

In the Matter of ) ) Bright House Networks, LLC ) CSRNo. _ ___ ) For Determination of Effective Competition in: ) Cedar Key, FL (FL0261) )

To: Office ofthe Secretary Attn: Chief, Media Bureau


Bright House Networks, LLC, ("Bright House Networks" or the "Company"), pursuant to

Sections 76.7 and 76.907 ofthe Commission's rules, 1 requests that the Commission find that it faces "effective competition" in the Cedar Key, Florida franchise area (the "Franchise Area").

The Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "~ct"), and the Commission's rules provide that rates may be regulated only in the absence of effective competition.2

Cable operators are entitled to demonstrate that effective competition exists on a franchise-by- franchise basis. 3 When a cable operator demonstrates that effective competition is present within a franchise area, cable rates in the affected area are no longer subject to regulation.4

1 47 C.F.R. §§ 76.7 and 76.907. 2 47 U.S.C. § 543(a)(2); 47 C.F.R. § 76.905(a). 3 47 C.F.R. § 76.907. 4 See Implementation of Sections ofthe Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Rate Regulation, 8 FCC Red. 5631, 5664-5665 (1993) ("Rate Order").

DWT 20314541vl 0102538-000001 Under the "competing provider" test set forth in Section 623(1 )(1 )(B) of the Act and

Section 76.905(b)(2) ofthe Commission's rules (the "Competing Provider Test"), a cable system will be deemed subject to effective competition if the franchise area is:

(i) served by at least two unaffiliated multichannel video programming distributors, each of which offers comparable programming to at least 50 percent of the households in the franchise area; and

(ii) the number of households subscribing to multichannel video programming other than the largest multichannel video programming distributor exceeds 15 percent of the households in the franchise area. 5

As demonstrated below, the Competing Provider Test is satisfied in the Franchise Area.

Two unaffiliated MVPDs serve over 50 percent of the Franchise Area's households with comparable programming and the reported penetration rate for DBS providers exceeds 15 percent in the Franchise Area. Accordingly, Bright House Networks requests that the

Commission issue an order finding that Bright House Networks is subject to effective competition under the Competing Provider Test in the Cedar Key Franchise Area.

I. More Than Two Unaffiliated MVPDs Offer Programming Comparable to Bright House Networks to Over 50 Percent of the Households in the Franchise Area.

The first prong of the Competing Provider Test requires that a franchise area must be served by "at least two unaffiliated multichannel video programming distributors ... "6 This requirement is easily satisfied, because the two major direct broadcast satellite providers

(DirecTV, Inc. and , Corp.) ("DBS Providers") are unaffiliated with Bright House

Networks and "offer" service to more than 50 percent of the households in Bright House

Networks' Franchise Area.

5 47. U.S.C. § 543(1)(1)(B)(i) and (ii); 47 C.F.R. § 76.905(b)(2)(i) and (ii). 6 47 U.S.C. § 543(1)(1)(B)(i); 47 C.F.R. § 76.905(b)(2)(i). Section 602 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as amended, defines "multichannel video programming distributors" to include cable operators, as well as DBS and MMDS providers. See 47 U.S.C. § 522(13).

DWT 20314541v1 0102538-000001 2 Service of an MVPD will be deemed "offered" when it is both technically and actually

available. 7 The Commission has determined that DBS servic~ is presumed to be "technically

available" throughout the country due to its nationwide satellite footprint. 8 Bright House

Networks' Franchise Area is well within the satellite footprint of DirecTV and Dish Network.

Thus, both DirecTV and Dish Network are "technically available" in the Franchise Area.

DBS service is presumed to be "actually available" if households in a franchise area are made "reasonably aware" that the service is available.9 The Commission has stated that "a party may use evidence of penetration rates in the franchise area (the second prong of the competing provider test ... ) coupled with the ubiquity of DBS services to show that consumers are reasonably aware of the availability ofDBS service."10 The same reasoning applies here.

7 Rate Order ~ 29. 8 See MediaOne ofGeorgia, Inc; Petition for Revocation ofthe Certification ofGwinnett County, Georgia, 12 FCC Red. 19406, ~ 5 n.16 (1997) (citing Rate Order, at 5660-5661). 9 See Rate Order~ 32 (citations omitted). See also - Fourteen North Carolina Communities, 19 FCC Red. 7003, ~ 4 (2004). 1° Cable Communications, LLC Petition for Determination ofEffective Competition in Various Michigan Communities, 23 FCC Red. 9595, ~ 5 (2008), citing Illinois LLC et al., Eleven Petitions for Determination of Effective Competition in Twenty-Two Local Franchise Areas in Illinois and Michigan, 21 FCC Red. 1175 (2006) ("Comcast- Various Michigan Communities"). Thus, the Commission has not required the production of advertising to demonstrate that households in the franchise area are "reasonably aware" of the availability of DBS service. See Bright House Networks, LLC Petition for Determination ofEffective Competition (Lake Alfred and Dundee FL), 22 FCC Red. 4390, ~ 6 (2007) ("Over more than ten years, we have made hundreds of findings that households in particular franchise areas are reasonably aware that they may purchase DBS services based on localized evidence. These accumulated showings amount to substantial evidence that households in all franchise areas are reasonably aware that they may purchase DBS services. In at least one earlier reported decision, we found households in a franchise area to be reasonably aware that they may purchase DBS service solely based on evidence ofDBS's nationwide growth and local subscriptions, without reference to advertising or other promotion.") ("Bright House Networks- Florida").

DWT 20314541v1 0102538-000001 3 DirecTV and Dish Network are among the largest MVPDs in the nation. 11 With approxim'ately

33.8 million subscribers nationwide, 12 comprising over 33 percent of all MVPD subscribers, 13 ubiquitous advertising, and the substantial DBS penetration figures in the Franchise Area, it is clear that consumers in the Franchise Area are "reasonably" aware of the availability ofDBS competitors. 14 Accordingly, both DirecTV and Dish Network are presumed to be "actually available" in the Franchise Area, and are offered to over 50 percent of the households in the

Franchise Area.

The Competing Provider Test also requires that the programming offered by the competing provider must be "comparable" to the programming offered by the cable operator. 15

The Commission's rules define comparable programming as "at least 12 channels of video programming, including at least one channel ofnonbroadcast service programming."16 The

Commission has repeatedly recognized that the DBS Providers offer comparable programming

11 See Thirteenth Annual Assessment of the Status of Competition in the Market for the Delivery of Video Programming, MB Docket No. 06-189, FCC 07-206, ~ 76 (rel. Jan. 16, 2009). 12 See Press Release, DirecTV Inc., DirecTV Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2011 Results (Feb. 16, 2012) (reporting that, as of December 31,2011, DirecTV (US) had 19.9 million subscribers), available at http://investor.directv.com/r 1 asedetail.cfm?ReleaseiD=649162; See Press Release, Dish Network, Dish Network Reports Fourth Quarter and Year End 2011 Financial Results (Feb. 23, 2012) (reporting that, as of December 31, 2011, Dish Network had approximately 13.97 million subscribers),, available at http://press.dislmetwork.com/press­ releases/disb-network-reports-fourth-quarter -and-year-end-2-nasdaq -dish-085 5001. 13 Georg Szalai, Pay TV Operators Added 300,000 Subscribers in Fourth Quarter, The Hollywood Reporter, March 19,2012 (citing SNL Kagan report of 100.31 million video subscribers by the end of 2011 ), available at http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/pay-tv­ operators-added-subscribers-fourth-quarter-snl-kagan----3 0 1624.

14 See, e.g., Comcast- Various Michigan Communities,~ 5; Bright House Networks- Florida,~ 6. 15 See 47 U.S.C. § 543(1)(1)(B)(i); 47 C.F.R. § 76.905(b)(2)(i). 16 47 C.F.R. § 76.905(g).

DWT 20314541vl 0102538-000001 4 under the Commission's Competing Provider Test. 17 Each of the DBS Providers offer well over

100 video channels, most of which are non-broadcast services. 18 And, as shown in the attached channel line-up, Bright House Networks' programming service offerings in the Franchise Area are substantially similar to the DBS Providers' programming services. 19

Based on the above facts, Bright House Networks has satisfied the first prong of the

Competing Provider Test.

II. The Competing Providers Serve Greater Than 15 Percent of the Households In Bright House Networks' Franchise Area.

The second prong of the Competing Provider Test requires that the subscriber base of competing MVPDs, other than the largest MVPD, exceeds 15 percent of franchise area households.

The process of determining the precise number of DBS subscribers within a franchise area is not an exact science because DBS providers track their subscribers according to the zip codes where each subscriber resides, rather than by political jurisdiction. In this case, Bright

House Networks relied on ZIP+4 codes associated with the Franchise Area to determine the number ofDBS subscribers within the Franchise Area.20 The Commission has previously

17 See, e.g., Comcast ofMaryland, Inc., Petitions for Effective Competition, 19 FCC Red. 7130, ~ 4 (2004) ("We find that the programming ofDBS providers satisfies the Commission's program comparability criterion because DBS providers offer more than 12 channels of video programming, including more than one non-broadcast channel."). 18 See Channel Line-ups ofDirecTV and Dish Network, attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 19 See Bright House Channel Line-up, attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 20 In certain instances, the entire 5-digit ZIP code is located within a particular franchise area. In these situations, Bright House Networks used that standard 5-digit ZIP code, rather than the more detailed ZIP+4 analysis, as the additional detail would not provide any greater accuracy.

DWT 20314541v1 0102538-000001 5 accepted ZIP+4 codes as "reasonable and sufficiently reliable for purposes of determining the

· presence of effective competition,"21 and stated its preference for this approach?2

To determine the relevant ZIP+4 codes associated with the Franchise Area, Bright House

Networks contacted Media Business Corp. ("MBC," previously known as "SkyTrends"). MBC

has developed a process to accurately identify the ZIP+4 codes that correspond with the political

boundaries of a particular community. This process utilizes enhanced mapping software that

correlates ZIP+4 codes with the U.S. Census Department's "block group" level households. The

"block group" measurement is the most precise Census tool available to measure households within a very small geographical area. With this software, MBC was able to identify the ZIP+4

23 codes that lie within Bright House Networks' Franchise Area. .

Bright House Networks next provided the relevant ZIP+4 codes for the Franchise Area to the Satellite Broadcasting and Communication Association ("SBCA"). SBCA is the national trade association representing the two DBS Providers, as well as other satellite service providers, and it has assumed the responsibility for compiling subscribership data and responding to data requests from cable operators and franchising authorities engaged in effective competition proceedings. The DBS subscriber number reported in the attached Effective Competition

21 See , Inc., 18 FCC Red. 12792, ~ 8 (2003), quoting Falcon Cable Systems IL a California Limited Partnership, d/b/a Charter Communications, 17 FCC Red. 4648 (2002). 22 See Public Notice, "Commission Announces New Standards for Showings of Effective Competition For Cable Service," 23 FCC Red. 12067 (2008). The Commission stopped short of requiring ZIP+4 evidence in effective competition cases. See Public Notice, "Commission Clarifies Standards for Evidence of Competing Provider Effective Competition for Cable Service," DA 09-1361,24 FCC Red. 8198 (2009). 23 See Letter from MBC (explaining ZIP+4 methodology), attached hereto as Exhibit 3.

DWT 20314541 vI 0 I 02538-00000 I 6 Tracking Report ("ECTR") from SBCA reflects the total number of DBS subscribers within the

individual ZIP+4 codes associated with the Franchise Area.24

Finally, Bright House Networks compared the subscribership figures reported by SBCA

with its own subscribership, and was able to confirm that Bright House Networks serves in

excess of 15 percent of the households, while DBS Providers serve in excess of 53 percent. 25

The Commission has recognized that where "the subscribership penetration for both [the cable

operator] and the aggregate [competing provider] information each exceed 15 percent in the

franchise area, the second prong of the competing provider test is satisfied. "26 Thus, it is

immaterial in these Franchise Areas which MVPD is the largest, because both competing

providers (as shown below) and cable readily pass the 15 percent threshold.

To determine whether DBS subscribership exceeds the statutorily mandated 15 percent

threshold in the Franchise Area, Bright House Networks compared the competing providers'

subscribership to the most recent U.S. Census occupied household unit figures for the

community.27 This comparison yields the penetration rates for DBS Providers in the Franchise


As detailed in Exhibit 7, the subscriber base for the DBS Providers in the Franchise Area exceeds the 15 percent threshold required under Section 623 ( 1)( 1)(B) of the Act. Accordingly,

Bright House Networks meets the second prong of the Competing Provider Test.

24 See Exhibit 4 (providing total ZIP+4-based DBS subscribership for the Franchise Area, as well as all ZIP+4 data relied on in the Petition). 25 See Declaration of Thomas M. Wilson, attached hereto and Exhibit 5. 26 See Charter Communications- Seven Local Franchise Areas In Missouri, 21 FCC Red. 1208, ~ 5 (2006). 27 2010 Census household data are available at http://factfinder2.census.gov, the relevant pages of which are attached hereto as Exhibit 6.

DWT 20314541vl 0102538-000001 7 Because Bright House Networks meets both prongs of the Competing Provider Test for the Cedar Key Franchise Area, it faces effective competition in this Franchise Area.


Bright House Networks' cable system is subject to effective competition in the Franchise

Area under the Competing Provider Test. Thus, effective competition existed in the Franchise

Area at least as of the filing date of this Petition. Based on the evidence presented herein, Bright

House Networks respectfully requests that the Media Bureau issue an order acknowledging the presence of effective competition in the Cedar Key, Florida Franchise Area.

Respectfully submitted,

avis Wright Tremaine, LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 973-4200

Its Attorney

September 21, 2012

DWT 20314541v1 0102538-000001 8 CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO 47 C.F.R. § 76.6(a)(4)

The below-signed signatory bas Jead the foregoing Petition for Special Relief, and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well grounded in fact and is wan-anted by existing law or a good faith argument for the extension, modification or reversal of existing law; and is not interposed for any improper purpose.

Respectfully submitted

By: Fre .erick W. Giroux Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue; N.W., Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006 (202) 973-4200

Its Attomey

September 2 1 2012

DWT 203 1454 1v1 0102538-000001 EXHIBIT 1 ..... ~ ...... --

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ENCORE (West} 536 HBO (West) lH5l 504 SHOVIT'rN.E ON DEMAND 1545 i.'-iE MO't1E CHAl'iNEL "¥ 1554 ON DE#.AND ENCORE Aci.ion 541 HBO 2 (East} !80 502. 5HOWTI.v£ Sh~wca-

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ENCORE Love 537 HBo tamity "(East) EQ!507 s:rARZ Cinema HD IBQi 531 The Movle Channel 555 (West) ENCORE Suspense 539 HBO Family (West) 508 STARZ Comedy HO iEQI 526 Thrillert.IAX HD ~522 ENCOru; Westerns 538 HBO Latino rBQJ 511 STARZ£dge IEQI 529 WMI>X HD East 1!§521 £NCORE~ ON DEMAND 1535 HBO Slgnature lti.§ 503 STARZ lnBlack !@530 E'SPN ·Classic Sports 614 HBO Zone tiD' IHQi 509 STARZ Kids Ei: FamilyHO EQi 525

REG!CNAL SPORT N~f\~lDRK3 .. - - - Alfitucfe sPorts-a: Ent. E2!Mr F5Arkooa : ~686 FS Sooth Pfus m OOMB RoOT SPORTS Rocky ~683 6&1 Mountain FS Cincinnati JP.5! 661 f:, :)oUthwest ~o/6 Attitude Sports !8Qi 682 SportSouth ~649 FS 663 FS Southwest Plus !B§! 677 .AI.temate682 SportSouth Plus IEQ!650 'CSNBayJ.rea FS Detroit Pt.us !BQI 664 FSWest 00692 IBQI696 spcrtsNet New 'fork 639 m 639 tsN Bay Area Alternate F5 Florida !BQi 654 MASN 640 lHQ! 640 IHQi 697 SportsTime Ohio 662. iHQ! 662 697 FS F:'

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htto:!/ w-w-w..com/DTVAPP/comnare/urintablePackal!eChannels.isu'?nackageid=960.. . 111712011 THERE'S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE :::~~·An1ericaY~ J'OJ) ~2~ .'-~~-: America's Top 250 ~u~i.~~;~. !~Pco ~~O ~~dJO..;s al1 of ArrenCd':.:. Tup 200 ~~~~,~... · : .·.: :~ ·>· ..t··. -: ._.~_., .-\ ~ .·' ~: ~~ o~d :re cnan~~b listed te!cw ar.d tre dl3n~-els • steo ~v.v 118 ...... Cl!J 1M 810 Blo 11!11 1111 210 ;180 BBCA BBC- ClJ}" 1ol 133 I'XNwS FGil..n..a.-t 263 MSNBC monbc CJ1J 209 FSC ~J~•:rCio.Mo1 t:l1J 406 GEMS Gorru~MdJewlity 229 111!1 182 IIM£0 ...--.~Chonnel IJlj1 1118 FUEL 398 GliC G- Amorioon Cocolll'f(GAC} -165 172 NBATV NBA TV CliJ 156 GMC 168 HLMRK Hetlrn8rtl CMnnel 1115 1J3 NFL NFL- C1!1 ti4 GAG r.:. Moria• c-lty (G,W) 165 HIIC ilol1nwot<-c:- 187 197 NHLN NHL Network t:l1J 157 H2 H2 t:l1J 121 HLN HLN 202 C1iJ 114 N~R Nick.k 169 HMC: .-.--c-... l1l!1 187 HSN HSN 84 l1l!1 140 NUVO nuvoTV 167 MIL 195 HSN2 HSN2 226 C1iJ 144 OVAlN o..non 291 'lii'L£X =~Channel 317 HUB Hub ~79 142 OWN g;nop'llb W'!ntr.y N~rwOflc CliJ 169 MUN2 111Un__.2 638 ICTV 230 141 OXYGN 127 NA'IGW t:l1J 1110 IIV ~~~=on 227 arir 110 RFDlV RFO-TV CliJ 231 NBCSP t:/!1 159 MALL 220 111!1 205 SCI 111!1 1il3 HICKT :Ci!:::~- --WJU> 178 NICK =..,_ .. _(~!) 110 C1!J 138 SOAP _so..-o 253 OIDCH Ouldoor~ 396 N1CKW 171 229 SPEED SPEED l1l!1 i6Q R:Utw. Ron~ TV 232 lildn'' ::='.Z.: ::J.!"'-.....(W) 118 /IIi] 112 STYLE -SNBC 228 280 UNVSW u....-...(W) 828 AI ather receHen. 923-<146 'IVUID JYLand 1011 218 UDEP Urwl'~ 01!11'pottoe NoMOfk 669 TWC ~ hru Chonnol 214 ~17 1!<1 C1i1 108 Gcnor;~l Ch~fiiwfTV D400 FSTV' m.o Speilch 1V 941!1 C1iJ 180 BLOCK Blocldum..- Studio Cha.._t 102 KBS KBS World' 9394 18 1 Kids & Teena TeJeviaion (kTV) 264 C1i1 110 BYUTV BYU1V 0403 KTV 111 CTN ChMtian Television Network 267 UNK unk1V 9410 256 ARTS Glasaic Arts Showcas& 9406 NASA NASA Z12 137 CSPAN G-SPAN 210 ONPPV Par.....,...VIewGulde 500 299 DNtD1 DISH 1D1 1o1 I?NTGN Pentagon 9405 225 EAR1H DISH Earth 287 TBN TBN 260 22• IMPCT ThelmpactNetworl< 9397 ' 228 HO.ME Di8hHOME!iout.-..O"'~ 100 257 ENLC Enlace 941, aABN Three An.gals Broadcasting Network 9393 l1l!1 188 EWTJIJ EtemaJ Word TekMaioi1 ... 26l VME V-ME 9414 '111!1 PREVW FreePr.. MwOukle 103 l1l!1 ·~1311 C1!J 183 l1l!1 138 Locnl Nch•1orks 2•70 l1E1 100 MQIIlE DISH crr,omio 405 FOX MOVIE OISH Cinema 500-558 II? SPo.RT Sports & &entB 454-472 1011 Ru-glonal Sp-orts Nil'tworks• I1IiT 1011 Cl!J 152 Hoppe< J. 1 Cbamel rnillbiity buill"" ~r~e • ~~~~re If !he filing: oeer;aphlcal bcetieR, tint jli'Dgn.m~ P"Jdgigl!.. anferma l1l!1 21. All other receivers mne. 6Gh ·~\ild&l.~~-•~dbwa 'a f"TZOPius~. C/lJ-Diamtls :n lniKul in SO Uld ItO trieG nmd u t:lii!G!rl. d1sh. Ttriewdtnllb lnlllcutill HQ, '!"need a" HO fV,a [MSH K!}rKftftr,•lld 1 For the most up~to-date Channel Uneup Card, IHSHHOadd-tn~IJL please 'Jisit rnydish.com/channelcard. i8 BOLD- Cb!IOI!IIil blld an!umt tfumatpep!dlldiiMills. DS.cHal SAP- SPinM allil feed :mbble. AI.Kia liSIHIIible ell ~fJGl A'liabk!m~HOdtmlltb dlsfi_ P1cmfum Movlo P.1ckogeos HBCiJ IIIDcllbusl.- t)Home HBQ-E HBO (E)"" 300 ~'l..~~~r rv~ H802E HB02 (E) SAP = 301 an Hll OVR corineded 10 tx.:Jt:d Interne~ HBOSG HBO Signature sAP = 302 25,000 lilies available on HBQ-W H8001/)SAP = 303 dishonrlfle.OOll. HB02W H802 (W} SAP = 304 CTRC Centric 371 HBOFM HBOFamily.- 305 = Cl Crime & Investigation I1IJ1!E!Ir366 HBOCY HBO Comedy s.u> = 307 - ESUSP Encore Suspense 344 HBOZ HBOZone llllJ!l:l11= 308 EPIX1 EPIXMP HBOLT HBO Latino 309 = 360 = EPIX2 EPIX2 SAP 381 BfJ/}3J1 EPIX3 EPIXSSAP = 382 HMC Hallmark Movie Channel = 187 MAX-E (E) SAP 310 HDNMV HDNetMmo \YJ)-... = 319 PI XL Pil-L 388 37Q SHOTO S.howtima 2 SAl" = 320 RETRO Rej::roPfex CD11I:Ii1= SMC -Sony Mollie Channel 386 SHOCS ~~- = il21 = SHOEX Sho.WI)m., &tntmG n,p = 322 SCINE St=Cinema 353 SBYND S!>owtim• &yood .... 323 UNIHD Universal HD = 366 lMG-E Tilt! Movfo Chanool (E)...,, 327 V1.CTY Velocity 364 394 TMCXE Tho """' Oh

-Sport ESPCL ESPN Clo3o'oc 143 ENCRW Encore 0N) SAP 341 fuisOOW ltllJ 406 Need some help? EACTN~-"* EncoreAction 343 FSC o.....ar ED RAM Encore Drama 345 FUEL FUEL TV 398 ENFAM Eilciwfarrily 347 MLBN MI.,B N4""""' t52 0 mydi$h.c9rnlsupport MLBSZ MLB Ne...,.orl< Stril Suopense :!44 NFL ('4 FL ~ l:Iil 154 (} .Com/dish EWSTN Encore Westems 342 NFlRZ NFLRodZooo 155 MPLEX Movi&Piex NBATV NiiA. lV =hill 156 Q lwitter.com/dish = NHLN NHL Network C1ll 157 USN U~iversal Sports. 402 § DISH 101 -Support Channel (Ch. 101) Plus over 25 Regional Sports Networks d1sh EXHIBIT 2 CEDAR KEY Levy County

Ch. Program Affiliate

Standard Channels 3 WCJB20 ABC 4 WGFL53 CBS 5 WUFT 05 PBS 6 TBS 7 WOGX51 FOX 8 WfVJ6 NBC 9 WGN America 10 USA Netwerk 1 TNT 12 CNN 13 Spike 14 ABC 15 Family 16 A&E 17 ESPN 18 Syfy 19 History 20 Travel Channel 21 Discovery Channel 22 Animal Planet The Weather 23 Channel 24 ave 25 ESPN2 Premium Channels 2 The Movie Channel EXHIBIT 3 JM /.2._ . 2012 Davis Wrtght Tremaine LLP 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20006

To Whom It May Concern:

Madia Business Corporation ("MedlaBiz") utilizes a multl-stap process to accurately Identify cable client franchise areas and associated ZIP and ZIP+4 Codes. {A ZIP+4 Code Includes the five digits of the Postal Service ZIP Code, a hyphen, and four more digits that determine a more precise location than the ZIP Code.)

MedlaBlz developed this methodology to address the potential shortcomings In utilizing 5-dlglt ZIP Code data for "Effective Competition" petitions. This basic methodology has been In place for several years and has been used successfully In many Effective Competition cases at the FCC.

Because ZIP Codes and municipal boundaries are created and managed by different government authorities, the boundaries of ZIP Codes and municipal boundaries often overlap. ZIP Codes frequently span between and beyond municipal boundaries. ZIP+4 Codes, however, usually reside In one and only one municipality. MediaBiz uses Place, Minor CMI Division (MCD), and County boundaries from Dynamap®, a division of Pitney Bowes Business Insight, to determine municipal boundaries. MediaBiz uses the Dynamap® ZIP+4 Centroids database, which contains ZIP+4 centroid correspondence for vlrtually all deliverable ZIP+4s, to ldenttfy ZIP+4 Codes within municipal boundaries, among the over 60 million ZIP+4s In all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico, based on current data from the USPS and the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and the Tele Atlas master street database.

MediaBiz then utilizes Its ZIP+4 Code mapping to enable our clients to obtain proper "Direct-to-Home~ {DTH) subscriber counts for their respective franchise areas by tracking DTH subscribers at the ZIP+4 Code level. (Where MedlaBiz determines that a ZIP Code falls entirely within a franchise area, however, It Is unnecessary to identify DTH subscribers at the ZIP+4 Code level for that 5-dlgit ZIP Code. In these instances, MediaBiz identifies such 5-digit ZIP Codes and, accordingly, DTH subscribers are Identified by the 5-dlgltZIP Code only.

Only ZIP+4 Codes that meet specfflc criteria are Included In this report. The following criteria must be met: • The centroid of the ZIP+4 Code Is within the franchise area; and • The USPS ZIP+4 Record Type (from Dynamap® ZIP+4 Centroids) Is either H ·high-rise or S -street

Our methodology has been used by many multiple system operators {MSOs) as part of their Effective Competition relief efforts, and we believe this methodology produces the most accurate and detailed view of ZIP+4 data as it relates to cable franchise areas.

Media Biz

1810 Platte Street Denver CO 80202 (303)271·9960 vm.v.medlablz.com EXHIBIT4 ECTR - Effective Competition Tracking Report SBc# Provided by Satellite Broadcasting and Communications Association

Pursuant to Section 76.907(c) of the FCC Rules, and your effective competition tracking request dated June 21, 2012 please find the following Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite subscriber numbers per zip code (and/or zip+4 where necessary). The provision and use of this Effective Competition Tracking Report is governed by and subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement for Provision and Use of Confidential Data, between your company and SBCA.

Report Date: July 3, 2012

ZIP Codes DTH Count l Requested total for Cedar Key, FL 196

Data is current through 5/31/2012

Report Prepared by: Martin Esteves Manager, Membership and Data Management 202-349-3630 mesteves@ sbca. o rg

Methodology: Direct-To-Home (DTH) subscriber data reflects aggregated DIRECTV and DISH Network residential subscriber totals. The following data collection procedures are applied by Members in the normal course of business: a) single accounts with multiple receivers are only counted once; b) commercial and test accounts are not included; c) each occupied unit served in a multiple dwelling unit building has been counted as a separate residential subscriber; d) zip codes are taken from service locations (not billing addresses, where different); e) inactive accounts are routinely removed; f) invalid (undeliverable) addresses have been corrected where known; g) courtesy or complimentary accounts are Included; and h) zip code information for Members' subscribers is periodically updated to reflect changes to zip codes by the United States Postal Service.

SATELLITE BROADCASTING AND COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATION 1100 17th Street NW • Suite 1150 • Washington, DC 20036 • phone 202-349-3620 • fax 202-349-3621 ; oldest data from 2012-05-31 326252562 1 326252569 0 326252570 0 326252571 0 326252572 1 326252669 0 326252670 0 326252671 0 326252672 0 326253725 3 326254169 0 326254170 0 326254171 0 326254172 0 326254173 0 326254174 0 326254175 0 326254176 1 326254177 0 326254178 0 . 326254179 0 326254180 0 326254181 0 326254182 0 326254183 1 326.254184 0 326254219 0 326254220 0 326254221 0 326254222 0 326254223 0 326254224 0 326254504 0 326254505 0 326254506 0 326254507 1 326254508 0 326254509 0 326254510 2 326254511 0 326254512 0 326254513 0 3,26254514 0 326254515 2 326254516 0 326254517 0 326254518 0 326254600 0 326254601 0 326254604 0 326254605 0 326254606 0 326254607 0 326254614 0 326254615 0 326254616 0 326254617 0 326254618 0 326254619 0 326254620 0 326254621 0 326254622 0 326254623 0 326254626 0 326254627 0 326254628 0 326254629 0 326254630 0 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326255096 0 326255097 0 326255098 9 326255099 0 326255100 0 326255101 0 326255102 1 .326255103 3 326255104 0 326255105 0 326255106 0 326255107 0 326255108 1 326255109 1 326255110 0 326255111 1 326255112 0 326255113 1 326255114 0 326255115 1 326255116 2 326255117 1 326255118 0 326255119 0 326255120 1 326255121 1 326255122 0 326255123 0 326255124 0 326255125 1 326255126 0 326255127 0 326255128 0 326255129 0 326255130 0 326255131 0 326255132 0 326255133 0 326255134 0 326255135 0 326255136 0 326255137 1 326255138 0 326255139 0 326255140 3 326255141 0 326255142 0 326255143 0 326255144 0 326255145 0 326255146 0 326255147 0 326255148 0 326255149 0 326255150 0 326255151 0 326255152 0 326255153 0 326255154 0 326255155 0 326255156 0 326255157 0 326255158 0 326255159 0 326255160 0 326255161 0 326255162 0 326255163 0 326255166 0 326255167 0 326255168 0 326255169 0 326255170 0 326255171 0 326256000 1 326256001 1 326256002 0 326256003 0 326256004 0 326256005 2 326256006 0 326256007 0 326256100 2 326256101 1 326256102 1 326256103 1 326256104 0 326256105 1 326256106 0 326256107 0 326256108 0 326256109 0 326256110 0 326256111 1 326256112 3 326256200 1 326256202 0 326256205 1 326256206 0 326256207 0 326256208 1 326256211 0 326256217 1 326256800 1 Total 196 EXHIBIT 5 DECLARATION OF THOMAS M. WILSON

I, Thomas M. Wilson, declare, under penalty of perjury that:

1. I am a Senior Counsel with the law firm of Sabin, Bermant & Gould LLP. In this capacity, I am responsible for overseeing effective competition filings for Bright House Networks, LLC.

2. I have read the foregoing Petition for Special Relief ("Petition") and am familiar with the contents thereof and the matters referred to therein.

3. I have reviewed Bright House Networks' cable subscriber numbers for the Franchise Area at issue in this Petition, as well as the DBS subscriber numbers provided by SBCA as described in the Petition. In the Cedar Key Franchise Area, the aggregate penetration rate for the competing providers, as well as the · penetration rate for Bright House Networks, exceeds 15 percent.

4. The facts contained within the Petition are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

Date: September 11, 2012 Thomas M. Wilson

DWT 20314541v1 0102538-000001 EXHIBIT6 American FactFinder- Results Page 1 of2

_., " - ... -.-.. U.S. Census Bureau

H1 OCCUPANCY STATUS Universe: Housing units 2010 Census Redistricting Data (Public Law 94-171) Summary File

NOTE: For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see http://www.census.gov/prod/cen201 O/pl94-171.pdf

NOTE: Change to the California,Connecticut,Mississippi,New Hampshire,Virginia, and Washington P. L. 94-171 Summary Files as delivered.

., Cedar Key city, Florida 1 Total: 584 3 Occupied 365 of Vacant 219 3 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census.

http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10... 7/3/2012 EXHIBIT 7 2010 Census Data %.of DBS Penetration Total DBS Occupied Housing In Franchise Area Community State Subscribers Units Column C + 0/ Column E Cedar Key FL 196 365 53.70%


I, Deborah D. Williams, do hereby certify on this 21st day of September 20 12, that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Petition for Special Relief' has been sent via U.S. mail, postage prepaid to the following:

City of Cedar K y Marlene H. Dortch ecretary City Iall Federal Communications Commission Attn: City Clerk Office of the ecretary P.O. Box 339 445 12th treet, SW 490 - 2nd Street Washington DC 20554 Cedar Key, FL 32625

William Lake, Chief Media Bureau Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

~ h(l1.ah]J ~de~ eborah D. Williams

DWT203 J4541vl 0102538-000001