
FALL & HOLIDAY 2020 E779 - $48 or

N715 - $88 & , 38”

E767 - $38 Pink N742 - $48 Labradorite

N708 - $88 Two tone gold & or gold & silver, 36”

E758 - $38 Labradorite or E764 - $48 Chalcedony Labradorite R552 - $28 Pearl & N687 - $68 Labradorite, , or , 36” E735 - $48 Moonstone or N741 - $38 Pink Quartz Labradorite

E765 - $48 Labradorite

N308 18”-$38, 36”-$62

E732 - $48 Moonstone or Peach E782 - $48 Moonstone Gold or Silver

E626 - $68 Rainbow Tourmaline & Pearl E778 - $38 Labradorite or Moonstone E783 - $52 Gold or Silver

N746 - $52 Crystal Quartz, 18”

N711 - $118 Labradorite E737 - $38 & Pearl, or Labradorite or Moonstone & Pearl Moonstone 36”

R553 - $38 Moonstone & Crystal Quartz, adjustable

E773 - $28 Labradorite or Sapphire

E760 - $48 Labradorite & Crystal Quartz N697 - $58 Green or Labradorite, 32” N693 - $68 or Moonstone, 36”

E770 - $58 Crystal Quartz

E781 - $48 Gold or Silver N729 - $34 Emerald

R526 - $28 Moonstone & Amazonite, or Labradorite E716 - $48 Green Onyx or R556 - $18 E769 - $52 Labradorite, Sapphire, or Amazonite

N743 - $102 36" N748 - $48 Crystal Quartz

E759 - $38 Moonstone or Labradorite N744 - $38 Apatite

R554 - $55 Labradorite, adjustable E670 - $24 Onyx & Moonstone

E776 - $38 E761 - $38 N624 - $78 E757 - $48 Blue Labradorite or Moonstone Pearl

E780 - $48 E766 - $28 Blue Topaz

E768 - $22 Gold or Silver

R555 - $38 E763 - $38 Blue Topaz Moonstone E775 - $52 Sapphire, Lab, or Amazonite

E711 - $28

E772 - $52 Sapphire, Lab, or Amazonite N740 - $68 Sapphire & Pearl, 36”

E771 - $48 Gold or Silver

E762 - $48 Sapphire

N747 - $62 Sapphire, Labradorite, E774 - $32 or Amazonite 30” Crystal Quartz N711 - $118 N562 - $82 Moonstone & Peach Moonstone Pearl or & Pearl Labradorite & Pearl" 36” E691 - $48 Moonstone, Labradorite, Amazonite, Emerald

E732 - $48 Peach Moonstone, Moonstone

E627 - $48 Pearl & Peach Moonstone, Emerald, Sapphire, Moonstone

E739 - $48 Moonstone, Labradorite

R536 - $36 R549 - $38 Labradorite, Moonstone, Chalcedony, Moonstone, Amazonite, Sapphire, Amazonite, Onyx Labradorite N733 E713 - $58 36" - $102, Pearl 18" - $58

E697 - $52 Labradorite or Rose Quartz,

N739 - $48 Pearl & Labradorite, 40”

B556 - $78 E749 - $24 Labradorite Gold or Silver E754 - $28 Pearl & Moonstone

E686 - $42 Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Labradorite E750 - $24 Gold or Silver N704 - $72 Crystal Quartz & Pyrite or Rainbow N731 - $42 Tourmaline Gold or Rhodium

E744 - $48 Labradorite & Pearl

E748 - $38 Crystal Quartz, Gold or Silver

E734 - $48 Labradorite or Rose Quartz

E757 - $48 Labradorite

B558 - $32 each Pearl E720 - $82 E735 - $48 Gray Moonstone, Pink Quartz or White Moonstone, or Moonstone Rose Quartz

N730 - $42 Rhodium or E611 - $88 Gold or Mother of Pearl

B559 - $32 each Gray Moonstone or White Moonstone

R542 - $54 set of 3

E723 - $24 Gold or Silver E737 - $38 Moonstone or Labradorite

E717 - $58 Moonstone & Labradorite or Moonstone & Chalcedony

N693 - $68 Moonstone or Emerald, 36” N719 - $34 Moonstone, E727 - $28 Amazonite, Gold or Silver Sapphire, E720 - $82 Labradorite, E736 - $52 Gray Moonstone, 16” + 4” E745 - $48 Turquoise or White Moonstone, Moonstone Moonstone or Rose Quartz E626 - $68 Pearl & Pink Quartz, Emerald, or Sapphire

E692 - $42 Rose Quartz or E730 - $68 Amazonite Rose Quartz or Labradorite

E743 - $48 B555 - $78 Pink Chalcedony or Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Labradorite or Labradorite, Rhodium

R534 - $48 Rose Quartz, Labradorite, Sapphire, Amazonite

N684 - $72 Rose Quartz & Moonstone, Rhodium E663 - $68 Moonstone, N659 - $38 Labradorite, Sapphire, Labradorite & Blue Amazonite Topaz or Moonstone & Lab

N691 - $68 N694 - $68 Amazonite, rhodium, 36” Moonstone & Amazonite, 36”

R529 - $48 Amazonite, Moonstone, Labradorite, Sapphire

E671 - $58 E675 - $38 R530 - $58 Crystal Qz & Amazonite or Rose Qz Moonstone, Emerald, Sapphire , Moonstone or & Crystal Qz Lab, Amazonite Labradorite, adjustable B550 - $48 Smoky Quartz, Pearl, Sapphire, Rubyzoisite

N679 - $48 Pearl & Black Rutilated Qz or Pearl & Amazonite

N692 - $58 Moonstone and Labradorite, Rose Quartz, or N670 - $48 Amazonite, 36" Pearl or Pyrite

E674 - $38

E680 - $68 Pearl & E694 - $28 Labradorite or Labradorite or Amazonite Moonstone E705 - $68 Pearl N679 - $48 Pearl & Black Rutilated Qz N686 - $38 or Pearl & Amazonite, or Amazonite Moonstone

N699 - $92 Pearl & Emerald or Pearl & Sapphire, 36” R531 - $58 Mother of Pearl, adjustable

E691 - $48 Emerald, Moonstone, Labradorite, Amazonite

E693 - $52 E692 - $42 Pearl & Emerald, or Emerald, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Labradorite, Amazonite Moonstone, Turquoise N698 - $58 Pearl & Pyrite, Moonstone, or Peach Moonstone, 32” E681 medium 35mm - $48, large 50mm - $62 N686 - $38 Labradorite or Moonstone N652 - $108 Pyrite & Lemon Citrine 26-34” N674 - $38 Mother of Pearl

E689 - $42 Peach Moonstone, Sapphire, Turquoise

R528 - $48

E679 - $38 Mother of Pearl E685 - $48 N643 - $88 Mother of Pearl Sapphire & Pearl, Lab, Amazonite, Rose Qz. 38”

N701 - $108 Pearl & Sapphire, or Pearl & E700 - $38 Emerald, 36” Sapphire, Lab, Moonstone

N693 - $68 Sapphire or Moonstone, 36"

E696 - $48 Sapphire, Amazonite, Labradorite

E615 - $28 B553 - $128 Sapphire, Moonstone. Labradorite, Sapphire, Labradorite, Emerald, , Amazonite Pink Quartz E702 - $78 Labradorite

N672 - $38

N650 - $38 Labradorite, N680 - $48 Rainbow Tourmaline, Mother of Pearl & Amazonite Labradorite

E698 - $48 Pearl & Labradorite, R527 - $48 or Moonstone, adjustable Sapphire E703 - $78 Multi Sapphire E693B - $48 Pearl & Lab, or Sapphire, Emerald, Moonstone, Turquoise N669 - $28 N675 - $22 Pearl E627 - $48 Pearl & Moonstone, or Sapphire N684 - $72 Moonstone & Amazonite, Rhodium, 36”

E741 - $48 Chalcedony or Smoky Quartz

E587 - $48 Labradorite, Amazonite, Rose Qz, Emerald

N659 - $58 Labradorite & Blue Topaz E594 - $48 or Moonstone Crystal Qz, Lab, & Lab Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amazonite, Rose Qz. E583 - $68 Labradorite, Rose Quartz, Amazonite, Sapphire

N641 - $42 18" Floating Swarovski Crystals N624 - $78 Pearl

E565 - $38 Rose Quartz, Crystal Quartz, Iolite Quartz E595 - $78 Abalone or Mother of Pearl

R525 - $48 N651 - $72 Labradorite, Lapis, Pearl with Labradorite, Moonstone, Amazonite or Peach Moonstone, 36"

R512 - $48 N663 - $38 Crystal Quartz E636 - $28 Gold or Rhodium N629 - $92 36" Crystal Quartz

E741 - $48 Smoky Quartz or Chalcedony

E676 - $28 N593 - $38 Pearl Gold or Rhodium

R502 - $68 Mother of Pearl B535L - $48 Labradorite, Amazonite, Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby

R521 - $42 Moonstone, N622 - $148 Labradorite, , Pearl & Multi Moonstone, Sapphire, Ruby, Labradorite, Sapphire, Pyrite, Turquoise Moonstone E611 - $88 Freshwater Pearl

N562 - $88 N657 - $88 Freshwater Pearl & , Pearl N618 - $48 or Pyrite, 36” Freshwater Pearl

E623 - $68 Pearl & Sapphire, Tourmaline, Labradorite, Moonstone, Ruby

B535S - $48 Sapphire, Labradorite, Amazonite, Emerald, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Black Onyx E615 - $28 Moonstone, Sapphire, Labradorite, Emerald, R514 - $38 Ruby, Amazonite Sapphire, Labradorite, Amazonite E622 - $78 E595 - $78 Moonstone, Labradorite, Mother of Pearl or Sapphire, Ruby, Amazonite, Abalone Turquoise

E625 - $68 Labradorite, Moonstone, Turquoise

E649 - $38

B548 - $68 Labradorite, Amazonite, Sapphire

N622 - $148 Pearl & Labradorite, Multi Moonstone, Pyrite, Sapphire, Moonstone

R522 - $38 E541 - $28 Labradorite, Moonstone, Sapphire, Amazonite E619 - $68 Labradorite, E568 - $68 Sapphire, Ruby, Mother of Pearl, Blue Topaz, wooden back Black

E568 (back)

E552 - $42 Crystal Quartz, N644 - $28 Moonstone, Ruby, 18" Moonstone & Sapphire, Smoky Labradorite, Amazonite, Quartz, Turquoise, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, or Emerald Chalcedony R521 - $42 Moonstone, Labradorite, Garnet, E584 - $38 Sapphire, Ruby, Turquoise Mother of Pearl

N642 - $88 38" Pearl & Labradorite , Amazonite, or Sapphire N558A - $48 Emerald, Sapphire, Pink Sapphire, or Labradorite

B535E - $48 Emerald, Sapphire, E583 - $68 Labradorite, Emerald, Rose Quartz Labradorite, N621 - $108 Amazonite, Ruby Chalcedony, Sapphire, Ruby Multi Sapphire E626 - $68 & Pearl Tourmaline & Pearl, Emerald, Sapphire

E653 - $72

R504 - $48 Emerald, Labradorite, E591 - $28 Ruby or Sapphire

R517 - $38 Amazonite, Labradorite, Sapphire (Adjustable) E545C - $38 Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, Crystal Quartz, E606 - $48 Rose Quartz, Amazonite Crystallized Wood

E622 - $68 Labradorite, Blue Topaz, Amazonite, Moonstone, Sapphire, Turquoise E618 - $78 Labradorite, Moonstone, Tourmaline, Pyrite, Sapphire, Black

N555 - $98 Pyrite, Rainbow Tourmaline, Labradorite, Moonstone or Sapphire

E583 - $68 Rose Quartz, Labradorite, B545 - $48 Chalcedony, Sapphire, Ruby Fringed Leather B535R - $48 Ruby, Sapphire, Labradorite, Amazonite, Emerald N558A - $48 Pink Sapphire, Pearl, Emerald, Sapphire, E621 - $78 Amazonite Ruby, Moonstone, Labradorite, Green Onyx N552 - $58 E618 - $78 Rainbow Tourmaline, Rainbow Tourmaline

E519 - $68 Oprah O-List Ruby, available in all colors E569 - $38 Ruby, Labradorite, E552 - $42 Rose Quartz. Sapphire, Ruby, Sapphire, Amazonite Smoky, Moonstone, or Crystal Quartz

E592 - $32 Ruby, Labradorite, Sapphire, Emerald, Moonstone

E627 - $48 E566L - $68 Sapphire Labradorite & & Pearl, or Blue Topaz, Moonstone & or Pearl and Pearl Labradorite

N617 - $42

N553 - $48 Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Labradorite, Ruby, Moonstone

E563 - $36 Moonstone R519 - $58 R517 - $38 Lapis, Amazonite, Labradorite & Turquoise, Freshwater Pearl (Adjustable) Amazonite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Labradorite, Ruby

E619 - $68 E565 - $38 Sapphire, Labradorite, Blue Topaz, Iolite Quartz or Dark Pink Turquoise, Moonstone Quartz, Crystal Quartz E566 - $68 Pearl & Labradorite or Labradorite & Blue Topaz

E628 - $58 Moonstone, Amazonite, Sapphire, Ruby, Labradorite, Turquoise

N555L - $98 N578 - $42 Labradorite, Rainbow Tourmaline, Pyrite, N577 - $38 Sapphire Gold or Rhodium

E601 - $42

E569 - $38 Labradorite, Amazonite, Sapphire, Rose Quartz, Ruby B541 - $48 R503 - $36 Labradorite, Pearl or Lapis, adjustable E632 - $48 Mother of Pearl

E629 - $78 Labradorite, Moonstone, N538 - $42 Sapphire, Amazonite

E551 - $78

E602 - $38 Gold or Rhodium N533 - $58 Gold or Rhodium R503 - $36 Pearl or Labradorite, or Lapis

E667 - $28 Gold or Silver

E550 - $42 404-247-9648 elyssabassdesigns.com [email protected]