Odonatological Abstracts

2000 2001. Odonatos (Insecta) depositadosenel Institute

de Ciudad de la Habana. Ecologia y Sistematica,

(16969) HUSSAIN, R. & M. RIAS, 2000. Descrip- Cocuyo 11: 11-15. — (Inst. Ecol. & Sist., CITMA,

tion ofthe naiads of Gomphidiat-nigrumSelys and Apartado Postal 8029, Habana-10800,Cuba).

Anax A checklist of 78 with all from parthenopeSelys (Anisoptera; ). Ini. spp,, localities,

— Cuba. J. Agric. Biol. 2(1/2): 167-168. (First Author: Pest

Warning& Quality Control of Pesticides, Pakpat-

tan, Pakistan). (16973) TRNKA, R., 2001. Vazky, vzdusni pira-

The larvae 2 ti medzi - ofthe spp. aredescribed and illustrated hmyzom. [, aerial pirates

Prir. from various localities in Sindh prov., Pakistan. among ]. Ochr. slovenska 2001(2): 7.

Slovak.). — (Author’s address not stated).

A 2001 general note on dragonflies,with abrief assess-

ment of the fauna (26 spp.) of the Homa Orava

2001. Obitu- Landscape Park, . 10 (16970) [ALAYO, P.D.] GENARO, J.A., noteworthy sp. are

ario Pastor Alayo Dalmau (1915-2001). Cocuyo II: listed. The park represents the sole known locality

2-7, with personal recollections by I. Garcia Avila, for Leucorrhinia rubicunda in Slovakia, and the

N. Novoa, G. Alaydn Garcia, L.F. de Armas and E. only confirmed locality for Somatochlora alpestris

Reyes appended on pp. 7-9. - (Mus. Nac. Hist. in that country.

Nat., Obispo 61, Habana Vieja-10100, Cuba. 2002 A brief biographyand appreciation of work of the

noted Cuban entomologist,with a portrait and his

(16974) ASAITHAMBI, complete bibliography (1946-2001). He is the au- M.&S. MANICKAVASA-

thor of several important odonatol. publications, GAM, 2002. Odonata of Annamalai University,

inch Tamil the monograph on the Odon. of Cuba (1968, Annamalainagar, Nadu, India. Zoos’ Print

Torreia [N.S.] 2: 1-102, 3: 1-54). J. 17(2): 704-706. — (Dept Ent., Fac. Agric., An-

namalai Univ., Tamil Nadu-608002, India).

(16971) RAMOS HERNANDEZ, J.M. & L.F. DE 23 spp. are brought on record (Chidambaram,

Cuddalore ARMAS, 2001. Distribution geografica de Re- distr.). Anax guttatus, A. parthenope,

martinia Crocothemis servilia Cuba Hemianax and secreta y en ephippiger, Gynacantha hyalina

(Odonala; , ). Cocuyo 10: rapax were collected near light at

12-13. — (First Author: Apartado Postal 2204, night.

Sancti Spiritus-60100, prov, Sancti Spiritus,

Cuba). (16975) FERREIRA-PERUQUETTI, P.S. & P. DE

The 2 described and the known 2002. Efeito de ambiental spp. are records MARCO, alteragao so-

bre from Cuba are listed. comunidades de Odonata emriachos de Mata

Atlantica de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Rena bras. Zool.

(16972) REYESSANCHEZ, E.& A.D. ALVAREZ, 19(2): 317-327. (With Engl. s.). — (First Author: 284 OdonatologicalAbstracts

Depto Hidrobiol., Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos, Caixa grion, based on material from various localities in

Postal 676, BR-13565-905 Sao Carlos, SP). Sindh prov., Pakistan. The names of the respective

The effect of riparian deforestation and stram im- spp. are not stated.

poundments on an odon. community was studied

in areas of the surviving Atlantic forest in Vigosa (16979) KOLAR, J., 2003. Dragon encounter.

and in Rio Doce State Park (PERD). During 1997, Treeline Telegraph 2003 (Sept./Oct.): 1-2. — (do

29 documented. the odon. spp. were In Vigosa, as- Editor, Geauga Park Distr., 9160 Robinson Rd,

sociation with lotic or lentic systems, and in PERD, Chardon, OH 44024-9148, USA).

in areas with or without riparian vegetation were General on dragonflies

compared. The results suggest that overall odon.

species richness is high in areas without riparian (16980) RAIMUNDO, R.L.G.et al„ 2003. Manual de

monitoramenlo vegetation. Probably so, because of productivity ambiental usando horbolelas eUbelu-

increase in such areas and because of invasion by las. Reserva Extrativista do Alto Jurud. Unicamp,

lentic 36 12col. incl. odon. spp. Campinas/SP. pp., pis (28 spp.

onpis 11-12). ISBN 85-86572-13-6. - (Publishers:

(16976) RAMOS HERNANDEZ, J.M. & L.F. DE Mus. Hist. Nat., Inst. Biol.. Univ. Campinas, Caixa

ARMAS, 2002. Registros nuevos de odonatos (In- Postal 6109, BR-13081-970 Campinas, SP).

el cabo de San A manual the of butterflies and secta) para Antonio, extreme mas on application

occidental de Cuba. Cocuyo 12:6. — (FirstAuthor: odon. in the environmental monitoringin the Alto

Apartado Postal 2204,Sancti Spiritus-60100,Sancti Jurua reserve (Acre. Brazil). Mecistogasterspp. are

Spiritus prov., Cuba). said to be good indicators of forest quality.

A checklist of 20 from Peninsula Guanahaca- spp.

8 bibas,Pinar del Rio prov,, Cuba. spp. are new for 2004

the region.

(16981) COELHO, J.R., 2004. Insects in rock and

Am. Enl. - 2003 roll cover art. 50(3): 142-151. (Biol.

Program, Quincy Univ., 1800 CollegeAve, Quincy,

(16977) CATLING, P.M., 2003. Dragonflies (Odo- IL 62301, USA).

the Northwest in which nata) of Territories: status ranking Cases images are used on the cover

and atlas. Univ. 49 Available art preliminary Ottawa. pp. of published rock and roll music are assembled

on-line: http://www.nwtwildlife.com - (Biodiver- and analysed. Using the total number of insect-

sity, Agriculture Canada, Saunders Bldg, Central related albums in this study (392, listed in App.)

Kl Exp. Farm, Ottawa, ON, A 0C6, CA). and the onceby CDnow listed albums (ca 500.000),

35 based the number insect themes command less than 0.1% ofrock and spp. are given status ranks, on

of and distributional within the roll occurrences area covers. Among these, most frequently repre-

9 territory. spp. are ranked as S2 (may be at risk), sented are Lepidoptera(36%), the odon. takingthe

19 as S3 (sensitive) and 7 asS4 (secure). The rank- 5th place, with 8% (31 covers).

ing is based on a database of 1040 records; dates,

localities and collectors arelisted. Rejected data and (16982) HUSSAIN, R. & K.B. AHMED, 2004. The

possible additions are outlined, and regions requir- description of the naiads of Orthetrum, Trithemis

further noted. Distribution for and from ing survey are maps Sympetrum (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Sd. all spp. in the Northwest Territories (Canada) are Sindh province [Pakistan], Pakistan J.biol. 7(3):

included. 419-422. — (First Author; Pest Warning& Quality

Control of Pesticides, Pakpattan, Pakistan).

(16978) HUSSAIN, R.&K..B. AHMED, 2003. Dam- The descriptions and illustrations are provided of

selfly naiads (Odonata: Zygoptera) of Sindh, Paki- 1 larva per , but the names of the respective

Ini. J. Biol. 53-56. — Author: stated. stan. Agric. 5(1): (First spp. are not

Pest Warning& Quality Control ofPesticides, Pik-

pattan, Pakistan). (16983) LANGHEINRICH, U.,S. T1SCHEW, R.M.

One larva is described and illustrated from each of GERSBERG & V, LUDERITZ, 2004. Ditches and

risk? the genera , Ceriagrion, Ischnura and Pseuda- canals in management of fens: opportunity or Odonatological Abstracts 285

A in the Natural case study Dromling Park, Germa- Landscape Park, with particular emphasis on Lepi-

WetlandEcol. 12:429-445. - Au- and Stu- ny. Mngmt (First doptera, Trichoplera, Coleoptera Odonata],

thor; Dept Water Mngmt,Univ. Appl. Sci. Magde- dencko-Doktoranckie Kolo Naukowe Ekologow

Breitscheidstr. D-39144 UWM 28 - burg, 2, Magdeburg). w Olsztynie, Olsztyn-Jelen, pp. (Pol.).

25 odon, documented in canals and ditches addresses spp. were (No stated).

ofthe Park E Estima- Includes checklist of 20 odon. - Ciechanow (Sachsen-Anhalt, ). a spp.;

tion of ecological integrity by a multimetric index prov., .

usingmacroinvertebrates indicates that waterbodies

are in goodcondition according to the standards (16987) CATLING, P.M., CD. JONES & P. PRATT,

of the European Water Framework Directive. [Eds], 2005. Ontario Odonata, Vol. 6 (including

observations the Toronto Ento- for year 2004).

S. CHAM & A. Toronto, iv+202 Softcover (16984) TAVERNER, J„ HOLD, mologists’ Assoc., pp.

2004. The dragonfliesof Hampshire. Pisces Pubis, (21.1x27.2 cm). ISBN 0-921631-30-8. - (Orders

viii+136 Newbury, pp. Hardcover (18.8 x 25.0 to: A.J. Hanks, 34 Seaton Dr., Aurora, ON, L4G

cm). ISBN 1-874357-26-9. Price: UK £ 28.50 net. 2K.I, CA).

— (Publishers: Nature Bureau, 36 Kingfisher Sutherland. D.A.. M.J. Oldham, C D. Jones & P.D.

Court, Hambridge Rd, Newbury, Berks, RG14 Pratt: Odonata of Ontario’s Hudson Bay Low-

5SJ, UK). land (pp. 1-11); — Catling, P.M.: Observations of

A illustrated and of in thorough,very informative,richly possible migration Epitheca cynosura (Say)

beautifully produced monographon the Odon. of Ontario and New York (pp. 12-13); — Bracken, B.

UK Hampshire co., (37spp.). The titles of the main & C. Lewis'. Additions to the Odonata study area

chapters are: “Geology and hydrology of Hamp- of the Britannia Conservation Area, Ottawa, ON

shire” 1-5), “The human influence on - Bree. D.: Odonate fluctuations (pp. drag- (pp. 14-15); range

onflies” “” (pp. 6-12), (pp. 13-35), “Sys- as illustrated by occurrencerecords ofthree species

tematic list of species” (pp. 36-124), “Key sites” from Prince Edward county, Ontario (pp. 16-20); —

(p. 125), “Conservation initiatives in Hampshire' Catling, PM.. B. Kostiuk&F. Conner. Odonata col-

(pp. 126-128), and “Dragonflyrecording in Hamp- lected in the vicinity of the Queen’s University Biol-

shire” include Station Lock — Hutch- (pp. 129-130).Species accounts pho- ogy at Chaffey’s (pp.21-30);

of records and sections inson, R. & PM. The Canadian national tographs, a map text on Catling'.

distribution, , major localities,population collection of dragonflies(pp. 31-39); — Earley, C :

strengths, flight period, and on the earliest/latest Gray Jaycatchingand eating dragonflies (p. 40); —

dates, with a phenology graph. - A most attrac- Catling, R: More on Zebra Mussels attached to

tive, high-quality British county book. exuviae (p. 40); — Rothfels, C. & P. Catling'. Major

dragonflymigration atHamilton (p.40); - Catling,

2005 P.: Global warming a potential explanation for the

extension ofknown range of Hetaerina americana

(16985) (Anonymous), 2005. Conservation Assess- (pp. 40-41); - Foster, R.F.: [book review] Dam-

ment and ManagementPlan Workshop for freshwa- selflies ofthe Northeast [...], by E. Lam (p. 42); —

ter biodiversity of Pakistan, 13-17 December 2004. Anonymous'. Additional observations of Odonata

Newsl. Invert. Conserv. Inf. Network Sth Asia 8(1): over the period 2001 to 2003(pp. 43-72); — Catling,

1-2. PM, C.D. Jones & P. Pratt: Introduction the to year

Includes checklist of 59 Pakistani odon. that 2004 Ontario Odonata records - a spp. summary (p.73);

were assessed duringthe workshop in Islamabad, Anonymous: Observations of Odonata in Ontario

organised by the IUCN Pakistan. during 2004 (pp. 74-180); — Corrections (p. 181);

Ontario Odonata projects (p. 181); — News and

(16986) BRULINSKA, E„ P. KAL1NOWSKA & comments (pp. 181-182); — Recent literature (pp-

M. KREJCKANT, 2005. Wstepna inwentaryzacja 183-184),

fauny bezkregowej (ze szczegolnym uwzglednieniem

Lepidoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera i Odonata)( (16988) CICORT-LUCACIU, A.-S., A. ARDE-

Welskiego Parku Krajohrazowego. — [Preliminary LEANU, D. CUPSA, N. NAGHI & A. DALEA,

inventarisation the invertebrate Welski of fauna of 2005. The trophic spectrum ofa Triturus cristatus 286 OdonatologicalAbstracts

(Laurentus, 1768) population from Plopis Moun- and behaviour. Particularly the behaviour sections

N West J. tains area(Bihor county, Romania). Zool. contain numerousvaluable original observations.

1:31 -39. — (Dept Biol., Fac. Sci., Univ. Oradea,

Romania; postal address not stated). (16992) GONZALEZ LAZO, D.D., A. TRAPE-

From a pond in the vicinity of the village of Sin- RO QUINTANA, C. NARANJO LOPEZ & P.

490 teu, stomach contents of newts were analysed LOPEZ DEL CASTILLO, 2005. Macroinverte-

duringApril-June 2003, using the stomach wash- brados duleacuicolas y calidad de las aguas de tres

ingmethod (whereuponthe were released). estaciones de Sierra de Nipe y Sierra Cristal, region

Odon. larvae occurred in the stomachs throughout oriental de Cuba. Cocuyos 15: 15-20. - (First Au-

this period. thor: Depto Biol., Univ. Oriente, Santiago de Cuba,


(16989) COHEN, A.E., D.A. HENRICKSON, Hypolestes trinitatis isreported from Rio Grande,

C. PARMESAN & J.C. 2005. Habitat and 3 other odon, from La both MARKS, spp, Chivera;

segregation among trophic morphs of the Cuatro Cuba.

Cienegas cichlid (Herichthys minckleyi). Hidro-

biologica 15(2): 169-181. (With Span. s.). - (First (16993) MACHIDA, K. & J. SHIMANUKI, 2005.

Author: Sect. Integrative Biol., Univ. Station No. Structure analysis of the wing of adragonfly. Proc.

C0930, Univ. Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA). SPIE 5852; 671 -676. [Correct abbreviation of the

Includes a passing (family-wise) reference to Coe- journaltitle unknown], — [Second Author: Chiyoda

nagrionidae and Corduliidae in the Poza Majorral Corporation, 12-1, Tsurumichuo 2-chome, Tsuru-

Oeste springpool, Cuatro CienegasCoahuila basin, mi-ku, Yokohama, 230-8601, JA).

Mexico. It is shown that in sieboldii the Anotogaster geo-

metrical nonlinearity for bending is small during

(16990) DUNCAN, J.R., 2005. Manitoba Dragonfly flappingflight and the configurationof the costa is

citizen’s Manitoba in order with the Survey monitoringguide. Drag- complicated to cope bending mo-

onfly Surv., Winnipeg.iii+40pp. - (Publishers; c/o ment. The arch structure ofthe leadingedge has the

Wildl. & Ecosyst, Prot. Br., Manitoba Conserv., effect of preventing the torsional deformation from

Box 24, 2000 Saulteaux Crescent, Winnipeg, MB, becoming large, while nodus prevents the bending

R3J 3W3, CA). moment at the wing centre from becominglarge. It

The objectives ofthe Survey are stated,the required is considered that dragonflywing structure is ideal

field equipment and that forspecimen preservation for flappingflight.

is described in detail,a checklist of the Manitoba

and the of selected STREHLER 2005. Zoom (Canada) spp., accounts spp, (16994) PERRIN, C, sur

are provided along with the useful bibliographic les milieux prioritaires[de la Grande Carigaie). Bull.

references. Inf. Gestion Grande Carifaie 61: 1-8. — (Maison

Grande Carigaic, Champ-Pittet,CH-1400 Yverdon-

(16991) GARNER, P, 2005. The dragonflies of -les-Bains).

Herefordshire. Hereford Biol. Records Cent., Her- Includes a reference to Ceriagrion tenellum and

eford. 140 pp. Softcover (15.2x20.8 cm), ISBN Orthetrum coerulescens; Grande Carigaie. canton

978-0-9551880-0-8. Price UK £13.99 net. - (Pub- Vaud, Switzerland.

lishers: P.O. Box 144, Hereford, HR I 2YH, UK).

One of the brief introductory chapters, titled “The 2006

natural history of dragonflies”,was contributed by

S. Roe (pp. 21-28). - Odonatologically, Hereford- (16995) ABBOTT, J.C., [Ed.], 2006. Dragonflies and

shire is one of the least well recorded damsefliesof Texas Vol. 1. Odon. Surv. probably , Texas,

counties in Lowland Britain, therefore this beautiful Austin/TX. vi + 321 pp. Softcover (21.5x28.0 cm).

£ - book on the 27 county’s odon. spp. is particularly ISBN 1-4116-6525-2. Price: UK 16.50 net.

welcome. Speciesaccounts are nicely illustrated and (Author& Publishers: Sect. Integrative Biol.,Univ.

contain sections on the status of each sp. (national Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA).

and in the county, the latter with record maps), [Contents:] Abbott, J.C.: Collection guidelinesfor

flightperiod, habitat, morphological descriptions, the Odonata Survey ofTexas (p. 1); - Anonymous: Odonatological Abstracts 287

The DragonflySociety of the Americas guidelines the odon. fauna (55 spp.) of the Reserve (Savoye,

for collecting (pp. 2-3); — Abbott, J.C.: Specific France), with summaries of the pertaining docu-

and instructions and commented review of collecting preservation ( pp. 4-5); ments, bibliography a

— Guidelines for field & data notes recording (pp. spp.

6-7); - Abbott, J.C.&D. Broglie'. OdonataCentral.

com: a model for the web-based deliveryof natural (16998) DOMINGUEZ, C.J., E. PALACIOS, A. HERNANDEZ history information and citizen science (pp. 8-12); PEREZ & D. HERNANDEZ

Lasley, G. W.: Hornsby Bend it is not just birds PEREZ, 2006. Estudio preliminar de los insectos - 13-15); Hardy, a (pp. D.\ Rhionaeschna psilus: asociados la cuencadel rio Cuyaguateje, Pinar del

backyard surprise (pp. 16-17); — Gallucci, T: The Rio, Cuba. Cocuyo 16: 39-47. — (Cent. Invest. &

Odonata of Kerr county and the Guadaluperiver Servicios Ambientales,Carratera Luis Lazo, Apar-

system of Texas (pp. 18-22); — Abbott, J.C.: His- tado 210, CU-20 300 Pinar del Rio-1, Cuba).

of Odonata in the South-central U.S. 8 odon. listed from the basin of the Rio tory study spp. are

(pp. 23-26); - Anonymous: Odonata field guides, Cuyaguateja, Cuba,

resources, societies & suppliers (pp. 28-29); — Ab-

bott, J. C.: Life history & morphology of Odonata (16999) FULAN, J.A. & R. HENRY, 2006. The Odo-

— of in (pp. 30-36); Seasonality Odonata Texas (pp. nata (Insecta) assemblage on Eichhornia azurea

- Statistical 37-52); Anonymous: summary of Odo- (Sw.) Kunth (Pontadericeae) stands in Camargo

nata in Texas (p. 53); - Abbott. J.C.: Abundance Lake, a lateral lake on the Parapenemariver (state

& distribution of Texas Odonata (p. 54); - Anony- of Sao Paulo, Brazil), after an extreme inundation

mous: Diversity of Texas Odonata by county (p. 55); episode. Acta limnol. bras. 18(4); 423-431. (With

Abbott, J. C.: Checklist of dragonflies& dam- Port. s.). — (DeptZool., Inst. Biosci., St. Univ. Sao

selflies of Texas (pp. 56-58); — Anonymous: Drag- Paulo,BR- 18618-000 Botucatu, SP).

Texas onflies & of listed by county(pp. The abiotic factors, such as water transparency,

- Distribution of Texas surface dissolved 59-93); Anonymous: maps temperature, oxygen, pH, con-

Odonata(pp.94-316); — Abbott, J. C.: Glossary of ductivity and suspended matter were investigated

terms relating to Odonata (pp. 317-318); — Index and their values correlated with the occurrence of

— For the distri- The inundation in of maps (p. 319). updated maps, particularspp. caused a decrease

bution data etc., see Vol. 2, listed in OA 17017. macrophyte biomass and suspendedmatter, hence a

reduction ofthe available shelter and food,therefore

V. (16996) BENAVENT, A., C. BERNIER & SAB- ittriggereda decrease in odon. abundance.

LAIN, 2006. Enquete Trithemis / Avis de recherche:

La libellule purpurine Trithemis annulata. Brochure, (17000) GEISTER, L, 2006. Popotovanje od Tirana

4 circulated Observatoire Naturaliste des do Ankarana: — pp., by naravopisniesej. [Travelfrom Pi-

Ecosystemes Mediterrannees, ONEM, Domaine ran to Anaran: a nature-describing essay], Zavod

des F-34730 Prades-le-Lez. 95 ISBN 951-91043-4-X. Restinclieres, za favnistiko, Koper, pp.

In — order to draw the attention to the recent ex- (Slovene). (Kocjancici 18, SI-6276 Pobegi).

of T. annulata into France and with the On reference is made the 4 odon. pansion p. 76, a to same

to objective gatherfrom field biologists their cur- spp, from the same locality asgiven in OA 15992.

rent records, the sp. is described, its present occur-

rence in France is mapped, and its expansion is (17001) GONZALEZ, a., 2006, Acerca de una mi-

outlined: Corsica (in the 1980s), Roussillon (early grationde libelulas. Cocuyo 16; 51. — (Cent. Nac.

1990s),Flerault and Toulouse (in 2000s), Bordeaux de Areas Protegidas, calle 18A, No.4114e/41 &47,

(2005). Playa, Habana, Cuba).

A brief description of an incidental observation

(16997) DELIRY, C., [Ed.], 2006. Vingt ans of a massive Erythrodiplax umbrata migration,at

la Naturale Nationale d’odonatologiesur Reserve Miramar (Cuba), on 21-XI-2005.

du Marais de Lavours (1986-2006). Sympetrum,

Grenoble ISBN - Chalet 46 pp. none. (GRPLS, (17002) GOVEDlC, M.,2006. Potocniraki Slovenije:

des F-38390 — 37, Village Pecheurs, Montalieu). razsirjenosl, ekologija, varstvo. [Freshwater cray-

A 2 decades work cumulative report on of on fish ofSlovenia: distribution, ecology, conservation]. 288 OdonatologicalAbstracts

CKFF, Miklavz-na-Dravskem polju. 26 pp. ISBN corophiumrobustum?(Odonata:; Am-

— 961-90512-2-X. (Slovene). (Available at: www. phipoda;Corophiidae)(pp. 83-87); — Kunz. B. , S.

ckff.si/publikacije). Ober & R. Jodicke: The distribution of Zygonyx

On 6, reference is made the of Cor- torridus in the Palaearctic p. to occurrence (Odonata: Libellulidae) - dulegasterheros in GoriCko, Slovenia. (pp. 89-108); Kipping. J: Globalisierung und

Libellen Verschleppung von exotischen Libellen-

(17003) JOHANSSON, F. & D. STRAUSEVICI- arlen nach Deutschland (Odonata: .

— Mr. Erratum US, 2006. Trollslandor i helgolandsfallanpa Stora Libellulidae) (pp. 109-116); Lohr,

Fjaderagg hdsten 2005. - [Dragonfliesin traps for Libellenbeobachtungenin Siidportugal(Odonata)

interception of small birds at the Stora Fjaderagg (pp. 117-118). - [3/4]: Miller. E. & J. Miller: Be-

Ornithological Station, , late August-mid obachtungen zum winterlichen Verhalten von Sym-

September2005], Natur iNon 25(1): 25-26. (Swed.). pecma fusca (Odonata: ) (pp. 119-128);

- (Dept Ecol. & Envir. Sci., Umc5 Univ., S-90187 Karle-Fendl, A.: Erstnachweis von

Umed). scitulum in Bayern (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(pp.

The odon. are often encountered in traps used for 129-134); - Schneider, T. & O. Mtiller: Der En-

the collecting of small birds for the purpose of demit Boyeria cretensis; Beobachtungen zur Ver-

ringing. This was also the case with the first Swed- haltensbiologieder Imagines(Odonata: Aeshnidae)

- B. ish Hemianax ephippiger and Sympetrum fonsco- (pp. 135-146); Kunz. : Entwicklung von Ony-

lombii specimens (R. Ottwall, 2001, Lucanus 6/1: chogomphus forcipatus unguiculatus in einer Kies-

13-15). — Here, caerulea, A, grandis, A. grubein der Provence (Odonata: Gomphidae)(pp.

juncea,Sympetrum danae and S. vulgatum are re- 147-150); - Bonsel, A.: Schnelle und Individuen-

corded and briefly discussed. reiche Besiedlung eines revitalisierten Waldmoores

durch Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Odonata; Libelluli-

(17004) LIBELLULA. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft dae)(pp. 151-157); — Schiel, F.-J: Nachweis einer

deutschsprachiger Odonatologen, GdO (ISSN zweiten Jahresgeneration von Erythromrna najas

0723-6514), Vol. 25, No. 1/2 (1 July), 3/4(15 Dec. (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(pp. 159-164); - Ber-

— Mrs D.. Grahow 2006). (With Engl. s’s). (c/o G. Peitzner, nauer, K. & A. Martens: Fang von Li-

Hamfelderedder 7 a, D-21039 Bornsen). bellenlarven durch Elektrobefischung (Odonata:

[1/2]: Schiel, F.-J. & H. Hunger: Bestandssitua- Cordulegastridae) (pp. 165-169); — Juilleral, /,

tion und Verbreitung von Ophiogomphus cecilia cS H. Wildermuth: Landmilben als Libellen para-

in Baden-Wiirttemberg(Odonata: Gomphidae) siten: Befall von Orthetrum coerulescens mil Lep-

- B.. R. & J. Roden- Acari: (pp. 1-18); Grebe. Hpfhnd tus sp. (Odonata:Libellulidae; Erythraeidae)

Neue - kirchen: Nachweise vonCoenagrionscitulum (pp, 171-184); Pelzold, F.: Parasitierungvon Li-

in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Odonata: Coenagrioni- bellen durch Wassermilben an einem Moorsee in — dae) (pp. 19-26); Pelny, H.-J: Erster Nachweis Nordbrandenburg (Odonata; Hydrachnidia) (pp.

von Anax parthenope auf dem Madeira-Archipel 185-198); - Kunz, B. & H. Wildermulh: Pradation

(Odonata: Aeshnidae)(pp. 27-30); — Wildermulh, zwischen Libellen und Heuschrecken (Odonata;

H.:H. : VerhaltensgesteuerteThermoregulationbei So- Saltatoria) (pp. 199-208); - Weihrauch, F: Der

matochlora flavomaculata (Odonata: Corduliidae) Zahnkarpfling Gambusia holbrooki als Pradator

(pp. 31-46); - Westermann, K.\ Strategien frisch von Libelleneiem (Teleostei: Poedlidae;Odonata;

geschliipften Lestes viridis zur Vermeidung von Libellulidae)(pp. 209-214).

Schaden durch Regen (Odonata; Lestidae) (pp.

47-60); - Brauer, O.: Univoltine Entwicklungvon (17005) MACHIDA, K., T. OIKAWA & J. SHI-

Leucorrhinia pectoralis und Brachytron pratense MANUKI, 2006. The effect of the costal vein con-

in einem Kleingewasser Nordostbrandenburgs figuration of the wings of a dragonfly. Key Engineer-

(Odonata: Libellulidae,Aeshnidae); — Kunz. B. ing Materials 326/328:819-822. - (First Author:

& R. Seidenbusch: erfolgreicheLarvenentwicklung Dept Mechanical Engin., Tokyo Univ. Sci., 2641

trotz deutlicher Missbildung der Fangmaske bei Yamazaki, Noda-shi, Chiba 278-8510, JA).

Sympetrum sinaiticum (Odonata: Libellulidae) The arch configurationof the costa in Anotogaster

(pp. 77-82); - Martens. A.: Gomphidenlarven als sieboldii controls bending and wing torsion. The

Substrat fur Wohnrdhren des Flohkrebses Cheli- nodus copes with the high axial force and the high OdonatologicalAbstracts 289

moment which are generated by the arch sidered in this study.

(17006) MERCVRIALE. Zeitschrift der Schutz- (17008) PEROTTI, MG, L.A. FITZGERALD. L.

gemeinschaft Libellen in Baden-Wiirttemberg MORENO & M. PUETA, 2006. Behavioral re-

No. 6 - Ms of Bufo odonate nai- (ISSN 1618-9124), (Dec. 2006). (c/o sponses arenarumtadpoles to

U. Stephen, Im Westengarten 12, D-79241 Thrin- ad predation. Herpel. Conserv. Biol. 1(2); 117-120.

gen). — (First Author; Lab. Fotobiol., Cent. Reg. Univ.

Kunz. B. & H. Hunger: Editorial (p. 1); — Heitz, S.: Bariloche, Univ. Nac. C omahue-CONICET, Quin-

San de Waldbauliche Massnahmen zur Forderung Larval- tral 1250, AR-8400 Carlos Bariloche, Rio

lebensraume der Quelljungferartenam Bodanriick Negro).

bidentata und C. The indirect effects of (Cordulegaster boltonii)(pp. 2-8); Pantala sp. larvae predation

Stephan, U: Nachweis von Gomphus flavipes onactivity of B. arenarumtadpoles (collected from

am Rheinkanal bei Vogelgrun/Breisach (pp. 9-11); ephemeral poolsin Anillaco, La Rioja, Argentina)

Westermann, K. & E. Westermann: Betrachtli- were evaluated. The results areconsistent with other

cher Schliipferfolgvieler Libellenarten in tagelang studies that have shown bufonid tadpoles reduce

NSG trocken fallenden Graben des “Elzwiesen” activity when exposed to predator cues.

(pp. 12-14); - Wildermulh, H. : Die Siidlander flie-

Mooren. gen nun auch in Ein Blick in die Geg- (17009) PINGUEY, D.K., 2006. The dragonfliesof

end siidlich des Hochrheins (pp. 15-20); — Salch- Morlimores Wood (and surroundingarea). Gem

Erstnachweis mit er, M. \ Reproduktionsnachweis Publishing, Wallingford/Oxford. 48 pp. Softcover

Lestes ISBN von barbarus fur den Nordschwarzwald (pp. (14.7x20.8 cm). 978-0-9554806-0-7. Price:

- 21-22); Schiel, F.-J: Tagesaktivitatvon Enallag- UK £ 7.99 net. - (Author; damian_pinguey@

ma cyathigerum am Fortpfianzungsgewasser (pp. hotmail.co.uk).

22-25); - Schiel, F.-J. & H. Hunger: Zufallsfunde Mortimores Wood is located on the Avon, on the

von fusca in mutmasslichen Uberwin- outskirts of Chippenham, Wiltshire, UK. Photo-

terungshabitaten fernab geeigneter Entwicklungs- graphs, identification features and flight period

gewasser (pp. 26-27); — Kunz. B.: Notizen zur Lar- graphs are presented for the 19 so far recorded

Lestes viridis — valentwicklung von (pp. 28-32); spp.

Einige biometrische Daten von univoltinen Aeshna

— Kommensalen C, 2006. Odonati-Odonata. cyanea (pp. 33-36); Schneider. B.: (17010) R1CCARDI, — bei Anax imperator(p. 37); Kunz. B.: Beitrag zur In: R. Groppali, [Ed.], Atlanledellabiodiversilddel

unterschiedlichen der Exuvien Aeshna Parco Adda Parco Adda Sud. — Farbung von Sud, pp. 74-79,

cyanea (pp. 38-40); — Schneider. B.: Aeshna mixta (Author’s address not stated).

in der Klauen einer Wasserkafer-Larve — commented list of (p. 40); A 31 spp., hitherto recorded from

Kirchen, T: Mittagsmahl deretwas uniiblichen Art the Park; - Pianura padana, N Italy.

(p. 41; 9 Ischnura elegansconsumingajustemerged

2 Coenagrionpuella); — Kunz. B. \ Uberraschung (17011) SUZUKI, K. & I. KAWASHIMA, 2006.

am Teichboden (p. 42); — Phdnologiedaten(pp The insects illustrated in Gen’ichiro Narasaka’s

42-46); - Vereinsnachrichten (pp. 46-54). “Chugyo-Zufu”. Bull. Nagoya Univ. Mus. 22:

211-247. (Jap., with Engl.s.). — (FirstAuthor: Grad.

(17007) NOGUEZ PIEDRAS, S.R., A. BAGER, Sch. Sci. & Technol.,Toyama Univ., Gofuku, Toya-

PR. ROCHA MORAES, L A. ISOLD!, O.G. ma, 930-8555, JA).

LAUZ FERREIRA & C. 2006. 21 odon, illustrated in HEEMANN, spp., G. Narasaka’s

Macroinvertebrados bentonicos como indicadores (1854-1934)work areidentified. Comments on each

de qualidade de agua na barragem Sant Barbara, sp. and an annotated reproduction of the originally

Ciencia Pelotas, RS, Brasil. rural 36(2): 494-500. handwritten text are provided. The work is com-

(With Engl. s.). — (First Author: Escola Cienc. pared with the comtemporary insect illustration

Ambientais, Univ. Catol. Pelotas, Rua Professor books. Sen-Chu-Fu by T. Kunmoto (1756-1834)

Arujo 2081, BR-96020-360 Pelotas, RS). and Choju-Chiigyo-Fu ( Ryhu-Hakubutsu-Zufu)by

The odon. (mentionedorder-wise only) werehardly T. Matsumori (1825-1892). In Engl, abstract, the

3 represented in samples; the order is not further con- dates of the works are not stated. 290 OdonatologicalAbstracts

(17012) TARKOWKA-KUKURYK, M„ 2006. Wa- between a male of Sympetrum infuscatum (Selys)

ter soldier Stratiotes aloides L. (Hydrocharitaceae) and a copulating pair of S. maculatum Oguma

as asubstratum formacroinvertebrates in a shallow (pp. 25-26); - A female of Sympetrumspeciosum

eutrophic lake. Pol. J. Ecol. 54(3): 441 -451. - (Dept that copulated after refusing in tandem position

Hydrobiol. & Ichtyobiol., Univ. Agric. Lublin, Aka- (pp. 27-28); - A male of Indolestes boninensis

deraicka 13, PO-20-950 Lublin). connected with a dead female (pp. 28-29); — Eda,

The importanceof S. aloides as a colonization sub- S.: Old records of Libellula angelina in Nagano

strate for epiphytic and miningfauna was investigted prefecture (p. 29); — Yamamoto, T. & N. Nishiura:

in the eutrophic Lake Lukie (Poleski National Park, A few [cases of] atypical oviposition behavior in

E Poland). The phytophilous fauna changed with Epitheca marginata (Selys) (pp. 30-32); — Eda, S.:

the seasons. InOctober, Zygoptera occurred in high Two cases of triple-connection in the Odonata (p.

numbers. Names of the odon. spp. are not stated. 32); - Naraoka, H. : Four continental Sympetrum

dragonfliescollected in Aomori prefecture in 2005

(17013) TIMM, H„ T. MOLS & T. TIMM, 2006. (pp. 33 -34); - Eda. S.: Lestes temporalis Selys

Effects of the abun- laid into leaf of cattail long-term eutrophication on eggs unusually a grass (p.

dance and biomass of macrozoobenthos in small 34); - Sugano, T. &T. Vmeda: The first record of

lakes of . Proc. eston. Acad. Sci. (Biol. Ecol.) fluctuans (Fabricius) fromKanagawa

55(3); 187-198. (With Estonians.). — (First Author: prefecture (p. 35); - Ishikawa, H. & M. Yano: A

Inst. Agric. & Envir. Sci., Estonian Univ. Life Sci., record of Neurothemis fluctuans (Fabricius) from

EE-61101 Rannu, Tartumaa, Estonia). Tokyo (p. 35).

The effects of eutrophication were studied at 380

sites in 107 lakes. The odonate abundance seems to (17015) UBONI, C, N. BRESSI & A. COLLA,

be favoured by eutrophication. 2006. Una popolazione urbana di Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979 in Italia (Odonata, Cor-

(17014) TOMBO. ACTA ODONATOLOGICA dulegastridae). Am Mas. civ. Star. not. Trieste 53:

(ISSN 0495-8314), Vol. 48, No 1/4 (30 Apr. 2006). 207-211. (With Engl. s.). — (Mus. civico di Storia

(Engl.& Jap., mostly with Engl, titles). - (do Dr naturale. Piazza Hortis4,1-34123Trieste).

6 1 S. Eda, 3-4-25 Sawamura, Matsumoto, Nagano exuviae and C. heros larva arebroughtonrecord

390-0877, JA). from the Torrente Farneto (alt. ca 110 m) near

Hdmdldinen, M., A. Sasamoto & H. Karuhe: De- Triest, NE Italy. Cordulegasterb. bidentata and Ca-

of Devadatta from scription cyanocephala sp. nov. lopteryx virgo padana are reported from the same

Vietnam (Zygoptera: Amphipterygidae) (pp. 1-6); locality.

Kawashima, I. & H. Karuhe : External morphol-

of the last instar larva of Petaliae- A. & E.S. 2006. ogy probable (17016) ZAWAL, DYATLOVA, Pre-

schna flavipes Karubc from Laos, Indochina (pp. liminary data for parasitizing on Ischnura elegans

7-11); - Kawashima. I. & A. Sasamoto: Descrip- (VanderLinden, 1820) (Odonata:Coenagrionidae)

tion of the last instar larva of Periaeschna laidlawi by Arrenurus (Acad: Hydrachnidia) larvae from

(Forster) from Malaysia (pp. 12-17); — Watanabe, Odessa province (southwestern ). Proc. 2nd

K: fonscolombei - Sympetrum emerged in winter Ini. Symp. Ecologists Montenegro, pp. 17-20.

at Ishigaki Is. (p, 17); - Futahashi, R. & H. Futa- (First Author: Dept Invert. Zool. &Limnol.,Univ.

hashi: The odonate fauna of the Noto peninsula, Szczecin, Waska 14, PO-71-415 Szczecin).

Hokuriku district, Honshu, 2 (pp. 18-20); Fuku- 256 I. elegans individuals were examined, on 37

K M. M. K. Malsumura rmga, Tomita, Murata, of these, the parasitic A. claviger and A. papilla-

DNA & M. Shirai: Analysis of mitochondrial in tor were found. The prevalence (7,4%) and the in-

the exuviae of Libellula angelina Selys (pp. 21-22); tensity of infestation (1-6) were smaller than in 1.

Nakada, A. : An observation of heterogeneric eleganscollected in Poland. The mites preferred the

copulation between Deielia phaon (Selys) 6 and meta- and mesothorax of their hosts. The largest

Orthetrum albistylum speciosum (Uhler) $ (pp. number of parasitinglarvae occurred in September, — 23-24); Eda, S.: The first collector of i.e. later than in Poland, which is probably due to

superstes larva may be Takeo Ito (p. 24); - Kita, longer A. claviger mating season in the Black Sea

H. \ A heterospecific “Type AB” triple-connection area. OdonatologicalAbstracts 291

This is 2007 the official report by the (governmental)

Agency for the Environment of Slovenia. 9 Slov-

enian lakes monitored. (17017) ABBOTT, J.C., [Ed.], 2007. Dragonfliesand were Detailed analyses of

and chemical of damseflies of Texas, Vol. 2. Odon. Surv, Texas, physical parameters water and

Austin/TX. vi+310 Softcover sediments, and biological are pp. (21.5x28.0 cm). analyses presented.

ISBN 978-0-6151-4063-6. Price; UK £ 16.50 net. - Odonate inventories are listed for Blejsko, Bohin-

(Author& Publishers: Sect. Integrative Biol., Univ. jsko, Cerknisko, Smartinsko, Lendavsko, Gajsevsko

Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA). and VogrsCek lakes.

[Contents:] Lasley, G. W.: Digital odonate photogra-

H. — J. MATTHES phy; mypersonal technique(pp. 1-4); Behrstock, (17019) BONSEL, A., MATTHES,

& M. 2007. R.A., J.S. Rose & J.C. Abbott: First Texas record RUNZE, Erfolgskontrollen nach Re-

and second US occurrence of vitalisierungen von Feldsollen in Tricanthagyna sep- Mecklenburg-

tima (Selys in Sagra, 1857) (Odonata; Aeshnidae) -Vorpommem:Auswirkungen auf Rotbauchunke,

Laubfrosch Libellen. Natur - und (pp. 5-6); Thomas, B. ; Williamson county Gold Landschaft 82(4):

— — 129-136. Author: Chandler Creek (pp. 7-8); Matthews, J.: What do (With Engl. s.). (First Vasen-

busch D-18337 we know about dragonfly migration on the Texas 15, Gresenhorst).

coast? (pp. 9-11); - Hatfield, J. : The dragonflies The revitalization measure and their effects on the

and damselflies of the Llano Estacado: in search of frogs Borabina bombina and Hyla arborea, and

34 odon. conducted 2001-2004 new species records on the Panhandle South Plains on spp., as during

(pp. 12-13); - Schappert, P: New Odonata for Bas- in 19cattleponds in NE Germany, arereported. A

brief and a of the first Author tropcounty and the Stengl “Lost Pines” Biological biography portrait

- are appended. Station (pp. 14-16); Anonymous'. Statistical sum-

mary of Odonata in Texas (p. 17); — Abbott, J.C.:

BRACHYTRON Vol. Abundance & distribution of Texas Odonata (p. (17020) (ISSN 1386-3460), 11,

— 18); - Anonymous: Diversity of Texas Odonata No. 1 (Dec. 2007). (Dutch, with Engl. s’s). (c/o

R. — NL-9403 SM As- by county (p. 19); Abbott, J.C: Checklist of Manger, Stoepveldsingel 55,

dragonflies and damselflies of Texas (pp. 20-22); sen).

— Seasonality of Odonata in Texas (pp. 23-38); — The issue is dedicated to a Sympecma paedisca re-

Anonymous: Dragonflies and damselflies of Texas search project. A DVD on the life of S. paedisca is

listed — attached. - Contents: T. by county (pp. 39-72); Distribution maps Hoogeveen, : Mystery

ofTexas Odonata(pp.73-295); — Abbott. J. C.: Col- about winter damsels (cover p. 2; reprinted/trans-

lection guidelines for the Odonata Survey of Texas lated from her 2005 children book; “Winterslaap”,

- K. P. (p. 297); - Anonymous: The dragonfly Society of KNNV, Utrecht); Ruder, E., Uilhoorn, de

R. & R. the Americas guidelinesforcollecting (pp. 298-299); Boer, Ketelaar Manger: Introduction (pp.

Abbott. J.C.: Specific collecting & preservation 3-4);- Ketelaar, R, R Manger. E. J. Ruder, H.M.G.

Uilhoorn & Boer: instructions (pp. 300-301); — Guidelines for field E.P de Analysis of the distribu-

tion of notes & data recording (pp. 302-303); — Anony- Sympecma paedisca in the (pp.

- mous: Odonata field guides, resources, societies & 5-20); Ketelaar, R. E J. Ruder, H.M.G. Uilhoorn,

R. — & E.P. de Boer: Habitat suppliers(pp. 305-306); Abbott, J.C.: Glossary of Manger choice of Sym-

- in the Netherlands terms relating to Odonata (pp. 307-308); Index pecma paedisca (pp. 21-33);

H.M.G. R. — Ruiter, E.J., Uilhoorn, Manger, R. to maps (pp. 309-310). This is an indispensble

reference for Ketelaar &E. P. de Boer: of work the 223 spp. so far known from Recapture Sympecma

over distance - Ruder, Texas. Of particular importance are the updated paedisca great (pp. 34-41);

EJ.&R. Hibernation in species distribution and seasonality accounts and Manger: the Netherlands,

not for maps. quite easy Sympecrna paedisca (pp. 42-49);

Manger, R &N.J. Dingemanse: Survival and bio-

selection of in (17018) AGENCIJA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJA tope Sympecma paedisca a winter

- o habitat in the Netherlands 52-62); Manger. ZA OKOLJE, 2007. Porocilo kakovosli jezer za (pp.

— R.: Exterior characteristics of Ieto2006. [Report on the qualityoflakesfor2006], Sympecma paedisca

— — in the Netherlands (pp. 63-74); Ruiter. EJ. <£ Ministerstvo za okolje in prostor, Ljubljana.

E. P. de Boer: Some the vi+149 pp. (Slovene). observations on behaviour 292 Odonatological Abstracts

of Sympecma paedisca (pp. 75-80); - Ruiler, E. & Good and richly illustrated descriptions of 25 Brit-

Uilhoorn A ish with concise K. : summary of results of the present spp., information on the larval

habitats of 5-year Sympecma paedisca research project (pp. each sp. The introductory chapters are

81-82); - Manger. R. \ Both Sympecma paedis- titled: “Anatomy of larvae and exuviae", “Where

ca and S. fusca in the same breeding habitat (pp. tofind larvae”, “Where tofind exuviae”, “Record-

- R. “A 83-86); van Seijen, & A. Hofstra: Records of ing larvae and exuviae”, “Emergenceperiods”,

Sympecma paedisca in Germany,near Meppen (pp. quick guideto size and shape”, and “Key features

87-88); - Ruiler, E.J.: Encounter with a Siberian to species groups”.

winter damsel (Sympecmapaedisca) after hiberna-

tion (pp. 89-90); — Kelelaar, R., J.H. Bouwman c£ (17024) CUONG, D.M. & D.T.T. HOA, 2007. Check-

Notes list R.RW.H. Felix: on the habitat of Sympecma of dragonfly from Vietnam. Vietnam Natn.

paedisca in Buryatia, Southeast Siberia, (pp. Univ., Hanoi, vi+182 pp„ 32 col. pis incl. Soft-

91-96). cover (13.5x20.4 cm). ISBN none. — (Publishers:

16 Hang Chuoi St., Ha Ba Trung distr., Hanoi,

(17021) BUCZYNSKA. E„ P. BUCZYNSKI, L. LE- Vietnam; - First Author: Horn thu so 16, Buu Dien

CHOWSKI & R. STRYJECKI, 2007. Fish pond 10210, 35 Thai Thinh, Hanoi, Vietnam).

complexes asrefugia of aquatic invertebrates (Odo- In the introductory chapters, the history of odo-

nata, Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Trichoptera, Hy- natol. research in Vietnam is briefly summarized,

drachnidia): a case study of the pond complex in and the principal types of odon. habitats are out-

Zalesie Kanskie (central-East Poland). Nat. Con- lined. Also included are a list of the 61 Vietnam-

serv. 64: 39-55. — (Second Author: Dept Zool., ese provinces and a map indicating their respective

Akademicka PO-20-033 locations. — All listed. MCSU, 19, Lublin). topographic spp. are For

45 odon. recorded 2000-2001. It each spp. were during sp., bibliographic references, localities, a map

is emphasized that the Zalesie Kanskie fish pond of the known distribution and 2 phenology graphs

complex can serve as amodel of an areawhere fish- (for northern and southern regions separately) are

does destabilize the Field of 49 breeding not ecosystem balance, provided. photographs spp. are repro-

duced but rather helps to maintain high biological diver- on col. pis. both sexes are shown in cases

of sity. Ways of exploiting this area in anature-friendly pronounced sexual dimorphism.An exhaustive

mannerare indicated. national bibliography isappended. — After Thai-

land (see OA 12674) Vietnam is only the second

(17022) BUCZYNSKI, P. & A. ZAWAL, 2007. Drag- SE Asian countryfor which this kind of extremely

onflies (Odonata) of the “Szare Lake” nature re- useful review became available.

serve. Parki nar. Rezerv. Przyr. 26(4): 79-91. (Pol.,

with Engl. s. & tab. captions). - (First Author: (17025) DIJKSTRA. K.-D.B.. 2007. Areview ofcon-

Dept Zool., UMCS, Akademicka 19, PO-20-033 tinental afrotropical Ceriagrion(Odonata: Coena-

Lublin). grionidae). Erratum. J. afrotrop. Zool. 3:162-163. -

The odon. fauna (28 spp.) is listed and analysed; - (Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden).

W Lake N W In I Pomeranian distr., Poland. The occur- Tab. in the paper listed in OA 16186. 5 spp. and

of larvae is recorded for 13 their omitted. the rence spp., some were synonyms were accidentally Here,

recovered from the depths down to 9 m, i.e. twice complete tab. is provided.

as deep as in other lobelian lakes. This is ascribed

to the rich food and oxygen supply at the bottom (17026) DIJKSTRA, K.-D.B., 2007. Checklist of

of the lake. Odonata recorded from Ghana. Bull. biol. Assmt

47:137-142. - (Naturalis, PO. Box9517, NL-2300

(17023) CHAM, S„ 2007. Field guide to the larvae RA Leiden).

and exuviae of British dragonflies Vol. 1: dragon- An annotated list of 177 , spp.

flies (Anisoptera). British Dragonfly Soc., Peter-

borough. ii+75 pp. Softcover (14.5x20.8cm). ISBN (17027) DIJKSTRA, K.-D.B,, 2007. Dragonflies and

978-0-9556471-0-9. Price UK £ 8.50 net. - (Pub- damselflies (Odonata) of theAtawa range, Ghana.

lishers: 23 Bowker Way, Whittlesey. Peterborough. Bull. biol. Assmt 47: 50-54. - (Naturalis, P.O. Box

PE7 1PY, UK). 9517, NL-2300RA Leiden). Odonatological Abstracts 293

72 spp. were found duringa Rapid Assessment Pro- (17030) ENDERSBY, I., 2007. Worldwide Dragonfly

of gram survey the Arewa Range Forest Reserve. Association International Symposium, Swakop-

6-10 8 spp. are recorded in Ghana for the first time. Of mund, Namibia, April 2007. Newsl. oust. Soc.

these, Atoconeura luxata is the most significant Limnol. 45(2): 14-16. — (56 Looker Rd, Montmor-

Red-listed in W discovery, being (“Vulnerable") ency, Vic 3094, AU).

Africa. The results of the survey indicate a healthy The highlights of the 5th WDA International Sym-

Reserve. watershed in the posium of Odonatology are outlined and briefly


(17028) DUDLEY, S., C. DUDLEY & A. MACKEY,

2007. Watching British dragonflies. Subbuteo (17031) FAASEN, T. et al„ 2007. Rospuda Valley

Hist. Softcover Nat. Books, Shrewsbury. 341 pp. Survey 2007. Europ, Biodiv. Surv., Groningen. 14

(13.5x21.5 cm). ISBN 978-1-905268-04-7. Price: pp. — (First Author: Achilleslaan 35, NL-5631 BS

— GBP 27.50 net). (Publishers: the Rea, Upton Eindhoven; — Publisheres: Van Royenlaan 42a,

Magna, Shrewsbury, SY44UR. UK). NL-9721 ES Groningen).

This is a completelynew style dragonfly book, the In June 2007, the threatened Rospuda Valley region

first of its kind in the market: a combination of a (NE Poland) was surveyed on several faunal key

Field Guide and Where Watch site find- A substantial number of found to guideto groups. spp. were

ing, identifying and observing dragonfliesof Britain that confirm the valley’s importanceto biodiversity

and all 48 resident with full maintenance both national and levels. Ireland, covering spp, on European

identification and col. 8 focal odon. recorded follows: cal- notes splendidoriginal paint- spp. were as (I)

ings of adults. The introductory general part (pp. careousfens and mares: Nehalennia speciosa, Leuc-

7-26) is followed by species accounts (pp. 27-135) orrhinia pectoralis; - (2)bogwoodland and alluvial

and by the Site Guide (pp. 136-239),supplemented forests: Somatochlora arctica, L. pectoralis; - (3)

by the Site Gazetteer (pp. 240-330), arranged al- riverine habitats: Coenagrion armatum, Aeshna

phabetically for England, Wales, Scotland. Isle of viridis, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Leucorrhinia albi-

Man, and Northern Ireland. Site Guide includes a frons, L. caudalis,L. pectoralis; - (4) active raised

and information N. S. L. caudalis. map, species list, on location, ac- bogs: speciosa, arctica, albifrons, L.

cess and areas to search, habitat type, and on the

best timingfor observations etc. for each site. The (17032) FERLETlC,U„ 2007. Porodlo odonatoloske

relevant addresses, numbers, references — of the phone map skupine. [Lovrenc na Pohorju: Report

and web sites are also provided for all sites, and hints Odonata team]. In: J. Polajnar, [Ed.], Raziskovalni

on non-odonatologicalpeculiarities are of labor Studentov that in- biologije. Lovrenc na Pohorju2005,

terest toa field biologistare added. - A nationally pp. 39-43. Drustvo studentov biologije, Ljubljana.

work thatwill the - very important inevitably trigger ISBN 978-961-91041-8-7. (Slovene). (Author:

gatheringof much additional information on local Merezige 1, SI-6273 Merezige).

odon. assemblages. A commented list of 32 spp., from 37 localities;

Pohorje Mts, Slovenia.

(17029) DUMONT, H.J., 2007. Odonata from the

Mouydir plateau (North central Sahara, Algeria). (17033) GLOBEVNIK, L., 2007. Biomura. Varslvo

Bull. Soc roy. belg. Enl. 143:164-168, - (Anim.Ecol., biodiverzilete reke Mure v Sloveniji. — [Biomura.

Univ. Ghent, Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent). Conservation ofthe Mura river biodiversity in Slove-

9 spp. are reported from the Mouydir, a desert pla- nia], Institut zavode Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana.

N of the and 1 from the Fold, - teau Ahaggar Mts, sp. brochure, 6 pp. (Slovene). (Author& Pub-

Ahaggar itself. hamoni was discovered lishers: Institut za vode, Hajdrihova 28 c, SI-1000

on a permanent lakelet at the oasis of Tajmut. ex- Ljubljana).

the known of this in the central A brief the of the tending range sp. descriptionof objectives project

Sahara by ca 500 km to the W; 1 old 6 was sighted BIOMURA LIFE06NAT/SI/000066. The area

at Guelta Affilal on the Assekrem plateau. Sym- covered by the project has asurface of 1520 ha. and

petrum sinaiticum was not found in the Mouydir in represents a part of the Natura 2000 area. Among

but it was from the the 18 focal the odon. May, freshly emerging Ahaggar spp., are represented

waters above 2000 m. by Ophiogomphuscecilia. 294 Odonatological Abstracts

(17034) GROENEVELD, L.F., V. CLAUSNITZER ers to detect and monitor demographicbottlenecks

& H. HADRYS, 2007. Convergent evolutionof gi- in the riverine dragonfly Orthetrum coerulescens

gantism in damselflies of Africa and South Amer- F. Mol. Ecol. Notes 7: 287-298. - (First Author:

17 ica? Evidence from nuclear and mitochondrial se- ITZ, Ecol. & Evol., TiHo Hannover, Biinteweg

Mol. Evol. - quence data. Phylog. 42: 339-346. d, D-30559 Hannover).

(Third Author: ITZ, Ecol. & Evol., TiHo Hannover, Odon. are important indicators for monitoring

Biinteweg 17 d, D-30559 Hannover). anthropogenic impacts on freshwater ecosystems.

Extreme large body size is rare in modern Zygop- Here, a panel is developed of microsatellite loci for

tera. Only the South and Central American Pseu- O. coerulescens, inhabiting small streams. By using

and the African 2 different isolation 9 microsatellite loci dostigmatidae Coryphagrion gran- techniques,

dis share the morphologicaltrait of gigantism. By have been isolated. Screening of 209 individuals

means ofphylogenetic analyses using 2 mitochon- resulted in an overall number of 88 alleles, ranging

drial markers rDNA and and from 3 19 alleles locus. The observed hetero- (I6S ND1) one nu- to per

clear marker (EE 1) in combination with anexisting zygosity ranged from 0.37 to 0.83, One locus showed

morphologicaldata set, the evolution of gigantism a significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg

was traced in Zygoptera. Individual and combined equilibrium.

data sets were analyzed using the maximum parsi-

A mony, minimum evolution and maximum likelihood (17037) ISHIAZAWA, N., 2007. survey of Odo-

algorithms. Regardless of the algorithm used and nata faunaof Mikajima Bog at Tokorozawa Cam-

the data set analysed all principal tree topologies pus of Waseda University. Report prepared for the

the support a monophyly of Zygopt. taxa display- Research Laboratory of Natural Environment,

ing giant body size. This supports the view that the Waseda University. 16 pp., 2 col. pis inch — (Au-

evolution of gigantismin Zygopt. from Africa and thor. 1644-15 Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa, Saitama

S America is notthe result of convergent evolution pref., 359-1145, JA).

due to strikingly similar habitat preferences, but A review of 28 spp. recorded during Apr.-Nov.

of rather the result close genealogicalrelationship. 2006, with annotations on habitats, biology and

Because modern odonates evolved before the split behaviour. Of particular interest is a tab. showing

of Africa from Gondwanaland, the proposed phy- monthly changes in the occurrence and abundance

logeny suggests that C. grandis represents a Gond- of the spp. of the bog community. The locality is

wana relict. situated in the W area of the Tokorozawa Campus,

Saitama pref.

(17035) HADRYS, H., J. TIMM, B. STREIT & S.

GIERE, 2007, A panel of microsatellite markers (17038) KRUNER, U, 2007. Der Siidliche Blaupfeil,

to in the Orthetrum brunneum study sperm precedence patterns emperor (Fonscolombe, 1837), am

dragonfly Anax imperator(Odonata: Anisoptera). Entwasserungsgraben der Halde Emil Mayerisch,

Mol. Ecol. Notes 7:296-298. - (First Author. ITZ, Kreis Diiren (NRW). Entomologieheule 19:51-57.

Ecol. & Evol., TiHo Hannover, Bunteweg 17 d, (With Engl. s.). — (Gelderner Str. 39, D-41189

D-30559 Hannover). Monchengladbach).

A. in With the developmentof 10 microsatellites for The drainage ditch at a coal damp the district

imperator,the function and priority patterns of the of Diiren nr Aachen (Germany) was colonized by

$ be studied and O. brunneum 15 Its life studied multiple sperm storage organs can yr ago. history was

Due compared between spp. in natural populations. In in 1993. to the optimal environmental condi-

2 addition, microsatellite loci, developedfor the sis- tions, part of the population emerged I yr after

A. also while ter sp. parthenope, are highly polymorphic oviposition, another part required 2 yr. The

in A. imperator.For the presented 12 microsatellite sp. is on wingfrom June to Aug. The populationis

loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from maintained by regularremovingof mud and aquatic

2 to 24. The observed heterozygosity ranged from vegetation.

0.07 to 0.88.

(17039) LAJEUNESSE, M.J., 2007. Ectoparasit-

(17036) HADRYS, H„ A. WARGEL, S. GIERE & ism of damselflies by water mites in central Flor-

B. KRAUS, 2007. A panel of microsatellite mark- ida. Fla Ent. 90(4); 643-649. (With Span. s.). — Odonatological Abstracts 295

(Dept Ecol. & Evol. Biol., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, er Schweizer Fliisse (Odonata: Gomphidae) (pp.

NY 14853-2701, USA). 77-92); - Kunz, B. : Coenagrionhastulatum in Ho-

A field survey is presented of Zygoptera and their henlohe; Fallbeispiel fiir das regionale Verschwind-

watermite parasites, made in late May 2006 at Lake en einer Libellenart (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(pp.

Placid. Ischnura hastata and Nehalennia gracilis 93-106); - Seidenbusch, R. & H. Heidemann: Ein

(both captured only at pond sites), and Argia fu- neuesMerkmal zur Identifikation der Larven von

mipennis and Ischnura ramburii (both captured Diplacodes lefebvrei unter den palaarktischen Li-

bellulidae — at a lake site) were abundant. Only pond spp. had (Odonata) (pp. 107-112); Schneider, B.

water mites,and 12,2% and 12,5% of I. hastata and & H. Wildermuth: Erstnachweis von Sympecmafus-

N. gracilis were parasitized, respectively. These are ca als Wirt parasitischer Wassermilben (Odonata:

2 novel and unreported odonate-acari associations Lestidae; Hydrachnidia) (pp. 113-117); — Burkart,

for this area (central Florida, USA). The within- G. & W. Burkart: Die Libellenfauna der Ostsee-

-species differences in ectoparasitism by sex, body insel Gotland (Odonata) (pp. 119-142). - [3/4]:

H. \ size and wing-cell fluctuatingasymmetry were also Wildermuth, Polarotaktische Reaktionen von

examined. These factors did not relate tothe preva- Coenagrionpuella und Libellula quadrimaculata

lence and intensity of parasitism in the field. The auf Erdbeerkulturen als okologische Falle (Odo-

study indicates that brief surveys of odon. in cen- nata: Coenagrionidae,Libellulidae)(pp. 143-150);

Florida will tral likely generate novel, unreported Mauersherger, R.: Erstnachweis von Ceriagrion

associations with parasitic water mites. tenellum in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Odona-

ta: Coenagrionidae)(pp. 151-156); — Clausnitzer,

R. (17040) LE DU, R, 2007. Compte-rendu de la sortie H. C. Clausnitzer & Hengst: Erganzungenzur

Leltre Roseau entomo du 22 September. Naturalistes Okologie von Ceriagrion tenellum in der siidliehen

costarmoricains 2007(10): 2-3. - (Author’s address Luneburger Heide (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(pp.

not stated). 157-160); - Jbdicke, R. \ Die Verbreitung von Ce-

12 odon. collected from 5 Cotes tenellum in mit Hinweisen spp., localities, riagrion Deutschland,

d’Armor, France. auf das aktuelle Vorkommen in Westniedersachsen

(Odonata: Coenagrionidae)(pp. 161-188); — Schir-

(17041) LIBELLULA. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft rmacher, K., F.-J. Schirl & A. Martens: Einjahrige

deutschsprachiger Odonatologen, GdO (ISSN Entwicklung vonGomphus pulchellus und Leucor-

0723-6514). Vol. 26, Nos 1/2 (1 July), 3/4 (15 Dec. rhinia caudalis in einem neuangelegtenGewasser

2007). (With Engl. s’s). — (c/o Mrs G. Peitzner, (Odonata: Gomphidae,Libellulidae)(pp. 189-192);

R. & T. Hamfelderedder 7 a, D-21039 Bomsen). Mauersherger, Schneider: Schlupfbere-

als [1/2]: Brockhaus, T: Uberlegungen zur Faunenge- ite Larven von Epitheca bimaculata Opfer

schichte der Libellen in Europawahrend des Weich- des Strassenverkehrs (Odonata: Corduliidae) (pp.

selglazials (Odonata) (pp. 1-17); — Clausnitzer, H.J, 193-202); - Kohl, S. : Cordulegaster boltonii als

R. des C. Clausnitzerdausnitzer & R. Hengst: Zur Okologie von Ce- Beute Gerandeten JagdspinneDolomedes fim-

riagrion tenellum im Bereich der nordostlichen briatus (Odonata: Cordulegastridae; Aranea; Pis-

Verbreitungsgrenze in Niedersachsen (Odonata: auridae) (pp, 203-206); — Wildermuth, H. . Anhef-

— Or- Coenagrionidae)(pp. 19-34); Bouwman, J &D. tung der parasitischen Landmilbe Leptus sp. an

Groenendijk: New records ofSomatochlora arctica thetrum coerulescens (Parasitengona:Erythraeidae;

in northwestern Lower Saxony (Odonata: Cordulii- Odonata: Libellulidae) (pp. 207-212); — Brauner,

- M. & R. O.: dae) (pp. 35-40); Haacks, Peschel: Die Winterbeobachtungenvon Libellen aufGomera

rezente Verbreitung von Aeshna viridis und Leu- und La Palma. Kanarische Inseln (Odonata) (pp.

corrhinia pectoralis in Schleswig-Holstein: Ergeb- 213-232); - Stubing,S. & N. Stubing: Notizen zur

nisse einer vierjahrigen Untersuchung (Odonata: Entwicklung von Anax imperatorund Sympetrum

Aeshnidae, Libellulidae) (pp. 41-57); — Wilder- fonscolombii auf La Palma. Kanarische Inseln

muth. H.: Leucorrhinia pectoralis in der Schweiz: (Odonata: Aeshnidae, Libellulidae) (pp. 233-241);

aktuelle Situation,Riickblick und Ausblick (Odo- Olias, M.. F. Weihrauch, M. Bedjanic, N. Hacet,

nata: Libellulidae) (pp. 59-76); - Osterwalder, R. : M. Marinov & A. Salamun: Lestes parvidens and L.

Gomphiden Exuvienfunde anrenaturierten Ufer- viridis in southeastern Europe;a chorologicalanaly-

— abschnitten und neu angelegtenSeitenarmenzwei- sis (Odonata: Lestidae)(pp. 243-272); Lohr, M. , 296 OdonatologicalAbstracts

F. Weihrauch <£ H. Wildermuth: [Buchbesprechung] or photographs of Odon.: Svab. D. : Karst ponds

Les libellules de France, Belgiqueet Luxembourg, in my native village (pp. 59-66); — Razem, N. & P.

von D. Grand & J.-P. Boudot (pp. 273-277). Tavcar: Zelenojezero,karst pond in Dobravlje(pp.

69-78): - Mikuklii. J.: The well and karst pond at

(17042) LIBELLULA (SUPPL.) (ISSN 0723-6514), Mala Bukovica near Ilirska Bistrica (pp. 169-173); Vol. 8 (9 March 2007): Von den Anfdngen 1981 bis Bratovic. N., M Slemberger, D. Cekada <£ K.

— Mrs Band25 im Jahr2006. 72 pp. (do G. Peitzner. Slosar: The karst pond in Jelsane (pp. 175-177).

7 Hemfelderedder a, D-21039 Bornsen).

List of Editors and members ofthe Editorial Board (17046) MAHMOOD-ur-RAHMAN, T. HU-

indices of SNAIN al., 2007. resistance and risk and authors, published papers, species, et Insect as-

subjects, and countries/regionsare presented along sessment studies of advanced generationsof bas-

Lihellula Bacillus with publication dates for vols 1-25 (14 mati rice expressing two genes of thur-

Feb. 1981-15 July 2006). ingiensis. Electronic J. Biotechnol 10(2): 240-251.

— (Correspondence to: T. Husnain. Natn. Cent.

(17043) LIN, R.-S.. C-T. YAO & P.-F. LEE. 2007. Excellence in Mol. Biol., 87-W, Canal Bank Rd,

The diet of fairy pitta. Pitta nympha, nestlings in Univ. Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan).

Taiwan as revealed by videotaping. Zool. Stud. Advanced generationsof different transgenic lines

46(3): 355-361. — (Third Author: Inst. Ecol. & of indica basmati rice (Basmati-370), expressing 2

Evol, Life Taiwan unrelated evaluated for resistance Biol.. Dept Sci., Natn. Univ., Bt genes, were to

Taipei-106,Taiwan). yellow stemborer (Scirpophaga incertulus)and rice

The diet was studied in central Taiwan by video- leaf folder (Cnaphalocrocus medinalis)under field

2000 In taping 8 broods from to 2002. total, 1062 conditions. The transgeniclines had no significant

feeding visits wererecorded, food items were clearly effect on non-target insects, such as Odon.

identified 661 visits. Earthworms of several on spp.

were the most common food (73 %), followed by (17047) MARCZAK, D„ 2007. Materials required for

Lepidoptera and their larvae and pupae (11 %). knowledge of dragonfliesof the Olsztyn Lake Dis-

Slugs, snails and various (incl. Odon.) trict. Przegl. zool. 51(1/2): 67-77. (Pol., with Engl,

were rarely recorded. s.). - (Katedra /ool.. Univ. Warmihsko-Mazurski,

Oczapowskiego 5, PO-IO-719 Olsztyn).

(17044) [LUKMAN ZUNEC, D.] (Anonymous), A commented review of the fauna (37 spp.) as docu- — 2007. Sprehod in morda se navdih za ustvarjanje. mented duringApr.-Aug. 2007); NE Poland.

— [A walk and perhaps also an inspirationfor crea-

tive work]. Vecer. Maribor 63(262); 33 (issue of 14 (17048) MATUSHKINA, N. & S. GORB, 2007. Me-

Nov.). (Slovene). chanical properties of the endophytic ovipositor in

A daily’s article on the Komarnik lake near Lenart. damselflies (Zygoptera, Odonata) and their ovipo-

NE It - Slovenia. harbours 35 odon. spp. (Lestes vi- sition substrates. Zoology 110: 167-175. (First

rensvestalis and Brachytron pratenseare mentioned Author: EvolutionaryBiomaterials Gr., DeptArzt,

here), and reference is made to the local Epitheca Max Planck Inst. Metals Res., Heisenbergstr. 3,

bimaculata population, considered the largest of D-70569 Stuttgart).

this sp. in central Europe. Zygoptera 9 9 use their ovipositor valves to saw

in order insert their into the aquatic plants to eggs

in (17045) MAHER, L, [Ed.], 2007. (Tisoc en kal plant tissues. Stiffness of the plant substrata is there- — — tisoc 1001 in ena zgodhu o iivljenju) 1001 kal fore an important parameter for oviposition sub-

- karst strate zgodha o iivljenju. [ 1001 ponds -1001 sto- choice. Using a force transducer combined

ries with motorised of life], Zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo a micromanipulator, the bending

narave, Ljubljana. 179pp. ISBN 978-961-91505-9-7. stiffness of the ovipositor at the axial compres-

sional load studied in 7 and (Slovene). was European spp.

The book is a collection of articles on history and compared to the local stiffness of 7 preferred plant

of karst in Slov- substrates. The force of tested the present state numerous ponds puncture plant sam-

enia, written by primary school pupils. The fol- ples ranged from 105 to 1500 mN, and their local

lowing articles include general references to, and/ stiffness rangedfrom 208 to 1776 N/m.The bending Odonatological Abstracts 297

stiffness ofthe ovipositor was estimated as 173-409 longstudies on the functional morphology of flight

lit- mechanics and in Odon. N/m, dependingon the sp. Using original and complex mating systems

correlation be- erature data, a significant positive

tween mechanical properties ofthe ovipositor and (17052) R1DEI, N„ L, KHROKALO & I. PAV-

preferred oviposition substrates was demonstrated. LUSENKO, 2007. National Ecological Network of

Possible behavioural adaptations toovercome high Ukraine and the state of research on odonatofauna

stiffness of plant tissues duringoviposition are dis- in protected territories. Wiad. ent. 26(4): 237-249.

cussed. (With Pol. s.). - (Education & Res. Inst, of Na-

ture Prot. & Biotechnologies, Natn. Agric. Univ.,

UKR-03041 (17049) NATURSCHUTZ & LANDSCHAFTS- prov. Sils’kogospodars’ky 4 korp. 17,

PFLEGE, 2007. Role Listen von Rheinland-Pfalz. Kyiv).

Landesamt fiir Mainz, 138 - Summarised and information is Umwelt, pp. (Cor- updated presented

respondence to: L. Simon. Landesamt fiir Umwelt on the odon. fauna of 11 protected areas in the

Rheinland-Pfalz, Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 7, D-55116 Ukraine. For 6 naturereserves, odon. checklists are

Mainz). provided for the first time.

The updated Red List Odonata of the Rhineland-

-Palatinate 4-7. 2007. The final in- (Germany) appears on pp. (17053) THE1SCHINGER, G„

star larvae of Gynacantha rosenbergi Kaup and

(17050) PETERS, G. & G. THE1SCHINGER, 2007. Antipodogomphusproselythus (Martin) (Odonata:

Die gondwanischenAeshniden Austaliens (Odona- Aeshnidae & Gomphidae). Linz. biol. Beitr. 39(2):

ta: Telephlebiidaeund Brachytronidae).Denisia20: 1233-1237. - (NSW Dept Envir. & Consent, P.O.

517-574. (With Engl. s.). — (Second Author: NSW Box 29, Lidcombe, NSW 1825, AU).

Dept Envir. & Consent, P.O. Box 29, Lidcombe, The 2 Australian spp. were bred out. Their larvae are

NSW 1825, AU). described from final instar exuviae and compared

The of the of the Den- with their closest allies. study relationships genus

droaeschna Tillyard led to a phylogeneticanalysis

J. of the genus Sel., the fam. Telephle- (17054) [THEISCHINGER, G. & HAWKING]

biidae Cockerell and the clade Euaeshnida Bechly. MARCHANT, R., 2007. The completefield guide

Autapomorphies and synapomorphies are listed to dragonfleis of Australia, by G. Theischinger &

for all the taxa involved, details are discussed and J. Hawking. News!, oust. Soc. Limnol. 45(1): 21-22. - illustrated in 3 phylograms. The taxa Pulchaeschna (Author’s postal address not stated).

Austroaeschna unicornis subg. n. (type sp.: pul- A descriptive and appreciative review of the work

chra and trib. described in 16798. Tillyard) n. (type gen.: OA

Notoaeschna Tillyard) areformally established. The

Australian “brachytronine aeshnids” (Panbrachy- (17055) TOMBO. ACTA ODONATOLOGICA

tronoda tax. n.: Telephlebiidaes. n. and Dendro- (ISSN 0495-8314). Vol. 49, Nos 1/4 (30 Jan. 2007).

- Dr aeschna Tillyard) are characterized in terms oftheir (Engl. & Jap., mostly with Engl, titles). (do

chorologyand ecology. Numerous photographs of S. Eda, 3-4-25 Sawamura, Matsumoto, Nagano,

live dragonfliesand prepared specimens document 390-0877, JA).

the diversity of morphology and coloration in these Sasamoto, A.: Description of a new Nososticta

insects. species from Biak Island, Indonesia (Zygoptera:

N. hiroakii - Sa- Protoneuridae)(pp, 1 -4); sp, n.);

(17051) [PFAU, H.K.], 2007. Visitors: Hans Klaus samoto, A. & I. Kawashima: Description of the last

Pfau. EnlNews 22(6): 5, with portrait on the cov- instar larva of Amphigomphusnakamurai Karube.

2001 er. from northern Vietnam, Indo-China (pp. 5-9);

A I. note on his visit (25 May 2007) of the Odon. col- Kawashima. & A. Sasamoto'. Descriptions of

lection, Dept Ent., Smithsonian Natn. Mus. Nat. the last two instar larvae of Heliaeschna filostyla

Hist., to study and photographthe axilliary plates Martin, 1906 from Sulawesi Island, Indonesia (pp.

of wings of Petaluridae and primitive Gomphidae. 9-14); - Naraoka, H. & K. Takahashi: The land-

After his retirement from the Zool. Inst., Univ. Tu- ing from the water and the terrestrial periodbefore

Dr Pfau is his life- of the final instar larvae of bingen (Germany), continuing emergence Epiophlebia 298 Odonatological Abstracts

— superstes Selys (pp. 15-21); Eda, S.: Color pat- temporal patterns in andromorph frequency can

terns of the larvae of Epiophlebia superstes Selys be understood on the basis of sexual harassment

(P- 22); — Ozono, A.. H. Karube & N. Muramatsu: A theory. N. irene was sampled among regionsacross

new record for the Japanese fauna of Neurothemis Canada, and at several sites, over the reproductive

r. ramburii (Kaup in Brauer, 1866) from Yonagu- season, within central Canada. Andromorph fre-

— 0 In ni-jima Is., SW Ryukyus (pp. 23-26); Nishiura, quencies ranged from to>90% across Canada.

N.: Records of Sympetrum fonscolombii and S. particular, sites in W Canada had consistently high

uniforme in Osaka prefecture (pp. 27-28); — Mal- andromorphfrequencies, whereas andromorph fre-

central sites suhira, K. : Anew record of Sympetrum fonscolom- quencies among were lower and varia-

bii from eastern Amami-Oshima Is., Amami Islands (p. 29); ble and, among sites, werelower still (except

Veda, A.. H. Karube, W.A. Noerdjito & K. Fuku- 1 site) and relatively invariant. For populations in

central both and yama: A new record of Brachythemis contaminata Canada, andromorph frequencies

(Fabricius, 1793) from Borneo (pp. 29-30); - Eda. populationdensities varied significantly overtime,

S.: On amature male of Planaeschna milnei (Selys) reaching a peak mid-season. As expected, morph

with the reflecting wings (p. 30); — Osada, M: An frequency covaried significantly with estimates of

observation of the oviposition site of Chlorogo- harassment in some cases, but estimates of d har-

mhus okinawensis Ishida (pp. 31-32); — Kimura, assment did notconsistently account for variation

S.. K. Ikeda & T. Teramoto: Adults of Boyeria ma- in morph frequencieswithin all regions. Additional

clachlani collected firstly from Yamanashi prefec- factors such as genetic drift may influence morph

— of ture (p. 32); Kila. H. & A. Ozono: Notes on the frequency at the edge a species’ range. Future

work should oviposition of a libellulid species, Brachythemis also test, and attempt to explaincau-

contaminata (Fabricius, 1793), in Ishigaki-jima Is., sation, for seasonal variation in morph frequency.

Yaeyama Isis, SW Ryukyus (pp. 33-34); - Eda. S.:

& D. A recollection of Lestes temporalis Selys as a nox- (17057) VAN TOL, J. GASSMANN, 2007. Zo-

ious insect to mulberry and fruit trees (pp, 35-40); ogeography of freshwater invertebrates of South-

- An introduction to“Fundamental study of ani- east Asia, with specialreference toOdonata. In: W.

mals for teaching material” (pp. 40-43); — Itoh, S.: Renema,[Ed.], Biogeography,time andplace: distri-

A case ofhorizontal perching in Pantala flavescens butions. barriers and islands 45-91, — , pp. Springer.

(Fabricius)(p.43); - Malsuhira,K. : The first record (First Author: Naturalis, P.O, Box 9517, NL-2300

of Rhipidolestesokinawanus (Asahina, 1951) from RA Leiden).

Yero-jima Is., Amami Islands (p. 44); — Eda, .S'.; The present knowledge of the historical biogeogra-

On the puncta of nodi on the wings of Libellula phy ofaquaticinvertebrate groups isreviewed. Most

quadrimaculata asahinai Schmidt (p. 48). orders of aquatic insects have a fossil record start-

ingin the Early Permian, or Middle Carboniferous

(17056) VAN GOSSUM, H., K. HE1RINCK.X, (Odon.), making even the break-up of Gondwana

M R. FORBES & T.W. SHERRATT, 2007. Do (Late Jurassic) relevant to understandingpresent

current hypotheses explain continental and sea- distributional patterns. The complex geological his-

sonal variation in female morph frequencies of the tory of Asia is summarized, and geological area

J. Linn. 90: Nehalennia irene? Biol. Soc. cladogramspresented. Biogeographicalstudies are

501-508. — (First Author: Evol. Biol. Gr., Univ. seriously hamperedby the limited information on

Antwerp, Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Ant- subaerial history of the various islands and teranes.

werp). The historical biogeography of the Platycnemidi-

9-limited colour in with reference the Calicne- polymorphism occurs many dae, special to subfamily

where resembles the d is of the first of Zygopt. sp., onemorph (an- miinae, presented asone examples

dromorph) and the other is dissimilar (gynomorph). such a study of a widespread group. The species of

for this but southeast Asia derived from African Explanations phenomenon vary, most Platycnemidi-

assume that andromorphism has arisen in odon. dae. Malesian Calicnemiinae derived from ancestors

the mainland of and as a response to excessive d harassment. Here, the on Asia, may have dispersed

extent of continental and seasonal variation in S along the Izu-Bonin Arc (40-50 Ma), or along the

morph frequencies is quantified in a widely-distrib- Late Cretaceous “Inner Melanesian Arc" sensus

uted and it is asked whether the Polhemus. A clade of the Lieftinckia and damselfly spatio- genera Odonatological Abstracts 299

Risiocnemis (SolomonIslands and the Philippines) gium and in the British Museum of Natural History,

westward of the UK allowed solve taxonomic riddles represents amore recent dispersal London, to

Calicnemiinae,via the Caroline and PhilippineArcs regarding several Zygoptera genera from the neo-

during the Oligocene. Various other more limited tropical region. Notes on the status of several types

phylogenetic reconstructions and biogeographical are provided, and the following new synonymies

1946 analyses of other freshwater invertebrates,particu- are introduced: Argia huallaga Fraser, = A.

larly Odon. and Hemiptera,arediscussed. Areas of adamsi Calvert, 1902; Argia makoka Fraser, 1946

= endemism on New Guinea are generallycongruent A. kokama Fraser, 1946; Argia mollusca Fraser,

entities micro- = collata trifoliata with geological recognized, e.g., the 1946 A. Selys, 1865;Argia Fraser,

terranes alongthe northern marginof New Guinea. 1946 = A. variegataForster, 1914; Argia umbriaca

Special attention is paid to the fauna of Sulawesi. Fraser, 1946 = A. indicatrix Calvert, 1902; Amphi-

Area cladistic reconstructions based on distribu- agrion amphion Selys, 1876 = Ischnura verticalis

tion patterns and phylogeneticreconstructions of, (Say, 1840); a new combination: Oxyagrion cardi-

Protosticta and nals 1946 cardinalis e.g., Selys (Platystictidae) genera Fraser, to Leptobasis (Fraser,

and species of Chlorocyphidae show a pattern of 1946); and three lectotype designations (for Acan- - (northern arm [SW arm central and SE arm]), thagriongracilerace? lancea Selys, 1876, Acantha-

which is a reflection of the geological history of grion trimaculatum Selys, 1876, and Leptagrion

in flammeum the island. Biogeographicalpatterns recognized Selys, 1876).

freshwater invertebrates of Malesia do not princi-

pally differ from those found in strictly terrestrial (17060) WALIA, G.K., 2007. Cytomorphological

Fraser taxa. The distribution of land and water seems tobe studies on Gynacantha milliardi of the fam-

the driving force in speciationduringthe Cenozoic. ily Aeschnidae (Anisoptera; Odonata). Cylologia

It is unresolved whether rafting ofbiota on the vari- 72(1): 57-62. — (Dept Zook, Punjabi Univ., Pa-

ous island arcs, or congruent patterns in dispersal, tiala-147002,Punjab, India).

In In- are to be considered the underlying principle. The individuals from Mangalore(Karnataka, S

habitat and 2 in viz. extreme requirements poor dispersal dia), karyotypes occur a spermatogenesis,

of involved make dis- 2n c? = 27 n 3 = 14 and 2n 3 = n 3 = power many spp. seem to a m, m, 25,

recent in persal scenario unlikely. However, studies 13, with XO sex determining mode both cases.

show that such habitat specialization may develop

rapidly. (17061) WARE, J„ M. MAY &k. KJER, 2007. Phy-

togeny of the higher (Anisoptera:

(17058) VERAGHTERT, W. & B. VOGELS, 2007. Odonata); an exploration of the most speciose

De zuidelijke heidelibel (Sympetrum meridionale) superfamily of dragonflies. Mol. Phylogen. Evol.

in Bospolderte Ekeren. — [Sympetrum meridionale 45: 289-310. — (First Author: Dept Ent., Rutgers

in 93 New NJ Bospolder at Ekeren, Antwerp prov., Belgium]. Univ,, Lipman Dr., Brunswick, 08901,

Anteme 1(1): 8-9. (Dutch). — (First Author: Den- USA).

nenlaan 13. B-2500 Lier). This study provides a well-substantiated phylogeny

2 9 (13/18-VIII-2006) are brought on record, and of the Libelluloidea generated from gene fragments

the records from Flanders reviewed. At of 2 the 16S and 28S ribosomal recent are independent genes,

the number of records of this in Flan- RNA and models that take into present, sp. (rRNA), using ac-

ders (Belgium) is moderately increasing. count non-independenceof correlated rRNA sites.

93 ingrouptaxa and 6 outgroup taxa were ampli-

(17059) VON ELLENRIEDER, N. & R.W. GAR- fied for the 28S fragment; 78 ingroup taxa and 5

RISON, 2007. Untanglingsome taxonomic riddles outgroup taxa were amplifiedfor the 16S fragment.

on damselflygenera (Zygoptera) from the neotropi- Bayesian, likelihood and parsimony analyses of the

cal region. Ini. Dragonfly Fund Rep. 11: 1-34. - combined data produce well-resolved phylogenetic

(Second Author: Plan Pests Diagnostics, California hypotheses and several previously suggestedmono-

Food & 3294 Meadowview Sac- each Dept Agric., Rd, phyletic groups were supported by analysis.

ramento, CA 95832-1448,USA). Macromiinae,Corduliidae s.s., and Libellulidae are

Examination of type material deposited in the Royal each monophyletic. The corduliid (s.l.) subfamilies

BelgianInstitute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Bel- Synthemistinae, Gomphomacromiinae,and Idi- 300 OdonatologicalAbstracts

form described, illustrated and with similar onychinae a monophyletic group, separate compared

from the Corduliinae. Libellulidae comprises 3 pre- spp.

viously accepted subfamilies (Urothemistinae, a

restricted Tetrathemistinae. and a modified 2008 very

Libellulinae) and 5 additional consistently recov-

of the other Provincie de bon libelle. - ered groups. None previously pro- (17064) ANR 2008. op om

AD posed subfamilies are supported. Bayesian analyses [The province booked for a dragonfly]. Utrechts

with additional 71 obtained from Nieuwsblad issue of 22 run an sequences (Utrecht Dost) 3(172): 8;

Gen Bank did not alter these conclusions. The evolu- March. (Dutch).

tion of adult and larval morphologicalcharacters The province of Groningen (the Netherlands) and

is discussed here to suggest areas for future focus. the watership of the Hunze and Aa were fined by

This study shows the inherent problems in using the Environment Police for destructingthe Aeshna

poorly defined and sometimes inaccurately scored viridis eggs (deposited in Stratiotes aloides) while

characters, basing groups on symplesiomorphies working on the Kiel-Windeweer waterway. The

and failure to recognize the widespread effects of province and the watership had to stop the work.

character correlation and convergence, especially

in of venation. J. & R.G. DEATH, 2008. aspects wing (17065) BARQUIN, Physi-

cal and chemical differences in karst springs of Can-

(17062) WINKEL, S., M. SCHROTH, W, tabria, northern Spain: do invertebrate communities

& M. BRESSLER, E. FLOBER KUPRIAN. 2007. correspond?Aquut. Ecol. 2008:11 pp. DOI 10.1007/

Wiederfund der Kleinen Zanglibelle(Onychogom- s 10452-008-9170-2. — (First Author: InstoHidrau-

phus forcipatus] im Natura 2000-Gebiet 5818-401 lica Ambiental, Dpto CYTAMA,Univ. Cantabria.

"Main bei Muhlheim und NSO Rumpenheimer & Avda Los Castros s/n, ES-Santander, Cantabria).

BiirgelerKiesgruben” und Riickkehr der Artan den Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were stud-

Untermain. Insecta 10: 123-128. - (First Author; ied and environmental variables were measured in

NABU LAG Naturentwicklung & Biodiversitat, 6 rheocrene springs. The odon. were represened by

Pommernstr. 7, D-63069 Offenbach am Main). Onychogomphus sp. and Aeshna sp.

In Hessen (Germany), O. forcipatus was almost ex-

tict in the 1970s and 1980s. In the early 1990s. thesp. (17066) CONTRERAS-CARDUNO, J.. J.CANAL-

N. was restricted to small populations on the Kinzig ES-LAZSCANO, J.G. JIMENEZ-CORTES,

and the Eder. Since then, the province of Hessen JUAREZ-VALDEZ, H. LANZ-MENDOZA&A.

in the of A COR DOBA-AGUI 2008. and appears process re-population again. EAR, Spatial tem-

chronological review is presented of the 1992-2006 poral population differences in male density and

records and observations on the Lower Main R. condition in the American rubyspot, Hetaerina

and in the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg. The americana (Insecta: Calopterygidae). Ecol. Res.

generalimprovement of water quality and habitat 2008:9 pp. DOI 10.1007/211284-008-0476-2. -

Author: Ecol. Inst. structure, as well asthe climatologicalwarming up (Last Depto Evolutiva. Ecol.,

for UNAM, Postal 70-275, Ciudad are considered responsibel the current expan- Apdo Universitaria,

sion. MX-04510 Mexico, D.F.).

Increased resourceavailability should favour higher

(17063) YU, X. & W. BU, 2007. Two new species of animal density. It may also affect sex ration, the

Coenagrion Kirby, 1890, from China (Odonata: condition, and mating competition over access to

Zygoptera; Coenagrionidae).Zovlaxa 1664:55-59. 9 $, although the direction of these variables is

— (Inst. Ent., Coll. Life Sci.. Nankai Univ., Tian- not straightforwardto predict. Using a non-exper-

jin-300071, China). imental approach, preliminary research was carried

6 the territorial americana C. aculeatum sp. n. (holotype : Chongqing, out using H. by compar-

Jiangjin, 23-V-2001; deposited in Life Sci. Coll.. ing 2 spatially separated populations and the same

Hebei Univ., Baoding,China) and C. tengchongenis population in 2 different seasons (each compari-

sp. n.(holotype 6 : Yunnan, Tengchong,Zhengding, son with varying population densities). First the

alt. 1800 m. 15-VIII-2006; depositedin Inst. Ent., sex ratio was compared by counting 6 6 (using 2

Life Sci. Coll., Nankai Univ., Tianjin, China) are categories, territorial and non-territorial)and 9 9; Odonatological Abstracts 301

relative foraging time (as an indicator of how much - Isltizawa. N.: Three events in oviposition behav-

each site size feedingresources provides); wing spot iour of Sympetrum frequens Selys (p. 10).

(a sexual ornament), body size and immune mela-

nization 2 variables used to response (these were (17069) DIJKSTRA, K.-D.B., 2008. Libellen van

assess 3 condition);and fighting time and contest Europa. Veldgids met alle libellen lussen Noordpool

number (to assess competition).For the seasonal en Sahara. — [Dragonflies of Europe. Field guide

comparison,a third population was used, in which covering all species between the norlhpolar region

3 size and 2 indicators of condition and and the Hard- only spot Sahara], Tirion, Baarn, 320 pp.

immune response phenoloxidase (PO) and nitric cover (14.0x22.0 cm). ISBN 978-90-5210-700-4.

oxide The — P.O. Box NL-3740 (NO)was compared. high-density popu- (Dutch). (Publishers: 390,

lation had highervalues of non-territorial 33 (but AH Baarn).

similar sex ratio), relative foraging time, contest Dutch edition of the work described in OA 16332,

time and number,wingspot (but similar body size)

and melanization than the response low-density (17070) FINCKE, O.M., & I. HEDSTROM, 2008.

population. According to season, at high density, Differences in forest use and colonization by neo-

3 3 had higher values of wingspots, PO, and NO. tropical tree-hole damselflies (Odonata: Pseudostig-

The results suggest that in a population where ani- matidae):implicationsfor forest conservation. Stud,

mals have

ter condition despite the competition being more DeptZool.. Univ. Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019,

intense. USA).

Differential habitat use in primary and secondary

RAVANELLO (17067) COSTA, J.M., C.T. & G.M. forests is documented for 2 genera, importantpred-

SOUZA-FRANCO, 2008. Description of a new ators of tree-hole breeding mosquitoes in tropical

species of Neocordulia Selys, 1882 (Odonata: Libel- forests. In a lowland moist forest of Panama, adults

from southern Brazil. Zootaxa moved between old and lulidae,Corduliinae) primary (400 yr old) con-

1704: 64-68. - (First Author; Depto Ent., Mus. tiguoussecondary forest (60 yrold) and reproduced

Nac. UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristovao, seasonally in both types. However, Mecistogaster

BR-20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ). linearis and M. ornatawere more common in sec-

N. santacarinensis sp. n. and its larva aredescribed ondary forest, whereas Megaloprepus caerulatus

and based reared 6 and its exuviae. illustrated, ona was most common in primary forest. These differ-

Holotype 3 : Brazil, Santa Catarina, Irani R., Ponte encesin landscape use were reflected in differential

Serrada, emerged IX-2006; deposited at MNRJ, Rio colonization of tree-hole analoge (plastic pots) in

de Janeiro. It is similar to N. androgynis (Sel.); the primary forest and highly altered secondary growth

separating features are outlined. (20yr old) in a lowland wet forest in Costa Rica,

where reproduction of both spp. was aseasonal.

(17068) DIGESTOFJA PANESE ODONA TOLOG- M. linearis larvae were commonly found in pots at

ICAL SHORT No. 21 both habitat whereas COMMUNICATIONS, types, Megaloprepus rarely

— translated and colonized in altered sites. (March 2008). Compiled, pro- pots The results suggest

duced by K. Ishizawa (1644-15, Yamaguchi, Toko- that Megaloprepusis particularlysusceptible tofor-

rozawa, Saitama, 359-1145, JA). est conversion, and call for increased focus on the

Isowaki. M. : Dragonfly fauna of Hirata-no-satoya- dispersal ability of all pseudostigmatids. In tropi-

ma in Kagoshima, southern Japan (pp. 1-3); — cal moist and wet forests that harbour water-filled

Kimura, S.: Field observation on of the of the emergence tree-holes, presence conspicuous Megalo-

Aeshna mixta soneharai Asahina — (pp. 4-6); prepus and similar spp. may serveas bio-indicators

H. Naraoka, : Weather factor on the reproductive of the loss of which a healthy predator guild, may

behaviour of Lestes temporalis Selys (pp. 6-8); — adversely impact human health.

Kano. K. & T. Miyahalu: Death mimicry of Baya-

dera brevicauda ishigakianaAsahina and Euphaea (17071) GLIGOROVlC, B. & V. PESIC, 2008. Con-

— yayeyamana Oguma (pp. 8-9); Kano, K. & S. tribution to knowledge of the dragonflies(Odonata)

Kalo: Posture of a female in copulating flight of from Lake Skadar’s drainage basin (Montenegro).

clavatus — Synictinogomphus (Fabricius) (pp. 9-10); Acta ent. serh. 12(2): 11-16. (With Serbian s.). 302 Odonatological Abstracts

(Dept Biol., Fac, Sci., Univ. Montenegro,Cetinjski higher taxa in Insecta: findingsynapomorphies in

Put b.b., ME-81000 Podgorica). the extant fauna and separating them from homo-

45 and of which Evol. Biol. 35:4-51. — Carleton spp. sspp. are listed, Sympecma plasies. (Earth Sci.,

fusca and Ceriagriontenellum arenew for the fauna Univ., Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6, CA).

methods of Montenegro(cf. OA 16968), while Aeshna isos- Most currently applied systematic use post-

-groundplancharacter states to reconstruct celes and Brachytron pratense are recorded for the phylo-

first time from Lake Skadar basin. With reference genies in modem higher Insecta/Arthropodataxa.

the distribution of the Orthetrum coerulescens this is unable to But, approach to separate synapo-

infraspecific taxa in this part of the world, the oc- morphies from frequently occurring homoplasies.

currence of the nominate form is of particular in- Conflicting,unresolved and unrealistic higher-level

terest. phylogenies result. The reasons are analysed. A

contrasting “groundplan” method, long used in

(17072) KALKMAN, V.J., V. CLAUSNITZER, K.- Vertebrata and found to be superior in resolving

D.B. DIJKSTRA, A.G. ORR, D.R. PAULSON higher-level phylogenies, is described. This method,

& J. VAN TOL, 2008. Global diversity of dragon- as used for insects, usesa highlydiversified morpho-

flies (Odonata) in freshwater. Hydrohiologia 595; logical organ system (such as limb/wing),identifies

351-363. — (FirstAuthor: Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, its homologuesin all subphyla and classes, records

NL-2300 RA Leiden). the full history of itscharacter transformation series

Larvae in all from the shared Paleozoic ancestor of almost all of the 5680 odon. spp. are lineages

freshwater habitats. have modem the full dependenton Many spp. to times, pursues homologization

small distributional and habitat of its character in all modern and ranges, are special- states orders,

ists, includinginhabitants of alpinemountain bogs, verifies these data with evidence from other fields

in rain and waterfalls. of such broad dataset seepage areas tropical forests, biology. Only anextremely

They are often successfully used as indicators for provides the complex informtion needed to identify

states environmental health and conservation manage- and homologizethe groundplancharacter in

modem orders and other in the insect/ ment. The highest diversity is found in flowing wa- higher taxa

ters in rain forests in the tropics, the oriental and fauna. After this is accomplished, the

neotropical regions being the most speciose. This gate to recognizing higher-level synapomorphies

is character in- paper discusses diversity, summarises the biogeog- open. Only groundplan-level states raphy in the different biogeographical regions and clude distinct synapomorphies,since homoplasies

total of either absent detectable. gives the number spp. and gen. per fam. are or easily Examples are

The of and per biogeographical region. Exampls are given of given. interpretations higher phylogenies

areas of particular diversity, in terms of areas of evolutionary processes in Hexapoda, based on the

of ancient remark- and often endemism, presence lineagesor unpredictable misleading post-ground-

able recent radiations, but no well-based review of plan character states found in extant. Tertiary and

areas with high endemism is available so far. The Mesozoic fauna, arecritically comparedwith those

of Odon. is briefly discussed. based on the evolution of organ systems, by using

Spp. confined to small remnants of forest in the the groundplanmethod.

tropics are most under threat of extinction by hu-

man activities. (17075) MIROGLU, A. & V. KARTAL, 2008. Ad-

ditional notes on the Odonata fauna of Kurupelit

(17073) KIAUTA, B„ 2008. Voorwoord. - [Fore- (Samsun, Turkey). Turk. J. Zool. 32: 33-41. (With

In: K.-D.B. — word]. Dijkstra, Libellen van Europa, Turk. s.). (Dept Biol., Fac. Sci. & Arts, Ondokuz

Baarn TR-55139 p. 5, Tirion, (ISBN 978-90-5210-700-4). Mayis Univ., Kurupelit, Samsun).

(Dutch). — (Callunastraat 6, NL-5853 GA Sie- Kurupelit is located in the Black Sea region of Tur-

27 9 of which for the fauna bengewald). key. spp. are listed, new

It includes a reference to the recent discovery of of Samsun.

Trithemis kirbyi in southern Spain (cf. D. Chelmick

& B.P. Pickess, 2008, Notul. odonatol. 7: 4-5). (17076) NEW, T.R., 2008. What’s in common

names: are they really valuable in insect conserva-

2008. of tion? J. Insect Conserv. 2008: 3 DOI 10.1007/ (17074) KUKALOVA-PECK, X, Phytogeny pp. OdonatologicalAbstracts 303

S10841-007-9127-0. - (DeptZool.,LaTrobeUniv., have been used to define species boundaries and

Victoria-3086, AU). discover ‘cryptic species’. However, a universal

the The exhaustive considerations on subject are threshold of genetic distance values to distinguish

concluded by the statement: “In contexts such as taxonomic groups cannot be determined. As an

conservation advocacy, where nonspecialistinterest alternative, DNA barcoding approaches can be

becomes paramount, well-focused common names ‘character based’, whereby species are identified

for insects areimportantin facilitatingcommunica- through the presence or absence of discrete nucle-

tion and should be coined and used with pride”. otide substitutions (character states) within a DNA

sequence. Here the potential of character-based

(17077) ODONA TOLOGICAL ABSTRA CTSER V- DNA barcodes is demonstrated by analysing 833

ICE (ISSN 1438-0269),No. 21 (Feb. 2008), 76 pp. odon. specimens from 103 localities belonging to

— M. 64 (Distributor: Schorr, Schulstr. 7b, D-54314 spp. A total of 54 spp. and 22 gen. could be dis-

Zerf). criminated reliablythroughunique combinations of

Nos Abstracts 6413-6841 of works published in character states within only onemitochondrial gene

1997-2008. region (NADH dehydrogenase 1). Character-based

DNA barcodes were further successfully established

(17078) OHBA, S.-y, H. MIYASAKA& F. NAKA- at a population level discriminating 7 population-

SUJI, 2008. The role of amphibianprey in the diet -specific entities out of a total of 19 populations

of and growth giant waterbug nymphs in Japanese belonging to 3 spp. Thus, for the first time, DNA

rice fields. Popul. Ecol. 50:9-15. — (First Author: barcodes have been found toidentify entities below

Lab. Insect. Grad. Sch. Envir. the level that constitute Ecol., Sci., Okayama species may separate con-

Univ., Tsushima, Okayama, 700-8530, JA). servation units or even species units. These findings

A rearing experiment demonstrated that Kirkal- suggest that character-based DNA barcoding can

dyia (= Lethocerus) deyrolli larvae (Heteroptera: be a rapid and reliable means for (i) the assignment

with had of unknown taxonomic Belostomatidae)provided tadpoles greater specimens to a group, (ii)

specific growth rates at all stages, except for the fi- the exploration of diagnosability of conservation

nal than those fed other and and taxonomic identifi- stage, on prey (frogs units, (iii) complementing

larval Lestes Anax cation Copera annulata, spp., parthe- systems.

nope Julius, A. nigrofasciatus, Gynacantha japoni-

ca, Orthetrum albistylum speciosum, Sympetrum (17081) SHARMA, A., R.C. SHARMA & A.

frequens and S. infuscatum). ANTHWAL, 2008. Surveying of aquatic insect

diversity of Chandrabhagariver, Garhwal Hima-

10 DOI (17079) PTEROBOSCA. Newsletter of the Japanese layas. Environmentalist 2008: pp. 10.1007/ — Society for Odonatology (ISSN none). Nos 10/A si 0669-007-9155-z. (Second Author: Dept Envir.

(15 June 2004), 10/B (25 Feb. 2005), 11/A (10 July Sci., H.N.B. Garhwal Univ.,P.O. Box 67, Srinagar,

2005), 11/B (10 Jan. 2006), 12/A (30 June 2006), Garhwal-246174, India).

12/B (20 Jan. 2007), 13/A (5 July 2007), 13/B (20 Aquatic insect diversity was surveyed duringOct.

Feb. 2008), (Jap.). - (do Dr S. Eda, 3-4-25 Sawa- 1999-Sept. 2001, and all the important physico-

mura, Matsumoto, Nagano, 390-0877, JA). -chemical environmental variables were measured.

[Translation of titles not available.] Odon. contributed 2% to the aquatic insect diver-

sity, and were representedby “Agrion” and Brachy-

R. I.N. B. (17080) RACK, J„ DeSALLE, SARKAR, themis. Specific names are not stated.

SCHIERWATER & H. HADRYS, 2008. Character-

-based DNA barcoding allows discrimination of (17082) VAN KLEEF, H„ G. VAN DER VELDE,

and in Proc. R.S.E.V. LEUVEN & H. 2008. Pum- genera, species populations Odonata, ESSELINK,

R. Soc. (B) 275: 237-247. - (Last Author: ITZ, kinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) invasions fa-

Ecol. & Evol. Biol., TiHi Hannover, Biinteweg 17d, cilitated by introductions and nature management

D-30559 Hannover). strongly reduce raacroinvertebrate abundance in

isolated DNA barcodinghas become a promisingmeans for water bodies. Biol. Invasions 2008; 10 pp.

identifying organisms of all life stages. Currently, DOI 10.1007/s 10530-008-9220-7. - (Second Au-

phonetic approaches and tree-building methods thor: Naturalis, P.O. Box 9517, NL-2300 RA Lei- 304 OdonalologicalAbstracts

den). rizonofthe Tunjice Hills, Slovenia (age ca 11.6-12.7

The investigations were carried out at 8 pools in Myr BP), based on a plate and counterplateof an

the Netherlands; 4 of these housed large Lepomis isolated fore- and hindwing. It is comparedwith the

the other 4 did contain fossil libellulid ofsimilar populations not Lepomis. genera age.

Macroinvertebrate abundance in pools populated

by Lepomis was 83% lower than in those without (17084) ZHANG, B„ D. REN & H. PANG, 2008.

the fish. The odon. densities in the Odonata: average Lepomis New dragonflies(Insecta: Gomphaesch-

4.2 individuals/m and in those from the Yixian Formation in Inner Mon- pools were 5.4 ± % nidae)

without Lepomis 40.3 ± 6,7. golia, China, Progr. nut. Sci. 18: 59-64. - (Second

Author: Coll. Life Sci., CapitalNormal Univ., Bei-

(17083) ZESSIN, V, J. ZALOHAR & T. HITU, 2008. jing-100037,China).

A newfossil dragonfly (Insecta, Odonata, Libelluli- Sophoaeschna frigida gen. n., sp. n. and Falsiso-

of the Miocene Sarmatian of described dae) (Lower Tunjice phoaeschna generalis gen. n., sp. n. are

Hills, Slovenia. Virgo!MinBi cut. Ver. Mecklenburg from the Yixian Formation (Upper Jurassic-Low-

11(1): 86-96. (With Germ. s.). - (First Author: er Cretaceous) in Liutiaogou village, Ningcheng

— Lange Str. 9, D-19230 Jasnitz; Second Author; co. The holotypes are deposited in Coll. Life Sci.,

Dept Geol.,Univ. Ljubljana,Askerceva 12,81-1000 CapitalNormal Univ., Beijing, China. This is the

Ljubljana). first report on Odon. from this formation in Inner

Sloveniatrum robici is described from and the second record of fossil Gom- gen. n., sp. n . Mongolia

the upper part ofthe sixth bed of the CoproliticHo- phaeschnidae from China.