Plymouth - Prambanan 989

fissures along which weathering could easily proceed to COLLECTIONS produce 0.1-1 mm wide limonite veins. It takes only little (main mass), London (26 g) . imagination to conceive that these cracks could have been fotmed simultaneously with another large crack that led to ANALYSES the formation of another, much larger and still undiscov­ From a cursory examination it appears that the mass ered fragment, the mass which was reburied by the farmers. must contain 6.6±0.2% Ni and 0.20±0.05% P. Plymouth is a medium , rather normal in its primary structure but anomalous in its secondary, reheated DESCRIPTION structure. It is somewhat similar to Sandtown and Casimiro The main mass in Vienna weighs about 12 kg and de Abreu, perhaps representing a stage intermediate be­ measures 20 x 15 x I 0 em in three perpendicular directions. tween those two in reheating intensity. The temperature It is weathered and shows indications at one end of severe appears to have been of the order of 500-600° C and must deformation, apparently due to the application of tools in have been maintained for a long time, or have recurred a order to split the mass. The fractured surface is very rough . number of times. Chemically , Plymouth is intermediate It is not known where the other part of the mass is. between group IliA and group IIIB, resembling, e.g., The deep-etched sections distay a coarse Widmanstiit­ Casimiro de Abreu, Campbellsville and Aggie Creek. ten structure of bulky, short (w- 6) kamacite lamellae with a width of 2.6±0.6 mm. Local grain growth has Specimens in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: created almost equiaxial kamacite grains, 5-15 mm across. 181 g part slice (no. 203, 6 x 5.5 x 0.8 em) Within these , scattered taenite lamellae and plessite fields 26 g part slice (no. 2995, 5 x 4 x 0.2 em) 393 g almost full slice (no. 2996, 12 x 6 x 1 em) are located, in addition to what is present along grain boundaries. The total amount of taenite plus plessite is estimated to be 1-3%. Point of Rocks (), New Mexico, U.S .A. Schreibersite occurs irregularly as 0.5-1 mm wide lamellae and cuneiform crystals. Troilite was seen as a 10 x 0 0 About 36~ N, 104~ W 6 mm nodule . Pooposo is an inclusion-rich coarse octahedrite of a A fragment of 23.4 g of an octahedrite, allegedly found in 1956 rather common type, related to Seeliisgen, Sardis and near Point of Rocks, Colfax County, is in Albuquerque (La Paz 1965: 110). An analysis by Wasson (1971, personal communica­ Cosby's Creek, and no doubt a normal member of the tion), showing 8.36% Ni, 21.1 ppm Ga, 41.4 ppm Ge and 0.46 ppm resolved chemical group I. lr, indicates that the material belongs to a very common type of Considering its supposed Bolivian origin, it is quite medium octahedrite of which several large from the American Southwest are known. In particular, it should be checked interesting that the only other known iron from to see whether the fragment could have been detached from Drum Bolivia is a coarse octahedrite, Bolivia, page 335. Both Mountains, Quinn Canyon, Bartlett or Spearman. were apparently acquired by some unknown mission­ ary at approximately the same time, about 1900, and brought out of Bolivia. Since the two masses may, thus, Pojoaque. See Glorieta Mountain have the same origin and show the same structure and degree of weathering, it appears probable that they belong to the same shower-producing fall. A modern examination Ponca Creek. See Ainsworth and complete analysis of Pooposo is recommended in order to solve this problem finally. Pooposo, Bolivia Approximately 18°20'S, 66°50'W Prambanan, Soerakarta, Java Coarse octahedrite, Og. Bandwidth 2.6±0.6 mm. Approximately 7°32'S, 110°50'E Probably group I, judging from the structure. About 6.6% Ni, 0.2% P. Probably another fragment of the meteorite listed as Bolivia, Finest octahedrite, Off. Bandwidth 125±50 JJ.. Artificial a 2 matrix. page 335. Probably anomalous. About 9.4% Ni, 0.16% P. All specimens in collections have been artificially reheated above HISTORY 900° C. A mass of unknown weight was briefly mentioned by Berwerth (1912: 237). According to letters in the British HISTORY Museum (Prior 1923a; Hey 1966: 289), the mass was This meteorite is only insufficiently known through a obtained in 1910 by the mineral dealer J. Bohm from a small fragment of 1/4 kg which was sent to the Netherlands missionary who had brought it from the Pooposo Estate in from Soerakarta in 1865. It was described by Baumhauer Bolivia. Bohm evidently sold the main mass to Vienna, ( 1866) who presented five galvanoplastic figures of poiishe d while a sample was purchased by the British Museum. and deep-etched surfaces. He noted that his fragment 990 Prambanan allegedly had been detached from a large block, about one ANALYSIS meter in diameter, which was preserved in the Kraton (the Sjostrom in Cohen ( 1905) found 9.39% Ni, 0.97% Co, Sultan's palace) of Soesoehoenan in Soerakarta. The mass 0.16% P and 90.03% Fe. The iron should be reanalyzed and served as an iron source for the natives; when they wanted the trace elements determined. metal for particularly good weapons and tools they heated the mass to a red heat and hot-chiseled fragments from it. DESCRIPTION The mass had been moved to the palace court in 1797, but Since very little material is preserved the following had evidently been known some time before. When examination is fragmentary. It appears that all specimens Baumhauer reported the meteorite, another much smaller presently in collections are cuttings from the I /4 kg mass had already been wholly consumed for the fabrication specimen which Baumhauer (1866) described, except per­ of kris. It appears that four beautifully finished daggers haps Vienna No . H3286, which is extremely interesting, somehow found their way to the Ethnographical Collection since it presents an intermediate stage in the Javanese in Vienna (Zimmer 1916), but I do not know whether they handling of meteoritic iron. It appears that the iron, after have been examined. Rosenhain (1901) and, more recently, having been detached from the meteorite, was first forged Smith (I 960: 35) only appear to discuss kris made of into bars, 15 -20 mm square which served as semimanufac­ alternating layers of soft iron and steel. tured articles. From such bars appropriate amounts of iron Cohen (1897a: 43; 1905 : 308) reexamined the iron were hot-chiseled and forged flat. They were then com­ and presented a revised analysis. Brezina & Cohen pounded with flat strips of iron or steel and bent edgewise (1886-1906: platesl5 andl6) discussed the crystallo­ into a compact serpent-like form, as described by Rosen­ graphic relationships and published six photomacrographs. hain (I 90 1). After further sandwiching and final forging, Berwerth (1914: 1081) concluded. correctly that the micro­ the blades were shaped by taper grinding to expose sections structure of Prambanan was due to artificial reheating. of the various layers and the blade etched in fruit acids. The Vienna specimen is a fragment of a meteoritic bar, intended for kris production and with a chisel indentation that COLLECTIONS almost separates the bar into two parts. Budapest (104g), Vienna (48g), Greifswald (38g), The small specimen in Washington has been heated and Hamburg (32 g), Strasbourg (16 g), (16 g) , London partially forged. The primary structure which is still faintly (8 g), Bonn (7 .5 g), Stockholm (2.6 g), Washington (2.3 g) , visible indicates that Prambanan is a finest octahedrite. The (2.3 g), Paris (I g). A slice, 7 x 6.5 x 0.5 em in size, kamacite lamellae are long(~- 50) and narrow, 125±50 p; labeled "Prambanan 1797; 1866, no. 1499" in Delft, and their width can only be measured approximately because weighing about 150 g, may or may not be authentic the taenite edges are diffuse. The probe shows that the material, which should be checked, considering the scarcity kamacite contains 7 .5±0.5% Ni. Taenite and plessite cover of material. about 75% by area, and schreibersite is - or, rather, was - present in several of the kamacite lamella intersections as 0.1-0.2 mm blebs. The original structure resembles Bacu­ birito, while the relationship to group IV A irons as Chin­ autla, or to Butler, another iron with narrow, long kamacite lamellae or spindles, seems to be very restricted. A secondary, artificial structure is superimposed upon the primary structure ; this is the reason for the difficulty in comparing Prambanan to other irons. The taenite is partly or wholly dissolved, and the previously existing duplex piessite fields are rather homogenized. The heat treatment which must have taken place at 900-1000° C resulted in the formation of polyhedric austenite grains, 50-200 J1 in diameter, in the former kamacite, as well as in the taenite and plessite areas. Upon cooling, each of these grains trans­

formed to the typical, serrated a 2 patterns. On the electron microprobe the concentration was found to range from 7.5% in previous kamacite lamellae to 15% in previous taenite areas with diffuse boundaries between them, con­ firming the partial dissolution and homogenization due to extensive reheating. The phosphides are also dissolved; but the homogenization is no better than the previous locations of the phosphide bodies may be identified. The microhard­ Figure 1391. Prambanan (Vienna no . H3,286). Forged and ho t­ chise led bar produced by a Malayan blacksmith from the Prambanan ness of the artificial a 2 phase ranges from 225 to 375, meteorite. Scale in em . mainly depending upon the actual composition with respect Prambanan - Providence 991

main and trace elements would be helpful in solving the question.

Specimen in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: 2.3 g artificially reheated and slightly forged fragment (no. 1116, 16 x 5 x 3 mm) Premier Downs. See

Providence, Kentucky, U.S.A. 38°34'N, 85°14'W; 240m

Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 1.15±0.15 mm. HV 355±25. Group IliA. 8.25 Ni, 0.50% Co, about 0.23% P, 20.2 ppm Ga, 41.5 ppm Ge, 0.39 ppm Ir. :.:::~=7~ Figure 1392. Prambanan (Chicago no. 1,160). Artificially altered HISTORY structure. The parallel horizontal ghost-lines indicate forging. All A mass of 6.80 kg was found in 1903 in an orchard kama cite has been through · the C> ... 'Y--> C> 2 transformation. The plessite fields show diffuse interfaces with kamacite. Etched. Scale where it had become exposed at the surface of the ground. bar 200 IJ.. See also Figure 132. W.T. Yeager, the discoverer, was unaware of its true character but kept it as a curiosity because of its weight. In to phosphorus and nickel. The highest values are found in 1938 it was purchased by the University of Kentucky the previous phosphide locations, in accordance with where it was described by Young (1939), who also experimental hardness curves on Fe-Ni-P alloys (Buchwald presented a photograph of the weathered exterior. In 1966 1966: 18). the main mass was deposited in the U.S. National Museum. A I mm wide zone along the edge of the specimen Jain & Lipschutz (1969) estimated that the mass had been exhibits a high temperature intercrystalline oxidation exposed to shock intensities of 130-400 k bar. attack that mainly follows the new austenite grain bound­ The locality is W.T. Yeager's farm, about one mile aries. At least two different oxides are present, and southwest of Providence, in eastern Trimble County. The iron-sulfur-oxygen eutectics are present in other grain corresponding coordinates are given above. boundaries. Faint ghost-lines parallel to the external faces and spaced 8-15 J..1. apart indicate slight hot working of the COLLECTIONS specimen; the Widmanstiitten lamellae are slightly distorted. Washington (5.49 kg), Harvard (299 g). Prambanan's original structure was - as far as it can be DESCRIPTION learned from small fragments of severely damaged material The mass is irregularly box-shaped with an average size - that of a finest octahedrite; its structure and composition of 17 x 10 x 9 em. It is considerably weathered and covered suggest a relationship to Bacubirito. A modern analysis for by 0.2-2 mm thick crusts of terrestrial oxides. No fusion crust and no heat-affected a2 zone could be identified on

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~~~· ~~ - ~~ \ ·~ ,· .· ~' ~?..;.,. l/.1 )>- -

T -· ' ' ~'t'';--,,;v ' 'f· .,. ; . . '-.\/ . ·~) <~· ~I • ,f . ;)._::-.>-' . " )\ 1 ' " - ' ' I ' I) I ' \ \' ::;,, Figure 1393. Prambanan (Chicago no. 1,160). Aritifically altered <> comb plessite and kamacite with terrestrial corrosion products ""ct (right). The three major taenite lamellae (T) appear white and Figure 1394. Providence (U.S.N.M. no. 2568). Medium octahedrite blurred because of imperfect annealing. Upon cooling, unequili­ of group IliA which has been exposed to slight cosmic annealing. brated C> 2 structures formed. Etched. Scale bar 200 IJ. . Etched. Scale bar 200 !J.. See also Figure 194. 992 Providence the several sections. A large troilite nodule is located right unusually complex. It shows vestiges of Neumann bands, an in the surface, only the inner half sphere, about 2 em in unusually dense clustering of decorated subboundaries, and diameter, being preserved. If Providence had been a recent, an indistinct mixture of hatched €-structure and blurred well-preserved fall the troilite location would have been Neumann bands - all in the same place. The microhardness indicated by a cavity from partial, atmospheric ablation. As is very high, 355±25. The first Neumann band generation it now is, with the troilite flush with the surface, we may has almost disappeared due to movement of sub boundaries conclude: first, that at least 4-5 mm metal has been but may still be identified in many places. The subbound­ removed around it by weathering; second, that troilite is aries form tangles within tangles, or concentric systems, or slower to corrode than the metal surrounding it. parallel systems which frequently are parallel to the Etched sections display a medium Widmanstatten preexisting Neumann bands. Diffusion has been sufficiently structure of straight, long c«i- 25) kamacite lamellae with active to precipitate a number of 0.3-1 J1 phosphide blebs a width of 1.15±0.15 mm. The kamacite structure is upon the subboundaries. It appears that, after the first phase of Neumann band production plus incipient recrystal­ lization had occurred, another event took place - possibly another shock - whereby the described structure was superseded by an indistinct €-Neumann band mixture. The high microhardness may particularly reflect this structure. Taenite and plessite cover about 35% by area. Most common are comb plessite and acicular plessite of the type seen in, for instance, and Narraburra. Some fields are subdivided into cells, 0.2-1 mm in diameter, and within each cell the short, rod-shaped taenite blebs are pretty well spheroidized to small units, 3-20 J1 in diameter. The taenite has a hardness of 380±20, and it is rather homogeneous with no duplex fields and little martensitic transformation. Schreibersite is uniformly distributed, always as small bodies. It occurs as 20-50 J1 wide grain boundary veinlets Figure 1395. Providence (U.S.N.M. no. 2568). A vertical grain and as 5-25 J1 blebs inside the plessite. A fe w larger grains, boundary connects two schreibersite crystals. Subboundaries are prominent in the kamacite on either side. Diagonally a set of 1 x 0.4 mm in size, may be found centrally in the kamacite annealed indistinct Neumann bands. Etched. Scale bar I 00 J.L. lamellae. Very characteristic are the island arcs of 10-20 J1 thick bodies which are located regularly about 5-15 J1

f / • •, A~ / I 0 .... • t/•• ·~ • : 0 , • _ •.- - ""l~ 1 . .,.. , II$ ~ . , • '~ · ol' .... , ,~ 0 , ' , , , - • /J ' •• ~ , ' Jl f , i J .,. • • • I , . ., • • • 4 ___ .._ ....f' t? .~·· . fl .•, • . .. .· - . ~ .J_,· ,.r•, .a. .• . ."'" . . -.·..... ,. ,- . • • . ~·· lA. ·A, .,.. •.. ;~ - . o :- -.·-- • \. _,,, · o / f/1 . . '* . ., , .· •. . •. . ' J' d ~ 'A . .•. ... ._· (Jr "~·· , J • • • o '.'! ,~, ~- • . ~- 'I . w I 't' ' · . ~~ ~ • I ' ' • p· . 0 ~ . • • ~ II .~A;n,__ , _. I. ••z· ·.- ~· :; ., 0 ,, . ,~. ·; · • , • ,_ !. () , ~ , ~ I ·;.., . ' _/) ' , . • · ~ , _. 1 ..~ , ~ i "!'" • · . -., I ~r. • f' *II # " 1 ,.-'q · * p i,. , :J.?•. f ·- '· . / #' 0 ; ... , ' '! ' . J • /1 p • 0 ...... ;#. ... ~ .rt ~>o . · r;,;, .. . . '1. • ( /; ~ · ··,· . . ., .' ·, . ' -; o · r .,~ . · ~ · (1 4 , - .r • ...... e,;j • ' f '•O .. , .• • ' .• ' . <' I;' f 41 • fl 1 . , 6/,f /. (7' I< • I \ f 0 # > . I • ~ ,i "• " , () • ~0 ' {} # i ; • () , ? • ' ... ; /). .0 • • .... /J · ' · ;.... •...... ! •.0 ' . f ' . q•tl_,; "1'. '. a ~ .._

PROVIDENCE - SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSES percentage ppm References Ni Co p c s Cr Cu Zn Ga Ge Ir Pt Lovering et al. 1957 0.50 21 120 19 33 Scott et al. 1973 8.25 20.2 41.5 0.39 Providence 993

' ..:: ~ .' -:--..... ~

f l · ;~ • / ::ri

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:~\' • If ~ ~ Figure 1398. Providence (U.S.N.M. no. 2568). Grain boundary with schreibersite crystals (S). Kamacite with decorated slipplanes and sub­ boundaries. Etched. Scale bar 100 Jl. outside the taenite and plessite fields. Finally, rhabdites are across, occur scattered in the kamacite. extremely common as well developed and often branched Some early plastic deformation and shearing of the prisms, 5-30 J.1. thick, in the kama cite. The bulk phosphorus rhabdites appear to have been followed by an annealing content is estimated to be 0.20-0.25%. period that healed the fractured phosphides. Troilite was only seen as the large nodule in the Corrosion has altered the surface significantly; oxide surface, mentioned above. Small daubreelite bodies, 5-10 J.1. penetration along the Widmanstiitten boundaries has caused

Figure 1399. Providence (U.S.N.M. no. 2568). Angular prismatic Figure 1400. Providence (U.S.N.M. no. 2568). Shock-hatched rhabdites in kamacite rich in subboundaries. Etched. Scale bar kamacite with numerous subboundaries and two rhabdite crystals. 100 ll· Etched. Scale bar 100 ll· 994 Providence -Puente del Zacate

the surface to exfoliate locally. Phosphide precipitation has locality may be near the bridge across Arroyo Garza, 2 km sensitized the subboundaries and caused them to corrode southeast of Muzquiz. The coordinates given above are selectively in a 1-2 em wide zone near the surface. Also the calculated accordingly. nickel-poor regions adjacent to rhabdites and larger schrei­ Nininger & Nininger (1950: 87, 116 and plate 10) ~ bersite bodies are se lectively corroded. briefly mentioned the mass and gave a photomacrograph./ <( Providence is a medium octahedrite with a primary, Jaeger & Lipschutz (1967b) saw evidence of shock-induced normal structure related to, e.g., Aggie Creek, Rowton and structural alterations, corresponding to pressures of Drum Mountains. Its secondary structure is rather unique 130-400 k bar. Schultz & Hintinberger (1967) determined but may represent a stage on the way to the fully the various noble gas isotopes, while Voshage (1967) recrystallized structures, as seen in , e .g ., Roe bourne and reported a ~j4 1 K cosmic ray radiation age of 690±85 Ruffs Mountain. million years. The following brief note by Castillo (1899: 9 and 10) Specimens in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: referring to a 63 kg mass is of interest: 670 g slice (no. 1340, 8 x 7 x 1.6 em) "Coahuila. Meteorite from Santa Rosa, village of 4,644 g main mass (no. 2568, 10.3 x 9.5 x 9.5 em) Muzquiz. This meteorite weighs 63 kg and has an almost 178 g part slice (no. 2573, 9 x 7 x 0.5 em ; previously mislabeled spherical shape. When attacked with acid it gives Frankfort) Widmanstiitten figures and does not rapidly rust as do the Xiquipilco (i.e., ) irons. It was donated by Ingenieur Bias Balcarcel to the School of Engineers in Mexico City, and it is still preserved in the collection of Puente del Zacate, Coahuila, Mexico this school." Approximately 27°52'N, 101 °30'W ; 500 m It appears that this particular mass has neither been discussed nor later described, and there is a chance that it Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 1.05±0.15 mm. Deformed still rests in . the School of Engineering. The remote Neumann bands. HV 215 ±10. possibility exists that it is a paired fall with Puente del Group IliA. 8.08% Ni , 0.55% Co, 0.19% P, 20 ppm Ga, 40 ppm Ge, Zacate. 1.4 ppm Ir. COLLECTIONS HISTORY Mexico City, Instituto Geologico (about 20 kg), Wash­ A 30.7 kg mass, labeled as a Coahuila in ington (2.3 kg), Chicago (495 g), London (455 g), Tempe the Institute of Geology, Mexico City, was identified in (204 g), Adelaide (28 g). 1929 by Nininger as a separate fall. Nininger was permitted to cut and study it, and published his results a few years DESCRIPTION later (193lc) together with photographs of the exterior and The mass was roughly lenticular in shape and had the ~tched slices. According to the label and to Haro average dimensions of 26 x 24 x 11 em. The main mass in ---... -~ » (1931 : 80), the mass had been discovered in 1904 at Puente Mexico City now measures 17 x 24 x 11 em and exhibits a J del Zacate between Muzquiz and La Garza, in the district of cut and polished face, 23 x 10.5 em in size. The mass is Monclova. Even though this locality has turned out to be severely corroded and continues to corrode under normal difficult to identify on modern maps of the scale museum conditions. In several places its surface is exfoliat­ I :500,000, there is no reason at all to assume that the mass ing along Widmanstiitten planes, and no fusion crust and

came from the distant Coahuila discovery site, a supposi­ heat-affected a2 zone are left. Instead, the mass is irregu­ tion frequently seen in the literature. In a recent letter to larly covered with 0.1-1 mm thick crusts of limonitic the author, Dr. Nininger recalls, "Officials in Institu to material. Geologia in 1929 told me that the location was near a Etched sections display a medium Widmanstiitten bridge a few kilometers from Santa Rosa de Muzquiz." structure of slightly undulatory, long (W ~ 25) kamacite Under the circumstances, the best approximation to the lamellae with a width of 1.05±0.15. The kamacite exhibits

PUENTE DEL ZACATE - SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSES Since Hawley's material was somewhat oxidized, his Hawley reported 0.02% Cl, no doubt a constituent intro­ analysis has here been recalculated on an oxide-free basis. duced with the ground water. percentage ppm References Ni Co p c s Cr Cu Zn Ga Ge Ir Pt Hawley in Nininger 193lc 7.92 0.56 0.23 500 1800 540 800 Goldberg et a!. 1951 8.21 0.63 17.2 Lewis & Moore 1971 7.99 0.49 0.15 160 Scott et a!. 1973 8.20 20.6 40.5 1.4 Puente del Zacate 995

unusually dense tangles of subboundaries, which are decor­ r-grains (HV 260±20). Large fields have a fully decomposed ated with 0.5 J.1 phosphides and frequently form subparallel interior with a hardness only slightly above the surrounding or concentric cells. The kamacite displays au indistinct kamacite lamellae. mixture of Neumann bands and E-structure. The bands are Schreibersite is common as 30-90 J.1 wide grain bound­ apparently decorated along both sides with submicroscopic ary veinle ts , as I 0-50 J1 blebs inside the coarser plessite precipitates, an observation which is supported by the fact fields and as 10-20 J.1 wide islands situated I 0-20 J.1 outside that the Neumann bands are selectively corroded near the the taenite and plessite . Rhabdites occur everywhere as I J.1 surface. The microhardness is 215±10. It increases locally in prisms. shear zones, e .g.,around the troilite nodules, to 250. Troilite is common as lenticular to rhombic nodules Taenite and plessite cover about 40% by area. Comb that range from 0.5-5 mm in diameter. A few large nodules and net plessite are the most common types; the fields may I5 mm across, are also present. According to Nininger tj-. contain relatively large (3 x 4 mm) areas of spheroidized (1931c), the Tempe specimen (No. 94b) contains a I6 'iTiii1 f taenite in which the individual taenite spherules are 5-20 J.1 nodule in which a 7 mm hard, black crystal with hexagonal f1 · in diameter. A well developed field will exhibit a yellow or outlines is embedded. It would be interesting to have the darkened taenite rim (HV 275±10) followed by a transition mineral, which may be chromite or a phosphate, identifie d. ~"v .b,~ zone of acicular martensite (HV 350±25). Then we find The troilite is monocrystalline, but is somewhat deformed T"' dark-etching martensite plates precipitated parallel to the plastically and exhibits multiple twinning. It also contains ~' bulk Widmanstiitten structure (HV 325±25) and finally varieties of the dark-etching, duplex structures with 0.5 J.1

Figure 1401. Puente del Zacate (Tempe no. 9Sb). Medium octa­ Figure 1403. Puente del Zacate (Tempe No . 94b). Dense arrays of hedrite of group IliA. A rhombic troilite nodule (black) occurs Neumann bands and several narrow taenite lamellae (f), which have within swathing kamacite, below center. At the left edge half of a been displaced along flights of steps. Limonitic corrosion prod­ troilite nodule is preserved; within it is an unidentified hexagon of a ucts (C) fill the cracks along some Neumann bands and taenite coke-gray mineral. . 1 . ('' / I lamellae. Etched. Scale bar SO JL . - (I \ \y \ I I ~ ,, \ \ l ,...,

Figure 1402. Puente del Zacate (Tempe No . 94b). In places the Figure 1404. Puente del Zacate (fempe No. 94b). A corroded crack meteorite is heavily deformed. The Neumann bands and the taenite (left) from which very narrow fissures extend along several lamellae are bent and sheared, and fine fissures (lower right) extend Neumann band directions. The fine fissures are corroded (dark along cracked schreibersite vienlets. Etched. Scale bar 300 IL· gray). Etched. Scale bar SOIL · 996 Puente del Zacate - Puquios about 5% daubreelite as narrow, parallel lamellae. Discon­ rounded with the maximum dimensions of 9.5 x 6.5 x tinuous rims of 5-25 J.1 thick schreibersite are present 6.5 em. The pointed end has been removed; there remains around some of the troilite crystals, and I mm wide rims of the solid "body" of the pear, 6.5 x 6.0 x 5.5 em in size and swathing kamacite are normally present. weighing I ,I13 g. On this, an insignificant trough at one The mass is penetrated by many fractures which follow end suggests the presence of a few regmaglypts, 15-20 mm the Widmanstatten planes and appear to be preatmospheric. across. They have, however, been smoothed out and almost Corrosion penetrates along them, particularly following the deleted by a long atmospheric flight. A pit, 15 x 20 mm, brecciated phosphides. However, some additional deforma­ indicates where a troilite-silicate (?) nodule was partially tion along the surface is due to chiseling and hammering. ablated away in the atmosphere. The mass is slightly Puente del Zacate is a medium octahedrite which is hammered, and an original paper-thin black fusion crust is related to, e.g., Charcas, Dexter, Briggsdale, Rowton, partly worn away, partly rusty. It has been said that the Kyancutta and Frankfort. It is a normal member of group meteorite was seen to fall about the middle of I904 (see IliA. references above). In my opinion, the fall is older - perhaps as old as Keen Mountain or Boogaldi, meteorites that it Specimens in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: resembles in exterior shape and state of preservation. 2,300 g weathered slice (no. 907, 23 x 10.5 x 2 em) 5 g polished section (no. 2288, 28 x 10 x 2 mm) The only available section was the cut end of the meteorite itself. It was deep-etched a generation ago and of little use. It appears, however, that it reveals a polycrystal­ line fme octahedrite with a bandwidth of 0.35±0.10 mm. Puerta de Arauco, La Rioja, Argentina It displays some troilite nodules, e.g. , 7 x 2.5 mm in size , 28°53'S, 66° 40'W and rosetta-shaped schreibersite (?) crystals up to 7 mm long. According to Ducloux (1908), chromite and olivine Polycrystalline, fine octahedrite, Of. Bandwidth 0.35±0.10 mm. are present. Group unknown. Analysis unknown. From these very unsatisfactory notes, which, however, will hopefully provoke some new and accurate work on this HISTORY forgotten meteorite, it may be concluded: (i) Puerta de A mass of 1.53 kg was found in 1904 in a pass crossing Arauco did not fall in 1904; (ii) it is not a brecciated the Andes Mountains and was donated by Dr. Max Schmidt octahedrite with 6.6% Ni, but rather a polycrystalline fine to the La Plata Museum. It has been described as a octahedrite with I 0±2% Ni; and (iii) it may be a new type brecciated octahedrite with 6.61% Ni (Ducloux I908; - or perhaps a rare one - related to Woodbine, Mesa Kantor I92I : 2 figures; Radice 1959; Hey I966), but the Verde, Hassi-Jekna, Victoria West or Repeev Khutor. brief notes I have added below show that this is an inappropriate classification and that good sections should be analyzed and examined on an early occasion. Pulaski County COLLECTIONS See Canyon Diablo (Pulaski County) There are I, Il3 g and a model of the uncut meteorite in the La Plata Museum. Apparently more than 400 g of this rare meteorite have been lost or used up! Puquios, Atacama, Chile CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 27°10'S, 69°53'W Only the erroneous one by Ducloux (I908) is known.

Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 0.75±0.15 mm. Neumann DESCRIPTION bandH. HV 225-360. From the model and the remammg main mass, the Group liD. 9.96% Ni, 0.7% Co, about 0.35% P, 71 ppm Ga, 89 ppm meteorite may be seen to be pear-shaped and very smoothly Ge, 12 ppm Ir.

PUQUIOS - SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSES percentage ppm References Ni Co p c s Cr Cu Zn Ga Ge Ir Pt Eakins in Howell 1890 9.83 0.7I O.I7 400 900 400 Smales et al. I967 39 257 3.3 64.8 90 Wasson I969 10.08 77.0 87.9 13 Crocket I972 I1 20 Puquios 997

HISTORY 1-1.5 mm in diameter and 0.5-1 mm deep, and sharp edges A mass of 6.56 kg was found by Mr. Ravenna near separate the individual pits. Sections perpendicular to the Puquios in 1885. It was purchased by Ward on his South two surface types reveal that the heat-affected a 2 zone American visit in 1889, and it was described by Howell (HV 180±10) is present under the former as a 0.5-2 mm with an analysis by Eakins (1890). Howell noted that this thick rim with micromelted phosphides in the exterior part. iron was particularly interesting because definite faulting However, no heat-affected zone is present under the was present to an extent never before seen in irons. checkered part. These observations are best explained if we Comparing the various sections prepared in Ward's Estab­ assume that the meteorite was originally wholly covered lishment, he concluded that the displacement along the with normal regmaglypts from flight; a subsequent long, largest fault was 3 mm, and he could follow this fault terrestrial exposure selectively attacked half of the surface through the meteorite in successive sections for at least and here removed about 2 mm. It appears plausible that the 6 em. Also, Brezina (1896: 282) noted the shear zones. meteorite lay partially embedded in the Atacama Desert Both authors gave a few figures of the exterior and of and that only the exposed part corroded during periodic etched sections. rains and camanchaquas (page 927). Etched sections display a medium Widmanstatten structure with straight, sheared kamacite lamellae ~ 15) COLLECTIONS (W with a width of0.75±0.15 mm. The kamacite has Neumann New York (1,621 g endpiece), Vienna (1,363 g), bands but shows local patches of crosshatched €-structure Chicago (318 g), Munich (277 g), Dorpat (219 g), Harvard and of shear zones with dense systems of sliplines. The (208 g), London (166 g) , Budapest (131 g), Ottawa (108 g), microhardness of the three types is 235±20, 275±30 and Washington (90 g), Berlin (63 g) , Amherst (62 g), 325±35, respectively; the hardest patches occupy the (53 g), Paris (48 g), Yale (39 g), Sarejevo (38 g), smallest volumes. (29 g), Strasbourg (26 g), Vatican (17 g), Bonn (17 g). Taenite and plessite cover about 30% by area, mostly as comb plessite and acicular plessite. In this, the a-needles, DESCRIPTION about 10 x 2 J.L in size, form a Widmanstatten felt against a The mass had the approximate average dimensions of dark-etching, martensitic background. The taenite has 24 x 11 x 7 em and weighed 6.56 kg. Its shape was brownish edges and martensitic transition zones against an compared to an indented, rhombic prism by Howell (1890). interior that may be a coarse, duplex a+ r mixture. The The end specimen in New York possesses two distinctly taenite and plessite fields are often sheared and displaced different surface morphologies. About one half is covered up to 2 or 3 mm; the microhardness of the sheared, with normal regmaglypts, 1.5-2 em in diameter and about kneaded taenite is 425±25, an unusually high hardness for 0.5 em deep. A trifle of the original fusion crust is still taenite. preserved locally, but it is in a weathered condition. The Schreibersite forms scattered skeleton crystals, typi­ opposite half is of a checkered appearance, the surface cally 10 x 1 mm in size, which are enveloped in 0.7-1.5 mm being covered by a dense network of small pits, and the wide zones of swathing kamacite. Its hardness is 910±25. regmaglypts being partially obliterated. The · pits are Schreibersite further occurs as 10-50 J.L wide grain boundary veins and as 10-100 J.L irregular blebs inside plessite. Rhabdite is ubiquitous in the kamacite lamellae as 2-10 J.L

Figure 1406. Puquios (U.S.N.M. No. 153). A view of one of the Figure 1405. Puquios (Prague No. 278, of 53 g). Medium octahe­ shear zones. The shear is extremely heavy within a narrow zone, drite of Group liD. Schreibersite skeleton crystals with swathing about 100 J.L wide. From the main zone, less distinct shear zones fan kama cite are indistinctly seen. Deep-etched. Scale bar 30 mm. out. Etched. Scale bar 500 J.L. 998 Puquios

1 ~ Figure 1407A. Puquios (U.S.N.M. No.153). Another shear zvne Figure 1408. Puquios (U.S.N.M. No. 153). Detail of a shock-hard­ than the one seen in Figure 1406. The central parts are heavily ened transition zone such as the one shown in Figure 1407A. Within kneaded kamacite and taenite. Farther away, the kamacite displays the dark central band the deformation has led to severe shearing. shock-hardened E-structures, and tapers away into unaltered kama­ Note the five prismatic rhabdite crystals (R). Etched. Oil immersion. cite. Etched. Scale bar 300 ll· Scale bar 20 ll·

Figl!re 14078. Puquios (U.S.N.M. No. 153). Detail of a shear zone Figure 1409A. Puquios (U.S.N.M. No. 153). Detail of another shear with very heavy displacements. The central plessite field shows zone in which the taenite (center) has been severely altered. altered taenite rims with distinct striping caused by violent Shock-hatched kamacite and plessite with martensitic interior in the deformation. Etched. Oil immersion. Scale bar 20 ll· right part of the picture. Etched. Scale bar 50 ll· thick prisms. The bulk phosphorus content is estimated to zones occurring on any one section. The individual shear be about 0.35%, rather than 0.17% as indicated in the old zones are 50-100 f..l wide, and the displacement along them analysis. is up to 3 mm. Between these major zones there are Troilite is pretty scarce , occurring only as a few numerous mic.roscopic ones, parallel to the first set, but 0.1-2 mm irregular nodules. They contain minor amounts only 1-10 f..l wide and with displacements of only 10-100 f-l. of parallel daubreelite bars and are often associated with In addition, a number of shear zones cross the primary ones schreibersite. The troilite is shock-melted and rapidly at oblique angles, thereby subdividing the whole mass into solidified to 2-10 f..1. fine iron-sulfur eutectics with frayed rhombic wedges. The mass was probably confined by other edges against the surrounding metal. material when the event that deformed the mass took place, Microcracks, particularly along the phosphides, are otherwise one would expect the mass to have broken up. rather common; they form 10-100 f..1. wide, straight fissures The event was preatmospheric and was violent enough to which are normally filled with terrestrial corrosion shock-melt the troilite, but the relaxation heat was too products. small to recrystallize or anneal any part of the kama cite. Visual examination of the specimens shows that the The deformation was primarily a sudden cold working and, macroscopic shear zones are parallel or almost parallel and therefore, led to a conspicuous increase in the hardness of are spaced 10-20 mm apart, with a maximum of 5 shear the metallic phases. Puquios - Putnam County 999

afterwards, about half of the mass was acquired by Shepard and eventually came with his collection to Amherst College. A significant part of the remaining mass appears to have been acquired by J .L. Smith who cut and distributed it widely. In 1876 he announced that Putnam County was among those irons which he would exchange in sizes from several hundred grams and downward (Smith 1876b: 5). Since it was so well distributed, it was de scribed or briefly mentioned on numerous occasions in the nineteenth century. The relevant literature is quoted by WiHfing (1897), Cohen (1905) and Farrington (1915). Cohen (1905 : 342) described a specimen and presented a new analysis, and Brezina & Cohen (1886-1906: plate 22) gave five photomacrographs. Merrill (1916a: plate 31) also re­ produced a photomacrograph, and Henderson & Furcron Figure 14098. Puquios, detail of Figure 1409A. The altered taenite (1957) reviewed the case , presenting an improved photo­ (center) appears to be fine-grained duplex. The brown-stained taenite to the left is heavily sheared and displays light deformation macrograph. Jaeger & Lipschutz (1967b) noted the hatched bands. Compare Figure 14078. Oil immersion. Scale bar 20 J.L. €-structure and estimated that it was due to shock pressures of 400-750 k bar. Bunch & Keil (1971) reported the chrom­ Puquios is a medium octahedrite which is structurally ite inclusions to be almost stoichiometric FeCr2 0 4 with related to Mount Ouray, N'Kandhla and Carbo. Chemically, very minor contents of MnO , V 2 0 3 , Al 2 0 3 , Ti02 , MgO it forms a natural member of group liD. and ZnO, these oxides totaling about 0.85 weight percent.

Specimens in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: Bauer (1963) found 3 He and 4 He concentrations 20 g part slice (no. 153, 2.5 x 2 x 0.5 em) similar to Bristol and estimated the cosmic ray exposure age 70 g part slice (no. 3008, 4.5 x 4 x 0.6 em) to be 340 million years. Voshage (1967) found a 40J<.j41K cosmic age of 410±75 million years. Schultz & Hinten­ berger (1967) confirmed Bauer's helium determinations and Puripica. See North Chile (Puripica) added information on the argon and neon isotopes. Since the discovery site is unknown the coordinates given above are for Eatonton, the center of Putnam Comity. Putnam County, Georgia, U.S.A. 33°20'N, 83°24'W COLLECTIONS Amherst (10.9 kg) , Washington (2,735 g), Harvard Fine octahedrite, Of. Bandwidth 0.28±0.04 mm. e-structure. (2,308 g), Tempe (1 ,387 g) , Yale (372 g), Vienna (136 g), HV 295±12. London (110 g), Gottingen (62 g), Calcutta (60 g), Stock­ Group IVA. 8.05% Ni, 0.34% Co, 0.04% P, 2.19 ppm Ga, 0.13 ppm holm (55 g) , Chicago (53 g), Hamburg (45 g), New York Ge, 2.0 ppm Ir. (35 g), Leningrad (31 g), Tiibingen (28 g), Dorpat (28 g), Dresden (27 g), Paris (26 g), Berlin (24 g), and minor pieces HISTORY in numerous collections. A weathered mass of 72 pounds (about 32 kg) was discovered in a cultivated field in 1839. It was taken to the DESCRIPriON blacksmith who attempted to break it upon an anvil but According to Willet & Shepard (1854), the mass was could remove only the outside crust, whereupon the shaped as "a rude, triangular pyramid, with its base and stubborn mass was thrown into the backyard and almost edges rounded, and its faces exposing many knobs and forgotten. In 1852 it was rediscovered by J.A. Cogburn depressions." Examination of the larger preserved speci­ who presented it to Mercer University, in Macon, Georgia. mens in Amherst, Washington and Tempe reveals that some It was described by Willet & Shepard (1854) who collected fissured parts are severely corroded and continue to corrode the above information and noted that the mass, as received under exfoliation along Widmanstatten planes, while other by him, had been reduced to 60 pounds (27 kg). Shortly more massive parts apparently are little altered. The fusion PUTNAM COUNTY - SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSES percentage ppm References Ni Co P c s Cr Cu Zn Ga Ge Ir Pt Wasson 1966 7.98 2.19 0.130 2.0 Moore et a!. 1969 8.12 0.34 0.04 140 115 160 1000 Putnam County - Quartz Mountain

crust is lost and the surface is covered by terrestrial oxides Daubreelite is further common in the metallic matrix as 0.1-1 mm thick. It is, nevertheless, possible to identify rounded blebs, 5-50 f.1 in diameter. Occasionally troilite and 0.5-1 mm thick remnants of the heat-affected o: 2 zone, so it daubreelite form a regular intergrowth with less than 1 f.1 is concluded that on the average only 2-3 mm of the surface wide, alternating lamellae of the two sulfides. is lost by terrestrial weathering. The loss of 5 kg estimated Chromite is rather common as tiny, euhedric crystals by Willet (ibid.) was probably mainly due to loss of edges which are usually associated with troilite and daubreelite . and corners which could be separated by chiseling and only The chromite crystals are 0.2-1 mm in diameter. to a minor degree due to loss of oxide-scales. Etched sections display a fine Widmanstiitten structure The mass is penetrated by several cracks that follow of straight, long (* ~ 40) kamacite lamellae with a width the Widmanstiitten structure. The larger of these are up to of 0.28±0.04 mm. The kamacite is of the hatched, shock' 1 mm wide and partially filled with corrosion products. It is hardened variety with a microhardness of 295±12. Towards probable that the cracks were already present when the the edge it decreases to 200 and in the remnants of the meteorite landed, thus facilitating the terrestrial corrosion. The attack has selectively converted the alpha phase of the heat-affected o: 2 zone it is 185±1 0 (hardness curve type I). plessite fields , and troilite is partly transformed to pent­ Taenite and plessite cover about 50% by area, as landite. However, a centimeter below the surface the open-meshed net and comb plessite and as cellular plessite. corrosion is insignificant except along the cracks. A well developed field will exhibit a yellow taenite rim (HV 275) followed by a transition zone with martensite Putnam County is a shock-hardened fine octahedrite. (HV 335±20). Further in, come duplex a:+ 'Y mixtures; the Except for the pronounced E-structure, it is related to finer varieties are unresolvable with a 40x objective, while Gibe on, Para de Minas, La Grange and San Francisco the coarser varieties exhibit 0.5-2 f.1 wide grains of taenite in Mountains, and it is a typical member of the phosphorus­ a kamacite rich in subboundaries. The hardness ranges poor end of group IVA. correspondingly from 325 to 295, but no plessitic texture is softer than the surrounding kama cite lamellae. This is a Specimens in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: general observation, valid for both annealed and shock­ 327 g weathered endpiece (no. 51, 5.5 x 5 x 2.5 em) hardened meteorites. 2,294 g slice (no. 264, 14 x 10 x 2.5 em) Schreibersite is absent under any form, in harmony 22 g part slice (no. 3010, 27 x 27 x 3 mm) 92 g weathered, octahedral fragments (nos. 1118 and 3009) with the chemically determined phosphorus value of 0.04%. Troilite is present as scattered crystals, that occur with a frequency of about 15 per I 00 cm2 • They are normally only 0.5-2 mm across and have hexagonal, rhombic or Quairading. See Youndegin No.9 rounded outlines. The troilite is monocrystalline but exhibits a few lenticular twin lamellae from plastic defor­ mation . Daubreelite is present as 1-100 f.1 wide lamellae oriented parallel to the hexagonal basis plane of the troilite. Quartz Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. Approximately 3 7° 12'N, 116° 42'W ; 1600 m

Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 1.10±0.20 mm. <-structure. HV 310±15. Probably group IliA. About 7.9% Ni, and 0.12% P,judging from the structure.

HISTORY A mass of 4,832 g was found in 1935 by John T. Waldis five miles southeast of Quartz Mountain, in Nye County. The find was made on the Manitouac mining property by miners while they were removing surface material preparatory to driving a tunnel. The meteorite lay upon bedrock under about two feet of surface detritus. The meteorite was acquired by the University of Nevada, where Gianella (1936) presented a preliminary description and gave a photograph of the exterior. Leonard (1944) exam­ ined a section and classified the meteorite as a coarse Figure 1410. Putnam County (U.S.N.M. no. 264). Fine octahedrite octahedrite, a practice which has been followed by Hey of group IV A. Cut almost parallel to ( 111 )-y so that the fourth set of Widmanstiitten lamellae appear as ragged plumes. Corroded fissures (1966: 397). Nininger & Nininger (1950: 88) correctly are also present. Deep-etched. Scale bar 20 mm. S.I . neg. M-5 . listed it as a medium octahedrite. Quartz Mountain - Quesa 1001

COLLECTIONS meteorite. Now, this fissure was evidently previously partly Mackay Museum, University of Nevada, Reno (about filled with troilite a part of which is still preserved. The 4.5 kg main mass), Washington (57 g), London (17 g), troilite is monocrystalline with undulatory extinction, or it Tempe (16 g). [The main mass was in 1973 transferred is micromelted and solidified to 1-5 J1 grains, or it is from Reno to Tempe] . brecciated and loosely filling this fissure and several other fissures extending from the main fissure. Terrestrial corro­ ANALYSIS sion has cemented the troilite fragments together. The No analyses have been published. From my observa­ metallic matrix within 1 mm on both sides of the fissure is tions I would expect it to have 7.9±0.2% Ni and severely kneaded and distorted. Moreover, complex pockets 0.12±0.02% P with trace-element concentrations placing it of fine-grained, fused metal occur scattered through most in the chemical group IliA. of the fissure. The melts are dendritic-cellular, and the cell size is 1-2 11; the hardness is 450±20. DESCRIPTION Perhaps the fissure formed early during the atmos­ According to Gianella (1936), the mass is roughly pheric deceleration, proceeding along a brittle Reichenbach conical and has the average dimensions 15 x 12 x 7 em. One lamella of troilite. The ablation-melted metal from the side is relatively flat and smooth while the opposite is surface was of sufficiently low viscosity to penetrate convex and exhibits many regmaglypts, 15-20 mm in through the whole crack and even fill in I 0-25 J1 narrow diameter. Gianella and particularly Leonard (1944) side fissures. On the other hand, the fissure may well be of assumed that Quartz Mountain was badly weathered and a a much more ancient origin, dating back to the E-forming very old fall resembling Canyon Diablo specimens, but an shock event. In that case, the curious metallic melts which examination of the sections in the U.S. National Museum appear to be distorted and kneaded into the matrix, were and in Tempe does not support these assumptions. formed by shock-wave attenuation and local point melting Although most of the fusion crust is now lost by of some metal and some troilite, while other parts were weathering, traces may be found; and, also, the heat­ severely brecciated. affected a 2 zone is present under considerable parts of the Whatever the origin, when the meteorite first landed surface. It is estimated that, on the average, only 1-2 mm is the crack was there, readily accessible for terrestrial lost by terrestrial weathering, so the exterior gives a rather corrosion. true picture of the ablation-sculptured surface. Quartz Mountain is a shocked, medium octahedrite Etched sections display a medium Widmanstiitten which is related to Dexter, Bagdad, Merceditas and Trenton structure of slightly undulatory, long (W ~ 20) kamacite and probably will turn out to be a member of group IliA. lamellae with a width of 1.10±0.20 mm. The kamacite has subboundaries decorated with 1-2 J1 rhabdites. It is, by Specimen in the U.S. National Museum in Washington: a shock wave, estimated to be above 200 k bar, con­ 57 g slice (no. 1225, 6 x 4 x 0.4 em) verted to a shock-hardened, cross-hatched E-structure which shows different shadings according to the orientation of the sectioned a-lamellae. The hardness is 310±15, Queensland. See Gladstone (iron) decreasing in the near-surface zone to 21 0± 10 for the a 2 tranformation product (hardness curve type I). Taenite and plessite cover 20-30% by area in the form Quesa, Valencia, Spain of rather degenerated comb and net plessite fields and in the form of isolated taenite ribbons. The larger taenite Approximately 39°0'N, 0° 40'W ribbons have a tarnished rim zone (HV 340±25) followed by a light-etching martensitic transition zone (HV 425±25). Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 0.7±0.2 mm. The interior may be decomposed to unresolvable, black Perhaps a member of group liD, judging from the structure. taenite (HV 380±20) or to easily resolvable, duplex a+ r structures with 1-2 J1 wide taenite grains (HV 330±30). The HISTORY fully decomposed interiors are of approximately the same A mass of 10.67 kg was observed to fall in 1898 near hardness as the surrounding kama cite lamellae. Quesa, in the neighborhood of Enguera, a town 60 km Schreibersi te occurs as 10-50 J1 wide grain boundary south-southwest of Valencia. Brief notes were published by veinlets and as irregular 5-50Jl blebs inside the plessite Berwerth (1903: 4, 6) and by Cohen (1905: 304). At a fields. A few small rhabdites are present locally. later date Berwerth (1909) gave an elaborate description Troilite occurs as scattered bodies, 0.2-1 mm in diam­ and six photographs of the exterior and of etched sections. eter. Daubreelite constitutes about 10 volume percent. A According to him and to Faura y Sans (1922: 49) who conspicuous fissure in the U.S. National Museum specimen drew attention to some original Spanish publications on the almost cuts the specimen in two. It is 3 em deep and up to subject, the meteorite fell at 8:45 p.m. on August 1st, 1 mm wide. It may be a section through the 7 em long 1898, "about an hour from Que sa." Several shepherds near fissure , noted by Gianella (1936) as having almost split the the impact site saw a white trail of smoke and heard 1002 Quesa something similar to thunder or artillery fire from a turbulent compression-heated air masses that passed the northerly direction. The inhabitants of Quesa saw a flash of meteorite in its fall (see, e.g., Meunier 1884: 456). light which was followed by two almost simultaneous Story-Maskelyne (1876) on the other hand, maintained detonations; somewhat later they heard a brief noise as of that all depressions were formed by spalling during the an approaching storm. Bosca, a local resident who was atmospheric flight. Counter to this hypothesis, it may be watching from a farmhouse in Cabana], saw a fireball said, among other things, that the majority of iron moving across the sky in a somewhat curving path and gave meteorite falls do not produce a large number of small the direction as from northwest to southeast. He visited the fragments in addition to the major mass such as would be place of impact a week later and reported that the expected from the gradual degradation of the surface. meteorite had been recovered from a 40 em deep hole Berwerth proposed that the large fracture faces which around which the soil was scattered for half a meter. Bosca resulted when parent meteoritic bodies disintegrated out­ had a feeling that another fragment had landed farther side - or at an early stage in the atmosphere - were not north, but he was unable to trace it. plane but were covered with numerous fracture pits (Greek: The meteorite was purchased by the mineral dealer p 17 r !l a fissure, fracture), and these pits became modified J. Bohrn in Vienna, in 1900, and there it was divided to to regmaglypts during the flight. In later publications (e.g., produce an 8,995 g main mass, a 1,000 g endpiece and a Berwerth 191 0), the case was further examine d. The 375 g full section. Thus 300 g were lost in cutting and hypothesis is, however, not well-founded. The decisive grinding. Before 1903 all samples were acquired for the objection is that the diameter of the regmaglypts is Vienna collection through a donation by J. Weinberger. proportional to the diameter of the residual mass. The fact Quesa is another example of a well-documented iron will be quite clear from an examination of the descriptions of which we unfortunately know almost in the present handbook; the regmaglypts (on the front nothing, not even the precise circumstances of fall or the face) are usually one tenth the size of the residual mass. precise analysis. Such consonance would not be easy to explain on the basis of an early uneven fracture face. COLLECTIONS Daubree's view appears to be well-founded. The Vienna (10.37 kg), Madrid (8 g), Chicago (1 g), Berlin degradation of the surface occurs by ablation-heating, (1 g). melting, vaporization, and in the last stages also by oxidative burning. Fragmentation and selective melting of ANALYSES troilite do also occur but are not responsible for the usual Several analyses have been performed by Spanish and regmaglypts. Nevertheless, it is Berwerth's word "regma­ German analysts, but they all appear to be insufficient. The glypt," that has won general acceptance in favor of best available is probably the one by Fahrenhorst (Cohen piezoglypt. 1905): 10.75% Ni, 1.07% Co, 0.19% P, 0.04% Cu. Quesa is covered with a 0.5 mm thick black fusion crust of oxides, under which there is a fusion crust of DESCRIPTION dendritic metallic melts. Small grooves, resembling chisel Quesa is a wedge-shaped mass which weighs 10.67 kg marks, indicate where schreibersite lamellae were preferen­ and measures 17 x 16 x 9.5 em in three perpendicular tially ablated away. Numerous narrow fissures are present directions. Berwerth, in his elaborate description, suggested in the oxidic fusion crust. They mainly follow the that the exterior of the body was bounded by four Widmanstiitten directions of the underlying metal, and they octahedral faces (111) and by a fifth, somewhat larger appear to be associated with the phosphide-rich parts of the trapezohedral face (112). The last one should have formed matrix. They may be perceived as fissures developed in a the posterior face during the atmospheric flight , but the cold and brittle oxide crust, developed when the heat­ argument in favor of this is not convincing. Among other affected exterior zone of metal transformed from the r to things, Berwerth found the thinnest part of the heat­ the a 2 state, subject to volume increase during the latter affected zone under the supposed posterior face which is part of the flight. contrary to normal experience. Only a deep-etched section, cut almost parallel to an The meteorite shows only few and indistinct regma­ octahedral plane, could be cursorily examined during a glypts, 1-3 em across. It was, however, in describing this brief visit to Vienna. While the three (111) directions form somewhat atypical meteorite that Berwerth (1909) intro­ equilateral triangles, the fourth forms 2-3 mm wide lamellae duced the expression "regmaglypts" to cover any cavity or of kamacite with irregular borders. The kamacite lamellae depression present on the meteorite surface before it landed are straight and long (~ - 15) and have a width of on Earth. For a generation another expression "piezoglypt" 0.7±0.2 mm. At one end of the slice the near-surface (from Greek: rr t f ~ w to press or push; r )\ v '{! w to cut or lamellae are distorted. The deformation is of a nature that engrave) had been in general use. It had been introduced by suggests a tensile fracture with some necking. It thus lends Daubree to indicate his experimentally supported belief some support to the theory that another fragment was that the cavities were produced by the erosive action of dislodged in mid-air and fell further north. Que sa - Quinn Canyon 1003

Taenite and plessite cover about 50% by area; on the DESCR;J>TION deep-etched section normal comb and net plessite and The mass is shaped as an elongated low cone or shield, duplex dark-etching fields could be distinguished. 110 em long, 90 em wide and 50 em high. A visual Schreibersite occurs as 1-2 mm cuneiform skeleton inspection clearly reveals the "soil line" above which no crystals, surrounded by 1 mm wide rims of swathing significant weathering has occurred. The "soil line" has left kamacite. It is also present as up to 100 p. wide, discontinu­ about 30 em of the thickness exposed to the atmosphere, ous grain boundary veinle ts. and the regmaglypts here are well-preserved. They show a The limited access to material unfortunately makes tendency to radiate away from the apex of the cone and are Quesa a rather uninvestigated and, consequently, unknown generally 4-7 em in diameter. There is a large bowl-shaped meteorite. From the few observations I have compiled here, depression in one place, 24 x 17 em in aperture and 11 em it appears that it is a somewhat anomalous medium deep. Fusion crusts are present in numerous places. Where octahedrite which may be related to, e.g., Carbo and the corrosion is most progressive it has developed the Elbogen. It is recommended that it be subjected to thorough Widmanstiitten pattern as a delicate grid on the surface. examination and that modern analytical work be appended. Below the "soil line" the morphology is radically different. Here , corrosion has modified the regmaglypts and Quillagua. See North Chile (Quillagua) produced numerous pits, 5-15 mm in diameter, with ragged edges. Locally, heavy caliche and ocher deposits are to be found under which the original surface may be preserved in Quinn Canyon, Nevada, U.S.A. a better way. On the average, several millimeters have been Approximately 38°1 O'N, 115° 45'W; 1 ,800 m lost from the lower part of the meteorite by corrosion, while next to nothing has been lost from the top side. Medium octahedrite, Om. Bandwidth 1.10±0. 15 mm. Neumann A number of holes of almost cylindrical shape, bands. HV 180±15. 5-20 mm in diameter and up to 50 mm deep occur Group IliA. 8.40% Ni, about 0.22% P, 20.9 ppm Ga, 41.5 ppm Ge, scattered irregularly over the surface. These cavities were 0,58'ppm lr. undoubtedly produced by ablation of troilite nodules. Synonym Tonopah, see page 1004. The specimen in the U.S. National Museum is a small HISTORY fragment of 11 g, removed from the main mass with a chisel A mass of about 1,450 kg was discovered in August 1908 by a prospector looking for borax in the Quinn Canyon range, in Nye County. The mass was only partly embedded in the soil of a low hill of andesite and, resembling a large turtle, had the domed upper surface projecting above the ground. In 1909 the mass was hauled on a freight wagon with six horses the 90 miles to Tonapah, supervised by W .P. Jenney who also reported the details and circumstances of the finding (1909). He believed that the meteorite was the surviving nucleus of a violent fireball, observed and described in February 1894. This appears to be out of the question, however, since the corrosion indicates a higher terrestrial age than 14 years. In 1909 the whole mass was purchased by the Field Museum in Chicago and was described in detail by Farrington (1910a) who gave three photomacrographs of the exterior and two of small, etched sections. He concluded correctly that it was a medi­ um octahedrite. This was disputed by Leonard (1944) with the result that it is now erroneously classified as a coarse octahedrite by Horback & Olsen (1965) and Hey (1966).

COLLECTIONS Figure 1411. Quinn Canyon (Chicago). Close-up of a portion with Chicago (1,450kg main mass), New York (13g), well-preserved fusion crust, regmaglypts and cylindrical cavities Washington (11 g). from ablated troilite. Scale bar 2 em. S.I. neg. M-71B.

QUINN CANYON- SELECTED CHEMICAL ANALYSES percentage ppm Reference Ni Co P c s Cr Cu Zn Ga Ge Ir Pt Scott et a!. 1973 8.40 20.9 41.5 0.58