BEACON A Publication of Bellview Church of Christ 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL 32526 850.455.7595 Internet Web Page: http://www.bellviewcoc.com E-mail: [email protected] January May September January 5 May 4 September 7 January 12 May 11 September 14 January 19 May 18 September 21 January 26 May 25 September 28 February June October February 2 June 1 October 5 February 9 June 8 October 12 February 16 June 15 October 19 February 23 June 22 October 26 June 29 March November March 2 July November 2 March 9 July 6 November 9 March 16 July 13 November 16 March 23 July 20 November 23 March 30 July 27 November 30 April August December April 6 August 3 December 7 April 13 August 10 December 14 April 20 August 17 December 21 April 27 August 24 December 28 August 31 BEACON Vol. XLIV / No. 1 January 5, 2015 A Publication of Bellview Church of Christ 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL 32526 850.455.7595 Internet Website: http://www.bellviewcoc.com E-mail: [email protected] Bishops: Paul Brantley, Michael Hatcher Minister: Michael Hatcher Sunday Bible Classes for all ages — 9:00 a.m. Deacons: Henry Born, Elward Brantley, Sunday Worship Services — 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Bill Busch Wednesday Bible Classes for all ages — 7:00 p.m. Emphasis on Money Dub McClish Sometimes the complaint is registered that not emphasized enough. “the church emphasizes money too much.” A An impressive list of reasons demands a preacher friend once told me of hearing this proper, strong, and Scriptural emphasis on the complaint from a family where he preached. proper use of the money God has entrusted to The circumstances behind the complaint were us. Consider the following: that they seldom (about once a year) attended 1. The proper use of money is a major worship assemblies and the time they decided theme of the Bible. One cannot read the Bi- to come happened to be on a Sunday on which ble very long without reading about covetous- he preached on “giving.” They went away say- ness, theft, honesty, helping the helpless, etc. ing, “All he ever preaches on is money!” Neither can one preach the “whole counsel of What about this complaint? Is money em- God” without preaching some on this sub- phasized too much in the pulpit, classroom, ject. I doubt not the claim that there are many church bulletin, and in other ways in most more passages dealing directly with the proper congregations? I doubt it seriously from my use of one’s money than with baptism. own observations and experiences. Money 2. We are commanded to emphasize the may be emphasized in the wrong way in the proper use of money. This could be illustrat- church sometimes, for, after all, preachers and ed from several passages, but none is clearer teachers are human and do make occasion- than 1 Timothy 6:17-19: “Charge them that al mistakes. My personal opinion is that in- are rich in this present world, that they be not stead of emphasizing money too much in the highminded, nor have their hope set on the church, the opposite is more nearly true—it is uncertainty of riches.” 3. It takes money to preach and distribute money. All need to know that “covetousness, the Gospel, to help the helpless, and to build which is idolatry” (Col. 3:5) and that “God up the church, even more so now than in the loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7). first century. Have you ever heard anyone who is giving 4. Some Christians are yet untaught or un- generously to the Lord’s work complain about convinced of the seriousness of the matter too much emphasis on money? I doubt it! of their accountability to God for the use of Denton, TX Plan Ahead Ken Chumbley Some time ago, I saw on a bulletin board around and not been able to see where such a the following statement: “Plan ahead. When vast amount of water would come from, but Noah started to build the ark, it hadn’t even Noah did not hesitate. Indeed, he “planned started to rain!” ahead” as he set out on the task of building the There is significance to that statement in ark according to the pattern that God had giv- at least two different ways, one of which was en unto him. We know also that he believed probably not in the mind of the individual what God had told him, and, as a “preacher who originally came up with the statement. of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2:5), he pleaded with When God first commanded Noah to build the people of his day to turn from their wick- the ark, there is no evidence that it had ever edness. We know that only eight souls were even rained before; in fact, the indications saved (1 Pet. 3:20) and that they were just are that it had never rained. The second way, his one family. However, Noah did not flinch the one we would probably think of first is at the magnitude of his task in building the that when God commanded Noah to build ark and preaching to the people to repent but the ark, it was not raining and did not until went about faithfully doing the Lord’s will. the ark was completed according to God’s de- Truly, he planned ahead and he did so because sign. Indeed, that rain did not come for ap- of his faith in God and his trust in His prom- proximately 100 years while the ark was being ises (Heb. 11:7). prepared and Noah was preaching (Gen. 6, Are we planning ahead? God has fore- 7; 1 Pet. 3:19-21). That length of time would warned us of a judgment to come (Acts 24:25; also indicate that the first way is correct, that Mat. 24:31-36; 2 The. 1:7-10; etc.). He has it had never rained. also granted us a way of salvation, as He grant- Now, let us think about this. Noah had not ed to the wicked in the days of Noah. Noah seen rain, yet God had told him He would had built the ark of safety but only eight en- bring a flood of waters upon the earth. Where tered into the ark and were saved from the would all that water come from? I am sure that flood that destroyed the earth. God, in pro- from where Noah stood he would have looked viding the way of salvation through Christ, purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). God’s Plan of Salvation Are we planning ahead? When our Lord re- Hear ..............................Romans 10:17 turns will we be found in the ark of safety, the Believe ...............................Mark 16:16 Lord’s church? Only those in the ark in the Repent ............................ Luke 13:3, 5 days of Noah were saved from the destruction Confess ..................... Romans 10:9-10 of the flood. Only those who are in the ark of Baptism .................................Acts 2:38 safety, the blood-bought church of Christ, will Be Faithful ...........1 Corinthians 15:58 be saved from the judgment that is to come. Do not be caught outside of the ark of safety when the Lord returns. Respond in obedience has provided for us an ark of safety. That ark to the Gospel today that you may enter into of safety is the church that our Lord suffered, the ark of safety. bled, and died for—the church which He Belvedere, SC The Church is a Place of Work F. F. Conley The church is charged with three tremen- become a part of the teaching program of the dous tasks: church who fails to attend the services, all the 1. The church is charged with the services. work of spreading the Gospel (Mat. Edification can be accomplished at our 28:18-20). worship services. That time should be used 2. The work of benevolence is strongly wisely by the preacher and the elders. Only called for (Jam. 1:27; Gal. 6:10). those things that are germane to the cause of 3. The church is to do the work of edi- Christ should be presented. It is sad to see the fication (1 Cor. 14:12). whole church assembled to hear the Word of Look at these eye opening facts of God and the preacher give a book review and edification! a poem or two and the sheep go away starving Edification can be accomplished in the for the Gospel and its saving power. Bible School. This is an ideal situation for Deceased learning. The importance of the Bible School should be constantly stressed. Give special at- tention to every visitor and new member. Be 2011 Bellview Lectures Book enthusiastic. Enthusiasm quickens the pulse Moral Issues We Face and stirs and arouses the will as it passes from There are less than 25 copies of this book one to another. Teachers must fully be com- available for purchase. Order your copy mitted to their task of teaching. No Bible now! School teacher should have been invited to Sick Remember in your prayers: Paid Charles Williams Marge Williams U S. Postage Pensacola, FL Nonprofit Org. Permit No. 395 Dot Lambert Nancy Travis Marilyn Hall Anthony Polnitz Al Flesher Cary Parks Debbie Dawson Robbie Cravey (The Haven) Wyatt Blancheri (Henry & Paulette Born’s grandson) Junior McLeod (Paul & Phyllis Brantley’s great-grandson) Charles Smith (Sheila Myrick’s brother-in-law) Wendell Harrison (Ashley Brower’s step-father) Doris Gullsby (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt) Nettie Ellis (Phyllis Brantley’s aunt’s friend) Blake Griffin (Nelda King’s sister-in- law’s son) Pete Sunday and family (Nelda King’s cousin) Please Remember Every Sunday Ladies’ Bible Class will meet at 5:00 p.m., in the zone room.
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