OJr purpose is·to raise iridividu~f'~nd tion for the value ofdreams and to disseminate information that will assist and empower us in taking responsibility. for our cultural, emotional and spiritual well-being with the help of . dre~':n~ •. ~ mytholog. . Our goals are~o ~nite and serv~those . , who respect dreallls,.tp ell}power .cl!-"yflmers in d~:;lllystifying dreamvvork and to assist with the integration of dre.arrisharing into our culture, in whatever ways of integrity are shown a.nd . given us. We believe that d,reams are agents for change and often , reveal important new insights about the life of the dreamer, both personal and cultural. Recalling a dream is a signal that we are ready to understand the information that has been ~· , , Founder presented. Enacting the dream's hint can bringpersonal em- WillianiR. Stimson, Ph.D. •powerment. ·· · ,.:c611ncil of Advisors We seek to provide~ bal~llce and to give all natiOJ;lS, , Stanley Krippner; Ph.D. and schools of thought an opportunity to be heard. :: · Russell A. Lockhart, Ph. D. There will be times when a particular are~ of inter~st:wiU be ' Rob,ert Moss, M. A. given greater emph!lSlS than another because of the)irrtited Gray POJ3?~1026, Moai?,UT84532 $52 Foreign/ Air <· • • $16 O:NLINE Worldwi4e

. . Order on our Website: http://DreamNetwork.net All Canadian & l'oreign orders, U.S. funds please. Subscriptions start with the issue following receipt of order. 2.§t 3year price reductions apply to gift subscriptionsraswell. Name___ __,.- ---.....,---- Address.... . --'-----,---- City__ _;_ ___ . Exploring the Borderla~~ ;-,, . Where Dreams & Reality Intersect.

•NoTe 'Regatdbtg .SIA.bfrlissiOfts: Individuals from allq.tltures and walks of life who desire to share are en<:ou!aged to subrriit dream &.myth. Eelah~d manuscript, poetry .. and artworl£ .ihe'ciurent focus or theme. Weals(>)llvite your dreamsharing, transformational dream experiences and insights O,n, Turning 60 by Georgia Stput regarding effective dreamwork and Listening to _the Drearb.s of the Elderly . dreainplay techniques. by Edward Bonapar#an .Given the overall synchronicity that shapes the Dream Network, your Close En<;o\lJil~ . !s: . isitationa in · t~~ . Dr~a1nTime · ?>"~u~pl~~sion is .likelyt?'f!t' perfectly · ' • by Dau!n DicksOn · ·nan l.lpcoming issue; . :·· ci . .··· · Dreams, Dying &.Death Your artide may also l7e . appro~ . by Judith Picone priate for one of our two regular ·'DreaM. Inspired. "Poetry features, The Art of Dreamsharing. (which includes a broad range of . Beckoning by Leslie Eastman articles on Dream Education), or The The Journey byAnnaCates Mythic Dimension (exploring the Tiny Signs by M.argMcmsfield .lel(ltioriship .between 'd!.e,(lm~i a11d Julia by HeleJ1.Qua4e · · 'mythology) . . ··· , ...... i·• .\' ··. , .. .. ·.. • ()Spital Wards'byJ?hillip Mahen ·. J-\nd, ~f sourse, wea1~ayilgve ' to . · hear. £rom you in .. <:>~r Response ~·:',::' ~· .. ' ' Editorial, Letters • . column! Whether you . "&er~ inspired • ·... ··. or.: infuriated by the ' lat~st is'sue/ . Book ReviewbyApril Chase ..would just like to dearp:p ~n ar.eap{ .·· Or~amTimes by Marlene King . .· .\ ~onfusion or correct 'an ()Versight, Net~orkers/Dream pr~ups/ Clas~ified please let us hear from you! was to carry on. Though I am seeking rr======::::;l £~itorial assistance, investors or the 'right' individual(s) to take up the torch, it Dream Network's v 4~ v appears for the time being that Spirit Website is Expanding To continues to find my service of use Meet Your Dreaming Needs and to use me well. I am grateful and "And great is thank you for your continued your reward in Heaven!" commitment to dreams and support of this endeavor. • HERENOW! That's what ~n (invisible) choir of angels sang to me early on in my Subscribe to our Our last issue mmounced that this work with Dream Network . This ONLINE publications. one would focus on the ' Borderland' Event occurred in 1989 as I stood between dreams and 'reality' as that • http://DreamNetwork.net/19.4.pdf over a considerable stack of DNJ relates to the increasing information nuts-and-bolts/ detail-work that • DreamN etwork.net/booklet.html needed attending. Standing there, coming out about extraterrestrial contact and UFO sightings. For a • Enter the Drawing hands on hips, I wondered how on number of reasons, we decided to Earth I would ever be able to do this! for a free subscription. extend that theme for our Winter I'd never done anything quite like it. (DreamNetwork.net/ free.html) issue. I had, on Leap Year day the prior Herein, you will discover a • Share Your Dreams year, literally leapt out of a 20+ year delightful and informative potpourri and get feedback from career in public service... in great part because of a dream. When I took of surprises from dreamers around knowledgeable Dreamworkers this beautiful planet as well as a that leap, I was overjoyed, (DreamNetwork.net/ dhp.html) meaningful section on coming of age, overwhelmed ... and terrified. The latter, primarily insofar as my the process of dying and death. In the • Read and I or download latter cluster of articles, there is financial future was concerned. I informative articles from ample evidence of how tenderly and knew I needed to learn more about past issues informatively our dreams bring gifts dreams, but had no clue as to how (DreamNetwork.net/ readart.html) to us during the 'end' times. this venture into the unknown would equate to right livelihood. Most importantly, we dedicate • Subscribe by i-Check Then, through a series of this issue and honor the ongoing life or credit card, securely extraordinary happenings, the work of Charles De Beer (see his online. Gift subscriptions & back opportunity to publish Dream article, Three Dreams, One Message, issues, too! Network came along. As you know, p.ll). He will have turned 90 just DreamNetwork.net/ subinfo.html) I took that leap too! prior to your receipt of this missive and continues to travel, lecture and "Never Give Up!" is the motto • Visit our Dream Gift do ' Dream Readings' for people all of a story I've had over my computer Shop or Network Direc­ around the world. We still have a for most of the years since. It is the tory: Dreamcatchers, Dream limited number of his two self­ story of a woman who took it upon published books-Dreams: Treasure Cards, Books, herself to swim the English Channel, Events, Services and more .. . who-when only a few strokes away Allegorical Stories of Mystical Import and Dreams: Mystic Stories­ (DreamNetwork.net/ dreamstore.html) from completing her self-imposed (Dreamnetwork.net I directory.html) available here and Sparrowhawk challenge-decided she just couldn't swing her arms one more time. Press is considering publishing • Advertise your service, There have been numerous second editions. Deepest event or product in Dream occasions over the years, when-­ appreciation to you, Charles, for the Network. net/ AdRates.html) like the woman in the story-I've felt beautiful work you are doing, Happy Birthday! from us all and many, like giving up, only to have many happy returns. For more information confirmation from Spirit, my dreams, synchronicity or one of you, that I "And Great Phone 435/259-5936 or email Is Your Reward in Heaven!" [email protected] 6 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 public conversation the world is history of the world. This has not asking-"Is war legitimate? Is it ille­ happened before on this scale ever gitimate? Is there enough evidence to before-not before WWI or WWII, not warrant an attack? Is there not enough before Vietnam or Korea. This is new evidence to warrant an attack? What and it is a stunning new era of Global Before the War on Iraq, will be the consequences? The costs? listening, speaking, and respon­ This is what 'Waging Peace' What will happen after a war? How sibility." looked like. will this set off other conflicts? What In the process, he pointed out, new might be peaceful alternatives? What alliances are being formed. Russia and (This is a forwarded email message. I do kind of negotiations are we not think­ China on the same side of an issue is not know who the author is but I had to ing of? What are the real intentions for an unprecedented outcome. France share. Editor) declaring war?" and Germany working together to All of this, he noted, is taking place wake up the world to a new way of Dr. Robert Muller, former in the context of the United Nations seeing the situation. The largest peace assistant secretary general of the Security Council, the body that was demonstrations in the history of the United Nations, now Chancellor established in 1949 for exactly this world are taking place--and we are not emeritus of the University of Peace in purpose. He pointed out that it has at war! Most peace demonstrations in Costa Rica was one of the people who taken us more than fifty years to realize recent history took place when a war witnessed the founding of the U.N. that function, the real function of the was already waging, sometimes for and has worked in support of or inside U.N. And at this moment in history the years, as in the case of Vietnam. the U.N. ever since. Recently he was United Nations is at the center of the "So this," he said, "is a miracle. This in San Francisco to be honored for his stage. It is the place where these is what 'waging peace' looks like." No service to the world through the U.N. conversations are happening, and matter what happens, history will and through his writings and teach­ it has become in these last months and record that this is a new era, and that ings for peace. At age eighty, Dr. Muller weeks, the most powerful governing the 21st century has been initiated with surprised, even stunned, many in the body on earth, the most powerful the world in a global dialogue looking audience that day with his most container for the world's effort to wage deeply, profoundly and responsibly as positive assessment of where the peace rather than war. Dr. Muller a global community at the legitimacy world stands now regarding war and was almost in tears in recognition of of the actions of a nation that is peace. the fulfillment of this dream. desperate to go to war. I was there at the gathering and I "We are not at war," he kept saying. Through these global peace-waging myself was stunned by his remarks. We, the world community, are efforts, the leaders of that nation are What he said turned my head around WAGING peace. It is difficult,hard being engaged in further dialogue, and offered me a new way to see what work. It is constant and we must not forcing them to rethink and allowing is going on in the world. My synopsis let up. It is working and it is an historic all nations to participate in the serious of his remarks is below: milestone of immense proportions. It and horrific decision to go to war or "I'm so honored to be here," he has never happened before-never in not." said. "I'm so honored to be alive at human history-and it is happening Dr. Muller also made reference to a such a miraculous time in history. I'm now, every day every hour. Waging recent New York Times article that so moved by what's going on in our peace through a global conversation." pointed out that up until now there has world today." He pointed out that the conversation been just one superpower-the United (:I was shocked. I thought-Where questioning the validity of going to States, and that has created a kind of has he been? What has he been read­ war has gone on for hours, days, blindness in the vision of the U.S. But ing? Has he seen the newspapers? Is weeks, months and now more than a now, Dr. Muller asserts, there are two he senile? Has he lost it? What is he year, and it may go on and on. "We're superpowers: the United States and the talking about?) in peacetime," he kept saying. "Yes, merging, surging voice of the people troops are being moved. Yes, warheads of the world. Dr. Muller proceeded to say, "Never are being lined up. Yes, the aggressor All around the world, people are before in the history of the world has is angry and upset and spending a waging peace. To Robert Muller, one there been a global, visible, public, billion dollars a day preparing to of the great advocates of the United viable, open dialogue and conversa­ attack. But not one shot has been fired. Nations, it is nothing short of a miracle tion about the very legitimacy of war.". Not one life has been lost. There is no and it is working. The whole world is in now having war. It's all a conversation." Excerpted from *The Vital Role of the this critical and historic dialogue­ "It is tense, it is tough, it is chall­ UN in Preserving Planet Earth" listening to all kinds of points of view enging, AND we are in the most Wednesday, February 5, 6 pm, 2003 and positions about going to war or significant and potent global conver­ St. Francis Hotel, Union Square, not going to war. In a huge global sation and public dialogue in the San Francisco, CA Vol. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 7 Dreaming Toward Peace this to the extent you do the thing right. Our winter issue of Dream Network You shine through all the stronger will explore the Question of I'm enjoying the various points of when you stand aside and put other Extraterrestrial Contact and Dreams. view assembled in the current issue. I people to the fore, step back and bring Here is a letter received as a result of our think there's a basic truth to Bill others together. Where the network is announcing that 'theme.' Stimson's position (see Guest Editorial, seamless, that seamlessness is you and (Editor) Vol22 No. 2) I would note that there's it is also, I think, what you seek, nothing inherently 'feminine' about because by accomplishing that you Was This An ET 'Contact' many of the essays by women. I somehow transcend what is particular, or a Dream? understand 'masculine' and 'feminine' small and limiting about yourself and to be culturally conditioned gender fly free and large into your true I have experienced bizarre "lost roles and many people do not feel transcendental identity. I don't think time" sequences and always preceding bound-in our identities and think­ I ever saw this so purely until this act major life changes and also the ing-by those categories. One of the you have performed of pressing me for 'dreams' (or not!) of space travel and gifts of dreams, I believe, is to help us words, again and again over the years, bedroom encounters- especially in my see through such constraints and to and then getting a bleak little email, present location! As stated, they are integrate our full humanity, regardless and then turning that email into an sometimes 'blended' with dreams and of social and cultural labels. editorial that really is something that it IS a hinterland of unknown time Thanks so much for the extra needs saying. It's what Joseph Camp­ warp stuff. My earliest "contact" was copies; I've shared them all with bell was about and it's what we're at 11 and it is indelible in my memory friends. If you take a look at the latest about. Thank you so much for giving and thought I'd like to write about a issue of ASD' s Dreamtime, you will me this and enabling me to give it to few threads of experiences with such .... see that it, too, has an emphasis on . others. How about you!? dreams and peace. Very synchronistic! I'm enclosing the names and My most recent one is the scariest I appreciate the enormous effort addresses of my New York dream - it was PHYSICAL and I still don't you make to help bring us closer to our group and also of the beginnings of my know what happened. I was at the dream lives. May we all work and Taiwan dream group. I hope you can computer at work and felt something dream toward peace. Namaste, find some subscribers from these wet on my ankle - I looked down and Deborah Hillman, Montpelier, VT people. it was covered with blood! I felt Sincerely, Bill Stimson, Taiwan NOTHING and the bleeding was profuse - so much so, I had to call a Heart to Heart fellow who works for me to get a rag Changing the World so I could mop it up and I had no idea I love it! And I love you. And I what had happened; my shoes/knee­ thank you so much for what you've One Dream at a Time his were soaked and the bathroom is done, rescuing those truthful words I just received my latest issue of the at the other end of building so I needed that bloomed up between my heart to Dream Network and wanted to tell to hobble there with help to see what yours some time past in an email. You you how much I enjoyed Cody was causing this bleeding. It was a hole reflect them back to me now, just at the Sisson's articles both in this issue and about 1 I 8" round and it did not hurt, instant when I am ripe. It's early in the one previous. For peopleDwith a no sensation at all, just profuse bleedi­ the quiet morning of . I awoke blue collar background like myself, ng! Couldn't get it to stop. I had gauze with a most amazing dream and Cody's aiticlesDshow usDthat dim­ and paper towels and then wrapped a discovered a new way of working with work can indeed make inroads in an rag around it to get home. It was really it, and-I hope-of being myself. Then environment where spirituality and weird. It looked like a puncture I go onto email and find my own academia do not alwaysDhave a s1omg wound, but there was no feeling and words telling me about this. My own influence. the bleeding wouldn't stop. It went like words nonetheless! I'd forgotten I'd Through your actions youDhave this for nearly two weeks on and off. I even said them. allowedDus to expand the d«!am was a mess! It left a dark "lump" Thank you so much for editing Connie and I bothDshar, which is to underneath the skin and the healing­ and printing this little piece (see Guest make dreamwork a full time career when it covered over-was almost Editorial, Vol. 22 No. 2). Thank you so through our writing, circles, and work­ instantaneous. A friend, Georgia, very much more for being who you are shops. insists it was an ET implant thing. and doing what you're doing. I know What I do know is that it never I look forward to my next issue of only too well how thankless a task hurt or scabbed over. Just healed after Dream Network. I wish you strong dream networking can be at times. it stopped bleeding! My husband dreams and a steady heart. And yet I feel you are suited for it, you thought it was a snake, but??????? The are the right person for it. I can see Ed Bonapartian, Albany, NY lump is almost gone now, but the skin

8 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 is smooth and red and you'd never When I flexed my fingers, I could make erate and facilitate contact. The first know such a wound was there. This the ball roll up and down. Sign of the contact was in '89, which did not seem happened in March. ball disappeared in a few days and the like ETs. The second contact began in Care to comment? Have you ever cuts healed very quickly. My husband fall of '93 and curiously it was not heard of anything like it? I've believed then took photos of the triangle marks important to me if there were, or were for years (a la Starseed) that humans but the photos came out blurred, of not "ETs. "They felt like family-it are the intervention of something course, even though Tom was an wasn't even a question with me-was cosmic and I often wonder if we are excellent close-up photographer. (This only a problem when it came to an experi-ment. I get way out there is typical "evidence" going hinky?) I divulging to others. I still do not know with my thoughts sometimes, but it is showed the marks and the ball to my the final answer to that question ET interesting to think about. chiropractor, who was also Tom's son. or... Dream? ' Love and best dreams, Anon He shrugged. Said the ball was Another question: .do you talk with (Editor) I asked for Anon's permission probably a calcium deposit. Showing others who have like experiences? to send this letter to an acquaintance­ up at the same time as I found the Hope this chat helped. becoming-friend Dana Redfield, author triangle cuts? He wasn't interested ... Love & light, Dana of Summoned and The Human-ET couldn't care less. Link who has had similar experiences. I am also curious if you thought Here is Anon's response: about showing the gouge in your leg Before you receive this issue, Charles to an M.D., asking what he/she will have turned 90 in late July. He is as #2 I'll look forward to Dana's insight. thought. lucid as a 20-year-old and is perhaps one I would not like to experience some­ The triangle cut thing spooked me,_ of the most spiritually active individuals thing like this again. Thanks, Roberta! made me feel kind of woozy, emo­ I have ever had the privilege to know. He From Dana: tionally. I wondered: could it be ETs? and his wife just completed an extensive I haven't heard of a case of profuse But I wasn't really ready to try to tour in So. Africa doing 'Dream bleeding in regards to implants,_but answer that question. I stuffed it! I Readings; and teaching. LOVE TO that doesn't mean it hasn't happened. realized that there was a big change YOU and many happy returns from us I could ask this woman in Australia; shortly after I found the triangle cuts, all, Charles! Following is his brief she knows of more cases, in general, but would not relate the change to the response to my question: "What do you than I. (She is also friends with the cuts until I read a certain book that want for your birthday?" (ed.) addressed this kind of experience. famous Dr. Leir, who has removed What I need for my birthday is Shortly after I found the cuts, I devel­ implants from people.) My knowledge more TIME ! Dreams are still trickling oped an interest in quantum physics, of other exper-iencers is largely from in from all over South Africa for ancient history, genetics ... subjects that reading a number of books and interpretation. I am a happy man, had never particularly interested me knowing a small number of contactee­ Roberta, send me LOVE (which I before. The change was subtle but I abductees, personally. know you do .. ) I need nothing else. was kind of amazed at myself. I would I am most curious about why an Thanks, my dear, Go well, we admire not come to full awareness of what was implant scenario would occur while your work, love you for it, and send going on until 1993, and then I was you were at work? And wonder what warmest greetings. shocked. Going back through my it is that made you feel it was ET Charles De Beer, Umtemtweni, S. Africa related? Just that it was so weird? Or dream journals, I was doubly shocked other "signs" or feelings? And did you to find so many highly suspicious feel any different afterward? Like "nocturnal events". I knew then that I Response to our Online there is a "presence" in your life now, had lived in a kind of split con­ that wasn't there before? A "watcher" sciousness. I call it "living double." It's Dream Group Booklet· on the scene? Also curious if there a coping mechanism that I seemed to know dreams are important as I have been other physical signs of know how to pull off naturally. I still I have had dream groups for years. encounter I contact? (Besides the have to do it to some extent, because I highly provoca-tive dream/ nocturnal still live in the same world! (Where What I especially wanted to say is that events.) most people seem very uncomfortable I was happily pleased to find such value in an "E" book Thank you! The first real sign came for me in with the idea that ETs could be actually August 1986 when I awakened from a here, on the scene.) Nancy, San Diego, CA nap to find two triangle shaped gouges In 1995, I sought out hypnotic in my hands, both hands in the same regression to help explore the mystery. spot. The skin had been removed, but I wanted to see what happened when there was no bleeding, and no pain. I I got those cuts on my hands. I did see also noticed a smaller-than-a- pea ball an "abduction" scenario: they were beneath the topskin of my left hand. putting an "activator" in me, to accel-

Three Dreams, One Message by Charles De Beer

I SLEPT VERY SOUNDLY I was involved in negotiations until I finally concluded that the key from around 9.30 pm to 5 am, then but, once awake, could not make out was to be found at the very begin­ went to sleep again and woke at about whether I was involved in selling at ning: Going out and closing, locking, 6 am, clearly remembering these the overprice or was trying to dis­ the door, and finding ourselves in the three VIVID dreams, had between cover WHO was. This dream went on street, in the first dream, symbol­ 5 and 6 am Sunday 25/5/2003: for quite a while. Also, still half izes leaving the inner realm and sal ­ I c.fM.e a. doot 01lto- a. s~ <>f asleep, in reviewing the dream I lying forth (being born) into the tk street- rresi.Urlllh~ with a.lley­ could not remember the term 'gal ­ physical world, forgetting that we vanized.' are spiritual entities. Physical life hlwlllg MJj btlefoose I.UVlet MJj left without an inner soul life is but an o.ttn. 0 n.ce. (l.(!tMS tk stte.e.t c.utd. In the third dream ... empty shell (the empty brief case on wrillu.nq o.w~, I wottled. wh.ethet I I run. a. srec.tatot ot a. biAS sto-p a dusty pavement) and devoid of hru1 tk ~ley I bt.tt then f01.Ull! I c1u! meaning. n.eru- a. l!.otne.t, wh.e.n. a. biAS st:ofls to- not be tk brlefeose.. M.ueh This is symbolized in the second o.ffioo.d c.utd.loo.d. ro.sse.nqets. a trl.lm re.rtutbed, I walk ba.ek c.utd. fwl tk dream by life becoming merely a in. a. stntill eo.t etds in. jCA.St in. frO'I'\1 place where false values are mar­ empt~ brlefoo.se {ylllg 011. tk dust~ <>f tk bCA.S c.utd. statts tevetslllg to­ keted. Man made steel can surely be rc.wem.e.n:t. So-m.e. M'l.e hru1 thrown tr\llh s~.tte. tt will get tk po.rb.ing seen as physical life at its most tk btlefoose down ofw o.reo. tk bCA.S wo.s to- vaoote., fotc.i.nq dense. toJung tk two- lmf!01'trud flies tk biAS dtwet to- swlllg 01.d slwtr4f This being the case , the third dream shows that living the physical c.utd. w~er efse Might Ln. otde.t to- dtwe o.ff. Th.e. reversin-g life only, mankind will not find be be.e.n ln. it. oo.r is foiled. b!f a. oo.r wh.icJ, has peace- can not park the ear- as "life What these two files were be.e.n wo.itin.g behind tk bCA.S is a journey," portrayed by the bus and its driver off loading and loading about was not made clear, i.e., dream to-~ tk po.rlunq srooe. readings? Business deals? But I passengers- or taking in new ideas, woke, still very worried about what I woke up with this parking prob­ new values and discarding old ones­ I had lost and it was some time be­ lem still unresolved. I did not seem in the process of living. fore I realized that the loss was only to be involved at all in this dream, The three dreams can thus be in the dream. though I sympathized with the bus seen as a parable of man 's life: Be­ Falling asleep again, I had a driver having to swing out so sharply ing born, that is, from Spirit into very intricate dream about ... to avoid an accident. physical incarnation and living life on a physical level only results in fruit­ ... tr\ll.l'~tlng galwllllized. stee.L Reading:- less endeavor to find contentment ot M overrrtwl. vcilite.. .. OVetf'ttwl. and peace as this can only be found beootcse tk tkgree. <>f galwllllizotioft I puzzled quite a long time about by a continual search for the meaning of these three dreams, wo.s not what it wo.s so-W. fot. Spiritual truth. p

Phot o by Pa ula Gonca lves Contact Charl es M. de Beer at Drea ms1@te lkomsa.net Vo l. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 11 Peasant farmers plowing Virgir\ soil . . S~met J,mes discover~d buri~<;;f treasu ~ e · Or an underworld. · '

.~. . . . They visited such places permitted only by soul. . Th~y f()und the hidden springs. They heard the whispering of sprites, saying:

"Flee from hatred and folly; And keep l-ove's secrets!

Reach out Taste it

Revel in its delights, For it quenches all thirsts.'

Love belongs to ev~rybody!lt

Anna {:ates A Fairy Tal e from Russ ia SOUL'S JOURNEY 0 u L

0 NCE THERE WERE TWO inglightly over the slippery bog, the His friend told of the bizarre COWHERDS who, going into the mouse ran to the great stump and activity that he had just witnessed field at the same time every day, de­ down into the hollow. The cowherd and together they decided that such cided t o take turns tending their sat down to wait. a strange story must be investigated. combined cattle. This way, one could Only a short time later, the Upon seeing the stump, the cowherd rest while the other worked. The mouse reappeared and raced off, who had been asleep was struck by next day they rose as always well back the way he had come. When the familiarity of the scene and the ease before dawn and as soon as they the two got back, the cowherd was with which the stump could be climbed. reached the pasture, one of them lay amazed to see the mouse crawl back Their search was not in vain, for down under a tree and fell into a into the mouth of his sleeping friend a huge sum of money was buried in deep sleep, while the other looked and disappear. the hollow of the tree, so much that after the herd. Uncertain of what to do ... but the two friends had to run home for Some time later- as the man on overcome with curiosity, the cow­ picks, shovels and sacks for their duty occasioned to pass by the body herd shook his friend awake and loot. The money made them rich and of his friend- he saw something that asked him: "What is happening?" successful men, and indeed they still made him stop and forget the herd To which his friend replied: live in wealth and continued friend­ and his duties. The sleeping man was "I was having a dream." ship, but for years the mystery sur­ serene, his breathing deep and even, "And what was it about?" rounding their good fortune dis­ his mouth slightly open. As he And this is the wonderful dream: turbed their rest and dogged their watched, suddenly- from his "I was walking forever through leisure hours with puzzlement. friend's open mouth- a small reddish fields and forests, over mountains Finally they met a wise old grand­ mouse, hardly larger than a cricket, and across bogs, until I saw a high mother who, it was said was a great scurried out and into the field. The tower in the distance. As I came dream teller. Hoping she could solve cowherder, hardly believing his eyes, closer, I saw an easy way up the their mystery, they told her the was overcome with curiosity about tower to the entrance, and follow- strange story of the mouse, the this strange creature and rushed ed it. Inside, there were long dark dream, and the treasure. She ex­ after him. stairs that led to a room without plained to them that the mouse the The mouse led him on a merry windows or doors, but it was a cowherd had seen was in fact the chase along mountain ridges, deep fabulous room, filled with golden soul of his sleeping friend. If he had valleys, through open fields and coins. " not immediately wakened him after dense forests, coming at last to a He suddenly broke off his ac­ its return, and in fact asked him for vast bog. The stump of a huge tree count with a curious question. the details of its journey, that jour­ stuck out of the surrounding quick­ "I can see that the sun is not ney would- like most dreams- have sand; it was broken by lightning, with yet high and it is long before my time been forgotten, as the soul keeps in a great hollow burned into it. Mov- to work. Why did you wake me?" secret its travels. p

From the book PRISONERS of DREA MS. Fa iry Tales for Ad ult Children Vol. 22 No. 3/ Drea m Network 13 Published in Russia in 1999, Engli sh edit ion is in prog ress. Email: socol@o rc.ru The Art of Storytelling, from Canada

Connectivity by Sue Scherzinger

as best I could and then go to "I've been great. I just needed a work at the diner. Jake got cup of the old java here to get me real mad if I was late. The going. Long trip last night from New morning rush for breakfast York. I'm doing a lecture at the uni­ was always the worst. The guys versity tomorrow." wanted their bacon, eggs and "Oh, I thought school was out for THE GNAWING PANG OF INSPI­ homefries before working at the the summer." RATION CAUGHT IN MY BREATH. steel plant. I had to get there and "Yes, it is. This is a special con­ Sigmund would disapprove. He al­ get the coffee on. vention for psychiatrists- a meeting ways disapproved. Renowned as the I usually beat Jake to the diner of the psyches you might say." He father of psychoanalysis, yet he fails but just. Coffee'd be brewing and ba­ laughed. " I'll be speaking on Jungian to understand that the psyche is not con starting to sizzle. archetypes." the mind but the soul. The soul with "Morning, Justine. Potatoes Psyche. I remembered that word all of its unconscious, subconscious started?" Jake asked me, like every from my dreams. Jungian. connections of all times, the synchro­ other morning. "Carl Jung," I said out loud. nicity of all energies, the karma of "Getting to them, Jake," I said "Yes. Are you familiar with his all I ives and the potential of all as I wiped my hands on my fresh theories?" chakra. The true Holy Grail lying apron. Jake was wearing the same "No, I just know the name from within ... dirty one from yesterday. somewhere. I have to work now." I The morning news broke into my The regulars started arriving and cleared the empty tables and headed dream. It was going to be a sunny I served the plates as Jake fried the to the back room. Steven made me warm day. I turned the clock radio eggs. I poured the coffee and made uncomfortable and unexpectedly an­ off so that its hyper-chatter sure the creamers were full. I gry. He didn't need to come in here wouldn't displace my dream. Like ev­ cleared the dishes and started the and shove his success into my face. ery other morning for the past few dishwasher. I was piling homefries "Who's that guy?" Jake asked. weeks, I flicked the lamp on, grabbed onto another plate when I heard an "Just some guy I knew in high my pad and paper and tried to unfamiliar voice call out my name. school who's here to show off. I bet scribble down the dream before it "Justine? Justine Lacroix? Is he drives a really big car and you faded into vagaries and mist. A story that you? It's me, Steven McLevin. know what Sigmund would have to say was unfolding in my dreams- like a Remember me from high school?" about that, eh?" whole other life I could barely com­ I looked at this perfectly "Sigmund?" prehend. The dream was but another groomed and dressed man, obviously "Never mind." I kept myself busy knickknack to add to the menagerie he's doing okay, and I didn't want to in the back room until Steven left. of my psyche. I wrote that down too admit that yeah it's me and yeah I It's not like me to be rude but Ire­ - I wasn't sure what it meant but it still work in the diner to support my ally didn't need to be reminded of came to me like so many other 14 year old illegitimate son. I filled what I could have done and been. I thoughts unbidden and misunder­ his coffee cup and smiled. was pretty sharp in high school and stood. "I'm sorry but it is Justine, isn't I wanted to be some sort of thera­ These dreams were so strange. I it?" he said with his perfect white pist but after I had Paul I had to didn't know if I spelled all of those teeth showing under his neatly quit school and earn enough money big words right. I didn't even know trimmed moustache. Major contrast to feed and clothe us. It's not easy what a lot of them meant although to Jake's mangy scruff. raising a kid all by yourself and of they were starting to make sense. "Yes," I said. "It's me. How have course his good for nothing father Every morning, I'd write it all down you been, Steven?" took off as soon as he found out I

14 Drea m Network/Vol. 22 No. 3

added thinking it sounded Latin and me, Eugene. Ask all of these people I must have fallen asleep. When I would look impressive. No one knows to be quiet so we can immerse our­ woke up, I was surprised to find my­ Latin anymore. It was a joke. selves. Sigmund thinks we need to self in a hospital room but even more "I made it. It's nothing." stay objective but we need to fully surprised that I hadn't been dream­ "These words ... " live it. You understand don't you, Eu­ ing my recurrent dreams. I remem­ "Gibberish." gene?" bered the previous dc,ty. That was "No. Vocatus atqua non vocatus "Justine," he said. "I'm Steven. weird. They must all think that I am deus aderit. Called or not called, God Who's Eugene?" insane. I felt better now. I needed is present. It is the inscription from I looked at him closely. "I'm sorry, to get out of there. After a long wait, Jung's tombstone." Steven. I thought you were Dr. a doctor finally came in to see me. "And his front door," I added. Bleuler for a minute. I thought I saw "How are you feeling today, "What? How did you know that?" him in you. He's not there, is he? You Justine?" he asked me, looking at my "I don't know. This is what I'm don't hear him, do you?" chart instead of me. talking about. I just know things." Jake was still yelling, some regu­ "I am much better. I slept so much Steven furrowed his brow into a deep lars were laughing and I was getting better than I have in months. Maybe grove and looked at me over the top a sharp stabbing pain between my I was just really tired." of his glasses and left right after I eyes- the third eye chakra crying out unlocked the door. to be unclogged. Steven said some­ "You haven't been sleeping well?" The Shadow wasn't a death wish. thing to Jake and led me out to his "No, I wake me up a lot. Sleep dep­ It was a yearning to return to the car. Yeah, it was a big car- you were rivation can cause temporary psycho­ oneness. The urge to religion, to find­ right Sigmund. Jake took us to the ses, right?" ing this oneness, was stronger even hospital. He took us to the psychiat­ "Yes and how do you know that?" than the urge for procreation. It was ric ward. Maybe here we could dis­ he asked my chart. the overriding drive. Why hadn't I cuss these matters with someone "I read it in a magazine." seen it before? Even the urge to pro­ knowledgeable. I tried to explain to "And who are you?" create derives from our need to pass them that we were on the brink of "I am Justine Lacroix." on the knowledge of God in hopes of knowing and all I needed was a space "And no one else?" attaining ... to examine the evidence. They gave "Don't be silly. I am just me," I Attaining what? We're on the me a space in a room all alone. The said, knowing full well what he was verge of knowing and we keep waking walls were white but I could see trying to do. "Everything is perfectly up at the wrong time. How will we ever through them to the vastness of clear now. I was so confused but now know? Meditation will lead the way. space and time. Albert wanted to in­ with a good night's sleep, I'm ok." "Mom?" Paul is at my door. "Are terject his theories but I told him, They kept me for a week and I you ok, Mom?" "Einstein, back off. Now is not the slept so good with no dreams. I think I was banging my fist on the night time." Then I laughed hysterically they were giving me sleeping pills. I table. "It's ok, Paul. I was just - just because you know Einstein- time. It was me again, just me. Steven came killing a spider." I had to think. I was too loud though with all of them to see me. He was so concerned. Be­ needed time and quiet. I called Jake trying to get their bit in- yes, it was fore he left though, he said, "You to see if I could get the day off but all relevant and relative (I laughed were right. About the somnanbulism. of course he threatened to fire me again) but we have to take it one step She was a sleep walker." if I didn't show up. It was imperative at a time. Carl and I need to see He was the one who had me com­ that I think. I was so close to the through the first step. Then we can mitted so he had to sign me out. I answer- the answers Carl needed. I address the other issues and fit them had to sign the form too. His scribbly missed my bus stop. I was late for into the solution. Carl yelled out signature looked like Dr. Bleuler but "Meditate" and the room was silent. work. Jake was yelling so loud. I burnt I didn't say anything. I sat down on the floor in the lo­ the toast and the boiling potatoes' I went home. Paul, named for water boiled away and the pot was tus position like the yogi had taught burnt and the potatoes tasted funny me over one hundred and fifty years Carl's father, was waiting for me. I and Jake kept yelling and the custom­ ago. My breathing slowed and I fo­ hugged him and told him not to worry. ers kept talking and I really needed cused on nothing until there was noth­ I was just overtired. them to be quiet but they wouldn't ing but me and nothingness. Slowly The question lies in the quiet of be quiet and Carl was insisting we and silently, I cleared myself out and my meditation. Sigmund and Bleuler needed to get back to this now be­ there was only nothingness and one­ think I am psychotic. Freud keeps fore it was gone because inspiration ness and the sound of breath. The talking about hysteria but I know the is fleeting. Then Steven came in . mist was clearing and I could see it. question begins with why and not "Eugene? You know what we're af­ The truth was in the question, not in what. How is irrelevant, Albert. ter," I gripped Steven's hand. "Help the solution. I needed the right ques­ Socrates is still looking for his im­ tion. mortal soul. p

16 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 Contact Sue Scherzmger v1a Email: mlfo@v~anet.ca Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.

ABSTRACT: According to Gavin Arthur's 'circle of sex' egorized as 'homogeni c' at 10 o'clock. Arthur denoted model, all humans fall on a continuum that allows for sexual intensity by putting someone in the sphere's tropi­ fluctuation in sexual disposition as well as the intensity cal center. Someone who has taken religious orders, of sexual activity. His typology of human sexual behav­ however, might find himself or herself near the chilly ior avoids such pejorative labels as 'abnormal,' 'deviant,' regions of the circle. A Roman Catholic nun, who consid­ and' pathological,' and introduces the terms 'heterogenic,' ers herself 'married to Christ,' cou ld be a 6 o'clock 'homogenic,' and 'ambigenic' because such terms as 'het­ 'heterogene." The psychiatrist, Jean Bolen, developed a erosexual' incorrectly combine Greek and Anglo-Saxon model that paid special attention to the sexuality of roots. Arthur illustrates his model with historical char­ the Greek gods and goddesses. But instead of using their acters; or example, George V of Eng land, the faithful sexuality as the basis for a typology as Arthur did, Bolen husband of Queen Mary, fell at 12 noon, but Julius Cae­ focused upon the deities as representing 'archetypes,' sar, known in his day as 'every woman's husband and ev­ 'powerful inner patterns that allegedly shape behavior ery man's wife.' fell into the 'ambigenic category.' Sappho, and influence emotions. In other words, there can be the poet who lived on the island of Lesbos, was described gay types and lesbian because the ar­ as 'three quarters homogenic' because, although she chetypes they represent are broader than sexual pref­ preferred Lesbian girls, she occasionally dallied with erence. This typology may be more useful to psycho­ young shepherds. The writer Gertrude Stein was cat- therapists than Arthur's ingenious 'circle of sex.'

Vo l. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 17 CHESTER ALAN ARTHUR 7 o'clock, as 'three-quarters hetero­ were monogamously married and Ill (better known as 'Gavin Arthur') genic,' while, at 8 o'clock, the First managed to live their lives more or was the grandson of the thirty-sec­ Duchess of Marlborough was consid­ less harmoniously. Two similar' ond president of the United States. ered 'ambigenic' because she slept heterogenes' were Philemon and Although a president's grandson and with both her husband and England's Bacchus, the endearing couple visited a millionaire's son, he worked his way Queen Anne. by the Greek gods and . around the world as a Merchant ­ Arthur's 9 o'clock example was Philemon and Bacchus' hospi-tality was rine, observing a variety of cultures Sappho, the poet who lived on the so impressive that upon their death, along the way. This exposure to the island of Lesbos . She was 'three Zeus transformed them into inter­ varieties of human experience is re­ quarters homogenic' because, al­ twined vines. flected in his book, The Circle of Sex though she preferred Lesbian girls, The Greek earth goddess (Arthur, 1966), which introduces a she occasionally went for a romp with and her husband may well fall typology of human sexual behavior young shepherds. At 10 o'clock, the at 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock, as would that avoids such pejorative labels as writer Gertrude Stein was catego­ the Hopi earth mother A'witelmn 'abnormal,' 'deviant,' and· pathologi­ rized as 'homogenic,' and reportedly Tsi'ta and Apoyan Tachu, the sky cal.' Noting that the adjectives 'het­ gave Arthur her personal approval of father. Another famous pair was Geb erosexual' and 'homosexual' are ety­ this categorization. France's King and Nut, the Egyptian deities of mologically incorrect because they Louis XV, at 11 o'clock, was 'hyper­ heaven and earth. Playing against combine Greek and Anglo-Saxon heterogenic' because he had mis­ stereotype, Geb was the sky god­ roots, Arthur substituted the terms tress after mistress, both before dess, while her husband (and 'heterogenic' and 'homogenic.' Ac ­ and during his reign. brother) Nut was the earth god. cording to Arthur, all humans fall on Sexual intensity was denoted They are generally pictured in a cir­ a continuum that allows for fluctua­ by Arthur by putting someone in the cular form with their son, the god tion in sexual disposition as well as sphere's tropical center, as was the of air, drifting between them. The the intensity of sexual activity. case with literature's don Juan, at Incan sky goddess was the Mother Using a clock as the template 11 o'clock, and Lady Chatterley, at 5 , Mama Quilla, and her husband for his typology, Arthur put George o'clock. Someone who has taken reli­ was the sun god, Inti. This couple V of England, the faithful husband gious orders might find himself or helped the Incas calculate time, plan of Queen Mary, at 12 noon. Lord herself near the chilly regions of the their festivals, and regulate their Nelson, who adored Lady Hamilton Circle of Sex. A Roman Catholic nun, calendar. A less benevolent coupling but asked the naval officer who was who considers herself 'married to consisted of Michtlantechuhtli and next in command to kiss him as he Christ,' could be a 6 o'clock Michtlantecihuatl, the Aztec lord of lay dying off Trafalgar, was placed 'heterogene,' far away from the in­ death and his consort, the death at 1 o'clock, and was classified as ternal regions of overt passion. Thus, goddess. 'three-quarters heterogenic.' At 2 one's position in any of these 12 cat­ 'Heterogenes' who were monoga­ o'clock, Julius Caesar, whose sobri­ egories does not necessarily imply mous, even if their wives were not, quet was 'every woman's husband and that one has an active, overt sex life. could be placed at 12 o'clock; every man's wife,' fell into the , the Greek god of crafts 'ambigenic' category, while Lord Folklore and Mythology: and the forge, was faithful to Kitchener, at 3 o'clock, was classi ­ From 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock , even though his wife had fied as 'three quarters homogenic' Diel (1980) sees mythological dei­ more sexual liaisons than any other because he preferred young soldiers ties as 'idealizations of human quali­ Greek goddess. to the women of the English court. ties' (p. 173) and legends as providing 'Heterogenes' who were not mo­ At 4 o'clock, Arthur placed the such lessons as 'the inability to make nogamous would probably fall at 12 poet Edward Carpenter, the best the right choice of partner and es­ o'clock, as long as they enjoy the known disciple of Walt Whitman; tablish a lasting relationship' (p. 145). company of men as well as of women. Carpenter had no sexual interest in Hence, mythology and folklore (e.g., Among them are Ares, the Greek god women and fell into Arthur's Guirand, 1968; Middleton, 1967; Sullivan, of war who had numerous liaisons 'homogenic' category. Catherine the 1988) provide a unique cross-cultural with women, and Xango, the Great of Russia, who lamented that opportunity to apply Arthur's typol­ Candomble god of thunder, who was she could take only five men to bed ogy. For example, the central axis of married three times. at a time, was categorized as 'hyper­ his Circle of Sex is 12 o'clock oppo­ Although the celebrated perpe­ heterogenic' at 5 o'clock. Queen site 6 o'clock where Arthur placed trators of mother-son incest could Victoria, archetype of the faithful the faithful husband Darby and his find their place at a number of spots wife, was classified as 'heterogenic' loving wife Joan. Darby and Joan are around the circle, many of them at 6 o'clock. Arthur considered featured in an old English folk bal­ would resemble the 'heterogenic' George Eliot, the English author, at lad, 'the Happy Old Couple'; they males who end up at 12 o'clock (and

18 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 the 'heterogenic' females at 6 A candidate for the 2 o'clock po ­ Greek goddess of love, and , o'clock). These would include tragic, sition would be the 'ambisexual' Ba­ the Minoan patron of men who love guilt-ridden figures , as well as those linese god, Syng Hyang Toenggal; it men. Asterion's black hide was who are considered heroic. For ex­ is believed that he can switch sexes mottled with the stars of the uni­ ample, the Greek king un­ in an instant (Highwater, 1990). A Nor­ verse, and he was regarded as both wittingly married his mother after dic equivalent would be the 'two­ the 'Bull of Heaven' and 'The Starry killing his father, putting out his eyes gendered' Ymir, whose was One' (Garon du, 2002). when he discovered their identity. necessary for the creation of the Erzulie, the 'hyper-hetero­ The Candomb le deity Orungan rav­ Earth (Bjarnadottir, V.H., & Kremer, J ., genic' goddess of love in Haitian ished his mother, Yemanja, who then 2000). , the son of vodoun, might find her place at 5 gave birth to a dozen children as well Aphrodite and Hermes, is a hermaph­ o'clock; this lovely lady had numer­ as the sun and the moon. In one ver­ rodite, giving his name to those ous male lovers, many of whom be­ sion of the Aztec about their whose physiology incorporates both trayed her or treated her badly. mother goddess, Coatlique's husband male and female sex organs. How­ Erzulie suffered from t his treat­ physically abused her until one of her ever, he lives near the cold outer ment, but her sorrow endears her to (several hundred) sons took action, regions of the Circle of Sex, being her human followers. Other god­ killing his father and becoming his indifferent to lovemaking. desses at 5 o'clock would include mother's lover. The South American Ometecuhtli, the 'ambisexual' cre­ Aphrodite, , Tlazolteotl (the Panare mythology contains an ex­ ator god of the Aztecs, is also her­ Aztec goddess of love and pleasure), ample of father-daughter incest: maphroditic, giving birth to the dei­ and Oxum (the Candomble goddess Whenever the Sun and his daughter ties of the four directions. of the sweet waters). All enjoyed the the Moon have intercourse, there is Candomble, an African-Brazilian re­ company of men, preferring their ca­ a total eclipse. In addition, there is ligion, venerates Oxala, the 'ambi ­ maraderie to that of women. , the Banima myth of Kuai, whose fa­ sexual' god of purity. However, his the goddess of wisdom and learning, ther Inapirikuli impregnated her, a sexual encounters are rare and he also preferred the company of men birth ritualized in the 'battle of the also would inhabit the chilly outer as friends and mentors, but stayed flutes' (Sullivan, 1988, p. 217). areas of 2 o'clock. Closer to the red­ at the cold outer regions of the A prime candidate for the 1 hot center would be Hermes, the circle rather than nearer to the tor­ o'clock spot would be the 'mostly het­ Greek messenger and trickster rid center to preserve her virginal erogenic' Zeus, the Greek king of the known as the 'cunning deceiver.' A status. One of her favorite compan­ gods. Zeus, who occasionally dallied lover of both men and women, ions was , but she accidentally with handsome human males, was so Hermes had several sons including killed him during a sports event. sexually voracious that he would be , the . As mentioned earlier, such positioned near the boiling center of At 3 o'clock we could suggest 'heterogenes' as Joan, Geb, Gaia, and the circle, in other words, at the tor­ , the Greek god of music and Bacchus (the wife of Philemon, not rid 'heat' of sexual passion. , the arts. His love affairs with women the god of wine with the same name) the Greek god of the seas, was not amounted to fiasco after fiasco. would probably find their places at far behind Zeus in his sexual proclivi­ , Sybil, Marpessa, and 6 o'clock. At 6 o'clock we also could ties. He ravished numerous women rejected him, he mur­ place , goddess of marriage and including the goddess . He dered Coronis in a jealous fit, and the wife of the lasc ivious Zeus. She raped , although he latter he killed Hyacinth in a discus-throw­ once left her husband in a tiff, but married her. In addition, Poseidon took ing accident. But Apollo did little Zeus announced that he would marry , the son of Tantalus, to Mt. better with men; the love of his life a local princess. Actually, he ar­ Olympus as his paramour. was Hyakinthos, a beloved lad he ranged a mock ceremony with a , a husband and father at killed in another accident. statue; when Hera discovered the the time of the , fell into The 'homogenic' Greek mythic ruse, she was amused and forgave a rage when his lover Patrocles died figure , Zeus' cupbearer as her errant husband. in battle; the Greek hero went on a well as one of his male lovers could Radha, the frequent consort of rampage and killed , the Tro­ be placed at 4 o'clock. It is sa id that Krishna (himself an incarnation of jan prince who had killed Patrocles. Zeus gave Ganymede's father a Vishnu), is another 'heterogene' who Noah's son Ham begot a prominent golden grapevine and/or a pair of could be placed at 6 o'clock, as cou ld lineage of descendants; however, a horses in exchange for his son. Izanama, the ancient Japanese god­ reading of Genesis IX: 20-21 reveals Ganymede eventually was immortal­ dess who, with her consort Izanagi, that he 'saw the nakedness' of his ized as Aquarius, the water bearer begot the countries of the world. father, a phrase that can be trans­ of the heavens. Other candidates for Sometimes these couples fit so lated as having sexual relations with the 4 o'clock position are Aphroditus, closely together than their children someone. the male aspect of Aphrodite, the have to separate them for creation

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 19 to take place; the Maori sky god Rangi would be Ares' daughter, the Amazon gress with non-humans, e.g. , the Eskimo and the earth goddess Papa were split queen whose name was variously given goddess Sedna took a bird-spirit as her apart by their son, Tane, to bring light as Penthesileia or Hippolyta by the lover. And some deities are not human, to the people of the world. The Egyp­ ancient Greeks. , the Greek e.g., Amaru was the water snake tian deities, Nut and Geb, were sepa­ goddess of the hunt, avoided the com­ mother goddess of Banima mythology. rated by their son, Shu, the air god, pany of men, and her priestesses, the Nor does it discuss characters who had to provide some 'breathing space' for Arktoi or 'she-bears,' wore . sexual reassignment operations; ac­ the survival of earthly inhabitants. However, there are no tales of sexual cording to the Mahabarata, Sekhanda congress between Artemis and the was a women who persuades a demon Folklore and Mythology: Arktoi, and so this goddess would be a to change her sex so that she can join From 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock likely candidate for 10 o'clock's frosty the army to fight her nation's enemies. At 7 o'clock, we need a candi­ regions. , the virginal goddess Furthermore, some deities transcend date who is 'three-quarters hetero­ of the home and hearth, avoided the gender; in Hopi mythology, genic' and the Norse goddess Freya, company of men, but was not involved Awonawilona is 'The Maker and Con­ goddess of both the hunt and of love, sexually with her female companions, tainer of All.' but no reference is made might fill the bill. Although married to nor were the Nordic Valkyres, most of as to gender. In addition, there are Odhur, She was especially fond of the them warlike virgins. several versions of each myth, making Nordic elves, primarily the diminutive Even though he once seduced a rigid classifications dubious. In one male creatures; but there are hints young male ward of Athena in a drunken Greek myth, Aphrodite was born as the that she enjoyed occasional female debauch, the Greek god was result of a dalliance between Zeus and elves as well. 'hyper-heterogenic' and probably falls the sea . In another, At 8 o'clock we might find at 11 o'clock, giving his name to the Cronos cut off the genitals of his fa­ Oxumare, the Candomble goddess of 'dionysian revels.' The only male Greek ther Uranus, throwing them to sea; the rainbow. The daughter of Oxala god who preferred the company of Aphrodite was born from the union of and , Oxumare changes from fe­ women to that of men, Dionysus even­ the water and the sperm. male to male or from male to female, tually fell in love with and re­ Jean Bolen (1984, 1989), a Jun­ every 6 months. Many of the ancient mained faithful to her. Before that, gian psychoanalyst, has also paid spe­ 'Great Goddess' figures of Europe he actually drove women who resisted cial attention to the sexuality of dei­ seem to have been androgynes, the him into madness, but later restored ties, primarily the Greek gods and god­ male part becoming the fertilizing their sanity when he recovered from desses. Instead of using their sexual­ power, and the female part, the gen­ the rejection. Krishna, whose 'wanton ity as the basis for a typology as erating womb (Bjarnadottir & Kremer, rapture' of the Gopis (i.e., cowherders) Arthur did, Bolen focuses upon the 2000, p. 154). We cou ld also place the is the topic of many Hindu legends deities as representing 'archetypes,' Greek goddess Teresias at this posi­ (Campbell, 1962/1982, p. 344), also is defined as 'powerful inner patterns t ion. Although she was blind, the placed at 11 o'clock. His love affairs [that] shape behavior and influence Greeks believed that Teresias' ambi­ with the Gop is were nocturnal events, emotions' (1984, p. 2). This psycho­ sexuality was the source of her great and they returned to their husbands logical perspective is 'based on images wisdom and insight. As was the case the next morning, convinced that their that have stayed alive in human imagi­ at 2 o'clock, we find both androgynes union with Krishna took place in a nation for over three thousand years' (e.g. , the two-gendered Ymir and 'Great dream. (p. 2). A culture's social stereotypes Goddess') and ambisexuals (e.g., Oxala, Conceptual Issues 'reinforce some patterns and repress Teresias) in this cluster, as well as those others' (p. 4), but knowledge of these deities (e.g., Syng Hyang Toenggal, In this essay, the nouns' homo­ archetypes can assist individuals on Oxumare) who are able to switch genders sexual,' 'heterosexual,' and 'bisexual' their 'individuation journey' (p. 93), periodically. are not used to describe any of these held by Jungians to be one's life goal. At 9 o'clock, we could enter many characters because these terms are In other words, there can be gay of the Candomb le pombajeiras who are fairly recent social constructions. Un­ Ares types and lesbian Aphrodites be­ 'three-quarters homogenic'; these fe­ til the end of the 19th century, there cause the archetypes they represent male 'exus,' or tricksters, often have was 'homosexual behavior: etc., but the are broader than sexual preference. sex with each other as well as the mor­ perpetrator was not called a 'homo­ In addition, the differentiation be­ tals who fall victim to their tricks. sexual.' At this point in time, various tween 'sex' and 'gender' helps to avoid Some of these entities have been iden­ European investigators began to ex­ stereotyping; 'gender' resembles the tified as Pombajeira Cigna, Pombajeira plore human sexuality and labeling was Chinese use of the terms 'yin' and 'yang' Mary Molombo, and Pombajeira Diana. initiated. The ancient Greeks and Ro­ rather than 'male' and 'female.' It helps As noted earlier, Sappho falls at 9 mans, and the contemporary Haitian to explain the presence of 'earth fa­ o'clock. Although well known for her and Brazilian adepts, would not think thers' (e.g., Nut) and 'sky mothers' (e.g., love of women, one account claims that of confining their deities with a label! (Geb) in mythology and folklore; the she threw herself into the ocean when Arthur's Circle of Sex may seem archetypes of 'penetration' and 'recep­ the handsome Phaon spurned her. comprehensive, but it does not cover tivity' go much deeper than one's physi­ At 10 o'clock, a logical entry those deities who enjoyed sexual con- cal sexual characteristics.

20 Dream Network/Va l. 22 No.3 According to Bolen (1984), an Artemis woman can be lesbian or not, DEGREES IN DEPTH frigid or not, monogamous or not; all these Artemis types see work as more In the Tradition of Depth Psychology important than relationships, and have a sense of affiliation with other women, professional or social. Accord­ NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL 2003 Pacifica is an accredited graduate school ing to Bolen, if the Artemis woman is a where the study of psychology and mythol­ lesbian, she is usually part of a lesbian GRADUATEDEGREEPROGRAMSAT ogy are informed by the teachings of C. G. community or network' p. 60). In addi­ PACIFICA GRADUATE INSTITUTE Jung, Joseph Campbell, Marion Woodman, tion, there are single , married James Hillman, and others in the depth Athenas, and lesbian Athenas .. All of M.A. in Counseling Psychology psychological tradition. The Institute's them lack a kinship with other women, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology monthly three-day learning sessions take and see sex as a calculated art-as part into account the vocational, family, and of a broader agreement to attain some M.A./ Ph.D. in Depth Psychology other commitments of the adult learner. goal. Diel (1980) finds archetypal be­ M.A. /Ph.D. in Mythological Studies Students come to Pacifica from diverse trayal patterns in 's treatment backgrounds in pursuit of a varie1y of of Medea, of Ariadne, and academic, professional, and personal goals. Siegfried of Brunhild. There are also Accred ited by the Western Association of false betrayals, such as Sh iva's discov­ Schools and Co ll eges (WASC) ery of a man watching his wife bathe; only after he beheaded the offender did he discover that this was his own PACIFICA son, Ganesa. Sh iva's promise to replace GRADUATE INSTITUTE it with the first one available resulted SITE OF THE JOSEP H CAMPBELL AND in Genesa's elephant head. MARIJA GIMBUTAS LIBRARY Parker (1996) asked some 200 ~19 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 9Bo 13 women to profile their' goddess char­ 8o5.969.36~6. ext. w3 www.pacifica.edu acteristics' on a checklist, to respond to pictures of goddesses, and to dis­ may fall apart. Parker provides sample Berlin: Verlag fur Wissenschaft und Bildung. cuss their feelings about the goddess 'goodbye letters' written by seven dif­ Bolen, J. S. (1984). Goddesses in Everywoman: concept and its implications for their ferent goddess-types, the common de­ A New Psychology of Women. New York: lives. The results appear in Parker's nominator being 'you never really knew Harper & Row. Bolen, J.S. (1989). Gods in Everyman: A New book Goddess Power, which, for ex­ me' (pp. 180-181). ample, states that 'the Aphrodite ar­ Psychology of Men's Lives and Loves . New In other words, Gav in Arthur's York: Harper & Row. chetype falls in love easily and often Circle of Sex, as well as other at­ Campbell, J. (1982). The Masks of God: Ori­ [but] Judeo-Christian, Muslim, and tempts to connect cu ltural with ental Mythology Baltimore: Penguin. (Origi­ other patriarchal cu ltures tend to pic­ nal work published 1962). ture such a woman as a temptress, personal myths (e.g., Feinstein & Diel, P. (1980). Symbolism in Greek Mythol­ adulteress, or simply a whore' (1996, Krippner, 1997) have implications for ogy: Human desire and its transformations. p. 77). Thus, social stereotype con­ contemporary behavior. There are Boulder, CO: Shambhala. Feinstein, D., & Krippner, S. (1997). ~ flicts with archetype, and Bolen (1984) several human characteristics that ap­ Mythic Path. New York: Putnam/Tarcher. characterizes as 'in between' the pear to be genetically 'hard-wired' and Garun du. (2002, Summer). Dear Gods! Queer women caught in this conflict. we ignore them at our peril. Ancient Gods! Circle Magazine, p. 11. Parker suggests that goddess pro­ and indigenous people recognized these Guirand, F. (1968). New Larousse Encyclope­ files can change over time, and his dia of Mythology (rev. ed. ). London: Hamlyn. traits, exteriorizing them in myths, Highwater, J. (1990). Myth and Sexuality. checklist provides an instrument for legends, and folktales. This storehouse New York: New American Library. conducting research on this topic. Th is of wisdom is now the common property Middleton, J. (Ed.). (1967). Myth and Cosmos. change is not necessarily for the bet­ Austin: University of Texas Press. of all humankind, and provides a rich ter. Parker compares one's tempera­ Parker, D. (1996). Goddess Power. Carmel, legacy for our continued learning and ment, which resists change, to com­ CA: Dynamic Publishers. instruction. p Sullivan, L.E. (1988). Icanchu's Drum: An Ori­ puter 'hardware,' while the 'software' entation to South American Mythology. of social conditioning comes from ex­ References: New York: Macmillan. ternal sources. Thoughts, feelings, and Arthur, G. (1966). The Circle of Sex New Shorter versions of this article were published in behaviors result from the interaction Proceedings of the 18th International Conference York: University Books. on the Study of pp.181-188), Ruth-Inge between 'hardware' and 'software,' i.e., Bjarnadottir, V.H., & Kremer, J. (2000). between archetype and sociai stereo­ Heinze (Editor), Independent Scholars of Asia, Ber­ Prolegomena to a cosmology of healing in Vanir keley, and in the abstract booklet of the 16th World type. If a marriage is based on social Norse mythology. In S. Krippner & H. Kalweit Congress of Sexology, Havana Cuba. Research for stereotypes, and if one partner re­ (Eds.), Yearbook of cross-cultural medicine this article was supported by the Chair for the Study verts to an archetype, the marriage and psychotherapy 1998/1999 (pp. 125-174). of Consciousness, Saybrook Graduate School.

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 21 The JMttrte!f H&tn.e: a Rwer Dwi.ded,

By Rob Kuehn

Graywold on the Rogue River, Oregon

wE ARE GIVEN MANY GIFTS throughout medications; which were intended to assist in our healing our lives. How we choose use them is a reflection of their not to supercede or replace the mind -body-spirit healing value. The gift that I received was always there, it was systems. just hidden with human conditioning and arrogance. My The more opportunities I have to use the Creative gift was in the question, "What if everything one believed REM Process or CRP the more questions I have about in was wrong?" consciousness and how it interacts with the world. I, like most, grew up being taught that we are a mechanistic society. That everything could be fixed a Gift Re.tW'n.ed. systematically. My grandfather was an automobile mechanic. To this day I still hear stories of people who In early December of 2002 my friend, mentor and believed my grandfather was gifted and capable of teacher was faced with his second bleeding Aortic repairing automobiles like no one else. As a young person Aneurysm. Two years prior he had an aortic aneurysm I would dream of the days I too would be an automobile burst and he nearly lost his life. He lives about a half­ mechanic and people would come from miles away so I hour from the hospital and by the time he was in surgery, cou ld fix their cars. he retained only a half-pint of blood. Now, two years later, I never did become an automobile mechanic, but I he was flown from his home in southern Oregon to a did begin to wonder why humans were treated like hospital in Portland more suited to treat his condition. He automobiles. made a desperate call to me for help; He felt that if we, together, could access his subconsc ious he may be more prepared for what was about to take place. I made arrangements to make a 200 hundred-mile journey to be A few years back, I was introduced to the science of with him before the surgery. At eight o'clock on Tuesday human consciousness through dream work. Dreams, I am morning I walked into the ICU at Oregon State Health taught, are a way to explo re the subconscious. Since that and Science Hospital and was informed his surgery had time I have had the opportunity to help others heal diseases such as fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder, been reschedu led; it would take place a day early. All I depression, and arthritis using a process ca lled the cou ld do now was wait and pray for him. Throughout the Creative REM Process. By heal I mean completely and day I stayed in contact with the hospital to follow his without the use of surgery, medication or hypnosis. The progress. Finally, at 8p.m. Tuesday night- 12 hours after people I've worked with live each day without expensive his surgery had begun- he was delivered back to his room. medications or doctors. I have found this work quite Over the phone, I was given the news that his leg had profound and without limitation; one cou ld conclude that been removed below the knee. It appeared that since if these peop le were healing themselves, then humans August he had reached out for medical assistance and would not appear to need to rely on mechanistic was not taken seriously by his physician. After surviving procedures. the Aortic surgery, it was determined that the blood flow It appears we humans have the abi lity to repair to his leg had all but ceased; his leg was virtually dead and ourselves without wrenches, hammers or even the use of had to be removed.

22 Drea m Network/Va l. 22 No. 3 The following morning, I was allowed to spend a very short period of time with him. When I walk in I believed I was looking at a live corpse. My friend exhibited no nhance your ability to support the spiritual (remote) sign of life. If it weren't for his heart monitor, dimension of life through an understand­ I would have believed he was dead. Machines supplying E ing of Carl Jung's psychology. medications and sedation surrounded him. The tubes penetrating his flesh retrieved information and fed it back fJ~u~~~ ... to machines for interpretation. Anyone who knew this man knew he would not take this well. He has spent the better It is a sacred gathering that feeds the soul and part of his life pursuing the power of the placebo and is enlivens the spirit. It is a community where dreams are one who believes in natural healing. Others may see this taken seriously as a way the Divine enters our lives as a necessary evil; it wasn't for me to judge. with the wisdom and the insights we need to live fully It was at this time I began to give back the gift he into the persons we were created to be. had helped to open in me. I began to listen to him intuitively. What I noticed was a near-dead human being; a cold, spiritless body kept alive only by machines. I also ( ___U_ p_c_o_m_in_g_E_ve_n_t_s__ ) noticed a child-like spirit that had no care in the world. This spirit was indeed his and the spirit seemed to have no agenda, it was as if life or death really had no meaning. -~. This was unsettling and I would spend the next five hours I Oct 19-24 driving home thinking only of this experience. Why was ( · ,' _ Kanuga, Hendersonville, NC his spirit so uninvolved? Would my friend give up or would ilndrew Ha~ey • John Martin • Gary Sparks • Barry Williams ( . he wake up? Who or how was such a decision made if the \."SAn Evenihg of Poetry and Music with R. B. Morris one was separate from the other? Time it seemed would provide the answer. Oct 17 - 19 Each time over the next few weeks that the doctors Introduction to Jung- John & Carolyn Martin tried to bring him back to the awake state of An intensive weekend exploring consciousness, they failed ... and each time they did his the basic concepts of Carl Jung's psychology. blood pressure would elevate to a dangerous level. He remained in ICU heavily sedated for the next several Dec 5-7 weeks. Kanuga, Hendersonville, NC My wife and I made the trip the next time together. I believed her presence would help in his recovery. It was A Time for the day after Christmas when we walked into his room BROtHERS together. There he lie, still heavily sedated, barely able A gathering of men in support of one to move. We both knew with certainty that somewhere another as we recover the soul's journey down deep inside he knew we were there beside him. Tears gathered in his eyes when we first mentioned his name. I Jim Cullipher • Sid Cullipher • David Knudsen laid my hand on the crown of his head so as to calm him and let him know things were happening as they should. Dec.11 -14 My wife wiped his eyes and face hoping this to would relax Kanuga, Hendersonville, NC him, but he seemed to be fighting all the tubes, and especially the tube that carried oxygen to his lungs. rrr,__~~''n $acre~ Intuition I knew from the last time he was hospitalized that An invitation to men and women he fought the oxygen tube throughout his recovery. He to rediscover th e deep wisdom convinced nurses to remove the respirator earlier than within their own bodies and the doctors would have liked, but he seemed to heal more through th eir dreams. comfortably activating his own breathing. What happened next would not have happened, had I not known him as well as I do. I trusted him and more important at this time, I believe he trusted me. It was clear to see that he was fighting every part of this process and I believe the more one resists the more it persists. He did not like the violation of the machines around or in him, especially the tube placed in his throat. The only thing I could do was to encourage him to let go of his resistance and trust that what was happening could not be changed by him or myself. Just then his eyes said, "Take me home." Without speaking, I asked if he would like to take me with worked with had been diagnosed walked in and said , "This is odd! Why him? The message was clear, he not bipolar, and she often had two are these bubbles here?" The machine only wanted to go home but he wanted waterfalls in her dream. She would with the alarm had a tube filled with to go home to the river. pick the low one when she was a white fluid; the white fluid was being depressed, or the high one when she administered to him by I -V. There was manic. were also "air" bubbles in the tubes. Resuming our co -consciousness The nurse fixed the problem and left. journey, we began our journey to the What alarmed me was the white fluid The Rouge River in southern left side and I began to notice a was the medication that kept him Oregon is a very sacred place to this black tunnel- it reminded me of a heavily sedated! Sedated or man; it is where he is one with his black hole in space-as if we were controlled just like thick heavy straps. spirit. I asked him to take me there; entering into a new dimension. We if he wanted to go, I would go with entered the tunnel and were swept Moohtne. 01' CMlSc.i.o1Asn.e.ss him. We were sharing consciousness over a waterfall. The fall was not too or a co-conscious journey where his steep, and then we landed in a thick It was very clear at this point imagination and mine were joined as warm clear green fluid. I began to that he and I were sharing the same one and we would communicate notice bubbles of air rising to the dream and that he and I were one in through a dream. I will clarify this surface. The f luid seemed to consciousness ... but it appeared that description as the story unfolds. frighten him and he found it hard to his consciousness was also affecting I began to have a daydream that breathe. He appeared to be choking a machine! Could this be right? Were he and I were going down the river in the f luid and as I watched he clung machines less mechanistic than we together. I was rowing and he stood to the air bubbles, seemingly using think? Cou ld this mean that in the front of the raft with his arms the bubbles as a way to carry himself consciousness could be the underlying in the air as we navigated the rapids to the surface, to find safety. I force to all mechanistic machines as together. The river soon calmed and encouraged him to let go of the air well? Now I began to wonder if my I noticed his face was covered with bubble and to trust his imagination, grandfather had the ability to fix water. Beads of water rolled across allowing his imagination lead us automobiles in ways other than the his forehead. I then opened my eyes deeper into the dream. When he let use of his hands. and noticed he was sweating across go of the air bubble, he just seemed The other thing that occurred to his forehead the same way he was in to be floating in the fluid. me was my friend's dream was a my dream. I again placed my hand on Just then the nurse walked into reflection of how he was being the crown of his head and closed my his room; I opened my eyes when she treated. Whenever the doctors tried eyes once more. said it was time to clear the fluid to eliminate the sedation he would We came to a "Y" in the river and from his lungs. I stayed by his side begin to struggle and in turn, the it was time to make a cho ice as to hoping to calm him during the doctors would increase the sedation which way to go. We stood on the uncomfortable procedure. My to control his blood pressure. The shore where the river separated The presence seemed to help but to my straps would tighten when he would river divided just as he and his spirit amazement the fluid that was pulled struggle in his dream. appeared to be divided. We stood from his lungs was the same (green) I once again joined him in the together on the shore and I noticed fluid that was in our dream! dream-state. He was still wrapped in his face had a concerned and confused When the nurse left, we the white strap but now his on ly look on it. He then asked me, "Which continued. I asked, through my struggle was his head moving as if way do we go?" I could only respond dream, if he would continue going struggling for air. We were with "This is your journey, you must deeper into his consciousness and interrupted once again by his decide and I will go with you." Without encouraged him to let go and to give respiratory therapist. The therapist hesitation he went to the left. (It up his struggle. In my dream he checked his lungs and talked to him should be noted here that most of the began to relax. More bubbles would as if he was really listening. I liked damage to his body is on the left side.) slowly rise; then I began to notice a his approach. During his first aneurysm, he had a thick heavy strap being wrapped I asked how his lungs were? The stroke and lost his peripheral vision around him. This strap was wrapped therapist took a deep breath and on the left side; the leg that was very tightly around his entire body slowly told us that his lungs were taken from him was also on the left so that none of his limbs were failing. They were not getting any side and now he has chosen the left allowed to move. He began to better and in fact they seemed to be side of the river to travel. struggle again but that only made the getting worse. This was the second It has been my experience that strap tighten. I continued to time my friend had shared this with when a person picks a direction (right, encourage him to relax and to give me during this dream. Through his left, high, low), there is generally a in to his dream; as he was in this subconscious he was sharing his subconscious purpose for this choice. dream-state the machine behind him struggle with me; the fluid in his lungs For instance, a client whom I 've began to sound the alarm. The nurse and the sedation he was under were

24 Drea m Network/Val. 22 No. 3 killing him. He was resisting all Tlie Mysticaf MagicaC Marvefous Wor[c[ of Dreams attempts of modern medicine because Wilda B. Tanner it was violating his very being. dream work. The comprehensive I felt that our dream together his classic best-seller offers the glossary and extensively cross­ could go no further. I shared with my T spiritual seeker a proven method referenced index wi ll make it a wife what I had experienced with him. for usin g dreams as guidance to heal, most-reached for re ference book. For info go to our online She had been standing quietly beside to solve problems, to create health, wealth, and understandin g. Fa sci nati ng bookstore at us and had noticed something similar information on dream research: where www. sanctasophia.org or call to what I had experienced on my first Sparrow Hawk Pre ss we go when we dream, recalling 800 386-7 161. visit with him weeks before. What she ISBN 0-945027-02-8 dreams, lucid dreaming, and more. Find other great books by noticed was that during our dream, 380 pages Now in its 14th printing, this book Wi lda B. Tanner and many other there was an image of a Wolf in the $19.95 is a must for anyone serious about authors. room. Now, I understand this may sound somewhat odd, but it really is quite profound knowing that this man-many years earlier-felt his life changed forever due to the presence Graduate School for Holistic Studies of a wolf. She said that the wolf DREAM STUDIES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM seemed to represent "a strength in truth" without an agenda, an "observer • Pioneering 36-unit certificate program within an accredited university with faith." • Offers an interdisciplinary apjJroach to the study of dreams This observation seemed to have • Designed for students and professionals wishing an interesting twist to it. If the Wolf to tuork in the field of dream studies was a representation of the Spirit, it was not willing to join into conflict 925.254.0105 or email [email protected] with the ego or what seemed to be a human machine. In my opinion, human conflict is strength in ego and spiritless action. The spirit doesn't operate in conflict; spirit-like consciousness moves in a flowing .------, manner, simi lar to a river or steam and Tiny Signs joins only in peace without conflict. In one, We soon left the hospital and I Tiny signs were placed on the sunlight vanished into a hill spent much time in reflection of this ceilings of hospital rooms, dream experience. Once again I had so that if people were genuinely near dawn, another was of fog watched consciousness leap the having out-of-body experiences on a road as it curved toward a boundaries of mechanistic machines and hovering over their beds, they sleeping town. and medicine. My mentor returned to would be able to see the signs These, and others had been the awake-side of his dreams within and provide 'proof of the obscured by the handiwork of the the week and began the long road to phenomenon. inductively challenged. recovery. We have shared more Who, dead or alive, could not make dreams and more healing has ensued. The first to really grab my eye: out ON WAKING, PLEASE ALERT He will return to the river ... I am IF YOU CAN STILL READ THIS, THE STAFF THAT YOU sure ... undivided. p YOU'RE NOT DEAD YET Already somewhat torn between HAVE READ THIS SIGN. ogling and being me, this did not THANK YOU, THE STAFF help. placed like a refrigerator magnet above the operating table? KILROY WAS HERE was no But it's the others, the fog upon surprise nor was NO ONE GETS a tiny road heading into a town OUT OF HERE ALIVE, science that never was- this I recall as thE having always seemed a prank birds start caterwauling once someone let get way out of hand. again, It was the other signs, although and the ground warms as the first Rob Kuehn makes his home in Arlington covered by these freshly taped-up few rays now slant Washington and is a certified CRP Dream idiocies that caught me unaware. across the hillside, as if a sign. Mentor with Asklepia Foundation located in Grants Pass Oregon. Mark Mansfield

Vol. 22 No. 3 /Dream Network 25 with child. Further, it seemed that the frozen tundra equates to the winter of life, to being on one's own, as I surely am when Dave doesn't On answer, as we all are, ultimately. The helicopter and observatory are curious: what must I be observing for this flight? Perhaps it's the shapes to which I must pay attention: a dome on a flat surface is iconic for the rising sun. Allusion to the birth of the sun in the distance adds a hopeful quality to this dream. Caro l Pearson says it is crucial to acknowledge that even the misfortune of leaving one's youth by Georgia Stout behind can be experienced as a dismemberment. In her book Awakening the Heroes Within, sh~ SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP-that's all I While Pretat offers logica l depicts various aspects of the self seemed to do, though not as in a reasons for prolonged lethargy, I am as archetypes. The Destroyer, it depression, but rather as lethargy. glad mine was short-lived. seems , an archetype strongly I felt frustrated and out of sorts Nevertheless, the dreams suggest present in me today, "begins to until a friend asked if I were anxiou~ the unconscious at work on my become our ally when we recognize about turning 60. I said I hadn't behalf. the need to change or give something thought about it, hadn't wanted to up without denying the pain or grief think about it, but perhaps I shou ld. Dream: I am in wild Alaska, in deep involved" (143). My dreams agreed, as they offered snow country, perhaps on a glacier .. A party of us are on skis. We get In the second dream, there is a up a series leading to the actual young girl who reads aloud from birthday. As we know, each dream separated on two ridges over a valley, so I think we'll meet up at existential literature as I clean out in a series tends to suggest a new my room. She is at a desk in the aspect to the subject. The the end. Daughter Sarah, about 10 in the dream, is with me and some hall. She has large, solemn eyes movement in this series goes from that match the solemnity of her fear to acceptance to workable man. We get separated as I slide down the ridge to the valley on my voice. She burns red candles, one possibilities for the approaching of which I have given her. A piece decade. This piece, then, is a record rear end. Sarah follows. Then we make our way down the snow valley of candle has been made to stand of my attempt to approach my in the linoleum floor, and others sixtieth birthday with eyes wide on foot. I think I hear my husband, Dave, but he's laughing stick out horizontally from the open, mindfully and conscious ly. Jane desk. I show her how to light them Pretat, in Coming to Age, writes and doesn't answer when I desperately call his name. Ahead, and speak of her power. Then I am about descent and loss of verve in embracing and caressing her as we our outer lives as the years creep I see a helicopter across the way and a round, white building, lie on a pile of clothes discarded up : from my room. "It's as if the energy previously somewhat like an observatory. available to the demands of daily Sarah and I look, then suddenly I I am cleaning out my room, my living were suddenly withdrawn and am on my stomach and she is most personal psyche -to make room invested in a growth fund in the dangling from my hand over an for her? Perhaps she is my reclaimed unconscious . .... Something happens enormous drop-off whose bottom I youth, or acceptance of the beyond our control and we find can't see. She seems unafraid, but existential facts. The candles have ourselves in a state of ennui. The I call for help; I know I am not to do with transformation and power. simplest tasks seem monumental. strong enough to pull her up. Thus, they bring light and, along with This may last a day or it may last This dream has a nightmare the girl's read ings, reveal wisdom. much longer. In some instances the quality to it. My dream group The girl is a chrysalis, an aspect of depletion of energy can last for thought it had to do with age, about me I can embrace, while the months or even years, as the work losing a grip on youth- Sarah is my discarded clothes are surely goes on in the unconscious. "(49) youngest child and was, at the time, discarded aspects of the persona.

26 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 messages to that self in support of Next, I am in an airport with my CouRses on friend, Miki, and my daughter, it. It also helps to have people Betsy. Our shoes are off and around who support that birthing of OJy-chic StoRies missing; watches and clothes are Self. Pretat asks the question we forgotten, including panty hose. must all ask: "Who is the child of our in Oepch Psycho(ogy We are representatives at a liquor future development who [sic] we somehow lost, abandoned or never with Jonathan Young. Ph.D. convention. I have no Ston;teller • Psychologist • Founding Curato identification, but I am given knew in earlier life?" Like many soul permission to replace what I need searching questions, this one has to Joseph Campbell Archives do with the possibility that the from hotel shops. My spouse is Continuing Education Credit Available peripheral. I spend the rest of the "relationship to the mother, whether Call 805 687-7171 for brochure [dreaming] night designing the personal or archetypal, has in some costumes I would have the shops way been lost, along with a part of or browse folkstorv.com make, including a mask. the personality" (53). Certainly, it is nearly impossible not to lose pieces This dream suggests I am taking of oneself as the infant identifies the task is to learn to let go, turn it flight without the normal with and concentrates on that which over, accept mortality. Pearson says accoutrements. They are not seems to please the mother. The most people have some form of self­ necessary. The idea of a liquor longer we live, the better our destructive behavior, thus the convention reaches back to the past chances to give birth to those question becomes who or what gets and suggests I have old skills which suppressed aspects of the Self. destroyed and by whom. can be resurrected; again, I am on my own. The costumes imply I am in I dreamed an enormous, long dream I dream I am a senior in high the process of reinventing myself, related to the house in which we school. The English teacher has and they are quite necessary, as, in raised our family. Briefly, the new four old books from which we are the previous dream, I have discarded owners had changed not only the to choose to read as a class. We my old persona. I can even don a new interior but also the fac;ade from choose a seventeenth century mask if I choose, a new face, a new Tudor to southwestern. The man swashbuckler and a white, way of looking out at the world. took us for a raft ride along the handwritten journal. The latter stream that went around the has an ISBN number, so I know it A couple months before my property. A boy was injured, and a has been published. I offer to go birthday, I spent the day thinking grandmother-type took care of to the librarian to find out if the about all I have experienced and him. Later, looking at the house first book is available. At the learned, and I realized that now is from a distance, my husband said office, I see a notice on the my time to contribute. I've been a "Look, it's on a ridge and will librarian's locked door that she's gatherer of knowledge all too long, eventually all fall down." away. I ask to use a phone to call and now it is time to give back. the publisher but am treated like Perhaps I can truly be a crone. If the house is my psyche, the student I appear to be and Judith Viorst writes that "the changes have been made in a denied permission. The woman perspective upon a long personal past masculine manner. Indeed, the small suggests a pay phone on the third with experience to season and focus masculine is injured, but it doesn't floor where the seniors are. I say that perspective ... is a positive and really matter because none of us, I am a senior. including me, is immortal; eventually, unique gift of being old" (293). The Back near the classroom, I see decade of my 40s was rather we will all fall down .. What about the stream of water encircling this "Mr. King" with whom I taught long somnambulant-at least till the end­ ago. I reintroduce myself, and he but my 50s teemed with the house, this psyche? The movement is clockwise, indicating conscious says he remembers me from Notre excitement of new life, of learning, Dame. He is helpful and explains of travel, of friends. While awareness, as well as suggesting I am going with the flow, so to speak. And that the journal is written by a recognizing, along with my existential sick or dying man and contains his dream girl, the facts that accompany if we understand this moving water as a psychic cleanser, it may be remarks regarding all the this age, I still feel vibrant and kindnesses that have been offered energetic, and I look forward to the washing away old ways of being, old beliefs. to him. It is not yet finished. It next decade. seems I can get students to make In the next few months, my Reminded that the archetype of copies of this journal for all to dreams were filled with babies and the Destroyer is a high priority for read. The pressure is off the children. If it is the Self I am me, I note that the Destroyer's goal swashbuckler. A comic, toilet birthing, then I must send love is growth and metamorphosis, and scene full of women my age follows,

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 27 on changing clothes for various but I probably could if I switched Julia activities but am distracted by two it to the other arm. Several other young girls requesting therapy­ adults are in the room. Someone While I bathe her body, type answers. When I get to yoga, from the hall asks how many of us her wisdom washes over me. I see foods set out for a reception. want to stay the night. We all Storied, pearl-like droplets I ask what's going on, and the raise our hands. I am disappointed registrar says, Georgia, it's not to be the only one, search for a resting place. graduation. Mine? Iask. When? but it is okay. Proud presence transcends Now, he says. I ask for a few minutes to change clothes, then The first dream seems to be paralyzed limbs, crumpled linen. welcoming me to this decade of my Enthused remembering enlivens­ run across the campus to our lodging where my spouse clumsily life, to be inviting me to join my overshadows her failing body. helps me. I wake up, certain that I elders, while simultaneously stressing the importance of my body Julia carries us back have the appropriate shoes somewhere in my bag. of knowledge. That the house is nearly ninety years uncluttered is also positive: perhaps to a remembrance Again, the clothes seem to be my psyche need only deal with the that still delights her. about selecting or changing a basics. The second, however, is persona, while not being aware of the rather a warning: if a piano has to do "Shortly after Grandfather died, graduation suggests I might let this with creativity, the suggestion is he set me on his knee in a dream major birthday slide by that I'd better be chained to it if I saying, Til see you again someday.' unconsciously. The dream wants me want to accomplish anything, It was so real." to be aware of my skills, of my place teaching being an implication of the in life at this time. Having the setting. Time seems not to matter, A bright smile lights her face. appropriate shoes indicates I am nor does solitude. In fact, it may be Eyes brim, in anticipation. indeed grounded in this persona. that the presence of colleagues is Her frail fingers reach for mine Pretat reminds me that "developing necessary. Pretat warns that press them to her cheek. an ego that endures the truth and "Especially as we search for wisdom does not meddle with fate seem[s] in age, we need to be aware of Helen A. Quade to be [a goal] we all strive for as we whether our desire is to be more l.'::::::======::l go through the transitional passage powerful in the world or to give birth of coming to age" (42). My dreams to new creativity without placing a then I am the teacher, and the seem to be insisting I accept the personal claim on it" (69). This seems classroom is serene. existential truth and move on. an important distinction, one The repeated use of the word validated by the second dream in Then, finally, I dream of a which I am not to be singled out. senior is 'clear, though the dream positive Intervention, followed by a suggests, at the beginning, that I counterbalancing dream: In my waking life, I had dismissed have not accepted myself as a senior the importance of my sixtieth birthday, person. Instead, I must be reminded The setting is my house, though choosing not to contemplate what it that I am moving beyond the goal­ unfamiliar. It is sparsely means to approach one's seventh setting, learning phase-indeed, the furnished. An old friend, Anne, decade. Further, though I had library is locked-and it is now time telephones that she is coming over. completed a PhD over a year ago, I still to take my place as a mentor; the I am pleased. Another woman hesitated to "put myself out there," if king is dead, long live the king-or shows up and says, yes, she knows you will. The dreams prodded me, queen. The toilet scene suggests a Anne called. Anne shows up as do encouraged me, and even certain giddiness or bawdiness that about ten other women I knew demonstrated what fun it can be to can characterize women friends; it many years ago in a service move past the trappings of youth and reminds me of Demeter, in mourning organization, women a few years middle age. Thanks be to dreams! p for her lost daughter/youth, raising older than I am. One by one, they her skirt with a raucous laugh. Then tell me how important my work is Viorst, Judith. Necessary Losses. NY: there is the journal, a handwritten and suggest ways I might Simon and Schuster, 1986. piece that is not yet finished. disseminate it by writing, teaching, Pearson, Carol S. Awakening the Heroes and so on. The meeting is powerful. Within. SF: Harper Collins, 1991 Perhaps it is the story of my life. Pretat, Jane R. Coming to Age. Toronto: Shortly thereafter, my dream was In the second dream, the setting is Inner City Books, 1994. of graduation, though I still didn't a classroom. I am inexplicably Contact Georgia Stout via email at get it.. In the dream, I am focused chained, albeit lightly, to the piano bench. I cannot read my watch, [email protected]

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Since 1975, the semi-annual Jungian Seminars In Switzerland have been noted for the warmth of their spirit, and the innovative excellence of their content. Internationally-renowned European analysts and teachers lead seminar members in considering selected topics and themes in jung ian thought. U. S. Administrative Office Three Unity Square, P. 0. Box 64, Machiasport, Maine 04655-0064, USA Telephones 800.258.3533 or207.255.6700 Fax 207.255.6771 E-mail [email protected] Website www.jungianseminars.org liste.n.i.n.g t& the Dreo.ms of the £l.de,r~ ©2002 by Edward Bonapartian

AT A RECENT FAMILY surrounded by three generations of "every night when I go to sleep I REUNION, I had a wonderful oppor­ family, I could still feel the pain of dream that they are in my bed with tunity to listen to a beautiful dream her loss. She had spent her entire me. When I awaken in the morning, I told to me by my wife's ninety-two life in close contact with her family go to reach for them and they are year old Aunt Victoria. It was an ex­ and they were the part of her life not there. It makes me feel so sad." perience that illustrated to me an­ she always cherished the most. I smi led and nodded my head in other aspect of the healing nature Sensing an opportunity to do agreement. "I have a feeling your sis­ often found in dreams. Sometimes some dreamwork here, I asked her ters will always be there for you," I people will already have had a heal­ if she ever saw her deceased sis­ told her. She got quiet for a moment ing dream, however they need some­ ters in her dreams. She seemed and looked forlorn. When I asked her one to listen, someone to confirm for both startled and excited by this what was wrong, she told me her them that what they are experienc­ question. "Why yes!" she exclaimed, daughter wouldn't take her seriously ing is just as real and impor- whenever she tried to talk tant as the events in their wak­ about her dreams of her sis­ ing life. ters. "It's OK Aunt Victoria" I Aunt Vicky arrived at the told her, "I'll li sten to your reunion shortly after my wife dreams whenever you want to and I had arrived. I cou ld see talk about them." She seemed the ninety-degree heat was happy at hearing this and sm il ed bothering her. She seemed at me. tired and was moved s lowly. As I watched her get up in After giving her a hug, I sat order to partake in the poker next to her on the couch. Look­ game materializing in the ing at her face, I sensed her kitchen, I realized that we had tiredness. When I inquired as given each other a gift. She had to how she was feeling, she given me the gift of her dream looked me straight in the eye and I had given her the gift of and told me that since there­ li stening to that dream. iJ cent death of her two sisters, she has felt very poorly. My Edward Bonapartian is a dreamer distinct impression was that from the Albany New York area her spirit was tired and I saw who delights in sharing dream tears in her eyes as she told awareness with friends and family. Contact him at 44 Van Heusen me her brother was also very Street, Albany, NY 12205 Eves ill and not doing well . Even (518) 869-2344 Days1-800-388- though she was s itting here 7833 [email protected]

30 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 Aunt Victoria and three generations of her family, taken in front of t he farm hou se in Hadley MA. where she was ~orn. Vts ttati&ns i.n tM, Dteo.m:tiJne,

by Dawn Star Dickson

IN THIS TIME OF IMMENSE program. I led grief support groups people, the notion that their loved WORLD CHANGE it is imperative and talked to countless individuals in one might visit them from the other that each of us look within for person and by phone offering grief side completely rocked the guidance and council. We are leaving support and counseling. People would foundation of their belief system. It the time of the external expert and consistently speak of having dreams caused them to reexamine their entering the age of personal and of their deceased loved ones. These assumptions and question the narrow community wisdom, intuition and dreams were reported as having a perspective from which they had inner expertise. Now is the time for different quality to them. They were viewed sp iritual matters. us to truly listen to what our dreams always notably vivid and described as These discussions usually began have been trying to reveal to us all feeling "real." In all of my experience with one brave sou l courageous along and to share these night visions listening to people individually and in enough to speak of her experience with our communities. We do not group settings, I have only heard one authentically in a gathering of mostly dream for ourselves alone but for person express distress about these strangers. I liken that person to the each other and for our world. My kinds of dreams. Almost unanimously chi ld in the famous story who boldly experience has shown me that many people welcomed them and told me claims that the emperor has no people are being offered messages that these dreams brought them a clothes. As soon as it was declared of on-going life and connection to the sense of great relief. I began to that communication with those who Spirit realm through visitations in present the possibility that these have transitioned to the other side the dreamtime. may not simply be dreams of might be possible, others began to mourning, but rather actual tell their stories. Soon, those who DREAMS visitations from loved ones bringing had not had such encounters began OF THE BEREAVED messages to the bereaved. In these wishing for a visitation, a sign from largely mainstream, conservative A turning point in my their loved one that all was well in groups this idea was startling. life and death. professional work with dreams came Despite being in unfamiliar territory, several years ago when I developed many admitted that they believed I am thankful for the honor of and managed a hospice bereavement this could be possible. For some sitting with these broken- hearted Vol. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 31 and wise human beings. The gift I knowing that life is eternal and that Shortly after my father died I had a received from them was the loved ones will reunite. Most often, dream where I was in a crowded room understanding that dreams are more the deceased appears to be in with many strangers. My father than unconscious psychological restored and vibrant health. A woman walked in, dressed in a suit looking as material. They taught me that dreams I know whose father died recently handsome and healthy as he ever had, provide information and encounters dreamt that she had bought a new despite the cancer that ravaged his on various levels. They escorted me home, a grand white colonial with two robust body. My heart leapt into my into the realm of sacred dreaming, large columns on either s ide of the throat. "It's him!" It was all so real. I ancestor work and the spiritual door. This house closely resembled ran up to him and threw my arms essence of the dreamtime. her childhood home. Her father was around him. I could feel his body and . In her book Dreamspeak, visiting for a barbecue. In the dream smell his Old Spice after-shave Rosemary Ellen Guiley writes about she was nine months pregnant, ready co logne. I then realized that the three types of "encounter dreams": to give birth at any moment. She woman standing next to me could not the farewell dream, the reassurance described his body as being see him. "Don't you see him?" I asked. dream, and the dream gift. luminescent, surrounded by a white She could not. I refocused on him. He light. She attempted to convince her held out his closed hand, something THE FAREWELL father that he should move in with obviously hidden in his palm. I opened her, since she had plenty of space in my hand to receive his offering. Into In my hospice work, medical social her new home and because he had my palm poured several brightly work, and private practice, I have heard many stories of deceased loved apparently been living down the colored stones. I felt great gratitude. ones visiting dreamers to say good­ street anyway. He told her no. "I don't I proceeded to look for a proper bag bye. I find this to be particularly live down the street anymore. I'm in or container to hold this precious gift. common when the death is sudden a much better place now. I'm happy Suddenly he was gone. He never said giving the bereaved no time to say and I really like it where I am." He a word. This was a reassurance dream good-bye or come to terms with the added, "It's warm there too" and then in that it was clear to me that he was traumatic event. In many cases these he left. While it is evident that this well. But I also received the colorful dreams were telepathic in nature in dreamer was processing her grief, it stones, bones from the Mother Earth is also quite possible that he was that the dream encounter took place that he so loved. He was a gardener literally visiting her, informing her in his retired years (Down to Earth at or near the time of death. One woman I spoke with dreamt that she that he can no longer live with her in Gardening was the name of his was walking down the street. She this world and reassuring her that he business) and he was also a rock glanced to the other side of the road is in a good place .. This dreamer does hound. He loved stones. I know in his and saw her father waving to her. No not consider herself to be overtly life on this plane he did not know of words were spoken. She did not cross spiritual and was shocked to have such the powerful healing property of the street to join him. She simply a soulful dream. Incidentally, she is stones and the s ignificance of color. waved back. Upon awakening, she in the process of moving to another He just knew what he loved. And so I knew that she had been waving good­ state, will be buying a new house, and gather stones from the Earth as they bye. She immediately made a phone is pondering starting a family. The are gifted to me and use them in my call to discover that her father had idea of her father not sharing in this healing work. Never underestimate indeed died unexpectedly in the night. happiness of course brings sorrow. the gifts from the other side. Pregnancy almost always symbo li zes He was saying farewell from "the THE ANCESTORS other side" of the road or path. new beginnings. The death of a parent is a turning point for many people. We Sometim es visitations can be THE REASSURANCE are not the same following the death from family members we never knew of a parent. In some ways we finally or from ancient ancestors. In the Reassurance dreams are the most become adults. It will be wonderful common type of encounter dreams Dream Network Journai(Vol. 21 #4), to see the creations she gives birth Russell Arthur Lockhart, Ph.D. tells reported to me. Some might say that to in her new life. dreams of this nature are simply wish an incredible story about being fulfillment from people with startled in a dream by the face of an THE GIFT old man saying sternly, "I am your ~nresolved grief issues. Having l1 stened to the power, intensity, and This is a most special type of grandfather!" He said nothing else, lucidity of such dreams, I disagree dream. It crosses over into shamanic just stared at him. Lockhart brushed with this interpretation. These dreaming where a teacher, guide or it off, especially since he had known encounters leave the dreamer with a ancestor shows up to give you advice, his now-deceased grandfathers and feeling of complete confidence in the answer a question, show you a path, this apparition looked nothing like divine order of life events. With or communicate love or forgiveness. them. But the dream reoccurred, reassurance dreams there is a It is very important to pay attention again and again, in the same way, with to the gift for it could be life altering. the man's face prominent and saying

32 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 The World Dream Book Use the Wisdom of World Cultures to Uncover Your Dream Power SARVANANDA BLUESTONE, Ph.D.

A unique self-help guide to dream interpretation using techniques and icons from cultures around the world. Includes numerous exercises for inducing, recalling, interpreting, and utilizing dreams. Extends beyond Jung and Freud into the practices of world cultures, such as the Temiar of Malaya, the African I bans, the Lepchka of the Himalayas, and the Ute of North America. $14.95, paper, 240 pgs., 6 x 9, b/w illustrations throughout, ISBN 0-89281-902-2

Don Juan and the Power of Medicine Dreaming A Nagual Woman's Journey of Healing MARILYN TUNNESHENDE This is the story of one woman's journey of healing and transformation through Toltec mysticism and shamanic dreaming. Through her journey we learn of the power of transmutational energies and how they can be applied to personal life challenges and to transform the world around us. $15.00, paper, 232 pgs., 53/ax 81/4, ISBN 1-879181-93-2

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clearly, "I am your grandfather!" The unclear and certainly a very personal overnight. They require study, dreams were so frequent that he part of Lockhart's sp iritual journey. practice, dedication, and sometimes finally sought council. After much I share his story to illustrate the immersion in the cu lture itself. analysis leading nowhere, his stumped immense energy field we are working Unraveling the mysteries of the therapist said, "Go tell your mother with when we comm it to honoring our dreamtime asks nothing less than this dream." He did so , and discovered dreams. I also share it to emphasize total commitment to one's soul. You to his amazement that the man he the power of our own knowing and say , will f ind that if you make such a thought to be his maternal once again, never underestimate the comm itment, the f lavor of your grandfather was not. His images of the dreamtime or gifts dreams will change and visitations grandmother had a passionate love from the ancestors. from beyond will increase, bestowing affair with a man resulting in her THE COMMITMENT gifts you could have never imagined. pregnancy while her husband was These gifts are not for you alone. away serving military duty. After Conn ie Kaplan (Dreams are They are to be given back, as all many years and much diligence on Letters from the Soul) says that energy is given back, so that we may Lockhart's part, following a string of dreaming is humanity's most common continue to evo lve, heal and achieve difficulties and seemingly impossible sp iritual practice. Even peop le who our potential. tJ synchronicities (he had only one old do not consider themselves to be photo and a set of military dog tags spiritual have dreams that make them that were not particularly helpful), he stop and ponder their life journey, discovered descendants of his real now and beyond. Truly benefiting Dawn Star Dickson, MSW is a therapist grandfather. He discovered cousins from the gifts and messages of the and spiritual counselor helping individuals he never knew he had. When they dreamtime requires attention, through life transitions using dreamwork showed him a more recent photo of commitment and gratitude. We can no to access the rich landscape of metaphor and archetypes. She leads a twice monthly their grandfather Frank Davis, he saw longer lo ok at dreams as simp ly Sacred Dreaming Circle. She is available that it was the same face that had entertainment. Dreams speak to us in for private consultation, dream circles, appeared in his dream. Why his blood a different language, a language of retreats and workshops on dreams and grandfather thought it was important energy, image, symbo l, metaphor, and other related topics. Contact her at 206- for Lockhart to know him now is . Languages are not learned 781-1772 orE" [email protected].

Vo l. 22 No. 3 /Dream Network 33 Sorrow secretly stains the air In the white walls grief weeps In the putter light In the crack of broken hearts.

A brief glimpse of faces unknown The mouth of time hangs open In the pale glass. In the .looseness of old age.

Piles of blankets hide a dead man No comfort for those who waste and die In the stark conidor. In cold, sterile hospital wards.

While slippers flop and flip by Phillip Maden on the bleached floor. [email protected]

Art by David Joaquin

34 Drea m Network/Val. 22 No. 3 Now Open to the Publici YourGuidingDreams.com OI.DEST E\'r.\:VI' I>REA:\lJOliRNAt Based on the proprietary Personalized Method for Interpreting Dreams (PMID) RFOJRJJS SP/Rirt AJ.I:XPFRIHVO:' OFA JH.\'11;'/l SEER "YourGuidingDreams is a beautiful fusion of ancient dreamwork styles with the SWEDENBORG'S DREAM DIARY new, personalized methods. " lARs BERGQUIST Edward Bruce Bynum, Ph.D. Author, Families and the Interpretation of Dreams Anders Hallengren, translator wedish man of letters Lars Bergquist explains the often enigmatic dream journal OUR ACCLAIMED GRADUATE·LEVEL* ONLINE DREAM ANALYSIS PROGRAM that Emanuel Swedenborg kept from 1743 S IS NOW AVAILABLE TO YOU! to 1744 during a period of spiritual crisis. - Increase Dream Recall Swedenborg, then a scientist, recorded his - Fu ll PMID learning dreams and visions and added his own - Personal online Dream Journal - Members only Discussion Room interpretations, creating one of history's first and - Discover key Relationship patterns longest dream analyses. The diary, a key to - Use DreamScan - the latest technology to instantly find understanding Swedenborg's later spiritual dream symbols works, reveals his daily life, particularly his struggle against temptation. "I am still amazed - probably always will Psychology I Dreams, 0·87785-198·0, he, 6 x 9, 370 pp, $24.95 be- with how much I have learned and how much dreams have been trying to tell me. SWEDENBORG FouNDATION PuBLISHERS I CHRYSALIS BooKs I just didn't know!" YourGuidlngDreams Member 1.800.355.3222, ext. 10 www.swedenborg.com • Accredited by the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater's Counselor Education Department and offered through the University's Distance Education Department.

Change the World One Dream at a Time We are all affected by the struggle and uncertainty facing our nation and the world. The ancient cultures believed in the guidance and the wisdom brought to us in our dreams. Facing our shadows, trusting our intuition, believing in the collective unconscious are a few of the precious tools of dreamwork. There is 110 better time than right now to start learning how C)Fte c~w CEnafand we can use our dreams to make the changes necessary in our lives to (Dream,vork qnstitute contribute to a global awakening to peace. • Multi-Level Certification Training Programs Fall Weekend Intensive 1 • Weekly Online Dreamgroups September Il" - 14 /z, 2003 • Monthly Online Dreamgroups with Jeremy Taylor Dreams & Mythology • Individual Dreamwork Featuring faculty Stanley Krippner Ph.D. Jeremy Taylor, Cody Sisson, Nancy Grace A fu ll course description and For more information please contact Weekend Intensives: Janumy, April, & September application is avail able online: Cody Sisson www.dragon-heart.com Faculty 330 Old Wendell Road Jeremy Taylor Julia Landis Northfield, MA 01360 Fariba Bogzaran Stanley Krippner 413498-5950 Kelly Bulkeley Jane White Lewis Nancy Grace Mena Potts We follow The ASD Ethica l Email: Cody Sisson Criteria for Dreamwork Training . cody~dragon-heartconl by Judith Picone

fly on her own. As I help we fly off I N 1993 MY SISTER Dl ED after Cerridwen's house. I find some suffering through a battle with paints in front of me, and while the branch and over the city cancer. Approximately four years waiting for the danger to pass, heading towards home. When we prior to her death I began receiving paint the patterns presented. near the river there is a long dreams that would guide me through Later, Cerridwen returns. She warehouse with many doors opening this sacred, intense and troubling teaches me how to correct and closing on both sides. We must fly in one set of doors and out the time we had left together. injustice. When I have learned About a week before we learned what she has to teach me, she others on the opposite side. I take of my sister's cancer, I was given a says, "You are now Cerridwen." Shirley's hand and we manage to make it through both sets of gift in the form of a dream. Th is That is, " You have been taught my doors. Then we fly out over the dream proved to be a guiding force powers and can use them." When I for me during the three-and-a- half leave the cottage it is night. As I river, under the bridge and head years ordeal of my sister Shirley's walk down the road back toward home." fight against the disease. The dream town, I encounter my sister. I take Although I didn't have a clue as not only told me I would be guided, her hand and we fly above the to the message of this dream, the but also told me who would be guiding ground. We come to a restaurant meaning came into focus when my me: The dream: next to a tall evergreen tree and sister called telling me she had fly up to sit on one of its upper cancer. Now I realized that my "Criminals are after me. I flee into branches. Down below, we see the dreamself had given me a great the forest where I find a small crim inals, but are not ready to source of guidance in the form of cottage hidden amongst the trees. confront them. I am told it will Cerridwen, the old feminine crone I walk up to it and find the door take four years before we are who has helped in healing throughout open, slip inside and hide under the ready. While we rest on the tree the ages. I could understand that my couch which completely conceals branch I show Shirley the dream criminals were the cancer and protects me. I am told this is movements that will enable her to Shirley was carrying in her body. I

36 Dream Network/Vol. 22 No. 3 knew that this was bringing danger I dreamed: an eagles nest in it. Two large, to her life, but the dream told me fluffy baby eagles are in the nest. there would be a reprieve. There "I hear a sawhet owl hoot from a As we approach, the parent eagles would be time to tie up the loose ends tree. I am staying at a house out in become agitated. One of the eagles of her life and time to say good bye the woods. I open the window and swoops down and picks something to her loved ones. Most of all my look to see if I can spot the owl. up. When we come nearer we see dream told me that I was being given Before I have time to look, she that it is a bear standing on its a gift that would give me strength jumps onto my arm and then moves hind legs being supported by an and knowledge to help my sister with up to my right shoulder. " Owl" eagle on either side. I think the her disease and with her passing. leads me to understand that I can bear is dead. We wait. The eagles When Shirley found out about no longer leave this wooded area let Suzanne and Leigh each pick her cancer she was told that she had for it is where I belong. I am told one of them up. As they hold the a large cancerous tumor in her left that this small owl represents a eagles they circle back to where lung and that it was attached to her symbol for death. The sawhet and Shirley and I are standing. Now shoulder blade. The doctors were not I are now as one. I think to myself, the eagles let Shirley and I pass on sure whether or not to operate. The "This death is not so bad, not what our way. After we pass the tree, success of the operation would I expected." Suzanne and Leigh release the depend on whether or not the eag les. The eagles are upset with tumor could be dislodged through us for trespassing on their radiation and chemotherapy territory, but let us go on our treatments. After receiving this way." news Shirley dreamed: This is a part of a longer dream "I am with my three that told me our trip would be grandchildren. We are being enriched by having our friends chased by the "bad guys" and are Suzanne and Leigh along. The dream surrounded by streams of went on all night long and in it we poisonous waters. The children keep coming back to the eag le tree. and I run and hide and manage to Each time we pass we are told we escape. I get the children safely must pass before it gets dark. This into a house were they are was an important trip for my sister. protected. However, soon the bad She wanted to feel good, to heal guys come back and capture me." her body, and get on with her life as though her cancer were nothing Shirley's dream told her what but a bad dream. However, my mine had told me. She would have dream was showing me eag les, some time to live, but whatever the representing spirit, and that this cure, her cancer would return and was a t ime of crossings. The bear, get her. We both understood the my symbo l of physical healing and poisonous streams in her dream to From this dream on I would think protection, was dead! The eagles let be that of the radiation and of "Owl" in connection with us pass, but they give me the chemotherapy. I did not work in Cerridwen. Owl as the manifestation message that we needed to hurry depth with Shirley on this dream, of Cerridwen's energy. before it gets dark. Before Shirley because her will to live was very Shirley wanted to take a trip to becomes too ill to travel. strong. And it was her strong will the Southwest. She was interested Leigh, Shirley and I started our that kept her going long after others in see ing the Anasazi ruins, the trip on a sunny, fall day. We headed would have succumbed to the pain Grand Canyon, Albuquerque and down highway 101 along the she had to endure. I did not want her Santa Fe. We put together a trip and Washington and Oregon coasts until to have to face the second part of two other friends joined us. Shirley's we hit California where we would pick her dream, the part that said the bad operation was successful and the up Suzanne. I decided to take guys (her cancer) would come back doctors had given her an okay. highway 1 along the California coast. to get her. However, a night or two before we It was a mistake. The switchbacks In my dreams "Owl" became the departed on our journey I dreamed: made my sister very ill. We didn't guide helping my sister's soul in the have reservations for a motel room transition between body and spirit. "Shirley, Suzanne, Leigh and I are and it was getting dark. Finally, we "Eagle" represented the guide that walking down a hill to the water's came to a place called "Serenisea" would take her spirit home. One night edge and come to a large tree with and were lucky to find a nice cottage

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 37 to rent with three bedrooms and female detective goes into is old, a place of museums. I cannot that overlooked the sea. We were dangerous territory and is travel through, nor be in this area tired and went to bed early. In the kidnapped. Now we two (male) during daylight, sunlight, and with an morning I was awakened to Leigh detectives must go find her. We intellectual, reasoning mind. This calling me. She was outside gathering borrow a "Thunderbird" and drive place is both scary and intriguing to feathers that were spread out in to a museum in the black part of me. It is the place where my sister front of my bedroom window and town where we know we will find must go, or pass through. It was easy down the bank to the sea. I joined the information we will need. Once to understand why I had dreamed Leigh in gathering the feathers. We inside the museum, we look for the this dream. Every time I met with could see that they were owl room where we might find the files Shirley I could see that her body was feathers and then Leigh found a few and schematics. By looking through growing more diseased, her energy eagles feathers. It was apparent these files and schematics, we are level more weakened. that an owl had battled with an eagle certain we will find the The male dream detectives and lost the fight. This had intrigued me. We, "male detectives," occurred sometime during the night go to rescue the kidnapped "female or early morning hours as there detective," all of which are parts of were no feathers about when we myself. This tells me that my were out looking at the sea upon our intellectual mind is trying to arrival. understand the mystery of dying The doctors had told Shirley and death. My feelings and intuition she was all right. Now this incident (female detective) have already of the owl (for me representing soul been "captivated" or kidnapped by guide) and eagle (spirit guide) the dark. Perhaps my "feeling" seemed to be "dreamtime" female detective is trying to lure manifesting. It's message clearly my conscious, reasoning mind into a showing me that this journey we better understanding of the were taking would not bring healing "unknown." I might think of the two to Shirley's body. The journey was male detectives as myself and my about healing her soul. Shirley's sister. I am trying to bring Shirley health went up and down during the along in my detective search into her trip and by the time we reached dying and what dying brings after home she was so ill she had to be death. It is interesting that we go hospitalized. to find out about all of this in a It is hard to put together the "Thunderbird" car. To me the extent of imagery, symbols, and Thunderbird is similar to the metaphors that entered my dream Phoenix. A symbol of new life coming life the last year of Shirley's out of the ashes of the old. physical life here on earth. I whereabouts of the female Toward the end of Shirley's life dreamed a lot of dark people detective. Perhaps she is in the I was so close to her emotionally and representing "the bad guys" and basement amongst the dead bodies. physically that I would dream about scary, dark places. The dark A meeting is about to start. A what was going on with her health. represented something "hidden" and black person knocks at the door One night I dreamed: "dangerous." Then these dark images telling us to join them. This must and places transformed and became be the place, their secret hideout." "We are at an archeological dig. In my friends. I dreamed a dream I the dream we are invited into a called ... In working with this dream I tent where there are mummies in caskets. We begin to notice some "Gathering The Dark:H could understand its message as expressing my fears of Shirley's noxious fumes and can't breath. dying and her enormous fear of what Then we discover we are locked "I am at a family gathering with lay behind death's door. The final loss inside of the tent. I find a sharp Shirley and other members of my of a loved one is not something I instrument and cut a hole in the family. The dream scene changes wanted to think about. My dream told tent so we can get out." and we find ourselves among black me it was time and I must allow my people in a black neighborhood. It conscious mind to join forces with In the morning my Aunt called is night and something is up, some that which is dark and hidden, and to tell me Shirley had been rushed kind of a plot which is dangerous cannot be seen with my normal waking to the hospital. She had suffered and must be stopped! A black, eye. I am now entering a place that during the night with an asthma

38 Dream Network/Vol. 22 No. 3 attack and couldn't breath. the terrifying horseman appears mask and she was not able to move. As death courted Shirley, and kills the woman. The opera Her eyes were deploring. I held her the dark courted my dreams. goes on just as though nothing had hand and sat with her all day and into I dreamed: happened." the evening. My nephew spent the Shirley was getting ready to end night with her and I returned the "I am walking toward my sister's her life her on earth and our son was next morning. I knew she wanted to house when I pass a tall dark getting ready to graduate from say something, but it was to late. woman wearing black. I think Airborne School in Georgia. I wanted Eventually it struck me, because perhaps she is an Indian woman. I to be there for his ceremony. My Shirley was so heavily sedated she turn left and cross a bridge and dreams let me know that I could go might not know she was dying? I walk into a wooded area. I look up and would be back home in time to asked the nurses and they said this and see a raven swoop down toward be with Shirley at her time of death. might be true. So I did what I did me. I know it is bringing me a The night we returned from our not want to do . I start ed telling her message of Shirley's death." vacation and entered the house our it was time to leave her body. That we all loved her and knew she "I am staying at ranch. I am loved us. As I was telling her there with my sister, this I looked out the window cousins, and other relatives. and over the bay saw two bald We are enjoying our time eagles flying. I told Shirley, in together when we are told to her minds eye, to turn her head go inside for it is the day and see that there were two that the "Wild Elk" comes. eagles outside to help her His is a shape changer and spirit f ly free. My family can become a horse or arrived and we all sat with donkey. Everything he Shirley telling her we loved her touches dies! The Elk comes and although we would miss charging through the barn her, we wanted her to go on. yard. Back in the house It was time. A feeling came myself (as my sister) is over me that I should leave. I longing to go outside... she went up to Shirley and touching hears the seductive call of her firmly said, "I am leaving the Elk and wants to follow now. You know where you can it. We won't let her out." find me." I did this a couple of times and wondered what on Even the most scary earth my family thought of my dream of death was somehow actions? I was so sleepy on the softened by the dream drive to the ferry that I didn't content. One of the most memorable phone was ringing. Sh irl ey was in the think I would make it. Once on the described life and death as an opera. hospital and seemed okay. I told her boat, instead of going up into the I dreamed: I would be over in the morning. That cabin as I usually do, I let the back The Stage of Life night I dreamed: of my seat down and fell immediately "He comes for us in the boat. First to sleep. About fifteen minutes later, "The opera, Aida, is in progress and he ferries her across. Then he I awakened to a brilliant flash of I am a stage hand. I am waiting for comes back for me. We stand waist golden light. I looked at my watch the scene where I will let the deep in the water. There are two and it was 4:15. When I arrived home horses out on stage. It is night and ferry men, one black, stands my husband told me that my niece I hear a sound outside of the behind me, and one white in front." had called to say that Shirley had window. I look out and see the passed away at 4:15. As I was terrifying head of a horse To get to my sisters, I had to crossing the water, Shirley crossed attached to a human body. I know catch a ferry. This ride always gave the "Great Water" home. I recalled that this horse has come to kill the me t ime to collect myself on the way my initial dream of Cerridwen. She lead female performer singing on over to see her and get myself back had guided me from beginning to end. stage. I call down to the cast to together on the way home. When I Even in the crossing of the water. p leave the scene and protect arrived at the hospital, Shirley was themselves. Instead they continue surrounded by her doctor and Judith Picone can be contacted by writing her at 8506 Main St., Edmonds, on with their performance as several nurses. I knew this was it. WA 98026 or email [email protected] though nothing is wrong. Suddenly Her face was covered with an oxygen

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 39 sensations that are somehow familiar to me. I pass my hand through the curtains and confirm my ghostly status. A river forms in the floor of my bedroom, under my favorite window. As I look into the river, I am surprised and somewhat fearful because I see a little girl struggling in the current. I realize that she is I. Birds appear in the window behind the river. This dream has had life-changing consequences for me. First, the sensations of being outside the body during a dream were beyond exhilarating. for me, they confirmed that we are so much more than our SHAMANS OF INDIGENOUS guidance and wisdom from our physical se lves. Next, I did CULTURE S conscious ly traveled the dreams? Can we find creative everything within my power to dreamworld to heal individuals and solutions to complicated problems further explore my childhood and ensure the survival of their (including those that are technically the meaning of this image. This communities. A resurgence in this challenging) in our dreams? Albert process has been deeply healing and ancient wisdom indicates that our Einstein spoke of his dreams guiding has guided me in discovering gifts culture is opening to the gifts of him in his work on Relativity. Do we that I might bring to my friends and dreaming and the many benefits of work out our everyday issues in the community. And finally, the dream listening to dream wisdom. following night's spontaneous compe lled me to learn about Personally, working with my dreams dreams? shamanic healing, which has led me has taught me much of my inner being If you have come to believe that to many enriching life experiences and listening to my heart. you might be more than your physical and even new work. For many years, I have known body, I invite you to consider working I have had many lucid dreams in that dreams were guiding me in with your dreams as a means of the recent years and find them to making choices. Dreams of long-lost exploring your spirit. There are many be exciting. A lucid dream is when friends prompted me to look them ways to do this, but it is best to begin we wake up in the dream and realize up. Terrifying dreams demanded by keeping a journal. And, if you don't that we are dreaming. Here is a that I make major changes in my life. remember your dreams, state an recent example of such a dream: Dreams of deceased loved ones affirmation just before going to eased my pain during difficult sleep and write down something when I am running from a T Rex. periods. Precognitive dreams you wake, even if it is a feeling or Suddenly, I become fully aware surprised me. Mystical dreams left thought. Begin to send a signal to that I am dreaming, feel fear flow me in awe. your deeper self that you wish to lift out of my body and turn to face I thought that everyone the veil between your conscious and the T Rex. I punch his snout dreamed this way, with deep subconsc ious. In recording my own repeatedly until he turns into a emotion, vivid co lor and powerful dreams, I've found that I have many non-functioning blob. Then, he re­ content. I think everyone does. Some types, a few of which I will share emerges from the blob and goes do not remember. Some do not want here. after me again. I attack him again to remember because they don't like A profoundly healing dream came and he is reduced to another blob. the message that they infer. Others to me in 1999 in which I perceived This time it is really over. I am have been told that dreams are myself to be outside of my body: very pleased with my power and nothing more than random nerve that I did not give in to fear. firing and consequently, they discard I wake up to find that I am floating above my bed and facing When I woke from this dream, I them as useless. But many believe was acutely aware that the attack that there is much more! upward. A card comes through the ceiling with a light blue angel was an illusion. I strive to reconnect We are a confused culture when to that deep knowing when other it comes to understanding the inscribed on it. I realize that I am free of my body and wish to stand fearful situations arise. Also, I felt purpose and meaning of dreams. Are sad when I thought about this dream dreams communications from our on the floor. I am transported to the desired position with and wondered if the T Rex might soul? Is it possible to extract have had a message for me. When I

40 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 used a technique to go back inside a except one Asian male) in gorgeous species each month and notice dream to search for more colorful gowns walk down the shore certain animal images showing up information, I heard the T Rex say toward me, singing a beautiful repeatedly. For instance, I often "Slow Down!" My immediate thought African song. I hear sophisticated dream of bears. Amongst Native was that this was a commentary on harmonies in a foreign language. Americans, Bear is the Great my life-style, but soon after, I They pass me, turn and face me American Medicine Animal. For received a speeding ticket. In looking and sing more. others, Bear is the Great Mother. back in my dream journal, this was An African man in his fifties leads When the Bear shows up in my the second time that I received a this group. dream, I honor the dream by working speeding ticket right after dreaming The vivid sights and intricate with it extensively, searching for of the T Rex. The T Rex might be sounds in this dream mystified me. I messages of protection and healing. more than a metaphor for a police felt honored by the chorus of Dreams of death are often officer with a radar detector, but I beautiful people. A little more than frightening. We think they mean that will be checking my speed whenever a year later, I found myself working we are going to die soon when they the T Rex shows up. And, as usual, with Malidoma Some, author of The might be pointing to part of us that synchronicity was about to strike. A Healing Wisdom of Africa. It did not needs to die to open to a deeper life. few months later, I was driving down surprise Malidoma or me that he This is not to say that death dreams a road and noticed a large green looked very much like the man that are never about physical death, but construction vehicle. The side led the chorus in my dream. I've had two dreams of my own death, indicated the brand as TeRex. My I sometimes see beautiful both of which directed me to f.oot went for the break pedal ethereal visions in my dreams. They terminate an unhealthy relationship immediately as I assumed that I was have an otherworldly feel to them. in order to resurrect myself. getting a warning. Just one mile One showed up at a time when my Synchronicity in many forms is a later, on what was a very rural road husband had partial hearing loss and natural by-product of dreamwork. sat a police officer pulling over was being tested for a brain tumor: You will see the images, people, unsuspecting drivers. animals, symbols and more from your We can dream of departed loved I "wake" to a beautiful sight in my dreams show up in waking life in the ones. In the late 1980s, I had a room. Near my husband's tall chest most unusual of ways. You will know series of dreams about the wishes of drawers is something that looks when it happens. And those that of my grandfather who died in 1975. like a totem pole, only it is believe in the magic of the universe These dreams centered on my father ethereal, appearing to be made of a will be receptive to your stories. Your and his love of baseball. I felt lightweight tissue paper-like relationships will be more exciting if profoundly guided and supported by substance with all sorts of filigree you share your dreams and my grandfather in these dreams. patterns cut out all over. On top, synchronicities. Many months later, I found myself sits a beautiful pure white bird. In There are many gifts of the sitting in the movie Field of Dreams. front of this totem-bird image is a dreaming. Dreams can help you I was blown away by the strong swirl of energy and light rotating in recover lost aspects of yourself, find connection between the story in this a clockwise direction, like a spiral your soul friends, discover your life's film, my family history and the towards its own center. This image work, deepen healthy connections, dreams of my grandfather. At that appears to be riding on the end of find the courage to end destructive time, I could not make any sense of a light beam that is pouring in the relationships, write with greater how I could have dreamed the window. creativity and be in touch with your themes in this film prior to its When I woke from this dream, inner guidance. The gifts are endless. release. These things still surprise my memory of the breathtaking Set intentions when you go to sleep. me when they pop up, but I don't try image in front of my husband's Ask questions. Look for answers. to understand. Rather, I know that dresser convinced me that he was Your life will change! May you find it is confirmation from the not in medical danger. This feeling your own. p otherworld that our waking reality was soon confirmed when the MRI Connie Mah is a graduate of Tufts University is limited, and that we are not limited came back negative and his hearing College of Engineering. She currently enjoys to it! returned. This dream is still my the study of dreams, shamanism and human I wake up in a state of awe when lifetime favorite! consciousness. She has trained with The Monroe Institute, Sandra Ingerman, I dream of reading poems or hearing I've learned from Sandra music. This dream was one of my Malidoma Some and Judith Orloff and will Ingerman, faculty member for The soon complete the Foundation for Shamanic favorites: Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Studies Three Year Program. She lives with that from a shamanic point of view, her husband and two children in the A friend and I take a ride to the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts and ocean. A group of people (African power animals empower, protect and guide human beings. I dream of many can be reached at [email protected] .

Vol. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 41 BOO!( 12.~;. Vlt;.\V by April Chase akin to lu cid dreaming in Mares de­ The section on dreams is fairly '------' scriptions, are the other important short, and a lot of the information is techniques covered in the first two likely to be familiar to any devoted The Toltec Teachings: parts of the book. He covers many dream student, but it is nonetheless Cry of the Eagle other points -there is a va st amount pertinent to hear it again. He de­ By Theun Mares of information packed into this scribes his favorite technique for en­ Lionheart Publishing, 1997 volume's 417 pages - ranging from tering the active dreaming state in ISBN: 1-919792-13-9 417 pp. the valu e of all life; "intelligent co­ plenty of detail. His method should operation," Mares' explanation of be easily follow-able by his readers, IN CRY OF THE EAGLE, the sec­ male/female relationships, the du­ regardless of their level of experi­ ond volume of Theun Mares series ality of the world around us, and ence. Most importantly, he stresses on Toltec wisdom, the author strives what is referred to as "Dancing with patience and a calm, one-step-at-a­ to provide a useful path for anyone Death," a technique for retaining vi­ time approach that is sure to increase seeking the true meaning in their life tality while coming to terms with the successful application of his tech­ . Mares details a wide variety of tech­ mortality . niques a great deal. niques for following what he calls The third, and last, section of Included is a glossary of dream "The Warrior's Path," the journey to Cry of the Eag le, deals with the symbols and explanations, with sev­ power. Although much of the infor­ dreamer, which in this context re ­ eral sample interpretations of differ­ mation presented is really pretty fers to the divine, which manifests ent types of dreams and omens. He common sense, there is lots of worth­ itse lf on this physical plane as provides a series of helpful tips for while instruction on how to become people, among other things, and dream interpretation, as well as sug ­ a Toltec - that is, a wise one. dreams, which are seen as messages gested meanings for many colors, Wisely citing disunity as the prin­ from the dreamer which assist hu­ numbers, animals, activities, build­ cipal problem in the world today, man beings to realize the destiny, or ings- just about everything you Mares explains that following The purpose, that they are on Earth to cou ld imagine. The tips state, fur­ Warrior's Path will lead to the se nse achieve in their current lifetime. thermore, "If unknown symbols of unity with all life that our evolu ­ Mares divides dreams into two types, should be encountered, rely upon tion demands for further progress. active and passive. Active refers to your own feeling of what that sym­ Encompassing four attributes, The dreaming while awake, as well as in ­ bol means to you personally." While Warrior's Path will help a would-be terpreting omens in daily life. Pas­ many of his explanations of possible warrior grow into hi s or her full po­ sive dreaming is dreaming that oc­ implications seem right on the mark, tential, understand and accept their curs during sleep, as well as dreams the section of interpretations seems past, overcome habits and social con­ or visions arising from other invol­ a bit overly complicated at times. ditioning, gain knowledge of the untary states of altered conscious­ However this was a valuable add i­ world, and learn to become one with ness, such as shock, illness, fever, tion to the book and an interesting (nurture ) all life around them. The or the use of medical or psychiatric reference for comparison purposes. interrelationship of all life is the key drugs and illegal drugs (which Mares In some sections, the book is to power. These four attributes, re­ strongly discourages as a potential overly verbose; rather hard to inter­ capitulation (sobriety), not-doing path to en lightenment). pret, really, but insightful moments (strength), erasing personal history "Although man in general places of great common sense are spaced (fee ling), and dreaming (warmth), no great store upon dreams, the art throughout. Mares frequently refers are offset by obstacles in the path of dreaming is powerful beyond nor­ back to the first book in the series, including fear and ambition, as well mal comprehension," writes Mares, citing ideas presented there. He gen­ as se lf-pity and se lf-importance. continuing, "The danger, however, era lly, but not always, summarizes Mares explai ns in detail the lies in the fact that we will nurture the information so that the reader threats of the "Four Natural En ­ anything upon which we place our can get a pretty good grasp of the emies," which are fear, clarity, power attention. Therefore, we must take concept he is trying to get across, and old age. Although clarity and ca re not to focus on the undesirable, but reading the books in order is power are also good aspects of de ­ for the force of intent is activated by nonetheless highly recommended. If velopment, they can lead to overcon­ warmth. Not only are dreams a re­ you are a fan of Toltec wisdom, this fidence and corruption if misused. In ality which can be materialized, but book will definitely appeal to you , order to avoid these pitfalls and so too are nightmares - and it is for and it has much to offer to any achi eve success, se lf-discipline and this reason that one must have clar­ reader. It is written within the con­ humility are essential. One must also ity in the art of dreaming." For this text of the popular Toltec movement, approach the path with intent, be­ reason, he explains, dreams result­ and some of the terminology is spe­ lieving fully in their own success. ing from illness, drug use or other cia lized to that area of knowledge, Stopping our internal dialog, or unhealthy states are usually not very but the information has been ech­ in other words, breaking old patterns reliable, and can be potentially dan­ of behavior, and stopping the world, gerous. He cautions readers not to oed throughout history in books of philosophy and ethics, as well as which is learning to see in an altered try to interpret them, or take their state of perception, sounding rather seeming messages seriously. dream studies. tJ 42 Dream Network/Va l. 22 No. 3 ©2003 by Marlene King, M.A.

DREAMS ABOUT DEATH ARE looked up - the sky was a bright Mom on the dock indicates a COMMON, but often problematic. In yellow that hult my eyes. She told secure anchor to the dreamer's old Marie-Louise von Franz' On Dreams me looking at fish underwater was self, because the other two (aspects & Death she states, "Whenever man ''good for my figure. " ... At the edge of self) "integrated" and " escaped" is confronted with someth ing of the doc~ I looked into the water. the death circumstances. But once mysterious, unknown, his Like an out-of-body experience, I the deaths were accepted, all could unconscious produces symbolic, watched from behind. I didn't look be alive without "breathing" - archetypal models. The symbols like me/ this was a dorky ugly girl acknowledging parts that exist (the which appear in death dreams are with glasses who looked like the girl soul/spirit/essence) without the images that are also manifested from Welcome to the Dol/house. A physical body. during the individuation process." song played like in a movie and it Identifying with the "Captain" by The following dream dramatically was my soundtrack. I cried I d1dn't controlling his car was not successful, illustrates themes of death and want to be dea~ but knew I had to only being able to drive in circles. individuation. The dream occurred return. It was the right thing to do. However, Toyota's are reliable (safe) soon after 911, and the dreamer had I watched my body fall into the transportation and its color, black, can moved to another part of the country ocean and drown. I woke up, heard mean both the negrado, (place of - experiencing a sort of 'death' - the song from my dream on the transformation in alchemical terms) giving up an old identity and assuming radio and stalted crying because it or linked to death in Western culture a new role in a new environment. scared me. where black is prevalent for hearses Comments about the dream follow, Death in dreams can mean a and clothing at funerals. which address the circumstances of death of part of the self, and this The four vehicles referenced the dreamer. entire dream has to do the parts of (boat, plane, train, car) suggest the The dream starts after I died. Jeff, the dreamer AFTER death. Since dreamer's "dream bodies" that a guy I had a crush on in math there are three deaths, (three dream transport her through her world. class, and Barbara, on my volleyball characters die), it implies wanting to The "Maine sky" cou ld be a dream team, died w1th me. We weren't be friends with J&B meant some part pun for "the main sky" meaning the friends, but when we die~ we went of each had to die in order to bring conscious/menta l realm that is to this submarine " death boat. " that about, or integrate them into se lf. familiar territory to us al l - not so We got jobs and apaltments. It The boat as an archetypal symbol mysterious and more controll able. was a small commumty underwater. for death is classic "Jung ." Even And the song from radio incorporated Tired of being dea~ we went to the paintings and mythology G:onnect into the dream punctuated its palt of the boat that would connect boats with death. But the dreamer powerful message/impression. to the dock. Then, the air was wanted to return to land, leave the This dream material is rich and sucked out of the room, and we death boat in order to be "alive" and immense. I have only briefly touched wa1ted to suffocate and die.. . again. revisit the familiar which gives a sense upon a few possible facets and But, we could stay ''alive " w1thout of security. But when she did, she explanations. However, it represents breathing. After docking, we kept going in circles, going nowhere. the universal seductiveness of death, escaped. I stole the Captains car, Her psyche was wise (re: mother the ultimate unknown, which is part a black Toyota Celica, and drove in sequence) in instructing her that she of our life experience. Humans are circles At an airport, I watched a had to "go deep into the water the only species who have knowledge large boy reunite with his parents, (unconscious) and watch fish" in order they will die. Perhaps we can accept yearning to see my family. At a to have a "good figure" - thus, new the psyche's cha ll enge and rise to train station, Jeff, Barbara and I body image, new self. Water, another integrate when given dream signa ls planned to return to the boat, archetype, represents the deep well of death. For this dreamer, it occurred because 1t was the right thing to do. of the unconscious. The boat, as three times in one dream. p I cried and told Jeff I didn't want to submarine, suggests "death" or be dea~ but alive, go to college and transformation/integration had to Dream Times is an interactive column date him. We went to the boat, but occur at a deep leve l. And in the end, available for you, our readers. Submit I escaped. My Mom and I sat on a the dreamer dives in and drowns, dream questions or topics to P.O. Bo x dock and I told her how I missed unprotected without the safety in the 477, Murphy, OR 97533 or e-mail : life especially the Maine sky. I submarine, or pseudo-se lf. [email protected]

Vo l. 22 No. 3/Drea m Network 43

I awoken lit tny bed. I sitt.tfJ oM. fw! tnyse.lf ot ~ edge cJ o. fote.st oM. eom fteW. It is so- tool. to- me tM:t I oot1. feel~ 1'01.tgMuS cJ ~ ootn. stolks tMt siAJ'I'01.U'\t! me. above tne is o. hnwtting full ln.001'l, sMdding o.n. ~ glow ()fl. ~!fthlng tMt. I see.. a breeze begms to- blow oM. I oot~. feeL gteot strength o.s thoogh. I were making ~ wtnds wotb. fot tne, ~ o. gteot fotee tMt wtll oott!f me. M!f bed. begms to­ MOVe ~h.~ ootn. slow~ ot first betng token b!f ~gale.. I see~ dtlW. ootn. stoiks snop~ing ~ twtgs o.s ~bed. rush-es over them. Th-e tnOOt'lllghts tny ~oth. we.U. I see tMt I run dressed. lito. fo.ng wh.ite flnnne.l go-wn. oM. tMt tny sh.e.e.ts oM. blonk&.s o.re wh.ite o.s we.U. I 001'lt.tnu.e. Ot'L fo.ster oM. fo.ster IAJ'lttl. I h-oot o. sowul. Sttll MOVing t~Ldly, I look o.bove tny bed. i.n.tO' ~night sky. I see o. h.uge 'Ro.ven. ot Cro-w tMt fl.i.e.s o.bove me. .• ool1ing to- me. Its wing s~o.n. is i.m.M.e.n.se oM. it cows to- ~ tnOOt'l o.s it glide.s oM. wde.s me. I wo:tek it fly ~me 01\00 more oM. th.en. it begms to- go- ba.ekwo.rc! to-wo.rds ~ fote.st whiDh- sums to- be o.n. ooeM. OWO-!f from me now. I ti.U'n. ~ wtnds o.round. oM. begm to- fo&w it. I oot~. feeL trl!f halt blowing wtldly M01At tne o.s ~ fotee cJ two- wtnds now SIAJ'tound. tne. One. to-~ eo.st oM. o-M to-~ West, I thUtb. o.s I MOVe ba.ekwo.rds ~ fallmg boob. ln. t:One o.s I go-. at ~ fote.st' s edge, trl!f bed. oome.s to- 0. s~. I climb olf oM. wtwle.t to-wo.rc! o. tree.. Bene.oth. ~tree is o. bo.b!f tMt is l.oekin.g l'lOW'ishm.e.nt. Several. bottles loy beside it Ot'L ~ MMS!f gtowul. I~ eMh. o-ne. oM. b.now ln. tny Mort whiDh- bottle. has~ l'lOW'ish.men.t fot this ehtld. I ~lck 1.tfJ o.rti.U'WSwd bott~ oM. errulling ~ wrutt ln. tny o.rtns, I beg ln. to- fe.ed. it. Th-e bo.b!f eats vota.c.io1A.s~ o.s thoogh. it has not eoten.ln. days. as it fe.ed.s, its fa.ce begms to- glow with. .heo.ltk oM. sottsff.l.Ctto.n. It gen:tly slnif.e.s ot tne, alL~ t:One ~ tMt fa.ce cJ ~~Ate oM. sUnf>le ~Once sotioted, I loy it clown. bene.oth. ~tree 01\00 o.goin. Th-e bo.b!f s~s ge.nt~ o.s thoogh. roc.kec1 b!f ~ roots cJ ~ gteot oob. bene.oth. whieh. it is sh.elte.ted. I now se.nse o. ~resence oM. I clun.b 1.tfJ Ot'L o. lower branch cJ ~ tree to- llts~ed ~ siAJ'rowul.ings. Th-e Cro-w/Ro.ven. fl.i.e.s o.bove tne, sttll citcling, wotehlng trl!f ever!f MOVe.. as I swing from~ broneh, 0. B~Mk l'rutth.et wolks 01At from some brush. ne.o.tb!f. It is beru.difuL oM. e,le,grutt o.s I hru! olwo.!fs tmo.gtrwl. o. ~ ~ tMt. to- be.. It ~o.uses. Wotehlng me swinging ln. o. stle.nt m.ott&n. at fu-st. I run nervO'LtS ln. its ~resence, ~ cJ its W:e.nti.otl.s. But o.s I 001'lt.tnu.e. to- swing, it dtows ~er, swing de.e.f> i.n.tO' tny eyes. I eJUlMlne fwt.he.t its dru-b. stn.OOth. flU' oM. sleeb. stonee.. It wtll not h.o.ttn. tne, n.ot ~ c.hllt! oM. I se.nse its ~rote.c.tl.Mt oM. olso- its ~o-wer. It is o. tn.o.sW cJ oth.e.t ~ oM. I tn.LtSt res~ed it os it has res~e.ctfu14f not eoten. me. We o.re ~ o. few feet from o-ne. o.noth.et o.s it looks wtioos~ ot tne o!t:em.fltlng to- wuletstoM. tny ~resence ln. its do-mt.Un. Wh.ot o. beru.difuL beo.st it isl I clun.b clown. from ~ tree now one! wtwle.t fwt.he.t i.n.tO' ~ fote.st not wish.lng to- O'Ldsto.!f tny we.f.eo.tne ln. this l'rutth.et' s s~ ~lo.oo.

Th-e Cro-w/Ro.ven. is cowing o.bove tne. one! gwding ~ ~oth. th.ot I to.b.e.. I come. to- o.noth.et 00-b. Tree o.s tn.lght!f o.s ~last. Bene.oth. it is o. WO'MOII. wh& is fot one!~~ I.U'Ul.tttoe.twe.. Sh-e is dressed.~ o. seullet!f tno.itl ln. Unf>overish.ed.looking c!oth.es tnode, from MW"Se li.ne.n.s ot cotto-n.s. On. h.et h.eo.c! is o. wh.ite h.e.tchief tMt is tiW.ln. several. stntill b.nots to- eteote o. C!.iret.do.t looking cop. Sh-e looks o.s thoogh. sh-e has oottlW. ~ wetght cJ ~ wotlc! Ot'L h.et sh.oul.de.ts one! never leo.tne.c! to- rise o.bove it olL On.~ growul, bene.oth. ~ tree is !fet ~ bo.b!f wt~~ed. ln. tott:etec! o-le! b~ts. It too has o. h.e.tchief Ot'L its hood. It eries 01At oM. sqi.Wtns ~O'tto.b~ o.s itloys siAJ'r01.U'lded. b!f roots one! MMs. I telLthe WO'MOII. to- pick tAp the chili! but she slmf>~ sto.res deep i.n.tO' the clru-!U'less of the fote.st be­ ·!foti£lthts tree.. ·I Mo.t ~ Cro-w/Ro.ve.n.'s et!f o.go.ln now o.s it swoops ·down. befo-re me. ·I run ln. owe to- wo:tek tts gro.eefl.d. glide.s ruu! fee.l. the foree of wlnd. ~rodueed. from tts huge wtngs. It is woming me. of yet tlii.Othet foree tMt will. come. I c.lun.b h.tgh.e.t Ln. the tree ruu! beg ln. t& see motiMI. Ln. the brush- neorby. Th.tnJung it is the PMthet o-nce. ogcilil, I swtng down. t& the lowest broneh. of the tree, ~ t& greet the tn.ojesttc. ~ as I do-, o. ~!Ate Whae Leo.po.rd. wolh oot from the brush. Its s~ots, though, fo.de.d. somewhnt by tts lig~s o.re still. ~resent oo tts smooth MUS&dot body. Its tnten:tiMts o.re Wlknown. t& me. I Mlli\.Ot teruL tts thoughts eleorlH yet bLCtlmow flill weH tMt it is sto1lwtg ~rey. I look beneath. me. now o.s the~~ W01nru\. begtn.s t& book owo.y from the bee.. I yeH t& h.e.t t& ~tc.k up the chll.ci. I yeH ogo.Ln. ruu! ogcilil, demruvling tMt sM. scwe the chll.ci. TM. Leo.po.tt! tn.O\Ies Ln. now ruu! teae.hes fot the bo.by th-tusttng tts lo.tge ~ow t&wo.rd. the~ body. It ~ows the bo.by, tMsi.ng it up tn. the rur li.U o. doH wh.tch hottifte.s the W01nru\. befote me. SM. ~onic.s ruu! begtn.s t& rem Ln. the e>fl~o-stte. ~ stwn.bling GVet h.e.t huwy dte.ss ruu! layers of slwting. as sM. riAI\S, I fee.l. sM. begtn.s t& tutn. t& wood ruu! dotluw.ss beootning o. ~ertnonent ~rut of th-is fotest li.U o. ~ettifted. bee.. Her body tokes toot Ln. ~ Mind. ruu! the Rwen/Crow lruvl.s Ofl. the limb wh.tch o-nce. wo.s h.e.t o.ttn.

I swtng down. now t&wo.ttk the Leo.po.tt! ruu! OW" eyes look fu-~ lnt& otte OJ'\Oth.e.t. Th-is is the snnctw.u-y of th-is be.o.st. I run ~rondin.g tts Mind. o.s we oome. fa.ce t& fo.c.e. It tells me. tMt it is the olfo. ruu! omega. It is the lost of o. breed. neor extiMt Ln. tune. It ctle.s fot swvillnl ruu! I wuletstcw! it well. yet run lU'U.lbl.e t& desctthe lnt& wotcls the sodness ruu! ~o.Ln. tMt it feek. It desctthes th,tngs tMt o.re ckst, tMt tetw-n. t& ckst just o.s the MOOt'l. ~ tts eyele, SO' d& olL things, it so.ys. I feet SO' tnueh, lloodlng ~ mind. ot th-is ~00\1 o.s we gaze upoo eo.ch. other tMt it is me.sme.rizi.ng fot me. t& be Ln. tts ~resenoo. I f.o.ng t& to1Aeh- the soft fur of the OJ'\i1noL ruu! stto.ke tts MOO. tO' eo.se tts ~alii, yet I f..JL welL luu>w thot th-is woulcl. rneon. eertoln dMth- fot me.

Beneath. m.e, l.eruung ogo.Ln.st the tree, is o. lotge me.tol. mJf. I teo.ch. t&wo.td. itt& ens~Ate tM1 it is teo1ly th.ete, thinking Ln.~ Mind. tMt it is o.n. tl.lustoo. TM. me.taL seems eerlly oot of ~l.o.c.e Ln. the Micl.rt of th-is fotestet! o.reo. wh.tch seems v~ ~ by ~ I slide down. itt& the gi'OW'lll o.s the Leo.po.tt! lays down. Ln. some gro.ss Ln. fto11t of me. SM. is ~ I.Wlet the Moot'\. I h.o«L the stolf ruu! look o.boot me. fot the bo.by blAt I OOIU'\Ot fwl. tt. ln. ~ Mind. I run ~rondin.g the e.voUdto-n. of tts btrth. ruu! tts fate, tetw-n.tng itt& the gi'OW'lll Ln. wh.tch it oom.e.. I see Ln.~ Mind. the toots tMt swollow it up ruu! cro.J.l.e it beneath. the eruth. I walk oo sl.owlH, stolf Ln. hruullookln.g fot clues t& th-is ~l.o.ee. I fee.l. I bef.o.ng here, I hm.te olwo.ys been. h.e.te and hru,e foorul ~ea.ce b T~ Crow/Raven. flies o.bove me. now risi.ng ftOM. the branches cl the Mo.tby tree thot <>Me wo.s cillwe.. I oolL this the T tee cl Life (O'Ld: (o.wl.) ~Wdi.ng h'l!f m.etol. stolf ot it o.s I walk oloog. T~ gteot bird. be.c.Jw.ns m.e to- tnO\Ie Mlt book tO' wh.e.te I oom.e froM. My time h.e.te is ~Wet; I MUSt return. I tkn.'t wo.tlt t& g<>'. I feel o. gteot need. t& te.morn. h.e.te t& be with- tM.se cte.otwe.s. I M.stto:te fot o. ~ looking book ot the fotest ruu! the sttllness cl it n1L I run grotefl.d. fot ~time s~ent with- them ruu! tM. th,tngs I h-twe been. shown. h.e.te.. My Mind. is filled. with- ~ea.ce ruu! ~I wruvlet ~o.st tM. fttst greot Oak T tee wJu.ch h-o.s grown.lo.tger ruu! cro.J.l.es tM. bo.by s{uptng s~ beneath. tts huge brnMh.e.s. Ttn.y btts cl bo.rlt covet the e.hdclli.U o. bl.M.ket ruu! I to1Aeh- tts fa.ce o.s I walk ~o.st. at tM. e4ge cl tM. fotest wh.e.te tM. eotn. meets tM. bees, the Crow!Rwen. flies GVet me. o-nce. mote ruu! off t&wo.tcls tM. d.istMt fte.Ws. I sit oo tM. bet! tMt owo.tts tne, ~ tide~ I do- n.ot see tM. Po.tlth.e.t ogo.Ln. blAt sense it is th.e.te watchlng 0\let me. from o. broneh. Ln. tM. bee.. I lay tM. stolf Ofl. tM. bet! Ln. fto11t cl me. ruu! it beoom.e.s ~rut cl ~ b~o-st. otte cl fOW" Ln. wJu.ch th-ree others olteruly o.re Ln. ~l.o.ee. I do- n.ot !mow how ~ b~o-st eo.me. t& be Ln. tM. fotest blAt I seem. ~et! tMt it is <>Me ogo.Ln. Ofl. ~ bed. TM. wlntk begtn.s t& howl ruu! tM. dtted. eotn. begtn.s t& swo.y bl.owtng ~LMe.s cl eotn. sh.uelt up Lnt& tM. rur. I run M.o.de.d. t&wo.td. tM. eo.st ruu! tM. bet! begtn.s t& tn.O\Ie o.s though, gl1thng Ofl. ice through- tM. f.o.ng e>fJen. fi.dtls. I feel I run dtown. elMer ruu! elMer t& something bright (~etMps tM. motn.i.ng light) wM.n. I ow~ Ln.~ bet! t& ~ tM. wlntk howling ootside..

46 Drea m Network/Val. 22 No. 3 DReam NeruJoRkeRS/Regiona( Contact peRSons We are honored to be able to assist in making quality dream-related information and resources available to you via the willingness of these knowledgeable individuals. All are committed to the value of dreams; each has her I his own area of interest and/ or expertise and can help point the way to the most appropriate resources to meet your needs. Most are available to answer questions from any caller, regardless of location. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact us. Please respect each individual's requests insofar as time availability. If no specific time is indicated, assume that you can call at anytime; you may get an answering machine. When leaving a message on a toll call, expect a collect call in return.

AFRICA dreams1®telkomsa.net CONNECTICUT Cody Sisson 413/498-5950 E-mail: DoctorStrange®msn.com Charles de Beer PO Box 598 Nancy Weston MA 203/744-6823 cody®dragon-hearlcom Graywolf Swinney 541/476-o492 Umtentweni 4235, South Africa e-mail: InnerKid2®aoLcom Dreamwork Certification Dreams &Consciousness International Dream Readings: Worldwide Isobel McGrath MA 203/79D-1503 MICHIGAN Peggy CoatsfThe Dream Tree ALASKA e-mail: UKHypnosis®aoLcom Judy White 616/353-7607 503/288-9991 Susan Fredericks 907/983-2324 FLORIDA Holistic Therapies & Dream pcoats®dreamtree.com Jungian, Dream Groups, Info Eleonora Marinaro 727/697-2763 Groups-Michigan online dream resource center Skagway, State of Alaska Jungian Dream Analysis-Spiritual MINNESOTA PEN NSYLVANIA!OHIO Tima Priess 907/47H553 Direction. Groups-Workshops FL Jaye C. Beldo 612/827-6835 Mena Potts, Ph.D. Animals, Dreams & Trauma GERMANY Dream Democracy/Integrative 614/264-4444 Near Fairbanks MichaelSchredl0621/793525 Dream Narration- Evenings Experiential Dream Groups CALIFORNIA General info/resources, groups Upper Midwest 7-9 p.m. Central PA/N.E. Ohio Bay Area Dreamworkers Preferred Language German Mary Flaten 507/663-1269 SWITZERLAND (BADG) 707/824-9121 6pm - 7pm Mon-Fri General Resources & Groups Art Funkhouser (031) 331 6600 % Eric Snyder Germany, Austria & Switz. State of Minnesota atf®alum.miledu * Bern, Switz. Email: esnyder®sonic.net HAWAII MISSOURI TENNESSEE Info & Resources on Regional Athena Lou Rosemary Watts 314/432-7909 Tom Goad 615/834-6564 Networking for Dreamworkers LouJ001®hawaii.rr.com General resources, Creative! General Resources/Dream Group Dream Library & Archives General info: Dream Retreats Sl Louis & State of MO dreamgroup®webtv.net Jill Gregory, Director Hawaiian Islands/West Coast NEW JERSEY TEXAS 415/897-7955 ILLINOIS Dawn Hill 908/647-3720 Phillip Dunn 214/908-6261 Extensive Dream Resources Gail A. Roberts 630/365-Q771 General Info and Groups Classes in Lucid Dreaming & OBE San Francisco Bay Area, CA Dream Groups, Creativity Evenings after 5:30p.m. EST/NJ Dallas, TX dreamclasses®yahoo.com Bambi Corso 805/376-8281 Saint Charles Area, IL NEW YORK Vicky Vlach email: ohtodream®aoLcom Rev. Dan Prechtel Jennifer Borchers 212/683-5667 rememberdreams®yahoo.com Dream Groups, Dream Tending 847/492-9013 Recovery from childhood abuse. Info & Resources-Austin, TX General infoflucid, groups Call from 8am-8p.m. NY fesp. Five Boroughs UTAH Southern CA/West Coast Spiritual companionship Roberta Ossana 435/259-5936 Alan Flagg 212/532-8042 Elizabeth Howard Metro Chicago & Northshore DreamKey®lasaLnet Resources & Senoi & Ullman dream groups 831/622-7770 INDIANA Groups, Info UT/Four Comer Area holisticliz®hotmaiLcom Barbara Zimny 317/577-3675 Information & General Resources VERMONT Dream Groups, Resources Dream Groups. General Resources alleneflagg®rcn.com NY Janis Comb 802/933-6742 CA., will respond to calls from Indianapolis Area Email: Ann Goelitz CSW 212/561-1633 Dream Groups, anywhere USA bzimny®intuitionbridge.com Dream Groups & Workshops Astrological Dreamwork Patricia Keelin 707/254-7829 KANSAS General Information & Resources VIRGINIA Lucid Dreaming - NO. California Steve Carter 316/263-8896 New York City area Anthony Golembiewski Frank Stefano 619/27Q-6766 General Resources & Groups LeonVanLeeuwen 212/888-Q552 540/949-6901 Groups, General Info M/Th/Fr eves. KS/No. OK General Resources, groups NY Mutual & Lucid Dreaming MASSACHUSETTS Eves & Weekends preferred San Diego Area Pearl Natter 845/353-o5n Edith Gilmore 978/371-1619 WASHINGTON D.C. CANADA Dream groups, General Resources. Lucid, Genera~ Sunday p.m. Group Rita Dwyer 703/281-3639 Suzanne Nadon 519/371-6060 Early eves BostonfMetroWest NY /No. NJ/CT General Resources, Groups Creativity & Lifestyle, Jung NORTH CAROUNA Dick McLeester 413/772-6569 Metropolitan D.C. area Ontario/Native Community Robert Gongloff 828/669-1203 WASHINGTON STATE General Resources Dream Groups, General Resources COLORADO Greater New EnglandfW.MA Judith Picone 425/745-3545 Georgia Stout 970/328-5280 OHIO and Lee Piper 360/659-0459 georgiastout®cs.com Ramsay Raymond 508/369-2634 Noreen Wessling 513/831-7045 General Resources/Native Gen. Info/Groups Experiential dreamwork. General Info & Groups: OHIO Pacific NW/ID/MN Colorado/Rocky Mountains Mon. & Fri. best Micki Seltzer 614/267-1341 WISCONSIN Kat Peters-Midland 970/498-9988 East MAfesp. Boston &West General Info & Groups. OHIO Margaret Plasencia Dream Groups/Resources Fa. Joseph Sedley OREGON 414/697-4096 Rocky Mountains/West 508/842-8821 E. W. Kellogg III 541/535-7187 Spontaneous Healing Email: bobkattc®attbi.com Pastoral dreamwork/12 Step Lucid dreaming/Dream Healing M-F 9a-Sp Centrat;WI & IL

Vol. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 47 \Vorks 'If ~-~ 'If Dream Groups

TELEDREAM: DREAM GROUPS & WORKSHOPS METRO D.C. COMMUNITY Telephone Dream Groups. Northern & Central Vermont Open To All who share an interest in Inspiring, Affordable, nee-Jungian. Ongoing dream groups; dreams. 1st Sat. each month, 1-5pm Dr Ron Masa and Staff. Astrological Dreamwork 133 Park St. NE, Vienna, VA. Info: contact Rita Dwyer. FREE first visit! (303) 786-9537 Contact Janis Comb 8021933-6742 Ph: 7031281-3639 No fee. http: I I www.UniversityofYourself.com ASHVILLE, NC EDITH GILMORE Join the LUCID DREAM EXCHANGE Mountain Dreamers Egalitarian dream study & interpreta­ -a quarterly issue of lucid dream Ashville: Meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays tion group meets monthly on Sun. experiences submitted by readers who No Fee-Info, Contact Robert Gangloff afternoon in my home. 112 Minot Rd., enjoy sharing their lucid Ph: 828 I 669-1203 Concord, MA 01742 Ph: 9781371-1619 experiences and learning from those of others. Contact Lucy Gillis at [email protected] or Robert Waggoner "IF IT WERE MY DREAM" CYNTHIA KOHES, M.S.W. at PO Box 11, Ames, lA 50010. Groups and Dreamwork by phone Dream Group, Thursday evenings. Workshops, Groups, Adult Ed No fee. Santa Rosa, CA. Ph:707 I 526-2500 In this GROUP, we promote self­ Courses, Presentations, Individuals. discovery via understanding the spec­ Contact DREAM CATCHERS ial language & imagery of dreams. Nancy Weston 203 I 744-6823 The ASCLEPIADS will receive requests Manhatten & Westchester NY. Call [email protected] or for dream consultations and guidance 9141591-7607 Elizabeth Howell, Ph.D. Isobel McGrath 203 I 790-1503 from any reader of the Dream Network Journal on a once-free I second-time, "WORKING WITH DREAMS" [email protected] donation basis. Weekly Ullman-style Dream Study Western CT/ NY border Please include gender and birthdate; Tuesdays 7:30- 9:30 Contact name is optional. David Pitkin Ph: 5181885-2095 NEW Dreamsharing GROUP forming. Include Email address only. Ballston Spa, NY Wake up through dreaming! No fee. Monroe, NYIOrange County Our email address is [email protected] Exploring inner worlds through LUCID Perry Harris Ph: 914/782-8286 DREAMING? Weekly study group. No fee. Johannes Vloothuis, 25 East 21st THE DREAMWHEEL Dream Resources, Groups & Connections St., Hamilton, Ontario Canada L8V 2T3 Dream groups, workshops, individual Roberta Ossana@ 435/259-5936 or Phone: 4161383-5743 consultation, referrals for lay people email: [email protected] and professionals. Dream workshop of the Utah/U.S. THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY JungianiPsychosynthetic orientation, LAMB & LION MINISTRIES in Miami & South Florida. creativity, deep ecology, vision quest. Workshops, dreamwork, inner To encourage the study & interpre­ Ramsay Raymond, 191 Sudbury Rd. journey, individual & group tation of dreams for psychological & Concord, MA 01742-3423 spiritual companionship. esoteric purposes. No fee. Facilitators: PH: 978/369-2634 or Reverand Dan Prechtel. Sy Ginsburg & Angie Hall. Meets Email: [email protected] Ph: 847/492-9013 Evanston, IL Wed. I 12 Noon@ Theosophical Society, 831 S. Federal Hiway, Deerfield Beach EDGAR CAYCE Dream Workshop. 33441 Ph: 9541420-0908 CREATIVE DREAM Meets every Monday night from Stanley Krippner & Ruth Inge Heinze GROUPS & WORKSHOPS 7-9pm. Please contact Leon B. Drawing from Ullman method Utilizing Jungian, expressive and Van Leeuwen at 2121888-0552 NY, NY. integrative dreamwork methods. & other systems. Wed: 7:30-9:30pm. SWITZERLAND BERKELEY, CA. Ph:510I849-3791 Contact Marlene King, M.A., PO Box 477, Murphy, OR 97533-0477 Bern & Thun: Art Funkhouser Altenbergstr. 126, 3013 Bern BAY AREA LUCID dreamers of all levels of experience. Monthly meetings NEW ENGLAND Contact Is Your Group Listed Here? on Sunday P.M. No fee. Ph: 5101549-2162 Greater Boston I Cambridge area. If you wish to start a Dream Group Berkeley, CA . Contact Ruth Sacksteder Dick McLeester @New Dreamtime PO Box 92 Greenfield, MA 01302 or have an active group and are DREAMWORK, Jeremy Taylor Style Ph: 4131772-6569 open to new members, please send Santa Monica, CA .. Licensed us your information Marriage & Family Therapist, COLOMBUS, OH Dream group. so that we can help you Shannon Batts, M.S. Donation. Peer-led. Ullman style process. get the word out. [email protected] Meets every MONDAY, midday, Info to Dream Network or Ph: 3101339-5958 Clintonville area. Micki Seltzer PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532 Ph: 614/267-1341

48 Dream Network/Val. 22 No. 3 Event • Call for Submissions Services & Opportunities for Involvement

On the Wings of Spirit Shamanism, Intuition & Dreams NOW Available Dr. £1~m1ora V. Marittaro A workshop with Ed Bonapartian, D. Mm. M.S. Connie Mah, Kellie Meisl. Still Point Retreat Center The Art of Pastoral Counselor - Spiritual Director Stillwater, NY 9/27/03 10231 Oak Hill Drive call 518-479-5680 Dreamsharing Port Richey, FL 34668 or email [email protected] & Developing Email: [email protected] CALL for 5 UBMI5510N5: A near future issue of Dream Network Dream Groups Phone Sessions will focus on ET/UFO DREAMS Call 727-697-2763 Our popular booklet - If you have had dreams in ­ Classes & Lectures Revised & Updated - volving contact with extraterr­ in Jungian Psychology estrials, please consider sharing is available ONLINE. them and/or articles which de­ Everything you ever wanted to Dream Interpretation - Clinically Trained scribe your experience. Dreams of know about forming and t:::Ss:::l#::l 00 s:::tl 00 ,::::J s::::t::::::l extraterrestrials and UFOs may not be just "ordinary" dreams, but facilitating a dream group. A Jungian, Pastoral & Holistic approach possibly occur in t he 'borderland' Only $7 to help you access your spiritual resources. between dream and daytime www. helpwithdreams.com reality. ET and UFO dreams are DreamNetwork.net/booklet.html frequently reported as an integra l part of the co ntact, according to Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! most 'experiencers.'. Recent ana­ lyses of these dreams show that Call for VISIONARY Dreams .... they feature some unusual char­ acteristics, among them: in ci­ Let us continue Dreaming Humanity's Path and create, here .. .. dences of mutual dreams and .... a cultural repository for visionary dreams. dreams that leave behind physical Dreams which you feel were 'Gifted' to Inform evidence in the "real" world. the larger community. Submit to [email protected] Of particular interest are ET or Dream Network, PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532 dreams that seem like real exper­ iences, involving commun ica-tion, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• travel; messages; dreams which Our Website Address is: result in actual, observable phy­ Dream Network OnLine! sica l changes and hea ling . http://DreamN etwork.net Please send or ema il a written accountofyourdream(s), Read articles from back issues, see writer's guidelines your experience( s) along with your and visit our DreamStore and Dreamworker's Directory. contact infoto publisher@­ Register Online for FREE subscription! Monthly Drawing dreamnetwork.net. We will publishe anonymously, if you wish. Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! Bulletin! ADVERTISE! in the Dream Network Journal

DISPLAY ADS: (435) 259-5936 E: [email protected] or http://DreamNetwork.net/AdRates.html Advertise in our Dream Store on the Web. Very Affordable! CLASSIFIED ADS: All ITEMS /SERVICES FOR SALE & RESEARCH PROJECTS: $1 per word. Ads are accepted at the discretion of the publisher. DNJ does not endorse nor take responsibility for the contents or quality of any products or services advertised herein. We encourage reader feedback and will discontinue ads for which we receive complaints.

Vol. 22 No. 3/Dream Network 49 Back Issues Over 61 (of 110 published) back issues of Dream Network are still available. Individual copies are $7. See (listing at Dream Network.net/ backissues.html). One complete archive (some xerox copies of older issues), A veritable treasure chest & valuable collector's item VI#I-V22#3 $900.

Back Issues Summer 1999 Vol. 18 No. 2 - Prophetic Dreams Available Include: An Interview with Robert Johnson • The End of Time or the Beginning of 1996, the year we began Now? Daniel Shellabarger • Hearing Dreaming Humanity's Path the before the Sound Damian Nash Four Volumes Autumn 1999 Vol. 18 No. 3 - Spring 2002 Vol. 21 No. I - Complete Set: $30 The Healing Power of Dreams Crisis & Creativity • Dream Music Guest Editors: Robert Moss & Vol. 14 Nos. I & 2 - Awakening Fariba Bogzaran Music, Graywolf Swinney Protecting the Children Mystery & Dreams Amy Mindel/ & Warning Dreams Winter 1999 Vol. 18 No. 4 - Summer 2002 Vol. 21 No. 2 - Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage: Preparing for the Millennium Crisis & Creativity • Music Part II Interview with Michael Ortiz Hill • The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Dream Weaving with Noreen Wessling Exploring the Archetypes in An Interview with Gary Bonnell Autumn 2002 Vol. 21 No. 3 - Children's Dreams: Joan Reynolds Spring 2000 Vol. 19 No. I - The Art of Dreamsharlng Vol. 14 No. 3 - Visions of Guid­ Animals In Dreams: What Do They Awakening Dream Groups Paul Le!Y ance Psychic Dream? Be Careful Symbolize? Ullman Method: Content Is Religion the Problem? Bill Stimson Who You Tell!: Stanley 1\rippner • & Context: Sandy Sela Smith Vol. 14 No. 4 - Beyond the Veil Summer 2000 Vol. 19 No. 2 - Winter/Spring 2002/2003 Vols. 21 Whispers and Murmurs: Perspectives Sexuality in Dreams Jeremy Taylor • No. 4/22 No. I - Evolution of the on Dreaming Humanity's Path: Russell The Practical Side of Sexual Symbol­ Dream Movement Dreaming Our Way to the Heart of the World Robert Lockhart • Dreams as Exceptional ism Janice Baylis • Lucid Dreaming Moss • Tending to th e Soul of the Human Experience: Montague Ullman Autumn 2000 Vol. 19 No. 3 - World, an interview with Richard Winter Vol 15 No.I - Dream Dreams & Religion Befriending the Wilkerson Inspired Communities Dreaming in Institution: The Christian Tradition & Dundee, NY, an interview with Susan Dreamwork Suzanne Nadon • Dreams Summer 2003 Vol. 22 No. 2 - Watkins • The Emergence of a Dream & Christianity Rev. Jeremy Taylor Evolution Part II: Feminine Perspec­ Community in San Francisco: The Bay Winter 2000 Vol. 19 No. 4 - tives Dream Work as Peace Work Area Dream-workers Group (BADG): Dreams & Shamanism Part I Deborah Hillman • Thoughts on the Jill Gregory On Shamanism: An Interview with Evolution of a Dream Cherishing Winter 1998 Vol. 17 No. I - Lucid, Stanley 1\rippner • Patterns of Dream Culture Rita Dwyer • Holistic Dream Mutual & WILD Dreams Mutual Use in African Psychotherapy: Dr. Nwoye Studies in Academia Fariba Bogzaran Dreaming: Let's Dream Together: Spring-Summer 2001 Vol. 20 • War in Iraq: Nightmare or Waking Linda Lane Magallon Nos 1&2 - "The Way It Is William Dream? Paul Le!Y Spring 1998 Vol. 17 No. 2 - (Bill) Stimson • On Dreams & Art Healing Relationships • The Right Montague Ullman Orders for ten or more Way: An Intervi ew with Navajo Shaman Aurumn 2001 Vol. 20 No. 3 - back issues receive a 20% Dennison Tsossie • Dream Inspired Poeby discount. You can order in Autumn 1998 Vol. 17 No. 3 - Poets of Consciousness Robert Moss one of these ways: Dream's Relationship to Mythology Dreams, Poems & Susan Scott Send check or MO to Interviews with Stephen A izenstat and Walking Through Glass Mary Stebbins Dream Network J eremy Taylor Winter 2001 Vol. 20 No. 4 - PO Box 1026, Moab, UT 84532 Dreams & 9 / 11 With credit card: Winter/Spring 1998/'99Vol. 17 No. A Walk Thru the Valley of Shadows Phone 435/259-5936 4 & 18 No.I Curtiss Hoffman Dreams of Terror, or on the web: Focus on Central Corridor - Dreams of Healing Robert Moss DreamNetwork.net/subinfo.html Dreamworkers in Missouri, Illinois

50 Dream Network/Va l. 22 No. 3 Dream Network Journal Presorted Standard 1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite 22 U.S. Postage Paid Tarpon Springs, FL 34689 PO Box 1026 • Moab, UT 84532-3031 Bulk Permit #37 Subscriptions 435-259-5936 DreamN etwork.net Change Service Requested Pnid Subscription THANK YOU for expeditins

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Art by Susan Hickman