Parish/Town News Release


Snaith, Rawcliffe, Airmyn & Marshlands Update for April and May2020 1. Crime and ASB TFMV – Theft from motor vehicle TOMV – Theft of motor vehicle ASB – Anti-social behaviour April

Last 12 months East -, This year compared to last year 2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Airmyn, Rawcliffe and May 18 to % Change May 19 to Apr 20 Marshland Ward Apr 19 year on year Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May All offences 588 508 -13.6% 35 29 40 48 38 44 45 44 50 46 33 56 Burglary 94 93 -1.1% 4 4 13 10 4 5 10 8 12 7 5 11 Criminal damage 80 60 -25.0% 6 5 3 5 10 5 3 4 8 5 5 1 Drug offences 5 7 +40.0% 00100 00 1 0 1 1 3 Shop theft 15 14 -6.7% 0 212 2 22 0 2 0 0 1 Sexual offences 15 6 -60.0% 0 100 1 01 0 1 0 1 1 TFMV 34 25 -26.5% 3 024 0 24 2 2 1 1 4 TOMV 14 13 -7.1% 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 3 Thefts excluding vehicle and shop theft 124 89 -28.2% 4 8 3 9 4 11 8 10 8 9 9 6 Violence against the person 162 145 -10.5% 13 3 10 13 13 15 10 14 11 16 8 19 ASB 66 58 -12.1% 0 521 2 63 8 7 12 6 6

Detailed crime and ASB data for your area can be obtained by visiting and following the ‘Find your Neighbourhood’ link.


Parish/Town News Release



Last 12 months East Yorkshire-Snaith, This year compared to last year 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Apr 18 to Mar % Change Apr 19 to Mar 20 Marshland Ward 19 year on year Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr All offences 600 518 -13.7% 29 40 48 38 44 45 44 50 46 33 56 45 Burglary 98 99 +1.0% 4 13 10 4 5 10 8 12 7 5 11 10 Criminal damage 81 59 -27.2% 5 3 5 10 5 3 4 8 5 5 1 5 Drug offences 6 8 +33.3% 0 100 0 01 0 1 1 3 1 Shop theft 17 14 -17.6% 2 122 2 20 2 0 0 1 0 Sexual offences 16 6 -62.5% 1 001 0 10 1 0 1 1 0 TFMV 33 27 -18.2% 0 240 2 42 2 1 1 4 5 TOMV 15 11 -26.7% 22001 10 1 1 0 3 0 Thefts excluding vehicle and shop theft 119 96 -19.3% 8 3 9 4 11 8 10 8 9 9 6 11 Violence against the person 173 139 -19.7% 3 10 13 13 15 10 14 11 16 8 19 7 ASB 65 62 -4.6% 5 212 6 38 7 12 6 6 4

Detailed crime and ASB data for your area can be obtained by visiting and following the ‘Find your Neighbourhood’ link.


Parish/Town News Release

NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 2. Crime issues of particular note The following list shows some of the crimes that have occurred in the previous two months in your area:  A ride on lawnmower was stolen from a rear garden in Snaith.  Entry was gained into a secure garden shed in and tools taken, which were used to try and gain entry into the property  A garage in East Cowick was broken into and items stolen including tools and a cycle.  A secure vehicle was broken into and stolen from Adlingfleet.  A lawn mower was stolen from a secure garage at a property in Snaith  A motorcycle in a rear garden of a property in was damaged.

3. Community Priorities The Neighbourhood Policing Team meet regularly with partners to ensure we have a multi-agency approach to local issues, individuals and problem solving. These meetings are regularly attended by partners including Fire and Rescue Service, Youth and Family Support, Housing Officers, Environmental Health and the East Riding Anti-Social Behaviour Team. We share information and resources to deal with local neighbourhood issues, in particular, those identified as causing the most harm in the community. High Visibility Patrols We have been patrolling Snaith and surrounding rural areas during our shifts. We are aware that there are many vulnerable people that live within the community and we want to reassure them that we are still here for you. You have probably seen us posting on Social Media on a daily basis. This is so those that are self isolating also know that we are about. We are conscious that most people will not see us due to Government restrictions so hope this provided some comfort in these worrying times.

4. Crime Reduction Advice Safeguard yourself against scams during the coronavirus outbreak

Unfortunately not everyone is trustworthy and some people will try to take advantage of this unusual situation our society is facing and try to exploit people.

Listed below are some of the scams that you could be approached with, but please note that criminals and their scams come in all shapes and sizes, and they may contact you at the door, by phone, post or online:


Parish/Town News Release

NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED  Be aware of people offering miracle cures or vaccines for coronavirus – there is no specific treatment for coronavirus (COVID-19)

 People impersonating healthcare workers, claiming to be offering ‘home-testing’ for coronavirus – this is a scam and these kits are not currently available to buy

 Emails saying that you can get a refund on taxes, utilities or similar - they are usually bogus and they are just trying to obtain your bank and personal details.

 Fake products available to buy online that advise they can protect you or cure coronavirus - these will not help and are just designed to take your money.

 Mobile phone applications that claim to give you updates on the virus but instead, they lock your phone and demand a ransom.

 Calls from people purporting to be from your bank, or from the police, asking for your bank details over the phone

 People offering to do your shopping or collecting medication and asking for money upfront and then disappearing.

To avoid becoming a victim of a scam, please follow our tips and advice below:

 Be cautious and listen to your instincts. Don’t be afraid to hang up, bin it, delete it or shut the door.

 Take your time; don’t be rushed.

 If someone claims to represent a charity, ask them for ID. Be suspicious of requests for money up front. Check with family and friends before accepting offers of helps if you are unsure.

 If you are online, be aware of fake news and use trusted sources such as or websites. Make sure you type the addresses in and don’t click on links in emails.

 Only purchase goods from legitimate retailers and take a moment to think before parting with money or personal information.

 Know who you’re dealing with - if you need help, talk to someone you know or get in touch with your local Council.

 Protect your financial information, especially from people you don’t know. Never give your bank card or PIN to a stranger

We know it can be difficult to know who to trust, and we hope this information helps you to feel more informed and more able to protect yourself against these types of scams. If you are online or have a mobile phone Facebook Community groups and WhatsApp groups can be great ways of staying in touch with those around you.

5. News and Appeals

We encourage everyone to follow the Government guidance and #StayHomeSaveLives. For this reason we will not be holding any more engagement events with our communities for the foreseeable future. Whilst we love seeing you, these events are non-essential in the current circumstances.


Parish/Town News Release

NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED You will still see us out and about as we continue to do our job and keep our communities safe. As always there are a number of ways you can get in touch with us if you need us.

Stay informed through our social media channels, find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram:

Facebook – West

Twitter - Humberside Police – East Riding of Yorkshire West - @Humberbeat_ERYW

For incidents that don’t require an immediate response call our non-emergency 101 line. You can also report non-emergency crimes online via our reporting portal. In an emergency always dial 999.