

Minutes of the meeting of Parish Council held on Wednesday September l3th20l7 at Minterne House at 8.00Pm. present: The Hon. Henry Digby, Chairman, Mr. P. Goodfellow, Mrs. C. Howard-Johnston, Mr. S. Tite, Mr. C. Saunders, Mr. G. 3teuJrrion, Mrs. M. Penfold, County Councillor, Mr. A. F. Horsington, District Councillor, Mr. T. Yarker, District Councillor, PCSO S. Pilcher and the Clerlq Mr. P. Horsington. Seven members of the public attended.

17. Apologies Apologies were received from Mrs. H. Smith.

18' Minutesinutes of thaprevious meeting held ou May 10th, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

19. Declarations of Interest There were no Declarations of Interests.

20. Open Session tfrs. Penfold, County Councillor informed the meeting that she is in conversation with South West Coaches, reference problems with the School transport for Middlemarsh children affending Schools in . At present, the situation is that the pickup point has been now moved to the Sawmills, which means that there is a long walk through Middlemarsh. Mr. Mortimer, Hunters Moon, Middlemarsh expressed his concern at this situition, as the A.352 is not safe for pedestrians. Mrs. Penfold stated that the County Council is now looking at alternatives and if South West Coaches are unable to provide a satisfactory alternative option, then DCC will have to provide this tansport. Mrs. Penfold stated that she is alranging a meeting with Emma Selway, County Transport ofiicer, and invited the parents involved, to attend that meeting. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Penfold for her all her time & effort in tying to resolve this issue. Mr. Baker asked the Parish Council not to lose sight of their request for a 30 MPH througfu Middlemarsh. Mr. P. Stanzl, 2, Manor Farm Cottages read from his letter and expressed his concerns atthe sudden appearance of tents, wooden toilet facility and canopy on August 2Zndwkhneight acres at Bridgewood, Vtiddlemarsh. These were clearly visible from the B.P. leading to Hurdley Moor farm, but have since moved deeper into the Wood neaf,er to the 'Greenfields'boundary. There are a lot of traffic movements to and from the sitq with taxis delivering and collecting Youthsi Children for the Survivall Bush craft courses being held there. Mr. Stanzl expresied qoncern at the potential fire hazard, and there have been issues with taxis blocking the access lane. The Council agreed that this needed to be investigated, with Mr. A. F. Horsington, District Councillor stating that WDDC Enforcement Officials are already looking into the situation.

21. Police & Community mattens The Chairman welcomed PCSO Pilcher, who informed the meeting that battery theft is an ongoing issue. PCSO Pilcher strongly advised that residents should report all suspicious incidents, as this often provides the Police with necessary information over a wider spectrum. PCSO Pilcherhighlighted that advice on security and best options are available from the Police. The Chairman stated that there is now a specific rural crime unit in place. The Council noted that there were no problems arising from the MG car rally held on May 13th, which used the track up through Minterne Parva. The Council noted the details of road closures relating to the konman event being held on Sunday September 17th based in Weymouth. These had been circulated to members.

22. Cornty and District Councillors' reports Mrs. M. Penfold, County Councillor, stated that had nothing firther to report from DCC. IVIr. A. F. Horsington, District Councillor, informed the meeting that all planning meetings will in future be held at the District Council offices in Dorchester. Mr. T. Yarker, Distict Councillor, reported that the Unitary Councils have formed a joint Committee, to discuss issues, whilst waiting for the decision from the Secretary of State. Mr. Yarker informed the meeting of an exhibition, being held on September 26th&.27th showing overall sites for further retail shopping in Dorchester - (Charles Street & the Faffields sites)' The Chairman thanked the Councillors for their attendance' 2

23. Financial matters The Chairman presented the financial statement and budget with copies being given to members. The Council noted that the account balance at May l7th20l7 was f.2,645.82p. Receipts - nil Payments - nil

The Clerk reported that the annual audit had been completed and signed offby the External auditors, BDO Stoy, with no fees to pay. The relevant notices have been put on the Website and the notice advertising the Closure of Audit put on the Notice board at Minterne.

24. Planning matters The Council noted that application WD/Di 161002574 at Middlemarsh Wood, Middlemarsh to create a ring route within the wood providing access for 4WD vehicles and an extraction route for forestry forwarders by upgrading existing tracks had been granted. The Council expressed concern that application WDID/171A00666 at the Stables, Keepers Paddock, Middlemarsh for the siting of temporary agricultural workers dwelling for a period of three years had not been determined and had disappeared from the WDDC website. Discussion took place with a query that Mr. S. Allen was now living on site, whioh was confimed by Mr. Allen, being present, stating that it was necessary for him to live there on site, as a matter of security. Discussion took place on a separate issue, as there is also a small carlvar,on the other half of the field, Keepefs Paddock, occupied by a Mr. Goddard, and a hard track has been created to access &e caravan & the other buildings there. The Council noted application WD/D/17/001096 at Bridles Farm, Middlemarsh to erect a new dwelling - supported by the Parish Council - had gone to WDDC planning Committee and been deferred. Mr. Goodfellow reported that will be considered at the next meeting of WDDC planning Committee. The Council noted that application WD/D/17/001308 Oaklands, Middlemarsh to erect a two storey extension has been withdrawn. Discussion took plaee reference the need for planning permission for a fence that had been erected along the A.352. The Council discussed & supported application WDlDlfilA0L592 at Lyons Gate caravan park, Lyons Gate to erect reception/shop/cafe/office building. After discussion, it was agreed to write forrrally to WDDC planning on the issues raised, copied to the two Ward members.

25. Rights of Way Mrs. Howard - Jobnston reported that there has been an issue with walkers getting lost near the boundary with Upcerne, as there a sign that is somewhat obscured. It was agreed to investigate this. An Email received from Naomi Molpeux, Glanville Wootton was read, expressing concern at a blocked Footpath at Cosmore. After discussion, it was noted that the area in question is within Parish. The Clerk stated that this information will be sent to Mrs. Molyneux.

26. Highway issues It was agreed to write again, to Dorset County Highways to request a 30 MPH speed limit along the A.352 through Middlemarsh, particulady in view of the safery issues discussed earlier. The Chairman reported that the road closure of the 4..352 at Minterne Magna will now be from September 20th to September 24th from 9.00am to 4.00pm rather from September 18th as previously advertised. Members had been circulated with the details. Mr. Tite agreed to complete a County Highways' survey.

27. Flooding issues Mr. Tite reported that to date there were no issues to report.

28. Website The Clerk reported that the Website conformed to the requirements of the District Council, as per a letter received from 'Dorset for You'.

29. Correspondence The Council noted Merchant Navy day - September 3fi & Clerks Direct. J

30. Items for report, or for the agenda of the next meeting Dorchester Mr. Tite reported that &ere L no* specific bus transport for children from Lyons Gate to the Schools.

31. To confirm the date of the next meeting at 7.30pm. The Council confirmed the date for next meeting on Wednesday November 29th2017

and declared the There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present for their attendance, meeting closed at 9.15Pm. Signed. Date

Copy for records of letter sent - September 14th 2017'

Planning issues - Middlemarsh.

Dear Mrs. Marshall,

I have been instructed to write formally from last evening's meeting of Minterne Magna parish Council to ask that the follor.ving issues are investigated by your Officers -

l. The Council ask what is the situation reference application WDIDIll71000666 at the Stables' this Middlemarsh for the siting of temporary agricultural workers dwelling for a period of three years, as is now longer listed on the Council's website. but the development is still in place' that site, 2. Mr. S. Allen attended last evening's meeting & stated that he was now again resident on for security reasons. 3. There is now a small caravan on the other side of the same field area, known as Keepers paddock. with some buildings, this being occupied by a Mr. Goddard, who is believed to be the owner of this other section of the sami field. Also a track of hardcore has been put in to access the caravan. 4. Despite application WDlDl17lO01308 Oaklands, Middlemarsh to erect a two storey extension it being now withdrawn, a query was raised reference the fence erected adjacent to the A.352, whether actually requires planning permission. 5. Residenti tirirrg at2,Manor Farm Cottages, Middlemarsh expressed concerns at orange tents eight being on site since Aug-ust 22nd2017,with wooden toilet facilities and canopy erected, on some acres of woodland called Bridgewood, adjacent the A.352, Middlemarsh. It is unusual for Minterne Magna PC to have so many issues at once.

Yours Sincerely,

P.T. Horsington, Clerk.

West Dorset District Council Mrs. Jean Marshall, Head of Planning (Development Management & Building Control) South Walks House South Walks Road Dorchester Dorset. DTI IUZ.