February 2019 Adar I 5779 Restore Justice and Make a Difference in More Choice Than We Realize People’S Lives
Temple Israel of Great Neck Where tradition meets change Voice a Conservative egalitarian synagogue Temple Israel Players Staging ‘My Fair Lady’ over 40 years of Temple Israel Players’ performances we have staged many classic musicals, but for some reason, amazingly, ‘My Fair Lady’ was never done.” He said Temple Israel Players producers recently went to see a performance at New York’s Lincoln Center, and were convinced that the show would be a hit at Temple Israel, as well. Once the longest running Broadway musical of all time, “My Fair Lady” was adapted by the musical team of Lerner and Loewe from the George Bernard Shaw comedy “Pygmalion.” In the musical, flower girl Eliza Doolittle, played by Kim Kaiman, meets linguistic expert Henry Higgins, performed by Mark Cwern, who bets his companion, Colonel Pickering, played by Jon Kaiman, that within six months he could transform Eliza into a “proper lady,” teaching her proper English. Julie Andrews originated the role of Eliza on Broadway in 1956. The movie version of the tale, featuring Audrey Hepburn and Rex Harrison, won Oscars for best picture, best director, best actor, and five others, and is considered by many critics to be one of the all-time best movie musicals. The Temple Israel Players cast includes George Abrahams, Robert Aizer, Debra Bykoff, Shoshana Cellers, Mark Cwern, Amy David, Barbara Eisenman, Judi Geizhals, Joan by Marc Katz, Editor Greenspan, Marylin Goldberg, Edith Goody, Jon Kaiman, Kim Temple Israel’s theater troupe, the Temple Israel Players, Kaiman, Abe Kanfer, Amy Kase and her daughter, Lily, Ron is in rehearsals for its next production, “My Fair Lady,” to Klempner, Dara Koza, Judy Kugel, Kenneth M.
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