Cuba Plans Extensive Marina Network in Bid to Lure U.S. Recreational

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Cuba Plans Extensive Marina Network in Bid to Lure U.S. Recreational Vol. 12, No. 2 February 2004 In the News Bush intensifies anti-Cuba campaign, but exiles say White House falls short Castro’s proposed limits on Internet ac- BY ANA RADELAT in New York and Washington, and a crackdown on unauthorized travel to Cuba — are all part of cess spark global outrage .............Page 3 eorge W. Bush is tougher on Cuba than any president since Ronald Reagan, and a White House plot to invade the island, assassi- GU.S.-Cuba relations are at their lowest nate Castro and bring about “regime change.” Spurning Cuba point since Fidel Castro’s 1996 shootdown of In a Feb. 4 article, the Communist Party daily Not all U.S. food exporters want to crack two Brothers to the Rescue planes. Granma accused Bush of “creating a climate of artificial hysteria that would justify before the Cuban market just yet ............Page 4 Yet while the White House campaign may block any congressional openings to Cuba and American public opinion a military adventure result in less U.S. travel to the island, it won’t against our homeland, including the physical J-Vs on the decline force Castro from power — despite election- elimination of compañero Fidel.” Number of joint ventures drops in 2003, year pressures from South Florida exile groups. There’s no question that Washington’s rheto- ric against Havana has intensified in the last few according to MINVEC chief ........Page 7 Joe Garcia, executive director of the Cuban American National Foundation, said his organi- months. The Bush administration’s point man zation is disappointed that Bush hasn’t come up on Cuba, Assistant Secretary of State Roger Newsmakers with a better strategy on Cuba. Noriega, accuses Castro of “actions to destabi- James Cason, chief of the U.S. Interests “What has he done in the last three and a half lize democratically elected governments” in years but talk?” complained García. Latin America, and of plotting with Venezuelan Section in Havana, talks to CubaNews in Officials in Havana, meanwhile, say Bush’s President Hugo Chávez. an exclusive interview ..................Page 8 “provocative” moves toward the Castro regime Bush has also established a Commission for — the cancellation of bilateral migration talks, Assistance to a Free Cuba, composed of 20 fed- Pernod Ricard rejoices the ouster of 19 Cuban diplomats from missions See Bush, page 2 U.S. Patent & Trademark Office upholds Havana Club trademark ..............Page 10 Cuba plans extensive marina network Fidel’s finale Foreign correspondents in Havana pre- in bid to lure U.S. recreational boaters pare for the big scoop .................Page 11 BY LARRY LUXNER Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, avana’s famous Marina Hemingway can told CubaNews he’s looking forward to the day host up to 400 pleasure boats, but it’s rare when American boating enthusiasts will visit his Business briefs facility openly and frequently. Texas boosts food exports to Cuba; cigar Hto see more than 100 vessels tied up to the marina’s docks at any given time. “We didn’t name our club after Ernest Hem- prices recover in Europe ............Page 12 With strict new U.S. travel restrictions in ingway for commercial reasons,” said Escrich, a place and being vigorously enforced, the major- 56-year-old ex-Cuban Navy commander whose Down on the farm ity of American yacht owners are simply too office is crammed with plaques and awards from afraid to sail to Cuba. And those who do make various U.S. boating associations. A comprehensive analysis of Cuba’s agri- the trip keep a decidedly low profile. “Hemingway symbolizes our objectives, be- cultural machinery sector ..........Page 14 In fact, the Cuban security men patrolling the cause he represents the friendship that existed marina discourage visitors from photographing and still exists between the Cuban and Ameri- Sugar prices any boats — lest the Treasury Department’s Of- can peoples. Secondly, he’s a symbol because he fice of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) finds out showed us that recreational boating and love of Cuban agriculture officials hope for more and punishes U.S. citizens for traveling to Cuba the sea is the right of everyone.” lucrative crop this year ................Page 15 and possibly spending money illegally there. Friendship aside, the Castro government cov- Yet Washington’s travel ban won’t last forever, ets U.S. yachtsmen because they tend to be CubaNews (ISSN 1073-7715) is published monthly and Cuban authorities are already gearing up for wealthy — and because they also hang around by Luxner News Inc. © 2004. All rights reserved. the expected flood of U.S. boating enthusiasts much longer than the average tourist. Subscriptions: $429/year. For subscription or edito- by upgrading existing marinas and building new Boats visiting Marina Hemingway in 2001 rial inquiries, call toll-free (800) 365-1997, send a fax stayed an average 28 days and had three to five to (301) 365-1829 or e-mail us at [email protected]. ones from one end of the island to the other. José Miguel Díaz Escrich, commodore of the See Marinas, page 6 2 CubaNews ❖ February 2004 gressional support for those measures. how the post-Castro transition will unfold. — FROM PAGE 1 Bush The CANF leader, who speaks for 20,000 “The succession is going to be smooth and eral agency officials and headed by Secretary exiles, fears that an easing of the embargo fast, and the transition is going to be slow and of State Colin Powell. The team is expected to “will come next year.” painful,” Suchlicki predicted. release its findings on May 1, just a few weeks But others say Bush will continue to turn Raúl Castro, the Cuban president’s younger before Bush’s annual Cuban Independence up the heat on Cuba because Castro is viewed brother and head of Cuba’s armed forces, is Day speech on May 20. as being more vulnerable than usual. the designated successor. Suchlicki said Raúl The commission’s mandate is to identify “The president is committed to seeing Castro will initially reject U.S. aid. “He’s not ways the United States could help hasten some change in Cuba,” said Jaime Suchlicki, going to immediately look at the U.S. and say Castro’s overthrow and help smooth Cuba’s director of the University of Miami’s Institute ‘let’s make a deal,’” Suchlicki said. transition to a post-Castro sytem. for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies. “But The UM professor said it’s likely that Noriega said the report will make recom- an invasion of the island, no.” Bush’s commission will recommend strength- mendations on democracy and the rule of law, Suchlicki said reports that Castro’s health is ening the signals of Radio and TV Marti. the creation of core institutions of free enter- failing are more frequent, and that the emer- Bowing to exile wishes, the Bush administra- prise and the improvement of health care, gence of a dissident movement in Cuba has tion used one of the Pentagon’s C-130 aircraft infrastructure, housing and urban services. heartened hardliners in the administration. to broadcast to Cuba — but only for one day “There are also indications that Cuban rev- last year. In addition, U.S. negotiations with THE MYSTERY COMMISSION olutionary fervor has died down,” he said. Belize to transmit from that English-speaking Some 100 officials from the National Secu- U.S. concerns about Cuba’s transition to a Central American nation have broken down. The president is also expected to continue rity Council, the U.S. Agency for International post-Castro world are almost as strong as they were in the early 1990s, when the same his crackdown on unauthorized U.S. travel to Development (USAID) and the departments Cuba; three administrative law judges have of State, Housing, Treasury, Commerce and analysts thought the collapse of the Eastern bloc was a fatal blow for Castro’s government. recently been hired by the Treasury Depart- Homeland Security reportedly began work- ment’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to ing on the project in early December. U.S. TO STEP UP ANTI-CASTRO RHETORIC hear an increasing number of cases of Brian Latell, a fellow at the Washington- American travelers who are being prosecuted based Center for Strategic and International At a Washington event in January hosted by for embargo violations by OFAC. Studies, said he’s been hired as a consultant Suchlicki’s institute, USAID Administrator Suchlicki also predicted that the president to the commission. But no one, including key Andrew Natsios warned that “there’s a real may decide “to throw five or six more Cubans exile leaders, really knows what the commis- possibility of a complex emergency” includ- out” of diplomatic missions in Washington sion is doing or whether it will come up with ing “a high risk of chaotic migration” to the and New York, even though that would pro- any fresh ideas. In addition, no list of the com- United States when Castro leaves power. voke Cuban retaliation. mission’s 20 members has been made public. USAID plans $7 million in aid for Cuba this Meanwhile, with their own eyes on Florida, “Thus far, there’s nothing serious about the year, on top of the $28 million the United the top Democratic contenders for the White commission,” Garcia said. “It’s pure politics.” States has spent on NGOs it says are working House are taking a harder line on Cuba (see Garcia also said that once re-elected, Bush to promote human rights, a free flow of infor- page 11 of this issue of CubaNews). Sens. John could abandon his pledge to veto any legisla- mation and a peaceful transition in Cuba.
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