show in ones Had been on your love, or you; complete obedience to His teaching. “For this And that only half the details, is the love of God, that we keep his command- Really had been partly true. ments: and his commandments are not griev- Circumstances strange and new, ous” (1 John 5:3). It is not hard to keep the All conspires to a mix-up. teaching of God when we truly care about Just suppose, my friend, ’twas you, Him. Those who love God will say, “Thy word Would you wish folks to repeat it? have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin Or forgive…forget it too? against thee” (Psa. 119:11). What does God

mean to you? How much do you care? It will So, before you tell another, Just suppose it had been you. show, and your eternal destiny will depend on

Author Unknown the answer. Marion, VA BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Allen Born(Heny Born’s cousin) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Marilyn Hall (Baptist Hospital) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Al Flesher Debbie Dawson Lambert Dot Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: service. Bible class willfollow this afternoon will beheldat1:00pm. TheLadies normally held at 6:00 pm ning service Beginning February 1,theSunday eve 3 February January 28 law’s son) friend) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) p.m. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., Sunday Evening Service Please Remember

Sick Anthony Polnitz Marge W Nancy T Cary P Cary illiams ravis arks -

selves forJesus’ your servants sake” (2 ourselves, butChrist Jesus theLord; andour congregation, he wrote, “For we preach not (1 blingblock, anduntothe Greeks foolishness” preach unto the Christcrucified, astum Jews the tendencytobecomebigones. ing goodorbadresults, littlethingsdohave Whether itiswithgoodorbadthings,yield or shehasgrown over years. theintervening or nephew, athow willbestartled muchhe goes foryears without seeing thatyoung niece ly weaken theentire foundation.One who floor hasatendencytogrow andsubsequent A small crack in the foundation of a cement spider-web and cover almost the entire glass. bile windshieldintoalargeone.It mayeven dency toturnasmallcrackinanautomo and theblastoffrigidwinterwinds,hasaten Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Cor. 1:23). In his second letter to the same Paul wrote to the Corinthians: “But we Exposure totheburningheatofsummer,

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Little Things Tend to Become BigOnes y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 5 Charles Pogue A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website:

Cor. ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, George would bebuilt around oneoffourPresidents: church bulletin: following announcement we recently saw in a Yet, theuseofillustrationshardly explainsthe effective inclarifyingoremphasizingapoint. trations. Amongotherthings,illustrationsare 4:5). Every proficient publicspeakerusesillus Each Sunday inFebruary, thesermon nature. these characteristics which are spiritual in focus is not on their lives, but rather, on great leaders ofournation.Of course,our ties orattributeswhichmadethesemen will becentered quali around particular morning duringthismontheachsermon the monthofFebruary. EachLord’s day most successfulpresidents were bornin 16]Several ofthosewe considerour ruary [2011; thisyear Presidents’ Day isonFeb Presidents’ Day isMonday, February 21 850.455.7595 February 2,2015 - - - Washington, and Franklin Roosevelt. As one not preach them, but rather Christ and Him who loves his American history, I must admit crucified. that I was appalled by the fact that Roosevelt, February is also Black History Month. Why rather than Calvin Coolidge was on the list. not preach on the principles Muhammad Ali After all Coolidge once said, “The founda- learned by turning Muslim? September 15th tions of our society and our government rest through October 15th is National Hispanic so much on the teachings of the Bible that it Heritage Month. Perhaps the great courage would be difficult to support them if faith in of how a 6,000-man army went up against these teachings would cease in our country.” and defeated a mighty force of 183 men gar- The only thing Roosevelt ever did was increase risoned behind the safety of the walls of an the nation’s headlong fall into socialism and old Spanish mission in San Antonio, would progressivism. But I digress. I wonder about make a fine sermon. Honoring men by build- in the fog of my confusion, unable to ascer- ing sermons around them would open up a tain with certainty, but entertaining the pos- whole new idea bank for sermon preparation. sibility, that the illustration has become the Sorry brethren, the televangelists raided that sermon. That particularly penetrates my pon- bank long ago. dering pate when observing the revelation that Among the thoughts I “thunk” about this Roosevelt was born in January, not February. announcement was, “some brethren may view Tell me I am mistaken to perceive a pulpit em- this as a small thing.” All I know is, it hard- ployment of the fairness doctrine, or a bit of ly resembles preaching Christ and Him cru- ecumenical treatment of the brethren in po- cified, and little things do have a tendency to litical leanings. At least Coolidge was born on become big ones. July the 4th. Yet, I digress, still. How did so many digress from the commit- Like most other preachers, I have used a ment to be the church one reads about in the quote, an event, or a strong stand taken by New Testament, preaching with clarity and re- one of our presidents about an important is- solve the plan of salvation as presented on the sue to illustrate a point, but to center a ser- pages of inspired writ? How did they deviate mon “around the particular qualities or attri- from the demand for a “thus saith the Lord” butes which made these men great leaders of for what we do in worship and work in the our Nation”—Nay, Verily! Upon hearing the kingdom of Christ, to embrace instrumental news of this series of sermons (?) my good wife made the observation that many of us have in- 40th Annual Bellview Lectures creasingly made over recent years, “You could Refuting Realized Eschatology hear that in any church in town!” It makes no June 12 – 16, 2015 difference that the focus would not be on the Open Forum Questions lives, but on the characteristics which were If you have a question send it to spiritual in nature, or whether we should hon- [email protected] or or disdain the four men selected, I shall music, and form disaster relief organizations that communists infiltrated his administra- denoted as works of the church of Christ? It tion with impunity, and him none the wiser, was not of a sudden. Those, and many other must never relent in holding and abiding to deviations and gimmicks, developed gradually the interrogative enjoined by Paul upon the over time, with doubtless a small thing incre- church in Thessalonica, and us by extension, mentally growing into a big thing. “Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the Many, having accepted years ago, some of traditions which ye have been taught, whether the practices and teachings of the denomina- by word, or our epistle” (2 The. 2:15). If we tional bodies, are now totally ecumenical, and do that, we will never have a problem with assert the Churches of Christ, after great and troubling little things becoming appalling big mighty struggles with one cultural crisis after ones! another, have finally emerged as a full-fledged Stilwell, OK denomination—and they rejoice in the trans- formation. Who can deny that little things do Defender and Beacon grow into big ones? Available Via E-Mail Those of us who choose to hold faithfully To receive the Defender and Beacon via e- to the task of preaching Christ and Him cru- mail please send your e-mail address to: cified, heralding the Gospel of Christ, not the [email protected] “New Deal” of a president who was so blind

Absenteeism Does Not Kill the Church Despite all you may have heard to the whatever caused him to be absent. contrary, absenteeism does not kill church- Another person may not give as he/she has es. Does that sound strange? Well, it is true. been prospered. The real problem may actual- You see, absenteeism is not the disease, but a ly be covetousness. That person keeps for him/ symptom—and symptoms do not kill. Symp- herself what is rightfully God’s. tom is defined as: “any condition accompany- One of the reasons for our slow progress in ing or resulting from a disease and serving as the Lord’s church is our wide-spread practice an aid in diagnosis.” of working on the symptoms rather than the Absenteeism can be the symptom of a lack disease. We harp on one’s being absent when of love, unbelief, selfishness, worldliness, lust, we would do well to spend the time in culti- indifference, etc., etc. These things produce vating his love for the Lord, in enlightening undesirable fruits in our lives. him about the values of regularity of worship A person who is more concerned with his and the dangers of neglect, and in building up own pleasure or relaxation than with the things his faith and confidence in God. of the Lord may be found somewhere other We should introduce that person to the joy

than in God’s house on the Lord’s Day. That of serving a soul! person’s trouble is not in being absent—but in Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Marilyn Hall (ConsulateHealth Care) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Al Flesher Anthony Polnitz Lambert Dot Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: noon service (approximately 2:15pm). noon service Deacons’ meeting willfollow this after the Deacons’ meeting,andtheElders/ held at 1:00 pm. The Ladies Bible class, The Sunday “evening” isnow service Avenue; Pensacola, FL32534. Tim Cozad’s address new is:9871Cove family inyour prayers. Allen Born.Please keepHenryandhis Henry Borninthedeathofthiscousin, Our deepest sympathies are extended to law’s son) friend) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Sunday “Evening”Service Address Change


Sick Marge W Nancy T Cary P Cary illiams ravis arks -

parents!” Thisstated: columnunderthetitle“4your info,‘4’ short wasa to homosexuals.Alongsidethatarticle of adenominationthatcatersparticularly however, is different to most in that it isa part palachian Metropolitan CommunityChurch, church, the in Charleston.Thisparticular Ap churched ontheestablishingofanew group “Church welcomes everyone” which report- with the followingin a newspaper headline: Deacons: Minister: Bishops: think? uncaring and godlessness. What do you ble scholarssay thesin is instead thatof be thatofhomosexuality. But someBi the Sin ofSodom isgenerallythoughtto terpreted ormistranslated.For example, passages have been that misin particular in theBible. But otherChristiansbelieve believe that homosexualityiscondemned At issue:Many Christiandenominations appearedA numberofyears agoanarticle

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Homosexuality Vol. XLIV/No. 6 Ken Chumbley A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. sage ofScripture: Indeed, whatdoyou think?Here isthepas the menofcity, they dideat.But before they laydown, feast, anddidbakeunleavened bread, and tered into his house; and he made them a ly; andtheyturnedinuntohim,en night. Andhepressed upon them great Nay; but we will abide in the street all early, and go on your ways. And they said, and washyour feet,andye shallriseup your servant’s allnight, house,and tarry now, my lords, turnin,Iprayyou, into toward the ground; And he said, Behold them; and he bowed himself with his face om: andLotseeing at even; andLotsatinthegateofSod And there cametwoangelstoSodom said unto him, Where are Andthey calleduntoLot,and quarter: old andyoung, allthe people from every dom, compassedthehouse round, both 850.455.7595 February 9,2015 them rose uptomeet even themenofSo themen which - - - - - came in to thee this night? bring them out simply to enable one to promote or at least ac- unto us, that we may know them. And cept this perverted lifestyle. Not only is the sin Lot went out at the door unto them, and of homosexuality condemned in this passage shut the door after him, And said, I pray but it is also condemned in Leviticus 18:22, you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold 20:13, Romans 1:24-28, 1 Corinthians 6:9- now, I have two daughters which have 11, and 1 Timothy 1:8-10. Again, these pas- not known man; let me, I pray you, bring sages are very clear. For one to deny that the them out unto you, and do ye to them Bible condemns the sin of homosexuality is to as is good in your eyes: only unto these ignore plain Bible teaching. men do nothing; for therefore came they Brethren, we are living in an age in which under the shadow of my roof. And they it is not popular to condemn such behav- said, Stand back. And they said again, ior. Even our court system is ready to uphold This one fellow came in to sojourn, and this sinful practice by making it possible for he will needs be a judge: now will we deal such to marry, as has been upheld in at sever- worse with thee, than with them. And al states. However, popular or not we have an they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, obligation to speak out against this perverted and came near to break the door. But the lifestyle and to show that God condemns such men put forth their hand, and pulled Lot behavior. We need also to teach that those into the house to them, and shut to the who practice such can change (“and such were door (Gen. 19:1-10). some of you”—1 Cor. 6:11). If homosexuality Does this sound like the sin of “uncaring were not sin, God would not have condemned and godlessness”? One has to ignore the plain it. However, God has always condemned ho- meaning of the text to come up with such an mosexual and lesbian relationships as sin, and idea. For one to promote such a perverted in- so must we. terpretation of the text, as proposed above, is Belvedere, SC

Purity (Matthew 5:8)

David P. Brown Jesus pronounced a blessing on “the pure What is the process that God has chosen to in heart.” He said they would see God! Pure create a pure or clean heart in man? This is the translates the Greek word katharos. It is an ad- most important question we could ever ask. jective meaning “pure, as being cleansed.” The Why? Because only “the pure in heart” shall implication is that where a state of unclean- see God! ness or filthiness existed, now a process has In answering our question, we must first worked to bring about the opposite state: that understand what this heart is that has been of cleanliness, i.e., purity. cleansed or made pure. Originally kardia, the Greek word translated heart in most places, which the Lord makes clean or pure the heart meant the muscle that pumped blood through (intellect, emotions, will, and conscience). the human body. It came to symbolize the in- Jesus said that the apostles were made “clean ner man (1 Pet. 3:4): the intellect (Mat. 9:4; through the word which I have spoken unto Isa. 32:4; Pro. 14:10; Mark 2:6), the emotions you” (John 15:3). In the parable of the soils in (Mat. 22:37; Neh. 2:2; Dan. 7:15), the will Luke 8, the only soil receptive to “the seed” or (2 Cor. 9.7; Rom. 6:17; Col. 3:15), and the Word (8:11) was the “honest and good heart.” conscience (Acts 2:37; 1 John 3:20). Now we It heard and kept the Word and brought “forth are better able to understand why the trans- fruit with patience” (8:15). May we not con- lators also rendered psuche, meaning the soul clude that this is not only how the apostles of or life, into our English word heart. The heart John 15:3 were made clean through the Word, is representative of the complete mental and but how any person’s heart is made clean moral activity of man. We may conclude that through the Word? heart represents the real person. For this pres- Without the evidence found only in the ent age it is tabernacled in the flesh (2 Cor. Word, there can be no faith or belief created 5:1). within the heart (Heb. 4:12; Rom. 10:10, 17). With this explanation of the heart in mind, And “without faith it is impossible to please we are better able to comprehend what has been him” (Heb. 11:6). made pure. We may now note the process by Spring, TX

Too Busy

Recently a member of the church was ap- • Moses was busy with his flock at

proached about helping out in some program Horeb.

of work. The reply was one which seems to be • Gideon was busy threshing wheat by

right on the tip of our tongues. “I just don’t the winepress. have the time to give.” There’s little use try- • Saul was busy searching for his father’s ing to convince one who makes this excuse lost asses. that he has as much time as everyone else does • David was busy caring for his father’s and even if you did, in all probability the task sheep. would never get done. • Elisha was busy plowing. I am not at all sure who wrote the following • Nehemiah was busy serving the king. words, but they are words expressed by almost • Amos was busy tending his flock. all who teach, or preach the Gospel. “God • James and John were busy mending never goes to the lazy or to the idle when He their nets. needs men for His service. When He has work • Matthew was busy collecting taxes. to be done, He goes to those who are already Too busy to serve the Lord? Never! Too at work. When God wants a servant, He calls lazy, maybe, but never too busy. a busy person. Scripture attests to this fact.” Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Marilyn Hall (Sacred Heart Hospital) Dot (West Lambert Florida Hospital) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: noon service (approximately 2:15pm). noon service Deacons’ meetingwillfollow thisafter the Deacons’ meeting,andtheElders/ held at 1:00 pm. The Ladies Bible class, The Sunday “evening” isnow service 16 February 15 February law’s son) friend) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) p.m. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 held at2:15p.m., inroom 1. Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Sunday “Evening”Service Please Remember

Sick Marge W Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

or figurative “code” language (1:1). No other tion isthat it islargelywritteninsymbolic dogma. —allessentialpointsofthe peace,oreventhousand years the ofearthly city ofJerusalem, reign anearthly ofChrist,a , thebodilyresurrection ofsaints,the of the pre-millennialtial parts program as the ple, thepassagedoesnotmentionsuchessen premillennialor support dogma. For exam in spiteofthefactthatitdoesnotcontain Christ, premillennialists rely heavily upon it, Bible’s onlyreference toamillennialreign of ical systemiscalled“.” fore His allegedmillennialreign, thistheolog dom uponHis return. Since He willcome the tenure ofChrist’s reign king inanearthly “thousand years” ofRevelation 20:1-7refers to Deacons: Minister: Bishops: A principalkey tounderstandingRevela - Since theaforementioned passageisthe The vast majorityof Protestants believe the

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, The Thousand-YearReign BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 7 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: be- - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. time, the lastsuchcycle occurring in20:1-9. In from thebeginningof church totheendof Judgment. tive descriptionsoftheendtime andthe (20:11-21)—all ofwhich are highlyfigura the “beast” andthe“false prophet” intoHell ofalltheungodly,struction andHis casting ter 19,whichdescribesJesus’ return, His de are notachronological continuationofchap lieve) the“thousand years” is alsofigurative. reason tobelieve (andnoreasonery nottobe “seal” are allobviously figurative). There isev chain,” the“bottomlesspit”/“abyss,” andthe elation 20(the“angel,” the“key,” the“great figurative flavor oftheopening versesof Rev some contextual reason not to do so. Note the proach its details assymbolicunless there is symbols thanthisone.One shouldthusap Biblical documentcontainsmore signsand Revelation several times moves in cycles The events describedin Revelation 20:1-9 850.455.7595 February 16,2015 ------these verses John recaps the period from Pen- Heaven (not on the earth), awaiting the uni- tecost to the Judgment (the Christian Age), versal bodily resurrection at His coming (John during which Satan is bound for “a thousand 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:22-26). We are living in years,” “loosed for a little time,” and at last cast the millennium, the figurative “thousand- into Hell forever. During this period (the pres- year” reign of Christ. ent Christian Age), Christ now reigns over His Denton, TX kingdom, the church (Mat. 16:18-19; John 18: . 36; Col. 1:13; Rev. 1:5-6, 9), and simultane- . ously, Satan’s power is restrained. The “thou- 40th Annual Bellview Lectures . sand years” of Satan’s “binding” and of Christ’s Refuting Realized Eschatology . millennial reign is figurative, denoting a long, June 12 – 16, 2015 . but indeterminate, period (cf. the “thousand Open Forum Questions . hills”—Psa. 50:10; and the “thousand genera- If you have a question send it to tions”—Deu. 7:9). During this time, “souls” [email protected] (not bodies) of martyrs “reign” with Christ in

The Nails of the Cross G. K. Wallace John tells us that Christ has “in his hands 2. The Father’s will and wish held Him to the print of the nails” (John 20:25). Matthew the cross. Jesus prayed in the garden and said, tells us that the mob on the hill of Calvary “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass challenged Christ to “come down from the away from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but cross” (Mat. 27:40). What was it that held as thou wilt” (Mat. 26:39). It was the will Christ to the cross? of God that His Son became the “propitia- 1. It was not the nails that held Him to the tion,” that is, an atoning sacrifice for our sins cross. He had power to remove the nails. He (1 John 2:2). The Savior’s love and your sins could have called “more than twelve legions held Christ to the tree. of angels” to help and remove Him from 3. God’s eternal purpose held Christ to the the cross (26:53). He who had the power to cross. Jesus died to purchase the church with still the storm, feed the multitude, and raise His own blood (Acts 20:28). The church is the dead could have removed the nails. That the institution through which the eternal pur- crowd could not have killed Christ if He had pose of God is to be made known to the world not wished to do His Father’s Will. “Therefore (Eph. 3:10). Without the death of Christ, doth the Father love me, because I lay down God’s purpose for the world have been abort- my life, that I may take it again. No one ta- ed. Thus, His love for God and man held Him keth it away from me, but I lay it down of my- to the cross—not the nails. self” (John 10:17-18). 4. The joy set before Christ held Him to the cross. In the Hebrews’ letter we learn that God, despite the mocking of all who would the “author and perfecter of our faith” disre- have us depart from the path of duty. garded His suffering and “for the joy set before Deceased him endured the cross, despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). The mocking by the angry mob at the foot of the cross was ignored by Christ God’s Plan of Salvation because of the “joy set before Him.” Hear...... Romans 10:17 Neither the lack of the power nor the nails Believe...... Mark 16:16 held Jesus to the cross. His resignation to the Repent...... Luke 13:3, 5 Will of God and His love for the souls of man- Confess...... Romans 10:9-10 kind bound Him to the tree on which He Baptism...... Acts 2:38 died. Our love for God and His Son should Be Faithful...... 1 Corinthians 15:58 cause us to remain faithful to the kingdom of

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Books-on-CD (1988-2014) (PDF format) @ $37.50 ______(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

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BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Dot (Pensacola Lambert Health Care) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Ray Foshee (Baptist Hospital) Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: February 25 February the familyinyour prayers. her grandson, Tony Hall, andtherest of away onFebruary 9,2015.Please keep the family of Marilyn Hall, who passed Our deepest sympathy is extended to law’s son) friend) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., Send your e-mail address to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember


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therless andwidows intheir affliction, fore God and theFather isthis, To visitthefa 1:27 states,“Pure religion andundefiled be they willshinebrightand not grow dim.James lowers ofme,even asIalsoamofChrist.” Corinthians 11:1, Paul writes, “Be ye fol 1 tend theirlightstothoseinneedofrescue. In around usby encouragingallbrethren toex “Thou shaltlove thyneighbourasthyself.” through theGospel. Matthew 22:39states, tending helpandespeciallytheavailable offered by Christ? We can love them by ex tocomethesalvation ness andstruggling can we doforthosearound uswhoare indark ers totheshore ofsafetyinChristJesus. What our lightsshineinsuchawayastodrawoth Deacons: Minister: Bishops: We cankeepourlightspure andholyso We canprovide therightexampleforthose Today ourthoughtsare focusedonletting Some AskSome Can “What We for Do Those Who Are in

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Need oftheGospel’s Light?” BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 8 Johnny Oxendine A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist and to 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. all, including ourselves. However, if we letour hide ourlight, thenitdoesnooneany goodat let ourlight shine,orwe canhideit.If we Mount: keep himselfunspottedfrom theworld.” We have a choicebefore us. We caneither heaven (Mat. 5:13-16). works, andglorifyyour Father whichisin before men, thattheymayseeyour good are inthehouse.Letyour lightsoshine dlestick; anditgiveth lightuntoallthat and put it under a bushel, but on a can not behid.Neither do men lightacandle, world. Acitythatissetonanhillcan der foot of men. Ye are the light of the but tobecastout,andtrodden un goodfornothing, salted? itisthenceforth have losthis savour, wherewith shall itbe Ye are butifthesalt thesaltofearth: Jesus saidinthegreat Sermon onthe 850.455.7595 February 23,2015 - - - light shine, then we have a great opportunity shore. God is the greater light, but Christians to glorify God. are these lesser, harbor lights, who use the The few verses listed above are just some light that God gives them, through teaching that one may take advantage of to let his light and influence, to illuminate others to the safe shine. There are many more. What are you do- shore. We want to be better at guiding others ing to let your light shine? Find something, toward God and salvation. This is our chal- anything, that you can do to let your light lenge, and the reward is great! shine and then shine! San Mateo, CA Of course, God’s great grace, love, and mercy is the greater light which shines for all th to see into the distant and far ocean of sin. He 40 Annual draws the lost from the great darkness that is Bellview Lectures around them and leads them toward the safety Refuting Realized Eschatology of harbor. June 12 – 16, 2015 Those souls, however, as they near salva- Open Forum Questions tion’s shore need additional guidance to fi- If you have a question send it to nally make it safely in. These “harbor lights” [email protected] are what allows them to dock and set foot on

There Are Many Homes on a

Collision Course with Disaster Paul Vaughn The impact of society on the home has set poisonous traps that homes confront daily. many families on a collision course with disas- There can be no greater guide through the pit- ter. The norm for untold families today was falls and temptations of life than Jesus Christ. abnormal just a short period of time ago. One- He is the Great Physician who has the pre- parent households are becoming the “norm.” scription for a healthy family.

Child abuse has accelerated to alarming lev- The husband is to love his wife above every- els impacting on the future for an incalculable one and everything else. It is written, “Hus- amount of young people. A life of abuse has bands, love your wives, just as Christ also become the “norm” for the young and inno- loved the church and gave Himself for her” cent in our country. The sands of time have (Eph. 5:25). The wife who is loved as Jesus already begun to flow against the American prescribes would truly have a happy home. Fa- family. thers are to lead and teach their children to the What can be done to fortify the home? most important thing in life, educate them Families that will be successful will have a about God. It is written, “And you, fathers, do standard to guide them through the maze of not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the husband also, and he praises her” (31:28). Lord” (6:4). Godly fathers will train and edu- The Lord’s prescription for the home will cate their children about the moral standard help it to grow healthy in a sin sick society. of good and right established by the Lord. The light of God’s Word will guide them A virtuous wife will distinguish herself in through the labyrinth of wickedness that the all forms of moral excellence. She would be world calls normal. Success for the home be- worth more than silver and gold to the family. gins with one man (husband) and one woman It is written, “Who can find a virtuous wife? (wife) putting their trust in God. How is your For her worth is far above rubies” (Pro. 31:10). home doing? “Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her Marion, VA

Your Ear, A Smile, and A Happy Word

H.L. Gradowith If you see somebody having a rough day, If you see somebody that the world counts

If you see somebody struggling on the way, mad,

If you see somebody with a broken heart, If you see somebody confused and

If you see somebody whose world’s come distraught, apart, If you see somebody who’s suffering for If you see somebody who’s tossed to and fro, naught, If you see somebody whose back is bent low, If you see somebody whom life’s left behind, Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy If you see somebody with a troubled mind, word, Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy And bid him put his trust in the Blessed word, Lord. And bid him put his trust in the Blessed If you see somebody who’s fighting with sin, Lord.

If you see somebody despised by all men, If you see somebody who’s doing all right,

If you see somebody who has lost his way, If you see somebody whose burden is light,

If you see somebody with too much to pay, If you see somebody with no pain or care,

If you see somebody who’s wandering about, If you see somebody who’s loved

If you see somebody who’s struggling with everywhere, doubt, If you see somebody not troubled with sin, Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy Give him your ear, a smile, and a happy word, word, And bid him put his trust in the Blessed And bid him put his trust in the Blessed Lord. Lord. If you see somebody downtrodden and sad, Dothan, AL BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: March 2 March 25 February Ken Chumbley OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Dot (Pensacola Lambert Health Care) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) p.m. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., law’s son) friend) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Send your e-mailaddress to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember

Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

was prepared, “All Christianswillbe found were Christians inhishousehold.An edict crown.” ers fortheEmperor, Fighting forthevictor’s chanting: “One-hundred gladiators,Fight games thesegladiators walked thestreets the enemiesofNero. Following theRoman carried outbarbarous actsofmurder against underNero.gladiators whoserved Thesemen his great parties. Tradition saysthere were 100 dens atnightwhenhewasthrowing oneof their bodiesafire toprovide lightinhisgar withwax, andset or dead),stufftheirshirts how hewouldtakebodiesofChristians(alive apostles Peter andPaul killed.Historytellsof a.d. 54 to 68. Tradition says that he had the less means.Nero wasRoman Emperor from Christians” through wicked,vile,andmerci- torian tocallNero the“firstpersecutorof Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Tradition saysthatNero found outthere Tertullian (a.d. 155-230) was the first his

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Nero’s 100Gladiators BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 9 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Jess Whitlock 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. again. men stepped forward, us?” The same forty to askagain,“Are there any Christiansamong or. However, pressure finallycompelled him At first,hefailedto thistothe Emper report were among his most loyal and devout men. The leader wassurprised and saddened. These To mensteppedforward. hissurprise,forty “Are there anyChristiansinournumber?” ro’s askedhismen, gladiatorshalfheartedly and puttodeath.” Themaninchargeof Ne - All nightlong theguards keeping vigil could sure thatnoneofthegladiators wouldescape. Guards were posted all around the lake to in ordered tostay there untilthey froze todeath. into themiddleofafreezing lake. They were ty mentotakeofftheirclothes andtowalkout tokillhis loyalheart men.He ordered thefor denounce Christ.Theleaderdidnothave the and pledgeallegiancetoNero. They refused to They were offered thechancetodenyChrist 850.455.7595 March 2,2015 - - - hear the gladiators chanting: “Forty gladiators, course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth Fighters for Christ, Fighting for the Victor’s there is laid up for me a crown of righ- crown.” Over and over this chant was heard, al- teousness, which the Lord, the righteous though growing weaker. Then, out of the dark- judge, shall give me at that day: and not to ness, into the warm glow of the fire, crawled me only, but unto all them also that love one of the gladiators. He came denouncing Je- his appearing (2 Tim. 4:6-8). sus Christ and pledged his allegiance to Nero. Second Timothy 4:6 is rendered in the Eng- Then, the voices in the lake started to chant: lishman’s Greek New Testament in this fash- “Thirty-nine gladiators, Fighters for Christ, ion: “For I already am being poured out.” The Fighters for the Victor’s Crown.” Upon hear- Greek text fully supports this translation. The ing this, the leader of the group tore off his word for offered is defined by Thayer as mean- clothes, waded out into the cold water. There ing, “poured out.” In Exodus 29:12 we recall: was a moment of silence. There was a splash “And thou shalt take of the blood of the bull- in the water. Then, one voice, sounding much ock, and put it upon the horns of the altar with stronger than the others was heard: “Forty thy finger, and pour all the blood beside the gladiators, Fighters for Christ, Fighting for the bottom of the altar.” Paul wrote to Timothy Victor’s crown.” With the coming of dawn, from prison in Rome, just prior to his behead- there were no more voices to be heard. Forty ing, “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall men had perished in the darkness of the freez- ing icy waters of the night. suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12). That is the tradition. Is it true? Is it not All Christians must be found faithful unto true? We know not, but I do know what the (even if it means the point of) death (cf. Jam. apostle Paul wrote: 1:12; 1 Pet. 5:4; Rev. 2:10). As a child of God’s For I am now ready to be offered, and the each day, can you and I say that we are “Fight- time of my departure is at hand. I have ers for Christ, Fighting for the Victor’s crown?” fought a good fight, I have finishedmy Evant, TX

What Do You Do With Young Folks?

Ignore them…and they will go away. Christian.

Some return in later years to love the Lord, Edify them…and they will continue to but most drift through life toward perdition. grow spiritually.

Entertain them…and you will produce a Give them responsibility…and they learn society that stays long enough to empty the the value of service to the Lord and His creation. punch bowl and clean up the sandwich tray. Love them…and they will always be

Humor them…and you develop the con- responsible. cept that the church is a joke. Be an example to them…and they will

Educate them in the Bible…and you can learn the seriousness of life…the life that the expect them to know what they are to do as a Lord instructs them to live. Parents: Do you really care about your thought best. child? What are you doing today about his spir- Do you really care about your child as itual health? Do you really care? Your child much as you once did? gives many rebellious excuses for not attend- As in infant, you took him to the doctor. ing spiritual activities and some of you are ac- He did not want to go. He knew it would hurt. cepting their inexperienced, flimsy excuses. He complained and rebelled; yet you still took Why? You did not accept them when facing him to the doctor for treatment. He used the physical health—do not accept any excuses typical excuses again, “but I don’t think I need for your child’s spiritual Health—it may be a to go.” You replied, “It isn’t as bad as you think matter of life or death! it will be.” Did you let his inexperienced deci- Take your child to the spiritual doctor sions outweigh yours? No! You knew best, and (Eph. 6:4; Deu. 6:1-6). he went to the doctor…regardless of what he Author Unknown

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form

Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ.

Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price

____ copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______

____ Books-on-CD (1988-2014) (PDF format) @ $37.50 ______

(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

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BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: 24. He weighed 8pounds 2 ounces. grandson, Sawyer Ritchie,onFebruary Nelda ofhergreat- Kinginthebirth Our congratulationsare extendedto 8 March your prayers. Please keepPhyllis andherfamilyin aunt, Doris Gulsby, onFebruary 24. Phyllis Brantley inthedeathofher Our deepest sympathy is extended to OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Dot (Pensacola Lambert Health Care) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) 2:15 p.m., inroom 1. Deacons’ meetingwillbe heldat law’s son) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Please Remember New Arrival


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Eve made when the serpent (Satan) was able it, neithershall ye touch it,lestye die the garden, God hathsaid, Ye shallnoteatof of thetreeof thefruit which ofthetreeseat ofthefruit of thegarden: But fronted by theserpent,shestated:“ making awrong choice. When shewas con that God hadmadeandtheconsequencesof (2:17). Eve was also aware of the restriction that thoueatestthereof thoushaltsurely die if heviolatedthatrestriction: “ aconsequence ly seeninthatGod setforth That Adam wasabletomakeachoiceisclear- evil, thou shalt not eat of it But ofthetree oftheknowledge ofgoodand tree ofthegardenevery thoumayest freely eat: In theGarden ofEden, Adam wastold:“ choice and not robots that had to do His will. and Eve, He created themtobecreatures of Deacons: Minister: Bishops: We allknow ofthechoicethatAdam and In thebeginning,whenGod created Adam

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Choices Have Consequences ” (Gen. 2:16-17). is inthemidstof BEACON for intheday Vol. XLIV/No. 10 ” (3:2-3). We may Ken Chumbley A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Of Of ” - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. and Eve only, theyare guilty ofthatsinbut sin ofAdam andEve. women have suffered the consequences of the 24. However, thatwasnotall,forallmen and lowed forthem,aswe read from Genesis 3:15- their homeinEden. Other consequencesfol they died,spiritually, andwere outof thrust sequences the immediate results. However, the real con wherefruit goodbasedonwhattheysawand have feltliketheconsequencesofeating the consequences of that decision. They might They bothmadethechoiceandthusbore the serpentbutthoseexcuses wouldnotfly. Eve toplacetheblameatfeetof might try tosayitwasEve’sAdam mighttry faultand tree oftheknowledge ofgoodandevil.Now, ofthe and bothmadethechoicetopartake what He said.She wasabletoconvinceAdam to convinceEve thatGod didnotreally mean All menare notguiltyofthe sinofAdam 850.455.7595 came later when, true toHiscame laterwhen,true Word, March 9,2015 - - the consequences of their sin is their lot every good choice brings good consequences (Rom. 5:12-14; 1 Cor. 15:22). One lesson or vice versa. Paul made a good choice when all need to learn, in every area of life, is that he was obedient to the Gospel of Christ, but each choice that we make brings consequenc- as we read some of the consequences were es. When one makes a good choice, there can not good. However, it is clear that the eternal be good consequences. Bad choices can bring consequences, as Paul teaches, were all good. bad consequences. Note, I did not say that Sometimes people make bad choices and, the

40th Annual Bellview Lectures Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12–16, 2015 We invite all to attend this year’s Bellview Lectures. During the lectures there will be 28 lessons presented: What is Realized Eschatology and its History—Jess Whitlock, Partial Ver-

sus Full —Danny Douglas, The Nature of Prophecy—Jerry Brewer, Interpretation

of Figurative Language—David Brown, The End of the Law of Moses—Michael Hatcher,

The Establishment of the Kingdom—Gene Hill, The Second Coming of Christ—Michael

Hatcher, The Judgment and Resurrection of the Dead—Bruce Stulting, Bible Doctrine of

Hades, Heaven, and Hell—Danny Douglas, The Grave of Judaism Doctrine—Doug Post,

Prophecy of Joel—Bruce Stulting, The Last Days—Gene Hill, Exposition of John 5:24-29—

Charles Pogue, Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14—Charles Pogue, Exposition of Acts 2:29-36—

Dub McClish, Exposition of Daniel 12—Dub McClish, Exposition of Luke 20:27-40—

Harrell Davidson, Exposition of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12—Johnny Oxendine, Exposition of

2 Peter 3:1-13—Jerry Brewer, Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15—Harrell Davidson, Exposi-

tion of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18—Johnny Oxendine, The and Luke 17:20-

37—Lee Moses, Allegory of Sarah and Hagar (Galatians 4:20-31)—Jess Whitlock, Key Word

Studies—Daniel Denham, Old Testament Texts Misused by Realized Eschatologist—David

Brown, Does Revelation Prove Realized Eschatology?—Doug Post, Sin-Death Doctrine of Re-

alized Eschatologist—Daniel Denham, and The Bible’s Teaching of Spirit and Soul Regarding

Man—Lee Moses. All of the lessons will be available in book form as well as on the Bellview

Lectures CD.

The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special rate

for those attending the Bellview Lectures. The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one Queen

size bed and $69.99—two Full size beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908.Tell them

you are attending the Bellview Lectures when making your reservations. If you are planning

on attending the lectureship you may want to make your motel reservations early.

Check out our web site at:

immediate consequences may be good. For ex- to His will. God has told us of the conse- ample, one may choose to rob a bank. The ini- quences of that choice. What is your choice? tial consequences are good—they have lots of Will you choose to serve God and be obedient extra money. However, the good consequenc- to His will? That choice brings eternal con- es do not last. Often, they end when the bank sequences with respect to Heaven and Hell. robber is apprehended and he has to give up God does not want any to perish but de- his loot and also will probably loose his free- sires all to come to repentance and be saved dom. Further, if the robber is not repentant, (2 Pet. 3:9). However, each individual has to there will be eternal consequences that are not make that choice bearing in mind the eternal good. consequences. All are called upon to make a choice— Deceased whether or not to serve God and be obedient [Brother Chumbley passed away on March 2.]

Before You Quit!

Quitters never win and winners never had quit when His own brothers rejected Him,

quit! Show me a man or woman who is a real when His best disciples displayed sinful ambi-

achiever and I will show you someone who has tion, when one of His twelve betrayed Him

refused to quit when the hurdles were high for money, and when another denied he even

and the head winds were strong. The easy way knew Him? What if Paul had quit when the to “overcome” problems is to drop out. It is Jews rejected his preaching and followed him also the wrong way. The only time we should about, stirring up more opposition? What if be willing to quit is when we are doing some- he had quit in utter discouragement in one of thing wrong. the many prison cells he occupied? There is no way to estimate how many bat- So you are tired of being taken for granted? tles have been lost, how many inventions have You have been at the same task now for several failed to materialize, how many marriages years in the church and you are tired? Some- have dissolved, and how many athletic records body mistreated you and unjustly criticized have gone unshattered because someone quit.

We must await eternity to learn how many you, you say? Before you quit, remember: “No

souls will be lost, how many spiritual victories man, having put his hand to the plough, and

failed because a brother or sister quit a post of looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”

service. God’s Word teaches by example and (Luke. 9:62). Also, reflect on Paul’s encour-

precept that God takes no pleasure in quitters. agement: “And let us not be weary in well do-

What if Noah had grown weary before he fin- ing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint

ished the Ark, and quit? What if Moses had let not” (Gal. 6:9). There is truly a crying need

the problems of leading Israel through a bar- in the kingdom for people who will work till

ren wilderness get him down so he threw up death, if necessary, to finish their task!

his hands and quit in dismay? What if Jesus Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: March 16 March 15 March Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot Lambert p.m. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe mother) law’s son) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Send your e-mailaddress to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember

Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

Ethiopian eunuch,God saysthat When theinspired Philip encountered the er” asdefined by God inthe New Testament. the Son of God does not make one a “believ- 10). However, simplyknowing thatJesus is forsalvation (Rom isnecessary 10:9- truth ing that Jesus is the Christ and confessing this is theSon ofGod tobea“believer.” Know one whosimplybelieves thatJesus existsand Deacons: Minister: Bishops: still: and theywent down bothinto the And he commanded the chariot to stand lieve thatJesus Christ istheSon ofGod. mayest. Andheanswered and said,Ibe If thou thoubelievest withallthineheart, hinder metobebaptized? AndPhilip said, eunuch said,See, here iswater;whatdoth water:andthe they cameuntoacertain him Jesus. Andastheywent on the same scripture, and preached unto Philip opened hismouth,andbeganat Many inthereligious worldconsiderany

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, “Who Isa “Who ‘Believer’?” BEACON their way, Vol. XLIV/No. 11 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. family. The Jailor asks: conversion ofthePhilippian jailorandhis 3:21).Consideralsothe 4; Gal. 3:27;1 Pet. (2:38;22:16;Rom.that sameexacttruth 6:3- being thatallinspired menofGod preached for salvation. Thiswouldofcoursemakesense, that Philip taughtthatbaptismwasnecessary at somepointwhilePhilip “preached…Jesus,” sites tobaptism.It ismore thanobvious that this passage,faithandconfessionare prerequi the eunuchwasstillnotsaved. According to washed took them thesame hour of the night,and and to all that were in his house. And he they spakeuntohimtheword of theLord, thou shaltbesaved, andthyhouse. And said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and Sirs, whatmustIdotobesaved? Andthey After believingandconfessinghisbelief, baptized him(Acts 8:35-38). water, bothPhilip andtheeunuch;he 850.455.7595 their stripes; andwasbaptized, he March 16,2015 - and all his, straightway. And when he had but God informs us that “the devils also be- brought them into his house, he set meat lieve, and tremble” (2:19). Is it logical or ratio- before them, and rejoiced, believing in nal to conclude that the devils are “believers” God with all his house (Acts 16:30-34). because they believe in God? This example also proves that faith is nec- Why then would we consider it logical essary for salvation, but it also reiterates the or rational to conclude that any person who necessity of baptism as well. This passage is has “faith only” is a “believer”? Faith with- profoundly important in defining who God out works of obedience is a dead faith (2:17). considers to be a “believer.” Though the jailor Surely no one would contend that a person was commanded to “believe,” he was not yet with a dead faith is a “believer.” a “believer” as defined by the New Testament. To be considered a “believer” by God, one God says that Paul and Silas “spake unto him must obey God’s plan to save: hear, believe, the word of the Lord,” and then the jailor and repent, confess, be baptized, and live faith- his family were “baptized.” Only after being ful unto death (Rev. 2:10). One who truly be- baptized, to have their sins forgiven (2:38), lieves God will follow this plan without ques- are we told that the jailor and his house “re- tion or hesitation. The inspired James writes, joiced, believing in God.” According to the “a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have New Testament, a “believer” is one who not works: shew me thy faith without thy works, just believes, but who also hears the Word of and I will shew thee my faith by my works” God (Rom. 10:17), repents of past sins (Luke (2:18). One who truly believes will repent of

13:3), confesses that Jesus is the Christ (Rom. his past sins knowing that sin separates him

10:9-10), and is baptized (i.e., immersed) into from God (Isa. 59:1-2). One who truly be- water (Acts 16:30-34). lieves will confess that Jesus is the Christ be- The New Testament speaks of “believers” cause the overwhelming evidence demands it as being those who are saved. Since it is the (cf. John 20:30-31; Rom. 1:4). One who truly case that faith alone cannot save (Jam. 2:17, believes will be baptized because “He that be- 24), then belief alone cannot make one a New lieveth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark Testament “believer.” No honest individual 16:16). One who truly believes will remain would conclude that Satan’s demons are saved, faithful to God until death knowing that God “is, and that he is a rewarder of them that dil-

th igently seek him” (Heb 11:6). A non-believ- 40 Annual er may or may not do any of these things. A Bellview Lectures Refuting Realized Eschatology non-believer may have faith but refuse to re- pent, confess, be baptized, or live faithfully. A June 12 – 16, 2015 Open Forum Questions “believer” is one who not only believes, but who also acts upon his belief in simple obedi- If you have a question send it to

[email protected] ence to God. Lenoir City, TN Special Rights for Sodomites

Roelf L. Ruffner, Sr. And there were also sodomites in the land: its right of free speech to bring about a funda- and they did according to all the abomina- mental change in public morality. Americans tions of the nations which the Lord cast now accept homosexuality, gambling, drunk- out before the children of Israel (1 Kin. enness, recreational drug use, abortion, pro- 14:24). fanity, immodest dress, nudity, fornication, You may not have noticed but lately our adultery, and a host of other sinful activities. country has shifted radically in its view of ho- Why not same-sex marriage? mosexuality. At one time homosexuality was Yet, homosexual marriage is a fairness is- seen as a violation of Biblical morality and sue. Currently, under the laws of most states, against Nature (cf. Rom. 1:26-32). But in- homosexuals have the same right to marry as creasingly we see the public accept the immor- heterosexuals. Both have the “right” to only al proposal of granting these sexual deviants marry someone of the same gender or sex. the right to marry. Now moral lunacy prevails! Same-sex marriage is the granting of “spe- The argument goes this way, “Gays should cial rights”—the erroneous right to go against

have the same right to marry as straight peo- God’s Word and Nature.

ple.” Framing their argument as one of “fair- Let us not forget why God destroyed So-

ness,” homosexuals and their wealthy allies dom, Gomorrah, and the cities of the plain

have taken advantage of our democracy and (Jude 7)! Columbia, TN

Why Is It Wrong to Steal $52,000? If one member can abandon Bible study The reason it is wrong to forsake the wor- and worship, for just one Sunday, could not all ship 52 weeks—for a whole year—is because members do so that same Sunday? Since God it is wrong to deliberately and willfully aban- is no respecter of persons, the answer must be don one service! The reason it is wrong to steal affirmative. In that case, it would be alright for $52,000 is that it is sinful to steal the first dol- the whole church to skip one Sunday, and not lar! Likewise, it would be wrong to kill 52 even open up the doors for services! Who be- men, because it is wrong to kill one man! lieves that God would be pleased? right With this conviction, your conscience will But, if it be (?) for a Christian to will- fully desert the worship of God on one Sun- not allow you to make a football out of the Lord’s services, to kick them aside when some- day, how many weeks would he have to stay away before it would become sinful? Would it thing else appeals to you. Resolve now not to

become wrong after a month? Three months? miss another service of the Lord’s church! Six? A whole year? Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: March 25 March 21 March Randolph(Ashley Brower’sLarry Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot Lambert Debbie Dawson in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet grandfather) mother) law’s son) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Pork &Beans, CannedPotatoes Carrots, MixedCarrots, Vegetables Please Remember Food Pantry

Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

den to do so. He was told, “Worship God.” worship atthe feetofanangel.He wasforbid - beholding the glories of heaven fell down to 22:9) itisstatedthatJohn, theapostle,when also am a man” (10:26). Twice (Rev. 19:10; ter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself that menwere ofworship. unworthy “But Pe an apostleofChrist;butPeter made itclear shipped apostle Peter he“fell down athisfeet,andwor (Acts 11:14). When Corneliusfirstsawthe obeyed) heandhishouseholdwouldbesaved to tellhimthe Word ofGod through faith (if thatPeternelius knew had been sentby God worship. Men are ofworship. unworthy Cor are toworshipHim. Only of Deity isworthy worship is to bedirected toward God. We in truth” 4:24). (John worship him must worship Deacons: Minister: Bishops: First, noticethataccording toJesus our Jesus said,“God him” (10:25).Peter wasagreat man,

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, is aSpirit: andtheythat What isAcceptable Worship? him in spirit and BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 12 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Lester Kamp 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. God rejects worship that is not sincere. Jesus worship beoffered sincerely. from theheart to beaccepted by God. God demandsthat our thanks tohisname” (Heb. 13:15). continually, of thatis,thefruit fore letusofferthesacrificeofpraiseto God and were created” (Rev. 4:11).“By himthere ated allthings,andforthypleasure theyare andhonourpower:ry forthouhastcre worthy,“Thou art OLord, to receive glo purposeof man is toglorifyGod. primary Clearly God desires worshipfrom man.The seeketh such to worship him” 4:23). (John vious verse Jesus hadstated,“for theFather responsibility it is to worship God, in the pre 4:10). God, andhimonlyshaltthouserve” (Mat. He stated,“Thoushalt worshiptheLord thy When Jesus wastemptedinthewilderness, Third, thisworshipmustbe“inspirit” forit Second, that man is the one whose observe 850.455.7595 March 23,2015 our lipsgiving - - - - described some who offered such worship to th God. He stated, “This people draweth nigh 40 Annual unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me Bellview Lectures with their lips; but their heart is far from me” Refuting Realized Eschatology (Mat. 15:8). Scripture speaks of those who are June 12 – 16, 2015 acceptable to God as “them that call on the Open Forum Questions Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Tim. 2:22). Wor- If you have a question send it to ship is to be sincere expressions of praise and [email protected] adoration of God which come from genuine thoughts and intents of the heart. However, is worship, it is not worship because God has sincerity is not all that is necessary to make not authorized it. Man might suggest that ev- worship acceptable to God. erything that man wants to do is worship if Fourth, acceptable worship must be “in truth.” Truth is God’s Word (John 17:17). his heart is sincere. God’s Word tells us that Our worship must be according to God’s in- this is not so. Some might suggest that all that structions. When man injects his own ideas a man does is worship to God, but accord- into worship, his worship becomes worthless. ing to God’s Word this is not the case. Doing “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for righteous acts are service to God, but “good doctrines the commandments of men” (Mat. works” are not worship. Dedicating one’s life 15:9). to God is right, good, and proper, but Chris- There are certain acts of worship that tian living is never spoken of in the New Testa- God has approved. All other acts are there- ment as worship. If all of life is worship, then by condemned by God for worship. Prayer worship is possible without the person realiz- is worship (Acts 2:42; Jam. 4:8; 5:16), sing- ing that he is worshiping. (The person’s heart, ing “psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” according to this view, at the time may not is worship (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16), preaching even recognize that worship is taking place. God’s Word is worship (Acts 2:42; 20:7). It How can such worship be “in spirit”?) Such should be clearly observed that acceptable (i.e. is absurd! God has authorized only five acts of acceptable to God) is not everything that man worship. Those are the acts that are engaged might want to do and call it worship. Accept- in when worship takes place; worship only oc- able worship follows parameters set forth by curs when one or more of these acts are done.

God in His Word. God determines what ac- Fifth, only two of those five acts are restrict- ceptable worship is. Everything else is not ac- ed in time. God has specified when we are ceptable worship. able to take the Lord’s Supper—the first day

Regardless of what man may call it, the of the week. God has specified when we are playing of mechanical instruments of music is to give financially to support the work of the not worship because God has not authorized church (local congregation)—the first day of it. Even if man suggests that burning incense the week. With God’s approval we can engage in these acts of worship only on the first day of to praise God and to reverence Him and His the week (i.e. the first day of every week). We Word. Worship is according to God’s pattern can worship God through singing (psalms, if it is acceptable to Him. Almost from the be- hymns, and spiritual songs), praying, and the ginning of man’s presence on this earth, man preaching of His Word at any time. If God has tried to ignore God’s Word, do his “own has regulated these acts in some way, then we thing” and call it worship expecting God to must follow those regulations when we engage be pleased. A study of the New Testament and in that action. For example, God has given us a review of the cases of Cain and Nadab and guidelines for prayer (i.e. addressed to the Fa- Abihu ought to cause us to know that what we ther, in the name of Jesus, etc.). Prayer must offer to God in worship is not always accept-

be offered according to those instructions of able to Him just because we think what He

God wherever and whenever we pray. has not authorized is okay, or better.

Worship is an activity on the part of man Aurora, CO

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______Beatitudes ____ copies of (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______

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BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: March 29 March 25 March prayers andofferherencourgagement. on March 19.Please keepherinyour Nancy Travis was restored to Christ Randolph(AshleyBrower’sLarry Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot Lambert p.m. Grounds, at12:30 afternoonservice Fifth Sunday Dinner onthe in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., grandfather) mother) law’s son) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Please Remember


Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

Bible couldnot have beenproduced from the more. Theseevidencesdemonstrate thatthe and theirfulfillment inthe Bible, andmuch curacy oftheBible, theprophetic utterances the historical,geographical, andscientificac- the Scriptures (itdoesnotcontradictitself), dence includes the complete self-harmony of is to authenticate Christianity. Internal evi to establishtheauthenticityofScriptures is allthatitproduces whenfaithfullyfollowed, of thekingdom(Luke 8:11)andChristianity mere men.Since the Word ofGod istheseed the Bible istheproduct ofGod andnotof things within the Bible itselfthatindicate that jor fieldsofproof. ed intotwomajorfields. Jesus Christ. Such evidences are usually divid claims oftheGospel anditsprincipalfigure, study ofmattersthatgive substancetothe Deacons: Minister: Bishops: “Internal evidence” isoneofthese ma The studyofChristianevidencesisthe

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, By thistermwe refer to Christian EvidencesChristian BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 13 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. signer designed and created them. Just sucha began isthat anall-powerful andall-wiseDe tion ofhow ourworldandallliving creatures of thevast universe. Theonlyrationalexplana - as simpleawristwatch, it is much more true a “designer.” aboutsomething If thisistrue detailed design.There is no “design” without is obviously the product of intricate, precise, intoexistence. Itously oraccidentallysprung sign. My wristwatchcouldnothave spontane of externalevidenceistheargumentfrom de Also,inthesphere graphical, orotherwise. biblical statements,whetherhistorical,geo Archaeological findshave never contradicted confirmed. said longbefore itwasotherwise facts that have confirmed what the Bible had Archaeologists have repeatedly arti unearthed side theBible thatconfirmwhatisinthe Bible. field ofproof. Thisterm refers tothingsout minds andtalentsofmere men. “External evidence” is the second major 850.455.7595 March 30,2015 ------Designer the Bible reveals and describes as the to our nation is rooted in the Bible. However, true and living God. perhaps even more powerful than these are the “Practical evidence” might be consid- changes wrought in individual lives. Indeed, ered a third field of proof. By this I refer to this is the way the Gospel has its widespread the effects of the Gospel when it is faithfully effect—as leaven in the dough (Mat. 13:33), obeyed. Without the slightest doubt, Christi- it affects one individual after another until the anity has influenced civilization for the bet- many are affected. It turns the murderer into ter, never for the worse, wherever it has gone. an apostle. It puts the lazy man to work, so- The awful blight of slavery has been all but bers up the drunk, and causes the thief and conquered through the influence of the Gos- the fornicator to abandon their evil ways. pel. Women have been elevated immeasurably Such is indeed a powerful form of “Christian by the ennobling power of New Testament evidences.” Truth. The spirit of freedom that gave birth Denton, TX

A Stark Reminder That the Lord Is Serious

When It Comes to Obedience If ever there was a man with good inten- before Jehovah with all manner of instru- tions, it was Uzzah. Not a name frequently ments made of fir-wood, and with harps, mentioned in Holy verse, Uzzah was accom- and with psalteries, and with timbrels, panying the ark of the covenant as it was being and with castanets, and with cymbals. transferred from Kirjath-jearim to Jerusalem And when they came to the threshing- according to King David’s instructions. We floor of Nacon, Uzzah put forthhis hand pick up then with the Bible account: to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for And David arose, and went with all the the oxen stumbled. And the anger of Jeho- people that were with him, from Baale-ju- vah was kindled against Uzzah; and God dah, to bring up from thence the ark of smote him there for his error; and there God, which is called by the Name, even he died by the ark of God (2 Sam 6:2-7). the name of Jehovah of hosts that sitteth Specific instructions concerning transpor- above the cherubim. And they set the ark tation of the ark were set forth in God’s law of God upon a new cart, and brought it (Num. 4). No place in Scripture was there out of the house of Abinadab that was in anything that might remotely be construed the hill: and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart. And they as qualifying Uzzah to touch the ark. How- brought it out of the house of Abinad- ever, at the same time, we freely admit that ab, which was in the hill, with the ark of no where in God’s Word do we find an ex- God: and Ahio went before the ark. And plicit prohibition reading, “Uzzah, you shall David and all the house of Israel played not touch or steady the ark.” You might think

th 40 Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology June 12–16, 2015 We invite all to attend this year’s Bellview Lectures. During the lectures there will be 28 lessons presented: What is Realized Eschatology and its History—Jess Whitlock, Partial Ver- sus Full Preterism—Danny Douglas, The Nature of Prophecy—Jerry Brewer, Interpretation of Figurative Language—David Brown, The End of the Law of Moses—Michael Hatcher, The Establishment of the Kingdom—Gene Hill, The Second Coming of Christ—Michael Hatcher, The Judgment and Resurrection of the Dead—Bruce Stulting, Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell—Danny Douglas, The Grave of Judaism Doctrine—Doug Post, Prophecy of Joel—Bruce Stulting, The Last Days—Gene Hill, Exposition of John 5:24-29— Charles Pogue, Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14—Charles Pogue, Exposition of Acts 2:29-36— Dub McClish, Exposition of Daniel 12—Dub McClish, Exposition of Luke 20:27-40— Harrell Davidson, Exposition of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12—Johnny Oxendine, Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13—Jerry Brewer, Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15—Harrell Davidson, Exposition of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18—Johnny Oxendine, The Olivet Discourse and Luke 17:20-37— Lee Moses, Allegory of Sarah and Hagar (Galatians 4:20-31)—Jess Whitlock, Word Stud- ies Refuting Realized Eschatology—Daniel Denham, Old Testament Texts Misused by Re- alized Eschatologist—David Brown, Does Revelation Prove Realized Eschatology?—Doug Post, Sin-Death Doctrine of Realized Eschatologist—Daniel Denham, and The Bible’s Teach- ing of Spirit and Soul Regarding Man—Lee Moses. All of the lessons will be available in book form as well as on the Bellview Lectures CD. The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one Queen

size bed and $69.99—two Full size beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908.Tell them

you are attending the Bellview Lectures when making your reservations. If you are planning

on attending the lectureship you may want to make your motel reservations early.

Check out our web site at:

Uzzah’s crime to be petty, or even of no conse- God forbid Uzzah to touch the ark?” What quence. God’s anger was “kindled against Uz- man thinks is insignificant may very well be zah,” and he was smitten of the Lord. Uzzah important in the sight of our almighty God. pays for his sin by death. Modern theologians The account of Uzzah teaches us that indeed, would look at Uzzah’s actions and say, “No big that which is unauthorized is prohibited. deal.” Some would no doubt ask, “Where does Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: April 6 April Russell Hammac (LeeHammac’s Randolph(AshleyBrower’sLarry Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- Gordon King(Nelda King’s son) Wendell Harrison (AshleyBrower’s Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot Lambert Debbie Dawson p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 brother) grandfather) mother) law’s son) step-father) Brantley’s great-grandson) Born’s grandson) Please Remember Mixed Vegetables Canned Potatoes Food Pantry Pork &Beans


Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

and place theminPaul’s mind andleave itup spiration. God thoughts did not take certain what we meanwhenwe talkabout verbal in in the selection of the words.cabulary This is to anapostletheHoly Spirit guidedtheir vo not folly. When arevelation wasmadeknown dom.” He uses the word dent uponwords. “Not inwords ofman’s wis- him he put it in words. We are entirely depen til itwasgiven tohim. When itwasgiven to elation is language. Paul did not have it un wisdom teaches,butonlyby revelation. Rev cerned by humanwisdomorinwhatworldly Deacons: Minister: Bishops: There isnootherway! It cannotbedis things withspiritual(1 Cor. 2:13). Ghost teacheth;comparingspiritual wisdom teacheth,butwhichtheHoly in words] notinthewords whichman’s know God, thus,God’s knowledge isput guage andthatisthewaywe cometo Which thingsalsowe speak,[soitislan

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Inspiration GivenInspiration to Bible Writers words. The Bible is BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 14 Harrell Davidson A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. example ortwowillhelpusunderstand. never inhumanwisdom!AnOld Testament given by thedirection of theHoly Spirit— we know God? Every word ofredemption is the ideafitprecisely orexactly. How elsecan them in spiritual words making the words and al” andputting thatis,takingspiritualtruths of God. Holy Spirit gave thewords tomatchthewill to himchoosethewords hewanted.The “Comparing spiritualthingswithspiritu The scheme of redemption being inthe 40:8). to God? tellmethem,Iprayyou (Gen. unto them,Do ply by human wisdom]. And Joseph said and there wasnoonetointerpret itsim al, butitneededaspiritual interpretation [Here issomethingthatwasnotspiritu a dream, andthere isnointerpreter ofit. And theysaiduntohim, We have dreamed 850.455.7595 notinterpretations belong April 6,2015 - - - mind of God could not be interpreted by hu- man wisdom. It could not be interpreted by Refuting Realized Eschatology the knowledge that man had. The Holy Spirit June 12 – 16, 2015 took the vocabulary of the inspired men and Open Forum Questions gave the meaning of that so God’s mind was put in words so man could know how to be re- If you have a question send it to [email protected] deemed from sin. Obion, TN

They Lie Paul Vaughn The liquor industry represent their prod- wine and oil shall not be rich” (Pro. 21:17). ucts in an air of allure, romance, and excite- God’s Word teaches that no wise person will ment. Their advertisements usually show allow himself to be deceived by wine. “Wine young adults who are successful and glamor- is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and who- ous, but they lie. They are ashamed to show soever is deceived thereby is not wise” (20:1). in their advertisements their best custom- The Word of God teaches that drinking al- ers. They are the ones who have lost every- coholic beverages causes pain, contentions, thing to purchase intoxicating drink. Their and sorrow. best customers are called “alcoholics,” “wine- Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who o’s,” “booze heads,” or “addicts.” Their lives are hath contentions? who hath babbling? miserable living each day to get another drink. who hath wounds without cause? who

They have turned their backs on family and hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long friends so they can get another taste of strong at the wine; they that go to seek mixed drink. The true picture of the liquor industry wine (23:29-30). and their products are not so glamorous at all. Jesus teaches that drinking of alcoholic bev- Those who advance the sell of alcoholic erages will prevent men from being prepared beverages have never advertised the lives of for death or Judgment Day. those ruined by the drunken driver or the al- And take heed to yourselves, lest at any coholic suffering from sclerosis of the liver. time your hearts be overcharged with sur- This type of advertising would be truth and feiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this truth will not sell booze, it takes a lie. life, and so that day come upon you un- The Scriptures teach with authority the awares (Luke 21:34). truth concerning the evil of beverage alco- With all the evidence from God’s Word hol. It shows that drinking alcoholic beverages against drinking alcoholic beverages, why leads to poverty. It is written, “He that loveth would anyone choose to have it? pleasure shall be a poor man: he that loveth Marion, VA 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015

Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15 7:00 pm What is RE and Its History 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am Prophecy of Joel Bruce Stulting 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 Johnny Oxendine Dub McClish 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Lunch Break by RE David P. Brown 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 3:00 pm Open Forum: Harrell Davidson Dinner Break 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative Johnny Oxendine Language David P. Brown

3:00 pm Open Forum 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15

Dinner Break Harrell Davidson

7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy Tuesday, June 16

Jerry Brewer 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13

8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE Jerry Brewer

Daniel Denham 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Sunday, June 14 Doug Post 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Michael Hatcher Dub McClish 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom Lunch Break Gene Hill 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and Lunch and Dinner Break Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill Doug Post 3:00 pm Open Forum: 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and Dinner Break Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: April 18April 12 April Russell Hammac (LeeHammac’s Randolph(AshleyBrower’sLarry Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot Lambert in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet inroom 1. the afternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldafter brother) grandfather) mother) Born’s grandson) Send your e-mailaddress to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember Mixed Vegetables Canned Potatoes Food Pantry Pork &Beans


Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

the New Testament—Christ’s church. With only inthechurch ofwhich we read aboutin only onechurch. Therefore, salvation is found there isonlyonebody(Eph. 4:4),thenthere is in thechurch (Eph. 1:22-23;Col.1:18).Since in Christ,orHis body, isthesave asbeing (Gal. 3:27).The Bible alsoteachesthatbeing been baptized intoChristhave putonChrist” get “intoChrist.” “For asmanyofyou ashave (2 Tim. 2:10)andthatthere isonlyonewayto The Bible teachesthatsalvation is“inChrist” ed oftheirpastsinsandwere baptized (2:38). “were prickedintheirheart” (2:37),repent were theywho“heard” the Word ofGod, being saved and thus added to the church ly suchasshouldbesaved” (Acts 2:47).Those filled. “And theLord addedtothechurch dai in Acts 2,we read ofthatpromise beingful build His church (Mat. 16:18)andrecorded tament is alive and well. Jesus promised to Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The church we read about in the New Tes

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, The Church JesusBuilt BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 15 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. built. Third, thechurch Jesus builtteaches the cial Sundays) is therefore per ondaysother thanSunday (oronlyon oftheLord’smusic inworshiporpartakes Sup of church whichusesmechanicalinstruments Lord’s Supper Sunday every (Acts 20:7). A (Eph. of the 5:19;Col.3:16)andpartakes ofmusicin worship mechanical instruments addition, thechurch Jesus builtdoesnotuse 16:2). Inper (Acts 20:7),andgiving(1 Cor. ing (2 Tim. oftheLord’s 4:2),partaking Sup 5:19), praying (Acts 16:25), teaching/preach authorizes five actsofworship:singing(Eph. can berecognized by Scripturalworship. God (Rom. 16:16).Second, thechurch Jesus built name. “The able. First, thechurch Jesus builtwears His know how God addsindividualstothatbody. able torecognize thatonechurch todayand this knowledge, it is imperative that we be The church Jesus built iseasily recogniz 850.455.7595 churches ofChristsaluteyou” April 13,2015 not the church Jesus spe- - - - - Scriptural plan of salvation. The Bible teach- a “sinner’s prayer” to be saved (John 9:31). A es that one is saved by hearing the Word of church teaching any of these false doctrines is God (Rom. 10:17), believing (Heb. 11:6), therefore not the church Jesus built. repenting of past sins (Acts 2:37), confess- Since salvation is only in the church of ing one’s faith (Rom. 10:10), being baptized Christ, it is important to make sure that we into Christ to have past sins forgiven (2:38; are members of that one body. God reveals to

1 Pet. 3:21), and living faithful unto death us, in His Word, how to recognize His church

(Rev. 2:10; 1 John 1:6-10). A church which and how to be added to that body. Thanks be teaches some other plan is therefore not the to God for giving “us all things that pertain church Jesus built. The church Jesus built does unto life and godliness, through the knowl- not teach that one is saved by faith only (Jam. edge of him that hath called us to glory and 2:24), that one can do nothing whatsoever to virtue” (2 Pet. 1:3). save himself (Acts 2:40), nor that one can say Lenoir City, TN

Bellview Lectures Information Housing book will contain 29 chapters and will be a The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; hard-cover book. Everyone will want to pur- Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special chase a copy and perhaps additional copies rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. for gifts. The books will not be mailed until The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one after the lectures are over. Queen size bed and $69.99—two Full size Books-on-CD beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908. The Bellview lectureship books (1975- Tell them you are attending the Bellview 1976, 1978, 1988-2005, 2007-2015) will be Lectures when making your reservations. If available on CD in Adobe PDF. The price of you are planning on attending the lectureship the CD is $37.50. The CD will also includes you may want to make your motel reservations the Defender (1970, 1972-2014), Beacon early. (1972, 1974-2014), and other material.

Books Meals

Refuting Realized The ladies of the Bellview Church of Christ The lectureship book, Eschatology will provide a free lunch on Saturday, Mon- , will be available for purchase. day, and Tuesday. For all other meals, a list of The price has not yet been determined. The restaurants will be available at the registration tables. Open Forum Questions View Lectures Live on the Internet If you have a question send it to If you cannot attend the lectureship in per- [email protected] son, please view them live on the Internet: or call 850.455.7595 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar

Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am Prophecy of Joel Bruce Stulting 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 Johnny Oxendine Dub McClish 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Lunch Break by RE David P. Brown 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 3:00 pm Open Forum: Harrell Davidson Dinner Break 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative Johnny Oxendine Language David P. Brown 3:00 pm Open Forum 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy Tuesday, June 16 Jerry Brewer 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE Jerry Brewer Daniel Denham 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Sunday, June 14 Doug Post 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Michael Hatcher Dub McClish 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom Lunch Break

Gene Hill 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Lunch and Dinner Break Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses

1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill Doug Post 3:00 pm Open Forum: 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and Dinner Break

Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection of the Dead Bruce Stulting

8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Russell Hammac (LeeHammac’s Randolph(AshleyBrower’sLarry Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Wyatt Blancheri (Henry&Paulette Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Dot (Hospice Lambert care) Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: toiling on. fied toil by eachsoul.Thus,Ineed tobe Growth isattainedby arduous anduni 19 April 18April brother) grandfather) mother) Born’s grandson) room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet Send your e-mailaddress to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via A Growing Church Please Remember

Sick Marge W Delbert GoinsDelbert Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

sage of His apostles,how couldtheypossibly surely Jesus went aboutitinthewrong way. He wrote. To buildsomething thatwouldlast, in thesandandwe donoteven know what He ever wrote, asfar we know, He wrote ed acollege,orwrote asong.The onlything curiosity. He- never helda publicoffice,start or, atbest,regarded Him withnonchalance or reth. Many ofHim whoknew despisedHim and Galilee hadnever heard ofJesus of Naza Most peopleoutsideofthetinyareas ofJudea there wastheproblem ofthemanbehindit. could suchasmallnumberofmendo?Then addedlater.beginning andathirteenth What over theworldwere twelve sofew—only inthe seemed tobeagainstitssuccessandsurvival. er have “gotten off the ground.” Everything established through His apostlesshouldnev- Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Even ifpeoplewould listentothemes The menchargedwithestablishingitall By all human standards the church Jesus

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, The Church ShouldHave Failed BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 16 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. cess would beindisputable proof thatitwas of to appearweak andfoolish tomen,soitssuc stitution. Could itbethattheLord designed it New Testament church isindeedaDivine in failed. Herein liesa convincing proof thatthe a humanenterprise,then it wouldsurely have evangelistic for efforts years. Had it been but oftheir consider theGentiles asunworthy but theirJewish background causedthemto apostles? Christhadsentthemtoallnations, evenamong thefirstconverts, affectingthe limited by theslow travel methods. personal messenger. In eithercase,theywere they couldwriteitandsendonitswayby could personallyspeakthemessageorallyor Communications were nobetter. Theapostles rapid travel by seawasby slow sailingvessels. the apostlescouldafford ahorse?Themost washorseback,butwhichof transportation accomplish thetask?Thefastest overland What about the severe racial prejudice 850.455.7595 April 20,2015 - - God? Is not this hypothesis an illustration of promised that death, Satan’s strongest weap- the principle Paul stated? on, would not prevail to prevent its establish- God chose the foolish things of the world, ment and perpetuity (Mat. 16:16-18). How that he might put to shame them that are foolish are men who try to improve it to make wise; and God chose the weak things of it more appealing to the masses. Wise men

the world, that he might put to shame will not tamper with it. Ought we not to press

the things that are strong; and the base on in full confidence that Christ is with His things of the world, and the things that faithful church, now and forever (28:20)? are despised, did God choose, yea and the Denton, TX things that are not, that he might bring to nought the things that are: that no flesh

should glory before God (1 Cor. 1:27-29). Open Forum Questions If men would only listen, they would not If you have a question send it to marvel that the Gospel and the church that it [email protected] produces are equally indestructible. Jesus built or call 850.455.7595 His church on the fact of His own Deity and

Bellview Lectures Information

Housing for gifts. The books will not be mailed until The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; after the lectures are over. Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special Books-on-CD rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. The Bellview lectureship books (1975- The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one 1976, 1978, 1988-2005, 2007-2015) will be Queen size bed and $69.99—two Full size available on CD in Adobe PDF. The price of beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908. the CD is $37.50. The CD will also includes Tell them you are attending the Bellview the Defender (1970, 1972-2014), Beacon Lectures when making your reservations. If (1972, 1974-2014), and other material. you are planning on attending the lectureship Meals you may want to make your motel reservations The ladies of the Bellview Church of Christ early. will provide a free lunch on Saturday, Mon-

Books day, and Tuesday. For all other meals, a list of The lectureship book, Refuting Realized restaurants will be available at the registration Eschatology, will be available for purchase. tables. The price has not yet been determined. The View Lectures Live on the Internet book will contain 29 chapters and will be a If you cannot attend the lectureship in per- hard-cover book. Everyone will want to pur- son, please view them live on the Internet: chase a copy and perhaps additional copies 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar

Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of RE

Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue

Charles Pogue Lunch Break

10:00 am Prophecy of Joel Bruce Stulting 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 Johnny Oxendine Dub McClish 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused

Lunch Break by RE David P. Brown 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 3:00 pm Open Forum: Harrell Davidson Dinner Break 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative Johnny Oxendine Language David P. Brown 3:00 pm Open Forum 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy Tuesday, June 16 Jerry Brewer 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE Jerry Brewer Daniel Denham 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Sunday, June 14 Doug Post 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Michael Hatcher Dub McClish 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom Lunch Break

Gene Hill 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Lunch and Dinner Break Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill Doug Post 3:00 pm Open Forum: 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and Dinner Break Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: the Bible 146). dead (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of romancy, orcommunication withthe divination by mixingliquids;and nec- divination by theliver; hydromancy, or were used,including:hepatoscopy, or ancient Middle East.Several methods the willofgodswascommonin The practiceofdivinationtodetermine 29 April 22 April Bellview congregation sincethe1960s. prayers. Dot hadbeenamemberofthe dy andtherest ofthefamilyinyour away onApril 18.Please keepSan the familyofDot whopassed Lambert Our deepest sympathy is extended to Robbie Cravey (The Haven) p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., Please Remember

Divination Sympathy

Sick Marge W Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

that once aperson hasobeyed Christ,he no churches ofChrist.Some, forinstance,claim ror, includingCalvinism, hascrept intothe sus Christ. man, sin,salvation, andwiththeGospel ofJe is 100%inconflictwiththenatures of God, Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Over the past thirty or forty years mucher- or forty Over thepastthirty Every tenetofthesadsystemCalvinism • • • • not borninadepraved condition. not transgress thelawofGod, theyare God (1 John 3:4),andsinceinfants can Sin isthetransgression ofthelaw sistible graceisagainstthe Truth ofGod. Him (2 The. 1:8-9).Consequently, irre Men choosetoobeyGod orrebel against limited atonementiserror. 22:17). Therefore, thedoctrineof Anyone cancometosalvation (Rev. is false 10:34-35). Thusunconditionalelection God isnorespecter ofPersons (Acts

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Calvinism 5:12 andRomans BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 17 Charles Pogue A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. by sin; andsodeath passedupon allmen, for one man sin entered into the world, and death death. Romans 5:12states:“Wherefore, asby den, holdthatRomans 5:12refers tospiritual died spiritually when they sinned in the gar al death. Those who insist that Adam and Eve this passagerefers tophysicaldeathorspiritu Brethren have debatedover whether in thaterror withoutanyhelpfrom us. Thedevilhasenslaved enoughpeople be true. Calvinism oreven implythatCalvinismmay of Scripture doesnotassisttheproponents of We mustmakesure thatourinterpretation help from thosewho know it is afalse system. ter andcallingit“infantbaptism.” mere half-step from sprinkling them with wa petals andcallingita“baby dedication” isa we missourguess,sprinklinginfantswithrose longer hasfree will,butnowillatall!Unless Consider, forinstance,Romans 5:12. Calvinism ishavingsuccesswithoutany 850.455.7595 April 27,2015 death in - - - that all have sinned.” Notice that the death Someone asks, “Why then did Adam and that entered into the world and passes unto Eve not die the day they ate the forbidden all men was the consequence of the sin of one fruit? Genesis 2:17 says, “in the day” they ate man, Adam. If the death that passes to all men they would die, not on the day. In other words, as the result of Adam’s sin is spiritual death, in the day Adam ate of the fruit, the conse- then all are born spiritually dead, the Calvinist quences came into effect, not that he would is right, and we should accept infant baptism. die in that twenty-four-hour period. Calvin-

However, the death Paul refers to is physical, ism is a deadly doctrine with widespread ac- not spiritual death. Verses 11 and 14 bolster ceptance—without incorrect interpretations this interpretation. giving its adherents support. Stilwell, OK Defender and Beacon Available Via E-Mail Open Forum Questions To receive the Defender and Beacon via e- If you have a question send it to mail please send your e-mail address to: [email protected] [email protected] or call 850.455.7595

Bellview Lectures Information

Housing for gifts. The books will not be mailed until The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; after the lectures are over. Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special Books-on-CD rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. The Bellview lectureship books (1975- The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one 1976, 1978, 1988-2005, 2007-2015) will be Queen size bed and $69.99—two Full size available on CD in Adobe PDF. The price of beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908. the CD is $37.50. The CD will also includes Tell them you are attending the Bellview the Defender (1970, 1972-2014), Beacon Lectures when making your reservations. If (1972, 1974-2014), and other material. you are planning on attending the lectureship Meals you may want to make your motel reservations The ladies of the Bellview Church of Christ early. will provide a free lunch on Saturday, Mon-

Books day, and Tuesday. For all other meals, a list of The lectureship book, Refuting Realized restaurants will be available at the registration Eschatology, will be available for purchase. tables. The price has not yet been determined. The View Lectures Live on the Internet book will contain 29 chapters and will be a If you cannot attend the lectureship in per- hard-cover book. Everyone will want to pur- son, please view them live on the Internet: chase a copy and perhaps additional copies 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar

Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am Prophecy of Joel Bruce Stulting 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 Johnny Oxendine Dub McClish 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Lunch Break by RE David P. Brown 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 3:00 pm Open Forum: Harrell Davidson Dinner Break 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative Johnny Oxendine Language David P. Brown 3:00 pm Open Forum 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy Tuesday, June 16 Jerry Brewer 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE Jerry Brewer Daniel Denham 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Sunday, June 14 Doug Post 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Michael Hatcher Dub McClish 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom Lunch Break

Gene Hill 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Lunch and Dinner Break Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill Doug Post 3:00 pm Open Forum: 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and Dinner Break Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Encyclopedia of theBible 132). spring tothepool…’( against axe. Thenranthewaterfrom the through eachtomeethisfellow, axe ing through, thestone-cuttersstruck other’s picks. ‘On the dayofthepierc from eachend.Theycouldhearonean long route in themiddleafteravery m/150 ftunderground, abouttomeet describes twogroups oftunnellers,45 esting inscriptionwasdiscovered, which spring intoJerusalem. In 1880aninter- 700 BCtobringwaterfrom theGihon Hezekiah’s tunnel was built in about 4 May 29 April Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 King Hezekiah’s King Tunnel Please Remember

Sick Nelson’s Illustrated Marge W Louise Billiot Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks - -

beings have noreal free willandthattheirac we referdeterministic totheideathathuman philosophies are deterministicinnature. By disobey God ontheirown volition? Many things? Do theyhave thepower toobeyor thingsornotdothose choose todocertain agents? Do theyhave theinherent abilityto man free will.Are humanbeingsfree moral religion andphilosophy is the question of hu- lief system. of thebe gions, determinismisacentralpart outside oftheircontrol. Even inmanyreli tions are completelypredetermined by forces one’s own will,thennoonecould rightly by outside forces acting independently from a humanbeing iscompletelypredetermined actionbyself wouldseemtodictate. If every towhatcommon senseit- contrary set itruns counter-intuitive, meaningthatfrom theout Deacons: Minister: Bishops: However, the doctrine of determinism is One of the areas often hotly disputed in

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 18 Daniel Denham A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Free Will - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. the capacity for the one taught to learn, which in religion orphilosophy. Teaching implies the practiceof teachingdeterministicsystems one’s mindofhisown accord. Thiscontradicts ing inthatitimplies onecannotchange that society. comply of theirown free willwith the lawsof tem. Thispresupposes theabilityofpeopleto people responsible isimplicitinanylegalsys fundamental toanyorderly society. To hold the sakeofstability, peace,andsafety. Thisis by thelegalnormsandstatutesofsocietyfor the premise of personal responsibility to abide by ourown legalsystems,whichoperateon aremost certainly responsible andare heldso not atallresponsible for theiractions. They conclusion. It isclearlyfalsethatpeopleare countertothis conceptofjusticeruns very would beresponsible forwhattheydo. The be heldaccountableforanyaction.No one Also, theideaofdeterminism isself-defeat 850.455.7595 May 4,2015 - - implies some measure of control of will on by the predetermining power outside them- his or her part. It is patently absurd to main- selves to do so. So why spend time arguing for tain that people ought to come to believe in its truth? Why try to convince someone that the specific deterministic system while main- he really cannot be convinced of anything of taining that it is impossible for them to do so himself? That would be an exercise in futility, of their own accord. When one holds to de- if the system were really true. terminism, he implicitly admits the falsity of The Bible teaches that man is a free moral his position when he seeks to rationally con- agent. We have the innate ability to choose to vince others of its truth. If the system were obey God. “Choose you this day whom ye will true, then people would have to believe in it serve,” proclaimed Joshua to the Hebrews in anyway. They would be compelled to do so his farewell address (Jos. 24:15). Christianity is premised on the ability of “whosoever will” Open Forum Questions to come and drink of the waters of life (Rev. If you have a question send it to 22:17). The invitation of Christ is open to all [email protected] (Mat. 11:28-30). or call 850.455.7595 Parrish, FL

Bellview Lectures Information

Housing for gifts. The books will not be mailed until The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; after the lectures are over. Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special Books-on-CD rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. The Bellview lectureship books (1975- The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one 1976, 1978, 1988-2005, 2007-2015) will Queen size bed and $69.99—two Full size be available on CD in Adobe PDF. The price beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908. of the CD is $37.50. The CD will also in- Tell them you are attending the Bellview cludes the Defender (1970, 1972-2014), Bea- Lectures when making your reservations. If con (1972, 1974-2014), and other material. you are planning on attending the lectureship Meals you may want to make your motel reservations The ladies of the Bellview Church of Christ early. will provide a free lunch on Saturday, Mon- Books day, and Tuesday. For all other meals, a list of The lectureship book, Refuting Realized restaurants will be available at the registration Eschatology, will be available for purchase. tables. The price has not yet been determined. The View Lectures Live on the Internet book will contain 29 chapters and will be a If you cannot attend the lectureship in per- hard-cover book. Everyone will want to pur- son, please view them live on the Internet: chase a copy and perhaps additional copies 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar

Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am Sin-Death Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue

Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18

Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Dub McClish Michael Hatcher Lunch Break

10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 3:00 pm Open Forum: Doug Post Dinner Break 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: 10. 10 May Marge Casey(Linda Worley’s friend) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Louise Billiot 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Ten Rulesfor HappierLiving inroom 1. the afternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldafter

tomorrow). row (becauseyou willdieonsome Live asthoughyou willdietomor (because you will). Plan asthoughyou willlive forever Work (withvimandvigor). Pray (oryou willlosetheway). day isnotenough). Give thanks (a thousand times a Laugh often(itislife’s lubricant). baby (andmarvel). Look intentlyintothefaceofa guidance). aged (their experience is a priceless Spend minuteswiththe afew Do akindness(andforgetit). attached). Give somethingaway(nostrings Please Remember

Sick Author Unknown Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

cuse (Psa. 14:1;Rom. 1:20-22). seek Him are foolishindeedandwithoutex sion. ThosewhodenytheLord and refuse to There isnoexcuse for reaching suchaconclu seek the Lord. Yet, some deny His existence. (Acts 17:26-27). It to is essential for everyone one ofus”though he be not far from every haply they might feel after him, and find him, habitation “ThattheyshouldseektheLord, if that God created manandsetthelimitsofhis to seektheLord. On Mars’ Hill, Paul stated, David assures us,“Blessed pendent uponfaith andpurity (119:1). Faith blessings are conditional.First, they are de 119:1-2). It tonotice that these isimportant And thatseekhimwiththewhole heart” (Psa. Blessed the way, Who walkinthelawof Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The Scriptures oftenspeakofman’s need Blessings awaitthosewhoseektheLord. Why theLord? ShouldOneSeek are

theythatkeephistestimonies, Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, are theundefiledin BEACON Seeking theLordSeeking Vol. XLIV/No. 19 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Lord. 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. existence is found in His creation (Psa. 19:1). his righteousness” (6:33). Evidence ofGod’s “But seek ye first thekingdomof God, and find theLord. In thissamecontext, Jesus said, Those who have will never a divided heart truly God andmammon”cannot serve (Mat. 6:24). will holdtotheone,and despise theother. Ye will hate the one, and love the other; or else he “No twomasters:foreitherhe mancanserve commandments” (Psa. 119:10).Jesus said, I soughtthee:Oletmenotwanderfrom thy 11:6). rewards thosewhodiligentlyseekHim (Heb. are foundonlyinChrist(Eph. 1:3).God truly seek theLord. In fact,allspiritualblessings many blessingsthatare offered tothosewho prayer, hope,andpeaceare ofthe justafew and obeying His commandments. Salvation, and purityare dependentuponseekingGod David stated, “With my whole heart have mywholeheart David stated,“With 850.455.7595 How theLord? ShouldOneSeek May 11,2015 However, to truly seek the Lord requires dili- 12:1). It is hard to change once one grows old gent study of His Word (2 Tim. 2:15). and set in their ways. Thus, we must “Seek ye When Should One Seek the Lord? the Lord while he may be found” (Isa. 55:6). It is important to seek the Lord now. Many Do you recognize the urgency of seeking the wait too long and death overtakes them be- Lord? Are you seeking Him? fore they even start. Solomon concluded that Huntsville, TX one must remember God in their youth (Ecc.

Open Forum Questions Defender and Beacon If you have a question send it to Available Via E-Mail

[email protected] Send your e-mail address to:

or call 850.455.7595 [email protected]

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (20 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.50 ______(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

Postage/Handling ($3.50 per Book): ______

Total: ______

Send To: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15 7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am The in-DeathS Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue

Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Dub McClish Michael Hatcher Lunch Break 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine Doug Post Dinner Break

2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection

Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting

8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Understand. Love. God bless. far more sentimentalvalue. Be gracious. making choices,we cangive giftswith we are forced tobecreative, spendtime and silver.” It can beagoodthing:if closer to“every green tree” than“gold these toughtimesthegiftswe give are gold and silver” (Martin Luther). In more gloriousthanifitwere madeof rightly consider, green tree every isfar “For nature in the true ofthings,ifwe 6 June 18 May 17 May Marge Casey(Linda Worley’s friend) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Please Remember Door Knocking Door

Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Tim Smith Al F Al illiams lesher arks

pronounced in the history of Israel,pronounced in the history dating periences of the patriarchs. It becomes more heel” (Gen. 3:15). It canbetracked intheex his thy head,andthoushaltbruise shall bruise an, and between thy seed and her seed: he I willputenmitybetween theeand thewom strated inGod’s Edenic threat toSatan: “and world. Thisunrelenting clashisfirstdemon flict withthedevilandhishenchmeninthis tan, thisconflictrages. ever, as surely as God is God and Satan is Sa indistinguishable forces beinconflict?). How solute goodnor Truth even exist(sohow can Others wouldhave usbelieve thatneitherab good, anderror isaboutasgood Truth. that evilisnotsobad,goodall ceive theconflict,havingbecomeconvinced ror, is ragingaboutthem.Some donotper conflict between goodandevil, ander Truth Deacons: Minister: Bishops: God’s people have alwaysknown con- Many gothrough lifenotrealizing thata

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON TheReal Is Conflict Vol. XLIV/No. 20 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. vice requires the avoidance of any entangling chief, even asPaul 2:3).His ser did(2 Tim. will suffer hardship forhisCommander-in- soul” (1 Pet. 2:11).ThegoodsoldierofChrist means of“fleshlylusts, which waragainstthe 1:18).Our archenemy attacksusby (1 Tim. As soldiers,we are to“war thegoodwarfare” Cor. 10:3-4). weapons ofcarnalwarfare (2 diers atwar, butthiswarisnotfoughtwith of thediscipleChrist.Christiansare sol- motif—a figure of conflict—to the life tary 2 Tim. 3:12). teousness (e.g.,Mat. 5:10-12;John 15:18-21; persecution forthesakeof Truth andrigh- were Theyoftenwarnedoftrialsand onearth. flict escalated while our Lord and His apostles ing cycles, ofacquiescence to evil.Thecon cumcised enemiesduetoherown, never-end given, over amillenniumlater, toheruncir - from her bondage in Egypt until she is finally The Holy Spirit oftenappliesthemili 850.455.7595 May 18,2015 - - - - alliances that he may single-heartedly serve his the principles of good and evil and the prin- Commander (2:4). cipals behind them are real. Let us awaken to We are not in a mock battle, but a real war, the conflict and fight with all of our might for the “fight the good fight of the faith” (1 Tim. Truth and righteousness! 6:12). Paul, ever one to practice what he Denton, TX preached, could say as he saw the end nearing, “I have fought the good fight” (2 Tim. 4:7). We are to “resist the devil” rather than com- Open Forum Questions promise and surrender to him (Jam. 4:7). If If you have a question send it to we resist him not, our souls will become part [email protected] of the spoils of war in his triumph over us or call 850.455.7595 (Col. 2:8). The conflict is very real, even as

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (20 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.50 ______(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

Postage/Handling ($3.50 per Book): ______

Total: ______

Send To: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15 7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am The in-DeathS Doctrine of RE

Danny Douglas Daniel Denham

Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29

9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue

Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Dub McClish Michael Hatcher Lunch Break 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine Doug Post Dinner Break

2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection

Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting

8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: pedia oftheBible 88). and sandals( Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclo- used tomakeboatsand baskets, ropes to end,formaroll. Papyrus wasalso sheets ofpaperwere thenpastedend and hammeredsurface together. These other, were laidoutonahard wooden Two layers, oneatright-anglestothe cornered stemswere cutintothinstrips. heads about3m/10fthigh.Thethree- this plant,whichhasmop-likeflower- per oftheancientworldwasmadefrom marsh areas oftheNile Delta. Thepa 490-3828. Please updateyour directory. Carl Ayliffe’s cellphonenumberis new 6 June 27 May Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Papyrus isasedgewhichgrew inthe in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., Members’ Directory Please Remember Door Knocking Door


Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

premeditated murder ofan unbornchild. themselves. We must asapeopleabhorthe ing theinnocentbabies that cannotdefend concerned about sexual freedom than protect andmanyAmericansarein manyhearts more a baby tolive? There isno reverence of God the wombisanextremely dangerous placefor Why hassocietyadvanced tothepointthat a humanlifewhileyet initsmother’s womb. ment. It iscalledabortion. tioned by both the federal and state govern innocents ispremeditated murder thatissanc kill men,women,andchildren. Thiskillingof ing armyorreligious terrorist whofanatically is notbeingconductedby anaggressive invad of innocent livescarried out. This destruction there is an holocaust of innocent lives being Deacons: Minister: Bishops: One ofthe arguments advanced by Abortion isthedeliberateannihilationof Every day in theUnited States ofAmerica

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Premeditated Murder BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 21 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Paul Vaughn 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. is written: open seasononthem. most innocent of oursociety, babies,hasan laws toprotect sealsandbaldeagles,butthe to murder them.Our culture hasestablished to stimuli,yet, thesocietyofdeathisseeking baby isalive. Anunbornbaby canrespond baby? Anunbornbaby ishuman.Anunborn over herbody. What abouttherightsof “pro-choice” adherents is the woman’s right innocent babies. thepremeditatedagainst abortion, murder of God theunbornbaby views ashuman.It Dear friend,leteachoneofusstand firm 139:13-14—NKJV). And fully made;Marvelousare Your works, praise You, forIamfearfully covered meinmymother’s womb. Iwill For You formed myinward parts; You 850.455.7595 that mysoulknowswell (Psa. very May 25,2015 and wonder- Marion, VA Effort Not Wasted!! A young woman, who was a great lover of So often we think our efforts are thrown flowers, had set out a rare vine at the base of away because we do not see the fruits. We a stone wall. It grew vigorously, but it did not need to learn that in God’s service our prayers, bloom. Day after day she cultivated it and our toil, our crosses are never in vain. Some- watered it and tried in every way to coax it where they bear fruit and hearts will receive a into bloom. One morning, as she stood dis- blessing. appointedly before it, her invalid neighbor, Maybe that is why the apostle Paul was so whose back lot adjoined her own, called over insistent on the unity of our efforts in Christ. and said, “You can’t imagine how much I have Because he knew that our efforts would be been enjoying the blooms of that vine you given increase by God (1 Cor. 3:6) so a man planted.” The owner looked, and on the other would not have to boast in self but would sur- side of the wall was a mass of blooms. The vine render life to the glory of God. Let us be about had crept through the crevices and flowered our Father’s business. luxuriantly on the other side. Author Unknown

Bellview Lectures Information

Housing to purchase a copy and perhaps additional

The Red Roof Inn (2591 Wilde Lake Blvd; copies for gifts. The books will not be mailed Pensacola, FL 32526) is providing a special until after the lectures are over. rate for those attending the Bellview Lectures. Books-on-CD The price (tax not included) is $59.99—one The Bellview lectureship books (1975- Queen size bed and $69.99—two Full size 1976, 1978, 1988-2005, 2007-2015) will be beds. Their phone number is 850.941.0908. available on CD in Adobe PDF. The price of Tell them you are attending the Bellview the CD is $37.75. The CD will also includes Lectures when making your reservations. If the Defender (1970, 1972-2014), Beacon you are planning on attending the lectureship (1972, 1974-2014), and other material. you may want to make your motel reservations Meals early. The ladies of the Bellview Church of Christ

Books will provide a free lunch on Saturday, Monday, The lectureship book,Refuting Realized and Tuesday. For all other meals, a list of restau- Eschatology, may be purchased at the price rants will be available at the registration tables. of $25.00 (plus $3.75 per book for post- View Lectures Live on the Internet age). Make checks out to Bellview Church of If you cannot attend the lectureship in per- Christ. The book will contain 29 chapters and son, please view them live on the Internet: will be a hardcover book. Everyone will want 40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15 7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am The in-DeathS Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused

Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative

2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Dub McClish Lunch Break Michael Hatcher 10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill 1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 3:00 pm Open Forum: Doug Post Dinner Break 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: for mailingthe CDwillbe$2.75. ship bookswillbe$3.75 andtheprice CD. Thepriceformailing thelecture- Beacon, andthelectureship booksand affect thecostofmailing the cel andbulkmailing.Thisincrease will vice willincrease thepostageforpar Effective May 31theU.S. Postal Ser 6 June 12-16 June 7 June Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet 40 encouraged toattend. members ofthecongregation are inroom 1.All afternoon service, Pre-lectureship meetingafterthe ogy: Theme –Refuting Realized Eschatol- th AnnualBellviewLectures: Please Remember Postage Increase Door Knocking Door

Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al Defender, illiams lesher arks - -

Southern Baptist Convention. In thatbookhe by Wayne Dehoney, aformerpresident ofthe titled the lastbookstobebrought outwas abook tion, thepreacher’s wassaved. Among library of theactionsmembers ofthecongrega in south Texas was destroyed by fire. Because Lord andcauseittoloseitsdistinctiveness. of thiskindwillonlyweaken thechurch ofthe violate theauthorityofGod’s Word. Changes seek tointroduce thingsintothechurch that some would cause ofignorance of thetruth, violate theauthorityofGod’s Word. Sadly, be- the church provided thatsuchchangesdonot there isnothingwrong withhavingchangesin wrong withchange,inandofitself. Further, calls forchangeinthechurch. There isnothing political realm. From timetowe alsohear asitappliestothe need tochangeparticularly Deacons: Minister: Bishops: A number of years ago,a church building We hear a lot today about change and the How To Set TheChurch Afire, written

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Should theChurch Change? BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 22 Ken Chumbley A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. church thatare interesting: regardingmade someobservations theLord’s their members insuch mattersas social make rigidmoral andethicaldemandson a denominational super-structure; they tional practicewithoutany semblanceof mous anddemocraticin their congrega- in their theology;autono conservative are anti-ecumenical intheirrelationships; rience to“survive.” Thechurches ofChrist about therenewal thechurch mustexpe- main-line denominationalestablishments id conclusion” by theauthorities ofthe “solpractice contradictspracticallyevery being established.Aprofile offaithand churchesishing, andnew are continually country. Theircongregations are flour andevangelistic forces inthe missionary growing group isoneofthemostpotent religion is on the downgrade! This fast- would hardly reveal thattheirbrandof A closer look at the churches of Christ 850.455.7595 June 1,2015 - - - drinking; they are not “social-action” ori- see why the church was growing. Sadly, many ented; they have a “messianic complex” of the things that he notes as distinguishing of being the true people of God and the the church from other religious groups have true church! All of these factors combine changed. Has that change been good? When to give them a high motivation, an un- we realize that such changes have taken away quenchable zeal, and an inescapable com- the distinctiveness of the church, it is clear

pulsion to win the world to an acceptance that they are not pleasing to God. Further, the of their convictions and beliefs. And they church has not continued to grow. We need to are growing rapidly! think carefully about bringing about changes These words were written back in the 1960s in the church to be sure that any changes we when the Lord’s church was growing rapid- make do not violate the Lord’s will. ly. When we look at what he has written, we Deceased

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (20 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______

____ Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______

(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______Total: ______Send To: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology

June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar

Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock

8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am The in-DeathS Doctrine of RE

Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Dub McClish 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Michael Hatcher Lunch Break

10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses

Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill

1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 3:00 pm Open Forum: Doug Post Dinner Break 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: the CDwill be $2.75. will be$3.75 andthepriceformailing price formailingthelectureship books the Please considersigninguptoreceive con, andthelectureship booksandCD. the costofmailingDefender, bulk mailing.Thisincrease willaffect vice increased thepostageforparcel and Effective May 31theU.S. Postal Ser 12-16 June 7 June 6 June Robbie Cravey (The Haven) 40 encouraged toattend. members ofthecongregation are inroom 1.All afternoon service, Pre-lectureship meetingafterthe in thezone room. Door Knockingat9:30a.m.Meet ogy: Theme –Refuting Realized Eschatol- Defender andBeacon viae-mail.The th AnnualBellviewLectures: Please Remember Postage Increase Door Knocking Door

Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher Bea arks - -


. .




fending theGospel hasbecome commonplace (clearly demanded inEphesians 5:11)by de man)inChrist. becoming one(new regarding the veil’s being rent and the twain ering whatPaul wrote totheEphesian church also we seeactionsthatare shameful,consid what we seeinActs 10withCornelius,but array. Not only was Peter to acting contrary would have disintegrated into a cult in dis on proselytizing theGentiles) andthechurch facto hero among the Jews (who were intent nothing, then Peter wouldhave become a de er words, ifPaul hadsaidnothing, done of discrimination by a leading apostle. In oth Gentile Christians) with an implied sanction vide between God’s people(bothJewish and ed, wouldhave created aninsurmountabledi ramifications ofhisactions,ifnotconfront- ful actions immediately and publicly. The Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Worse, this unwillingness toexpose sin In Galatians Paul responds toPeter’s sin

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Fellowship IsNot Vol. XLIV/No. 23 Johnny Oxendine A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. ness in theLord; there isonlylight—goodness are in fellowship withHim. There isnodark we maycontinuetodeceive ourselves that we the camp,” expectingGod todothesamethat call ourselves “Christians” andallow forsin“in and His church. Satan tounderminetheLord andhisefforts mands, or simply condoning the practices of are complyingwiththeLord andHis com Scriptures say on the matter, and whether we are thanlookingatwhatthe lessimportant The numerous examplesoftheseoccurrences those whoperpetratefalseteaching/doctrine. sand ratherthanwithdrawingfellowship from sticking theircollective ostrichheadsinthe thing, includingthemostincredible ofsins. embraces tolerance of anything and every by anecumenicaldenominationalismthat in the church worldwide today, being replaced We cannothave itbothways. We cannot More andmore frequently are brethren 850.455.7595 June 8,2015 - - - and love! To imply (as the homosexuals and This common problem is seen among adulterers attempt to do) that God is accept- brethren in both the United States and the ing of sinful activities by anyone is not to United Kingdom, and needs to be understood know God. Paul did not confront Peter to em- better from a Biblical perspective. Paul says barrass him, nor did he intend to humiliate that Peter (and those who acquiesced with his him publicly. Rather, he had an abiding con- actions through their inaction, which is a qui- cern for the brother’s soul, and realized that if et complicity) did not walk according to the his sin were not corrected immediately, those truth of the Gospel. This means that anyone who were also being persuaded by Peter’s ac- not walking according to the Gospel’s Truth is tions would ultimately lose their path to salva- in error and needs to repent! tion as well. San Mateo, CA

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (20 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______

Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______

____ Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______

(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price Total: ______Send To: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______40th Annual Bellview Lectures

Refuting Realized Eschatology June 12 – 16, 2015 Friday, June 12 Monday, June 15

7:00 pm What is RE and Its History? 9:00 am Allegory of Sarah and Hagar Jess Whitlock (Galatians 4:20-31) Jess Whitlock 8:00 pm Partial Versus Full Preterism 10:00 am The in-DeathS Doctrine of RE Danny Douglas Daniel Denham Saturday, June 13 11:00 am Exposition of John 5:24-29 9:00 am Exposition of Daniel 7:13-14 Charles Pogue Charles Pogue Lunch Break 10:00 am The rophecyP of Joel 1:00 pm Exposition of 1 The. 4:13-18 Bruce Stulting Johnny Oxendine 11:00 am Exposition of Daniel 12 2:00 pm Old Testament Texts Misused Dub McClish by RE David P. Brown Lunch Break 3:00 pm Open Forum: 1:00 pm Exposition of Luke 20:27-40 Dinner Break Harrell Davidson 7:00 pm Interpretation of Figurative 2:00 pm Exposition of 2 The. 2:1-12 Language David P. Brown Johnny Oxendine 8:00 pm Exposition of 1 Corinthians 15 3:00 pm Open Forum Harrell Davidson Dinner Break Tuesday, June 16 7:00 pm The atureN of Prophecy 9:00 am Exposition of 2 Peter 3:1-13 Jerry Brewer Jerry Brewer 8:00 pm Word Studies Refuting RE 10:00 am Does Revelation Prove RE? Daniel Denham Doug Post Sunday, June 14 11:00 am Exposition of Acts 2:29-36 Dub McClish 9:00 am The End of the Law of Moses Michael Hatcher Lunch Break

10:00 am The Establishment of the Kingdom 1:00 pm The livetO Discourse and

Gene Hill Luke 17:20-37 Lee Moses

Lunch and Dinner Break 2:00 pm The Last Days Gene Hill

1:00 pm The raveG of Judaism Doctrine 3:00 pm Open Forum: Doug Post Dinner Break 2:00 pm The ible’sB Teaching of Spirit and 7:00 pm The udgmentJ and Resurrection Soul Regarding Man Lee Moses of the Dead Bruce Stulting 8:00 pm Bible Doctrine of Hades, Heaven, and Hell Danny Douglas BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Be Faithful Confess Repent Believe Baptism Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Hear the CDwillbe$2.75. will be$3.75andthepriceformailing price formailingthelectureship books the Please considersigninguptoreceive con, andthelectureship booksandCD. the costofmailingDefender, bulk mailing.Thisincrease willaffect vice increased thepostageforparcel and Effective May 31theU.S. Postal Ser 12-16 June OJ Savage (Karen Hatcher’s father) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) 40 ogy: Theme –Refuting Realized Eschatol- Defender andBeacon viae-mail.The ...... God’s Plan ofSalvation th AnnualBellviewLectures: ...... Please Remember Postage Increase


Sick 1 Corinthians 15:58 Romans 10:9-10 Marge W Romans 10:17 Luke 13:3,5 Mark 16:16 Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al Acts 2:38 illiams lesher Bea arks - -

as Moses wrote: tion tothelightsthatGod putintheheavens, are determinedby theearth’s position in rela the seasonsthatGod hasmade.Theseasons deed, thisisagoodtimeofyear, asare allof Deacons: Minister: Bishops: saw that itwasgood. And theevening and vide thelight from the darkness: and God over thedayand over thenight,andtodi - And to giveto rule lightuponthe earth, set theminthefirmament oftheheaven night: the day, the andthelesserlighttorule two great lights;thegreater lighttorule anditwasso.the earth: And God made mament of the heaven to give light upon years: And letthembeforlightsinthefir signs, andforseasons,days, day from the night;andletthembefor firmament oftheheaven todividethe And God said,Letthere be lights inthe Summer ishere andthedaysare longer. In he madethestarsalso. And God

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Summer isHere! Vol. XLIV/No. 24 Danny Douglas A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. good works” (1 Tim. 2:9-10). Vine hasthisto becometh women professing godliness) with gold, orpearls, orcostlyarray;But (which ness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or selves inmodestapparel, withshamefaced like manneralso,thatwomen adornthem as Paulthe heart, instructed Timothy: “In Many failtorealize, thatmodestybeginsin spiritual-minded person should desire. ery modesty whichGod demandsandwhichev ofthe members ofthechurch, fallsfarshort the clothingofmanypeople,includingsome (1 vealing. The Bible admonishesustobepure things thatgrow formanypeople. shorter the longdaysofsummer, sadly, there are other time, the nights grow shorter. While we enjoy Clothing becomes shorter andmoreClothing becomesshorter re While thedaysare longerinthesummer 1:14-19). the morningwere day(Gen. thefourth Tim. 5:22)and holy(1 850.455.7595 June 15,2015

Pet.1:16). Yet, - - - - say regarding aidos, the Greek word translated The provocative clothing that many moth- shamefastness: ers allow and even encourage, by their exam- “a sense of shame, modesty,” is used re- ple, is more in line with the attire of a har- garding the demeanor of women in the lot than that of a Christian woman. What church, 1 Tim. 2:9 (some mss. have it a far cry such women are from the virtuous in Heb. 12:28 for deos, “awe”: here only and godly women that God would have them in NT). “Shamefastness is that modes- to be (Pro. 31:10-31). The Scriptures enjoin ty which is ‘fast’ or rooted in the charac- upon the older Christian women to teach the ter…” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Bib- younger to be “chaste” (Tit. 2:3-5). Evidently, lical Words). many women and girls are more interested in Thayer defines it as: “sense of shame, mod- being “chased” than “chaste”! What a shame esty: 1 Tim 2:9; reverence, Heb 12:28.” that they have no shame! Many boys and men,

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (20 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______

____ copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______

Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______

____ Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______

(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price

Total: ______

Send To: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

as well, dress in such a manner so as to draw members of the congregation out doing yard unfavorable attention. Climate, sports events, work. Yard work is fine, but her attire was as- vacation, and outdoor activities are absolute- tonishing and shameful. She could easily be ly no excuse for one’s flesh to be on display. seen by neighbors and those passing by. Later, There is never an excuse for any sin! Never! I learned that her nickname was “Bikini Gran- During the warm part of the year in one ny.” What a shameful appellation for a wom- place where we lived, as I was driving down an representing the church of our Lord and the street one day, I spotted one of the senior claiming to be a Christian! This time of year is a time of more lust, las- civiousness, and immorality, for many people. Christian Stedfastness The Scriptures warn: Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers Walter E. Isenhour and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, There’s a depth in Christian meekness, which war against the soul; Having your There’s a height in Christian grace, conversation honest among the Gentiles: That will help us in our weakness that, whereas they speak against you as To be faithful in our place, evildoers, they may by your good works, And to feel that we are doing which they shall behold, glorify God in Something worthy of our time— the day of visitation (1 Pet. 2:11-12). Yes, the will of God pursuing Yet, many times one cannot distinguish That is blessed and sublime. some church members from the worldliest There’s a depth in holy living people in town by the way they dress! That will keep us from the wrong, Also, in the summer, church attendance And will bless us in our giving, grows shorter for some members. Perhaps Whether life be short or long; they reason that since the days are long and That will give us sweet assurance enjoyable, that it is acceptable to miss Sunday Of a better world than this, evening [afternoon] worship or mid-week Bi- As with patience and endurance ble Study to go places, or work and play out- We look up to Heaven’s bliss. side. Some will even miss the entire Lord’s day

There’s a depth in prayer that’s resting, of worship while on vacation. They behave as

There’s a height in love that’s grand, if their only obligation is to please the church

That gives strength in times of testing members back home. Do they not realize that

As for God we take our stand; God is to be obeyed at all times, and wor-

That keeps Godly people shining shiped faithfully? He sees us wherever we are

On life’s journey here below, (Heb. 4:13; Pro. 15:3). Let us be “the faithful

And from useless, sad repining in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 1:1), in personal life, in

While in Christians grace we grow. dress, in worship, and in all ways!

Mt. Pleasant, TN BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: the CDwill be $2.75. will be$3.75 andthepriceformailing price formailingthelectureship books the Please considersigninguptoreceive con, andthelectureship booksandCD. the costofmailingDefender, bulk mailing.Thisincrease willaffect vice increased thepostageforparcel and Effective May 31theU.S. Postal Ser con. Please updateyour directory. printed inaprevious issueofthe 490-3858. Thenumber wasincorrectly Carl Ayliffe’s cellphonenumberis 24 June 21 June Robbie Cravey (The Haven) in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., aged toattend. bers ofthecongregation are encour- inroom 1.Allmem- noon service, Lectureship critiqueafterthe- Defender andBeacon viae-mail.The Members’ Directory Please Remember Postage Increase

Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher Bea Bea arks - - -

stood from thishistoricalevent. There are several powerful lessonstobeunder unto John, tobebaptized ofhim” (Mat. 3:13). “Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan the Baptizer. Theinspired Matthew records, has beenmadeready by His forerunner, John old. By now, Jesus andHis is about thirty path ture aboutJesus’ lifesinceHe wastwelve years tized. Thisisthefirst event recorded inScrip begins with Him coming to John to be bap is extremely tonotethatitbasically important baptism ofJesus contradictsknown passages sins. Thisclaim isfalse! Nothing regarding the then baptism isnotfortheforgiveness ofpast of forgiveness, andHe wasbaptized anyway, since Jesus waswithout sin,thusnotinneed the remission isthat ofsins.Theirassertion nor for teaches that baptism is not necessary God Deacons: Minister: Bishops: First, ofJesus,As we studythepublicministry it . Sadly, manyclaimthatthispassage Baptism

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, is Necessary toPlease The BaptismofJesus BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 25 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. and elders: er inJesus’ ministry, He asksthechiefpriests mands. One suchcommandwasbaptism. Lat only besinlessifHe obeyed His Father’s com fil all righteousness” (Mat. 3:15). Jesus could sus reveals thatHe wouldbebaptized to“ful the remission of sins” (Mark 1:4). Further, Je ness, andpreach thebaptismofrepentance for Mark writes, “John did baptize in the wilder oftheFather’stism isapart plantosave man. do His Father’s business(Luke 2:49) and bap sinless. However, Jesus to cametothisearth need remission of sins since He was, in fact, forsalvation. Jesusdeed necessary didnot the forgiveness ofsinsandthatbaptismisin 2:38 whichclearlyteachthatbaptismisfor 3:21,andActs such asMark 16:16,1 Peter From heaven; hewillsayuntous, Why with themselves, saying, If we shallsay, heaven, orofmen?And theyreasoned The baptismof John, whence wasit?from 850.455.7595 June 22,2015 ------did ye not then believe him? But if we and therefore would not have been sinless. Be- shall say, Of men; we fear the people; for cause of Jesus’ obedience, God said, “This is all hold John as a prophet (21:25-26). my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” The obvious answer is that the baptism of (Mat. 3:17). If we are to be pleasing to God, John was from God and thus a command that we must follow the example of Jesus, obey Jesus would gladly obey. The inspired writer the commands of the Father, and be bap- Luke states that those who were not baptized tized. Otherwise, we reject the counsel of God after hearing John preach “rejected the coun- against ourselves. sel of God against themselves” (Luke 7:29). Second, Baptism Is Immersion. When Je-

Had Jesus not been baptized, He would have sus was baptized, the inspired accounts state rejected the counsel of God against Himself that He came up “out of the water” (3:16;

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (6 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price Total: ______Send To: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______Mark 1:10). Jesus had to come up out of the moving and awe-inspiring moment, all three water because He had been plunged beneath personages of Deity (i.e., the Godhead) are it by John. The Greek word translatedbap - present. Jesus, who was God in the flesh (John tized means “to dip,” according to Thayer’s 1:14), the Holy Spirit, who descended like a Greek Lexicon, and “to submerge, immerse, or dove and sat upon Jesus, and God, the Father, to make overwhelmed (i.e., full wet)” accord- who spoke from Heaven, “This is my beloved ing to Strong’s. Unfortunately, many in the Son, in whom I am well pleased” are all pres- denominational world definebaptize as sprin- ent. This fact destroys the proposition held

kling or pouring even though the Greek word by the Oneness Pentecostals that there is only

means to immerse. From the baptism of Je- one person in the Godhead—Jesus. This doc-

sus, we learn that the act of obedience which trine is also known as the “Jesus Only” doc- is pleasing to the Father is immersion. trine. The baptism of Jesus, as recorded by in- Third, The Godhead Consists of Three spiration, clearly demonstrates that the One Distinct Personalities. After Jesus is im- God of the Bible consists of three distinct mersed by John, and He came up out of the personalities. water, the Bible teaches that “the heavens The baptism of Jesus serves as a great and were opened unto him, and he saw the Spir- powerful example to us all. If we are to be it of God descending like a dove, and light- Christ-like, we must submit to God’s com- ing upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, mands and go about doing our Father’s saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I business. am well pleased” (Mat. 3:16-17). At this very Lenoir City, TN

My Never Again List Never again will I say, “I can’t,” for “I can Never again will I admit defeat, for “God, do all things through Christ which strength- which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, eneth me” (Phi. 4:13). and maketh manifest the savour of his knowl- Never again will I admit lack, for “my God edge by us in every place” (2 Cor. 2:14). shall supply all your need according to his Never again will I lack wisdom, for “If any riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (4:19). of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that Never again will I fear, for “God hath not giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of and it shall be given him” (Jam. 1:5). love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7). Never again will I be worried and frustrat- Never again will I harbor doubt and lack ed, “Casting all your care upon him; for he of faith, for “The Lord is my light and my sal- careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). vation; whom shall I fear” (Psa. 27:1). Never again will I be in bondage, for “the Never again will I allow the supremacy of Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Satan over my life, for “greater is he that is in Lord is, there is liberty” (2 Cor. 3 17). you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: tion and never marrying atall. tion andnever marrying those who practice “living in” fornica ity, pre-marriages, andspecially against style: homosexuality, opensexual activ cross spellsanendingtotheir life our nation are offended because the cians do for it? Some social groups in we apologize for the cross, like politi To somethecross isoffensive! Should 24 June God’s Word. pel preacher of who stood for the truth your prayers. Tim wasafaithfulGos Freda andtherest ofthefamilyin away onJune 20,2015.Please keep the familyof Tim Smith, whopassed Our deepest sympathy is extended to Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., Please Remember Offensive Cross


Sick Marge W Delbert GoinsDelbert Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks - - - - -

did not commandfamily affection ( mand: “Love your enemies” (Mat. 5:44). He cause itisright. Therefore, Jesus couldcom life. It is thelove of doing right simply be producing deliberateconvictionand policyof affection andpersonalattachment.” lexicographer, writesthatphileois“the love of do. expressing whatittakesfourGreek words to sense andemotion.” says, “denotes aninclination prompted by and means“family affection.” ble. However, itcombineswithotherwords the Bible. bly inordinate desire,” anddoesnotappearin erotic derives, expresses “sexual desire, possi Deacons: Minister: Bishops: 4. In theEnglish language 1. 3. 2. Storge doesnotappearassuchintheBi Phileo, Thayer, the Greek lexicographer Agape isadeterminationofthe mind Eros

, from whencetheEnglish word

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley,

Lenski, anotherGreek love BEACON issingularin Vol. XLIV/No. 26 Storge) or Biblical Love David P. Brown A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. indicative of its relationship to an objective when theemotions surgeandwane. Such is Gal. 4:16).Hence, agape doesnotchange hearers andreaders 8:32; highestgood(John our Lord’s andHis apostles’ desire fortheir wastaughtmanifesting each case,thetruth ofcorruption”2:2,12ff). servants In (2 Pet. swelling blemishes…wells withoutwater…speakgreat prophets as“natural beasts…Spots… brute manifested hislove whenhereferred tofalse Cor. 3:3).Peter “For ye are yet carnal” (1 (agape) thechurch atCorinthwhenhesaid, and Pharisees, hypocrites!”(23:15).Paul loved when He saidtothem,“Woe untoyou, scribes would lightlyorstrongly dislikehim. the will,toseekhighestgoodofanywho did commandamentalresolve, anexercise of and emotion” fortenderaffection( “personal attachment” “prompted by sense Jesus loved ( 850.455.7595 words ofvanity…themselves are the agape) the scribes and Pharisees June 29,2015 phileo). He standard, God’s Word. Agape always leads one leads to obedience to God’s law. Jesus said, “If to obey without question the commandments ye love me, keep my commandments” (John of God (1 John 4:18; 5:3). Through the Gos- 14:15). pel agape proves the faith of man by soliciting If one expands in greater family affection him to choose between God and Satan (Jos. (storge) he must cultivate agape. This alone will 24:15, 22; Psa. 119:30; Pro. 1:29; Isa. 7:15; prompt obedience to the precepts of the Lord Acts 2:41-42; 1 Cor. 15:14). in all areas of family affection and life. If one Agape is the highest love because it regu- would increase in “the love and affection and lates with saneness and sobriety the emotion- personal attachment” (phileo), he must nour- al forms of love. No form of love, therefore, ish agape. Unless the regulatory power of agape rises higher nor in any way sets aside the love over the other forms of love is recognized and that always under any and all circumstances employed, the sobering effect of the Bible will

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (6 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______

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be discarded for a life of emotional instability emotions must have pulsed in the heart of the and a general lack of conviction on anything old man when Isaac asked where the sacrificial (subjectivism). lamb was! From Abraham’s lips Agape replies: All manner of relationships, marriages in- “My son, God will provide himself a lamb for cluded, are founded on eros, storge, and phileo a burnt offering” (22:8). Abraham built the al- with little, if any, agape present. All such re- tar “and laid the wood in order” (22:9). As he lationships are doomed to failure. Emotions bound “his son,” Isaac at least by then knew or “feelings” are not enough to cement close what must be. But more than Isaac’s realiza- friendships and intimate family ties in times tion is the fact that Abraham fully realized that of illness, poverty, and the dire calamities that Isaac understood what was about to transpire. are the common lot of mankind. In “sickness Oh, the godly cooperation that agape creates and in health and for better or for worse,” as father and son fulfill their particular parts in agape is the prime mover behind being “sted- obedience to God! Then while Abraham’s arm fast, unmoveable, always abounding in the was outstretched and the knife poised to do work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that the bidding of Jehovah, the angel of the Lord your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. stayed the aging father’s hand. 15:58). Can we not see that Abraham controlled A perfect example of the importance and the emotional forms of love because of his love power of agape in the life of a mortal is re- (agape) of God and God’s will? He brought corded in Genesis 22:1-14. Through the eye his feelings (emotions) under the control of of faith we see Abraham obey God as he takes God and there, along with Isaac, he kept them Isaac, his son, his only son, whom he loves, to the obedience of the will of God. Abra- and rising early in the morning journey to the ham knew that God would never ask of him land of Moriah to offer his son of promise for what was not best for him. The Bible nowhere a burnt offering. Finally the place is reached teaches that law and love are mutually exclu- and the father of the faithful lays the wood sive in the lives of faithful children of God. No on his beloved son. Abraham takes the fire form of love ever manifests itself in a greater, and knife, and both father and son together, fuller, deeper, and higher manner than when go to do the bidding of God. What fatherly it is revealed in one obeying God (Rev. 2:10; Mat. 26:39-40; Heb. 5:8-9). We are caused to understand more fully why the inspired Defender and Beacon Paul wrote: “But now abideth faith, hope,

Available Via E-Mail love, these three; and the greatest of these is

To receive the Defender and Beacon via e- love [agape]” (1 Cor. 13:13—ASV). Also this is why John wrote, “but whoso keepeth his mail please send your e-mail address to: [email protected] word, in him verily hath the love of God been

perfected” (1 John 2:5—ASV). The file you will receive will be a PDF. Spring, TX BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Forget rewardscrowns, andstarry He only asksIdomybest He putmehere towork, He didn’t putmehere towhine, He putmehere tosingasong He putmehere sayaword He putmehere tolendahand He putmehere tohelptheweak, He putmehere tofightafight, “God didn’t putmeonthisearth 6 July Robbie Cravey (The Haven) And leave allinHis hand.” To outhisplan, carry And Satan’s evilrout. Stick outmylips,andpout; For someone elsetohear. Of encouragementandcheer; And helptheworldalong. And helpmyselfgrow strong; To holdabattleline. To have aneasytime, p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 Do Do You Wonder Why? Please Remember

Sick Author Unknown Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks

surprising as it may seem too many, it is not word is itaddressed todeaconsonly, although the 5:3).Nor they mustsettheexample (1 Pet. It is not addressed to the elders only, although es thisadmonitionto“my beloved brethren.” Christian. Noticeand every that Paul address area ofwork known toman. privileges, responsibilities, andrewards ofany tion, Paul said: the Master. Based onthehopeof resurrec- Christian lifeoughttobefilledwithwork for Cor. 3:9).The ers togetherwithGod” (1 Deacons: Minister: Bishops: It isinteresting thatthiswork involves each The work of theLord involves the greatest Lord (15:58). know thatyour labourisnot in vain inthe in thework oftheLord, forasmuchasye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye According toPaul, Christiansare “labour deacon means“servant” (Acts 6:1-3).As Abounding In the Abounding In Work oftheLord (Part 1)

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 27 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. abroad becauseof persecution, Luke stated, the disciples inJerusalem were scattered cation, age gender, nationality, etc. When Lord. There is noexemptions based onedu is noexemption from doingthework ofthe (1 Cor. 12:12-21). the overall goodofthespiritualbodyChrist cal body, for eachmembermustdotheirpart a physicalbody(Rom. 12:5).Aswithaphysi- The Scriptures oftencompare thechurch to and wasrewarded orpunishedaccordingly. wasrequiredEach servant togive anaccount wasexpected to work. the onetalent servant given talentsaccording tohisability. Even talents (Mat. 25:14-30).Every was servant intheparableof point isclearlysetforth Christian mustbeaworker fortheLord. This specific work todo(2 Tim. 2:15;4:5). addressed topreachers only, althoughhehas Christians maydifferin ability, butthere The New Testament teachesthatevery 850.455.7595 July 6,2015 - “Therefore they that were scattered abroad Christian must examine their service and went every where preaching the word” (Acts ask, “Am I abounding in the Lord’s work?” 8:4). There will always be plenty of work in Remember, the question is not, “Am I occa- the Lord’s church for a Paul and a Timothy; a sionally doing the Lord’s work?” Rather, one Eunice and a Dorcas; a Barnabas and a Mark must ask, “Am I abounding in it?” Let us all Abounding in the work of the Lord means remember, “the night cometh, when no man happiness here and heaven hereafter. Each can work” (John 9:4). Huntsville, TX

Boldness in the Day of Judgment Bill Jackson “Herein is our love made perfect, that we as we have received this love from God, so we may have boldness in the day of judgment: be- should manifest it toward Him, and toward cause as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John others (4:11). John continues in pointing out 4:17). We note that the word is “boldness” that God is to dwell in us, and in us is His love and not “arrogance.” What does it mean? Ad- perfected. The idea of love perfected is that of mittedly, it sounds like a grand thing—that in “being completed, being brought to maturity, the judgment we need not stand there in aw- reaching its ultimate.” So, God loves us and ful, trembling fear but rather we can be there desires to dwell in us. He then permits man to in boldness. Let us look into it. respond obediently to His love, to love God, This is a context dealing with the facts that to allow God to indwell us, and to manifest God is love (4:8), that God manifested His every good and godly trait toward other men. love toward man in the sending of His Son In this, John says that this love is perfected. It (4:9), that this love produced the everlast- is the child of God living right with God and ing atonement for our sins (4:10), and that right with man. Based on these considerations, John states that when one approaches the judgment of Bellview Church of Christ Web Site God, it is not fear that possesses him. The man who has not obeyed the Gospel is to feel the The site offers a vast amount of resources vengeance of God, the wrath of God (2 The. for your personal edification. Past issues of 1:8-9). To those who live a life of sin, “It is a Defender and Beacon, written sermons pre- fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living sented by Michael Hatcher, as well as Ira Y. God” (Heb. 10:31). Such men will be brought Rice’s Basic Bible course are available. Vid- before the judgment seat of Christ, and it will eos of lectureships, sermons, and Gospel be a thing of terror indeed! meetings can be viewed. Why not check it This is not the case with the child of God. out at: He has not lived in rebellion but rather has walked in the light (1 John 1:7). He has not persisted in error but has made correction as before the judgment bar of God “in boldness.” mistakes were committed (1:9). His love for Now, that is a great blessing and the faith- God caused him to keep the commandments ful child of God is aware of it and takes com- of God, for love demands this (John 14:15). fort in it. When his life ends it matters little Upon his death, or upon the Lord’s return, where he is or the circumstances of it, for he the child of God cannot be said to fall into will be found in faithfulness. It is, for him, the hands of God; he has not been found in entirely a promotion to wonderful and eter- rebellion and disobedience. Neither death, nal things. The fear that he would have had, the judgment, or eternity caused him to fear if he had continued in sin, has been removed as does the sinful person. Based, then, on his because of love perfected in him, for “perfect love for God, and his obedience to God, God’s love casteth out fear” (1 John 4:18). plan for him has been perfected, and he comes Deceased

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (6 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______

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BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: benefit from thegood” (1The.5:21). wise separatethebadfrom thegood and because some is bad, but the everything welieve hear; othersreject everything we receive someofusbe instruction, the wisest, and he explained, “When spot andatethegood. thing away. Thethird cutoutthe rotten thing. Thesecondthrew thewhole rotten spotonit.Thefirstatethewhole each of them a piece of an apple with a test theirabilitytodiscern.So hegave beingonvacation. due tothesecretary This week’s 12 July Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch The fathernotedthatthethird was A manhadthree sons.He wantedto inroom 1. the afternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldafter Please Remember The Wisest Son The Wisest

Beacon wasprintedearly Beacon

Sick Author Unknown Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

to idols(chapter 8-10). Worship was cor They hadproblems over eating meatoffered church atCorinthhindered theLord’s work. The doubtsandopinions thatplaguedthe toaccomplishtheLord’sis necessary work. op thesteadfastnessand immovability that ment andthestrongest convictiontodevel- be filledwithwork forthe Master. Kingdom. Thus, the Christian life ought to ing totheirvarious abilities,tolaborinthe of theLord. To theCorinthians,Paul wrote: Christianmustaboundinthework that every rupted aswomenchose toset asidetheveil rupted Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The Christianneedsthedeepestcommit- God hasequippedeachChristian,accord- the Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). know thatyour labourisnot invain in in thework oftheLord, forasmuchasye stedfast, unmoveable, alwaysabounding Therefore, mybeloved brethren, be ye It wasdemonstratedinaprevious article Abounding inthe Work oftheLord (Part 2)

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 28 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. At thecloseofhislife,Paul said: me tolive isChrist,andtodiegain” (1:21). the Lord. ConsiderPaul’s oflife,“For view to to “abound”that is necessary in the work of admonished: work. Similarly, thechurch atPhilippi was hinderedcaused divisionwhichfurther the (chapters 12-14).Theseandotherproblems over anduseofspiritualgifts theimportance mon meal(chapter11).There wasconfusion and the Lord’s Supper was turned into a com forth thereforth islaid up formea crown of my course,Ihave keptthe faith:Hence- I have foughtagoodfight, Ihave finished Paul’s lifeisanexampleofthecommitment er forthefaithofgospel(Phi. 1:27). one spirit, with one mind striving togeth hear ofyour affairs,that ye standfastin come andseeyou, orelsebeabsent,Imay meth thegospelofChrist:thatwhetherI Only letyour conversation be asitbeco 850.455.7595 July 13,2015 - - - righteousness, which the Lord, the righ- a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have teous judge, shall give me at that day: and works: shew me thy faith without thy works, not to me only, but unto all them also and I will shew thee my faith by my works” that love his appearing (2 Tim. 4:7-8). (Jam. 2:18). A Christian’s work will always be Paul had this strong conviction because he proportionate to their faith, conviction, and recognized the reward that awaits those who hope. Each Christian must develop the faith, labor for the Lord. commitment, and conviction necessary to be The proper zeal for the Lord is impossi- constant in the work of the Lord. ble without strong faith and conviction. “Yea, Huntsville, TX

Ephesians 2:8 J. Noel Merideth

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and Martin Luther went to the opposite ex- and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of treme and had salvation by faith alone. In

God” (Eph. 2:8)—For is translated from the the Reformation some said man was saved by particle gar and explains why the apostle has grace alone, through faith alone, but this is said that the exceeding riches of God’s grace not a statement of common sense or Scrip- are shown forth in man’s salvation. It also ture. It has been pointed out that if it is by looks back to verse 5 where Paul had said we grace alone, it cannot at the same time be by are saved by grace. Salvation by grace through faith alone. Could a man be married to Sally faith is a summary of the Gospel. Salvation alone and to Jane alone at the same time? Of is provided by Almighty God. We are lost in course not! There is thus a contradiction. Not sin, but He has provided salvation for us. We only that but James expressly declares that we are saved by the grace of God through faith. are not justified by faith alone (Jam. 2:24). charis “Grace” is unmerited favor; it is op- Paul says we are saved by grace which is posed to necessity on the part of God and translated from te charati, which is literal- to merit on the part of man. No one made ly “the grace.” The definite article is before

God provide a system of salvation for us and grace in the Greek text and not only express- no one could box God in a corner where He es an idea which is familiar and distinctive owed salvation to man. Grace is the princi- but refers back to “grace” in verse 5 (where ple upon which God freely acts to save man. the noun, being used adverbially is without Grace is love passing beyond those who de- the article). Thus “grace” is put forward in serve it; it is unmerited favor which God has the Greek text and emphasis is placed upon bestowed upon man. this grace. Grace is in the dative case and thus While this sublime passage presents our shows the means of salvation. Faith is the me- salvation, controversy has swirled for centu- dium by which it is received. Henry Alford ries around this and similar texts. For centu- says, “it (the salvation) has been effected by ries Catholicism emphasized merit and works grace and apprehended by faith.” The faith of course is a living and working faith; it is not “Through faith” diu tes pisteos is literal- a dead faith. ly through “the faith.” Some think the faith “Are ye saved” is translated from este seso- here refers to the Gospel; others take faith in smrnoi which is what is called in the Greek a a subjective. Some say it may be understood periphrastic construction. The point is a little to mean “your faith.” The sense of the passage technical but once it is seen it is enlightening appears to be the faith of man which comes and understandable. The periphrastic con- about by hearing the Word of God (Rom. struction is when the writer cannot get all of 10:17). Man must respond to the grace in the details of action from one verbal form. So the appropriate way; he must believe. Saving he uses two, here a finite verb and a participle. faith is faith which works by love (Ga1. 6:7); The verb here is este, second person, plural, it is thus obedient faith. present, active, indicative of eimi. The parti- “And that not of yourselves” is translated ciple here is sesosmenoi, perfect, passive, par- from kai touto ouk ex humon. The pronoun

ticiple, nominative, plural masculine of sodzo. that is neuter gender in Greek. One group of

The perfect tense is the tense which speaks of expositors refers “that” to faith in spite of the

an action that took place in the past time and fact that they do not agree in gender. Oth-

was completed in the past but having results ers say that “that” being neuter refers to “sal-

existing in present time. The idea is that by vation” under consideration in the context.

grace you have been saved in past time, with It appears that this is the correct view of the

the result that you are in a state of salvation passage.

which continues in the present time. Deceased

A Sordid Biblical Picture of Modern America R. L. Whiteside

For this cause God gave them up unto people cease to respect God, they will not long

vile affections: for even their women did respect their own bodies. They give themselves

change the natural use into that which is up to passions of dishonor. Their women be-

against nature: And likewise also the men, come abusers of their own bodies. The men

leaving the natural use of the woman, indulged in the debasing practice of sodomy. burned in their lust one toward another; We are told that this was a common practice men with men working that which is un- seemly, and receiving in themselves that among the prominent men of Greece, and recompence of their error which was meet also the Romans. When the greatest men of a (Rom. 1:26-27). nation descend to the lowest conceivable form Paul is not indulging in a lot of fanciful spec- of immorality, it shows how powerless educa- ulations nor presenting baseless theories. He is tion and philosophy are to save men from the showing how the heathen nations had reached deepest depths of moral pollution. the lowest degree of moral degradation. When Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Debbie Dawson Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: the Bible 89). day (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the herbwe callby thesamenameto- plant, andmayhave beendifferent from hyssop. Hyssop was obviously a bushy a spongepassedtohimon abunchof on thecross, Jesus wasgiven vinegarin festival. The New Testament tells that, es, andalsoontheeve ofthePassover when sprinklingthebloodofsacrific In theOld Testament, hyssopwasused beingonvacation. due tothesecretary This week’s 22 July 20 July 19 July Robbie Cravey (The Haven) in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Please Remember

Beacon wasprintedearly Hyssop Beacon

Sick Marge W Nelda King Ray Foshee Cary P Cary Al F Al illiams lesher arks -

(1) Always letyour speechbe withgrace(Col. New Testament, Christians are admonished: Christ isthe religion of always. Through the religion. It could be said that the religion of edly usedinassociation with theChristian tian’s work. ofthework oftheChristian. and fervor willdealwiththeconstancy work. Thisarticle to accomplishtheLord’sity thatisnecessary to develop thesteadfastnessandimmovabil est commitmentandthestrongest conviction of theLord. Paul stated: Christianmustaboundinthework that every Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Always implies constancy in the Chris Furthermore, theChristianneedsdeep Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). know thatyour labourisnotin vain inthe in thework oftheLord, forasmuchasye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding Therefore, mybeloved brethren, be ye In previous itwasdemonstrated articles, Abounding inthe Work oftheLord (Part 3)

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Always isaword thatisrepeat y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 29 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. tian service are not dependable. tian service your life.Thosewholack constancyinChris short, is fit forthekingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). In put hishandtotheplough, andlookingback, “And Jesus said untohim,No man,having Always meansnever lookingbackorgiving up. special events likeGospel Meetings, VBS, etc. Wednesday Bible class.It means supporting ship aswell asSunday evening worshipand praise. and whenyour work goesunseenandwithout working whenyou are watchedandpraised day (Sunday onlyisnogood). acceptable totheLord. season” (2 Tim. 4:2). Spasmodic is not service “always” meansto“beinstantinseason,outof ready togive ananswer (1 Pet. 3:15). To work Always obey (2:12),and(4)Always be (3) 4:6), (2) Always rejoice intheLord (Phi. 4:4), Always means six days a week plus Sun 850.455.7595 Always day for therest of meansevery Always meansSunday morningwor July 20,2015 Always means - - - Abounding implies the fervor of the Chris- the heart. There are too many men-pleasers. tian’s work. The Greek word translated The Lord desires servants who do the will abounding is an interesting study. It comes of God from the heart (Eph. 6:6). Abound- from the word perisseuo meaning, “to be over ing service demands that God and His King- and above; excel.” It is used of exceeding oth- dom be placed first (Mat. 6:33). Those who ers. Jesus said that one’s righteousness must are not constant in the Lord’s work are taking exceed that of the Pharisees to enter heaven a chance on their eternal salvation. Those who (Mat. 5:20). It is used of exceeding the mini- lack constancy may be hot, cold, or even luke- mum requirements. The prodigal son’s father warm. Jesus rebuked the church at Laodicea: gave his servants more food to spare (Luke I know thy works, that thou art neither 15:17). It is used of exceeding what was done cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or in the past. When questioned by Pilate, the hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, foolish Jews “cried out the more exceedingly, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee Crucify him” (Mark 15:14). out of my mouth (Rev. 3:15-16). Christian service must be abounding ser- Christians are “created in Christ Jesus unto vice. Such service must be offered willingly. good works” (Eph. 2:10). Jesus died “that he The eleventh hour men in the parable of the might redeem us from all iniquity, and puri- laborers illustrate this point (Mat. 20:1-16). fy unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of Abounding service is not slothful, but fervent good works” (Tit. 2:14). Are you abounding service (Rom. 12:11). The idea here is being in the work of the Lord? heated to a boil. Abounding service is from Huntsville, TX

Do We Believe in the Old Testament? Foy E. Wallace, Jr. The Old and the New Testaments represent that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to together the continuity of Divine revelation. vanish away” (Heb. 8:13). Here Paul showed We are not under the Old Testament—but that what the Old Testament said in advance that does not mean that we do not believe it. about itself had been done. That was a quo- When we try to show people that we are not tation from the Old Testament. So, if you do under the Old Testament, they think that we not believe that the Old Testament has van- do not believe the Old Testament. Let us ask, ished away, then you are the one who does not who it is that does not believe the Old Testa- believe the Old Testament. ment—do you believe that it has been taken I believe the Old Testament, but we are away? If you say no—then you do not believe not under it. That does not mean that it is not the Old Testament, because the Old Testa- true; it means that it was fulfilled and has been ment is the book that said, “In that he saith, A abrogated. It was not called the “Old Testa- new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now ment” as long as it was in force. There is not a law on the statue books of the State of Tennes- taking it out of the way. The Old Testament see that you would call an “old” law while it is is true as the revelation of God and the histo- in operation. When a law is repealed, when it ry of man, and of God’s people Israel, and as is abrogated, when it is relegated, it becomes an inspired record of the development of the an old law. Divine plan of redemption. All of that is in Then why is the Old Testament “old”? Not the Old Testament. The Bible is thus the lon- because it was written first, not because it is gest thread of thought ever woven in the loom older than the New Testament—Paul said, of time. There is no repudiation of the Old in Hebrews 8:13, that God made it old. “In Testament, but we recognize the difference in that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the dispensations under which men have lived the first old.” He made it old by abrogating it, and served God. Deceased

Bellview Lectures Books Order Form Make checks or money orders out to Bellview Church of Christ. Please send the following: Date: ______Total Price ____ copies of Refuting Realized Eschatology (2015) @ $25.00 ______copies of Understanding The Will Of The Lord (2014) @ $11.00 ______copies of Innovations (2013) @ $11.00 ______copies of What The Bible Says About: (2012) @ $11.00 ______copies of Moral Issues We Face (2011) @ $11.00 (6 copies remain) ______copies of Back To The Bible (2010) @ $4.00 ______copies of Preaching From The Major Prophets (2008) @ $16.00 ______copies of A Time To Build (2007) @ $5.00 ______copies of The Blight Of Liberalism (2005) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great New Testament Questions (2004) @ $5.00 ______copies of Great Old Testament Questions (2003) @ $5.00 ______copies of Beatitudes (2002) @ $5.00 ______copies of Encouraging Statements Of The Bible (2001) @ $5.00 ______copies of Sad Statements Of The Bible (2000) @ $5.00 ______copies of Preaching God Demands (1996) @ $5.00 ______Postage/Handling ($3.75 per Book): ______Books-on-CD (1988-2015) (PDF format) @ $37.75 ______(includes postage/handling)—call for upgrade price Total: ______Send To: ______Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: dia oftheBible 88). wise men( one ofthegiftsbrought toJesus by the The Bible states that frankincense was and wasusedasincenseinBible times. a sweet scentwhenwarmedorburned, The ting into the trunk. resin gives off frankincense-tree (Boswellia) andcut lected by peelingbackthebark ofthe Frankincense isagumwhichcol 3 August 29 July 22 July Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., Please Remember

Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclope Frankincense

Sick Debbie D Marge W Al F Al illiams awson lesher - - -

this command with thepreceding verses. The mand towork with final resurrection. Paul introduces thecom tives fordoingit. will dealwiththenature ofthework andmo article toaccomplishthiswork. This final sary thatisneces sion oftheconstancyandfervor work. We continuedourstudywithadiscus to accomplishtheLord’sity thatisnecessary to develop thesteadfastnessandimmovabil est commitmentandthestrongest conviction of theLord. Paul stated: Christianmustaboundinthework that every Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The primary motive given The primary by Paul isthe Furthermore, theChristianneedsdeep Lord (1 Cor. 15:58). know thatyour labourisnotin vain inthe in thework oftheLord, forasmuchasye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding Therefore, mybeloved brethren, be ye In previous itwasdemonstrated articles, Abounding inthe Work oftheLord (Part 4)

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, therefore whichconnects BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 30 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. for theirlabors forChrist. of therewardgives theChristian certainty 3:10).However,of time(2 Pet. God’s Word vain andwillbeconsumedwithfire attheend centive towork. Our work outsideofChristis labor fortheLord isnotinvain isstrong in and reward (Mat. 25:46).Knowing thatour 14:12). It willalsobeadayofpunishment God andgive anaccount(2 Cor. 5:10;Rom. the dayofreckoning. Allmuststandbefore to thefinaljudgment. in thework oftheLord. Thisfuture lifeistied will follow themeven indeath(Rev. 14:13). rest from their labors, knowing that theirwork be alifebeyond thisone.In death,onewill of the Lord” of the fact that in thereview will aging hisreaders to“always aboundinthelord resurrection andimmortality. Paul isencour entire chapterisdevoted toadiscussionofthe The work under consideration inourtext The future lifeis reason foralltoabound 850.455.7595 Forasmuch introduces July 27,2015 - - is the Lord’s own work. The Christian is to fortunate. This benevolence is not limited take up the cause of Christ and continue the to saints only, but to be extended to all men Work that He started. In His own words, “For (Gal. 6:10). Finally, the work of the Lord in- the Son of man is come to seek and to save volves edification. Each Christian has the obli- that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). This is the gation to encourage and build up their broth- work that He has commanded us to do and ers and sisters in Christ. This is accomplished for which He receives the glory and honor through study, worship, visitation, etc. (Eph. that is His due. To work for the Lord means 4:12). to do God’s will (Mat. 7:21-23). Like Jesus, Paul encouraged Timothy, “Take heed the Christian’s “meat” must be to do the will unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; contin- of God and finish the work that Jesus started ue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both (John 4:34). To work for the Lord means to honor and glorify Him (Phi. 1:20). save thyself, and them that hear thee” (1 Tim. The work of the Lord includes evangelism 4:16). Abounding in the work of the Lord (Mark 16:16; Rom. 1:16). The Christian must means happiness here and heaven hereafter. be about the work of proclaiming Christ and In order to reap the reward, one must do the

His salvation to the lost. Also, the work of the work. So, “let us not be weary in well doing:

Lord includes benevolence. This means that, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” as opportunity and circumstances permit, the (Gal. 6:9).

Christian is to share with those who are less Huntsville, TX

Religion by Majority

Dub McClish

A Pew Poll of 35,000 Americans, released among Evangelicals, 61% among mainline in June 2008, revealed some interesting sta- Protestants, and 63% over all those surveyed. tistics about religious beliefs. More than half Among other things, these figures indicate

(57%) of “evangelicals” (strong in their belief a widespread religious pluralism, reflecting in the Bible and in Jesus as God’s only begot- the popular philosophical nonsense known ten Son, right?), opined that Christianity is as “postmodernism.” This philosophy denies not the only way to Heaven. Mainline Prot- the existence of objective truth and makes estants stated the same opinion by a whop- all things relative. Its deluded adherents bab- ping 83%. The average of all who professed ble about “your truth” and “my truth” as if all any sort of religious affiliation, 70% said that views were equally true and valid. This driv- there are many ways (religions) by which one el is but the natural progression of the gen- might attain eternal life. erations-old denominational inanity: “It Of those polled, 92% claimed to believe makes no difference what you believe, as long in God. Belief in the Bible registered 88% as you’re sincere.” The Bible says it makesall the difference. Just as there is one God and John’s definition of an “” (1 John one Savior, there is only one Gospel by which 2:22), and still be a “Christian.” men can enter Heaven (Mark 16:15-16; Rom. The concept of many ways to Heaven (as- 1:16; Gal. 1:6-9). suming one still believes in the immortal soul) Postmodernism has opened the door for indisputably contradicts the claim of belief in the “Emerging” or “Emergent” church move- the God of the Bible. The very basis of the ment that has been gaining momentum since Mosaic law pronounced the God of the Bi- the last decade of the previous century. It is ble to be the only true and living God, not “a the ultimate Burger King, “have-it-your-way” god” among many:

approach to religion. It smacks of the old anti- Thou shalt have no other gods before me. establishment movement in culture and poli- Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven tics of the 1960s, only applied to religion. The image, nor any likeness of any thing that Emerging/Emergent church movement is an is in heaven above, or that is in the earth unabashed attempt to bend religion to every beneath, or that is in the water under the secular and Humanistic influences in society. earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them, for I Jehovah The Emerging/Emergent approach allows thy God am a jealous God (Exo. 20:3-5). one to believe and/or practice anything (or The New Testament echoes this cardinal nothing) regarding God and man’s relation- fact throughout. That very God sent the Re- ship to Him—and still call himself a “Chris- deemer into the world in the person of Je- tian.” It holds few, if any, moral absolutes. Its main concerns are with the here and now and sus Christ, and “like Father, like Son”—He “social justice,” rather than with sin, redemp- claimed to be the exclusive avenue to eter- tion, and immortality. One critic likened it to nal life: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one cometh unto the Father, but by a “Build-Your-Own-God” shop, while anoth- er identified it as outright paganism. me” (John 14:6). Biblical religion is decided-

Propositional truth and Biblical authori- ly monotheistic and anti-pluralistic. It may

ty are passé, if not subjects of ridicule to its evince “tolerance” for declared believers in

leaders. The Bible is of no use or concern to God and in the Bible to aver that there are

them. Were we still in the era of outhouse many paths to Heaven; it is also hypocritical

“bathrooms,” these pseudo-theologians would and patently anti-Biblical. Men may reject

doubtless place their Bibles alongside the this Bible teaching, but it is consummate

Sears-Roebuck catalog in such facilities. To folly to deny that the Bible so teaches.

them, one can deny the Father and the Son, Paul’s warning is every-appropriate: Take heed lest there shall be any one that Defender and Beacon maketh spoil of you through his philos-

Available Via E-Mail ophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, Send your e-mail address to: and not after Christ (Col. 2:8). [email protected] Denton, TX BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: one! inonegeneration. converted Christian wouldmeanthe wholeworld benevolent programs. One increase immeasurablyourmissionand ble ourattendance.One brought member would dou by every can break amother’s heart. can causeapanic. in aboatwillsinkit.One said, “Theywon’t missme!”? es each Wednesday evening. Have you Sundayevery andmid-week servic Bible studyandbothworshipperiods 3 August You are important one…butavery Your wholefamilyneedstobein p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 You Are More Important Please Remember Than YouThink!

Sick One Author Unknown Debbie D Marge W wayward child dollar would convert per convert One false alarm Al F Al One illiams awson visitor lesher hole - -

ship God “inspirit andin Truth” 4:24) (John to fish,shop, orwatch TVrather thanwor and whatthey wanttodo. Those whochoose is simplekidsare happytodowhatthey love event?”tend myfavorite The sporting reason videogame,orat my friends,acceptthisnew “Do Ihave to…eatallofmycandy, play with ing, you never hearachildcomplainorask, astakingoutthe trash?Generally speak egory is placedinasimilarcat ing worshipservices does itsayaboutourattitudewhenattend nightofaGospel Meeting”—etc.ery What attendBible classes,attend ev ship service, matters. “Do wor Ihave to…attendevery ly, thisquestionfindsitswayinto religions ter-box”—and thelist could goon.Sad the yard, washthedishes,cleanoutlit to…clean my room,my teeth, mow brush acquainted withthequestion—“do Ihave over-asking, “Do Ihave to?”Parents are well Deacons: Minister: Bishops: As achild,perhapsallofuswere guiltyof

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON “Do IHave“Do To?” Vol. XLIV/No. 31 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. 12:1-2). Paul recalls: forsake all that separatesusfrom God (Rom. ourselves together” (Heb. 10:25),we should nity. Ratherthan“forsaking theassemblingof opportu the saintsandworshipGod atevery Christians, we should I putawaychildishthing” (1 Cor. 13:11).As thought asachild:butwhenIbecameman, I spakeasachild,understood I The apostle “When Iwasachild, Paul states, do so for thesame simple reason they asking, “Why would Inotwant to?” asking, “Why Cor. 13:5)by (2 should examine ourhearts Rather than asking, “Do Ihave to,” we and Icountallthings counted lossforChrist. Yea doubtless, what thingswere gaintome,thoseI dung, thatImaywinChrist (Phi. 3:7-8). loss ofallthings,anddocount them my Lord: forwhomIhave suffered the cellency oftheknowledge ofChristJesus 850.455.7595 want toassemblewith August 3,2015 but lossfortheex want to. but - - • Why would I not want to attend every up in the nurture and admonition of the worship service knowing that God de- Lord” (Eph. 6:4)? serves our praise and worship (Psa. 18:3; • Why would I not want to read the Bible John 3:16) and He has explicitly com- knowing that “the gospel of Christ: for it manded us to do so (Heb. 10:24-25)? is the power of God unto salvation to ev- ery one that believeth” (Rom. 1:16)? • Why would I not want to attend Bi- • Why would I not act upon what I believe ble classes knowing that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word knowing that faith without works of obe-

of God” (Rom. 10:17) and that I must dience is dead (Jam. 2:17) and that “Not

“Study to shew thyself [myself] approved every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord,

unto God, a workman that needeth not shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;

to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word but he that doeth the will of my Father of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15)? which is in heaven” (Mat. 7:21)? • Why would I not want to attend every Every child needs to be taught out of the “do I have to” mentality and every adult must night of a Gospel Meeting knowing that be vigilant to keep this childish attitude where it is an opportunity to “grow in grace, it belongs. and in the knowledge of our Lord and Brethren, I count not myself to have ap- Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18) and prehended: but this one thing I do, forget- encourage visitors by letting my “light ting those things which are behind, and so shine before men, that they may see reaching forth unto those things which your good works, and glorify your Father are before, I press toward the mark for the which is in heaven” (Mat. 5:16)? prize of the high calling of God in Christ • Why would I not want to be a good ex- Jesus (Phi. 3:13-14). ample to my children and “bring them Lenoir City, TN

Spiritual Criminals

Roelf L. Ruffner Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not a rocket scientist to understand this passage.” in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. Yet, many brethren refuse to obey it. For me it He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, simply states: he hath both the Father and the Son. If 1. If one teaches false doctrine (i.e., not there come any unto you, and bring not the “doctrine of Christ”) he has sinned this doctrine, receive him not into your and is not in fellowship with God. house, neither bid him God speed: for he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of 2. Neither the individual Christian nor his evil deeds (2 John 9-11). the church should fellowship such.

As the old saying goes, “It does not take 3. If we knowingly aid this false teacher in any way, we are fellowshipping him am an “accessory after the fact” even though and are guilty of sin ourselves. I did not help rob the bank. I am guilty of a What about those who knowingly fellow- crime. If I then tell you about the situation ship the sinner in item number 3 (2 John and you do not contact the police, what does 11)? Are they “out of the loop” of sin because that make you? At the very least you are hin-

they have not directly fellowshipped the false dering the arrest of a fugitive, a crime in and

teacher? No they are not! They are also sinning of itself.

by fellowshipping a sinner, the sinner of verse Yet, some brethren will not flinch at fellow-

11 (cf. Eph. 5:11). If a friend of mine robs a shipping those who bid “God-speed” to a false

bank, then comes and tells me of his crime teacher—a spiritual criminal.

Columbia, TN and I agree to hide him, what am I? Legally I

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BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Dale Aamons(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: but visitfriendsinstead. We saythatwe cometoworship God, in…whererush angels fear to tread…” has tosay. It hasbeensaid,“Thatfools cease andallwouldhear…What Jesus angels there eachday, ourwords would If eyes, we bright couldseewithmortal man that’s deadthantoourlivingLord! we so oft accord…More reverence to a then Ithought,how strangeitisthat front, layonewithpallidbrow…And was quietnow…For ina casket upin butall Again Isatinthatsamepew; tle reverence asanyworldlycrowd… bers talkedsoloud…Andshowed aslit I satinclassonSunday morn;themem 9 August brother-in-law) the afternoon service inroom 1. the afternoonservice Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldafter Please Remember


Sick Author Unknown Debbie D Marge W Al F Al illiams awson lesher - -

do nothing. like. Which ofcoursedoesnotmeanwe are to hole sufficientto provide thesafety wewould heavy handofgovernment andneither is a farenough to escapethelong arm and not run reach of the government? Realistically, we can we allmove tosomedistantplaceoutofthe we tohidethewomenandchildren? Should as children of God tothink,say, or do? Are to fundamentally change society, what are we and decisions,whichevents are seeking truly Deacons: Minister: Bishops: we make maybe consistentwith God’s choice biblical principles sothatevery identification and application of relevant portunity, andexperiencesbasedonthe idea, op personal understandingof every lical perspective. Thislifelensprovides a and responding toreality inlightofbib is a means of experiencing, interpreting, The Christian,or Biblical, worldview In lightofrecent politicalandlegalactions

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, What to isaChristian Do? BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 32 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Gene Hill - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. tion to thoselivingin darkness 3:16-21). (John ing for godliness in society brings condemna not besurprised whengodlylivingand stand- (2 Tim. 3:12). Such being the case we should ly inChristJesus shall sufferpersecution” of ourthinkingtothecontrary. 10). Actions dohave consequencesregardless 1:6- 12:44-50;Mat.(John 25:31-46;2 The. which we willbejudgedatafinalaccounting our compliancewithHis commandmentsby nicated willinformsuswe are accountablefor 2:9-13;Eph. 3:1-7).Thatcommu 1; 1 Cor. that we are abletounderstandHis will(Gen. has communicatedtousinsuchamanner exist, thatHe hascreated allthatis,andHe derstanding thataninfinitebeingdoesinfact lar mindset. To live asaChristianwe musthave aparticu Paul said,“Yea, andallthatwilllive god Our isfoundedupontheun worldview principles andcommands(Barna 6). 850.455.7595 August 10,2015 - - - - - People do not like their preferred style of liv- We are to be on the spiritual job 24/7. That ing to be weighed in the balance and found includes politics, for one’s politics are merely a wanting (Dan. 5:27). We should stand ready public expression of personally held religious to suffer and die if need be for the cause of values and Christians, real or professed, have Christ. Paul was ready to be offered, and so just as much right as do others to make their should we (2 Tim. 4:6-8). Is there something religious values part of the mix in society. Paul more we can do in addition to living godly went into the market place (Acts 17:17). It is before God and man which does not violate part of fighting the good fight (1 Tim. 6:12; Scriptures? Yes. 2 Tim. 4:7). It can be a spiritual confronta- Everyone possesses a world view which is tion with Satanic forces in high places (Eph. religious by nature. Remember that a world 6:12) for which fight we have the whole ar- view is the view finder through which we look mor of God which includes the sword of the at the world and interpret all that we experi- spirit (6:17). ence to determine how we will respond and navigate. Relatively few have the Bible as their First of all, in the midst of all, and last of foundation, but each view is religious none- all, we are to pray. “And he spake a parable theless. “Whatever you believe in so strongly unto them to this end, that men ought always that it affects your behavior is your religion.” to pray, and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). As Americans we have the right to seek to Work Cited influence our government. The Christian’s salt- Barna, George. Think Like Jesus. Brentwood, TN: iness and light projecting is not limited to the Integrity Publishers, 2003. four walls of our homes and church buildings. Indianola, MS

If We Lose the Sense of Pattern Bill Jackson One of the greatest of all points useful in had appeal then, and it has appeal now, where the work of calling men back to the Standard men are found who are good and honest of of God is the idea of pattern. So very many heart. have turned from sectarian and denomina- The idea of pattern is not new among the tional systems due to an examination of their followers of God. Indeed, when God gave present spiritual/doctrinal status, and in see- instructions to the Israelites in the book of ing that they had been led away from the New Exodus, He followed with the exhortation Testament of the Christ. In seeing deviation, through Moses: “look that thou make them they saw the will of God and how their own after their pattern, which was shewed thee in moves had been against that will. Men in the the mount” (Exo. 25:40). The idea of pattern period of the Restoration Movement sounded was very much a part of the content of He- forth the call, “let us return to the pattern!” It brews, with so many contrasts between Old and New covenants. And the reminder was will, to give direction; they want, they seek, given: “for, See, saith he, that thou make all and they wish to abide by, pattern. They would things according to the pattern shewed to thee have it no other way! But we have seen, and in the mount” (Heb. 8:5). we continue to see, the other side of things at The idea of pattern rests in the idea of the work in the brotherhood. The disdain for au- Word as authority. And on that point, all of thority, and the mocking of any pattern, ad- the problems in the church in these last several vertises the desire that men seek freedom to years finally boil down to rejection of author- do their own pleasure rather than God’s will.

ity by some. But when the Word is set forth as Those who seek to follow the Bible are called the authority, with instructions that we dare “Bibliolaters.” Men who want to follow the

not go beyond it (2 John 9), and when that pattern are called “traditionalists, mainliners,”

same Word is said to furnish us completely and reviled as those not interested in growth.

unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17), we If a thus-saith-the-Lord is sought in all things,

would expect that authoritative Word to con- we are called “Pharisees, unloving, uncaring tain many patterns. Thus, we have been able and unspiritual.” to make lost men see that the Word contains Peter had said that some “speak evil of the the pattern for Jesus’ church, in its work, in things that they understand not” (2:12). While its doctrine, in its worship, in its organization. men mock the idea of pattern, let us take com- We can both identify the true and the false be- fort that the idea, and the very word, is used cause the pattern is set before us. in the Bible, in both Old Testament and New. One would expect Satan to attack the idea Let us remember that from the very beginning of pattern. Faithfulness to God involves, first, of God’s dealing with man, the requirement one losing his own selfish will in his subjection has been man’s subjection to the Lord, and to the will of the Lord (Luke 9:23). The very man doing the will of the Lord, fully, com- core of unfaithfulness and rejection of God’s pletely, exactly, and without modification at will would be the disposition to follow self- all. God has set forth patterns, and a pattern will—to walk after one’s own lusts and desires exists that there might be a standard, and that (2 Pet. 2:10). Those who are faithful, in their in all adhering to the standard—in this case, submissiveness, ask the Lord, by His revealed God’s standard—there might then be confor- mity to God’s will. Let us never allow any who mock pattern to so affect us that we cease to Defender and Beacon recognize that there is such a thing. We, in the Available Via E-Mail kingdom, have prospered as we have adhered To receive the Defender and Beacon via e- to the pattern of God; we have, and we will, mail please send your e-mail address to: always falter and fail when we show disdain [email protected] for the pattern. “Let us do all things according The file you will receive will be a PDF. to the pattern!” Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: 88). son’s Illustrated Encyclopedia oftheBible (Nel pain-killer duringhiscrucifixion mixed withadrinkoffered to Jesus asa when hewasababy, and thatmyrrhwas men brought a gift of myrrh to Jesus temple. The Bible records thatthewise ing theholyoilfortabernacleand spice andamedicine,aswell asinmak Arabia. It wasused in Bible times as a which grows inSomalia, Ethiopia, and Myrrh isapaleyellow gum from ashrub 17 August 16 August Dale Aamons(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe brother-in-law) Please Remember


Sick Debbie D Marge W Dot B Al F Al rantley illiams awson lesher - -

and adults aswell—not need tobegrounded 1:13-15; 3:1-2). Do children andyouth— cording to Paul (1 Tim. 4:6)andPeter (2 Pet. Thiscannotbethecase,ac truths? important ger needtobeputinremembrance ofthese saved? Or, dowe thinkthatmembersnolon knowsassume thateveryone what to dobe tures whentheyextendtheinvitation.Do we not give theplanofsalvation from theScrip called a“Bible class” atall? Scripture inhisBible class.How could thisbe the preacher didnotread orquoteeven one in thepulpitorBible classes.In oneinstance, littleScripturepreachers orteachersusedvery in recent years, Ihave leftsaddenedbecause is theScripture?” In visitstocongregations Serious listenersare madetowonder:“Where other thingsinthepulpitandBible classes. trate lessontheHoly Scriptures, andmore on Deacons: Minister: Bishops: We alsoseethisproblem whenpreachers do The trend withmanytodayistoconcen

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Missing Scripture Missing Vol. XLIV/No. 33 Danny Douglas A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. sure, makingwisethesimple” (Psa. 19:7). 1:21). “Thelawofthe Word ofGod is“able tosave your souls” (Jam. the plan of salvation preached, because the Lord.” Precious souls need to frequently hear remedied by returning toa“thus saiththe God’s Word? Thissadsituationcanonlybe tually think that theirwords are greater than many pulpitstoday. Coulditbethatsomeac and verse preaching is rapidly vanishing from the word” (2 Tim. 4:2)?Sadly, book,chapter, first, andalsotothe Greek” (Rom. 1:16). onethatbelieveth;vation totheJew toevery Christ: foritisthepower ofGod untosal said, “For Iamnotashamedofthegospel andtoconvict?Paulvert didnot.He certainly some lost confidence in the Gospel to con in the “first principles” in this matter? Have verting the soul:thetestimonyof verting One whothinks solittleof the Bible, and Does notGod commandusto“Preach 850.455.7595 August 17,2015 Lord perfect, con is perfect, Lord is - - - - so much of himself, that he will fill his lessons this kind of preaching/teaching. In the long with human sentiments, while leaving his au- ago, God commanded Jonah: “Arise, go unto dience starving for the Truth, ought to hum- Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it ble himself and repent. When men who have the preaching that I bid thee” (Jon. 3:2). The a genuine reverence for God and His Word preaching that God has always demanded is fill our pulpits and teach our Bible classes, the preaching of His Word, and not man’s: “If then church members will be encouraged to any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of “Fear God, and keep his commandments” God” (1 Pet. 4:11). (Ecc. 12:13), but not otherwise. Church lead- Mt. Pleasant, TN ers (and every member) ought to demand

Then Peaceable William S. Cline Purity of doctrine and practice on the part they did nearly two thousand years ago, and of the church is absolutely essential and must they must be resisted and refuted. When Jude be sought after by everyone who loves the wrote his short epistle the welfare of those to Lord. We are charged to “contend earnestly whom he wrote was being threatened. There- for the faith which was once for all delivered fore, his purpose was to stir up his readers to unto the saints” (Jude 3). A pure faith may be resist immediately all false teachers. He sought enjoined only by constant vigilance against ev- to impel them to reject the teachers and to re- ery suggestion and semblance of error. pudiate their teaching. They were to defend James wrote, “But the wisdom that is from with all their might the faith which had been above is first pure, then peaceable” (Jam. delivered to them. To have followed Jude’s in- 3:17). To teach that this passage discusses the struction would have no doubt caused a stir in doctrine of the church is an incorrect exegesis. the church, but to have failed to do so would James’ teaching here applies to the peace in have been in direct disobedience to God and the heart of the individual and was designed would have allowed error to have had free to emphasize that peace cannot reign until pu- course. Which would have been better—to rity controls the heart. disturb the “peace” of the church and obey However, the principle is an eternal one. God or to keep things “peaceful” and disobey Peace cannot exist in the church until purity God thus allowing the false teachers to spread has been obtained. It is the obligation of the their doctrine? church to first attain purity indoctrine and Which is better today? Is there any differ- teaching. In the absence of such there can be ence? Is it better to disturb the “peace” of the no peace among brethren. church, obey God and refute the false teachers False teachers constitute a threat to the and doctrine, or is it better to keep the “peace” peace and security of the saints today just as and thereby disobey God and allow the false teacher and his doctrine to subvert the church? another, we fail to follow this divine com- We believe Christians have no choice in mend, then we have forfeited our right to be this matter. If we are to be New Testament called New Testament Christians! Christians then we must obey the commands Division is evil. Jesus prayed for unity it contains. We are “sick and tired” of hear- among Christians (John 17:20-21). Paul con- ing brethren cry for peace at the expense of demned the division at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:10) sound doctrine. Paul said, “I am set for the de- and commanded them to “speak the same fence of the gospel” (Phi. 1:16). Are we ready thing” and “be perfected together in the same to defend the faith as he was? Paul also said we mind and in the same judgment.” Regardless should: of the evils of division the banner of truth Preach the word; be urgent in season, out must wave. When brethren haul down the flag of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all of truth and place in its stead the flag of peace, longsuffering and teaching. For the time they are warming by the devil’s fire. will come when they will not endure the Division is sad. It involves the loss of pre- sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, cious souls. As sad and as evil as division is, I will heap to themselves teachers after their would rather stand with tears in my eyes and own lusts; and will turn away their ears see the church divide than to see it go into from the truth, and turn aside unto fables apostasy. Doctrine is that important. Purity is (2 Tim. 4:2-4). that demanding. If, at the expense of peace among one Deceased

Worship Do you enjoy worship? “Hold it,” you say, of the week, or do you wish it were stricken “I attend most services and I even participate from the calendar? Do you wish Wednesday at times.” That was not the question, I asked ended at 7:00 p.m.? this: Do you enjoy worship? If you are not When you consider the song service, do certain, or wish to know why you answered as you think of the horrid sound of untrained you did, answer honestly the following: voices, or are you thankful that there are faith- Does worship seem to stand in the way of ful Christians who think enough of spiritual more “fun” things, such as a hobby or watch- matters to meet together and sing praise? (No- ing television? Which would you rather do: tice Col. 3:15-16; Eph. 5:17-19). watch your favorite television program or What are the thoughts on public prayer? worship God? Be honest now, which would The shorter the better? Do you inwardly criti- you rather do? cize, or do you sincerely petition the One to When you think of an upcoming worship whom prayers are addressed? How often do service, what is your attitude? Do you dread or you talk to God privately? (Mat. 6:5-15; Jam. look forward to it? Is Sunday your favorite day 5:16-17). Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Henry Hignite Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Group 2— Group 1— Groups willbemoved. tober themeetingsfor Visitation tember andtheGospel Meeting inOc Due totheLaborDay holidayinSep- 30 August 26 August Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dale Aamons(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Visitation Groups Meetings p.m. Grounds, at12:30 afternoonservice Fifth Sunday Dinner onthe in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., brother-in-law) Gospel Meeting Gospel Please Remember October 4-9,2015 October

Lee Moses

October 26 September 28 October 12 September 14


Sick Debbie D Marge W Dot B Tina F Al F Al rantley illiams awson lesher oshee -

may not beimmoral orvile,but theyhave the Savior and returned to the world? They in jeopardy thisdaybecausethey have left “Come home,child.” How manysoulsstand call oftheSavior inHis revealed Word, saying, through themindsofmanytoday. Thatisthe through mymemory. childhood. Andeven today, hervoice echoes mother’s call likethatone,oh,solongagoin rising in my throat as I remember my own Deacons: Minister: Bishops: There isasimilarcallthatoughtto resonate I cannothearthatsongwithoutalump going homeatlast.” home, comeit’s suppertime. We’re time. Theshadows lengthenfast.Come sun, “Comehome,comehomeit’s supper pathway, I’d hear my mother call at set of Then winding down thatoldfamiliar used toplaytillevening shadows come. Many years agoindaysofchildhood,I There’s anoldsongthatgoes:

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 34 Come Home A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Jerry Brewer 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. upon you. He islongsuffering andwants you eternally, butHe willnotforce His salvation (2 Pet. 3:9).God doesnot wantyou tobelost cause He isnotwillingthatanyshouldperish time. Yes, God hasgiven ustimetorepent be clude ourthinkingandreasoning abilities and are ourstouseaswe seefit.Thosethingsin- er?” (Acts 5:4).Thethings God hasgrantedus ter itwassold,“was itnotinthineown pow with astheywilled,andaskedthemeven af the landheandSapphira soldwastheirstodo always possessthem.Peter toldAnanias that abilities are giftsfrom God, buthewillnot to comehomeare stillinhispossession.Those 14:6).Thementalandphysicalabilities (John has chosentoleave theonly Way totheFather jeopardy oflosinghissouleternallybecausehe this present world” (2 Tim. 4:10). church, asdidDemas, whomPaul said,“loved simply shunnedandneglectedChristHis The erringchildof God standsdailyin 850.455.7595 August 24,2015 - - - to come to Him of your own free will. That is than the beginning. For it had been bet- in your power today, but it may not be in your ter for them not to have known the way of power tomorrow. righteousness, than, after they have known Think about the condition of your soul it, to turn from the holy commandment today. If you have left Jesus for the world, delivered unto them (2:20–21). your condition is worse than if you had never Mothers and fathers, long departed from obeyed the Gospel. this world, still raise their voices in memo- For if after they have escaped the pollu- ry, saying, “Come home.” Faithful Christian tions of the world through the knowledge friends, who love you, gently implore, “Come of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they home.” Dear cousins, uncles, and in-laws who are again entangled therein, and over- love you, kindly plead, “Come home.” Par- come, the latter end is worse with them ents who love you more than life itself, pray

An Acrostic of Church

Jess Whitlock Stands for Christ’s. The church belongs to Christ by right of purchase, Acts 20:28.

“Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit C has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own

blood.” The church is peculiarly Christ’s.

Stands for Head. The church we read about in the Bible has only one head—that head

is Christ. Ephesians 1:22-23, “and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, H which is His body.”

Stands for Unity. The church must be found in unity—Christ prayed that “they may

Uall be one” (John 17:20ff). Consider also Acts 4:32, 1 Corinthians 12:20, 1:10, 12:13. Unity! Stands for Revealed. The kingdom the prophets wrote about and foretold was made Rknown, hence revealed in Acts 2—a fulfillment of Daniel 2 and Isaiah 2 and others. Acts 2:16, “This is that.”

Stands for the Cross. We have noted that Christ paid the price. He died on the cross

Cfor the sins of the world—Romans 5:8, Galatians 5:24, John 3:16. Song: “I Gave My Life for Thee,” “He Paid It All.”

Stands for Haven. The church is a haven for the saved. The Bible tells us that Christ is the Savior of the body (Eph. 5:23); that means the body is made up of the saved. Acts H 2 tells us “the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” It is our haven now; our hope for the future in a place reserved for the faithful in Christ, our Heavenly Home. Haven—Hope—Heaven!

Evant, TX and plead for you to “come home,” and the do. Will you not hear His voice? Will you not Savior, Who died a criminal’s death to wash resolve to “come home” today, to faithfully your soul white as snow in His guiltless blood, follow Him and enter the joy of Heaven when says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and this short life ends? This plea is set before you are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mat. because God, Who gave His Son for you does 11:28). not want you to perish (John 3:16), and be- We love you more than you will ever know cause we love you so much. and the Savior loves you even more than we Elk City, OK

If All of Life is Worship There is a doctrine plaguing the Lord’s con- 15. Herod did not know it (Mat. 2:8). cerning worship—that all of life is worship. 16. The devil did not know it (Mat. 4:9). This has come mainly from a poor translation 17. Jesus did not know it (Mat. 4:10; John of Romans 12:1 in the NASP and NIV. 4:20-24). 18. Greek Proselytes did not know it If all of life is worship: (John 12:20). 1. Abraham did not know it (Gen. 22:1- 19. Stephen did not know it (Acts 7:60). 5). 20. The Ethiopian Eunuch did not know 2. Moses did not know it (Deu. 26:10). it (Acts 8:27). 3. Joshua did not know it (Jos. 5:14). 21. Paul did not know it (Acts 24:11). 4. Elkana did not know it (1 Sam. 1:3). 22. John and the angel did not know it 5. Saul did not know it (1 Sam. 15:25, (Rev. 19:10; 22:8-9). 30). Author Unknown 6. David did not know it (1 Chr. 16:29; Psa. 132:7). 7. Isaiah did not know it (Isa. 27:13). Bellview Church of Christ 8. Jeremiah did not know it (Jer. 7:2; Web Site 26:2). The site offers a vast amount of resources 9. Ezekiel did not know it (Eze. 46:2-3). for your personal edification. Past issues of 10. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Defender and Beacon, written sermons pre- did not know it (Dan. 3:18). sented by Michael Hatcher, as well as Ira Y. 11. Micah did not know it (Mic. 5:13). Rice’s Basic Bible course are available. Vid- 12. Zephaniah did not know it (Zep. 1:5). eos of lectureships, sermons, and Gospel 13. Zechariah did not know it (Zec. meetings can be viewed. Why not check it 14:16-17). out at: 14. The wise men did not know it (Mat.

2:2). BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Henry Hignite Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Group 2— Group 1— Groups willbemoved. tober themeetingsfor Visitation tember andtheGospel Meeting inOc Due totheLaborDay holidayinSep- 30 August 26 August Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dale Aamons(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Visitation Groups Meetings 12:30 p.m. Grounds at thenafternoonservice Fifth Sunday Dinner onthe in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., brother-in-law) Gospel Meeting Gospel Please Remember October 4-9,2015 October

Lee Moses

October 26 September 28 October 12 September 14


Sick Debbie D Marge W Dot B Tina F Al F Al rantley illiams awson lesher oshee -

preposition, letters.The that theyonlycontainafew Greek they occur over just words that are so small tions thattheologianshave taken;sometimes anity donotresult from thecomplicatedposi insisted thateis does notfitthetheologyofsome,theyhave should betranslated“for” or“unto.” Acts 2:38.Lexiconsagree thattheword there a bit of controversy—especially as it relates to ward direction. People are baptized “for” (that sins.” Lexicons willexplainthat to repent and be baptized “for the remission of preached to those on Pentecost that they were the Greek Peter phrase,eis aphesin hamartion. brazenly interpretive. so; even mostparaphrasesrefuse tobethat even thoughnoreliable translationhasdone Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Some ofthedivisionsthatexistinChristi However, because anaccuratetranslation Acts 2:38, Mark 1:4, and Luke 3:3 contain

eis, Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher for example,hasinspired quite be translated“becauseof”— y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON eis Vol. XLIV/No. 35 shows for- Gary W.Summers Prepositions A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. do about their sins. How could he possibly be dressing thosewhowantedto know whatto diates thelatter interpretation. Peter was ad- been forgiven? Even thecontextitselfrepu are we baptized becauseoursinshave already baptized inorder tobeforgiven ofsins,or to “for theforgiveness of your sins.” that your sinsmaybeforgiven” waschanged protested thewording; soinlatereditions“so conveys therightidea.Needless tosay, many they translatedActs 2:38thus: national Version madethispointclearwhen of sins( is, inorder toobtain)theforgiveness (aphesin) Do all of these passages mean that we are Although thewording isalittleloose,it Spirit.” and you will receive thegiftof the Holy Christ sothatyour sinsmaybeforgiven, oneofyou, inthenameofJesusevery Peter replied, “Repent andbebaptized, 850.455.7595 ). Evenhamartion the1978New Inter August 31,2015 - - telling them their sins were already forgiven says that the cup (meaning its contents, the when that is the very nature of their inquiry— fruit of the vine) was His blood, which was how to obtain forgiveness? The “because of” about to be shed for many eis aphesin hamar- interpretation would have these sinners ask- tion. Now did Jesus die on the cross because ing, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” people already had forgiveness of their sins, or and Peter responding, “Don’t worry. You’re al- did He die “for the remission of sins” (that is, ready saved. Now be baptized because you are in order to obtain forgiveness for men)? What- saved.” Who can believe it? ever the phrase means in one verse, it means Furthermore, baptism and repentance are in all four. Obviously, Jesus died so we might linked by the word and; therefore, if they are have forgiveness of sins, and we repent and are to be baptized because they are saved, they baptized for the same reason. must also repent because they are saved, which Those who have a love for the truth (2 The. clearly puts the cart before the horse. No one 2:10) will not stumble over little prepositions. is saved and then repents; people repent in or- Those who gladly heard Peter preach on the der to be saved. They are baptized for the same Day of Pentecost were baptized (Acts 2:41). reason. They became serious and dedicated Christians In addition, there is a fourth passage with (2:42). Only those who have been indoctri- the identical phraseology as in Mark 1:4, Luke nated otherwise have a problem with this pas- 3:3, and Acts 2:38. As Jesus is explaining that sage and the preposition; sincere and honest His disciples remember Him by means of the souls still follow Peter’s inspired words. unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine, He Winter Park, FL

The Value of Gospel Meetings Most congregations plan and conduct at Preaching of the Word of God least one or two Gospel meetings during the We must take advantage of the opportu- year. There are those who question the value nities to make known the Will of God. The of such efforts. In the minds of some they are Word must be proclaimed. “Preach the word” a waste of time. How many times has it been (2 Tim. 4:2). “If any man speak, let him speak said, “We don’t have Gospel meetings like we as the oracles of God” (1 Pet. 4:11). We must used to”? preach the Word and Gospel meetings provide It could be that some Gospel meetings have such an opportunity. become nothing more than a tradition. We Promoting of the Work of the Church have them because we have always had them. We have the obligation to “seek and save Unless we understand the value and impor- that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Our main tance of such efforts, we will not have success- business in the church is to be in the “soul-sav- ful Gospel meetings. Why are Gospel meetings ing” business. Gospel meetings remind us of valuable to the work of the local congregation? the great responsibility we have toward those Gospel meetings are valuable in the: (1) outside of Christ that need salvation (Rom. 1:16-17; 2 The. 1:7-9) and (2) in Christ mem- (Heb. 10:24-25). Gospel meetings are a test of bers of the church who have become unfaith- our faith and faithfulness. ful, that need to be restored (Jam. 5:19-20). Preparing for That Wonderful Protecting the Welfare of Place Called Heaven the Congregation It is God’s desire that we go to Heaven God desires for His people to be united (1 Tim. 2:4). Heaven is a prepared place for (John 17:20-21; 1 Cor. 1:10; Eph. 4:1-6; Psa. those who have prepared themselves (John 133:1). Feuding, fighting, and fussing among 14:1-3; Mat. 7:13-14, 21-23). Gospel meet- the brethren is fatal to the spiritual welfare of ings afford us the opportunity to think even any congregation. Gospel meetings encourage more about Heaven (Col. 3:1-3). As we brethren to think about others and to work to- think about Heaven and hearing the Gospel gether. Gospel meetings edify us and strength- of Christ being faithfully proclaimed, we are en us as we hear the Word proclaimed and la- motivated to make sure we are preparing for bor together (1 Cor. 15:58). Heaven according to God’s plan. God’s plan Preventing of Wandering from the Lord is the only way (John 14:6; Heb. 5:8-9; John It is possible for the child of God to be- 8:24; Luke 13:3; Mat. 10:32-33; Mark 16:16; come unfaithful to the Lord (1 Cor. 10:12; Rev. 2:10). Preparing for Heaven is what this Gal. 5:4; 6:1, 7-9; Heb. 3:12; Jam. 5:19-20, life is all about (Phi. 1:21; Ecc. 12:13). 1 Pet. 2:20-22). As we grow “in grace and in How thankful we should be for Gospel the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus meetings where the Truth is faithfully pro- Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18), we are helping ourselves claimed and upheld. Gospel meetings are to remain faithful to the Lord. In 2 Peter 1:5- valuable. 11, we learn that we must “add” and “abound” Author Unknown in the “Christian graces.” Why? “To make your calling and election sure; for if ye do Make plans now these things, ye shall never fall” (1:10). Gospel meetings help to prevent unfaithfulness. to attend the Proving of Our Well-Being Gospel meeting! Gospel meetings help us as Christians to see where we are spiritually. It helps us to October 4-9 check up on our (1) Commitment, (2) Con- viction, (3) Courage, and (4) Compassion. In with Gospel meetings we demonstrate what is re- ally important to us. Do we pray for our Gos- Lee Moses pel meetings (Col. 4:2; 1 The. 5:17)? Do we eagerly participate in the promoting of such “Undenominational efforts (1 Cor. 3:9)? When the Gospel meet- Christianty” ing begins we will be present for every service BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: Group 2— Group 1— Groups willbemoved. tober themeetingsfor Visitation tember andtheGospel Meeting inOc Due totheLaborDay holidayinSep- September 14 September 13 Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dale Aamons(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Aleacia Godwin (handsurgery Henry Hignite Tim Busch Visitation Groups Meetings p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 1. inroom fore theafternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheld- brother-in-law) scheduled forSeptember 3) Please Remember

October 26 September 28 October 12 September 14

Sick Debbie D Marge W Tina F Al F Al illiams awson lesher oshee -

aptly noted: bodily needs. childrencertain wouldprefer toaddress their in, whoisinwhichrestroom, andwithwhom to hour—dependingonwhatmoodtheyare change from daytoday, oreven from hour they choosetoidentify with—which could God-given gender, butbasedonwhichgender which restroom touse,notonlybasedontheir of California are now permitted to choose human beings. Children in the public schools er animalswillbegrantedequalrightswith coming ageof“animal dignity,” inwhichhigh so) with thehighlyregarded (butundeservedly more insaneby theday. Recently, acolumnist Deacons: Minister: Bishops: debauchery, buttoomuch, period: cess. Not and justtoomuchluxury These aberrations are theproduct ofex- One writer, suchtwistedtrends, observing We thatseemstogrow live inacountry New York Times expressed hisdelightatthe

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 36 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Insulated 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Lee Moses - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. everybody doing what makes them happy.everybody in, and the grace of,on trust God—not on ingenuity, perseverance, andsacrifice—and ways best.Americawas built onhard work, thatwhat makesonehappyisnotal truth he shoulddoit.” But thisignores thesimple tive. “If doingsomethingmakesonehappy, refusal to consider reality. Everything is rela intolerance,” demonstratesitshardheaded ing mantra,“Tolerate everything—except Our society’s reigning andself-contradict Magazine, Feb. 22,2014,20). Cheaney, “Foolish Defiance,” WORLD themselves. Or B. thinktheycan(Janie munity, theycanbend theworldtosuit movies andgameselectronic com worldmediatedthrough in animaginary ing. Astheyounger generationgrows up manual work, and practical problem solv also too much insulation from nature, technology; leisure time;diversion; space; 850.455.7595 September 7,2015 - - - - - America’s founders would be aghast to see people today wish to hear this. “The fool hath such selfish, amoral, and godless applications said in his heart, There is no God” (Psa. 14:1). of their “pursuit of happiness.” The Declara- As an Almighty God demands absolute truth, tion of Independence recognized this right people seek to distance themselves from belief was one with which all men were “endowed in, or at least from actual conviction in, the by their Creator”; thus necessarily any such Almighty. pursuits must first be grounded in reverence Hath a nation changed their gods, which for God and the desire to do His will. But few are yet no gods? but my people have

Gospel Meeting with

Lee Moses

October 4­ – 9, 2015

“Undenominational Christianity” Sunday, 9 a.m...... The Church of the New Testament in the Old Testament Sunday, 10 a.m...... The Foundation of the church of Christ Sunday, 12:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 1) Monday, 7:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 2)

Tuesday, 7:30 p.m...... How to Restore New Testament Christianity

Wednesday, 7:30 p.m...... The Means of Entrance into the church of Christ

Thursday, 7:30 p.m...... From Heaven or of Men? Friday, 7:30 p.m...... The Mission of the church of Christ

The Gospel Meeting will be broadcast live on the Internet at:

A covered-dish meal will be provided Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m., in the zone room.

Visitation Group 1 will provide the meal—Tuesday & Thursday

Visitation Group 2 will provide the meal—Monday & Wednesday Visitors are invited to every meal. Come and enjoy a good meal and Gospel preaching.

changed their glory for that which doth the flaming heat of truth to come (2 The. 1:7- not profit (Jer. 2:11). 9; 2 Pet. 3:7, 10). More and more, people are filling their lives How long, ye simple ones, will ye love with emptiness. People find that meaningless simplicity? and the scorners delight in and empty fluff provides fine insulation from their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? the truth. But no insulation—other than the (Pro. 1:22). blood of Christ—will provide a shield against Union City, TN

Why I Do (Or) Why I Do Not—Attend Bible Class We either attend Bible class or we do not. works” (Jam. 2:18). In either case there are reasons for it. Here is a 4. I wish to be a good example. “Be thou brief analysis of the topic pro and con: an example of the believers” (1 Tim. I Attend Bible Class Because: 4:12). 1. I am commanded to add knowledge to 5. I must have spiritual food to grow. “De- ­ my faith. “Add to your faith virtue; and sire the sincere milk of the word, that ye to virtue knowledge” (2 Pet. 1:5). may grow thereby” (1 Pet. 2:2). 2. I love the Lord. “If ye love me, keep my I Do Not Attend Bible Class Because: . commandments” (John 14:15). 1. I do not get up early enough. (Of course, 3. I wish to show my faith by my works. I could.) . “Shew me thy faith without thy works, 2. Sunday is my day of rest. (You see, I pur- . and I will shew thee my faith by my sue my pleasures, not my spiritual inter- . ests for the Lord’s cause.) 3. I am too busy. (The Lord’s work comes . last, so there is not time left for it.) . Churches Would 4. I do not get anything out of the class. . (That is because I do not put anything . Be Better into it.) If all the sleeping folk will wake up, 5. I do not like the teacher. (Deep down and all the lukewarm folk will fire up, and in my heart, I know that if I, and all the all the dishonest folk will confess up, and others, would study and work in the all the disgruntled folk will sweeten up, class as much as he does, we would have and all the discouraged folk will cheer up a wonderful class.) and all the estranged folk will make up, The excuses given for not attending Bible

and all the gossipers will shut up, and all class seem awfully puny and juvenile in com- the dry bones will shake up, and all the parison with the spiritual reasons for our at- soldiers will stand up. tending. Think them over prayerfully. Be in Author Unknown Bible class this Sunday. Author Unknown BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED with theideaofGod. he pleases,prefers nottobebothered the conscience.If amanwantstolive as bility andafeelingofresponsibility stirs God bringswithitafeelingofresponsi or another, toeliminateGod. Abeliefin evidence, but to a desire, for one reason Disbelief inGod isnotduetoalackof Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: September 14 September 13 Lori Mosley (Joyce Johnson’s daughter) Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 inroom 1. to theafternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldprior Busch’s sons) Please Remember Robertson L. Whiteside Robertson


Sick Debbie D Marge W Tina F Al F Al Deceased illiams awson lesher oshee -

thor of theBible (2 Tim. 3:16),has difficulty of theBible. It isnot becauseGod, theAu fail toreason andcometoan understanding matters. Nonetheless, for some reason many son andcometoanunderstanding ofcertain al reading withthe abilitytorea thisarticle - Acts 22:18). God has blessed each individu 23; 13:13-16;Mark 8:18;John 9:39-41; ity tounderstandHis teachings(Mat. 6:22- hend whathenow saw(8:25). by the hands ofChrist for the manto compre- stationary. It tookasecondmiracle of healing one’s walkingaboutwhilethe otherremained tinguish between amanandtree, otherthan tomed toseeing,helackedtheabilitydis He was now able to see—but, being unaccus acle ofhealinguponhim(Mark 8:22-24). ability afterJesus amir Christhadperformed formerly blind man described his newfound Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Jesus oftenlikenedeyesight totheabil “I seemenastrees, walking.” Thisishow a

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, “I See Men as Men “I See Trees Walking” BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 37 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Lee Moses ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. scriptures unto theirown destruction” (2 Pet. and unstable wrest, as they that are unlearned [ignorant—ASV] Bible thatare “hard tobeunderstood, which carefully. Indeed, there are some thingsinthe at thispoint.Some failtohandlethe Word walking.” er getpastthepointof“seeing menastrees, what theyhave theabilitytosee.Theynev- 3:12). Yet, somany peoplefailtocomprehend 2:16), used“great plainnessof speech” (2 Cor. Cor.endowed withthe“mind ofChrist” (1 ly” (Mark 12:37).Theapostles,miraculously spoke, “the commonpeopleheard himglad unto thesimple” (Psa. 119:130). When Jesus words giveth light; It giveth understanding “Theentranceofthy the psalmistobserved, be obtuseinHis communicationtoman.As 14:33). Neither isitbecauseGod choosesto Cor. communicating to man (Psa. 33:9; 1 There are many reasons whysome remain 850.455.7595 September 14,2015 they doalsotheother - 3:16). Each person has the responsibility to reason, they refuse to open their eyes to learn heed Paul’s admonition, the truth. Some enjoy their present comfort Study to shew thyself approved unto level in life, and do not want anything to dis- God, a workman that needeth not to be turb it. They have financial security, and the ashamed, rightly dividing the word of respect of their peers and community. Jesus truth (2 Tim. 2:15). warned that such things could hinder coming All too often it is the case that people choose to the knowledge of the truth, as He asked, to “see men as trees, walking.” For whatever “How can ye believe, which receive honour

Gospel Meeting

with Lee Moses

October 4­ – 9, 2015

“Undenominational Christianity” Sunday, 9 a.m...... The Church of the New Testament in the Old Testament Sunday, 10 a.m...... The Foundation of the church of Christ Sunday, 12:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 1)

Monday, 7:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 2)

Tuesday, 7:30 p.m...... How to Restore New Testament Christianity

Wednesday, 7:30 p.m...... The Means of Entrance into the church of Christ

Thursday, 7:30 p.m...... From Heaven or of Men? Friday, 7:30 p.m...... The Mission of the church of Christ

The Gospel Meeting will be broadcast live on the Internet at: A covered-dish meal will be provided

Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m., in the zone room.

Visitation Group 1 will provide the meal—Tuesday & Thursday

Visitation Group 2 will provide the meal—Monday & Wednesday Visitors are invited to every meal. Come and enjoy a good meal and Gospel preaching.

one of another, and seek not the honour that God desires and expects us to use the abili- cometh from God only?” (John 5:44). Note ty with which He has blessed us. God’s further that Jesus said this to the religious leaders of blessing is contingent upon our willingness to His day, who were the most learned and re- reason and accept what he has to say, as He spected people among the Jews. All too often told the Israelites: it is the case that those who are learned and Come now, and let us reason togeth- respected refuse to temper their egos with an er, saith the Lord: Though your sins be honest heart in search of the truth (compare as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; with 1 Cor. 1:26-31). Though they be red like crimson, they The trained mind out the upright soul, shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obe- As Jesus said the trained mind might, dient, ye shall eat the good of the land: Being wiser than the sons of light, But if ye refuse and rebel, Ye shall be de- But trained men’s minds are spread so thin voured with the sword: For the mouth of They let all sorts of darkness in; the Lord hath spoken it (Isa. 1:18-20). ­ Whatever light man finds they doubt it, Christ is not going to perform a second They love not light, but talk about it. miracle of healing to enable us to move past (John Masefield, The Everlasting Mercy 47). the point of “seeing men as trees, walking.” . Many are beset with various afflictions of However, just as the formerly blind man, we pride that keep them from properly receiv- do remain dependent upon Him. He has pro- . ing the life-giving Word of God. It may be a vided His Word, which in turn provides what . determination to remain in a sinful lifestyle is necessary for complete sight (Psa. 119:105; that hinders some. This is why the Holy Spirit John 8:12). Each person who will honestly . instructs: and determinedly bring his ability to reason . Every good gift and every perfect gift is to a study of the Bible has all that he needs to . from above, and cometh down from the become an heir of eternal life: . Father of lights, with whom is no vari- Grace and peace be multiplied unto you . ableness, neither shadow of turning (Jam. through the knowledge of God, and of Je- 1:17). sus our Lord, According as his divine pow- There are others that have followed after er hath given unto us all things that per- men their whole lives, and will not be deterred. tain unto life and godliness, through the Their high esteem of others keeps themselves knowledge of him that hath called us to from doing what is right. They refuse to con- glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto sider that men have feet of clay and should not us exceeding great and precious promis-

be followed unless they happen to be follow- es: that by these ye might be partakers of ing Christ (1 Cor. 2:5; 3:4; 7:3; compare with the divine nature, having escaped the cor- 11:1; Deu. 16:20; Eph. 5:1; Phi. 3:16-19). ruption that is in the world through lust Others are blinded by hatred (1 John 2:11; (2 Pet. 1:2-4). compare with Luke 6:11; Mark 15:10). Union City, TN BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: October 4 October 4-9 September 30 September 28 September 23 September 20 Lori Mosley (Joyce Johnson’s daughter) Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite service at12:30p.m. service Dinner ontheGrounds, afternoon Gospel Meeting withLeeMoses. p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Busch’s sons) Pantry Items Needed Pantry Items Please Remember

Peanut Butter

Sick Jelly Debbie D Marge W Tina F Al F Al illiams awson lesher oshee

blessed dead who willrise tospendeternity resurrection ofthedead (3:11);thatis,ofthe mind setofPaul: ther way, we tohave are the farbetterserved it cancomeasaresult ofself-satisfaction.Ei from asenseofself-defeat.On theotherhand, in themuck.Perhaps stagnancymayresult face thedangerofbecomingstagnant,mired Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Paul was speakingofhisdesire toattainthe sus. also Iamapprehended ofChrist Je ter, ifthatImayapprehend thatforwhich ther were already but Ifollow perfect: af- Not asthoughIhadalready attained,ei At sometimeorother, almostallChristians Christ Jesus (Phi. 3:12-14). for theprize ofthehighcallingGod in which are before, Ipress toward themark and reaching unto those things forth getting thosethingswhichare behind, apprehended: butthisonethingIdo,for-

Brethren, Icountnotmyselftohave

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Pressing Toward theMark BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 38 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Lee Moses - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. “laboured more abundantly” than alltheother an apostleof Jesus Christ.Furthermore, Paul would have tothinkit wouldbePaul. He was of theresurrection oftheblesseddead,one the Lord Himself would be reckoned worthy [“ahead”—NKJV].” unto thosethingswhich areing forth before 3:13). Thebestwaytodothatwas by “reach getting thosethingswhichare behind” (Phi. with God. But he described himself as “for were counterproductive to his right standing profitable which actually religious efforts, inwhathethought werelife andmucheffort done himin.He hadexpendedmuchofhis too muchonhispast,self-defeatcouldhave resurrection from thedead” (Luke 20:35). counted Jesus hadspokenof“they whichshallbeac with theLord. Not allwillattainthisgoal. On theotherhand,ifanyone otherthan One canimagine that ifPaul haddwelt 850.455.7595 toobtainthatworld,andthe worthy September 21,2015 - - - apostles (1 Cor. 15:10), sacrificing more and our laurels? How can any of us say, “I’ve done suffering more than perhaps any Christian enough”? who has ever lived (cf. 2 Cor. 11:23-33). But We are far better served to have the mind he knew he had not yet attained the resurrec- set of Paul. Furthermore, we are command- tion of the blessed dead. ed to have this mind set: “Let us therefore, In view of this, what justification can we as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and find for wallowing in self-defeat? Jesus Christ if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God assures us the victory if we persevere (1 Cor. shall reveal even this unto you” (Phi. 3:15). 15:57; Rev. 2:10-11). If Paul, in all his ac- The Christian life of constant growth and complishments for the Cause of Christ, had improvement, seeking new ways to serve the not yet attained unto the resurrection of the Most High. Let us never cease pressing toward dead, how can we feel satisfied in resting on the mark. Union City, TN

Ten Commandments for Parents ­ 1. Create a sympathetic bond of compan- activities. Give them sympathetic and tactful ionship between yourself and your children. supervision. Know where they are, what they Parents who are either too careless or too are doing, who their playmates and compan- . busy to give proper attention to the problems ions are, what comics and books they read, of their children are bound to wind up with what radio, TV, or movies they watch. Give problem children. them the vital information of life they need, . 2. Teach your children to know right from lest they turn for it to street corner and gutter . wrong. Children are not born with a sense of educators. . right and wrong, they must develop it. 6. Know when to discipline the child and . 3. Give high priority to religious and when to use stern measures. There is still much . moral training. This is probably the most im- child psychology in the business end of a razor . portant training for responsibility a child can strap. A good balance of love and discipline is . receive. Children need the security that comes essential. Parents who are too rigid may go to not only from a warm family life but from a extreme and cause their children to rebel. faith in a loving God. 7. Be a good example to your children. 4. Teach your children to be a good citi- Youngsters imitate the standards of behavior zen. You must see to it that your child learns of their parents and elders. Children want to to obey the laws, respect the rights of others, be like the persons they admire and love. Next and honor his parents, elders, and teachers. to a child’s need for security is his need for a Children properly brought up at home are sel- pattern by which he will build as he grows. dom brought up in court. 8. Build safety valves in your child’s be- 5. Take an active interest in your children’s havior patterns. All children are prone to get out-of-home activities as well as in-the-home into some trouble at one time or another. Youngsters are active and full of zest and en- sult your minister, school principal, commu- ergy they must have outlets for their youthful nity agencies, or a child psychologist or psy- energies and emotions. chiatrist. They may help you with your child’s 9. Do not abdicate your responsibilities as behavior problems the same as a physician a parent. The job of a parent cannot be del- helps you with the child’s health problems. egated to any other person. Author Unknown 10. When in doubt about what to do, con-

Gospel Meeting with Lee Moses October 4­ – 9, 2015

“Undenominational Christianity”

Sunday, 9 a.m...... The Church of the New Testament in

the Old Testament Sunday, 10 a.m...... The Foundation of the church of Christ Sunday, 12:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 1) Monday, 7:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 2) Tuesday, 7:30 p.m...... How to Restore New Testament Christianity Wednesday, 7:30 p.m...... The Means of Entrance into the church of Christ Thursday, 7:30 p.m...... From Heaven or of Men? Friday, 7:30 p.m...... The Mission of the church of Christ

The Gospel Meeting will be broadcast live on the Internet at:

A covered-dish meal will be provided

Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m., in the zone room.

Visitation Group 1 will provide the meal—Tuesday & Thursday Visitation Group 2 will provide the meal—Monday & Wednesday Visitors are invited to every meal. Come and enjoy a good meal and Gospel preaching.

BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Anthony Polnitz Nancy Travis Charles Williams Remember inyour prayers: September 28 September 23 and was19incheslong. rick. John weighed 7pounds1ounce daughter Autumn andherhusbandPat- born onSeptember 15totheirgrand- of theirgrandson,John Wyatt Caffey, Elward andDot Brantley inthebirth Our congratulationsare extendedto Sawyer Richee(Nelda King’s grandson) Lori Mosley (Joyce Johnson’s daughter) Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite Tim Busch p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., Busch’s sons) Pantry Items Needed Pantry Items Please Remember

New Arrival Peanut Butter

Sick Jelly Debbie D Marge W Tina F Al F Al illiams awson lesher oshee

enthusiasm: passages whichstressjust afew theneedfor maintain anenthusiastic outlook.Consider us” asHe shouldbe (1 John 4:16),we should ly mean,“God inus.” If God isindeed“in er Bill Clineplainlystatedit: ponent ofChristiancharacter. Thelatebroth 7. However, enthusiasmisanessentialcom- the Christiangracesmentionedin2 Peter 1:5- Spirit” inGalatians 5:22-23.It isnotoneof Deacons: Minister: Bishops: of heart, for theabundance ofall of heart, God with joyfulness, and with gladness notthe Because thouservedst The root words behind enthusiasm literal but nounenthusiasticChristians. are someunenthusistic“church members” est crook. Thetermisamisnomer. There as well be a God‐fearing atheistoranhon- unenthusiastic Christian.One couldjust Actually, there isnosuch“animal” asan It ofthe“fruit isnotlistedaspart ofthe

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Lord thy Vol. XLIV/No. 39 things; Enthusiasm A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Lee Moses - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. churches are enthusiastic aboutevangelism, they do is not much. why everything Where do half-heartedly. Which isamajor reason they seems thatmanychurches doeverything why they were able to accomplish so much. It enthusiastic commitment totheirtask.Thisis tellectual decision towork, butalso of their to work.” Thus,itspeaksnotonlyoftheirin enemies inmisery. their enthusiasm wouldleadtotheirserving This literally says,“Thepeoplehada the peoplehadamindtowork (Neh. 4:6). joined togetheruntothehalfthereof: for So builtwe thewall;andall the wallwas The Israelites’ theLord failure toserve with destroyed thee” (Deu. 28:47-48). yoke ofiron uponthy neck,untilhehave and inwantofall hunger, andinthirst,nakedness, which theLord shallsendagainstthee,in Therefore thineenemies shaltthouserve 850.455.7595 September 28,2015 things: andheshallputa heart - souls are saved. Where churches are enthusias- such enthusiasm enabled or hindered their tic about doctrinal purity, error does not easily prospective accomplishments? infiltrate. Stephanas and his household were For as touching the ministering to the so enthusiastic about ministering to the saints saints, it is superfluous for me to write to that they are described as “addicted…to the you: For I know the forwardness of your ministry of the saints,” as the KJV renders mind, for which I boast of you to them of 1 Corinthians 16:15. Do you suppose that Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year

Gospel Meeting


Lee Moses

October 4­ – 9, 2015

“Undenominational Christianity”

Sunday, 9 a.m...... The Church of the New Testament in the Old Testament Sunday, 10 a.m...... The Foundation of the church of Christ Sunday, 12:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 1) Monday, 7:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 2) Tuesday, 7:30 p.m...... How to Restore New Testament Christianity Wednesday, 7:30 p.m...... The Means of Entrance into the church of Christ Thursday, 7:30 p.m...... From Heaven or of Men? Friday, 7:30 p.m...... The Mission of the church of Christ

The Gospel Meeting will be broadcast live on the Internet at: A covered-dish meal will be provided Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m., in the zone room. . Visitation Group 1 will provide the meal—Tuesday & Thursday . Visitation Group 2 will provide the meal—Monday & Wednesday . Visitors are invited to every meal. . Come and enjoy a good meal and Gospel preaching. . . ago; and your zeal hath provoked very can make us hesitant to try again. Others have many (2 Cor. 9:1-2). disappointed us, making us reticent to trust The Corinthians’ enthusiasm was a neces- others. The church at Ephesus had undoubt- sary prerequisite to performing the task they edly experienced much of this, but Jesus did were called to do. Also, their enthusiasm was not permit their waning enthusiasm. also contagious—it tends to be. Some church- It may be difficult for a Christian to main- es are dragged down by the constant whin- tain enthusiasm when he observes dangerous ing, complaining, and generally negative atti- directions the country is headed, when he ob- tude of a few. Other churches are blessed with serves the church abandoning the Truth in souls committed to the Lord’s cause, who in many places, and after simply being bruised turn motivate each other (cf. Acts 4:36; 1 The. by the general hardships of life. Our focus is 5:14). Where churches are enthusiastic about not on the occurrences of this world—our fo- their work and worship, others will come to cus is on the hope of the life yet to come (cf. share that enthusiasm. ­ Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, 2 Cor. 4:18; Phi. 3:20). When our focus re- because thou hast left thy first love (Rev. mains there, we will be enthusiastic about 2:4). preparing others and ourselves for that hope. Just a few decades previously, Paul had When we appreciate the unmerited favor that . written of this same church, the church at God has bestowed upon us, we will be enthu- Ephesus, “Wherefore I also, after I heard of siastic about serving Him any way we can. Let . your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all us begin this week with enthusiasm for the . the saints, Cease not to give thanks for you, Lord! . making mention of you in my prayers” (Eph. Be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to your- . 1:15-16). By the time of Revelation’s writing, selves in psalms and hymns and spiritu- . Jesus could yet commend them for their works al songs, singing and making melody in . and endurance. But for all the good that Je- your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks al- . sus could say about the church at Ephesus, He ways for all things unto God and the Fa- was compelled to convict them for leaving the ther in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” zealous love for the Lord they once held. Time (Eph. 5:18-20). has a way of jading us. Our seeming failures Union City, TN

God’s Plan of Salvation Hear...... Romans 10:17 Believe...... Mark 16:16 Repent...... Luke 13:3, 5 Confess...... Romans 10:9-10 Baptism...... Acts 2:38 Be Faithful...... 1 Corinthians 15:58 BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: October 4 October 4-9 September 30 liams familyinyour prayers. until1986.Please keepthe served Wil Charles wasappointedasaDeacon. He cons were appointed for the first time, in 1952. In 1972 when Elders and Dea vices oftheBellviewChurch ofChrist Charles’ parents attendedthefirstser passed awayonSeptember 23,2015. to thefamilyofCharles Williams who Our deepestsympathies are extended Busch’s sons) service at12:30p.m. service Dinner ontheGrounds, afternoon Gospel Meeting withLeeMoses. p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 Pantry Items Needed Pantry Items Please Remember

Canned Meat Sympathy

Sick Juice Anthony Polnitz Nancy T Tina F oshee ravis - - -

as Bible baptism (contrast with Eph. 4:5). But inational baptism wouldbejustasacceptable be saved by baptism.By thisteaching, denom who doesnotunderstand what heisdoingcan true. “baptismal regeneration” asdefinedabove is teach andlive asthoughthefalsedoctrineof one. Sadly, however, there are sometodaywho thatbaptismalonewillsave no firmly asserted 5; Rom. 6:3-4),faithfulbrethren have always tial toreceiving 3:3- lifeinChrist(John new the Scriptures, which teach baptism is essen This isafalsecharge—while we standupon received” (emphasis added) (Garrison 196). lifeis ofnew sense oftheimpartation channel ofgraceby whichregeneration, inthe mal regeneration claims that baptism “is the lieving in “baptismal regeneration.” Baptis- of thechurch ofChristtobeaccused- Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Some would have you believe that one, It isnotterriblyuncommonformembers

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, Practical BaptismalRegeneration BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 40 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: alone Lee Moses - -

E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. been bornagain (contrastwithActs 19:1-5). underwater would have ming orotherwise personwhohadever beenswim then every ter withoutunderstanding whathewasdoing, could be given life by new immersion in wa are notsuitablecandidatesfor baptism. If one properly. ofthe Thispart reason iswhyinfants must befullyemployed toobeytheGospel 508). So one’s thinking,emotion,andwill tion” (Bauer, Danker, Arndt,andGingrich ner life, with its thinking, feeling, and voli dia) isthe“center andsource ofthewhole in sin” (Rom. 6:17-18). The “ doctrine” that they were “then made free from Romans “obeyed from the that person(Mat. 13:19).It waswhenthe Word, thedeviltakes Word awayfrom er, Jesus saidwhenonefailstounderstandthe sential tosalvation. In theParable oftheSow- hearing and understanding the Gospel is es Others wouldhave you believe thatone 850.455.7595 October 5,2015 ” (Greekheart kar- thatformof heart - - - - - who fails to repent can be saved by baptism. Christian living, verses 1-2, 11:16). Baptism That is, one can remain in a sinful state (e.g. an is not merely a way for one to “get his ticket unscriptural marriage) and yet begin to walk punched” to heaven—it implies that the one in newness of life. But Paul affirmed that cen- submitting to it will live a new life for God. tral to the message he preached to the world Indeed, baptism is essential for receiving was “that they should repent and turn to God, the new life that comes as we are saved from and do works meet for repentance” (26:20). our sins (Mark 16:16; 1 Pet. 3:21; Acts 22:16). Never, under any dispensation, has man been But let us ensure that we do not add to nor able to live pleasing to God while remaining take away from the Word of God (Deu. 4:2; in sin (Gen. 6:5-7; Isa. 59:1-2; 1 John 3:9). Rev. 22:18-19). If we teach or live as though Repentance is a prerequisite to Scriptural bap- baptism alone gives new life without any re- tism (Acts 2:38). quired acts of obedience, we teach “practical There are some who live as though the bap- baptismal regeneration.” Rather, let us all obey tism they received years ago gives them carte “from the heart that form of doctrine which blanche to do as they please in the time follow- was delivered you” (Rom. 6:17). ­ Works Cited ing. As such, they effectively affirm that -bap Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich. A Greek- tism alone saves. But Scriptural baptism is the English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other only birth that begins a new life. As Paul wrote Early Christian Literature. 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: . in Romans 6:5: “for if we have been planted Univ. Of Chicago Press, 2000. together in the likeness of his death [through Garrison, J.H. The Story of a Century. St. Louis, . baptism, verses 3-4], we shall also be in the MO: Christian Publishing Company, 1999. . likeness of his resurrection” (through faithful Union City, TN . . You Were In a Hurry . I attended your church services this morn- joy of which you sang. I was about to answer . ing. You would not remember me. I was there God’s call to me through the Gospel message . hunting for something I think I would have when I heard a buzzing beside me. When I found it if you had not been in such a hurry. glanced around you were putting on your lit- You sang hymns about a loving Lord. I felt tle girl’s coat. You were telling your young son a tight, choking sensation, and my heart beat to gather up his toys. I looked on my other faster. Your minister’s message was thrilling. I side and you were touching up your lipstick realized I was lost, and from the way he spoke, and rearranging your hair. Looking in front of it seemed important to have a Savior. me I saw a man frown at his watch as if time At last the minister finished his appeal and were running out. At the end of the seat, a asked you to stand and sing another of the couple was heading for the exit. beautiful songs you know so well. I swallowed Seeing what I saw, I did not want to look a lump in my throat, and wished I knew the anymore. My throat hurt. My feet would not walk down the aisle. I could see you did not over and walked out among you…lost! really care. This salvation the minister had I was lost because I was in sin. I did not re- been telling me about was not important to spond then because you were in a hurry. It ap- you who were supposed to know about it. You peared you did not really care if I was saved only wanted to get away. I was afraid if I should or not. Many people doubt what you say, but obey, it would delay you. You would wonder will always believe what you do. what I was hunting for, since it was no joy to Author Unknown you to share it. So, I waited until services were

Gospel Meeting with

Lee Moses

October 4­ – 9, 2015

“Undenominational Christianity”

Sunday, 9 a.m...... The Church of the New Testament in the Old Testament Sunday, 10 a.m...... The Foundation of the church of Christ Sunday, 12:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 1) Monday, 7:30 p.m...... A Building without a Foundation (Part 2) Tuesday, 7:30 p.m...... How to Restore New Testament Christianity Wednesday, 7:30 p.m...... The Means of Entrance into the church of Christ Thursday, 7:30 p.m...... From Heaven or of Men? Friday, 7:30 p.m...... The Mission of the church of Christ

The Gospel Meeting will be broadcast live on the Internet at: A covered-dish meal will be provided Monday – Thursday at 6:00 p.m., in the zone room.

Visitation Group 1 will provide the meal—Tuesday & Thursday

Visitation Group 2 will provide the meal—Monday & Wednesday Visitors are invited to every meal. Come and enjoy a good meal and Gospel preaching.

BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: October 12 October 11 October 4-9 Zan Smith (Dot Brantley’s sister) Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite Tim Busch p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 inroom 1. to theafternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldprior Gospel Meeting withLeeMoses. Busch’s sons) Send your e-mailaddress to: Pantry Items Needed Pantry Items andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember

Canned Meat

Sick Juice Anthony Polnitz Nancy T Tina F oshee ravis

(human/divine) canapproach theother, God gether asfriends) withGod. Since neither side fore mancanbereconciled (brought backto (Rom. 3:23). sin isaproblem thatiscommon to allmen John pointedthisfactoutwhenhewrote: proach Him. Nor canGod approach man. cause ofGod’s holiness,sinfulmancannotap 4:4)andHe(Jam. treats usassuch(4:6).Be war againsttheungodly! We are His enemies ply leftusalone,butGod actuallygoesto Creator. It wouldbebadenoughifHe sim- Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The problem ofsinmustbe overcome be Sin andholinessare incompatible.Further, (1 Johnnot thetruth 1:5-6). him, andwalkindarkness, we lie,anddo all. If we saythatwe have fellowship with God islight, andinhimisnodarkness at heard ofhim,anddeclare untoyou, that This thenisthemessagewhich we have Sin hasplacedmankindatoddswithhis

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Jesus theMediator Vol. XLIV/No. 41 Bruce StultingBruce A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. sary forreconciliation. sary dle.” Themediatoristhego-between neces that itistranslatedfrom literallymeans“mid- who are atodds.The root ofthe Greek word settlement agreement between thetwoparties peace andfellowship, usuallyby negotiatinga torestorediator refers toonewhointervenes tion cameinthefashionofaMediator. Me devised a solution to the problem. The solu represent He manonthe earth. isthe Christ 14:6). Jesus(John washumanso He can fairly sus. He is“the way, andthe life” the truth, other waytogoHeaven except through Je Mediator between God andman. There isno by theirown way. However, Jesus istheonly Consider Paul’s words to Timothy: Many todaythinktheycangotoHeaven to betestifiedinduetime(1 Tim. 2:5-6). Jesus; Who gave himselfaransomforall, between God andmen,themanChrist For 850.455.7595 there isoneGod, andonemediator October 12,2015 - - - - and can stand before the throne of God on for all men. He shed His precious blood so behalf of man. If anyone comes to the Father, that all the world could have the opportuni- it is only through Jesus Christ, our Mediator. ty for eternal life (9:15). Have you sought the Jesus died for all men and therefore is the help of the Mediator so you might be recon- Mediator for all men. He died to give us a ciled to God? Once you are reconciled, Jesus “better covenant, which was established upon will continue to make intercession for you be- better promises” than the Old Testament fore God’s throne (7:25). (Heb. 8 6-7). Under the Old Testament, “the Huntsville, TX blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins” (10:4). Whenever men were forgiven un- 2015 Gospel Meeting der the Law of Moses, their sins were charged with Lee Moses against the blood of Christ. Jesus had to come Lessons on the Internet into the world in the form of a man and shed His blood to be qualified to make intercession

Trust Me

Jerry C. Brewer Thinking people generally concede that the own written creeds and said, “Trust me,” and person one should trust the least is often the the people did. When Oral Roberts worked one who says, “Trust me.” That statement usu- his sleight of hand in his heyday, claiming he ally means, “Take my word for it, and don’t worked miracles, he said, “Trust me”—and question what I say.” How many times have send money—and millions did. When mod- you trusted someone on that basis, only to ern denominational preachers offer emotion- find that your trust was woefully misplaced? al, feel-good platitudes, and tell sinners to,

But that is the kind of blind trust that is of- “Pray the sinner’s prayer,” they are saying, ten manifested in religion. Having been con- “Trust me.” And the gullible do. When Bil- vinced by the devil that “The Bible is too hard ly Graham denies the necessity of baptism for to understand,” many are willing to merely salvation and tries to explain away Acts 2:38, take the word of a preacher in matters affect- he’s saying, “Trust me.” And his devotees do. ing the soul’s destiny. Anyone who says, “Trust me”—especial- In the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church ly in matters relating to the soul—should be chained the Bible to the pulpit and forbade avoided like the plague. No one should en- the common man to read it. “Trust me,” Ro- trust his soul’s eternal destiny to any mortal. man Catholicism said, and the people did. We who preach the Gospel and write arti- When reformers like John Calvin and Mar- cles such as this one do not expect our hear- tin Luther revolted against the festering cor- ers or readers to accept these things without ruption of the Papacy, they formulated their question. What we write and speak must be evaluated in the light of the Bible. That is the 17:11). One who is genuinely interested in his plumbline, or standard, by which all religious soul’s salvation will emulate those noble Bere- teaching should be evaluated. It is our avowed ans. The soul is too precious to trust anyone intent to always give a “Thus saith the Lord” who says, “Trust me.” One must weigh all reli- for all which we preach and practice. If we gious teaching against the absolute standard of cannot do so, we will not preach or practice it. God’s Word. If the teaching cannot be found This conviction is born of devotion to God’s there it ought to be rejected. Truth expressed throughout Holy Writ. Even No one should blindly accept what we or Jesus did not expect men to “trust Him” with- anyone else writes or says without investigat- out examining the evidence of His claims. ing the teaching to see if it is confirmed in If I bear witness of myself, my witness is the Bible. If what is spoken or written is what not true. There is another that beareth the Bible teaches, then it must be accepted— witness of me; and I know that the wit- not because we speak or write it, but because ness which he witnesseth of me is true. Ye sent unto John, and he bare witness unto it is God’s Truth. On the other hand, if what the truth.… But I have greater witness we speak or write cannot be proven by the Bi- than that of John: for the works which the ble, it ought to be rejected and we ought to be Father hath given me to finish, the same told it is error. Paul told the Thessalonians to, works that I do, bear witness of me, that “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good”

the Father hath sent me. And the Father (1 The. 5:21). What cannot be proven by the

himself, which hath sent me, hath borne Bible must not be done. That includes things

witness of me.… Search the scriptures; for like sprinkling water on people and calling it

in them ye think ye have eternal life: and “baptism,” baptizing babies, using mechanical they are they which testify of me (John instruments in worship to God, telling peo- 5:31-39). ple that God saves through “faith only,” pray- Many were the pretenders who came with ing the so-called “sinner’s prayer,” or that “it the claim of being the , but only the claims of Jesus Christ were verified by John’s makes no difference what one believes so long testimony, by the mighty works Christ did, by as he is honest.” None of these things can be the Father Himself, and by the Old Testament proven by the Bible and are, therefore, sinful Scriptures. Jesus did not come simply saying, practices. “Trust me.” He offered confirmation of His No man should be trusted when it comes claims, and so must all who would teach the to the salvation of your soul. Only God can eternal Truth of God. be trusted (Tit. 1:2). Search the Scriptures Of the citizens of Berea, Luke wrote that for yourself. Do not trust our word alone or they, “were more noble than those in Thessa- the word of any preacher without testing his lonica, in that they received the word with all teaching by the standard of the Bible (1 John readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures 4:1). daily, whether those things were so” (Acts Elk City, OK BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Roy Webster Parks (Cary Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Jennifer Neeley (Debra Mowery’s Zan Smith (Dot Brantley’s sister) Travis and Tony Busch (Bill &Pam Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: October 28 October 26 October 18 prayers. lbs 12oz.Please keepDallas inyour mond, onOctober 10.He weighed 4 Diaof theirgrandson,Dallas Carter - Dallas andKaren Diamond inthebirth Our congratulationsare extendedto brother-in-law) Brantley’s grandson) co-worker) Busch’s sons) in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Please Remember

New Arrival

Sick Anthony Polnitz Debbie D Nancy T Tina F awson oshee ravis

longed toEgypt: Egypt andovercame manyidol godsthatbe plague. “Ten-Lesson Course” asGod came tothe tenth Thutmosis. Moses andGod’sPharaoh observed of Egypt atthetimeofexodus wasprobably 1446 my convictionthedateofexodus wasca. Ramses wasthePharaoh oftheExodus. It is but there wasmyth!Theclaimmadethat hibit. It wasimpressive tolearnabouttheman, About 20years agoIwent toDallas forthatex- 1. Deacons: Minister: Bishops:

The one true God took onallthegodsof The onetrue cute judgments:IamJehovah (Exo. 12:12). and againstallthegodsofEgypt Iwill exe in thelandofEgypt, bothmanandbeast; that night,andwillsmiteallthefirst-born For I will go through the land of Egypt in “Ramses theGreat: theMan andtheMyth.” the water was undrinkable (7:14-24). The the water was undrinkable (7:14-24). The The waterof the Nile became bloodand bc. It ismyconvictionthatthePharaoh

Bill Busch Henr Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Jehovah Versus ofEgypt? All theGods y Born,Elward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 42 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist Jess Whitlock 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. 5. 4. 3. 2.

dess oftheNile wascalled spirit of the Nile wascalled Osiris. Nile wasconsidered thebloodstream of fashioned asbulls orcattle; was next(9:1-7). Egypt hadmanygods The plagueof murrain (diseased livestock) called and notinGoshen. Egypt hadafly-god The fliescameonlyupon thelandof Egypt Next cametheswarmsofflies(8:20-32). the dustathandofMoses. Rememberearth-god. the lice came from alike (8:16-19). Next thelicecameuponmenandbeasts or Hekt. andnamedthisgoddess dess ofbirth, (8:1-15). Egypt lookedtofrogs asthegod The plagueoffrogs covered thewholeland thor, Mnevis. 850.455.7595 Uatchit. October 19,2015 Seb orGeb Tauret, Apis, Ptah, Ha Hapi, was Egypt’s the god- and Heqt the the - - 6. The plague of boils affected only the Egyp- Isis and Seth served as protector of crops. tians (9:8-12). Sekhmet was the goddess The crop loss in Egypt was 100%. of epidemics, and Serapis was their god of 9. Then came three days of darkness (10:21- healing. The latter god was in the form of 29). The sun gods of Egypt were myriad: a serpent. Look at the insignia of medical Ra, Atum, Horus, Amon-ra, et al. There

institutions today and behold the serpent! was no light in Egypt for three days. Egypt

Yet, Egypt’s magicians were unable to ap- even had a god of the sunset, Te m . But,

pear before Pharaoh because of this plague. there was no sunrise neither sunset for

7. The plague of hail mingled with fire fol- three days. There was light in Goshen. lowed (9:13-35). Egypt had a sky-goddess 10. The final plague was the death of the first- that was appropriately named Nut. Isis and born (12:29-36). Pharaoh was considered Seth were the deities of Egypt to protect a god and his first-born died. Heqt or Hekt the crops. Shu was the god of the atmo- was the goddess of birth, and Meskhenet sphere. (His name was mentioned quite presided at childbirth. Selket or Serqa was frequently during the fourth plague.) Egypt’s guardian of life. 8. Then it was time for the locusts to make an Jehovah God went “against all the gods of appearance (10:1-20). Serapia was the pro- Egypt” and won hands down!

tector of Egypt from locusts! Recall that Denison, TX

“Those Who Were Being Saved”

Brad Green Everyone should desire to be one of “those First, to be among “those who were being who were being saved” (Acts 2:47—NKJV). saved,” man had to hear the Gospel—“Ye men

Fortunately, it is God’s desire that all men “be of Israel, hear these words” (Acts 2:22). Man saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the cannot be saved without hearing God’s Word truth” (1 Tim. 2:4) and for this reason, God, because “it is the power of God unto salva-

“hath given unto us all things that pertain tion” (Rom. 1:16) and “therein is the righ- unto life and godliness, through the knowl- teousness of God revealed” (1:17). To be righ- edge of him that hath called us to glory and teous in the sight of God, man must have faith virtue” (2 Pet. 1:3). Recorded in Acts 2 is the (Heb. 11:6) and “faith cometh by hearing, and historical account of the day Jesus’ church was hearing by the Word of God” (Rom. 10:17). established. For the first time, Peter and the Second, to be among “those who were being other apostles use the “keys of the kingdom” saved,” man had to believe what he heard— (Mat. 16:19) to teach man how to enter the “Now when they heard this [Peter’s sermon], kingdom of God and thus be saved. they were pricked in their heart” (Acts 2:37). The fact that the message pricked their hearts with him by baptism into death: that like proves that they believed. Jesus says, “if ye be- as Christ was raised up from the dead by lieve not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins” the glory of the Father, even so we also (John 8:24). should walk in newness of life (Rom. Third, to be among “those who were be- 6:3-4). To be saved, one must be “in Christ,” and ing saved,” man had to repent of his past sins, confess that Jesus is the Christ, and be im- it is in water baptism where we are “planted

mersed in water to have his past sins forgiv- together in the likeness of his death (6:5) and

en—“Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and therefore, “in Christ.” be baptized every one of you in the name of Last, to be among “those who were being Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts saved,” one must continue to be faithful to 2:38). Jesus says, “except ye repent, ye shall all God. According to the inspired record: likewise perish” (Luke 13:3) and if we truly they that gladly received his word were believe that Jesus saves, we will follow the ex- baptized: and the same day there were ample of the Ethiopian eunuch who said: added unto them about three thousand See, here is water; what doth hinder me to souls. And they continued stedfastly in be baptized? And Philip said, If thou be- the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and lievest with all thine heart, thou mayest. in breaking of bread, and in prayers.… And he answered and said, I believe that And they, continuing daily with one ac- Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he cord in the temple, and breaking bread commanded the chariot to stand still: and from house to house, did eat their meat they went down both into the water, both with gladness and singleness of heart, Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized Praising God, and having favour with all him. And when they were come up out the people (Acts 2:41-42, 46-47). of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Jesus commands, “be thou faithful unto away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no death, and I will give thee a crown of life” more: and he went on his way rejoicing (Rev. 2:10). (Acts 8:36-39). The reason the eunuch was “rejoicing” Let us follow this Godly example and be

is because he knew that he was now one of among “those who were being saved.” Anyone

“those who were being saved.” Like those on who will hear God’s Word, believe, repent,

the day of Pentecost, he had been added by confess the Deity of Christ, and be baptized

the Lord to the church and among the saved to have his past sins forgiven, can be added by (2:47). The apostle Peter proclaims, “baptism the Lord to the church of Christ—the body doth also now save us” (1 Pet. 3:21), and the containing the saved (Acts 2:47). We then inspired Paul writes: can live “faithful unto death” and be given a Know ye not, that so many of us as were “crown of life” when Jesus returns (Rev. 2:10; baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized cf. Eph. 5:27). into his death? Therefore we are buried Knoxville, TN BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: October 28 October 26 gize forthismistake. He is their great-grandson. We apolo Diamond. grandson,Dallasnew Carter that Dallas andKaren Diamond hada In lastweek’s prayers andofferherencouragement. October 18. Please keep Peggy in your Peggy Crowe wasrestored toChriston Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Zan Smith (Dot Brantley’s sister) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Nelda King Henry Hignite in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 brother-in-law) Brantley’s grandson) Please Remember

Correction Beacon itwasannounced Restored

Sick Anthony Polnitz Debbie D Nancy T Tina F awson oshee ravis -

society over acoupleofgenerationshasobvi they would have received no criticismfrom tire represented the best these men could do, down from his mountain cabin.If suchat have beenmistakenfor“Jeremiah Jones,” just beard. Had hewornhuntingbootscould adistracting,scraggly sneakers andsported wore jeans, an ugly open-collared and shirt, wore neithercoatnortie.One poorfellow leaders inaGospel meeting,someofwhom “casually” dressed. would be leading in worshipwouldlikelybe ing toprepare meforthefactthatthosewho way theydressed forworship. He wastry me thatthebrethren were “laidback” inthe years agobefore whichthelocalpreacher told blies. Ipreached inaGospel meetingseveral inourworshipassem especially observable ously had its impact on the Lord’s people— Deacons: Minister: Bishops: The general abandonment of decorum in The generalabandonmentofdecorum Another congregation usedvaried song

Bill Busch Henry Born,E Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Laid Back, Hip—and Irreverent Hip—and Laid Back, lward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 43 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. ticipating. Iamaddressing menparticularly, the activityor functioninwhichwe are par or “dress down” indicatesanattitudetoward press rebellion andbasicneatness. atdecorum hip andwithittheyare orperhapseven toex- andflip-flops, Isupposetoshowshirts, how assemblies incut-offjeansorcargoshorts, T- and youth leaderswhoshow upforworship ment.” Ithushearofsomeyounger preachers seem towear offbeatattire to “make astate ly contributetoScripturalmeditation.Some Lord’s table(especially er down,” fortheirgreat coatlessandgolfshirt, tie to work during the week, but who “dress of careless, sloppy,and/orlazy(tosaynothing ever. Rather, suchbehavior had thoughtless, me. This hardly seemed to be the case, how irreverent) writtenallover it. Whether we (maleorfemale)“dress up” I have known ofelderswhowear coatand work ontheLord’s day. T-shirts atthe 850.455.7595 October 26,2015 message T-shirts)hard - - - - - however. While admitting some extenuat- grandfathers of my generation wore bib over- ing circumstances (e.g., coming immediately alls to worship on Sunday, but these were the from work with no time to change, the less best they had. The one day in the week they formal setting of Wednesday evening Bible wore a white shirt (if they had one) was the study, etc.), what you wear may reflect how Lord’s day. They perceived that going to wor- seriously you take the activity in which you ship was worth dressing up for—and I believe are engaging (to say, “I hadn’t thought about they got it right. that,” makes my point). I could not picture Yes, God is more concerned with the in- any of the men described above dressing so side, rather than merely with the outside, of sloppily for an important business appoint- men (1 Sam. 16:7). However, we may indi- ment or to serve as a pallbearer for a funeral cate what is inside by what we do with the service. Surely, one would not think of ap- “outside.” We may talk with our clothing, and pearing before an earthly monarch dishev- the Lord said that “out of the abundance of eled, unkempt, and wearing yard-work or the heart the mouth speaketh” (Mat. 12:34). golf-course garb. He would not overdress so as Have we forgotten the simple, but important, to call undue attention to himself in that way, principle of doing all things “decently and in but he would do his best not to detract from order” (1 Cor. 14:40), written in the very the royalty by appearing slovenly or even ca- context of behavior in a worship assembly, in- sual in his attire. cidentally? I am not advocating that we turn Yet, men all too often, representing the our worship assemblies into fashion shows. I most important cause on earth, come be- am rather urging that men dress in such a way fore the King of kings, saying by their shod- as to indicate how important they believe the dy appearance that the occasion was not worship of Almighty God and His Son is. even worth dressing up for. Many of the Denton, TX

Faith Vs. Opinion

Tim Smith What is the difference between a matter of God (cf., Rom. 10:17). To determine wheth- faith and a matter of opinion? I have often dis- er a thing is a matter of faith or not simply cussed such matters on these pages and judg- put it to the Scripture test (cf., 1 The. 5:21- ing from the response I have received such a 22). To the extent that God specifically made study (in brief) as the one now before us is His preference known we are bound and the well worth our time. question is a matter of faith. To the extent that

A matter of faith is a matter that may be God allowed for preference or choice our lib- settled by reading and properly applying the erties and preferences are allowed to rule. Word as revealed in the New Testament. Faith Let us begin with the absurd—people comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of seem to deal better with the absurd than the plausible, you know. Let us put the question their hair from right to left, 10 from left to of parting one’s hair to the test of Scripture. right, 5 in the middle and the remaining 5 ei- Should a man’s hair be parted on the left or ther have no hair to part or have cut it too the right or the middle or not at all? I know short to part. Could it be said that the 80 are some who part their hair on the left. I know right? Could it be said that the 20 are wrong? some who part their hair on the right. I know By what standard (and you must have a stan- some who part it in the middle. I know some dard to make such a declaration) could you so (yours truly included) who have their hair cut state? Majority rule? How much does major- too short to part at all. I know some who do ity rule figure in to the question of what God not have any hair to part—time having taken likes? Say the matter was put to a vote and by a it all away! Who is right? Are the “lefties” or vote of 80 to 10 to 5 to 5 parting the hair from the “righties” or the “middle-of-the-roaders” left to right carried the day. Would it then be or the “no-part-at-all” crowd in the right? The the case that the left-to-righters were right and simple truth is that none of them are right or all others wrong? The answer to that question wrong on this matter—because, quite frank- is a definite and loud and clear and absolute ly, by His Book, He does not care where your no. If God does not care about an issue you hair is parted. If He does not care, then how can vote from now until the Judgment Day can you do it “wrong”? and the outcome of the vote will in no wise Let us take an imaginary congregation and change His opinion on the matter. work out a scenario on this burning issue of To the extent that God says who, what, the parting of the hair. (I am a little surprised when, where, how, or why we must say the that no one has captured the public frenzy on same, and to the extent that He has left it up such an issue as the parting of the hair before to our discretion we must leave it to the dis- me.) Let us say that we have a congregation cretion of the individual. It is just as wrong to with 100 men in it and that 80 of them part make a rule God did not make as it is to omit one He did make. I mean no disrespect to you Bellview Church of Christ or your opinions when I say this, but here goes Web Site anyway: If you have an opinion, that is fine— have that opinion (if such is allowed by the The site offers a vast amount of resources Scripture). However, if you think that having for your personal edification. Past issues of an opinion is equal to having authority from Defender and Beacon, written sermons pre- God to legislate the behavior of others, then sented by Michael Hatcher, as well as Ira Y. you need to repent and stop that before you Rice’s Basic Bible course are available. Vid- stand in the way of one with a differing (and eos of lectureships, sermons, and Gospel

meetings can be viewed. Why not check it equally valuable) opinion and prevent them out at: from entering the family of God. Please—let Him set the standard and us follow it. Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: cyclopedia oftheBible 63). graved onthem(Nelson’s Illustrated En - to leave impressions ofthepictures en der sealswhichwere rolled across clay from great monuments to tiny cylin of thefinestpieces Babylonian art— statues. Stone produced some carvers copper andbronze forweapons and ed from the east and south. Smiths cast ver andsemi-precious- stonesimport ingold,sil BC madefinejewellery Craftspeople inthethird millennium 2 November October 28 Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Junior McLeod (Paul &Phyllis Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Nelda King p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeetat6:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00p.m., brother-in-law) Brantley’s grandson) Please Remember

Arts and Crafts Arts

Sick Anthony Polnitz Debbie D Heather S Nancy T Tina F awson oshee ravis tark - - -

Rom. 10:10;Acts 2:38; Gal. 3:27;1 Pet. 3:21; 3:16; Heb. 11:6; Mark 16:16;Acts 17:30; onciled toGod inthe church of Christ(John their sins,God forgives themandtheyare rec be baptized intoChristfortheremission of their faithinJesus asthe Son ofGod andthen lieve inChrist,repent oftheirsins,confess hear the message of peace (the Gospel), be who didnotobeyHim. between thosewhoobeyed God andthose tween themandGod. Neither coulditexist sage oftheapostles,peacecouldnotexistbe ited commissioniftheJews refused themes- that isnotauthorized by God. Under thelim that isauthorized by God andthere isapeace on the limited commission. There is a Jesus gave toHis apostlesbefore He sentthem “Think Not “Think That ICame toPeace Send ontheEarth” Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Today, when sinful men are disposed to oftheinstructions Matthew 10:34isapart

Bill Busch Henry Born,E Michael Hatcher Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher lward Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 44 David P. Brown Matthew 10:34 Matthew A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: peace - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. of his fornication. Paul thus commanded the fornication until suchtimethatherepented fellowship with thebrother who was guiltyof peace andinfellowship withGod ceasetheir a situationdemandedthat thoseremaining at to existbetween thefornicatorand God. Such head in the church at Corinth, peace ceased 2:42; 1 John 1:7;2 John 9-11). Him by faithfuladherence to His will (Acts and whocontinuetomaintainthatpeacewith tween men who have made peace with God, have obeyed theGospel! Fellowship existsbe and God, orbetween suchmenandthosewho then nopeaceispossiblebetween suchmen (it is God’s only saving power—Rom. 1:16), refuse oftheGospel message alloranypart men makepeacewithGod. Acts 2:42,47).Thisistheprocess whereby When thesinoffornicationreared itsugly 850.455.7595 November 2,2015 But , whenmen - church at Corinth “to have no company with teaching about who the Lord was and what fornicators” (1 Cor. 5:9—ASV), and again he He did to redeem man. However, what Paul said: commanded the church at Corinth to do re- I wrote unto you not to keep company, garding the man who had “his father’s wife” if any man that is named a brother be a (1 Cor. 5:1), had not one thing to do with fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or the life or deity of Christ! Now, Paul ei- a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortion- ther sinned or someone has a perverted view er; with such a one no, not to eat.… Put of what the phrase, “the teaching of Christ” away the wicked man from among your- found in 2 John 9 means. Being that Paul, in selves (1 Cor. 5:10-13—ASV). the same letter to the same church, informed This teaching of Paul is in perfect harmony the Corinthians that, “the things which I write with the apostle John’s teaching in his second unto you, that they are the commandment of epistle. the Lord” (14:37) it seems only reasonable to Whosoever goeth onward and abideth not allow the inspired apostle Paul’s direction to in the teaching of Christ, hath not God: the Corinthians to serve as a divine commen- he that abideth in the teaching, the same tary on what the apostle John meant when the hath both the Father and the Son. If any same Spirit that inspired Paul had John write one cometh unto you, and bringeth not 2 John 9-11. this teaching, receive him not into your Spring, TX house, and give him no greeting: for he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his

evil works (2 John 9-11).

Some erroneously teach that “the teaching Defender and Beacon of Christ” means “the teaching about Christ.” Available Via E-Mail If such were the case, then the only reason fel- Send your e-mail address to: lowship could be withdrawn from a child of [email protected] God would be if he rejected any or all of the

ord “Who is on the L ’s side?” Exodus 32:26

F. F. Conley If the question should be put to you per- 50:21). He said again, “For my thoughts are sonally, “Are you on the Lord’s side?” how not your thoughts, Neither are your ways my would you answer? Be very honest with your- ways” (Isa. 55:8). Are you on the Lord’s side? self because you cannot deceive God. “Be not Remember that Jesus warns, “He that is not deceived; God is not mocked” (Gal. 6:7). The with me is against me; and he that gathereth Lord said one time, “Thou thoughtest that I not with me scattereth abroad” (Mat. 12:30). was altogether such an one as thyself” (Psa. Jesus also admonished, “No man can serve two masters” (6:24). days and nights and asking God for His guid- Moses asked this question that is under ance for the people. But at that very time the study just now, but how did he come to ask people had gone back into idolatry. They had it? He had been in the mountain for forty made a golden calf and were falling down be- fore it. Moses stood there before them and said: “Who is on the Lord’s side?” We should choose Him now to be fit to live Seven Minds in this life. Some of God’s promises are for this 1. Mind your tongue. Never allow it to world. Paul said, having promise of life that speak hasty, cruel, unkind, untruthful now is—Jesus said, “he shall receive an hun-

or wicked words. It was made for some- dredfold now in this time” (Mat. 10:30). Peter

thing better. adds his testimony along this line, “For he that 2. Mind your eyes. Do not permit them to will love life, and see good days” (1 Pet. 3:10).

look on obscene pictures or things which We should choose Him now to be ready suggest evil. There are many things that to die. Learn what to do with your life before the sight of would be inspirational. you face the hour of death. Paul had learned Mind your ears. 3. They should never lis- what to do with his life when he came to die, ten to wicked speeches, improper songs, “I have fought a good fight, I have finishedmy or unholy words. They were made for course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). hearing harmonies of Truth and the You are not on the Lord’s side if you are sweet voice of God. critical and self-centered. If you forsake the 4. Mind your lips. Never let anything be- assembly, the Bible school, the prayer meet- foul them, not strong drink pass between ing service, if you have a chip on your shoul- them. They are for better purposes. der, if you are a glory seeker, if you are con- 5. Mind your hands. They should never cerned with prestige, if you think ten cents steal for fight, or be used to write down out of a dollar is too much to contribute to the evil thoughts. Their best use is to lift up Lord’s treasury, and are afraid for the preach- the fallen, and to hand out blessings to er to mention the responsibility of Christians the needy. toward material things. You are not on the 6. Mind your feet. They are not to walk the paths of sin, nor in any other steps of Lord’s side if you have never surrendered your Satan. They are to carry you on errands life to Him, if you have never obeyed the Gos- of mercy and labors of love. pel though you are a “pretty good fellow,” you 7. Mind your heart. The love of sin is to be belong to Satan from the crown of your head kept out of it, and Satan is not to have to the sole of your foot. As members of the any room in it. It is to be consecrated to church you are not on the Lord’s side if you Jesus, and He is to make it His throne. are merely playing at religion. Who is on the Author Unknown Lord’s side? Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nelda King Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: dered why. Do you? School classes.Theteacher oftenwon watching television. boy laterfoundoutthatshewashome dom ofGod mustcomefirst.” This little because shehadtaughthim—“the king there. He couldnotunderstandwhy, looked forhisteacher, shewasnot Heto theevening service. lookedand teacher seemedsosincere. much impressed,The lad washis very of God). She said“It mustcomefirst.” ofthechurch (thekingdom importance tened ashisteachertalkedaboutthe class one Lord’s Day morning. He lis 8 November Paula (Bill &Pam Busch’s neighbor) Jim Rodgers (Joyce Johnson’s Janice Ruffner (Roelf Ruffner’s wife) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) The ladnever camebackto Bible That nightthelittleboy cameback A littleboy satintheBible School inroom 1. to theafternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbeheldprior brother-in-law) Please Remember

Why? Sick Author Unknown Anthony Polnitz Debbie D Heather S Nancy T Tina F awson oshee ravis tark - - -

in itsfullness or“the wholecounsel ofGod” Jew first,andalsotothe Greek” (Rom. 1:16). onethatbelieveth;salvation tothe toevery pel ofChrist:foritisthe power ofGod unto the Gospel. “For Iamnotashamedofthegos ashamed ofit?Some brethren are ashamed of we love theGospel ofJesus Christorare we for theGospel orare we spiritualcowards? Do cles, toancientIsrael. proclaiming the Truth, authenticated by mira- the embodimentof Truth. Now theywere preach/teach miracles.He andperform was with theMaster Teacher andhad seenHim solo adventure inevangelism. Theyhadbeen energized menastheyreturned from theirfirst us through thyname” (Luke 10:17). saying, Lord, even thedevilsare subjectunto aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Some preachers refuse topreach theGospel What aboutyou andme?Are we zealous We canonlyimaginethese seventy happy, “And theseventy returned againwithjoy,

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, BEACON Am IAshamed? Vol. XLIV/No. 45 Roelf L.Ruffner A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. (Acts For 20:27—ASV). example, sins and baptismfor theremission ofsins.In down-playing thenecessityof repentance of al evangelism dilutethe Gospel’s power by loaves,(John andwere filled” 6:26). saw themiracles,butbecause ye did eatofthe ly, Isayunto you, Ye seekme,notbecause ye “Jesus answered themand said, Verily, veri flatable slidesforchildren intheparking lot. sundae,” “trunk pizzaparties, ortreat,” andin people intotheirassemblies:“world’s largest (6) Remain faithfultotheGospel (Rev. 2:10). for theremission of sins (Acts 2:38),and God’s immersed Son (Rom. 10:9-10),(5) Be Jesuspent ofsins(Acts 17:30),(4) Confess as theGospel (Mark 16:16),(3) Re (2) Believe Hear the Word (Rom.10:17), vation: (1) monette, theyfailtogive God’s Plan ofSal tation isoffered attheconclusionoftheirser- Some brethren whileengaging inperson- Many congregations usegimmickstodraw 850.455.7595 November 9,2015 if aninvi - - - - - their rush to get someone wet they fail to teach prayerfully and actively seek to teach our lost the critical doctrines of “one body” (Eph.4:4) neighbor, friend, relative, and co-worker. We rather than many denominations, authorized are ashamed when we fail to invite (repeat- worship of God (John 4:24), and the Bible’s edly) the lost to our Bible studies and assem- teaching on Marriage-Divorce-Remarriage blies. We are also ashamed when we forsake (Mat. 19:9). the assembling of ourselves on Sundays and Many congregations no longer have Gospel Wednesdays (Mat. 6:33; Heb. 10:24-25). (The meetings. They see them as a relic of the past. late brother Marshall Keeble said that the best They prefer marriage workshops, “singles” church advertising was a full church building (divorced) seminars, and the denomination- parking lot.) We are certainly ashamed of the al “Financial Peace University.” If they have a Gospel if we fail to live a faithful life while ex- Gospel meeting it is just a social affair with lit- pecting the Lord to accept us on that great and tle emphasis on bringing those in bondage to terrible Day. “For whosoever shall be ashamed Satan (John 8:34) so they might gain freedom of me and of my words, of him shall the Son (8:31-32). of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his Yet, are you and I who think of our- own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the holy selves as sound, ashamed of the Lord and His angels” (Luke 9:26). Truth? Brethren, we are ashamed if we do not Columbia, TN

Is Baptism Essential?

Paul Vaughn One of the most controversial subjects in be baptized every one of you in the name of religion is the topic of Baptism. There are tre- Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye mendous amount of people who have rele- shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts gated baptism as nonessential. What does the 2:38). The “remission of sins,” the forgiveness New Testament have to teach about baptism? of sins depends on baptism. Peter also stated Is it essential or nonessential? that baptism saves. It is written: Jesus considered baptism essential. He com- The like figure whereuntoeven baptism manded all to be baptized. It is written, “And doth also now save us (not the putting he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, away of the filth of the flesh, but the an- and preach the gospel to every creature. He swer of a good conscience toward God,) that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; by the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Pet. but he that believeth not shall be damned” 3:21). (Mark 16:15-16). If baptism is nonessential, There is nothing special about the water. It why did Jesus commanded it? is not to be confused with just a washing of Peter considered baptism essential. In the dirty skin or ceremonial cleansing of the flesh. first Gospel sermon Peter said, “Repent, and Baptism is a command for all to obey to receive forgiveness of sins which God alone executes. Buried with him in baptism, wherein also Paul considered baptism essential. He un- ye are risen with him through the faith of derstood that the only way to be in Christ was the operation of God, who hath raised to be baptized, immersion in water. It is writ- him from the dead (Col. 2:12). ten, “For as many of you as have been baptized With all the evidence from the Scriptures into Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). about baptism, why would anyone say “bap- Baptism is a command from the Lord (Mark tism is nonessential.” They did not get it from 16:15-16), therefore, baptism is an act of faith God. Anything that the Lord commands is and not a work of man. The one working in essential. baptism is God. Paul stated this by inspiration. Centerville, TN

Just Suppose

B. B. James That your child came in from school and the Lord’s Day. Could you get by on it? said that the teacher had given him some That someone should ask you a question homework to do and he did not want to do about the Bible. Could you give them an it. Would you insist that it be done anyway? answer? That the child you use as an excuse for not That someone should ask you why we meet doing your Christian duties were to get sick, for worship on the first day of every week. or even die. Would not all of your excuses Could you give them an answer? seem rather flimsy? That someone should ask why we do not That you spent as much time reading the use a mechanical instrument in worship. Bible as you do watching TV. How much Could you tell them? more would you know about the Bible? That someone should ask you why we prac- That every member of the church resolved tice immersion instead of sprinkling for bap- to go a whole day without saying a bad thing tism. Could you show them from the Bible? about another person. Would that not be That you were a Bible class teacher and had pleasant? prepared your lesson well, but when class time That every member of the church were to came, hardly anyone came to your class. How attend worship on a given Sunday. Would that would you feel? not be great! That everyone in the church treated visitors That the Lord should prosper you through and new members like you do. Would they the week according to the amount you give on feel welcome and “at home” among us? That every member of the church were just Defender and Beacon Via E-Mail like you. How strong would the church be? Send your e-mail address to: That this would be your last day on earth. [email protected] How would you use it? Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: November 16 November 15 November prayers. Please keepLeeandhisfamilyinyour of hiswife,Kelley Jo, onNovember 4. Lee Moses andhisfamilyinthedeath Our deepest sympathy is extended to Bette andEd Podgurski (Bill &Peggy Paula (Bill &Pam Busch’s neighbor) Jim Rodgers (Joyce Johnson’s Janice Ruffner (Roelf Ruffner’s wife) scheduledfor Debbie Dawson (surgery Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Heather Stark p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 2willmeetat6:00 room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe Crowe’s daughterandson-in-law) brother-in-law) November 24) Pantry Item Needed Pantry Item Please Remember

Canned Soup Sympathy

Sick Anthony P N T N ancy Travis ina Foshee elda King olnitz

a life that includes interaction withsociety, Christians must exercise moderationinliving be caughtup intheextremes oftheworld. a physicalexercise. TheChristianshouldnot known untoallmen” (4:5).Thisismore of spirit ofjoy intheChristian’s life. ungrateful. Thisshouldleadtoaperpetual to bethankfulandnothingforwhich for which cise. The Christian has everything Lord alway” (Phi. 4:4).Thisisamentalexer cal ren isacombination of mentalandphysi The prescription that Paul gives tothebreth take tobringone’s selfinto thepeaceofGod. chapter thatPaul discussestheactiononecan foundinthefourth It isinthis Paul hadtosaythePhilippian brethren can aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Next, Paul says,“Letyour moderationbe Some ofthemore thingsthat important exercises. First, theywere to“rejoice inthe

Christian Life Christian (If We theApplication) Make

Several Exercises That Can HelpUs inthe Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 46 Johnny Oxendine A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. things of thislifecan becomea bigproblem American Standard Version. Anxiety forthe ally betranslated “anxious” asindicatedinthe words Theword ofsupport. with Him (4:13). for we know thatallthingsare accomplishable orfearthat cannotbeovercome,ble orworry Him. With God, there isnoproblem ortrou not going to leave us as long as we do not leave recognize thatGod isalwaysby oursideandis God isalwayswithus.It isagreat to comfort er-present awareness withintheChristianthat at hand” (4.5),this more likelyrefers to the ev ed inGod’s Word. modern psychology andhere itisclearlystat fulness. Balance isafundamentalprincipleof in (tolerate) its sin but does not participate “Be careful in nothing” (4:6). These are When theapostlePaul writes,“TheLord is 850.455.7595 November 16,2015 careful shouldre- - - - - for the Christian. Jesus taught us to under- stand that God knows the things of which Defender and Beacon we have need, and that he will supply those Available Via E-Mail things if we but seek Him and His kingdom To receive the Defender and Beacon via e- first (Mat. 6:25-34). mail please send your e-mail address to: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are [email protected] true, whatsoever things are honest, what- soever things are just, whatsoever things be no more room for negative thoughts. Wor- are pure, whatsoever things are love- ry, anxiety, depression, and despair are all neg- ly, whatsoever things are of good report; ative thoughts that seek, almost without in- if there be any virtue, and if there be any vitation, to invade our daily consciousness. praise, think on these things (Phi. 4:8). “Those things, which ye have both learned, The exercise in this verse is mental. It is an and received, and heard, and seen in me, do” exercise for us to focus upon the spiritual. It is (4:9). Here is a physical exercise. When we the proactive exercise of the mind to think. have done everything that we need to do to The exhortation is not to just let your mind prepare ourselves for Christian service, we drift upon any and every old thing that comes must make the application. Let us read and along, but to purposefully and deliberately learn, but most certainly do what He, our concentrate upon good things. When we fill God and Creator, wants. our minds with positive thoughts, there will San Mateo, CA

I Do Not Understand

Danny Box

Some things I do not understand: • I do not understand how anyone can

• I do not understand how men who were think that God’s Word changes just be-

once faithful Gospel preachers can preach cause his—or a family member’s—situa- a perverted “gospel” based on fantasy in- tion in life changes (Mat. 5:32; 19:3-9). stead of fact (2 Tim. 4:2; Gal. 1:6-9). • I do not understand how anyone can be- • I do not understand why congregations lieve that the Spirit works directly on the put up with or fellowship preachers who heart of some unless he believes that God have left the faith (1 John 1:6-10; 2 John is a respecter of persons (Pro. 24:23; John 9-11). 7:24; Acts 10:34-35). • I do not understand how anyone can • I do not understand why faithful Gospel think that instrumental music in wor- preachers are ridiculed, abused, and even ship is authorized (or more beautiful) fired for doing what God has told them than singing that comes from our hearts to do (1 Cor. 1:23; 2 Tim. 4:2). (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). • I do not understand how anyone can love the things of this world and expect to be death, but I do know that one day these loved by the Father (1 John 2:15-17). will be no more (Rev. 21:3). • I do not understand how God could love I do not understand such things, but I such a one as I and be willing to give up know that if I endue faithfully to the end, His Son to die as a sacrifice for me (John God the Father will explain it all to me on 3:16; Rom. 5:8). that Day (2 Tim. 4:7-8). • I do not understand pain, suffering, and Deceased

The Silence of the Scriptures Bill Jackson Surely one of the most effective, and most his answer was that if the congregation’s elders Scriptural, arguments the saints have made gave approval, and if they then could see some down through the years is that of the authori- benefit to be gained, it would be proper! Thus, ty of the silence of the Scriptures. In hundreds the end to which one will be taken if he feels of debates with proponents of every kind of there can be no legitimate argument based on error, audiences were shown that when God the silence of the Scriptures! legislates in a certain area, making clear His We know the argument we now are sup- requirements, then man has no authority to porting is a legitimate one, for we find it used go beyond that, adding similar or like things in the Word! In Hebrews 7, as the writer to what God has specified. We have correctly speaks of the priesthood of Christ under the used the gopher wood, the pitch, the dimen- New Testament, he states that there has been a sions of the ark in the case of Noah (Gen. 6), change of the law, thus necessitating a change and we have used the fruit of the vine and the in the priesthood (7:12). He speaks of our bread on the Lord’s table (Mat. 26:26-28) on Lord coming from the tribe of Judah (7:14), the same point. and in making then the point that the Lord Of late, men are stating that there can be no argument based on “the silence of the Scrip- could not be a priest if the law of Moses were tures.” As one recently put it, “Man is free to still in effect, the writer states, “of which tribe do any and every thing that God has not spe- Moses spake nothing concerning priesthood.” cifically forbidden.” One other man, in the Thus, the argument is made that Jesus could kingdom, said that “any matter falling within not be a priest under the Old Testament law, the silence of the scriptures should be treated because the Scriptures said nothing about as options, based on the rule of Romans 14.” one of Judah being a priest! Let us, as we con- In correspondence with one in another state, tinue to stress Biblical authority, and the right and when the matter of dancing in worship handling of the Word (2 Tim. 2:15), also con- was brought up, and our having no specific tinually stress the silence of the Scriptures! condemnation in the New Testament of such, Deceased BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Heather Stark Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: cyclopedia oftheBible 90). ( used asperfume sweet-scented whiteflowers which were An evergreen withfragrantleaves and 29 November 25 November George Ness (Pam Busch’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Bette andEd Podgurski (Bill &Peggy Paula (Bill &Pam Busch’s neighbor) Jim Rodgers (Joyce Johnson’s Janice Ruffner (Roelf Ruffner’s wife) scheduledfor Debbie Dawson (surgery Robbie Cravey (The Haven) p.m. Grounds, at12:30 afternoonservice Fifth Sunday Dinner onthe in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., brother-in-law) mother) Crowe’s daughterandson-in-law) brother-in-law) November 24) Please Remember

Food Pantry Canned Soup


Sick Nelson’s Illustrated En- Anthony P Rheba S N N ancy Travis B elda King ill Crowe tancliff olnitz

rapid growth periodsand periodsof little orno the Gospel thandoour fellow-citizens. our world (e.g., India) more eagerly receive tieth century. Presently, someother areas of years of for the a twenfew in the middle part the church ledallreligious groups ingrowth in what was still a burgeoning USA. Again, soil Christianity foundanabundanceoffertile asthepleato restorecentury New Testament numerical growth inthefirsthalfof19 that briefspan. the church’s phenomenalnumericalgrowth in the amazingreception grantedtheGospel and the earlyyears (Acts 2-6)andseektorecreate ago. Some pointtotheJerusalem church in growing asrapidlyitdidfiftyorsixty years and especiallyaboutwhythechurch isnot brethren inrecent years about“church growth” aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: I believe anobvious principleexplains both The Lord’s church enjoyed amarvelous There hasbeenmuchdiscussionamong

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, What Price Church “Growth”? BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 47 Dub McClish A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: th -

E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. ry thatno longerprevails. ry prevailed ofthepastcentu inthe middlepart in ournation.Further, uniquecircumstances tion accorded messageofthepioneerrestorers yieldedthegreatcumstances likewise recep mentous dayforcenturies.) Extraordinary cir providentially beenpreparing forthatmo never be duplicated or repeated. (God had such exceptional growth timewill inashort reception oftheGospel (2 Tim. 4:2). son” whileothersare “out ofseason” regarding times. At agiven timesomeplacesare “insea- atall everywhere equally ripeforharvesting sent His apostles (10:6). Thefields are not and worked (Mat. 15:24)andtowhomHe house ofIsrael” amongwhomHe preached ly referred specificallyto “the lostsheepofthe 4:35),He (John white untoharvest manifest growth: When Jesus saidthatthefields were Circumstances greatly govern andalter The circumstances in thatledto Jerusalem 850.455.7595 November 23,2015 - - - - - practical results. We should not forget that, almost every means of achieving (and main- even in the first century, while equally able taining) it are employed. and inspired men in both Jerusalem and Ath- We have witnessed a steadily increasing ens preached the same Gospel, it hardly pro- emphasis among brethren on such artificial duced the same results in both cities. It is devices for growth over the past few decades. therefore folly to use either Jerusalem’s or Ath- The building of “family life centers,” the use ens’ growth as a growth-pattern for now or of singing groups that are professional enter- any other age or place. tainers and that mimic mechanical instrument One does not find emphasis in the New sounds with their voices in rendering spiritu- Testament on the numerical growth of the as an end al songs, the preaching of a no-fault, no-guilt church . The emphasis is on preach- ing the Gospel to as many lost souls as possi- gospel, the attempt to address every “felt need” ble and letting growth, whether it be little or of everybody in town, and a score of oth- much (or even none), come as it will. This fact er come-ons for young and old are but obvi- is demonstrated both in the wording of the ous symptoms of the growth mania. Although

Great Commission and in the record of its ex- these phenomena may attract many people, ecution by the apostles. they appeal to physical rather than spiritu-

Very unfortunately, numerical growth be- al interests—with the cross and sound doc- came the primary goal of some brethren a few trine often far in the background. Gains thus decades ago, and yet remains such to many. achieved cannot avoid the rotten harvest of To them, large numbers equal success for the apostasy, which they have increasingly reaped. church. Many now equate the numerical size of a congregation with God’s blessings or the Faithful disciples will be content with lack thereof. They fail to realize that, by that planting and watering the seed of the kingdom logic, God would be blessing a multitude of and leaving the growth to God (Luke 8:11-15; heretical religious groups more than He is 1 Cor. 3:6), rather than trying to force numer- His own people. History reveals that, sooner ical growth by worldly methodology. or later, when numerical growth is the end, Denton, TX

To Your Health

Brad Green Many today are well educated about the the spiritual health of mankind is altogether latest and most exciting news regarding health lacking. Christians must continually examine and physical fitness. From reading and recog- the condition of their spiritual health and em- nizing every ingredient that is in a particular phasize its importance over all else. food package to knowing exactly how those Spiritual health is determined by what ingredients affect the body, our society is re- we eat. Jesus stated, “Blessed are they which plete with health enthusiasts. Sadly, however, do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” (Mat. 5:6). Righteous- left to erode. The Bible teaches “exercise thy- ness is perhaps the least sought after nutrient. self rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise Most people double over the trough of world- profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto liness and their appetites can never be satis- all things, having promise of the life that now fied. We must be more concerned with what is, and of that which is to come” (1 Tim. 4:7- we eat spiritually. If we hunger and thirst after 8). We are also commanded to exercise our righteousness, God has provided the perfect senses that we may discern between good and “meal.” Paul wrote: evil (Heb. 5:13-14). There is a famous quote For I am not ashamed of the gospel of regarding muscle strength and tone, “Use it or Christ: for it is the power of God unto sal- lose it.” The same can be said about one’s spir- vation to every one that believeth; to the itual conditioning. If we do not continue to Jew first, and also to the Greek. For there- study (2 Tim. 2:15) and grow in the knowl- in is the righteousness of God revealed edge of our Lord (2 Pet. 3:18), we will lose the from faith to faith: as it is written, The just benefits, which accompany such exercise. shall live by faith (Rom. 1:16-17). Last, spiritual health is determined by To be spiritually fit and know how to be right and pleasing in God’s sight, we must the strength of our immune system. We are

feast upon His Word. warned, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your

Spiritual health is also determined by adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh

how much we exercise. The physical fitness about, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Pet.

and exercise industries are big revenue makers. 5:8). Christians must devote their energies to

Almost every other television channel is an in- building a strong immune system. “Put on the fomercial for the latest machine to make one whole armour of God, that ye may be able healthy and fit. It is likely that billions of dol- to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. lars are spent on exercise and exercise equip- 6:11). If not vaccinated with God’s Word, man ment each year. Yet, man’s spiritual fitness is can be “tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of Bellview Church of Christ men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie Web Site in wait to deceive” (4:14). The site offers a vast amount of resources Let us commit the majority of our time for your personal edification. Past issues of preparing for eternity by working to be and Defender and Beacon, written sermon out- remain spiritually fit. With a nutritious diet lines presented by Michael Hatcher, as well of the Word of God, a healthy exercise and as Ira Y. Rice’s Basic Bible course are avail- training regimen of right living, and a strong able. Videos of lectureships, sermons, and immunity to false doctrines and those who Gospel meetings can be viewed. Why not spread them, we can be spiritually healthy and check it out at: ready to meet God. Lenoir City, TN BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Henry Hignite Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: November 29 November 25 November their familyinyour prayers. November 16.Please keepthemand Pam’s brother-in-law, George Ness, on Pam and Bill Busch in the death of Our deepest sympathy is extended to her familyinyour prayers. Blake Griffin. Pleasekeep Neldaand Nelda Kinginthedeathofhernephew, Our deepest sympathy is extended to Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Heather Stark p.m. Grounds, at12:30 afternoonservice Fifth Sunday Dinner onthe in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., brother-in-law) mother) Please Remember

Food Pantry Canned Soup Sympathy

Sick Anthony P Rheba S N N ancy Travis B elda King ill Crowe tancliff olnitz

writes: the lackofemphasisin society onGod. He of peopleblamingthedecline ofAmericaon ter Kelly wholives inCasselberry, whoistired ic strip. tained Americans for years with his Pogo com ist, Walter Kelly, Jr. (1913-1973),whoenter Kelly—not tobeconfusedwiththecartoon else, either. Thewriterofthatletterwas Walter lim terrorists, butitisunrealistic foranyone ly, thatapproach isnotworking withMus should beconfinedtobuildings. Obvious and synagogues,” by which he means that it nel), religion belongs“inchurches, mosques, on September 26,2013inthe one whowrote alettertotheeditor(published aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: Jews, who are all God-licensed to slaughter I seeChristians, Muslims, Hindus and When Ilook at thereligions oftheworld, There isnothinghumorous aboutthe Wal Where doesreligion belong?According to

Answering aFool According Folly to His Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, BEACON Orlando Senti- Vol. XLIV/No. 48 Gary W.Summers A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. it and serves asanoddconclusion. it and serves reasons elements to sinceithasnosupporting also. It maybethatthepaper editedouthis about keepingreligion outofgovernment, Kelly’s editorial closeswithabriefcomment “friend”? Thatwouldbeextraordinary, iftrue. esting; didallthestudents have an imaginary school conversations musthave beeninter friend isgreater.”whose imaginary His grade religions are like“schoolchildren arguingover kept withinbuildings.He addsthatwarring in anyway;forthatreason theyneedtobe “gods” inschoolswouldnotbenefitchildren the Scriptures isnotKelly’s strong suit. point clear, butthenitisevidentthatreading Even reading ofitwouldmakethat acursory in theNew Testaments toslaughteranyone. at, butChristiansare notlicensed by God He thengoeson to allegethat putting One can only wonder what he is looking the otherandtheydo(A14). 850.455.7595 November 30,2015 - It was tempting to respond to each one of name of God. At least Hitler was trying his main points by pointing out how false they to create a super-race, and Stalin did his were and how much they contradicted reality, purges in the name of godless Commu- but the newspaper would probably not be in- nism, which is a much better rationale. terested in publishing the facts on these mat- Yes, keep gods out of the schools. Any fool ters. So, the approach taken was to follow Sol- can see how much better they are these omon’s advice: “Answer a fool according to days since prayer and Bible study were re- his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes” (Pro. moved fifty years ago. They’ve been -re 26:5). Thus, the following rebuttal was sent to placed by metal detectors and security po- the Orlando Sentinel the next day after Kelly’s lice, which is far more practical. letter was published. The newspaper sent con- Why would, “Love your neighbor,” or the firmation that they had received it the same Golden Rule help anyone? It’s far better day, but to date they have not published it, to keep religion bottled up in a building which is strange. Why did they print his letter where nobody can see the light or be af- fected by the salt. Religion certainly has if they did not expect responses? At any rate, no place in government; give me a ruth- the approach is to expose absurdity by being less dictator any day of the week, who has absurd. no scruples and disregards the fallacy of Walter Kelly of Casselberry is right. The the importance of human life. Let’s create fact that respect for God in America is at an all-time low has nothing to do with so- a country that ranks with third-world na-

ciety’s increasing problems. It’s only reli- tions—one we can be proud of.

gious people who slaughter others in the Winter Park, FL

“That’s Not a Very Good Reason” Tim Smith

We are to be able to give a reason (explana- which is good. Abstain from all appearance of tion, cause, motivation, authority) for all that evil” (1 The. 5:21-22). Notice also the use of we do: inclusive terms in both references—“an answer But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: to every man” and “all things…all appearance and be ready always to give an answer to of evil.” In every situation we face in life we are every man that asketh you a reason of the to first put the issue to the test of “good” and

hope that is in you with meekness and fear “evil” and then proceed with “good” while “ab-

(1 Pet. 3:15). staining from all appearance of evil” and while A “reason” must in itself be “reasonable”— being able to give to “every man” a logical ex- that is, it must actually speak to the issue for planation of what we are doing and why we which it is invoked. Paul dealt with the issue are doing it. Sounds complicated, does it not? on this wise: “Prove all things; hold fast that Well, it can be complicated, but since heaven and hell are the prizes/penalties, whatever it you then will know what God says about the takes is certainly worthwhile. matter, for (as the passage just cited indicates) How are you at giving a reason? When your He wrote the Bible. friends ask you why you do what you do, with So in the future when you consider an issue specific reference herein to religious matters, what should you do? You should (1) clearly de- are you able to give them a “reason”? We all fine for yourself the terms used in the inquiry need to be able to give the reason—and indeed at hand; (2) seek out the totality of Bible teach- we all must give the reason, if we are pleasing ing on the matter; (3) determine what the Bi- to God. ble allows, requires, and forbids in full with re- Sometimes when one is questioned con- spect to the issue you are considering; (4) then cerning a religious matter he will say some- be sure to harmonize your behavior with Bible thing like this: “Well, my preacher said…” teaching. If you are asked a question about a Please note: your preacher is not an acceptable matter of which you have not made a proper authority to which one might appeal to justify inquiry in advance, indicate to the questioner

a practice. He is just a man—like every other that you are unprepared to answer that fully at

man, he is susceptible to error. He may know the present time and that you will go and pre-

a lot of things, but he does not know every- pare yourself and then return with the answer.

thing. He may be one of the best people you Having so indicated, go and prepare yourself.

have ever known so far as religious discipline is Study the issue, understand the question, gath-

concerned, but he is not perfect. er the biblical evidence, think it through ful-

When seeking authority, go as high up the ly, then formulate your answer and return and

chain as you can go to ensure yourself of a vi- give it to the questioner. Appeal to the author- able position. Where would that be? The Bible, ity of the Bible at every step along the way. May of course. God bless you as you study and obey His Word. It is inspired of God: Deaceased All scripture is given by inspiration of God,

and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

for correction, for instruction in righteous- ness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works Defender and Beacon Available (2 Tim. 3:16-17). Via E-Mail

You can appeal to no higher authority than To receive the Defender and Beacon via

the Bible when seeking authority for what you e-mail please send your e-mail address

do in this world. Therefore, when seeking the to [email protected]. The file you doctrine that is right or the practice that is right will receive will be a PDF (a free reader is put it to the “good” and “evil” test by checking available from it in the light of Scripture. What does the Bible say about the matter? When you discover that, BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nelda King Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: pedia oftheBible 154). tered most(Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclo - A real was what mat change of heart ward signs of fasting were not enough. later, Jesus madeit plainthattheseout But the Old Testament prophets and, uncombed andtheirbodiesunwashed. es on their heads, and leave their hair coarse sackcloth,throw dustandash people wouldteartheirclothes,dress in often went together. During a fast, some did not eat or drink. Fasting and prayer tance. During thetimeoffastingthey People fastedasasignofgenuinerepen Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dan Schleppi(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Faye Rhoudes(AshleyBrower’s aunt’s Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Heather Stark mother) brother-in-law) brother-in-law) mother) The Practice ofFasting

Sick Anthony P D Rheba S H ebbie Dawson N enry Higniteenry ancy Travis tancliff olnitz - - - -

to save oursoul? “For hesaith, Ihave heard joytrue andhappiness thanHe whoisable time ofyear itmaybe. What bettersource for and happinessisthepresent, nomatterwhat mate, noranyholidayseason. Thetimeforjoy cli upon whattimeofyear itis,aparticular claims. However, thetimeforjoy isnotbased son known for joy, as the Christmas carol pro generous duringthistimeofyear. It isasea- case thatpeopleare more apttobekindand upon thelandscape. Generally, itisalsothe white andinothers,icehasformedaglaze the country, theground isalready apowdery that rainwillturntosnow. In someareas of air begins to drill in and there is a possibility other seasons.Perhaps itisthefact thatcold This timeof year isalittlebitdifferent from ping, decorations,singing,lights,andparties. al holiday. It is,traditionally, atimeofshop year, the United States celebratesanation aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: During themonthofDecember, every

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, BEACON ’Tis theSeason ’Tis Vol. XLIV/No. 49 A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: Brad Green - - - - E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. taking itforgranted. fact that God has given us this day rather than (2 Pet. 3:10). We shouldtakeadvantage ofthe the works thatare therein shallbeburnedup” alsoand heat,the earth shall meltwithfervent pass awaywithagreat noise,andtheelements in thenight;whichheavens shall God. “ThedayoftheLord willcomeasathief late, tosubmit themselves tothecommands of In likemanner, manywillwait,untilitistoo being kind,generous, considerate,and“jolly.” er, eachyear, manywaiteleven monthsbefore ed, “There’s notimelikethepresent.” Howev salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2).It hasbeenwell-stat the acceptedtime; vation have Isuccoured thee:behold, thee inatimeaccepted,andthedayofsal- get gain: Whereas ye know not what tinue there ayear, and buyandsell, row we willgointosuch acity, andcon Go tonow, ye thatsay, To dayortomor- 850.455.7595 behold, now isthedayof December 7,2015 shall now -

is - - be on the morrow. For what is your life? joy felt throughout the entire year. “But godli- It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a ness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. little time, and then vanisheth away (Jam. 6:6). The present truly is the “day of salva- 4:13-14). tion,” because it is the only time that we know Our society has become accustomed to for sure exists. thinking about Christ only during the time of Now is the time: a holiday season instituted by man (i.e. De- • To “come unto the knowledge of the th cember 25 ). We should, however, render our truth” (1 Tim. 2:4) by hearing the Word lives a sacrifice to God everyday (Rom. 12:1- of God (Rom. 10:17).

2) and not merely give the appearance of de- • To “believe that he [God] is, and that he votion to Christ during a particular season. is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Consider how sad and hopeless our lives as him” (Heb. 11:6). Christians would be if our dear Lord chose • “to repent: Because he [God] hath ap- to watch over His children only during one pointed a day, in the which he will judge season of the year! Yet, many in society, some the world in righteousness by that man who even claim to be Christians, choose to fo- [Jesus Christ] whom he hath ordained; cus on the Christ only during the holiday sea- whereof he hath given assurance unto all son, a “convenient season” for the world to of- men, in that he hath raised him from the fer what they consider to be “praise” to our dead” (Acts 17:30-31). Savior, and then forget Him during less “con- confess venient” times throughout the rest of the year • To that Jesus is the Christ, the until the holidays roll around once more. Re- Son of God (Mat. 10:32-33; Rom. member the response Felix gave to Paul, “Go 10:9-10). thy way for this time; when I have a conve- • To be baptized to have your past sins nient season, I will call for thee” (Acts 24:25). forgiven (Acts 2:38), to be added by God

The problem with procrastination is the fact to His Church (2:47), and to be saved that there may not be a tomorrow (Jam. 4:1, (1 Pet. 3:21).

3-14). The problem with designating a certain • To be faithful (1 Cor. 4:2; Heb. 5:8-9). season of the year as the time to celebrate the ’Tis the season to obey God’s plan of salva- birth of Christ is the fact that it is not autho- tion and begin your life as a Christian, a child rized by God. God specified that Sunday, the of God, a member of the Church for which first day of each week, is the time to worship Christ died. ’Tis the season to remain faithful

Him (Acts 20:7) and the Christian is to live to God until death (1 John 1:6-9; Rev. 2:10). faithfully every day. We cannot be like Felix ’Tis the season, not because it is December, and wait for a more “convenient season” to be nor because of the celebrations and festivities obedient and joyful. Godly obedience should occurring this time of year. ’Tis the season, be- be part of a faithful Christian’s year-round life- cause tomorrow may be too late. style, a lifestyle which will naturally result in Lenoir City, TN Works Included and Works Excluded

Guy N. Woods For centuries James 2:14-26, has been the Those excluded, discussed by Paul, are works occasion of much controversy; and, it was in which one might glory (exult in, boast of); this passage which prompted Martin Luther the works included (mentioned by James) are to regard the Epistle of James with consider- those which perfect faith. Of the first catego-

able contempt and to describe it as “a right ry, works of which a man might boast and in

strawy one.” Others, who entertain no doubts which he might glory, are human, meritorious

regarding the inspiration of the book and pas- works, works of human achievement, works

sage, have nevertheless engaged in much use- the design of which is to earn salvation. Were

less and vain speculation thereon in an effort it possible for man to devise a plan by which

to harmonize an alleged conflict of teaching he could save himself, he could dispense with

between James and Paul! There are those who grace, accomplish his own deliverance from

believe that Paul, in Romans 4:1-6, teaches sin, and glory in God’s presence. Such of

that justification is by faith without works of course, is utterly impossible. All such works

any kind; and, inasmuch as James, in this pas- are excluded.

sage (2:14-26), quite obviously affirms that The works included, and discussed by

there is no justification apart from works, it James, are the commandments of the Lord,

poses quite a problem for the advocates or the obedience to which is absolutely essential to

doctrine of salvation by faith only. Moreover, salvation (1 John 2:4; 2 The. 1:7-9.) Hum- Paul, in Ephesians 2:8-9, wrote: ble submission to the will of God as expressed for by grace have ye been saved through in His commandments, far from involving faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the works of the type excluded, demonstrate com- gift of God; not of works, that no man plete reliance upon God, and not upon one’s should glory. self. Only those who seek to exclude all work,

Yet, James asserted: even the commandments of the Lord, such

Was not Abraham our father justified as baptism in water for the remission of sins

by works, in that he offered up Isaac his (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38), have any difficul-

son upon the altar? Thou seest that faith ty in harmonizing Paul and James! Paul taught

wrought with his works, and by works the necessity of obedience to the commands

was faith made perfect (Jam. 2:21-22). of Christ as plainly, positively, and emphati-

It should be apparent to the most casual cally as did James (Rom. 6:3-4).

reader that Paul and James are discussing two Deceased different kinds or works in these passages. Paul refers to works which are excluded from God’s Defender and Beacon Via E-Mail plan to save; James discusses works which are Send your e-mail address to: included in it. Each writer gives the charac- [email protected] teristics of the works under consideration. BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dan Schleppi(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Faye Rhoudes(AshleyBrower’s aunt’s Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Henry Hignite (Sacred Heart Hospital) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Heather Stark Debbie Dawson Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: Illustrated Encyclopedia ofthe Bible 79). 106. Theirchief citywas Petra (Nelson’s conquered by Trajan ofRome inad Damascus,years but were theyruled mascus, andacross toGaza. For afew incense from southernArabiato Da by controlling the trade which brought territory, buildingupastrong kingdom their homeinEdomite andMidianite an Arab tribe, the Nabataeans, made After thetimeofAlexanderGreat, 13 December mother) brother-in-law) brother-in-law) mother) to the afternoon service, inroom 1. to theafternoonservice, Deacons’ meetingwillbe heldprior Please Remember


Sick Anthony P Rheba S N N ancy Travis elda King tancliff olnitz -

change agentspipe the tunesof“contemporary “renewal.” Likechildren inthemarket place, the New Testament church inthenameof change anddesecratethe simpleworshipof ple ofGod there are thosetodaywhowould on amongmentoday. Even amongthepeo men have notchanged.Jeroboam’s spiritlives gant repudiation ofGod-ordained worship, that end. er andtopleasehispeopleinorder toachieve mattered toJeroboam was hisdesire for pow law given through Moses. Theonlythingthat him. It mattered notthattheyviolated God’s introduced in worship were of no concern to Kin.12:26-29).Theinnovations he dom (1 solidating andperpetuatinghisown king ern tribes,withalong-termpurposeofcon make worshipconvenient forthetennorth purpose,whichwasto ashort-term it served aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: In the3,000years sinceJeroboam’s arro When Jeroboam erected hisaltaratBethel,

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, Jeroboam Lives On BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 50 Jerry C.Brewer A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. in the Word ofGod isnotacceptabletoHim 17:17). Whatever isnot authorized asworship or asGod’s Word directed and directs (John Sam. 15:22),and“intruth,” cere (1 heart worship hadtobe“inspirit”—from asin pected intheOld Testament. Even then,true is really nodifferent from thatwhich God ex 4:24).Jesus’(John worship definitionoftrue him mustworship Sychar. “God conversation withtheSamaritan womanat ence over them. Jeroboams maintain their power and influ followers getwhattheywantandthemodern withBiblicaltheir pews illiterates.Their ovine power bythe masses, which fills entertaining modern Jeroboams perpetuatethemselves in selves silly. Saying, “Worship isacelebration,” worship” whilespiritualduncesdancethem Jesus worship in Christ defined true His 850.455.7595 Worship IsNotCelebration is aSpirit: andtheythatworship December 14,2015 him inspiritandtruth” - - - - (Col. 3:17). On the other hand, the form of translated worship, means, “to kiss, like a dog worship may be authorized, but is rejected if licking his master’s hand; to fawn or crouch; it is not “in spirit.” to prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence Like Jeroboam, who made two golden to, adore); worship” (61). This word is ren- calves for his people to worship and told them, dered as “worship” 35 times in the New Tes-

“It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem: tament, and in every instance the concept is behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee reverence toward God, characterized by so- up out of the land of Egypt” (1 Kin. 12:28), lemnity and emptying of oneself, as Moses his heirs today could not have introduced did at the burning bush in Midian. Worship is

not synonymous with celebration or entertain- their innovations without redefining what ment New Testament worship is. Today’s Jeroboams , but it is a time for prostration of sincere call it “a celebration” to institute practices for- hearts before God with thanksgiving for His eign to God’s Word. What the denomination- great love. Celebration (and variants thereof) al world calls worship today is nothing more is found only three times in all the Bible (Lev. than show business in Sunday clothes. True 23:32, 41; Isa. 38:18) and refers to God-or- worship is a solemn rendering of homage to dained worship in none of these. the Eternal God who made and sustains us, Our town—and the world for that mat- not a noisy, raucous, hand-clapping, laugh- ter—is filled with the abomination of “en- ing, shouting, experiential, holly-roller event tertainment” in place of true worship, and that panders to the participants’ base instincts. in their festering, “fermented ignorance” par- Lester Kamp wrote: ents, elders, preachers, and “youth ministers” Brethren, the world is lost in sin and is think they have discovered something new in steeped in the love of pleasure. The world concerts and drama. But all they have done is

cannot be saved by entertainment, by imbibe the spirit of Jeroboam to consolidate

“playing” them in. The world must be their positions and tickle itching ears. If folks

taught the Gospel (Romans 1:16). God are “fiddled into the church” we have to keep

has chosen the “foolishness of preaching” on “fiddling” or they will “fiddle out.” True as the means by which the world can be worship is not entertainment, and entertain- saved (1 Corinthians 1:21); He has not ment is not true worship. chosen “plays” and other forms of enter- Works Cited tainment to convert the world. Enter- Kamp, Lester. “And They…Rose Up to Play (Exo- tainment is not going to keep the church dus 32:6).” Matters of THE Faith. (4:3). 1998. saved either. What is needed in the church 1-3. is “all the counsel of God” (Acts 20:27).… Strong, James. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of We need stop “playing” and return to the Bible, Greek Dictionary of the New Testa- “preaching” (emphasis added, 3). ment. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Strong says proskuneo, the word which is Elk City, OK Reflections of the Power of the Word

Jess Whitlock One sister related this interesting episode brethren in Ardmore approached Mr. Stetson about the late brother J. W. Chism. Many about having a public discussion. They pro-

years ago, Henry Stetson, related to the Texas posed that he meet with brother J. W. Chism.

hat maker of that name, came into Oklaho- Mr. Stetson agreed to discuss the Bible plan of

ma preaching for the Baptists, enjoying great salvation in debate.

crowds where ever he preached. Some of our The first debate lasted almost a week, and

centered on passages like Mark 16:15-16, Acts

2:38, 22:16, Galatians 3:26-27, 1 Peter 3:21, Sermons We Can See etc. As the debate drew to a close, Mr. Stet- I’d rather see a sermon than to hear son challenged brother Chism to meet for an- one any day. other debate in another community. Brother I’d rather one would walk with me Chism picked up the gauntlet. On the third than merely show the way. or fourth day of that second debate, brother The eye’s the better pupil, more will- Chism had just finished his second affirmative ing than the ear. argument. Mr. Stetson walked slowly to the Fine counsel is confusing but exam- podium. Everybody assumed he would en- ple is always clear. ter his negative speech. However, Mr. Stetson The best of all the preachers are the turned and spoke directly to brother Chism. men who live their creed. He said that if brother Chism would take his For to see the good in action is what good confession that he was ready to go into everybody needs. the water, and be baptized for the remission of If you let me watch you do it, I can sins (Acts 2:38). see just how it’s done. Obviously, the debate closed with that act I can see your hands in action, but of obedience (Rom. 6:1-4, 16-18). Brother your tongue may run too fast. Stetson then held a meeting in that very com- And the sermons you deliver may be munity that resulted with somewhere between very wise and true. 40 and 50 people being baptized into Christ, But I’d rather get my lesson from ob- and added to the Lord’s church (Acts 2:41-47). serving what you do. Brother Stetson continued as a faithful Gos- For I may misunderstand you and

the high advice you give. pel preacher for years to follow. Let us never Re- But there is no misunderstanding underestimate the power of God’s Word. how you act and how you live (read member, when a man who is honestly mis- Mat. 5:14-16). taken hears the truth, he will either quit be- Author Unknown ing mistaken, or he will quit being honest. Denison, TX BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Debbie Dawson Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: December 23 December 20 December Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dan Schleppi(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Faye Rhoudes(AshleyBrower’s aunt’s Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Henry Hignite (The Haven) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Paul Brantley in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., room 1. in held aftertheafternoonservice, Elders/Deacons’ meetingwillbe mother) brother-in-law) brother-in-law) mother) Send your e-mailaddress to: andBeacon Defender [email protected] AvailableE-Mail Via Please Remember

Sick Anthony P Rheba S N N ancy Travis elda King tancliff olnitz


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hand, notwith thetongue!” Luther, “Christ forbids self defense with the gives thefollowing quotationfrom Martin Christ inMatthew 5:38-39,brother Woods events of John 18:19-24 with the teaching of other cheek” (Mat. 5:39).In harmonizingthe of harmonywithHis teachingof“turning the that our Lord’s conduct before Annas was out John, pointsoutthatsomepeoplehave felt Caiaphas. (18:23). AfterthissceneAnnassentJesus to of theevil:butifwell, whysmitestthoume?” ficer with,“If Ihave spokenevil,bearwitness (18:22). Jesus immediatelychallengedtheof of theofficers “struck Jesuswithhishand” Annas forhis hypocrisy. Having done so,one 21). Our Lord chosethisoccasiontorebuke his disciples,andofteaching” 18:19- (John aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: One ofthemost cowardly andheinous sins Guy N. Woods, onthe in hiscommentary When Jesus wasbefore Annashewas“of

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, BEACON The SinofSilence Vol. XLIV/No. 51 David P. Brown A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: -

E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. cah declared: of thesinsGod’s people.Theprophet Mi prophets ofGod intheirfearlessdenunciation up andspeakout.Great istheexampleof others arises,ittakesnolittlecouragetostand the godlyactionsandteachingofone’s selfor conduct mustberemedied. out. To befaithfultoGod theaforementioned lent andremain silentwhentheyshouldspeak however, speakoutwhentheyshould be si ing silentinthepresence ofsin!Most people, that canbecommittedisthesinofremain pet, And shew mypeople theirtransgression,pet, And shew aloud, spare not,Lift up thyvoice likea trum the samespirit asMicah when he said:“Cry Most ofthetimewhenneedtodefend Isaiah, Micah’s contemporary, displayed gression, AndtoIsrael hissin(Mic. 3:8). might, To declare untoJacob his trans it oftheLord, Andofjudgment,and But Iamfullofpower truly by thespir- 850.455.7595 December 21,2015 - - - - - And the house of Jacob their sins” (Isa. 58:1). Would you be a preacher of righteousness? Suffer they did for the courage of their con- Then you must walk ever so closely with the victions, but such godly characters the Holy faithful prophets of old (Rom. 15:4)! As James Spirit has selected and recorded for our learn- wrote: “Take, my brethren, the prophets, who ing that we might go and do likewise (Heb. have spoken in the name of the Lord, for an 11:32-12:4). example of suffering affliction, and of pa- tience” (Jam. 5:10). Come now to the New Testament and take note of whom God selected to go before His Searching for Son that the people might be prepared for the Messiah. “John had his raiment of camel’s God’s Position hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and Franklin Camp his meat was locusts and wild honey” (Mat. We cannot study the Bible honest- 3:4). In the spirit of the prophet Elijah, John ly when we have a sectarian spirit. Truth the Baptist did not fear to call the Pharisees alone is the goal of the honest student. and Sadducees what they were—a “generation He is not concerned with “our position.” of vipers” damned to a devil’s hell except they My, your, and our positions might be un- repent (3:1-12; 11:14). adulterated error. The Catholics must Of course, the king did not escape the read the Bible, if they read it, through the preaching of John. He declared to Herod what Pope’s eyes. The denominational world few preachers in our adulterous society would must read the Bible through the col- dare to whisper in secret, specifically: “It is not ored glasses of human creeds. This leads lawful for thee to have her” (14:4). Yes, John men to study the Bible to try to find in it lost his head over the fact that Herod was liv- something to uphold their creed or posi- ing in adultery with his brother, Philip’s wife. tion. When studied in this manner, it is But better our heads placed on a charger be- Instead of search- not an honest study. cause we preached the truth than our heads ing for “our position,” let us study to remaining on our shoulders and the truth not find God’s position.The best attitude in taught. which to study the Bible is to have a total Would you be a faithful preacher of the disregard to what the truth shall be when Gospel of Jesus Christ? If so, walk closely to The truth will satisfy God and I find it. John the Baptist! it ought to satisfy me. It will take the Under similar circumstances as when Jesus truth to please God and it ought to take was on trial, the apostle Paul was brought be- the truth to please me. fore the Jewish council. Paul followed the ex- Old Truth in New Robes ( II:7) ample of our Lord. Peerless, indeed, among Deceased the servants of the Christ is this apostle to the Gentiles. In Rome before Caesar, Paul made his first Bible subject (Acts 20:27). We must have Bi- defense without any child of God standing ble authority behind everything we believe with him (2 Tim. 4:16). In his own words we and practice (Col. 3:17). No person or group see the source of his strength: “Notwithstand- of persons, whether they are from families, ing the Lord stood with me” (4:17). Such had churches or colleges, have a right to teach false been Paul’s strength and stay from the very doctrine and go unexposed. It could very well beginning of his service to Christ (Phi. 1:17; mean that those who do expose false teach- 4:13). Hence, Paul could write: “I have fought ers in any or all of the aforementioned insti- a good fight, I have finishedmy course, I have tutions may suffer persecution of one sort or kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). If you would another but such goes along with the territory faithfully proclaim Christ on earth, closely (2 Tim. 3:12)! Really could one ask for better follow Paul’s example in the here and now that company in being persecuted for teaching the you might be eternally with him in the there truth than the Christ, the prophets, John the and then. Baptist, and the apostles? To be faithful we must not be silent on any Spring, TX

“Ye Have Heard It Said…” 1. One church is as good as another. We are 7. You do not have to take the Lord’s Supper on different roads headed to the same place. every Sunday: quarterly, semi-annually, an- Please read Matthew 7:13-14, 21. nually, never. Please read Acts 2:42; 20:7; 2. Creed books make the Bible plain. They 1 Corinthians 11:23-28. say the same thing as the Bible. They give 8. Singing is not that important: a solo, choir, us our identity. Please read 2 Timothy mechanical instruments are okay. Please 3:16-17; Revelation 22:18-19. read Romans 15:9; 1 Corinthians 14:15; 3. Salvation is by “faith only.” Please read Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16; He- James 2:20-24. brews 2:12.

4. Once saved always saved; those saved can- Let us all believe what the Bible says.

not fall from grace. Please read Galatians Author Unknown 5:3-4; 1 Corinthians 9:27; Matthew 25:14-30. 5. One saved without baptism; baptism is Defender and Beacon non-essential to salvation. Please read Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21; Acts Available Via E-Mail

10:48. To receive the Defender and Beacon via e-

6. Any mode of baptism is alright: sprinkling, mail please send your e-mail address to:

pouring, or immersion. Please read Ro- [email protected] mans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12; Acts 8:38; The file you will receive will be a PDF. Ephesians 4:5. BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Confess Be Faithful Repent Believe Baptism Bret Simoneaux (RhebaStancliff’s Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dan Schleppi(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Faye Rhoudes(AshleyBrower’s aunt’s Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Henry Hignite (The Haven) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Debbie Dawson Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: Hear 30 December 23 December son-in-law) mother) brother-in-law) brother-in-law) mother) p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 in theauditorium. Sermons Video Series at7:00 p.m., ...... God’s Plan ofSalvation ...... Please Remember


Sick 1 Corinthians 15:58 Romans 10:9-10 Anthony P Rheba S Romans 10:17 N Luke 13:3,5 Mark 16:16 N ancy Travis elda King Acts 2:38 tancliff olnitz

es, and belongings, andgathered in groups Many of his followers sold their farms, hous ly hesetanother dateofOctober 22,1844. endar. When thatdayalsopasseduneventful- calculations using a Jewishsupposed new cal predictiona new ofApril 18,1844basedon went withoutincidentandMiller announced Marchaccepted hisviews. 21,1844cameand dreds ofthousandshumble,religious folk based ostensiblyonBible chronology. Hun preaching hiscomplicatedfalse doctrine try and March 21,1844.He toured thecoun turn somewhere between March 21,1843 himself by predicting Jesus Christwouldre er named William Miller madeanamefor aul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Deacons: Minister: Bishops: From 1840to 1844 aNew York farm reth not(2 Pet. 2:3). gereth not,andtheirdamnationslumbe whose judgmentnow ofalongtimelin- feigned words makemerchandise ofyou: And through covetousness shalltheywith

Bill Busch H Michael Hatcher P enry Born,Elwardenry Brantley, A Moon PieA Moon intheFace BEACON Vol. XLIV/No. 52 Roelf L.Ruffner A Publication Church ofBellview ofChrist 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL32526 Internet Website: ------E-mail: [email protected] Wednesday Bible Classesforallages—7:00p.m. Sunday Worship —10:00a.m.,1:00p.m. Services Sunday Bible Classesforallages—9:00a.m. ria over thelunar eclipseor“blood moon” of Bible, as afulfillmentoftheirdoctrine. ral phenomenon is interpreted, misusing the war, recession, andnatu famine,earthquake, date fortheLord’s return; every but,virtually Mostlation onthisearth. donotsetaspecific lieve thatthere willbeaperiodofgreat tribu to His comingmanyofthesedeludedfolkbe reign over foronethousandyears. Just prior to setupaphysicalkingdomwhichHe will God’s Word hasJesus returning tothisearth premillennialism. Thissystemofinfidelityto prophets are adherents tothefalsedoctrineof have alwaysbeenwrong! Amongmodernfalse dates for the Lord’s Second Coming. They was aswell. All were disappointed, and, supposedly, Miller night ofOctober 22,andnothinghappened! wearing whiterobes andwaitedthrough the A caseinpoint wasthereligious hyste For 2,000years, menhave triedtoset 850.455.7595 December 28,2015 - - - - September 27 (evening)–28 (early morning), No “blood moon” warning and no one 2015. This was one of four consecutive lunar heralding His arrival beforehand. He will not eclipses beginning in April 2014 which coin- establish a physical kingdom because He al- cided with certain Jewish feast days. Premi- ready rules over a spiritual one—the church llennialist/Pentecostal false prophets such as of Christ (Mat. 16:18-19; John 3:3-5; Rom. Jonathan Kahn, , David Jeremiah, 14:17; Luke 17:21). and Jim Bakker blasted out many dire warn- These false prophets should have the pro- ings that terrible things were to happen on verbial pie on their face. They should be that day. Some wrote best-seller books and shamed and denounced as anti-Biblical. Yet, sold DVDs claiming the Christ’s return would sadly, many of the devoted will blindly contin- soon follow, falsely based on verses such as ue to follow them into the ditch (Mat. 15:14). Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.

We all know what happened. Nothing hap- We should not be among that number. pened! The stock market did not collapse nor And if thou say in thine heart, How shall did World War III begin. These false proph- we know the word which the Lord hath ets are now mum and their followers are mak- not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in ing excuses. Unbelievers are laughing and feel the name of the Lord, if the thing follow their skepticism of the Bible and all which er- not, nor come to pass, that is the thing roneously passes for Christianity justified. which the Lord hath not spoken, but the The New Testament teaches that there will prophet hath spoken it presumptuous- be no warning of Jesus’ return. He will appear ly: thou shalt not be afraid of him (Deu. as a “thief in the night”—unexpectedly. 18:21-22). But of the times and the seasons, brethren, Works Cited ye have no need that I write unto you. For “William Miller (preacher).” yourselves know perfectly that the day of 19 Nov. 2015. . For when they shall say, Peace and safe- “Blood moon prophecy.” 19 ty; then sudden destruction cometh upon Nov. 2015. . and they shall not escape (1 The. 5:1-3). Columbia, TN

There’s Water in the Plan

Charles Pogue God told Noah Build an ark; here’s how long Then God would send a flood to save that how high. righteous man. He told him what to make it from, who and The first time that we hear about, there’s water what would go inside. in the plan. There was water in the plan, and there still is There’s only one way man can reach Heaven’s today. happy land. To reach the saving blood of Christ, immer- He must believe and then obey. There’s water sion is the way. in the plan. There’s only one way man can reach Heaven’s Peter rose on Pentecost the elven by his side. happy land. He told them that it was the Christ they had He must believe and then obey. There’s water crucified. in the plan. They cried out then what shall we do, he told

Pharaoh took the Israelites and turned them them to a man.

into slaves. Repent and be baptized, you see, there’s water

He made their lives most miserable from the in the plan.

cradle to the grave.

God lead them through the old Red Sea on There was water in the plan, and there still is

perfectly dry land. today.

Then He let the waters go and drowned Pha- To reach the saving blood of Christ, immer-

raoh’s every man sion is the way. There’s only one way man can reach Heaven’s There was water in the plan, and there still is happy land. today. He must believe and then obey. There’s water To reach the saving blood of Christ immer- in the plan. sion is the way. There’s only one way man can reach Heaven’s Ananias came to Saul and restored the blind happy land. man’s sight. He must believe and then obey. There’s water If he was to be forgiven, he would have to do in the plan. things right. Why do you tarry be baptized, he told the John wore his coat of Camel’s hair, he pre- praying man. pared the Lord’s own way. He had his sins all washed away by water in He baptized all who came to him, even Jesus the plan. Christ one day. The Lord fulfilled all righteousness for He was There was water in the plan, and there still is a righteous man. today. Another time when God showed us there’s To reach the saving blood of Christ, immer- water in the plan. sion is the way. There’s only one way man can reach Heaven’s There was water in the plan, and there still is happy land. today. He must believe and then obey. There’s water To reach the saving blood of Christ, immer- in the plan. sion is the way. Stilwell, OK BEACON Nonprofit Org. Bellview Church of Christ U S. Postage 4850 Saufley Field Road Paid Pensacola, FL 32526-1798 Pensacola, FL Permit No. 395 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Ray Foshee Debbie Dawson Tim Busch Al Flesher Williams Marge Remember inyour prayers: January 4 30 December Sunday Every Ed Podgurski (Bill &Peggy Crowe’s Chaelyn Boren (Bill &Peggy Crowe’s Bret Simoneaux (RhebaStancliff’s Regina Bonal(Terri Myrick’s daughter) Dan Schleppi(Joyce Johnson’s friend) Faye Rhoudes(AshleyBrower’s aunt’s Roy Webster Parks’ (Cary Doug Johnson (Joyce Johnson’s Marie Underwood (Karen Diamond’s Henry Hignite (The Haven) Robbie Cravey (The Haven) p.m., inthezone room. Visitation Group 1willmeet at6:00 p.m., intheauditorium. Fifth Wednesday Singing at7:00 room. inthezone the afternoonservice, Ladies’ Bible Classwillmeetafter son-in-law) great-granddaughter) son-in-law) mother) brother-in-law) brother-in-law) mother) Please Remember

Sick Anthony P Rheba S D N ub McClish N ancy Travis elda King tancliff olnitz