The Ucsd Ari)
SPORTS HIATUS A.S. Council at a Glance 1 Opinion 4 Kills for kids letters to the Editor 5 Women's Wilde at heart Hiatus Calendar 10 volleyball donates a court at a Sex, intrigue and society highlight "Gross Indecency; The 3 Trials of Thursday Coupons 11 Mexico school. Oscar Wilde" at San Diego's Diversionary Theatre. page 9 C1assifieds 16 page 20 1iversity Archivist (2) Attn : Sandy 0175-S THE UCSD ARI) THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 2003 A.S. considers Price UCSD facilities fail Kaplan survey Cener ice cream parlor MeAT conditions ranked fourth to la t l1ext to hear plan By MATT SCHRADER 1ll.lke ... urc our chance .. of g-eltlllg' trrhulcd to L'C~ f)'" poor I.lnklll:!, UCAB Sen ior Staff Wr iter IntO med ,chool ,Iren't hIgher" "\ \ 'c s[.lrted 1l1lILh lOll I.ltc, ,III ()ther~ have compl.lIn~d lhat the extr.1 lc,t \la, p,l.,.,ed OU[ Inti By CLAYTON WORFOLK \ til Isorr Board "'"ppons Ice Kaplan -Ih t Prcp Jnnounced on f.lcrlllles are lI1adequ,lle due to the hlamed on ,I student II ho h.lll 1\111 ,I> 2 1 wa~ If It wcre her fJult," ,.1Id ,I ,tudent Senior Staff Writer ere.11ll ule.l'" III lhe g.lIl1C roo III \, Jan. IhH UCSD amongst out"de dl<,trJCllOllS of t.lkll1g the lCM rello\'atlOIl .Il1d lh.1l the COlll l1l1tl ee lhe fll'c-worst location, In the 111 .1 \'cry puhlrt hUlldll1g on campu,. who filed ,I l'I)lllplJlI1t .Igalll'>[ the In .1 Spl,tI,11 pre,clll.HulIl to lhl' \\111 Sllhlllll .1 for II l.I I propo,.d to country for ,tudents 10 [Jkc the "l'eter.
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