Stronger together UNISON national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus committee Annual Report 2019 #ULGBT19 25856.indd 1 14/10/2019 12:27 UNISON national LGBT+ committee annual report 2019 Contents Introduction from the co-chairs 4 Recruiting and organising 5 Bargaining 7 Campaigning 9 International 11 From the caucuses 14 In the regions 18 This report of UNISON‟s national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender plus members committee covers our work from November 2018, following the last annual conference, to the end of September 2019. Actions on last year‟s conference decisions and monitoring information are included in a separate document. Please email
[email protected] for a copy, or write to Susan Mawhood, UNISON LGBT equality, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. UNISON is the UK‟s largest public service trade union. We have a proud history of working for equality for all. For more information on our work for LGBT equality, visit 3 25856_Vinay_UNP15723_PRINT.pdf 3 14/10/2019 12:25 UNISON national LGBT+ committee annual report 2019 Introduction from the co-chairs You couldn‟t make it up, whilst we are celebrating our very successful „support the plus „campaign to become an inclusive self-organised group, the Tory party have dramatically surpassed the bar for infighting and stupidity. Having lost credibility over Brexit negotiations, its majority in the house of commons, it is now purporting to support workers with an injection of much needed cash into the vital services that we deliver. Do not be fooled, this party is the very same one who plunged us into austerity along with the banks and the only way we will get a fair and just deal is to support the labour movement.