Fermilab Today

Thursday, April 1, 2010

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Have a safe day! Dmitri Denisov re-elected as Top quarks live fast and die

Thursday, April 1 DZero co-spokesperson young 10:30 a.m. Dmitri Denisov will lead the Particle Astrophysics Seminar DZero collaboration for two - One West (NOTE DATE and more years. He was TIME) recently re-elected to Speaker: Andrea Lommen, another term as the Franklin and Marshall College collaboration's co- Title: The North American spokesperson. Nanohertz Observatory of Gravitational Waves Director Pier (NANOGrav) Oddone congratulated 2:30 p.m. Dmitri Denisov Denisov and said he was Theoretical Physics Seminar - delighted Denisov would Curia II continue in the position. Speaker: Julius Kuti, University of California, San Diego "There was a very large consensus in the Title: Lattice Studies of the collaboration that Dmitri has been doing an The lifetime of a is a tenth of a trillionth of Nearly Conformal Composite excellent job as a spokesperson," said DZero a trillionth of a second, far beyond the ability of Higgs Mechanism co-spokesperson Stefan Soldner-Rembold. stopwatches to measure. Top quarks are identified 3:30 p.m. by their characteristic decay into a bottom quark Soldner-Rembold, who has worked with DIRECTOR'S COFFEE and the unstable W boson. By determining the Denisov as co-spokesperson for the past year, BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over range of masses a top quark can have, scientists believes that Denisov's broad experience can work out its fleeting lifetime. 4 p.m. within the collaboration makes him an Accelerator Physics and If you go to a high school track practice, you’ll invaluable asset. Technology Seminar - One see coaches using stop watches to time the young athletes. A world-class 100-yard dash West "His detailed knowledge of all aspects of the can take just shy of 10 seconds and, for a time Speaker: Mohammed Awida, experiment and his vision of what we should interval like that, a stop watch is entirely University of Tennessee, do are very important," Soldner-Rembold said. adequate. Of course there are things that are Knoxville much faster, such as a blink of an eye or a beat Title: Twisted Waveguide Denisov has worked on almost all areas of of a hummingbird’s wings. But compared to the Accelerating Structures: DZero. He began working with the subatomic realm, these brief instants might as Potential and Challenges collaboration when he was a graduate student during the experiment's Run I construction. He well be an eternity. Friday, April 2 has served as a spokesperson for the Most of the subatomic particles made at the 3:30 p.m. collaboration since 2006. have a fleeting existence, but it is rare DIRECTOR'S COFFEE for one to live as briefly as the top quark. BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over Denisov said he would like to continue serving DZero scientists have announced that they THERE WILL BE NO JOINT in the leadership role to take advantage of EXPERIMENTAL- both the chance to work with such talented have determined the lifetime of the top quark THEORETICAL PHYSICS physicists and the bevy of exciting and found it to be an ephemeral 3 x 10-25 SEMINAR THIS WEEK measurements to come. seconds. This is a mind-bogglingly tiny number, and there are no good analogies to Click here for NALCAL, "I'm excited by the breadth of our physics describe something that small. a weekly calendar with program," Denisov said. "We have well over links to additional 100 different analyses underway.” This result is accomplished by exploiting a information. principle of quantum mechanics, called the Soldner-Rembold, a University of Manchester Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. In its most Upcoming conferences professor, thinks that his close-knit working basic form, it states that you can’t accurately relationship with Denisov and their Campaigns know the position and the velocity of an object appointments exemplify the collaboration's at the same time. However, a variant of the strength – the joined forces of the Fermilab principle says that similarly you can’t accurately and university research communities. file:///U|/wwwdocs/pub/v5_0/today/archive_2010/today10-04-01.html (1 of 4)4/1/2010 9:33:26 AM Fermilab Today

know simultaneously the energy and lifetime of Take Five "You can't get a sheet of paper between us. a particle. Remember that Einstein showed that We work very closely and we exchange mass and energy are the same thing. DZero Tune IT Up opinions daily on what needs to be done," scientists were able to use subtle methods to Soldner-Rembold said. "We complement each determine a range of possible masses for top other very well, and I'm really happy about quarks and to therefore infer the particle’s Dmitri’s re-election." H1N1 Flu lifetime. -- Rhianna Wisniewski Another interesting feature of this result is that For information about H1N1, it uses events in which a single top quark was visit Fermilab's flu information Photo of the Day produced. This accomplishment is particularly site. noteworthy because top quarks are most Unusual visit commonly produced in pairs and the first Weather observation of events in which a single top quark was produced was a mere year ago.

Breezy This new measurement dramatically 79°/53° underscores the ongoing process of scientific exploration, where one discovery leads to Extended Forecast another. Weather at Fermilab - Don Lincoln Current Security Status AD's Greg Vogel submitted this photo of a group of Secon Level 3 pelicans stopping by AE Sea on March 30. Although historically pelicans rarely visit the site, Wilson Hall Cafe this is the second year in a row that they have stopped at Fermilab in early spring. The normal Thursday, April 1 migration route for these birds is west of the laboratory, although they have been spotted at - Apple sticks other Kane County locations in the past few years. - Santa Fe black bean soup Vogel saw about 15 of the birds on Tuesday These scientists combined the observation of - Steak tacos morning, when he took this photo. the production of single top quarks with the - Chicken Wellington In the News principles of quantum mechanics to measure - Chimichangas the mind-bogglingly-short lifetime of the top - Baked ham & Swiss on a quark. ciabatta roll Fermilab reacts with excitement - Assorted sliced pizza after particle collision - Crispy fried chicken salad From Kane County Chronicle, March 31, *Carb restricted alternative 2010

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu BATAVIA – Fermilab physicist Ian Shipsey is still giddy with excitement after seeing the Chez Leon at CERN in , , on Tuesday move closer to re- Thursday, April 1 creating the conditions that existed shortly Dinner after the . - Brochettes of melon, From Fermilab’s LHC Remote Operations prosciutto & fresh mozzarella Center, Shipsey and other scientists watched - Lobster tail w/Champagne the LHC set record-breaking particle collisions Without a detector, no measurements are butter sauce of 7 trillion electron volts. possible. These two physicists are joint leaders of - Saffron rice & red pepper pilaf the group of scientists who are working to identify - Honey-glazed peach tart w/ “It was emotional to see,” Shipsey said. “It was electrons, photons, and jets using the DZero calorimeter. mascarpone cream a very exciting moment for everyone at Fermilab.” Accelerator Update Wednesday, April 7 Lunch By using accelerators, scientists hope to re- - Spiced pork tenderloin w/ create the conditions that existed shortly after bourbon reduction sauce the Big Bang. The big-bang theory holds that - Whole wheat couscous all the matter and energy in the universe - Steamed broccoli file:///U|/wwwdocs/pub/v5_0/today/archive_2010/today10-04-01.html (2 of 4)4/1/2010 9:33:26 AM Fermilab Today

- Banana cream puff w/ originated from a state of enormous density March 29-31 chocolate sauce and temperatures that expanded or exploded - Four stores provided ~43.25 hours of in a finite moment. luminosity Chez Leon Menu - Linac LCW pump at CUB failed - backup Call x3524 to make your “We are trying to make primordial soup,” brought online reservation. Shipsey said. - Preaccelerator personnel will remove H- Source for cleaning Archives Read more Read the Current Accelerator Update In the News Read the Early Bird Report Fermilab Today View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts Swiss collider puts Fermi Result of the Week physicists to work Announcements From Chicago Public Radio, Latest Announcements Safety Tip of the Week March 31, 2010 Argentine Tango thru April 28 - A massive proton collider in Europe Student discount available CMS Result of the Month successfully smashed its first protons early Tuesday morning. That means more work for Country house discount for Fermi some physicists in Chicago's western suburbs. User University Profiles employees When it comes to proton colliders, bigger is Martial Arts classes - March 29 better. And now that it's operational, the Large ILC NewsLine Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland is the Celebrate National Humor Month world's biggest - more than four times bigger than the collider at Fermi Lab in Batavia. And Retiree club Info it'll be able to smash protons with seven times the energy. Cross-step waltz workshop - April 11 Fermilab Today is online at: Don Lincoln is a senior scientist at Fermi. He Bulgarian dance workshop and live www.fnal.gov/today/ seems disappointed that Fermi no longer rules the sub-atomic roost, but he says he's excited music party - April 8 Send comments and by the Swiss collider's capabilities. suggestions to: Tartan Day party at Scottish dancing [email protected] Read more or listen Toastmasters at Fermilab - today Visit the Fermilab home page Excel Programming with VBA - today

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NALWO bus trip to The Museum of Science and Industry - April 24

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