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Spring 6-1-2021 Portland : The Gallery of the City

Mia V. Pinzelik Portland State University

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Recommended Citation Pinzelik, Mia V., "Portland Street Art: The Gallery of the City" (2021). University Honors Theses. 1060. https://doi.org/10.15760/honors.1086

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Thesis by Mia Pinzelik




Street Art vs - 6 Politics of Street Art - 7 Process and Materials - 8 Instagram Audit - 10 Survey - 11 Artist Interviews - 12 Street Art Ethnography - 15




Rule Booklet - 20 Street Art Pieces - 22 Game Board - 24 Card Deck - 26 Player Pieces - 27 Coins - 28



Street art has been a foundation of As a lifelong Portland resident, I urban landscapes for over half a will specifically focus on the culture decade. Beginning in New York during and community surrounding Portland the 1960s, predominant Black and street art in my research. Secondary latinx communities began experi- research for this project will include menting with this practice of public the history of street art, the politics art associated with hip-hop music surrounding the art form, and the dif- and other subcultures of the time. ferent processes and materials used Work was often tagged with the art- by street arts. The primary research will ists’ name and street number such as include surveying the general public artist Jean-Michel Basquiat who went of Portland about their thoughts on under the pseudonym SAMO (The Art street art, studying how social media is Story, .n.d.). Since then, street art and used in the street art community, inter- graffiti scenes have grown and shifted views with active Portland street artists, throughout the world adapting to the and studying street art in person. This culture of the city. project will look to better understand Today, street art is as prominently the culture and community of Portland a part of our culture just as any oth- street art, the unique aspects of the art er type of art. Popular street artists, form, the kinds of people participat- such as and Shepherd Fairey, ing in street art culture, the difficulties are often recognized as household they face, and what defines this spe- names. Their pieces have been sold cific Portland subculture in 2020. The for millions of dollars and their work is goal of this project is to compile this shared vastly over the internet (Future- research into a board game illustrating Learn, n.d.). But beyond these often a general overview of the process and secret celebrities, the many anony- experiences of street artists in Portland. mous everyday street artists working in our cities are the ones creating the public galleries observed by the pub- lic everyday. Their work is viewed more often than the work in sanctioned art galleries and is done without permis- sion and without recognition. It is these artists that I am interested in learning more about.

4 5 RESEARCH Street Art vs. Graffiti Politics of Street Art

During my research, I noticed the terms “The Broken Window Theory,” first out- for graffiti removal for the city of Port- street art and graffiti did not have clear lined in 1982 by James Q. Wilson and land and businesses. These funds went definitions linked to them both from George L. Kelling, theorized that loca- towards paying for the cost of graffiti people in and outside the scene. To tions appearing dirty and unkempt removal, purchasing removal supplies, combat this, I have formed my own send the message that the location is and to administer the ordinance. It definitions specifically for this project uncontrolled and unregulated there- is estimated that the city of Portland based on my research. When discuss- fore causing an uptick in criminal spends $2 million to $5 million on ing street art and graffiti centered activity. Despite Wilson and Kelling graffiti removal annually. Stores that sell around legality and the public’s briefly mentioning graffiti as one of “graffiti materials,” such as spray paint, general opinion, the two terms are these “symbols of disorder” and the are required to have materials be used interchangeably referring to lack of research to back up this theory, inaccessible to purchasers without unsanctioned art. When discussing “The Broken Window Theory” has had employee assistance as well as to the use of the terms in the Portland art lasting effects on the criminalization keep a log of individuals purchasing scene, the street art scene and graffiti of street art and graffiti culture. Many materials subject to inspection by scene are considered by many to be cities have adopted zero-tolerance the police department (Shoenberger, two separate subcultures. For discus- policies surrounding unsanctioned 2017). Due to the strictness and en- sion of these scenes, I am defining street art based on this theory result- forcement of these laws, the anonymity street art as unsanctioned work done ing in what would be a misdemeanor of street artists in Portland is extremely ahead of time and simply installed, offense now being considered a important for the artist’s safety. and graffiti as work made on the spot. felony. (Portland Street Art Alliance , Because of this, I will not be using any It should be emphasized that these 2017). These zero-tolerance policies names of artists in this project and definitions do not speak for all artists in can be traced back to the 1990s in instead use pseudonym or generalized the scene and there are many New York City during the Giuliani ad- information. artists actively creating work that blurs ministration and then would eventually the line between street art and graffiti. be enacted in cities across the coun- However, for this project I am choosing try, including Portland. to focus on artists who define them- In 1998, the City of Portland enact- selves as street artists and consider ed the “Graffiti Nuisance Abatement themselves a member of the Portland Trust Fund” aimed to help raise funds street art scene.

6 7 Process and Materials

Due to the flexibility and freedom of of allows street artists to the practice, Portland street artists use paste their work quickly and efficiently a variety of techniques and materials to almost any surface they encounter. to implement their art work. The Port- The downside to wheatpasting in Port- land street art scene is particularly land is wheatpaste does not last in the known for its eclectic, extensive sticker rain resulting in its use mostly in the art scene with many considering it the spring and summer. sticker capitol of the world. Vinyl Do-it-yourself are another stickers are the most popular due avenue many street artists use to to their durability in Portland’s rainy quickly replicate their work. Portland weather. Many artists also use free street artist Skam captures the sten- Priority Mail stickers from the post office cil making process on his Instagram as a cheaper alternative to the more @skamsticker. The process begins expensive vinyl (Green, 2017). Screen by coating the back of a printed or printed stickers have also become a hand-done piece with a flat color unique aspect of the Portland sticker spray paint. The piece is then scene with many artists screen printing adhered to a flat piece of wood with their own or paying fellow artists with a a light coat of spray adhesive. Once screen printing setup. smoothed out, the illustration is cut Wheatpaste is another common pro- out with an exacto blade to reveal the cess for pasting up work in Street art wood underneath. A sheet of fiberglass scenes due to it being relatively inex- mesh is then glued to the entire piece, pensive and simple to make. The paste excluding where the wood is exposed. is made with a combination of sugar Once the glue has dried, the piece is and mixed with water to create a peeled off of the wood and is ready to thick, glue-like substance. Wheatpaste be used. (@skamsticker, 2019). Many easily adheres any porous surface to artists often use stencils to replicate another and dries rock-hard with only their work on paper with spray paint a thin coating. The flexibility and ease and then paste these pieces up with wheatpaste.

8 9 Instagram Audit Survey

The Portland street art community sharing the work and products of For this project, I conducted a survey A general theme in the responses mainly uses Instagram to connect other artists. to better understand how people in included associating street art with and share their work. All accounts are A commonality of many Portland Portland view street art and graffiti. I re- freedom of expression and rebellion. anonymous with artists never showing street artists on Instagram is the pres- ceived over 90 responses with the ma- Street art was understood as art made their face or sharing their real name. ence of a link to their Big Cartel store in jority coming from women ages 21 to by the people for the people and Many artists often share each other’s their profile bio. Big Cartel is an online 24 and over 40. Some of the questions mostly described as a positive to the work on their stories and in posts they store service targeting artists who wish asked in the survey included: city. The descriptions for graffiti shared encounter while out in the city, tagging to sell merchandise online. Unlike many similarities with street art but each other’s accounts in the posts. similar sites, Big Cartel allows artists to What comes to mind when you hear with more of an emphasis on tagging. This practice feels similar to a Where’s keep 100% of their profits and offers the term “street art”? Overall, most responses felt general- Waldo of Portland street artists. Insta- multiple price tiers to allow all artists ly positive towards street art wheth- gram gives the impression that the access to the site. Their lowest tier is What comes to mind when you hear er sanctioned or unsanctioned. The community is very supportive of each completely free and does not require the term “graffiti”? majority of responders felt street art other’s work with many artists often a credit card to open a store. What are your general thoughts was an important aspect of Portland around street art/graffiti in Port- culture and should not be controlled land? by the city of Portland. An unexpect- ed trend in responses showed many What do you notice about street responders wished to get into the art/graffiti in Portland? Portland street art scene but did not necessarily know how to. This inspired In what areas/types of locations do the outcome of my thesis to create a you usually see street art/graffiti guide to becoming a street artist in in Portland? Portland.

Do you have any favorite street/ graffiti artists in Portland? Are there any particular pieces you have no- ticed around Portland?

10 11 Artist Interviews Many of the artists I spoke to have characters or motifs replicated an outlet to brighten people’s day and expressed getting into street art as throughout their work. In Portland, add color and decor to the streets For this project, I was able to secure an outlet for freedom of creative ex- replicated motifs include skulls, smiley and the subject matter often reflects interviews with 5 active street artists in pression. Many had been working as faces, Studio Ghibli characters, and this. Other artists focus on the unique Portland. I mainly used Instagram to commercial artists such as graphic many other unique characters. The public nature of street art and use it as communicate with artists in order to designers with little to no creative con- diversity of styles in art is a key aspect an outlet for political expression. guarantee anonymity with the excep- trol over the work they were producing. of Portland’s street art scene. Styles There is an overwhelming consensus tion of a couple emails. Overall, artists Street art was their outlet to remove can range from collages to simple that the Portland street art community were enthusiastic and open to talking themselves from the strictness of com- vector drawings to pieces. Port- is very welcoming and supportive of about Portland street art culture and mercial work and allow for complete land is said to be one of the each other and their work. Newcom- their experience as a street artist. The control over their work. Now, many capitals of the world with many, if not ers to the scene are welcomed with interviews mainly focused on the street artists in Portland have made all street artists, printing their art on generosity and kindness from veterans artists background and experience street art their full time job due to in- stickers. The Portland sticker scene also without superiority. The community as an artist, their opinions on the Port- come outlets such as commissioned is uniquely known for its high volume of holds regular meetups at bars and land street art community, and the work, screen printing, and selling screen printed stickers with many around Portland for making and put- relation between street art culture and of merchandise. Social media outlets, artists printing their own or commis- ting up work; everyone is always invited Portland. Many of the artists I com- such as Instagram, played a significant sioning printing from fellow street and encouraged to come. The scene municated with have worked outside part with exposure to their work. artists. The subject matter of pieces itself is relatively small with about 50 of Portland and were able to provide The work created by street artists seems to be predominantly light-heart- active street artists working at a time. information on what made Portland’s is deeply personal and varies great- ed and sometimes humorous. Many For the most part, everyone knows street art scene unique. ly from artist to artist. Artists will often Portland street artists view street art as everyone and each other’s work.

12 13 Portland street artists often observe each artist’s experience may vary “street art tourists” who put up work for greatly based on these factors. With Street Art Ethnography a sticker season (about a year) and this in mind, the artists interviewed for To better understand Portland street then vanish. Unlike Portland, street art this project expressed that Portland art, I spent a significant amount of cultures in other cities are said to be was much more tolerant to street art time observing street art in my much more closed off and territorial. compared to many other cities around surrounding neighborhood. I first ob- The openness and communal aspects the United States. In Portland, Street served how there was a lot more street of Portland street art is understood to art is viewed as low priority resulting in art in my neighborhood than I was be unique to Portland. artists experiencing less intervention expecting. Street art can often blend Despite the stringent laws around from law enforcement. More com- into our surroundings and I had to unsanctioned street art in Portland, monly, street artists have experienced learn to train my eye to notice it. The street artists have had minimum issues intervention from private citizens when most common surfaces I observed with law enforcement. It should be displaying their work. Types of street art displayed on included trash noted that the race and ethnicity of materials can also vary in the level bins, street signs, poles, and electrical these artists is unknown due to the of intervention with paste and boxes. Generally, surfaces with art anonymous nature of their work and stickers seen more legal than pure already displayed attracted more spray paint. The majority of street artists art as the seal was already broken. I take great care when choosing where noticed specific stickers and tags ap- to display their work. The goal of their pearing every couple blocks usually in work is often to bring others joy and to similar locations. Overall, the back of not harm private property so awarity street signs seem to be the most popu- of placement is essential. Common lar place for art placement and places for display include the back of private property seemed to be street signs, newspaper stands, bike avoided or removed much quicker. racks, and electrical boxes. The gener- al consensus from Portland street artists is the community of Portland is very accepting and enthusiastic about street art in the city.


The Portland street art scene is a displaying work as decor for the The audience for this project would My deliverable for this project is a Port- unique and expressive community streets. The combination of these many be individuals in Portland interested land street art board game based compared to the scenes in other unique aspects of Portland street art in learning more about the Portland on the interviews and other research cities. Artists use a variety of materials culture make it one of the most lively street art scene or individuals with I have conducted through this proj- when display working but stickers are street art scenes in the world. negative feelings towards the scene. I ect. The game will act as a general especially unique and prevalent in would like this game to provide a new overview of the culture and lifestyle of the Portland scene. Instagram is the perspective on something Portlanders street artists in Portland as well as an primary source of communication and view daily differentiating from a alternative experience to understand- community for the Portland street art standard article or similar mediums. ing the culture through a first person, scene with many artists sharing each story based lens. other’s work. The Portland community The game will include: outside of street art is also very recep- tive and interested in the work being 4 sets of street art inspired by street done by Portland street artists. Street art in Portland art is seen by many to be a key aspect of Portland’s culture. Portland’s street A card deck with situations based art community is known for being very on my research that can negatively inclusive and supportive of each or positively impact the game other and welcoming to new artists. Art styles and subject matter vary A game board greatly from artist to artist resulting in a diverse and eclectic art scene. Laws Player pieces involving unsanctioned street art in Portland are relatively unenforced Rule Booklet allowing artists to work more freely without fear of prosecution. Despite Fake coins to be used this, Portland street artists are con- during gameplay scious of avoiding tagging private property and focus instead on

16 17 18 19 Rule Booklet

ABOUT GAME RULES COINS GAME BOARD Coins look like this: Each player collects StreetArt SuperStars is a street art themed PLAYERS - 2 to 4 2 coins at the MOVING PIECES board game based on the Portland street art beginning of each of Player pieces are moved along the gray side scene. During the spring of 2020, I had the AVERAGE PLAY TIME - 30 mins their turns. They can walk on the board. Players are allowed to privilege to interview multiple street artists be used to purchase move in any direction along the game board in Portland about their experience as an SET UP street art during step but are not allowed to reverse directions unsanctioned artist. What excited me most Each player chooses which set of street art 3 of game play. while moving their piece. about these conversations were the many they’d like to use during the game and then stories these artists shared with me. These sets their corresponding player piece on STREET ART BUILDINGS stories revealed the true nature of using The game board contains 3 different building each corner of the board. COST AND REP the urban landscape as your canvas and sizes that street art can be placed on. Each player should have selected a set of the ever-changing challenges that come These buildings are indicated by the brick The four sets of street art are: street art during the setup of this game to along with it. These conversations are what pattern. Players can place work anywhere - Purr-ple Kitties be used during game play. Each set of street eventually inspired this game. The card deck on adjacent buildings if it covers the - Alien Invasion art should include 3 different pieces of 3 contains a diverse range of scenarios based corresponding grid arrangement (see table - Mushroom Skulls different sizes. The cost and rep amount on the interviews I conducted with artists as on page 3) and it does not cover up other - Comfort Food are each different for each size of art . well as other research around the subject. player’s pieces. See examples of possible During each player’s turn, they are allowed The street art pieces I designed for this game arrangements on page 4. GOAL to purchase and place street art next to were simply crafted after things that made The goal of this game is to be the first player adjacent buildings after rolling the dice and me happy, as this was a constant theme CARD DECK to reach 100 reputation (rep) points. Rep moving. View the table on page 3 for the cost among artists I interviewed; make work that The card deck contains scenarios on each points can be earned by putting up street art and rep of each size of street art for each set. makes you happy and then maybe it will as well as awarded by drawing cards from card that changes your coins/reputation OR make others happy too. I hope this game not effect either. Each player should take a the deck. PLACING ON GAME BOARD does just that for you! card at the end of each of their turns. Coins Each size of street should be placed GAME PLAY are tracked with the physical ones provided on any brick patterns on the board. and reputation can be tracked on a piece - Mia Pinzelik Each player’s turn will include the following: These patterns look like this: of paper. Coins and reputation can not go below zero. There is no negative change after - Collect 2 coins the player hits zero. - Roll the dice and move piece - Purchase and place street art on WINNING THE GAME adjacent buildings OR skip and save Street art should be placed according to the A player wins when they have reached 100 for later rounds grid on brick patterns. View the table on reputation points gained from putting up - Pick a card from the deck and follow page 3 for the number and arrangement street art and cards from the card deck. the instructions on the card of grid squares each size of street art - Repeat for each player until one should cover. You can not cover up player hits 100 reputation points another player’s street art.









*Reference rule book for synop- sis of game play and how game elements are used 20 21 Street Art Pieces

I learned from my interviews with Portland street artists that many of the pieces they created were inspired by their interests and things that made them happy that they hoped would do the same for others. With these pieces I tried to do the same!

22 23 Game Board

24 25 Card Deck Player Pieces


The scenarios on these cards are based off the many experiences of street artists that I gathered in my research. I wanted this to re- flect the dynamic life style of an artist and even more an unsanctioned artist.

26 27 The article worked as an introduction history of the city of Portland’s stance This web page illustrates a step-by- ANNOTATED into the legality of unsanctioned street on unsanctioned street art and the step process for making wheatpaste BIBLIOGRAPHY art. Discussing this topic with two of the enforcements in place today. These through visuals and written informa- most well known street artists acted enforcements include sale of street tion. Tips on storing wheatpaste and Street and Graffiti Art Movement as a good common ground to begin art-related materials, graffiti removal cleaning of materials is also discussed Overview. (n.d.). Retrieved May 27, research. funding and implementing, and laws along with tips on how to use wheat- 2020, from https://www.theartstory. surrounding permission and reporting paste to put up images org/movement/street-art/#nav of street art. Shoenberger, E. (2019, July 18). De- This website is a great source for learn- This reviewed overview of the history spite Graffiti’s Global Popularity, This article is similar to the previous ing and better understanding the pro- of street art by google conglomerates Cities Still Criminalize It. Retrieved but instead entirely Portland focused. cess of making and using wheatpaste. a mass amount of information and from https://www.artsy.net/article/ Great detail and insight into the sub- This information will serve well in a images involving street art and graf- artsy-editorial-despite--glob- ject. guide book for street artists. fiti and the history. The page delves al-popularity-cities-criminalize into the main ideas surrounding street artists and important figures in the This article details the criminalization Green, E. (2017, September 20). Port- @skamsticker. (2019, May). How to street art movement. The site is rich in of street art around the United States. It land’s subversive sticker culture. Re- make a like scam. Retrieved content and organized to elevate the focuses on specific laws and enforce- trieved from https://news.streetroots. from https://www.instagram.com/ depth of information. ments doctorned by cities and the org/2017/09/08/portland-s-subver- stories/highlights/1785353769143004 outcomes associated with them. The sive- sticker-culture 3/?hl=en This site acted as an excellent starting article details criminal charges, graffiti point for my research due to the vast removal, the sale of street art-related This article details the experience and This Instagram highlight from user @ amount. It was used to construct the materials, and laws surrounding the background of two prominent Portland skamsticker demonstrates how to cre- beginning frames of my research and implementation of . street artists. It is both an interview and ate a do-it-yourself stencil. The process better understand what my project documentation of their daily life as art- is documented through photos, videos could entail. This article was a great beginning for ists. Article discusses the artists’ back- and written content resulting in a finish research into laws surrounding street ground, artistic influences, and process piece. art and how cities approached un- of making. It also details the general FutureLearn. (n.d.). Art or vandalism: sanctioned work. A significant portion culture of Portland street art. This information is especially important the street art debate. Retrieved from specifically talked about Portland as for my research because it is coming https://www.futurelearn.com/cours- well. This article is exactly the sort of re- directly from Portland street artists. The es/art-crime/0/steps/11888 search I am doing for this project. The process is clearly demonstrated allow- information helps to secure the direc- ing viewers to easily understand the This article discusses the legality of Portland Street Art Alliance. (2017, tion I am planning to go in. process. street art focusing on two prominent April 19). The History of Zero-Tolerance street artists; Shepard Fairy and Banksy. Graffiti Abatement Laws in Portland. Wheatpaste Recipe (for putting up The article first focuses on Fairy with a Retrieved from http://www.pdxstree- posters/billboard alterations). (n.d.). discussion of his work and the issue of tart.org/articles-all/zerotolerance Retrieved from https://destructables. legality surrounding his work. The same org/destructable/wheatpaste- rec- is then discussed for Banksy. The article This article details the zero-tolerance ipe-putting-postersbillboard-alter- raises questions around the relation of policies surrounding street art specific ations acclaim and legality. to Portland. The article discusses the

28 29 30