COÆLLECTOR PURSUING PASSIONS AND PROFITS IN ART, ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES MARCH 2005 VOLUME 3 NUMBER 3 CURATORS’ CHOICE A Closer Look Big news in the collecting world this month, folks! But before I Hidden Treasures spill the juicy details, I want to extend a warm welcome to my new readers and remind every- of American Painting one that I am always eager for your questions and feedback. elcome to my second an- The best way to contact me is via email at msulli- nual Curator’s Choice
[email protected]. issue, where I ask museum This month’s letter looks a little different than experts around the coun- usual, as it’s my second annual “Curators’ try to share their connois- Choice” issue. I’ve had a fascinating few weeks Wseurship expertise in a particular collecting picking the brains of museum experts in charge of some of this country’s most important American area. This year’s topic: American painting art collections. Since one of the great joys of col- from colonial times up until World War II. It lecting is discovering little-known treasures, I covers a lot of territory, including portraits, asked them to shine a light on worthy artists genre pictures, grand 19th century landscapes, whose careers—or parts thereof—might be lan- American takes on impressionism and mod- guishing in the shadows. I hope you find their picks inspiring. And rest assured, next month the ernism and Depression-era regionalism. letter will return to normal, with its full comple- With quality American pictures coming ment of features and interviews.