S c b r e l » ^ J i g !ufle*»lla »»< f'* “ • FIfINAL 77 M .lic‘viUlV. 18M • - *^ K v^un-.ieM -s* EDI')ITION Idiiio.IP M ------------ 2M • y - t t w i n F A L L S ™ Mftw. ..........— A Kegional Newspv'spaper S e rv in g U— ^ Nine I:IrriRaled Idaho Countic.s nrridal cii/ •!() ____________ ____ County }<«>4P«»tr T W y j FAL'A LLS, ID A H O , TU ESD A Y , NOVs'OVEM BER 8. 1955 ^ ^"iro.iH'ivn"" :PRICE 5 CENTS ’ tenhower Schedulesi 'S 2 ' . JSalmon River Sli *"■ Moolotov 'Flays A i i “ ifcrief Nati(ional Talkb on I W Day He ]Leaves H([ospital S iVestern[I P lan s5 fo r I ^ ^ L r N ov. 8 //P)— President EiacSi.Honhowcr will leave here fo r Wn.shinKlonW nl D n.m.' 1- f l | B a-briel television and radiotdio talk to the na\ion from thctl Lowry -nir field i ^ H !w il] take off on the Columbinee IIIII. The Denver White Houaei.sc ittinouMCcd a t th c G erm aiin E lect that thc President's doctors!) w.will discontinue the rclen.sc o ;tions of mciliail bulletin.i ^BpV *^».»t'hov.’er checka o u t of Fitzsimoimons army hospital for hia flishtijht cnnt> In aildition to ^ II \ GENEVA.EVA, Nov. R tU.W—Soviet Forcipyipn ^iini.slcr V. M. Molotov todajoday flatly re je c te d th e |]| ---------------------------------- hia tnik ca at the nir field here, ' H > P I- plan for free elections to unifyify Germany and made it dearar thatt Kussia intends jl ‘ |. i V- \ ' western plan e sid e n t is c}cpcc»:(i to . on to the Communist Ea.st zone,m e. 0 ,\ \ .\ to haiif: on t Honored .“'/bS;leflyatUieMATStermlna] 1 e lonKe.st .specch of th c c u rre nt llic'fourhi foreinti minUtcrfl confcrence,con' M olotov |l tn WciJLhlrinlngton -KVine he u due < - \' w ^atern hopuH th a t hc had brotigotight back a new plan for Germ ^Hnansit (cmpen(uru are ^B N B H sometfme!. betweenb ];30 p.m. and ' . d a s h e d w ta ti iermany from Moscow, jll H e c am e 1; Unie 4:30 p.ni.. Fridny.r. ne back instead with a tii Mihtr torecut .re- , ' ’ An 11:15;15 ajn tnrdlcal bulletin 0 ' J / K y ^ t1« Auocmted H ff today dfcrclo iV» propoaals for freo elec- * '1 9 r a ^ SRAln wnlkeliked up and down a fllKht ta6fasfi^TiraBr“ " sid German unlflcaUon.- A /y8B ri!3 of len steps;ps leading Ifom the eighth — • weatem plnn to r tree elec« floor of HttslmonsFit: liojpiui. where ;nored the reality of O er- ^■ ^dlnc thU report; ■ K A hisIs r ^ . to the ninth noor. ’ - MoloUw said In an hour and ^^Entuns ^K- W» Uiree timei this nioni- ! — M otorist Fimned$150ii.i:er speech th a t deadlocked mntiy In th a ' P'planned to repiat the m m . M ... , , , Uie conferenfercnce Ughter than ever, - 25 U) 39. cxcept proccM therethc more times this i nr Kinvin, Gooding, pleaded guilguilty to a charRc of He aaid Ui D e lm a r Ki id Uie quesUon of tree e l« - ^H ^^iheutem Id«)u. gWCTW|j^W BH|BM afternoon.I. 1 drivinfr Monday afternoon nndid w^ a s fined S16U u n d Uqna u not Tlila.lu! not •'mature cnougb" u d no p;tclplutloa In e did In Tcheatial lor lila drunkenr’ drivP ro b a te JudRe Jam es P. Go.'i.sem ett. Gooding. Judge »“s an "artificial"arti plan." departure; uhen he n il walk 10 his by P re al.so directed that Kirwin’.s1 liccnaeli to -drive be ng across the squaro con>. plane 1 upu| Uie ramp leadlnit into G o s5 cII Uble to SecreUry of e ta te - ed for-one year and imjwsed aa 30-day3( jnil fieiitence, S ' tho Whiler HouseH ship,,Aa Jie i-eaclied...................... - . suspended fo 'oster Dulles, M olotor sald- tne f ench flight, tlie President I Hcntencc is to bc suapcndcd uponup paymcnl ol the ihai Russia - T h c Ltssla “cannot . B gm to we rested. e ju d g e ruled. ' * the workersrkers of tha (communlit)’ :■ In announounclng that medical bulle- ' fine, thein judwas arre.ited Snturday nifrht I DemocraUe R epublic tn H q Strikes tins be lit by Deputy Sheriff bc discontinued .as of Frl- K irw inin wuoiie-half mile w est ----------- ^— emany deprlrod ot thetr day. C.1 C,I Ilagerty. presldenllnl Bill Bunn on , ^ tactortcs-itus-ind land." .........' , K g o n A i'ea pr«M sccretnretnrTra.nia in a fih e Prcsl- lell pflcr Kirivjn’.s car T larged th a l the •xatn plan" dent'd ^ h' ofW^ellp:a freight train. Klrwln'a X jU llllt ojrcss Irom hla heart at- hnd hit a ita tio n so u tof'todc"> elections and unity would tnck beenbee »Uch Uiat the doctors I’rolet, which was demol- provoke a leneral dlslocaUoa ia ' 1047 Chevrolet,a refrlgeralor car nexl lo Hspitc Shots do consider routine bulletin.^ Ished. h ll a refr ly. VilU tccssary any more, -- - • - on Uie tialn. Bunn said \yl2aiianticF irm s °™Sauiid Uia means fo r reunlfyioc ^ H o r f . No<''8 c u t - * the l«st wrslsnnl on ' llghu were working O The Pres'rcaJdent wlll return to - all of the slRnal ’ , , thespUtnatI naUon should be found bot ^ ■ a polio rpldemie showed WoahlnBton ssing. The train wna mov- " p , , ^ , on lo a welcome ceremony ' ' a t the crossing.xUnately 30 miles an hour. J l i y C ( would not be ilaiple. D ie a (baUns today despite r«OS< 8 C 0 E c . RICH now belnBg aarrnnged liiere. Hngcrty V I Ing approximate ed m MeelMedT'd: ^ ■ o l dKtor* who iMt w « U . ona ne ot Idiho’i le*dlm said that Utethe President's doc*on Had - i P^R.': he added, r on the train waa E. W. WASHINGtNOTON. NOV. 8 Ofl-A for* ! and paUrnce are required." ^ ■ m i elobulln lo virtually ihM paen.1. reeelredi the C. F. "absolutelyly nor objecllon.1" to crowds I • ■ Engineer on t If hour before.-the plenaix perton In the Ny»«i g ,j j t c en 'i^ lenai Perry, nnd the con- mer big busir>U8lness execuUve told con- L n ite&nUI founder’* award belns In thhe e iatreet to welcome Elsen- i Plsher. OlenaiIS W, : R. winch. Jerome, gress today.y itll should sharply restrict, opened. West O en n a n PW - nl(ht at the annual eon- hower back:k Wt the cnpltol city, utiere . • • ■' ductor wasIS uninjured,W, and even brebreak up. General Motors Inlster Selnrlcb von Bren-*' T Ihe Idaho Wootcroirers he wlll remnmnln unlll Monday betoce ' Klnvin was£, Wlckel, M alu. was fined and oUierr slacli n t corporations. w l . ?> JSan , airport atatement, aald brought no sew propoealc. ■ “2i.sri.„r23 m fc Boise. SOinc on to iGettysburg. ) . Orville 13 Wlc:by JusUce of the Peace Theodorere K.I Quinn. New York, a r * * * The Whitehlle Houae had made no . Usblt by Mondny. on a charge former vice'Ice presldeni of Oeneral Uie w'est'i ptcpoeaU aQ h a d Uie cmerecney d>nlc * announcemrr dcTetopment aad pnbUcJty eotmcJI deeli awn up tn consulUtiOQ-idtb- ^ V u it 40th and 4Ut In the n ^ -m m rnt on the nature of Uie in-d ilv lcg . Judge Nesbit Electrlo corpMrporaUon. aald the gov- T _ chief cxeeutl':utlvo-» projected remarks, iul ‘(Igar* who will be uaed ln,pninot]OBdeeldri o a thi* dealgn ^r'd l'u tik Sjided fld r'l Wlckcl's driving U- tn w itn t shovshould stunt U« growth ot la goverotntot tod illons .are he will express *“*®® oepanaeitraeni et e o m n eite »nd development. ( d of Uiem In every respeci. ' ^ B 'u a 'c u x re n l r»t< of o ^ • •■X l l C l l I S hut Indlcnllo one year. corporate glaiglanu. He made the atate- ®* perwnal tJiaiJianka for a flood of "gel * * * * * * e Coupe. Jerome, v a s m enl In lesUtesUmony prepared for the isages from all over Uic - r i * * ■* LawrenceTuesday Coi by Jerome Police opening acsst«s8lon of senate monopoly T k «. the chAic, which ended ' ’ R p p | lined 110 Tuesd< With the v»c«lwiUon ol cipieiit of S5d.Z““ sell Shaud on a chnrge of subcommitteenice hearlnga .on J3eneral J L I a la < *. lor hla Tecovi Lanky l/tt-O i-l* Ics Judge Russellyield 81 the right of way. Molort. Therhe hearings a-Ul lasl four ta on Plan tttldcnU. r i y Idaho CharacI V t / v l X O failure to yield ains week will tell If th e . S w i tn Is to announce lo his laud* also fined R. W. weeks. done any sood." Hughes wift Award hS'ff'i”.) Judge Shaud*3lse, Ito on a charge of Quinn propp r o ^ d 'setllng;a.'_ilmlt-~of___T o J ------------------------- ----------- vance; which' ------------------- — ... - 100 millionn dcdollnrs on the net worth jEndQdoi^ jltf. -If Uity-flonfttop • wnTHp'Wn'.Jiow.-a—Roseoe-Or-nichr DunkTil8“ crQ tided Task as Sa rfRianirujracrwe-vff on, JV idnho crowd ot Dtnventta. And Salcsitian=i4-':ice court. Judge ShaUd ot a corporatoration. Firms larger than • laho’s Ic.idlng sliecpmen. w hite Houseuse anangements for Uie BOISE, Nov.r.
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