Odonatological Abstracts 2000 2001. Odonatos (Insecta) depositadosenel Institute de Ciudad de la Habana. Ecologia y Sistematica, (16969) HUSSAIN, R. & M. RIAS, 2000. Descrip- Cocuyo 11: 11-15. — (Inst. Ecol. & Sist., CITMA, tion ofthe naiads of Gomphidiat-nigrumSelys and Apartado Postal 8029, Habana-10800,Cuba). Anax A checklist of 78 with all from parthenopeSelys (Anisoptera; Odonata). Ini. spp,, localities, — Cuba. J. Agric. Biol. 2(1/2): 167-168. (First Author: Pest Warning& Quality Control of Pesticides, Pakpat- tan, Pakistan). (16973) TRNKA, R., 2001. Vazky, vzdusni pira- The larvae 2 ti medzi - ofthe spp. aredescribed and illustrated hmyzom. [Dragonflies, aerial pirates Prir. from various localities in Sindh prov., Pakistan. among insects]. Ochr. slovenska 2001(2): 7. Slovak.). — (Author’s address not stated). A 2001 general note on dragonflies,with abrief assess- ment of the fauna (26 spp.) of the Homa Orava 2001. Obitu- Landscape Park, Slovakia. 10 (16970) [ALAYO, P.D.] GENARO, J.A., noteworthy sp. are ario Pastor Alayo Dalmau (1915-2001). Cocuyo II: listed. The park represents the sole known locality 2-7, with personal recollections by I. Garcia Avila, for Leucorrhinia rubicunda in Slovakia, and the N. Novoa, G. Alaydn Garcia, L.F. de Armas and E. only confirmed locality for Somatochlora alpestris Reyes appended on pp. 7-9. - (Mus. Nac. Hist. in that country. Nat., Obispo 61, Habana Vieja-10100, Cuba. 2002 A brief biographyand appreciation of work of the noted Cuban entomologist,with a portrait and his (16974) ASAITHAMBI, complete bibliography (1946-2001). He is the au- M.&S. MANICKAVASA- thor of several important odonatol. publications, GAM, 2002. Odonata of Annamalai University, inch Tamil the monograph on the Odon. of Cuba (1968, Annamalainagar, Nadu, India. Zoos’ Print Torreia [N.S.] 2: 1-102, 3: 1-54). J. 17(2): 704-706. — (Dept Ent., Fac. Agric., An- namalai Univ., Tamil Nadu-608002, India). (16971) RAMOS HERNANDEZ, J.M. & L.F. DE 23 spp. are brought on record (Chidambaram, Cuddalore ARMAS, 2001. Distribution geografica de Re- distr.). Anax guttatus, A. parthenope, martinia Crocothemis servilia Cuba Hemianax and secreta y en ephippiger, Gynacantha hyalina (Odonala; Aeshnidae, Libellulidae). Cocuyo 10: Ictinogomphus rapax were collected near light at 12-13. — (First Author: Apartado Postal 2204, night. Sancti Spiritus-60100, prov, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba). (16975) FERREIRA-PERUQUETTI, P.S. & P. DE The 2 described and the known 2002. Efeito de ambiental spp. are records MARCO, alteragao so- bre from Cuba are listed. comunidades de Odonata emriachos de Mata Atlantica de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Rena bras. Zool. (16972) REYESSANCHEZ, E.& A.D. ALVAREZ, 19(2): 317-327. (With Engl. s.). — (First Author: 284 OdonatologicalAbstracts Depto Hidrobiol., Univ. Fed. Sao Carlos, Caixa grion, based on material from various localities in Postal 676, BR-13565-905 Sao Carlos, SP). Sindh prov., Pakistan. The names of the respective The effect of riparian deforestation and stram im- spp. are not stated. poundments on an odon. community was studied in areas of the surviving Atlantic forest in Vigosa (16979) KOLAR, J., 2003. Dragon encounter. and in Rio Doce State Park (PERD). During 1997, Treeline Telegraph 2003 (Sept./Oct.): 1-2. — (do 29 documented. the odon. spp. were In Vigosa, as- Editor, Geauga Park Distr., 9160 Robinson Rd, sociation with lotic or lentic systems, and in PERD, Chardon, OH 44024-9148, USA). in areas with or without riparian vegetation were General on dragonflies compared. The results suggest that overall odon. species richness is high in areas without riparian (16980) RAIMUNDO, R.L.G.et al„ 2003. Manual de monitoramenlo vegetation. Probably so, because of productivity ambiental usando horbolelas eUbelu- increase in such areas and because of invasion by las. Reserva Extrativista do Alto Jurud. Unicamp, lentic 36 12col. incl. odon. spp. Campinas/SP. pp., pis (28 spp. onpis 11-12). ISBN 85-86572-13-6. - (Publishers: (16976) RAMOS HERNANDEZ, J.M. & L.F. DE Mus. Hist. Nat., Inst. Biol.. Univ. Campinas, Caixa ARMAS, 2002. Registros nuevos de odonatos (In- Postal 6109, BR-13081-970 Campinas, SP). el cabo de San A manual the of butterflies and secta) para Antonio, extreme mas on application occidental de Cuba. Cocuyo 12:6. — (FirstAuthor: odon. in the environmental monitoringin the Alto Apartado Postal 2204,Sancti Spiritus-60100,Sancti Jurua reserve (Acre. Brazil). Mecistogasterspp. are Spiritus prov., Cuba). said to be good indicators of forest quality. A checklist of 20 from Peninsula Guanahaca- spp. 8 bibas,Pinar del Rio prov,, Cuba. spp. are new for 2004 the region. (16981) COELHO, J.R., 2004. Insects in rock and Am. Enl. - 2003 roll cover art. 50(3): 142-151. (Biol. Program, Quincy Univ., 1800 CollegeAve, Quincy, (16977) CATLING, P.M., 2003. Dragonflies (Odo- IL 62301, USA). the Northwest in which insect nata) of Territories: status ranking Cases images are used on the cover and atlas. Univ. 49 Available art preliminary Ottawa. pp. of published rock and roll music are assembled on-line: http://www.nwtwildlife.com - (Biodiver- and analysed. Using the total number of insect- sity, Agriculture Canada, Saunders Bldg, Central related albums in this study (392, listed in App.) Kl Exp. Farm, Ottawa, ON, A 0C6, CA). and the onceby CDnow listed albums (ca 500.000), 35 based the number insect themes command less than 0.1% ofrock and spp. are given status ranks, on of and distributional within the roll occurrences area covers. Among these, most frequently repre- 9 territory. spp. are ranked as S2 (may be at risk), sented are Lepidoptera(36%), the odon. takingthe 19 as S3 (sensitive) and 7 asS4 (secure). The rank- 5th place, with 8% (31 covers). ing is based on a database of 1040 records; dates, localities and collectors arelisted. Rejected data and (16982) HUSSAIN, R. & K.B. AHMED, 2004. The possible additions are outlined, and regions requir- description of the naiads of Orthetrum, Trithemis further noted. Distribution for and from ing survey are maps Sympetrum (Odonata: Libellulidae) Sd. all spp. in the Northwest Territories (Canada) are Sindh province [Pakistan], Pakistan J.biol. 7(3): included. 419-422. — (First Author; Pest Warning& Quality Control of Pesticides, Pakpattan, Pakistan). (16978) HUSSAIN, R.&K..B. AHMED, 2003. Dam- The descriptions and illustrations are provided of selfly naiads (Odonata: Zygoptera) of Sindh, Paki- 1 larva per genus, but the names of the respective Ini. J. Biol. 53-56. — Author: stated. stan. Agric. 5(1): (First spp. are not Pest Warning& Quality Control ofPesticides, Pik- pattan, Pakistan). (16983) LANGHEINRICH, U.,S. T1SCHEW, R.M. One larva is described and illustrated from each of GERSBERG & V, LUDERITZ, 2004. Ditches and risk? the genera Lestes, Ceriagrion, Ischnura and Pseuda- canals in management of fens: opportunity or Odonatological Abstracts 285 A in the Natural case study Dromling Park, Germa- Landscape Park, with particular emphasis on Lepi- WetlandEcol. 12:429-445. - Au- and Stu- ny. Mngmt (First doptera, Trichoplera, Coleoptera Odonata], thor; Dept Water Mngmt,Univ. Appl. Sci. Magde- dencko-Doktoranckie Kolo Naukowe Ekologow Breitscheidstr. D-39144 UWM 28 - burg, 2, Magdeburg). w Olsztynie, Olsztyn-Jelen, pp. (Pol.). 25 odon, documented in canals and ditches addresses spp. were (No stated). ofthe Park E Estima- Includes checklist of 20 odon. - Ciechanow (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany). a spp.; tion of ecological integrity by a multimetric index prov., Poland. usingmacroinvertebrates indicates that waterbodies are in goodcondition according to the standards (16987) CATLING, P.M., CD. JONES & P. PRATT, of the European Water Framework Directive. [Eds], 2005. Ontario Odonata, Vol. 6 (including observations the Toronto Ento- for year 2004). S. CHAM & A. Toronto, iv+202 Softcover (16984) TAVERNER, J„ HOLD, mologists’ Assoc., pp. 2004. The dragonfliesof Hampshire. Pisces Pubis, (21.1x27.2 cm). ISBN 0-921631-30-8. - (Orders viii+136 Newbury, pp. Hardcover (18.8 x 25.0 to: A.J. Hanks, 34 Seaton Dr., Aurora, ON, L4G cm). ISBN 1-874357-26-9. Price: UK £ 28.50 net. 2K.I, CA). — (Publishers: Nature Bureau, 36 Kingfisher Sutherland. D.A.. M.J. Oldham, C D. Jones & P.D. Court, Hambridge Rd, Newbury, Berks, RG14 Pratt: Odonata of Ontario’s Hudson Bay Low- 5SJ, UK). land (pp. 1-11); — Catling, P.M.: Observations of A illustrated and of in thorough,very informative,richly possible migration Epitheca cynosura (Say) beautifully produced monographon the Odon. of Ontario and New York (pp. 12-13); — Bracken, B. UK Hampshire co., (37spp.). The titles of the main & C. Lewis'. Additions to the Odonata study area chapters are: “Geology and hydrology of Hamp- of the Britannia Conservation Area, Ottawa, ON shire” 1-5), “The human influence on - Bree. D.: Odonate fluctuations (pp. drag- (pp. 14-15); range onflies” “Habitats” (pp. 6-12), (pp. 13-35), “Sys- as illustrated by occurrencerecords ofthree species tematic list of species” (pp. 36-124), “Key sites” from Prince Edward county, Ontario (pp. 16-20); — (p. 125), “Conservation initiatives in Hampshire' Catling, PM.. B. Kostiuk&F. Conner. Odonata col- (pp. 126-128), and “Dragonflyrecording in Hamp- lected in the vicinity of the Queen’s University Biol- shire” include Station Lock — Hutch- (pp. 129-130).Species accounts pho- ogy at Chaffey’s (pp.21-30); of records and sections inson, R. & PM. The Canadian national tographs, a map text on Catling'. distribution, habitat, major localities,population collection of dragonflies(pp. 31-39); — Earley, C : strengths, flight period, and on the earliest/latest Gray Jaycatchingand eating dragonflies (p. 40); — dates, with a phenology graph. - A most attrac- Catling, R: More on Zebra Mussels attached to tive, high-quality British county dragonfly book. exuviae (p. 40); — Rothfels, C. & P. Catling'. Major dragonflymigration atHamilton (p.40); - Catling, 2005 P.: Global warming a potential explanation for the extension ofknown range of Hetaerina americana (16985) (Anonymous), 2005. Conservation Assess- (pp. 40-41); - Foster, R.F.: [book review] Dam- ment and ManagementPlan Workshop for freshwa- selflies ofthe Northeast [...], by E.
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