May 18, 1943 THE SENTINEL 21

DEDICATION OF MONUMENTS Born in Oushatshi, Russia, in 1865, he received his Ph.D. in 1892 at the Dedication services for Mrs. Fannie University of Berne, Switzerland, and Kozer, beloved wife of Morris and came to the in 1904. Furt n Funer mother of Ruth, Rebecca and Seymour, He was editor of a monthly, "Dos Naye al Directors will be held on Sunday, May 23, 3 Leben," in for several Establisiled 1890 p.m., at the Kischonovar Bessarabian years and had been a contributor to Cemetery, Waldheim, Harlem and 16th "The Day" since 1914. A founder of Bea . A. f i. Street. the Russian Socialist Revolutionary e UtUI ir-.onCitioned Funeral Chapel Dedication services in memory of Party in 1894, he was active in the Jacob Louis Frank, beloved husband Socialist Party and in the Jewish so- 936 EAST 47TH STREET of Eleanor, and loving father of Syril cialist workers' party in this country. and Harriet, will be held Sunday, May He wrote many books in Russian, Yid- TELEPHONE: KENwood 0700 16, 2:30 p.m., at the Kurlander Ceme- dish and German on the history of tery, Waldheim, located at' Harlem philosophy, materialism, dialectics and For the Past 51 Years--A and 16th Street. Jewish national problems and he con- Conscientious, Dignified, Dedication services in memory of tributed to Russian, German and Yid- and Professional Syympathetic Service. Harvey Semer, beloved son of Mrs. dish publications. He was a member Minnie Semer, fond brother of Al, Ber- of the Yiddish Scientific Institute in nice, Irene, Phillip and Evelyn, Sun- Vilna; the Arbeiter Ring, Nationaler land, not imitators but creators. He day, May 16, 3 p.m., at the Lebovitz Arbeiter Farband, Yiddische Kultur reminded them of Zion, of the proph- U~ C - Cemetery, Waldheim. Louis J. Gesellschaft, Yiddisher Wissenschaft- ets, of Jewish law, of Jewish legend, Lehrfield will officiate. licher Institute, and the American Ort and he attuned them to the vision of a A monument will be dedicated in Federation. new Zion and a new freedom. He memory of Benjamin Menke on Sun- made them conscious of the ties that WEINSTEIN day, May 16, at 12 o'clock noon, at New York (JPS)-Winner in 1937 bound them to the millions who were BROS. the New Free Sons Cemetery, Wald- of the Remington medal for outstand- living under the oppression of Europe heim. ing service to pharmacy and former -not to forget, but to remember. He Funeral Directors president of the American Pharmaceu- appealed to them to think of Zion and DEATHS OF THE WEEK tical Association, Dr. J. Leon Lascoff to strive for Jewish freedom. Maslian- WEST SIDE NORTH SIDE died at his home here at 74. Russian- sky was the symbol of all the implica- 3600-10 W. 1300-04 Calgary, Alberta (JPS)-Dr. Chaim born and educated abroad, he became tions of Hibbath Zion, its sentiment, ROOSEVELT RD. Zhitlowsky, distinguished writer and one of the outstanding figures in the its vision, as well as its hesitating Corner CentralPark DEVON AVE. philosopher on Jewish national prob- drug business. practicality. He lifted Jews out of lems, died here at the age of 78. A the slums of the East Side and made KEDzie ROGers Park resident of New York for the past 35 Jersey City, N. J. (JPS) - Rabbi them see the new Jerusalem Jews were years, Dr. Zhitlowsky had come here on Maurice Thorner, spiritual leader of rebuilding in verification of the an- a lecture tour and 4000 7677 had completed three Temple Beth-El here since 1914, and cient prophecies. © Howard Weinstein of six lectures he was scheduled to chaplain of the Hudson County insti- give. tutions since 1920, died at the age of Ted Weinstein Myron Weinstein 70. KOHLER, THE THEOLOGIAN OF REFORM THE PASSING OF AN ERA (Continued from page 9) (Continued from page 6) NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE A AN ism's aim, the realization of our Mes- SOUTH-NORTH-WEST Alliance was not intended for Zionist sianic hope, the establishment of God's Our Service Extends to All Parts propaganda. But it served as the best kingdom on earth. Zionist pulpit in the United States, to Kaufmann Kohler, The Mission of of Chicago and Suburbs I L.EL I.E the chagrin of those who had elevated Israel. OUR AIR CONDITIONED CHAPELS ARE Masliansky to this position. Masliansky The Main Issue THE FINEST IN AMERICA. became a Jewish institution all by him- Indeed, the main issue today is no Our Prices Are the Lowest Anywhere. self, like the Yiddish press or the Yid- longer between Orthodoxy and Reform, dish theater. but between a world with or a world It was in the Zionist movement, how- without God, and the question is how PALMER & LAUER ever, that he found his freedom. Many to counteract the intellectualism and JEWISH UNDERTAKERS Jews who had come here during that outward culturalism which pervades our entire educational and social sys- 4225 ROOSEVELT ROAD period remembered the old country, its Corner TRIPP customs and traditions, but their mem- tem by a strong appeal to our emo- ories were being obliterated by the tional nature, to the spiritual needs of LAWNDALE 7100 softening influence of the new world. man. We need a constructive force of The new life distracted and misled a more conservative, rather than liber- them. They followed the new lights. alizing, tendency in our religious life, They were prepared to discard the old one that draws the youth, especially gods and accept the shoddy ideals of the enlightened youth, again to the a hurried, superficial life. It was Mas- Synagogue as the center of Judaism. liansky's passion to make these mem- Yet this can only be brought about ories live again. He did not want by certain Reform methods, by a re- Jews to throw themselves into the generation of our divine service which Melting Pot without reservations. He makes it attractive, instructive and wanted them to retain the virtues and impressive for the young generation Our Reform must not be confined qualities that were the Jewish contri- 7733 W. Roosevelt Rd. Forest Park. Ill. bution to modern civilization. He to the Synagogue. Our home must liked to think of Jews living in a free again be made what it was, the sanc- tuary of piety. Kaufmann Kohler, Revaluation of . EMORIAL LEVE MONUMENT WORKS

MERA HIGHEST QUALITY FINEST WORKMANSHIP ON THE BOOK SHELF (Continued from page 19) UhJ PRICES CONSISTINGLY LOWER great interest to English and American DEALER MEMBER RD. Kedzie 0063 4416-18 W. ROOSEVELT readers. Rame's book is a thriller yet written with a profound knowledge of the sea, the soil and the human characters and with an ingenuity that will certainly Sam Wulkan Monument Co. win him many readers. Main Office: 3634 W. Roosevelt Road (^jj ^ -E.H.K. NEVADA 3404 Jerusalem (JPS-Palcor) - Moshe S e fo Shertok, political chief of the Jewish "Visit Our Enclosed Showroom' " o usbu re Agency, was granted an interview here by the Rt. Hon. Richard G. 'Casey, British Minister of State for the Mid- dle East, who is in Jerusalem on a TheJewish Calendar HERTZFIELD MONUMENT CO. brief visit. Marble and Granite 5703 London (JPS)-The pro-Nazi press Lag B'omer...... May 23 in Denmark protests against the nomi- Rosh Chodesh Sivan...... June 4 Colambus 5758 MEMORIALS Shevuoth ...... June 9 nation of Jewish candidates for the Rosh Chodesh Tanmmuz...... July 4 forthcoming municipal elections by Forest 511 7727 ROOSevelt Rtoad Forest Park, Ill. all Note-Holidays begin in the evening parties, Conservative, Liberal and So- preceding the date .designated. cialist, it is reported here.