Urban coastal flood vulnerability in

1 Full title: A participatory community case study of periurban coastal flood

2 vulnerability in southern Ecuador


4 Short title: Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador


6 Erica Tauzer1*, Mercy J. Borbor Cordoba2, Jhoyzett Mendoza3, Telmo De La Cuadra3,

7 Jorge Cunalata4, and Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra1,5*


9 1Institute for Global Health & Translational Science. SUNY Upstate Medical University.

10 Syracuse, NY, USA.

11 2Facultad de Ingeniería Marítima y Ciencias del Mar, Escuela Superior Politecnica del

12 Litoral (ESPOL). , , Ecuador.

13 3National Service for Risk Management and Emergencies. Guayaquil, Guayas Province,

14 Ecuador.

15 4Universidad Tecnica de . Machala, , Ecuador.

16 5Department of Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University. Syracuse, NY, USA.


18 *Co-corresponding authors:

19 Erica Tauzer; Email: [email protected]

20 Anna M. Stewart-Ibarra; Email: [email protected];

1 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

21 Abstract

22 Background: Populations in coastal cities are exposed to increasing risk of flooding,

23 resulting in rising damages to health and assets. Local adaptation measures, such as early

24 warning systems for floods (EWSFs), are urgently needed to reduce the risk and impact

25 of flood events. The aim of this study was to assess community perceptions and self-

26 reported actions in response to flooding in a tropical coastal city to inform flood risk

27 reduction policies and programs.

28 Methods: This qualitative case study was conducted in flood-prone areas in Machala,

29 Ecuador, a coastal city exposed to seasonal floods and extreme floods during El Niño

30 events. Adult community members from three periurban sites were invited to participate.

31 Focus groups discussions (11 focus groups in total) were held with community members

32 (n=65 people) from September to November 2014 to assess perceptions of flood

33 exposure, sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and current alert systems. Focus groups

34 discussions were audio recorded, transcribed, and coded by topic; participatory maps

35 were field validated, georeferenced, and digitized using GIS software.

36 Results: Community members identified the presence of annual flooding during the rainy

37 season, as well as greater than normal flood events (depths ranging from 0.5 to 3 meters),

38 which recurred every 3-4 years in some communities. The deepest floods occurred during

39 the 1982 and 1997/1998 El Niño events. Community members perceived that exposure to

40 flooding depended on the rainfall coinciding with high ocean tides, and geographic

41 proximity to blocked drainage areas, canals, and low local elevation. Participants reported

42 that children were the most sensitive group due to increased susceptibility to skin

43 infections and mosquito borne diseases (i.e., dengue fever). Other sensitive groups

2 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

44 included the elderly, physically handicapped people, low-income families, and recent

45 migrants. They identified persistent social-ecological vulnerabilities that increased flood

46 risk and exposure in the urban periphery, such as inadequate access to garbage collection,

47 homes settled in precarious low-lying geographies, economic barriers, lack of political

48 access, and lack of social mobilization. In addition, communities expressed a lack of

49 social capital (e.g. political voice), despite the existence of formalized community

50 councils. Key neighborhood resources with respect to flooding included green areas,

51 schools, nurseries, fire stations, health clinics, police stations, a retention wall (berm), and

52 an emergency meeting place. Challenges for adaptive capacity existed primarily in

53 actions related to the preparation and recovery stages of flooding. Despite the presence of

54 an official flood warning system, community member relied on informal communication

55 channels via social media.

56 Conclusions: The flood vulnerability assessment framework and participatory research

57 process utilized here can potentially inform studies in other flood-prone regions to guide

58 the development of EWSFs and other climate change adaptation policies and actions.


60 Author summary

61 Flooding is a major concern in coastal cities, causing damages to people’s health and

62 property. Many countries have identified the need for early warning systems for floods

63 (EWSFs) and other actions to reduce the impact of flooding. However, it has been

64 challenging to implement these systems without an understanding of the local social-

65 ecological context, including people’s perceptions and experience with flooding. In this

66 case study, we explored community perceptions of flooding in high-risk urban

3 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

67 neighborhoods in southern Ecuador. Homes were at greatest risk of flooding if they were

68 located near clogged drainage canals, low-lying properties, and flood-prone canals.

69 Children were most affected by flooding, due to the risk of infectious diseases.

70 Communities had difficulty preventing floods and recovering from floods due to factors

71 such as lack of leadership, lack of social mobilization, limited household finances, and

72 lack of coordination with local government authorities. Despite an official EWSF,

73 community members reported using social media and other informal communication

74 channels to receive local flood alerts. Based on these findings, we identify key

75 considerations to improve EWSFs.

76 Keywords: flooding, vulnerability, climate, adaptation, early warning systems, Ecuador


4 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

78 Introduction

79 Damages due to flooding are increasing in urban areas [1,2] due to increased

80 population and assets, a changing climate [3], coastal subsidence [4–6], and deforestation

81 [7,8]. Global flood losses in coastal cities are projected to increase from $6 billion per

82 year in 2005 to $52 billion a year by 2050 [9]. When damages due to sea-level rise and

83 coastal subsidence are included, costs in large coastal cities across the world are

84 estimated to reach $1 trillion a year in the absence of adaptation measures [9].

85 In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), 7.5 million inhabitants and $299

86 billion USD in built capital are exposed to flooding from a 100-year event, without

87 considering hurricanes [10]. This exposure will increase to 8.8 to 9.9 million inhabitants

88 by mid-century, when taking into account extreme sea levels, increasing populations, and

89 the historical trend in storm activity [10]. Flooding presents a high social and economic

90 burden, particularly in low-income vulnerable populations – those who are least able to

91 cope with the impacts and recover from the damages of flood events.

92 To address flooding and other disasters, the global Sendai Framework for Disaster

93 Risk Reduction (2015-2030) identifies understanding disaster risk as a top priority [11].

94 This understanding should encompass the multiple dimensions of vulnerability, capacity,

95 exposure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics, and the environment. A better

96 understanding of local community perceptions of flood hazards can inform risk

97 management planning that aims to reduce exposure to flood events while strengthening

98 the resilience and adaptive capacity of communities (i.e., Sendai Framework priority #3)

99 [11,12].This understanding can inform the development of tailored climate services for

100 disaster managers, such as early warning systems for floods (EWSFs) [11,11,13,14].

5 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

101 Early warning systems are integrated systems of surveillance, forecasting, and

102 prediction of threats; assessment of disaster risks; communication of activities, systems

103 and processes; and preparation that allow people, communities, governments, companies

104 and other interested parties to take appropriate measures to reduce disaster risks in

105 advance of hazardous events [15]. In the United Nations Climate Change COP15, sixteen

106 of the 21 Latin American countries listed the improvement and establishment of early

107 warning systems for climatic events, including floods, as a priority. When implemented

108 effectively as part of a comprehensive risk management plan, a well-designed EWSF

109 increases community and ecosystem resilience, reduces vulnerability and reduces

110 damages to economies, health, property, infrastructure, and other assets of people,

111 communities, nations, and the private sector [16,17].

112 Coastal Ecuador is particularly vulnerable to flooding due to an extensive, densely

113 populated coastline along the Pacific Ocean [10]. One in thirteen people (7%) in the

114 country live below 5 meters of elevation. Coastal Ecuador experiences severe floods

115 during El Niño events due to strong teleconnections that increase local rainfall, as

116 observed in 1997-1998, and 2016 [18,19]. A recent study identified coastal Ecuador as

117 the highest coastal risk location in LAC due to a combination of coastal hazards,

118 geographic exposure, and socioeconomic vulnerability [20]. When flood costs are

119 measured as percentage of GDP, the coastal city of Guayaquil (population 2,644,891,

120 [21]) ranks as the 3rd most vulnerable city to flooding worldwide [9]. In these coastal

121 cities, unstructured rapid urbanization has pushed the poor into low-lying areas along

122 estuarine waterways prone to flooding [22,23]. Coastal hazards, exposure (of people

123 assets, and ecosystems), and poverty converge for a perfect storm during natural disaster

6 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

124 emergencies that are anticipated to increase in frequency and severity due to climate

125 change [24–26].

126 In Ecuador, the Secretary of Risk Management (renamed the National Service for

127 Risk Management and Emergencies in 2018) has the primary responsibility to establish

128 early warning systems with a multi-hazard approach, through collaboration with national

129 technical-scientific institutions, civil defense, and local governments [15]. EWSFs have

130 been implemented in most of the basins throughout the country using basic data;

131 however, detailed hydrometeorological data are available in four hydrographic basins

132 only. While these data sources are a key part of the national EWS, it is widely understood

133 that a lack of economic resources have impacted the operational capacity of EWSFs (A.

134 Vaca, pers. comm.). Municipalities also play a key role in risk management and can

135 solicit support to develop an EWSF, as they are required to adopt technologies and

136 procedures for the prevention and management of risks to individuals, communities, and

137 the environment [27]. Local adaptation measures, such as EWSFs, are urgently needed to

138 reduce the risk and impact of flood events. However, these measures should be informed

139 by a nuanced understanding of local social-ecological conditions, including community

140 perceptions and past experiences with flooding.

141 The aim of this study was to assess community perceptions and self-reported

142 actions in response to flooding in periurban neighborhoods in coastal Ecuador. Using

143 focus groups, participatory mapping, and community timelines, we investigated the

144 following topics from the perspective of local community members: (1) local flood

145 hazards including the causes of exposure to flooding; the frequency, duration, and

146 location of flood exposure; (2) factors influencing residents’ sensitivity to flooding; (3)

7 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

147 the local capacity to prepare, respond and recover to floods, generating insights on the

148 adaptive capacity of each community; (4) current local warning systems for flooding.


150 Methods

151 Ethics statement. This study was conducted in collaboration with the local

152 municipal government of Machala and the Secretary of Risk Management of Ecuador.

153 The investigation protocol was reviewed and deemed exempt by the Institutional Review

154 Board of SUNY Upstate Medical University. All participants were over the age of 18 and

155 no personal identifying information was collected.

156 Study Area. The midsized port city of Machala (population 279,887) is located on

157 the southern coast of Ecuador [21]. The economy of the city is based on agriculture

158 (bananas, cacao, coffee), aquaculture (shrimp), mining, and commerce associated with a

159 major port and proximity to the Peruvian border. The city was settled on lowland

160 mangrove forests and has an estuarine inlet along the [28]. Machala

161 grew through a rapid, unstructured process of mangrove deforestation for shrimp farms

162 and urban settlements, resulting in (1) modification of the local hydrology of the

163 mangroves and (2) flood-prone slums bordering the mangrove fragments at the urban

164 periphery. In a recent analysis of urban coastal risks in Latin American and the

165 Caribbean, El Oro was identified as the number one hotspot of risk due to the large at-

166 risk population, susceptible ecosystems, high hazards due to El Niño events, and rates of

167 social vulnerability (i.e., high infant mortality rates, high malnutrition, low income and

168 high inequality) [20].

169 The tropical climate is marked by a hot rainy season from January to April

8 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

170 (average max temp = 31.7° in April), when 79% of rainfall occurs (average annual

171 rainfall = 675 mm). Heavy rainfall is associated with El Niño events [29–31], such as the

172 exceptionally strong 1997-1998 event, when over 1800 mm of rainfall were recorded. El

173 Niño events occur cyclically (every 2 to 7 years) when tropical central and eastern Pacific

174 Ocean surface temperatures increase, resulting in local climate anomalies [32].

175 Three neighborhoods in the urban periphery were selected as study sites. These

176 were identified as high flood risk zones through discussions with the municipal

177 government and local Secretary of Risk officials (Figure 1). The sites were located 1.5-3

178 km apart. Site 1 was Sauces 2, a neighborhood adjacent to an abandoned shrimp farm

179 (pop. 1266). Site 2 was Urseza 2 Sector 3, a neighborhood adjacent to a local river

180 system (pop. 498). Site 3 included Rayito de Luz and Riveras del Macho, two

181 neighborhoods adjacent to a large drainage canal (combined pop. 2258). Neighborhood

182 characteristics from the most recent national census are presented in Table 1. Generally,

183 these communities lacked adequate access to urban infrastructure, such as paved streets,

184 garbage collection, and municipal water/sewer connection.

9 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

Paciiffiic ECUADOR Machala Ocean ^_ Urseza 2 Sector 3 Sauces 2

Riveras de Macho

Rayito de Luz

Study Area (Flood-Prone Neighborhoods) E City of Machala 0 0.5 1 2 Kilometers

ISntusdeyr tA Preraoject Title City of Machala, El Oro, Ecuador

Notes: 1. Basemap: ESRI Basemap 2. This map was generated in ArcMap on October 29, 2017. 3. This is a color graphic. Reproduction in grayscale may misrepresent the data. 185 186 Figure 1. Study Sites within City of Machala, El Oro, Ecuador. The three 187 participating study sites included areas of the cities noted by municipal authorities as high 188 flood risk areas.

10 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

Table 1. Demographic summary of study sites. Demographic characteristics of study neighborhoods in Machala, Ecuador, from the most recent national census, conducted in 2010 [33]2]. Riveras de Macho and Rayito de Luz are treated as one study site, as they are geographically contiguous Urseza 2 Sector Riveras de Rayito de Census Indicator Sauces 2 3 Macho* Luz*

2010 Population 1,266 498 78 2,180 Maximum education of the head of household is 57% 45% 39% 51% primary education Age of the household 24.1 24.6 26.2 26.4 (average years) Households with four or more people per 25% 18% 17% 16% bedroom Women head of 36% 31% 31% 31% households Households without 54% 68% 43% 62% access to paved streets Households without 2% 0% 67% 66% access to sewerage Households without access to garbage 76% 63% 79% 83% collection Households without access to piped water 77% 77% 62% 70% inside the home 189

190 Research framework. In this study, we utilized a research framework that is

191 situated in the context of disaster risk reduction by encompassing the measures needed to

192 achieve risk reduction and community resilience, as previously described [25] (Figure 2).

193 In this framework, we adapted previously published operational measurement models for

194 research on flood risk management [26–29] to gain insights into the unique flood risk

195 challenges experienced by high-risk communities in Ecuador. The primary metrics that

196 we explored were flood hazards and vulnerabilities (Figure 2). We identified two tiers of

197 flood hazards, with primary hazards defined as direct impacts from flooding events, such

11 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

198 as high velocity flows destroying houses or eroding roads or bridges. We defined

199 secondary hazards as those stemming from primary hazards, such as contaminated

200 drinking water, power outages, or interruptions to communication or transportation

201 systems. Flood vulnerability metrics include exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity.

202 Exposure to flooding describes the presence of communities in places that could be

203 adversely affected by flood hazards. Sensitivity, also called “susceptibility,” refers to the

204 physical predisposition of exposed individuals or communities to be negatively affected

205 by a flood event due to lack of resistance or predisposition to suffer harm as a

206 consequence of a flood event [34–36]. Adaptive capacity refers to the ability of the

207 system to respond or adjust to a flooding event, to moderate potential damage, to take

208 advantage of opportunities, and to cope with the transformations that occur as a result of

209 the flooding [34]. As a sub-category of adaptive capacity, this framework examines

210 livelihood capitals [37,38] – the vital resource bases of communities and different

211 categories of households (e.g., human, natural, financial, physical and social capitals).


12 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador


214 Figure 2. A research framework for flood hazards and vulnerability within the

215 context of risk Primary hazards are defined as direct impacts from flooding events, such

216 as high velocity flows destroying houses or eroding roads or bridges. Secondary hazards

217 are those stemming from primary hazards, such as contaminated drinking water, power

218 outages, or interruptions to communication or transportation systems. Exposure to

219 flooding describes the presence of communities in places that could be adversely affected

220 by flood hazards. Sensitivity, also called “susceptibility,” refers to the physical

221 predisposition of exposed individuals or communities to be negatively affected by a flood

222 event due to lack of resistance or predisposition to suffer harm as a consequence of a

223 flood event. Adaptive capacity refers to the ability of the system to respond or adjust to a

224 flooding event, to moderate potential damage, to take advantage of opportunities, and to

225 cope with the transformations that occur because of the flooding

13 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

226 Focus Group Methodology. Semi-structured focus group discussions were held in

227 each community. Neighborhood residents were recruited to participate in focus group

228 discussion in consultation with the presidents of each neighborhood council, and when

229 applicable (in two communities), the presidents of the councils of women. Focus groups

230 were segmented by gender (groups of men and women) based on local recommendations

231 and our prior experience that this approach would elicit more open dialogue. Each focus

232 group met twice, with both meetings led by a moderator and documented by a group note

233 taker, who summarized the discussion on poster paper in real-time. The first focus group

234 included questions regarding people’s previous experiences with flooding, specifically

235 the causes and impacts of flooding, frequency of flooding, areas flooded, and the relative

236 intensity of flood exposure. With facilitated guidance from the moderator, participants

237 generated a timeline of flood events in each community; they self defined these events as

238 floods that exceeded their perception of normal (shallower) annual flooding. They noted

239 the depth of normal flooding and specific flood events, and they listed the causes and

240 impacts of flooding. A mapping exercise was conducted to identify high-risk areas and

241 flood extent in each area during normal years and during moderate and extreme flood

242 events. Focus group participants divided into groups of 3-5 people and were provided

243 printed aerial imagery maps of their neighborhood. To orient themselves, participants

244 first marked the location of important neighborhood landmarks (e.g. their homes, schools,

245 soccer fields). Participants then outlined the areas impacted by the flooding events

246 identified in the timeline, and they identified other areas of special concern with respect

247 to flooding (e.g., areas with inadequate infrastructure). Map elements were verified by

248 researchers and community leaders who walked through the community and

14 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

249 georeferenced key landmarks and locations using handheld GPS units.

250 Within three weeks the same groups reconvened for a second focus group to

251 discuss flood-related actions taken in their community, specifically preparation actions

252 taken before flood events, response actions during flooding, and recovery actions post-

253 flooding. People were also asked to identify key institutional partners associated with the

254 actions, community assets, and resource limitations.

255 All focus group discussions were held in the late afternoon or evening in a

256 community meeting area and lasted between 60 and 90 minutes. Representatives from the

257 Secretary of Risk Management were present at every meeting to answer questions once

258 the discussion was over. ET facilitated the focus group discussions and was accompanied

259 by local research assistants who were trained as observers and note takers. All

260 discussions were tape-recorded and transcribed with permission from participants. Local

261 research assistants transcribed the recordings of focus groups.

262 We analyzed transcripts using a codebook and qualitative analysis software,

263 Dedoose Version 6.1.11. Transcripts of focus groups and field notes were coded using the

264 research framework described in Figure 2; codes are presented in S1 Table. Participant-

265 generated histories of flood events (years and flood depth) were converted into bar charts

266 for each site. Participant-generated maps of flood extent, areas of special concern, and

267 community landmarks were digitized using Q-GIS and ArcGIS. Our findings were

268 presented to communities and to the municipal government in January 2015 for feedback

269 and validation.



15 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

272 Results

273 Eleven semi-structured focus group discussions, with a total of 65 people, were

274 held from September 2014 to November 2014 (three focus groups in Site 1, four focus

275 groups in Site 2, four focus groups in Site 3). A range of 6 to 25 people participated in

276 each focus group, which were segmented by gender and neighborhood, and represented a

277 range of age groups (age range: late teens to late 70s).

278 Exposure and flood hazards. Community members reported normal annual

279 flooding following heavy seasonal rains, with floods ranging in depth ranged from 0.1

280 (Site 3) to 1 meter (Site 2) (Figure 3). The number of greater than normal flood events

281 that occurred over the last 30 years ranged from two (site 1, flooding every 15 years) to

282 eight events (site 3, flooding every 3-4 years). Flood events ranged in depth from 0.5 to 3

283 meters, and their duration lasted anywhere from hours to months. The largest flood

284 events were observed in 1982 and 1997/98, which coincided with some of the strongest

285 El Niño events on record. Other flood events in 1992 and 1994 may have been associated

286 with moderate El Niño events. Sites 2 and 3 reported a similar total number of flood

287 events (7 and 8, respectively); however, the average depth of floods in site 2 (2.3 meters,

288 SD=0.53) was greater than site 3 (1.25 meters, SD=0.65)

16 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

289 290 Figure 3. Historical flood timeline. A timeline of flood events and flood depth over the

291 last 30 years was created by community members in focus groups. The depth of flooding

292 in normal years is also noted.

17 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

293 People identified and mapped the sectors of their neighborhood that flooded

294 annually and during exceptional flood events (Figure 4). They identified ten areas of

295 special concern for flooding. For example, participants at Site 3 identified a berm that

296 was built recently to isolate floodwaters from the adjacent low-lying residential area. The

297 berm was built without a concrete cap and individuals were illegally removing fill

298 material from the berm for their personal use, thereby weakening the berm’s protective

299 capacity. Participants were concerned the berm would collapse during the next flood

300 event, further compounding the flood hazards of nearby homes.

301 “The government built this berm, but the people are not aware [of the purpose]:

302 they remove the berm material to fill their own [properties]. They don’t know.

303 The problem is that it endangers us all. Luckily it hasn’t rained hard recently.”

304 (Man from Site 3)


18 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

Study Site 1: Study Site 2: Riveras de Macho Sauces 2 3 & Rayito de Luz

4 1 E 2 5 6 0 250 500 Meters

Study Site 3: 7 Urseza 2 Sector 3 10 3 E 0 125 250 Meters 8 9 LEGEND Flood Spatial Extent Street within Study Site E Canal Normal Years 0 100 200 Meters Areas of Special Concern Moderate Years 306 Extreme Years 307 Figure 4. Flooding Extents within Study Areas. Maps generated by focus group 308 members show the geographic extent of historic floods occurring within their 309 communities. The ten areas of special concern included the following: (1) Key places 310 with strong currents during floods— these areas encompassed police and fire stations, 311 along with community health clinic; (2) inadequately-sized drainage pipes; (3) El Macho 312 Canal—a tidal-influenced canal that acts as primary drainage canal for sewer and 313 stormwater systems, and a source of floodwater; (4) former shrimp farm—many parcels 314 are unfilled and are full of water year-rounds; streets in this area have large persistent 315 mud puddles that limit transit and pedestrians; (5) El Tigre Canal—a stagnant ditch that 316 regularly overflows, flooding roads and private homes; (6) a primary road that remains 317 dry during seasonal floods—this intersection also is used as a meeting area for 318 community events; (7) inadequately-sized culverts; (8) a low-lying area that was formerly 319 a brick quarry (known as “the hole”)—this site has an elementary school and private 320 residences and endures annual flooding; (9) a berm constructed of uncapped material 321 fill—material is being removed illegally and used as fill for private properties; (10) 322 abandoned shrimp farm—stagnant pools collect water and periodically flood.

19 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

323 Community members reported that proximity to blocked drainage areas was the

324 most important geographic determinant of flood exposure; blockages were notably

325 caused by trash accumulation. People indicated that most areas within the communities

326 did not have regular municipal garbage collection and infrastructure (e.g. trash

327 platforms), which when combined with the presence of stray dogs and illegal dumping,

328 resulted in a severe and perpetual litter problem.

329 High tides were the second key factor impacting the exposure of certain

330 communities, particularly those near estuarine canals at the edge of the city (e.g., Site 1,

331 Figure 4). High tides impeded rainwater runoff during heavy rainfall events, resulting in

332 flooding. Machala’s largest estuarine canal, “El Macho”, is one of the two main canals

333 that transport the city’s runoff and untreated sewage into the ocean. Participants from Site

334 1 reported that as recently as 30 years ago, El Macho canal was a naturally flowing

335 mangrove inlet, with clear water used for swimming, bathing and fishing. In recent

336 decades, increasing urban settlements have augmented sedimentation and flow rates in

337 the canal, coupled with the proliferation of formal and informal sewer drains flowing into

338 the canal.

339 Low elevation was the third factor that increased people’s exposure to flood

340 waters. Unfilled parcels of land collected standing water that could linger for months, or

341 in some cases, year round. Participants from Site 2 (Figure 4) identified year-round

342 flooding problems, particularly in properties that had not purchased material fill and

343 lacked pumps and sewer systems to remove the pools of water in the unfilled parcels.

344 “There is no [storm] sewer system…here it rains and it stagnates. It doesn’t have

345 anywhere to go.” (Woman from Site 2)

20 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

346 The ability to raise the elevation of a property was dependent on the economic resources

347 of the family, as described in the following,

348 “Sometimes the [economic] situation of some families is so low, and there is no

349 fill [because] there is no money” (Woman from Site 2)

350 Participants highlighted that management of growth and development in flood plains

351 would be a fundamental step to prevent flood exposure.

352 People reported that the primary hazards associated with flooding were damages

353 to individual property (e.g., homes, cars, animals) and damages to people’s health (e.g.,

354 drowning, injury). Secondary hazards included the disruption of transportation due to

355 road erosion and destabilization of infrastructure and buildings. A participant described

356 the compounding impact that floods had on existing infrastructure, which was perceived

357 as inadequate for flood drainage:

358 “On the street where I live, there’s a canal… That canal is now pure garbage,

359 which clogs [the culvert] and stagnates it. This year we are afraid that it’s going

360 to rupture… the pipe is very small.” (Woman from Site 1)

361 Other health impacts were also identified as a key secondary hazards of flooding,

362 including water- and vector-borne diseases, and venomous snakebites. Vector-borne

363 diseases (notably dengue fever transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito) were noted as

364 a risk factor for residents who lived in proximity to pools of standing water. Participants

365 reported the amplification of skin infections during annual flooding, when people came

366 into contact with stagnant water mixed with flood and wastewater. With a lack of

367 adequate sewerage infrastructure and low-elevation streets, exposure to flood water and

368 mud, and the resulting health outcomes, was identified as a chronic problem.

21 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

369 Sensitivity to flooding. Participants reported that certain demographic groups were

370 particularly afflicted by flood-related health problems, as well as economic and material

371 losses. Across all focus groups, children, the elderly, and the physically handicapped

372 were identified as the most sensitive populations, due to lower immunity to infections;

373 decreased mobility; and reliance on others for medication, food, and water. Children were

374 also vulnerable due to higher exposure to contaminated floodwaters while playing

375 outdoors. Focus groups identified low-income households as highly sensitive, since they

376 were less likely to have a second floor of the home where they could seek refuge or store

377 valuables during floods. They were also less likely to have a rooftop cistern with ample

378 freshwater, and were less able to purchase fill to raise the level of their parcel. Residents

379 who relied on public transportation systems were affected because they had to wade

380 through floodwaters and mud during their daily commutes. Car owners also faced

381 financial burdens due to damages to their automobiles during floods. Other sensitive

382 groups included people with livestock (poultry primarily) and pets (cats, dogs), as well as

383 people without nearby relatives to help with recovery costs and evacuations.

384 Adaptive capacity across flood stages. Adaptive capacity refers to the capacity of

385 the community to respond or adjust to a flooding event, moderate potential damage, take

386 advantage of opportunities, and cope with the consequences of a transformation that

387 occurs as a result of the flooding [39]. Community members discussed identified

388 community resources, actions taken during the three phases of flood events (preparation

389 and prevention, response, and recovery), and factors that affected their ability to respond.

390 Key neighborhood resources with respect to flooding included green areas,

391 schools, nurseries, fire stations, health clinics, police stations, a retention wall (berm), and

22 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

392 an emergency meeting place (S2 Figure). The number of resources ranged from two (site

393 1) to five (site 3). Schools and green areas were the most important resources, as these

394 were reported by two of the three sites. In the past, flood evacuations had interrupted the

395 school year due to the use of schools as shelters. Recently, however, the national policy

396 of using schools as evacuation shelters was abolished, and evacuees are now directed

397 towards a city sports center.

398 With respect to the flood preparation and prevention stage, people perceived that

399 the most important household-level action was purchasing fill material to raise the level

400 of low-lying parcels, as identified by all focus groups. They also perceived the

401 importance of stocking up on canned food, bottled water and flashlights, and creating

402 flood emergency kits. They noted that household members should keep their patios tidy

403 as a way to maintain clear drainage systems during floods and to prevent the spread of

404 mosquito-borne diseases At the community level, participants, particularly in Sites 1 and

405 2, recommended community cleanups (“mingas”) to remove accumulated debris from

406 drainage canals. Participants from Site 3 had recently formed a neighborhood brigade

407 (“brigada barrial”) that had been trained in flood response simulations by the National

408 Secretary of Risk Management. Most individuals, however, were unaware of this

409 initiative, suggesting the need for community outreach and education by governmental

410 agencies. Participants identified limited household financial resources and lack of

411 community leadership as underlying barriers to flood prevention. They also perceived

412 that the community lacked the political voice and coordination needed to obtain support

413 for large-scale infrastructure improvements to reduce flood exposure, as expressed in the

414 following:

23 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

415 There is no communication between authorities… People do not put pressure on

416 them to do something good for the neighborhood. What people always want to do

417 is to overthrow the government, not to put the pressure on them to do something

418 good for the neighborhood.” (Man from Site 3)

419 A community leader commented on community fatigue and the difficulty in organizing

420 people for preparation efforts (or other initiatives for that matter) after a prolonged local

421 campaign to legalize the informal community ended successfully and residents now had a

422 sense of complacency in their political involvement.

423 “The moment that the mayor legalized the properties… nobody came to meetings.

424 That is what happens… when it comes to a workshop, [now] no one has time.

425 They will tell you, ‘I am busy.’… Now it takes a lot of effort to organize us.”

426 (Woman from Site 2)

427 Participants discussed the effectiveness of the formal and informal flood warnings

428 preceding the flood response stage. They indicated that formal communication outlets

429 (e.g. television and radio) did provide general flood warnings based on forecasted rainfall

430 as part of an existing official EWSF operated by the national government. However, they

431 perceived that the forecasts were either too general or not timely enough. A participant

432 described an ad-hoc warning system, based on upstream river observations,

433 "Sometimes, by chance, one travels from Guabo [a nearby town upstream from

434 Machala] to see that the Jubones River is full. Then they will let us know that

435 there is risk [of flooding] ... It's the only way [to know in advance], because the

436 authorities do not warn us, and there are no alarms ... nothing. The last time that

437 the Jubones peaked and overflowed, [down] here was a scorching sun… It

24 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

438 happens because the Jubones brings water from the (Azuay) and when

439 the Jubones fills, and there is high tide here, we flood." (Woman from Site 3)

440 Other instances of informal flood warnings occurred through community communication

441 channels on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp. Focus group

442 participants suggested that there should be more use of these existing communication

443 channels during the flood response. However, they also indicated that excessive reliance

444 on informal communication chains in times of crisis might lead to problems in reaching

445 all members of the community equally. For that reason, all focus groups identified the use

446 of sirens or loudspeakers as the most effective way to alert people for flood evacuations.

447 With respect to the flood response stage, people perceived community and

448 governmental actions to be relatively effective. Community members were mobilized

449 during times of crisis to help their neighbors in need. At Site 2, neighbors helped each

450 other dig ad-hoc drainage ditches when a clogged canal created a small flood.

451 Governmental actions included emitting alerts and coordinating evacuations and rescues.

452 However, enforcing mandated evacuations was difficult, according to focus groups, due

453 to the real concern of looting and the lack of police surveillance. When asked how one

454 decided to stay or go during a flood evacuation, one participant responded,

455 “You have to stay because if not, you will be left without anything… the thieves do

456 not care. They jump into the water and that’s it.” (Woman from Site 3)

457 During the flood recovery stage, community members struggled to take actions to

458 repair the damages caused by flooding. People said that they were responsible for bearing

459 the cost of rebuilding their home, and they were unaware of flood insurance programs for

460 private homeowners. Participants indicated that approximately one month of wages were

25 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

461 lost during reconstruction efforts following extreme flood events—a significant loss for a

462 low-income family. Although they identified some governmental and non-governmental

463 organization (NGO) programs that assist in rebuilding homes (e.g. Hogares del Cristo),

464 these programs were highly competitive, middle class families were not eligible, and the

465 bamboo construction was perceived as not durable. Despite these challenges, they did

466 describe moments of unity to help each other rebuild after the flood, for example when

467 people at Site 1 came together to repair a neighbor’s home that had collapsed into the

468 Macho Canal. Community members expressed distrust of local authorities, which they

469 perceived to be more interested in political maneuvering than improving the welfare of

470 the people.

471 “The authorities only come when there are votes and when it's election time…

472 They offer [funding] when there are elections… Or when there is a collapsed

473 house or a drowning, but [even then] only that family is helped.” (Man from Site

474 1)


476 Discussion

477 Coastal flooding incurs a high social and economic burden worldwide, and the

478 impacts are projected to increase in urban areas [1,2]. Information on local community

479 perceptions of flood exposure, vulnerabilities, and adaptive capacity can inform the

480 implementation of tailored flood risk reduction strategies, such as those of the United

481 Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction to prepare, respond, and “build

482 back better” in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction [11]. This study was

483 conducted in high flood risk areas in Machala, Ecuador, one of the most vulnerable cities

26 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

484 in the Americas for coastal flooding. The findings and the participatory approach applied

485 here can inform practitioners and community members seeking to implement

486 interventions to reduce flood exposure. To the best of our knowledge, no prior studies

487 have been conducted in this region to understand community perceptions of flooding.

488 This study revealed persistent social-ecological vulnerabilities that increased

489 flood risk and exposure in the urban periphery, such as inadequate access to garbage

490 collection, homes settled in precarious low-lying geographies, economic barriers, lack of

491 political access, and lack of social mobilization. These findings build upon prior studies

492 highlighting specific socioeconomic drivers of flood vulnerabilities in urban Latin

493 American cities [10,20]. The adaptive capacity of communities in Machala is severely

494 limited by lack of clean water, sanitation, property insurance, and secure employment. In

495 addition, communities expressed a lack of social capital (e.g. political voice), despite the

496 existence of formalized community councils. Previous studies have also shown that social

497 capital, including social networks, familiar ties, and traditions are much less supportive

498 and less stable in urban areas than they are in rural areas, where individuals share the

499 same culture and community attachment [40,41].

500 Community members described a history of annual flooding and extreme flood

501 events associated with strong El Niño events coupled with high tides. To date, the flood

502 warnings in Ecuador incorporate only rainfall data. Integrated monitoring networks are

503 needed, as tidal levels play a key role in coastal flood events. Recent studies suggest the

504 potential to forecast El Niño events up to two years in advance [42], and these models are

505 being used with an ensemble of climate forecasts to predict climate conditions and

506 mosquito-borne disease epidemics in this region [19]. During the exceptionally strong

27 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

507 2016 El Niño event, investigators were able to accurately predict the large flood event

508 that occurred in Machala in February and the increase in dengue fever transmission one

509 month later [19]. This was the largest flood on record since the 1997-1998 El Niño; over

510 170 mm of rain fell in 10 hours and coincided with high tides [43]. This flood event

511 occurred after this study was completed, but it certainly appears that many of the same

512 risk factors were at play. The incorporation of El Niño events and tidal data in flood

513 hazard modeling for coastal areas is a critical component of management efforts along

514 the Pacific coast of Latin America [10].

515 This study builds on existing vulnerability frameworks [26–29] and risk analyses

516 [20] by providing qualitative insights on local flood risk to otherwise traditionally

517 quantitative analyses, in line with the priorities of Sendai Framework [11]. Our findings

518 complement these other assessments by providing a fine-scale analysis that focuses of

519 flood perceptions at the community level.

520 This study provides a localized perspective on the ecological drivers of flood

521 vulnerabilities, such as the loss of coastal mangroves. Between 1969 and 2011,

522 mangroves in Ecuador declined 62%, largely due to the construction of shrimp farms

523 [44,45]. Sites from this study were either former mangrove areas or in close proximity to

524 former mangrove areas. Mangroves regulate the impacts of climatic events, an essential

525 ecosystem service, through buffering of storm surges, trapping sediment and debris, and

526 reducing the impact of waves and high winds [46]. The loss of mangroves makes coastal

527 cities, like Machala, more vulnerable to the hazards of storms and associated flooding.

528 Mangrove restoration and conservation are a “nature based solution” [47] to reduce the

529 risk of coastal flooding [48].

28 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

530 This study provides local insights into the escalating social injustices associated

531 with development in low-lying coastal areas. With high development costs to elevate

532 homes out of the floodplain, matched with land use policies that drive low-income

533 communities into these low-lying areas, we hypothesize that the communities in this

534 study bear a proportionately greater social and economic burden of flooding than

535 wealthier communities in Machala. Additionally, areas close to sea level are more likely

536 to be impacted by sea level rise due to climate change, further increasing localized

537 financial burdens.

538 Community members reported limited adaptive capacity, which was most notable

539 in the preparation/prevention and the recovery/rebuild phases of the flood response. Prior

540 studies have also noted that adaptive capacity to the impacts of climate change is low

541 throughout Latin America [49], particularly in urban areas [50]. This has been attributed

542 to poor housing conditions, a lack of infrastructure, lack of decision-maker access to local

543 data, and national policy that focuses primarily on mitigation efforts as opposed to

544 adaptation efforts [12,22,51]. Additional research is needed to identify effective climate

545 change adaptation strategies in Latin American cities [49].

546 The results of this study suggest that the participatory community-based

547 assessment methodology used here may be an effective tool for practitioners and

548 researchers. The community timelines developed by the focus groups provided localized

549 indicators of the relative impact that El Niño events had on their community in the past.

550 While memory driven data is predisposed for inaccuracies (e.g., see year-to-year

551 discrepancies between focus group recollections of the 1982 and 1997/1998 El Niño

552 events) and over-simplicity (e.g. factors of tidal blockages include astronomical tides,

29 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

553 storm surges, wave run-up and sea level rise), we found that community-driven timelines

554 did provide a useful conversation tool as well as a gauge for the relative impacts of

555 episodic flooding. In cities such as Machala, where accurate local hydrological records do

556 not exist for periurban areas, community timelines can provide a reasonable source of

557 data records that can be triangulated with meteorological and climate records across

558 larger spatial scales.

559 Since this qualitative case study focused on high-risk periurban areas, these

560 findings cannot be generalized to other moderate to low risk communities, or to

561 communities that face a lower overall risk of flooding. Also, participants who opted to

562 participate in this study may have been more motivated to do so based on their personal

563 experience with flooding. Historical intensity and frequency of flooding are subject to the

564 collective community memories. This case study was not used to prioritize a particular

565 group by their vulnerability, but rather to present a nuanced characterization of flooding

566 in high-risk communities. In this way, the methodology provides key insights necessary

567 to inform potential flood risk reduction actions.

568 Opportunities and policy implications. In 2006, the document “Developing Early

569 Warning Systems: A Checklist” was developed to implement the early warning

570 components of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction Hyogo Framework for

571 Action 2005-2015: Building the Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters

572 [52]. This document presents four key elements essential to people-centered early

573 warning systems: 1) risk knowledge built upon systematic collection of data to address

574 patterns and trends for a variety of hazards and vulnerability; 2) monitoring and warning

575 services built upon accurate and timely scientific information; 3) clear and

30 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

576 understandable dissemination and communication of risk information and early warnings

577 to all members of the public; and 4) responses based on updated and tested plans that

578 utilize local capacities and knowledge and are familiar to the public. The following

579 findings and recommendations are elicited from this case study, and they link to the UN-

580 ISDR Early Warning System checklist items discussed above.

581 (1) Improve monitoring and accuracy of warnings. We found that many individuals

582 lacked confidence in the ability of existing official EWSFs to accurately predict flooding

583 risk and chose to rely on informal information channels for localized flood information.

584 This suggests that there is room to improve the effectiveness of existing systems.

585 Hydrological monitoring and flood forecasts can be improved by increasing the number

586 of upstream water level stations, by incorporating community monitoring and validation

587 [53], and by incorporating tidal and El Niño information. Identifying locations and

588 thresholds of water depths upstream that predict downstream flooding could optimize

589 monitoring networks. This community-based approach to EWSFs has been further

590 described in detail in a resource manual developed by the International Centre for

591 Integrated Development (Pradhan, et al. 2016).

592 (2) Develop clear flood warnings across a variety of communication channels. Our

593 findings suggest that the use of both formal and informal communication networks may

594 improve the delivery of EWSFs information. Flood forecasts issued via a system of sirens

595 or loudspeakers, AM radio (used by taxi drivers) or other individualized alert systems

596 (possibly text alerts) could complement the existing television or radios communication

597 channels. In doing so, community members could potentially have more time to move

598 household belongings, gather livestock and/or evacuate. While sirens provide a warning

31 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

599 to all individuals within hearing range, their effectiveness depends on whether

600 community members know how to respond. More individualized warnings, such as text

601 messaging, could be accompanied with detailed instructions on how to best respond

602 based on different locations or varying mobility ranges.

603 (3) Integrate EWSFs with existing community flood response systems. We found that

604 community-level actions were a key element of the effectiveness of the flood response.

605 An EWSF can further take advantage of these local resources by being thoroughly

606 integrated into a variety of community-based initiatives and organizations. Community

607 members said that they were capable of participating in collective actions like work

608 brigades, childcare, or training each other in preparation simulations. Education

609 campaigns should be adequately staffed and resourced to properly inform communities

610 on how EWSFs work, along continuing efforts that implement simulations of the steps

611 needed to properly respond during floods. A good example was the recent tsunami EWS

612 outreach campaign in Ecuador, where community members received training and

613 identified potential escape routes and meeting locations for their families in the case of a

614 tsunami.

615 (4) Link climate change adaptation to disaster risk reduction and resilience modeling:

616 Consideration of long-term and cumulative impacts in flood modeling may be combined

617 to both generate better EWSFs and lead to more resilient infrastructure. Factors

618 contributing to flooding, like the improperly sized drainage and impermeable surfaces in

619 floodplains, should be incorporated into flood models. These flood models should be

620 applied when upgrading or repairing infrastructure to accommodate changes in flood

621 depth and frequency due to climate change.

32 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

622 (5) Include principles of flood resiliency and risk prevention in comprehensive planning

623 and land use regulations: We found that a lack of planning and regulatory land use tools,

624 as well as the lack of enforcement and implementation of existing plans and regulations

625 was one common factor underlying several issues discussed in focus groups, such as

626 uneven fill between properties and roads, dense development in high-risk flood zones and

627 low-quality building materials for both housing and sewer and stormwater infrastructure.

628 While risk management and climate change adaptation are national policies of Ecuador,

629 challenges remain in operationalizing climate adaptation and risk management policies

630 for local communities. Land-use zoning code and related land use policies should be

631 enacted and enforced to dissuade residential development in hazardous areas like canal

632 buffers and to use high-quality and appropriately-engineered flood management

633 structures. Educational and collaborative planning opportunities exist at both local and

634 municipal levels.


636 Conclusions

637 This study emerged in response to research priorities identified by National

638 Secretary of Risk of Ecuador, an active partner in this investigation. One outcome of this

639 study has been the empowerment of community members engaged in this research

640 process. Community leaders have used the results of this study to advocate for flood risk

641 reduction actions with local policymakers. Flood vulnerability assessment framework and

642 participatory research process utilized here can potentially inform studies in other flood-

643 prone regions to guide the development of EWSFs and other climate change adaptation

644 policies and actions.

33 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador


646 Acknowledgements. We thank P. Romero-Lankao, M. Lemos, and investigators from

647 National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for guidance during the project

648 development, and collaborators from the Secretary of Risk Management in Machala and

649 Guayaquil, Ecuador, the municipal government of Machala, Center for the Conservation

650 and Eco-Development of Samaná Bay and its Surroundings (CEBSE) in the Dominican

651 Republic, and the Autoridad Madre Tierra and United Nations Development Programme

652 (UNDP) in Bolivia.


34 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

654 Supporting Information Legends

655 S1 Table. Codes for the analysis of focus group transcripts. Codes were developed

656 based on vulnerability framework (Figure 2) and were used for qualitative analyses of

657 transcripts.


659 S2 Figure. Community generated maps identify points of interest with respect to

660 flooding, such as emergency meeting places, community resources (schools, fire station,

661 medical clinic), evacuation routes, streets, green spaces, berms, etc. Map text in Spanish.


35 Urban coastal flood vulnerability in Ecuador

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