Ackrill, Margaret, 32, 49 Armour, 29, 36, 47 A.E.G., See Allgemeine Elektricitiits Armstrong-Whitworth, 33, 35, 39, 194 Gesellschaft Arrow, K
Index (This index lists only the names of persons and firms mentioned m the text; it is not a subject index.) Ackrill, Margaret, 32, 49 Armour, 29, 36, 47 A.E.G., see Allgemeine Elektricitiits Armstrong-Whitworth, 33, 35, 39, 194 Gesellschaft Arrow, K. J., 256 A.E.I., see Associated Electrical Indus- Asiatic Petroleum Co., 133 tries Associated British Picture Corp., 43 Alchian, A. A., 16 Associated Electrical Industries, 4, 10, Aldcroft, D. H., 17 18, 42, 193-5, 199, 200-1 Alford, Dr B. W. E., 13, 15-16, 18, 50, Associated Equipment Co., 194 52, 66, 68-9, 73, 83, 199, 202, Associated Newspapers-Daily Mail 237, 243, 258 Trust, 34 Allgemeine Elektricitats Gesellschaft, Associated Portland Cement Manu- 195 facturers, 34, 36, 42, 44 Allis-Chalmers, 31 Austin Motor Co., 195-6 Amalgamated Press, 34, 42 Austin-Morris, 42, 43 Ambrose, S. E., 15 Austin, Sir Herbert, 195-6 American Agricultural Chemical Co., Ayers, G. L., 182 31 American Chicle Co., 31 Babcock and Wilcox, 30, 34, 39, 48 American Cotton Oil, 30, 36 Bailey, M. J., 178 American Radiator, 31 Ballin, H. H., 211-12 American Sugar Refining, 30 Bank of England, 159, 161, 165, 193, American Telephone and Telegraph 249-50 Co., 244 Bank of Scotland, 220 American Tobacco Company, 30, 38, Barclays Bank, 114, 219, 233 50,61, 73,83,186 Barings, 170, 172 American Viscose Corporation, 69 Barker, Prof. T. C., 12, 16-18 Ames, Edward, 179 Barlow, Sir Robert, 126-8 Andrews, P. W. S., 67, 201 Bass, Ratcliffe and Gretton, 33, 41 Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., 40 Beaton, Kenneth, 50 Anglo-Persian Oil Co., 35, 40, 43, 132 Bedaux, Charles E., 90 Anheuser Busch, 29, 36 Beecham Group, 42, 105 Anselm Holdings (London), 79 Beharrel, Sir George, 190 Ansoff, H.
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