S c b r e l » ^ J i g !ufle*»lla »»< f'* “ • FIfINAL 77 M .lic‘viUlV. 18M • - *^ K v^un-.ieM -s* EDI')ITION Idiiio.IP M ------2M • y - t t w i n F A L L S ™ Mftw...... — A Kegional Newspv'spaper S e rv in g U— ^ Nine I:IrriRaled Idaho Countic.s nrridal cii/ •!() ______County }<«>4P«»tr T W y j FAL'A LLS, ID A H O , TU ESD A Y , NOVs'OVEM BER 8. 1955 ^ ^"iro.iH'ivn"" :PRICE 5 CENTS ’ tenhower Schedulesi 'S 2 ' . JSalmon River Sli *"■ Moolotov 'Flays A i i “ ifcrief Nati(ional Talkb on I W Day He Leaves] H([ospital S iVestern[I P lan s5 fo r I ^ ^ L r N ov. 8 //P)— President EiacSi.Honhowcr will leave here fo r WWn.shinKlon nl D n.m.' 1- f l | B a-briel television and radiotdio talk to the na\ion from thc tl Lowry -nir field i ^ H !w il] take off on the Columbinee III.II The Denver White Houaei.sc ittinouMCcd a t th c G erm aiin E lect that thc President's doctors!) willw. discontinue the rclen.sc o ;tions of mciliail bulletin.i ^BpV *^».»t'hov.’er checka o u t of Fitzsimoimons army hospital for hia flishtijht cnnt> In aildition to ^ II \ GENEVA.EVA, Nov. R tU.W—Soviet Forcipyipn ^iini.slcr V. M. Molotov todajoday flatly re je c te d th e |]| ------hia tnik ca at the nir field here, ' H > P I- plan for free elections to unifyify Germany and made it dearar thatt Kussia intends jl ‘ |. i V- \ ' western plan e sid e n t is c}cpcc»:(i to . on to the Communist Ea.st zone,m e. 0 ,\ \ .\ to haiif: on t Honored .“'/bS;leflyatUieMATStermlna] 1 e lonKe.st .specch of th c c u rre n t llic'four hi foreinti minUtcrfl confcrence, con' M olotov |l tn WciJLhlrinlngton -KVine he u due < - \' w ^atern hopuH th a t hc had brotigotight back a new plan for Germ ^Hnansit (cmpen(uru are ^B N B H sometfme!. betweenb ];30 p.m. and ' . d a s h e d w ta ti iermany from Moscow, jll H e c am e 1; Unie 4:30 p.ni.. Fridny.r. ne back instead with a tii Mihtr torecut .re- , ' ’ An 11:15;15 ajn tnrdlcal bulletin 0 ' J / K y ^ t1« Auocmted H ff today dfcrclo iV» propoaals for freo elec- * '1 9 r a ^ SRAln wnlkeliked up and down a fllKht ta6fasfi^TiraBr“ " sid German unlflcaUon.- A /y8B ri!3 of len steps;ps leading Ifom the eighth — • weatem plnn to r tree elec« floor of Httslmons Fit: liojpiui. where ;nored the reality of O er- ^■ ^dlnc thU report; ■ K A hisIs r ^ . to the ninth noor. ’ - MoloUw said In an hour and ^^Entuns ^K- W» Uiree timei this nioni- ! — M otorist Fimned$150ii.i:er speech th a t deadlocked mntiy In th a ' P'planned to repiat the m m . M ... , , , Uie conferenfercnce Ughter than ever, - 25 U) 39. cxcept proccM thcthere more times this i nr Kinvin, Gooding, pleaded guilguilty to a charRc of He aaid Ui D e lm a r Ki id Uie quesUon of tree e l« - ^H ^^iheutem Id«)u. gWCTW|j^W BH|BM afternoon.I. 1 drivinfr Monday afternoon nndid w^ a s fined S16U u n d Uqna u not Tlila.lu! not •'mature cnougb" u d no p;tclplutloa In e did In Tcheatial lor lila drunkenr’ driv P ro b a te JudRe Jam es P. Go.'i.sem ett. Gooding. Judge »“s an "artificial"arti plan." departure; uhen he n il walk 10 his by P re al.so directed that Kirwin’.s1 liliccnae to -drive be ng across the squaro con>. plane 1 u|up Uie ramp leadlnit into G o s5 cII Uble to SecreUry of e ta te - ed for-one year and imjwsed aa 3(30-day jnil fieiitence, S ' tho Whiler HHouse ship,,Aa Jie i-eaclied...... - . suspended fo 'oster Dulles, M olotor sald- tne f ench flight, tlie President I Hcntencc is to bc suapcndcd upupon paymcnl ol the ihai Russia - T h c Ltssla “cannot . B gm to we rested. e ju d g e ruled. ' * the workersrkers of tha (communlit)’ :■ In announounclng that medical bulle- ' fine, thein jud was arre.ited Snturday nifrht I DemocraUe R epublic tn H q Strikes tins be lit by Deputy Sheriff bc discontinued .as of Frl- K irw inin wu oiie-half mile w est ------^— emany deprlrod ot thetr day. C.1 C,I Ilagerty. presldenllnl Bill Bunn on , ^ tactortcs-itus-ind land." ...... ' , K g o n A i'ea pr«M sccretnretnrTra.nia in a fih e Prcsl- lell pflcr Kirivjn’.s car T larged th a l the •xatn plan" dent'd ^ h' ofW^ellp:a freight train. Klrwln'a X jU llllt ojrcss Irom hla heart at- hnd hit a ita tio n so u tof'todc"> elections and unity would tnck beebeen »Uch Uiat the doctors I’rolet, which was demol- provoke a leneral dlslocaUoa ia ' 1047 Chevrolet,a refrlgeralor car nexl lo Hspitc Shots do consider routine bulletin.^ Ished. h ll a refr ly. VilU tccssary any more, -- - • - on Uie tialn. Bunn said \yl2aiianticF irm s °™Sauiid Uia means fo r reunlfyioc ^ H o r f . No<''8 c u t - * the l«st wrslsnnl on ' llghu were working O The Pres'rcaJdent wlll return to - all of the slRnal ’ , , thespUtnatI naUon should be found bot ^ ■ a polio rpldemie showed WoahlnBton ssing. The train wna mov- " p , , ^ , on lo a welcome ceremony ' ' a t the crossing.xUnately 30 miles an hour. J l i y C ( would not be ilaiple. D ie a (baUns today despite r«OS< 8 C 0 E c . RICH now belnBg aarrnnged liiere. Hngcrty V I Ing approximate ed m MeelMedT'd: ^ ■ o l dKtor* who iMt w « U . . . ona ne ot Idiho’i le*dlm said that Utethe President's doc*on Had - i P^R.': he added, r on the train waa E. W. WASHINGtNOTON. NOV. 8 Ofl-A for* ! and paUrnce are required." ^ ■ m i elobulln lo virtually ihM paen.1. reeelred i the C. F. "absolutelyly r no objecllon.1" to crowds I • ■ Engineer on t If hour before.-the plenaix perton In the Ny»«i g ,j j t c en 'i^ lenai Perry, nnd the con- mer big busir>U8lness execuUve told con- L n ite&nUI founder’* award belns In thhe e iatreet to welcome Elsen- i Plsher. OlenaiIS W, : R. winch. Jerome, gress today.y llit should sharply restrict, opened. West O en n a n PW - nl(ht at the annual eon- hower back:k tW the cnpltol city, utiere . • • ■' ductor wasIS W,uninjured, and even brebreak up. General Motors Inlster Selnrlcb von Bren-*' T Ihe Idaho Wootcroirers he wlll remnmnln unlll Monday betoce ' Klnvin was£, Wlckel, M alu. was fined and oUierr slacli n t corporations. w l . ?> JSan , airport atatement, aald brought no sew propoealc. ■ “2i.sri.„r23 m fc Boise. SOinc on to i Gettysburg. ) . Orville 13 Wlc:by JusUce of the Peace Theodorere K.I Quinn. New York, a r * * * The Whitehlle Houae had made no . . Usblt by Mondny . on a charge former vice'Ice presldeni of Oeneral Uie w'est'i ptcpoeaU aQ h a d Uie cmerecney d>nlc * announcemrr dcTetopment aad pnbUcJty eotmcJI deeli awn up tn consulUtiOQ-idtb- ^ V u it 40th and 4Ut In the n ^ -m m rnt on the nature of Uie in-d ilv lcg . Judge Nesbit Electrlo corpMrporaUon. aald the gov- T _ chief cxeeutl':utlvo-» projected remarks, iul ‘(Igar* who will be uaed ln,pninot]OBdeeldri o a thi* dealgn ^r'd l'u tik Sjided fld r'l Wlckcl's driving U- tn w itn t shovshould stunt U« growth ot la goverotntot tod illons .are he will express *“*®® oepanaeitraeni et e o m n eite »nd development. ( d of Uiem In every respeci. ' ^ B 'u a 'c u x re n l r»t< of o ^ • •■X l l C l l I S hut Indlcnllo one year. corporate glaiglanu. He made the atate- ®* perwnal tJiaiJianka for a flood of "gel * * * * * * e Coupe. Jerome, v a s m enl In lesUtesUmony prepared for the isages from all over Uic - r i * * ■* LawrenceTuesday Coi by Jerome Police opening acsst«s8lon of senate monopoly T k «. the chAic, which ended ' ’ R p p | lined 110 Tuesd< With the v»c«lwiUon ol cipieiit of S5d.Z““ sell Shaud on a chnrge of subcommitteenice hearlnga .on J3eneral J L I a la < *. lor hla Tecovi Lanky l/tt-O i-l* Ics Judge Russellyield 81 the right of way. Molort. Therhe hearings a-Ul lasl four ta on Plan tttldcnU. r i y Idaho CharacI V t / v l X O failure to yield ains week will tell If th e . S w i tn Is to announce lo his laud* also fined R. W. weeks. . done any sood." Hughes wift Award hS'ff'i”.) Judge Shaud*3lse, Ito on a charge of Quinn propp r o ^ d 'setllng;a.'_ilmlt-~of___T o J ------vance; which' ------— ... - 100 millionn dcdollnrs on the net worth jEndQdoi^ jltf. -If Uity-flonfttop • wnTHp'Wn'.Jiow.-a—Roseoe-Or-nichr DunkTil8“ crQ tided Task as Sa rfRianirujracrwe-vff on, JV idnho crowd ot Dtnventta. And Salcsitian=i4-':ice court. Judge ShaUd ot a corporatoration. Firms larger than • laho’s Ic.idlng sliecpmen. w hite Houseuse anangements for Uie BOISE, Nov.r. 8 ^1 - ’'Salmon R iver reproduced In tk Tiius, Jerome, tlS aad that wouldId incur1. increased Income I r l l tat-^ 'nediwlly POW'Wf; w as honored•ed Mondoy: night at the arrival In t Jiven P w el p, Sunsdi, U,8, public ^onve I the . capital lake Into 811m " had a go*sgO'ihead from the II- marks and onIn d mall cancelUUon 1 a ^charge of epeedlng. tax nitcs nnd would not be allowed ' - - invention of the Idaho account DlstjIlstrict of itolumbla plans m an council ofif UieUi< state departm ent motorists andon gl decaU handed oul to « cost* on OallBBDes, a ch. Ruperl. was to abforb> otother companies. Their ' While tho*the'odots emanaUnc trott . Tlce doctor awljned to woolffrowers:rs assoclaUon In BoUe for » weloom to.t t*o of om e there. of commerce tnsod d development today ( u tu ie r t toId aUcl given to Idaho manu- „ Le« and OalU O coiU by R upert otflCera a nnddltettea d d could not «rve the fcttUtgUttg ponds a t tb e rti prosentm O, P . SwHVs ------to Uunch 4 eu aU ^ on. theli Btodutls ^'ned 115 lge and Oeorge > Redford U on- other compa:npanles."The giant U rm matM Sbgw}t>g»r company, w o th e k a l'^ ' tu a har# shown t)T>e 1 c-rj{enni*i founder’s fo award. The ./"il career or - •llrM tto j -"A ' ylgorouir Bot Virulent aOmln « d ^ ‘ to Idaho.'^ Is now under5 G * jT > iM l^ ia S p S ig n ^arge-of'Tonning Oe through would be requlndreq to pi^llsh profit ttae'eltjr.didl-dld.fioC.petmette.the-eltr- oat preralled In KUho-i ed-Ranks U15 myUUcal c haracter In America er whjr way to tell everyone * ?5*rie-I. Judge RedfonJ alWniSKJ « J f l' lo a iT'aUtemrotiT iu and b tu an commUslonuon :tneetlng Uondajr nkttt —draw n by Olvfa) I r ^ And Darlea Ad> fu l a n l.e jd UwhJJtnenjafrfuLheauU- a a Mtop-airn.Judg^antu. Burley, |1 0 ^ a i ^ l 3 sheeta for‘ eaeh eai department.yearly. ■ repdrtt oaon acUoa'takca s for 8*Lft Mid compuijr, spy. of Bols*—w a*-»p» i a r “JonjusoalUaa-placrTdaho to really H craw Cwtu.hargea of drurikea drfvlng • ShouldSho: Break ■>» ^ c o t n ; ^ Co 1»Ufflma(«. tbd.odoa. * u . . „ Osden.' Led to Aid council.______' ito said Slim-'la lold the council. ‘ “ ts on cbargeas w ithout a Ifcenser He ja id ■ft'o,' firmI, couJd ^ o v i f Itieli w ifted’about y -h aa -R leh been promi- ~ — ~ _■ It showed sI ty] typical western type departm enl llm-would a t Ttpresent-the drlvlnsge iriU; declared forfeited the from thisI classcli and the attendant City - MamManager Joaeph -UUiiiMt iksgivihg. fcitoclc work In Idaho for \ l / . ^ o on hst. riding pants, ventlons and aoth t travel showa, con- .. The B posted <>«' by Herman Put- spedal penalenalUes by breaking up said h* vanttranted It on record that th* t». b u t h as been itld still JJ t J5st S In d u stry M^boy b<^ii‘Sd'asd nttkerthlcL-iiDlaU xomlLg year,I other evenu durlnj uie 0/ » »lUa, I » Uont.. tt OD a charge ot into smallerler companletc odor* wererre nnot<«nUMt trom,eew»*e leader. At present he Is J Ing to a sign marked,mail ’T h e Place to Jonasson also' ... ,‘ nam. Ma»h\ia,irough M a stop sign. Oeneral: MMotors is Uie naUon's In RocK. creecreek but liom th e .e o ia r nee Is Set i-,-«o^!!of th c stale niBhwny com- BOISE, Nov. Ni a UW-A national Oo Is Idaho."■' the deparUnenfjalso' told the council of running Uiroughllouge, Rupert, haa been largest manuAnufacUtrer. with annual factory. He said he had- recelred m • T:> n m lulon. a ppojl o jt he haa Held since Uie “heep indusilustry lender called on Comrherce BecrttarySecrt A. B, Jonas- contest andlenfs for plnns for a photo OtK> p - sute Patrolman Roy net sales ofIf 10 billion dollara. annual numerousIS Itelephone cpmplalntc of th e commission Uiree m cni^rs of)f UUie Idaho Wool Growers son said Uie drawIrawlngs would appear w ith pholograptI for a llbrnry atocked .*>y .upert, s u t / on a charge oC tu n - protlUI d t t one ' bltllaR dollars, in d trom leatdeniddenla s t r o n g l y t h a association1 today'tot< close ranks In on billboards amand postera and be for tourists.;rapha and InfonnaUon Thomas. Rupert.Igh a stop sign. a to u l worthirth of five billion doUars, d ty to Uk«Uke acUon to .e o n e c t th% ! to efforts "to nlt)ble n w ay ------nlng through a __ the subcommimmlttee aald. ' altuaUon.I.' • - - - RJ for lhe Union Thanks- swUt andId company e Is prc.ienUng iharged-that-mcre'slrB'in ~A -/et{et^tf-fpem-Janerm«inir«iy~ -urvlcerwere completed th e awnrd lo 1 ^ d y Inadequate tariff pro- lo llvrstockmen.UiiQugh-. rtai^e ^iii * corporaUon4on is b n d -“ln a world of sanltartaa.A. to LaUmore aaid he'O n « »cf the TVln m ili-M ln- o u fth e counirimirywhoiiftve made OUU jr,^n'„ aro evil . , . any acUvc 8“ lls) hadd betbetn advised th e company BOiHon •niMday mom- otnndlns conli BrccVcnrldse, Twin Fnlls. I « t* * J = = S a b ^ lonirlbuUons to the prog- - ^ “2 " ” • of Uie national Wool B rofe Give 1 glnnl Is evilrll per; se In a land where l«k“ Jr cevery step Co ellm inata rcM and a.v«.pm deve .„t ot a , llv.- £7 " " . ‘.„ssocintlon. o , alto urged sup- ra I t to preserve life, liberty th e odors.s, ItII was'the consensus et . Donald B- Slackstone stock and mentmen Industries. The cen- . ' me Cl asii ^ '^ r t u n wool and lamb promoUon ' I • t 1 r l a i i e rtunity for the ordinary tho commuslcnlsslon that while legal a c - roup the nev. Floyd M c- tennlal Ihlais year y m arks Uie st^irt o . , 1 Individual." Uon was poaspoaslble It te lt th a t it waa 3 be \he »peaker at th e o t G. F. Sv,•|f^ ilred u the company waa .v,•|f^ In the me.-vl Pncl;‘n« ^ Brcclccnrldfiridge was a featured Time to Llq Power Cited no t required 0 be held at 10 a.m. buslncsj lewM yenrs > ngo. - , p S a t ll qmdate i^s,Suspected “the decisions of company taking .mrery r y step Co ellmloata the I Int dii: al the First Dnp- u, ; the closing day of the B O IS E . NoV.>i0V. 8 (/P)— U . S .-D istn c t-J u rf8:e s bom In Blackfoot, the idnho -atsocl ;-.Nov.-8-tn— The.cIvU wanngemenu•nu like General Motors L Olher ministers will temporary restraining order agniJgs Fri;d.M .-Taylor - d e n v e rI,-, board’sk .« chief Inve&tl- a n d -U .-s.-ate-atcel-can-delertnlne-the ^ ire.sald. “ the.bum ln8 0 (.h 0C— nwyer. Ife Uecnme Inter- convention.: ™“"iiX T pCS Ifs and tallow by a packing p'cstock nnd farming while to elect officefleers and adopt commll- u r a n i u n i se c:uritics u n broker yesterday to RiveigninstaT w m p'alls aeronauticsyesterday boat there are '’sev- *>’ole « iirs•se e ofc a counUy'a develop. hoofs an ive him tim e to liq- cator said yester regardless of our prtple had added b) the effluvia jn i s Hfv, W. A. MftcArthur. the University of Idntio tee reporUI lateIn todny. U ld n te htS l)U.llbu.iiness and meet his oblisatior «r napecu" lo Uie cmsli • • • reg itiona. Taylor said peculiar:d Airnap Lines plnne thnt their reprcirprcsentnUves.” HoaUng UuouUuough the city U at week. 'RjB U* .MeihodW church, to " ‘V'* ed 'his flrat sheep nt that Denn Jame;mes E. Kraus of the Unl- t h a t i f H iiroldold L. Nielsen, d o in p businesa as le hsd conUcled th e ow ner iftH ,025 he bccame nn officer veralty of Idn tiersons near Longmont- Quinn ehnrginrKcd th a l "bv adroll use « « hs wnunlty chalrnitin for J" *®25 Idnho college of acrlcul- n \ c n t com imany, nv waa _imaWc_to__thia.-aJ\tI ns Nielsen Invest- SL”. mejdiiy.------of-its-purthnsdiBstnnwww'-aM-couId impanr aod‘bB'had'agree.- • . ,c. promotion wo: eeda from these trnna- Bv Dl lo »■ newmnn'a inquiry. ' T J 1 ' of . Uxe-coutuiU t« IMJ c«l imdea tucnaBTcemeni! act and taught • He eald pr«eeda D w' orshalvTpTJniT.' >osed lhat his tltm be con- 1 president- ai-i ennblc him to pay off BOISE, Nov. 8 he "couldn't aay" if evi- JlClajLa E o R e g io n sidered aTagei: agenl for future bond la> , conUnuoualy unlll 10<7. efforts to rcmrcmov. t.ntt. on c,rU.,„ J ”™ “ j‘ i> in r» Peyton snld bomb-typehe "c explosion had » - •">■« ™ and make delivery of jhnk. n.. Idn.,v. 8 i (^^--Scnalor Dwor- dcnce of a bomb- C ' sues for local>eal IImprovement dlstrtcta. Ivlc cnpnclty, Rich iina grades of woo: BOISE. Nov. Nov 8 Ifl —A statewide |jg 0,^ •______Slock to hla euston-istoniera, tlm t Uie nallon'nIn., ' declared >'« erday 5 „ n found, Uie commlaalonera th a t V30lh i i a n Idnho stnte rep- — — on n woolcrowlng Indus- . . . „ ^tnow w hat a bomb Jooki civil defensese cccommunlcauons teat In -xxvin Falls:ls IsU highly regarded w h ea /~ ii 1 I Nielsen admittedItled using his custom - try Is in dIsUeta 1 be iUged in the h ta r the ^ l e of bor — ______reaenlntlve ant operate his business a t a t e depnrtmi n snld, "1 don'l know for ^Uie >SEC said a t M on- Jectetf-ncrTim\nd rw hnd thereby "tub- ...... In^flll. —.||n|y f„J| K .rrr 5l3~ \vlll be iilckcd-uo liy "C o u n se l for Uie I Ty-n-ool.-bnCottltrCdnl-rr,. ised, w Tliere are gun- for emergencyicy 1service. A • F • \Concern ’ n t tlie Clmmbcr of Com- days hearlni: tliathat INielsen's practices modlUes to possi l odoraonaectlonsof the 7^10 plan, kn '■«»lrm.-.„veb„toidf T ®r-Penattress'™ • lailve and deeepUve"! prloM," ^ sslb le depression of , known as RACEES, In. ''3*1 iilslll. OOODINO.O. Nov. I 8 -re n n lU es up merce office.e. TJie1 object of the pro- »’«« ' ' m " " ^ l u ______volves the mor 0 ncQMMnl ttiltSenls ^'llh urlUea ' and cxchangc ‘T lie career pf Vilff, Mcrrl<.ry- "f'-erc act * Mondny nluht by motion ^ to m reprcsenUng himself, departm ent, T u-ho prople In Uie slate oom pnrtmEATHS er^ TOLD operator* arouirundlhe''s™e,‘‘"’“''“'' 1 .Attempts g city council on chargcs Uic quality of poifttoM g;o«v„ here, h u-ho nre opposed lo DEATH! l)U(i«t urt» ^l|^hl■ Ooodli'B cll 1 Chamber of Commerce ot “intend to "cheat" tariff protcctlQii. '’''n tu iiirvlou!( yrnnt failure to0 yield^yli the rlsht^of way. C tlon. nre far removed _ £ a i r O —No»:_4.anld four laraclls were Id.iho to enlistillst in Uie orgajilMUon I r t F i r a r T iir a r if lm n j n in f anrot^f^;------CIS .lllll Ule lhe same spokcaninn anld f r H a r o a s F i ;fp ^ > ^ ^ to m iT irc im r —<5oodinjrTin.T nllcy Cli.iiiiber.' of Com* He conceded hhe e »was -tn the h ol^" wtieilicr the Re iRht wounded In a clash because onlyy thosetf enlisted wlll be “■ / r.r,v oKtcf iiviiWiiiK ^ovcrlnt:sucliticll im fJlc In trac llo ^ A n d of M"Ri« Vnllt v»s "in Uieproce.« of Democrals nre Rcpub1lc;in.i or the uilcd and eight w oporttip durlng-fln em er- O ffld a lsS“ - 0of-theTTimalgamaled Ll chnrged wlUi thc of- :30 p.m, Nov. 30 a t Uie bul added he wsa • re III conirol ot theim/i.... p fir ni»f f '“■‘J-iMiirAiicM, hc.^iilcl, '‘'otorl'l-' cl ?icli£>ol niirtitorliim, *■ r«tP.M II i ^ 'i n ' i i ~ ' AiImIiiistrnlioii,'*Ji Elath, ______gcncy leat orir nclunim emergency. S ugnr compannpany said they had nolh- ftniiM bf ujfd (or 10 '0 bcl« Uken in Justice of F, H, uuMi sc .Dworshak loldn,'*Jie jTTJT ~ '[Liraell port Elnth, ------Ing nesr to rtreport on the offensive ^'ructurc.^ Pf'*<=e court Fine.i Fii levied upon con- , . ■ th a t sUto deparliold some 350 delegnlcs'------^ ------1 odor which:h luhas plagued the clt; at pnrimeni policies "re- _ _ of (hr Did watfr '’•clloiis were the paat week. , county rnther i ,I \hc MitRUftTd* wool t o0 ^ Mark » “>= ;s r';jx “ “"City’s':s Population Growi- y n i g a s Tn^^othTdo^^lu: de, Grid Clash ______floturriBT.—.»y.—Jusepli H. BlnghBJfi; I P.ih.', u ld Tlicordlnancilance pniw d by Uie coun- J , • have." and .vplncfnesUc Industries .ihould « 1 « U , C ^ nlghl gives thc city court t 1 r t f » - ( \ y v f r - A ‘2 f* .low-cost ~JbreiRnnlncr the Interests cf _____ r r \ - - perlnlendetit, said a new Jiv-Iuiuie trnfflc cases.- — hers DrdpfChanibeJI./1 'ilV lC a the kntcreeu otiRn lh producUon above ' I K Scliool’sTIon:^mecominff more’ etncient:lent chemical had been In­ >rley Crippen nnnounced ot the domesUc Indus* -i- • - I 1 _ ^ O troduced Inin ththe setUlng ponds w here •affic llghl for In front While Boise,Ise, rocalello and Idaho PocaUrllo. 8.<00 and a,2J0, and Jdnho t*''” -'’ ti'a flnnl home fM tball niursdny. The■he parade wlll sla rl a t the odor* : o'rlsoriginate and h e believed , ecreoslng In populaUon. FalLi. 7.200 nnd 6,^SS40. He snld some of own of a fooUsall queen, the Junior high school, proceeding jt would comcorrcct the situation. Tho •»uu-uA rn " r Kfo'icdc sachodi hn.1 been or- Fnlla are deer n'Tuln FalLi totaled cloUiIng manufnc'„ „t 11.. n .llo n '. l .n .. ™ id .a dnnce will mnrk along Fourth1 avavenue eaat to Second chem ical whii f“=£»r ''"'■ d . Policee JuJudge Ramon En.^un5a Tain I*nlls nmnnd LewLMon nre show- .[^ ta lM a le s hi -T ufnciurers are adver- p^mde and a which Is suppoiwd to sto p 1 Rlloti Inttf^M, m.<71,00Q in 1853)53 aand *48511.000 In ilgh .'ctxool's Homecom- street cast. IIt t will U«n 80 down lemenuenutlon and bactcrlal ac- • ' >«tif,r n '•'PorU d tUfttIt <11.durlOR October *3 vto,- Ing » populMU ible retail Mies in "‘ooh "and thisdvnntnge.v 1 of |orclCT xv,-in FbUs highon Thursdayk and Fri- Mnln avenuee to Fourth atreet we.it uon hiui beer l^.e l l f>'lKhl Ifttlons weree h(handled In hl« court According■ u to sUUiLlcs compiled 1P5«. Comparable hU coupled wlUi Uw „,ebrnUon -n- been sproyed and poured Montgomery, TftlnFiilLi Lewiston were H»-*30^50.000 and'M O .- .n r.i where it wllll_dlsband. db The Uieme Is S th S ^ JwWlUlng i ponds. , . . -. I « ^P- thnt \773 m hnd been levied in by KenneUi Mc m ri«» Jl. C.1.«B 41 jiay. Falls Bruins will piny "Deni Boise." e am ount only M23 hM Cliamljer ofif Commerce’ mnnaKcr. 079,000: Boise. *77,.*77,703000 and 184,- ^------rsdny Bingham aald atepa ) • population mcrewed 438.000; Pocslello,?iio, iw, /? Uie Dobe Brnveslln field. a bnnd: twlrlers;rs: Pep club Uoat; Boya continuiiilnulng Io correct th e sltu- request of Mr.v Myron from lOJOO a.in.i of1 Jnn, 1. itit. to 21,- Mr,082.0CK) nnd1 «Idaho Falls *51.-1 i O U J jrlng Monday’s c ity com- Jnn 1. 1955, Lealston's 321.000 and «l.«5.' U j S . Z t J D tday a t Uncoln,•. Sandra flel Schow. Pnuy club flont; Jourloumnllsm-spcech flonf ““on- During >tn, K. A. T)’lcrniid Mrs- 100 n.s of Jnn flofttt-oirls-lcaguc-nojii; niieslon -niMU:iieeung-ihe oommiaaloDera— Incrcflicd Jii_lfit_£ame —Or.lolaLlclnil wl IV 8 in —Idaho’s polio I Ella McVey.-Arnleki-Jody Sam Wnrd nnd aenlor clniia.floai :hool KCHinR J op O.in, Olrlrl SeoulSc nsaoclntljn rcp i POBIIII'IIPII-Ini: ;y hove been nonilnnted thc sophomore5re clna.11 floal; prncUcnl were unanlmonlmous ia Uielr opinions to - I pitTT------"•-'TnUiUVnrUit, Uie city agreed to In- period from 13JOO 13 to H.600. In 1953, »H,085,000u'S"ia?.5*si ksal steps agaliut’ th« 1 decrenacs nolfd In Uie the reports as ’'au' ssrs;'i"“t)u«n. Tlie qiieen and aru llotif, P*lel•ftlette club tloai: Junior take kgi ry laclllUes In the Olr) PopuJaUon dc lU will be elected by cla.« float: alhlathlcUc float: Uie FILV company. NumerousNun; comiUalnte b a r* 1 nt the City pnrk. chamber repori3or t for Uie period were moUve #nlc.;iln l« in T,l« r.11,1 ^ ° ” , lu, *p.,un.ni. “ '" “ ■J.nT”; ived by commission m em J ; 0 to 37.000:1 P«ntello. loUled 113.673,000. 4ie foolbnll tenm. They float, and thehe aauident body flo at . received >y >t I... ‘ ‘• ' f l d n y ------D0I.W. 38.200 I « Uiey Uke action w a tn s t .. UOO. and Idiho Palls, . OUier comp,irat •;->";;;".';.orN» 6->enr old New »»K;rot“S,« „o,v„cdied nt „t linlf-tlm e by co- Judges Incluiiclude ICenneUi Moni- urging Ui ‘'•io n hnll. FDI•BI ENTERS 38.700 lo 28J0' S’m'i .T S !:' '■0)' ' Slater and Olen Pot- gomcry. Johnin EPeldhcuien aad Ur*, tlie company,oiy.- r_. IN UONlE,_Ncv^R MA00_to,a,000,000 sales lor 1553 and 1 0 iSa lU iM r a - Dean Mosher,■r. ’The conseasiisensus of the Wimmti sfrin- IS lakeni over Investlga- compnrnUveive numbers of famllle-i ton. ils.ail.Doo « f -lh r to u i lor Uie' at since lhe compwtf it lys of November to 3 t\..*iv. fionuits headed hrn by the hlch A footballI dndnnce is planned at 6 ers Is that sJ oldup In the telephone In thc flvr clUc^ c lt wcre Tttln Fallv BoUe, JJ’ -®’’-?®®1 “ ' In»S; S ," a ‘n1,V” ling band and twlrlers p.m.'Ftlday In tht e high school gym- endeavoring« to la good faith to i w ^ t tb« super secure Moun* O.tOO n.i of JaiJa n , 1. IOM, nnd 7,030 Pocatello. *8-5,W.«MWW .nd ■ u m .m . g « S the , entire monUi mj. bi on.lhey feel acUtm again*!, be le. U ln Home *lr 1, IOM; Lewiston. fSOO and Idaho Falli »13,0MW0$13, and 113.- In m ere wen d to p.trtlclpale In '.a naslum. Musicsic will be provided by UieaJluaUon.tt *lr force base of.it»e as-oUJan. l, J wero^ii cases. scheduledparade to at 7 p. m. Bud Teaslcyf aad&o bis orchestra. Jtha compaayiny ia lum eoetta^. • 'slrftiegic str’ comrrtand.coj nd 6.H0; BolsSolse. 13,100 aod .13,170; 2M,OOa ----- I hoaieeomlnj parse ■ -i. ' • f I fit! PAGE'nvo " TIMES-NEWS, TVTWIN FALLS, iDAHO” - mESDAY.KovEi , ^

I }||Sfea"Pioneer K ecjj'thrw w tm ag’i?]; StocR pile^nd ^ P^P€oimeit= of Safety FJylng ■ Twin FaUs NiNeVs in B rier J - - -- i r j-Dies at Ilouie- - j-€ a n - S t a r t -^Big“ - ^ VUlt ia Magic Vallty ^>raaxe te Meet Air Planning§ ------ITaS' u tm n tr-iiilv u m latg ■ Mr,’ and M rs. T hom as L. WaU.all. T he Tvln:F»ll> Orange will m eet club meeUnr. • • MoUier piuhl • N ortt^ollyw ood. Calif., ar* vUlUnjins *t Uie O nsie-hall at < pjn. Wed-SS-‘ AtWorksho]O d red snow-suited Infant ions 1 Of Son Here S lu m p i n W e s t' friendi;; a o d reUUves In Twin FalU.ilU. nesday. : : - - stroUer along Third avenue eut. ,eer j SACRAMENTO. Cnllf.. Nov. 8 WUl DDuh] >nd Kimberly. M rs. Kennen Whltesldei. PTA PT o. A. Kelker tinkering wllh newgew pro-p; SEOUL,S K ou,S I i H ' I Judwn I. Tolman. 65, plonrer —The chairm an el Itie wetlern gov- Marrtage UcenM district No. 4 prtsldent and Mrt. Mi jeclor.. . Broken pane In windowndow of tang fluhter il'a 'fiiil‘omc of his Kin. Hoynl C. Tolmnii, - •f-rnor.'s-mlntnr-ndvtsoTT-eotmcll-to-t>- FinedF for E*plf*d-Uc«tts«------. A..mfliTlige_licen«_l«1>a__Jasi:edksued Sam Danner, second sU te vl(vice iiouse on Fourth avenue norUi'.JrUi'. . . of Korea air l o r w ^ ^ B iH a ' T route J. Twin F»1U. » t 4:30 i.m . dny predicted virtual collapse of thele K. J00.-5M Wllmore street, wast-as Monday from Twin FalU countylurity president.' inslructed a workshopop on0 Eugene B*'lng well-tum ed out In crowded aehooIhouJ^'<^H is flned-13 and «3. costs.Monday: tn cltrk'i office to Maurice D. Burraitrralt “How to plan a PTA year" atit th11 e neat gr»y s u it:. . Robert Glllesillllesple 18 children a n d ^ ^ B H)K i J Tursdny. :wcillrn mining Industry when tha fl d lr tlR '' He WAS bom Ju ). 31. ]6*0. In government’s stockpiling programm JusUc#Ji court for operating a motoritor and Elli*b«Ut W llliamt, boUi Colo-:ol»- PTA council meeUng Monday eve* evi ufking iwo-week leave from1 armyan Ttt-elve other chii>^ H i ' l M Tootle. UUU), and cnme to thfi 0.ilc-ak- i emit, VIvehicle on an expired driver's 11-li- rtdo-Bprlngi. Colo. nlng. . reserve office duties. . . Pedeslrliu lrlans Jured. ltd; T h t ofUclal. B. H. Wllllston of5f C(cense. H e wns cited by.slate police Prior to the workshop Tom TTm u r- looking apprehensively a t Storm- ator T.ll I, ■ J i tl i 'M t y vnlley In 1883. He mnrrlwi: M c U n i Pulo AIU). Callf.. said the only UilngIS eleight miles east of Tw in PalU on . n er. Filer, flfUi aiaU vlee prealderlident clouded s l ^ . . . CurtU Eaton• wear-wei The Republic nf « H '-t' •Hl'EmtrcU Bale* In 1830 In th e LDS American W tr Mothen have post­ temple »t Losan. T he couple cnme^1!' I ^ ■ lhat would save the Industry wasIS h highway 50. • a n d fuperlntendent of PUer schoolbools, ing ten-gallon h a t . . . -Palm tree u lUted Uie t o l l i n i ^ ® poned their roeiUng to'1:30 p.m. ■ lo lhe T»’ln FalU tra c t Jn th e Mur* I „ 't-irltf relief or Its equivalent. epoke on -Why I consider PTA^ imiw - fronds decoraUng M ain avenueue cafe.ca last issued i o n i » h i ^ ^ B iitdl ' wll/iout -a ••'Dwasier would be felt throughoulJt DcfMD live'M uffler Bring* Fln« Nov. IB. AU-membera are aaked lo" p o rtan t to Uie schooU." . . . Harold Klaas rocking new ba' I il 1 IftUKh nrea In IBM. U t farmed, bring clothes fo r the old soldier's "baby, nounclng eight r h n i ^ ^ B <«) Jhfre until reUrJnff in 1030 when;lien' traffic death in our Mapic th t west" if the mining induslry col-1- ’• Jim 1.. OUon. 232 Caswell avenue, M rs. Whitesides aUo led » rounround . . . ArUiur Klelnkopf browsingilng in 30 hurt. ^ r fn I’ome. . ' they moved WLocan. T hc couple re-'re-; VallCV. ■ la^^rd. WlllUlon said. He said Uiele waaw fined tS and S3 cosU Monday In table discusslan on parUamei;C4ugt*fy publle fibraiy... Kenneth BaJ;en-Bsiic The proprllnr.drt,«.^H liinied lo Ttt-ln Fnlla In 1040. Mr*. ___!.^tillc.1 ot Nevada, tJU h. Colorado,0, TwinT PalU Justice co u rt for operat- procedure. tlne.husUlng up last-minute lunc live Driver Fined lunch- plane, which csrrlM ® ? < H New Meilco end Wyoming "wouldId IngIr a motor vehicle w ith a dtfecUvt Mra. May Louis Ellis. WashlngUiDgton eot) program. . . M erry-go-roundHind at ■■suddenly plu*tM ? ^ « I .AOQii be bankrupt nnd thousands of)f muffler.m He w as cited Wednesday by Clarence E. Eldrldge, 1343 Seventh school teacher, reminded Uie erou{roup Lincoln school loaded wlUt passepaasen- dive." the R epublL ^"'**® Limitations onI ptople out of work." slsUle police one mile wesl of Twinwin avenue east, was fined t5 and^ A (3 m e r i c a n EducaUon week ,U belnbeing gers.. . Norm Tarter checking 1 ! costs In JusUce c o irt Monday for l°*Re'^ force announced, ite« ■ ^ WlllUU)n mnde Uie a U lem tn l.talo FnlUF OQ U.S. 30. observed and asked all parenUitJ tot tn tire wlUi k ic k .. . The- R rcRorlcrs a t the western gov'crnors driving It motor vehicle with defec­ vU lt school someUme during: Uieth Eugene Crow a n d .lh e Rev. W..W. a! i w , H S Gigantic Firms mintraU policy conference hert. | tive llghU. He was cited Fridny by week. MacArthur walking down BeeoSecond Tlie plane d e .r i n s J v H jnt. • Some SOQ deltsntc.i. Including six J a sheriff’s deputy one mile wesl of Mra, William Roemer. councluncil »Uwt west... . Canal company■ny car< ™oms where more I Tolman died Jan. 21. 1910. p j - govtrnors. f r o m western J alates, Building Sold,J Twin PalU on a country road. president, reported 8.727 hot lunchenchea cruising around block lookingJijf 1for were atUndlng . In ftdaillon to the son. M r. Tol­ Eyed in Meel C / l Soulh . DakoU and Alaska were in : were served at Blckel school in Octo3cto* parking place.. . Three Junioror hihigh Mhool wns lo c * i^ ^ « l^ B m an is survived by nnolher ton, / I Lletnse Lacking : pjjj (r»»». r>(« n»o S ntiendsoce. i x r 8.S39 a t Uncolfl school; 3JII8 3 JI school elrU walking hand-ln-han-hand of Kyongju, m l a a ^ ^ H Blon Tolman. Snlt Lftke Clly: lh r« " Changes Eyed F'nye Plerjanll, 3 0 Maurice street "w hat railroad president would dartlare governor* agreed th a t thc * t Memorial LuUienn school, and am to school.. . Woman wearingr Itrlarge te rl7 0 milej W 'dtkUKhUra, Mra. Loft Clftrk. San L\Jl^ main purpose of lhe conference was>s Tha Twin Fnlls Title and Tnisl■Uil norlh. was fined $5 and U costs 14.700 a t Uie Junior high and high hljl round dangling earrings. . . MoteMotor- The dead and I . . o K . Callt., Mrs. i n t i Wnldrom..rl. My no to th e largest shipper ovei to unite the weatern mining sUles;s companyci ha« applied for a clly per*«r* Monday In Twin FalU Justice court ,DS hU lints?" lat dodging two.horses wanderingring on »ere from 10 to ij i\ Losan, nnd Mrs. Ju n e DePaunl. .. behind a common long-range plann m mlt to remodel the fro n t of a build*lid* for operaUng a motor vehicle wlth- ______Kimberly ro a d .. . City . m anaj He said GM can tnltr any fltlc lanager ^ p i e ROK sir II) Sajj DltRo;. one itoler. Mra. Minnie . Uiai their congresjlonal delegaUonsIS it itig nt 210 Shoshone street north.rih. out a valid driver's llceiut. She was wearing bright red socks.. .. SmnllSm; faUlly-lnJured pilot .7 ? ^ H M Ifl’PUkctt. Nampa; 33 Rrnndchlldren,,[ld It choosts and become even m on M . cited Saturday wlUiln Twin FalU dominant. could push In congressr • FFormerly occupied by the P in t Fed* girl waving to her faUier.... ManM, Chang So and ssid I ' I ftnd tit Bfcat Krandchlldr^n. IJf Wlllbton explained lhat even with•h tiernl Savings an d Loan associationJon cliy llm lu by sU U police. Deadlock Occurs '(,d- "General Motors U entirely ick wearing green ahlrt and JeansU tn U’oU routine training nith- ! ■ ! [i WM preceded In death by three sons Ih t .-ilockplllng program, m osl mln-1- 01of Twin FalU. the building has been isy. big." Quinn said, " ll unwllilnRl; t i f f ting along Main avenue west.'e s t . . . ------! ' ' ^1 and ivo daughters. ‘‘2 rriiU nre'barely holding ihelr own■n b. bought by Uie T llle a n d Trtist eom- Bridge Planned In U.N.Balloting, & Woman parallel parking, car by ei •i' i ■' Funeral Kr\1ces wUl be conduct- threatens the very exUlence o .m . Magle Val>*r Duplicate bridge In the face of cheap foreign compe-e- p pnny for occupancy enrly In Decem- ridge UNITED NATIONS. N. Y.. Nov. ” . . . Cocker spaniel succetsfuSsT.F.giibNiB 'M-'-i f,i ed at 2 p.m. Thursday nl lhe LDS___ cDuntleas good companies ami evenr , ” tlU oni:H t:cllcd^O D trrf‘n<»;ifi''feuryT bcr.-OQat-nf-remodellng-tha-buUd-ild- Club win m eet a t 1:15 pm . W ednts-^ Uft-The-Unltrtl MtUoia^cncral as ■t| I ' latemaclB by BUhop Melvin Van- 7unHy-cur“own“JTTe-An3encan-Jn — iljiy-BrUir'AnjrncBn-Lejion auxiii* *rhbJy'srwri-reconJ-3i-iMJ)ou-tci I sUtutlons." iia exceptions which were doing well,II. tring Is estim ated aC ovcrhe^f?«^fcK^lng^orljw : : f- N ^ . cancliidlns rites will be htld .Application to InsU ll a new frontont '“Y room lor the flnt monthly mas- day postponed for two week# th bank clock shorUy5^ aft ^how Cci^B n t ^ Q ulnn also charged Uiat hetra- ve* ter point |ame,-Butamueat-gaxnc* ■ In Bunsel Memorlnl pnrlc. on a reU ll store a t 451 Main ave* dHTdhxked » «ur|ty council eUcUoi flobn, with, chimes b e artn i.n o0 r « A commlllee bi ll‘ <' L may call at WhlU m ortuary Wed-. paper and magatlne editors do no H. will be held the second Wednesday belween th e U. B.-backed Philip rangementsfortheikii^H protest -the eviU of giantism" be mie easl has been filed by J. H. ' '" ’P* tion to time. ,j. ^ I d nesday and unlll I p. m. ^ lu rsd sy . £ H i g h e r l a i - i f f s BlASlus. S E stlm aud cost of tiie con-oa- of' every monlh. pines and Yugoslavia. which Uie Tu-m P a i U b ^ H . causa "they must be consUntly care T he assembly cast nine balloU thl wUl sponsor Nov. ^ * ful to see th a t noUilng ln theli structlon work Is $1,000. Jny DavU has npplled for a per-« r- 'Special Event Set m om lng but failed, J« • break Ui Tuesday at the club'iiZ^H ii X hafprEitrtered= papers offends any giant advertiser.' irl- The Twin PalU Klwanls club wlU Case Filed Over . ]y meeUng, Three Quinn's proposal lor a higher ui Asked to Help) , mil to build a 14- by 24-fool pri­ deadlock. vate garnge a t lOOl Poplar avenue,lUe. holdI lU annual Farmer’s day pro­P” >- However. U. S. Ambassador Henr: ^ e ^ o w will b e h e ld te ^ H I f In Embezzlement/tils corporations would re gram starting at-12:l0 p.m. Thure-lUf*' Cabot Lodge. Jr.. spesklng in favol'.S Stored Propert Qulro a change in present Ux laws ' E.nllmaled cost Ls *1,000. 1 at the Junior hiBh Hnrvle Klnchcloe has requestedd a day< a l th e Legion hall. Awards will^'lll of Uie postponement, told the! asas- Court action involving possesslo H 11 Mrs, DottU Wells. Buhl. U- 1been asked U) bring a farmer friendlend mnde It advisable to suspend thiUie Tuesday. chairman: Maj. erty ' mated cost of *500. 1as a guest. voting. Victor Miller filed suit forr IISI,|1! Ucket chnlrman; called for higher tariffs ais Uie solu- The ninth ballot today—the 2ls2lst plus costs, against Leonard Jacob, Jacc office chnlrman, am i,„ Woman Arrested tion lo m ost of the mining Industry's Tax U en Filed IU ken—saw both Uit Philippine lUj.jalbtr-than.toJ'sptnd ourselves i pines BdmlnUUator of the eeUte of! OscarOsc chief of ushen. - -Afederai.tax-lieaJar-WllhholdlnBding with1 30.vot« and.YujoslatlAjiJtlL?'tlL27 .u& dau..w hadled.lastA us.a3.'Jdlll.'J>Uller — InlUaLcd-into-Uii I VQ rich” wfUi sroi-emment subjldlta. “ Airliner Makes -I On Theft Charge u x e s wns filed Tuesday wIch the fI a r from t/ie ta-o-Uilrds mslorlliority „i(j ts due him for stora,itorage Keep wns Arthur O O G D m o, Nov.'6-Glennrose Al-Al. Lee’S remarks, made nl lhe open- Iff Tvk'ln FalU county recorder’s office[flee rneeded for eltcUon. of four crates and a mink owned owrn slides of the Dig >un- of the wesiern govem on mln-;■ Forced Landing' )ulh ------len, Wendell, was arrested In Moun. in ROSWELL. N. M „ Nov. 8 (fl-AJ ? !agnlnsl Frank S. Cavender. Soulh by Undau. Hie crates and trunk trui tlve area wcre I ■'! unued .lhe matler Ior 10 days on' tain Home Mondvy night on1 ft> eral policies conference, came In , " Park grocery. Twin PalU, amouniing ' ------were stored on MUler’a proper-operty Kelker. ' ' request of h tr atlorney, K. N. Jewell, im- Sharp eontrast to those of Cnllfomlala "contract airliner- en route from — ’ charga of srand larceny and return. Seattle to W alker air force base here 'lo M84.00, The lien sUtes Cavenderiidcr January’s « Draft— from Jan, 1. 10«, to Aug. 21,i, 1SS5.IBI ------I ' l The complalnl agalnsi M rs. Wells .rirf Oov. Ooodwin J, Knight, Knight b1 ed to Ooodlng by Deputy Sherlfi .J forcedf landing today on the snow- oives ‘ the ts* for the quarters endJns inn complaint says MHJer ’sr i j was sipied by Mrs. Mary Vance, Bill Bunn. earlier had aaked lhe western sutes Marcli 31 and June 30, 1955. lU U LIndftu agreed on a charge of ; f e ^fThe complaint « ll« e * M rs, WelU, covered plnlns 22 m ilts northwest ‘ Call set at 8,OOC V",; . Festival s B ^ A Miss Allen, charged with idrallmling ta get behind a long-rnnge pUn of -'The ft month lor storage, Bfl'while actlnj aa agent and uusue 20 government support for Uie mining of ''' here. ' ' W ASinNOTON. Nov. 8 flfl—'Thl BOISE. Nov. I turkeys n e ar Wendell on Sept. 20 The plane, which carried a crew *Leaiue Meclloga Set ^defense department todny issueded as John C. Hepworth represenresenU nual fesUval of ihj l l J for Mra. Vance came Into posaesilon waived preliminary hearing wher•hen industry.. I , The League of.Women Voltn will “ - ■ of » a which w u lhe lawful property of five, made w hat a pilot called a , ' I d rn ft call for 8,000 men In Januaryjary. Miller. ' soclatlon of Idaho arraigned before Probale JudgiJdge -I fear th a t you In lhe mining In- meel Uils week. Unll 1 will m etl n l ° ot Mrs. Vanct. [■ "routine wheels up landing" after 8 !: p.m. Tuesday a l the home ol Mra. AH-will be assigned to the nrmy. Thursday Uirough n_j. James P. Gouelt Tuesday mom.om- diislry are In a 11111b deeper trouble j,,bolh engines quit Ju st miles short , Approximately . Mn. Wells was released cb lier Richard Shields. 103 Taylor sUcel. The navy, which sUrted to drafi i^Qd ing. Ball was set at |SOO and bone)ond than you seem to Ihlnk, or profess“ of the destination. j men Ihls monUi. will skip a drafii'S -Man Released expected to attend Tf-in waa not posted. She Is being heUheld to believe," Lee said. "'V'ou can nl-'■ There wtre no Injuries and only Unit J 2 will m eet al 0:30 a.m. Wed- gain Leoiinrd C. Russell, 22, Cnldwe!’^ e ll , Nampn. Cnidwell, ^ nesday at the home of Mn. James call In January and resume agalr Hoes ‘ft Jail pending district court ac- ac ways ask the government for a sub-I' minor damage to tho plane. ‘ I? 3 In Februnr)'. WAS released Tuesday from the• TwTwl 'h Idaho Fnlls. T»in Uoa and-U.to be brought.lo Twit''■'In aldy, but a t the aame tim e you must Skinner. 3Si Pierce sUeet. Unit 3 , lo FnlU counly Jail where hc hn.s bee will meet nl 8 p. m, THut. the number c! men draittc rlt,’ there unUl her appearance In courtmrt. to every other segment of American? JPasture Benefits » since lhe Korean war sUrted. • assaiilt-wlUi a Headly wrapon.n. . i •jlr. Lucille Anstlne. T*.-lh Falls, pre.pre- business. Industry’ and agriculture," Blue Lakes boulevard. An'liivestlgallon remov-jd all bas January will be the second month I1 UkebnsU l.UKKtCTI01(^Bnr n D D c r r iM ^ K ' . Magic Valley M emorial vlously arrested on a similar chargeirge. .,jj going 10 support the resl in a JOW lhal lhe army has drafted for charges. A l5-y"B...... ------autnd-ourselvcsj-lcli.'.:______.T. „ S HomeinPanama • (wo days M a malerlol witness.an . .1 Mary ArchulelU, Mrs. naymend - and-water los.ien, Improvo-MiUUuc* - -Taiks Continiie-)— then-released-to-lhe-OHstody-of.hc The Utah governor called for ann turen; and Increase crop production,on PANAMA. Nov. 8 HB-Ousted Ar- faUier In S alt Lake Clly. 5:£. iii412-SecoM l l i J 1 Helvty. Mrs. William W eaver, TS ni- Blaze Is Burning hn genllne DicUUir Juan D. Peron to-to . •- WALLACE, Nov. 8 Cft-Unlon and i| ! R man Orlmm. Harriet Hoag and Increase lh tariffs "high enough lowhen lh e pasture is plowed, John g fkTi fully protect nil segmenU of■' Schwendlmnn. Amer- S( a plnnt malerlaUaU dayd began looking for a small home,[ne nm nnagem ent offlclaU today begnn>8"n n e e d c I t e d '” y I I. ! Ellubeth Ann Nesbitt, all Twin 1 In their 13lh day of federally auper- Ave. EoiHi i I I FalU; Steven KJrfcham. Mrs. Roes Regior lean Industry." jpeclaJUt, « MJd todny. hin Panam a so hc can setUa down In tl ptr- COLORADO SPRINGS. Nov.V. 8 cn( S r t VENTURA. Calif.. Nov. 8 «» -> Schwendlman. w ith the soil con-in- eexile and finuh wrIUng hU lifellfe vvised negotlallops lo end a iwo-:wo- —studies made of the needs of u ffl I f i :* P ralhir and Ann-CotHBrtae Wataon, iee alUcked a slnlemenl of Sec- monlh-lod atrlke In Uie norUi Idaho I t All Buhf; Mr*. Lonnie Freeman. wlnddrlven brush and Umber S flri re u r y of the Interior Douglas Me-.. servatlon»e service a l Pullman. Wash..lh.. 1Slory. , " l“ho menUlly 111 In the ll westem sUU Metol CkK waa raclnir' toward the coast neaiitar jjjy Jt necessary for the,e spoke*P n l the University of Idaho'so's Peron paslponed for "buslnc.Mic.ss nmonUi-old ilrlke and union securityi';‘ty are said by Uie survey's director t I I 1 Wendell. Mrs. Edward Kerbs. Burley. he '‘■ere still the Iwo big atumblin* , J W and Mia. Charles -WaUrbury, Falr-M r Point Mugu early loday, flremcr XJ. 8. govemmenl to buy certainn dalrj’-Ilvestock<*' eh o rl course. rreasons- a short courtesj visli he « 'lU^ show the region should have an ad •gUi' U id, alter burning about I.OOO acru Hc said a good pasture U 60 per)cr hhad plaimed today to Nicaragua, hishlg blocks.b dIUonal-1.045-T>sychlau-Uifl cosUnSS and eounuies, Jefl Federal Mediator LouU Zlman ^ DISMISSED [»n‘ and endangering 200 homes anc ^ cent grass and <0 p er cenl legumes.es, 0orlslnal desUnaUon when h# Jefl man about 110.450,000, . ’ n n c h es. Including Uiose ot H o,llyv llr "We buy these minerals, build He .. said many Improved grasses andnd FParaguay. said the talks would probably con­ M n. John W illiams and daughter, A r. machinery wlUi them, and thert'glve ,, tinue for several more dnys, Some ; ' I , , . Mrs. AiBlln Pelden, M n. Mllllcent wood sUrs Alan Udd and Eva Ar< , legumes, developed specifically forfor ------t den. th e machinery back to the samr; for-' dry land p.-islure u.se In this region, 000 workers have been Idled by the _ _ _ li ; i I i- nngfwnn H u rl Holloway. l.on King, rom «'6n countries," Lee Said. "Foreign walkout ot the Inlemallonal Union iCenneih Wrlghi,B More than 200 flrt fighters frorr ” are available. " Gets Probation « lion J W f < I 11’ le ts Ventura, La^ Angelta and SanUinU Bid la not helping people of foreign of Mine. Mill and Smeller W orkerskera /7 & M . LEARN TO FuB? ^ I ! • MlehaelTaylor.Marll8lClnaey,Mr8. POCATELLO. .Nov. 8 W -C on-on- nenln.slti\ Uie so-called "IB operators" Ivan Johnson, ArUiur Emberton 'asd to Barbara counties were fighting the countries. It >i subsJdJsJiig poJlUcal j- /i I THE ORGjUV flam ts. ptrU es, some of which are undeslr- r victed kidnaper Ellck T. Booker. 36, 01of the Coeur d’Alene mining dU- I •I , Hany PUher. all T i ’ln FalU; BUven • Program Planned wns ; freed on five yenrs probntlonlon tttrlct. ' K lruam and Larry NOTBk. boU) nble nnd nl variance wlUi Amerlcnn I FOR JUST^ItW' principles. loday afler Bannock Dl.strlcl Judgedge —------B uhl and :Mra. O eorfa Hulbert, To Benefit Parks;John A. Carvrr dismissed charges , I • Oootf^m. - • • y i I ' Ask About Our S' Rites Planned . Nov. 8 ifl — nnf *^sault wllh Inlenl to commits; _ A I structlon Plin-ftr-Ncsfl^W^ ■ , BIRTHS —80I8E.-Novra-lH^oI.-WiIIihm ■ Oraiid'TcWirn&tionArpAric tn Wy- rr .}J!...l-;._Sona..«ere bom Unnday to Mr. '• 5 Bumblebees Live^ 2; y- murder.------I OrBBn'Iumishrdforjwl^*^ Bacon, commanding officer of oming would be a model In a 10-®* • Ytslerdar.Ptderal Judge Chase A. I and practice , end Mn. Dou«las Egbert. Tw in Falls, Mountain Hom* air force base, will yenr program proposed lo lakt carc p and Mr. and Mr*. Jam es Richardson, SClark plnced Booker on probation Sts. b« principal spenker at a Vdernns™ In Frozen North ot more visitors to the national ^ i Kayler Lodge Nu.'94 J DAVE LEE, la s ln d t^ H ; — auM...... on lhe grounds he hnd a good me. dny program ai the sutehouse Fri­ BARROW. Aln.'kn, (W — It. may pny parks. • chance . of rehabilitating himself.' day. come as a surprise to mnny ptrsoav1, 'Tlie progriun. called "mLviInn j, ^ A.F. & A.M. Booker was convicted lasl monlh byjby MASONIC TEMri,E SL Benedict’s, Jerom efrs. Thfl, Olenn* Ferry pai6 ot the b u t th tl farthere.it-norCh community(• fS." fS. 1.1 ricjiffncd tA e/julp thr iiark.i ,, rar m nin uin stnh i lo nccnmmodale 80 mtlllon visitors„ the, third federal court Jury to hear ■ IM '. VUIUnff hours a t BL B«iaedlet‘aI a VeUrans of Portlgn Wars will pro-iro- under Uit Unlled Suits flag bonsuI lo [f his ense. 11 I SI lli'! 3 ta 4 ,MOd rIrs, Uj vIdB a firing squad, which will firetire of bumbltbte.v anannually by lOGC, Uie SOlh annl- Membera ef Kayler Lodge three volleys. Maj. Gen. John E. Ye.1. there nre bees a t Barrow, de-. versaryvei of the nntlonni p.irk r.en'lce. . __w lll make vlaluUcin to Eden - v x Main Easl IH, ADMITTED - WaUh, IdaJjo-adJuUat-seacraUwlUKlU spu* lhe l:c.nnd snow, claie profe«or of enlomolo-. litsUt in the nnUonal parks now will A petition for leltert of admin- 7 I HELE.VS S i L n v . 1 . 3;i_ctte.HtlM-aad-.Mii...C*lvla_CJirlc. 1.VC0RP0EATE8 gy At Purdue university, cnme to the; t.iket*''" care ot 25 m illion visitors each’} l-itmiion was filed Monday In pro- N*r»tn A. Wikk a I. wmitui year. Tlio pnrks will ImV#' aboul W. ft!. RKTfft«r7 ^ j RECOIID SHOP ^M tlSICCtNlK Q I fill both Jerome; Calvin Page, U ld Mrs.23 _B01BE..No.v..J.i,^wATtlclf3.of_JniJm AlCtlC Re?t.irch l-->ljnrnlori’^ r r c to yef " balc_courl.ln_thf_f#tnie of jnhn!hn! _Ph.». _ ____ m n i.j ji IIIRJ' ' Clyde Morgan,'Twln'ftitti. ' f“* corporation were Usued Uxlay lo flludy 'the bumDlebees of the Arctic M-mlllipn-Yi.^ltor3nhla-yrar. MJ ~ Q I *10 B«t*nim HI , DISMISSED _ Clnyton Dyer who died Nov. 6.' Jerome Produce company. Inc. of slope. I Judge Everrit Swceley s tl time forifori*------.- ______; ...... Scolt Johnson. Mackay. -mnd Mrs. Jerome. Incorporated for S2S.000 •by by "People alwnyj nppear aurpristd fl I hearing a t 10 a. m. Monday, Nov. 21. . Veral stlmpson and aon, iShoshone.«■ Craig K. W alters nnd Gordon 'Wal­al- when I mention ihtrt are bets al ■ ^rJl.i BIRTHS lers, both. Jerom t, and Lloyd M M. . Barrow." h t said. ‘'A, a matler ot Real and personni properly listeded A ion was born'to'Afr.'nnd Mrs. V/est, Los AngelH. fact. Robtrt E. Ptary even.found / by the pclltlnner should nol t;!ceeded ' Roderick Ovtrfleld. Mackay. andr * a . ______•______bumblebees near Uie north coast ol '■ HO.OOO. Only h rlr listed was the pe-)C- ^ daughler'was bom to Mr. »nd Mrs, G reenland a t nboul 80 degrees laU- / tllloner. John C, Dyer. Jr, Attorneyiey , ,jj , Calvin Clark, Jerome.- Magic Valley lude. Not only thnt, but bees were K .tor Dyer U Enrl Wnlker. Twin I reported a l Barrow back In 1B80." / I Fnlls, — Kup^rt G eneral F u n e ra ls ADMITTED 30 I- I FURNACE _ M n. Norman Van De V enler and GOGDINO—Funeral services forq M a n Cannot Win 5 jt ^REPAIR & CLEANINa ~ ^Trs.‘^an6 Barflw.-botti-RupCTtrand Mrs. Bertha May Fields will be held I N Cftx icc e TI Abram Smith, 6a<7amenlo. Calif. r, at I0;30 ajn. Thursday al the MeUi- BettingWithWife * DISMISSED s. odUt church with the Rev. Martln-n- MEMPHIS, Tenn. d P - It was iht I PHONE 3151 or 3504 ' Moil wnmen cnuld u m vlUmlnR In observoniince of ^ tero n s Day this week f Wrj,'OeVon Dockswder a n d Mrs.y, dale Woods officiating. Concludingng ase-oUl b nlllt of wit* over who ' Ill BUS COWHAM SEjfVICE ! Dc " f ’ Belle Wall, bolh Rupert. I- rites will be htld at 3;30 p m . ftt a t should wnsh ill.Mie.t. ^lhal niiuld build up Ihelr satei I BIRTHS 1* Boise. Friends may call a l thelie College studeni M nrlln Liter, ,retl«tanee. i |_ A son WAS born to Mr. and'Mr*. Tliompson chapel from Tuesday»y Greenwood,i Miss., was pracilclng Nonnan Van De Venter, Rupert. evening lo Ume of services. putting n golf ball on his living room J. _____ floor ulirn liH wife, G erltnt. said' Gooding M em orial TWIN PALLS - Funeral servicescs i h e should wnah dlshts. i TWIN4 FALLS SI>T0RES|| ii ! . ViMtlns houn a t G oodlnc Countyfor Judson L Tolmnn will be con­1- M artin, who classes himself ns a jl ducted nl 2 p. m. Thursday at thele pretty| fair golfer, chnllenged Ger» R e m e m b e r .. LDS tnbcrnade by BUiiop. Melirjn. j . Van Noy. Concluding rites will be>t ,would wnsh. I . Mfmotlal hospital are from 3 to 4:30 held I* a t S u iw t Mtmorlal park.k- Losing the flrsl cnntr.st, Martin i • and 7 to 8:30 pjn.Frlend.1 may call at While mortuary ,m a d t a second b tl for atncklns. He ~ ~ O D R~REW J l/VfLL^LOS« E ~ f ^ 4 ADMITTED Wrdne.idnyJ, and unUl I p. m. T hurs-'* alacktd., too. -1 ;• Artimr Downs and Dnvfd Palmer, a t lifltli Wcndtll: Mrs. Lee phlpps. o ( F.itrllclil, and Mn. A rthur Hobdey,,, d RUPERT—F\ineral services for A.L AlitorCollicie — P-HONi-NNyU&ER — ‘ i . Andrew Anderion. Mrs. DonaJd Ma-M I. rl CuIlty win be held a t 3 p. m. I ----FMi[DAYrNQ> ‘J'WerinpsdarTit-lhr-Prlmltlvr-BnpttJit!: -_A_1953 J>oil£e_drlven-biL£lii!tlC5. fl; I Mn, Mrs. Van Prattler. Dean Good* B W. AlbcriAon, M30 EUevcnUi avenue il f liiK «nrt Martin Lec. all Gooding. church T With the Rev, D. L, G riffin. ' Ali>uqurr<]ur, N. M. olllclntlng. T he■ east, J and a 19U Plymoulh clriven ------— IS NCJ O W ■ ------V L niRTH.S • by Jn n lrt \y . SU aiell, 277 Quincy ^ , A T.J1 ijotii In Mr. and Mrs.W y « (II be .wnt to Sprlngerlon. II/,. ^ onvenience ■ . Lrp riilppt, faiilirld.Ior conciuains Mrvlcti, '’ * alreel. c (U ^ l al 8:30 a.m. Tuesday but-, fo r' your J shopping con ------—------J3 jieaf_. ili r ^ le r ie c t lo n —of. Locust. .. . ^ '—• fo fl ,„ f',U f!;n T -F u n tra l services forP stre“ et and Addison nvenue tiisl. , Cottasc. Hurlev C KiMirr MU be held nt 2 p.m. Damage to Ihe Dodue w;u fjt|. 2 0 ’•^r' • .iinrirrrD ^■nu;rMl.iy J;' at th r Goodman chapeli m" atetl nl *100 and to the I'lymnulh 172 Uniii ntrKeiicr. O.ikley. nnd Ru*- , WUII thr Rrv, Wendell L, Coe, pas-. ^ as minor. Neither ' vehicle had n .______tell Holloliin. Hc'tJiirii nr llir .MciIiriIlh church, offl-• ” Safety Volunteer flicker, WIULL STAY O3PEN I . j- IHSMISSKI) , .>1:111111:, ^ Coiu-Uiriini: riicj will be held [■Jl Sitliify Ur:.on. Burley, nnd Mrs. n RivrrMdr rrnirtrry. Heyburn. ; ! ’» '! Reed Cirlislc, Seattle. \Vrsli ‘ *’* ^ ------n m n t s ------I h u h l -I Vlcc., for Hnr- N O T IC ^E A dauRliler bom lo Mr. imd : old „ lijdp lull hr contluilcd At 2 p.m. I ____Mrs. C. L^Slelntr. Biiikv^ nnfi 1 WtdlirMUy Ihr fitJi Methodist • ‘MnuMlorii loMr. uiid MiV. Dfuid ciiurcli ^ \Mih llir ttfv. Leonard Clnrlc Thora Clausen’s ■ Mabey. Oakley. offlcintine. rltr.^ will- ije T H iURSCday| conaucu-ii ai-m r church undrr the B ea u ty S alon I direction r,t Oliver Mnrs an Nipper, commander, nlticintinc. C L O S E D t The Jinpe at!uiui. bf unritr the ' ’ SmloB M.I ili- [direction of the Suhl luiional guard THUHS., FRI., SAT. . unit. ! • - ...... •• • : « 'I'. I I X ..... M ...... U 7. 0^ 1 -1 1 ...... J’ S'* .'’1 w i.n. A n ^;:,rz:------ch ...... - J i « -----.L-'-...... ’i ■'* ... ora.h.'..ii jn - dii

' ■ !r T, ca ' I ------.« I'l ■ Ins ‘ if . dU( St. u iu ii...... —

)AY ______---JIMBMES-KEWSr-TWIW-FATl^ , -r— “PAGE ^nSougilr™ ^€onlriIiiution Rcieceived in Muscul ular Dystrnpliy-EiiE iind------M o st-J ^ Jobs Lead counMl'lnT^rInterviews, sa .'Jo b ’r i i S H s Uu aeiiva iii« to t t l e d H m Season S.c.r«riiy Office’s ooDie Drops S |-jr c e m e n t H e r e The bald e^(le »gl< tl mott com n»aly|u ds i n -W eek f .™ icrmrnu nccounlfd for ^ -_jiielS3 ------Uio‘ m njor“ jKiii MIAMI. Nov. 8 'U'—Tlir most de- Ihrough the■ T>i;mTu. r t i u eniployment Is mo»l abundant. gtt r 5 S alnicUve hurricailurricane yrsr in modem security «Kcney•ney bfflcr'during Ocw- ■'•A time offllcally clc ling to Ronnld Culler, O behind a blnck oillce mnnngcr. 2 , St lhe ^ 1.578 lives loJlIwl andail i>fo[>niy (Inmage 13i94I plplucemniLi in TM, in « V f fc i of two and1 one-1one-half billinn dollars. county•• during dui Uir month. iJ,. g E MAKE . H __ome In ■ »ui<- . . Prom Julyuly 31 when Ilufrlcnne irm placrmcilL' nnd 6W 5 W t commlUte here ., ■ » Jtm pl.'crniniU. Farm g WOOD 8fi| L S , i i a in . «>■» 01 • v l i i i s Brenda llll the so with winds. of s 85 v r ' , ' ; “ "’ i p l." n ? . u iiicludrcl me. joli< iirld by 5 t " l > A “S t -fT*M ------'1 irkrrs nnd «hnol stu- 5 I" K A g i f .dvice ern f*nn price Sepl. 28 wheni„n J..C Ji . .toi“ :,riS Tampico. Mexlc< UMES I I twlstem wreaked H nnn-lnrm placemenUi. O KMTlns* thK we«k were S I piTfr.-.Mcmai pfljitioiw g L arp e '^tt stock S t of Mold. |H «nd .-lKurKl«y : 2t nv,. ,i;.joo.o(» for 3(1; im.il(illrd, IBV O • „ i nr and Saiurdtr a( sei^ll-^kllIfll »wl *ill'.ra. 4f,; per.wnnl M n MnRic Valloy S Q irlous of the 'V .isonal service. M. sn ^ and d.iy and casual g 63 PATTERNSP A ' gQ " t (MUce) .Monronry, D.. wind velociiv a .n Hurrl- workfrs, 290. t which ripiird through New job applltppllcniioiw rrceivrd d u r-jg ,^utr*tJon A iUK* ran and Mexicn w.u>\ iSo- ^nion't UexMt prite 3ur wliidj. jaiiPt nljo took. m mc h u -’completely for desUis »iiii upwards' O L U t , ker Studio I I imi. BLAZEE *COAL II M t U f niftdo >n W uh- rlcane. Duiiif, tj.libf(i the — ir> AddLtonE. |u | illsr hufru.iiic.-- «as tlic W A D OUJ uKrted. "Itiai b ne dfjlniclive foice. Its T T MiRBERG'S IV : i „ >ci;o5.i From ;d homes and indii.Mry in PHOPHO.VE :«68 V Mcciicalical A rtj Bldir- ' g | l l of uHcullure to Unmedl* prcsruttu ImlUoc ■ ■ — ^ — 3 ■.VXXVi.-VVCOO r,](cllne andi retaining ^forUrm(unllle4,"the

!^i'i.ofk:at)le(armpro- „ tti only puiltudet »nd b^-TUuridmlalatntlotii

L f l lhe commillee hU „Kenm vhleh Includrd t IM Dfr cent of the "Uir iJliy level on 111 rsnn M rt. ch»ritia rlei lU r. Twla FaUi. make* lhe fin first eontrlbullon to iht flrc deparloienlenl in^mb'eri a n dlm^ tiro doui - -IW* would b« 10 per *nnu»l wnnacular aK drstropbf load drlre *hUh\ m will e n d htTt Sot. :s. lalnetN ihroujhoi damage a day. in DlrecUon of L. Z. BarlleH, ritht. 1 {hout llie cllx. neeelTlnr Mrs. Rsy'i cont I the eelllns provided In Under (ba * I. Twin t.lU tire rl.lef, Itopp, .u U U n l t(Ire ehler, (Slaff pbolo-eniravinO atrtUon-* W-00 per cent —------Mnal furious alorms" In wind ' ■ Electioiion Is Slated Boise cane Jnnet whli e Man Is Nuclearr Physicist1 Check Cc the Caribbean an S i r mlle-an-hour wli an; Seeks For GrazingG Unit iv ilk in Idaho Uie record for df ■V T T rri BURLEY.y. ^Nov. a—Four memberg Chief of of "00 yictlmi. cttd lo \h e advisory boariJ _ No,. . HWDr. R«lph ™ Bul Hurricane, n .r pl,y.lc].t .Iw l,d f e l Keep U.S. vln Falls smzlnfi district I o n '‘billion dollir h 10 a t Burley. Members V 4U I J group to bolh A bomb ° num ber one dfj Tn» .#rf-explrinr'«re-J, 'incerStiidyiM™ ' floods razed hom irdshipJjiasSSSiwe!!. Mftlftd. caUle tcpre- Nov. 8—Directors of tht University cf Ida a levrn-slale nre DeVcre Tovey. Malad. ■iMon. Amcrlc.Tn Cnncrr I-iPP. » velrrn resenuUve, both ttlilrki J°<'ltl3'- haveve ,narncrf Philip A; Duf- r.'y rxpedltloni I Herachel Bedlce. Oakic)-, Bolv.•. ninrc president. currently dlrccloicclor of tiir nuclenr inatliuUon. The t esenlnllvc. dUUlct iwo. rd tIs composea 4 nt Uie White mortuary awnrd uiu mndeinni by Mrs. without funds In the ? Snirant,!trtlifncv-TJUrt'A.Towell. numr-Sfmile:-leT'state 'Cominoniler'nmr _ . _ s bound over u> distric t ______^ ^ HtreJor_Uit_coiifexcncc. stiM none-M-M ei c u io a u fc h u rth ro lfi- •nuilon/irbonrtlinrtl”meiiiber. ate Itld county eovcto- Bhe snld,, "Idaho's ••!< contribution is f ^ n f l dly gave Joe Ollavarrla idHej!ile.v Tribes from Ills ,Ostrom Babcock wa.i nol conllnfd-d tlo lLs-ou-n borders but W l i I f 1 drawn on Uie Fidelity '• ‘ lhe ,u w were repre- i ofKAliIit: " Is nntion-ttlticIdc nnd m ny uell become Imk W I k of Twin FalLi, while Pnllbenrera:rs were Sanford Con- world-wide.. IdahoId lina nlso given us an account wllh the wter. atei dlceclor from ncH. 'WHllnmnm Connell. LSoyd NVH- iwo lllms. -BreB reasi Self-ExnminnUon’. rhe eourl ordered King Dtt. ofllce of the burenu joj, w iltlamim INeu. Theodore Braun mnd •Uvlng IniInsurance’ and n naUon- N O VVEMBER E \ m A>unly Jail on his failure Mid Uie purpose ^nd Jack liarnamsey. Honorary pall- al president.t. Dr.I Airred M. Popm#.| . ' , )0nd. ttUns is "to brinji the besrcm ^ crcte RussellT Wilson nnd J. whose Influencicnce and leadership has' O rh fC»o20th . WJ ) the economic, political l . cont\c«.. ftlSfttS Shoshone. been InvftlunblinWc during recent ^ n rs ' Its has 1.808 miles of pjtiertu of lhe com- concludlning riles were held In in itrenflfienficnlng the democratic d ki S u n u l Memor.morial park. leadenhlp of I the volunteers In our M. NIGHTLY C E R l Uitm ‘'keep Ihelr old ------society," Exccptpl SSalurdoy a B IV 1 tit old Imdltlons," FoUec ^me mtcUnR Dr. Popma' rfl no renson why the >>0111311m in Burley I paid tribute* to the Iflte Leo J. Falk' R£V . EARL u etn’t be brought to- • • ,RLSHAEFFER ° t ',d ° t ls i o r’Oled and unUrlng work" Fvnm■onscliit „p„i„ imedbyDeathrriK10 years lie served ns ‘ ’^*’"5 rlUcl/cd ‘'tourLM w nll- [ the Jdnho division-Cer- .,.£ ... ■ sure to-coll u •hleh loolt.i on Indlnns DURLEY,'.NOV. N( 8 - M r s . Leonara service fro m the nntionnl SpeciOl M uusic S to n e s 5, „ | „ , ___ a plfcM.“ He unlcl "weVe TliCnipson. G7. ^ ‘ "ty“ r his h.s work were presenled for ChC h ild re n ...... - ...... , ftl ih>i^*tuff," ______noon nV h erT lit hom e here. - t o Mrs. Falk, . ------:------Mrs.-Thompa.mpaonwiw bom al-Almr, “ Oilier'ciicmbimbetrof'lhe’boTtd In-; ^ 0. 1688. and was married ^ude Dr. Haroarold P. Molslnger, Wen-i . F I f S r C lunist Party rval iliomliompson on Feb. C. 1911. g Church 2i3 5»hA A. T crhuna, Durley, nndl - - ^ nn LDS temple. He died j,„ ry Elcock, T w in Fnlls. L.| O r t r a n .w ^ 1 as Danger in NovemS:r, 1BS3.11 She wasn coun- j pjierjon , strsuite health director, is; _ . God ; .■ !■ ■ ■ J ■ 1 I secreUiry of Uie lUllet „ member ofjf thetl executive commit-: ■*^0 Quincy«ley. Twin Falli | mK. Kov. « ^ .-R o b e rt a "wember ot the Daogh- Popma la ndvlser to Uiej I pioneers. j„„rd. I'T ll t dnnscr Us th e .> ^ : are • two sons, clnren t«* bui.-h«-*Ull-.u'ould ^Rivera. Cnllf., and Lyle isanlil a Job, TnompsonrSOiSOUUi Gate. Calif, and lers. Mrs. Mildred Hale, Nev.. nnd Mrs. Mary F. mUnglon a tr force base. / > t ^ SPECIAL wa I ft'n.1 In a position caiif ______1 —------services are pendlnc all ,V ;’ lhe Mccullocli-och-Burley funeral Home. m iviC E^ lew -lllon.ilollar fu^d ]\ ------§ PURCHA$ l^y the American DRIV■RI\TR FINED '..1-1 chonces with (uvlne 11 cfliied JEROME.. Nc Nov. a—Probata Judsel ' ‘l ' l :•“ . T fu"d wna also Tlicron Wnrdnrd Mondny fined Pauli j v l ■ /ision set. When :', T P"V- S. PcaU. Jerorleromc. t l wwt W cor.U;l 1-. ire needed, be •r 'O '™ " In It chnrce:e ol of d rlv in i'o n iin e;^-i ' : . r ; all us for expert, I » «udvm'i'‘r r “ L 'H’lvlnsig 11 license. . V w/ashoble d WOOLce. . I Vernioiil, hwhM 8G2 miles ot rnllrofld. M - •; ehut • A.sHorlcd colon am]';stylcs"in • S [VRES]i l l ' ^ * chocks— pinin.s—slinrkskins—lh A .n re . S o u th plain flannels vith Floating AcVction Coils—to} givej ■ Of Com pleteE I I • All B i niiii Gfl inchc.i wulo . • Wool nn(i orlon blends to mak( you healthierr rest than ever! launcicrinff cnayl I Simmoni new woy of assemblingI BeBeautyrojt Tbrings h fl 19% Improvomenf; makes!S cccoils com- y Iih I pUlely-free'bollflejMind-boHomrnTtMIrtfrocjTteve. ------I EAS' -Volues-to~3;98— m«[it ^ is called f,A.C.-Floaling AcHo(CHon Coils. !iw«p^ ijj—i ASE! ■ . Each part of your body g e h its ownown proper [I SERVICE tupporf,~you gel bolh HrmnejsAndid CComfort. I'oti wonderfully relaxing jleep. ' ORDINARY MATWATTRBS " H )LENS B Coili wirtd liogfllh#r. »ogi ! ■ men sag. MH CALL^JSCr o rime fo retire your old mallress and, „ j 5 „ , h . NEW! SKIP ANDD PLAIN CHECK wiiiew,belter Beaufyrest.Come in for a Reit-Tesf.R<

;|iplci of standard ^ j f ^ GjIN G H A M nako ™ "'P'ctc stock-of.EAA S S Y P A R T S »r Extra-Firm modal ▼ r t ^ "l“'Pnic„t in M aeic Valley • BRIGIITUST KALI. t:OI,ORS Simmi i ' i • S A N K O R IZ E D . jr> IN C H K SiWIUE- W 89 ^ m 1 . 4 7 ------BM uryrctt Back Sovlng Foundotlcatlon $ 6 9 ^ 0 BIAUTYRIST MATTRIU MAI ------. . .ColU IndivWuo 'W uolly------' -. poclm*d,can'h ^ ■ Y ARD RVICE piEcJCE GO.ODS 1 1 PH Each MA\JATTRESSES . H c e■NTER n meEZZANINE2 ------. 2 suppo ___ :------• You fl t ^ v t s . LOW,)WER LEVEU.: . ' ■ iV I N FALLS < Time I new,b

■ ■ . *L - ^ CM< 1 C o r Ex ■ Ycr.f ■

N tw Bm i

P H O N E '• ■ ■ . 2750 l l ^ - . r . TIMES-NFWS. TWnVIN FAEM, IDAHO TUESDAY.NOVEM in ,!

E-R^-NA-T-imA-LpL ------r \ ^ 5-^JEEA EJEE.Q MlM NewJremLfo^orJasbion^ E Raise Man Wf 1 f . . . . 11,1.llan at K«K t. !>«:, «< <>'»I M* M.ha 'Hp'**, V V ' | " I " - P o T - _ m ~pP E G L E RI'S ^ A x o r.i- Ipul,*l.l.rf V u r .'4 SuM.» .1 ’'" '"find J iSu»#t WmU Twin llll. id»b*. i>r lh* rubii'»i»»‘"I' .1. R O M E -T his9 fAAt-movtni fll and travelllns delerallon . HOTEL PgrgRgBERO. KONIOB-tOB- Il u Xabulou* new publicity and . pro NEW VORK. Nov. 8 tJ ^ - D o « 3 Mm’cV’ “ im .* ’^ v s . mrmbrr*•rx nl tengeeu. buslneamen *nd new*- ' W IN7ZB. OermMar — TUI* hotel,lotel. ;P afanda JMJlidlor, lu em baules an^ fountain peo match the uphoJ* ------paper Mrrespondr.ndrnl.^ dn not believe th a t th e American j tS g O T S ^ S ” ^lurely ooe of Uie moal beuiU ful and mlnlstrtct,1 and-Ita unlveralty , ao of your new motor cm? U your late tilt vnlue a n d Im portance of UieM ' •<; lulunirlous in the world. Is thc BUlrBUlr .American BOldea ghetto and o t B a lur Iront Palnt on th* old t , u r t j 5 « ADVANC* P'OP'o »ppr«l»t< ,1------1— ------— ti\ • ***° derweer the same color a* your Ii -WsnilerfUl-JOS-Wll•wWclrourbuiine«-TepresenuUTei-Knat — * houiB-of-tiJB-BWuneaertl'iovern-lent- Qodnbetr;' ------—— ------ftoder? I rfporwri do for Uncle Sam tn theI ^ Ifl ler»l . . « ment. It U subeldUed by the lederal u,,. If not, perhapi you are fallingHlng be- AnoUier prch>a : foKisn field of pollUcs. diplomacy tA B T W A T ti trek*ury a* My renl 1* high for Europe bu; , hind In Uie race to b e fu h lonnable. n a l does trade In hli -■ and commerce. 'O-man have quite a repuUtionin pipuking pUce' far •even w llh the aUluiory IS per cen n i e la ttsl Up frDm Ow worUworld ol one, does the tnTANcE ■ forKeUt&K things done and Jack S. h' n?iV,TT;u* « /; r ■ Ttitf ti »rt extrem ely difficult col- foi 8. humin'"belniii of 1Io r Up*. It b DO more than Uieh co* ^ j hlsh style U th a t you ihould *hc him a inde-ln aiia^ N fl ,------SilBVcTiPTioN k T tw J . umn to wrlt<. A fter all. I am aI Newell,N« local a g e n ljo f the FBI, Is » Of two room* In any American hoU a r cARWEB-.rArAii.E in 2p.< gUMt of Trarw World airlines onI no iloueb. 2«.iiai.u--^ - —------:---c^--...- ••^•- I flclency' il«hC Into his pheaunt ^ please your auto- W tlifir plontcr XUght from California flc to Bonn OQ poUU- I 1robust Ups’are added on calch mobUe. or-at leaat n snd New Yortc to the heart of Eu-• huhuntln*. ceal. (UpIonuUo 1u -ca tch -c an basil. ______t i.w ■ ro[>r. ilQKever. our Industrle4 oper-• Take Monday nlghl, Juit for In- to conlonn to lU and financial bual- Color*.' Personally i don’t .i^ f l 9 | i ---- - »T MA|I^PAYjrDTE^~*nV' ■ aUns a r e n e u applies genernlly. sUnce. st« Jack wa* up on the roof ot “ ■ In fscl, a buslnc&vnan whom I[ hishi< houM dolne something cr olher.. ncM, all of whleh • cliln* Thi* coxy id e a new iwo-tone r s u n iii! ^ lH • while hU dof, an Irish seller, wu u freally can nber. originated In Uie \,T «r rnurt H iniy not quot«, aald lh a t U., S. sales- wl- H i riS!‘iL "S l“ = s running hither and thither after ‘J;lumped under tha ' l» th tVrtUe brain of ona wlUi a new car. It 1. II W cubll.M li. lh. • men and new spaper reporters were rui elsht Al Rubin w hlleH E B ^^B S.t. t4Abo M ^ . BAf T«4.r •■dnine It b eller Job liitn tbe jUte! belnybe: U«J up »U day. The poochet, f» ln t o l the*e U* I dashed u r o a s the road from thene u tiu . WlUi Uielr f l l K A W l 1 rains stuck In a trafflo H I Sf"A5tomo*’ depM-tmenl »ndid (oUi»r federal agencies." dij a lte r in New Jersey jr ..r; R K N I) WUtn I r*Uyra 1;;'r a • llf «u«ff tiere, they did not .agree »li iry did ndinll th a t our-IndusU lai andI a ]point. • >0Ions Irom HaJle Beiaase's mock- e rr. coal. oil. gasoline and lumbeii ' by from a resort. J fellows spend most part thU , When no one showed up wllh a* t> turtle Madtiro to that of the Ice- ]W hile plume* hurry along boUth e WhUe walUng for rnt.1 >rre extremely helpful. After all. ' room Uie long line of u»i n«yt« ■s a trap or two. u-,de foiiowi i\ie.tlie.ll>t and-U affecl«d by headlines, gunru to give him an assist, the dogog It Under* -wh<7-»re about to shove In. 1banks aa dozen* of itrlnga of Irelgh . tluflushed the pheasant, a niceromler.rr. T They are biondUh. I suppose, ai- cars1 and occaalonal passenger trifnthe cara to set untangled Rubin, a gl inform ality does ago manulaclurer. mulled over the p> , AUDIENCK WITH W rO P i^ E v e n the Pope, wlUi1 Tlie TIi rooster, anxlouj Jo change lo-0- 0 though they may be Eskimos for■b, all challengej Uie world again, day alte. |i INFORM AMTVTRK: 1 n spKliil and prlvat(( audience a t hliI cale'fncai fc hurry. apparenUy-pald too00 II know. « ilex- iday and night. ,>lher of Uimlng out aom ethlng i U .■dominate In •nee »i Cwtel O andolfo—ll I* s U ll^ n n y' littleUtl altcnU on to where he was go-0 - B ut wlUi th e UUee m d their regi- t the and different In driving glove*, fi IB The accent Is on Informixlliy ock- My bedroom w u occupied had b; denly the, Uiought cUahed In L shirts, slacks. ,ummery liv111 U belle lU lle—com m enU d on IhUI IngIns and too much atlenUon to rr menials on they all personify Ice- the jlu iie Belassie's son. who haa thi ~ &vlng, as we all know. For thc n sed Amrrlcnn bualneM m rn, nnd 11 wasI where wh he'd been. He smashed Intoto vi vanliy of Uielr “aUies." even the ( tigA/i niind! *" “ Readied 3 omtortable, low- f»ci. Hp pmi-'cd e In. tiUe of earl, and my sltUng rooointni "Why not match the glove* to Ik js all W the Kood, but thcre’.^ a obvloiu I h ll lielie hudI 111 mind th e closer human com-. thethi side of th e neighbor's housei ».arUflclal and momentary ephemera,. ai- ) wss h is. SltUng room, when th. a to Uie DENVER, Kor. | IliWe have to be on guard that inr which our airlines h a d esUbllshed In1 'The dog picked up the uncon-n- ji Just as th e Kaiser'used to. andir Uieall 1 Abysslnlan .1 were here a $ear U‘ age new putting trrtn it ! ■ houiie. Lots or J“"“'S o“'I a Anifrlcs and th e O rient. “tclous I pheasant and started homene qi overworked. worrle Holiness aince he vUlted W ash-. wllhwl him . By Uili Ume, Newell wasu qqueen sUll doea. regi* bedroom1 on the olher aide of thi L ; These day* the casual note ■ rdJjifll rj»ceW, Usen aecreUry dI sU le- down do off the roof. He actepled the The Russian*, also, on *uch occa- 1 two haa been launched to key all eic c a n a r r a n g e J ts inKton m Cardu the parlor and the old man, himself,i>n4i hac nicer.______. w ^ ^ Thi* latest line ol auCo appan I’ll L'llheeled shoes, and so on. ioi..lJlaim.ll.M «. orj t le-1 n.«t lo * _ which go back Into the KremlinI Uie room. The Negus used-to-iU^U u Vashln;ion. Vauila wtien, at last, they are tea out ] 'fi p T I f s th e Bam e a ro u n d th e h | our KtnK »t Ww PUPS FOR KIDS DEPT. '' gllsh the hails In his pafami.'$Kb]ecl to.ni^ a l wardrobe IMnu ranging Irom ne pattern expands u i me dr.v:fii>.;rlt>r a few cf th e 'p rac tlc al, bread-nnd- ^ in pajamas and siippers at dawn to embarrassm j ent becailse th e BontInch t t u to wallet*, I l 1* sponsored>d bb) y ^ S .'I L :hc new houses feature larpc s wlilch lhe airlines and other InduAlrles! Dear Pot Shola: " Its Is the age of buiur smlcM wl ! We need to give away one fi-week- Bee B shot Ior treason. >cca- tovem| m ent had allolled hlffi tw( manuIacUiren and the-Pord1 MotorM< ‘o 'Atlthout plirtltlons. A family ca. he Amrrlcnn Innocent abrond: In the , to ♦ . • ^ ^ oul cf Uie hosplUl w V ® lr and the char: SSI'Jf.,, .-1^ % ; old puppy th a t should grow up to :rlng whoie floors and hU bodyguardi»bo company. Vtl,ivlng within thc area any w: V/K k lorelKn peraonnel—and this applies• be * stock dog. We lire twovo ^ I n thU hotel, Uie wesry. plaintivetion* stood1 senlry. u rers'of frrnt oTerseas alrltnea. auth as Pan " , Preiumably the manufacturer* — d -w U h -a c U v ltlp .t ,l Itiw lng cai^Uy • • to our oUifr i r and one-half miles soulh of lUger-r . 0Cham berlain aald “p?nce In our view WashingU>n In 1930 and 1S31 bu » U you have not already resd It, member*„ anythJnr about those laie- , It Co tomoblles pneUctlly anything < UGA l emcnts. The so- nighuighi on Uithe tloman fortun or a boat Irip on’ ...read Peter Edson'* comment! In f, I his v^enl back to Hamburg In dlsgti* 1 ■ lhe all-purpose vehicles, u.«d t la (ul personalities and episodes be- ibecsuse Amerlcsn waiters had U happen—and probably will. [ are another sign uu nllverr Seinerlne or Nile; P urtherm ore, 1 nm told byf T-Nt . Nov. 5. , Cl cause our people and the British had • i tustom-bullt products. Today M le r' T he average man n a tu ra lly doe:doesn’t 7, atrllne experutA lh»tI lliese fabulous voyages will be' The. m ost burdflnjome surplua In u ’“ k ijooiieg M aryland panther and al ‘ ] facturers offer them In sevc ‘a Uie hypocritical gall to proclaimlialn It , poison. Shorty ssid this madinear want .his new motor car to get an ki.kvwtm jroiciun^l In llie fconomic rea ch of lhe ordinaryt thli-counW_t<)diy^l«_L.»,u'^!‘«jk .®,1 0? a.crlme.lo.beUeve.lAJUlloniil.K>clnNa j l't mind onu^o^ B Tnodels. a-nd even thclr high p; ijlh * feu' year*—flro a t th e 'm a il. him a crim inal wlthoul any pro re- pfjt of appropriate returns for thi llte and rinr.i.tTY .v/no,v*tV^^H R FOuraglng buyers who want I other (or voles lo be paid lor out'of prlsq/i'ment p, and civic ant! profes- j the .U ralt-Jacket Am< •rlck‘* ure»t i rate- Anyway, he did no t w antlU inU fleaU red underwear If. th u s beco "fl ihclr transportation arrangcmi I t alrlinr.i provide for custom en. bn^ed‘ the U. 8. treasury. ' ,islonal-.;llsi]uall£icallDn (or declaring c van- Ing wedded to hi* car. I t really ma of the starched on perwnni MperlHice.Mp. although I muat em phuU e• .Thc arch enemy of good govern- g, be a criminal, •Jllcalled hardtop converllblc.t arc '*• auch-beller_.Our “denaslflcatlonhad * During the war. he wa* a aoMleicerai the car fee) better. Everybody llk t ibody sat In, and i t a * ut(wian, Just & reporter. ment and free enterprise Is the 5,courts" were heavily loaded wilh re- n gov- ride In a happy and contented ve , ,. bf the Informal approach, clilien who sells his vole for ape- tj in It servant a t an officen' mess neai firwlT~?fol}0dy-wJth-8ny-3enae:wanlihearse are gone ,,, n d b e rH g h ATARTED S O M E T IIIN G -T helr lo- 'j | r,: turned Oerm an communist refugees.Clnl; « 11^ «p^ak. aViyH.h Inat mrtn cle. ; cinl Irglslatfon which he Uilnks will Thry^ had a Ileld day. i t ao But what If hla Wife Insistsn u 1.He I f re r reverse this trend. Life ci c»l reprcMnUllYitllTcs In'aU th e world'a capitals—nnd' ^benefit hU special group. excited Jsbber. he walks mile* /oi er hair ''>«•. >‘iKin >h> » eiits »re very IntellliKM m en and worn- T he facl th n t HlUrr liked ifes- Uie t pleasure up and down the m ounlairt. feets II necessary lo dye her h ’ pnough without placing lt4n mthe c a n b e u s e d to their lo u i *Reni4 A. Fanner Dressenq and often hotrd ilp liiere fel. Colonial while and fiesta re d JustJusl ao rubikiiki M Itudos that come new itiluin hotel I n ^ U n b u I to Sobo ring on his dny off and saya he. wan- 1 / pf stiff formality, Thc days of in London or Parla. reapeetlvely, will1 . . . wwas held by some to Utlnl the mnn-lion gied|, hU soft louch a t th a t officer*o do ahe can merge her personalityy belterbet JSr."'io'’Vi«r Bgement with crlmlnnl nttnchment f 0 on '^'Ith the family autom obile? A nroan '1.1* •f.In.l lk .l.ln i.H ^ ^ H r ’ collar, the drawing room noboC or hflp In olher way* Amerlcnns in aI ..MATTER O f 8I7.E "I > re- meiu by eomplnlning th a t his gov. .a b le I n f o r m a lity toVngn lnnd.*i^^ Pots: r. ’urC- * red’halred tri/e. B u t e/»n•/in any/ i. ; not always well » minimum ofif dldlculty.d nnd they nUo enn arrnnRe. •This matter of lelUng don wan- «th a l thousand* of GermAns bowed rthe qunrtermasler's store, were ac ; iorcver. • h lo corrupt force Just as hordes of e the '’’an go on feeling rom anU c abouabout n full ■smlnit him. l e a t t i r e s o m e o f »*"« iiiey nrrI- close ci to governm ent offlclais, (or n !01 der de: around nimmnging through « Uie big Uint Uiey muulered his feel. IN wiTNr.s.Mviii;iiior.lk^fl ni : But‘'informality'’as a term c ounl On some purchn.^e.1 nnd n slmilnr• garbagega cans they have turned overtr c< contemptible front-runners Uirew In ii □ ey. red-and-whlte-hnlred wife? 1 wlthout..torB«- I>«re He is a genial. busUtng litUe fel- |l l tloak a lot of hablU and attltui nl, whrti you buy a . craiidehlld's dressI U.no u . good. And Ifl eQually.bnd.to10 w wtUi Roosevelt In our own counlo'.inn- n low. t|way!< thinking of thing* toIfler dc There also Is the question of ex-1 lhl. ltd i,r ol ■‘i‘.- r . b . j « ^ f l ;y W hoever refused to sniafliii to Hit- s and Pen-ie. Can the nvernge m an affia f f o r d ...... J- >1 'pretty close to being crude. ntat; clean, and nortnce. » wlfe'iwii black JeaUier bng nr mcn's Urs In1 perm pe it cats to come and go o Uiey nent for you, bul when 1 got fed up or ulton kid gloves a a d Shnllninr In Pnrl.v. pieifte.pli killing songbirds, diguing in;n ie ier wound up In Dachnu or a rea- i t),e to Junk Ills family'* enU re wardrobe ardn p„k,i N«r. i. • ^i. w W ^fl Rome, or 8-bulU h Ll goose Ilvrr, roast duek and part- ■►'d buy compiete new outfit* I ' The Jlne between acceptabl idberjli, who Is rrvered In we.^tern Eu-• garbageg t cans and so on. •. «aonable facsimile. c fit* for ------— ------se, squeezed some nnniiy, Undi« '“■ed rtrfge and wanted some frankfurt-f, Uiem erery time he buys a neww car?ea NdTirt: 10 C ltsn ^ ^ H hiB nd downright slopplncss Is no somrthlng—a aoclal. pollilcnl nnd ren-• There'*' no difference except a The lumlture In thc Petmber* t IH TIIK rnnntTK ro i-n ^ ^ B ostwar house. In s of ers, he tried to Ulk me oul of thc j ; Inalntalned these days In the t ;joft-«hen >i* Janded nl Le Bourgel fllr■ m«Mcrmi ot slr-e. Cnls aiw U / can'tl't I* Is all elUier beautiful antiques" orIn idrn. 1 ssid. afler ai! Uils wa* Oer- KAM.t CIIDNTT. n t n O ^ H wear. D nc-can be,casual0 vl llitle of It for Held In M»y. 1927.19: upupiet RarMge cans. eiexquisite reproductions. The chain’U^'* r many, bul Shorty argued lhat afleibut sehnaaps nnd on Bavarians becai You'd think people who wnnt petsts ai are covered In needtepolnl and this f :ame they drink beer, silmlnlilrilili I. lU ^ ‘ Jl'ng that-clothea should be o.s3easloDSnt; c ro w d _____ . — r - Hit- nl! Uils was also lha Ithlneland and 1 w6uld-thlnfc-nn>T«-of-them-than-lo10 is Is «ne o{-the-Iew -hoUU-ln-t:urope,rea- u the most luxurious holel In m thc ed - 'Ttm Ih f t.i»i-l on It took - I IJ pt least bearable to the eye. ) :et-thcm-wande«—wherevee-Oiey7 et or-the-Unlted-BUte*.-for-Uiat maU country. ( He hinted lhat sausageh ant w r 1^ Phr*r*y b l!i pi*rtfii f I I* Rising costs have, of course, I will. teter, whleh provides plenty of can-ber* « berr were socially Innpproprlale.w ith goons ouLilde and aeveral tim es : orderly. A home L im u TO THK STAR!\ ■ '’ of the apace out of; thc post^: N. O. rela d)diepower In the lighU without I re- nr t On lhe Rhine, wine wa* the : cor-me there and chatted, probably tryl Df o rd e r, o u ls ld e , one of Ui*e meal it appealing matters Ottnwa h.-is» (Twin rails) «aort » the electrician. Afler weeks \ to get a line on thlnga fro m th e lit ■countlCM. homes there's Wo 11 eara li the government's prote.^1 lA Wn.'li- • • . Jf laln rect Ihlng and almoet anything bul ,^3? c h a o s in a te e m - l|;I'■•>■ In cramped, gloomy qusriers, I hnvethis frnnkfurters. Plnally, Shorty cameden- waller as foreignen often do.. WWh hen Twin I'.iu. g r o w in g fM n llle ^ ..whose _po_Mi V. 8. ruling that will tnmb (he whoop- FAAtOIIK LAST LINR b< f.j a the parly Ilnnlly putted sUkes.;es. theI 'f'* cle, can only be- been spreading out In two big roomaope, a up-wlth-sbout-U-lnohea-oIicanned {|f-tvery-«nt«nated~8quatft-lnclu_ i o( exLilence. -. . . Finance* -e re ly bewilder" irlvlng^ onto a wide, private terrace r 1^ earl and countess each give ShortySho: ‘"iiVh ^."U tiW *® ; For ir • BO»novrrnmenl cm n o t fuKlIl Its purpa.^ of he tiaU lrft!ikfurter«-and-a-iflnt-of-boei |li’ P': But 'we allll have to fight ^ her!" ! ’ w ith a long view of the Rhine :nn- and p which he snuck into the room ll); with a IM mark* and the Negu* allpped allp[ . ;«NN - eeks WUlard. U-. iif. ' iind io, 15 a sjnau patch of ch:The two things ^ »noUjer•I way—govtmmentA« that can see .vn.« inve u lum * out that old m an Aden­ ^ TRI.CITIBS V oma auer Is a Rhinelander hlmaeff.. a ■ )i- Jng vroria where .tba decidesgo together very in finhtini: forsr Uie'apparenUy i useles.n thins* of life < *r8 more likelyty tto dp something about the Important ^ race nnllve of thls'very neighborhood . r ii., t i n kt tha famUy level. • - and where he has lived all hla life ooly ■ n s e f o r d is o r d e r ■sincere ‘(J about t h b —there's hope for ^ : lya'wonderful to Ufc caau I Ottawa If they can aee Uie polnl of C : of few miles upsUeam and look* down ' Vronderful to live graciously,r pfo -r e a c t i o n s to - view of ttieat 21 adult and (Ive (ledgling whooping f ant. on Prussians because they drink r old. Informality crmM auil exi^u ihc'best In humaji beings. Tl ilsUni^on ihU eonUnrnC. ' ^ r allly, tn a country w ith mllilnns of J Aren't antagonistic but can s goto the most rc- i‘ ^ T m i *P VnntVTl U.^ielfcM iCFM like like the U. S.. th a t th r air force should "J V clJ. -r Jcnown. whooping, „j„ crane's w inter sanctuary In -S Ij|)j r Informality used as :llcense- • . - . - ArtauuAx.for. *a.bomblng.range. .b The siale.department .2 •A L IS M ” Rijj 60 CiDJdA III i Jnay one'day produce sharp- da a /aw ]/ that bombing rnnge 1' f . :’s C a p lta lh m ” a-s rre so thtt the birds, which aummer In I Jvard the rigid fonnalllles of ol ve lake area, can be preserved. • If ^Isely governed may lead usm to e c o n o m ic sy.«ir u jg , 1,I bombs1, snd nuclear energy nnd home a |Jjl[. jvardlng.Uvlng we hava evern u nli ls m h a s b e e n iftundrir.i and Unk.^ Ui There Ui aUll faintly discernible Z a spiritual Aide,e. a side In whlc>i things like birds and T by Theodore .3. vcrtlslnc C oundl o t Americanumber at one tar- sUrs. whooplnc Joyoasly, wlUi n cry 5 1“ ' ’1 .‘the national conference of sir bi propaganda. it,„i [,« i,„nrard two miles nwny. for the u n n tu in - “ Ic d lto rs. , . , ■ e n a m e g iv e n to ,nbic. ii m icht. btbe belter 11 men were as ctamoroui r* / " • The idea-behlnd this new onopolycn system. “ consinni.-nt-Vancouver (B. C.) Sun. «s ^ ^ ■ sm has becomc COATS-SI> H O E S ^ ------ithe-slmple-word-"capita»sm^ha RE FARM KUD8IDV BINDS ' ^ sun 1}ad repute abroad. It is the!nun1—the exploiter Parmpr John'HiI'Hnmion of OH Citv. P a ..-lf. n.T reems ■ .. ■ .'get of thfc Commies In all th e ir: most, llkrly,! tie's5's thought tfie m atter through—prob- " c a p ita lis m t h e "bly Lw'v one whcwho's clnmorlnr for governmental aub- _ r > " ‘ In Europe, capltoll^ Is the n m of Mgid high price .lupporU for (nrm * HA URNlSHirNGS K the feudallstlc cartel and moncecntprnrl-;p iu c r p r is e , UICthe ° flny opicr k ltii o l poinical prcacrlp-. .m . I I T S - T O P C In Africa, and .Asia, capitalismnOmlcs or con- tion for farm relief.rc^l ^ !! ^ ^N L Y QUICK S -synonymous w ith colonialism—I J-'armer Hnrmoimon. according to news reporti, hn.i S e wlU\ go*frnm rntnl Inierferencr with ft ••■r !of backward countries. t h a t “ d e c a d e n t I’**! ‘‘l* trouble w 0 ^ 0 m Sele^TiorT^ -nw . . . and nil klnd.i of red tape" In m ; : Trying Iq coll modern- caienemy and will £ ,7 .'X Cleratlons- “. Itr .mya now nobody's Kolng " «VT5 and Fl : Amcrlwn way of life, free cn to tell him hoR-IW to run his buslne.vi—not even the ^ f"' .proTJt .syslcrti, antitrust-ccononent of the Bor- covernmnit. )f the Advents- iir client lo fer.l tlir c n ttir'n n d im- U i i fiumerism has not gone over. rrs. ffU irmiblrs stiirlrt! in.ii yrnr wliru » I' • Thc Commie line Is sllll / thn R e p p lle r w ith Ke‘’'p'‘iiu!ed'’' ' S A Big S iral on 34 acres after govrrnmeni.il « ' ■ IWaii street caplUUsm" Is the eem o p lc ’s C a p ita l- „ „ c l « told l.imlim hl.i whrnt ncrenge niton.-incr wn.i 2\...... \ 1C z a t nine acre.v A duly- » o f I ^ Mltlmotcly be defeated. Jly-bound county aRrlculUirnl si.-iblllrs- Z INGS oiuffVttlloii conim illee pa.vicd hix c.i.'f l|:, : SUiart Peabody, vlcc prc.sldentllbernte a word « l v c £ - h a d - c a o ^ ‘o Wn.itilngtngton where offlclati decided llnrmon f ', ;d c n c o m p an y a n d c h a ir m a n .o f t r-pnmnnrpiajmrTTT-cojits:------«g • TO- ■ g ;1I1R Covincll. Is Riven credit by R Hnrmt>n7alft he wnuldn'l pnv. So the United Si.ilr.i I, i -flr.st suggcsllng the name, "Peop•o p a fja n d a m a - m toniry tti-oie illm liin a Ictlrr sii.vlne th n l If h r illdn’l " ■Ism." , pltalLsm." said 5uld le Mid to riiLv the nmount. 'riirii _" Yakima ^ | SAVI aat bnck and waited. So did linrnion. » Hi.^ Ih o u R h t .simply to llb e It all .itnnd.1 now. Z* ■ , • " UlitVUu.l il.1 11 1» lui JIllllIIUII IMld •turcd and mistreated. ck lhat a com* ably fora Rood manymm othen caught in thr Jnm-.simi.i J a : ’-Every lime thc Soviet propah.i.s co m c .ib o iit •'elf'e'’ldfvldfni need for th r tovrrnm rni in ►* irt ot'conirol ovrr .iirnnKiing Mirplii.r Christni^fl ‘ L' « tricky nnd cojtly coj expedient th n l h.is nn proprr ‘ Now . . . For - :j)ielcly new kind of capluitim h.-i.s— ■ • - - pUc^ la -a uoikAbluible .pro£fAiii_for fa rm reiirf.-n rn tr _ll_u fly bock tha , ;-which Is neither coloiil.il nnr 'J' lorh^^iy. — ' • ^Further, that IhLs dynamic, newi e r™ . _ ------Use O u r — or Months AhiheddL jl; -already doing thing.? for tu pporIc n c ra l Motor.-;’ 'VWITCHJ;.K' BRKW t “ Contract ond Fair Traded i t c nms n Excepted1 . ' ■der communism have remainedthJ.', c ing the seiisluve Middle Ea.U by m-II- << PHONE 2720 = • mriit from C7.echa\Iov;ikla, th r So- M Lay-Away'— Buy for _____ lis c s fox_3_5 y e a w .’_‘__, . I 11 be known Ihnl It ui not ndvrr.tr W e ric a .'5 bu.'iiiip.s.';. i<> .scIiiikj iirmamrnnent to the Republic ofllarnri, M ii : NEW HEIGHTS ACIIIK' [ 'Ilir Sovirt Unlo'nlon obvlouily .would br piomniinc ■ ------f o i ♦ry ■ Unless the chimneys at Gemof the year ilic' n nn " nrra th n t t.i tivmg undrr an " or illcrd by Uie United NalIon.v. -niui *C o n t ' ' p l a n t s s u d d e n ly g ro w cold, mllllon..dollar.<. thJ.- „S'S:loiv Sovlel protcatnUona nf inve lor k , , ' ^automaker will establish In 1955'loii.s tl y e a r -l o n t; n.,ji„H )v i.if, u-hn ___ C red it ■■■■■■■JL*** - ibilllon-dollar net profit In Amerle) m P 5 0 . 'S o “ i t W I))-- -wiir}!)irlly couikII ).i e.sl.iWWirtrio ace ot Uir worid. It aet.outiIe, double loll nnd (rniil>ir: l-';rr ■ - A o w ol'Bdi mmion ncMcvcd lly, in the growth b?m anrc*uid«nron bubble."—MlJV-ouIa i.Moni i .Mij- ■ or'i Store.— W ciso : 'can hardly miss. w ulian.- The significance of this Is not SAME SALE J ^evident well-being o f General Mot ' - :of the motor Industry. What il _ SAME PRICES jthe health and. more Imporlanlly, _ i . Af All Eighf Alokonder'i - o t the whole. United States. ______-I m m NOVEMBER 8. IM : 7 4 ' TIMIMESjjElVS^ILWIN-FAIJjLLS.-jBAHS - —— Thmile iDm vorces Sre f i i i p . s i Daring Young HIMan Construitructinn Sefr estsR epoEted-teSSS • NO. 8-<}uejU of Mr. and E v l T i assed on by Jr Idaho Base mSTwW,"; Patterson have been Mr. B | l I I I NOV. I (U.-6,,,. ]„ro.n I. A. 8, Pntterwn. Eait Lake I p B r. nnd Mrs. Judson Patter- Court Ruling a p n .. Idn.. announced today gon. RlciunclUnnd, Wash., and Lewis I l l U i ■ work on A J 3DIN0, Nov, 8 -C c tlle J, & . ‘ I A JOJSS.OOO coiutrtictlon Paticrson,'n, s6 m t Lake City, ■ 1 1 { 1 1 ^I^BI^^Pfi^l >'Vuiw project ait t MotM ountnlii Home air force Mrs. paull parsA liu Iiu bffn Krant^l a dlvon-* ••'• 'aullne Nelson it vlilung her U f f I •^'.-v. s "Fexpected to besin soon sister In Los Angelrs. from AmAndrew M. &,p«r2-i on Uie '^ ^ ^ ''* 7 - ! flrat of Uic year, Mr, ^ndId h Mrs. J. £. seirle and Mr. sroundsIs ofc pxtffint crucliy In dls- irojcct wns niithnrjjed by and M rj..J trlct coun s.. Jim Chapman have re* •ourt here, n jry were, m arried - - - - ‘ - - actslon of congrcu. Major turner fcomItem l/in s Btath. Calif.-. I ^ ^ H H In •no. Nev.. Nov. 28, ID53, and illed fo r nre prim.iry run* —— have no chlldffn.i wny extension:rnslons, family hoii.Mnf and Belweenen I 1,1 and 18 per ccnt of / p '■ hoipltal construction. consi normal childrenchllC hnvfc crossed eyes. ^ plalniiir,P'* repre.ientf«r by K.irl ' . Jtppt&tn.«n. Bwsp, uas grnnted res. : tornilnno)n of hfr maiden nnme, Ccclle ' ‘ ' 'J J. Brown. ^ 7 . ' Doimlfnif Jfnn Wilcox wn.^ ernnled ' No surgery IKneeded ^ IL' ■ * A divorcfircf from Wallace A. Wilcox. T heyw*fff rrf miirrlfd In ’oc.nt^llo, Jnn. 20, 1D3S,19, andI have two minor chll- t o i H a y Mrs.’-^vi■^Vilcoit. rrprf.irntfd by Rnn- reduce^welsUing of ^ ^ ■ K ] dnll Will. ) WallL\ noLv, WM awarded custodyy ofc thc children, iioo n • HBARIHO AID, m onth. cUclUUl iuppiiri. nil hou.^e>iold i nliilc new Zcaitb concept i d furnllurrJrr Slid Kootl.^ and the $1,400 ' I (SM aad tuptrb peifeneeM ti procecd.td.i from Uif u Ip of n home, paillinful piles at iO«tli)'er‘‘sincnlck ..'.a m o ls r - - it home! hlibcit ao« Wilcoxox V jfiinird n 1050 PonUiic : 4 t ouslily,/«/r nnd n Ttij INJN IDOCTORS TESTS. AMAZING NEW NE STAINLESS | : sldl 4 reach 20.000 20.0C fttl-AlUlude, Nylon net b ir lioldlioldi 60 hydrogen-filled ^forpaUcnti vMorDrug Sflnt, lo te»eh tha l-jeir-oldi Mtn« i lUcnt a fte r pniirni! ,------, PaJo^r. p» Only pile rrmedy _ . , " m cut of It. (AP wlftphclo) Heft married in Fninilngton. weather ha]lo Tfc 1 Is being obscribscrved In th e Twin Falls | a'r.'^“H c \ « liomas Collett on the Brounds D , , Governois..™ eme cruelty. They were mnr- U V week w ith th e Filer Ave- nn WAS Attorney for me di-s- ff 5’'^'’™ ' Rayburn r s rch of O od nnd me Filer ; KINtO. Cniif.. Nor. 8 itn - trlct otflceflee of price adminlstraUon Boise. Sepl. i. 1B<8. Jy 4GTI3N. Nov. 8 CB-Sup- BnPUst churclhurch participating. | i W IWMNO U mernors nltcndlng thc durinc WorWorld wnr II and since then Mr^i, Collelt, Col rrpresentcd by nob- toTCfnor* mlnernls policy hi>» heenrn IIn private law prncllcc. e rt F. McLMcLaushUti, MounUlR Home. ® .j'.fiAdlal Slevenson nre re- Tlie objectect ofc th e week Is to brine 1 ______i *ji£it,Mll«L/or_eimtr_n He_wiu_l)s_ b o rn Aug. 3 0 ,-iae 9 ,-n t w««-«w«rcvardfd nutody of two minor J?.?.*inling 5 heatily «m-8pe(iker nnn-nfftlintedntea-chlldrcn-tnto~5un-; :/!f co.’d .'unri/inl or mod- fluonj'ddJ.elJ. Idn. . cMlfdren».n««.„„mch,m.up. »i "'“*efiim Jf] fUybum, D., Tex., dny schoolslls aiARd churches. ' dt iT li»s tt tilch would Itt m e • — ------port. id off any *nU-Stevenson Ench nftemfUm oon t b e Good Newsj oi , , _ coalition In1 the Ui' south. clubs of th e i I THEAV!AR K tt lu own level. r M, Tliomn.1 wn.1 grnnted a «,,, he paillclpnU ng chuiche.ii i l Ruuell, D„ Oa., himself nre meetlnsng tot a tte m p t to Interesl le r, me Bovernor* were | t A |a ) r o r t Given from Claude P, Thomos. Jr„ . ,S,n.A{anBlble.<0„Ney.) on the^ KroundK> of wilful ncglcct. I leader, predicted m ean- other youthsths IIn rellKious work and Ul (iflook for A return to lhe im n,.rrt,d In o„u,. Feb. I, S . “ Stevenson? R will be Uie nn- worship. Sudj 11 "IS blACk u m e _ U yr Librarian S'n^“"'nd have four minor children. L Ptfildtnt and tald "I pranklln1 T. E llli. InUmatlonal i f ^ i tioar he can po.«lbly lose child evangelli • , -Mrs. TheTTioniaa wns awarded custody the Democrat! igellsm director. cxpUmed ' ^ i i n J. Kiilfiht of Cnll- cratic nomination." Hc the observnncennce by notftig. "there arc K W d Ihil. tthUe the Bold In- l l | | ch Idren, w, E. Sullivan, commentedI during dit a telfcast inter* indications» of m om l and spiritual . u ;ht ^lckf.^l, ot rU the v .«n * Additions *as lift aitotnty. view Jn AUaiil. decny. all ove«over our Innd, Tlils will diutrlci"he would not f/i- x ig m book* boi o f nan-flcUon nnd / ^ r * _ - Stevensonn Is Is expected to announce result In lowe:lower mornl standards In trtue in lhe prlcc of sold four boolu lext week his candidacy our future* generAtlonasei unless pre- ^ WEAIlR )0k» of fiction hnve been l i n A i r , hJfm me Kenernl cconomy ndded to me Twin Fnlls public ^ irnien . Ready .“ I.Sf'iS,S Democratic presldentlnl venUve stepseps arei ta k e n ,” i iJirt S U i» through InlU - Dbmn’ ftccordlnR ncci to Armur L. De- I |t* n hf Mltl It Jiliould be al- voider, citvcity llbrArlan. rive Campaign " S S u. Is, spearheadlns a fight Tiie baldd eaMRle w ns selected as a • • u tt lu own Icvcli on a priANCrSCO. -Kov. 8 Oil— Texns to) UIiUke that stste's Demo- nnUonal emblemblem by fin act of con-| **■•' / ^ nufket, KnlRht » iu Joined ' “ •miuisn chnlrmen from nine c«U c partyy machlpfrym away from cres». June'20:e-20. M g r~ - ~______\ f M nlimenv by Oom.- C hsrtts flut»Utotu ni I, state.i opened a two-doy Cov. Allan ShliShivers. The Texas gov- ■' -a— ^ j i v NtMda. Steven L. R. Me- Cttrrel, n pl : olday to map plnns for em or support*Mrted President Elsen- ■ ■ ■ a w f Colorado «nd Mllward world of?£rr4.,“rji5s;5.i P< Jl.Ml.OOO during th e 1855- *n 195:195: tnd has announced H I 1 ^ ifWj'omlni:, ?oul; "Whni/h n t Europe Thinks." D um - I drdrive. ha will be for •'practically• tmybodv" * ■ ^JNTERS! ■ I \ iben Bmylle. Idnho, wlUi- * '='*’1'cnndld pSclurc ol Amcrlcam cinr^ .) Hnll. replonal cnmpnlEn — IncludlhBIB a Republican — over, H iugbut^ricei.foE h e i ------—;------— • «ni. pcndme finding* of throush ,n nn n Europcflo's cye.i; -y i)- ajftnaHcr-r,-M i id- Uie-chairmen -will St#^en90n-^«1next-Tearr^-^ ------^ - j ------9ditreominntte''on“ toiil.‘ n f r w t frwmilfnllat."'mn, n n AVudy under«o-a►—an—"indocWnatton—pro- —Boms backer: a-ihrt;rS.-clu«n'Q'Uie of-funDfWiJfrn^ilbr pallcrns; ••Sutton's cram " andm d tepoa on the USO’s e x- been looklttRtg aiMkance a t th e recent; ^ ~THe7urSufhentic ~ a In the world who Ls de- PlAce*." Sutton,Sut hilarloua account of pccttj shnre ot community c hest PoIlUcal maneuineuverlngs of Sen. Lyn* I rlihi to own, buy or »ell trip i madeado by k magnrlne travel „nd omerlicr united fund drives In «lon B- Johnsoiinson, TexM, Uic Demo- < (fv editor. Ihelr respeMpectlve stnles, crnllc senatete 1(leader. I - i i X iIiMld producer.^ and mill- ‘•Snatilahlih Temper." Prllchflt: ti EdwinI E. Bond. Hew York. USO Johnson has been i\isse»tinB to a Mum niiAl be Informed u conlfmporni« m ry picture of Spain; nationalt executiveex dlreclor. will a d- number ot DenDemocrats th a t whnt.he LEATHERNIlECK ^ rtrament.5 plnns for con* “Hidden ULand," u Bower, me atory of tire.M thle e volunteer' chairmen a t a the modimodernlea of lhe party I dfoppinalljumnlumpur- » nilulon u itel luncheon today. ought to controntrol the next conven- N I ir n to A for corner of India; Clift hotel f"', Mr.Mrlca." Cunlher. a atudy —______:______Uen, hnve nA >hantJ In writing Uie UOW.OOO A ye.ir Jn cftpltnl of u,* richeIches, violence nnd polltlcnl r ’o n / l r nd prevent me nomlna-1 *i in the urnnlum ind w to ' J 'J f * n Uic Dnrk Conlinent; "S. ^ a l l Udidate I l States 5 »r.„n;‘•extremist," J mWILL" evenson strategists pro- Presents." Hurot, Uillmate T J i « / by MANCHESTER I of some of the world'* J l l S V that Johnson mny re- »n_ I lhe eovemment hns Jn- dM design* on tho nomlna- U C Q r a n d E l k Hides dancers by a famous lm* s p r i nI qQualifications i £ S s sridacperfttorjlhaimcre 'JOFIELD, O., Nov. 8 uon for hlm.wlm.wlf despite his m id- > KTppIy of uranium. Me- '• Roderickc P Payme, n wrltc-ln candl- summer henrt i IDAHO U Ihere ate many q u u - The fourm r ibooks of tlcUon lnclud« daU; for m sn« ajor ot nwrby New C ar- ______10 HIDE AND It thf .vipply of uranium "RcveliMloiMlom of D r. Modesto.- H*r« Hale, pullslla :no punches In his eam* Morn thanin 5,000 ! different kinds; TAiLLOW LL CO. ToUiough as a Marine Ifidiuiry rnnnot nsk the rlntlon. aA fnrcei dealinK with me pnlcn Ilterfterature. of aulfa drug*Jgshsv# ) been monufnc-j Eo»» of City it bfciiL'e of lu monopoly current AnAmerican Irend toward Here's n s.^mple: tured. City Phoni 314 iTJutwindlns ih t alomlc conlornilly;lly; "Low Nolw tm * High --•'MarrlKlW « ytRT* te UiF Kime 'XLcalhorncclt-T'vHr-is-thc-ncwwt' c a t l !<;t Ife, A few encmiK ^nnd ru n - miwion, , ______L«v»l,"-prl«’rlcatly.-humorous-Mtlrc of lovely-Tirlfe, Jnnovntion In thc field of ------^ . Uie' rndio3 broadcasting b r world: “Be«t of-lhe*mllilil! vices. No lodge nfflli-* : lfl04-l80S." ShcrttDOd, n ntlons been'ccnuse I forgot lo pny m y . lyiff-wcnriiiK suit.'?, ttions OK’d 1 of plnys popular In the dues. Likese tot piny cards nna bingo, thc surface, * Lcnlherneck" hii.t ern. nnd "Tli* Flower Olrls." Hnve two0 goodr< enrs for spicy stories Defense Post A“!wn^Dam3nnc. the atoo’ of an E nj. a n d fiosslp.^lp. Lika to argue. Aflergic a handsom e, distiiiBui.shed , r fAmlly's Invasion of Holli’- to Uxca, hypocriteshy *nd politicians," , * A ALV.WAYS Kav, K ',r.-liU ho’R cWll lookl' w ith fliiUcriiiR, natural :!xm c.m dfiliict cxpen- • ' ■ s tyyling lin g . . . but underiienth, like a <1 tnpfrforninnrr of tliclr r f i f c # SEE M arine, “Lcathenicck” has a iutirj, Adm. W, c . Specht, A f f c SEWING , 'JP M r I dtltiiv; dlrccinr, »ai(j X Wttend v ^ Parley I SI touRiRhnc.ss, hnc durability and strcitRthth _ • I WENDELLELL. Nov. 8 - Mra, 6am I L l A yoE l thnt will amaze you. ’ uid h-- hnd rpcpnily rr- ^^^hner, ShSho.ilione. second vice] f r i ACHINESr t gFl i '» ruline from thc V, 8. of Uic s u te PTA, andl JXca,Lhccncck-T-wiU^refuftc«-to- :roid-HendcTS(m;—Ooodlnp] -B ee-thhe-all-new-\VhUe-in]to-- e- ; DOG Sewing Machine NOWI, [ . ^ )GTOR------• jrjve■ in! It's ioo';. pure Aiistrttlia-iiHI ^ t f •: Ijvit pxnrn.«. 'Oi'n’y viceIce president cf district 4. rnntlc Se thc execntlvc-board-nirtt. -We-nlfloilflo-ftpnir-and-serrlce^ ' ------l ^ wonl . . . pliant, rc.silicnt andid I ; makes and models. l>^ ub City PTA Friday. FIRS wonderful to touch. The yam,”'n,- » of conmilHecs were mnde, _ ,, 1ST w o n ------: I [ ;• »t!fnilinc st-itc meet. B Ibe menaolnt al— J non Shului. flnnnc# chair- “ nelectcdcctcd for staminii, is wove with . 1 nouncrd th e counlrj- slo/e H K V • BspccinIcial twi.st—t the same principle ns S ; ~ 10 n l m e hleh school Rv'm* ' •------■ naslum. AA pipnrllnm cntirlnn Is to be ^ ■ i J J Ak wcll*.itockc«l m c d ic iiic c h c s l hn.<;m.<; its i plnce the twi.st in a sled su.spcnsion T • appointedI b;by the president, Mri.j ■ ■ ■ I , every hnme. Rut, choo.sinjr yo cable. It means a supenor a p e s I n j u r y Amom AibeiMbertann. ______' I f c — ■ your own ■ < -fim ------rpm c _rc^isitJ\nccj03'eiL.aniLlcaf==r. <>■ Nm. S -llflrn W fxxl______t'mciiics_to,lrcnl.nn.illnD.s3 cnn bbe e d a n R c r ------J ------s u it t h a t H olds it.s sh a p e, prc.'i.'iv'i g «Pft-in3tirv At 5 prn • II.-*. Let your doctor diafrno.sc n c »nd ,.rc- " *“'K i! °milrjr;,MnfR|tMuiirn ’ . a n u ggood ood looks ficasoii nfler season! iiwwii .-.h** wns rtrlvinc scriii:riiie, theti let KtnR.‘fC- _ . j scripcriplion with meticiilou.s accurncy.n c y . ^/-’itl MiP n,)„i|fd Ihr • H 'B

jr hark; loo shnrply and ■ thing Takes Tlrhe * 5 5 ice Of Sound I Ither M anchester All Woo'ool Suifis m m \ ^ProfiifesSional SkillI o t h e prices start as lowIo as______' ^215.^50.^5515______M lan y With 2 Trousers: $15>15 Extra ' I 1 J. Likcymirmir physician, oht' ' M any I ^ phurniaci.'aci.-ils a rc h ip h ly - f f S j m ■ ■ pprofC5!tionit].i n - / >1 [im pound e v ery , 1 HAPPY BIRTHDAIay " nn with the prcat* I ^ ccisinii. UlUnifed States Mariirines

$175I. r Precision Is Y our Protr o t c c t i o n delivered ati t - O'"- ’ your local Ford De _K -||INGSBUR :({, 6-eyl. Moinline Buiineii Tudoro rw > ilh o il »rs I ' , filter end oil both clennei. Ol ESCRIPTION PHARAR M A C Y 1 equipment exlra. Applicable r tio r j PRES' m 4- « / r « From KOP])PER’S -//'« Dependable local taxei txUa. 'P h o n e n 11 - T w in M i l TWIN F A U S -B UURLEY-RUPERT-BUH r UHL : . • ; ■:

. ______------______'T -U jl^A G B BIX-,.------"'^^'TiM ES-NEW S, TWIN-IN FALLS,JDAHO - - - j|]gi3P¥awine—^ =:^^pitians=^ I M a ^ y ? Schedules r~ m i Win~8~ Praise::: KLIX TFIAM-FM : K MEF ■ KBAR'' - (UIO K1L0CTCLE8) . IU7BIB KKXL0-M,7 t MEO.} . fl«M KILOCy>CYCLeS) (t2}» KILOCICXM l III From Scheele •ABO tilBS i].UnD*u»Ul* iNSC •CBS sDoaaoiI...Iiu Nm* M u b o ' T tn a o iT '• rTUM IUI TL'MD*':SDAT TVUDAt I n ’ i r WABKINOTON. Nov. 8 Wt-Sur- , T:M nillbMnt t" fl >«eon G encrtl Leonard Scheele u ld Mi;.l< ' S:ll lUli BUra iS; BUyestcrdiy UuH, reauIU of mlnK Salk induii Ills llak Ctrr«l leaner”* J‘J‘ *"'}‘8UrB.6twtU i S K ' is ii : l'i ■ R'•’polio vaalne ihls year "siv .N nc Th,.<.f * l l i r IltpPT Corrit •• • K |i levldtnce th at children who reielve speak''^^ „,.y Mesfur Vlori’tka ' 3 * Hii.emi one dow’uere aubilantliUy pro- i i H S i i r - is irr? nf'YnUijar t;]O.Mr. Dltlrlct Allernrr q!-S--,t«l«l-aB»ln»tP»nJyUcpoUo." ^ -___ J - -«:«« tIUb tnd R ir------iJ : I'i;, “Prellmlnsry d a U thov. he »dd«i. % l;JO j;.lf.UW«rthI.l.|i-f • III* >«-• , rlrr I’/otrtn till Not r Ji^ -lh at pmlyUi: a tu c k rit<3 In vicci-t ‘ T • N»w« 6f u i W«7u »:nO MinU 'VtKiI W.W.ni t»;M Nl«l.t nUtr •>, w lniled children have been lowr by . !:;s sSiu ils’ta Mldfllikl • }5;“5 JSIle V»u! W*wini WeONUOAT Eari Prnce, (»u. u . ^ 1 :i! I"'! ',67 U) M per cent lh an In unvicclnai- -• WIDNUDAT lfl:» jK.«» ' Pr>t»li<( t.in: . -I. iuire'lo HMrliM |J;!® nallV .V i^l"1 llouniliia t:09 SuatlM MiuU Tla* ,ied children of the u m e asej." p f WEpNMOAT .. ;;;j ' Prnmlnr 1:eo 8<,i>( of |h< l’l0 Kallr't Butiuf M.— l;Oe(;«od Nlihl lid rtu prepared (or lhe 62nd »nnu»l t:M ttloUn Hurltl«h *'?? f!*"? •iESDAr 1;J»ll.rUa AfreniiiT ; convention of lhe AasociaUon nJ MU*I*- t:ll W«tU«r » d N » i SIS'. Art.1.™ .. 7:U HInUUrltl Hour s. . ' ■ Inr Sha- |;EI« KBAU K.fiM KJuk a- " , jl "Iiim- cr I';t» Viu“ ki'oS' kIu» ' t'*® i^i«-' ; iii s ..’';/.’*,'.n'lh. s Mornirs J',?* Uob liutU* (Id ■ i;«fl •iiiu u iu i Club ’ 2',*;^ 0:30 Hr Tn* Burr xUellrliSi ii|,h Ni«ii1 OiU nbliptrlu BirMta ve -• ll:l> Wlua ktililM ariItt 13- 'iij5 " Al ... II :30 Camvtnlaii • n>dlo ’Drimii -ioa Km J,* forV Mui u.iV ' niUM tftl^ M.rl»« KIIockU KUabak* j;iig Uo„„ r ClKk 4,^ Konrr for.' tjJli! Mui IjTm n .t Uliniu K»«i. MuiU 1- He prediel«l lhe e»eniual ellmlna- u ^ ! . 11:10 CutlfDokl Hl-LUtU ('(Tkkiilt •«;0# KKKP. Allr«“ . ISiIl rtul ]Unt» illfin of paralytic polio m "anoUier i\ HU-tiru*a N m ^ lil t MnnXt In Uui'lt Mix N f* af WarU >«d WM triumph of pre»enii»e medicine .mdi ^ ^ ^ 0 0 J 'i ii «j«i! jThri'K II.'*’ i j l * « Bduk • ' - i:iU ilp»ru.r»faNt«>« 1:00 T>4 Mtlont ■public health." n-tlch he n \i have V;JO Klli"Kfij**5K?i” - ... ^ Ik made progre4salio'«galnit other dls-i;: K J w m m y iTrulh-Con.M^Jfrfr. kL- Tint tl. ■ \ r 4 - v l 1:00 MinU DiMk I'm M*?KI*hSh^'*'* j ’™ nf T. 0* \ Toi‘‘TinM‘ ti “ ein i Obi « * '• Fiaillr »;'» N«-» nnuBrfu(i II rl 'n »nother generation-tw o imor ^ illl •mMVtrrnl"sp"rU 3w ■ Hrnmlnf «iCfl Hlllboanl II I f l ' t h r e e decades hence—the popuUtlon »';lt »niu« KlhS^nVltlm______1B:U Mu»le laMlilBlthl______l!:fin Dwlin for Hrf of the United S t a to could be aa free 1 * • ubL • I ' L u ef tenertal dlseaae. luberculasli, p»r- , .H *iyuc pollomeyellili, fljeumailc fe- . R iink R nlihersj ^ Shoe Workers in ! - M e r and rheumatic heart, disca&fi. - PoIiceJ4;ack_Ba: T tJltland the complication* of ilrcpto- 2 •' • r ' ' coccal Infections ns ll Is today from n Plants Strike , amnllpox. typhoid fever, yellow - Kidnapers too C hicago R egion“ ST. LOUI0, Not. e LPh-A jenerml' fevrr »nd malartn." __ n^islrlke against the International CHICAOO. Nov. 8 flfr-Pollce snld-Inaid-Inted bul lllll negotiable bills from • •‘Shoe company begin yestwday and mUf-' ■ totoday lhe dapper hai^lt imd hlaIlls UieU snfe. ti blblond gun moll who robbed the Tht gunman then decided thnl he 1a strike agalnsi (he Brown Shoe .. V HHebron, Ind., Cltliens bank of »3.:00200 couldcc nol wnlt unUl thr Ume vault,ilt, company1 was callcd for this m om - and kiduaped Uie c.ishier lefl .•* a containingcc much m o r e money,ey, Ing.: ‘ ill, Nation Is at i.ii irirnil leading dircclly to Chicago’s o,opened nn hour later. Tlie workers Involved In the two ted ^ loop. lo Hc ofdered McOlnley bnck Intollo strikes,, totaling more than 20,000. '• ■ Tlie outlaw couple took thc c.i.ih-^h- tht^ r far and drove to thc cashier's’r's are, mtmtii’m i f t h e AFL Boot and Record Topm- ler. Robert McOlnley, H. and hUi hihome. Tlie blond cnme running oul5Ul Shoe; Workera and the CIO United k7 ^ ^ 9 wife, SO, capllve Sunday and robbed>ed .111(1.11 jumped in the back sent, tm in-In- Shoe, Workers.' The companies are If' l WASHINOTON. Nov. 8 Lf-Ncar-50* V.’KtA ...... ■______tj,the bank Monday morning. [1 lrInc her revolver on the back of Mc-lc> iwo 'of the largest in the Industry'.ry. t ly CS'. million Americana had JobsI n ------^------[j,e, Ginley's head, In Oclolxr. the hlghtst level of cm- WlUi McOlnley a s'a HosUge U ie.G _£Ouple.drovcJO-ncnr,Fr.inktort,.llL.,[11 I Two townspeople chased th<* gel- I ploymenl ever r e a c h e d Jor th.it nway-cnr-"TIiej'-Tirf(<-six-8hota-«Tid | monlh. tha govenunenl. reported Court Ruling Patients-Faying— G wfieru SfcOlnley esca(>e{). HU cnr, Gom-t—Rules— “j!siolen by the bank robbers, was tiithe bandii.i fired three limes. All I S’ yciWrday. inv of Uie shots were wild and McOln- 3 OiWK. j u b I H Debts, Hospital’s r found later, nt a commulcr trnllV °f ii; End on Race Against Ai’my nation I; al Malteson, 111., n Chlcngo,gO ley said the blond told him not to! ■ C U U R I ^ ^ B ’ Hovever. the repori said, a bis In- O . . suburb. su Pollcc «Ud they were surejre nimnltc a move or ht would bc shot.' l flux of houic\^lvea and olher new Board Informed cre 'Tile cashier walled for a chance IC lloutlne reporU were given nl a . th* bnndlU boarded a irain ihcre ’ >1 Job seekers—brought Intn the labor 1 for Chicago’s loop. “to escape. When a truck partiallyJ" WED.-THURS. market by the availability of Job*Z In .Segregations brief meeting « f Mnglc Vnlley .Me- Trial Action IJ _ J blockrd the road near Frankfort hche : J i'll the pretenl record-breaking »urgef of 'f WASHINGTON. Nov. 8 Ifl — TheHic morlal hosplUl board Monday nlEht. ^ f. VBI ngenls Joined and Jerked open the car door andnd John A gar.-l/orl Nelson WASHIn 6 t ON, Nov. 8 W -E xlo - Illinois nuthorlUes In the two-slaU S f lr M ' ffonomie ieiiTity—Jield-thB-level “f> of supreme courl yrsterdny ^prmlnitlyibIv Vemon HarrLi. a.wlstmit adminli- ,prservlccmen cannnl br .lubjecled lo .H ',,,1 \ Jumped out. ^ manhunt becausc a slate line hud U il LJ! Unemployment nearly unchanged, at sounded lhe dc;ith ktiell for ra'clnl-1,1 Irator. noted tlm t more lhan n third ,„,im lllu ry trial Jor crimes committed A shorl Ume -later. Uie fleeing“ ' REVENGE OF ' 1 3.131,OOO. ThU H.-M only IB.OOQ lessih» seKrcKallon In nil place# supported ol haipltal pallenLi pnid their bllLi u.|,while in service, the supreme courtrt been« crossed. j,,m.Tii nnd woman turned up at f' ; n than the Beptember lo u l and con- by public fuiitls. lln lull upon dlsmLvnl. The pcrceiU- ^ulruled Mondny. ’Hie Hebron stickup wns •■'et In mMiitte.ion. asking More employes the .. nndI'l drnve back to McGlnley's home nnd ' proporUaa to sale*. Lewii tv. OriKK.1 of Jacksonville. »i dll- - -ClnemaScocp .------I * ToUl business sales Increased from fercnl races. Mlt. McOlnley made coffeo for all- Uiing only 11 word.i, thn hlch In Asia Talks Tex.—arete now held by the arm y al j,, ^ Beptember. IBM through September F o n Diiker, Calif. IRE EXCITING I H l S ' ] | » from 147,400.000,000 to »M,400,- court affirmed a decision by the TOKYO. Nov. R nr—AmerI.-.i reg- McOlnley wns ihrn ordered lo t l r ^ I M O R E ' 0 U. S. courl ot iipprnl.i In Itlchmond,nd, Lilcied li.i (•onccin nboui llic poor (.j,,,The three were, captured by theri hts wife tn a chair In ihr basement. ^ i H I S P t R I N G SMIWM -j :r- »».«»• ,v commuiibUi In Norlh Korea and |l! Va.. tliat secreKatlon In public parkarkSiMlmon cnt^hr.i during ihr recent „.i, While the blond kept h rr gunun El- and playgrounds Is lIlrKal, All the,jJn.ion the. nl Ihr Inlcrn:iiloii,il noilh i,,.,while held prisoner were said to have bcU'ayed IhLi couniry by In. trained on Mrs. McOlnlev. the\]l ENDS WED. es- courl said was; 'T lie motion to.P.iclfic to, (l.vlirrle,i am iniK'lon meeting , ‘ n cnshlrr and bnndlt drove to the ^ ' ' Russ People Jg -‘lnrTokyn l.i.it week. Uie U. 3. em, formhifr nnd aiding the enemy In ■let affirm Is Kranted nnd Uie Judg- e\ch.ini;e for fnviirrd treatmenU small bank. McOlnley was forceded nOBERT TAYLOR iie m rnt Is affirmed." Ilba.«y irportrd lodny. j.,), A lo opcna smnll safe outside the Umr. AUN UDDfliiifl They la le r rejected Ui« red.i nnd U ORfrrA OARBO >g- - Tlis fUchmonil tribunal .lia11Jii.slicr Black, who spoke for thr tai 9 U ! Union extending ‘'b u t wishes of thety ------coiiit maJoMly .Monday. .Mid cnn-- MiMcGlnley and the other employes. COMPANION FKATUKl 9 HJ;_ptopleofl6«.UnlUd.8Ut«»for.prog- term lnlns Ihe ocean dl.itrlbutlon of „|,. - Uien heli>pd him .leoop »3.200 In two- TUE.-WED.-THUR. the.iB siock.s." Inic.v. ' rsccrded II.1 con-Mitutlonnl au- Uv a reu toward • permanent and Just Ihoiity III rnacting Irtd.-.lalion 100 dodollar bills, silver dollnrs. and muU-, R jJ-- '■ peace." M Officials Eye I.0V1 1< N’nle.] . . L,,|, 1 ------A "MUST-SEE” PICrUREI Paramount's Hilarious Hr 5al(t th.ii I h n r ua.i nn npp.ir- .Mibjifi. i,v civiliaai like Toih to inal — Olivia DcHavilland • Robert ■' The meisoge. dispatched from by coun-mncUal. SuccessorTo'The Palef. Fllulmons army huplul, went lo ' rn i I0.M of .s.ilmon in thr ^pa thal ' Mllchiim ” Limitiii< NEWS BKoniHnmm ■-•t. 4 • • Ims marked 'the occasion wlih • a „t grallnK long di.^liincr.v" fnr mcASAge from the secreUry of sut«. H. Rowrti Gaither. Jr.. prr.iidrnl fnr |>nit;.l-lo-poilal pay w,..i held:I; R.j I- Johninn, C onvniri_ch!rJ,’rj, _ Regular Adm. Prices I0-35-5OC 1 | ‘g a M f a i: of the foundrtllon. Mid yr.ilerclnj-ny .Sludlpi rtaniiril und — ------!ffloTio8-Mm-iie-u'u-«eung-on-|n- - iiiidcr ndvLiemrnti todny Ijy nn'f,„,* rnclnreiliic Irsi pilot, mndr Ihete ' slnicUon* from the president. d very serlou.i coiwldf-r.nion would br T lir emb.is.sy irle.i.srd irjinrt .laiil “ >‘>i '■''‘^''Ry labor-nmnnKemrnt'■ j,,,,initial fllchl. The iwo-plncr planeIC — I* given to the sniall Uive.ilor whenrn tliRlJnpnn.I C.ui;iili« und U. .S. adred " 'la "nils year. Elseahower departed !wn.i in thr air 30 mlnuteii- John-^ ______• Ford slock ROCS on enlr on-Uie open?n toI Ciiti.>' oul JbliiiiB- oprrsiinn.i for ••-DrUiiin nf-the-demnnd-fnr pai-'forgo^i“ soirwas'nloiif lirihe plane.' ' '' ' , ! I-l, from Uial precedent and decided toe markei - In January. . •icienllfic sludy ot th r salmon in a llmc Mnu .sjiriii on Ihe road lic u rr:, the v send a personal message as follow*; p Nn delail.i' of thc new njrcrafl’s .Addre*ses Group Ibund .-iciaM th r Pacific. wotlwiitkcK.' homes and tlirir Jotii n r a r■ '™performance were dlsclo.ipd l)rfauf.e, ^ "On this national anniversary of ci J Gaither. In nn addrr.v hrfore thr Thr riiib.i;.-.y rrpnrl al.<<. m|,1 lln l A Ai<c Pre.w SecreUry Jamea C. Ha- ’Die presldctit of the i\orld’.v Inrc-, ,thrlr s:Unmn oprr.iiinivi in liip Aim- I I, ;gcriy Mid he did nol know whether ■: ll,in arra In 1DS6 «auld nnl be ex- Ar ACE rAl philnnUiroplc orKiinlr.iitlon wild ^ Ahm;- M million tom of ir, hnv panded. n„p. • V -anj prcviou.1 prc*ldent.i hnd sent) the n. foundation • wnnLi Uir widr.M ^ inr-pjclilll of the crnp, w.i» »nld In) T ;prr>oiul mtvaeea on 'the occasion Theater - W endell g I jj- .01 llic niinlversary. B ut Hngerty said fi,n'«.:53 .ihares of Ford .itock 11 will I ,, M tlltl ki,f,w ,t ,vfl, m e flr.,1 pul nn .«Ie. " Meet Continue.s — ENDS TONIGHT ^ I [. tiitic for Ei-'cnlioaer, who Li rrcnv- BOISE. .Vov. a ir-Ti;.itrlcl Miiir , trim; licrc Ifom n he.iri nllnck. ,^.j Value Nol Told HOME MADE I JiitinWiiviie . Lana T urnrr L! -Tlic form er. San FrancL-.co nttor-, ’.md forr.Mry olflccr* of tlie Iniir.iu r J (. , A.'.kfil why Ihr Prr.Mdfnt d«ldcd nrv *m .■'jiid the niprket it/elt "wouldJ, ,of l.iiid iii.inaKciiirn: from Orr^on. ENGLISH * TOFFEE " T H E S E A , !’ <> !n « preceflfni tn that roprcl, ’ - Moiil-in i,- U.'yomHiH-»*«m--4iUlift-mei-----n . iU:e;:y irplici ~ni.!oMiilii>“ lh>“ l‘ii.'l“ oI“ ^nch sin n r” . •lllll llini. Ihr .ilock ,^ale "iin.i nv>- J^‘.hrre today, tn the .second dav of n Frederickson's | C H A S E " ^ i..- . . Ihr P.'pudcnt a.nitfrt 10I tilltiv.ilid l>v dl.'cur.'lon b rlu rrn the■ week • Iniii; m nn.icenient iMUiini; • I'liiil fiiinily and the foundntion^ eonfprcnrc. ICE CREAM STORE CINfrMA.SCOPK ci COLOR ^ thilov /md thr PiLvinn peopir.'• fi.n Simil.ir confrrenrr.i w rrr hrld hrrr 1— I'. >1111 hr 1(1^ iiMt iinir In the s :- i'l!durlm: ihe pa.M frw wrcks fnr i;ip; '•m;- hi;.to;v nf u ,r nuto firm llm■ l level „, ndmlnlstraioi.i and .Miprru'nr\| ‘ of thr lamls nnd n11ncr.1l MU of' PR Petition Entered , ; .s',ock will br of.’rred on the 1,' I'Pni m.iikri, .Mrnibei* of lhe fnmlly ______■ : * . "IT KEEP5■EPS GETTING BIGGER ALL THE UA‘i!li^I£Lim_iU_ptiL£CjlL-O(-thC.V0U — Gii-Buell-Estate“""iiiK pn«n- in tlir cnnip.my. fT ' A pcnilon in the csi.iip nt Lccjia uv W — t u e:SDAY s i NIGHT SPEC M- Ducll was filed Moncl;.v in p;.!-I' y.v i'.\it.iii:i{ s TO m i;k t "Family— $1.00 a0 C ar— N irc s " ' }j{ b;i:c courL Juajp E \r:r:; Siirricv ...-. iiiillA;ioi:.N. Nov. -8._:^l^-H aIl!H'll. Virginia 8/BAKED H A M ...... |[ j sri time for htarlni; n; in n.m. Ndv..• r.,;ni I HUIC..II V.H1 r|,c : n//irrr.i nl; B S i l i • - WESTERN-AGTION- , n mrrnni; al 8;3n pm , Tliur«l.iy nt 'hic petitioner, Kennrth W. Uiirii, jth u.': .' H.iiiM'ii qi.iiicc.iull. Storts TODAY Txldower. aiV.r. cuitody of tommiiiiiiv I'pc ,. , protKrty acoultfti during ihnr 'wi 2 BIG HITS AUDIE MURRAY— j* ,. nurria^cc. mi "RIDE CLEAR «.! Properly lljieti In llir petiilon u: "Saskatchewgn" . H lf real est.nlo’. an nuiomoblle. niiii: .’^tiirrlng ! • liouseljolri fiimislilnBk. - ...... LEX ------OF-DIABLOl^___ s T l - « 1 I, . Knoiin heirs nre Buell, Shlilfv I'-' T hegfrcr- FMcr ALAN I-ADD SHELI.KY JAMES k I-.'. M. Buell, Wayne L. Duell, Hex M. a i LADD WI.NTF.ft.S STEWART ■ Htj Bueil and RIU L. Bucll^ all minors, j 'h. ENDS TONIGHT Jnmra Stew nri ■ June Ailv;„m "Johnny Dark'' 'SALIND RUSSELL I . . "STRATEGtC AIR St:irrlnc ■ fruSi__ ^ ___ fli --A^ __ Y with a GRIN" I i i “Frail” Child Will ~ COMMAND" TONY • PlPhR Be 107 Tomorrow TEClfNlCOLOR c o n n .'; i.AL-itii-; HAWARDS H E A T H , England.! _ . Nov. s Cl'—Mrs. Elltn Luckett, who' III as n child was too'fmll to atlcndi : / school, wlll be 107 years old lomor-j «

Asked by friends w hat she would/ Jike most Jor a birthday gift,'ahe I replied: -A bolUe of u'hlik^’.’' i MES-NEWS. TWIN FAI.UaSJO ^A H O ______------pAOMEvrai

RTI' 'A'AH ■ ff

,ered how good Albethon's meal f I It^ou haven'l distov.re omily ,0 make this l« l:1-Y o"' I you owe it lo y»"' Bo yout complole iaiislaclion am A lbertion’J 9 i i a r a n t e o l d m e a l i wilh all exceH fal l-!mmc m enl I Try Iho boned m , a g e d a n d U. S. govem m enl g ta All m eal is propetl/ =9 l l ■ Albebertson's Quality PaiPa n-R ea^^^^^^ >--LARGI ^ 0 0 ^ K Y E jRS ; uEACH- B fB O Y BLUE FREESTOr o N E ------^------

1, 6 to 15 LB. AVERAGEVGE lEACtiEES N0.2 K2 can 3 for {8 5 ^ URKEYfS LB. ■ ■ K r p e n ^s ViAYONN/AJSE __ qf. f5 9 c I J i i l A ^ R E SSSiNG . . . •■ ••••• C|t< ^IL 7 c ■’■ -B O)NE N i CHOICE WELL TRIMMEDTRI r HA PPYy IHOST — 14 ^,1. b o ttle ^ S lTEAKV l b ...... pjp,24oz.btl.1.33c CATTSUP..2for;2 9 c — 9 ‘


n T v T I

------s l Ig a r e d - o r —

------— M I N U Tf E E M A f D — ------— — G j l a T C ■ O Y - FRESH FIRM ^ ^ - GRAPPEFRUIT. j r Donnuts I G(rl^rl d«IIghl| Ushll riO N ^— h o r 9 8 ^ I Rolitd (hmuH l a n b e rT i i e s Ib 2 t,3 '“ "SECTIl

JOY FLUFFO DREFT 0OXYDOL 4 9 ^ a e r o jo i d e o d o r a n t • ' u r g e .OIANT LARGE I g i a n t • ____ mLARGE______CiAN I______L ASSORTED DOZEN S '/-..cn,...89c 74 c I k I 74c 33Ic 74c DINNER ROLLS.... . 2 9 c PINEIE PURITr GRAHAM V ELVEETA H\JAX i CLEANSER toilet soap CHEESE FOOD ALL , - «£Guiar CRACKERS > e t e r g e n t ^ H 3-25c= ..:.61c .2 r° 8 3 ' 2 „ ...... 2 5 '

10 Pounds 1 p r y ~ W h i t e K in g W hite King VUW h ite K in g WATER SOFTENER GRANLIIATEO.SOAP LIQUID 1 DETERGENT n r 8 8 ' lARGE GtANT ■ lARCI 25c 47c . I _SIZE ...... J O C CAN:a n — 3 5 c - - 22.42 - J i .iii«rw iifJiBI.IJU.4IW A H nM ?


terbotham and Ed Kudloty — iklXJARSOM ______By Russ W interb ^ Skilled Logger• isI I P ageaiitpi^ i s — Kilfetfty^SSeidentiSS’S S ^ J ■ Wants to Seee ...... _ I* RI001N8.-N^« (JV-A «T« ployerS'U one of their mosl akll H Screen Showiw ■ w i jM was killed yesterday when a aeel of • fallen ttee tumbled over 1 H r MANIX-A. Nov. « ilP—An Amfrl-irrl- jl—g ^can"biuSneasman-wlif>-t*tn»-oul-Dli i . o f ______crushed him. l2 fi WcommunUi. ChlM l»al w ttk »fwiiftcr He was Cecil D oiuhue, R ltgln i S 'S r u e v e n yenr* Mid Uxiiy ih r fiui Buck Mclnulty,- who waa wort•oriuu tn,; Un. W m fi a i ^ V tliln s he w snts lo do U we « movint a lih Donahue, aald the loglogger Reed Arthur sm u, K iiJ .-'plciure In clnemucopt. Jumped clear of one of ths16 bhuge coalumes: Un. The bunlneasmin, fUlph Boyd. « logs bul was unable to avoid'Old the Mm John /Irin .V StAUlerWttsh-:;- •rn T fd -h rrf-l«m l» l*S s ------;— second-secUon. Bolh men.wn . were M n. Seaqulst, E r t + i S 'i ® MM inboard the royil Inwocn.n liw' ^ ■ n n ^ working for the Id ah o Logging u ' • ■ H E 'freljhU it Amersktrlc Jrom Shnnd'*: ^ ^ ■ 1 I pany at a sJU CMt of tha «aln ifl' M ' en rouK lo H onj Kong. Hf w«a nc- river. ______|______RgAP -nMES-Ng^ J •■'j •' companlMtby hlsChlne« »ite, Lynr J i i M .'W ons, 37, Sh»nRh»l. • •W llj : He Mid they wer* m nrrlcdd mlr < _ l ' l e^.«ij4H «A //-a ; B I Shanshal In 19«, io«n, Foll«vi*« e kMrty m«ol. b< collsd for h'n i iurr«r*d fro" « iti4 ■ U '* Colorod#)rsde atorIII whsti tK« *i»ef ol L«»f W l H i "Lynn and I have heard m mucf , IS68. k« »<«l to t)i« A few minnttl11 Ioloiii Kit C«nM liod e ilrDkt oad d id pM« E Bboul tho.v! wide screen movlM Th'fl ih» « « h A'.k,n«l lirsf. orlly A W W 19W" lo rtrto lmi«nl wl at Fo'i Lr«*, CoI». «n4 tviitiy. i u e decided lo give them lop prlorll; ^ smMART CLOTHIS.I It] ■ In our llsl ot acllvltle-v" Boyd wid.uild. > — . l . l . . , . PH i Boyd w u a forelEn ( n d e/■ r Jnli ------9 i k e)pt p f fresh with r e l ' Shanshal before th« war. In OcU> ber. 1848. he reiurnrd lo ShanRh« ^[jockey Quarters I to llQUidale hla InvcAlinenla andS yt\ Israel Is Seen1 IPreparing for Japanese Qty Temper, Temper l e l p you go p la c ,,B B; h u holdlnss. Bui wllh lhe war rom CHICAGO, Nov. 8 m - When/hen Jarred by Bias k ing closer lo -Shunghal. nnbod: I. poilce found a car on the north [• ■ wanted to buy or ln»rst. WK hilt hi Bitter Lifefe or Death Battlele Is Readied for ' TAMPA. Fla., Nor. t Mt-A singl side w llh more Uisn 300 bullel dynamite charge lasl midnight e« f waited, lhe ChineM CnmmunliL TEL AVIV. Israel. N ov. 8 (tn—Tl—Tills 'th e world. B ul O ata Ln leas than • ' holes In 11 they started looking • ■"IJ look orer th e city. ; ploded In the Jockey quarters 1 ,.w ,i Uny Jewish stale, squeezed belwe:l*eenitwo horfb by hichwny or Just a J l S ' for the ou-ne-r. Tlirough lU* 'll- "■ 'Sunshine p a rt race track which sui Count on Sta-Nu... ; • J The Boyda linaUy leli ShnnKh# h utd'QUlck b u n i of throttle of a Czechs'2 Mayors Meets -J-,,; the mountains of a n c le n tJu d a h a 1 cen.w plnlea they found htm ye.^- lered some J80.000 In damages> by (OU iji n iv nboard lhe Amenkerk Nov. 2. Th' Ing If,made MI0*1S. YOKOHAMA. Nov. S im — Forly-)rly-, tcrdny. touch to our expert dry irelR htir awpprd nter In Cebu m Cll> .y the M edllerranean, la ' preparing bombing Inst June, i i ' b f necessary ta flghl a life or dendenlh. ------Ihree U. 8 . wrst const and Ha­«»•. Herbert Sclunldt, 21. a photo- to make sl] ■ ill f-' cenUal PhlUpplnen, and ihen cam' nwn^ No arrcsLi were ever made Inin ththe baule. waiian municlpnl offlclnls.and theirUielr Matle com pnny employe nnd own- ; to Manila. wives will arrive tomorrow on a ’ VarWer bomblnff lAst June 3, whe look better, wtu bttict.s|^| The couple Mil aboard the ja aarrn m , T h n t 1* liow *crlou.i th r I*r«r 'n a f r of the e.ir. said h r put the two charges ol dynnmlle wentIt oloff city regard Uie recent S lnnl ","'S rirs< Grange Picks speclnl flight for the Jap*n»Amcrl- bullet liolea In Uie car hlmsrlf onr. ' finishing m akttjovr^l i ’ t ' i boal next Friday for Dnvan city can Pacific coast mnyor's confer- rnrrt ' ‘he race track clubhouse, an resin dirtiD dv^^l I’ '.•|* MuUiem PhlllpplntJ nnd ilirn Hon;jjonj clashes with E iypt w hich explod ’f**'* day la.1t yenr *hrn he returned nuUiorlUes never found a reason)n forfc from n h u n tin g trip emply-hnnd- ____ into the wcrat outbrenk of Ar« -New- -Of-ficei^! S *"«=»■ ____ _ i '* •Uieexplo.ilons. ... stay cleiner, n tiin ^ ^ l I :'l Boyd *ald he wanted lo r iiwhi Jrw lsh wnrfnre since lhe It The group wtlFlsnd al 'Tokyo'styo'a’ 'e'd...... • S end o r bring us j u j t o e t b ^ ^ l nUHUNor. 8—Deep Crcek Orangenge Haneda airport aboard a Japan air- The charge last night, somele 19019 .n-lfe'a papers in Hong Kone u hhe e iIs nrmlsUce aRreement. «tr* ------feel from lhe clubhouse of lhe Irsc Id six elected alllctra Friday evening. Mrs.,trs, linea alrllner.- today. See (he BIG f 4 n o t an American clUzen) and rcne^cnew Official lernell flsu rea Mild ‘ ’ntnlly located a t Oldamar. 30 miles eu ■ Sews and SO Egypilm u were killkilled Cordon Bennett announced Usaih a i A Japanese police guard nnd. T hcrr nrc nboui l.tMW.OOO mentnlly Sta-Nu mskci I C 'hlfi bUilneas conxieeUons. " ' “ deficient children In the UnitedJnlted of here, did lllUe damage, official In the El Aujft bnitle 40 miles MuUi«>u su.io was netted by the O ransenge Amerlcnn.mllltftry brnw b.ind.i will said. • -______------n f-O n ia -w t)frr'th e -b lin d e d 8ni8nm- from-lunehej-fterved-"t-lwo-e«l*s,lies, be-aV-the-nirport-lo-weleomo-Hhe-s; l u i h t l n J non. ahorn of hin h n lr by. DelHivlllah.'TIie aranie will serve lunch nt i:arli ^ I American mayor.t. t t t u y tt brought down the pnlnce ofif thet 1 Dunbar's ssle Thursday. Tokyo Governor Sellchlro ‘Vasul Ijijl tl I Ike Has Pica Phlilstlnw. . ( Newly elected officers aee Oortfoodoo and Vokohania Slnyor Ryou III- ■•tfc/if 9xUaf II A Tel Aviv u x i driver nummrd'fO^PiHBKler. m»»Ur: R ay Easterday,lay, ranuma will greet the AmerlcnnsHi "IT COULIJLD Ha p p e n i For Help on the alUlude here. 'overseer; Mrs. Pearl H ill. lecUirtr;rtr; shorUy before Uiey drive to Yoko- "8U dead and not one over 1 I Leonard Easttrday. sle w a rt: Georgeirge hama's New Orand holel In a motor* f l C he aaUl. "All were good boyn bul I Parmer, asalsUnl ateward; Mrs.lira. cade. HERE, YOIo u K N O W " I TROY I 111 ! School Plans hnve no choice. E ith e r we fls I Gordon Bennelt, chaplain; John0^ Some 91 U. S. city offlclnLi will ildenl f^edom or wr le n m lo *wlr ) Moyer, iresjureri Mrs. Jo h n Moyer,yfr. allend the confrrence sewlons nl lhe r^li DENVER. Nov. t WV-Prc.-UdenI pew Wllh their bncks ngnlnst thele s(‘CO.I Mcreury: Paul Shrlver. Ralekeeper;3*''; hotel with 33 Jnpanr.'e mayors andH i READ IT IN TIMES-NEWS y NA TIO N A ll ' EUenhower yt-ilerdsy aouodcd n• net and 1.700,000 populntoln Is» piP " '! Mrs. L. D. Major. Ceres: Mra. W . E. city olflcl^ptC^ e meets get tindernder I I r 'ij i '*PP1 for etCccUve local, ila tee -n an s ' parlng-to-il6l>i-lf-«eccBMry-TaUraUicr.(A,pCorrPomonn:-Mr».-L.-B.-Ttlley. rftfrW l— fedenl-xcttoir-to-ellmlnate-thc-naUi£e- than lenve Ilielr first n a tio n al Iioi Home , piofg, Oeorge Farm er, lady Tlis mayors will dL«u*.< ways"I lo ------FRIDAY,C f , N o v n i — I Laundry & Jji r.ll' tlon'l Khool cluamm ahorUge.'v, since Dlbllcnl 'dnys. ' nsalsUnt steward: W. E. McCoy, ex- M aj. Gen. E. L. M . Burn?, t arouse more interest In local govern- I- The Prealdtal did. lo througl ecutlve committeeman; L. D. Major,'J®/' ment and will exchange Informntlon ' I . .n eecxeUiy o f ,Welfare roUom *i‘„ alic United Nation* iruec jiupen’l/oror inr,; i,uj|njjg agent, and Mrs. Homer S ; I HEAR IT ON KTFI PHONE 6i l Palestine. Hew back here Sund on atudlesHindejw city problemsu Inlni ip I « h e and the «blnct officer had room con ^ u JJ jpj, White, home economlca .chairm an. both countrle.v______I f ; ' Icrred In tho Cl>lef Executive's roor I Alternate delegates to the SU te V .B l Fltzslmoni army hoepltal. frontier nren. , ' Grange rnetUng In Pocnlello In De-De. it cut B ui u,e i!u-nel|». w hile hoping 1 3hn ' AfUr the senlon, Folsom p u l cu----- paaco,—bclUva—Uiat__ C zecit'."wm nn s ) feel shipments to Esypi have altered t nefrtshmenU were ser^’ed by Mrs.' IS iil.. "Th* Presidtnl iontlnucs tofcllve f« middle rasi balnnce o f power M l ttrongly that mnd and-cffeciivon is drnsllcally Umt nn A rnb conllUi.m i“ l I I f local. Bt«le and federal action,Uon'» I mny launch n wnr of ftnnlhllnilllnilon _ ' _ I iS „ needed to eliminate the naUon ngnlnst the sevcn-ycnr-old JeiM >erF %u.ib et! , \ I i B'I '.school dusroom thortase.” Official ElectedY ^ w e An I rnrl] Rovrrnment epokesmesmnn BOISE, Nov. a (ir^Theo^H. W ese- irallh “ I'*- remetnijcr. th is wnrrlfn If t ntr. Bol»e.‘ fias been elected Wee; ulous Thunderbirdd Y 5 -8 / i ,l l h comen won't l»r like 'W orld war‘*r II; president ol Uie Republican M w esu|jjri Thefabuk - th a t or -Korcn. Tlirrr will be no qunriunrUr, ern stales conference. t\ on of for US and thr objecUve will be to ' Wegener, a OOP national emn-^’[J*. Fonl Eors liko.JO ththr llum derbinl! Thi^ oxcilins' new "Co"-powcr , ■ drive us Into the nea." Imliteeman for Idnho. wns elected. r in pa.s • of T«1 A- ■' 5 broad proerun for betier hrali: I Avlvj ovfr-the week-end. • • • in 'all F n rd F flirl.llip rintl .Slalionn Wagon\V;i; ! j ('I »erii'tct*." a proffram—alone 1'iifrt wll *lonp*Ismel'!i-4W-mt!e-border-w! — -i— ______^ttaiidaid-CicliLinJ 1 r f th e Khool claiaroofn program -U ii the Arab slnlcs the counlry Is 01 ' r i r w u ahelvcd a t Ui« laat seaalonJ i.u ( Kven miles wide. . lU mnxlmt •' conirtu. ' wldUi Is « miles. : ,• • ^ Folaom Mid h» and the Prealder Acrovn the border n l El Aujn. ni | J i _took R "freah look a t the WholeucOon »IU lhe “hlil of sleep." Jcwislj nnil n J NOW ;3 l c y " aucn'! with mpect to the clft.vnwMid: Egyptian forces fnce each oil I'll' 3P juogram. and that they also talkenxawd wlUi thflr finger* on the'trlR ser. 'I Beaux10^ F Ofcourse a !^ I ‘ over "wme poulble Improvemenmenta . Whether the trlgEer will be pull slder- depends en U. N. tru ce effort* a I ‘ knd ^j^tanslon’’ In coiuiecUon wit “ w'l S E R V t C E ' I \-Z . the health program. pro* the ability of the O enevn powers T h t find »m c formula for lasUng pence.pern ; J (j,indlng • Mixing + I by the Thunderbirddrd ^ As for the classroom eonstmctJa I ' Inspired b ! will Today Ivaell soldiers, boUi‘ m Concentrates! ♦ ’! '- altuatlon. the cabinet officer «ress. ul< and womrn. In BrlUsh arm y ty J l 1ic iii’w Fnrd I-'nf( and thn fabnlon? Fortl Thiintlrrhiitlrrhird arr rf;dly J r:|i|: "The President and I dlxusMUtens khaki unlferm-', sirolled Ihe i%V. tre t FEED 4 SUPPLY CENTER | . 'ti.tan-.^ct.‘-th*.’_ rf'''nil>!arii;ejn c vrrjJnngjJnw r r jjn line • V ■ a number of powlbla Improvemen'iirob; linrif slrccts of Tel Aviv, mlnfill.iiR lliiS>~TTuck L a n e 'A 'Ith {tt. So. ♦ , . ------look-alikcs!_Iuti.ta , . and revisions whleh we are conaldei3f so with the crowds. ,♦ rh o n . 1740 fj ;j . . . fv t'ry j-riK-cftil-('fill tf>nlt)iir. A n d you c.m oxpoctrt loIn hI) o envied nt( , Ins In'^ the admlnlstrauon'a pre Outwardly they h a v e n 't a care t?*j matter wliorr (■ouytiu mayi drive in yotirncw ‘56 Foril.iril. posali for federal asalstanct. T^ President exprcwed "hoDe • we wl • ' Jlnd wide agreement'In congres ...... — ■ ■ l lllli »«d amonc educators and ■cJUter I ■ ' • • ------^ V 'eenerally. on Uils Im porlant'tirot )em Involving the welfare of j I m any chUdren." ISALE ’i ^ e s j v s perty, these articles will be soltl;old a t public suction locnlcd 3 I -Vr//fety? D ili ^BDgli s cast of Jerome, or IVi milesI eastef of tho Fnlls City school

litfl? ' Havlnir Imcd my proper MBEILIL ^.. ^. TnileA south and 6 m ilesLY,NOVE« cs y ' house • L ut n c h by KaliB Ci(.v C iv ic C lu h mGUt-m D m s.

_ J R I D A ^ IERY LLIVESTOCK y Sale Starts 12:45 tractor cow. aprlngrr, S >r*r* old » . n M tr In t o ' Gurmsry ro»row, springer. 5 yrars nid. no t qull« onal pick-up, only ' ‘‘I 'T ...... G uernsey coweow. springer. 8 yrars old ' MACHINE! ' -I 3 Guernseyy cccows. 8 ye»n old, sprlngrr.i J ------, '■ 19M Super M.T.A. Farm all backitAt bar for M or a Guernseyy hK botiom > jf'' ! Tandtni priti|{ing np<'n iiiitlcrIcr impact.im Ford iiit.i Lifrgtiard how ho powerful a car'in F ord’j fieldc ld c( a n b r- McCormick DeerlngDe milker. 3 nnll 5 T e n gallonn milkn c;ns HOUSEHOLD G S hop fo rjr,, ninnvll, vice, frncer*. chains, fork^. ** Bulfel and iliiilni; room Lib> AhnveLi, olhriih rr small Items You’ll be safeifer in a Overstaffed chair 5-Drnner cheit of drauprs : Kalvanlied water |;|] Gray enamel doal range r ' ^ 9 S3 gollon wnler lank TliHM S; CASH le fine-car P<^ Hi.’ 6omR frull Jars 'r^mcar at half tke , • I Some oUier small Item* llir — — I.JVllNOr&SCiON, Owners ’56 Fcord?^ S E E Y O U RR LOCAL FORIID DEALER - K L A A S . . Clerk; JOHN DAItNALL f ms. c. . GREATTVTFORinrHEXfHRTRE, KLIX— CHANNEL 11-1— 8 p. M., THURSBAY— “ . AticinonMrH! KLAAS 0&_KI 8 , m s TJM JM ES..KER’&-T-W -m-PAi;L-! ^ PAGE Nn®"' ~^For>rg ef^et RichiH a u lo n U '.S . GI Ghecks; , atspapers—Bids^i ^cnds N iiiitt; haulcMnhantiT^Sdil?'^ ^ 3N.Nov.S>ir^ForineTam- >e ” in rfo(E»nUe,ihe present *“'u-'e of corconminn .1 nnrt rrpcm hla F l a f l - I checks hate never hnd it so »ntempt Bid;™rr;I.fruflure of (df i.Hjauon Ointec »„trh,n Phlh)>- wn,i lhe "third tie Cctric T i Blanket . HONO }CO}CONO. Nov. 8 'IP _ Kn 'coinijnny,ly. Fte(Fted Rlgliy, •■ctri.'vrv, a n . In1 Ui»Uir 13ufsm.M.-iclran »py . sy these swindler* we dolnu 1 tom.,.. „w, 3 '.*;, ) oftlcfl buslneu dupin; e u h - r. .V M HonjKon^Cn/C hlne-w inngunce nen*.: '’'’“ " " 'I "t 2 p.m Nev, : r, gjjj, Philby.« f, 'Uslnessmen and store keepem P»Pera werem nntil M .y m . ft foimrr fir.li .rcrei.iry in iEPAIR * iHfk,.calU4or-ie|,^,^j.,„(j lhe country. Thty're. tound ______'«.tSK i- - lcmpl.oI-cpur Uit-Htimi-*, -^tM«rBMaK a pnrt nj ijir nrf.icnt «cuw d Uibn anhlnc n phony or itolen kov- » V A locnl COUI Ubnr p.uty ,„rm brr of p ar- - - i court ruled thni ,i,r pro-jrtnch :<>-sieni. ndded. Col. .Mnrcu« Upton nf a HcW lril ~ Cleaning i n t. checic U Uka U kint cindy .H ,\ nstionalUtIt n newspjiper* |i n n t f d '- n u - i v t mllr* f.' r i *urle.i about l miir* or (hirh v ia i>e Wld- »li;i(alMrk undrr cover of pftr- Ilindine - jv i baby. o u t the slaying nl »„ «„lI- I AT-,, i„ nine h « .r *1 fovir-(<«>i boi!„n, J rlcheck InnVi Imprtiilvr hut lf« ai phottT » cy o r federal check and bond*. Despite i »r a t a Ihree dolUr bllL »n intensifiedIfied campnign b}’ lhe cnv- L g f l (e tlie fan Ihrre'i no *urU haOk at th«I W en* printed in check'* erm nent to0 hohold locnl new*p,ip»T.i io c M'V Is not e u y when people corner.r. It wat rathfrf reirtllr- ______the letter of BrIlUh Inw. which l.i ■ ~ easily fooled. ------coniidetfcblylly » aUleler lh a n ».mrrltnn ■ carelessness wllh which ^rn. )le : rA iN p It hsd liCT nirtt.li'' H xnd But lhe crlt le reporUng of coun pio. j~FOUNT —” businessmen cash cheek* Is forki criminal was prepared. ** >EN orkrd nver llir r,i;th, Knowine he iwas being cha»«l. he «AY 5ALE ■ NE lulled and look otf, ‘t'”nief . . Ja iu ce T, J- finivld n e c e s s a r ? 1 of the hlghe.1t impoit.mrr C^f tin of the woman lo Chicago. jfCrnUy camf tn ft tSriMftnilt T l\f Iwp> cacar* screamed ihrough ^ ^ ° IMPORTANTIMI ample, who received- forroal n Denvrr, Colo- U lllu tin 'ie' ll"* eliy' ivold In thin colony nny- Sof.,Nov. JO * 12 I from the Bovernmeni Uiat »^ ■IJt operntinn of lhe SS n s'ih r crlmjnftl f the natura of ir’wl by V r» i COUPON IN uld no longer receive.her al- . llie BulllbllHy nt casWrrs. ^tuvn and Whit t ' a (raffle Uland, ne».sp»per. _ TRITROUNGER llU I C -THIS-PAPiR— — ------...... ~ - - ^val tx n « x * { o a m .w ^ fftR U ic ji—NCftr-uic_UiC-CHd led ‘out nndTiiracrois the ~ nVsJxreen - V ; on a wnlboard fonn per- linnk.i 'in in WlMon.'ln niinitfd Ilieylstreet to rt» vncnnlvn lot and hid be- »!— ihurs. & Fri. ; like a government check, hnd rrcplrcelved coiinirifrit tren.iuryjUmd n cnic*ilckcn coop. When the V p n i n f l l 144 Moln Soufh ■ ■ E WS f vine the notice to be a chcck. clieckx. All were mivrte In I-O'i J- :op ‘ fired two shou in th e ' i C | J I OirMen! I n Women!' Twin Follj H >k It lo Ihe owner of » mv. Amen forfnr ellhrr J93.27 nr »1D3.27. air.-he aiirren l o y . ] 0 & n ------They hnd 1 on H ,.; lf1 f o u AreWeirineThatLook r .V res.'r» and equipment were- 0 » r t l OW A ge", I chrck.i werr crude nnd -ib* •^'>^•*£.‘1'“^"^);JJy found ' in Belle Pourehe. f^Tlr*<0«t.C Get Tito - cw»lrr1elt.v On Hi^ ln « 'r 8 D.. nlong,ong, wtlh S9 counierteU ii„.),»M.mssi DC Jl nl ench nnr, Inr rxnniplr. chrtks. and f sasss, CaasUpstlaa. Uck tl READING R E f TIME: 3 Min id several hundred com, a.»rOlgtslhr*Dittorfaa«<*s w l linutes and Worth Yoii^our Effort Have Failed ■Tr> the First FfdcrnI He- mrrclnl cnrcaifck* he cl*lm* to have Bank. Washinston, D. C-" pnwr* the *lffnflturr>cntce ime*’ivMUsaie* ta*ts where »ounM^«ufl«iuffrrnomnrr. JoJujlonfrity ^ ^ 3 I. Tito han a record of con- of Trcnaur: ve actuftlly succeeded In Drai-H*t T«bi iucces»e< Tot more than 10 =”>■ »"“'>■ °™<' "Si toloslnllc-^lea of fM- lumlDt „ tnd blnoil'bulldint Isn'tI't 11U dJ«ewlln| l lftn_ o w MACY. -You look, yeu buy, yoayoo *T)te, s s d com et Ie orsanlied and led the par- H wn« en lhal “higli.prired- founUIn pen sUrllUrU Chat grand and glorious feetl vho fought the Oermans and of hU nnm u> find people accept old cf*youV'bour body. ‘Thrn w»i(h jnur to leak leak (and li plenty of iJ.em do) and you send trm Ings are her« again! P. 8. It paaclata so successfully In who worke S. It In yean to eorae’ in checks from kid* who tllmlDiUon.1, finon .So' ifier you >lart Itk* ii liaek hark and t wall , lont llmt, sad ptr enoogf vnr r. He made himself YUB9* shoulmS have stoK n1 thUiem. la(O r«(-NMotTabltts.lh.ltjyofpM et'l . *, lough you UH our guarantee forr thethe slightest m i o n . ___ leader a tu r th e wsr wUh ihnV checkeck «.i a lnke," '•A_floyciwn‘3mi£aL-ch«ck-l»-a*-«ood lO fl-warkandjnm -itniooiu*------io t_-rtp.lnT_t*-.nd-.H«hold^«ffn-w>ltlnri rtp * l Ing" a " • tr»“dnh'l~«?en r e ^ f th'em—wiibln t» — fiT« « weekfk OT or Iwo. ri's baek and worMi than erer, ete> you get a brand new pen and rovlded It I* endorsed by b J i^ w l«tv v . .your y body. mi|»d»', and a new guanniM , ;menl of the world-wlth hts fl>i** 'hethe Milwaukee police depnrt- the personI whoM i< entitled u> It." you will fi*»l lady's pufif lull of Ink, Dad'* ar JunW..ninr's really life time, and all for'or I9eIS (with coupon). s of Ja ief Stalin because he m ent. asmeenl.' flKured the check hnd emphoslw!* CT Im I a wondroui rhint*. tli. ■“ ‘■■•‘7 » > Chief BaURhman. "But yM nwillMx m m to t tlip away tnd you will shlrtirii ihnwlng shi Ink tjlaU he* auddenly wllhwith- W hal n ere can w t doT! OverOvi lltly y tn n e t on putUnR tils own country's been wrliie one wlVh fcft Itforged endorsement Is «Bi«y «oBderluderful MW pep tnd vlitiliy. out warni nhend of R uuia’s, Now It mond. HeHe hndI r.icnpi-d trom prl.'on a* worUiieMu a*lu any forged personal lack and Ml fatl youater.y non-htbii- wsmlng , and a< the mosi embamusJntr amand ‘-rina feonU in pen” manufacnufactorlog make* u irted Ihnt the Kremlin U whlle.servti•rvins a life nenlence mostly check, and the tne person whe cash** U irag-N *t T -b l.t* (rich la Inopporlupportune time . . . not forgetUng leakyky nr tery prood! ••Ereready" spellsspelli Good Foantaln y#**t coneaairaU and «lom^ drled-OUl I of breaking up. for Tito’s for forsery. la IhB lo v r. W -oulj.su polnu. T h w along-comeaI th.Ih t-----P«j,;willlng « ra in ia je a . A-UAUnllrf V aiJini'oif' the "comlnJorTa' propafan- W hen ati' ic«*ith«TiumlBiani15mIft- ' ^ ,, ■ another tou,J, Ame* check r -Coun;cr^U«'tr.Uecs” *Sd” th ttli' {ofg- ” i‘u)I*K)r'm« 'eready (bij jnk aupi>t/> aesi (hal sat-^save* extiw free eoupona a t . TROI icy which wai made the me- wa* InldJ drt'vndr in Minne.iow. wnrn- " * r miB. .nmei. snd ehlMfrn. Kvefeadj rROtWGEB PHAR. ool somebody lo mnke a Thtra'snothlni<:hl»g*li*Jur his break wilh Ruula. Intf circulniulnr* were *enl nut in Ml- prnlll. StortkiTtktcper* and u sh ltra tUaulia In 17 da>day* or your monry b«k. T h u rt »r r thp beneliu nl the Kiem- per markfirkn* In thr enttrr we-itrm who c**n entcheck* WlUiout proper Oalr »•*« fofJof a a raoaiV* supply. Jn. • and * fri. T(me«.N>wa and brine nnly nn|. Kor. 11. Coupons posltlnlylively rtqolred, P lrrt' urtJihlp 5cem to be on hL< nrea wherelere it wns tliousht l\e wns idenUflcnUonan of Uie holders are « c ( yes,ye*. I uld «3cl lo TROLINGEU'S f HAR.tAR. ' tint la Twin F*W». id on lhe side ol the we*Km hcndlnc. They Tl descrlbea lhe cheek ofirn lo oiatne. nnd Uie 'suspect. sus -Only wlinth i Ihelr full cooperation TROIn i iKiriFB-c ______Le.M thanlian a week Inlrr Rnymnnd jmd the *ldd of local police- depart------nlo a Minrr mntltcLln-Dtiu BicjJtj,-c*a-thf-tha-seeret-servlce-hope------». The to reduce »tidind prevent these crimes " I ' ■ • recoKnired It and refused which arc alm(aimed at the pocketbook ll Tlien he hnd n clerk of the avernge ; Tulsa Product crook's llctP*f number. . — ■ * HNOTON. Nor. 8 df'—Tlir I t wns; putpu out over a police bul- T lw c U. S. fl. rresldtn\%I have been ■e'han nnnouneed It* Bl»nl letln *ndId Immrdlivtely a Denver ns-inMlnftU-d-L1—Lincoln, Garfield and srobBblv the world's Inrseja. police c arXT Mtfiiu-rt> naynwnd't ftmt* McKinVty. •I plnne-w lll be produced k t ------>kU.. Instead ot SanU Mon* If. D oudns A lrm ll compsny ^ ~ r ~ ■ eh th e operation to |t^Tul.« here It u ending producUon IB Jrt bnmbm, M33 i* de.icrlbed a* hnvins A B «r ranee csrry a wund puylond en trans-At. H I / ' n IlghLi. IiA overall s lv and . sre believed to exceed the jcrbomber and th* B-36'* C- ' • " 1 version ol which only one ll] I IE WfRl Movmo l ’ o a r .r t s ^ ce I 'he iomo ei ever f One Ford Can't Fast F S ervico^^ Confid'i d e n f i a l ^ Move You — 5 Fords’Can" No co-iign® " r>dl -1 "- 2 2 7 i SISECURITKSCM lEDIT----^ i , F'O R P c: O R P 0 R A T lI , 0 , N W IllSl ttfer & SloToge Co. 239 Moin Ay«nu« V/et» I f r IIMERCIAL flXORAGB p f,0one „, 680 ______\^ind ancid W e a tth e r L otiio n L im ite d lT| ■ T im e ! j yrr nowf wVrfiih FOUR neiiv mtroci® mjingradienUl . . tlEATBt? Regular raUEXPEaAWARMHOMVEWHKYOU BOUGHT YOUR HO HfALSi som3FnN S I " I = YOU CONMNED TO OKt «OOi,o«T . M f roun 'lOOSS c o lo r W ilhA tlanlolnl Wilh ImollUnrtlEme HIOHT i' Uiai/nirne , tlcin healing aetfoa Skin noftenira h E rO U It ClIU H O S OVlHHlATCOr„.M C rOUlfW J>UiTOO^ ■ ra help kaep akin ^ 1 . 0 0 i n : ispptd. eraeked akin, smooth, softt deideipiu wetUwr. te l yid of hesuly-reS- W o n d erfu l1 for roushintd S iz e ' w / I'inpileailip*il dry skin. elbows, he knees.kr lolln’ and freerin’* j y o u - ^ | W H | PROTICTS! . JWrihSillconesI FIGHTS INFICnONI INF F*f !**• pri‘* »iv« ■ ______Arl liir.r a ■ d,ter^nl WHh HtwMloeMorep^anal . Folf stU rki of. harnh Check*' akinn eerms. ge: Redurei nroWT 7 . S Sm il and «ntp» whil* risk of infectionction Uirough open F U R H ftC rHsA « T-iaagtti •nothei, refreshes. eracka in yourour skin.s No cosll/ pipes Of •eg«'isleis nllE E E M ^R :g.*2 size now-'1 j|) dleaL ...... RU Same wonderful Wind -i— .|_© . lo inslall or cleanL and \V rtlher b«nrfitt in * „ 1 — N i> -wrind...No m i W eather...N o Detergterg«nl N n d st ,i,t.iv&itM t^QS^^BE H I Hand Ct«atn, lool »» j * » M n x o i ,’; f ; ; K S .- R o u gghen, h , Dry or Chap Your Skinikin Agalnl tMMMinC HMt iMdkbai ■ ■■■' I n ,,g.*2 ; . '5 •‘> '-''‘”«'o’'iy * l I nwnN.icT«M . I ^ ™ .V Ita n ts*n*tta.llL-. - g -g iM " HH — » ]in B tn d C n u n tt|lt« e li CharfiQCtiielCtiiea^O^q • from • b« Eactx ye j ' r / f I’’ • f‘tmt_ Ui«n 2M r m rii.M S » oua turn '— — - - .nythlnc ' •••••••• fm m rn t" ■ 'ji* ' ^ 7\ti is .upport. Lfo Knox. - to Or thfy HAPPY E Jon to Mk f Y BIRTHDAYf U. S.'S.MARINES l»- when tlu ■ora check. An As m re* Jn Ic« invest Ih j; PAINT and f u r n it u r e m s 5 ns Free ------BUI Ihc U. ParkingUSI :y A ^ n c f IB PHA^ffACY ______r - ■■ • . 'M ’i i S ' u S nr- B»uahm»n U - kc. lek He ttlU I rid for examp notice froi ar* Rhe would ro- loinifnLrt:!' of printed on ;he lom ted lik nt^ Sellevlnd ahe took 11 ts to ( FoldK

W be r«^[v to A t S Unued iu « S He o; ilsjins who Itnllan P«i “ * World wnr) len “ lUtle-troutl MtonLahmei ed defiance of o t insisted on 1 A. welfare nhi us i.ii reported ^Ir thlnklns of . benefit, the e- •«ncy » ftt dlum for ht tt Bo fnr thl linn cnurtJ'l de slfle-nnil oi n- nlllM-

(n \SldX lt .

le 5 g Ti ly ig WASHINC 1- nlr force h C*lJ2-prob 1- Iraiuporlpli m TUlsa. Okl*. at It*. Cnllf. c- Tlie Dou;

u plnni where •d of Boelna B in The C-135 ■'« Krenter r n blllty tlinn n n Tlip plnne 1. lOO.OOO-poun Inritlc fllRhl wclBhl nre y B-3Sgupert>< 99 cnrao vef ■* WM bulll. I- ;r ,,, , , . ; le SURE * I, TL ,p 0 lr C '■ 5 f - .V i ? f ■ P H O r p ______P » * » T ia n tte r CORIME


• A t e r t w fool

_ M O j 'niESDAY.Xoy^g,;T l ils S G B T E N — T-IMES-NEWS.Jr-Wi:w i n - e a i x s j d a h q :______! poviet’AtOffltc— duce^owadays— ^ flffidalHote§: — r&pGetter—^ • • ONAWAY. Mich., N et. a W COLDMiBCS. O , -Nor. S W - I I I Tliree youUu were fined ISO eai ^ JDurlnt thw rifftipn evi- eam-5Sl RedVLoss in- - ,-V foe thPOtlng eame o palEnlng for mayor of Colum* • ef Mason because a deer refusirefused I • ______t w k OF INCREASE bus. a man poked his head Into a rC l tosUy.dead. .. ., U S : ' IN GNP* PER M iBefore VotesC S diner t n i shouted: “Vote “ for * Italian Powe A conservaUon officer'arres II By 2 Bureaus Senacabreiwerr MAN HOUR MANILA. Nov. 8 1<^-T»-Q political LOS ANGELES. Nov. 8 WU-T deer, whllwhich 9 C W ashington, nov. s'w-seivSels- J2-C0 ~ • iMl , .-Who wu that guyr a ^**** cus- Italian *mbassador to the unitJnlted only wounded, poked h hock ^ killing* were reporled laai nlghl on td hU For U .fl Ifn o g rs;^ record sirange shoe* J; tom er sskedA s u te * say* hls country has becor hesd frap the trunk of l^elr ci fS jB luB ves from a n o th e r eontlnciii the eve of jhr_phlllpplne national fumpwlpi^r li.gy Pemo^ «-much better-spol-for for*lga-lla -ia - — ...... ------___ COURTKOUs^'^ elecllon* the cnrppjiisn of w hlc.nia* a '" ! /Specially equipped girtorce or n.iviil t'la* e rtilc nominee for mayor, May* ve«lmenU. partly b e c a i^ thele 1:in- a i H|{l''»f»“ r pal^o'l'nB th e boundsrie* be- been marked by wlde-qpread-vio­VK>- n a rd 8en*enbrenner. fluence of the Communist partyrty Is an orderly and aUble govemmemmenl lence. : ■ H ljli-' IwCCILIi'St '“ ''1 ' ’“ t) '‘P. — ! declining there. '_ _ • ' ha*'made llaiy ai boM placelace for hvtv/J u ,, ' J i l j r o t “hoi" pariielei.' Grbund'VlnXloTii — i— -H-E.-Mwilio-Bro»lc.jwld_Ita.Italy. fnrelgiLliufrttflrf.,:______Inric- ^II.M rr .jg{. unofficial toll of pre*ei«^o~n -vlo^ F Jl rcpoti » *udden upsurge of f»tlloac- IWWfJt in%nv lo 31 the number ol slayings direct­ . - J liope* to enact Into law a measu•asure could use apprmtlmalelylei^ lo o • ■ n ! iivltyw the ntinospherft. An fsplnn- ly attributed to Ih'e blltcr campalgoalgn »t M dead. 4j wounded• and which wlll permit foreign firms at m illion' dollats a year In fore Iij'111 nse nsent relays tnlcs of » lurif between the ndminu'iirBiion Naclan*;Un* nilMlng. • Individuals lo take oul ot the couicoun- coplUl for the next JO years.“ i' lisht teen by nom ads on ffr« ‘•<‘w a llsu puny and the JJbenK T h e polll cpened .fluleOy- today,loday- try profiu mad* Jrom thdr Invesnvest- g pyjij, conference yestenJsy!«Jsy at C ontact- 1 • t i l lj nf nn tsInUc w asteland. Thc constnbulary reported thalth a l w ith mor* ihsn -M.OOO poUce' andsnd menta In lu iy . Curreiii -Inws• a“f® tbe •Itallah consulate. n Experu ot the ntnmle mercy Mayor Ju a n Obngns of Anlnly.y. aft soldier* guarding the 39J11 polllneoiling restrictive atid limit foreign li ROBIN.SON . t-p, J I cpmmlilMn nnnlyr^ Uif pirUclr.- the place*. . vealors in the amount of profi^ n riu foreign caplU I Is needed.fded. he DitivK-iN l i l / S LIberiU, wns shot to deaU) and the Italy to help Italy ease lU une i | y coJlecteO by the plnne.i »nd studj town's police chief. Emilio Odango.ingo. T he 8.100X00 registered voter*•* will which can be taken out of IU I ‘ ployment problem. y reporU from th e monlforiiiK »i.t was hncked to dealh as a resultIt of elect nlne’senalen, two congress-ire S3- lh e ambassador u ld. I tloiw. a political nrgumenL I men. 53 governor* and provincialInclal He said the decUne of communilunlst ------.. ' r r ^ [f ExperU of the centrnt InfelllBftice rfiHlpplne News tervlce placesr theth e la n d munJeJpttUlTlclilg.______■ intiueDce and Uie e sto b lla ji^:nt en t.^f READ -ni^ffiS-NEWg WANT Al B l iscncy examine the siorlei of ihc ™ greil light In th e #>:>•. V Add u p F acli r|B CIA ipeclall.iLJ then ndd all ''I U I thts up, together w llh any olhei El‘ relevant blli and pieces. /, 'I ; Tlie result m ay he another fnrni*i AEC im nounccment ih»l Snviei HuMli again U te stln c nuclear ue.i^

jlit ii'ji ’’ rh'ls 1* an ever-Blmplilicallon ol ■'•U H i how the CIA a n d AZC keep iract • o f major atomic events In nuMla p iAT^TR]ESI The lulI and precise detail* »r< Iffl! , I- '1 aecreU ( ■ Work Torelher i m I t u i>i» t f u ItI t n l»J4 , ItM 1944 I94» l»J4 C # 3 DAYS ONLY 61 ^ 5 1 " 1 B ut boUi asenclea dl«!osert re- ’ 1 centiy lhat they work closely’ toto- When a farmer and non-farmrm worker work for an h o u r loday, they gelher to m a ln u in an iip-to-dnU•dnU* product about thrc« times ai mumuch u their couDlerparla.dld 4S yesr* ^ WED.-THl■lURS. )1 I j ••inlelllKcnce cstlm ntc“ -of-nuc!esiclear -ago. The g n p b above, from natlilatlonsi Indtutrlal conference board data, ll I i developments behm d the Irnu eur- shawl ste&dy grewlb of e ar ftoTOU o nsUoDaf product in term * of dollar eutpul per maa-hoar. For czjsmple.>b { in l» 9 , an hour's w ork by a non- ^ SATURDAYAY ‘Jl ; -iJ^Anofflelal who h « W prcitnlM.nt ln_»j>nidneduet worth about 98 eenti. In I0S4, th*• ______- - .. . , I t brlellng by bolh the CIA and ant -samB hour's work produced ab~ouf!mf Ji:« worih'orgo6di-or>eririee*.“ F»o«-- LE I AEC said the IntelllBence picluricture 1009 lo lOSl, factory a n d other non-farmnoi workers locreaMd their hourly a i U; as BDlput almott ISO per eetsL Durl)urlng the tame period farm output rose ; I i Uiua produced Is n o t ns complrw a; ; i <1 all concerned w ould like H inn be. be more lhan 140 per cent. In sell clchart shows that in recent years, fsrm I j : But 11 ta pretty sood at thnt.t. heh( prodnclUlly has outpaced non.fa■ •fsrm ou(pn( per hour. Since im (he II ; Mid—good cnouijh. eerlnlnly. “In "U farmer has adTanced at an annuanuat rale of 3.8 per cent, while non-fsrmi Getf Ready NVow for Hholiday Gjuests I : mnke u* anythlnc bu l complaceniKent Bolput per man-hour has risenn o only l i per cent a year. In contrast,1. f , about nusslan atom le accomplUli'illsli- farm outpnt roK at t h ( ratfe of onlyoni U per cent from IMO to 1019. while menta." ' factory output per man advaneeineed al thi rale ot 14 per cent a yesr. ♦ .>lk' Nn D etalli L et Out (NEA) Neither lhe CIA nor the AEC ------:— ------l i . M tl '»1U dlKUU how th e y tlnd out abouiiboul r i * • • r g orNE of 0 1UR BES) atomic tesiii. J t U known — Pravda Reverses H ' •. : however, Uial th e Rovernment mnln- suspicion ior t#lns--'an elaborate tontinenta Red Peace ‘Line’ •1 r l l monllorlns sysUm whltli qulcklj detecid any m easurable rise In S nor' Boys’ Deaths® LONDON,. Nov. B Wl—The Com- •' maJ, backfTDund radloiretlvUy lr , 1 munlst puty newspaper. Prnvda thn United BtAles. - | « l quickly reversed the "peace" line of A ; . . U. B. intelligence la adqunte Jo lh» Falls on Gii-*■ yesierdsy's com m unist revolution iM ir. task of detccUns Russian tests ancand NEW ORLEANS, Nov. « OB—_ , . annlverssry with nn editorial today IfflriLi evlnThe-sM pi'fif'the SovlefprnJ.prnj- preUy barmaid wns h eld-todnyy. 1 warning oI.Bovlet.aLrensllL------'l l j i I ect. But 11 c a n n o t eatlmsle '•Ith witl the "rat poison" deaths of two smaimall "Some have already experienced | 8 I , assured accuracy thft sIm of ihi(he brothers who authorities first be- be Uie strength of the land which has ' Bijsilan nuclear stockpile. JjBved flifd from eonlBrolnated food foo eilabllshed soclslLim." th e Mavow the rummaged trom Rnrbnge cans bubul newspaper said. "We -would not ad­ ‘ any &he denied the accusation, vice anyone to have to experience Twin 01 bsse The 27-year-old brunette. Idenden- It agnln.’' ! and tilled as Mra. Mary Falcon, hadad a ..Rodlo Moscow broadcast the edl- fight with the boya' m other anand tonal. - threntened to "get even one way o lhe olhrr" a month before the boy - I died, police sslil. A high atom ic official lold thi Lotl Ker Job . All America ' Unlt«d Presa th a t ’•nobody hnsn nnj a Mrs. Falcon, also known by th absolute knowledge on which in bssi aliases ol Mrs. William H n rl am ;„ ■ owners' rules.' The bojT*, WHlJam. Jr.. 7. »n I >h. Lawrence Baughman. 6, lived will roctive rayon fkkinc ‘ ^ their parents and five oUier chll:i Own Stoiy . 5 NEW YORK. Nov. fl (l^-Nuclear. mg Ml powered airplanes mny be toomlnj"cim Their faUier-wa* an-un*m'^ ■ ■ ^,^1 week, ihliiiii^rds'of n e u sT '- " ployed rioek worker who h a d beer Across lh* toorlton v lth ln the nex iisnHi acroii the country . . ,T.' 'decade. i . " ill.for some lime. . . . That's th# p«Mlctl6n of Leo. A ’The Baughmans. - according .- tot< quickly lold out (he Pn«t earr\'- .I:- Ohllustr, atomic expert aiNorthrcffjl nelchWn, nad-JJMil'ioWy-on-tliithB “T' }ng OiiHrrr\'i'iini^-.''TliU'wri ' , Alrcmft. Inc. J , . , handouis from nuns, which con- pmmiiei lo he an o th er rcrfitd : Tlie «-year-old sclentlsl said, tht IIJ slsted ot »7 worth of grocery do- naUons per week for about three"„• brester as Godfrey lelli j-ou ------applloiUon of-*tom lc.£nerg3f jo .a ir- The '. aboul Wsvsgslwnd youih. lOD QUALITY .crafi no longer Is a Question of *'can^ ni weeks before the boys died. The .. , ’We?". but one o f ”w hen?“ neighbors told police ih e childrenIren . - .You’ll learn hoiv Ite became a , ■I Vli!!' ! Ohilnger. who holds, over 40 .ii; pal- were-al»stys begfing-for-rood-and■nd — bobo,-Milnriremcicry'lotialei* I l{[|j. .ents.In the atom ic and petroleum. scavenglJ’g scraps ^rom fa rb■*»* a fe msn. Mil hflarc he ever faced llrft said he believes some “pro- lressi)r Spring a miltcl You'll w an t to know •tot>T» n u e l e n t'p o v e re d . aircraft^43 TbUbb Knied Bey* 'should b« w ith us 'within! 3 ta>«U 10 At the time the boys died a t vihy he gaveup his nif;ht-clerk« for Extro Beds »|S .yenrs.'* " ore. Charity hospital Oct. 13. authorlUesUe* ing job in a fiophoiise, how he flJ' * Ho ssld the first nppllcatlons na-win first atuibuied their deaths to mal-lal- * landed hii firit radio job, and • G o o d mulH-coil m unit ggLJbe.ln mlllUry iUrcrafL-wlUiAtP* ofthePoJltodayl ' I. •r'''! 'making It possible to cross the mena­ nines about tha boys"deaths. Uon In less th a n tw o hours. 1^ She'TsfdlhFpoisSriStleirToUDa K t tiitj-it ill MwuSaS~' ~ ... .' C. R. Sm ith, p resid en t of Amerf-red In her apnrlment were there when ^1-1 csn Air lines, snld recently "thereup she moved In nbout six m onths ago‘KO BnM RfflRlNHiiilflH w| Is enoush potential energy Inlr- a and denied Ihni sha ever u.wd nnyny ■HjW lW jtw pound of uranium . . . to fly nn alr- In any manner. \m • plane around the world non-stop q u a l i t y " 100 times or m ore. be Among some reraoie Nrw Guinea>^a I I ------i:iVc .m ny. a p c c U o ^ f t _ th lg Jy« p ,e Jrltws. w«.i formerly required•fd of pcr/ormance durtnff our W/etlme." to give two humnn hend* ns well ■■■llliillefltilH H lH I Ohilnger aald R t o m le -p o w e redn’s as dog-tooth money for lil.i brldr. -coil iViottress I-, . plnnes wlll fly fa ste r and stay rk up ------r 'l . lonser Uian any luel-powered air* IR BOX SPRING I crafl. "In fnct," he sa id fn an Interview.' roof pre-built border “Uie limit of endurance m sy well be J, dicnCed by the c rc ir «r>d pasjffnger*, < ifiondl sleeping comfort 'Bji' not the nlrcraft.'’ t Ohilnger. chief of Northrop’s d omount-of padding 'i I j compiiitr servlce.-(,'Wns In New York - \ |,J rcccmly to ntttnrt a fpcuni on atomic I I I ' encisy In Intluslo'. ij Frightened Youth II i Taken From C liff' It MATTRESS or I 11 NEWPORT. Ky., Nov. B MWFour- _hap|)en teyou____| t Um.jcnr-nlcl Tom Ciirr spent nn jj _ -iconirini: li.ill hour, lylnc motion- IL-BOX-SPRING— »[ j J ' il*''"’’-''” cliff'iilp, "nhll/* wllh Tuil.iy hr uliul tn be alivp nolly advertised quality 1 10 iPll .iboul Ihr b n h r Iom. ,-'i 'flic youUi .md four cnnipnnloiu n coii construction ----- ~ r ------Ilis»-ii. * — • M ^ o l lI box b springs ^ helped Uie Russlniu celcbrnie thr CALL 2 8 6 0 ^ E 3 B 3 S ^ m .'v 38th nnnlveri.iry of iljr DoL-.hrvik • Durablele stripedI tick-with ------111 revoluilon nt n ciila Soviet emb;i.'.sy party !mi nltrfit. FOR FREE SUI5URVEY AND ESTIMATE e d g e s All of llie m em bers of Ihe Prcsl- - {ifiil's cnbiitei were Invitrri al.«n, .m embii/«y spokesman M id. but none •• of lhem attended. \ L Ain | r 403 Moin c |||A — FRII-PARKJNG ------(fm m om y ^a c^' i r"7oRTRXrT^” I,' For Christmas Dudley Studio v — ____I_____ % ' ■ j0C2 RlueUkw Bird.. ■« V ------Phone iVt b ^ I ^ J

~ ...... " ~ ' " ' timIMES-NEWS, TW IN -FA^LLS, U roAHO______rrrrmGEiEEEV^

^ 1 -1 U r n / , i T I / j TT _i . ! ChrUhristmas G ift, u l K E h & r Building fl ENMORE I _HEilA T E R — I !<* ° IB ir r Nf» 195i956 Imprortd Mwitt. j

CulldlnR *nd • - - ^ ------t-TTT^- jim m Bd^ &B ^ t Ss r^M — ^ M ake:e Them The Ho|appiest Boy an(nd Girl j g ll^] • z Deluxe! • . . A u to m ate ( t in. thle i W orld .... f t 5 l | *T5-"nrS»”X the H ew 1 9 5 6 9 H H V ' « H i-G lD.,.1650Wotts .^ . ® t 0(0 OMvr ir •■' IIS. lOliUCI AMO CO. •Lo-GIo...... 1320 Waff* B 'eight Poripble | | | h f tcAlrd (»« Cahoon ^ f • Tfouble-Frle-Frce T herm ostat V irchltrtf* I« •nd ^ ...... -! lUch thitu* M

„ « r e l r fl«>r trw l- ^1“ Will Hold o« il>e "'’“ * ^ H ^ ^ t r r m the eftrpenir)-

^ H c j muit »'” > ^ ipprovfd ^ I S P E E D JJ. C Higgins “y..rH of examlnem- I I M I ] IM P O R H D LLIGHTWEIGG H T S ... _ w } - W ^ f c S A L E ^ CoffMmakor ^ ^ Cooker-Fryer^ ( E!Eleele Skillet' WONBERFUL GIFTSTS for YOUNG- •Kular O C Frlfi, Stem, Bakei K eatu CootCmU 1 W ajt. . . Beller! C A L E N D A R 30.B3.93 Valli#V» ______L l.» J .J _____------STERS 9 to Kenmirnmore 2 1 . 9 5 Only _ 1 7 . 9 5 ^ n r «-atck this ♦o’ O . c . ^ ■ 1 ^ S7ACE UMLV m j l M • linmaiic Elfclrie H eal— 'V Immeralble ^ Model . . . • FFUI U lx y AUTOMATIC -Blmm.Immet" lo «2S" F. Extra AutomiitomaUcally lh e H ea t ru Select. Bis 3>i- T i g . 8 8 ^ IREPLACE OUTFIT Heating Pads Biovf^kr 10 ‘ l l l h (Uauit low carryingrln, chart.) Hondst ^ K s n b a r and Kira Crtip l l j » - ondsome Bross-plaled Reg.^cg. 21.95 „ . J . Z ____ ._____ ooa ^HrrriiKinei)^ 11) • ,3-Spccd Cear with Handle BararGrarBhlll G ^■llopklni. Auctioneer _ -- •ttl'^ • Quirk Acilon Cnllpcr H a n d BrakBrake* kxn Inchet _ — 6.95 1 • ComforLible F orm .F ltllnB CollDll SprintS Saddle Set•t IncIncliirieji 2-pifce mr. V ' plated.aled. Screcn I tiut 38 lnji3l In. Al B ll( Sa'Sale SeiVinsL ' s\ul»llu U li. UL-Uated. ^■ind Klati. Aucllonteri ^ MKN'S )MOl)i:i.: nurjrtiodj' M fUjillle llIe with WhIU ^ P J and.Onlrt-Color-Irlm ...... B oVEM B ER 10 GIRLS' .itOnPL: fSreen wUh ^BtrilifnientrNnTrT^S Green and While Trim .— ...... -...... 43.95..... 1 ^. "Floating Drive" McMotor M ount... Reduces; e t V i b r a t i o n ! ^ K n h noe. 'Aucllnneer'

^iNovcmlicr 11 C. 0 . Minor ^ 5nn ^HtniiFm(nt Nm, 8>3 . 88-INCH I A.JUxa>. Auctlnnecr*

lOVEMHER 11 tnUt ft Htetnrr« rllKititnl. Not. 11-1? A KUat. Auctioneer* i f l A i A B L ,

OVECMnicR 14 ------ithbun A W nntfn' rllKment. Vnr. 11-I2 ellfnbfck ft

O V ^ C R H . . • , , liVnmMh • GuUifit , (»(nt Snrcmher 10. D rm ^irSfi5T.22 1 2 : 5 0 “ " ■ H p » - Ra«. A utllonrtn : . I • Heovysovy Dufy ConstrucUon oviS:u n f»sv 'n handle, v't lull ilM tnct'rucsrussedlr huitt. Flrw *horU, opttr mil W arrrn Rerry nr lone rlllr. Pnirldsr front Alclit. *djuadjiwiable rear. Dependablt lt« up to 0 45* Angi» tll«fBenl, Nov. IM J ' elean . „ , Carry A Compleli; 1 ■ InSfrnutli ft K. Ij^ritn, CUon. W alnut iioclt. Welsh* only 4'-i-ll'-i-lbi. Aurllflncrra oFof iBikoi ond Accejsoric*. .. I 1 :...... C R flEK W illl h tnd ., Extetleni Eifrs ZQ 0VKjrilHI!-l6------^Every Srxe, Every Model. .»:-Rnr. Aurllnnrrrj ^ / 1 I i = OVK.MIJKR l.-i I l-j. nurffP ^ "I ' -f UKUtfni \nn.m l)rr IS * Kla»«. Aurllonrcri I N’nvfmlier Ifi ^ rjiw « ]H _ C J U I..,.I .ln .----- .------T - ^ ^ j | :^:4— izz; lixrnfni, Xn»-. I4.|.^ ^ , - J t'inr.n, Aurlinnrrr Sabre Saw Dunlop D Drill Ki> Cradraftsman Jigsaw s I Doisy Air Rifle ut SBoothlr... No Saadlail ■ SVKMIiKll K. AC^DIES' LUGGAGE | 3 « Boslaskctbali Set De C all Anr Shape Dealred Foror 1101 -Dq Jl Vour*eir Jebt Cot 8i I • Hnpkin, . n^l^h 500MO IShot rnrap B«peat«r 21" Week-end Caso ■ OutdDRTdonr D»U, Goa\ »nd Nei Nmrm1.TT U ' -pc. K i t ------29.95 iM nct ______18.95 I « " • Mlnir. Aiicllonrrri ,y ‘...... 8.49 w ithoutIthout Cn*e...... 33*95 H -pc. Ivtt'tKXl P ram e. vinyl cnvrrint:. t<>' 5 8 8 rlll. Sund. Grind. Bnuh. Pol- Simpljimple t u y to us^~ldeal fo r «1! ■ x c , lli.i nUi pump «rllon, Adjunlftblr U*pw m ail irip. cr(w nit, keyliol'" or • Drill. N o v ^ c r l f i ...... SmnUt- n \\ m «ood. pl»*Uc. lnh,n. Ml* ^ Palnl, Buin •'Su- cutoutjiouU. homt work ihope, ■ MN CASK ' ...... i '.n Ollicialal ; S trr niibWr-Covrrpd pe epp--Ana, -"A open *isht. Toiish * in-lermin „ melal! ' prewrew r- rreeWon-srared ker ,<3,11 INCH PHI.I.MAN .. I'lfO TRA1> t.-\kr.< rouehfit outdoor nbrron•ron forrnd and itock. En- non*irri jo li work.

* •‘In*. Aurllnnrrrt j

l li»lirrl,.n \„v, |:,.|R 1 Aiifllnnrrrn • [‘VK.MUKlMs------3— -- 0^0^000®^ §

* '‘u**. Aucllnnrrr, lockcsWronch Set 6-16 -Pc. W rench Sot Soldering I G i^ '“I Pcbtcx Footballs Jr-'r. Archcry Set D'Deluxe Skates Sock Sleeping Bags Pc CrafUraan ' BulBuilt-In rocued BpotU^I . I a a l Up t« < ■nme* Lonjer WllhW ilh !,-lnch Square Drlre landlM, Feela.Uke I^altifr CnmiilfHpifle Sel for IK iinntr^ .\nv. ln.17 ficnutut Sstyle with Wiirm HlHnr Han iiper-Tutr ■ ^ Xn 10.95 AurUnnffra : , . H l n t M ...... -5.95 l« .p c .5 ...... 18.88 seel r Combination ...... H .O U Crafl C. I M i ™ ...... j r w r ...... 2.99 (J. H ...... J9 ,9 5 eal /or fjirmers; mrchnnic» in __Irtralenl ?ct for..hex..Qr.-»quw«------A-du,^-dur«bIe, h«vy-l 'alrfisll iij.1 \SB r.»M\ hM tli; 13-poinl------tlccti ■^TlON I-'nir.'lr.M IErrrn twill w llh flllliii: Otflrln n«'it'mrJi'rrtd«r» _ ' »ii5orrtn\ fk e t end.v S lr« 7/18 to % - Plaati’laatie Hoiuln# and -Rep!»c«-, ■ iifw w oaU .C o tto n -fw n n rt .wcarjrirtnsojruticmi irathrrrm rrr - ' ri'^- « • IP nnd vibration. Dill b«r»- . fla.iD.t all all Uir looU for b,wie work abcket ^ whllr MrlpMl wime COI I n.itin:A.MI. Orip; Lscqnrr tioi*p m , mQtor.1. .Ihch.lch. PUsllc CIM. «bl«lhl# I Up*. :60»K*t^ . ; .1 ^r’‘‘r , I 'pb'iti(I lining,m' r iill IciJKth. zipper T.in « V, 4 ;o-tucti Arrows. ltxc»-u A< AdlusU 1 10 11-ln. on moto wa. 1, lAnelc (impcs. 4 403 MAIN AVENIENUE WEST PHONE 28i(^ I m e y ^ a a i m Kj , ^ Free ParkingI - No Meters . n-T lU Ei PAGE TWKLVB ..... -TIMES-NEWS, TWINN ]FALLS, IDAHO UESDAY.N o v e s ib ^ ^ Fsl=Oeniiin

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I * j q M ' \ /TTWH------,11w V*- \ i Q s i ^ i J i — \ | f VI ______, ■■ . V i (i I ~ T i If :1, '-fl ^ i .

■ ■ jl AUTOMATIC: WASHER ^ ELECTRIC: DRYER 11 Originally $269,95)5 - Now Only Originally $209.9!.95 - Now Only

. 9 5 . 9 5 Btiy Both Buy BeHi Ih'*"| i - ‘ i 9 Only 9 Only 1 2 2 * 171 - J I O Down -...... - ■^‘^1 Now . . . enjoy work-free washdo) Heri'S your matching dryer to C' w l r more Woshdoys, You con owntdoys t by making them Ken- for your woshdoy comfort.0 complete V the fabulous poii* m afic W osher ond Elcctric Dryern Doth) fhe Kenmore Aulo- enamel work fop thot-keeps dec. With gleaming pofcejain j,,. Mognificently designed and ilylecer for only pennies per doy. the UutrO'Violef Sun-Fresh lomcleon olmosf by itself! With ih feoturesof-oIUhoine-lauridry.oppliyied they fcolure the finest — cI«on,-»w«et-»m«lIin9-ffcshncstlomp Ihot gives that bright, I II trols . . . fam ous Visi-Dial . • ;>plianco&.-Push*bulton-«on*,— . ar - your woshing this winter. . . ondicst-4o-olUyour- clothej^D e— I that does o family sized wash. qui and oil in o full-sized tub wilh these fabulous Kenmores!3nd for many winters fo como quickly and completely. :s!

I Kenmore Auton It's Kenmore forfc Americo's F i n e s t Rdiia Genuine )matic : ■V * Budget Priccd 1 Packcd! _ cd . . . V alue “M-in. Kenmqlo r e A u t o im ...... fl'i'A complewiyAutoms ------W ish er^im iJ'V T rtaTU)maUcT?cnmorc! Ji ...... i . - ■ ------TT(ritlrthe"built=iirgrrgriddfsnondTflffi! 1 = ^ « j , a u n anywherf, no bolUni ^ * i»ry. Leg* are *elt-)ev(aTJiftrpaneimi:------m W D ow n ' t » r mechanUm neverilUng nc down necM- • O riginally 279.' lu arin u ed 6 years. -levellnR, Sealed ^ '9.95 Nowolny r ncedJ olltns ... i f I f m lOOf Kenmore Di Below *11 Dryer trols drying time ^ ^ ______# One dial contrc ------. . . heat ------imort Aulomatle electrie^ K ^ f r f d fonret It! Let Kenmor* • a • Family-si: I)li; B-lb. ckpacU r Ketunoou relax. No mora heavy ■ I -sized.-Visa-Bokfifl) firyer... Jiut *et It a n d ft . .. clothu t« hang. Do A n. inpprcelaelainenomel! - c!o your drj-lnj while youway ... in a Xenmora. V clothe.'buketa u> carry . . . your d iy ln r th e easy, way 9 - " \ g ____t - T o p - o r --_WelLfor_deep-Wei; W " cookingg o r s u rfo ce burnef! —^ • Electric: RRobotim er mokes I n BIG EEN I cooking3 automatic!a 7 i r S C R E Y es... just set it andjnd forget it with the wonderd erfu l new Kenmort 36-inch automatic electric ek range now featureu red a t tremendouJ savings of $50! Everj^ery feature for cooking eas6?ase in one range at this budget-saving ph You have to see it to0 believebi it. Como in t o d a y . . .

11 Deluxe

Nn I COLL D ^ ON ^N- I MLY *5 DOW^ I ^ Compare theshese built-in aivaniit • Ideal for ir Local Reception !n • F u^ull.widlh ll. froMiifeoiif • 1-year Pic a nty g lolor-tone hormonW"!*^ ’ictu re Tube W orrar * Colo • Four^our widely tpe»i • 0)u “" tfta n d ln g itrf* • Seolcleflled Permfl'ThriftU*» ^ 1 ' B L 7 .6 C u . Ft. 1 0 0 . 9 5 * ...... ~ COLDSPOT Now J X T o n l y >i « «>•* If ' — —

Low-priced Radio To Here’s moflern designc [g refi'igeralo'’ ®"’ Hi-Fi Phono 3-Sp l-inchTVScf 1 Ide«l for Kitchen * Tabic Model Set Rer* h Il HI-FI Under SIM Compare-Speed Phono 21 -i r Kxpan„Inchide* Hl-Pl ampllflrr. Bilverloiir ...... -19,95 Ojily:. tables. Huge storage a Dse items you fi-lnch ipeaktrA, automivliR Uir roiiiitr hrlsm pictiirt*. Power- C onvenient one finirpr tu n in j. •n.ifiinn, llir portable phono fnr , . handy. Yes— it’s a del waiting fcry«"*‘ Full AM ra ngf. a iv e l______^__ upfakrr wert c h tn ie r In m ihoiany riuce inlur HF rfreplionl flllverton* ihed eablnei. ------iroi,- iiiitry or ^a^lle.^ Wide- pner-atyled beauty and big r •nlumexontrol. tone eon- VHFJclltv. ----- ^----- — S cars! S s ' Jtill-fidclit' mode! prices. Spaciou.s sheli gallon milk bottles, big roas phone! 5 403 M AIN AVIWENUE WEST ore easily over VL* bushel of e area in thc door for those Ask Abouf Sears M a n deluxe Kenmore and it’s wa

- “ ______i I

rs Easy Payment Pla _ ^ ^ . o v e MBEB_8.JS55 _____ '• TIM'IMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLSXS.JDAHO ______

I ^ T I L L 9f W M ,

I i O T lM i a ® 2 ' ' CHARMODDE nly TOO at this 5 iow price Nylon Satinn S l i p ®

V a l u e ( ■ 9 8 L i Domonstrotion % ' ^ > \ P r i c e O n l y

TXt * : V v , ■ S„»ig!5traight“cut ‘ with diomond m m B m A ' _ _ V j l midrifmidriff, nytcn loce ond- - I sczallopcd nylon sh eer trims ' ■ *cpIcp endor bottom . W h ite 32 la .<0. i i I _ ! ^ p j u c e d ______in«d U itar Tw ill '<. ^ permanent shapee iis b u ilt in I i u r o y Sureoafs ' 5 ’ S p o r t y Shirts ,1 0 .9 5 ...... 7 . 9 9 l i Charmodcle Brq I ______Ncwr-n'r-neof-looking-ripper— ...... » J frontt style.St5 Wool lined body , | .’• J sleeves. Aclion bock^ wbite cotlon C com pletely w oshfhfast and sunfast $36 to 46. Trimmed Leg Briefs broadcloth' ^8 9 T 1 regular 3.98 nm en's Pilgrim

'oi'...... :.....r.-;vT.1 . 0 0 . . .-UH ie. l>ro w)ili tHe "litlle extra"i" tlthat makM th* dif- H fercnce between o.straight Iin«> anand curvt. Clrculor H sm all/ meduim, Vhitc runproof Iricocel with a stitched bust cups for gently roundlunded silhouette. Sizes I he Good H ousekeeping seol 32. large sizes r ^ ■ / ^ I f ^ 32-36A, 32-388. - 2 / ’ ® i 'rimmed wifh nylon ruf- l c ^ '' Trimmi [iog Jd ce._ l'2 -18------— ------l^LA^WAI^FOR-CHRISTiI5TM A S-N 0W ------H Whot~o buv."iTi>n. PitiriQC-flUQtily-pinwole-cof------jGCw * ’ duroy cornplcfely woshfiihfosf, sunfost, mochin« | .’3S N Shop Whl(« S«lectiont A rtr* M woshablc. W ear 'em fo.for work, play, dress— i . ■ they alwoys look sm art,rf. New high-styled col- i ors including charcoal]1 igroy. Buy on ormful pj • 'ol this price—todoy,-' Flannol Shirts Y / 5w»arlB/arlinl* rripted Cotton" ' , V .

PILOBIM..:...1.98 \ 'tm In or euti W t»r >in flw.an(l.linproved- irk'Jmapliy.-Lstcsthenth- — e nes, new novelly patlern.i. ilux. £ P < ftrolon Surcoot ihrlnlttiRe iri on leisure vweqrJb — ...... clossissic-Orlon^?— -— r— -^n M l Jji ■■.. » "- I \>5a * " J Cclardigans ' s^rflDRp^v/ JV

Jufcoot in new c h a rc o o l-to n c fo liz o i ftJi’Qn ond occtotc, 179o nylonon I . 2 . 9 8 , Hormony-huo royon sotin lininj eoler imt like_big_sistetIyJn-----1- *0 I0-O2' wool ond royon insulot4[QtiO[L------th c d o ss Dynel collar resists m o ftin g . Lec lossic fitted style with shiny ^ ^ • < 3 lfoy.p:oof Cuffs, Elosfic w aist insc buttons. Worm, kitten-soft Choicc of colors. O rion*• in 0 wide choice of colors, At ors. /T *A DurontPonl Krjllc llbtr ' . R e T u r k ^ _____ —1 W\ J , * ■ “'keys will be given a\ 1 j J g . \

B “fsday nlglit a t 8:30. I 1 A a / 7 \ 1,0 ■ing to buy - Get tick MJ/ W r Iv 4 ' T^ *'i

■g. >3.98 and M.98 f c f ^ cord>rduroy pedal

p uushers s l' % 0 ^ f

an Flannel Lined iK ^ 3 | P Pockecket your sovings and iw Honeysuckle ______J - re|oiceI_Theseiareiyour- io ic —------T w ill J e a n s ./ / r favorvorile hord-weorlng, nforced Socks ^ G i rrls' l s ' Craiy Pants Shorts / / - \ eosy-\sy-woshing corduroys in :CIAL PURCHASEI 1.98 j / ^ Jh'e» most rr glorious colors 6 p ilr s ...... 1 . 0 0 ' 1.98 /! / I ever.er. CKecks,1 solids, pais­ W orm 'n' duroble, Sanfor- as, harlequin prints, all ', 1.98 Boys'\i' W inter Caps / / ) , l.y s. J'vira Tniish nylon nyi rtinloiceri loc nnd. ized* borlborfocked jeons wim Ju st likelike teen-oge sisters. \ j/ .fi y \ th«» gay ac designs you love, #ek Ipiitili for loiiE, rus- com fy clcclo4tic woisf. Rich W oshfost»fosf corduroy eo lto n in ^ a sijlei «nd r«U«riH lifl: '‘l»Ck y M iis«sses* , sizes...... ; V dr. Asjorted eolar* , . . ,^’J2’6. *Mox._ shrink- solid colpiCQlors_and crQjyjirints.- ^ V,iliip, i„... 15...... ;; 99c (o li! 6 0 C 1 9b-?b. Sizes 33 fc to 6x. mmtieedoz>s^t ^acA FREFREE PA RKING - NNO METERS 403 MAIN AVE. WE!WEST - pPHONG ^ 28£0

«• ■ I ______^______^ ___ T (1 — PAGB-FOUBTEEN ------.TIMES-NEWS,.TWI!KTNJEALLS.JDAH^-„ ^TOESDAY.KO^-EMBt,

|=3$FB?S?Pe^F=j= “ -EightCom biiies-ssftedioTrHarsesesfatAreajEarmiii- trr- ...... ,..- — Rich—Heiress- I —EacUiticsMjry 1 Weds Athlete; . / « I Be Curtailed ■ Sixth Atteiiipiptsirfx-iisS s; VERSAILLES, Pra^M , Nor.• IB» i 'V' ‘ f^'vrd fn IV ,.' a WABIUNGTON. Nov. 8 itlwTlirir ■ • ' , ■ * ■ ' - —Wootworlh helrcM Bart>ar» Huttclutlon kin^^ fl deleuM deparlm cnl h*« annmincfdd • 1% J fcAl married Oerman t«nnb aU'r Baron Bara f f ' B p liiu 10 closf down 33 mllllnry f"- Oolltried von Cram m here today, R clllUea Uial compeW' » llh pnvaie j The wedding ceremony took pin iu!‘ buslnua. If i . The new Ibt brouchl to 'he , In secrecy a t the town hall oulslc tf • .num b*r-of-com m ercial nod lii'liil* ' the famed Vcraallle* chateau, Th Uliil f»cllltlc5 run by th r nrmrd I — ceremony wa«-perform ed by^'Andi rl forccA which h#ve bfrn scliedulcd^d I Mlgnot, Veraalllea m ayor and nj IfJ Xor clojlns by early Kcbruarj-. I Uonal assembly deputy. They include shoe rrp.nr Miop«.IS. I MlU Kullon Is 43; Von Cmmmnm 44fl.| nufMrlei. bakerlci. colJcr tnaaims I .SUth w e d d ln r . plantA. cem rnl mixinc p lm t.' id »nd I >■- u wna the alxth .wedding foror lfthr chain manurnclurinK fncilltlrs. I ' i , dime atore helreas and the seconsecond Warbero . . _ AMlitiinl Defcnjsp S f c r r l s r yy 1 for Von Cramm who served a perlo ! Thomns P. Pike snid th r nMutdo^Mas I In Jalt In 1938 on a m orals charge continue thc ndmlnbirAilonA ’ ni;-t- I -Miss Hutton divorced h er -£ flft Moyin BfCAilve proRram to tiikr llir KOv* I husband. Dominican playboy Fo: ernment out ot compctlllon « lih prl-I- I flrlo Rublrosa, only laat July. Sti i>e vate enterprise w hrrr thla c.m be I went to Tangier aft«r that wit done ttllhoui rndftngcrlni! ilie mv- I Von Crnmm for two m ontha In hi tlonal itcurliy." • ^ I Arabian nights palace there. or i 2 4 68 jie.uM, ALLIED VAN liv bride- — of »* Tlie 32 fRcllltles nnnouiicrd Jorid I cloilns today Included: . I The only persons 'present for lli A chain m anulacturlni I*clliiy atr- I ceremony today were tw o wlUie.ui Boston. Mbm .. nnvnl uhlp yard. I required by Prench law—the iLD brld< happI i Cement mlxlnc plants at Snn Dl- I 1 round the south corner of tbe eut. 60U acre* en Ihs rhlnes arc ownedsed I by Cox BroUiera. Rlraberly. aodid the laat John Deere 45 belonp lo grbom'jl brolher nnd th e curator { i"' fKO. Calif., nnval air ftiitlon and I Klght Mir-propclW cembinn r W lllUm E. McCoy farm, one andnd .one-half mllet north of (he C»Mla-Twhrw in Fall! county Wllllaro MeCoy.y. F< Four combines began Ibe hantetllngtllng 'Wedneaday bul beeausc of rain il Keyport. Waah.. naval *Ullon. icUd Monday afUrnoon. (SUff pholo- llir Cobbler ihop* at Elcln. Fla . Pair-i_ I boundary line. T hr 60-»rre eloTcrTcr field, owned by Lrille P rte rta n . wass aaiebruthu thrrc were unable to (lolltlDlah tht projtoct which wat compleUd \ ^OU KNOW” i f - child. Wash., and Travis. Calif., air | year* a |o . The four John Deerere !l i ’t art e»nd by Olenn McCoy, thee three(k Case ma- encr«»lng) Ju* ' force baiM. W\ 'MT C dU L Acetylene mnnutiieturlnK al Lonit will eaae off brlwr^n now nnd <*lec- T Mrs. Hays a n d Em est Ihler receivedIved .BAPTIZED kY, NOV. 11 Bench., Callf.. nnval shipynrd. A Current U. S. tloln day.-Tlial could b« deadly. F i U er B u r e a u ■ altendance” awards. HEYBURN, Nov, 8 -Q . D. Brown. ■ M'- tree and cardcn nur&Cry nl navni air RefreshmenlA were served by Mrs. „Rhonda Moyle, Peggy ^'arner. Lor» HERE, YC ! I aiation: Klrlland, N; M.. air force . r Even though some farm prices I Ihler and Mrs. Hlne. "Orton. Dennis Mix and Ronsid Wil­ IN TIMES-NEWi ■, I bnw. lr BoomHelpful[ are down and oihers—pork for ex- Names Panel" cox «ere. bnptlzed a t the Rupert OUier «(|Ulpmanl « p n lr ahops a t i nmple are seriously deprcuicd. the Som e types of lns.inliy ln-« childhlld lalabemacle Snlurday. They were IT ON KTFI • Corpus Chrlstl. Tc*..-n*vnl air *tn- » i national economy 1* Bcttlnjc new FILER, j Nnr. 8 — Monroe Hayea?a canca be misl&ken for mental de- ccconllrmed Into Uie LDS church al FRIDAY, ' Uon. Amarillo. Tcx.. nlr force ba.ir; Iglrcccrds.. Personal Income In Sep- was etccted chairman of lhe Filer;r flclency.fl< ___Heybum.h ______On Vote Bids itrm ber was reported lhe hlR hest in _ Warren air force baM. Wyo.;. Lack­n- - I Parm Bureau Monday evening in p land sir forc« bnac, Tcx.; Lo»-ry airUl- WASHINOTON, Nov. B n r-T hlie e the nntlon'* hision—a t a r n tr of READ IT IN *307.500.000.000 annually If aua- the Ihi Filer Orange hall. force base. Colo.: Pnrka-nir force cold Blntlslica ot booming eniplny- jtnlned foe a yesr. (Other officers choicn are H. A.^ bn«e, CaJIf.; Blieppard *ir force b.iw. m ent nnd the floy,’ ot Income to lu- S , HEAR IT Tex.: Luke nlr forcfi base, Arir.: ” • ------oilChlldera, vice clialrm nn: Loren' i al ______Broolu «lr force bn.^e. Tex.: Mem­ dlvldunls and corporations add "P up TRUCKER FINKD FaFarmer, aecreury': D. B. Hlne, coun- j phis. Tenn. munlclpnl nirporl: Hrrvi- lo th e blRgrsl pollllcnl a.«et rlshl JEROME, Nov. ft-Frnnk Oneida. ty ‘S' representative, and Mr*. Hlne, I )py field, Tex.; Bryan nlr force base, (now In th e nrpublican locker, Shoshone, was fined S3 a n d J3 women's ehairnian. I T«. _____ ;A _Prc3iacnt_ , Elsenhower wm lhr|hr r ost.s Tuesday by Justice o f Uie ’ 'Tlie program Included atring In-' p«r£y'« raJw.ible paMCiVonoli'Prnce ■ Ruuell Shaud on Jt cltnrKc ol' fl> .ni-umfntal-jrlpctlow—by—Bobble- - until lie wait stricken Sept. 21. illsjlUjdrlvlng- a truck on th e hlRhwai' Jo.Jones, Tom L.mcn.Her. Virgil Iron.' 1^^^ J ^ M I I ^ Preliminary Okay n- ;political vnliie m ust be mniked.cd without mudflaps. lEalEarl Kalbllrbch nnd Dick Shelton., down aomewhat until nnd tinlcM It f ^ l ^ ^ D A Y S ONLY »*■ Is determ ined tlint he chn lead (iil— Given-for-Edifice nnother presldenllnl campaign. !!f . BOISE. Nor. 8 I,fl-W . n , Cahoon.'•* , If h e decide* not to i-un aKaln.f l — ------FARMIHERS! ■ Pocatello, hns been clven prelltn- jthfl Republican r.nmpglgn will be Inary permission to build a new, ^ w.TRCd on the l.«ues of penre and ! 'J' Industrial educaUon bulldlni: at i ...... W e\V-ni-Sort Y ojur u i Dry ‘‘t pro-iW llynnrii- alratlge-wnd-ot; Potnfocs V------N ow IT ok l e r y : : ^ Idaho Blat« collese for UB8.029-'Jy peacc.r nn uneasy one. Out o M ro i* I ' aom» 137.000 le u than hU original in Y o u r Ow;)\vn Cellar t. bid. ]]( , But (here 1> nothlns atranse II'., Commlasloner of Public V/ntka nbout , thc praiptrlty pinnk ns ol to- Phone Jcro m o 84845 or 461-M H |tr------Arthur-Wnrren—find—I(lah(*-6i«lc•til ; day, Jusl 12 crillcnl months beforenre I}. Sean ■ jstabfe steel I 1^ ll Collese Presldenl Cnrl W. Mclnto.thUP, nexl yenr's pre.^ldentlal election. ■ l{ arrived * t the Ilw re yesterday by 'Tlic boom Is on. The reporta of per- oke all the Drudger I U! acallnt down orlRlnnl plans for Iheaonal and cnrporntlon income ands Jerome Produluc^ Co., Inc; ---- I , building, one of a number of al.Mc treaaury ' revenue sound ll loud and — ONIONS the'long. -I ■ ' POTATOES — 4 6 T A B i P BoreromentBlructure.^ to be financed Idaho 1 {I I by a two-mllllon-dollar bond luue.Inl W hnt the nepublleans Imve u to 'Jerome, I j ■■iMimmifc irs finest adjust i M l ; ...... They_.elimlnMfd Juch alwrnnlc I fenr is the i)avtlbllliy Umt thc boom jlifi: B t)rlck and chain fcfice i n l trDontf the atorage area, concrete HI floor tnatmenl in umo of the’ IRONINl 'P f l . — .. oiiavmgs exbau.tter ln | ,'V Uic carpentry shop. I ' not 18.95 1 1 1 N ewly ■ not 16.95 „ cgs ore curved lo ollw p 'r ^ | - I knee t rnents— from 24 to 36 ind^| k ^ ^ .Vgiyeti eight for you whether ]tlii^| Q stondii buf at Sears only 'top. Opens, closes autcrrO^H ■7‘^v ^ :wly designed chrome-platcd legs ee room; 12 fingertip adjustmen No-Stoin, No-Bum, N o U ^ f e th is tc b lc ju s t th e r ig h t h e’igli nding. Lorge ventilated work'top. ------SiMing-or'S^'ndin

j 'fr 7c d » .. • Good quality ■ I p I I All-Steel Table O v p I R o a s f Q r » « Llmll a dnirn Indoor D rytf^V Pnuble braced for rigidity Hondy Si*e; Eosy lo Cleon Fetl of l I s a t l s f t ^ B '------COVER AND Reg. MS ...... 5,98^ ILow priced e t ...... 1.89 RfS. 39*...... — Vcntllntert top shortens workc — ■-■ ■■■■■■/■------PAtrsn— Koliis ll>t ler hours. Rubber tipped lei;* won'tI 0>^r ol i*on yew’n Axd ex* lo le« ■■ ,..llv » allp or m ar floor. Save ovrrr p»l<#dl Ilg* ip«LI*d >xo»«l rooitM- Jrc.^hly Irnned c l o t l » » ^ » 5^^^

Loyoway Sole of H S t ■ v . : ; „ *1 DOW h u ■ i ~ T ~ J r ■- Fiber ^ ■' | f y H am pers |1 l ^ n A , , y ------» J . w f o r S- ■ ' /Wma . jg R

• PIft.'.tIc Top, p.m rl l | i - K i a L _ ^ , • Extrn atrnns. D ur- l& ■ f t ...n o vrty m p ij ablr UU ^ • Cnnvenlrnl Fnmlly Iw M in of football comes afler the g£game whon • — £ ----- Kenmore Big 23-Quort5ixelie MealV Making Miraclo! ^ Size g K Chfilcr.Clirertul lm K J O th friends lo discuss the thrillsIlls of the i ’ W f Cninra IW % er hrimining, sparkling, glasseses of refresh- t.' ^ w ntp/B ------P art of thc fun ( Roasterr Oven Beer. “I t ’s the Water" L hat mmakes a thc /.■ T 'T S j^ '.' • Reg. 37.95 B othScoA I - you rclux with 1 Terence. Tho rare brewing wateiiter from * Rooitt, bokes deliciousfy ' _ afternoon over 1 • Broili and grilli quickly isian wells extracts thc dolicalelie flavors 3 1 - 8 8 S l H »W '.... I ' i K ing Olympia Bei Here it is! Thc only roaster over fiesfi < •* " lops and grains-assuring thce s • oven that cooks with ronge'' delightful diffen W S9/Kjmlm e ffic ien c y ! U p lo fa ste!cr, r, 2(20% larger, 20% coolcr - •;cry time you enjoy Olympia. i cooking than ony other rooster,:sler, So wonderful in sum- - S i S g g l J i our deep .^rlcsia I mer. n~ Cooks complcic mcolI for fi—outomoiicollyl - from choice hop V a t e r " that m akes th

J JArmyGiviiven Okay Uraniumm Mining TourCzr Canceled 1,^— IK. Nov. a n r-T h e N t. \ m ■ — 50L-$»..Sttppj ict Fornied jpfeHPoods— BtetriclICL 1 U illlC U Atwclatlonlatlon for lhe Advance- T 01aluable Opportut u n i t y I For All BUTTES. Wyo,, Nov. t ment ol Colored3red peopleP canceled ta-i ^11 Services . and minert formed the o u i.io u r of Mrs. .Mnmlel ’y v w m % WASHINOTO.S-.O.s'. Nov. B iir—The Pum pkin Dullea I lher o( Bmnsa-TiU.-Uael ... \ T * „ , r*. tineol-luu-ii,„v«t Tcwk Ttun*.!S?.?.SSS < Twin Falls, Idaho 1 to hnndle all fc>o

■■ * ^ |\l

*-. - y NPERFUU TOYS FOR GOGOOD GIRLS AND BOY ' pmscrtcf 7N£ FORESr AHD KANeS. OSf ifcttSSc!”'■'■ FFreed? 3ts Blamed ^ jH •NOEXES. Nov. 8 W -A r O F ^ ------LOS ANOl )r Air Mishap / l i - t i m e ^ f ■ , wom»n'» wJ whim te l Jo h n E, ME-YTrTi□ c/ r r v . Nov. a w -T h t y V l i l v e s •niwT.pwn Jn lot nnd co-pllot of t plunf ^■glt. Mull clursfi .^hed Saturday. • kllllnt: /> ( \.f lodsed by hU :atlon.i MlnWer Carl™ f / \ ^ Trike ^ » c s p i a n s M ' S r m S ““H»lx oUier ptrtons. wrre / / nocklnj her down. kJck- e.il today pending *n In. / > w 0.M V.I.. V ' • T k l ^ Ins her,,.choklne cho her #nd then vetllBnllnT ■3-Act Playi ■^3 5 ,';;'her with « w»ter hoee. ofricinis’mI nl Uie Central airport ' / ' P»« J“dM r. R.y Ben. htre tald Ihey lh believed , the-crash • - r " ’f H | ^ H lO B E B T MVSKl- n tU dlKnJul Ih t c h .rse y tt-.. w . causedtd by Improper m a ln t* .______-Eleetrie'Frei9hf~^|B ^HSiD.oS-AVON-En*- t«rd»y whtn■htn-Lau'tnd* lold him lumce-er-Ui*Oi^-plnrie'j-rainhrjrThey { T J B -«hR-snd-Thni n « r p 80it-u-ere-fflttrri«r iimre of lhe le li tnalM (L 5-unU ConpleU wlih ^ dmmii bfins plnynS • on Nov.>• 3. of the DC-3.3 on( a dlrly carburetor. • . ..I.V y transforraer and Irtck ^^P^kc.spt.Uf MrinorUI . ^ K . u i i l « '‘ ''•‘■n'^ '*'■‘1^’’ T ilt d«p»tUutlmtnl oJ inlMlor hw There arr,re 20 types eJ polMnouj / '■ ^ H sh ik M p cn tr. - cr«nt«d • new I 8W dlvlilon of a nthracite tntkr* In the ihe United SlflU*. divided / . ' ^ ■ g , . t h « Uiouwndii who n,|ne, u,eie burenutl of m lnct to help Into four kinds; klni Coral tnaket. cop. / '■::"•'IV *aB B / N CO V i n ^ ■ u u t t n w OUvler *nri m creueprodui■oducUvlly nnd ute o l hard perheadi. unter ufti moccatlnt and rat. ^ H t h for Itirlr rnlM In the , tletnakft. ■ * 8h.kr.«pwr rfpcrtnry f l ± *l»oV iVir o il* ------in. Ihlnk Rlr L iurrncr M f l W ig Trip in ' Is The f imine to Seleci provfd lilniJ-Hr iv srCnl I l l Vikeltis n ' Thanksgiving tpui but Alu A e ru ii • t e s o M f - c o s r % M a lltir fnr thU rrnl- L ^ J i; wiild b« c»ll«l -The _ * Largest Stoitock In Town ^ ■ v m tn LeliU " And In the , ^ ■ i ccuM. IL't Sir L au re n ee ______d:r(|nr. prnducrr. cn* ^ ^ _ g | * Sears Low^ IPrices ON ALILL M ' 3 ^H^Ori )>ir icnH)

[-Unit Fraight ^ ■ ^ i ^ « n c r Ollvlfcr whrn : ^ HH i o id rv w Loo|.RKaaalat tt« W lnd-np M<»(«r ' U» ^K^l^|^nueh linili nrr ninr> ^ S ^ B B 30" Wagon' ' v| ll;n:cM cnnir Uirouch B j B I H i n ' OuUtaodJeaoOtDC V th u 3 . 2 9 I al I'urcliue Trice \ .$I ehEntire Toy drivr.>. U\em ta ^ K c u n 'i 'vhrre they 4 3.88- M r— Almost Immediately . ^ ■ ^ U le uvinss ot tn.OOO ^ ■ n in d J u I lc r which U t Selection! 4 ^H bto lod Sin francUco . 'Jj ^■ sE ikr IKO frrnt Iltm ^ ^ ^ C ( » Wllh Ihr Wind." nn» m rrnta- Mtt But. iA\ut\\zr IVIM* frtflDinl»ljit S iriltt ky . frpu!»nnn on *tiiKr. ff**!"*"'btund SCfNKRUISIR ■ ^ \ a « Cr>ylwui ...... [ W T W O ______^ |: r c o i i r iiinricy. Lnurenci; . '.'. HIGHICHVyAYJBAVElERL^^D ■ e;«r-,T:hf_SKiti jjt_Qu(L------H L n i o n fnr Vivien nnd BofflfllVi "^OoiChMf ]j*contour <^rt, p»n^ J - — v sw fsr -T' ^WiU:, In IOO, Ukfi ovrr mtiui• nlelure c( w in d o w t.. . a>T«oin\ At Seari Only h:is s" k m r n b h Lo:OS A N G ELES...... *19.60 r ^ E n h r r . S a i ■ wfft hi^^ movr^ 5 m I * ^ SoundsI at CiCut* at Ue took* AN FRANCISCO ...... *17.65 ^ , . C 7 i ' ' , ■ :4 Inch “‘ll "ft nciiin, n u t n u , JJp p fr. “ 1*1'HOENIX ...... *20.20 ,. tt • f\ tl Toll Bedd MatMale _ _.2.98 C^ Newwl l IGiant T ruck_____ r i u i T4X W aliking l k i D o l l for hff rriiirn lo ' T oy W hchcclborro,w ------=SaT»“*2rj:=^=I Mtuutusuiti'Mxllix»>ii,lnehe* «pp-MM «iih hrr. S“^uU/Blty“D«*ied i ^ ;d(e Sleel Dody ed^omlntua- •• J ■ -toil,t(fr(rVlVlfn r r . ------— GREYHOUND TERMIidlNAU ' :■. i 23-i"-'i.WolkingDoll tiiiv K,i..(.n In (Hr 1 3 7-2nd - 2 Street Eait Phone 2000 ^ Price Noir nnly...... ii.« .1. -...... 7-98 •*?•'rgijyyr.v *-i ^■'"PW nry.

'"'j hbhbh^HH «

Milk Fast — Milk Clean; Actuall]illy 2 0 % Faster rffilPf H l | i 4 J thon-otiy-IMcWoor-^pe-Mf^ker-— tobofrs-te$S“VNi^rlc? ■ % . ■ D ooil l l CC arriage j Ih Void*,» lot tor K»»j Rloraje • ___ ling Clay Set ■ . Holilolstar ond G un u , A , ..._2.98 ^foby[by Doll Crib boimh to* BUt V rtsU n.Styto n V n P V Pedal "Cl I of Auorted eolon ■ lUrdwooIwoDdi Maple Finlah Priced ' I I I 4 3 lltary QA N*w AlU 0 O n ir ______9 8 c Rarp ■• /< Modelinloy rtoiew.... 9 | ; . 7 0 p r r r - r Cham pion .... .ra lU ty r«rm enl Plan . M H

‘•Slrln-f'rrr" Mllklne tl'li.' ncsl!:•sl'; clenncr. fnjtrr limn ^ 1 ^ 3 ^ nny milker W v e ever iMied. Genuine O aUlnle.vi uteel . - e4^y to empty nnd clcsn. NeoNeoorene cushlon-lop la- r r 's ^ fIsllon.i sunrAnteed for fix mnntnaiiha. W hy pny more . . . ^ ^ 3 ' tec Uiem todny a t ih lt low price. Pc. Bake Set g Spring H orse ------II Tolephons tjPc. Tea Sdf ■ ®'® ^ PHON)NE 2860 " StccM Keallyf Cook.Cooi nake. Per«« 2 8 - P i pyn.Inn'ii"™'' - ned Color “norenljreoUne'' Set ter < Itecular 11 _____ ^ 9 . 9 5 lly .«4l»fed, meonted on ^'ALLED FREE!! • y X ' 5 ^ W ell gladly dementientlraU IhU rre tl milker , Wreeker - Del 1 C8 Oally^ In yaur. ham. AbaAbaolutely no nl)llr»tlD"...... ^ 98c ■ ■...... ’8<=' .d ItOTJ ...... I . 0 0 bt»T7T7 llinbnUr (Inl (ruM. . • Vour Cltolfr N< . M e t a l l 1 Phone 2860 > ^ I T f u c k s ;iir\f . 403 MaininAvc.Vf, j! •PARKING Delivery • Dump oz^^om/ncmoney ■A|?\ i ! n K ) Free StorcBidi!sid6 Parking iH llJ 9:30 to 5-.30 — FiFriday 9:30 te 9:00 - r ■_ N(.iT - 9 8 c Al Senra O nlj \ -'Il l - - PAGE SIXTEEN TIIIES-NEWS, TWINN FALLS;-IDAHOI ------...... t u eiresD s A Y , NOVEMB J

jniirtTwereTgenuriirwo^w-Tlun ijr .^{oitout.-P*ah»-«)f-Mirr«kq>hr«»-tne{- M-yrir^lil Beibei Irtfltrliy imBE E ' i B olivijin C onsiir »F355gH t“ lK;^for lhe Sun." iTfilin 'Belng'madcinn OSiiltan-Forgives l t; t “ OfficiarDcfics iTSets^Spe^i Mexlca Genn said when he arrived In Damage Suit Inp." Me;(Ico he round th a t the script<<: ' - Former Enemy ["- A t E Otaoul’i request, the FrenchKh ' ,»itlit^ai*h7fcj^B iiu'eats, >viu 111 r rogram ilcrc HOLLYWOOD. Nov. 8 Hfv—British asalgned uaij to him was nol as ImportantIt PARIS.P Nov. 8 flft-A powerful but i,i relnsUted him aa sulUn lasta st 1 dlvlrtrd Capt, JofP Gu?:mnn Baldlvlfso,,in., H. If. ^ . acre(creen ncior Leo Oenn sought. M5.000 as a* Itr had been when he *greed lo« tribaltrib leader who helped kick S alU n SSaturdsy.j <‘ “ucation .t,d damages todny In a suit filed agalntl pjajr iY Dollvlnn’conWl to liie United Stale*es . i...... — ------I I,— d u r play In th e movie. > eirfiSidl Mohammed ben' Youssef offff ' ------'------Kim Snnlofii H Start Hunting0 nnd n former drlecatc lo lhe Unlifdj'roiT'" *i ^lUua-Fleld corporation, tiie movie Leo O ron ProducUons Ud. filed“ th e Moroccan throne today klaaedrd Bratll Is larger than thf contlnen- ’ S f ------ALBUQUERQUE.-Nftrrfl-.?—Dr-)(>- N*l!on*.-~will-b«-lhf-To»-n-H«U>ul ------^ , DhxlUclii8_Unl{_JlM(1fy boih .'(-•'if i'liil Inl- Waterfleld. ,M0»10, weeks' plua hla exccnrr^. - * ^ i f e n l oiriclftls. Gen. T. W, nutlrdcrIce Junior high ichool audllorluni. ' w m Ben Youssef granted the royalKl If a aeconjl sUte of T e x u were add- cJ Fl. D11L5, Koiii- fliMd O eno said the corporaUon agreed el ed to It. ■ - , 1 Tex.. ■’'‘1 Dr. W allace Bond., preildent nf •, lo pay him »3iOO a week last July RE/READ -nM ES-N EW b WAffT ADS-5- 'an:'’nman," or pardon, ta T h am l el ei P i » lth pliina to r milli.iry liuniin; cu IhP M*BlC Valley Town Hnll »s- ' 1!:. - - Uic groiincl" udaU on^.aald Caplaln Baldlvlr'n. inl nullcdre nnnniincrd ilnt 3.’ men‘J" who tl aUUoned «t Topeka, Knnj. J hsvr been »dccifd lo liui;i oti ilie Is edtjcallnc hU family of Inurur !' ' ■ IfX <00.000 ncre /edrr.il lititi:: rancc children In U. 8. »chool». >le lermsns ; -W _ ‘ » r)l In *OUlhem New MCMCO Tlir nncc Ihem "lhe beai In lhe world." h aiirrounded by Nf«' M'-xifn bnd AILE.;k l c . 3 Thf> Bolivian ofllcUl h a t a medical . . T K . o a I ( l y fliid Is BCparnlfil Irom T.x.u by a t - -i Ifj license from hl.i own country and .M itrip la mllM lonc nnri «i* iiiiIm J " ' I - ’ - . ' • . i has received BA and MA from>ni I • . ’ J C .’ M H ! H Thc ftmiiicrljic pot nvrr Mhf) ran...,n Ohio' Wesleyan nnd Emporln slalelie ' ■ U *nd ttho" eannoi hunt- dcct m the,l,c colIcRe.' respectively.:.______IMI B sre.i pmeUcnlly boilfd nter rs Newew Captain Baldlvleso bellevea Ihere H Mcxico official' cnntlmifd lliclrelr la need for greatenolldlllcatlon ol n wamlns*. Sen. D^nm^ Cliavcr. D.. D.. alt the Amerlena.’ '2 ' N. M.. a-nnicd Acnim.l u.mh: iiulit.iry'P' "You c a n 't'b u y ., friendship or T COIVER 1 JU ears in lhe hunl. ;md U. S AUy. SEA! SAII loyalty. 1ef» nol have hnndouii for n S ' Paul Larrnrolo lined up brhind ‘" the f lhe olher Americas. Instead of sllu.u. . Mb tlJile. lefs be pnrtners," he sutei. RuUcdse h as cnultnded Ih.il hc li ' lia* MClUilvo JurMlctlnii nve: n the ,. The Bolivian eoruul U i wrller:er ^4 BIG DA^(VYS iSTARTTING WEEbnesdI nnd publlnhps a regular colmjia In r , flrlne r»nEP ns eommanclin; Rfncral dl CAPT. JOSF. BALDIVIESO I ' ' o f Fl. D ll« nnd Ihul hr U n em- ,. "Ultima Horn," hU country’* lead- _ .1 powered by law Ui L'Juc llccnKion on Ing newspaper. He has written t»ft ' rll); ” the milllar;Meiervallnn. books. ’ 1 ' . ' 'I'm New Mexico conirm li lhal joldleM Mrs. J. Hill, wlio Is In charge ol«Mobster . Sought Chooi hunltne on thc rr.'.prvatlon miut ticket satea. said there are a tew 111’’' have » *50 non-resident hunUnsinc llckeu avallnble. Anyone wlihlnc “ lo In Auto Slaying J.Mi llccnsc. Tho elojejt mnvr Inward1 n « buy one cnn contact her a t 4Se. I' i-': II till eomprnml.ic eanic Jrom nutleilcc .howho — PHOENIX. Arlr....N(jv. i on-A u- ; olfcrcd to nllott' N>>v Mfxlco ta Ihorille* lodny aough^n west coast Froinl : I collect « t i fee. New Mrxicn tiffl-i“ Hells Canyon Will motlster ; for que.tltonliig In the gang- ; ' elnli turned down ihe offer with 1 J ; (irons nords.“ Be Political Issuea ’ land slnylng of former labor racke- , . fifjijfjr J I n il ~ RuUedcc reporlrdly hn.« llinuBlit teer Wlllle nioff. I illn flylns or convoylnc s.ime Iromom WEST RICHLAND. Wnsh.. Nnv, The unidentified hoodlum had I U !! -..-Ute-arcA to avoid Wca^-Metli-n sameme 8 W—Hellr-eanron wilt be lhe ma- ■been queatloned in two previous Overl II) departmenl ehedtpolnts on the ,lx. nix- Jor elecllon Issue next year In mexr bombi kllllDgs, ^ Ilc e aald. IIII]; mlle'»lrlp. The game'drp.iiiinenlfni Pacific Northwesl. Sen. Richard^ Maricopa County Sheriff L, c. II). Neuberger predloted lasl night Bolea said his office I* checUcg.a Tlie Oregon Democrat spoke nl n Upj th at the mobater arrived by plane Dcmocrnllc rnlly here in behall nfflf In| Phoenix nbout 1(5 hour* before Sen. W nrren O. Magnusoii's, D.,0., Oloff n-as murdered Frldiy by a 1000 si Waah.. campaign for reeleetlon. dynamite bomb rigged to tlie starter r & M ' I ‘’Public power h.is become a par-ir- iof his pickup truck. W. i ' ■ FJjS u y s 11 will "very dellnllciy" cjtab-i n ll.wn 1.V1UC. altliough It oncc w.w I M jr Ibh rond bloek-v blpflrUs.tn wltli Republicans Chnrlesles , , McNnry nnd Wlllinm Bor.ih work- J, In? with Democrnts Homer Bone! Bnd-Clarencf-01U,"-hi-*ald.-iJn.; Septic Tank P ' Folks in Heyburn tenor Secretary Dougins McKny hns made It nerubtlcan doctrine to' S ty lesI !jl Travel, Entertain surrender our finest sites to private;E C L E A N I N G IIEYDUIIN, Nor. fU-Mrrlln ninc- UlllltlC.'!." ' ANVWHERB In Magle' Vatleyl I 'l, hnm, BcnlUc. h rs lefl fo'r S.ill l.ike iil jk ____^llx_Afl«t_vl4lUnE_>ir._(inci_Mr!.md Jlfly Broii'cr. ren IP atteit "Mrs. Q. V. Slnipsnn, ORdrn, nnd 'Z 2 5 J 0 : ' Mrs, F. B. Klnc, Clenrlirlri, Ulah, -M agic C ity- hnve been vising their ilJter. Mra. W ORK GUARANTEED ! Paul Wilcox. ; ‘ Mr. nnd Mr.i. Iliicl BmlUi andSl R oofing Co. Rrpllr T.nV rrr.M»i,>. .KK -llh children, Murrny. Ulah. have been i*l I.. Mi-llt lanVi II;. . DflM W arner.______ind|I GENt r>ANir.u rl.inrrf il l«*il r,n„ ,v,„ t.n j.iri lo SiShop T h u K rl lu WrTififf^Tr*. HnrbTOIunler »nd1"! j * • m e t a l a w n i n g s ..cM ..rlou. iroubl., V" II IPI Mrs, Mftrle Pullman have rftumrd We Have A Big Rig and Can IH Irom'^'Oiuinrd.- Cnllf.. where theyIII)-: ★ 'S I D IN G Till9P,p Do the Job Quickly and Effi- ’ , 11! were cucsIji ot Mr, nnd Mm. Jerry.,7j ★ INSULATION k - ''. clently and for Only SU.OOl ★ STORM DOORS • 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE STORM WINDOWS See the FabulousUS Allstate Seat Coveover Trailer on Searsrs Parking Lof. Limimited TimeOB^>i I PH. ORchard 8-9908 ‘0.! i f Mogic Valley's only. - ' (BURLe Y) • . ___ n m ------JOHNS^MANVILtE ------Approved Applicator i SPECIAL OFFERER ■ — Sensdtiona Uj Tilley. I MAGIC VALLEY r ^ — - S alAllstiE I];! Mr. nnd Mr*, Donald Hnndy and.,„a- P H O N E 2 9 9 5 C O L L E a I children have been •UAItlns it«d In SANITATION CO. j;r Aberdeen. Tl>cy wenl fspfclnllv lo: Seat Cushioions t KC M n. Handy's sister. Tlidys Clin-; I ccr. who returned lant week Irom • Colorful Plaid Fibor ■ P ft two-year.LDS mlA.

There nre 3J persons per pnH- - ^ ecnjer auto reglsKred In the Unlttd SUUM, . , SEAT CCOVERsJj ICeilst'burnJn*” “ > —Why-Poy-49i95'ond-mor«7-- S:' prevent* charring by / • ' c lie w h c rc . S S U ^ S S In lh« long run, youreu g#t mora pow er o t o lower rlrarelle aahen ' ^ • Compllmcnla any cnr. even the i Intcsl model.i. coit p tr monlh when youy « buy on AILSTATE • Luxurtoiw alyling and rugged gfflroB 46-monft>t» gigucrcnlatd bottery . , . wenrnblllty. • New pattern.^ in green with white i or yellow and sold with inupe . . . " " T l COST PER I ncccnled by rich ivory lenther- GUARANTEE ' gralncil iiloAilc trim on front, GUARANTEED ^2M aides nnd back , , , Hidden double i I i^BP (MONTHS) Stopi aliDck. MONTH never ilnr< up atallc < i T45 electricity m. 3 6 . 4 9 ~ 7 t e A m m 2 4 ______. 5 8 II 1 2 . 8 7 RrpeUn atalna. Ju»t «lpa ^ \ with a damp rloth "ft ' O ur M ost Powerrerful B attery

AB-MOHXHt tGUARANTEE Better Plastic Cove . 5 1 h.avy duly pintei • 120 omp,>hr, copocity ■ 0 . • Ea»y In keep clean 1 8 .9 5 • Vnur rhnire nf new rolom • Fill moil popular cart raue-fp»i«ta’n f ' y ■• Snug fit fnr all pnputar ear* eolor* itay bright • Strong rvbbar <01* AND TOUI OLD lA n tir ■ • PRKE IN.STALI.ATION — ’ ' • flenulne Saran ptaitic, nnbea.tetl Irlm A 4-Star Featurei r e l f e m !

3 6 - M O N T H GUARANTEEI r p s p ? : ® 8 g P ^ B ~ ^ 0 I I'aovy duty ploter ^r------Y o mMV^HOIGE v ------f • 1 10 omp.'hr. copocily 1 5 ^ 5 i • Fill n»o«t popular can I Plosl • Durobis plaitk coia AND.TOUI OID lA n iir lostic or Fiber j M \ w J m M A Good, Dependfidable B attery M COOVERS 11II ! ~iiX 2 4 - M O N T H CGUARANTEE Reg. Allstate Best Plastic • ^5 heovy duty platM a t 17.9: m ,,.»10Q.amp.-hr. copocily 1 2 . 4 5 • <-atar fealure anld only by Kean • Fit) moil popular cori • Convenient pocket, mapa. elc. • B I j • A rtplocemenl JavofiT** AKB r o o i OIO l A n i i r ...... — ~ -1 I 2 » ...... » d o o ^ ------,. ardani ~»*8mnolh;-Gen«ln»-Saran pUitlc __

^ 2 ] Handles Ordinarys r y N e e d s NKW.IV. r ill;sii il m:SICN.S, >mart. rlrcnratnr rntnrt . . . IN- ■ " S e a t C o W " M 12-MONTM GGUARANTEE STAI.1,EJ:U.1,EJ) FREE! "CUSTOM-FIT": • 39 heavy duty plofei '______^______•• Add wrtnkle-frra iltranee In ynur car • 80 omp,-hr. capacity • -Over rto fom hlnattnna nf fatirlca. • 100 ampflf* oulpul 8 . 9 5 } ----- ro ln n ahd gay p a ttem i. guar- • Fin moit populor cori j anleri] fll AND TOUI OLD lA n ilT HURRY! HURFRRYI INSTAL!MLATiONFREE .• Fiber* priced / f o m ...... i. !(*■*•*

Wc. W, Phone < m * z & e ^ o 2 , '/i> f f u m y ^ a c 4 " ^ EEPifRKiNC fS[iiRr"“;rK PA R K IN G ___ • J ~ ' ,„ u . W trt

t I yOVBIBER 8.1956 ' ______TIMES- SS-NEWS. TWIN FALLS.3, IDI A H O '______i______...... PAOB-0BaBVBNTEE»7 -M Approval foF ~ — mal Forests 7 - L 1 A # fr ______IN C JJiD E? IU A T N o ' ■ r I ^ R A COST»ST WITH I iiitaUy Leasele Requested . « f - N M U W 1 Surveyed\.w -H ^™{QTOK. Nor. S HA-Por^t- ' * ; EACH FREEZIEZER LISTED | .) General Electric com- «et.BiN03. colo-N ot. p«ny. h u ippliipplledlo the federal pow. «inVj W « commlailotilien foe t license lo U tse ‘“ '.“ IViTifnUlIy 1” V tr- c e r« ln n*UoniUonal forest lands for lu BU bt™ p r ® ”” '! X"rtl4orth Pork hydroelectric f l i lhe Clackamu river In ,^fctx>r md v n le t- Cl*ekimii couicounty. Ore. l l the University Aft PPG spokesnuinipo* latd about 2S « [til*"' “ p er cent. «tit the th land tor U\e tuo- 1 ..I the wmy P»J«tK l U.IocatMl In Mount A( I Council of Hood ntU on.Imat forrsi. He w ld ll will M Bf^ns .t the be necewyry h for the PorUand firm LDS C approval to leaM the m the governmenl before it ^ ■ • T r^ •Tre d with Uie project. Meed .derelopment would concrelc dam about ISO a reservoir aboul lour wlUi 7.700 aere-fect of paclly. a OJOO-kllowatt ^ r and other facilities, ECIAL total cost Ij tlS.300.000. . I FRIu u E ( -i Decisiono n o n O a t h i p iWING M f U p hheld e by Court 1 GTON.' Nor. s. m - T h e J u n hal let stand a deci- ■ ‘^ .ffe se n l to 25.000 flo n Uial lenan;nanU of a federal hous- ■jm ' / 4 “ i f n 1UIC5. •Biere were Idb projeei m»:may not be required to ■ \TIViHL V ot siutillonnaltcj elcn lovally o» i i iUptiMU of m enial The decljilon;*lon wai Blven by the U.S.. Grade( I Sill, tfeiiment. iralnlnc Wisconsin «upcaupreme court. U waa S S u d olher perBonnel, npi>fftlcri lo0 the lh hlch tribunal Dy ^ CHOlOICE I >Ucs ind'the needi lor th e liouslnnt authority au( of the city of . K k h K 5h »nd tftioaU. Milwaukee bul bul tha supreme court • ^»>Wlhe«ue4lloonnlres retused lo review tevle ll. Umt leavlns St ^ ^ 9 | C oaplcud tome lime in eUind unchangt lofeUnJOtslUlaleeiir- TI)e oath1 requirement ret] was spon- ^ BEEEF Hyi will be called ahort- nored by ReprtepreaeflUUve Gwlnn. R., '■ TO BE IGIVEN J- -From there, lhe use n . T.. and waa waa ernicled by confreu 1* up » the » U t« ." In ]jj2, rhe The Wisconsin supreme AWAYAY SAT., 5ftli.-ttlhercline«d'ior court dfclated T«d ll tnvAlld as % de- ^ ------~ J Nov. 12tbUtb, 5 P-M. ,l( cooperaUon. indlrlQ* pi'jvailon of' (helh« rISlils ol free speech ,.,Ui provide tor them. ,n ( j Mjeiabiybiy guarartteed by the “ ^ Com* In andand register. .. jCfTtlral nftlcc uhleli hns u_ g, coiialilultliullon. uiillliy the Iniplcmenla- ^ ______oik for ticketicketi from any earndallons msde In lhe -i-> • Coldipot laleim lal on . . . I in Panam a BE£f P e > 'o « i> ’ I n i ppeer t c the new . Nov. s IR -Pnrm er C u t, W ropi ” , 11 ,uies need TW i PANAMA, h Fre' Ktdililibu tthlch would Arcentine DIeUi51cUitor Juan D. Pcron Freexert.-You K n approximately 110,- mW In a atatejtatement he would IJkt - r r o icn—•_ P P ^ ------d o 'tlo rh V vrvirio"be irii p f c ie n r ' >I. _ r j - „ ------— to'sftUe"lnT>nn 'Pnnnm i. Keody tor to w in . ______H p niadp thp thr al.ilemrnt afler a , , »!• couriety callII on.or President Ricardo SPOT DEPT. president's press officer Va requealed. the visit. A B <1 Coal P lan t------— NX N«v. * '•’'- T h e preal* ul-tCrudr.v Inc. of Spo. "rfportrt-111.'—com pitir a tJOO.OOO coal pro* H ml It Monarch. W;0. \ ■|imt tald the principal F v | | . Onty^\\ lhe plant uoi^ld be creo< do I unotdf.w-odorleAS fuel IO V ;ilhllihr>UhkiUin| T , Ihinil and l>w(i. Mcsiuat l5 ( J b BS Everyy ( O n e a De Lu?jxe COLDSPOTn

ffContracF~H»§I' ^ l?^m k I ^nutimul SMOK-NU.MOk' __w H a - tr, Kov, I W'—Tlie CIO t"?,,!*,!,'";li>rn> »«>tinkintli«l>il i S ^ n lUWorkrii and lhe Slu* >iihm on* >i - - — K'*-""-'™'”- SAV-MC^OR DRUG W UE • 514 Lb. C0|«icity fflspiny nor iinlprt '.of- . • _ a wrfinn Un «-port Twin Fall*[« .• Buht ■ Gooding DE lu x e H';2CU.J. ?T.tT . DfliioHTtyK AB . 500 Lb. Capoelty ...... i.. ** ^ ^ ^ 8 DE LUXE11.7 CUJ 'FT*FT UPRIGHt TYPE ^ ^ 9 ip Who’ll bringIng Iiom c H F ' ^ • 400 Lb. Copocity ...... S t ■■'■ thlie e bacon h _1:DE LUXE i a i CU.:Fr.J.:CT^UPWGHTTyK— J — if^DadVnotlo H ic r c ?------I " C• 650 Lb. Capacity ......

DE lu x e 20 CU. FT..FT., C H E S T TYPE 4 4 ^ I' : ED • 700 Lb. Capacity ...... (

D E L U X E IO C U FT. ClC H E S T TYPE 2 8 9 F • 350 Lb. Capacity ...... i

I C O L D S P fl ------i H F Four Twin Palls P rucfanllal■I A, o*ntsH B| =3— I I I o(iu» A> >

i ^ a


effeT~ ~ H | i — ^ Becicause g l • KINKSTT tUUKAnOSt) f e KINISHil • GKMItS'KS'K rOR(-Kl.AlN ! '" B iN i> :m o r a ^ Shop Thl'hundoy f l v l X r * • HKri.Mi;Tii;ticali,v TtomI •, C. I 9 P.M. A : SKALEDD UNITSI ^ S 9:30 til 9 •V.XCI.USU!SlVf. 1 ^ ^ ■«" _ ...... _ELEVA TOTOn.nA.«Kf:T.<; • KCONOM^)MV CLim m S T u rrkeys l pp’ • rniviLKO “ • KA.MOUS ; ' S.C9..4 j„ ,,| WALL Cf FREEE! P H O N E 2 8 6 0 • MOHE TJK LUXE N o th inig g tct» #uy , . . KKATUIIE; — -0«t Tlckiti■tf I a t Door ' ' ~ T s -y e a b ' ' I'n® P f u d e n lI i I ^ I PBOTECTICTION PLAN MERICA VI, m fcey ^ 06^ 3 M ain Avo. W e st PhoritSSfiO PI „ ^ 8 S FREE PARKINGIG

______—— / j

I ■pAGE’EIGHTEEN “■ ------TIMES-NEWS,-CTTWIN-PALLS;-II>AHO— - - i ------; ------— — :------1 TUESDAY, NQVam;

~DoctoFSpeaks'—- Cefebr3ra=Po?sp(Wt-Benef-f t^-PoFty— — -1 Ciaerylg-ftison S e n a t o r ^ ~ At Cook Class- i?;-W ed in Church-h-. fBs a g s s g g g x:::, Held in Rupert — Rite to Phlillp • • JIUPEIIT. Nov. a - D r . Cwll W. f I Cberyle ElUon, daughUr off MMr. Loeiner, Bupert. w u euesi speaker • 'I and Mr*. K d lh • Coleman. T»lT«in Hi 'I'o p Sun f f l *n)undi>f evealng n t Itie cooUng ’5 Pall*, was m srrled SatunJsy Inin UieUi WASHINOTO^. w ^ Baptist church to Ahroan 3/c Ken-Ken i o i The topic Ior th e d o sire cIbm of H n e th Phillips. MounUln Home, so a T? the ic'cn Ircc nutrition leisonj w*i \ ^ of Mr. and Mrs. Leyland PhlUiplUllpi, ll 'j i l *'Our eating hablU and physlolojy Middleton, Mass. ■ I H B ocratlc presldeniiu^,^ |||R < of dlsuUon." T h e Rev. R. E. Crow perfcnne[inned throw iiitir su n v l^ ajt};- -Ttie Je«90it. sponsored by Uie Sev-. th« w e m c a y .------q ''5 t enlh-diy Adventist Dorcas ioclety,' tplnk ■ ' I i ftttured Mrs. L>-mBn W. Shaw, nu* Tlie new M rt. PhUllps wore a pin Bilk brocade dress and wool dustejuster H sB l lou lo Prrsmcni^? iia .. - l i n i irlUonlJt. In the courae. w ith black accessories. She carrlearrled ■*' t l "Eatlnj hablU have much lo do peeled to a n n o u S ^ iillljr vith diteslion and thus uitli the a hand corsage of white orchidsis snand §U r ■ H i benefit the body derives from lhethe rose buda. H B B t ° " l” K0 next * c t k ^ i ' H I iood eaten. W hen to eat. how to eat. D onna Oehsner was the mald-olid-ot- tiiill W cat “nd how lo prepare thethe hotw r. M iss Oehsner wore a chsm;ham- 9IH I food-lhese ore the questions «hlchhlch palgn brocade dre*» wlUj navy1 blublue B )||K If antii-ered correctly will do much accessories. ■ s . '- r l l H | to Insure henlth.” O r. Loeffler said.uld, Gene N oyu was Uie best man. the former liu n c j.r ' n i | ‘-DIsestlon Is the proccu of pre>pre- The ushers were oene Schuluis andan ■ ■ opinion. S ie v c iu ^ ^ and S f n l psrlnK Iood, by mechnnlcal ajid Duncan Pierce. front and : uoultr.Z* a liT fl chemical chanBCS. w ithin the diges-ges- K crea.ie his coni,«*^ Mrs. Coleman wore a pinkk otor. fl n s tire tract Ior absorpllon Inlo Uie gandy dress w ith a navy blue dusteluster ^ ■ i "i’''" " > r l''- s n a - c ^ H H i blood.'- and blue accessdrles. . RiRS. K ENN eXll PHILLIPS . forward by th firZ ? 1 n™ Regularity In eating was stressedued K»llons. both . o t o Falls . eBgnivInc) •l l;'' t>r the sp e ak e r-b u t "unswceteneflmefl T he bride attended "ivin Fall ------and 10 „voltr ^ | l l v ' fnill juices needing no dlgesilon may senior high. Phillips attended h higl ig h ------tlona nt natlonil • .I'l b« taken between meals.'' he sug- school a t Danvers and Beverliverly, DINNER SERVED ventlon.i until ih - 'S rjl tested. Mass. HEYBURN. Nov. 8—The Dinner Dlnr u„,, , gl .IjH ll Mrs. Shaw demonaUated mainnaln A fter a short trip lo Sun Vallej'alley dub memben-were entertained al dishes using potatoes, beaiu. peaa» the couple wlll reside In Boise, bridge party Snturday evenVig ecan the home of Mr. nnd Mra, Leo Ha ■P ; carrols and whent. Potato pecan ¥ ¥ » e n re- ^mong Drmocnii ^ csaserole, rrd bean dy, Dell Holmes and Carl M ert t celved high, acore. The games ft sausage, carrot entree, aoy cheese Dinner Slated le Odd are oor. R;(_ V n |: losf. «getable bnlognn, whole whealhe” , lowed a dinner served a t the 0< And Twin Falls Jay-C-Ettes havere enmplelede pUni fer the benefit cardI *’ ^111 go lo Ihe Celebral Taliy faundiundation whleh is (be Jay-C-Elte aUU[jite WENDELL. Nov. 8 — A pheasan PeUows hall. Burley, of New Jersey. Qoy n! • snacks, dill pickles, soy milk and ( dinner Is planned for S pjn. Frida;tiday * Jf * ache of Ohio, fio!,? I carob confection were prepared and - P^fty to be held a t 8 p. m. ThurMljnulay a t th e YWCA building. Dlscotslog; p r o lw t The publle Is liiTlted andd ts Iasked 10 bring cards far (bc type ef, tb t pU ni. from left, are Mrs. J., DeanI)e .'Vlostaer. M n. Oleen Seamens, M n . fanse thry wllh (Q play. Frizea will'III blbe glren, refreshtnenU will be'serred.ved.’ by th e lO O F lodge a t the ItX>F■hall. hall REPORT GIVEN leader Lyndon U, jc ^ 1-. ' served, a n u Charlea S ehlferl m d M n. Rlcharclard .Moon. All proceedi from tbls partyr Re^erratlons may be obtained by a eallbig.871. iS U tf photo-enpavlng)Ing) The committee on orrangemenuu m-In HEYBURN. Nov. 8—Mrs, MarliMarUn 0^-Mta^ The instructor m d her asslsunu ------eludes H om er‘Ooble, Clyde Petenei:enen w „ n e r was hoaless Friday nfter- nfte Michigan, ufre presenled a floral nrranicmentnent nnd Owen Bolon. The dinner will b noon to the Llt-So Club at hher Humphrey mj uia '‘“ LoGaUris Club . Methodist Meet n Lutheran League0 served to Odd Fellow membersI andam home. Mrs, M arjorie U ra o n gave a Democratic leiden i s 1 surrounding small kitchen gadgew ^ Social Calendar , their la m lliu and Rebekah memberv b tn book repori on "M y Tw o' Worldiworlds," vlted Sicveiijon to ^ (r from membera of Ute c lia . - - s H and th d r famUles, by Penrl Buck. Needleworkk wwas nesota presldenUi] « Mrs. T. P. Molyneoux, MurUugh, Elects Officers5 Selects OfiPicers J Sessions Planned A. F . Brown will present the: Pfo-pro done. Mra. W erner served ak pla plaie March 20. Steteaj*? I U president of the Federated Dorcas I - - MURTAUGH, Nov. 8 — Officersra Maroa dub wlll meet n t 1 p. m. QU ______lunch. ______agree. I ll societies of tlie Twin Fnlls and nup* For Next Yeoi■Ul were elected Sunday evening at thele Thursday1 for luncheon at Wray’s For Magic Valley I J f ert districts, wa# InUoduced.rln" The Tw in Fnlls-M aglc Valley> Iris Irl mceUng of the MeUiodlst YouthUl ccafe, • The Magic Valley Lutheran Wom­/om- I |K Winner for the year'a subscriptionJohn club m et S a tu rd ay for the quartcrltcrly Fdlo«-ahlp at the Murtnugh Com-n- If tf * en's league will hold a two-day lEw to the national henlth masaxlne,imp. lunelieqn nnd clccted officers, IorIc m unlty Methodist church. KIMBERLY - The Step andg n j leadership' training InsUttlte. Wcd- iBffll *'’‘1 Health," was Mn. John K ouiy Hogue was elected prcsl*d* I Swlngstigs will have a round dancen-, ncsdny and Thursday nt the Im- copy the coning yenr. ,,iy manuel Lutheran church, 41« 1 Sec- T H E p - I f l j t t Kelst, Twin FalU. M rs. Cliff Tliomp.itlve Mrs. Floyd Bandy was elecUtcUd dent; Verna Parker, vice presidcht;it; i n t 9 p.m. Thursday a l the Kimberly '■ son was second and received a copy , vice Donnie Denton, secrctory-lreasurcr;r ; (Orange hall, - ■' ond,sUeet'eait. president; M rs, M erle Claybllle. vie Members from the nine Magic •7 ^ of Mrs. Shaw'* cook book, ‘'CreativeJnue president; M rs. B. Tliomason. recrrc- Louise Wright, reporter, and Car-r- » ¥ ♦ «. __FTT.KR—U ih e -M a ro g .Women'a Valley congregallons ol Clover, I » Cookery." ■ ordlng-aecretnoTMnr-crrElliotlilQtt: m ellU 'B enkula.-program -chalrm an. - i r " Buni,-"GOOdinjr.-TVentJdI—Jerome;= : ------DSAIN4 A > HequesU were m ade to continuelllon treasurer: M rs. 5 . W. Smith, cor- cor The new MYF ofliccra were nn-. . club| will meet at 1 p.m, T hursday KV y . In the dining room a l W ray'* cafeyifi Burley, Eden. Rupert and TwinTwin f ll? S e JnstrucUor. responding secretary; Mrs,, F, RoitRoss, nounced a t Sunday morning serv- * Falls will attend. ■ • ' ' U was voled to form a nutritioniidu- Mrs, Earl Evniw, Mrs. D, Rlgney'a an n d Ices. They are Charlene Gulley, pres-« . fo' r a guest day luncheon. 7. * * * Mrs, Elm er Fischer, Flier, districturlct 15315 M a i n West ; - club lo meet monthly. need Mrs. Rex Henderson, directors: Mrs. Mn Ident; Beverley Lee. vice president; 1.., chairman, will supervise Uie meet-leet- itn . Iran WWte aaJd lhe grndu- T. W. Hicks a n d Mra. A, E, Klis;Cllss. Linda W rlghl. Ueasurer. and Louiseil HAOER.MAN — Hagerman beUiel cen- No. 45. International Order of Job's Ing. She wUl be assisted by Uie cen- f * atlon exerclset would be announcedbe membership com m ittee; Mrs, E, RicRic- Parker. secreUry. Mrs. Paul LaRue * tral lone chairman, Mrs. Leslie.eslle B \ laler. low- kells, librarian: Mrs. Mnx Crowrow- Is counselor, fDaughters wlll meet a t 8 p. m. Thursday In the Masonic lemple.. ■ ' Lange, Eden. Tlie Rev, Armand I The Chinese banquet wlll be thers. publlelly. a n d Mrs. Al Cranieiimer. j/. j/. J •• Mueller. Tw in FalU, Uic Rev, Oil- ■ Thursday at the Methodist PtUow- snowchnirman.------— bert-CrO.-Moore.-Goodlng.-and-the " KIMBERLY'^oota’ and” Slippers I r ihlD halL - Iris Illma were shown of new IrlItl. C atholic W omen e J Rev. Theodore Oleschen, Ashton, h r — ------Stiuare Dance dub will have a "hard will dl-icuss "Deepening the Inner ‘ and recent garden tours. tim es" party al 8:30 p.m. Saturday I— - f l - l • i k PrlMS were won by Mr.v O. ,la; “ ' spiritual life." "Personal witnessing." !j I Delegates Await ,T.y. Hold November !a t the Kimberly Grange hall. Those, ond 'T rain in g kingdom workers." Kimberly, Mrs, O. Leth. Buhl, an Attending are asked to come In cos- l“ * Oroup discussions and buis ses- Pll I Bureau's Confab Mm. EJHott, Jerom e, Talks in ChurchT I tume and bring pie or sandwiches, slons wlll emphasiia the spiritual il s ^ HOLLOTER, Nov. ft-Newly-ap-u „ ! TTie d o b voted to send *25 t ’“J • JEROME, Nov, e--nitf-CaU iolJe “ T he Boots- snd BusUes -Square Dsmi.ol the Irnsne's.work. Preachy Ilg 'V pointed women'a delegates o( [^,ln the Homer M etcalf. Montnna. rcRlon^ Women’s league held the November , , crs for the devotional services are i n " ' Salmon T ta ct F arm Bureau Tues-con- p re sld e n t.f or ni.ii5t.incc In prr if Dance dub will have l u ‘'regular UIT , the Rev. M artin Rufjcrt, Burley and S! nitctUig Mondoy in the parish hnll, ^ lljl dsy were preparing lo r tha Ta'ln senllng th e regional bulletin, **■ dance at-8:30 pm, Wednesday In 'Hip dance clar-v to be held every■y thet DAV hall. All square dancers" the Rev. "Mr. Eldimann. Rupert. I l i [ ' Falls County Fnrm Bureau con>-O. An "Irl.i robin" ulll be .it,iilr( Counsellors arc the Rev, A, Relm-. ' vention W ednesday, two week.v und the harvest dinnerer nren Invited and asked to bring sand- sub, Mrs. S. W. S m ith will be chalrniatman, gjiQi-ijay nlaUi were djs- y nltz Buhl, nnd the Rev, Cnrl Losser. r'iflf They include Mra. 'William -O. I- wlches. cake or pie, IClover, The Rev. Mr. Elchmann i| will BIG siSAVING S TO 1 YoJ • '? Lanting. Mra. Leona BodensUb, cursed, Mrs. Ft:mk Ilumbach nndId If If Mr.i, Harold Claar were appointed • ^ the organist. Mrs. Charles Boss and Mrs, W."„V A. Dance Scheduled •d • 1I40ERMAN-Thc general meet- ‘ negUtratlon will begin at 8 a.m.: ' kil Loujhmlller. They were appointed :____ iQ_nialsL_hiUL^t_dnnccjii'i''._Th--' Floyd and Rex Adamson eo-chnlrIialr- S, L. Tliorpe. Mrs. R. M. Thackery.y. Bt, Martha's guild will m eet a t 8 nisli housing upon request and the treasurer, and H eber Loughmlller, man In chnrge of the dance, OuOuy Mrs. Anton Humbach, Mrs, F. J. p.r ni. Thursday In the church base- , K. m enl to mnke mincemeat. Members 'Clover league wlll serve the evening A Regular ^ , county director. Colea nnd Andrew Janies are otheitlier Supple. Mrs. D, A. L'Hcrlsson, Mra, n meal. Mrs. eommltteo members. John Brent. Mrs. Rex Rnmbo nndid lirea nsked to bring Uielr UTO of- ¥ * * larly '• -f: ATTElJfe & C & T IO N »] a ¥ * * Mra. D, D, Darling, kitchen com m it-L- fer;ng,f' , • HEYBORN, Nov. ® -M r. and Mrs. ■ PTA TO MEET Savory Snack: Spread apllt ham tec: ,%trs. W. S. Klrdier. chairman.i: ...... ^ RUPERT, Nov. 8 - School Supt. SOe V alue. J 1 n K’5 ” - Bud Scovil and fam ily attended a Mra. Frant-Humbach. Mr.i. Charles•i Ooodwill elub wlll meet a t 2 p. m. f - wedding reception S aturday for Mr. burger buns w ith smoked cheeS' ,ll]' Carl W arner wlll speak nt the meet­ / € / As low < ovl', and add sprinkle of garlic powder Blake nnd Mra. Bill Liisl, diningg WednesdayV a l the home of Mrs.ly- J:ing of Uic Pershlng PTA Wednesday and Mrs. Heber H unter. Salt Lake ,2 l,‘ room, and Mrs. Rnmbo, cleanup. Boyd B Smith, 264 Addt-Mn avenue . ■ •, City. Their daughter, Carol Scovll,*■,“ Broil Uie buns until thc cheese 1 1., nt Pershing school, A vice presldenii;i| 3 PAIB 1.00 ______bubbly while you are-.cocSlng hnm . »’est. Mrs. Smith wlU give ihe white and treasurer will be elected. mi/lV wss a bridesm aid.'M rs, Hunler Is a m - ...... * ' rlelephant. Member* are aaked to . |5 |it -th# fomier OoNoal-Wchens,-Declo. burger patties -with Which to to;top Ten eollesrs' existed In colonial ui lj,_ them—one patty for each hall bring their books for Uie tuberculo- , half A m e rlc a -H a rv a rd . Wllllani nnd° sUji hOTJiUl, Ooodlng.- ' “luncheon n t 1:30 p, m, Tliursday In E « T A & S (h. cheese-spread bun. Serve withI n,Mr ary. Yale, Princelon, W ashingtontl . . * * * tlUie dub rooms of the Ma.ionlc ’ MURTAuaH. Nov. S-Members crisp vegelabie rrllsh and lotsI oiof and Ue, Prnnsylvanla. Columbia,‘' LQ3 third ward Rdlef aodety willj]] t•' nbout them, lo keep them m enully and girls a rc n o t outgolnR, .'oclnlly-ly* and .■•piniunlly alive and growing. [ skirt l O U ^ - tlanKKl~cl)lldi-on_Soma.fc«Ulupplorl•~~Orowtn~ivThincxir'Onnicrci~rt?r‘ “ T T i rB iij apart from the group, nnd ihl.'i l.i not'Ot I ttoiry aljoui ihe child who U sro-.vmg a matter for serious conjldernilon j O'’ I pliy.Mcally nnd mentally, tliniiKli lie p r i c e d providing th e child Li li;\|tny. doing. differ every other way fioin hls - .KelUn_5choQLnna_Dn_Ir]iStily_icrma! groiip,------— _ Were priced ^ «iUi some child or children. Differ­ O O i 9p‘ r N o w - | — ■ ences are prcclou.*! if they indicate • M y . _ to-2;99r power. They a re *omeUmes Indlca- . Uve of trouble. C U S T O M l l to 7.00. Now ^ j tv-as.... ^ ' B The child who withdr.iw* from ' DRAPERIES I and as low'i 1, I I) \ 9U2 ARCHWA S t y l e d for You! Ju p ALL W O O L J I 10.J0 lAliWOOLCI a i d j a c k e ^ K j|i Anderson’s Will I C O O K I^E I . • Measure Your | fl j WEEK'.S SEWING nVV R egularly Else- ^ .O K Sliorl and swccl ii thus Mcep.inp Witido\v.<« ll ' PLAI 1. • wllh matching rom per paiiUI Us COAT^ IV tlie r;»Mt, prcUlest slumber wenr- • Mnke Your Dnijics I] Selling to k >' Hirlfly /t:i4_my tc £ck- tor /i laifK- ClirlJt,ii.i5 giftl r o Ironing If you u.\e; L^TRY'EM to 17.95% ■ • HatiK Your Drnjics , *1 seersucker, nylon, plisse. Se^-e.uy 35.00. Now . ^ u to f.,-— to make a graceful drew-lengih I gown too! I I ^ h c r c fo 1 ,, . Paltem 3132: Mtssea sUe-i 10, 12, H. Id, la, 20. site J6 shorlle 2>i yards 33-lnch: pnnts 11, y.irds. lii I \ W Closeout ( Tills eaiy-to-usc-paltem jilves per- "Highosfc Q ualityJW odimJim anship-at a.JRi-icc^ -fc ct flL C arapletc.-.iilustratcd-stw __ chart ahous you every step, Call 2750 for assi;issistance w ith' _ Send thirty-five centa In coins for ' I I Your DriipcryV I’rfjWcm'.s'—I’ this psU em -add 5 c e n u for each R o s e pacum lor Ist-cJau ma/Hng. Send to Marian MarUn. carc of Tlmes-Nea j. • ^ e s t . 'F attem Dept., 233 W est laU i St., New , MEZZANINE 153 I York 11, H, y . P rin t plainly name, addreu with rone, size and style a n a S number. - - >3 Main Avetiye We 'iJoVE ilB E B s . 195 5 ______TIME A - I B A f f i - i ...... JEs-NEwsjwmjALij;, T T --::- ■"/-"-rrr::- -n>Ai ^Siom a Stihades t eirylamfT C a l U p sets;ts Washington" iMffeekly PPoll; Michiligan ^ ie as Pro Grir id d e r ' V'"’- . pS: c o l u m bBUS. u : 0.. Nov. 8 f/P)_Thc littlettie mnn whose oc- I ' .. v H ' c u ra tc |i!ncc-lice-kicliiiitf helped Ohio State university uni footbaU (G Sops to Seyventh Ranaking nntlonal chumpion.ship In 1954.'1. sayssi ho'5 scttlnB: | V ‘' '* f S « ! i w c ’football pack. , y the smallest play- ie st b ftllo tln K in t h e w ee k ly A.i.soi als Drill ^rrrLlSooiball-is spending hla il' rMiilW o{ thc season » heaviest is o c ia lc d l ’rc.sfl pull of. - ^ . 1 . _ week-ends pcrfpcrfomUng with the I and brondciisterfi reversed•Kcd the previous order and putm coiich Hiul Wilkin* '' ^ T i l f Pittsburgh SteelSteelers. Weekday* he’s I ^ ------'son’s speed:eedy Oklahoma Soon------J L U l X i l l altending classctlasses at OSU. l l ^ era a shadeade ahead of Jim Ta- _ d’s own special boot with |H tiun‘1 'Marylairyland Terraplna in Lhe toe which coclrlbuUd k' A nadonal rank is tB Y u lii-^tjurgh-s 13 polnta sa MIchlKin;in. whleh had b « n third 5 ? x (JW ? l An g k 4 I lost n-13 to the CW- behind thlue m two ■ week aso, turn* .> Saturdsy night. bled to seventh leve place aft«r ab- afternSRNOOV TKA l.l!Af;|:n f j t 5ugh light practice w.^- ^ ' on on lhe I lield ^ aln it they .u/>i'Ce Hrblntawursound 25-8 thumpln* from n.ndi,,, ay In preparation for long ''’“s enough to kick two s S ^ M l AU. a n g l e s luinfli,. , |llowlnj 18W1 the other wlnnera Anhtiu sr.'. nfcrcnce AmilMlce D.iy ind one ' extra p o in t' «^rK .B.SCH t,IX t Drljhnm Young uni- W Weed :etsgets aa ••bool* out oX play- na’a 30-0 victory over Mis- -ovo, Ulali, Ing wllh thcc Sieelers. SK hla perlorm* lesm th a t had acored lu Toiii* ...... muslly a (iny of reM SaturdayJay WM i also a big W t ■ • 1dnL^, but Stahley ^ct ^ Sleeler coachosch Watt Kleallns. t T h ln r k M iry of th e aeaaon only a ,, ^^H ),(tm n ; wmethlnj k** 3re, apparently Impresaed m, cvii^tr...... IM i»> l-itrlng oulfli. /ipnrked "We're gladSd to to have him. believe c « i(^ K il« lf t*pcrl«la n more than M aryland's liirinr oi'n hiwon, lo run Uiiough "'c.” snld Klesll:Clesllng, -I figure we'ro 1 lon over Louisiana Stale. tormalioii.'. *'1U on conient^clent^on for the NaUonnl. ; | anollier non*' lOn-wlnnlnc team , O ul of _.. .-fi-ll i » Om. sunwr . 1,= S!';''!..'';;?',uue eastern Ull«, a n l -^n ...... nI. 119 p a t'th e Sooncrs on Althoufh CalllCalltarnla halfback John WlKnn IK)) Is beingI dumped fnr a lo u tn this fln t i '■"’'"'■‘J '^ r ' CoussraC^ In Uirir 37-21 ‘’^‘Piclp iis* plenV" • iL } hnd Maryland flrat. Lasl K . ' If,. I . . t Rtfkeley. thee B I (, nine for aecond. etc., " ‘'i'*'"* □ ■ has won only oi I . returning to the cam- | Jj down lo onf)nf for icnUi. Oltlnhoma. Toi*i. . Yk season.’ a home here after his I i^ l ^ B w J o n wllh 10 tctt-eitctt-er second-place votes ^ '•Tlieyil runny».njp.„,.„.-l.c yo hore la flnlahed. ' cniM-tl''’* nelshbori. Ihnn Marylnnc.•Isnd. cnme o u l w ith J.4C0 V'',' _ _ I this gi ' nice ol them (O&lo “ • '^ ■ L i n d do UWe- polnlj lo M#rMaryland’s 2.415. In lasl ii.n,iir>r . scoring conicsi." S U W W MI ™me do-all thla ninnlnc _ _ ,^ ^ K )(rau .|tA te Eame obo weelii pollill ^Maryland- had » 32* • — : Wlnlfiildnhoinho oflhc Pacific Coa.'il " « u n d ,- sayslys Tad. I Tad alao wns jlandlnRS. point cdEc. to Ohio State when Its las losl seven slrniglil S’m o n ^ e ^ - a i ^■a,fe»»nr(lfd tor fftch „ ^ '''5 ";'tl sute. beaten by Mlchl- ' ; vanity. Hla toe con- iwl four jiolnla eo S^h by M-7-7 in li m aecond same of • W» » ftvp C * T ^ Blahley ran h the Buckeye Rose bowl bul an Imprea-ilvc wlnaer pie Still Shaliken A fter W n his chargcs ihroUKh ' ' S f ' ^ B ^ V o f Interaectlonnl th f senson but a long passingIg d;drill. He hnd soplio- ..®'*Bis Ten UUe and the ( since then, took over ‘ > Howard w illb and NIcfc haUonational ctiaciplonablp Ual i vacated third apot. Pol- ,' I V A t l C UgTlslch’dohg^i'ng the throwing. Wlllls e UCLA. N otre Dam e and jg' 'I'...... fiiio f UlJpsets on Nalation’s GridirI I J - V f l l o h u been sidelineellnfd slncc the W ash- T h a i toe« * u u the victory margin Inla. cacJi of which.move U ------ington-Suu-gai-game-wllh head In- »hen-lhBcoUega>U«ga All Stan edged Use— rvrry tcnpr HHS; Vm &ice in themTiktncs.— ------— ~ ’T ' ” ''--n*-i-^ ny MAJTAMfllMnSTJ.~nOOrrE— vrVse gm’r on'm mos ost of th'e other prf- oulUiJnk .uiI eJecieJeclronIe brain, and Juries and a sprainedspra ankle. Cfereland BromSrorns M-37 la s t Aug. -Blnla U Uie th ird m ajor *' J ’‘ OrrriUiBS and cnmmlseraiion.i. dictions. then Yale beaisleais Army!/ -We hsve only Uirce daya to gel '2. Weed, who who Ucked m ore'than ^ B ie !iT O » came with fvfry md untlC(^ m ajor colleRe Tuiiij — “ 1 »‘! HI i;«i fellow'{ootbalMo1 forecnslersl I musi say., hov however, that a good This week,k. tlutliousti. thins* i.Te ready far Uilsvis one."c u.'A Biahtty. 10,000 conaeoiUvicutlva pcacUce conTer- wllh Cni\ivl)Oiniv and ;.. . ._ Another loughJgh Orldca.Mlng con- mnny of my fellrfellow foreca.ners nlso (-omg' to be! dltferenl.dllfr I hnve ao* "ind wt sre going goli to be ready," *'on* beforehandhand, kicked threo field •Dul the M ountalneera' nm.iiraii » « * « » ! -J* '* hl-ilorLilory and yo'.ir friend had ilieir predlcll;dlctlon mechnnlsms In ucit^d the ndvlce ------soala and twonro Ui lra point* for 11 s hsrdslilp 0:) some ,3.1 score agnliisi »8> George Waah- s. w«rn.r • IX i>i u t tti Hoople Is wonder ndvlcc of all the grid* ------idrrlng how his sler- reverse last week, • Iron experlaI nt lh the Owls elub, and r% ^, , polnta In lhathat game. i T te kicking InKton vAsn'l,n’l ■enough to c a m them V-L'- r*'..... • i“ 11“ JIJ Ilng brain, afterler figuring out such In facl. thele oionly proinosllcalor i nm sure thal thi ccounted for 73 polnU ^ H j n u t mr(t tv Ice durinc n higher radnrailriK than alxUi place, j". jiljn.i.i. , :ial those sw lw aru have i V U I e S K C I .. ii: i;> 1:1 !ii slartllng up.itUcU as Illinois over wllh n renlly respectable resj Kore was prepnrcd a list of Uir wlnnera lh a t tesignsasp 3>year carecr a t .Ohio ^ K c fd rrlo maken pracUcal Koiiowlns Michigan Ml a re Texas w. ....-...... • i:« i;i in *i« Michigan nnd SlaStanford ovrr Soulh- Georgia Downeywney ot Hler. She „ n i go ^o«n In h i.he’U ta gradiiatM, next ^ .■ llj a m i .d .b ll.i.o o , arbU ChrlslUn....TcX.Tcxoa..A4iM_iind_01ilo . ------'mr'»Tj IH '^-Callfornla.-C's.-could'gtj-lnto- re- mtoed-mily-tonr n inhiMoo'^-...... Prexy-ofof Orioles - S only nne nf Uie enniea SUte. . ” You will n^llci serins, nnd thus \ RE, Nov, 8 M»-Clarence ' ' ^Kr^irxi Uul whether the ------r • llie resl ofif“\h th e winners nil.^cd ^ K - i I [imri should count \ 7 '* 1 Ullo Slaie nnd Stanford yf- «nnou a.s did several who 1"“ “ ZZ ? " T " p S . , Underdo]dog S tatus ' md me Intrasecyonnl V lU C O^Olrtkt ' If':;.. : I !i ii I Filer Jul U l l i O l [M lrd'to“ iln'*ploi1 plncfs on llie honor- 9 , ^ 1. Thc ^ choices nre llat- “ o" ^‘“''<>''5' “ 1*0 polnta—"Thnl." na r f l • nble menllnn1 Ilslist. Mrs, Olcndon I .WnM, -1= th, n. Is winner of the »5 »»'■ fC,S°h'£’'.“ Noted by bj Huskies :: ...... -!:! jlJ!: V a rs ity y T r ip s _ perlenced btaebal ES N G iA —- %.U, IX and Oene Sninlluood-M0B di^h» >»pea . isn'i ll'i* only con* Ly of Washington rooU»U kl^BMKhMutlns dtldcultlea. O lS C K C ,i sBuhlJ\'IV T e a m lornble menllnn nre V. . T | i m n ! n f f " 1 or leagu. baseball back jTaycra “ ke [ uIhla ^ Underdog business koutP act if5S.; ' [ig Trophy Mfi'Tn'!In 31153 after 60 years. S ? & “ ” hen I I ^ B U r CrosS'Slnte -Irnsue i« l a h I f i l e r , Nov.'. 8-8-Tlie Filrr fresh- C.-Bo'anir-Goodliooding: Mnry A, Col- U l l l J J l l l g J rhen they meet UCLA INES. Nov. 8 (itw su tlo n ^ aald hla reslgnal ■■htcli Khrdule two DEA MOINE! 110 Ull iici «;ii mnn-sophomorere fnfnoib.111 iciun scored *on. Glenns PPcm-: crr Ben Stephens, n e w YORK.RK. ^Nov. 8 1^1 — T he fecUve Nov. 18, Los^ Angelea.• ^ H n misin opiMiienu. A l KRNT-TV tetdecnst the' Ibwa* 0. HvWi"! -...... '1^ M polnia In the:hc touiih qunrier lo Twin Falls: Julia United SU tcs won st UCLA will be a heavy ^ ^ H id tc ld td lo count the re- Mlnnisoln football Joot gnmr Saturday .Tm.i, :s won anoUier Interna- annual mteUngng'of c the stockholders .. . fv9 jjo I4JJ eke out a J7-2fi :fi vl vlclpry of Uie Duhl Tcsnoh Idek. BiihH i,o„„| ju„,pinging. trophy.ir, M onday-al of-lhe Dalilmorenore baseball club. ' trim hla laded Buakles, ot Ihe Rnmcs lse> na n pObllc scrvlceserv In spite of a Na- • ...... fii froihiioplLMuadJladJilDndayjiXlcruoDn. A^nhld n . WilsonIson. Burley, nnd Mrs, n,,. Jiorte imt-t/. show—th a Yanka' ------m ^ H o n in -irtic d n lrT —w tre tltmsl-Collecln'itclnte—AlhlcUc—tiEsocli^ — ’ • . : 'i n iJ« !;» <31 Buhl suffered■d Its ll Ilrst selback In Angus Young. Ht competition. I founded the expertsexpe before." Notable discard (he rciiuU of tlon nillnic ••blacking "bli oul" lhe Des 1; ^ ^ . ' ' games nfler Jeadins I "nnol »P«k •»' « '" P ' ere the 3WI defeat of ■'< ii: d! <10 a half-dozen gan ?nn teU ihH 1 Charles Dennehlennehy. a M-year-old T tnnrH W .n ^ H f r a i Ihe ilantllnKa. Moines areaa becnusebe ot the nearby n'luiinran...... S;| j ]2 ‘|! most of the vay. wny. Buhl scored on >'°u. bul I enn Will Meet md the 1-0 victory over owa Slate gnme a t Ames...... Ill,, snddlemnn. took ” Stpu'Zl ■ .ndKUcJ 10 cunt bolh Nrtr.ilr,.Io™ 111 mi isi ](t the opening klcktclckotf nnd staged a have losl faith lr rJS;.. 01 ttf souihm Id., “ ssis: illfomla. ; Ihc ^InncT*. Dash ll ' Inter fair evenl nboartl Directors of t showed his elub xnovlu ^ H t t i Ito \»m s m tl ivilet RnbertDIUnnlUon. seneral TOMvager ot 't'l! ~ - i T, downlleldd drive d lor niioUicr O'^ Ihc l chcalnul gelding All- ho Fish and ( loion. However, the KRNT-TV, snldsnld: . . Tdab -...... ■ . _ . touchdown lo UkeUke a 13-« lead In the ^ «Pcntipcnds a Iltctime de- chca will meet Tuc; omla game, which It loat l|^ H (lw uest.-indln;.i nre cle- "Tjie ]owa•^ vcloplng his mind mln< so thm It tan mclstcr. oQnt Saturday flf ter. be- »a»Mlnnrsoifl game be- ^ „ , 1. MiDiHiit * . Ilrst fiunrtcr. ------T h at gave the reresurgent American V ^ B > l'rp « t(n tn i;e bnsis In* came avnllabrc • ■ ... , J Filer rallied In In the i second period to win. TTien Ae teat the Bbfe to KRNT-TV'and ?*'’£7,h - ’ I T 1 vlctorle*I to foifour for Oen. Hum- R'J,i' .JL ,1 IISr a light workout, prom- Ml ^ ■ rltlA U as In the Dls Elx. was carried1 SBas a public service to 0.‘-MrCrxk>n; ..' iii iii Sm with Olen Brock I . J O C K 6 y Marllea3 nndnna hb to»gh n a - bin, 11 > h«nhean pracUoe-sebeduIe W ------the people of ccentral Iowa. KRNT- J- [>»«''• • • • }5‘ >“ i«; OS L.irry Lammers? I Injured J( ...... —* for tha rest of lhthe week. ■ ^ M to know-Whether TV will not, rccircceive paym ent /o r the y...... 1,'-.'!^., i;! ij* 1*0 i n Oul Buht aUyed’ln Ulnldokn county hlRli lelecast." ...... ^ . — ■ sgala on the sucw G ainings; S t e a d i l y .... *'i Ml Trailing 10-7 at « ? i r e lhe ssme thins, Kansasns i City, W nlter Byers, “ Nov. II m -B u d MUU. ^ « _ 1.. , . 1 ■ . chnlrmnn otI the NCAA-TV commit- - ...... 11 u II -n Paul OstjtVs WIldc ey-who w.is seriously X Mlnidok, roimty With i„upj, t„lhls „ Rlalenicnt; ' ... j ‘7 Ml ]ii< <:i when Gary. Orlndi•indJiaff ttnn.-^hetl off cpfiied tills full l.i lo* .,, , 23 when his mount X ■ Dcelvnble Hint Ilie mnn- '.''ini , 1*0 !'(o ii( Ji< h'*'’''* >'"d. 5’"” J S ' wfell r • at the Playfair ▼ ■ - ^ ■ T m num l and Pnul. . IM n i is; III down. ^■tnvjiiuJtnlitromRu- o' KRKRNT-TV would cnrry iV Jr,’ ; ' .. .. . I t l u : vv'v Buhl n1.1 M *11 anoihrr Filer sco Bul they menn d ie CBS's3's trelease of the tele- - -...... i‘* 110 i:i <«: Onrey cnrrylng fer time m a whecIchalr ♦ ___ • ____ ■ ^ ■ ( t u l r hjiiu school lenm...... }:; [” j'J ‘{’ Filer then look lh '^ ^ a lio n 'M m lc o " hns been "At the mom'noment there nre many ...... i;i 1.10 « : p.is* from thee Buhl E cenKir nnd «« rnllirr llkr. ll. ImpllcnllonaI InvolvingIn' KRNT and ii.’ Amji ...... —...... HO III i>] UJ marched 70 yards•ds InI a jierio ot line (TinVilTIPlIl must be studied by bolli ckfd up the ln.U few U I U V < 4 1 i;lli e i U Beats | F |% ( you rail the lenm. CBS which mus 'i t f V(« "i u •III P'”}'*- plckfd ll ■ Kmil." In fncl. CBS and NCAACAA," ______’ k. hirn>u<"*.I, »‘IIELSErN'S Irnni n Cro.vi- ...... ■!! j" •“ then scored thelie extra « point that 1 C lC i litI ThrillerJl, f t«!l>slt rhnni|ilnti.ihlp, field Frldny■ In a1 gnme th n t will de- ...... “_i-\ jjlj J,} gftve Filer lU margin mar of viclory. NEW YORK,C, Nov.N 8 lift-Danny T >ch Regulotion Siw McGreg !>•> »'fi' It «i InuR one. U rm lnt •siUlthhlth \f« n vneftT* th t »'. . .T.r''.'~... — »:i ist 45i T he Filer teamm llnlshcriIV Ih r wa-vsnlGitivnnelU of BrnbVjrnbvijn racked \ip his ♦ {rom MitUilokn rounly!crown, And. Ihnl Ihn game, my f r i e n d , ...... iiii.;!...;..''l;i I:: iis I " " ff<^°fd of Ilve II wlas and t«'o; second victory■ In a week Monday A / H y S f c nn till" hr.lpr's'proml.iei lo be a great one...... - " — dcteaui. night by scoringng a unanimous decl- ▲ 3 ^ ' ------. Tollll ...... - ' ------slon over Dannyiny . Jo Terez of New J g FOOTBAUl[s I BIRI t-n !!♦ u : •>'0 i»> York ln*R anvngely»gely fought 10-round j — s n l Iw ni»ii **i»r« __ l i i'"i;ti''» I'*’ ------b«U^«tr-6 l.-Nleholfl - f l ------Tim es-N ew s— :holfls'*rena-0loran' ♦ —— ...... elll weighed ISO’.-. iO’.-. p e rn 151. A ^1% -. . . • WaHrproof ...... I” 111 }?; Ill ^ — ^ A 6jE I S = |J ■iDeASTING COIDNTEST | S ± ....iii ii? !m i i • • Eaiy te clean'. THE FINEfff rUWruRNismNos < »• 11 wearing f o r t h e f in e sTPETSI t pe Bird * » I m Cholc*olct Score — j m , _ D O N T ' B'BE E VAGUE t , . cagea feature removitnovtble drawer - 4 , K u P ib b it grain fin«ini*h for easy cleaning,gT solid ai btreh M »' Army \'i:' m " u ’ ...S A . perche.s nnd iwlnga,vings, double- M H -lj ...... S A Y X MflVi ...... I!!.' I'juibtln . . __ spring Buspewlon prevents preti cages ' • } Syrnnise 1>; |i*n.iolr> ...l .l...... i « II! Ill j" v»r‘<^*hT ." Jm turning on stands.$, Acccssorlta: Ai « > • n -7 ; f f Feeding Trays - DrInkIJrlnklng Dlahea « , YnlA • CageSUnd*:' , , M-7 ...... iiii ha^vfG f m riirdtin . . • ••"--li? i l i IJi 111 In 49 world .seriesriM gnmes Brooklyn a8c I ^ ...... [jj f!, ii- “ S has been Invohed•d lrin 10 one-run de- * _ _ l-Dok T V T ray J .... - - • cUlons, The Dodgersigers lost n and won J K CaM r Sets : Illinois Tnllll ----- M-13 ______\ I f ljr ♦ DUCK HUNlHUNTERS! Alumlnjmlniim Legs - Mctnl Trays, Col* ♦ ^VE^TllERPtlORPllOOF Y O U R OUN “ ■ Upsllil«ullile for e.isy slorngc. Eight dif- Q T 0 5 tti« ■ / ______------•♦ -w itm rn tc hneltVOUN-aUARD!-Jiiel e itv t ------ftrmT lif r [istienij',' WittT"h,iiidy“ stOT-“ ~ ^^ J M M . ^ ’ 4 spray ll nnin . . . proteeis -| v -n ili'i" ...... r rack, SET OF 4 ...... * ______' llrVu'.' ' ' 3 . ... d h H l ^ S ^ bolh wood1 and metal...... x » ^ t / ' KMU ■______' ------...... Hl-U U U !!------R A D !0-RRONDEVOO-^ O » } -C K ^ ------,-— —— I'nlai —RUBBISITBUimE Trxn, A^M ...... HAND PAINTED ______**S’i:! iii r ™ E S .,»,N0V.8, Irfti " Lacey Lodge jy ...... ■ •• IS* 11* i‘| i’"i TRIPLE MAIt\AIN EVENT TH E IDEAL BURNER,^ ^ o r Papers • ► , or TroAh. Fabricateditcd from\ black ' ► H al Kecieone vs. BVHA ATH ROOM I steel w llh Tbld(d side tide W m. H ' ' ► jKzfoTftUons. j f r j i ; iu\ B u d d y> F)F a rm e r CCESSORIES I I i J.' lVil'*s’i.,>l' . .! '.. •s; shelves w ith tow el ffl ______...... Ichultz vs. I I u l 11? \i\ I?!i D u t c h S c h drinking glosses, powd- -H 6.75 : _ -.ei Vii m :m . J e c j Ballc illan ty n o ^ c r itoincrs; woste baskets; g H BURNER i Ilinnrilcap■np Match) I ' matching'colors, Eosy to *! wire — 2 .7 S ^ ' 1 -T ottochtoyc, to your w ells a n d Qvoil------I------swell . 1 eight dccorotor colors. pC C ■ i?i ii2 iii; Crisw^ 3 4 G o llo n ...... { ...... IU r!i”U ------lij {;j. J’l; D o n , M oore • ■ B lock, wHitiwhite, pinkriljrquoise, • mg CorrugaUonsI ^ , , ioliogc IUr..i..m ' LADJKS FKKK Willv lth raid Bilmli- ♦. yellow, M\ WIRE.TRASH Bl ______brown.______6-Golli No. 10 galv. steel ollon. wire ------3 . 9 8 < • D rJo ------;|J‘"w7b ...... * «» III'-1J> lion. All childrenen undtr1 12 Free \ ci? ...... : jjI ii> i‘* jJtj In *ener«l admluliiltilon secUon. \ « | L ±______r ::______a t r a l i ' capacity 1 4 .7 S i ! *** I — 1<" 1*0 !*o «5o' AdmlMlnn ...... Ringside: 1.50 _ ‘J .Ctii_:AdnU-l-''0-:3-Siudcnt.i:. 80c_ 1_.. EFUSE CA N S _ ■ T fluir^ ■■ _ ' • itaic nclurtedl InclUi \ . V*w i'w i S bogSi Callon, Training H •Dipped Galvanised. Deep. Strong i I I ^ nowi.i^n; 01 o r TIIK MONTH i I W ./W /flp dnll. „n Sj,,,all ,l; Snnrt i?hnn - j 2|^jS^5Si4 1 Chok. Coll.rlloHari, H arn eiiei and l l Sollon k ...... 2.75 - 20-Gallor . 11. W.ti„» . .. n i In- '»• -»l' Rrclden’i . ali'd j ▼ Leoshfit; your dog de»ervei Ih* ra heavyweight Black St«el 2* gal. capi ^ f l prlni) J.’ ■ U7 ni III »«*' Rnremon llnlelIrl rblfeer ^hop ! f it ot Nielsen's. , ^ X ‘mf OFRCI 4 . • rromolfr—Te; Ivered to HinfTr “ h“ v.F.w f eitHDtDSCOTSWHISH.His^T.iispaoer.. "Mica betora noon Friday.) Prlc nouci»r .. J i r ,.i I-.M ..IIS 111 171 Itl •««. , . ACHFlCLD luronuflaRuaitto-N* •w ^'w w w ^.w ^ I WMi.n ...... I'm III m iJ» !»'- —


- -OUTODJCWXYirr:;:rr:rT ^ B y WILLIAMS- lMAC,£nMK.'>«V^MXlLM.EH?'»TJ •’GernACMNtv\w>M0t*/0fC0h'• C0MTIW6T6 w S f l v tx m z oatap«M /Jihu& reucksu&i I / e e c u z ^ / TM ouAOrr ec»rr. \ Q g y > A ------3^— f e i i s ? ; ] I I - I Bl' j;r«lISower 31.C&Uforai^ pWKHJgloB^^lyXpWI i l t , SOMETMM'ieM 'ISCO \ &ETANYTHIN6- / ^ ^ w r AVBcs-au.oP,'* oCABEER6>^eL^025^^3L idttc'i f j a ST. BOT— ) V. tCwn FKOM THEltt V. ^^*^6Ur«»»)EM«&PAdHer/ HHWPBPCLTT/ II fcExplolU ~ ~ y \ hCAPfcnOTHElR,i >. ^ I \ PEST/ jrf}~ '§r*SI’ ^ JtBoundw |Wi ll.Trtijr(jr i7.Clt7iB ® I c*uhlnj*eU tnai»o» . '■'M JS.NcBaUT* Kkj IS.Cabla JS.Kev iffHi aseten ^O.BauuneU . I Jn»4 _T^I ITISB TI LRB I M L I 'j Ij 18. Mr*eU In ijl »elirtl9n «t Y««ttrday*» P u a ia I " X 18.E«-«hip«4 reire tl JiWlti 50.Hof#wiTt 4S.c«l I. Sxprtuloa t, N«wi orjnal- ILCwulo <7.Bc»rdi ofnbak* ■ xatlon: abbr. M .lliS. .4S.Mn*lciU <. EnriaeertBt- >-»lBdo ■ m K SS.Cookln MUBds Corpi: abbr. ketm «u S'/ WHy TH* RU$Hf KEV»^Y.I| | KOKBEWrHlttSBLfl191 Y iw>)^M»l«P|r5® ^ i h I 2«7Dweili DOWN* B.UtUaeUoa EXCEPT TOAT KE C W TOIX 1 TtL FE0 H S S t i W H B T ; ilHK'' :7.Eplet>oea l.i n i V .S . • «;P«rcelTebr it^«ki , •; A ^ E A 5 ^ COOLD I MUCHFOJIAPAVORTWJ MUCH IPHe^< nUu 28.CUdiosot rretldent Tk i2r Ftv ROYCfiTO\ea&i,88&10BS.WUWUVBWtt v a CHECK-UP ■ )H U ’ t r m 2. Lak» In iht ^ P I -A P O aO R W C T H « -ILL TELL YOU UTsff ^ A j y i B i n .R o f f l u i M GothftmSUU “S'- \ rri I IWWHONB/ GOt i- IKM 4 f-1/ 1° |* > '| TiSSn'ii' A- \ mjoMyoo iP B i r r I ' r r M ------la .n em rle t feS ------■’ :«.BIblie»l IBSi — ^ J5. Unoeeupl»4 -' lli' ■ ^ — M — — — 28. K ailfes of TWEWORRVW " E ^ ihttAleuiinnt ~ ^7 ” “ “ TT 10.SUtloo»ry A tmSmi r.\ ffl JSflS Sl.Blunden' , I JM Ioldlne SIDE GLANCES___ B y g a l b r a i t ;h j 5 i‘ .> m .H oko# 3<.£:dlblflie»d* RE«Te. 11 ww.^’6 P» I ' l r i i z i z i i : ; J / 3B. liirnnd IfwiweXweaw^ wore', -wo-wwa veicT • '^1 S3 v------Z 'NOWaXEO SACSAC*. V IW W * TW.Wrt^'j. v^wW ■ I' ______r i ______17. Kather: Ft." r ~ 3 T .. 36 >i\J7 Ja «>• Watch L v o o ^ '>re.vv»re.VW.V>\ tS^AKTAtCAWO'.1 j—I— — -y ji _ »■ •■V. - • _ pockel V J ~ . VC^^VX fr.'JS.U^\WoW3S -^TTcm J------^ !'S!«

^ BOARDING HOUSUSE-MAJORHOOPLE \ / / - 2 VeAH BUT HER£ WE A C e ^ ,G yik^W,A\C.WVOflRlSS£y..lT. Lit^B TWO OLD v B fs e y - m s T ca^ 'H 0 * 5 S 5 MEETINS A 0 A I» J-V f-W 5Teik£5MfA5<3DOTrtATFA J o A IH A CLAIMING R A C S — I , • 5WOULOpElhJSL>5TOi5ETME£t ll and v)E’V6 still 60T J ~ tS f? ^ Yoo didn't ^ C Mc'itiior A \ j-'ltl' H eC e Ifi HUMDRUM R 0L E 5/- STUMaS ACOUMP 1 I ' I" 'Bl V(5U A ow ce FAMOi;S MiMO H. R£ADER•~A^^OlAR£^J0vJ^; fH E T/?ACK.'— PAT& ^ 1 J - $ClESni5r.£ypL0R£R,5i?LDl{ . ■ 0IG6AWeHUrJTeRA»iDt3l ii

^ _ s 'Tkiiow I p t my'billfold(1 itin hcrcrM r. Schult:P^lt looks like som2 picKjwckk bc”at youyou to it this tune!” - r a '= CARNIVAL By DICK TURNER: S


= ? n-a I fm * ^/-^B * t— K 80 •rou.'j 5 yepP-ANDl'*i- a r'l'jij*WAN7EO''C-»f LOOKS LIKE wrnijH^ni^B FAILED/y OUTlit aBEFORE A 5:.SUTH NOT W ll THE BREAOWINNER^LtXXV^H ?ieJ n o th in g w e . i*K fT—r . ^ rouJUF/RCMS f. A3ECHETflRY,l I NOW, NON MILLT-UNTILIV AH ■tf'CANDOHUT - i l r - l ANOTHER’SW P'*>-'taft*i^H r * • - JOO-WHATOO^BRCAk *., ^ " ''oCOMCSIN^jg^i f i*. Y WB oo NOW ? °"''^|uN T a 'i/)'] ■' I ^ I r c S ^ M y EI ^

D • y w K ^ L r f l C^jw^^lSvraF—#s r I'W ' U s T O _ ' ^ - N •' a.-^EBSsza'il I

H^THiilCUwiR^Hi .I i-iLLo-kL ^ n r T'"^SUESS ^ WjKc 'N S i Ksoirt?ENor P ^ f f f THE SWTES WLLM W ; 8I?CW5IU€ ■ ■ ( IS HOMEH BV TViS ) wiWOCIJtEO ABcur) V LEAVE IW TMJ HOICSj ' r/ME, scotch! ^ ■ ' ss___ ^ ^ S I . K j M c TO . r.«.*a( U.LrMM.. 0 R jii ''My wife claims it pullsR Iherk out of tlio (lumps . . . I’mm jv-; tryiiiff on a few to scc if it'llt'll work for mo." ‘'W c’vf: pickcd up n few feel fee licad.start on (hem. Joe! Whnddu ya say wc ninkc a brcibrciik :^|for it?" Y |;] THE GUMPS lfi|y,,aiiiU_-j.a I "ilB ig S ra r'ruTlwVEMf AKOBOTHER I ILL AWMBLEBLE CLARISSA ^ '•^:r=r.-l ■ -L-Apy-iN-AvruFET T R t ^ F S ^ r e w u c -h" ^ ------a “ COOPLES OCC T W E S IW S r . - ’ OF •Tr4E CU? WED IN ^ ■■• MM'M - SH E A\UST>T HAVE ^ 'Y A W a E EP P 'l ro.MlGWT-THAT / '•■•• KfT* REMINDS W A S H i>C ^!^^K ME TD TBASE AMN KX v . i J A FDMAMnC MAMA M E - - ’ < SHOULD STIC5TIR TWIMSS U P - j 4" ERV VCAR,THlS b B -AND ELVERSEjyy VEAR,THIS ANNOUNCEMEM?P •______i . _ ii M 7 - . ^TS IT.' / A ^ MvAV, \ . . • .[. I I I 0.-i,>TrAWr Y<5USE,ANC»rt.L'\| —I ^ ■ ■ r n - : — ^ f^->TrrPj ' I I vvA\r HAS TO BET.)! GiVE A I',- YEH. V/IjVtc^dath UPT \ I r r 7 ^ . |T ‘\f— \<^9c.PuTM ~ '/ f A: l*L;C^:

i p p s 0 0 p pfa ■ 'ff^m ______1- ■/'/ A"‘* a - ' V. 871555 _ TIMES [ES-KEWS., HWIN-.FALLS.d S J [ D A H Q ...... S^EHi'WfiHTY»-QWB-^^J

?inance I____[OpposingViewpou•ints Benson> n S t a t e s Russia Blamed;d H iinterlrls Offered ffl U. S.MM a y l ^ d - ■ <, As.‘Mesleanest Man’ I ' CALDWTLL,X , 1Nov. • in ~ Here'a m I Grain G •• ■ • one to »dd to UUie Ust of m w ^ : t^ .; P rice!e S upport lffi||& i‘« hn«H Mir-KTta —A‘ «UPl6"or’d. ------.. . .*T " TIOME. Nov. ft (! br’daysraj^lhrieR^ ^ ■ aS-.?:I tnr ixMmM ln- •.■|| . t rk>L linn m1^4 » police, an ildenUfied hunter uked »«1 lS-:«i lo>tr. OKcmWr lenl waa made beforr ' '.m Sk permission 0 h u m pheasanU on lha -jjH the meetmeeting of the Uniied ^;7j McManus form.arm . T h e re » bgii- atole a lltn^d d and» his au^rmtnt drea Inlo borrojorrowlnc their dog to ■ waa by Earl Lm BuU. aul>tnni{ ■' b'>P *ln'* Uiele blbirds. H secreUJ7 of Lgrlculture, Bul Uiey don'don't, know If h» ever Q I. Knr. I noB*. ^ ^ ^ ■ r , ' aome natloilatlona today.” Briwin Nn. 1 /tils . I.U'i-:OA;: <14 , «ot any pheasaiusants. Neither h( nor W Oth Kt. I k«>7 aald. >f us fear that prrseni V '-k flL Uio dog everr retrelumed. ul trends are leitdlieadlng toward 'quick | L M 3 | j n A l y.Xy. ------reium ’ dea. toward slnglr-crop ^ f c y w f c \ J W >. .SorWan txMl Dtrlrir » » * 'p»A* •"•"|'"^[.'“i;;!,;'^nalllDi th«ic< -rrW rather than bilabalanced •grleulturnl economics. see newV agricultural «g produc- ► T • tJ fiJ P r m m I i'P ^^K i ***, T ,..• milnlr CIIICAC^O. N( t tlon springingf up In some countrlea, _ . . , Hlth La* nol b<‘cause It^ U ( IheIh btggeit oulbreak ■•Oenllemen.I. I m uat assure you of flfhUng lnin UieUia area In mor* than sli year*. .iNE/NEA lelephnlol i.tis i thnt nny productilucUon b u e d "n such ------!:n:; H I hope of shorl«tert*term beneflu may ^ ^ ■ i sooner or Inter iiK .ill! H umbrella witlidra' ‘’'“' " " “ L o u i 't t Grants t i Man Ovevercomeby .IIH V ~ Brnson madeda the-iB oUirr hlch- J ^ J g J g g F llghl polnU: on Monoxide wf 1. AmericanII susurpluses are "like Isen Time Nov, 8—Abram Bmllh. . fT* m oney In theI banki”bai The prnblrm r¥1 T • , Calif., Is a p*ilent *t -J.T ■ Is not tlielr existexistence bul how to X O JLilLiquidut6 uie nupcn oliGeneral hoaplui ai * ^ |i'- if i:ii, -jf A m h W d o r Abba K UnTttfV IfavM lh* Vut" *? U’e^UnHUnited SUK* c n irb r Elnood Dennyenny ofc Seattle, investl- Nash bealde the road a t 7 ajn. Tues- ^ I t.\t',^''i2 ii.Vo;*N«. l ‘t:.n ", r fn f ra tln t InInto war. (AP wlnphotei - . genuinely compeUiipeUUve In world m ar- gntor for thee SEC,SEC. testified thst his day by Mr. and Mr*. Ihianc Draper, V No. ------: _ krli!. InvestigationI showedshowi Niel.ien's llnbll- Faui. Mr. nndtld Mrs,^ Draper uw Uie Excitcmsnt! . 3. H ie Ume 1* la ripe r for all nalloas lllea lo exceeded hla aAjela by approx- car parked bealcbeside the road one mile b o tt(fl l fcfor survirol m tbe a i n s trade barriers, Imaiely tS.OOO. 2 C h u )0. north of Paul t meont ntetlag end lurclimcu Delegateses-Finish enge In agriculture to- Nielsen icsllflrdsllflrd th a t he hnd deal. tlon. discoveredered Sm1 ithE was J over- " “'ll W“ ransn ' " • reater production but Ingi with "probablirobably 200 or 300" cus- eome by carbcarbon monoxide. They intgode Indiont, out. ;v,g!;r.i:'i.%iiS C le air r V isio n s' Educati(tional Meet tom ers aticrlicr becomingbi insolvent noUfled Sheriff:riff Theo Johnson, who «o** «tbe • eleffleoti. Tvtfl. 1 1 . T 1 S 1 U I 1 & , SPOKANE. Nov.^ov. 8 W -T h e three------nboulJuly 1 and tthnt he did not tell toolc Sm ith loto thell hospital. oromtrofflotic story ttript CCO m "irtonal mtetl financial dIfflculUej . . . RUfrUf inhn. g-R esident-r„?i-1tr-.”' shnw n tam Emiih h*<} ___ ------^Eras :Slii:iCl:GoodingJ to Tti'in F»llj itJiera he *ifl Hickdk—ok—rte Wejf'i w^t ned nt noon loday acd the automobile. Ke fomoy, |cwm e d b y . D e a t h awmon and marthoL .. . _WASHINOTOTON. Nov, 8 M'-Thi^ “ 8tnef*l business bui aeulon and 1/1311116(1 n apparently hstl pulled i -. l s. , »l, I U itir fflor}'7 Ihr n t r n 4«v. Annu5 Dun Spoknnf. past prc.iipre.ildenl of Uie aUl* Goo u being discharged were ® ito6s-0nions “'‘n" 'h'- oooalM COUOl, MC „i“'.'nSSSSnS!;currlng type” and aald n “Uie m otor. tn thiJ p oop«f. p tr EplKOpnl bislbishop of Wajihlncton, ““ssotlntJon. o*:' who spoke morlal hoapltalII tollowfo! lni a long 111- business vlMnn wa.i blurrtne a bit “w I'm U thntnt area meeUnx com* jilness hid conUnued on ' noUcPd hU vUi would have m*de "sub* CITATICiTIONS ISSUED HtCAKo ONiONft on iils ifiuurn m from the churcli'a "'Ui'Hy needi." and nnd Staynor Bright- nelds wawas borntw,rr, S0•r^t e i ^ -4.•>* i)crni-rftl-conrentim In Huno- on, S*alU».-dlreoU)«*or of research tor iSTJrufSiM JfBi lltSLl-.later.------nDPERT.-Nff-N ov.-#—Ji-D . Brown. - S t a i t i nng Q Tomorrow;— the WwiWngtonn BEducation nasocla* wna married to J A U«l Iht farm h t men- Buhl, hna beeneen Usued a dU llon by *'*“ '* * ‘a U.nca tod Mtnbeen Inherited by him State PaUtilmnr ------By nn (xldxld eolncldpncfi Bishop Snntft Barbarara oon Sept- si. lasj- *,1, . 1,1^ nni imnn Roy Tliomii on * HiAJiu ...I.US / jlenrj. X SSherrill ot New York co'»f«i'M'ceice i summary was by Tliey moved to0 FnFairfield In lOOC and er, and lhat his father charge of drlvlnriving wlOioJt a lleense, IN THB {ing or selling it, al his Thomas also> hahas Issued clUUoos to /. fw,;'''riif./n„7i;/iimi;;i rn ■Ht Ihr convention, too, Shirley Cooprroprr. Wn.ililngton, □. to BoUe In 1031.II. HCH died In I92B and J ^ rZ n ■rlnt> InrrauM; llUitl »lr« nnd Komc ryr•yr trouble at the wmc “MOClftte »ecretjcreUry ot Uie Amer- she moved lo Ooodln*Oooi 14 yenrs ngo. "Montv h is beer Melrln llr u uu. . Rupert, I on a cham ■ T l i i C< i l ^ ^ ^ t “,?LV'tm” ;/jVrV«y«Ml.l In-Iiiiri'; Hem»M*laM firMrii iuppl,; ilrwnr; ilm t—In Au.',tn IS been advanced on Uie of not havingng clearance lights on ■ i n r il E E « S - N E W S L'.trnlln. where he'd gone AuoclaUonn of School Admlnis- She was a membeimber of Uie MeUiodLU ^ „ o rlg ^ o r wsale le olof the farm to lake hls tnck. and lj(«.i:.M; rull \iii1 “ •nr iKipmrnli lllu. irators, N alionalEal_Muctttlon nasocla; church.—. nd to Kyrum A Kidd, ______T ' t i ™ . i s " i “ i" i,j.i. "•■« HonDliilu. T- cnre Of these■ lltblllU*blimcs,~ Nielsen ics- Declo, on n cha'icha'rge of drivlni on an ••I. nit> A >lrml tilea VUlVisIC* O rulijt Hon. Surt'lvlng arcrc oione aon. Ernest E. hj.,^ , . , — expired license. 'u s “l '‘lQ^Jo‘’ .''“'‘'‘’Int f?'"" ° ‘“' ■I'OUKttl.Kht of Rolnc tn an ocu- About 100 cchoiichool ottlclaU from Fields. Ooodlng;ig; oone daughwr: Mra. . .. .(,(ipd.: n»"A ,receiver would' be ]i; 30 ,,M f“nt lin'r li.'t-bul-rtrtifV-ift-iw W reunri to It. W Mhlnston, WuhIdaho. Oregon and Ethel Leek. Palrtliairfield: a half broUi- ^ X ly u^eecLecea.ury have hece I r«ir» :.jj.{.jo; US t IM SMcmll dldId - -o n hi* return lo thr Montftna attendedded the conterence. er, Harry TTabe.jbe. BanlA Bnrnbnrs: 7 ibject lo the court's ap------three granJchlldre illdren and two great- h will put everything ^ :"T jo • ‘ ■Tills M odd,)dd,” Mid thr neulM. In T f ’/’.^ .rw l H T P • £ £ grandchildren, r»rtiJMJL * ^ lis 1 IHO effttU '-XljWpse CiniBca don'l match TT O O l - Al -'i ' a i n t f c Funeral servicesvices WUI be held al ------ursday a l th e MeUio- >11111111111 i*c7uVln‘» uVV Tour-prmcrlplliIptlan."-...... — - ...... ' ------.10:30 • » . Thurad. ------i - ~ 1 ------*— ^ dlst-ehureh-wlth-rllh-the-neTT-Msrttn*- j ------T 1 ~ 3 i T ^ n j6 EE E J t m N3 t e 5 1 opr-rcenltlnr-that-Dnn “ T 'T T T ^T ^^ ifllclatlng. Concluding I A ^ U *'■'''frnrhiB glnfjiea Identical U l l Q C l J :Id a t 3:30 p jn .T h u rs- I i # F \ W I ~ icr w ith Ills. dMhtd off rA ttaek sgS,ithV,K re new poying top morltet volueilues for N o . t nmrit hilk r>l it imm,t,' l>^ nppmmnc'* Friends may call nt j CKETS , - . . . , -..hH : DR 1 .IW A : Inch R noip to his3 WV. nahlneton colleague: " D k 1 1 day at Boise. Prli ■nd I GEESE. ^ l l f ' t l ‘ii7?'lM^7H'^^»l)»M mln*mi‘''' /m '"‘f^ 'liw -'«• I-'M.SO; DS 1 -Could wo hi 1 chapel from Tuesday I ^ , ^ ■ w ; |» ( \>tUii i niDlmutn 4 havo mixed up our • - D y A / ” iBve oC tervlce* on ._ .. *• (tlnssfn?- Jworsliak S S ”rfi^5” >r them to our er If you9U hav*) a large lu; CHJCAliO Ma . rasa Ontl ThUTlday. OATS ♦ M ake Swap <»■'•- r» num b«rt r ef « oets*; taW td Md « i wHili m o k * a rra n g * * Hffi \ ^ H wmv *'"' ‘ ‘"* “ '•'lr ■i' -t:K|CAnff. Nor. » (uni_roi»i<»i: Ar. Thry eertninl U ^ ^ B ia slli ai'«il>: t»rn>»> >ii>l H>4li »<, Iwli ninly could. In fncf. Ihey departmentn t policiesp only help* - . ■ _ ^ , , Z T •«k JUI. mcl u. ti .hi>. ,„ d _ in U,e• flflurry of winding up depre.is wool prlceaprlt and rcsutla In Jced 081,100 «UI1 c n ^ -ALL KINDStINDS aad SIZES . m e n NI toto pIcK them up. ^ ^ H h a U5 1. : •'>■1 1 lin-r.a mrnl* 414. in In crcm .'o t iO A 'p tt .V ^ ••___ l>v I and i IS l i 'i : iiupplln mo-. ichnngo ot gltuft wni Noting thnt lh. the .a«l.tlon tai pretl,wi>lrinr< Colo^ot tvutU iV iw"r r«n r«ni IB.ai. ind Iitttr l.TO. Nov boU) UlKliop.1 bll aea everj-lhlng woolgrowera. Dwors iMiiri W U :n,;i. ^;.(i.^|iiih Rorshak said th a t he | ^AAl//fijfiii7I I 'jI ^ u r O V«wVoV M'l'nt '"" ® drnrly.r. tind Senator Welkt'elker. R.. Id a - were •wumtmiEl SURF flh fllkBli ronl'lifi -iiH ------the only senator#ora :from the aheep- n v _ > 7 TO a who voted »«aJnst f f l SAIJALES^ SW^IFT&COMPiPANY I ^ ^ ■ u . . , «n'l.i.lfh... ; .OWI ;s ..li'i^o-** tVniiI'^f.^'i.v.^rasi-.c; Fetleralll Position the nnllonnl woollol aiaet of 1051. setUng A W / - .^ ^ H n u in .r r^ ml>r.t 1. : in'! rniiBil r».l« 1.D0.3. * T * 1 J aubKldles.es. T ^ M Q C n K • JACKET• HEAIHEADQUARTERS TRUCKK ILANE TWIN FALLS . PHONCjSK JH ;^ ^ » !U I> .i. n.W-ll,*}, ’ IS; wiifMiiln r. li Block WeatWe*l «r Fo«tolfii» -• ;«liM iu»; I*<1 aiMn init OnloM: Siinpllrn aliiut •loilri --T>uk-‘^li■'w^''’ nllowiLCei:V.;.S„C- ti«i.« «i p.r’ cinl i h a nouncfrt OvUie U ..S , civil Mn'lee ubsldy U the thing ‘‘‘■I-'';' , commLulon. »ciftCcordInK to Agnes A. ;, «“'our Indlvldualljm," ^ iri.: suont, cxutuu.mlncr-ln-chacst, board Noh snld, Itfcrr 3.MJ.U: Colnodo Of U. S. clVllI KSf. rvlcr exainlnen, “W hen we getI th(Uie 50 or 60 million ■ C rt i l i l l i z e r i W A >1 .n.l lir»fr ?.:t-;.w, »Ml. PoslUon.1 nvnlUble ftv'fl Include enel* (lollnr.i trom thette government c nexl ^ )nda Trefata ® ARM * fln'r, r.VloV; S w"! injh ntJfrlnR drttttilTtim an nnd cnrl<«r»phlc summer, wa maynay have to bring • Anaconda n s ■h Mp*niiS 1 intS laif.r drflfbmnn. pn>paylng-from UJ)CO lo Senator Dwornhnkink backt here to Uitk SuperphOJpho*phat« Having' (iccidcd(iccit to q u it farm ing, I willI scsell a t Public Auction, tlie folio*!W l l r".'il"’i liinV wr. jtar.m r..aud account&nl nnd >o.us ngAln about5Ut Uici value ot our # Ammoniuinium Sulpha»t mnchincrycry anda livestock 011. . . ' auditor. paylDR^ine }4,i3fi lo UJSO a IndlvlduAllKm," Noh sflld. - )nium Nitratt H Jfnr. pM ltlnitfn* nret mtualed In Idaho, fjoh aald lhe: assoclaUona* should . rcKor\ and Waililnglon, conUnue to pre.viw torto a higher Uritt Foil opplicoticotions fo your T er and Eggs “Z'Siuvrue inuiaporutlon .special-on wool nnd nmninnnufnctured gooda. h a y grour>d)d and a to groin THURSDA ■ VY, NOV . li I —.1 . J lit. Vfo-Mtlons papaying t5,A<0 In Maoo moie wi'dlUWt Jij m Jitighl ralta and slubbie turncu rn o v e r is 'i'ery (riucAi.'f) I’fr jrn r pluaja 25 : per cent co.u-ot- knowledge aboutIt diseasesdl; and feed- Located 1 Mile Nortlrth , iV i W est of Jerom e ' ■ • u T l ,"*'* '••' ■''»'• •n.l (;hic;aco. Nov. Kov *■', X (iii'i..rh»«.: fiin«i. iivinc aUowiiniriince are altuated In ing. beneficial! ______CALL US^W e LUNCH BY LUTHERAN FEFE^tOWSHIP I r.i:no".'r3^Viu'-H‘.l,'.'Vr'.d‘ ««*'»''• Alaalui.ska. , •We Wlll B« oi*d. S A L E STA5TAHTS R 12:30 NOON «1.«J; c jh-jV F u rih fr Intoriform allon m.iy br ob- /•iini'iTi Ber\-e Youl M iaSU -onltatU ieTviln CHltl.STlISTENKD • 7 ° V\' ,;iT_pAun.ii; r„„k.i .t.iii,; uinpd from Mis i p m e n t Ice. ALWO, Nov. ft-Tlt—The Infant riaugh* 1 T W I N IFALLS Johnn DeereD Equipment M ilklqg Equipi i«l* ;V7.i*i:^r,V»"»»i” !'*’>« pwlofflce. finrfc M ^r, ^ bbJI .. >^et. Ve lB > tn m & y ______• t^r of Mr. andI MrMrs. Mnrk Durfee C C C n C >“ TRACTOR. U ve Lift . " ^*'r''•^Tli'','l4f'V.^l" r '] T son ot Mr, and Mrt. r t t U & ;ICE CO Raman* Bobbkt h . , 3-pointIt hochookup, alngie front wheels, roll 4-Catt BUk Catt r s S H S ‘!i Estate ofo: $185,000 were' chrtslened a t Phon«one 191 'O '-Matle atlefr front «Uk Caai *-* , ^ ' LDa aervlcr.i hrrere SSundny...... EN'Q-Front \ >ont WelghU L ettbby ; Doorman ^y~inT--r-T- ' NO. RS cCULTIVATOR-Beet u l t : and Bean M I L K C OIWS \ 1 'M" or Model "B." quick Uch- ""BANGS TESTED — PtwJucUon'Uon-and-Breedln*"- I. Nov. 8 t/n-A rioormivn D A ' f f * A * | h i;?^Y w i'“.‘"n;r “ c m c A a o . N LTOES SORTED G-ON RENOVATOR Dales Given Dsy ofsfS Sa a la »WaiiF~'>iS : U>F^ l;>.tll;‘julr i:(.«ll; al n MIchleail;a» avenue club Jor « • V * / * J D D RY ' i Muly. I^"x3* ridged ahanti, fits any TIIELMA~fl K »« old. mllklnror £i montha !•• nu yf“rs, *'*>0 laI believedW tn havfi bene- _ _ I 3-polntIt LADY—8 yean eld. mllUng 3t toomonUu. bred stock Prices j”KfiSr.jiuTj. X .-iV ii If; 1.1 ,« t. tltwl from 5U>c(txKic mnrket tip-i from Y m Y ] our O w n Cellil l n f l I so . I AIOWE:lOWER. r TINY—7 yean old, dut Novembermber 14 - IWchfr; tlrf, W'’,"' i;s,n M»» mrmbfra. lefttt »n ratnle of tome «■» “ Fan hliclitilicli rrubber mounllng A N G E I ^ year* old. mltklBf «Bontba.toad « m , NO. IWPLOVPLOW. 2.B 0TT0M , 2.WAV : « iSVii'iiv.K. >'“ ■“»■ “ vns disclosed yrsltrday. nO N NIE-4 year* eld. mllklafrSn»M S u lh8,brt« onilnal) T),f fortUnfle ll In ftecurlUc.1 wa« dls- r n O Ine I O Jerom e 845 or 4611 6 | > M I on rubber,bber. hhydraulic lift RELL—4 ye*n old. mllklag I1 months, mo: towt teY i;asL ]!^ FORK Ht.IIT I T Z:~- ■ * 5 ulll llioflc nl 3-Seellon llarroHarrow, steel draw bar ApproxJmalety SO Ten Ua7. Ut, ZnZnd a a d M cat* nt Lo.1 Ancelcj and : liay Sllpip* wlUiWlU Runner*. 8'z U ' t,-.. J ------— San JYackImq. U o p (If net *oId b tfets dayy o o( f e a k ) ( ..scQ. O lhfr Mn»U ilock tred WagoB and Rack, 4->heeled J **hlp Miml at Ratiit M fl'M 'K s will will rrm aln clo»«l. I « » T JOO Bale* s u iv , (trln t Ue. c iean e u . *, Su7,'"?! ""n xchanura throuithout I VV V ’ ouft m d k IpI c*ii*Li tl>« country wll 'id B radley Equip. ' wlll be o p c n ^ uiuil. ^ ¥ VAL\LVES THAT TUURN! DtS- MISCELLANEIl E O U S SWc Rake,e, 4-ba4-bar, dual front, J rr*r wheels on ' TOOLS ALL OOOD SRAFBU>BANDOLSAK • u r T r a c t o r '■ rubber jyi//t Valyalve Rotaiorft for YourUf J / U t t U i phojphale• fiprcjfiprtader. 8' en rubber Oil MeB*orin| Can* ■ OU B aia m U ’ ic ^ o r p o w e r ; nmi.Orrr Frejno,Fre.n 5'. tracior-drawn Grease Guixa . • S-OaUoa O aa C a as En'nUtc . . . for more lasting tracio Weed Sumer • , i fiaiall Bpmyera 8 p n J^allsM ark ti«*i^'fpTiiiiia ST W • PrrrLu- lalvi• ynur engine, ' hon. andid rorrcorrugator*: phosphale *Ido dreu - R obber-T litd Gauge Wheels forror CslUvaior.C Urge - chment >H.., ' i 1: ti q“' \ » netly forDlaiorf yni Inaialled nn your prrtenl exhaushaust val-r*. to I .lUchmen: Rubber Gaug*. Wheels lor ColUnulUvator. aaall Barrel and Tb«a for Pitalntt Fei Feaa “ lb *lrS . *" ""V t I • Valvr rnlatfbon off. keep power Inl _ M i s c e l l l a ,1 keep carbon cellaneous Equip. Fruit Ladder - SUck Udderer - Bala Ferk 3.(>i I qimtlni ll.T^I ; YOUR TRACTOR LISTED HERIiFRE? , • C?« Hang-On>0n I)l»f.I) r . flu im ail or Urge 3-polnl -R eal Cood Tractor UmbrcUa .-F .- F orks • Shovel* t’i't ■ -1M7 Allli-ChaireChalmer* * W Combine, new cieve*, Iloe* - T*p and Die Set - ■ !*' j' Electrio Drill : h a l m e r s f o r d • • ; nc*r radJleJle th*in.rh* rubber *Iat n im * Sickle Grinder • Blew Torchrch - Wrtaebw — - T tin o iiMi,, wi^ r ’ ' *'^' . ^ \ ALLIS-CHA • , • . McCOfUirCK-DEI•DEEftlNO “ la n d LeveleT.ler. wooden.wc R'xtS'. good Bolt lU ek • Bale Hook* - • Wheel Palters O'): I cr»p Iron • Canvas D a^ Ivr mUiUon for your engine . i . tor ir Trarlor Marker* M any p u ie r ArUclM.too NumerflmeroBS io MenUon ___^ I ^ S i i s i nra 'Inngpr iKUnrtarri ngiilpm tnL-nii-riS”7.u_ -2 ------tii.{J ...... crCnAIN ' ' _ _ ^ \\ V _____ 3 lo i llmra • kuahil ______. • •' ' . , .. IW. J ■ modeh) ILVE WORK AVAILABLE . . . or bringIng IIhr eyllBdef ^ i TERMSIS: CASH ^ ^ • ' - . M 1 RANCH VAU’lrlor t®~ \1. V head or trarter » : : ' " " ' ' ’=rOTATOM r „ j t ., ,j WOODS TRACTOR!R SHOP LEG[ONARDTIr i M M ; O wrner r GEO. TW TO TW m FALLE ELECrRlO CO, BL JKNAk^'Oeric , / ' W . . d ...... «U"t~l) ' ' i NSXTTvr. North '■ ““ Mnr Mil KLAAS S KLAAS,KL AucUoneer* JOHN A. BARN f e e s ■’' 7ja Main Avr, f E in IB in i.. Urrt*•r»» —------U« ------^ TU PAGE TWENTY-TWO - TKSES-NEWSrTWa! TUESDAY, Kov^

' "TllCENSE 183UCP * '-hrHarrW '[ ANTEt^M Atc—j-— 1------fURNISHED-HOUSES—- i- - ;-. h o m e s FOR SALF ^ r * t^ICK Ub.«. .U ," -IT3 1 KT.Vft K>v.. Nnv. ft—Simon P.PA ~ ' " gi full'bi.rount: w ”w«U NdbelTi-izeliVW^inrier Tells”^ EhJcr and Margaret Wation.- boUiir >• isHALL n.i»J«rn-bOD.t. IJM9 . BiMlt. . I Twin Falls, were Issued a marriage^ I |r-XPEUIENCKD Uuifk m«h.r.Ie. .r .r i S» S2.I9 IMr bour. 41 hour wr*k. Wrltr'» rhanr a700. ^ ^ Ucenae In Elko last week.______| iCry Jl.ull lluick fi.r.ff, tlko. «r j t elves to Science - pbce« t« b«lvc«n I and ». , Mloaa houM for ..Ir. U«3l. It.rdwu..] Men to Dedsdicate Themsel 2 S SK.”; :x- he had been chosen for oge of UieUie of lU lsols when he w u sUll a slu> / ---- ^ !ili"Br?.'l«.!"AduuI"^»^!‘‘*^ :k- world's most coveted prlu s. In the dent. I - ' • K l i K r in- same otflce, between medical schoolool "I recaU the thrill of Uatenlng to C \ lassified|r I** TOmol«l«lj rrdUomfd- V.ar'i lrw«. 17» — m- classes_and .conjmtulatory_caller^,cr^, him and the curloalty th a t was ^ I SPRINKLER I KlmWrlf IUnln(t-»unilnpwn,.Ttie,lnyMUgftWr_«ho_Li nU laboralorr not knowing where onee yi sU rtcd in the laboratory of the Phll* be adelphla General hospital two yeara — - LEM A. CHAPIN Agencycy irneted lo Uils type ol rMrnrrti U eventually going, siarUng out, to be ---- Ki.VU. lIA.SKMKN'r hoUK. }■• I’bonn Jill • r aure, with aome immediate objective4ve laler in a metabolic study under-I __ SPECIAL NOTICES - .(iltfactcd by the snme thrill . . . nse taken wlUi Dr. Waller O. Karr. ck IhBt was once enjoyed by ilir explor- In mind, but aUo have a vague sense .td ------. . • of someUilng beyond th e immediateate H aT lng objerred first-hand the _S [ff|{ er In brfiiKlnR IhrouRli ihc confincs T. EXPERIENCED PARTS MAN** J obJecUve toward which one U a lrlv-Iv. dramaUc effect of insulin on Oie or- »>■. IIKAUTIKUL IllttCX IIUUK In iuu.1 id ; , of the old world." Ranlsm, I could not help but become ~ »si Ing.” he said. i7j POR FARM MACHINERY In^uIr* ::t J.cLko almt. TbcoflOf Nt- Lv.ilon la r» IMnr ruom. l.r<* I... J i Dr. Vincent du.Visncnud »tt ihaie•lie "I knew 1 wanted to study chemta-lla- intrigued as a chemist aa to w hat , _ b».)rtweii. all flni.brd In I'hlllpi.Inr lay try-before 1 had any fonnal train-In- m anner of com'(iound coifld produce aII Kim unr Mroum. frn<«] In )r>'d. • iir ti ' word* down f o n tu d e iiu n !c*' y«rs I im.ll crdrn (POl. tIS.OO. UH ttbr i U ^V n"!' A \ m neo. He pickcd Uvcm up (iRnln lo «W'c • Ing." In hia boyhood, du Vlgneaud)ud auch results." < ll)i' d « w ls i, "'phin*"•| Oood Pay. Modem Plant. '■ \ plain what leada a tnan lo the dcdl-' *0 recalled, he had shared a chemU-lU -’ Tlie work of du'Vlgneaud and -1 ! *LCUUULIC» Aso.7a»u>. WrtorM.r. ealed Ute of « rf« a rc li and uachlnj try laboratory with neighborhoodood oUiers on Insulin-first eaUblUhcd* S;>» * '• “ f*” 7ij *• io c a U d In Tv.^ln Fnlb, "n- wr. irAVK ».led,!^f.rmi.^ On»^l«0 : I tll tclcnUaU .. . frienda. th a t I t waa n protein and thus a e V!]..^j,V.'lk*Tn4" 'lllll The M-year-old blochrmUt laaloa- HU own '•trail of re.\earch” begnn,nn, particular nrchltccturnl arrangement bk m*lM from' T - l" ilvth'pV.cr. iuiild I H I ' ^'cek waa awarded thc Nobel priica 1 he Slid, from a lecture on Insulin by ot the body’s dynamic building { ■^•1 WRITE, Giving Age and | ,n, m.l>« Ku.K>d rnmbintllon n.a i'tl. fw tial Prof. W. C. Rose a t th e UniversityJlty blocks, the amino acids, . j-i for chem litry for work whlcli loday , J. mLl/» l.urr .1.UP, „ p „ . m.rn,r.pr-: — ti^iltl'lmiM^'if Ihrtl f»rn‘“ - I t " ,Lu*r - : i ■ tB fl 1-1 Jiu t bcxlimlni; to influence the "From th e study of Uie chemlsliy' '[ lnf-l«tl«». i>vil cardi. >ulxt tormi. .,1m Experience to— ” J Ur Ift ut ItU rou olh"* ha>t. | i | l i lives of mlllloiu of persot« unable to of Insulin I turned Jn 1P32 wlUiI ddmilnr. i"»wrlnc. m.lllo*. PboM «J«.! MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT . II.Bk .tld Tmii imllillnr,______■ -nMES-NEWS, BOX H. 17 :.IO^a«UAIU; fMl wiMbou*. Nnr untntrit p. J. BACON AGENCY ■ m i l slRnlflcance In lh e dltticull my collaborators to aludy the hor- -1 rI..MI|lK IlHOWN. JH. J f preclilon of »clentlllc lermlnolosy.Poor Princess inoncs of thfl posterior pituitary TAULLS aad cniif* fer >11 KcuUni.— K. I.VUAN BCHKNK b M In h li office at thc New Yorli lios- . Rland to see If they likewise were; “S'rS-'SLSSHSr _ Inurn-ounlaln >~mL Pb»w !».______Z rsnn. ^ ^ ^ ^^T-la f.lliall! I------— l l l p iu l—Cornell tinlvcr.illy m e d iclerican a l Columnist: t mnde up of iimliio nclds. As far as ] n | cenwr. du Vlgncaud waa noUtlecl that ’ *■ we know today, llicy are," he aald. a g iirl'riKrl.*' HELP WANTED ^*^RIilinri LumWr Cctnp.iiT,^bom ttl. _ k ;.‘ Uiat almost complele lack ot chinhin "Through more than 50 yeara InI — ' - ■' MALE AND FEMALE -r^j ..Ll WAIIUIUUhV, . r . cr».M llcor. . ted which Is so charncleristlt of lhe the laboratory we have atudled Uie I” - flcon.lilr. 171 Ulur lako lloulrord ck- avid rabbit hunter.' He has the add-dd- IwlnUon of lhe hormones of one';l TOM’S RADIATOR' - _ I A FRIENDLY HOME ON ■'iij Prospects for P(the ed charm of belnR Innquld, loo. nnd\nd portion of the pituitary gland—the i -1 l j ACRE jl W ORKS I AIRLINES I' 1 Yf)U-I.I. LIKK tvfijr llilnj abuul Ihl. nr- It Is said thnt tew men In EnRlandind posterior portion. We have adopted i TRUCKS FOR RENTf iI IniMi.ruI.t* luliurb.n homr l<.r.lr.l - vui i S i i i s rler are as gracious ns he Is In servlnsIns nrw research tools as oUiers have; TRUCK LANE SOUTH I ' NEEDS YOU I nf (itr llniitn. • i.igr l.Tilruuaij, remrnt i||| Depress AmeiM kippers, eggs and kedgeree from1 n devised them and wc have worked! : MACKS,U-DRIVE j S 1 SsSifs out others ourselves. After laolntlngl1] ^ ACROSS KROM SWIFT’S ! , n'cKUP-rLA-rn^fUii.sinJnB | * .RyllENnY MeLEMORE ■ chafing dish. ! - MEN AND w o m e n ' | i SSiiriSs'iSiii'r: From now on, th rrr'll be no needV He Is Uie type ot m an MarRarclirel the hormones «e hnve sel nbout U>:)j CCALL 15B5 • 237 4-n i AVE. 80. | 1 «III^m«l» »uu th. ownrr. Sr. (hiti:s i I could lean on—after taklnR care,. of find o u t w hat tlielr building blocka \_ i tor ■ ]j nATKS BV I l o A OB WEE* ' Ilf In >.1o fly thc roynl ilandnrd over Duclc- ' I EAST 5 POINTS SERVICE' ', WK KAVK 4 nn. Udiosm b.,ni. lhal « . •1 1 Ingham palacc to ahow that Ihc' I course, to get a grip on aomelhlngling are nnd bow they are put togeUier, _ _i ■■ PUBLIC RELATIONS" ’ ' I 1 ' I r.n .rll NOTIIINI! do-n. Oi.l>r 13,000 k l solid. Unlike Peter Townsend, he "T he flnal’proof of Uie chemical I FIIOKE n«> royal family la in realdcnce. .Mnr- _ ! - -} OW.%11 I.KAVI.VR tlalr. H.k. offrr ■| I sarefa loreh for Oroup Capt. relerP i eould ’■» depended on to see Uiat the strucW re lies'In Uie chemist's nbllliy ■'•I ^ COMMERCIAL AIRLINES _ __„„ a rio«n f.rmcpl. i be>ln.on.., « » l I yew trees were treated for bllRhl.{III. lo m ake It In the laboratory. Tlie ‘ * IrK.llun. >.II I« ••II tarprl In UiSA II ' Town.itnd will I. MONEY TO LOAN ll>lnK room, .lokrr hr.l. s.r .ir . l-iIrM J J th a t the picture gallery waa prop-op- synthesis of oxytocin, the chlcf — ^ al I'hun. Jnr ■i.i“'lnln.rnl iww, ! ■ erly lighted, and that the pigs andand uterxis-conUftcllng and mllk-releas- _ II Since Princess - | lnd~plicf.Mn v-rrS«.000 ni.n" ^ Srt uf N, rVrTr. 'jliuiliblt Lilt M*n«»tr. 'I MarRarcl hns rIv- Hj theep paid a tidy profit.. - Ing hormone. aelUes some long: ~ ~ I ! “ ur .n r KgiMlibla^ABlot. Uink ts4 TrxHI IDAHO REALTY K After M'Lord. I rather fancy the s u n d in g questions as to lls role In'ji ■ I JlrmUr Mullin’. l.liUn» Srrvlr^ cnup her one and I — :ni .Shoihunr »I. ^lait Thunr 3»CI] J only true love. ■ Eari of What's-Hls-Name. He comesTies the life process, WOMEN , I ll Is only proper end * from good blood, even If he doesn’tsn’i -The door opens to many things— j ■r V WANTED TO RENT, LEASEE ' ' I^EALESTi] have much. He can trace hU round. I fliUns th a t nil ot I ind. 10 dUcbvery of lhe relnUon of Hi ! u ill hieh*KhM/Br.SjuMV, pulillt ron- mtMANKNr !■>: p.rlr dr.Ur. I6rr..l*ln«m — aer;'icelK lUll drooping shoulders clear back to the Binicture U> in. biological -acllviiy, h I ua bcftln Immedl- NEW HOMES , BMMalnMe.K. J I d! ntely lo speculate one Buttle'of Hastings, and,In Mny-ny- towflJd modlflcallon ot the structure -* 2 , . . Mcmbei uui'urt^ w b fair thej' s,ij’ he U poaJtlvrly lhe 'I mun- If riv,n» 3«l; iH H l Oh Ihe (0 bring out desirable effects and;>1 Tlm.Vs....7 I ! — rtndr lo niot." loIo. L-ivrIr ni,.Trrn. JIJU I nny. of the naaal only .blade o f (he lot who never,ver. e l i m i n a t e undeslrablB ones, duI I ■ i'.'l brlrk. J l;r.lr,.,ni h„mr. .llh allachr,! ard never falU to slip a fresh cut Vlgneaud tald. L_ . 'i‘l.''rVnMVn'.'ju’r’^CM^^^^ J r.'.fr. Manr alli.rlA. fr.iurr. In. nround ehe will osc boutonniere In his pajam a lapel be- The chemist Is grateful to many — S I fARMSHII» ’•V marry. UeUa<» « i- fore falling off to sleep, for enabling and permltUng what r“ r. T»la ^all» Hehool Dlii.ltL I hot, j i l i J ' As I understand It, ihere Is atlllof- And whnt a dancer the Earl IslI RIt m ight almost be called the wander-i Prtrln^Hnlrl. Twin V.llr, Thiifid.r. _0 'N. j'JI'iP'*' •‘-'•■"'"ii* inn ia said Uial If Peter Townsend Uilnks nks Ing * p ira of hU research—free lol;i AIRLINES ’• Jlu.'il“ . T-fn i7il..‘T *.'i'ru"li‘il. lit '!!“■ I hll^ l i U i i n E*'0“P ‘’f •om he could slip and slide a fighter fo pick “P " >ter enter any promising path without , ■ iKxl m .^nrry >nd 1i». olj |l°00»’i!o»7. Iln.nrln*. Ai ^ from a glrr* broken heart. plane when he was fIghUng the cerU lnly as to where It might lead.:j AIR^ TRAVEL AGENCIES 1 CENTRAL TECHNICAL INST, lias jeddlu. he should see the Eari ’’I have had the privilege nnd the Alrlln* Tr.lf.lr.f Dl,l.i.,n __ ! ' j j A t the moment I lenn toward " TWIN FALLS REALTY j'/j'll .tord Somcthlnit-Or-Olher. whose— wearing Ifls hips In Uie samba onOh thrill of folloalni this kind of re-:l .NEED— |- ~ HOMES FOR SALE [ ' J ' favorite aport, I have rend, la aliool- n crowded dance floor. And the aearch Ihrough 35 yenrs. I hnve] ^ - Am! In.sunuicc E iri la absolutely Ureless. He can BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Fo TlrMr.T' ^' . 3 Inif TObblta on his thoU3nnd.<-of- c"*' been accompanied In the varlou.i: n u 115 Main Avenue Eaat » ■ ^ acres estate. Uhlch is no more than dance all night and sleep all dny singes of Ihls explornlion by a group « »011 lltNT: J'Int H.ilrl, llurlrr. Hi TT, I U ."' ha-'’„,'u r"n“ NOW n u .llirf^ !nicini. parllr furnlihol. Iloiunablr. -'U Phones 1865 nnd 591 a pJcasant ride in' n. curricle from* WlUiout ever showing th e effect*—or of fine and loyal aasocliites. I have „ C.ll or .r , J.nkln.. llurlrr. ^ I :7i i',' London. , so they say. also been fortunate In Uie kind of: 11 n: I I t ’ M-Lcrd Is tall and droopy and has And the Enrl Is good-looking to I Will lluwn 1,1 IT.iII^wo' kT. C.llf,, •! ' '<» support Uia't l have received from ')•IrsnipgPlAlUm r.l,f, fur final ph.M* of i • ' TORRnr booU Not lhe same sort of goodo«5 various foundaUona, from Ihe U, S, Job i pr«[>ariIlKi<. Knr cnmnlrl. ilrlilli r r 1 A »rl1 1,-,.I„„J „ « , I I looks th a t Peter Ti^ivnsend has, hut but public health service and Induslrlnll|| WniTKv TOIIAV. A] "■ u tiT k »hIst KxVtlusivriiu'i^^ much more pnlriclan. He hns Uie tlie firms and from the unlvcrslUesi ‘ “ ■ s ? '--Si !|| Nixon Leads concave chest on which fanneLi v.hcre I have had Ihr pleasure of| ji ^ laid hnng so well, and his eyes are fear-ittr- «-orklng. No 'strings' have ever oE^urfiTrT^^ ' THE J. WESLtTIt -J 4or ttlt, Conuel Don Walkfr it tbt fir.I ^1*- leu. They aUnd way out from J'fs hla been Ued to any support Uiat I h a v e __ - KiUl. ^Cjnur. Ilol.l Owj_h»c^ DoUr, » J! » • 1 aoe.i:t II Field if Chief“ll- head, nnd when he Is driving hla : .-Poslolto £a ^hU received, and fer this r a m truly• ' BEAUTY-SHOPS J »'{ eulirr! ! lOSO BenUey.Uie.cajLglvM th r Impression - ron-SAr.rmjsr-nciDH-nir-inrr-nfrr ^ H ot having four heaallghlA. Awfully j COMrLCTi; moJ«rn b.«ulV .trrlc* hr »i. ^ "Specific project research, of 1*1 tni. ihowr.irr, >».IVIn^1*)i^.i^d J a^lUhlr!" !;h,«.V jnur own**onl“r« ln r— I il Doesn’t Run useful In Uie foRl course. U iieccsaary. There nre ccr- «mtn, Ij.on up. ArUiIIMIfmHl *»«W i vlll WASHINGTON. Nov. B V—Tun And. hc la loaded wlUi money.'O ’- tain needs of society that m ust be; CUMlXhrt.cu b.BU.7 ’ FARMS ro i S •: . i Republican conBres.nmcn have aald He -could buy every one of poor•oor m et as soon as possible for lls Imme- .iad»u J il rxtucMl^prkn.^ Joskr ^ f'OI‘ p;j .ulomulk. B.r.ifr, “ , th a t Vice Prealdcnt Richard M. Nix-•* Townsend's mednU for Rallantry nnd“nu diate bcnefll; but II Is alao nece.wry . ^ SWIM INVESTMENT , |[ |i. on appears to be the choice of Call-und uae Uiem for bookmarks. And not to preserve thla oUicr type of ex- ~ “ ! C o m im n v I fllfll fnrnln n rnnhllmna__fOC__the_lOSO even ml.n lu ploratory research. It muat be _ CHIROPRACTORS : lo* I------imTwTTTi;— —“1' I' PHONE Sfll ' There’s another Lord In the pic­ _ : br,lroom hur>r. I,iirnirr, ilK-.u.r "f<,f FOR SALE RY OWNER ' i where his -veRcUiblfs always win nppreclaUoD of your work n.i mine : Hl’^uTwrin'rrrLrnl'birrmr't?^^^^ ] I ll run ncaln. ' V", ribbona. He sniffles quite a bit. nnd'n a did last week," du Vlgnemid s.ild. SITUATIONS WANTEP .. '* They held two wrelis o t "panel,n does look a llltle on Uie sherp dog I;;: dlacuaslon" with C nll/om la Repub­IH side, but if M argaret married him . licans. Their trip *a.i sponsoredi .by ; no Rlrl In England could Justly'm I WANT AD RATES I'A1^ INTI.NU. li.I'^rb.nsini, rc.Kin.nii J" I the Republican consresaional cam*ftp claim 10 have n more distinguishedled ... _ ------Iirtri'K1IOkl>^—Sp.rloiJ. thn.uBhnul — ' palcn committee. bore for n huabnnd, ^ t Dit - ■ — — - ____..le otr ward i ’onVMr'rTr!iilr nn"/.Tm'rl,p^r'I',I ■riln’^n^ Ifltj j They said they found a feellncjjy |DliiribJI.d b, Mf.'Jmuiht Srn.ll«l», Inc.t I8f| , nmonff tlie slate's Republicans thnt i;llll.uil>..s <.rrd fur, mr hutiif. LI»n>«I.^■1 •. SERVICE STATION — - -•«l7,ll50.00-l"f>'r|,.?i IjTl'i>l«*«prI>'r- ' GOOI) 200 ACM li Uie pnrty could win th c lOStt election LOCATED IN"'j^ER0ME in ii „ , PricodtoM whcUier Uie President runa or not. ; IDKAI. .NKIIItlllOlintmn in -Mth lo ll NKW 1 .l.MKDIinnM k..r... nn^I'irrr. .S<. Five Firms Fail fitmplr. .t* ubit b fb .i - li Al'ntO.XIMATKI.YIIOOQTOHA.M)I.»: I | r.l.» r. ,„ur rhlldtfii— .rm, <,.mf,itUl,l* In'jli ir he doesn’t Ftellnshuysen said, : .sTi»'K an.w :oui..>.i:s t 'J;; IISSI -It's fair to say th a t Nlxon haai To Pay PUC Fee! 6 | '1 j nVnoo.no!'* • ' I flrei ■■ '^8 poMlble OOP : UNION OIL COMPANY OP ; J|fr| candidates. Wilson agreed. nd BOISE. Nov. 8 WWThe aUte pub-jlb-' _ . CALIFORNIA, BOX 139 | fm I Mafric Valley Really ?•;{ WlUon said opinion w as prettyI*- lie utilities commlsalon haa report- ^ :fi ■ evenly divided as to w hether Chief'Ih ed thnt-only five of th c 750 firm s , -And In.suruncc Cunipitny I. 121 Shnthnn. Ktlrrl Ti Justice Enrl Warren possibly wouldOh under Its jurlsdlcllon had failed to ha^>. rton« ;;«'t.M.‘‘Ttin*7''.n.“ ” 'j, become a candidate. FrcllnBliuyscn pay an nnnwil rcRUtrntlon fee set ILihnI riiti rniiit ifcompinr or.l»r. ^ FURNISHED ROOMS ~ L ; rhu„. :«|J K.min,. aisj i WILLTRADEWJ^J je- up by the last IcRlalalure. ( DKADLINJ: for CliMltlrd onirt (nr Irliure ur rnlrrt.lninr filrnli KmI ■ i MrmWr Uulllpl. t.lxlni Krnlc. fj): said, he found few' people who >|,W. iiffinpd, rhn’n> .’'Ill.M._____' ^ i frr« lu In.r-Ilt.U wllh.,„l ,luri]>r> — _ J lnl,.tf.l !>•< I» I f: Uioueht thc chief }usUce would run. ll said four of the flnna-nll small. - K, L, JENK1N3 - - • I! Tlie conjrressmen said they found motor cnrriers—miRlit lose their ll-l 1:J MAtN AVK.NIH: WCT IUt'Uo evidence of a r if t between Nlx- S| nuiUfd " cenaea unless payinint were m adejde Sumliri — 1 p.m. SaluiJiri. t\,f.rm j',.b. Hip«flfBC».l, Whi'l. llo> 'll.J, ! -{: on forccs and those of Gov. Ooodwin soon. If Uiey haven’t gone out of -niln.| . .. , 1,1,11, „nfld,MU1 . J i t.OVKI.Y J 1,r.1.,.,m W .» un I.inroln. J . K nieht In Uie aU te. B u t Wilson. . bualne».v ( ] 1"°"''* I'"' I ; ..Mljluti.l -Iih^ h.ih In said he couldn't predict whether , r.f.rd .to lh. .d.m lu" u The fifth U Oarrcit Freight llnesi " BYOWNKIl ' '- there would be one "or several" Re-p. of { Pocatello, one ot the Inrgeat dryry! Flrrort thould b« rrpefird ImmtJIil^ CTTT publlcnn tlckcbi entered In Uie lr. .s-o .IL,...... M«-,ir,.,-r> h,in,. wllh rxriiA iiKn. ioVfiV ■f.t?"uu*'Vie.M0.''"' "" slate’s June presidential primary. frelRht haulers in Idaho, wliieh hns Wilson said quesUons sbout farm(. refuaed. lo pay Its $2,548 fre for thetie! Thli r.M f rriin.i H, riihl la ,d|i ir In li.'lni; n.,in .'n,l ii.ll, h.r.l.—l (l,.,r> , ' : ea year on the grounds that the regla-l.1- .(Id r.jMl in, cl..ilflrd .dr.rlltlnc. ‘’'jjj 1 in l.<-,lim,nii. full III. Ulk. l.rMkllfhcn i iii:Ai)Tin;i. f. s.M.M.t. iin sir nn mi- problema predominated on the tour. 1. .n,1 tlltirlTr r,>fnl'in.tlun, nil h^il, »;.r* niurr. » ^ Oi,r l.r.lri.,rn m.h. tli«ir^ .n.i ■ that he found substnnUnl support;a. traUon^ Inw U unconailiutional. I . for Uie ndmlnisU-aUon’s farm policy.10 “ FURNISHED APARTMENTS ,V.? u, rhun.TA'iw*"'’ • !wii,.n^ar^r«inoJ.t Hr £uu WlUon snid'lllUe aupporf'wasI- •; 1 I . - I voiced tor "hlRh, rigid price aup-d J ports” for fnrm crops, iicd th e slate's * HELP WANTED— FEMALE l l ” j nASiiv IIIIICK :.MKimofHt -nh i f;Xrhll„,M;KI> -.l.rr.., AnH, In --"V S'prirW a-l'^p numerous dairy men feel that flex- r ! n'.'|7 ‘« w‘ K."rrHri,""bu, ' ^ Ible 3upport.i nre reducing .^urpluaes >' 1.,., |„ N iurri.*r.''*Tf,y.r.^!r,l/;fr7u^ I'l: * and raUlns prlccs for th e ir products, ti 1 ' i DILL m ' He Slid Cnllfomla 'farm ers nlso ” n*OOM* ^^^,',',’1' u .h .^ r ,l ..l , rnlr.n.T Kin i J . E. W hile Real Est.He Agency !■;. like ftdmlnUtraUon ninrkctlni: pro- KMinr. .Ift up for raisins a n d dried f l : ------. .^I'Ml'lKNCM) W.uuri.n ...... r i ^ . *AH>; I.OCATION OVKtl 47 YKAIIS " r w We Print * ' ! [ , , 7 l 3 f l _ RANCHEMTAXJ^^t Keturned POW to ; forms That J p — i i:o .u'ni-< *1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE :[j ALMOST NKW ! 1; Forget Wife Who M ____ !j? a-;innT;rr-TOmi7TrniBna-rrvir,- i :o."r r ‘t - n i =J ^ — fit-¥our-^^ .■•n MX.-,,,, ri-irin. ______p|„ APARTMENT HOUSE 1 i I Wed Yank Soldier I WAN’TED AT ONCEt |,-j^ . i::v ir^ ;i^ 'ft R.M1 S'O o D K N - ALLENDORF,: Business N..V R .r-T he Gcrnmn Attractive Lndy—25 in 35 |_ 1 L «llh'ull fVrn‘.'rr*'ll.*"'f.,,'iI|iti.‘'nTriJ ■,\lui -r.mir iKick trom llie .MUST B^ EXPERIENCED ^ pl.n, A nlr»^lll;|p l„„„. f,„ |»,ion, I ! . -.lr..!!- 10 1T..I liLN^;:r .iM m rd In anj l " l,'"r,l 'l.u.fn«‘'l„c.ri''n, i.iil Vt for Work In Louiise prMfUl 1. a flur ln,„ni. |,r,.|'rrl». ^ K.j ^ B i i ' " • '" “" ’'I ‘ Every business is "di'different", but we'll Apply in Person m'imh j RODINSON-reLU-fMAN ! I I E l S i K l SAPPHIRE LOliN'OK '■•I' ' Jr», W ;atr: CI',orub:i. r , iriiinifil from ' design ond print formrms to fit YOUR bus- ___ CITIZEN'S AGENCY InrM llwntW *' Pliniie ^B'JI-Rc.'t. H07-237D-J iness operations likee 0 G glove. Coll us for ^ aol.lier. .S«p:a*v. ’ HELP WANTED— m a l e " Member MulUpln Ll.itlng pracficol suggestionsIS ond cstim otes of ; ric;i(l. .Ml-, :vnil Mi: ‘ Siiiur.'ky no« I'-u. m C;unlI•.^l)ur^, I’.v I cost. Both free! .TIi.'iOnOW NTOCI .- '••‘ II i:illl.\Hv I,isM*.vI>r.l «™l - .l.r l Told lli.illur, nilr .V.i.l c..tinr<. II YOU AUK l„okh.» f„rj,..ir rat.iirr'. biirc hi,', rclc.i.-e "i,,, u-..-. i,i • '..- 'u ^ fn T ' "ii". I.,I l e 3 8 / I r'!' iii/-v'.-I.” u.»ii’ ‘ij'.Tni; ' I tij ■ n„,s ,..i.; OH,'.:;: i,,' Phone •nl me I n-li.mu-p h r, c r.u;. oil,sly aiul 1 do lui; wm-.i k. "i I A Rcpreientatirtfi.t W iil Coll ' TWIN* FAI,T.S RKALTV , » T i l S _ hr.- uny if ,,hc brllrvc.'. to h,u'e r<,uii.l , And Iii,‘;iirjincc ' ” ii •Jifi Mnm Avciiiic tw l £■ rIS& m . I «ill foicet nbouMt.-pupLi; 1...1,, ~ \ UNFURfn^HED ' a ’p Vs . J ; ” I, Held for Court jW — “CQMMERCrALX'PR'INTING '■ «o*rth U .u .1 .p.ru OWNMK . , J' 'll - ELKO. Nov, 8-M ike S irilinn. :i M DEPARTA nnd Troy JIc.v. 18. both C.iliforiii,i. W TM EN T _ i'K nr;,:;'' t h ! _(il) have been bound ovri* to Elkn dU- L KIRK &'SON : I , trict coun by JudRp OrorRe fl. ■ AIRLINES ' _____ cliotccd-wJUi kid- H I l l l l i l ' 107 3rd Ave. South- Phone 435 ^ I nnpinjr two Phoenix. Ariz.. women I ( undrr Iriilrur||..' 'R ay C, K irk ' Ghlrl Kirk ; near Wells on July 15. Tlie women ■ .Uf -..h .r ..„l ,tr,fr| THK M SEGUKITV AGENCY • were acco.ited by two m en while Uicy ■ i k . ».iU .n d 'l p.m. Aduli. .rl" .' “ ~318 - Ueiilior.s :037 slept In their car. ■ 235 Main Avp. W. 101 DlaJrlcfJudBC ‘Thylor If. Wines I lU ibcii UitiiiiUii;. Utciker said U^at if both thc drfen.ie and ■ ^ . . .______. . ______-J Mr,„l..r ...... t,i,li„. .Srr.lc .------r - i r r ------:------state counsel could be rrndv for trial ■ by Nov. i i lhe irjal would becln ■ then. , lm 8,1 .9 6 5 ______' t imIMES-NEW: S, TW IN FALLSLLS. IDAHO ______

. I AUTCUTOS FOR SALE H irket place ^ ^rruUT' KS.rrKti“.’fs .JB m a:gic ' ' c valley 1950 DODGE H TOCK & POULTRY MISCELU e ■UNEOUS FOR SAL e I A U TO S S 'ii U« iPfiBItff; a*n*i IMUd. U lltOifuni.il os FOR SALE ( AUTOSr05 FO R SALE | A UITOS TO S FO R SALE______AUTCJTOS FOR SALE ji.Y ri-*"”" ‘ ptoif««IUu21 j : . fiu«.______mmi—iTTTT‘ir-ici "*~,.T.‘i]* »v5vic7onuro tn iN t «i TM nr». U. B. I’han, j||> . " ^ I S I S r '*• ■»:■•.. CHKVKOL:VIIOLET moU.r. m T j r a n nh nV i n M^ntirtr < i)~ . :uTn I- «J». Or Itld». <;. K. V. c -,i= S - f t:«el.rr OUVJI.______ll.SKIl L.ih f Mlt, Hiihl. . n«rfl 3.»| ■ - KloUfbr.-«. *f"». J ^(,,^J«J w <•“ ! if rMlitcmJ Jlrrtfordi. I fow*. nflflh, I'ium* ------»/;«._ tull/J ^ ,f« b«ii i>i LIVESTOCK E L V E D E R E m . m.o5k

I.KFl « f- yntktr. NO TnADE!™mCEf'"*'' P HI'''''''VT fFOR FORDS ' HM p o n x WSSS $2i95!oo CTION SALE - ps s s a i i j. p l i i l I r = : ;:r.: ;l tirrt ^ iL doMM of ^ •,,,„...... "" CHURCIRCHMAN'S t p SfL"'.rs““ ;, ; ; “ “ S ™ ■gsagsaj i ; g A . U u s S E D C A B S i.is rAnii.t,Ar

^ i s m § ' £ : £ REESE MOTOR"COr !l|T^ ”‘’£SHr~ s ~ ,...“il3

EROME . '’‘'sr"-::" : " ‘ s z ''! ! . . . : . . “"...“ ! : ^ . . S i M l« d a r . l n t-N.w wiBf JDGE Coronet V-8 J- I------" " ‘ I s ------F ------BAR & CRISP |:: S ■ : ■ -a ™ v s S S f e -NOW ’— I IWOMC 0 .f.t 4*. 41 if.

ll,-..n, .!,« .... nil |j OPESPEN EVENINOS „„ ciicvni g - i" ’'•■ nr 7,iK ______i J*»» rORD[> ‘i-wi‘i.U'n-pleliyp. IMI j_____

p ~ 5 JEW 1955 TWINrwiN FALLS |Make^e U s '’“ S: S a - . r "““••■,;,‘r..S ii P.GE4-D00R . |.EQUIPME>•MENT COMPANY • - AN OFO FFER ! ^'“ iSrlhV lone pM nt And many T ruuek ck ILnne W est , „ , ~IPS!:.” E C A R S M U S T G O ! „ „ ol.na“ * Oftered by- PHO^PHONE 1B« THESE t £ s r £ 5 . i « “ ■‘, ------llil S S y m ”''"!' i?.S i BOB REES3ESE MOTOR CO. ^_. — ______!: j m i o n iL V . . J i i i ^.noLn^o.,^,^n^nr ^

IE PRICEI K or BBETTER E ! Buys ,i>: kord v n s HAUL Y o u n OWN "ri*:- MO'lOTORS, Inc. ' •K-oMAiiA n»:frr ii»:t> 1 $2395.00 ‘ D— —CARS— ' roN'f'*4TIAC -»■• D.Il« l ^ t DmSUICKDEAI-Em „ „ w KnrA°wAvfom'. 'nr.. ^=1-,^ I " J loss wioM sAiiwAr ; 1 jving Sale ,. Si;.',;";-?-" rsE « '? r.'...“.-ra ii.nffl'< pl"* I— -“•; CONTNTINU^.! „;gJZ‘Cg.iom 4-doof Srf.tu.IuHi<.. : .;TH I.JjLA Tj » !":! JILLAC “i r 4.dogr. Lciiei | H Don’lB . ce ; a?.“S'‘d S ^ ‘' “ H « HEISEN 1 w ^ b S m i s " ZXAMPU ’ QIQUALITY I )TORS, Inc. : HEW o *ARAOSi!a < tn d Moving unS5««»» bu, isss: EAST - PH. IH..W I ’ -O.K.-T-...... Jl 5 ^ ^ - s s «rOR iioss-oo (»- US]JSED GARS--- —ji ™ s = , W i t ,1, LATE MODELS ■ tr?rj'.rD c.'n " = i i ^ 1 9 5 4 I iHZEHillM il RROW . _ “L( ‘LOOK”— BROVROWNING cab/^RLESON’S U w h'w ...n ------ll* u ( H MAIN EAST , ASKINGINC. PRICES! AUTOT O (c o m p a n y 1 9 S 3 l'l Jnd Avenue NorUf ^ ' —PONTLfTIAC —CADILLAC chlvkollt S i S S i K ::::ssi rALLS - PHONBJOBI- -pj,„p i.c.-riik.-, ------— m il ■!! pii-LAo .. : )LCT S fd tt------lU tt ' IlK )iior Sedan ' .f - r : - ;------)LCT rick«f — 11141 . : j | i * ' s s * ¥ i i „ s ; r i|— Don't Be ciiEvnoLrr 1 9 5 2 /ii iU -'-.'j.i'ife'K V i JGHT SHORT PPLE SPECIAI. HAYE'E5’S FURNITURE o?„hft"ulci«i«», v,’3»iin. lit ■=•-.» NTER IS JUST . I ri™ ''":,-u.r. riikup------1 »» ;|1l -AT- SQJ5 00 1 '*** ND THE CORNERI i plyjiouth i "WILLS UUSED S E CAK DEPT. to Hard Top------li:>» ■ P t S 1 : ...... J ' " ‘S SI... ' ju jt Evfryry D«; D«y Honwt ValuMl Car Prom De*lcr” «nc nd i ■ • • ■ J ™ I -SK“SHOP" . ■ siS“St;r“'" ______1 9 5 1 :;::iiri ' " ' = ' s s ■ w«EnscAns. Tiriiir'DNrra ™ „ . i V.. T .d.,;“ ! t o ’ ch;hooseS khomi ^^,1, EE: ffe-& TRAILERS-1 j r : : . novem^BER lOTH 1775 II,'.“hi:jT^ TH i-ioct M tn ______t IK ^ l l - W M.. Irucl >.r.i;r).,.r.| o.Mh.uM T 0 1Q-)S ^T.'XT.»h^ 5 ^ r f.p^rnM,r CouM — S JiT irs of the United *-« “»'■• loc, 5«1.B------1 «» ...... Marine Corp. »» 1 9 5 0 y BIRTHDAY! ,Th“V.mM';srs™ ""f:! rED STATES W S : ~ E : : i f M A R IN E S , S S '”■11 iNTED TO BUY ["Vpi'miirr. Hearted ^ " g -H . A s n 'v n i m i S i i s ; S S S S S - ■‘“ s f 1 9 4 9 * !F1 -PLYMOUTH “ Lrr Mocr M tB ____ t 4

^K |S :£:.^'vvi:^^' -iiiGiiKiUKST PRICES! OB rUkup------» »»l . 1 ;Z‘;'cr: 7i^.j b; u U s S I N E S S a n d P R O P E S S I O S S 5 S = I I I L D E R J W D E ^ ‘s.ae.& TS-Si ^ sirr 'S USED CAUS DDIRECTORRY__ ^1 ;:::ii| I c«ui>«______J____ I in : " " S f FAU.S AUTO , l/LKCUrBS__ •JIOTOnCYCL I 4.doar 8«dw ______l ‘ »» PARTS- ^ 7;,; ' " " s r . s " AitTlKlciAL Kimberly Ron 1 I P - | k W DRE -16 - ’4? - ■« - • « ---- . ■:iia K»;h v.« > fltL'H X E SAt-i iALE OR TRADE «>■■ ■’ OPEN i.- - ...... I...... r»....i -nu^p'T,, ;■ S ™ * rtSjS'aS • WI)WILLS ‘’"'S P evEVENINGS " • “* ...... U&EDD CAC A R D E P T ...... G .M . V Y L tlE ’S — •------I f f i B ^jIAL iviW TINC ■ StsrC 'V D Sal EH:con.n.t V.. V.j,.r.iim • COMMKPCIM ' T W I NI FF- A L L S M O T O R q l e NIN G. JENKINS S 1 5 r ! Z : l a s s a L _ i : < r r r r r CHEVROLET - i"“ 7„i:r.-.■::•■'!s: :„.‘ i = ,k v k ; ..s ; /.M .,... |.|___J "‘‘S rzzdEEz!!dm ’ BB!L_ a"y.;sr:, 1i';S i,Vp£ :|L _ ::!:z !_z

h —_ — T — r ------^ ^ TIMES-NEWS, TWINN 1FALL3,.IDAH0 .. _- -TUESDAYrKo ^ PAGE TWENnr-FOUK ' New Pastor - OiTe^Borrow)wedK iiiey Writer Flays ‘ tilMSPals Simple Homes LONDON. Nov. 8 (lH-An un- 0 selfish rhesus monkey remember­ Draws 250 at I I Common Use ed his pals when he broke, oui Ai*e Picked by ^ J of his pel shop csge yesierdsy. Of Big Wordr Q He treed 37 white mice; aeverseven ^ Members o 7 V * ‘ WealthyFolks Carey Ghurch parakecla, two can ariu and anc tlons and ll — Ao seven finches. nol invned. ^ h CAR£Y. Nov. 8 — T h o annual I s he ______:______h O n e w YORK. NOV. a W - P u t 1 Carey LPS ward reunion was at- I ling." ^ tended Friday evening by more than I being o r Intensive degrees of hungilunger. P I | R A | 9 250 persons. Noel P ra tt waa m aster I ? of ceremonies, I faUgue, threats, violence and som Following dinner.'a program was I Brain tim es drugs and hypnotism. • " n o b a b i! presented. Taking part were Carolsl I "Unless some or aU of these i Cook, lla Psyne. Audrey' PeUrspn, I M ri. used in the calculated pseudoscle m ■ aw»y those d m im about living in a Dale Cameron. Mrs. Berio Cameron.n' I ■I;' HO-room m wulon whtn your w»>P Boyd Barton. Mr. and M rs. Wallace I p' , m ic m anner of Pavlov's expcj kens el m en tj. It Isn't brainwashing,"S : ' T ', B j eome# In. MUllon»lrM don'l do th n t Slocking. Noel P ralt, O pal Tnylor. P ■ SmOAPORR Nov. 8 on—Al ::______P any more. Youll Kltle Ior nn • Baetrlce "iiecham, Fern Pattersoa ’ American author, who claimspaper hi R f - o r lO-nwm m nch «tylc nnd h kr i t -- Devere Coates. K aren W hitby. Col- ^ coined tho wont "brainwashing;train- i l T b e eplendlferouj mnnur len Busch. Hawl Whitby. Marie ' aald today lh a t h la word Is belnj ; i l 3 l rich people llvo In thc Cameron, Marla Dilw orth. Douglas ^ used too loosely. Mlllc rJi!?® movies la belne snubbtd by Am cr- Patterson, Richard Williams, Robert \ refers ij'A J !»■« newer crop ot mlUlonoirM. a Sweat. John Dellas, Colen Wheatley, Edward HunteT. author of "Brali 'w n i *rlp through the finer relRhborhoooa K aren Adamson. Helen Pyrah. Lana ^ washing In Red China." exprusei 1, H I w ound th e counto' tells ll« ^ Tolman, Sue Drage, Carol Palierson. dismay that the word was lued t C om m utef e o n U n i l e i i , ■ June Taylor, Peggy Payne. Barbara 1 describe reported pressure on ivlov. Prln ijlini llometCiUd ■ Btirion. Phyllis Judy. Vlo\a Pttk, & cess M argaret.to raje ct Oroup Capl i | f l l A Bo«ton »hoe roanuJaclurcr *pent ■ u»ils Peck. John Barton. Lois Judy.y! J 'P ' I Peter Townsend. ^ 7 : 0 0 a .1 C o n v a l r IIH D ' *100.000 on hi* home and t:ot an Darrel Parke. Judy Pralt. Clyde | He said he read In a newspape l y f l eUht-room ranch house. Tlie m ll- Slewart, Carmen Stewarl. Spencer f] ' tlfat the BrlUsh princess was "brain II h I llonalre vice pmldenl ol i» mnjor of Toone, Ooldea Barlow, Dee Coateses i . . . whoREV^^'^ li lhe new paslor of washed." SALTIAKIiK £C IT r..«5„,, B 'V l ■' •I-, and Pyrah. | "Brainwashing hns a ipecKl 14 i» n c h hou»e In PhllftdelpWa. lies lha Vlclorr Mlwlonsry DaptUl* . Dinner arrangements were under •nry church. The Ber. Mr. Fox eom ei Ronald Uefl) a n d Blehard HerHerriek. 24-year-old IdenUcal iwlns. meaning." Hunter aald. 'and refer !1 n i ’ T ex a i oil mllllontlre G r n a y "u the dlrecUon of Mrs. R. E, Adamson, ten months after a kidney tnuuplant ■ted t« Twin F»lli after 17 y e a n In the drink lo their health in milk Un i to a coml>lnaUon of elements basei A DSHVIVBR..3V, hr^ 11 R l Vaughn. Jr.. sunk half » m illion Mrs. Noel Parke. Mrs, Roy Paynei* optraUen' th st m a d e ned lcal history,story. Laat Dcecmber Richard was near on expcrtmenla m ade with dogs b y : ,1 pfl. dollars Inlo his new houie In DnllBS[ to mlnJilry in louthem MIsMurl and and Mrs. DeWayno Famworth. ea Besteo isTgeoBi tn n sp lan te d a well (or northern Arkuisaa. He snceMls the i t deaUi wllh dlseaaed U doeys when B ^ ■ Russlsn phyalologlat named Psvlot ‘I I: b u t it IB « ft one and a half story Table decoraUons 'w ere made by:l kidney, from R onald, filnes Ihen,I. sorsurgeons have nmoved both of RJch- "Th« elements li\dude either cntl> li.y - Say® .houraoura of time over rail; eni* rambUnB affair beurlns no rcvm - R er. Robert K^an. members of Uie MIA presidency ' :y Interfere with healthy traaspUnled a D epartm enl Clous ard's diseased W dneys lest they In - X more com)comfort, too! AUo conv«5 .. ;,J blftnce to Oie Palace of Versailles. with Mrs. Cloyd M echam acting as“ organ. They realdo In Nertbboro,». Mass.Mi (AP wtrephoto)______1 r W hen millionaire builder Henrywm. “ '**.* * chairman. The program wns ar- _ eveninging departure at 8:30 p.^ ■ll -111 Doelger of erected ranged by the Sunday tchool wlUi VISITING MOTHER iliM T hia •'dream house" It lurned o u l“rt to Church Chooses Mecham as chairman, g ALMO, Nov. S -M r. and Mrs. Olen 1 ; , have tlve bedreonu, Ju«l enough for Parking Fines Tr«cy and family, Pocattllo, have hla tam lly and lhe maid. New-Clergyman1 Reserve Officers A total of tlo In overUms parking[Ing been TlslUng h is molher, Mrs. OtieU 4] VI O f course the Doelger homo has a bonds was posted M ondsy wlUjtlUj Tracy.______* Ul swimming pool In the living room. Icnn As Pastor Her-rich, sort The Rev, J, V, Fox h « accepteded a Five Magic Valley arm y reserve of- if- PosUng Sl bonds were William ;■ . of typifies whst Is goltis on. m h . caU ns resident pastor of Uie Victor■tory lleeri have been appointed lo nt-,t- ^ Metcalf, C, J. B0S.1. J o h n M cUugh. r- Iln, Dean Giles, P re d T urner, H. K. - Mlssloiiary Baptist church. Scconcond tend Uie National Rciwurcea confer- 1 I lf RELIANCE ence In Ogden from Nov. 20-Dec. 10,t Blackburn.I O rnnt O sterhout, Carl i &vet\ue east sn l Uacust street, CREDIT CORP. Another factor U the tone of in- Delegates are Lleul. Col. P. L. Norris,1 Pnul Y osl. D. Bylnglon,lon, 1 — Jorm uity which pervades Americane v er The Rev. and Mrs. Fo* came froi West, nnd MnJ, Donald P. YouU,U, Velma1 Lowery. A. D . K err. Jaok Mil*Mil’ ' I ’ ' Olen Opposlta Tim es • Newt life todayl You can't be very low in- - Poplar Bluff. Mo„ following 17 yem both Twin Fnlls; Lieut. Col. Lowellell Icr,I Louise Ellson. W. M. McCleod, )S -PHONE IMO- J o n n jj in a house wlUi a drawingw llh in thc mlntJtry In southern Mlssou J. Roakelley, Buhl; M aj. Orvle A, Henry1 Perry. P h y llis Mack. Jolmohn B room, dining room, study, dumth b- e and northern Arkanias. Jensen, Jerome, and M aj. Hermanan Templeton' nnd A. Dickinson. ! ! waiters and as msny bedrooms )lay- as a . He replaces Uie Rev,"Robert Tlyvclywi. E, Bedke. Burley, ■mall hotel. xima who Is currenUy doing, mlaslonaimar}' Represeniatlves of the marine ]REAP TIM ES-NEW S WANT ADS. work In Twin Palls. "(>' corps, air, force nnd civilian per- - HHV ------TilU^n-3700-vi'fl P «ni ■ ------• sonnel are expected to nttend. Ifjjy - TRllCKEIl FINED ToiNfiVliuRClT I ior RUPERT. Nov. 8 -R ex B. Tuckeicker, VIEW, Nov. 8—Mrs, T heron Orlf-..^DOCTORS n re Rupert, was lined }S Mondayy t by fin was confirmed ns a member of icsblt the LOS church at services- here T he old mllllonnlres would nevci.ouse Justice of the Peace Archie Ncsb “ this fpeclal- STJOStPH :nnce Sundny. The daughter of Mr. andnd itrf'SlSTfor aspirin • have reeognl«d a kllchen, N o ^ on n charge of imvlng no clearnne Fries, Mrs. DeLos Stoker and the son of adaya they are Ukely to help wlU lights on his iniek, Paul E. Frlc t forchildrem jn a Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Rasmussen were th e cooking and even cat In rail- th< Ruperi. bIm was fined »5 on dren'i needsl . ^ i ' ' " 2 I •. kitchen. The kitchen and the pUy- charge of driving wUhout a llcensense. christened. 1 ^ ] .room a ra th e two iroporlant roonu jlnfl} ^"R"A7Bank«r*trokTr fn expen. ' ■■ •,^i slv8 properties In Ban Prnnclsco j : saya “M per cent of thc wcalUijER — I i people’buylng homes today buy fo) i ’J locaUon. chiefly. Their homes a n a f a s h iion findIwfrankli ‘ ^ / a l m l I y cmaller and aren't bulll to housi i o u 8 ! i V acrvsnla." II:-V Muyland hu Ues mllu of rail Stroock Wool)ol Fleeccs, Imporlcd CashSsKiScre, jll^' road.______J ', , For''orslmann Fabrics...____ I KOVEMBEI In Coaloats Usually to 99.50...

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