It's Halloween! Agnes Nutter Caltech Catering Services holds a predicts the end of the world in Food Fest! seven days. details next issue

THE CALIFORNIA TECH -V OLUME X C IX, N UMBER 7 P ASADENA, C ALIFORN IA FRIDAY, O CTOBER 3 1, 1997 Billion--dollar Getty museum to In search of the blue flash Pumpkin Drop Experimen t to occur at feature paintings in natural light midnight, on th e west side of Millikan

BY D AISY JAMES r------,' ~ BY AUTUMN LoolJEN On December 16 (two 8 ~ As part o f the a nnu a l days after the end of finals), .;" ~ Pumpkin Drop Experiment, a The Getl y Center wi 11 open to ~ dozen LN,-cooled pumpkins the public. This mi ll ion­ will fall nine stories to the earth squ are foot facility wi ll house from Mill i kan roof at a museum and several Getl y midnight tonight. foundatio ns to support the This experiment, fine arts. It has been under o rganized eac h construction for years. and year by Dabney House, is not ciently cooled. they will emit a has a total price of approx i­ wholly limited to pumpkins. In blue flash upon impact. This mately on~ billion dollars. the past , it has inc luded flas h has been attributed to a The first view of the Cen­ ter gives one immediate and Twin kies and other food prod­ quantum m ech anical effect powerfu l impre ss ion : thi s The /lew Getty Complex has a beautiful ocean view ucts, and pumpkin drop o rga­ kno wn as triboluminescence, place has a lot of mo ney. Set ... on a clear day. nizers pro mise surprises th is which occurs during the break­ on a 110 acre campus in the year, as well. ing of crystal bonds. Much the Santa M o ni c a mountains. done well enough for it to take a are special lo uvers on th e Rumo r has it that if the sam e effect is seen in Wint-O­ with a view that would be while for you to reali ze that it is skyli ghts th at adjust through pum pkin s have been suffi - G reen® Li fe Savers®; how­ breathtaking if it wasn't for landscaping. On the g rounds th e day to let only the right ever, because of their manufac­ the smog. it is a huge con­ things are more elaborate, with amount in, so that the picrures turing process, the Sav­ s!ruction of glass, marble, and a garden designed by the artist are not destroyed. The collec­ What: ers® do no t need to be cooled stone. The entire thing is per­ Robert Irwin that will feature a ti on itself is impressive, wi th Dabney House's to produce a fl ash . fectly white (one wonders completely man-made stream, picrures by Rembrandt, Van annu al Pumpkin Drop The blue fl ash is usually how well th at wi ll last in th is as well as several imaginati ve G ogh, Cezanne and Ha ls, When: seen once every four or five environment) and extremely fountains. among others. There will be years. It was last seen in 1988 Halloween (tonight) at modem . From the parkin g lot In the new museum a ll of temporary and traveling ex­ by D abney H o use p resident you take a tram (pulled by the paint ings are displayed on hibitions as well as the per­ midnight William Flick and other partici­ cables on th e tracks, as far as th e second fl oor of a secti oned manent coll ecti on on display. Where: p ants. Fli ck told Th e Tech that I could tell ) up to the main building surrounding a court­ In additi on to the paintings west sid e of Mi llikan year, " It certainly surprised the buildings. T he su rrounding yard. They are arranged in chro­ an d furnirure there is also a Library hell out of me; I didn't expect area is all landscaped in na­ nological o rde r and can be large permanent coll ection of SEE PUMPKIN 01'0 PAGE 6 ti ve Ca lifornian plants, and viewed in natural li ght, as there photography. A bit of h istory ASCIT Movie cancelled The Getty Center has grown out of the Getty Trust, BY JOE C ARROLL money left by J. Paul Getty able alumni and Caltech contacts to di splay and expand his art The ASCIT Movies regrets to an­ has fai led to uncover a replace­ collecti on. Because of stipu­ nounce th at thi s week's movie, ment. We have a couple of leads, lations in hi s will, all of the The Shining, has been canceled. but nothin g that would p,m out by art in the gallery is European After a steadily building series of tonight. If the projectors cannot and painted before the twen­ projector malfuncti ons (if you' ve be fixed, we can ask our suppli­ ti eth century. Also, due to hi s seen a movie this year, you've ers to ship 16mrn prints instead, personal tastes there is an in­ experi enced at least a couple), so the movies should resume soon ordinately large coll ection of something fm all y broke that we one way or the other. Thank you antiquities and French furni­ couldn't fi x. A very non-standard for your patience, and if you re­ rure. All of th ese have, up ti ll sound exciter bulb burned out, ally want to see The Shining, let now, been displayed in the and a week long search of pro­ me know and you can borrow the Getty Villa in Malibu, now jector supply houses, knowledge- reels to look at. closed for renovations.

Not j ust a museum IN THIS ISSUE W hil e it is best known for it s museum, th e complex T HE U SUAL THE U NUSUAL also houses The Getty Re­ search Institute, The Getty S TUFF STUFF Conservation In sti tute, The Letters to the Editor...... 2 Samson ...... 2 Getty Information Institute, The Outside World ...... 3 Media G uy ...... 4 T he Getty Education Inst i- (HC Minutes ...... 3 Poll Results ...... 7 ASCIT Minutes ...... 4 Puzzle ...... IO SF- I:; GETTY ON PAGE 3 A work of art that one might hope to see at the museum. Dean's Corner ...... 5 Comics ...... 11 2 October 31, 1997 OPINIONS The California Tee LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Develop a good credit rating now Vote yes on Measure Y The Pasadena K-6 science pro­ BY SAMSON TIMONER Conversely, you could be turned do gram, developed in partnership with simply because you have no credit car next Tuesday and help the Caltech precollege Science Initia­ USA TODAY';' "Tale to teens: Be­ and therefore no credit hi story to repo tive, is now intemationally known, and ware of plastic," suggests undergradu­ While thi s situation is not the norm,' Pasadena schools is supported by the NSF for dissemi­ ates do not have the fi- does happe n. nation to other districts across the state nancial di scipline to use Finally and most i Dear Editors, and nation. credit cards wisely. portantly, you may ne On Tuesday, November 4th, Reform at the next level, in grades '" rental Noting the dangers of to buy car to get you Pasadena school district voters will 7 -10, is now under way, with a plan to owning a credit card, agencies will work. Having a goo have a chance to approve a $240 mil­ emphasize student investigations and newspape rs routinely credit history will alio lion bond issue to rehabilitate the the use of computers. almost always school district's very old physical The laboratories to make thi s pos­ print that college stu­ you to take out a loan at plant. sible for all children si mply do not dents should not have check your much lower interest ral For over a decade, Califomia's per exist, but they will if the bond issue is one. credit history." Since having a goo student funding has been near the low­ passed. While the danger is credit history is so usef est of all 50 states. 3, State funds will be available to real, the conclusion is after college, having Our district has had to delay for supplement the bond issue if it passes, not necessarily accurate. Whe n you un- credit card during college may make many years the maintenance and up­ funds we all are paying for but will derstand the enOrmous benefits that can sense to you. Still, the warning abo grading that was sorely needed, in or­ not share in unless we support our own result from having a credit card, you the dangers of plastic should be take der to use inadequate funds directly for bond issue. will find getting one can be worth seriously. Not paying your bilis on til1ll classroom teaching. 4, A comfortable well cared for while. Now the needs are truly enormous environment enhances student learn­ will give you a poor credit rating, mak1· and action must be taken. ing, while a poor one, in buildings The biggest benefit from owning a ing your life miserable when comp The quality of our schools is im­ sorely in need of rehabilitation, de­ credit card is the ability to develop a nies, rental offices, and banks sta portant to all of us at Caltech, whether means the students and the teachers, good credit rating. Having a good checking your credit history. we have children in them or not, since and suggests a low value for educa­ credit record wi ll be immensely useful If you can't pay your bi II in full ev they strongly impact the reputation and tion. after you enter the job market. For ex­ ery month, you will end up giving a I economic strength of Pasadena, and I hope all of you will conscien­ ample, you may need a whole new of money to the credit card companie they impact the lives of over 20,000 tiously vote Yes on Measure Y on wardrobe just to come to work. Yet, The credit card interest rates are aroun Tuesday, November 4th, and that those children in our community. you may not get a check until you have 1. Repairs are essential for safety. who want to do more will help in the SEE SAMSON ON I'AGE worked a month. Having access to In some schools, plumbing, electrical get-out-the-vote campaign, by calling credit during the time before you get wiring, roofs, and restrooms have had George van Alstine at 797-8970. THE CALIFORNIATeCH not received adequate attention for 35 your first paycheck will be essential. years. Also, when you go to rent an apart­ JERRY PINE Caltech 40-58, Pasadena, CA 91125 2, Science and technology up­ ment after college, rental agencies will editorial desk: (626) 395-6153 PROF, OF BIOPHYSICS advertising desk: (626) 395-6154 grades are needed if the district is to Co-DIRECTOR, CALTECH almost always check your credit his­ editorial email: editors@techcaltechedu ad .... ertising email: [email protected] have laboratories and computer infra­ PRECOLLEGE RELATIONS SCIENCE tory before they agree to let you rent. JSSN 0008-1 582 structure appropriate for today's needs. INITIATIVE This approval process can be easy and VOLUME XCIX, NUMBER 7 quick if you have a good credit history. OCTOBER 31, 1997

{man Autumn Looijen Erik Streed SOII\ethil1gis'happening

At Plu tree,we don't care ifyou majored in physics or Mrws [f!I'Qt l1l CuMnoM Srlfl S~~rt~r. Erik: Streed cOlI1"plitersclGnce or mat"~rp[aht history for,tliat:maHer. We Deanna Carrid Anne Hanna just. want lnt~lligent people with a passion for what they;re Rafi Ruhin John Halficl \ 1 /; ------~- - ... -, --yfi* . Sf~flWDrW --""" ,- MyfUlwy COIl/ahan Kenneth Kuo Neil Stevens We'll give you all the things you need to do well: the highest­ Dus:Ul Misevi, Dale DcBakcsy paying job out there, ownership of a compelling project, a group -,-P!c ... scY -,:' ,. yow: : fri~ndsJ le amjm:-~l

[mmi-WIl11tU You will send out lots of resumes. Send one to us: An/IC nurn""', Jm.1 lhe inlL"oocm uulSirs@l<'<'h. ctllu <·h.~dw . The edil"'':1 rc,,"'I""~ eo»te he'le 6eto'le Ifot< »take that step. the right tllellit ami ~hril:-{. rO::.";l NAL­ really an. but the Tech can alm shOUld he dire.:tcd tll the businc.~s manager, fl'f 530 South Lake Avenue, Pasadena email. u!;[email protected]. On nul se nd a

(most notably Christina Ricci and Elijah Wood) by Adam Villani get lost amid changes both from adolescence and .1. T. within society. Ang Lee has a way of making very Boogie Nights complete movies, gracefully combining serious Paul Thomas Anderson's Boogie Nights is drama with black comedy; the photography is 100% imitation Scorsese, but you can do a lot breathtaking and the screenplay is ti ght, intelli­ worse than imitation Scorsese-like, say, imita­ gent, and original. Look for this to be a major tion Tarantino. This tale of the rise, fall, and re­ contender at the Oscars in Spring. lnutes demption of wel l-endo wed porn star Dirk Diggler fallows the classic Hollywood rags-to-riches story What Happened to Groove Radio? are, but the excell ent performances, styli sh direc­ Those of you who were around last year may Minutes of the ASCIT BoD tion, and several eye-popping set-pieces keep the remember Groove Radio, 103.1 FM, as being one Meeting, 27 October 1997 movie vibrant and fresh. Mark Wahlberg, whom of the most innovative stations on the dial, show­ you may remember as Marky Mark, is phenom­ casing new dance music not heard anywhere else. Present (at some point): BoD. Ryan - Handsome and engag' enal in the lead. This movie will not onl y earn Not any more. After a year of poor ratings (no Brandon VandeBrake, Brett ing. A neo-Grecian figure of him a lot of newfound respect in the business, but doubt substantially due to their abysmally weak Tolman-Halbert, Autumn male beauty. A living Guess also revive Burt Reynolds' career. Reynolds has signal) management fired program manager/OJ Looijen, Devi Thota, Maria jeans add. A guy who can cook real presence as the director and father figure of a Egil Aalvik in August. Egil owned the name Satterwhite, Ryan Clancey up some mean cheese sticks. He troupe of porn actors that act more like a close "Groove Radio," but the station didn 't really delivers the food for the meet­ family than most of the traditional ones you see change that much under new moniker "The (This week Itchy = Mike W. and ing and jets off leaving a mu sky in movies these days. The two-and-a-half hour Groove" and new PO Mohamed Moretta, or at Scratchy = Mike A.) odor of desire in his wake. running time could have been trimmed, but even least not until th ey decided to switch to a Top-40 Meeting opens at 22; I O. during the slow spots, the audience can at least format last month, heralded by an entire Wednes­ Autumn - Brings by some won th e electi on get a kick out of the wi ld '70s costumes and day with programming consisting of nothing but Alex Ihler copies of the UCSB school makeup. Julianne Moore (Sa/e), Don Cheadle an endless 5-second loop of the Spice Gi rl s. for VP/BoC Chair. Welcome to newspape r to show that other (Devil ill a Bille Dress), and William H. Macy Unsurprisingly, the lame new format brought hell , mofo. campus papers have similar can· (Fargo) are great in supporting roles. in scores of angry letters, and within a week they tent/ad rati os. The BoD spends proudly announced that "Groove is back" and Dealing With Guests about five minutes looking al The Ice Storm switched back to the old format- sort of. You see, ads for strippers and Budwei ser. This new film from director Ang Lee (Sellse by the time the Groove came back most of the Brandon - In the last elec­ Scratchy considers transferring. and Sensibility, Eat Drink Mall Woman ) is per­ old OJ s had been fired and the station had jetti­ tion , the voting for the bylaw Autumn feels that tying such a haps the best picture of the year to date. Ke vin soned much of what had made 103.1 special. change was so close that ambi­ ratio to the editors' salaries can Kline, Joan Allen, and Sigourney Weaver play Gone was most of the trip-hop, trance, and live guity in the bylaws about how only lead to reduced total in· Connecticut suburbanites in 1973 experimenting OJ mixes, and suddenly "The Groove" meant al­ to deal with error made it impos­ come forthe Tech and make lay· wi th th e new freedoms of the Sexual Revolution, most nothing but mindless house music and disco sible to determine whether the out headaches for the editors. but in doing so neglecting their true feelings, bet­ flashbacks/rehashes. What had once been on the measure passed. The Excomm The BoD agrees, citing the ter judgement, and duties as parents. It 's that last cutting edge was now a kind of low-rent Power Secretary extraordinaire informs Honor Code as a reason to trust part that is the crux of the film, as the children 106. Oh well, there's always public radio. us that the Excomm decided not the editors to maintain the integ­ to decide about the problem and rity of the paper. Lori suggests thinks we should just hold th e that the Tech could offer more election again. Great. It is de­ financial incenti ve to potential cided that the next election bal­ writers to increase the volume ? lot (for the newly vacated office of submissions . • ofBoC Secretary) will also carry a bylaw proposal that clears up [Kohl - ''I'll be back in five this problem. Brandon points minutes." He splits.] out that the Excomm has several other bylaw change proposals. Strangely enough, Mic is nol Kohl and Scratchy are going to put them together for consider­ here with another compensation ation by the BoD. schedule proposal. Autumn has developed one of her own, Devi - Picks up the check for though. Therein, the editors' the ASME. Immediately con­ ..... tracts cholera. SEE ASCIT MINUTES ON PA GE S CIEE: Council~~~~------~------on International Educational Exchange ~ ...... • 54 South Raymond Avenue Pasadena • NEeC afe I (818) 793-~595 • I • I • I Save up to 35% Save up to 35% • ' Callf"ml~ I BURGER • 12 N. HARKNESS AVENUE. PASADENA, CA 'II lU(' I • { f,2 t>J~ n - n9'} • ACROSS FR OM CARLS JR. & P.c.c. CONTINENTAL • ESPRESSO BAR and MAGAZINES TO ALL CALTECH STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF: • • - LIVE BAND EVERY MONDAY NIGHT - All the time. BREAKFAST BUFFET Mon-Sat $3,95 • - FULL SELECTION OF NEWSPAPERS & MAGAZINES - Seven days • LUNCH with $4.95 • • POETRY READtNG EVERY OTHER SAT. AFTERNOON· a week. • o INNER with soft drink $6.25 • • GOURMET COFFEE, CAPPUCCINO, CAFE' LATTE', • CAFE' MOCHA, HOT TEA WE DELIVER Breast of ,hicken, seafood, lamb, or the day's special • TO YOUR ROOM! SPECIALTIES • • BAGELS, CROISSANTS, MUFFINS, DANISHES, & SCONES· Shish kebab Shaorma Souvlaki steak • • SANDWtCHES & SALADS · Fresh fish and lamb Baklava • Mondays - Half price margaritas, Homemade pin! Gourmet hamburgers • FREE BAGEL W/PURCH. Tuesdays - Beer half price, 535 S, Lake Ave, • We cater for all occasions OF REG. COFFEE DRINK • OFFER GOOD WtTH THtS COUPON EXPIRES DECEMBER 15,1997 Wednesdays, Thursdays 3-7 P,M, 792-6634 ••••••••••••••••••••• ___ -"':-:::-_- --:-- --:- ----:.-- -. __ ~..: .o~--:-- ---,,;: ".~.-_~_ -.-....,...-~ 4ck du ~, ·take me to. ~ ~ ~ ~ or else you get der -l !'!.. ~ > Z ~ ~ ~ ~ S· ~ = j j Trick and Treck! ! ~ T ....o , »>0 ~ • ••- . ~ 0 ,#\jill""'" c..~ -('l) 1"'1' .•- -~ = ::'l ~ z n • ~ _ ~ ". ('l) ~ '" > :r '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0;- -< ~ "CIl Ci' ~ '1 c.. ~ 'Tis the season of the year ~ ;. c ~ ~ = 9 ~ g:::t~. ~; §. ~ when goblins and tricksters appear ~ ;.:.. ~ .... ~ . a, 0 ('l)c..:t. ~ ~ Also midterms and other signs clear !. '" '" Cl .. to - \ '" 'W ,.. _. _. ~ - . ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 = ~ ~ f""Io- 5 ~ .... trq ~ l ...... J of classes well underway and drawing near ~ 8 8 ~ ~ ~8 8 ~ ~ ~ trq C ~ 7Jl ~ to their crux and point of no return as I know you all fear ~. ~ ~ r- r 1"1 00 1"'1' rIl 7Jl ('l) l:l.. g . I;j ~ \I J. f)- 0 ~ 1"'1' 2. ~ > So you pay careful attentIOn. and work on for dear ~ ~ ~ ~ (D ~ ~ 0 ;:f life wIth all great Ideas entenng one ear '! { ~ e ~ [ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (;' ~ Q """" not escaping but staying right here, § , ~ ~ ~ ~ =- :::i jIIII""'" § ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ J. Homework does leave you blear- g. ~.. ""< ~ "CIl 3 ~ n 5. ~ ~ y eyed, but then so would beer ;. n = ~ 0 0 ~ V1 ~ y'hear! ~ 1--01 ~ S S 6' ~ - f""Io-!::!"""'" ('l) '1 rIl~ _ !:l.~ ~ 'ToIS th e season no con fl agra toIOn ~,,'. h1V t:tCIIZI;I:I = Q:);;::5 • ~ _ :; ~ ~ ~ ~ C" ~= Ci' a E.. t:l ~ where you need to reason near untenable position ~. ;:x:.. ~"~ ~ -- f""Io- 0 '1 ::;.1"'1'. ,... ~ and act not by compulsion on tip standing onion ..,'-7~ L.., ~ C ('l) - ~~ '" ...... l"'I'ntrq'1 In qVl .~ ('l)" ~ »< ~ '" iC iC iC iC iC Io"t !2 '"0 c.. ~ the season of Halloween ~ n 1:00-1'1 0 .." ., ~ ~ ~ ~ " ..,:t. C 0> the orange pumpkin !J: 0 ~o~ g ~ 0 ~ - . ~ 5 ~ Io"t ~ (;' ~ with its hard and corrugated skin, ~ ~ ~ rIl ~ thIOugh the students machin- ~ h1 !:S antions, also had its pulp tum hard as tin ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 z ~ ~ > 0 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ (not that tin is so hard, but at least it is rhymin') § gs ~ ~ = ~ ~ anxiously everyone is awaitin' [ ._ 8 ~ . "'" for it to fall with a din ::: ~ hitting the ground with a flash go green ~

"' ~ !!' "' ~ '-~. ..>,.< .... ;-' - '., \. that spectators would all have a gnn ~ ~ 0 z ~ 0 L ! 11 ~ 'jl "I;/!" ~,' I .1 0 , " 0 ~ ~ ; ~ ~ I ,~ .:-:;: &/'5i,~:: ".1 • Alas the famous expenment has failed agIO :l ~ 0 ~ f '",' "~'-Jo'" ° '" !C ~ - ~ ". :t: f.'T .:0<. ; ~ but what is one to glean § from the humpty dumpty careen ~ = of yet another impish gobleen? ~. N ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 0,,00 ~ - 0 ~=~~~ g () = ~ ~ ~ 0 It really is no trick So where's the treat ~ ~ o ... .., " ~ l ...... J if one does not fall sick I can hear students bleat !!. ~ . ~ keeping at it brick by brick As at their desks they all have a seat ~:" ~ and eventually click, Trying to achieve the special feat ! :s put together the whole shtick of making their problem sets, compleat l til 6 October 3 I , 1997 FEATURES The California Tee obviously an accomplished She is an elderly widow who, writer and makes no major mi s­ on discovering that she didn't PUMPKI steps, although the mother ends have much left to li ve for, de­ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 up coming across as a bit too cided to join the CIA (The Un­ cruel at times (insisting that the expected Mrs. Pollifas ). By one it to flash." The flash was d children give their Christmas of those coincidences she got a scribed as "an extremely brig money, th eir on ly present, to job as a courier and began her spot of blue light. centered tl hel ping the i r grand mother). new career. The last several actly on the pumpkin and abo The prose does not exactl y books, and thi s one, ha ve not five feet in diameter." sparkl e, but it doesn't drag ei­ originated with assignments, In hopes of producing by Daisy James (her and there is no fee ling of but rather with old fri ends or other blue flash, Dabney Ho th e writer showing off. Overall, Ubiquitous coincidences. That President Geoff Matters, Soci' The girl, Robin, does have the a strong book. is a fairly poor plot device, but Vice President Monty Fowlk ([)([)([)([)([)([) Whoa requisite extraordinary talent one that you can forgiv e and other Darbs have kept t ([)([)([)([)([) Cool and love for the art but the ac­ Mrs, Pollifax. Innocent Gilman for, since none of her pumpkins submerged in L ([)([) ([)([) Yeah tual dancing takes a back seat Tourist stories are really believable. (provided by the Deans' Oftie for several days. ([)(()([) Okay to a story which is really about by Dorothy Gilman There is too much belief in (()({)({)({)({) "!t's a deli cate experimen' ([)(() Eh family life. Robin is forced to mysticism, too many moral ab­ give up dancing lessons be­ I shouldn't like these books solutes for this to be enjoyable and we've had difficulty gelti ([) Ugh cause her mother needs the so much. They're completely without a healthy suspension of a blue flash the last few years money to bring their grand­ mindless, relying on insane co­ disbelief. said Matters. "I don't thi nk t Ribbons mother over from Hong Kong. incidences and a silly world There are a lot of spy nov­ pumpkins were cooled Ion! by Laure nce Yep Robin is resentful, especially view. Still, I can read one in an els on the market, and most of enough, and their hulls were t (()(()({)({) because the grandmother is not aflemoon, at a rate of about four them are pretty much alike. thick. This year, though, you' Books about g irl s who a very sympathetic character. times as fast as I can do any of What sets thi s apart from them better bring your sunglasses. want to be ballerinas must be a Naturally, they work out their my Hum reading. They're light, is not so much the unusual pro­ A relatively new part oft staple for the I 0-14 range. They differences, but the book ends engaging books that get your tagonist but rather Gilman 's tradition is chanting, "Thra tend to the inspiring, with the on a sli ghtly less hopeful note attention and hold onto it. ability as a writer. She does not Rich next'" Rich is Rich Zitol young heroine overcoming than you would expect; not ev­ I'm us ing the plural be­ pile on the adjectives or drown an undergraduate who was ve great odds to become a star. erything is left perfect. cause this is the latest in a long the story in suspense but tells it involved with the pumpki Ribbons isn' t quite like that. As far as style goes, Yep is series starring Mrs. Pollifax. in a charming, clear fashion. drop. The year after he grad ated, Darbs threw a pumpki headed dummy off the roof' response to the chant. T I' R I ~ ( I P I. l' S t! f S () t· :-..: D It l' I I R I ;\1 E S 'I I S \ I S I I ;-..: to dummy fooled at least 0 graduate student, na Dabney's RA. OVER ONE MILLION "I th ought it was a perso ' said Byron Philhour. Philh OF THE BEST hints that he will not be atten ing this year's Pumpkin Oro' MINDS IN AMERICA The Pumpkin Drop was the first of Dabney's pump , experiments. Several years HAVE ALREADY fore the pumpkin drop beg Darbs used a vacuum pump ' CHOSEN THE BEST evacuate the inner chambers several pumpkins, an d th RETIREMENT SYSTEM. plugged the hole wit h gu , The result? Most pumpk' were either too heavy or t fragile, but several of them TIAA-CREF. tually floated.

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' !lao..! 0<0 •• ...... ,y """duco>Od~n" _o.d owe.J1 .... i.racnon..;t!. TIM·CI\.EF. to carry around a huge ch "'rIM i, _..r only. h... df..l ..f """'f'&'>;u tit., ld tit. It""'h ..'....n.. f ...... tit ...... ·.1 ... :1,'" i ~.kpol'"""' ..... R...od do. pnooportivc cu1run:: for dynamic Thc::sday, November 4th. growth opportunities. Combine:: the:: environment with our com­ , l>izza Please:: contact Career Services petitive:: salaries, comprehensive: benefits and our 9180 workweek best: Fraedo's, Anchovies to arrange: for an intaview time::. schedule affording you 26 thrtt-day weekends per year and you've Worst: Pineapple got the:: perfe::ct balance: of work and play! If this sounds like:: your If you arc:: unabLe to meet with us, forward your rcswnc:, to: Sandwiches kind of company, then you should ancnd our open infonnation Lockheed Martin,Tactica1 Defense Systems,Attn: Human Resources session being held on campus to fUld out what Lockheed Martin Dept. CAT, P.O. Box 85, M!S1013, litchfield I\u1c,AZ 853400085. best: Subway, Dagwood has to offer you. Fax: (602) 925-7568. Email: [email protected] worst: Prison Sec us on the: we:b at investigation and must meet digibilicy requirements for access to best: , Cream Soda, coffee classified inIonnation. Equal Opportunity Employo-. black Worst: , coffee White

Shopping LOCKHEED IIIARTIN* Best music store: Tower, Needle in a Haystack Best used clothing store: Good­ SUCCESS: Since: the: early 1950's, we:: have provided 75 pc:rccnt of the:: wond's military SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) systems, and we Will, Aardvark's have consistently improved and refined SAR tc:chnology to provide the:: high-resolution, aU-weather, wy-nigbt rc::connaissancc tool in use today. 8 October 31, : 997 The California Tech thinks that he should design a Disneyland thi s Friday. [For some reason, Kohl chose logo for ASCIT. If anybody 's this moment to swear in ASCIT got any bright ideas then send Lori - The schedule is set for Scratchy and Alex as ASCIT IS THERE A em to Kiran. Any seniors inter­ the Dean's visits to the houses. Directors.] COMPANY ested in being their house's se­ Lori talked with Rich Fagen Minutes nior representative should con­ about the sad state of the com­ Alex -Badgers Scratchy about YOU'D LIKE TO CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 tact our beloved Senior Class puting clusters in the student getting the election nominations Treasurer/Secretary - Kiran INVITE TO houses. started. Scratchy tricks Alex into salaries are set in a simple per Shekar (kshekar@cco). flat payment that is an increase eating a stick of dynamite and CAREER over the last schedule. This pay John - The BoD may have to then drops an anvil on his head. [Kohl returns, looking signifi­ increase reflects the increased hire someone to prepare thi s DAY? cantly more relaxed.] workload among the editors now year's taxes. Our bookkeeper Kohl - Is working on getting E-MAIL that the Tech handles its own mayor may not be trained in the the Alumni Association Presi­ AMY MALAK digital image processing. Adrienne -The ASCIT Hal­ appropriate tax codes sometime dent to meet with the !He. The soon. The cost will be about The BoD votes 8-0-0 to ap­ loween party is still Saturday, BoD will be meeting with David (AMYM@CCO ) Nov. I at 21 :00. There will be $500. Kohl wants John to de­ prove. Baltimore in less than two stuff. The jazz/wine/cheese velop a form that we can distrib­ weeks. The BoD members WITH YOUR thing at the Red Door has been ute to potential donors to the should have a good start on their Brett - Is way too sexy for the SUGGESTIONS. moved to Friday, November 7. (non-profit) ASCIT cause. respective bureaucratic hand­ IHe. Kohl sets Adrienne to work or­ me-downs by next meeting. ganizing a list of all registered Scratchy -There will be an­ Officer Reports parties for the year so that the other election as soon as pos­ adjourned at 23:44. Is making progress Meeting Baldeep - bartending can get sorted out sible. We need to fill the BoC - CLASSIFIED ADS - on the web based used book ahead of time. Secretary position and consider Respectfully submitted, market idea. Right now security BACK PAIN· Headaches· Sciatica · some bylaw changes. Nomina­ Arthritis" Neck Stiffness" Hand/ Feet is a major design issue. Also Itchy - Is going to an ARC tions for the former are this Numbness" Call toll free 1-800-21 4- busy flaking on the UROH. The 2110 for recorded information. Posi· meeting in 45 minutes. If you week. Scratchy can't seem to Michael D. Astle live results in 4 weeks or $ back. BoD mayor may not be eating have any opinions about having get in touch with Rich Fagen to soon in a house near you. ASCIT Secretary LAUGH BREAK .. with COMEDY frosh on grades third term or talk about a new computer for CLINIC at Pasadena's legendary IC E about the core then mail Itchy ASCIT. Maybe I'll just eat HOUSE comedy club· admission only Is thinking about $2 each plus 2 drink min. with ad or Kiran - (westover@cco). There is some worms. CALTECH card, Fri. Sat. • rese rv a­ maybe doing something. Kohl sort of JPL Halloween event at tions required· 818-559-6305 Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Goose Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl Kohl

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LosANGEUS P..... STOCKHOLM WASHINGTON, D.C BANGKOK DAllAl< HONCKoNG Moscow STA Travel... c-:-~J FRANCISCO SYDNEY BOSTON DOSSEl.DORP JAKAIlTA MADiUD MVWBAJ SAN ZORICH the world's largest -.=.:I. studentlravel STA TRAVEL BRUSSELS organization. We've been there. -The California Tech October 3 I, 1997 9 Wanted for THE CALIFORNIA TECH: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• APVERTISINt MANAtER(S) Make i\10t1ey sii\1ply by at1swerit1g the phot1e! Apply solo or as a teai\1 of 2., at1d l11ake the big l110ttey itt cOi\1l11issiotts! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CIRCULATION STAFF With work-study, you catt i\1ake at least ~50 each Friday. Je the first to see the f ech, attd be awake itt tii\1e for ASClf POttuts!! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• APPLYOR WE'LL STRANGLE " e Dean's list. Prestigious co eg.. . ht A CAT!! , done everythIng rig . You ve No Why stop?

. com any on the planet. . Experience , ht after by every hIgh-tech Per can be more dIffIcult We know yoU re soug t start your illust"ous care T h ology. Altere can Choosing which company ~ alifornia Institute of ec n offer Since we're Necessary! ur choice to go to oU consider what we . than yo . . little easier when y thigh_performance, n o men make your decl5Io emiconductor's hortest seg ~ ted computer-aided h C10 at the forefront of t e 5 ble logiC devices and a550 u the chance to 'ty programma , ble to gIve yo I high-d en51 I nt tools - we re a , b t profe55iona 5. . I . deve opme d h . dustry 5 es To Apply: enginee"ng oglO I t I test technology an t e In allow you the luxury a work with the abso u e employee rotation programS ircuit and logiC dente d new d . archItectures, c And ou r unprece d'fferent groupS on eVlce . ts What other ++++++++++ 'th many I . 5Ignmen . of training WI or applicallons as '1 ble' simulation , layout, la~or~t~~ have the following positions oval a . Call x6154 companies can offer t at. . t'lon Engineers • ,o\pp ,tea +++ or +++ • softw are Engineers . . on campus November • W will be interviewing . at your Career email ACT NOW .' ~ consideration, pleose 51gn up 10th For tntervlew : d Plocement Center. Plonntng on . adv@tech dour re5ume to . . h on campus, sen Y . D . San Jose , , ble to meet Wit us . . 10 1 Innovation fIVe, +++ +++ If you re una . Artn : College RecrUIting, '1' [email protected] or Altera Corporallon , . \AOS) 5AA-6A09 or E-mOl . CA 95 13A-2020. fax._ Come to the Equal Opportunity Employer Meeting Today at 12:15 pm at the Coffeehouse 10 October 3 J, 1997 Th e California Tech SPORTS For example: PUZZLE Starting at the I, draw one continuous curve that goes through each number in increasing order and ends at the 8. The curve may not 4 2 by Wci·Hwa Huang enter a grid square twice, nor may it go out of the grid or pass through a diagonal intersection of grid squares (that is, no diagonal Difficulty: Medium aa moves are all owed). 3 5 1 1 ~ .~ This is okay ... This is not. , 6 1 J ~ ,,~ ~ ~ i I 4 '- I ! ~ ~ ,I 1 !S 1 J ! Answer to Last Pu zzle: , 7 2 j ! g 1 1 5 '1 J.I. ~ 3 2 6 i i 2 7 3 6 , &of. 1. 5 , 4 6 9 -; .1 Z 5 3 g , g 3 2. 5 1- 1 'J 6 q. I 8 3 J 3 1 5 1f- 9 6 2, ,. j. ~ S q 6 , 2 3 8 ~ If 1 i .. ;, 1- 3 4 :J.. ~ 3 6 '1 5 : 6 2 1 , 5 '1 .,. 7 3 5 J 9 I ~ ,. 7 3 6 5 8 :L 2

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OILBERT ® by Scott Adams FoxTrot by Bill Amend

__ ------~.r------~ j~======~~ ~LlCE, I'VE ~ OTlCED A 3 wn~ ALL DUE RESPECT, • IT'5 ~ GOOD THING HOW COUlD I HAVE LOST M'( P\.IMf>I(,N?,.' I JUST DISTlJ1\8ING PATTERN . 0 • vO n : ~OU 5AIO "WIT~ ALL ARE ~OU U.ING ,U~ .! CARVfD IT! YOUR 5OlllTIONS TO ; !>KUlL TO STORE OLD DUE RE5PECT. " \ PRoelEMS ARE ALWA~S ~ 1I\E ~ING 5 ~OU TRY L~T. ~ RAGS OR W')T? ;

; • ~ -~--..... t " ~~~~ :::::~====: :;:=:=:==:::::::::::::~ I DISCOVERED THAT OUR W[T<1 All DUE RE~ECT, WtiEN Tl-IE TRIQC ' oR - ~ e • BREAK THE INfRII -1® 8EN'I POINTY-~AIRED I>OSS , : 15 TI1AT ~OUR F~CE OR OUT IN lME I"'WlBox. THE DOESN 'T KNOW HE'5 I>EING i I~TANGleLE 1 IS A MONKE~ CLlMI>ING Tm DECK lOCKS IN. THE INSULTED IF YOu SAY ~ BENEFlTS OF DOWN '(OUR COLLAR EERIE MuSIC. STARTS. ",",0 ONE BY oNE. TI1ESE MoToQ · I",:¥-nl!-.. 'WITH ~LL DUE RESPECT " , TI1IS J"O~ . ! HEADFIRST' IZED ARMS PoP oUT of 11iE '-~~nR5T . ~ LAWN. THfN THE Fu-I l '!ALl1 BE"~ 0~ • " c ~







Sandwiches. MEAT AND 14 KlNCS OF FlIESH VEGETABL£S TliAT ARE .. P£Rn:cr COM8lNATlOH, AND WE WrLJ. Fruit smoothies pizza bagels, COOK IT THE WAY YOU WANr. NOT ONLY THAT, AND pastries, WE USE No MSG, No LARD, No MICROWAVE 14 Trader Joe's bagels & cream OVEN, No ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS. SO WHY DON'T juice flavors to YOU COME I'Y AND FIND OUT FIOR YOURSELF, HOW GOOD cheese, WEARE. choose froml ice blended & WE DO TAKE OUTS! espresso drinks, Lunch Special Only $4.25 (ll:00am to 2:30pm)••• Hour.: Mon.·Sat. 10:30am Ihru to:OOpm Sunday 12:00am Ihru 10:00pm

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need, ,md arc Iypically S 1.000-$2.000. Announcements ( Mints ) To apply you must be a junior or se­ nior in ulldergraduate study, or a gradu­ ,;cdenotes a new an nouncement. ate student. Applications and all sup­ ~:: Caltech is sponsoring a two-day porti ng documents are d ue April 15, blood drive and bone marrow donor 1998. program which will he he ld in the Di stinguished Visitor's Lecture , will in Room 25 in the SAC. Appli cations program in Fall 1998. For application Win nell Student Lounge on Wednes­ take place in Beckman Auditorium on can also be accessed, completed. and information write to: Fellowship Com· The A m eric an W om en 's C lub in day, November 12. 1997 between November 4th. at 8 pm. Admission is submitted through the web. The NSF millce, AHention: J udy McLain, Sec­ Sweden wi 11 be awarding a travel gram 10: 15 a.m . and 3:30 p.m., and on free. Fas tL ane Graduate Fellowship retary, Josephine de Karman Fellow­ for study and research in Sweden. To Thu rsday, November 13, 1997 between Program's web page is located at hft!':! ship Trust. P.O. Box. 3389, San D imas, qualify you must be a woman, age 18 12: 15 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Please con­ ;~;. "Gamma Ray Bursts: Dying C ries /ww\\,:fastlane.nsfgov. Both the paper CA 91773, or visit the Financia! Aid o r over and 311 American cit izen. You from the Deep Universe" wi ll be dis­ tact Vil ia Zmuidzinas via c-mall at and FastLane system include the Office. Applications mU st be po s t~ must also be accepted for a period of hrdve:.@ hr. caftech.eduoralx6001 for cussed by Professor Shrinivas Kulkarni Women in Engineering and Computer marked no later than January ] }, '998. swdy or resc

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We specialize in CATERING wi th a variety of PARTY TRA YS. Call us fo r details! 10% discount (626) 796-2531 on dinner with 187 N. Sierra Madre Blvd . Caltech ID. Pas adena, CA 9 1107