CYNGOR CYMUNED & COED-Y-CWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL MINUTES of the MONTHLY meeting of the Ynysybwl & Coed-y-Cwm Community Council Held at Ynysybwl Community Centre on Tuesday 4th December 2018 at 6:45 pm Clerk……………..

PRESENT:- Councillors Mrs C Banwell, Messrs A Burnell, RC Evans, C Jones, H Osborne, A Holloway, D Baish 1. DISCLOSURES OF PERSONAL INTEREST Disclosures of interest were received in respect of minute 9.6, Ynysybwl Constitutional Club, from Councillors C Jones and H Osborne. 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Councillors A Ellis, M Jones and R Isaac 3. PUBLIC BREAK A member of the public was in attendance and addressed council on the following topics. Parking is a major issue with double parking occurring more often. Emergency vehicles would have great difficulty in getting to their destination, as was the case last week when a fire broke out in Robert Street. There are huge problems on Heol-y-Plwyf, especially on a Tuesday when events are held in the surrounding area. Recommendations for parking have been given to RCT by the Community Council for the lower end of the village at New Road. A new Community Warden was in place in the village as of today and, although the warden does not have the power to issue notices, they can refer the case to the relevant department. In some areas of the village, pavements are cracking due to vehicles parking on them. Traffic wardens are frequently in attendance and the PCSO will put notices on vehicles and give warnings. Any parking issues should be referred to Councillor Sue Pickering. A request was made that draft minutes be made available sooner than one month to enable the public to read prior to the meeting. The council have been informed that this can be done and will be put into practice. A request was made that agenda items are made more clear in order for the public to be correctly informed of issues arising and not just bullet points, allowing the public to make an informed choice as to whether they attend the meeting or not. The agenda is a standard document adopted by all community councils. It is a guide to what will be discussed in the meeting, full

1 information is made available in the minutes to follow. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk discuss with the Chair the possibility of expanding the agenda slightly. Copies of the agenda were requested at the meeting for members of the public. This was refused due to cost, the majority of councilors now receive their paperwork via email to cut down on printing costs. It was asked if planning applications could be put clearly on the agenda for those who do not have internet access to check the codes online. The Community Council are unable to include these details even though they are in the public domain. A link to the planning applications has recently been added to the agenda. It was queried whether draft copies of the monthly accounts could be made available at the meeting for the public to see. The grand total of the monthly accounts can be shown on the agenda but not the individual amounts (as directed by One Voice in Code of Conduct training earlier this year). The full monthly accounts can be viewed in full in the minutes. It was requested that the Community Council advertise their meetings one full week in advance to give the public notice. The agendas are currently advertised on the notice boards and website but it was RESOLVED to also post on the Facebook page the meeting date and that the agenda is available to view. The council thanked the member of the public for bringing up some very good points. 4. POLICE Mr Rob Grant was in attendance to present the police report in the absence of PCSO Vranch who is on annual leave. The following crimes were reported in the Taff Ely area. REPORTED RESOLVED Homicide and violence (with injury) 44 14 Violence (without injury) 54 10 Stalking and harassment 57 15 Rape 6 0 Other serious sexual offences 4 0 Other sexual offences 2 1 Robbery 1 1 Residential burglary 15 2 Business & community burglary 5 4


Vehicle offences 28 1 Bicycle theft 1 0 Theft from the person 4 0 Shoplifting 31 15 All other theft offences 59 1 Arson 2 0 Criminal damage 36 8 Drug trafficking 2 2 Possession of drugs 14 10 Possession of weapon offences 2 1 Public order offences 55 9 Miscellaneous crimes against society 8 0 Anti social behaviour 93 N/A Hate crime 3 1 Some will show a low positive outcome as they are waiting forensic evidence or people are on bail and have not been charged yet, or as with the drug offences people who have come back this month and been charged for an offence the previous month. The residential burglary category now includes theft from garages but not sheds. People on Patrol website is now up and running. Registration is now much easier as no forms need to be completed; there is now a link to a website to register. Burglars are now targeting businesses such as bars, rugby clubs and community centres. Dwelling burglaries are largely opportunistic burglaries, windows and doors being left open etc. There has been one burglary in Graigwen and one arrest has been made. Thefts are not too bad in the town centre area but Christmas is coming up and Police will be targeting shoplifters in the coming weeks. They also urge Neighbourhood Watches to remind people not to leave outbuildings and vehicles unsecured. County Lines is a massive issue. Dealers from London and Birmingham are using children as drug mules. This is something to be on the lookout for. DI Meirion Collins visits schools giving talks on County Lines and it may be possible for him to do a talk for the Community Council.


Christmas operations will take place between the 19-31 of December. The mobile police station will be in town centre and at the retail park. The AFR vehicle will also be out targeting shoplifters, there will also be crime prevention advice given out. There has been a spate of BB guns being fired at windows in the area. Commercial premises and empty houses have been targeted. A man called Peter Willet is delivering leaflets to houses offering to buy jewellery, watches furniture etc. he is very pushy and appears to be targeting the more elderly of the population. If allowed into the house he will dart into as many rooms as he can to see what else is in the house that he can buy. His prices are very low You are advised not to let him in as he will not leave when asked to go. Call the police to remove him, this is particularly true if you have a no cold caller sticker showing on your premises. There are a number of scams going around at the moment if anyone phones from the HMRC [Inland Revenue], TV Licensing or BT, it is a scam just put the phone down, do not do what they ask and notify action fraud. 5. TO APPROVE MINUTES It was RESOLVED to accept the previous minutes from November 2018. 6. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 6.1 Roll of Honour Due to JW being extremely busy, the Clerk had contacted MST Events with a view to updating the Roll of Honour board. They will be able to do this, but the Clerk needs to provide the list of names to be added. Councillor Burnell mentioned that the Clerk had sent out the Roll of Honour policy, which gave clearer details of the process, as some councilors were unaware of the procedure. It was agreed that the list should not be ‘watered down’ and that in the coming year any further nominations will only be considered in exceptional circumstances as stated in the policy. Three nominations have already been agreed for this year. Councillor Jones informed council that the grandson of Kenny Leek, the most recent addition to the Roll of Honour, wished to come and see his grandfather’s name displayed on the board. It was RESOLVED to agenda the Roll of Honour for the next meeting. 6.2 Community Warden Nick Palmer is the new Community Warden and he started work in the village as of today. He will be looking for any issues throughout the community eg. Dog fouling, bins on the streets, fly tipping, untaxed and abandoned vehicles, parking. In areas where he does not have the power to issue notices, such as parking, he will contact the relevant department to notify them of the problem. With regards to bins left out on the pavement, the relevant household will be leafleted and given until the next bin collection to take it


in. If this is not complied with, they will be given a Section 46 notice with intent to prosecute. Nick is willing to look at any issues that the Community Council may have but specific details would be needed, eg. A full address as opposed to a general area. 6.3 Dog Signs The Clerk contacted the Director of Highways in relation to the dog signs that the Community Council would like erected on the Rec. In the November meeting he stated that RCT would be happy to pay for this. However, due to the content of the sign, RCT are unable to sanction this particular sign. It was RESOLVED to contact the printer to order the sign and the Community Council will pay the £70 bill. 6.4 Coed-y-Cwm Issues No news on a site has been forthcoming from the Mayor, other than he will be involved in fundraising for defibrillators. It was RESOLVED to put a message in the next newsletter (to be distributed this month) asking for Coed-y-Cwm residents to come forward if they are willing to have a defibrillator on their property. It was noted that the email from RCTCBC sent on 25th September regarding the erection of a bus shelter in Coed-y-Cwm stated that it would be put up in 8 to 12 weeks. It has now been 10 weeks and nothing has been done. It was RESOLVED to write to RCT to find out when we can expect the bus shelter to be installed. The Clerk has received an email from RCT Corporate Estates regarding the waste ground at Ffordd-y-Bedol. They have now referred this matter to Environmental Pollution, nothing has been forthcoming from them as yet. The Community Warden was informed of the state of the ground and he will make contact with Enviromental Pollution for any further information. 7. CHAIRPERSONS REPORT 7.1 As the Chair was on leave of absence there was no Chairpersons report.

8. CLERKS REPORT 8.1 Litter Pick – The Clerk has been in contact with Keep Wales Tidy and due to there being so many events taking place in December it was agreed to postpone this until the New Year. It was suggested that RCT be contacted to request that a roadsweeper visits the village. It was agreed that a litter pick with the school and community groups would be an opportunity to teach children about the responsibilities of litter disposal.

8.2 Defib Update – It has been brought to the attention of Council that the defibrillators in the Rugby Club and at Chris Jeffery’s garage do not have a 24 hour power source. It was RESOLVED to write to both requesting that the power be left on constantly and that the extra charges will be paid by the Community Council. The Clerk will contact the electrician to change the unheated cabinet at Old Ynysybwl to a heated cabinet as the


homeowner has now been informed of the problem and is happy to comply with the changes.

A member of the public informed the council that as there are two defibrillators already in place in , that only one will need to be installed in Coed-y-Cwm as the three together would be enough to cover the area.

The Clerk informed council that she is participating in the Welsh Hearts Santa 5k on Sunday 9th November to raise money for defibrillators throughout Wales.

9. CORRESPONDENCE 9.1 Council Tax Base Report 2019/2020 – the Council Tax Base for 2019/20 for YCC has been determined as £1406.40. It was RESOLVED to hold a Policy & Resources meeting to review the tax base and precept for next year. 9.2 Resignation Letter – A letter of resignation was received from Councillor Adam James. It was RESOLVED to send a letter of thanks. 9.3 Letter of thanks from Ynysybwl Enterprise Programme - noted 9.4 Section 137 Discretionary Expenditure Limit for 2019-2020 – it was RESOLVED to put this on the Policy & Resources agenda. 9.5 Royal Mail – GDPR - noted 9.6 Ynysybwl Constitutional Club – The club are asking for funding under Section 145. It was noted that their letter states that they are a non profitable organization but they are actually a business. One Voice Wales has stated that if residents are charged entry, the council are unable to help financially, but if residents do not pay, there may be a chance of funding. It was RESOLVED to contact One Voice Wales for clarification on this and to write to the club to let them know that we are seeking legal advice before making a decision. 9.7 Ynysybwl Library Stops – The stop in the village is not ideal as it blocks the bus stop. It was RESOLVED to write to the Rob and RCT with regards to putting the mobile library in the Rob car park which is secure and off the main road. The Community Council would be willing to pay the Rob a fee for this. There is a Home Service in place for people with mobility issues. 9.8 Ynysybwl Cemetery – Councillor Pickering has contacted the cemetery and new handrails are being installed. 10. TO CONSIDER: Town & Country Planning Applications

Planning Application Number: 18/1184/10 6

Change of use of existing barn used as garage/storage to C3 dwelling The Barn, South of Glynderwen, Ynysybwl, Pontypridd, CF37 3LY

Planning Application Number: 18/0905/13

Outline permission to erect one detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space. Land west of High Street, Ynysybwl, Pontypridd, CF37 3EE

Councillor Baish noted that the date for comments had passed on both applications, therefore the council were unable to make any remarks, objections or observations. It was RESOLVED to contact RCT Planning department to advise them that we only meet once a month and to ensure that the applications are sent to us in time for them to be discussed.

11. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Four items were added to the existing accounts and have been included in the list below:- • Salary 645.09 • Office Accommodation 66.66 • HMRC 179.51 • Poppy Appeal 30.00 It was RESOLVED to accept accounts for payment as presented of £3337.21. Sion’s Lawns (replace CYC notice board) 80.00 Festive Lighting (3 new lights plus brackets) 814.80 Boverton Nurseries (delivery/filling of new planters) 816.00 Royal British Legion (Programmes/PA for concert) 270.00 Wales Audit Office (2017/18 Audit) 435.15 Salary (November) 645.09 Office Accommodation (November) 66.66 HMRC (November) 179.51 Poppy Appeal (Remembrance Day wreath) 30.00

12. TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM: County Borough Councillor Sue Pickering Councillor Pickering was not in attendance but submitted a report.


The goal posts that were requested on the Rec have now been erected. No dog walkers are allowed in that area without a lead. The changing rooms under the stand have had new toilet roll holders and handwashing facilities recently installed. However, it was noted by council that the facilities were in a mess again on the weekend when visiting teams were in attendance. The bridge leading from Robert Street to the Lady Windsor trail is due to be repaired. A meeting was held with planning officers regarding planning for refurbishment of Butchers Pool, in order to ascertain whether permission is needed to bring the toilet block up to standard, including disability access. Residents of Dan-y-Cribyn were met with to discuss several issues which have now been raised with Trivallis. Councillor Pickering is a member of the Public Service Delivery, Communities and Prosperity Committee and has now also become a member of a sub-group for recycling and waste in multiple occupation locations and the enforcement of this. This was with particular reference to the ongoing problems of the flats in New Road, where the removal of rubbish is a constant job for the Council, despite the flats and the land being in private rented ownership. A meeting has been held with the RCT Parks Department regarding the piece of land behind Llewellyn Terrace (High Street Park). The RCTCBC have agreed to make repairs to the wall and gates, but as part of the land is in the ownership of Welsh Water, officers have to liaise with them before carrying out the work. There is a meeting between the two planned for next week. It was RESOLVED to contact Councillor Pickering with regards to the meeting between RCT and the Water Board about developments to High Street Park, as it was noted that the RCT Parks Officer, who would be leading this discussion, will shortly be leaving. Councillor Pickering recently helped out at the Firework Display which was a great success despite the weather and a wonderful event for the people of Ynysybwl. Councillor Pickering attended the Royal British Legion Friday night concert and the Sunday Remembrance Service at the War Memorial. The Mayor of RCT commented that of all the ceremonies he visited, Ynysybwl’s was the most moving and best attended. The stones distributed throughout the village by young people to commemorate those killed in WW1 was particularly poignant and a wonderful idea. The surgeries shared with members of the Community Council demonstrate to the community that RCT and YCC are working together for the benefit of the village. Councillor Pickering will once again be donning an elf costume ready for Santa’s Journey on the 5th December and the Christmas Fayre at the Rob on 8th December. 13. GRANT AID (S137) No applications received


14. TO CONSIDER (Items brought to the Agenda by members of the Council) 14.1 Flowers/planters for 2019 Boverton Nurseries have provided a quote for flowers for next year, which includes the new planters on the Cenotaph. It was RESOLVED to contact Sion’s Lawns for a quote for watering and maintenance before making a decision. Deferred to next meeting. 14.2 Windfarm Project Meeting – Feedback of responses The Clerk has received seven responses from the letters sent out regarding the meeting in January. Councillor Burnell put forward the suggestion of bringing in an external facilitator which was agreed by everyone present to be a good idea and it will stop misconceptions of what the Community Council are about. It was RESOLVED to contact the Clerk at Pentyrch Community Council, who has had experience of this, to see if she would be available. 14.3 Siting of the planters on the Cenotaph A complaint was received from a member of the public regarding limited visibility at the junction by the Cenotaph due to one planter. This planter needs to be in an acceptable place but that is uniform with the rest of the planters. When the planters are in place, it was requested that the stones on the Cenotaph are cemented as some have cracked and also that the planters can be made secure. It was RESOLVED to meet at the Cenotaph on the weekend to decide on a position. 14.4 Feedback from Community Clinic The Chair attended a Community Clinic with Councillor Sue Pickering. Two people attended and the following points were brought up:- - Gunshots at empty houses in High Street, reported to police (see police report) - Planning application at High Street - Speeding at the accident site in Coed-y-Cwm. This was to be reduced to 30mph. - Pontsionnorton School and it’s place in the Schools Reorganisation. It was RESOLVED to agenda the Schools Reorganisation for the meeting in January and to contact the Director of Education regarding a representative on the Board of Governors at Pontypridd High. - Coed-y-Cwm Councillor. The member of the public stated that no one knew who the Community Councillor for Coed-y-Cwm was. The Chair pointed out that Councillor Holloway’s name is recorded on the website and that several residents have already contacted him with regards to issues on the estate.


14.5 Youth projects Councillor Burnell took three children from the Youth Club to Cardiff to record a slot for the national coverage of Children in Need. There are now 20 youngsters attending Youth Club and two parents are volunteering. It was suggested that youth provision be included in next year’s budget which was agreed by all. Councillor Evans informed council that several youngsters are undertaking courses with Ynysybwl Community Project and will be receiving certificates shortly. It was announced that Tom Addiscott, who has worked with the Youth Club since it’s inception, will be leaving as he has obtained a new post elsewhere. It was RESOLVED to send a letter of thanks to Tom for all his hard work. 14.6 Notices of Motion • Ynysybwl Cemetery – Expenditure for the cemetery and information on proposals for the cemetery in Dan-y-Cribyn are being sought from RCTCBC. • Traffic management survey – Even though there are proposals for new homes, no traffic survey has been undertaken. It was RESOLVED to contact RCTCBC to request one. • Lady Windsor site proposals – These are still live with two companies interested. It was RESOLVED to contact RCTCBC for more information. • Ynysybwl Recreation ground –RCTCBC has been contacted regarding expenditure on the Rec. No reply forthcoming. • Non confidential correspondence between Ynysybwl RFC and RCTCBC – No reply forthcoming from RCT. • Leisure related expenditure within the Community Council area – No reply forthcoming from RCTCBC • Funding of Ynysybwl Festival by RCTCBC – The RCT festival funding was cut by 50% this year but Festival was given a substantial sum yet their attendance is a lot lower. No reply forthcoming from RCTCBC • Overhanging trees on Clydach Road & Ynysybwl Road – these have not been cut back and are posing a danger. • Public toilets – Currently these are opened by the café during it’s opening hours but it was suggested that they be opened till late at night and all over the weekend. • Impacts of austerity – Changes being implemented in local government in the next year will have an impact, the Community Council need to be made aware of what is happening.

It was RESOLVED to contact RCTCBC regarding these issues and copy Councillor Sue Pickering in any correspondence.


15. BUDGET It was RESOLVED to accept the budget. 16. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS Discussed outside of the normal meeting 17. TIME AND DATE OF NEXT MEETING It was RESOLVED that the next meeting would take place at Ynysybwl Community Centre on Tuesday 8th January 2019 at 6:45pm.

Closure of official business of the council Verbal report of the Community Councillors Meeting closed at 9.00 pm

Signed: ……………………. Date…………………