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The following supplements accompany the article Patterns and trends in marine population connectivity research Dale N. Bryan-Brown*, Christopher J. Brown, Jane M. Hughes, Rod M. Connolly *Corresponding author: [email protected] Marine Ecology Progress Series 585: 243–256 (2017) Supplement 1. Detailed paper processing methodology. Paper processing was broken down into several steps. 1) All papers yielded from the search were downloaded and imported into EndNote. 2) Duplicates were deleted. 3) Papers that were obviously irrelevant to the study (e.g. papers published in the Journal of Petrology) were deleted (after ensuring irrelevance by assessing Title and, if needed, Abstract). 4) PDF’s were downloaded using EndNote’s “Find Full Text” feature with Griffith University staff access. 5) Only papers that had a PDF file were considered during the manual checking stage. Manual checking ensured that all papers in the database met the definition of MPC as outlined in the paper. 1 Supplement 2. All research papers included in database, articles in bold are highly cited (>10 citations per year) Abookire AA, Bailey KM (2007) The distribution of life cycle stages of two deep-water pleuronectids, Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus) and rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), at the northern extent of their range in the Gulf of Alaska. J Sea Res 57:198–208 Aburto-Oropeza O, Dominguez-Guerrero I, Cota-Nieto J, Plomozo-Lugo T (2009) Recruitment and ontogenetic habitat shifts of the yellow snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris) in the Gulf of California. Mar Biol 156:2461–2472 Acha EM, Simionato CG, Carozza C, Mianzan H (2012) Climate-induced year-class fluctuations of whitemouth croaker Micropogonias furnieri (Pisces, Sciaenidae) in the Rio de la Plata estuary, Argentina-Uruguay. 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