Russia – Revolution, Counter-Revolution
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RUSSIA: REVOLUTION, COUNTER-REVOLUTION An Anarcho-Communist Analysis of the Russian Revolution Joe Licentia Zabalaza Books “Knowledge is the Key to be Free” Post: Postnet Suite 116, Private Bag X42, Braamfontein, 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa E-Mail: [email protected] Website: Russia: Revolution, Counter-Revolution j Page 88 1937. Trotsky, Leon Terrorism and Communism 1920. Trotsky, Leon “Work, Discipline, Order” 1918. Viola, Lynne Peasant Rebels Under Stalin: Collectivization and the Culture of Peasant Resistance Oxford University Press, New York 1996. Voline The Unkown Revolution Free Life Editions, New York 1975. Wood, Elizabeth A. The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1997. RUSSIA: REVOLUTION, COUNTER-REVOLUTION An Anarcho-Communist Analysis of the Russian Revolution Text downloaded from: An Anarcho-Communist Analysis j Page 87 Medvedev, Roy A. Let History Judge: The Origins and Consequences of Stalinism Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1972. Mett, Ida The Kronstadt Commune Solidarity, Bromley 1967. Palij, Michael The Anarchism of Nestor Makhno, 1918-1921: An Aspect of the Ukrainian Revolution University of Washington Press, Seattle 1976. Patenaude, Bertrand M. “Peasants into Russians: The Utopian Essence of War The Russian Revolution was one of the most important events of the 20th cen- Communism” Russian Review, Volume 54, Issue 4, Oct. 1995, 52-570. tury. It had a massive impact on the world and revolutionary movements, especial- Pigido, F. (editor) Material Concerning Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during the ly in the period after world war two when many groups seeking to imitate the Years of the Revolution (1917-1921) Ukrainian Information Bureau, Munich 1956. Bolshevik triumph in Russia came to power. The revolution itself shows two main Pipes, Richard The Russian Revolution A. A. Knopf, New York 1990. things. Firstly, the revolution validates anarchist critiques of the “workers state” or Pipes, Richard Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime A. A. Knopf, New York 1993. “dictatorship of the proletariat” advocated by Marxists and other authoritarian social- Pomper, Philip The Russian Revolutionary Intelligentsia 2nd edition Harlan ists. Anarchists have long predicted that these schemes would inevitably result in Davidson, Wheeling 1993. the creation of a new bureaucratic ruling class that dominated and exploited the pro- Rachleff, Peter “Soviets and Factory Committees in the Russian Revolution” letariat, a prediction that was proven correct in Russia and subsequent state social- ist revolutions. Second, the early phases of the revolution provide an example of Read, Christopher From Tsar to Soviets: the Russian People and their Revolution how society might be run in an anarchistic manner without capitalism, the state or 1917-1921 Oxford University Press, New York 1996. other authoritarian systems. This period saw the creation of non-hierarchical organ- Reed, John Ten Days That Shook the World Vintage Books, 1960. isations on a mass scale very similar to those advocated by anarchists. These Remington, Thomas “Institution Building in Bolshevik Russia: The Case of ‘State organs of self-management can be compared to the systems set up by anarchists Kontrol’” Slavic Review, Volume 41, Issue 1, Spring 1982, 91-103. during the 1936 Spanish Revolution. Richardson, Al (editor) In Defence of the Russian Revolution Porcupine Press, The 1917 revolution was preceded by the 1905 revolution, the “dress rehearsal” London 1995. for the 1917 revolution. As a result of Russia’s loss in the war with Japan mass Rosenberg, Willam G. “Russian Labour and Bolshevik Power After October” rebellions broke out against the king of Russia, Tsar Nicholas Romanov the second. Slavic Review, Vol. 44, Issue 2, summer 1985, 215-238. The Tsar quickly made peace with Japan and granted a few concessions including Sakwa, Richard “The Commune State in Moscow in 1918” Slavic Review, Volume changing Russia to a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament, the Duma, 46, Issue 3/4, p. 429 - 449, 1987. limiting his power. This, combined with a good deal of repression, succeeded in end- Schapiro, Leonard The Origin of the Communist Autocracy Harvard University ing the rebellions and saving the monarchy. After the revolution was defeated most Press, Cambridge 1977. of the concessions the Tsar made were undone and the Duma lost most of its power. Serge, Victor Memoirs of a Revolutionary Oxford University Press, London 1963. In 1914, Russia joined the First World War on the side of the entente. As in the Serge, Victor Year One of the Russian Revolution Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Russo-Japanese war Russia took heavy loses and was severely strained by the war. Chicago 1972. Unlike the Russo-Japanese war, the Tsar could not simply end the war when it Skopocal, Theda States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of threatened to topple his kingdom. The stress was too much and the Tsar was over- France, Russia, and China Cambridge University Press, New York 1979 . thrown in February 1917, thus beginning the Great Russian Revolution. In the Tsar’s Steinberg, Mark D. Voices of Revolution, 1917 Yale University Press, New Haven place a provisional government was set up which was to hold elections to create a 2001. Russian Republic. In October 1917, another revolution occurred which overthrew Struggle Site “October 1917: A Lost Opportunity for Socialism?” the Provisional government and brought revolutionary socialists to power. The Bolshevik party led by Vladimir Illyich Lenin and Leon Trotsky played a leading role Tabor, Ron A Look At Leninism Grass Roots Press, North Carolina 1988. in the October revolution, but did not do it alone. Although initially democratic the Trotsky Internet Archive new government quickly evolved into a totalitarian state under the dictatorship of the Trotsky, Leon 1905 Random House, 1971. Bolshevik party. This was followed by a civil war from May 1918 until November Trotsky, Leon History of the Russian Revolution Pathfinder Press, New York 2001. 1920 and the solidification of the state bureaucracy into a new ruling class. Trotsky, Leon Platform of the Joint Opposition 1927. Trotsky, Leon “Stalinism and Bolshevism” Russia: Revolution, Counter-Revolution j Page 86 An Anarcho-Communist Analysis j Page 3 Lenin Internet Archive j REVOLUTION IN THE CITIES Lenin, Vladmir “Draft Decree on the Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly” January 6, 1918. The February Revolution began on February 23rd (International Women’s Day by Lenin, Vladmir “Draft Regulations on Workers’ Control” the new calendar). In the capital, Petrograd, spontaneous demonstrations, strikes October 26, 1917. and battles with the police erupted. Their main slogan was a demand for bread, Lenin, Vladmir “The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government” other ones included “down with the autocracy” and “down with the war.” Over the April 28, 1918. next several days the rebellion spread and became bigger, by the 25th it had turned Lenin, Vladimir “The Impending Catastrophe and how to Combat It” into a general strike. “The workers come to the factories in the morning; instead of 1917. going to work they hold meetings; then” (1) demonstrations. Troops were called in Lenin, Vladmir “Left-Wing Childishness and the Petty-Bourgeois Mentality” to suppress the insurrection, on the 27th they mutinied en masse. The government May 9, 1918. lost control of the capital and on March 2nd the Tsar abdicated. The Provisional Lenin, Vladmir Left-Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder Committee of the Duma created the provisional government. This group of politi- 1920. cians (who were not elected to these posts) was to run the government until they Lenin, Vladmir “Speech At The First All-Russian Congress Of Workers In could hold elections for a constituent assembly that would write a new republican Education And Socialist Culture” constitution for Russia. August 5, 1919. During and after the February revolution mass meetings were held by ordinary Lenin, Vladmir “Speech in the Moscow Soviet of Workers’, Peasants’ and Red people to discuss the situation and organise themselves. In workplaces workers Army Deputies” held worker assemblies, in villages peasants held peasant assemblies, soldiers had April 23, 1918. soldier assemblies. These operated on principles of direct democracy and served to Lenin, Vladmir “The Tasks of the Revolution” organise revolutionary action by the masses. These popular assemblies have October 1917 appeared in many revolutions - the French had the Sans-Culottes sectional assem- Lenin, Vladmir “Tenth Party Congress” blies, the Mexican had peasant assemblies, the Portuguese had worker and neigh- March 1921 borhood assemblies and the Spanish had worker and peasant assemblies. They Lenin, Vladmir “The Trade Unions, The Present Situation, And Trotsky’s Mistakes” have also been formed in recent rebellions in Argentina and Algeria. Many anar- December 30, 1920.