It's Halloween! Agnes Nutter Caltech Catering Services holds a predicts the end of the world in Food Fest! seven days. details next issue THE CALIFORNIA TECH -V OLUME X C IX, N UMBER 7 P ASADENA, C ALIFORN IA FRIDAY, O CTOBER 3 1, 1997 Billion--dollar Getty museum to In search of the blue flash Pumpkin Drop Experimen t to occur at feature paintings in natural light midnight, on th e west side of Millikan BY D AISY JAMES r-------------------------------------------,' ~ BY AUTUMN LoolJEN On December 16 (two 8 ~ As part o f the a nnu a l days after the end of finals), .;" ~ Pumpkin Drop Experiment, a The Getl y Center wi 11 open to ~ dozen LN,-cooled pumpkins the public. This mi ll ion­ will fall nine stories to the earth squ are foot facility wi ll house from Mill i kan roof at a museum and several Getl y midnight tonight. foundatio ns to support the This experiment, fine arts. It has been under o rganized eac h construction for years. and year by Dabney House, is not ciently cooled. they will emit a has a total price of approx i­ wholly limited to pumpkins. In blue flash upon impact. This mately on~ billion dollars. the past , it has inc luded flas h has been attributed to a The first view of the Cen­ ter gives one immediate and Twin kies and other food prod­ quantum m ech anical effect powerfu l impre ss ion : thi s The /lew Getty Complex has a beautiful ocean view ucts, and pumpkin drop o rga­ kno wn as triboluminescence, place has a lot of mo ney. Set ... on a clear day. nizers pro mise surprises th is which occurs during the break­ on a 110 acre campus in the year, as well. ing of crystal bonds. Much the Santa M o ni c a mountains. done well enough for it to take a are special lo uvers on th e Rumo r has it that if the sam e effect is seen in Wint-O­ with a view that would be while for you to reali ze that it is skyli ghts th at adjust through pum pkin s have been suffi - G reen® Li fe Savers®; how­ breathtaking if it wasn't for landscaping. On the g rounds th e day to let only the right ever, because of their manufac­ the smog. it is a huge con­ things are more elaborate, with amount in, so that the picrures turing process, the Life Sav­ s!ruction of glass, marble, and a garden designed by the artist are not destroyed. The collec­ What: ers® do no t need to be cooled stone. The entire thing is per­ Robert Irwin that will feature a ti on itself is impressive, wi th Dabney House's to produce a fl ash . fectly white (one wonders completely man-made stream, picrures by Rembrandt, Van annu al Pumpkin Drop The blue fl ash is usually how well th at wi ll last in th is as well as several imaginati ve G ogh, Cezanne and Ha ls, When: seen once every four or five environment) and extremely fountains. among others. There will be years. It was last seen in 1988 Halloween (tonight) at modem . From the parkin g lot In the new museum a ll of temporary and traveling ex­ by D abney H o use p resident you take a tram (pulled by the paint ings are displayed on hibitions as well as the per­ midnight William Flick and other partici­ cables on th e tracks, as far as th e second fl oor of a secti oned manent coll ecti on on display. Where: p ants. Fli ck told Th e Tech that I could tell ) up to the main building surrounding a court­ In additi on to the paintings west sid e of Mi llikan year, " It certainly surprised the buildings. T he su rrounding yard. They are arranged in chro­ an d furnirure there is also a Library hell out of me; I didn't expect area is all landscaped in na­ nological o rde r and can be large permanent coll ection of SEE PUMPKIN 01'0 PAGE 6 ti ve Ca lifornian plants, and viewed in natural li ght, as there photography. A bit of h istory ASCIT Movie cancelled The Getty Center has grown out of the Getty Trust, BY JOE C ARROLL money left by J. Paul Getty able alumni and Caltech contacts to di splay and expand his art The ASCIT Movies regrets to an­ has fai led to uncover a replace­ collecti on. Because of stipu­ nounce th at thi s week's movie, ment. We have a couple of leads, lations in hi s will, all of the The Shining, has been canceled. but nothin g that would p,m out by art in the gallery is European After a steadily building series of tonight. If the projectors cannot and painted before the twen­ projector malfuncti ons (if you' ve be fixed, we can ask our suppli­ ti eth century. Also, due to hi s seen a movie this year, you've ers to ship 16mrn prints instead, personal tastes there is an in­ experi enced at least a couple), so the movies should resume soon ordinately large coll ection of something fm all y broke that we one way or the other. Thank you antiquities and French furni­ couldn't fi x. A very non-standard for your patience, and if you re­ rure. All of th ese have, up ti ll sound exciter bulb burned out, ally want to see The Shining, let now, been displayed in the and a week long search of pro­ me know and you can borrow the Getty Villa in Malibu, now jector supply houses, knowledge- reels to look at. closed for renovations. Not j ust a museum IN THIS ISSUE W hil e it is best known for it s museum, th e complex T HE U SUAL THE U NUSUAL also houses The Getty Re­ search Institute, The Getty S TUFF STUFF Conservation In sti tute, The Letters to the Editor.... ............ 2 Samson ................ ..................... 2 Getty Information Institute, The Outside World ................... 3 Media G uy ............................... .4 T he Getty Education Inst i- (HC Minutes ............................ 3 Poll Results ............................... 7 ASCIT Minutes ........................ 4 Puzzle .............. ....................... IO SF- I:; GETTY ON PAGE 3 A work of art that one might hope to see at the museum. Dean's Corner ..........................5 Comics ................................... 11 2 October 31, 1997 OPINIONS The California Tee LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Develop a good credit rating now Vote yes on Measure Y The Pasadena K-6 science pro­ BY SAMSON TIMONER Conversely, you could be turned do gram, developed in partnership with simply because you have no credit car next Tuesday and help the Caltech precollege Science Initia­ USA TODAY';' "Tale to teens: Be­ and therefore no credit hi story to repo tive, is now intemationally known, and ware of plastic," suggests undergradu­ While thi s situation is not the norm,' Pasadena schools is supported by the NSF for dissemi­ ates do not have the fi- does happe n. nation to other districts across the state nancial di scipline to use Finally and most i Dear Editors, and nation. credit cards wisely. portantly, you may ne On Tuesday, November 4th, Reform at the next level, in grades '" rental Noting the dangers of to buy car to get you Pasadena school district voters will 7 -10, is now under way, with a plan to owning a credit card, agencies will work. Having a goo have a chance to approve a $240 mil­ emphasize student investigations and newspape rs routinely credit history will alio lion bond issue to rehabilitate the the use of computers. almost always school district's very old physical The laboratories to make thi s pos­ print that college stu­ you to take out a loan at plant. sible for all children si mply do not dents should not have check your much lower interest ral For over a decade, Califomia's per exist, but they will if the bond issue is one. credit history." Since having a goo student funding has been near the low­ passed. While the danger is credit history is so usef est of all 50 states. 3, State funds will be available to real, the conclusion is after college, having Our district has had to delay for supplement the bond issue if it passes, not necessarily accurate. Whe n you un- credit card during college may make many years the maintenance and up­ funds we all are paying for but will derstand the enOrmous benefits that can sense to you. Still, the warning abo grading that was sorely needed, in or­ not share in unless we support our own result from having a credit card, you the dangers of plastic should be take der to use inadequate funds directly for bond issue. will find getting one can be worth seriously. Not paying your bilis on til1ll classroom teaching. 4, A comfortable well cared for while. Now the needs are truly enormous environment enhances student learn­ will give you a poor credit rating, mak1· and action must be taken. ing, while a poor one, in buildings The biggest benefit from owning a ing your life miserable when comp The quality of our schools is im­ sorely in need of rehabilitation, de­ credit card is the ability to develop a nies, rental offices, and banks sta portant to all of us at Caltech, whether means the students and the teachers, good credit rating.
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