Lake Lothing Third Crossing Updated Book of Reference R3 – Clean Document Reference: SCC/LLTC/EX/183

The Lake Lothing Third Crossing () Development Consent Order 201[*]


______Document SCC/LLTC/EX/183: Updated Book of Reference R3 – Clean ______

Planning Act 2008

The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009

Regulation Number: 5(2)(d)

PINS Reference Number: TR010023

Author: County Council

Document Reference: SCC/LLTC/EX/183

Date: May 2019 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Updated Book of Reference R3 – Clean Document Reference: SCC/LLTC/EX/183 ------


1 Introduction ...... ii

1.1 Introduction to the Book of Reference ...... ii

1.2 Book of Reference Part 1 ...... ii

1.3 Book of Reference Part 2 ...... v

1.4 Book of Reference Part 3 ...... vi

1.5 Book of Reference Part 4 ...... vi

1.6 Book of Reference Part 5 ...... vi

1.7 Guide to DCO Documentation...... vi

1.8 Index to the Book of Reference ...... viii

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1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction to the Book of Reference

1.1.1 The Book of Reference (‘BoR’) is divided into five Parts as prescribed by Regulation 7(1) of the Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedures) Regulations 2009 (referred to hereafter as ‘the regulations’). Each of the five Parts is summarised below, together with a brief commentary on how the requirements in the regulations and the related definitions in the Planning Act 2008 have been interpreted and applied to the collation of each part of the BoR for the Lake Lothing Third Crossing ('the Scheme’).

1.1.2 The plot references included within the BoR refer to those shown on the Land Plans (application document reference 2.3).

1.1.3 All plot area measurements in the BoR are approximate, as these measurements are given in square metres, and each measurement is rounded up to the nearest whole square metre. 1.2 Book of Reference Part 1

1.2.1 Part 1 of the BoR is described in Regulation 7(1)(a) as follows:- “…Part 1 contains the names and addresses for service of each person within Categories 1 and 2 as set out in section 57 (categories for purposes of section 56(2)(d)) in respect of any land which it is proposed shall be subject to– (i) powers of compulsory acquisition; (ii) rights to use land, including the right to attach brackets or other equipment to buildings; or (iii) rights to carry out protective works to buildings..”

1.2.2 Category 1 persons are defined within section 57 of the Planning Act 2008 as those who own, lease, hold a tenancy in relation to, or occupy land within the Order limits.

1.2.3 Category 2 persons are those who have an interest in land within the Order limits or have the power to sell and convey or to release such land.

1.2.4 Part 1 of the BoR contains the names and addresses of each person within Category 1 and 2. For each plot, a description of the land and its approximate area are provided.

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1.2.5 The description of each plot also includes reference to the principal land use power(s) sought in the draft DCO in respect of that particular plot:

• In respect of plots shaded pink on the Land Plans, where the Applicant proposes to acquire the land (on an outright and permanent basis), the plot description includes this wording: “All interests and rights in…”

• In respect of plots shaded blue on the Land Plans, where the Applicant proposes to create and acquire new rights over land (including the right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge), the plot description includes this wording: “Acquisition of rights over…”

• In respect of plots hatched pink and blue on the Land Plans, where the Applicant proposes to acquire airspace and new rights over land (including the right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge), the plot description includes the wording “Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over…”

• In respect of plots shaded green on the Land Plans, where the Applicant proposes to possess and use land temporarily, the plot description includes this wording: “Temporary possession and use of…”

1.2.6 The four categories of wording described above cross-refer to articles in the draft DCO as follows:

• “All interests and rights in…” – the compulsory acquisition of land pursuant to article 22 of the draft DCO.

• “Acquisition of rights over…” – the creation and compulsory acquisition of new rights over land pursuant to article 25 of the draft DCO.

• “Acquisition of airspace and acquisition of rights over land…” – the compulsory acquisition of airspace and the creation and compulsory acquisition of new rights over land beneath that airspace, pursuant to article 26 of the draft DCO.

• “Temporary possession and use of…” – the temporary possession and use of land for the purposes of carrying out the authorised development pursuant to article 32, and for the purposes of maintaining the authorised development pursuant to article 33 of the draft DCO.

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1.2.7 The information above (in paragraphs 1.2.5 – 1.2.6) is summarised in the following table:

Colour of plot Wording used in Land use power Principal relevant on Land Plans BoR plot description sought DCO article

Pink “All interests and Compulsory acquisition Article 22 rights in…” of all interests and rights in land (including, as required, subsoil, surface land or airspace) Blue “Acquisition of Creation and Article 25 rights over…” compulsory acquisition of new rights (including, where necessary, a right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge structure) Hatched pink “Acquisition of Compulsory acquisition Article 26 and blue airspace above and of airspace together acquisition of rights with the creation and over…” compulsory acquisition of new rights (including, where necessary, a right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge structure) below that airspace Green “Temporary Temporary possession Articles 32 & 33 possession and use and use of land of…”

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1.3 Book of Reference Part 2

1.3.1 Part 2 of the BoR is described in Regulation 7(1)(b) as follows:- “…Part 2 contains the names and addresses for service of each person within Category 3 as set out in section 57;”

1.3.2 Category 3 persons are defined in section 57 as those who would or might be entitled to make a ‘relevant claim’ (being a claim under section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 and / or under Part 1 of the Land Compensation Act 1973 and / or under section 152(3) of the Planning Act 2008 as a result of the implementation of the Development Consent Order, as a result of that order having been implemented, or as a result of the use of the land once that order has been implemented.

1.3.3 It is considered that Category 3 includes Category 1 owners where land is not being acquired and all Category 1 lessees and tenants. Category 3 contains persons with interests in land within the Order limits. Category 3 also contains persons with interests in land outside the Order limits who, it is considered, might be able to make a relevant claim (as defined above).

1.3.4 Part 2a of the BoR contains the names and addresses of all those Category 3 persons with interests in land within the Order limits, who it is considered might be able to make a relevant claim. For each plot, a description of the land and its approximate area are provided. Part 2b contains the names and addresses of all those Category 3 persons with interests in land outside the Order limits who, it is considered, might be able to make a relevant claim (as defined above).

1.3.5 Part 2 of the BoR has been divided into two parts (Parts 2a and 2b) to aid clarity of presentation. As Part 2a contains Category 3 persons with interests in land within the Order limits, it necessarily includes information about plot numbers and plot descriptions. As there is no equivalent information on plots for Category 3 persons with land outside the Order limits, the Applicant has structured the part of the BoR that deals with such persons differently. To make this distinction clear, Part 2 of the BoR is split into two parts - Parts 2a and 2b.

1.3.6 Part 2b of the BoR contains Category 3 persons’ names and addresses for service and identifies the land to which a relevant claim might relate. Where a separate address for service is not specified the address for service is the same as the address to which a relevant claim might relate.

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1.4 Book of Reference Part 3

1.4.1 Part 3 of the BoR is described in Regulation 7(1)(c) as follows:- “…Part 3 contains the names of all those entitled to enjoy easements or other private rights over land (including private rights of navigation over water) which it is proposed shall be extinguished, suspended or interfered with.”

1.4.2 Part 3 of the BoR contains the names of all those persons who it is considered will have their private rights over land affected by the Scheme.

1.4.3 Certain relevant Category 2 persons included within Part 1 of the BoR have also been included within Part 3 where their rights may be considered to be affected. Examples include tenants of the land, or statutory undertakers with services in or under the land, and whose rights over the land are likely to be affected whether the land is required permanently or temporarily.

1.5 Book of Reference Part 4

1.5.1 Part 4 of the BoR is described in Regulation 7(1)(d) as follows:- “…Part 4 specifies the owner of any Crown interest in the land which is proposed to be used for the purposes of the order for which application is being made;”

1.6 Book of Reference Part 5

1.6.1 Part 5 of the BoR is described in Regulation 7(1)(e) as follows:- “…Part 5 specifies land— (i) the acquisition of which is subject to special parliamentary procedure; (ii) which is special category land; (iii) which is replacement land; and, for each plot of such land within which it is intended that all or part of the proposed development and works shall be carried out, the area in square metres of that plot.”

As is noted in Part 5 of the BoR, the Scheme does not affect any special category land or replacement land, and it is not anticipated that any of the land within the Order limits will be subject to special parliamentary procedure.

1.7 Guide to DCO Documentation

1.7.1 The following paragraphs provide a step by step guide to enable a person with an interest in land affected by the Scheme to use the DCO documentation to find out how the Applicant's proposals may affect the land in which they have an interest.

1.7.2 Step 1: Look at the Land Plans (application document reference 2.3) and find the area (plot(s)) of land in which you have an interest.

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1.7.3 Step 2: Note the colour of the plot and the number of the plot.

• The colour of the plot will give you an initial indication of the purpose for which the land in that plot is required:

o pink plots - compulsory acquisition of all interests and rights in land (including, as required, subsoil, surface land or airspace)

o pink plots hatched blue – compulsory acquisition of airspace together with the creation and compulsory acquisition of new rights (including, where necessary, a right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge structure) below that airspace

o blue plots – creation and compulsory acquisition of new rights (including, where necessary, a right to impose restrictive covenants to protect the new bridge structure)

o green plots – temporary possession and use of land

• Note the plot number – this will enable you to identify the land where it is referred to in other DCO documents – see Step 3 below.

1.7.4 Step 3: Use the plot number(s) to find references to the land in other DCO documents, such as:

• this Book of Reference (application document reference 4.3) – this provides a brief description of each plot (including an approximate area measurement) and details of persons who own, lease or otherwise occupy or have an interest in the land;

• the Statement of Reasons (application document reference 4.1) – see in particular Appendix A which:

o explains in more detail the purposes for which each plot of land is needed for the Scheme and how each plot of land is proposed to be used;

o provides cross-references to the numbered Works shown on the Works Plans (application document reference 2.4) and described in Schedule 1 to the draft DCO (application document reference 3.1);

• the draft Development Consent Order ('DCO') (application document reference 3.1).

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1.7.5 Here is a condensed version of the 3-step guide:

Step 1:

• See the Land Plans and find the land in which you

have an interest.

Step 2: • Using the Land Plans, note the plot number of the plot in which you have an interest.

Step 3: • Using the plot number, look up the plot in Appendix A to the Statement of Reasons. This will

tell you the purposes for which the plot is required.

• You can also look the plot up in: o the Book of Reference; and o the draft DCO.

1.8 Index to the Book of Reference District of Waveney Part 1 ...... p.1 Part 2a ...... p.203 Part 2b ...... p.387 Part 3 ...... p.493 Part 4 ...... p.567 Part 5 ...... p.569

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SCC/LLTC/EX/183 ix © WSP 2019 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-01 Approximately 9115 square metres First Essex Buses Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public 25 Bedford Street Davey House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, roundabout, footway, cycleway, bus stop, London 7B Castle Meadow Ermine Business Park verge and traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES Norwich Huntingdon (in respect of subsoil) Norfolk PE29 6XU NR1 3DE (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council (in respect of bus stop) Endeavour House B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 8 Russell Road Suffolk County Council 17th Floor Ipswich Endeavour House 125 Old Broad Street IP1 2BX 8 Russell Road London (in respect of public highway) Ipswich EC2N 1AR IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a transfer (in respect of public highway) dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus)

1 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 1-01 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

2 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 1-01 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

3 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-02 Approximately 95 square metres Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees V Suffolk County Council B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Limited Endeavour House 17th Floor footway, cycleway and verge (Peto Way, Prospect House 8 Russell Road 125 Old Broad Street Lowestoft) 168-170 Washway Road Ipswich London Sale IP1 2BX EC2N 1AR Greater Manchester (in respect of public highway) (in respect of rights granted by a transfer M33 6RH dated 10 December 2004) (in respect of part of registered title) Cadent Gas Limited Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees VI Ashbrook Court Limited Prologis Park Prospect House Central Boulevard 168-170 Washway Road Coventry Sale CV7 8PE Greater Manchester (in respect of apparatus) M33 6RH Eastern Power Networks plc (in respect of part of registered title) Newington House Suffolk County Council 237 Southwark Bridge Road Endeavour House London 8 Russell Road SE1 6NP Ipswich (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated IP1 2BX 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable (in respect of public highway) easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus)

4 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 1-02 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

5 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-03 Approximately 159 square metres Associated British Ports First Essex Buses Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public 25 Bedford Street Davey House Lancaster House Lancaster Way footway, cycleway, bus stop and verge (Peto London 7B Castle Meadow Ermine Business Park Way, Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES Norwich Huntingdon (in respect of subsoil) Norfolk PE29 6XU NR1 3DE (in respect of apparatus) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees V (in respect of bus stop) Limited B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited Prospect House Suffolk County Council 17th Floor 168-170 Washway Road Endeavour House 125 Old Broad Street Sale 8 Russell Road London Greater Manchester Ipswich EC2N 1AR M33 6RH IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a transfer (in respect of part of registered title) (in respect of public highway) dated 10 December 2004) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees VI Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Limited Power House Prospect House Haughton Road 168-170 Washway Road Darlington Sale Durham Greater Manchester DL1 1ST M33 6RH (in respect of rights granted by a transfer (in respect of part of registered title) dated 5 February 2002) Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc Endeavour House Newington House 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Ipswich London IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of public highway) (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

6 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 1-03 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

7 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-04 Approximately 261 square metres B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited Wickes Building Supplies Limited Wickes Building Supplies Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising 17th Floor Lodge Way House Lodge Way House Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area and shrubbery (to rear of building, 125 Old Broad Street Lodge Way Lodge Way Ermine Business Park Wickes Building Supplies, Peto Way, Lowestoft) London Harlestone Road Harlestone Road Huntingdon EC2N 1AR Northampton Northampton PE29 6XU NN5 7UG NN5 7UG (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 5 February 2002) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

8 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-05 not used not used not used not used not used

1-06 Approximately 4216 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Endeavour House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich Huntingdon IP1 2BX IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996)

9 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

1-07 Approximately 285 square metres LIDL UK GmbH LIDL UK GmbH Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising private 19 Worple Road 19 Worple Road 25 Bedford Street access road, footways and verge (leading to Peto London London London Way, Lowestoft) SW19 4JS SW19 4JS WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of adjoining land dated 5 February 2002) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of access) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus)

10 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 1-07 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 16 December 2016 relating to an equitable easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights as contained within a conveyance dated 22 April 1988) Wickes Building Supplies Limited Lodge Way House Lodge Way Harlestone Road Northampton NN5 7UG (in respect of access)

11 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-01 Approximately 1980 square metres Associated British Ports Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public 25 Bedford Street Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, roundabout, footway, cycleway, verge and London 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES Ipswich Huntingdon (in respect of subsoil) IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 8 Russell Road 17th Floor Ipswich 125 Old Broad Street IP1 2BX London (in respect of public highway) EC2N 1AR (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus)

12 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-01 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

13 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-01 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

14 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-02 Approximately 531 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Lancaster House Lancaster Way Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, traffic islands, footways and grass verge Ermine Business Park 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Huntingdon Ipswich Huntingdon PE29 6XU IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) highway) Cadent Gas Limited Associated British Ports Ashbrook Court 25 Bedford Street Prologis Park London Central Boulevard WC2E 9ES Coventry (in respect of subsoil up to half width of CV7 8PE highway) (in respect of apparatus) Ryan Elizabeth Holdings plc Eastern Power Networks plc Merchant House Newington House 33 Fore Street 237 Southwark Bridge Road Ipswich London Suffolk SE1 6NP IP4 1JL (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Essex And Suffolk Water Limited highway) Northumbria House, Abbey Road Suffolk County Council Pity Me Endeavour House Durham 8 Russell Road DH1 5FJ Ipswich (in respect of apparatus) IP1 2BX Openreach Limited (in respect of public highway) Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

15 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-02 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Virgin Media Limited Riverside Media House 4 Canning Road Bartley Wood Business Park Lowestoft Bartley Way Suffolk Hook NR33 0EQ United Kingdom (in respect of subsoil up to half width of RG27 9UP highway) (in respect of apparatus) Benjamin Robert James Dighton The Lake Lothing 25 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Mandy June Dighton The Lake Lothing 25 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Christopher Wreford Gwinnell 17 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

16 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-03 Approximately 6 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public Lancaster House Lancaster Way Endeavour House Newington House footway and verge (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Huntingdon Ipswich London PE29 6XU IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of part of registered title) (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) 2-04 Approximately 41 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public Endeavour House Endeavour House Newington House footway and verge, cycleway and verge 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich London IP1 2BX IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of public highway) (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of part of registered title)

17 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-05 Approximately 3407 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited AD-Venture Media Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Lancaster House Lancaster Way 4 Chandlers Lane Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, roundabout, footways, verge and Ermine Business Park Aldbourne Ermine Business Park advertising hoarding (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Huntingdon Marlborough Huntingdon PE29 6XU Wiltshire PE29 6XU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of SN8 2TB (in respect of apparatus) highway) (in respect of an agreement dated Eastern Power Networks plc 15 April 2018 relating to an Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Newington House advertising hoarding on Denmark Floor 5 237 Southwark Bridge Road Road) 1 Eversholt Street London London Suffolk County Council SE1 6NP NW1 2DN Endeavour House (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of 8 Russell Road Essex And Suffolk Water Limited highway) Ipswich Northumbria House, Abbey Road IP1 2BX Suffolk County Council Pity Me (in respect of public highway) Endeavour House Durham 8 Russell Road DH1 5FJ Ipswich (in respect of apparatus) IP1 2BX Openreach Limited (in respect of public highway) Kelvin House Waveney District Council 123 Judd Street Riverside London 4 Canning Road WC1H 9NP Lowestoft (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk Virgin Media Limited NR33 0EQ Media House (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Bartley Wood Business Park highway) Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

18 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-05 Cont'd

Peter John Walters Adam Walters Cars Limited 231-239 Heigham Street Norwich NR2 4LN (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) 2-06 not used not used not used not used not used

19 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-07 Approximately 10744 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Endeavour House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich Huntingdon IP1 2BX IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996)

20 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-07 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 2-08 Approximately 4 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Estate Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (adjacent to operational railway, East 37 Tanner Row 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by York Ipswich Huntingdon the Crown YO1 6WP IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of land previously in the (in respect of apparatus) ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Suffolk County Council Floor 5 Endeavour House 1 Eversholt Street 8 Russell Road London Ipswich NW1 2DN IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Unknown

21 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-09 Approximately 15 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Floor 5 Floor 5 shrubbery (adjacent to operational railway, East 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of part of registered title) 2-10 Approximately 151 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Estate Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area (adjacent to operational railway, 37 Tanner Row 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park , Lowestoft) except those owned York Ipswich Huntingdon by the Crown YO1 6WP IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of land previously in the (in respect of apparatus) ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Suffolk County Council Floor 5 Endeavour House 1 Eversholt Street 8 Russell Road London Ipswich NW1 2DN IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Unknown 2-11 not used not used not used not used not used

22 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-12 Approximately 864 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Estate Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to 37 Tanner Row 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) York London Huntingdon except those owned by the Crown YO1 6WP NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of land previously in the (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of apparatus) ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Eastern Power Networks plc Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Newington House Floor 5 237 Southwark Bridge Road 1 Eversholt Street London London SE1 6NP NW1 2DN (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of operational railway) Unknown 2-13 Approximately 1166 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land Floor 5 Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Line, 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) London London Huntingdon NW1 2DN NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-14 Approximately 114 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising Floor 5 Floor 5 operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Denmark Road, Lowestoft) London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway)

23 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-15 Approximately 205 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land Floor 5 Floor 5 Newington House comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Line, 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 237 Southwark Bridge Road south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) London London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN SE1 6NP (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of apparatus) 2-16 Approximately 760 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land Floor 5 Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising works yard, grassed area and 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park shrubbery (south of operational railway, East London London Huntingdon Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-17 Approximately 119 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works Floor 5 Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) London London Huntingdon NW1 2DN NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

24 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-18 Approximately 367 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising works Floor 5 Floor 5 Kelvin House yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 123 Judd Street operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) London London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-19 Approximately 4315 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land Floor 5 Floor 5 Newington House comprising works yard, grassed area and 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 237 Southwark Bridge Road shrubbery (south of operational railway, East London London London Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

25 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-20 Approximately 781 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Temporary possession and use of land 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane comprising private road (Commercial Road, Port London London Atherstone of Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

26 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-20 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield United Kingdom BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich United Kingdom NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access)

27 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-20 Cont'd

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse United Kingdom GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

28 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-20 Cont'd

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham United Kingdom PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

29 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-21 Approximately 212 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane road and hardstanding, including quay wall London London Atherstone (Commercial Road, ) WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

30 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-21 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield United Kingdom BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich United Kingdom NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access)

31 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-21 Cont'd

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse United Kingdom GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

32 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-21 Cont'd

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham United Kingdom PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

33 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-22 Approximately 3374 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Temporary possession and use of land 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane comprising hardstanding and parking spaces, London London Atherstone including quay wall (Port of Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

34 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-22 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

35 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-22 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

36 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-23 Approximately 396 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited All interests and rights in land comprising 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane hardstanding (south of Commercial Road, Port of London London Atherstone Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

37 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-23 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

38 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-23 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997) 2-24 not used not used not used not used not used

2-25 Approximately 2 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Suffolk County Council Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Estate Endeavour House Floor 5 shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to 37 Tanner Row 8 Russell Road 1 Eversholt Street operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) York Ipswich London except those owned by the Crown YO1 6WP IP1 2BX NW1 2DN (in respect of land previously in the (in respect of rights granted by a ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Unknown

39 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-26 Approximately 551 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of Floor 5 Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way rights over land comprising operational railway 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park (East Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, London London Huntingdon Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of apparatus) 2-27 Approximately 103 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising Floor 5 Floor 5 operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Denmark Road, Lowestoft) London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) 2-28 Approximately 24 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of Floor 5 Floor 5 Lancaster House Lancaster Way rights over land comprising works yard, grassed 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street Ermine Business Park area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, London London Huntingdon East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-29 Approximately 325 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Openreach Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of Floor 5 Floor 5 Kelvin House rights over land comprising works yard, grassed 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 123 Judd Street area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, London London London East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

40 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-30 Approximately 154 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Openreach Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works Floor 5 Floor 5 Kelvin House yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 123 Judd Street operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) London London London NW1 2DN NW1 2DN WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-31 Approximately 160 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Openreach Limited Temporary possession and use of land Floor 5 Floor 5 Kelvin House comprising private access road to operational 1 Eversholt Street 1 Eversholt Street 123 Judd Street railway (East Suffolk Line, Commercial Road, London London London Lowestoft) NW1 2DN NW1 2DN WC1H 9NP (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of operational railway) (in respect of apparatus)

41 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-32 Approximately 588 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane rights over land comprising private road and London London Atherstone hardstanding (south of Commercial Road, Port of WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom Lowestoft) CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

42 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-32 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield United Kingdom BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich United Kingdom NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access)

43 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-32 Cont'd

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse United Kingdom GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

44 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-32 Cont'd

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham United Kingdom PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

45 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-33 Approximately 300 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane rights over land comprising hardstanding, London London Atherstone including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom Lowestoft) CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

46 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-33 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

47 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-33 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

48 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

2-34 Approximately 2292 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Holly Lane road and hardstanding, including quay wall London London Atherstone (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone United Kingdom CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor United Kingdom SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

49 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-34 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield United Kingdom BN5 9XQ (in respect of access)

50 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-34 Cont'd

James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich United Kingdom NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access) National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse United Kingdom GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

51 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-34 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham United Kingdom PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

52 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 2-34 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997) 3-01 Approximately 21159 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Temporary possession and use of land 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including London London London lakebed and quay walls WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) 3-02 Approximately 4238 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown Temporary possession and use of land Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) lakebed and quay wall Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk Unknown NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971) 3-03 Approximately 722 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay London London London wall WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

53 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-04 Approximately 1351 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Newington House lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London London 237 Southwark Bridge Road WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

54 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-05 Approximately 935 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Newington House lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London London 237 Southwark Bridge Road WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 3-06 Approximately 394 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) wall Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk NR33 0EQ 3-07 Approximately 412 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown All interests and rights in land comprising part of Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk NR33 0EQ

55 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-08 Approximately 96 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) wall Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk NR33 0EQ 3-09 not used not used not used not used not used

3-10 Approximately 15082 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Newington House comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including London London 237 Southwark Bridge Road lakebed and quay walls WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

56 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-11 Approximately 6 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of Arpley House 25 Bedford Street Newington House lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay 110 Birchwood Boulevard London 237 Southwark Bridge Road wall Birchwood WC2E 9ES London Warrington SE1 6NP Cheshire (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

57 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-11 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

58 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-11 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) 3-12 Approximately 181 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising Riverside Riverside (in respect of rights reserved by a disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road conveyance dated 9 November 1972) including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ

59 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-13 Approximately 5173 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising Riverside Riverside Newington House disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery (north 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Lowestoft London Suffolk Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

60 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-14 Approximately 8337 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land Riverside Riverside Newington House comprising disused yard, hardstanding and 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Lowestoft Lowestoft London Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971) 3-15 Approximately 20 square metres Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc Eastern Power Networks plc Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land Riverside Newington House Newington House Newington House comprising decommissioned electricity 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road substation (on the north side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft London London London Lowestoft) Suffolk SE1 6NP SE1 6NP SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

61 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-16 Approximately 9646 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising yard and hardstanding (north of London Blackwater Park Ermine Business Park Riverside Road, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater Huntingdon Surrey Camberley PE29 6XU GU17 9AB Surrey (in respect of apparatus) GU17 9AB Associated British Ports Statuslist Limited 25 Bedford Street One New Change London London WC2E 9ES EC4M 9AF (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

62 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-16 Cont'd

HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

63 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-17 Approximately 588 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising private Riverside Riverside Newington House road (on the west side of Riverside Road, 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft) Lowestoft Lowestoft London Suffolk Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Mobile Broadband Network Limited Sixth Floor, Thames Tower Station Road Reading England RG1 1LX (in respect of access) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of land dated 10 October 2003)

64 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-18 Approximately 344 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising private Riverside Riverside Newington House road and hardstanding (on the west side of 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Lowestoft London Suffolk Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Mobile Broadband Network Limited Sixth Floor, Thames Tower Station Road Reading England RG1 1LX (in respect of access) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 3-19 not used not used not used not used not used

65 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-20 Approximately 283 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grass Endeavour House Endeavour House Ashbrook Court verge and shrubbery adjacent to private road (on 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road Prologis Park the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich Central Boulevard IP1 2BX IP1 2BX Coventry CV7 8PE Waveney District Council Waveney District Council (in respect of apparatus) Riverside Riverside 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road Eastern Power Networks plc Lowestoft Lowestoft Newington House Suffolk Suffolk 237 Southwark Bridge Road NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus)

66 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-20 Cont'd

Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

67 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-20 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

68 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-21 Approximately 673 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land Endeavour House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising private road, footway and verge (on 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park the north west side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich Huntingdon IP1 2BX IP1 2BX PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Riverside Riverside Eastern Power Networks plc 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road Newington House Lowestoft Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Suffolk Suffolk London NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

69 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-21 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

70 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-22 Approximately 201 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land Riverside Riverside Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising grassed area (on the north side of 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road Ermine Business Park Canning Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Lowestoft Huntingdon Suffolk Suffolk PE29 6XU NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

71 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-23 Approximately 2 square metres Suffolk County Council Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public Endeavour House Endeavour House Newington House footway (on the north side of Canning Road, 8 Russell Road 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft) Ipswich Ipswich London IP1 2BX IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of Waveney District Council Waveney District Council land relating to an electricity substation Riverside Riverside dated 13 November 2014) 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Eastern Power Networks plc Suffolk Suffolk Newington House NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

72 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-23 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

73 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-23 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

74 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-24 Approximately 1097 square metres Waveney District Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Riverside Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area (on the north side of Canning 4 Canning Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Ipswich Huntingdon Suffolk IP1 2BX PE29 6XU NR33 0EQ (in respect of Registrar's Office (in respect of apparatus) and car parking spaces) Cadent Gas Limited Waveney District Council Ashbrook Court Riverside Prologis Park 4 Canning Road Central Boulevard Lowestoft Coventry Suffolk CV7 8PE NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

75 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-24 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) 3-25 Approximately 187 square metres Waveney District Council Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land Riverside Endeavour House Newington House comprising grassed area (on the north side of 4 Canning Road 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Canning Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Ipswich London Suffolk IP1 2BX SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ (in respect of Registrar's Office (in respect of apparatus) and car parking spaces) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Waveney District Council Norwich Research Park Riverside Norwich 4 Canning Road United Kingdom Lowestoft NR4 7UG Suffolk (in respect of restrictive covenants as NR33 0EQ contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

76 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-26 not used not used not used not used not used

77 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-27 Approximately 239 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grass Arpley House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way verge (on the west side of Riverside Road, 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Birchwood Ipswich Huntingdon Warrington IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Cheshire (in respect of public highway (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH verge) Cadent Gas Limited Suffolk County Council Ashbrook Court Endeavour House Prologis Park 8 Russell Road Central Boulevard Ipswich Coventry IP1 2BX CV7 8PE (in respect of public highway verge) (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

78 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-27 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect on apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

79 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-27 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

80 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-28 Approximately 32 square metres Waveney District Council Eastern Power Networks plc Eastern Power Networks plc Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising Riverside Newington House Newington House Newington House electricity substation (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 4 Canning Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft London London London Suffolk SE1 6NP SE1 6NP SE1 6NP NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

81 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-29 Approximately 1563 square metres Overseas Interests Inc Hitech Grand Prix Limited Hitech Grand Prix Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising c/o Howes Percival LLP 11 Buckingham Road 11 Buckingham Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area and hardstanding, including quay Flint Buildings Silverstone Silverstone Ermine Business Park wall (on the east side of Riverside Road, 1 Bedding Lane Towcester Towcester Huntingdon Lowestoft) Norwich Northamptonshire Northamptonshire PE29 6XU Norfolk NN12 8TJ NN12 8TJ (in respect of apparatus) NR3 1RG Lift Truck Rentals Limited Lift Truck Rentals Limited Eastern Power Networks plc 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Newington House Lowestoft Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Suffolk Suffolk London NR32 1NL NR32 1NL SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a Nexen Lift Trucks Limited Nexen Lift Trucks Limited deed dated 30 January 1987) 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Eastern Power Networks plc Lowestoft Suffolk Newington House Suffolk NR32 1NL 237 Southwark Bridge Road NR32 1NL London Oakes Recruitment Limited SE1 6NP Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road (in respect of apparatus) 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Suffolk Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Suffolk NR32 1NL Northumbria House, Abbey Road NR32 1NL Pity Me Team Oakes Limited Durham 18 Gordon Road Team Oakes Limited DH1 5FJ Lowestoft 18 Gordon Road (in respect of apparatus) Lowestoft Suffolk Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL Waveney Fork Trucks Limited Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Suffolk Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL

82 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-29 Cont'd

Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

83 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-29 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

84 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-30 Approximately 158 square metres Overseas Interests Inc Hitech Grand Prix Limited Hitech Grand Prix Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising c/o Howes Percival LLP 11 Buckingham Road 11 Buckingham Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area and hardstanding (on the east side Flint Buildings Silverstone Silverstone Ermine Business Park of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 1 Bedding Lane Towcester Towcester Huntingdon Norwich Northamptonshire Northamptonshire PE29 6XU Norfolk NN12 8TJ NN12 8TJ (in respect of apparatus) NR3 1RG Lift Truck Rentals Limited Lift Truck Rentals Limited Eastern Power Networks plc 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Newington House Lowestoft Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Suffolk Suffolk London NR32 1NL NR32 1NL SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a Nexen Lift Trucks Limited Nexen Lift Trucks Limited deed dated 30 January 1987) 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Eastern Power Networks plc Lowestoft Suffolk Newington House Suffolk NR32 1NL 237 Southwark Bridge Road NR32 1NL London Oakes Recruitment Limited SE1 6NP Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road (in respect of apparatus) 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Suffolk Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Suffolk NR32 1NL Northumbria House, Abbey Road NR32 1NL Pity Me Team Oakes Limited Durham 18 Gordon Road Team Oakes Limited DH1 5FJ Lowestoft 18 Gordon Road (in respect of apparatus) Lowestoft Suffolk Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL Waveney Fork Trucks Limited Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Suffolk Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL

85 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-30 Cont'd

Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

86 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-30 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

87 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-31 Approximately 86 square metres PFK Ling Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public 55 Mendham Lane Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footway and shrubbery (Riverside Road, Harleston Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Norfolk Huntingdon IP20 9DW PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House Barclays Bank plc 8 Russell Road 1 Churchill Place Ipswich London IP1 2BX E14 5HP (in respect of public highway) (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

88 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-31 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich United Kingdom NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

89 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-32 Approximately 434 square metres PFK Ling Limited PFK Ling Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private 55 Mendham Lane 55 Mendham Lane Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footway and shrubbery (on the east side of Harleston Harleston Ermine Business Park Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Norfolk Huntingdon IP20 9DW IP20 9DW PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

90 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-32 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich United Kingdom NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

91 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-33 Approximately 659 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake London London London Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) 3-34 Approximately 647 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake London London London Lothing), including lakebed WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) 3-35 Approximately 148 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake London London London Lothing), including lakebed WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

92 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-36 Approximately 944 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street Newington House lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay London London 237 Southwark Bridge Road walls WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 3-37 Approximately 510 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk NR33 0EQ 3-38 Approximately 177 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Unknown Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of Riverside Riverside (in respect of rights reserved by a rights over land comprising disused yard, 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road conveyance dated 9 November 1972) hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall Lowestoft Lowestoft (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ

93 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-39 Approximately 80 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising Riverside Riverside (in respect of rights reserved by a disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road conveyance dated 9 November 1972) including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ

94 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-40 Approximately 1743 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising private One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside London Blackwater Park Ermine Business Park Road, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater Huntingdon Surrey Camberley PE29 6XU GU17 9AB Surrey (in respect of apparatus) GU17 9AB Associated British Ports Statuslist Limited 25 Bedford Street One New Change London London WC2E 9ES EC4M 9AF (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

95 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-40 Cont'd

HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

96 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-41 Approximately 120 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising private One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business 25 Bedford Street road, yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside London Blackwater Park London Road, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater WC2E 9ES Surrey Camberley (in respect of rights relating to dredging GU17 9AB Surrey and access for maintenance of fences as GU17 9AB contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Statuslist Limited One New Change Cadent Gas Limited London Ashbrook Court EC4M 9AF Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

97 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-42 Approximately 69 square metres Waveney District Council Waveney District Council Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land Riverside Riverside Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising grassed area (on the north side of 4 Canning Road 4 Canning Road Ermine Business Park Canning Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Lowestoft Huntingdon Suffolk Suffolk PE29 6XU NR33 0EQ NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

98 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-43 Approximately 3286 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footways and verge (Riverside Road, 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Birchwood Ipswich Huntingdon Warrington IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Cheshire (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Cadent Gas Limited (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Ashbrook Court highway) Prologis Park Northumbrian Water Limited Central Boulevard Northumbria House Coventry Abbey Road CV7 8PE Pity Me (in respect of apparatus) Durham Eastern Power Networks plc DH1 5FJ Newington House (in respect of subsoil up to half width of 237 Southwark Bridge Road highway) London Overseas Interests Inc SE1 6NP c/o Howes Percival LLP (in respect of apparatus) Flint Buildings Essex And Suffolk Water Limited 1 Bedding Lane Northumbria House, Abbey Road Norwich Pity Me Norfolk Durham NR3 1RG DH1 5FJ (in respect of subsoil up to half width of (in respect of apparatus) highway) Openreach Limited PFK Ling Limited Kelvin House 55 Mendham Lane 123 Judd Street Harleston London Norfolk WC1H 9NP IP20 9DW (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

99 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-43 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

100 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-44 Approximately 49 square metres Waveney District Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Riverside Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way grassed area (adjacent to Suffolk County Council 4 Canning Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Registrar's Office, Canning Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Ipswich Huntingdon Suffolk IP1 2BX PE29 6XU NR33 0EQ (in respect of Registrar's Office (in respect of apparatus) and car parking spaces) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

101 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

Waveney District Council Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited 3-45 Approximately 99 square metres Riverside Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way Acquisition of rights over land comprising 4 Canning Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park hardstanding and grassed area (adjacent to Lowestoft Ipswich Huntingdon Suffolk County Council Registrar's Office, Suffolk IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Canning Road, Lowestoft) NR33 0EQ (in respect of Registrar's Office (in respect of apparatus) and car parking spaces) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

102 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-45 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

103 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-46 Approximately 1380 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road and footways (Canning Road, Lowestoft) 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Birchwood Ipswich Huntingdon Warrington IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Cheshire (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Cadent Gas Limited Suffolk County Council Ashbrook Court Endeavour House Prologis Park 8 Russell Road Central Boulevard Ipswich Coventry IP1 2BX CV7 8PE (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

104 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-46 Cont'd

Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

105 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-46 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

106 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-46 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

107 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-47 Approximately 91 square metres Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbrian Water Limited Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising Northumbria House Northumbria House Ashbrook Court grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Abbey Road Abbey Road Prologis Park Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Pity Me Pity Me Central Boulevard Durham Durham Coventry DH1 5FJ DH1 5FJ CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

108 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-48 Approximately 92 square metres Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbrian Water Limited Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Northumbria House Northumbria House Ashbrook Court grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Abbey Road Abbey Road Prologis Park Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Pity Me Pity Me Central Boulevard Durham Durham Coventry DH1 5FJ DH1 5FJ CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

109 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-49 Approximately 36 square metres PFK Ling Limited Attleborough Motor Works Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising 55 Mendham Lane 8 The Courtyards Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place hardstanding and shrubbery (adjacent to Lings Harleston Wyncolls Road Lowestoft London Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Severalls Industrial Park Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW Colchester NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Essex respect of building and hardstanding, on PFK Ling Limited CO4 9PE the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Lings Motor Group Harleston Cadent Gas Limited Riverside Road Norfolk Ashbrook Court Lowestoft IP20 9DW Prologis Park Suffolk Central Boulevard NR33 0TQ Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

110 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-50 Approximately 85 square metres PFK Ling Limited Attleborough Motor Works Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising 55 Mendham Lane 8 The Courtyards Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place hardstanding (adjacent to Lings Motor Group, Harleston Wyncolls Road Lowestoft London Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Severalls Industrial Park Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW Colchester NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Essex respect of building and hardstanding, on PFK Ling Limited CO4 9PE the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Lings Motor Group Harleston New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Riverside Road Norfolk Norwich Research Park Lowestoft IP20 9DW Norwich Suffolk United Kingdom NR33 0TQ NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) 3-51 Approximately 9 square metres Waveney District Council Associated British Ports Unknown All interests and rights in land comprising part of Riverside 25 Bedford Street (in respect of rights reserved by a lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed 4 Canning Road London conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Lowestoft WC2E 9ES Suffolk NR33 0EQ

111 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-52 Approximately 402 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London London London WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

112 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-53 Approximately 7 square metres Overseas Interests Inc Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of c/o Howes Percival LLP 25 Bedford Street Newington House lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed Flint Buildings London 237 Southwark Bridge Road 1 Bedding Lane WC2E 9ES London Norwich SE1 6NP Norfolk (in respect of rights as contained within a NR3 1RG deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

113 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-53 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

114 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-54 Approximately 2116 square metres Overseas Interests Inc Associated British Ports Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land c/o Howes Percival LLP 25 Bedford Street Newington House comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including Flint Buildings London 237 Southwark Bridge Road lakebed and quay wall 1 Bedding Lane WC2E 9ES London Norwich SE1 6NP Norfolk (in respect of rights as contained within a NR3 1RG deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

115 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-54 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929) 3-55 Approximately 65 square metres Associated British Ports Associated British Ports National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of 25 Bedford Street 25 Bedford Street 1-3 Strand lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London London London WC2E 9ES WC2E 9ES WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

116 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-56 Approximately 4863 square metres Overseas Interests Inc Hitech Grand Prix Limited Hitech Grand Prix Limited Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land c/o Howes Percival LLP 11 Buckingham Road 11 Buckingham Road Newington House comprising grassed area and hardstanding, Flint Buildings Silverstone Silverstone 237 Southwark Bridge Road including quay wall (on the east side of Riverside 1 Bedding Lane Towcester Towcester London Road, Lowestoft) Norwich Northamptonshire Northamptonshire SE1 6NP Norfolk NN12 8TJ NN12 8TJ (in respect of rights as contained within a NR3 1RG deed dated 30 January 1987) Lift Truck Rentals Limited Lift Truck Rentals Limited 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Eastern Power Networks plc Lowestoft Lowestoft Newington House Suffolk Suffolk 237 Southwark Bridge Road NR32 1NL NR32 1NL London SE1 6NP Nexen Lift Trucks Limited Nexen Lift Trucks Limited (in respect of apparatus) 18 Gordon Road 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Homes and Communities Agency Lowestoft Suffolk Arpley House Suffolk NR32 1NL 110 Birchwood Boulevard NR32 1NL Birchwood Oakes Recruitment Limited Warrington Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road United Kingdom 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft WA3 7QH Lowestoft Suffolk (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL (in respect of land at Riverside Business Team Oakes Limited Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 Team Oakes Limited 18 Gordon Road 0TU) Lowestoft 18 Gordon Road New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Suffolk Lowestoft Norwich Research Park NR32 1NL Suffolk Norwich NR32 1NL Waveney Fork Trucks Limited United Kingdom Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road NR4 7UG 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer Lowestoft Suffolk of land dated 7 January 2005) Suffolk NR32 1NL NR32 1NL

117 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-56 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

118 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-57 Approximately 1367 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising private road, footway and shrubbery Harleston Lowestoft Ermine Business Park (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Suffolk Huntingdon IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Barclays Bank plc Harleston 1 Churchill Place Norfolk London IP20 9DW E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

119 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-57 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich United Kingdom NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

120 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-58 Approximately 416 square metres PFK Ling Limited Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising 55 Mendham Lane Steve Young Steve Young 1 Churchill Place building and hardstanding (Enterprise Rent-A- Harleston Enterprise House Enterprise House London Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those Norfolk Vicarage Road Vicarage Road E14 5HP owned by PFK Ling Limited IP20 9DW Egham Egham (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Surrey Surrey respect of land on the east side of TW20 9FB TW20 9FB Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

121 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 3-58 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

122 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

3-59 Approximately 594 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business 25 Bedford Street comprising private road, yard and hardstanding London Blackwater Park London (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater WC2E 9ES Surrey Camberley (in respect of rights relating to dredging GU17 9AB Surrey and access for maintenance of fences as GU17 9AB contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Statuslist Limited One New Change Cadent Gas Limited London Ashbrook Court EC4M 9AF Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

123 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-01 Approximately 9047 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on London Blackwater Park Ermine Business Park the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater Huntingdon Surrey Camberley PE29 6XU GU17 9AB Surrey (in respect of apparatus) GU17 9AB Associated British Ports Statuslist Limited 25 Bedford Street One New Change London London WC2E 9ES EC4M 9AF (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

124 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-02 Approximately 10754 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business Lancaster House Lancaster Way buildings, yard and hardstanding (on the north London Blackwater Park Ermine Business Park side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater Huntingdon Surrey Camberley PE29 6XU GU17 9AB Surrey (in respect of apparatus) GU17 9AB Associated British Ports Statuslist Limited 25 Bedford Street One New Change London London WC2E 9ES EC4M 9AF (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus)

125 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-02 Cont'd

Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

126 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-03 Approximately 4305 square metres Confidential Assignments Limited Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Beech House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road and footways (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) 188 Yarmouth Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Lowestoft Ipswich Huntingdon Suffolk IP1 2BX PE29 6XU NR32 4AB (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Cadent Gas Limited highway) Ashbrook Court Homes and Communities Agency Prologis Park Arpley House Central Boulevard 110 Birchwood Boulevard Coventry Birchwood CV7 8PE Warrington (in respect of apparatus) Cheshire Eastern Power Networks plc WA3 7QH Newington House (in respect of subsoil up to half width of 237 Southwark Bridge Road highway) London Northumbrian Water Limited SE1 6NP Northumbria House (in respect of apparatus) Abbey Road Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Pity Me Northumbria House, Abbey Road Durham Pity Me DH1 5FJ Durham (in respect of subsoil up to half width of DH1 5FJ highway) (in respect of apparatus) Statuslist Limited Openreach Limited One New Change Kelvin House London 123 Judd Street EC4M 9AF London (in respect of subsoil up to half width of WC1H 9NP highway) (in respect of apparatus)

127 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Ben Matthew Arlow 96 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Stephanie Lara Arlow 96 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Neil Ayers 72 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Tracey Jane Ayers 72 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

128 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

David Alfred Brown 82 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Susan Jane Brown 82 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Rosemary Anne Chapman 3 Georgian Grove Gunton Church Lane Lowestoft NR32 4LH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Sam Daniels 126 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

129 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Tanya Daniels 126 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Aaron William Debenham 62 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Melanie Stacey Elizabeth Debenham 62 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Paige Berneen Philippa Dewberry 118 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Christopher Peter Fulford 64 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

130 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Jane Donna Fulford 64 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Margaret Edna Galley 112 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Ryan David Graham 118 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Michael Colin Green 78 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) David Harmer 84 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

131 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Mary Harmer 84 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Darrel Robert James Hibbert 60 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Susan Alice Hodges 86 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Trevor Hodges 86 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Scott Vincent Humphreys 116 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

132 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Andrew Brian Kent 90 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Paula Ann Kent 90 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Cyril George King 128 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Robert Roy Leech 76 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Shirley Venita Leech 76 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

133 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Gary Masters 74 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Lee Mathews 88 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Nita Meager 114 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Phillip John Meager 114 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Margaret Jean Mills 56 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

134 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Michael William Charles Mills 56 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Angela Newsome 106 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Garry Ian Newsome 106 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Cassie Nunn 92 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Gemma Ann Oldman 110 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

135 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

John William Parker Walnut House Rollesby Road Fleggburgh Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR29 3AQ (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Jordan Raynesford 58 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Katie Raynesford 58 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Nicola Marie Reeve 100 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

136 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Philip John Reeve 100 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) David John Clement Sargeant 130 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Mavis Diane Sargeant 130 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Marie Patricia Sutcliffe 104 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Daniel John Tacon 110 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

137 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Graham James Temple 42 Elm Tree Road Lowestoft NR33 9ET (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Katharine Amy Temple 1 Cliftonville Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7AY (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Maurice Edward Cunningham Temple 1 Cliftonville Road Lowestoft NR33 7AY (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Rebecca Rachel Temple 42 Elm Tree Road Lowestoft NR33 9ET (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Brian Sydney Trigg 66 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

138 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Patricia Eileen Ward 98 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Mary Welton 102 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Gary Willgoss 94 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Pauline Eva Willgoss 94 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Dorothy Eileen Williams 277 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

139 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-03 Cont'd

Richard Williams 277 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Richard Woods 124 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) The Owner 80 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

140 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-04 Approximately 4040 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on London Blackwater Park Ermine Business Park the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater Huntingdon Surrey Camberley PE29 6XU GU17 9AB Surrey (in respect of apparatus) GU17 9AB Associated British Ports Statuslist Limited 25 Bedford Street One New Change London London WC2E 9ES EC4M 9AF (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

141 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-05 Approximately 67 square metres Statuslist Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising yard One New Change Riverbank Meadows Business Park Riverbank Meadows Business 25 Bedford Street and hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney London Blackwater Park London Drive, Lowestoft) EC4M 9AF Camberley Blackwater WC2E 9ES Surrey Camberley (in respect of rights relating to dredging GU17 9AB Surrey and access for maintenance of fences as GU17 9AB contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Statuslist Limited One New Change Flight Services SA London Brooke Park EC4M 9AF Heath Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

142 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-06 Approximately 140 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Newington House road and footway (Canning Road, Lowestoft) 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Birchwood Ipswich London Warrington IP1 2BX SE1 6NP Cheshire (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Eastern Power Networks plc Suffolk County Council Newington House Endeavour House 237 Southwark Bridge Road 8 Russell Road London Ipswich SE1 6NP IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a (in respect of public highway) deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

143 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-06 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

144 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 4-06 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

145 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-07 Approximately 105 square metres Suffolk County Council Riverside Children and Families Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising public Endeavour House Centre Ashbrook Court footway (to the north of Waveney Drive, 8 Russell Road Canning Road Prologis Park Lowestoft) Ipswich Lowestoft Central Boulevard IP1 2BX Suffolk Coventry (in respect of public footway) NR33 0TQ CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House Eastern Power Networks plc 8 Russell Road Newington House Ipswich 237 Southwark Bridge Road IP1 2BX London (in respect of public footway) SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

146 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

4-08 Approximately 18 square metres Northumbrian Water Limited Suffolk County Council Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising public Northumbria House Endeavour House Ashbrook Court footway and shrubbery (on the north side of Abbey Road 8 Russell Road Prologis Park Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Pity Me Ipswich Central Boulevard Durham IP1 2BX Coventry DH1 5FJ (in respect of public footway) CV7 8PE (in respect of part of registered title) (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc Endeavour House Newington House 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Ipswich London IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of public footway) (in respect of apparatus) 4-09 Approximately 2 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Riverside Children and Families Highways England Historical Railways Acquisition of rights over land comprising public Arpley House Centre Estate footway and shrubbery (on the north side of 110 Birchwood Boulevard Canning Road 37 Tanner Row Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Birchwood Lowestoft York Warrington Suffolk YO1 6WP Cheshire NR33 0TQ (in respect of rights reserved by a WA3 7QH conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Suffolk County Council (in respect of part of registered title) Endeavour House Suffolk County Council 8 Russell Road Endeavour House Ipswich 8 Russell Road IP1 2BX Ipswich (in respect of public footway) IP1 2BX (in respect of public footway)

147 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-01 Approximately 1027 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road and footways (Canning Road, Lowestoft) 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Birchwood Ipswich Huntingdon Warrington IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Cheshire (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Cadent Gas Limited Suffolk County Council Ashbrook Court Endeavour House Prologis Park 8 Russell Road Central Boulevard Ipswich Coventry IP1 2BX CV7 8PE (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

148 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-01 Cont'd

Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

149 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-01 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

150 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-01 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

151 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-02 Approximately 1642 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footways and verge (Riverside Road, 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Lowetsoft) Birchwood Ipswich Huntingdon Warrington IP1 2BX PE29 6XU Cheshire (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) WA3 7QH Cadent Gas Limited (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Ashbrook Court highway) Prologis Park Northumbrian Water Limited Central Boulevard Northumbria House Coventry Abbey Road CV7 8PE Pity Me (in respect of apparatus) Durham Eastern Power Networks plc DH1 5FJ Newington House (in respect of subsoil up to half width of 237 Southwark Bridge Road highway) London NWES Property Services Limited SE1 6NP Norwich Enterprise Centre (in respect of apparatus) 4B Guildhall Hill Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Norwich Northumbria House, Abbey Road Norfolk Pity Me NR2 1JH Durham (in respect of subsoil up to half width of DH1 5FJ highway) (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited Openreach Limited 55 Mendham Lane Kelvin House Harleston 123 Judd Street Norfolk London IP20 9DW WC1H 9NP (in respect of subsoil up to half width of (in respect of apparatus) highway)

152 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-02 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) 5-03 Approximately 201 square metres Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbrian Water Limited Homes and Communities Agency Acquisition of rights over land comprising Northumbria House Northumbria House Arpley House grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Abbey Road Abbey Road 110 Birchwood Boulevard Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Pity Me Pity Me Birchwood Durham Durham Warrington DH1 5FJ DH1 5FJ United Kingdom WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

153 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-04 Approximately 194 square metres Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbrian Water Limited Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Northumbria House Northumbria House Ashbrook Court grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Abbey Road Abbey Road Prologis Park Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Pity Me Pity Me Central Boulevard Durham Durham Coventry DH1 5FJ DH1 5FJ CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington United Kingdom WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

154 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-04 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

155 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-05 Approximately 394 square metres NWES Property Services Limited All Hallows Healthcare Trust Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grass Norwich Enterprise Centre All Hallows Hospital Lancaster House Lancaster Way verge, hardstanding, shrubbery and bike shed 4B Guildhall Hill Station Road Ermine Business Park (on the north side of Waveney Drive and to the Norwich Ditchingham Huntingdon west of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Bungay PE29 6XU NR2 1JH NR35 2QL (in respect of apparatus) Amy Louise Photography Cadent Gas Limited Riverside Business Centre Ashbrook Court 1 Riverside Road Prologis Park Lowestoft Central Boulevard Suffolk Coventry NR33 0TQ CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre Eastern Power Networks plc 1 Riverside Road Newington House Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Suffolk London NR33 0TQ SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Blue Marine Travel Unit 2 National Westminster Bank plc Hammer Hill Business Park Mortgage Centre Stanbrook P.O. Box 123 Thaxted Greenock Dunmow PA15 1EF CM6 2NH (as mortgagee for NWES Property Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Cambridgeshire Community Business Centre, Riverside Road, Services NHS Trust Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

156 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-05 Cont'd

Digital Select Limited New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Rowan House Norwich Research Park 28 Queens Road Norwich Hethersett United Kingdom Norfolk NR4 7UG NR9 3DB (in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009) Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre Openreach Limited 1 Riverside Road Kelvin House Lowestoft 123 Judd Street Suffolk London NR33 0TQ WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre Tor Solar PV Limited 1 Riverside Road Calder & Co Lowestoft 16 Charles II Street Suffolk London NR33 0TQ SW1Y 4NW (in respect of access) Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre Unknown 1 Riverside Road (in respect of restrictive covenants as Lowestoft contained within a conveyance dated 3 Suffolk September 1918) NR33 0TQ Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

157 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-05 Cont'd

MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

158 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-05 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

159 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-05 Cont'd

Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design)

160 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-06 Approximately 249 square metres NWES Property Services Limited All Hallows Healthcare Trust Cadent Gas Limited Temporary possession and use of land Norwich Enterprise Centre All Hallows Hospital Ashbrook Court comprising grass verge and shrubbery (on the 4B Guildhall Hill Station Road Prologis Park north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Norwich Ditchingham Central Boulevard Norfolk Bungay Coventry NR2 1JH NR35 2QL CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Amy Louise Photography Riverside Business Centre Eastern Power Networks plc 1 Riverside Road Newington House Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Suffolk London NR33 0TQ SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre National Westminster Bank plc 1 Riverside Road Mortgage Centre Lowestoft P.O. Box 123 Suffolk Greenock NR33 0TQ PA15 1EF (as mortgagee for NWES Property Blue Marine Travel Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Unit 2 Business Centre, Riverside Road, Hammer Hill Business Park Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Stanbrook Thaxted New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Dunmow Norwich Research Park CM6 2NH Norwich United Kingdom Cambridgeshire Community NR4 7UG Services NHS Trust (in respect to rights reserved contained Unit 2 within a transfer dated 22 May 2009) Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Unknown Lowestoft (in respect of restrictive covenants as Suffolk contained within a conveyance dated 3 NR33 0TQ September 1918)

161 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-06 Cont'd

Digital Select Limited Rowan House 28 Queens Road Hethersett Norfolk NR9 3DB Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

162 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-06 Cont'd

MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

163 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-06 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

164 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-06 Cont'd

Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design) 5-07 not used not used not used not used not used

5-08 not used not used not used not used not used

5-09 not used not used not used not used not used

165 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-10 Approximately 168 square metres PFK Ling Limited Attleborough Motor Works Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising 55 Mendham Lane 8 The Courtyards Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place building and hardstanding (Lings Motor Group, Harleston Wyncolls Road Lowestoft London Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Severalls Industrial Park Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW Colchester NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Essex respect of building and hardstanding, on PFK Ling Limited CO4 9PE the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Lings Motor Group Harleston New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Riverside Road Norfolk Norwich Research Park Lowestoft IP20 9DW Norwich Suffolk United Kingdom NR33 0TQ NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

166 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-11 Approximately 115 square metres PFK Ling Limited Attleborough Motor Works Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising 55 Mendham Lane 8 The Courtyards Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place building, hardstanding and shrubbery (Lings Harleston Wyncolls Road Lowestoft London Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Severalls Industrial Park Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW Colchester NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Essex respect of building and hardstanding, on PFK Ling Limited CO4 9PE the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Lings Motor Group Harleston Cadent Gas Limited Riverside Road Norfolk Ashbrook Court Lowestoft IP20 9DW Prologis Park Suffolk Central Boulevard NR33 0TQ Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

167 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-12 Approximately 7 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Suffolk County Council Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Arpley House Endeavour House Ashbrook Court footway (on the east side of Riverside Road, 110 Birchwood Boulevard 8 Russell Road Prologis Park Lowestoft) Birchwood Ipswich Central Boulevard Warrington IP1 2BX Coventry Cheshire (in respect of public highway) CV7 8PE WA3 7QH (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Eastern Power Networks plc Endeavour House Newington House 8 Russell Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Ipswich London IP1 2BX SE1 6NP (in respect of public highway) (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

168 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-12 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

169 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-12 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook United Kingdom RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

170 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-13 Approximately 1093 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising access 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place road, hardstanding and grass verge (Lings Motor Harleston Lowestoft London Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Suffolk County Council PFK Ling Limited Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Endeavour House 55 Mendham Lane 8 Russell Road Harleston Eastern Power Networks plc Ipswich Norfolk Newington House IP1 2BX IP20 9DW 237 Southwark Bridge Road (in respect of part of registered title) London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Steve Young Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB (in respect of access) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus)

171 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-13 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

172 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-14 Approximately 1318 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising hardstanding and signage, including Harleston Lowestoft Ermine Business Park quay wall (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Norfolk Suffolk Huntingdon Lowestoft) IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council PFK Ling Limited Endeavour House 55 Mendham Lane Barclays Bank plc 8 Russell Road Harleston 1 Churchill Place Ipswich Norfolk London IP1 2BX IP20 9DW E14 5HP (in respect of part of registered title) (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

173 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-14 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) 5-15 Approximately 154 square metres ASDA Stores Limited ASDA Stores Limited Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private Asda House Asda House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road and public footway (on the north side of A12 Great Wilson Street Great Wilson Street Ermine Business Park Horn Hill, Lowestoft) Leeds Leeds Huntingdon West Yorkshire West Yorkshire PE29 6XU LS11 5AD LS11 5AD (in respect of apparatus) McLagan Investments Limited Suffolk County Council Openreach Limited Asda House Endeavour House Kelvin House Southbank 8 Russell Road 123 Judd Street Great Wilson Street Ipswich London Leeds IP1 2BX WC1H 9NP West Yorkshire (in respect of public footway) (in respect of apparatus) LS11 5AD Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 20 March 1995)

174 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-16 Approximately 4621 square metres ASDA Stores Limited Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Asda House Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footways, roundabout and traffic islands Great Wilson Street 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park (A12 Tom Crisp Way, A12 Horn Hill and Leeds Ipswich Huntingdon Maconochie Way, Lowestoft) West Yorkshire IP1 2BX PE29 6XU LS11 5AD (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Cadent Gas Limited highway) Ashbrook Court Eastern Power Networks plc Prologis Park Newington House Central Boulevard 237 Southwark Bridge Road Coventry London CV7 8PE SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Eastern Power Networks plc highway) Newington House McLagan Investments Limited 237 Southwark Bridge Road Asda House London Southbank SE1 6NP Great Wilson Street (in respect of apparatus) Leeds Essex And Suffolk Water Limited West Yorkshire Northumbria House, Abbey Road LS11 5AD Pity Me (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Durham highway) DH1 5FJ Suffolk County Council (in respect of apparatus) Endeavour House Openreach Limited 8 Russell Road Kelvin House Ipswich 123 Judd Street IP1 2BX London (in respect of public highway) WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

175 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-16 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 31 March 1983) 5-17 Approximately 5 square metres Bulldog Developments & Consultancy Bulldog Developments & Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising Limited Consultancy Limited Kelvin House shrubbery and hardstanding (on the south side of Evolution House Evolution House 123 Judd Street Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Iceni Court Iceni Court London Delft Way Delft Way WC1H 9NP Norwich Norwich (in respect of apparatus) Norfolk Norfolk Waveney District Council NR6 6BB NR6 6BB Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of an option to purchase contained in a deed dated 15 April 2008) 5-18 Approximately 18 square metres Waveney District Council Marie Blowers Marie Blowers Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising garden Riverside 32 Waveney Drive 32 Waveney Drive Kelvin House and fence (32 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Lowestoft 123 Judd Street 0TN) Lowestoft NR33 0TN NR33 0TN London Suffolk WC1H 9NP NR33 0EQ (in respect of apparatus) 5-19 not used not used not used not used not used

176 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-20 Approximately 541 square metres Sharon Jean Brown Sharon Jean Brown Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising house 34 Waveney Drive 34 Waveney Drive Newington House and garden (34 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 Lowestoft Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road 0TN) Suffolk Suffolk London NR33 0TN NR33 0TN SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Ipswich Building Society PO Box 547 Freehold House The Havens Ipswich IP3 9WZ (as mortgagee for Sharon Jean Brown) (in respect of 34 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934) Unknown (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a conveyance dated 23 July 1946)

177 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-21 not used not used not used not used not used

178 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-22 Approximately 576 square metres Cara Jane Robinson Cara Jane Robinson Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising 1B Durban Road 1B Durban Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way building, hardstanding and shrubbery (Bellablue Lowestoft Lowestoft Ermine Business Park Beauty Clinic, Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk Huntingdon NR33 0UH NR33 0UH PE29 6XU (trading as Bellablue Beauty Clinic) (trading as Bellablue Beauty Clinic) (in respect of apparatus) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of rights of access reserved by the transfer of land dated 20 July 2005) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a lease of an electricity substation dated 5 May 1969) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

179 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-22 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934) Sharon Jean Brown 34 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TN (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934) 5-23 not used not used not used not used not used

180 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-24 Approximately 92 square metres Christopher David Arlow Christopher David Arlow Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising 59 Durban Road 59 Durban Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft Lowestoft Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk Huntingdon NR33 0UH NR33 0UH PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

181 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-25 Approximately 919 square metres Broadland Housing Association Limited Suffolk County Council Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Norwich City Football Club Endeavour House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footways and verge (Durban Road, Carrow Road 8 Russell Road Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Norwich Ipswich Huntingdon Norfolk IP1 2BX PE29 6XU NR1 1HU (in respect of public highway) (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Cadent Gas Limited highway) Ashbrook Court Suffolk County Council Prologis Park Endeavour House Central Boulevard 8 Russell Road Coventry Ipswich CV7 8PE IP1 2BX (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of public highway) Eastern Power Networks plc Christopher David Arlow Newington House 59 Durban Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft London Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0UH (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Essex And Suffolk Water Limited highway) Northumbria House, Abbey Road Andrew Birtwistle Pity Me 34 Gunton Church Lane Durham Lowestoft DH1 5FJ Suffolk (in respect of apparatus) NR32 4LF Openreach Limited (in respect of subsoil up to half width of Kelvin House highway) 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

182 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-25 Cont'd

Marilyn Jane Birtwistle Virgin Media Limited 34 Gunton Church Lane Media House Lowestoft Bartley Wood Business Park Suffolk Bartley Way NR32 4LF Hook (in respect of subsoil up to half width of United Kingdom highway) RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Diane Sandra Bloomfield 9 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Petra Holden 1A Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Philip Gordon Holden 12 Hillside Court Bungay Suffolk NR35 1JY (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

183 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-25 Cont'd

Yasmin Jaffer 42 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Simon John Littler 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Clair Louise Swatman 7 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

184 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-25 Cont'd

Martin Stephen Swatman 7 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) 5-26 Approximately 660 square metres Yasmin Jaffer Shahsultan Jaffer Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising house 42 Waveney Drive 42 Waveney Drive Ashbrook Court and garden (42 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 Lowestoft Lowestoft Prologis Park 0TW) Suffolk Suffolk Central Boulevard NR33 0TW NR33 0TW Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Unknown (in respect of restrictive covenants contained in the conveyance dated 10 November 1897) Unknown (in respect of rights of light, air, erection of buildings and unimpeded running of water, soil, gas or electric cables reserved by conveyance dated 4 April 1985)

185 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-27 Approximately 1038 square metres NWES Property Services Limited All Hallows Healthcare Trust Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private Norwich Enterprise Centre All Hallows Hospital Lancaster House Lancaster Way road and hardstanding (Riverside Business 4B Guildhall Hill Station Road Ermine Business Park Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norwich Ditchingham Huntingdon Norfolk Bungay PE29 6XU NR2 1JH NR35 2QL (in respect of apparatus) Amy Louise Photography Eastern Power Networks plc Riverside Business Centre Newington House 1 Riverside Road 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft London Suffolk SE1 6NP NR33 0TQ (in respect of apparatus) Barbara Robb Family Mediation National Westminster Bank plc Riverside Business Centre Mortgage Centre 1 Riverside Road P.O. Box 123 Lowestoft Greenock Suffolk PA15 1EF NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for NWES Property Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Blue Marine Travel Business Centre, Riverside Road, Unit 2 Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Hammer Hill Business Park Stanbrook New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Thaxted Norwich Research Park Dunmow Norwich CM6 2NH United Kingdom NR4 7UG Cambridgeshire Community (in respect to rights reserved contained Services NHS Trust within a transfer dated 22 May 2009) Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre Openreach Limited 1 Riverside Road Kelvin House Lowestoft 123 Judd Street Suffolk London NR33 0TQ WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

186 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-27 Cont'd

Digital Select Limited Tor Solar PV Limited Rowan House Calder & Co 28 Queens Road 16 Charles II Street Hethersett London Norfolk SW1Y 4NW NR9 3DB (in respect of access) Diss Investments Limited Unknown Riverside Business Centre (in respect of restrictive covenants as 1 Riverside Road contained within a conveyance dated 3 Lowestoft September 1918) Suffolk NR33 0TQ Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

187 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-27 Cont'd

MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

188 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-27 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

189 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-27 Cont'd

Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design)

190 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-28 Approximately 129 square metres PFK Ling Limited Attleborough Motor Works Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc Temporary possession and use of land 55 Mendham Lane 8 The Courtyards Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place comprising building and hardstanding (Lings Harleston Wyncolls Road Lowestoft London Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Severalls Industrial Park Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW Colchester NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Essex respect of building and hardstanding, on PFK Ling Limited CO4 9PE the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Lings Motor Group Harleston New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Riverside Road Norfolk Norwich Research Park Lowestoft IP20 9DW Norwich Suffolk United Kingdom NR33 0TQ NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) 5-29 Approximately 3 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited All interests and rights in land comprising access 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road Steve Young road (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Harleston Lowestoft Enterprise House Lowestoft) Norfolk Suffolk Vicarage Road IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ Egham Surrey PFK Ling Limited TW20 9FB 55 Mendham Lane (in respect of access) Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

191 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-30 Approximately 24 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road Newington House grassed area and signage (Lings Motor Group, Harleston Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Suffolk London IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

192 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-31 Approximately 923 square metres PFK Ling Limited Lings Motor Group Barclays Bank plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising access 55 Mendham Lane Riverside Road 1 Churchill Place road, hardstanding and grassed area (Lings Harleston Lowestoft London Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Norfolk Suffolk E14 5HP IP20 9DW NR33 0TQ (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of PFK Ling Limited Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Norfolk Steve Young IP20 9DW Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB (in respect of access) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

193 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-32 Approximately 5713 square metres ASDA Stores Limited First Essex Buses Limited Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public Asda House Davey House Lancaster House Lancaster Way road, footways, verges, traffic islands, bus stops Great Wilson Street 7B Castle Meadow Ermine Business Park and post box (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Leeds Norwich Huntingdon West Yorkshire Norfolk PE29 6XU LS11 5AD NR1 3DE (in respect of apparatus) (in respect of subsoil up to half width of (in respect of bus stop) Cadent Gas Limited highway) Royal Mail Group Limited Ashbrook Court Broadland Housing Association Limited 100 Victoria Embankment Prologis Park Norwich City Football Club London Central Boulevard Carrow Road EC4Y 0HQ Coventry Norwich (in respect of postbox) CV7 8PE Norfolk (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council NR1 1HU Endeavour House Eastern Power Networks plc (in respect of subsoil up to half width of 8 Russell Road Newington House highway) Ipswich 237 Southwark Bridge Road Bulldog Developments & Consultancy IP1 2BX London Limited (in respect of public highway) SE1 6NP Evolution House (in respect of apparatus) Iceni Court Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Delft Way Northumbria House, Abbey Road Norwich Pity Me Norfolk Durham NR6 6BB DH1 5FJ (in respect of subsoil up to half width of (in respect of apparatus) highway) Openreach Limited McLagan Investments Limited Kelvin House Asda House 123 Judd Street Southbank London Great Wilson Street WC1H 9NP Leeds (in respect of apparatus) West Yorkshire LS11 5AD (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

194 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-32 Cont'd

Northumbrian Water Limited Virgin Media Limited Northumbria House Media House Abbey Road Bartley Wood Business Park Pity Me Bartley Way Durham Hook DH1 5FJ United Kingdom (in respect of subsoil up to half width of RG27 9UP highway) (in respect of apparatus) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

195 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-32 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Jenny Samantha Anderson 48 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Scott Lee Anderson 48 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Sharon Jean Brown 34 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TN (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Peter Dingle 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

196 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-32 Cont'd

Tina Michele Dingle 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Anca-Maria Gherasimescu 46 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Adrian Nicolae Iliescu 46 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Yasmin Jaffer 42 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway)

197 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-33 Approximately 6 square metres Christopher David Arlow Christopher David Arlow Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising 59 Durban Road 59 Durban Road Newington House hardstanding and verge (Durban Road, Lowestoft Lowestoft 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk London NR33 0UH NR33 0UH SE1 6NP (in respect of part) (in respect of part) (in respect of apparatus) Cara Jane Robinson Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Lowestoft Suffolk Suffolk NR33 0UH NR33 0UH (trading as Bellablue Beauty Clinic) (in (trading as Bellablue Beauty respect of part) Clinic) (in respect of part) 5-34 Approximately 22 square metres Christopher David Arlow Christopher David Arlow Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising 59 Durban Road 59 Durban Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft Lowestoft Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk Huntingdon NR33 0UH NR33 0UH PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

198 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-35 Approximately 10 square metres Christopher David Arlow Christopher David Arlow Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land 59 Durban Road 59 Durban Road Lancaster House Lancaster Way comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Lowestoft Lowestoft Ermine Business Park Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk Huntingdon NR33 0UH NR33 0UH PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft United Kingdom NR33 0PD (in respect of access) 5-36 Approximately 48 square metres Christopher David Arlow Christopher David Arlow David Arlow Temporary possession and use of land 59 Durban Road 59 Durban Road 489 London Road South comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Lowestoft Lowestoft Lowestoft Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk Suffolk United Kingdom NR33 0UH NR33 0UH NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

199 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land)

5-37 Approximately 516 square metres PFK Ling Limited Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising 55 Mendham Lane Steve Young Steve Young 1 Churchill Place building and hardstanding (Enterprise Rent-A- Harleston Enterprise House Enterprise House London Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those Norfolk Vicarage Road Vicarage Road E14 5HP owned by PFK Ling Limited IP20 9DW Egham Egham (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in Surrey Surrey respect of land on the east side of TW20 9FB TW20 9FB Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich United Kingdom NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

200 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 1 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category 1 Category 2 Number on Land Plans (A person is within Category 1 if the applicant, after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person is an owner, lessee, tenant (A person is within Category 2 if the applicant, (whatever the tenancy period) or occupier of the land) after making diligent inquiry, knows that the person – (a) is interested in the land, or (b) has power – (i) to sell and convey the land, or (ii) Owners or Reputed Owners Lessees or Tenants Occupiers to release the land) 5-37 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

201 of 570 This page is intentionally left blank

202 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

1-01 Approximately 9115 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footway, Lancaster House Lancaster Way cycleway, bus stop, verge and traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of subsoil) B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 17th Floor 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

203 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-01 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) First Essex Buses Limited Davey House 7B Castle Meadow Norwich Norfolk NR1 3DE (in respect of bus stop) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

204 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-01 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

205 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

1-02 Approximately 95 square metres B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway, cycleway and verge 17th Floor (Peto Way, Lowestoft) 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees V Limited Prospect House 168-170 Washway Road Sale Greater Manchester M33 6RH (in respect of part of registered title) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees VI Limited Prospect House 168-170 Washway Road Sale Greater Manchester M33 6RH (in respect of part of registered title) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

206 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-02 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

207 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

1-03 Approximately 159 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway, cycleway, bus stop Lancaster House Lancaster Way and verge (Peto Way, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of subsoil) B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 17th Floor 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees V Limited Prospect House 168-170 Washway Road Sale Greater Manchester M33 6RH (in respect of part of registered title) Brookhouse (Lowestoft) Nominees VI Limited Prospect House 168-170 Washway Road Sale Greater Manchester M33 6RH (in respect of part of registered title)

208 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-03 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) First Essex Buses Limited Davey House 7B Castle Meadow Norwich Norfolk NR1 3DE (in respect of bus stop) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

209 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-03 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

210 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

1-04 Approximately 261 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (to rear Lancaster House Lancaster Way of building, Wickes Building Supplies, Peto Way, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 10 December 2004) B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 17th Floor 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 5 February 2002) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

211 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-04 Cont'd

Wickes Building Supplies Limited Lodge Way House Lodge Way Harlestone Road Northampton NN5 7UG 1-06 Approximately 4216 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX

212 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

1-07 Approximately 285 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising private access road, footways and 25 Bedford Street verge (leading to Peto Way, Lowestoft) London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of adjoining land dated 5 February 2002) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of access) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 16 December 2016 relating to an equitable easement) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of access)

213 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 1-07 Cont'd

LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights as contained within a conveyance dated 22 April 1988) Wickes Building Supplies Limited Lodge Way House Lodge Way Harlestone Road Northampton NN5 7UG (in respect of access)

214 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-01 Approximately 1980 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footway, Lancaster House Lancaster Way cycleway, verge and traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of subsoil) B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited 17th Floor 125 Old Broad Street London EC2N 1AR (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004) Bannatyne's Health Club Limited Power House Haughton Road Darlington Durham DL1 1ST (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

215 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-01 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) LIDL UK GmbH 19 Worple Road London SW19 4JS (in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 1 January 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

216 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-01 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

217 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-02 Approximately 531 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, traffic islands, footways Lancaster House Lancaster Way and grass verge (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

218 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-02 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Christopher Wreford Gwinnell 17 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU (in respect of subsoil up to half width of highway) 2-03 Approximately 6 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway and verge (Denmark Lancaster House Lancaster Way Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of part of registered title) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

219 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-04 Approximately 41 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public footway and verge, cycleway Newington House and verge (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of part of registered title)

220 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-05 Approximately 3407 square metres AD-Venture Media Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footways, 4 Chandlers Lane verge and advertising hoarding (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Aldbourne Marlborough Wiltshire SN8 2TB (in respect of an agreement dated 15 April 2018 relating to an advertising hoarding on Denmark Road) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

221 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-05 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

222 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-07 Approximately 10744 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

223 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-07 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 2-08 Approximately 4 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery (adjacent to operational Lancaster House Lancaster Way railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Unknown

224 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-09 Approximately 15 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery (adjacent to operational Floor 5 railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of part of registered title) 2-10 Approximately 151 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (adjacent to Lancaster House Lancaster Way operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Ermine Business Park Crown Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Unknown

225 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-12 Approximately 864 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area Lancaster House Lancaster Way (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those Ermine Business Park owned by the Crown Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) Unknown

226 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-13 Approximately 1166 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising operational railway (East Lancaster House Lancaster Way Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-14 Approximately 114 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Floor 5 Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) 2-15 Approximately 205 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising operational railway (East Newington House Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway)

227 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-16 Approximately 760 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising works yard, grassed area Lancaster House Lancaster Way and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-17 Approximately 119 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

228 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-18 Approximately 367 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising works yard, grassed area and Floor 5 shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-19 Approximately 4315 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising works yard, grassed area Newington House and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

229 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-20 Approximately 781 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road (Commercial Holly Lane Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

230 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-20 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield West Sussex BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich Norfolk NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access) National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

231 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-20 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

232 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-21 Approximately 212 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding, Holly Lane including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

233 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-21 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield West Sussex BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich Norfolk NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access) National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

234 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-21 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

235 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-22 Approximately 3374 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising hardstanding and parking Holly Lane spaces, including quay wall (Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

236 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-22 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

237 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-22 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

238 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-23 Approximately 396 square metres Aldi Stores Limited All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding (south of Commercial Holly Lane Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

239 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-23 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

240 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-25 Approximately 2 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area 37 Tanner Row (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those York owned by the Crown YO1 6WP (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Unknown 2-26 Approximately 551 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Lancaster House Lancaster Way operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) 2-27 Approximately 103 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Floor 5 Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway)

241 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-28 Approximately 24 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Lancaster House Lancaster Way works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Ermine Business Park Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-29 Approximately 325 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Floor 5 works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East 1 Eversholt Street Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

242 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-30 Approximately 154 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and Floor 5 shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) 2-31 Approximately 160 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private access road to Floor 5 operational railway (East Suffolk Line, Commercial Road, Lowestoft) 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of operational railway) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

243 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-32 Approximately 588 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Holly Lane private road and hardstanding (south of Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

244 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-32 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield West Sussex BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich Norfolk NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access) National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RQ (in respect of access) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

245 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-32 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

246 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-33 Approximately 300 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Holly Lane hardstanding, including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

247 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-33 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

248 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

2-34 Approximately 2292 square metres Aldi Stores Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding, Holly Lane including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003) Aldi Stores Limited Holly Lane Atherstone Warwickshire CV9 2SQ (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES British Gas Services Limited Millstream Maidenhead Road Windsor Berkshire SL4 5GD (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

249 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-34 Cont'd

Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited Bankside House Henfield Road Small Dole Henfield West Sussex BN5 9XQ (in respect of access) James Fisher and Sons plc Enterprise House Harveys Lane Seething Norwich Norfolk NR15 1EN (trading as Fendercare Marine) (in respect of access) National Oilwell Varco UK Limited Stonedale Road Oldends Industrial Estate Oldends Stonehouse Gloucestershire GL10 3RQ (in respect of access)

250 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-34 Cont'd

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969) Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Floor 5 1 Eversholt Street London NW1 2DN (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) SMS (Lowestoft) Limited Kintyre House 70 High Street Fareham Hampshire PO16 7BB (in respect of access) Sunny Camper Limited Commercial Road Lowestoft NR32 2TE (in respect of access)

251 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 2-34 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997) 3-01 Approximately 21159 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), 25 Bedford Street including lakebed and quay walls London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

252 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-02 Approximately 4238 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), 25 Bedford Street including lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971) 3-03 Approximately 722 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

253 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-04 Approximately 1351 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

254 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-05 Approximately 935 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 3-06 Approximately 394 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

255 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-07 Approximately 412 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) 3-08 Approximately 96 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

256 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-10 Approximately 15082 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), 25 Bedford Street including lakebed and quay walls London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

257 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-11 Approximately 6 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

258 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-11 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus)

259 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-11 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) 3-12 Approximately 181 square metres Waveney District Council Acquisition of rights over land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and Riverside shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

260 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-13 Approximately 5173 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and Newington House shrubbery (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

261 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-14 Approximately 8337 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising disused yard, hardstanding Newington House and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

262 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-15 Approximately 20 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising decommissioned electricity Newington House substation (on the north side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ

263 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-16 Approximately 9646 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising yard and hardstanding Lancaster House Lancaster Way (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB

264 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-16 Cont'd

Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

265 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-17 Approximately 588 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising private road (on the west side of Newington House Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Mobile Broadband Network Limited Sixth Floor, Thames Tower Station Road Reading England RG1 1LX (in respect of access) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of land dated 10 October 2003)

266 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-18 Approximately 344 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising private road and hardstanding (on Newington House the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Mobile Broadband Network Limited Sixth Floor, Thames Tower Station Road Reading England RG1 1LX (in respect of access) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ

267 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-20 Approximately 283 square metres Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge and shrubbery adjacent Ashbrook Court to private road (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005)

268 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-20 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

269 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-20 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

270 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-21 Approximately 673 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, footway and Lancaster House Lancaster Way verge (on the north west side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005)

271 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-21 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

272 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-22 Approximately 201 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north Lancaster House Lancaster Way side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

273 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-23 Approximately 2 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public footway (on the north side of Newington House Canning Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX

274 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-23 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

275 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-24 Approximately 1097 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (on the north side of Lancaster House Lancaster Way Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of Registrar's Office and car parking spaces) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ

276 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-24 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) 3-25 Approximately 187 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north Newington House side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of Registrar's Office and car parking spaces) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

277 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-27 Approximately 239 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge (on the west side of Lancaster House Lancaster Way Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

278 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-27 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect on apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway verge) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

279 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-27 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

280 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-28 Approximately 32 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising electricity substation (Riverside Newington House Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

281 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-29 Approximately 1563 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and hardstanding, Lancaster House Lancaster Way including quay wall (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Hitech Grand Prix Limited 11 Buckingham Road Silverstone Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 8TJ Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU)

282 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-29 Cont'd

Lift Truck Rentals Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Nexen Lift Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG

283 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-29 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Team Oakes Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

284 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-30 Approximately 158 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and hardstanding (on Lancaster House Lancaster Way the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Hitech Grand Prix Limited 11 Buckingham Road Silverstone Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 8TJ Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU)

285 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-30 Cont'd

Lift Truck Rentals Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Nexen Lift Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG

286 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-30 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Team Oakes Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

287 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-31 Approximately 86 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footway and shrubbery Lancaster House Lancaster Way (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

288 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-31 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

289 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-32 Approximately 434 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road, footway and shrubbery Lancaster House Lancaster Way (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

290 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-32 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) 3-33 Approximately 659 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising 25 Bedford Street part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

291 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-34 Approximately 647 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising 25 Bedford Street part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) 3-35 Approximately 148 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising 25 Bedford Street part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

292 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-36 Approximately 944 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed and quay walls London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 3-37 Approximately 510 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising 25 Bedford Street part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

293 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-38 Approximately 177 square metres Waveney District Council Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising Riverside disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of 4 Canning Road Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) 3-39 Approximately 80 square metres Waveney District Council Acquisition of rights over land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and Riverside shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

294 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-40 Approximately 1743 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising private road, yard and hardstanding Lancaster House Lancaster Way (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

295 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-40 Cont'd

Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

296 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-41 Approximately 120 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road, yard and hardstanding 25 Bedford Street (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

297 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-42 Approximately 69 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north Lancaster House Lancaster Way side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

298 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-43 Approximately 3286 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge Lancaster House Lancaster Way (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

299 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-44 Approximately 49 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (adjacent to Suffolk Lancaster House Lancaster Way County Council Registrar's Office, Canning Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of Registrar's Office and car parking spaces) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ

300 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-45 Approximately 99 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising hardstanding and grassed area Lancaster House Lancaster Way (adjacent to Suffolk County Council Registrar's Office, Canning Road, Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of Registrar's Office and car parking spaces)

301 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-45 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ

302 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-46 Approximately 1380 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Canning Lancaster House Lancaster Way Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH

303 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-46 Cont'd

Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

304 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-46 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

305 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-47 Approximately 91 square metres Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the Ashbrook Court west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

306 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-48 Approximately 92 square metres Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the Ashbrook Court west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

307 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-49 Approximately 36 square metres Attleborough Motor Works Limited All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding and shrubbery 8 The Courtyards (adjacent to Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Wyncolls Road Severalls Industrial Park Colchester Essex CO4 9PE Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of building and hardstanding, on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

308 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-49 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

309 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-50 Approximately 85 square metres Attleborough Motor Works Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising hardstanding (adjacent to Lings 8 The Courtyards Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Wyncolls Road Severalls Industrial Park Colchester Essex CO4 9PE Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of building and hardstanding, on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

310 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-51 Approximately 9 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) 3-52 Approximately 402 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

311 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-53 Approximately 7 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

312 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-53 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

313 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-54 Approximately 2116 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), 25 Bedford Street including lakebed and quay wall London WC2E 9ES Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

314 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-54 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929) 3-55 Approximately 65 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including 25 Bedford Street lakebed London WC2E 9ES National Grid Gas plc 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5EH (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

315 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-56 Approximately 4863 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area and Newington House hardstanding, including quay wall (on the east side of Riverside Road, 237 Southwark Bridge Road Lowestoft) London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Hitech Grand Prix Limited 11 Buckingham Road Silverstone Towcester Northamptonshire NN12 8TJ Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (as mortgagee for Overseas Interests Inc) (in respect of land at Riverside Business Park, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TU) Lift Truck Rentals Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)

316 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-56 Cont'd

Nexen Lift Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Oakes Recruitment Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Team Oakes Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

317 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-56 Cont'd

Waveney Fork Trucks Limited 18 Gordon Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1NL Unknown (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

318 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-57 Approximately 1367 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, footway and Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

319 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-57 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich Norfolk NR3 1RG (in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

320 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-58 Approximately 416 square metres Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising building and hardstanding 1 Churchill Place (Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those owned by London PFK Ling Limited E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Steve Young Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

321 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 3-58 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

322 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

3-59 Approximately 594 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, yard and 25 Bedford Street hardstanding (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

323 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-01 Approximately 9047 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising buildings, yard and Lancaster House Lancaster Way hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

324 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-02 Approximately 10754 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on Lancaster House Lancaster Way the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft)

325 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 4-02 Cont'd

Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

326 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-03 Approximately 4305 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Waveney Lancaster House Lancaster Way Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

327 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-04 Approximately 4040 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising buildings, yard and Lancaster House Lancaster Way hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Associated British Ports 25 Bedford Street London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

328 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-05 Approximately 67 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising yard and hardstanding (on the north 25 Bedford Street side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) London WC2E 9ES (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960) Flight Services SA Brooke Park Heath Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9LZ (in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990) HSBC Bank plc 8 Canada Square London E14 5HQ (as mortgagee for Statuslist Limited) (in respect of land and buildings, north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Rentokil Initial (1896) Limited Riverbank Meadows Business Park Blackwater Camberley Surrey GU17 9AB Statuslist Limited One New Change London EC4M 9AF

329 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-06 Approximately 140 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footway (Canning Newington House Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

330 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 4-06 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

331 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 4-06 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

332 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-07 Approximately 105 square metres Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway (to the north of Ashbrook Court Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Highways England Historical Railways Estate 37 Tanner Row York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Riverside Children and Families Centre Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

333 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 4-07 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public footway) 4-08 Approximately 18 square metres Cadent Gas Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway and shrubbery (on Ashbrook Court the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of part of registered title) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public footway)

334 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

4-09 Approximately 2 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway and shrubbery (on 37 Tanner Row the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) York YO1 6WP (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (in respect of part of registered title) Riverside Children and Families Centre Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public footway)

335 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-01 Approximately 1027 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Canning Lancaster House Lancaster Way Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH

336 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-01 Cont'd

Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

337 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-01 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

338 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-02 Approximately 1642 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge Lancaster House Lancaster Way (Riverside Road, Lowetsoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

339 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-03 Approximately 201 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the Arpley House west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

340 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-04 Approximately 194 square metres Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the Ashbrook Court west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

341 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-04 Cont'd

Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

342 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-05 Approximately 394 square metres All Hallows Healthcare Trust All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge, hardstanding, All Hallows Hospital shrubbery and bike shed (on the north side of Waveney Drive and to the west Station Road of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Ditchingham Bungay NR35 2QL Amy Louise Photography Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Blue Marine Travel Unit 2 Hammer Hill Business Park Stanbrook Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2NH Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus)

343 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-05 Cont'd

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Digital Select Limited Rowan House 28 Queens Road Hethersett Norfolk NR9 3DB Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

344 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-05 Cont'd

Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ National Westminster Bank plc Mortgage Centre P.O. Box 123 Greenock PA15 1EF (as mortgagee for NWES Property Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009)

345 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-05 Cont'd

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

346 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-05 Cont'd

Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Tor Solar PV Limited Calder & Co 16 Charles II Street London SW1Y 4NW (in respect of access) Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design) Unknown (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

347 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-06 Approximately 249 square metres All Hallows Healthcare Trust Temporary possession and use of land comprising grass verge and shrubbery All Hallows Hospital (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Station Road Ditchingham Bungay NR35 2QL Amy Louise Photography Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Blue Marine Travel Unit 2 Hammer Hill Business Park Stanbrook Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2NH Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus)

348 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-06 Cont'd

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Digital Select Limited Rowan House 28 Queens Road Hethersett Norfolk NR9 3DB Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

349 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-06 Cont'd

Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ National Westminster Bank plc Mortgage Centre P.O. Box 123 Greenock PA15 1EF (as mortgagee for NWES Property Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009)

350 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-06 Cont'd

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

351 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-06 Cont'd

Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design) Unknown (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

352 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-10 Approximately 168 square metres Attleborough Motor Works Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising building and hardstanding (Lings 8 The Courtyards Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Wyncolls Road Severalls Industrial Park Colchester Essex CO4 9PE Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of building and hardstanding, on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

353 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-11 Approximately 115 square metres Attleborough Motor Works Limited All interests and rights in land comprising building, hardstanding and 8 The Courtyards shrubbery (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Wyncolls Road Severalls Industrial Park Colchester Essex CO4 9PE Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of building and hardstanding, on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

354 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-11 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

355 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-12 Approximately 7 square metres Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway (on the east side of Ashbrook Court Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Homes and Communities Agency Arpley House 110 Birchwood Boulevard Birchwood Warrington Cheshire WA3 7QH Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

356 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-12 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

357 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-12 Cont'd

Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

358 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-13 Approximately 1093 square metres Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising access road, hardstanding and 1 Churchill Place grass verge (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Steve Young Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB (in respect of access) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

359 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-13 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of part of registered title)

360 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-14 Approximately 1318 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising comprising hardstanding and Lancaster House Lancaster Way signage, including quay wall (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

361 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-14 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of part of registered title)

362 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-15 Approximately 154 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and public footway (on Lancaster House Lancaster Way the north side of A12 Horn Hill, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) ASDA Stores Limited Asda House Great Wilson Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5AD McLagan Investments Limited Asda House Southbank Great Wilson Street Leeds West Yorkshire LS11 5AD Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public footway) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 20 March 1995)

363 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-16 Approximately 4621 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways, roundabout Lancaster House Lancaster Way and traffic islands (A12 Tom Crisp Way, A12 Horn Hill and Maconochie Way, Ermine Business Park Lowestoft) Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

364 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-16 Cont'd

Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 31 March 1983) 5-17 Approximately 5 square metres Bulldog Developments & Consultancy Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and hardstanding (on the Evolution House south side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Iceni Court Delft Way Norwich Norfolk NR6 6BB Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of an option to purchase contained in a deed dated 15 April 2008)

365 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-18 Approximately 18 square metres Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising garden and fence (32 Waveney Kelvin House Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ Marie Blowers 32 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TN

366 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-20 Approximately 541 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising house and garden (34 Waveney Newington House Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Ipswich Building Society PO Box 547 Freehold House The Havens Ipswich IP3 9WZ (as mortgagee for Sharon Jean Brown) (in respect of 34 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934) Sharon Jean Brown 34 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TN Unknown (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a conveyance dated 23 July 1946)

367 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-22 Approximately 576 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising building, hardstanding and Lancaster House Lancaster Way shrubbery (Bellablue Beauty Clinic, Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of rights of access reserved by the transfer of land dated 20 July 2005) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of rights granted by a lease of an electricity substation dated 5 May 1969) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0EQ (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934)

368 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-22 Cont'd

Sharon Jean Brown 34 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TN (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934) Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (trading as Bellablue Beauty Clinic) 5-24 Approximately 92 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Lancaster House Lancaster Way Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Christopher David Arlow 59 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

369 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-25 Approximately 919 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge Lancaster House Lancaster Way (Durban Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway)

370 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-25 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 5-26 Approximately 660 square metres Cadent Gas Limited All interests and rights in land comprising house and garden (42 Waveney Ashbrook Court Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Shahsultan Jaffer 42 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW Yasmin Jaffer 42 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW Unknown (in respect of restrictive covenants contained in the conveyance dated 10 November 1897) Unknown (in respect of rights of light, air, erection of buildings and unimpeded running of water, soil, gas or electric cables reserved by conveyance dated 4 April 1985)

371 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-27 Approximately 1038 square metres All Hallows Healthcare Trust Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding All Hallows Hospital (Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Station Road Ditchingham Bungay NR35 2QL Amy Louise Photography Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Blue Marine Travel Unit 2 Hammer Hill Business Park Stanbrook Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2NH Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

372 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-27 Cont'd

Digital Select Limited Rowan House 28 Queens Road Hethersett Norfolk NR9 3DB Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

373 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-27 Cont'd

MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 8TS N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ National Westminster Bank plc Mortgage Centre P.O. Box 123 Greenock PA15 1EF (as mortgagee for NWES Property Services Limited) (in respect of Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009) Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

374 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-27 Cont'd

NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus) Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ

375 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-27 Cont'd

Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Tor Solar PV Limited Calder & Co 16 Charles II Street London SW1Y 4NW (in respect of access) Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ (trading as Buck Equine Design) Unknown (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

376 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-28 Approximately 129 square metres Attleborough Motor Works Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising building and hardstanding 8 The Courtyards (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Wyncolls Road Severalls Industrial Park Colchester Essex CO4 9PE Barclays Bank plc 1 Churchill Place London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of building and hardstanding, on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

377 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-29 Approximately 3 square metres Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited All interests and rights in land comprising access road (Lings Motor Group, Steve Young Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB (in respect of access) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW 5-30 Approximately 24 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and signage (Lings Newington House Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

378 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-31 Approximately 923 square metres Barclays Bank plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising access road, hardstanding and 1 Churchill Place grassed area (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) London E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Steve Young Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB (in respect of access) Lings Motor Group Riverside Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TQ New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

379 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-32 Approximately 5713 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways, verges, traffic Lancaster House Lancaster Way islands, bus stops and post box (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Essex And Suffolk Water Limited Northumbria House, Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ (in respect of apparatus) First Essex Buses Limited Davey House 7B Castle Meadow Norwich Norfolk NR1 3DE (in respect of bus stop) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

380 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-32 Cont'd

Royal Mail Group Limited 100 Victoria Embankment London EC4Y 0HQ (in respect of postbox) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Virgin Media Limited Media House Bartley Wood Business Park Bartley Way Hook Hampshire RG27 9UP (in respect of apparatus) 5-33 Approximately 6 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding and verge (Durban Newington House Road, Lowestoft) 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Christopher David Arlow 59 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (in respect of part) Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH (trading as Bellablue Beauty Clinic) (in respect of part)

381 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-34 Approximately 22 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited All interests and rights in land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Lancaster House Lancaster Way Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Christopher David Arlow 59 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

382 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-35 Approximately 10 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising garages and hardstanding Lancaster House Lancaster Way (Durban Road, Lowestoft) Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Christopher David Arlow 59 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0PD (in respect of access) 5-36 Approximately 48 square metres Christopher David Arlow Temporary possession and use of land comprising garages and hardstanding 59 Durban Road (Durban Road, Lowestoft) Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH David Arlow 489 London Road South Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0PD (in respect of access)

383 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans

5-37 Approximately 516 square metres Barclays Bank plc All interests and rights in land comprising building and hardstanding 1 Churchill Place (Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those owned by London PFK Ling Limited E14 5HP (as mortgagee for PFK Ling Limited) (in respect of land on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Cadent Gas Limited Ashbrook Court Prologis Park Central Boulevard Coventry CV7 8PE (in respect of apparatus) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP (in respect of apparatus) Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited Steve Young Enterprise House Vicarage Road Egham Surrey TW20 9FB New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership Norwich Research Park Norwich Norfolk NR4 7UG (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) Openreach Limited Kelvin House 123 Judd Street London WC1H 9NP (in respect of apparatus)

384 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2a District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Number on Planning Act 2008 Land Plans 5-37 Cont'd

PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW

385 of 570 This page is intentionally left blank

386 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Shrubbery and grassed area (A12 Tom Crisp Way, Lowestoft) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX House and garden (63 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Gareth John Mayo 63 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Monica Carolina Siliezar Mayo 63 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (61 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Glen Paul Swatman 281 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA Anita Joan Swatman 281 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA Denise Humphries 61 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (59 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Christopher David Arlow 59 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (57 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Peter Meyer 57 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Carol Ann Meyer 57 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

387 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Electricity substation (Durban Road, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP House and garden (55 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Mark David Ball 55 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Lynda Anne Ball 55 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (53 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Scott Philip Edward Newrick 53 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Natasha Vicki Newrick 53 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (51 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Pamela Jennie Warne 51 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (47 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Robin Harold Stephenson 47 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Joan Margaret Stephenson 47 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH

388 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (45 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) John Alan Turner 45 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Katie Elizabeth Turner 45 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (49 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Rachel Marie Earl 49 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (43 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) David Albert Graves 43 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Ann Pauline Graves 43 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (39 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Michael Frederick Robbins 39 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (41 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Richard Kingsland Brown 31 Riverside Maltings Rose Lane Diss IP22 4RA David Southernwood 41 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Julie Carter 41 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

389 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (37 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Jamie Derren Mace 37 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Building, grassed area and hardstanding (Kevill Arms Public House, Durban Pin Chen Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Kevill Arms Public House Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Jinyun Zhang Kevill Arms Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (35 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Jane Moore 35 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (31 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Richard Thomas Alboni 31 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Trudy Elizabeth Alboni 31 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (33 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Rosemarie Thelma Gardner-McMillan 33 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (4 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Craig William Woodrow 4 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Aimee Woodrow 4 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

390 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (6 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Brent Neil Greenfield 6 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Angela Dawn Greenfield 6 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (27 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ The Occupier 27 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (29 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Peter Cornish 7 Will Rede Close Beccles NR34 9HW Elizabeth Sheldon 29 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Beatrice Cornish 7 Will Rede Close Beccles NR34 9HW Robert Sheldon 29 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

391 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (8 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Marc David Holland 8 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Stacy Holland 8 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (23 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Steven Kenneth Baker 23 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Frances Elizabeth Ann Baker 23 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (25 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Thomas Anthony Chipperfield 25 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (10 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Mark Douglas Bentall 10 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (21 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Gordon Meikle 49 Hillcrest Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4EB Ian Meikle 64 Hillcrest Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4EB Mary Emmeline Pulford 21 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

392 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (12 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Philip John Mayo 12 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Glynis May Mayo 12 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (19 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Donna Louise Skitterall 19 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Rodney John Skitterall 123 Clapham Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 1RP House and garden (14 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Andrew John Peck 14 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Mark Mayo 14 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Ana Mayo 14 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (17 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Jamie Derek Gallagher 17 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Lisa Jane Gallagher 17 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH

393 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (15 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) David Richard Forder 15 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (16 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Peter David Marjoram 16 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Kathleen Margaret Marjoram 16 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Public road and footways (Maconochie Way leading to Harrod Close, Suffolk County Council Lowestoft) Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) House and garden (18 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Christine Anne Betts Ferncliff 23 Shore Road Innellan Dunoon Argyll PA23 7TL Graham Betts Ferncliff 23 Shore Road Innellan Dunoon PA23 7TL Michele Caldwell 18 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (13 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Olive Warner 13 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH

394 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (22 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Terence Vincent Holland 22 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (20 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Rita Lilian Gibbs 20 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH John Alfred Kenneth Gibbs 20 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (11 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Mark John Bowles 11 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Jacqueline Louise Bowles 11 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (50 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Lynne Elizabeth Parker-Hodds 50 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW House and garden (24 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Tanya Louise Hutchinson 24 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (52 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Liam James Vanvelp Fernand 52 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW

395 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (54 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Sara Jane Thorpe 54 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW Andrew Gary Thorpe 54 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW House and garden (9 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Diane Sandra Bloomfield 9 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Ellen Bloomfield 9 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Shrubbery (to the rear of 9 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Diane Sandra Bloomfield 9 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (26 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Glenn Mark Peeters 26 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (5 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) James Leonard Cleverly 5 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Michelle Ann Cleverly 5 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

396 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (3 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) The Occupier 3 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of 3 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) The Owner 3 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (56 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Michael William Charles Mills 56 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW Margaret Jean Mills 56 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW House and garden (28 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Cynthia Valerie Wooltorton 28 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (7 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Martin Stephen Swatman 7 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Clair Louise Swatman 7 Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Sewage pumping station (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU

397 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (32 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Aiden Gooding 32 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Amy Woolston 32 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (30 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Gary Mitchell 30 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Angela Mitchell 30 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

398 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Private car park (Durban Road, Lowestoft) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Aiden Gooding 32 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space) Sarah Mudd 36 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space) Jennifer Turnbull 38 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space) Amy Woolston 32 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space) The Occupier 34 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Gary Mitchell 30 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space) Angela Mitchell 30 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH (in respect of parking space)

399 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (40 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Mario Fiorentini 40 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (38 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Jennifer Turnbull 38 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (36 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU Sarah Mudd 36 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (34 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Broadland Housing Association Limited Norwich City Football Club Carrow Road Norwich NR1 1HU D Head 34 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Julie Treadaway 34 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH

400 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (58 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Katie Raynesford 58 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW Jordan Raynesford 58 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW House and garden (48 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Scott Lee Anderson 48 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW Jenny Samantha Anderson 48 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW House and garden (1 Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Andrew Birtwistle 34 Gunton Church Lane Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4LF Marilyn Jane Birtwistle 34 Gunton Church Lane Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4LF Bethany Monk 1 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH Mathew Bircham 1 Durban Road Lowestoft NR33 0UH House and garden (46 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Anca-Maria Gherasimescu 46 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW Adrian Nicolae Iliescu 46 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW

401 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (60 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Darrel Robert James Hibbert 60 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW House and garden (62 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Aaron William Debenham 62 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Melanie Stacey Elizabeth Debenham 62 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (44 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) Tina Michele Dingle 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TW Peter Dingle 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW PD Joinery 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW The Window Cleaning Co. 44 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TW House and garden (64 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Christopher Peter Fulford 64 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Jane Donna Fulford 64 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP

402 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (1A Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Philip Gordon Holden 12 Hillside Court Bungay NR35 1JY Petra Holden 1A Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH House and garden (66 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Brian Sydney Trigg 66 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (70 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) John William Parker Walnut House Rollesby Road Fleggburgh Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR29 3AQ The Occupier 70 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (68 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Richard Williams 277 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA Dorothy Eileen Williams 277 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4AA Maureen Bunn 68 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP

403 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (72 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Neil Ayers 72 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Tracey Jane Ayers 72 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (74 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Gary Masters 74 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (76 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Robert Roy Leech 76 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Shirley Venita Leech 76 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (78 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Michael Colin Green 78 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (1B Durban Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0UH) Cara Jane Robinson 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH Simon John Littler 1B Durban Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0UH

404 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Electricity substation (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU House and garden (84 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) David Harmer 84 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Mary Harmer 84 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (82 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) David Alfred Brown 82 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Susan Jane Brown 82 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (80 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) The Owner 80 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP The Occupier 80 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP

405 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (86 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Trevor Hodges 86 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Susan Alice Hodges 86 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (88 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Lee Mathews 88 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (90 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Andrew Brian Kent 90 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Paula Ann Kent 90 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (92 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Cassie Nunn 92 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (96 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Ben Matthew Arlow 96 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Stephanie Lara Arlow 96 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP

406 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (94 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Gary Willgoss 94 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Pauline Eva Willgoss 94 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (98 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Patricia Eileen Ward 98 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (100 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Philip John Reeve 100 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Nicola Marie Reeve 100 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (104 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Marie Patricia Sutcliffe 104 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (102 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Mary Welton 102 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (106 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Garry Ian Newsome 106 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Angela Newsome 106 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP

407 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (108 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Rosemary Anne Chapman 3 Georgian Grove Gunton Church Lane Lowestoft NR32 4LH Janet Bartram 108 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Sarah Bartram 108 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (110 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Daniel John Tacon 110 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Gemma Ann Oldman 110 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (112 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Margaret Edna Galley 112 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (114 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Nita Meager 114 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Phillip John Meager 114 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (116 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Scott Vincent Humphreys 116 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP

408 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (118 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Paige Berneen Philippa Dewberry 118 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Ryan David Graham 118 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (120 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Confidential Assignments Limited Beech House 188 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft NR32 4AB Mr Thorby 120 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (122 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Confidential Assignments Limited Beech House 188 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft NR32 4AB Mr Cable 122 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Public road, footways and verge (A12, Horn Hill, Lowestoft) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) House and garden (126 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Sam Daniels 126 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Tanya Daniels 126 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP

409 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (124 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Richard Woods 124 Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP House and garden (128 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) Cyril George King 128 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP House and garden (130 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TP) David John Clement Sargeant 130 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Mavis Diane Sargeant 130 Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TP Shrubbery and hardstanding (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH

410 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Buildings and hardstanding (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) Maurice Edward Cunningham Temple 1 Cliftonville Road Lowestoft NR33 7AY Katharine Amy Temple 1 Cliftonville Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7AY Graham James Temple 42 Elm Tree Road Lowestoft NR33 9ET Rebecca Rachel Temple 42 Elm Tree Road Lowestoft NR33 9ET Metalicon Compass House Waveney Drive Lowestoft NR33 0TP Arrow Group Global Limited Compass House Waveney Drive Lowestoft Suffolk United Kingdom NR33 0TP Shenton Trading LLP Shenton House Walworth Road Walworth Industrial Estate Andover Hampshire SP10 5LH

411 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Building (Riverside Business Centre, 1 Riverside Road, Lowestoft, NR33 0TQ) NWES Property Services Limited Norwich Enterprise Centre 4B Guildhall Hill Norwich Norfolk NR2 1JH Tor Solar PV Limited Calder & Co 16 Charles II Street London SW1Y 4NW (in relation to the airspace above the roof for solar panels) Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Unit 2 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Suffolk Careline Social Enterprise CIC Suite 14 Hardmans Business Centre New Hall Hey Road Rawtenstall Rossendale BB4 6HH Hitec Products AS Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Lisa's Homes Unit 8 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ N G Training Unit 11 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Navitas International Solutions Limited Burnside Business Centre

412 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Burnside Road Peterhead AB42 3AW Roger Buck Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ All Hallows Healthcare Trust All Hallows Hospital Station Road Ditchingham Bungay NR35 2QL Heritage Care at Home Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Barbara Robb Family Mediation Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Amy Louise Photography Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ R2M Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Select Credit Management Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Blue Marine Travel Unit 2 Hammer Hill Business Park Stanbrook

413 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Thaxted Dunmow CM6 2NH Your Mortgage Solutions Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust - Wellbeing Services Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Diss Investments Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ Packrobat Automation Limited Unit 30 Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ MGN Building & Facilities Management Services Limited Accounting Taxation And Business Services London Road Beccles NR34 8TS Digital Select Limited Rowan House 28 Queens Road Hethersett NR9 3DB Prestige Holidays Limited Riverside Business Centre 1 Riverside Road Lowestoft NR33 0TQ

414 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Electricity substation (Canning Road, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Northumbrian Water Limited Northumbria House Abbey Road Pity Me Durham DH1 5FJ Hardstanding (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) PFK Ling Limited 55 Mendham Lane Harleston Norfolk IP20 9DW Part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall Overseas Interests Inc c/o Howes Percival LLP Flint Buildings 1 Bedding Lane Norwich NR3 1RG Electricity substation (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Buildings and hardstanding (The Bungalow, Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 Peter John Walters 2EW) Adam Walters Cars Limited 231-239 Heigham Street Norwich NR2 4LN David's Trade Cars The Bungalow Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EW House and garden (220-222 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Access Community Trust 113-114 High Street Lowestoft NR32 1HN

415 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (224 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Andrew Peter Gregory 224 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (228 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Kenneth Jarmin 228 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN House and garden (226 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) The Occupier 226 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN The Owner 226 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (230 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Stephen Peter Fox 230 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN Stephen Peter Fox 6 Monarch Way Carlton Colville Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8GH Karen Fox 230 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN Karen Fox 6 Monarch Way Carlton Colville Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8GH

416 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (232 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Jean Seager 232 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN House and garden (234 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Gareth Steven Clark 234 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN House and garden (236 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Lee Robert Pearman 236 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Tina Ann Cook 236 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (246 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Robert Alexander Stupart 246 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Marylyn Ellen Stupart 246 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (244 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) The Occupier 244 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN The Owner 244 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN

417 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (248 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Shirley Anne Slade Manor House Oulton Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3BB Donna Paris 248 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (250 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Ross Ardley 250 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (252 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Christine Martin 252 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Jay Morrison 252 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Dorothy Martin 252 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (254 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Marie Louise Dorling 254 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN House and garden (256 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Stephen John Rider 256 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Kaylee Louise Rider 256 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN

418 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (258 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) David Ian Tobyn Clarke 10 St Georges Manor Littlemore Oxford OX4 4TN Rachel Tamsin Shuttleworth Clarke 10 St Georges Manor Littlemore Oxford OX4 4TN The Occupier 258 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (260 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Robin Reece 260 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN Gloria Reece 260 Denmark Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EN House and garden (262 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Nicholas Dorian Cone 262 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Deborah Tracy Cone 262 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (264 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Cristina Caterina Gasparro 264 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN House and garden (266 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Joan Deborah Whiting 266 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN

419 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (268 Denmark Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EN) Elliott Samuel Bibb 46 Commercial Road Llanhilleth Abertillery Blaenau Gwent NP13 2HT Vincent James Bibb 46 Commercial Road Llanhilleth Abertillery Blaenau Gwent NP13 2HT The Occupier 268 Denmark Road Lowestoft NR32 2EN Public road and footway (Hervey Street, Lowestoft) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ Buildings and hardstanding (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ House and garden (49 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Neil Russell Gregg Litchmere Cottage Litchmere Lane Kirby Kane Bungay Suffolk NR35 2HR The Occupier 49 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ

420 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Building and hardstanding (39b Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Mark Drew 25 Waveney Crescent Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TY Mark's Gents Hairdressers 39b Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ House and garden (41 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Selected Services Limited Conifer Lodge Harvey Lane Dickleburgh Diss IP21 4NL Michael Gibbons 41 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ House and garden (43 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Jane Patel 43 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ John Fairbrother 43 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ House and garden (45 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Charles George Douglas Lenton 20 Holyrood Close Ipswich IP2 9DZ The Occupier 45 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ House and garden (47 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Marie Walker 47 Hervey Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JQ

421 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Residential building (39 and 39a Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Dale Robert Gibbons 41 Hervey Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JQ The Occupier 39 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (in respect of 39 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) The Occupier 39a Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (in respect of 39a Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Residential building (39 and 39a, Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Mark Drew 25 Waveney Crescent Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 0TY (in respect of 39, Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Dale Robert Gibbons 41 Hervey Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JQ (in respect of 39a Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Mark's Gents Hairdressers 39b Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (in respect of 39b Hervey Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JQ)

422 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (63 and 65 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Flagship Housing Group Limited 31 King Street Norwich NR1 1PD Jade Borrett 65 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (In respect of 65 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Paul Borrett 65 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (In respect of 65 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) James Elsmere 65 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (In respect of 65 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) Amanda Jayne Hamlin 63 Hervey Street Lowestoft NR32 2JQ (in respect of 63 Hervey Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JQ) House and garden (63 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Toni Ann Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ Clive Errington Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ Emilia Nunes 63 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL

423 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (1 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Lynn Marie Jenkins 1 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE House and garden (67 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) William Thomas Taylor 55 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Robert Alexander Thompson 67 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Janet Thompson 67 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (62 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) The Occupier 62 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Patricia Anne Eley 220 Westfield Harlow CM18 6AW House and garden (2 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Jean Pontefract 2 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE The Occupier 2 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (66 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Erica Lesley Biggs 66 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF

424 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (61 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Sophie Rachel Louise Ball 61 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (65 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Newton Henry Siegert 29 Squires Walk Lowestoft NR32 4LA Valerie May Siegert 29 Squires Walk Lowestoft NR32 4LA Andrew Eastern 65 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (60 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Sophie Rachel Louise Ball 61 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Geoffrey Charles Browell 61 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL The Occupier 60 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (4 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Susan Irene Holland 4 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE

425 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (3 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) The Occupier 3 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE The Owner 3 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (64 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Rachel Michelle Bain 64 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Pumping station (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) Anglian Water Services Limited Lancaster House Lancaster Way Ermine Business Park Huntingdon PE29 6XU House and garden (59 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Lee Andrews 59 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (5 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Onur Erkoc 5 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (63 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Alexander Tibbles 63 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Susan Margaret Tibbles 63 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF House and garden (58 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Zoe Elizabeth Batty 58 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL

426 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (6 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Sarah Jane Dunkin 6 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE House and garden (57 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Gary Peter Simons 57 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (62 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Andrew Scott Reid 4 Coopers Close Kirk Michael IM6 1EB The Occupier 62 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (7 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Craig Daniel Rivett 7 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Mike Jobling 7 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Amanda Jobling 7 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (61 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Alan Glen Killby 61 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF

427 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (17 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) Paul Gherghel 17 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU Melinda Gherghel 17 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU Christopher Wreford Gwinnell 17 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU House and garden (55 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Daniel Martin Howe 55 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Lesley Karen Howe 55 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (56 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) The Occupier 56 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL The Owner 56 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (60 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Kevin Alfred Smith 60 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Lisa Jane Smith 60 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

428 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (23 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) Ryan Elizabeth Holdings plc Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1JL Vicki Fowles 23 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU House and garden (19 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) Ryan Elizabeth Holdings plc Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1JL Joan King 19 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU House and garden (21 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) Ryan Elizabeth Holdings plc Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1JL Holly Newman 21 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU Gareth Newman 21 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EU

429 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (54 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Christine Margaret Woodrow 54 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Emma Louise Christine Woodrow 54 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (59 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Thomas Jones Flat 26 Thring House Stockwell Road London SW9 9EU Kim Lesley Jones Flat 26 Thring House Stockwell Road London SW9 9EU The Occupier 59 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

430 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (10 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Neil Winney 26 Woods Loke West Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3DW Tracey Anne Winney 26 Woods Loke West Oulton Broad Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3DW Mr Bloomfield 10 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Mrs Bloomfield 10 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (9 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Michael McLaughlin 9 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (8 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Michael Jenner 8 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Glenda Baker 8 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Lisa Richardson 8 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

431 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (53 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Donna Louise White 1 Townsend Way Lowestoft NR32 4GF The Occupier 53 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (58 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Helen Louise Dyer 58 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Peter Bradbury 58 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (11 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Tobias Charles Whittington 11 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Elizabeth Ann Brannum 11 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (52 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Jane Alison Hurrell 52 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (57 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Amanda Jayne Delf 57 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF

432 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (12 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Mathew Munro 12 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Michelle Claire Munro 12 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Public House (The Lake Lothing, 25 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) Benjamin Robert James Dighton The Lake Lothing 25 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EU Mandy June Dighton The Lake Lothing 25 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EU House and garden (51 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Peggy Irene Scriggins 51 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Garden (to the rear of Public House, The Lake Lothing, 25 Rotterdam Road, Benjamin Robert James Dighton Lowestoft, NR32 2EU) 76 Highland Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9AR Mandy June Dighton 76 Highland Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9AR Garage and hardstanding (Eastern Way, Lowestoft) Andrew Robert Blowers 36 Merrifield Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7HB

433 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (5 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Barry John Rudram 5 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Jean Elizabeth Rudram 5 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE House and garden (50 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Ove Glen Jinkerson 50 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Diane Jinkerson 50 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (55 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) David Robert Hyde 55 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Nannette Christine Hyde 55 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (56 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Malcolm Richardson 56 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Linda Marion Richardson 56 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

434 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (7 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Sarah-Louise Youngson 7 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Jodie Everett 7 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Oliver Easey 7 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (48 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Hayley Marie Atherton-Caie 48 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Gary Atherton-Caie 48 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (47 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ The Occupier 47 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (54 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Flagship Housing Group Limited 31 King Street Norwich NR1 1PD The Occupier 54 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

435 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (16 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Robert John Simons 16 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE House and garden (15 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Georgina Brown 15 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Trevor Brown 15 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (14 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) The Occupier 14 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE The Owner 14 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (13 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Roger Chaston 13 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (4 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Richard William Cattermole Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich Suffolk IP4 1JL Emma Thirtle 4 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE

436 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (2 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Adrian Charles Buckingham 2 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Tracey Louise Buckingham 2 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE House and garden (6 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) David Alan Ireland Homefields Beccles Road Haddiscoe Norfolk NR14 6PD Carol Ann Ireland Homefields Beccles Road Haddiscoe Norfolk NR14 6PD G Stannard 6 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Shauna Mercer 6 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (8 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Vera Buckingham 8 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (10 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Tracy Honor Jackson 10 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE

437 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (52 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) John Frederick Lambert 52 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Sheila Elizabeth Lambert 52 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF House and garden (53 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) John David Allen 53 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (12 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) William Stanley Kirk 12 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Doreen Margaret Kirk 12 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE House and garden (14 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Paul Rackham Manor Farm House St Michaels Close Ormesby St Michael Great Yarmouth NR29 3LJ Ian Richard Peters Manor Farm House St Michaels Close Ormesby St Michael Great Yarmouth NR29 3LJ The Occupier 14 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE

438 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (46 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Ian George Felton 46 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Angela Dawn Felton 46 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (16 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Owen Murphy 16 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Buildings and hardstanding (on the east side of Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Taylor Patterson Trustees Limited MW House 1 Penman Way, Grove Park Enderby Leicester England LE19 1SY (as trustee of Taylor Patterson Sipp) William James Oakes Lawson House Winkley Gardens Mount Street Preston Lancashire PR1 8RY (as trustee of Taylor Patterson Sipp) Eastpoint Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Waveney Norse MOT Testing Centre Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 3EF

439 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (18 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Trevor John Easey 18 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Linda Ann Easey 18 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE House and garden (20 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Colin John Wickison 20 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Loraine Margaret Wickison 20 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (51 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Paul Michael Lassman 51 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (18 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Victoria Marsden 18 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Scott Patrick 18 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE James Roger Taylor Pond View Cottage Bulls Green Lane Toft Monks Beccles NR34 0FR

440 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (17 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) The Occupier 17 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Ibrahim Akcadag 17 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Ibrahim Akcadag 51 Ashfield Crescent Lowestoft NR33 9BE House and garden (22 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Julia Autumn 22 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Peter Langford 22 Beeching Drive Lowestoft NR32 4TB Rebecca Langford 22 Beeching Drive Lowestoft NR32 4TB

441 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (24 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Michael Arthur Sutton 2 London Road Kessingland Lowestoft NR33 7PW Carole Ann Sutton 2 London Road Kessingland Lowestoft NR33 7PW Hayley Ann Sutton 24 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE Hayley Ann Sutton 2 London Road Kessingland Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7PW House and garden (26 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Stephen John Hollis 26 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Toni Hollis 26 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE The Occupier 26 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE

442 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (45 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Graham David Cone 45 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Christopher Davidson 45 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Sorrel Adams 45 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (28 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Jasmine Charlotte Allen 28 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (50 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Robert James Pope 50 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (19 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Flagship Housing Group Limited 31 King Street Norwich NR1 1PD Mark Etchels 19 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

443 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (30 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) James Richard Browning The Manor House Great Glen Road Little Stretton Leicester Leicestershire LE2 2FQ Spencer Michael Aquino 71 Norfolk Road Wangford Suffolk NR34 8RH Lauren Debelle 30 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (32 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Central Garage (Lowestoft) Limited Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich IP4 1JL Jennifer Easey 32 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (34 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Central Garage (Lowestoft) Limited Merchant House 33 Fore Street Ipswich IP4 1JL Karen Stroud 34 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (36 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Shaun Ashley Kay 36 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HE

444 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (44 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Lee Patrick Molloy 44 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Emma Lana Paris 44 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (49 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Norman Paul Drew 49 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Jill Christine Drew 49 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (38 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Michael Edward Rogers 24 Lowestoft Road Worlingham Suffolk NR34 7DY Richard Rogas 38 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (20 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Steven Alexander Booth 20 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Adele Marshall 20 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (40 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Shaun Hedley Hodges 40 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE Patricia Anne Hodges 40 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE

445 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (42 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Susan Valerie Boor 9 Snape Drive Oulton Broad Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4SF P Morgan 42 Eastern Way Lowestoft NR32 2HE House and garden (44 Eastern Way, Lowestoft, NR32 2HE) Denise Anne Bjorck 44 Eastern Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HF House and garden (43 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Mark Bernard Chaston 43 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (21 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Matthew Roy Cole 1 Longfield Way Lowestoft NR32 3LD Michael George Cole 29 Field Grange Lowestoft NR32 4XJ The Occupier 21 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE David Nobre 21 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

446 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (48 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Norman Roy Seal 48 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Christine Graystone 48 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (35 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Margaret Azizi 8 Benouville Carlton Colville Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8UD The Occupier 35 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (42 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Darren Paul Manning 42 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Eve Ellester 42 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (22 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Carol Christine Murray 22 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Kevin Murray 22 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (47 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Gary Brian Dyble 47 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF

447 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (41 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Steven John Baker 41 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL Gillian Elizabeth Baker 41 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (23 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Anton Kenneth Burrell 23 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Hayley Louise Burrell 23 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (46 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Beverlie Ross 1 Ship Road Lowestoft NR33 7DN The Occupier 46 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Kathryn Churchill 1 Ship Road Lowestoft NR33 7DN House and garden (40 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Ursulo Peters 40 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL Steve Baker 40 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL The Owner 40 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL

448 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (24 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Paul James Dunn 24 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Tracy Ann Dunn 24 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE House and garden (45 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Graham Weeks 45 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Maria De Las Nieves Amezaga-Weeks 45 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Nahia Ahezaga-Lock 45 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (39 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Gary Paul Button 12 Gladstone Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HJ Victoria Jayne King 12 Gladstone Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HJ Debbie Boar 39 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL

449 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (37 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Paul Goodings 152 Yarmouth Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX D Miles 37 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (44 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Mark Edward Button 44 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Davina Jane Button 44 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF House and garden (25 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Hazel Ann Lodge 31 Tubby Walk Lowestoft NR32 4GY The Occupier 25 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (39 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Bernard Arron Culley 6 Oakwood Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9ED Kevin Frary 39 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Aaron Frary 39 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

450 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (38 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Philip Christopher Dunne TLB Entertainments 194 Southgate Road London N1 3HT John Terence Marriott TLB Entertainments 194 Southgate Road London N1 3HT The Occupier 38 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (26 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Ben Smith 26 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Kara Louise Miller 26 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE House and garden (43 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Marc Anthony Thomas 43 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (41 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Suzanne Frary 41 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (59 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Malcolm Frederick Comer 59 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (37 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Dorothy Rose Randall 37 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL

451 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (27 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Barry Martin 1 Glemsford Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4RH Zoe Martin 27 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Glen Smith 27 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (42 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Christine Angela Callow-Lacey 42 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Christopher Callow 42 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (57 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Pamela Caroline Boakes 57 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (43 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Barry William Edwards 43 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Emma Jane Edwards 43 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX

452 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Public road (Essex Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Benson Kayley Limited 2-10 Bridge Street Reading RG1 2LU House and garden (36 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Colin Goodings 50 Beccles Road Lowestoft NR33 8QY (trading as CxEM Properties) Evelyn May Goodings 50 Beccles Road Oulton Broad Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8QY (trading as CxEM Properties) CxEM Properties 50 Beccles Road Oulton Broad Lowestoft NR32 8QY House and garden (55 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Christian Russell Moore 55 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ

453 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (45 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Michael Hall 16 Ubbeston Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7HG Julie Hall 16 Ubbeston Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7HG The Occupier 45 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (47 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) June P Pye 47 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX John Pye 47 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

454 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (28 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Christopher John Brooke Phillips Carrer Forn 17 Piles 46712 Valencia

Christopher John Brooke Phillips 77-79 Chapel Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1HU Patricia Ann Phillips Carrer Forn 17 Piles 46712 Valencia

Patricia Ann Phillips 77-79 Chapel Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1HU Simon Moore 28 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Stephanie Scott 28 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (41 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Clare Louise Stratford Calbeck House Hall Drive Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 3PU The Occupier 41 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

455 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Public footway (Essex Road, Lowestoft) Suffolk County Council Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2BX (in respect of public highway) Leyland DAF Limited c/o PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 7 More London Riverside London SE1 2RT House and garden (62 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Pauline Doris Blowers 62 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (53 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Andrew Wisby 53 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Buildings and hardstanding (99 Norwich Road Industrial Estate, Lowestoft, Springford S P Limited NR32 2BN) 6 Healey Close Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4WZ The Occupier 99 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN House and garden (35 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Lesley Kay Gilbert 35 Clemence Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JL House and garden (29 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Steven Howard Thornton 29 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

456 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (51 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) William Faulkner 51 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Julie Ann Faulkner 51 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (60 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ The Occupier 60 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (58 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Brenda Ruth Skitterall 58 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (49 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) John Leonard Dann 34 Fleetdyke Drive Lowestoft NR33 9HD Christine Dann 34 Fleetdyke Drive Lowestoft NR33 9HD Norman Arthur Pye 49 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

457 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (34 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Ian James Reginald Tennant 27 Rowan Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8PS Lindsay Victoria Tennant 27 Rowan Way Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8PS Kylie Stalker 34 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (49 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Lynda Anne Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Alan John Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Emma Beer 49 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Jason Beer 49 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (30 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Tanya Hope Cable 30 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JE Janet Brader 30 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

458 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (39 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Adrian Michael Fabri 39 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF Rosemary Deborah Fabri 39 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF House and garden (40 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Kenneth George Hindes 67B Cotmer Road Lowestoft NR33 9PS J A Rice 40 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF L D Cooper 40 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (51 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Nicola Marshall 51 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (47 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Orwell Housing Association Limited Crane Hill Lodge 325 London Road Ipswich IP2 0BE Lisa Garling 47 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ

459 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (33 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Toni Ann Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ Clive Errington Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ The Occupier 33 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL House and garden (56 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Rodney Edward Greer 7 Millfield Wadesmill Ware SG12 0TU June Rosemary Greer 7 Millfield Wadesmill Ware SG12 0TU Michael Baker 56 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

460 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (31 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Peter John Wane 1 The Close Corton Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 5JA Pamela Wane 1 The Close Corton Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 5JA The Occupier 31 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE Buildings and hardstanding (93-95 Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2BN) Steven Peter Moxey Firs Farm Hulver Street Hulver Beccles NR34 7UE Bettine Dorothy Moxey Firs Farm Hulver Street Hulver Beccles NR34 7UE The Occupier 93 Norwich Road Lowestoft NR32 2BN (in respect of 93 Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2BN) The Bed and Furniture Warehouse 95 Norwich Road Lowestoft Lowestoft NR32 2BN (in respect of 95 Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2BN)

461 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Buildings and hardstanding (Norwich Road Industrial Estate, Lowestoft, NR32 Unknown 2BN) Norwich Road Garage 91 Norwich Road Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier 89 Norwich Road Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 1 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 2 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 3 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 3A Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 4 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 5 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 6

462 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 7 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 8 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 8A Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 9 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 10 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 11 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 12 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 13 Norwich Road Indsutrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier

463 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Unit 14 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 15 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 16 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Occupier Unit 17 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN The Owner Unit 17 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN Hardstanding and access road (Norwich Road Industrial Estate, Lowestoft, Springford S P Limited NR32 2BN) 6 Healey Close Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 4WZ House and garden (38 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Damien Christopher Savage 38 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Amie Victoria Savage 38 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF

464 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (53 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Juliet Anne Keating 53 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Daniel Keating 53 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (45 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Joanne Mary Robinson 82 Shaftesbury Avenue Leeds LS8 1DS Kennedy Anaman 45 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Craig Norris 45 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (54 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Paul Robert Huntley Steggles 54 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Evelyn Diane Renshaw 54 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH

465 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Building and hardstanding (97 Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2BN) Anthony Alfred William Alger 1 Mautby Way Oulton Broad Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9EA Jean Doris Alger 1 Mautby Way Oulton Broad Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 9EA Andrew Blowers 36 Merrifield Road Lowestoft NR33 7HB Autolec Lowestoft 97 Norwich Road Industrial Estate Lowestoft NR32 2BN House and garden (32 Clemence Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JL) Toni Ann Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ Clive Errington Kidd 55A Station Road Corton Lowestoft NR32 5HQ The Occupier 32 Clemence Street Lowestoft NR32 2JL

466 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (32 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Christopher John Brooke Phillips Carrer Forn 17 Piles 46712 Valencia

Patricia Ann Phillips Carrer Forn 17 Piles 46712 Valencia

Christopher John Brooke Phillips 77-79 Chapel Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1HU Patricia Ann Phillips 77-79 Chapel Road Worthing West Sussex BN11 1HU Lauren Biggs 32 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE House and garden (43 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Andrea Lea Coomber 43 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (55 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Pamela Joan McCormick-Carver 55 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (52 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Linda Thompson 52 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH David William Thompson 52 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

467 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (37 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Nicola Parkin 37 Stevens Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2JF House and garden (41 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Andrea Moore 43 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ The Occupier 41 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (50 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Adam Edward Smith 50 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (57 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Countrywide Tax And Trust Corporation Abbotsfield House 43 High Street Kenilworth CV8 1RU Penelope Anne Forrest The Mill House 53 Bridge Road Oulton Broad Lowestoft NR32 3LN Samantha Edmunds 57 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (33 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JE) Michelle Anne Scott 1 Hoblands Barn Hoblands Road Browston Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR31 9BS The Occupier 33 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JE

468 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (36 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) The Occupier 36 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF GDP Veritas Limited Church Hill House Pales Green Castle Acre King's Lynn PE32 2AW House and garden (39 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Jamie McViscar 39 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (48 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Paul Anthony Henwood 6A Hall Lane Oulton Lowestoft NR32 5DJ Joan Henwood 6A Hall Lane Oulton Lowestoft NR32 5DJ The Occupier 48 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (59 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Brinley Lester 59 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Glynis Mary Lester 59 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX

469 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (37 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Martin John Bayfield 37 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Katie Legrice 37 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (46 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Shane Lloyd Pinchback 46 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH House and garden (35 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Richard James Lambert 35 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (61 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Lynda Anne Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Alan John Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH The Occupier 61 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

470 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (35 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Edward Ernest John Draper The Old Mill House Yoxford Suffolk IP17 3HE Rosemary Josephine Draper The Old Mill House Yoxford Suffolk IP17 3HE Stevie George 35 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (44 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Jane Haywood 44 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Kenneth Barber 44 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Mary Fanning 16 Farm Close Carlton Colville Lowestoft NR33 8RP Paul Bernard Anthony Gosling 6 The Wrens Cottenham Cambridge CB24 8XD Sheila Margaret Gosling 6 The Wrens Cottenham Cambridge CB24 8XD

471 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (42 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Lynda Anne Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Alan John Hutson 42 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH House and garden (34 Stevens Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2JF) Martin Barrie George Jackson 34 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF Nina Boycheva Nedeva 34 Stevens Street Lowestoft NR32 2JF House and garden (63 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Angela Smith 63 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX John Satchell 63 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Marcus Smith 63 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Natasha Smith 63 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

472 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (33 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Flagship Housing Group Limited 31 King Street Norwich NR1 1PD Lisa Bolton 33 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Shaun Bywater 33 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (40 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Edmund John Landers 40 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (31 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Nazmul Islam 31 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (65 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Maurice Leonard Sabberton 65 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Anita Mary Smith 24 Skamacre Crescent Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2QG House and garden (67 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Marian Cooper 67 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (38 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Derek Peter Anderton 38 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Debra Christine Anderton 38 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

473 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (29 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Jamie Peter Whetren 29 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Marie Whetren 29 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (36 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Christine Jean Turney 40 Taverham Road Drayton Norwich NR8 6RY Mr G. Miles 36 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Mrs K. Miles 36 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (27 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Mark Edward Fisher 47 Fir Lane Lowestoft NR32 2RB Linda Pauline Seall 47 Fir Lane Lowestoft NR32 2RB Mrs Reeve 27 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Miss A Reeve 27 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ

474 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Buildings and hardstanding (on the south side of Norwich Road, Lowestoft) John Harry Pendle 56 Beach Farm Caravan Park Arbor Lane Lowestoft NR33 7BD House and garden (69 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Paul Michael Raven 69 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (34 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Marjorie Dakin 34 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH House and garden (25 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Audrey Stella Hales 25 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (23 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Peter Smith 23 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Angela Woodrow 9 Church Lane Lowestoft NR32 3JN Electricity substation (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Waveney District Council Riverside 4 Canning Road Lowestoft NR33 0EQ Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP

475 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (71 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Peter Byron Curtis 71 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Peggy Curtis 71 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

476 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Buildings and hardstanding (on the east side of Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Mark Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW Kim Sharon Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW Anglia Diesel Injection Service Limited Unit B Montana Place Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Instant Nowhere Korporation Limited c/o Philips Accountants (Southgate) Limited 286B Chase Road Southgate London N14 6HF A1 Ironworks Limited 171 High Street Gorleston Great Yarmouth NR31 6RG P F Davey And Co Limited East Coast House Galahad Road Beacon Park Gorleston Great Yarmouth NR31 7RU I N K House Studios Unit 5 Montana Place Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

477 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (30 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Jannina Bos 30 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (73 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Jean Read 73 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (21 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Stewart Walter Wright 17 The Parklands Carlton Colville Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8RN Elaine Louise Wright 17 The Parklands Carlton Colville Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 8RN The Occupier 21 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (28 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Robin David Poppy 28 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Toni Marion Poppy 28 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (19 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Paul Alexander Jackson 19 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ

478 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Building and hardstanding (Unit 3, Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Mark Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW Kim Sharon Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW D K Fibreglass Works Unit 3 Montana Place Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (75 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) James Mark Corton 75 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Lucie Dorothy Corton 75 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (77 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Christopher Clark 77 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Mary Butitude 77 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (26 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Mark Anthony Williams 26 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH

479 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (17 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Conrad Anthony Provis 17 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (24 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) John Edwards Iss Hogai Lound Road Blundeston Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 5AU Lisa Dawn Edwards Iss Hogai Lound Road Blundeston Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 5AU Keith Ellington 24 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Sue Ellington 24 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (15 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Reginald James Mayer 15 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Sara Mayer 15 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (22 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Sheila Rosemary Bowler 22 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH

480 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (79 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Anne Linda Jones 79 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Denise Wendy Hammond 79 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (13 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Paul Colin Goodings 13 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Marie Diane Goodings 13 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ Building and hardstanding (Unit 2, Norwich Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Mark Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW Kim Sharon Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW House and garden (20 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Roger Hammond 20 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Jaye Hammond 20 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

481 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (11 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Christopher Adam Knights 18 Edendale Lowestoft NR32 3JZ Hannah Rachael Knights 18 Edendale Lowestoft NR32 3JZ The Occupier 11 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Electricity substation (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc Newington House 237 Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 6NP Mark Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW Kim Sharon Chilvers Meadow View Lowestoft Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5BW House and garden (81 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Andrew John Malster 81 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Tamaron Kate Malster 81 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX

482 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (18 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Paul Swainston 2 Gunton Drive Lowestoft NR32 4QB Tracey Ann Denise Jordan 2 Gunton Drive Lowestoft NR32 4QB The Occupier 18 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (9 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Christina Mary Berry 9 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (16 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Gary James Lyon 16 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (83 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) William Maurice Dawes 83 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Pauline Lillian Dawes 83 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (85 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Tammy Allen 85 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

483 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (7 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Jonathon Wicks 7 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Helen Rossallie Virginia Morris 7 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ The Occupier 7 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ The Owner 7 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ House and garden (14 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Christopher Dale Coby 14 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Chloe Ann Stockdale 14 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH The Occupier 14 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (5 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Ernest George Jillings 5 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Salete Machado Jillings 5 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ

484 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (12 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Richard John Bolsover 12 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH Richard John Bolsover 5 Almond Court Halifax West Yorkshire HX3 7WA The Occupier 12 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (87 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Andrew James Pulley 87 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX Heidi Lilian Pulley 87 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2EX House and garden (89 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Malcom Stanley Jacobs 89 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Sylvie Elizabeth Jacobs 89 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX House and garden (3 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Harry Callum Gordon Ashton 3 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ Jade Parkin 3 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HQ

485 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (10 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Mel Ellis Plant Manor Farm St. Michaels Close Ormesby Great Yarmouth NR29 3LJ Ian Richard Peters Manor Farm St. Michaels Close Ormesby Great Yarmouth NR29 3LJ The Occupier 10 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (8 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Gurdal Nizam 8 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH House and garden (1 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HJ) Patricia Gladys Harrison 1 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HJ House and garden (6 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Tyler David Smith 6 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

486 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (5 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HJ) Andrew Jonathan Howlett 4 Flixton Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5PL Fiona Denise Howlett 4 Flixton Road Blundeston Lowestoft NR32 5PL The Occupier 5 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HJ House and garden (3 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HJ) Douglas Alfred Davie 3 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HJ Patricia Davie 3 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HJ House and garden (9 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HJ) Mark Jonathan Elmy 77A Beccles Road Bungay Suffolk NR35 1HT The Occupier 9 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HJ House and garden (91 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Matthew Howard Jack Hunter 91 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX Ellen Wood 91 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

487 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (7 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HJ) Jean Ewins 7 Norfolk Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HJ House and garden (1 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HQ) Kenneth William Worrall 1 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HQ House and garden (4 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Ronald Edward Fox 42 Highgrove Close Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2RG Lynne Margaret Fox 42 Highgrove Close Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2RG Bradley Davidson 4 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH Courtney Heslop 4 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (93 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2EX) Andrew Lester James Waller 4 The Avenue Lowestoft Suffolk NR33 7LL The Occupier 93 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX

488 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House, garden and commercial premises (95 Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft, Ronald Albert Ashton NR32 2EX) 8 Chapelfield North Norwich Norfolk NR2 1NY Haydn Woodrow Limited 95 Rotterdam Road Lowestoft NR32 2EX (in respect of The Gentleman's Club) House and garden (15 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Andrea Lojo 15 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL Ana Lojo 15 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL House and garden (17 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Christopher Michael Lark 17 Norfolk Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HL

489 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

Residential and commercial building (2 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Karl Biggs Flat 2 2 Essex Road Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HH (in respect of Flat 2, 2 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) John Merrington Smith 8 Corton Long Lane Lowestoft NR32 5HA (in respect of Flat 2A, Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Peter James Wilson 26 Station Road Beccles Suffolk NR34 9QJ The Occupier Flat 2A Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH (in respect of Flat 2A, Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) Richard Wilson Tackle-X-Change 2 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH (trading as Tackle-X-Change in respect of ground floor shop) Peter James Wilson 2 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH House and garden (19 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Mark Jonathan Elmy 77A Beccles Road Bungay Suffolk NR35 1HT The Occupier 19 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL

490 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 2b District of Waveney Land Description Potential claims under S10 Compulsory Purchase Act 1965, Part 1 Land Compensation Act 1973 or 152 (3) of the Planning Act 2008

House and garden (21 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Stefanie Claire Smith 11 Lynton Gardens Lowestoft NR32 4ES Wayne David Smith 11 Lynton Gardens Lowestoft NR32 4ES The Occupier 21 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL House and garden (23 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Stella Bishop 23 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL House and garden (25 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) John Clark 25 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL The Owner 25 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL House and garden (29 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Tracy Margaret Gardiner 29 Norfolk Street Lowestoft NR32 2HL House and garden (27 Norfolk Street, Lowestoft, NR32 2HL) Mark Jonathan Elmy 27 Norfolk Street Lowestoft Suffolk NR32 2HL House and garden (32 Essex Road, Lowestoft, NR32 2HH) David George Brock 32 Essex Road Lowestoft NR32 2HH

491 of 570 This page is intentionally left blank

492 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

1-01 Approximately 9115 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footway, cycleway, bus stop, verge and traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

493 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 1-01 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

1-02 Approximately 95 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway, cycleway and verge (Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

494 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

1-03 Approximately 159 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public footway, cycleway, bus stop and verge (Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved within a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003)

B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

495 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

1-04 Approximately 261 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (to rear of building, Wickes Building Supplies, Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 10 December 2004)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 5 February 2002)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

1-06 Approximately 4216 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

496 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

1-07 Approximately 285 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising private access road, footways and verge (leading to Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 31 October 2003)

Wickes Building Supplies Limited

(in respect of access)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a conveyance dated 22 April 1988)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 16 December 2016 relating to an equitable easement)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of access)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of adjoining land dated 5 February 2002)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of access)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

497 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-01 Approximately 1980 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footway, cycleway, verge and traffic islands (Peto Way, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 1 January 1966)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights granted by a deed dated 7 January 2011)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(as beneficiary of a unilateral notice dated 25 January 2007 relating to an equitable easement)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Bannatyne's Health Club Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 5 February 2002)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 31 October 2003)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

B.S. Pension Fund Trustee Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer dated 10 December 2004)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

498 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-01 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-02 Approximately 531 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, traffic islands, footways and grass verge (Rotterdam Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-03 Approximately 6 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public footway and verge (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

2-04 Approximately 41 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public footway and verge, cycleway and verge (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

499 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-05 Approximately 3407 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, roundabout, footways, verge and advertising hoarding (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

500 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-07 Approximately 10744 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery (Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-08 Approximately 4 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

501 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-10 Approximately 151 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) Crown Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-12 Approximately 864 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those (in respect of apparatus) owned by the Crown Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-13 Approximately 1166 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-15 Approximately 205 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

2-16 Approximately 760 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

502 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-17 Approximately 119 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-18 Approximately 367 square metres Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

2-19 Approximately 4315 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

503 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-20 Approximately 781 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Sunny Camper Limited

(in respect of access)

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited

(in respect of access)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

504 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-20 Cont'd

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited

(in respect of access)

J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited

(in respect of access)

James Fisher and Sons plc

(trading as Fendercare Marine in respect of access)

505 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-21 Approximately 212 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding, including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Sunny Camper Limited

(in respect of access)

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited

(in respect of access)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

506 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-21 Cont'd

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited

(in respect of access)

J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited

(in respect of access)

James Fisher and Sons plc

(trading as Fendercare Marine in respect of access)

507 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-22 Approximately 3374 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising hardstanding and parking spaces, including quay wall (Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

508 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-22 Cont'd

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

509 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-23 Approximately 396 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding (south of Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

510 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-25 Approximately 2 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those (in respect of rights granted by a demarcation agreement dated 1 May 1996) owned by the Crown

2-26 Approximately 551 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising operational railway (East Suffolk Line, south of Denmark Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

2-28 Approximately 24 square metres Anglian Water Services Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

2-29 Approximately 325 square metres Openreach Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East (in respect of apparatus) Suffolk Line, Lowestoft)

2-30 Approximately 154 square metres Openreach Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising works yard, grassed area and shrubbery (south of operational railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

2-31 Approximately 160 square metres Openreach Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising private access road to operational railway (East Suffolk Line, Commercial Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

511 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-32 Approximately 588 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding (south of Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Sunny Camper Limited

(in respect of access)

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited

(in respect of access)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

512 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-32 Cont'd

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited

(in respect of access)

J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited

(in respect of access)

James Fisher and Sons plc

(trading as Fendercare Marine in respect of access)

513 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-33 Approximately 300 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising hardstanding, including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

514 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

2-34 Approximately 2292 square metres Network Rail Infrastructure Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding, including quay wall (Commercial Road, Port of Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 23 November 1966)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 25 November 1969)

Network Rail Infrastructure Limited

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 24 November 1966)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 12 January 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights pursuant to an agreement dated 9 May 1986)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

British Gas Services Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Sunny Camper Limited

(in respect of access)

National Oilwell Varco UK Limited

(in respect of access)

515 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 2-34 Cont'd

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 11 March 1997)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a deed of grant dated 20 May 2003)

Aldi Stores Limited

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 28 September 2000)

SMS (Lowestoft) Limited

(in respect of access)

J.T. Mackley & Co. Limited

(in respect of access)

James Fisher and Sons plc

(trading as Fendercare Marine in respect of access)

3-01 Approximately 21159 square metres National Grid Gas plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay walls (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

516 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-02 Approximately 4238 square metres Unknown Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

3-03 Approximately 722 square metres National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

3-04 Approximately 1351 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of apparatus)

National Grid Gas plc

(in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-05 Approximately 935 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of apparatus)

National Grid Gas plc

(in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-06 Approximately 394 square metres Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

517 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-07 Approximately 412 square metres Unknown All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

3-08 Approximately 96 square metres Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

3-10 Approximately 15082 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay walls (in respect of apparatus)

National Grid Gas plc

(in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

518 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-11 Approximately 6 square metres Suffolk County Council Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

519 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 3-11 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

3-12 Approximately 181 square metres Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

3-13 Approximately 5173 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

520 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-14 Approximately 8337 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 11 June 1971)

3-15 Approximately 20 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising decommissioned electricity substation (on the north side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

521 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-16 Approximately 9646 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-17 Approximately 588 square metres Waveney District Council All interests and rights in land comprising private road (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of land dated 10 October 2003)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Mobile Broadband Network Limited

(in respect of access)

522 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-18 Approximately 344 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising private road and hardstanding (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Mobile Broadband Network Limited

(in respect of access)

523 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-20 Approximately 283 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge and shrubbery adjacent to private road (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Highways England Historical Railways Estate

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

524 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 3-20 Cont'd

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005)

3-21 Approximately 673 square metres Suffolk County Council Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, footway and verge (on the north west side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Highways England Historical Railways Estate

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005)

525 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-22 Approximately 201 square metres Waveney District Council Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

526 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-23 Approximately 2 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public footway (on the north side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of restrictive covenants relating to rights to light and air as contained within a conveyance dated 30 April 1900)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land relating to an electricity substation dated 13 November 2014)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights contained in an agreement dated 9 June 1994)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Highways England Historical Railways Estate

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 8 July 2005)

527 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-24 Approximately 1097 square metres Waveney District Council All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (on the north side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

3-25 Approximately 187 square metres Waveney District Council Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

528 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-27 Approximately 239 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect on apparatus)

529 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 3-27 Cont'd

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-28 Approximately 32 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising electricity substation (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

530 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-29 Approximately 1563 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and hardstanding, including quay wall (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

531 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-30 Approximately 158 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and hardstanding (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

532 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-31 Approximately 86 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footway and shrubbery (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Overseas Interests Inc

(in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

533 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-32 Approximately 434 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road, footway and shrubbery (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Overseas Interests Inc

(in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

3-33 Approximately 659 square metres National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

3-34 Approximately 647 square metres National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

534 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-35 Approximately 148 square metres National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

3-36 Approximately 944 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay walls (in respect of apparatus)

National Grid Gas plc

(in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-37 Approximately 510 square metres Unknown Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

3-38 Approximately 177 square metres Unknown Acquisition of airspace above and acquisition of rights over land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972) Riverside Road, Lowestoft)

3-39 Approximately 80 square metres Unknown Acquisition of rights over land comprising disused yard, hardstanding and shrubbery, including quay wall (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

535 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-40 Approximately 1743 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising private road, yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-41 Approximately 120 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road, yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

536 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-42 Approximately 69 square metres Waveney District Council Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area (on the north side of Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

3-43 Approximately 3286 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge (Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

537 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-44 Approximately 49 square metres Waveney District Council All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (adjacent to Suffolk County Council Registrar's Office, Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

3-45 Approximately 99 square metres Waveney District Council Acquisition of rights over land comprising hardstanding and grassed area (adjacent to Suffolk County Council Registrar's Office, Canning Road, (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005) Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of land dated 14 January 2005)

538 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-46 Approximately 1380 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

539 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 3-46 Cont'd

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-47 Approximately 91 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Homes and Communities Agency

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

540 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-48 Approximately 92 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Homes and Communities Agency

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

3-49 Approximately 36 square metres PFK Ling Limited All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding and shrubbery (adjacent to Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

3-50 Approximately 85 square metres PFK Ling Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising hardstanding (adjacent to Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

3-51 Approximately 9 square metres Unknown All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 9 November 1972)

541 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-52 Approximately 402 square metres National Grid Gas plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

3-53 Approximately 7 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

542 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-54 Approximately 2116 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed and quay wall (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

3-55 Approximately 65 square metres National Grid Gas plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising part of lake (Lake Lothing), including lakebed (in respect of a deed of grant dated 27 September 1973)

543 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-56 Approximately 4863 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising grassed area and hardstanding, including quay wall (on the east side of Riverside Road, (in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987) Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of rights reserved by a transfer of land dated 7 January 2005)


(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 28 February 1929)

544 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-57 Approximately 1367 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, footway and shrubbery (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Overseas Interests Inc

(in respect of rights relating to access as contained within a transfer dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

545 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

3-58 Approximately 416 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising building and hardstanding (Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those owned by (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

3-59 Approximately 594 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising private road, yard and hardstanding (north of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

546 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

4-01 Approximately 9047 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

4-02 Approximately 10754 square metres Associated British Ports All interests and rights in land comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

547 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

4-03 Approximately 4305 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

4-04 Approximately 4040 square metres Associated British Ports Temporary possession and use of land comprising buildings, yard and hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

548 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

4-05 Approximately 67 square metres Associated British Ports Acquisition of rights over land comprising yard and hardstanding (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights relating to dredging and access for maintenance of fences as contained within a conveyance dated 9 December 1960)

Flight Services SA

(in respect of rights relating to access, maintenance, passage of water, soil, gas and electric as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 December 1990)

549 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

4-06 Approximately 140 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footway (Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

550 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 4-06 Cont'd

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

4-07 Approximately 105 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway (to the north of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Highways England Historical Railways Estate

(in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

4-08 Approximately 18 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway and shrubbery (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

4-09 Approximately 2 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate Acquisition of rights over land comprising public footway and shrubbery (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 10 March 1938)

551 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-01 Approximately 1027 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public road and footways (Canning Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

552 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans 5-01 Cont'd

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-02 Approximately 1642 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge (Riverside Road, Lowetsoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

553 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-03 Approximately 201 square metres Homes and Communities Agency Acquisition of rights over land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

5-04 Approximately 194 square metres Homes and Communities Agency All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and shrubbery (on the west side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

554 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-05 Approximately 394 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising grass verge, hardstanding, shrubbery and bike shed (on the north side of Waveney Drive and to the west (in respect of apparatus) of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) Tor Solar PV Limited

(in respect of access)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009)


(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

555 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-06 Approximately 249 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Temporary possession and use of land comprising grass verge and shrubbery (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009)


(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

5-10 Approximately 168 square metres PFK Ling Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising building and hardstanding (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

5-11 Approximately 115 square metres PFK Ling Limited All interests and rights in land comprising building, hardstanding and shrubbery (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

556 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-12 Approximately 7 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public footway (on the east side of Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 23 April 2004)

Suffolk County Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 8 July 2005)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 30 January 1987)

Northumbrian Water Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 28 June 2013)

NWES Property Services Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 22 May 2009)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a transfer of the land dated 1 December 2004)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of rights as contained within a deed dated 3 April 1997)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

557 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-13 Approximately 1093 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising access road, hardstanding and grass verge (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited

(in respect of access)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

5-14 Approximately 1318 square metres PFK Ling Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising comprising hardstanding and signage, including quay wall (on the north side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

558 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-15 Approximately 154 square metres Suffolk County Council Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and public footway (on the north side of A12 Horn Hill, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights granted by a transfer of land dated 20 March 1995)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-16 Approximately 4621 square metres Suffolk County Council All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways, roundabout and traffic islands (A12 Tom Crisp Way, A12 Horn Hill and Maconochie Way, (in respect of rights reserved by a conveyance dated 31 March 1983) Lowestoft) Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

559 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-17 Approximately 5 square metres Waveney District Council All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and hardstanding (on the south side of Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of an option to purchase contained in a deed dated 15 April 2008)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-18 Approximately 18 square metres Openreach Limited All interests and rights in land comprising garden and fence (32 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) (in respect of apparatus)

5-20 Approximately 541 square metres Waveney District Council All interests and rights in land comprising house and garden (34 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TN) (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a conveyance dated 23 July 1946)

560 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-22 Approximately 576 square metres Sharon Jean Brown All interests and rights in land comprising building, hardstanding and shrubbery (Bellablue Beauty Clinic, Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934)

Waveney District Council

(in respect of rights of drainage as contained within a deed dated 10 November 1934)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of rights granted by a lease of an electricity substation dated 5 May 1969)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of rights of access reserved by the transfer of land dated 20 July 2005)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-24 Approximately 92 square metres David Arlow All interests and rights in land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of access)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

561 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-25 Approximately 919 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways and verge (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-26 Approximately 660 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising house and garden (42 Waveney Drive, Lowestoft, NR33 0TW) (in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)


(in respect of restrictive covenants contained in the conveyance dated 10 November 1897)


(in respect of rights of light, air, erection of buildings and unimpeded running of water, soil, gas or electric cables reserved by conveyance dated 4 April 1985)

562 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-27 Approximately 1038 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc Acquisition of rights over land comprising private road and hardstanding (Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Tor Solar PV Limited

(in respect of access)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect to rights reserved contained within a transfer dated 22 May 2009)


(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a conveyance dated 3 September 1918)

5-28 Approximately 129 square metres PFK Ling Limited Temporary possession and use of land comprising building and hardstanding (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

5-29 Approximately 3 square metres Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited All interests and rights in land comprising access road (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of access)

5-30 Approximately 24 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area and signage (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

563 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-31 Approximately 923 square metres PFK Ling Limited Acquisition of rights over land comprising access road, hardstanding and grassed area (Lings Motor Group, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Enterprise Rent-A-Car UK Limited

(in respect of access)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

5-32 Approximately 5713 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising public road, footways, verges, traffic islands, bus stops and post box (Waveney Drive, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Essex And Suffolk Water Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Virgin Media Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-33 Approximately 6 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising hardstanding and verge (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of apparatus)

564 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-34 Approximately 22 square metres David Arlow All interests and rights in land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of access)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-35 Approximately 10 square metres David Arlow Temporary possession and use of land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of access)

Eastern Power Networks plc

(in respect of apparatus)

Anglian Water Services Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

5-36 Approximately 48 square metres David Arlow Temporary possession and use of land comprising garages and hardstanding (Durban Road, Lowestoft) (in respect of access)

565 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 3 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Names Of All Those Entitled to Enjoy Easements Or Other Private Rights Over Land (Including Private Rights Of Number on Navigation Over Water) Which it is Proposed shall Be Extinguished, Suspended or Interfered With Land Plans

5-37 Approximately 516 square metres Eastern Power Networks plc All interests and rights in land comprising building and hardstanding (Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Riverside Road, Lowestoft) except those owned by (in respect of apparatus) PFK Ling Limited PFK Ling Limited

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

Openreach Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

Cadent Gas Limited

(in respect of apparatus)

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership

(in respect of restrictive covenants as contained within a transfer of the land dated 18 September 2003)

566 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 4 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Owner Of Any Crown Land Which Is Proposed To Be Used For The Purposes Of The Order For Number on Which The Application is Being Made Land Plans

2-08 Approximately 4 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery (adjacent to operational railway, East (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown

2-10 Approximately 151 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate All interests and rights in land comprising grassed area (adjacent to operational railway, East (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown

2-12 Approximately 864 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to operational (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown

2-25 Approximately 2 square metres Highways England Historical Railways Estate All interests and rights in land comprising shrubbery and grassed area (adjacent to operational (in respect of land previously in the ownership of BRB Residuary Limited) railway, East Suffolk Line, Lowestoft) except those owned by the Crown

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568 of 570 Lake Lothing Third Crossing Book of Reference Part 5 District of Waveney Plot Description of Land Category of Land Number on Land Plans (Land Of Which The Acquisition Is Subject To Special Parliamentary Procedure, Is Special Category Land Or Is Replacement Land)

No interests were identified which should be included in this part

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