
Jobs for Work 4.0 – The Future of Employment

O3 – Resource Pack

Prepared by WIN

Project Title: Jobs for Work 4.0- The Future of Employment

Project Number: 2016-1-PT01-KA202-022790

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

Resource Pack

(How to button) How to use this resource The Online Resource of our project Jobs for Work 4.0 constitutes 50 professions selected to represent most of the occupations in thread of automation. These occupations are based on the latest iteration (2008) of the International Labor Organization’s, International Standard Classification of Occupations that is being used in as the official classification (European Commission, 2013) by ESCO.

This awareness resource has been developed by a 7 country consortium for the European project Work 4.0 (Portugal, Austria, Slovenia, Ireland, Slovakia, and Cyprus). The resource contains a sample of an indicative 50 occupations that are in danger from automation and digitization based on the seminal study from Osborn and Frey 2010 and categorized by the International Labor Organization’s Classification of Occupations ISCO-08.

The sample of occupations were chosen based on 4 criteria

• Important occupations in our respective countries' economies • The outputs of the project’s Intellectual Output 2 (link) on the future of jobs • Occupations related to technology advancements for which media attention by reputable media organizations have allowed us the confidence to reference them for their potential to revolutionize a particular occupation or market sector • Examples of active companies that have developed market products and offer them to the market, showcasing the maturity and availability of these technologies


This resource is only an indication and its predictions while fully backed by data from reputable sources cannot be taken as deterministic as technologies tend to have varied impacts not only on the number of employed workers but also the nature of the work and its impacts in the greater society'. The distinction by Skill is based on the internationally recognized ILO skill levels that separate professions by quantity of training, educational requirement and on job responsibilities.


The information about the occupations is based on a very simple structure

- First row. Here you can find the name, basic description and ISCO-08 code in order to assist job councilors.

- Second row. Here you can find the common group characteristics of the occupation as well as similar professions. This will help provide a semblance of wide predictions about occupations that operate within the same framework as our chosen one.

- Third row. The automation probability based on the seminal work of Osborne and Frey study (Frey & Osborne, 2013). This number is based on science and a specific algorithm from 2010 and MUST be considered only an indication.

- The next section constitutes an in-depth reading and assortment of available technologies that justify the score by our knowledge consortium.

- Finally, the last part are examples from public resources of the actual implementation of these practices around the world. These case studies are dependent upon the journalist integrity of the articles that are referenced and could potentially include mistakes.

The database is fully searchable and indexed. It is also categorized by Skill level according to ISCO-08 classification, in order to streamline access to the resources and make it as user friendly and rational as possible.

As this resource is based on the International Classification of Occupations (for the explanation of the professions, etc) we would like to explain the code next to each occupation

What the number next to the occupations mean ( based on International Labor Organization ISCO-08) 1211 ( Major Group – Managers => Sub-major Group - Administrative and Commercial Managers => Minor Group - Business Services and Administration Managers => Financial Managers and Budget Analysts)

European Commission. (2013). European Classification of Skills/Competences and Occupations. From ESCO: https://ec.europa.eu/esco/resources//escopedia/20180606_154243/38cf5e78-d7fc-48b7-95e7- 029c5656a598ESCO_Booklet_%28PDF%29.pdf

ILO. (1. January 2018). ISCO-08 Structure, Index Correspondance with ISCO - 88. From International Labour Organization: http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/isco/docs/groupdefn08.pdf

What are the skill levels

We chose the skill levels to provide an index for our resource. The 4 skill levels are the official classifications lifted from International Labor Organization Methodologies and they categorize occupations based on complexity, education requirement and other variables. For convenience we coined the following terms to correspond to ILO’s skill levels - Low Skill Jobs - Technical Skill Jobs - Advanced Skill Jobs - Managerial Skill Jobs

Below you can find a more detailed summary of each skill level

4 Skill Levels Low Skill Jobs (International Labor Organization’s Skill Level 1) ‘Occupations at Skill Level 1 typically involve the performance of simple and routine physical or manual tasks. They may require the use of hand-held tools, such as shovels, or of simple electrical equipment, such as vacuum cleaners. They involve tasks such as cleaning; digging; lifting and carrying materials by hand; sorting, storing or assembling goods by hand (sometimes in the context of mechanized operations); operating non-motorized vehicles; and picking fruit and vegetables. Many occupations at Skill Level 1 may require physical strength and/or endurance. For some jobs basic skills in literacy and numeracy may be required. If required these skills would not be a major part of the work. For competent performance in some occupations at Skill Level 1, completion of primary education or the first stage of basic education (ISCED-97 Level 1) may be required. A short period of on-the-job training may be required for some jobs. Occupations classified at Skill Level 1 include office cleaners, freight handlers, garden labourers and kitchen assistants.’ (ILO, 2018)

Technical Skill Jobs (International Labor Organization’s Skill Level 2) ‘Occupations at Skill Level 2 typically involve the performance of tasks such as operating machinery and electronic equipment; driving vehicles; maintenance and repair of electrical and mechanical equipment; and manipulation, ordering and storage of information. For almost all occupations at Skill Level 2 the ability to read information such as safety instructions, to make written records of work completed, and to accurately perform simple arithmetical calculations is essential. Many occupations at this skill level require relatively advanced literacy and numeracy skills and good interpersonal communication skills. In some occupations these skills are required for a major part of the work. Many occupations at this skill level require a high level of manual dexterity. The knowledge and skills required for competent performance in occupations at Skill Level 2 are generally obtained through completion of the first stage of secondary education (ISCED-97 Level 2). Some occupations require the completion of the second stage of secondary education (ISCED-97 Level 3), which may include a significant component of specialized vocational education and on-the-job training. Some occupations require completion of vocation-specific education undertaken after completion of secondary education (ISCED-97 Level 4). In some cases experience and on-the-job training may substitute for the formal education. Occupations classified at Skill Level 2 include butchers, bus drivers, secretaries, accounts clerks, sewing machinists, dressmakers, shop sales assistants, police officers, hairdressers, building electricians and motor vehicle mechanics.’ (ILO, 2018)

Advanced Skill Jobs (International Labor Organization’s Skill Level 3)

‘Occupations at Skill Level 3 typically involve the performance of complex technical and practical tasks that require an extensive body of factual, technical and procedural knowledge in a specialized field. Examples of specific tasks performed include: ensuring compliance with health, safety and related regulations; preparing detailed estimates of quantities and costs of materials and labour required for specific projects; coordinating, supervising, controlling and scheduling the activities of other workers; and performing technical functions in support of professionals. Occupations at this skill level generally require a high level of literacy and numeracy and well-developed interpersonal communication skills. These skills may include the ability to understand complex written material, prepare factual reports and communicate verbally in difficult circumstances. The knowledge and skills required for competent performance in occupations at Skill Level 3 are usually obtained as the result of study at a higher educational institution for a period of 1–3 years following completion of secondary education (ISCED-97 Level 5b). In some cases extensive relevant work experience and prolonged on-the-job training may substitute for the formal education. Occupations classified at Skill Level 3 include shop managers, medical laboratory technicians, legal secretaries, commercial sales representatives, diagnostic medical radiographers, computer support technicians, and broadcasting and recording technicians.’ (ILO, 2018)

Managerial Skill Jobs (International Labor Organization’s Skill Level 4)

‘Occupations at Skill Level 4 typically involve the performance of tasks that require complex problem- solving, decision-making and creativity based on an extensive body of theoretical and factual knowledge in a specialized field. The tasks performed typically include analysis and research to extend the body of human knowledge in a particular field, diagnosis and treatment of disease, imparting knowledge to others, and design of structures or machinery and of processes for construction and production. Occupations at this skill level generally require extended levels of literacy and numeracy, sometimes at a very high level, and excellent interpersonal communication skills. These skills usually include the ability to understand complex written material and communicate complex ideas in media such as books, images, performances, reports and oral presentations. The knowledge and skills required for competent performance in occupations at Skill Level 4 are usually obtained as the result of study at a higher educational institution for a period of 3–6 years leading to the award of a first degree or higher qualification (ISCED-97 Level 5a or higher). In some cases extensive experience and on-the-job training may substitute for the formal education, or may be required in addition to formal education. In many cases appropriate formal qualifications are an essential requirement for entry to the occupation. Occupations classified at Skill Level 4 include sales and marketing managers, civil engineers, secondary school teachers, medical practitioners, musicians, operating theatre nurses and computer systems analysts.’ (ILO, 2018)

Index per occupation and available reference

0 Armed Forces Occupations

1 Managers

Financial Managers and Budget Analysts 1211 -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/financial-managers-and-budget-analysts-1211/


People make companies Great. Software make companies better. From http://www.a1tracker.com/ ptc. Unlock Innovation With Industrial IoT. From https://www.ptc.com/en/products/iot

SoftWorks. From https://www.softworksai.com/?references=automated-data-entry-2

Futurism. (8. March 2017). An AI Completed 360,000 Hours of Finance Work in Just Seconds. From futurism: https://futurism.com/an-ai-completed-360000-hours-of-finance-work-in-just-seconds/

Faggella, D. (1. June ` 2018). Machine Learning in Finance – Present and Future Applications. From Tech Emergence: https://www.techemergence.com/machine-learning-in-finance/

Nagarajah, E. (August 2016). Hi, Robot - What does automation mean for the accounting profession? From PWC: https://www.pwc.com/my/en/assets/press/1608-accountants-today-automation-impact-on-accounting- profession.pdf

Ready Ratios. Perfect IFRS Reporting with Our Tool (IFRT). From https://www.readyratios.com/

Finstanon. Financial Statement Analysis App. From https://www.finstanon.com/

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Makino. Count on Your Single-Source Provider to Coordinate Every Step of Your Project and Ensure On-Time, On- Budget Implementation. From https://www.makino.com/engineering-services/machine-tool-automation/

IMA. Process Automation in Accounting and Finance. From https://www.imanet.org/insights-and- trends/technology-enablement/process-automation-in-accounting-and-finance?ssopc=1

The Australian. (1. February 2017). Robo-advice using algorithms are replacing financial planners. From https://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/roboadvice-using-algorithms-are-replacing-financial-planners/news- story/32b0f00a8ece660c40e6e36f61aa7dbb?nk=01cc0978c2a39d5f1cc2f77f655f8da1-1534754379 sigmaidal. Artificial Intelligence in Finance. From https://sigmoidal.io/real-applications-of-ai-in-finance/

SMACC. Automation for your Finance Department. From https://www.smacc.io/en/

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2 Professionals

Architect 2161 -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/architect-2161/

Advertising and marketing professional 2431 -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/advertising-and-marketing-professional-2431/

Personal Financial Advisors, 2412 -3 http://work40.innovade.eu/personal-financial-advisors-2412/

Financial Analysts (Credit Analysts) 2413 -3 http://work40.innovade.eu/financial-analysts-credit-analysts-2413/

Archivist 2621 -3 http://work40.innovade.eu/archivist-2621/

Librarians and related information professionals 2622 -3 http://work40.innovade.eu/librarians-and-related-information-professionals-2622/

Technical Writers 2641 -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/technical-writers-2641/

Journalist (2642) -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/elementor-447/

Translators (interpreters and other linguists) 2643 -4 http://work40.innovade.eu/translators-interpreters-and-other-linguists-2643/


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Model Maker 9329 -1 http://work40.innovade.eu/model-maker-9329/ Fast food preparer 9411 -1 http://work40.innovade.eu/fast-food-preparer-9411/ Parking Lot Attendants 9629 -1 http://work40.innovade.eu/parking-lot-attendants-9629/ Meter reader and vending-machine collector 9623 -1 http://work40.innovade.eu/meter-reader-and-vending-machine-collector-9623/


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Frey, C. B., & Osborne, M. A. (17. September 2013). The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are jobs to Computerazition? Oxford Martin.

Futurist Speaker. (7. November 2014). 101 Endangered Jobs by 2030. From https://www.futuristspeaker.com/business-trends/101-endangered-jobs-by-2030/ Boston. (24. July 2014). The 10 Most Endangered Jobs. From https://www.boston.com/jobs/jobs- news/2014/07/24/the-10-most-endangered-jobs MarketWatch. (9. 05 2017). The robots are coming, and that is a good thing for the future of advice. From https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-robots-are-coming-and-that-is-a-good-thing-for-the-future-of- advice-2017-05-08 Chui, M., Manyika, J., & Mehdi , M. (July 2016). Where machines could replace humans—and where they can’t (yet). McKinsey Quarterly, S. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/digital-mckinsey/our- insights/where-machines-could-replace-humans-and-where-they-cant-yet McKinsey Global Institute. Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce transitions in a time of automation . From https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/featured%20insights/Future%20of%20Organizations/What %20the%20future%20of%20work%20will%20mean%20for%20jobs%20skills%20and%20wages/MGI-Jobs- Lost-Jobs-Gained-Report-December-6-2017.ashx

Jennings, J. E. (22. May 2015). 3 white collar jobs that robots are already mastering. From PBS NEWS HOUR: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/3-white-collar-jobs-robots-can-already-better

ATC. Vstúpte do svojho účtovníctva online: Prehľadný reporting, fakturácia, platobné príkazy, personalistika. From http://www.atc.sk/

McKinsey & Company. (May 2017). What’s now and next in analytics, AI, and automation. From https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/digital-disruption/whats-now-and-next-in-analytics-ai-and- automation

Hänel , L. (1. May 2017). A list of artificial intelligence tools you can use today — for personal use (1/3). From Medium: https://medium.com/@LiamHanel/a-list-of-artificial-intelligence-tools-you-can-use-today-for-personal- use-1-3-7f1b60b6c94f

Doyle, R. B. Automation Nation. From TOPIC: https://www.topic.com/automation-nation

Skill Level 4 Journalist (2642) Short Description of Profession Journalists research, investigate, interpret and communicate news and public affairs through newspapers, television, radio and other media (ILO, 2018) Professional Group characteristics and similar occupations Authors, Journalists and Linguists Authors, journalists and linguists conceive and create literary works; interpret and communicate news and public affairs through the media; and translate or interpret from one language into another (ILO, 2018)

Journalist Newspaper editor Newspaper reporter Sports writer Sub editor Translators, Interpreters and Other Linguists Risk Probability based on the seminal Frey and Osborne study 0,50 Why is this profession endangered? The internet (online news, social media) has broken down the traditional news monopolies that existed prior to the 2000s by creating online competition and fragmenting their access to advertisers (Petty, 2017). This day and age it is possible for a media agency to exist online and have access to massive audience and advertisers by continually generating reports and news-bites and ensuring high engagement (The Economist, 2006).

Much of what journalists report or post in social media can now be automated using machine learning tools, such as Narrative Science ( Natural Language Generation, 2018), that is able to create narratively sound reports from analysing data in a natural language. In fact, if you’ve read a financial earnings report in the past year or two, you’ve probably read an article or press release generated by a machine (Reddan, 2017). The first places these programs will be used is in the financial/ts reports, domestic or foreign election results and any other simple reports, which rely heavily on data and number manipulation. The quality of those machine generated reports are virtually indistinguishable to a human’s due to the given format and language used.

However, these software is not even close to the limit of their impact. Online platforms already exist that “scrape” content from news sites and creatively “rewrite” it for reposting. The reason of the low automation score is the fact that journalism as a collection of networks and human interactions, as well as critical thinking, creativity, on foot investigations etc. are still beyond the capacities of these technologies (Holmes, 2016).

Case exampls (company profiles) Quill is a software from the company Narrative Science that has the ability to gather, analyse and integrate data to text with the structure and coherence that imitates a real person writing the report. “..Quill was being used to report on baseball games for TV and online sports outlets, and company earnings statements for clients such as Forbes…” (A.I. that automatically communicates relevant information at scale, 2018) all the way down to taking into account the emotional impact a story can have in the intended audience “..writing abo (Multiview, n.d.)ut sports for an audience likely to favour a particular team, for instance, Quill can write a story that softens the blow of a loss…”

(A.I. that automatically communicates relevant information at scale, 2018) Case exampls (company profiles) In 2015, The New York Times activated its own AI project known as Editor, that aimed at teaching the machine the processes of journalistic reporting by using tags for the important parts of an article. Through this “learning” the journalist has now on her tips all relevant historic information related to a new story thus aiding the journalistic process by cutting down research time, thus freeing more space for the human interactions that are unreplaceable by software (Editor , 2015). Case example 3 Digital publication DIGIDAY reported that The Washington Post, used machine learning technologies and its own home developed AI to post around 850 digital articles in 2017 (Moses, 2018). The AI creates short reports on sports and election results for the most part.


2 Resource Pack Skill Level 4 Financial Managers and Budget Analysts 1211 Financial managers plan, direct and coordinate the financial operations of an enterprise or organization, in consultation with senior managers and with managers of other departments or sections, or of enterprises that provide financial services to other enterprises and organisations; (ILO, 2018)

Minor Group 121 Business Services and Administration Managers Business services and administration manager’s plan, organize, direct, control and coordinate the financial, administrative, human resource, policy and planning activities of organizations, or of enterprises that provide such services to other enterprises and organizations (ILO, 2018)

Financial controller; Budget analyst; Finance Manager; Management accountant Finance Managers Human Resource Managers Policy and Planning Managers Business Services and Administration Managers Not Elsewhere Classified 0,94 FMs: Machine Learning in the Financial industry has exploded over the last 15 years with the creation of better and cheaper hardware, the evolution of software, cloud computing and wide adoption of the internet. Bas: One of the key benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) with its integrated machines is that it creates a centralized base of operations where data for all operations within a company are stored, managed and analysed. By automating the financial and budgetary aspects of companies, it gives greater insight to the overall manager on how the company is performing, immediate and current situation analysis with security and immediacy. Case example 1

One of the primary sectors that will be affected by AI robots is the statistical industry. It is true computers and software will be capable of completing budgetary calculations and statistical analysis at a far quicker pace than humans. For example, Multiview is a financial management solution that includes financial reporting and analytics, general ledger with budgeting, accounts receivable, accounts payable, POs with requisitions, as well as inventory, order entry with invoicing and fixed assets. Alerts with dashboards, WorkFlow, Imaging and ViewSource360 allow end users to monitor and control processes within the company. In addition to financials, Multiview also offers a reporting and analytics environment with the ViewPoint tool.


3 Resource Pack Skill Level 4 Advertising and marketing professional 2431 Advertising and marketing professionals develop and coordinate advertising strategies and campaigns, determine the market for new goods and services, and identify and develop market opportunities for new and existing goods and services (ILO, 2018) Sales, Marketing and Public Relations Professionals

Sales, marketing and public relations professionals plan, develop, coordinate and implement programmes of information dissemination to promote organizations, goods and services; and represent companies in selling a range of technical, industrial, medical, pharmaceutical and ICT goods and services (ILO, 2018).

Occupations in this minor group are classified into the following unit groups:

Advertising and Marketing Professionals Public Relations Professionals Technical and Medical Sales Professionals (excluding ICT) Information and Communications Technology Sales Professionals Advertising specialist Marketing specialist Market research analyst 0,54 Advertising is all about that most human of skills: salesmanship. The ability to know your audience and sell specific to them has been the basis of the rise of the internet giants and social media that has provided companies with a plethora of individualized and aggregate data on our preferences that, effectively require, machine learning technologies to disaggregate them and discover robust connections that can then be used by retailers (AI Is Changing Marketing As We Know It, And That's A Good Thing , 2017).

An active way to interact with people through emails has also been able to be automated, via software, that can compose persuasive and numerous emails writing compelling email subject lines for large retail companies (How AI Is Changing the World of Advertising Forever, 2017).

The ability of advertisers to create effective marketing and advertising strategies (Harvard Business Report, 2013) largely depends on projecting the product on the best and largest mediums, time slots etc. Online companies (g 2 crowd, n.d.)using data mining tools , analysing billions of data points from consumption patterns based on location to demographics to identify the most efficient and effective advertising campaign leaving only the content creation to advertisers (The Globe and Maiil, 2017)

Case example 1 The marketing platform Persado, with the backing of Goldman Sachs, is continually developing its software from cognitive to emotional impact on consumers (The Next Web, 2017). The company now creates individual profiles not only in terms of factual information about the consumers, but it also tracks comments and reactions and then customizes language to suit that particular state of mind within seconds

Case example 2 Chatbots have become infamous on twitter as the fake accounts that incite and Chatbots reproduce fake news but in the commercial realm this software is used for multiple reasons, including customer service and more importantly advertising and marketing. Ebay with ShopBot on Messanger or Sephora’s chatbot Kik can provide individualized offers based on the conversation with the client on the other end or share beauty tips with customers after they are asked, thus making them much more effective sales-machines.


4 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Personal Financial Advisors, 2412 Advise clients on financial plans using knowledge of tax and investment strategies, securities, insurance, pension plans, and real estate. Duties include assessing clients' assets, liabilities, cash flow, insurance coverage, tax status, and financial objectives. May also buy and sell financial assets for clients (ILO, 2018) Finance Professionals

Finance professionals plan, develop, organize, administer, invest, manage and conduct quantitative analyses of either financial accounting systems or funds for individuals, establishments and public or private institutions (ILO, 2018)

Accountants Financial and Investment Advisers Financial Analysts Estate Planner; Individual Pension Adviser; Personal Investment Adviser. 0.58 Technologies such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are altering how the financial market works. In particular, the Personal Financial Advisors are impacted by robot advisors. These robots are able to collect and analyse a vast amount of financial information, providing more effective investment guidance than human advisors (Market Watch , 2017). The percentage of replacement of workers being within 50% may be related to the human need of contact and empathy as the basis for establishing trust relationships. However, when it comes to data analysis, robots can provide a complete and reliable analysis as they implement very efficient algorithms and are able to process a large number of web information of the financial market (The Australian, 2017).

The institutions that have these advisor robot platforms offer lower rates than a human advisor could and allow for the same level of return on their investment. The automation of this occupation can also happen by intelligent systems that interact with investors as virtual financial advisors, possibly making use of avatars to offer a more appealing interaction. The efficiency achieved is similar to robots; the lower cost is due to lower hardware costs (Business Insider , 2017).

The prominence of High Frequency Trading, where algorithms make investment decisions worth billions of dollars, independent from human traders test the market, invest on their own accord in spit second trades show the maturity of the technology and the evolution of mass Forex (Foreign Exchange) trading software platforms that are simplified enough to be operated from mobile devices based instantaneous market data analytics and automated strategy suggestions are just some of the ways financial industry has gained mass penetration (Flanagan, 2013).

The scope of the machine learning is almost total , from mass market portfolio management and automatic investment practices without the interim financial manager , to algorithmic trading (mathematical models that automatically respond to market changes, to fraud detection (constant data surveillance and anomalies detection) to loan/insurance underwriting (based on easy and continuous data analyses of millions of people on multiple data trends such as age, jobs, credit risk, demographics etc.) (Faggella, 2018)

Case example 1 The Betterment LLC is a leading platform offering a smart automated betterment investing service that provides advice on financial products and services. Its portfolio includes funds that are traded on the stock exchange and bonds. It also offers services of financial planning, retirement planning, individual accounts management. It also offers customized financial advice to all its customers.


Case example 2 Wealthfront is another platform that is also based on the intelligent Wealthfront systems to offer a smart investing service. It is able to build an https://www.wealthfront.com/ investment portfolio according to the customers’ interests and risks they are willing to take.


5 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Loan officer, 4211 Bank tellers and related clerks deal directly with clients of banks or post offices in connection with receiving, changing and paying out money, or providing mail services (ILO, 2018). Tellers, Money Collectors and Related Clerks Tellers, money collectors and related clerks perform money-handling operations in establishments relating to banking, postal services, betting or gambling, pawning and debt collecting (ILO, 2018).

Bank Tellers and Related Clerks Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related Gaming Workers Pawnbrokers and Money-lenders Debt Collectors and Related Workers Post office counter clerk Money changer Bank teller

0,98 The banking industry is experiencing a seismic shift of changes and these changes will definitely have an effect on employment (Recruiter, 2017)

For large financial and mortgage companies, the improvements derived from automated processes will effectively lower errors, human bias and fraud risks and eliminate inconsistencies in processing, thereby reducing the need for human work hours (Pramuk, 2015; Futurism, 2017).

With the help of cloud computing and secure online platforms, people can instantly check their credit scores and depending on individual data that can be easily accessed and discussed with a chatbot, an approved loan can be received immediately thus increasing customer satisfaction could rise as a result of instant pre-approval, hassle-free applications, and much faster turnaround (GO Banking Rates, 2016) .

The Bank will also have information about customer’s health status, current employment, paid taxes, or circumstances that alter his creditworthiness (Faggella, 2018).

Moreover, some of the industry’s challenges, including human bias in underwriting loans could also be centrally controlled by automated processes, thus ensuring greater accountability.

Case example 1 One of Sweden’s biggest banks has recently enrolled a virtual customer Aida at SEB service called Amelia, representative that has the access to the clients data, has infinite patience, can track preferences and learning about the clients and is always active. The developers of the software made it sound like a woman based on research that dealing with women provides more comfort to clients.


Case example 2 Nordea Life and Pensions has created a new interface called Nova. This in Nova - a chatbot Nordea Bank in chatbot will for a time provide basic customer service but has the potential to . become the default interface of the company and handle the majority of customer interactions (Finextra, 2017).

Case example 3 Swedbank’s new interface is in the same vein as its other Swedish Nina The Virtual Assistant counterparts and has currently been able to solve 78% of initial requests Swedbank Customer Service without requiring costly human customer service personnel.

This adoption will have a significant effect as the Swedbank Group is the leading financial institution in Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (contact- centres, 2016).

Case example 4 JP Morgan Chase & Co. is one of the largest financial organizations in the world with almost a quarter million workforce. The giant bank has “moved to emphasize technology and rely less on human tellers”

(Pramuk, 2015). The back operates a program called COIN or Contract Intelligence which is cloud based to review loan agreements, translating commercial loan agreements and diminish mistakes, while cutting down some 360 thousand hours of paid work to a matter of minutes (Futurism, 2017)

Case example Loandisk is an online loan management system developed for micro finance Loandisk and lending companies. It is a cloud based loan software that is secure and easy to use. It manages all client loans and savings in one location. It offers possibilities to send messages to the borrowers, to view detailed stats and charts, to download loan statements and reports, to manage expenses and payrolls. Case example The Credit Risk Management Platform is a robust and scalable software The Credit Risk Management solution for credit risk management. The platform is used by banks, financial Platform service providers, and corporations for assessing and managing credit risks. Core features of the platform include capturing and spreading financial statements as well as a flexible framework for the implementation of internal rating and scoring models.


6 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Financial Analysts (Credit Analysts) 2413 Financial analysts conduct quantitative analyses of information affecting investment programs of public or private institutions (ILO, 2018). Finance Professionals Finance professionals plan, develop, organize, administer, invest, manage and conduct quantitative analyses of either financial accounting systems or funds for individuals, establishments and public or private institutions (ILO, 2018).

Accountants Financial and Investment Advisers Financial Analysts Bond analyst Investment analyst Securities consultant 0,98 The financial industry is largely (around 50% of working hours) based on collecting and processing large amounts of data (Chui, Manyika, & Mehdi , 2016). This activity is largely been affected and enhanced by automated technologies who can perform the work in fractions of a second instead of thousands of working hours, with the additional bonus of the eradication of fraud and the minimization of mistakes (given that the underlying algorithms are correct). Online analysis software can address informational asymmetries and give access to market participants who may not have the financial strength to employ financial advisors and analysts. By default this analysis will be also less expensive as it will be automatic (Financial Stability Board , 2017) (Finstanon, n.d.). Ready Ratios is an online company that has developed a software that can analyze a company’s financial reports to produce ratios, indicators, tables, diagrams, comments and summary for the management of the company that is indistinguishable from a “…professionally made human report!” (Ready Ratios, n.d.)

7 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Archivist 2621 Archivist collect, appraise and ensure the safekeeping and preservation of the contents of archives, artefacts and records of historical, cultural, administrative and artistic interest, and implement systems for the safekeeping of records and historically valuable documents (ILO, 2018). Librarians, Archivists and Curators Librarians, archivists and curators develop and maintain the collections of archives, libraries, museums, art galleries and similar establishments (ILO, 2018).

Archivists and Curators Librarians and Related Information Professionals Archivist Art gallery curator Museum curator Records manager 0.76 Cultural institutions, such as museums, are increasingly using artificial intelligence to support the effective management of cultural artefacts, display and interpret contents / manuscripts. The use of this technology, based on machine learning, allows for the fast and effective search and storage of documents by specific elements such as entities, places and dates. It also allows the relation of documents by interpreting their content and relate them to specific user inquiries. Moreover, these systems support the smart recovery of documents of any format to support decision processes as they unfold and information needs are felt. Case example 1 The Google Cultural Institute created the software, X Degrees of Separation, which integrates a database of artwork images and artefacts of museums around the world; its main feature is the selection and comparison of images, eventually identifying the transformations occurring from one image to the next one, in this way performing a semantic interpretation of images (TED, 2016). Case example 2 Transkribus is a machine learning software that interprets handwritten Transcribus documents and transcribes them to a digital form. The software manages and interlinks the digitalized documents. It can also associate images with text, expanding the interpretation of the text (Transkribus, n.d.), (Transkribus EU, 2017) Case example 3 Artificial intelligence is also used in deciphering of the Voynich manuscript (illustrated codex handwritten in an unknown writing system). Researchers from University of Alberta used computerized reasoning to interpret segments of the original manuscript, utilizing a method called algorithmic decipherment to uncover the basic, scrambled dialect. This manuscript, regularly called the world's most mysterious book, comprises of about 240 pages of mysterious content written in a multifaceted, obscure dialect, joined by abnormal charts and delineations. While the document remains mostly indecipherable, some advances were made by the use of the system (CBC, 2018), (CNN , 2018), (Zandbergen, 2018). Digitization of precious archives have been a staple of government and non- government programs for years and that plethora of resources are accessing the web through platforms like the Digital Public Library of America, thus requiring less physical interactions with library customers. (Digital Public Library of America, n.d.)

8 Skill Level 3 Librarians and related information professionals 2622 Librarians and related information professionals collect, select, develop, organize and maintain library collections and other information repositories; organize and control other library services and provide information for users (ILO, 2018).

Librarians, Archivists and Curators Librarians, archivists and curators develop and maintain the collections of archives, libraries, museums, art galleries and similar establishments (ILO, 2018).

Archivists and Curators Librarians and Related Information Professionals Bibliographer Cataloguer Librarian

65% Librarians and archivists have been on the forefront of digitization even by the late 1980s (Gilliland, The Development of Automated Archival Systems: Planning and Managing Change, 1988) and the advent of RFID and other sorting technologies. Today, only a very small minority of large libraries (university, municipal, national, private) are run manually. The use of RFID chips have allowed users use check out machines and not interact with the staff. New strides in automation technologies has allowed for a more efficient use of space where machines scan, identify and place and retrieve books within minutes. Digitization of archives has also allowed for a more dispersed and selective use of physical books. Thus librarians as a discipline has been reduced to working in smaller libraries where the cost of installing expensive management systems does not match the volume. Digitization has affected so much of the occupations of librarian and archivist that has changed the nature of their jobs. Case example 1 University of Chicago has one of the more automated and technological advanced systems in the world. The Automated Storage and Retrieval System allows users to access any book within minutes and with fail safes to ensure that books are never lost/misplaced or any other way mistaken (GIZMODO, 2015), (DEMATIC , n.d.).

Digitization in the Library sectors has become some engrained and widely adopted that it changed the study of library sciences with academic journals already of 20 years, focusing on security, threads, opportunities and new technology implementations (Information Today Inc. , 2018) Sources

9 Resource Pack Skill Level 4 Architect 2161 Building architects design commercial, industrial, institutional, residential and recreational buildings and plan and monitor their construction, maintenance and rehabilitation (ILO, 2018).

Architects, Planners, Surveyors and Designers Architects, planners, surveyors and designers plan and design landscapes, building exteriors and interiors, products for manufacture, and visual and audiovisual content for the communication of information. They conduct survey work to precisely position geographical features; design, prepare and revise maps; and develop and implement plans and policies for controlling the use of land (ILO, 2018).

Building Architects Landscape Architects Product and Garment Designers Town and Traffic Planners Cartographers and Surveyors Graphic and Multimedia Designers Interior architect 0,52 Given that games, and paintings were some of the first uses for computers it should come as no surprise that with the advent and popularization of the internet and powerful mobile devices came online interfaces that allow people to visualize their own homes and pet-projects. Architects use Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Narrow Intelligence to augment parts of the work especially connected to research. These efficiencies come for the ‘information fabric’ or social interactions in the community or environmental coherence or security concerns to the design site in order to make the design as functional as possible and optimize its integration to the environment (Hannah, 2017). As is noted before since AI has matured from the gaming industry, using enhanced client engagement with 3D models or simulations for prospective clients in order to experience the proposed design in a much more comprehensive manner (Hannah, 2017) (Gaget, 2017) One of the prospective technologies that are fast reaching maturity is the 3D Printing, which is graduating from models and simulations to actual physical buildings thus changing the nature of construction. One of the futuristic developments would be to integrate AI technologies in the house design or even design these houses around the functionality of AI. These could range from the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) to maximizing the impact of interconnected devices and AI to optimize build environment.

Case example 1 Designed Exterior Studio is a new online tool by Ply Gem, a US company that makes things like siding and stone veneer for the exterior of homes. Users can choose a virtual home that resembles their own from an image bank of nearly two dozen styles, and then alter the colour, siding, windows and roof, and make structural changes like adding a porch or a dormer.

Case example 2 Jeroen Bekkers, the Dutch architect who created Floorplanner, which allows users to make detailed plans of rooms or entire houses, complete with furniture and landscaping, said he wanted to “involve people in the design process.” The site has five million registered users, with close to a million new floor plans added to its database each month, he said. Floorplanner is also available as iPad app.

Space Syntax is a software that allows architects to gather data for multiple of human and environmental indicators, such as movement, density, land use, land value, urban growth, safety, crime etc. In order to design projects that are integral to their human and physical environment (Space Syntax Network, n.d.)

Graphisoft is an update from the design architectural software that encorporates a wide range of designs that graduate the modelling from Building Information Models to Building Energy Models, for a more energy efficient and green architectural design. The software is interconnected with other tools and designs can be input, tested, changed and saved thus ensuring efficiency and effectiveness (GRAPHISOFT, n.d.).

10 Resource Pack Skill Level 4 Technical Writers 2641 Technical writers turn complex, technical information into clear and simple language that is easy for either tech professionals or the general public to understand. They compose a variety of documents, such as software manuals, training and user manuals, FAQs, white papers, case studies, business proposals, operating procedures, product descriptions, press releases, assembly instructions, online customer service guides and technical reports. Technical writers often specialize in one field, such as software reporting or medical writing (ILO, 2018) (Digital Media Production, 2015).

Authors, Journalists and Linguists Authors, journalists and linguists conceive and create literary works; interpret and communicate news and public affairs through the media; and translate or interpret from one language into another (ILO, 2018).

Authors and Related Writers Journalists Translators, Interpreters and Other Linguists Technical Author and Communicator Content Developer and Designer Information Developer Information Architect, Engineer or Designer Documentation Specialist Documentation Manager Text Engineer 0,89 Technical Writers are a very specialized branch of technical communication usually having to engage with all aspects of creating a compact, coherent and comprehensive document which would be user friendly. Due to the fact that it is a highly creative and interconnecting endeavour where it combines, interviews, technical understanding, content creation, graphic design and complex formatting, this occupation has not seen any significant content development substitution (Digital Media Production, 2015).

The current technologies (all-in-one solutions, cloud based, automated graphic and content adaptation for multiple devices) (Hlova, 2017), have skyrocketed the efficiency and productivity of the technical writers thus potentially undercutting there growth potential. Case example 1 Confluence is a platform for technical writing. It is possible to collaboratively plan, author, track changes, organize and structure, restrict editing, and publish technical documentation.

Experts in the field anticipate that these jobs will be taken over software programmes that will be cloud based and so will be accessed by several employers at once – drastically reducing the demand for technical writers. RoboHelper is Adobe’s technical communication toolkit that allows creators of help systems, policies and procedures etc., to author and publish a number of different functions when creating content for multiple devices (Adobe RoboHelp Beginner Training, 2018) (Weelden, 2014)

Case example 3 At present, Narrative Science’s technology is used by media outlets, including Forbes, to produce automated articles, including those in sports, business, and politics. The Narrative Science technology can also produce reports for both internal and external audiences across different industries. The software can collect data from sources including databases, financial and sales reporting systems, web sites, and social media. It then analyses the data to understand the most important content and then writes a document.

11 Resource Pack Skıll Level 4 Translators (interpreters and other linguists) 2643 Translators, interpreters and other linguists translate or interpret from one language into another and study the origin, development and structure of languages (ILO, 2018). Authors, Journalists and Linguists Authors, journalists and linguists conceive and create literary works; interpret and communicate news and public affairs through the media; and translate or interpret from one language into another (ILO, 2018). Authors and Related Writers Journalists Translators, Interpreters and Other Linguists Interpreter Philologist Subtitler Lexicographer Translator-reviser 0,38 Online content is flooding the internet these days and this increases the demand for immediate, affordable and quality translators. In 2017 translation was “..one of the most in- demand service..” (information age , 2018) And because there aren’t enough human translators around to cope with this growth, machine translation is growing too. Many translators are now seeing machine translation as a productivity tool (with post-editing), rather than something that could replace them. However, the machine translation post-editing is a growing market too. It makes sense for certain types of text and could prove to be quite lucrative. Nowadays, there is a worldwide technology, which tries to replace the human interpreters, for example the Google Translator. But other technologies emerge on daily basis and try to challenge the knowledge of humans and to be so good, that the original meaning of translated words is ensured.

Case example 1 ▪ Google translates more words in 1 minute than all human Google says it has almost cracked translators in one year. language translation« Tests show that when translating Spanish to English, Google

Translate scored 3.6 in an accuracy test. 6 is the perfect translation while 0 is equal to “total nonsense.” Google’s new translation tool (Google Neural Machine Translation system) scored a 5 in the test, while human translators rate in around 5.1.

Case example 2 With the Babylon tool, people can write emails in English, but the recipient will receive them in their appropriate language. The user only designates, which language belongs to which contact. This also works for the entire Microsoft Office Suite, such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint, along with Mac applications.

Case example 3 Watson AI ıs an automated translating software for legal, academic and financial documents that offers “professional interpretation” at affordable prices (Watson AI, n.d.)

Case Example 4 Microsoft Translator is a powerful tool with multiple capacities and can operate in multiple platforms like in community, social networks and gaming, as customer support, as a live speech translation, for web localization or ecommerce, for business intelligence (translating foreign websites), for internal communications, for training and for subtitling of presentations or educational classes in real time (Microsoft , n.d.). Case example 1 Skype Translator offers real time translation to help people Skype Translator communicate more clearly in foreign languages. The voice translator currently works in 8 languages, and the text translator is available in more than 50 languages for instant messaging. The translator has the potential to break down language barriers and bring people together. It will give people a chance to communicate without knowing the other language and without the need of interpreters. Case example 2 Voicetra is a speech translation app that translates user Voicetra – translation app and speech into different languages. With an easy-to-use Mymanu Click earbuds interface, user can also check whether the translation is correct. Mymanu Clik smart earbuds are special small earbuds able to translate languages in real time. Users need Mymanu Companion Smartphone App and when they download language packs, which contain 37 different languages, they will be able to choose a language they want to hear and the buds automatically detect the language, which is being spoken. Earbuds don't require any data connection. Sources

12 Skill level 3 Power production plant operators 3131 Power production plant operators operate, monitor and maintain switchboards and related equipment in electrical control centres which control the production and distribution of electrical or other power in transmission networks. The equipment operated includes reactors, turbines, generators and other auxiliary equipment in electrical power-generating stations (ILO, 2018).

Process Control Technicians

Process control technicians operate and monitor switchboards, computerized control systems and multi-function process control machinery; and maintain processing units in electrical power generation and distribution, wastewater, sewage treatment and waste disposal plants, chemical, petroleum and natural gas refineries, in metal processing and other multiple process operations (ILO, 2018).

Power Production Plant Operators Incinerator and Water Treatment Plant Operators Chemical Processing Plant Controllers Petroleum and Natural Gas Refining Plant Operators Metal Production Process Controllers Process Control Technicians Not Elsewhere Classified Electric power plant operator Hydroelectric power plant operator Nuclear power plant operator Power system operator Solar power plant operator 0.85 As power operators retire, the workforce has shifted towards other professions thus creating a continuous lack of skilled personnel. Concurrently, businesses have utilized technologies that provide automated operational and efficiency solutions as well as integrated condition monitoring, management and data analysers. The rise of subcontractors has also allowed companies to discard in-house maintenance personnel to outside companies (Larson, 2015). Shifting from coal based to gas based power plants has also shifted the requirements for employment in the energy production sector (Wagman , Automation Is Engineering the Jobs Out of Power Plants, 2017), «...Nordman said that 10 to 15 years ago, a common estimate was that one person was needed for each MW at its facilities, but not anymore. Now it is far fewer...» (Bradsher, 2017) (Gold, 2018).

Finally, the biggest challenge is the wide adoption of renewable technologies that are more dispersed and fragmented than centralized power plant systems and are consequently more labour intensive, although creation of massive power plants and automation means than operators job growth will be stable or even diminish (Bureau of Labor Statistics , 2018)

Case Example 1 Solar Power plants One of the largest solar power plant in the world is the facility of Kamuthi, Tamil Nadu, which has a capacity of 648 Megawatts and it has a sophisticated robot system that cleans the solar panels every day to keep it continually at peak efficiency (Al Jazeera, 2016)

Case Example 2 Solar Thermal Plants The largest solar thermal plant in the world is the national solar program in Morocco, also called NOOR (light in Arabic). This plant is planned to reach 2000 Megawatts by 2020. While occupations during construction abounded (ranging from about 2000 to 4000 workers during peak construction) with a permanent staff being able to be interchanged between the facilities, to reduce expenses (Noor II and Noor III eye cost savings from site integration, 2016). Case example 3 IoT and Automation New IoT monitoring and managing technologies has allowed companies to replace coal power plants with bigger gas operated ones. The new technologies allow for a great reduction in operators, in one case “…it will replace three existing coal-fired units that currently employ more than 500 people. Job openings at the new gas-fired plant? Thirty-five full-time employee...“ (Wagman , Automation Is Engineering the Jobs Out of Power Plants, 2017).

14 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Pharmaceutical technician and assistant 3213 Pharmaceutical technicians and assistants perform a variety of tasks associated with dispensing medicinal products under the guidance of a pharmacist or other health professional (ILO, 2018).

Medical and Pharmaceutical Technicians Medical and pharmaceutical technicians perform technical tasks to assist in diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments (ILO, 2018).

Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Equipment Technicians Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants Medical and Dental Prosthetic Technicians Dispensing technician Pharmaceutical assistant Pharmaceutical technician 0,72 A combination of low compensation and high regulatory pressures are squeezing the occupation worldwide (indeed, Accessed 25/06/2018), (The Journal , 2016). Pharmaceutical Assistants and Technicians are enjoying a boom because of the explosion growth of prescription drugs and pharmacies (GE booted from the Dow, to be replaced by Walgreens, 2018). But there daily operations are quite mundane and repetitive which is the kind of work ideally suited to automation as it has started since the mid-2000s (AJP, 2016), although the cost of substitution could prevent smaller pharmacies from adopting them just yet (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018) The industrial application of dispensers in the pharmaceutical industry has slowly started to take off and replacing humans “…optimize prescription fulfilment, improve efficiency and deliver enhanced patient-centred consultations...“ (Leanne, 2016) not mention to ensure less mistakes or “…adverse drug events...” (Manjoo, 2011). Case example 1 The ScriptPro Robotic dispensing systems are fully operational systems that are able to use limited space efficiently, minimize mistakes, handle high volume of traffic and perform full range of operations, such as easy filing, labelling, verifying and dispersing using RFID technologies (ScriptPro).

Case example 2 Pharmacy Automation Systems provides a wide range of products, from software that assists pharmacist technicians and assistants perform the work better and more securely to fully automated systems that can be responsible for close to 100 % of the work. http://www.pharmacyautomationsystems.com/

Omnicell is another company that deals with the full range of solutions for all the whole scale of the healthcare industry (Omnicell ).

15 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Medical and dental prosthetic technicians 3214 Medical and dental prosthetic technicians design, fit, service and repair medical and dental and appliances following prescriptions or instructions established by a health devices professional. They may service a wide range of support instruments to correct physical medical or dental problems, such as neck braces, orthopaedic splints, artificial limbs, hearing aids, arch supports, dentures, and dental crowns and bridges (ILO, 2018). Medical and Pharmaceutical Technicians

Medical and pharmaceutical technicians perform technical tasks to assist in diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease, injuries and impairments (ILO, 2018).

Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Equipment Technicians Medical and Pathology Laboratory Technicians Pharmaceutical Technicians and Assistants Dental mechanic Dental technician Denturist Orthopaedic appliance maker Orthontic technician Orthodontist 0,97 Medical related professions are projected to increase as the baby boomer generation will get older (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018). Despite that, a number of technologies exist that have minimized the needs for specialized technicians in these occupations.

CAD/CAM (Computer – Aided Design and Manufacturing) technologies increase efficiency, help resolve labor issues (dentist can do that without technicians), and enable dental professionals to interact with each other and their patients. The materials and machining capabilities are improving drastically. CAD/CAM technology has advanced to the point when non-dentally trained individuals could run the technology and fabricate teeth restorations.

The CEREC system for dental professionals makes it possible to produce most of the whole ceramic crowns and veneers in one sitting. The patient does not have to wait or visit his dentist more than once and the complete ceramic- metalwork is done in a while.

This technologies extend to diagnostics and microbiological analyses that require limited human inputs and can produce fast, comprehensive and protection from human error results.

Finally, the Orthotic and Prosthetic technologies (O&P) have become very streamlined, faster, accurate and pleasant for patients and safer for clinicians.

This increasing manufacturing productivity of prosthetics, diagnosis, scanning etc. due to automation will likely slow the job growth for prosthetic technicians. They will be more involved in the design stage, using digital imaging techniques CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided modeling) and they will have to learn to use new software

These are specialized skills could provide a breathing space for technicians that collaborate with older orthodontists and will not be willing to invest the time and money to change their modus operandi. Part of them will stick with molds, which will sustain the technical profession for a number of years to come. Case example 1 Dentsply Sirona The company has innovated dental CAD/CAM technologies (CEREC) that allowed dental restorations to become a single day affair (Dentsply Sirona).

Case example 2 Biomerieux The company produces products for healthcare laboratories with as much automation of procedures, identification database and the maximum automated procedures for rapid and accurate results. “…This can take over routine lab tasks and medical technicians can move into another area, where they can utilize their special knowledge and take more analytical function in the lab…” (Biomerieux)

Case Example 3 Vorum

This company produces software that analyses, modifies, and fabricates prosthetics in an efficient and productive manner " (Biomerieux)“It’s time for our industry to join the digital age. An architect could not compete today without using computer-aided design tools, and the same will soon be true for custom orthotic and prosthetic providers.” - - Nolan Hayday, Business Manager, Karl Hager Limb & Brace“ (VORUM)


Skill Level 3 Accounting Associate Professionals 3313 Accounting associate professionals maintain complete records of financial transactions of an undertaking and verify accuracy of documents and records relating to such transactions (ILO, 2018). Financial and Mathematical Associate Professionals Financial and mathematical associate professionals place a value on various items and property; maintain records of financial transactions; analyse loan application information and render a decision; buy and sell financial instruments; and perform mathematical and related calculations (ILO, 2018) Credit and Loans Officers Valuers and Loss Assessors Bookkeeper 0,98 Accountants and related professionals are the second highest in terms of risk from automation (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 13), just after telemarketers.

Accounting has been the focus of technological change since the invention and popularization of the Microsoft Excel (Pepe, 2011). This allowed the exponential growth of the occupation as the technology was widely adopted and created a need for more accountants in order to take advantage of this technology for strategic and operational optimization.

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is now, an ubiquitous software based on a number of technologies like affordable mobile Internet, cloud etc. that basically centralizes most processes and limits bureaucracy as all information is securely and instantaneously logged, accessed and processes in the digital space, both from bottom to top (invoices, receipts etc.), but also from top to bottom (changing regulations/practices).

The new automation software is a more efficient, automated and wholesale product, vis-à-vis the accounting department than previous ones in that it uses advances and cost reductions in new technology to accurately scan, identify, securely upload and automatically log the scanned invoices and receipts, and other documents, into the relevant accounts giving the accountants only minimum conflict resolution tasks and overview. Case example 1 This new online service which is cloud based, uses advanced AI to read receipts with increasing accuracy and automatically allocate them in the relevant accounts as well as correct the issuer and apply the correct tax treatment. The platform allows the users to keep track on invoices, suppliers’ position, sales, costs, and liquidity. This process is sophisticated enough to require the minimum amount of manual labour by the accounting department.

Case example 2 Crunch is a cloud based platform that helps Small and Medium Enterprises and freelancers to set up businesses and automate basic accounting tasks for a very low cost.

Case example 3 Xero is a secure online platform with the capacity to replace many working hours by automating most of the basic accounting tasks like invoicing, creating purchasing orders, keeping track of the inventory, reconciliation when working with multiple currencies, interconnectedness with 3rd party apps, claiming expenses, attaching source documents, paying bills, tracking performance and reporting. https://www.xero.com/


17 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Insurance representative 3321 Insurance representatives advise on and sell life, accident, automobile, liability, endowment, fire, marine and other types of insurance to new and established clients (ILO, 2018).

Sales and Purchasing Agents and Brokers Sales and purchasing agents and brokers represent companies, governments and other organizations to buy and sell commodities, goods, insurance, shipping and other services to industrial, professional, commercial or other establishments, or act as independent agents to bring together buyers and sellers of commodities and services (ILO, 2018).

Commercial Sales Representatives Insurance agent Insurance broker Insurance underwriter 0,92 Insurer representatives as well as underwriters usually top the Top Ten List of professions that are likely to be automated. The process for selling insurance is highly automate-able and eligibility criteria can be easily processed by software.

However, a 2013 survey by the consulting firm Ernst & Young of 100 global insurers showed that, while acknowledging that digitization is very important for an updated customer experience they are sluggish in fully embracing the technology and they cite “…legacy technology…cultural constraints as hindering factors for the adoption of an aggressive digitization strategy (EY, 2013). The biggest one though is the agent herself. The insurance agent is the respected human connection with the big scary company in time of extreme stress and is usually a strong part of the community (Hamn, 2012)

Challenges aside, the increasing number of online insurance companies and platforms that are helping to find the cheapest insurance solution and the commission free prospect of for clients could eventually tip the balance towards automatic insurance platforms (Insurance Journal , 2018). Case example 1 Calling itself an “insurance robo-advisor,” Clark’s iOS and Android apps let manage Clark Insurance App and purchase various insurance products. Specifically, it uses algorithms to analyse the customer’s current insurance situation and automatically proposes opportunities to improve coverage or the deal the customer is currently on.

Case example 2 Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance, a japanese insurance company, in 2017 replaced 34 human insurers with IBM Watson Explorer. The AI will deal with insurance claims by going through hospital records and other documents to calculate insurance payouts.

Case example 3 Insureon is an online insurance platform for small businesses for comparing insurance options online based on eligibility and needs and then provide pricing trends, best options and tips.


18 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Clearing and forwarding agents 3331

Clearing and forwarding agents carry out customs clearance procedures and ensure that insurance, export/import licences and other formalities are in order (ILO, 2018).

Business Services Agents

Business services agents establish contacts to sell various business services such as advertising space in the media; carry out customs clearance activities ensuring that necessary documents are in order; match jobseekers with vacancies; find workers for employers; arrange contracts for the performance of athletes, entertainers and artists, as well as for the publication of books, the production of plays, or the recording, performance and sale of music; and plan and organize conferences and similar events (ILO, 2018).

Conference and Event Planners Employment Agents and Contractors Real Estate Agents and Property Managers Business Services Agents Not Elsewhere Classified Forwarding agent Shipping agent 0.99 The occupation of Import/Export clerks grew exponentially as global international trade became more and more ubiquitous and was accompanied with an equal increase in bureaucratic procedures in terms of calculating tax, issuing invoices, printing receipts and payments etc. With the wide adoption of ERPs (Enterprise Resource Platforms), the role of a person who needs to validate commercial value, tax requirements, etc. is now very much automated within the general framework of integration. There exist also dedicated platforms that offer a full range of monitoring tools above and beyond the normal tasks of an agent, like barcoding, import/export management, international and local forwarders, shipment tracking, truckload management, warehouse managements Case example 1 A1 tracker provides a specialized supplier management software that processes and manages, shipping, warehousing and tracking of exports, imports and resources

Case example 2 Camelot Software is a 3 party logistic company with an array of products like the Excalibur WMS which integrate r end-to-end operations like digitizing warehousing, fulfilling requests, freights and shipping brokerage, transportations etc.

Case example 3 Descartes provides accounting software for Freight Forwarders as well as deep training for companies who want to simplify their complex transportation processes offering financial impact analysis of the clearing and forwarding process, automated calculations, refunds, simulations, transparency, compliance and better overall management.


19 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Real Estate Agent 3334 Real estate agents and property managers arrange the sale, purchase, rental and lease of real estate and property, usually on behalf of clients and on a commission basis (ILO, 2018).

Business Services Agents Business services agents establish contacts to sell various business services such as advertising space in the media; carry out customs clearance activities ensuring that necessary documents are in order; match jobseekers with vacancies; find workers for employers; arrange contracts for the performance of athletes, entertainers and artists, as well as for the publication of books, the production of plays, or the recording, performance and sale of music; and plan and organize conferences and similar events (ILO, 2018).

Clearing and Forwarding Agents Conference and Event Planners Employment Agents and Contractors Real Estate Agents and Property Managers Business Services Agents Not Elsewhere Classified Estate agent Property manager Realtor Salesperson (real estate) 0,97 Real estate marketing focuses on convenience and expertise and innovation. From virtual tours via smartphones guided by a real estate professional, to choosing real estate agent based on customer ratings, digitization has infiltrated every aspect of the real estate job (Forbes Real Estate Council, 2017). From the intangible networks to the invaluable local knowledge about the community and the neighbourhood all can now be performed better, more efficiently and cost effectively (Weber, 2017). Also, it is possible to obtain estimates and comparative analyses on the value of a property directly online, launch on the web an interior design competition to increase the value of the house for sale or create a navigable 3D model of an apartment, or to customize and furnish to taste. Finally, online platforms, from rather simple ones, like Facebook groups to more dedicated ones skip real estate agents thus bridging the information gap between supply and demand. The outlook growth for real estate agents follows the overall health of the construction sector (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018). Much of the innovation in real estate market might be a risk for the agents, but they might as well be a great opportunity to give a better service to a larger market of clients. Case example 1 A new concept platform is Homepal, which has introduced the concept of social real Homapal estate network connecting those who sell or rent with those looking for a home. Placing an advertisement with photos in this platform costs between 29 to 49 Euro. Buying a property through this platform implies the payment of 290 Euros fee, while renting a property requires the payment of a 90 Euros fee. In comparison, this platform offers a much cheaper and simpler formula for renting and buying properties than traditional agencies that usually charge up to 3% of the transaction value to both the buyer and seller. Case example 2 Realisti.co is a service that allows people to search for a house online, without being Realisti.co physically on the place, through a virtual tour that use 360 degrees visualization techniques and 3d visualizations.

Trulia is an all-in-one real estate platform that is able to provide insights not only on the content of the house but also price statistics, trends, community statistics, access to local residents, by offering over 34 map overlays exploring all the typical and non- typical variables that a family could possibly consider. https://www.trulia.com/


20 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Legal Secretaries 3342 Legal secretaries apply specialized knowledge of the legal terminology and procedures in providing support to the legal professionals with communication, documentation and internal managerial coordination activities, in law offices, the legal departments of large firms and governments (ILO, 2018). Administrative and Specialized Secretaries Administrative and specialized secretaries provide organizational, communication and documentation support services, utilizing specialized knowledge of the business activity of the organization in which they are employed. They take supervisory responsibility for office clerks in the organization (ILO, 2018).

Office Supervisors Administrative and Executive Secretaries Medical Secretaries 0.98 Technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning are fast replacing the manual tasks formerly executed by legal secretaries. The law firms and other entities of this sector are beginning to invest in new technologies that perform tasks faster and at lower costs. Analysis and categorization of texts in the context of a particular legal case are more effective when carried out by intelligent systems. Basic review of documents is already performed in some companies in the legal industry, using autonomous methods (Artificial Intelligence) allowing a reduction in time by 2.5% over the year when comparing to a human secretary (NY Times, 2017). Finally, research related to litigation is one of the tasks that require more time as it entails the identification and collection of information needed to support the legal decision. This process begins with the analysis of the collected facts and ends with the communication of the results of this analysis. Intelligent systems accelerate the research process and the quality of analysis as this can be done on a wide range of structured and unstructured data (Financial Times, 2016). These systems are able to interrelate legal text, cases and decisions in a way that a human secretary could not achieve with the same speed and effectiveness. The prospects for the occupation are dire, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2026 there will be a drop of 5% in this profession (Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2018) However, these same intelligent systems cannot yet interact with the clients or help in the negotiations between opposing parties. For these tasks human secretaries can still assist lawyers in a more effective way although machine learning technologies such as chatbots are becoming sophisticated enough to make initial contact. Case example 1 The Ailira is a legal assistant based on artificial intelligence that offers help in legal issues. This assistant understands speech and can answer questions about legal issues. The software surveys a wide base of legislative data to answer the questions. It also creates and reviews legal documents based on a large number legislative articles accessed.

Case example 2 ROSS Intelligence is a tool that allows lawyers conduct advanced research in legal issues, getting answers quickly without having to consult various articles. The research is based on all accessible legislative items, comparing all possible cases to the issue at hand.

Case Example 3 Cooley is a law firm in the US that has used the power of machine learning to build a legal case through identifying legal concepts from a truly staggering 29 million documents


21 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Legal and Related Associate Professionals 3411 Legal and related associate professionals perform support functions in courts of law or in law offices, provide services related to such legal matters as insurance contracts, the transferring of property and the granting of loans and other financial transactions, or conduct investigation for clients (ILO, 2018).

Legal, Social and Religious Associate Professionals Legal, social and religious associate professionals provide technical and practical services and support functions in legal processes and investigations, social and community assistance programmes and religious activities (ILO, 2018).

Legal and Related Associate Professionals Social Work Associate Professionals Religious Associate Professionals Bailiff Conveyancing clerk Court clerk Judge’s clerk Justice of the peace Law clerk Legal assistant Paralegal Title searcher 0,94 In the discovery phase of a lawsuit, lawyers and paralegals can be required to sift through thousands, even tens of thousands of documents depending on the case. Now, sophisticated databases can use big data techniques including syntactic analysis and keyword recognition to accomplish the same tasks in much less time.

In fact, it’s likely that a Watson-style machine learning system could be legally “trained” to review precedent and case history and even draft legal briefs — which has traditionally been the job of lower level law firm associates. But it is not only the lowly junior associates whose jobs are at risk: a statistical model created by researchers at Michigan State University and South Texas College of Law was able to predict the outcome of almost 71 percent of U.S. Supreme Court cases (see case example below).

The artificial-intelligence platforms dramatically affect how legal work gets done. These platforms will mine documents for evidence that will be useful in litigation, to review and create contracts, raise red flags within companies to identify potential fraud and other misconduct or do legal research and perform due diligence before corporate acquisitions. Case example 1 Using data to predict Supreme Court’s decisions: Michigan State University law professor Daniel Martin Katz and his colleagues have created an algorithm that has accurately predicted 70 percent of the Supreme Court’s overall decisions, and 71 percent of the votes of individual justices -- more robust results than any other predictive study done to date. Applying various techniques from machine learning, the algorithm takes into account dozens of variables before it makes a prediction.

Case example 2 LawGeex’s artificial intelligence engine reads and analyzes incoming contracts, suggesting edits based on a company’s pre-defined legal policies. Contracts that meet these policies can be automatically approved within an hour. Contracts that don’t align with the policies are escalated for guided editing and approval.

Case Example 3 Though River is an initial assessment AI platform build specifically for analyzing contracts, utilizing Natural Language Processing which allows companies to judge their relative level of contractual risks from millions of contracts based on the software’s analysis of contractual position, wording and context so that the company could focus their legal efforts only on the more high value ones. Sources

22 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Referees, Umpires and Other Sports Officials 3422 Referees, umpires and officials work with amateur and professional sportspersons to organize and officiate in sporting events according to established rules (ILO, 2018). Sports and Fitness Workers Sports and fitness workers prepare for and compete in sporting events for financial gain; train amateur and professional sportsmen and women to enhance performance; promote participation and standards in sport; organize and officiate sporting events; and provide instruction, training and supervision for various forms of exercise and other recreational activities (ILO, 2018). Sporting Officials

0,98 At present, the use of cameras and technology is already becoming more widespread in sports. In professional tennis, umpires have access to hawk-eye technology which allows players to appeal decisions when a ball is called in or out of play. In cricket, umpires have access to a motion predictor developed for the military, infra-red cameras, a sensitive microphone and an ultra-slow-motion replay to establish whether the batsman is out. And most recently, in professional football (soccer), cameras have been introduced to be used on the goal-line to determine if the football crosses the goal line and if a goal can be awarded. This increase in the use of cameras and technology in sports to date has led to changes in the role of referees and umpires. Whereas before, referees and their assistants had the final say in making decisions, now their role is supported by additional technology, especially in terms of mature goal-line technology (Venture Beat, 2017). While this is designed to make sports fairer and to ensure that incorrect decisions are not made, there is reluctance from referees in some sports to embrace this change as they will lose some authority over how they officiate games and sporting events.

Case example 1 At the moment, sport stadiums already contain more cameras and displays than Goal-line technology and they did even a decade ago. In the future, cameras will become smaller, lighter and use of camera referees more affordable meaning that within 10 years we could see players wearing cameras on their person. These camera feeds can be further supplemented by feeds from insect like camera drones which could be used in professional field sports in the future. While this will give fans a more intimate view of the game from the players’ perspective, it will also mean a further change in the role for referees and umpires. In the future, fans, managers, sports coaches, TV pundits and all spectators will have access to camera feeds which show every movement on the sports field from multiple angles, all in real-time; impacting on the referee or umpire’s autonomy in making effective decisions in games and sporting events.

Case example 2 Developing a heads up display (HUD) visor or contact lens display could allow data to Augmented Reality be overlaid on the field of view as all spectators watch a game. Each player could have a data bubble above them that will present data on player physiology, well- being and other data collected through a full active skin sensory relay. While these advances will all enhance the experience for spectators, it will also impact on the role of referees. Ideally, they should be able to see the action from any angle and zoom in or out at will and using active contact lenses, referees could easily do this during a game or match. Access to this additional data will improve the referees’ ability to make effective decisions. The referees will be able to combine inputs from several cameras and other sensors to make a high quality 3D view of the entire field.

Case example 3 The sporting heroes of the future, and the referees who officiate their matches, may Androids all be androids. Androids in the future will be built with a strong skeleton overlaid with polymer gel muscles that feel soft but are five times stronger than humans. This will make androids far more agile and sporting events and matches potentially more exciting. These androids will also be very well networked so every aspect of their play and condition could be used in supporter apps. With androids playing sports in the future and supporters watching and monitoring the games and players using apps, it is possible that in the future, the role of the referee and umpire will become obsolete.


23 Resource Pack Skill Level 3 Broadcasting and Audiovisual Technicians 3521 Broadcasting and audio-visual technicians control technical functioning of equipment to record and edit images and sound and for transmitting radio and television broadcasts of images and sounds, as well as other types of telecommunication signals on land, sea or in aircraft (ILO, 2018).

Telecommunications and Broadcasting Technicians Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians control technical functioning of equipment to record and edit images and sound and for transmitting radio and television broadcasts of images and sounds, as well as other types of telecommunication signals on land, sea or in aircraft; perform technical tasks connected with telecommunications engineering research and with the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of telecommunications systems (ILO, 2018).

Telecommunications Engineering Technicians Audio-visual operator Broadcasting equipment operator Broadcasting technician Camera operator Production assistant 0,98 Automation and digital tools are already widely used in this job area. Human radio and television broadcasters are already being replaced by automated tools and processes. For example, there is a whole sector of this industry related to sport broadcast AI where an AI will follow up to 18 tennis matches and be able to suggest which is the more interesting one to be broadcasted (IT Pro Portal, 2018) (The Washington Post, 2015). A second facet in this realm of broadcasting is its application in for closed captioning, where the AI (in this case IBMs Watson), learns and provide captions based on what the presenter is saying (IBM Cloud Video, 2017). With so much visual data to be processed, AI is ideally suited to become an automatic content index and archiving based on a number of variables that predict relevance to current stories (NewscastStudio, 2018).

This process is even able to create tailor made content automate like BBCs object based media where the AI produces individualized news based on data gathered from viewer (time, device, interests etc.) (IT Pro Portal, 2018).These technologies can be used at a broadcast network, radio station or a television station and it can run or broadcast a programme in the absence of a human operator.

Case example 1 Broadcast software and technologies can be used to schedule programmes. Scheduling was an important advance of these systems, allowing for exact timing and it paves the way for further automation in the future.

Case Example 2 With a broadcasting software, almost everyone is able to broadcast their own channels. Thus, the work of professional broadcasters is now endangered also by the ability of wide public to stream their own videos and shows. One example is Vimeo Live, which also offers a big support to its users and several options like Ad-free HD videos streaming, Simultaneous events, In-depth stats, Auto archiving or marketing. Case example 3 The use of automation software and voice tracks to replace live DJs is a current trend in radio broadcasting, done by many Internet radio stations, where there may be no radio personality on the air at all. This has the potential to be rolled out across all broadcasting media, including television. As well as replacing the ‘personalities’ on screen, with further automation in this field it will mean that technicians and background staff support the broadcasting industry will also be made redundant.


24 Resource Pack Skill level 3 Projectionist 3521 (Broadcasting and) Audio-visual technicians control technical functioning of equipment to record and edit images and sound and for transmitting radio and television broadcasts of images and sounds, as well as other types of telecommunication signals on land, sea or in aircraft (ILO, 2018). Telecommunications and Broadcasting Technicians Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians control technical functioning of equipment to record and edit images and sound and for transmitting radio and television broadcasts of images and sounds, as well as other types of telecommunication signals on land, sea or in aircraft; perform technical tasks connected with telecommunications engineering research and with the design, manufacture, assembly, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of telecommunications systems (ILO, 2018).

Broadcasting and Audio-visual Technicians Telecommunications Engineering Technicians Audio-visual operator Broadcasting equipment operator Cameraman/woman Production assistant

0,97 When cinemas began, a film projectionist was needed to run mechanical projectors with 35mm celluloid rolls. It was quite a physical and involved task, but now that we have turned to digital projectors, basically anyone working in a cinema can load movies. As a result, the role of film projectionists has been diminished to near extinction.

Additionally, and more significantly the technological progress on broadcasting equipment (cameras/audio-visual/software) has evolved in a degree where it can now use the minimum number of personnel to produce an audio piece or record a TV show.

Finally, the physical act of carrying a camera and recording has been also automated teamed with new software that allows it to track and follow the action. Machine Learning has allowed software to follow a human camera operator to improve its automated sports broadcasts (Disney Research, 2016) Case Example 1 Radio production has been automated in a degree where sound technician is almost a Radio Production nuisance. There are a number of sophisticated software that allow a radio producer to manage the whole array of challenges he/she face.

Case example 2 Automated video operators Video Recording Veo has created automatic cameras to record, track, edit, and stream and analyse football matches without the need for a cameraman.

Case Example 3 1 beyond provides professional solutions that manages a multi-camera system, based on automated camera control which is ideal for video conferences, lectures etc. http://1beyond.com/automate-rcs


25 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Data Entry Clerk 4132 Data entry clerks enter coded, statistical, financial and other numerical data into electronic equipment, computerized databases, spreadsheets or other data repositories using a keyboard, mouse, optical scanner, speech recognition software or other data entry tools. They enter data into mechanical and electronic devices to perform mathematical calculations of for further commercial or statistical use (ILO, 2018).

Keyboard Operators Keyboard operators input and process text and data, and prepare, edit and generate documents for storage, processing, publication and transmission (ILO, 2018).

Typists and Word Processing Operators Data Entry Clerks Data entry operator Data input clerk Payment entry clerk 0,99 Data entry presented one of the biggest obstacles to full automation and digitization, but machine learning, predictive reading and natural language techniques were developed in such a degree that are now allowing software an acceptable transcription rate (Predictive Analytics Times, 2016). OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scan programmes and QR or bar code documents are making it easier to automatically transfer paper documents into a digitalized format. Moreover, thanks to IoT and to a large number of “connected” devices, data are being transferred directly from one device to another with no need of data entry. Therefore, this job will persist only as long as the digitalized process is not complete. On the other hand, the knowledge of data entry clerks might be very useful for ICT programmes designers to definite a really quick and easy-to-use interfaces for the end-users, who are to enter data. Case example 1 IRISPen is scanner OCR pen: you simply slide the IRISPen over printed text or OCR Scanner numbers from newspapers, magazines, invoices, faxes, letters, etc. and the text will automatically be retyped in your computer using I.R.I.S.’ embedded OCR technology. Even signatures or small graphics can be scanned with the digital highlighter.

Case example 2 SmartSoft Invoices automates the process of invoice scanning, invoice data Invoice and document reader extraction and classification. It provides recognition of data on scanned paper or PDF invoices, followed by validation, sorting and archiving to speed up your accounts payable process.

Case example 3


26 Resource Pack Skill level 2 Bank Tellers and Related Clerks 4211 Bank tellers and related clerks deal directly with clients of banks or post offices in connection with receiving, changing and paying out money, or providing mail services (ILO, 2018). Tellers, Money Collectors and Related Clerks Tellers, money collectors and related clerks perform money-handling operations in establishments relating to banking, postal services, betting or gambling, pawning and debt collecting (ILO, 2018).

Bank Tellers and Related Clerks Bookmakers, Croupiers and Related Gaming Workers Pawnbrokers and Money-lenders Debt Collectors and Related Workers Money changer Post office counter clerk 0,98 A number of early introduced technologies, like credit cards, automatic tellers, and more recently online banking, paying platforms (PayPal, Apple Pay and Square) and smartphones has created a cheap substitute for the job of the teller in banks, with the remaining ones caring for older non tech savvy generations, opening more branches that bring services to remote places, as well as focusing on developing personal relationships that would distinguish them from other banks. The advantage of human bank tellers lies within the scope of effective communication, which can reveal need of the client for additional bank services (i.e. up-selling), like mortgages, investments, insurance etc. Case example 1 A new wave of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) with larger, digitally enabled ATM screens akin to tablets will start to become the norm, offering almost all of the services human tellers now provide as well as new capabilities like setting up cash withdrawals on your phone that you can seamlessly complete at a nearby ATM. Transactions through human teller will continue to wane, as check cashing and most other services that required face-to-face contact will soon be available via ATM.

Case example 2 Bank-teller is a job under threat also because of the SmartPhones. Smartphones are Smartphones Banking streamlining a wide range of banking services, and more transactions are now made Services and Internet without cash and through the Internet Banking. So for example, from 2009 the Banking number of bank branches in the US has started to decline, reducing jobs for tellers as well.

Case example 3 Deutche Bank, one of the world’s global banks and the biggest in Europe has decided to cut its staff by 30 – 40% without improving quality of service by embrace automated technologies at par with their competitors.


27 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Toolmakers and Related Workers 7222 Toolmakers and related workers make and repair custom-made and specialised tools, sports guns, locks, dies, patterns, machinery components and other metal articles using hand and machine tools to work metal to fine tolerances (ILO, 2018).

Client Information Workers Client information workers provide or obtain information in person, by telephone or electronic means such as email in connection with making travel arrangements, describing the products or services of an organization, registering and greeting guests and visitors, making appointments, connecting telephone calls and collecting information from survey respondents or applicants for services (ILO, 2018).

Die maker Gunsmith Jig maker Locksmith Patternmaker Toolmaker

0.84 Toolmakers and die makers must have advanced knowledge and skills in their field and at the same time have a high digital skills. There is an availability of machinery and integrated solutions like CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing) which can enhance the work of the tool and die makers. Furthermore, many of the processes stared to be automatized – including the automatic machine centres that automate the process with the software solutions. Case example 1 Digital Tool and Die is producing a wide variety of tools, dies, parts, fabrications, and assemblies through cutting edge software, equipment, and facilities. They utilize software such as Visi and Autoform to completely engineer products which may include solid models, collaborative design reviews and metal flow simulation.

Case example 2 Siemens has worked to highlight the possibilities opened up by digitalization through MindSphere, its cloud-based, open, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) operating system. Siemens have unveiled its first MindSphere application for machine tools, called Manage MyMachines, which gives machine operators a cloud- based overview of important machine data and the current operating status of their machines.

Case example 3 Makino has expertise in automated machining solutions. It has designed and installed machine-tool automation solutions for machine shops and tool, die and mold shops. They produce complete system of machining centers, controls, robots and conveyors. They create robust production-ready processes—including machinery, fixtures, tools, programs and documentation—for parts with complex geometries, demanding deadlines, challenging budget constraints and Six Sigma standards.


Skill Level 2 Telephone switchboard operators 4223

Telephone switchboard operators operate telephone communications switchboards and consoles to establish telephone connections, receive caller inquiries, service problem reports, and record and relay messages to staff or clients (ILO, 2018).

Client Information Workers Client information workers provide or obtain information in person, by telephone or electronic means such as email in connection with making travel arrangements, describing the products or services of an organization, registering and greeting guests and visitors, making appointments, connecting telephone calls and collecting information from survey respondents or applicants for services (ILO, 2018).

Travel Consultants and Clerks Contact Centre Information Clerks Hotel Receptionists Inquiry Clerks Receptionists (general) Survey and Market Research Interviewers Client Information Workers Not Elsewhere Classified Answering service operator

0,96 Before modern inventions came into play, switchboard workers had to manually connect callers on a switchboard by plugging phone lines into the correct circuit. Today, switchboard operators work through computerized systems that need less human involvement. The operators of today are more customer service driven than in older days.

Automated Call Sender Services have become very cheap to install and operate and in a further development of the augmented work, chatbot technologies, programs that can replicate human interaction to a degree of believability are now operating as costumer helpers, especially in online shopping sites, dealing with the initial interactions with the client and retrieving basic and standard information that will be then forwarded to a real human in a seamless fashion.

The big innovation however, are chatbots or virtual customer assistants. This software that can imitate a customer service person, via natural language and predictive AI, especially for the initial contact with the client in order to receive basic information before it forwards it to a specialized agent (Venture Beat, 2016). 2018 has been dubbed the Year of the Chatbot as penetration is reaching tipping point towards mainstream acceptance (Chatbot Magazine, 2018). Gartner, a research and advisory company predicts that 25% of the customer service will be dealt by chatbots (PYMNTS, 2018)

This profession in the strict sense have all the requirements to become all but automated. Case study 1 Call Center Software from Five9 makes agents 300% more productive. Smart Dialers give agents more time with live prospects. Intelligent Routing gets calls to the right agent. On-Screen Caller Info puts customer information at their fingertips. And Five9 everything is automatically logged to the CRM. Great customer service integrates all communication channels with interaction history to provide context for every conversation.

Case study 2 This is a Microsoft chatbot along with Language understanding can create informational interfaces for various industries and to enhance the customer service by using a cognitive service to set the parameters of the request.


Case study 3 Babylon Health is healthcare app that utilizes chatbot technologies to communicate with a patient about their symptoms to get fast and accurate to the individual eventually connecting him/her to a real doctor if necessary


29 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Hotel receptionist 4224 Hotel receptionists welcome and register guests in hotels and other establishments that provide accommodation services. They assign rooms, issue keys, provide information concerning the serviced provided, make room reservations, keep a record of room available for occupancy, present statements of charges to departing guests and receive payment (ILO, 2018).

Client Information Workers Client information workers provide or obtain information in person, by telephone or electronic means such as email in connection with making travel arrangements, describing the products or services of an organization, registering and greeting guests and visitors, making appointments, connecting telephone calls and collecting information from survey respondents or applicants for services (ILO, 2018).

Travel Consultants and Clerks Contact Centre Information Clerks Telephone Switchboard Operators Hotel Receptionists Inquiry Clerks Receptionists (general) Survey and Market Research Interviewers Client Information Workers Not Elsewhere Classified 0,94 Hotel receptionist activities has already been largely changed by internet and it has been for some years now that the largest part of accommodation reservations is done through online booking portals. Many hotels have booking and rooms managing programmes that are linked to web portals and thus it is easier and quicker to check availability. Also digital room keys are more common (BENBRIA , 2016). On the other hand, no machine will ever substitute a warm welcoming smile. A human contact may make you feel home even if you are miles away. Hotel receptionists need to invest in training on interpersonal communication. A study by the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management found that customers felt wary of the introduction of the new systems because they believed hide comfort cutting motives. However, if the clients perceived the changes as an augmented customer experience then there was no stigma and discomfort (Dataconomy, 2016) Case example 1 In Hilton McLean Hotel in Virginia, the visitors are introduced into the hotel by Concierge robot Connie, a little nice concierge robot. Connie is able to answer client’s questions regarding places to visit, to give directions and information of restaurants, parks, and local services.

Case example 2 Mario, the first humanoid robot of a European hotel presented at the Marriot Hotel Robot receptionist in Ghent (Belgium), which takes care of check in, offers you an aperitif and gives you your room keys. Mario is able to communicate with the guest in 19 languages.

Case example 3 Angie, is self-service hologram receptionist to greet and help visitors in hotel and Virtual receptionist city council lobbies. Angie welcomes visitors, offers access to employees and serves as an always-on marketing and sales tool. This virtual receptionist can be easily updated over the web, text or call by any of your employees with one touch, and speaks any language.

Case example 4 More and more hotels are integrating digital kiosks in the form of a tablet in Digital hotel kiosks their lobbies to allow for a more fluid guest experience. These are used as a central, interactive hub designed to provide a variety of services for hotel guests, such as check-ins, hotel material or information about local amenities that can be downloaded as a PDF file to a smartphone or tablet.

30 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks 4311 Accounting and bookkeeping clerks compute, classify, and record numerical data to keep financial records complete. They perform any combination of routine calculating, posting and verifying duties to obtain primary financial data for use in maintaining accounting records (ILO, 2018). Numerical Clerks Numerical clerks obtain, compile and compute accounting, bookkeeping, statistical, financial and other numerical data, and take charge of cash transactions incidental to business matters (ILO, 2018).

Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerks Payroll Clerks Accounts clerk Bookkeeping clerk Cost computing clerk 0,94 Artificial intelligence systems have the ability to store large volumes of data, but also the ability to "learn" from stored data using machine learning technology. The financial sector generates large amounts of data, which allows for the automation of certain processes. Employees in this area have tasks such as, for example, the crossing of invoices with the payments of customers.

Software can perform this task much faster and at lower cost therefore resulting in the replacement of human work. With intelligent systems predictive analysis becomes easier and more accurate. Large amounts of data can be analysed to identify patterns and predict consumer behaviour. Data entry presented one of the biggest obstacles to full automation and digitization, but machine learning, predictive reading and natural language techniques were developed in such a degree that are now allowing software an acceptable transcription rate (Predictive Analytics Times, 2016). OCR (Optical Character Recognition) scan programmes and QR or bar code documents are making it easier to automatically transfer paper documents into a digitalized format. Moreover, thanks to IoT and to a large number of “connected” devices, data are being transferred directly from one device to another with no need of data entry.

On the other hand, the knowledge of data entry clerks might be very useful for ICT programmes designers to definite a really quick and easy-to-use interfaces for the end-users, who are to enter data. However, human accountants are also the trusted advisers of the business owners. This trust link is not yet replicable by intelligent systems or robots. Case example 1 There are already companies that offer bookkeeping and professional tax advice for Outsourcing for accounting companies from different industries. Their services can fully replace all internal and bookkeeping accounting and finance departments. If necessary, they may support the client's internal accounting team in setting up processes, supervising the accounting team, advising on more complex operations, preparing reports, and regular tax support for their local and international activities.

Case example 2 There are online programs and platforms, for example Archiles, which are able to Automatic processing of automatically recognise, record and categorise the items in a company’s account. It accounting documents is possible to take a picture of the invoice or a note with a Smartphone and the documents are automatically recognized, categorized and posted in the accounting. It is also possible to approve and pay for the invoices with this system.

Case example 3 Xero is an accounting software in the cloud, which includes automatic bank account and credit card feeds, invoice, accounts payable, expense claims, fixed asset depreciation, purchase orders. This software creates and send invoices instantly. It allows to associate invoices to the respective transaction. It allows the payment schedule. Overall, it automates most of the tasks usually performed by billing and

posting clerks.

Case example 4 Accrualify is a software with some automated features to support the work performed by accountants and those responsible for the management control. Organizations in the accounting sector can perform their tasks from a single platform that makes the information of their client organizations easily accessible.


31 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Statistical, Finance and Insurance Clerk 4312 Statistical, finance and insurance clerks obtain, compile and compute statistical or actuarial data or perform actuarial tasks relating to the transactions of insurance establishments, banks and other financial establishments (ILO, 2018).

Numerical Clerks Numerical clerks obtain, compile and compute accounting, bookkeeping, statistical, financial and other numerical data, and take charge of cash transactions incidental to business matters (ILO, 2018).

Accounting and Bookkeeping Clerks Payroll Clerks Actuarial clerk Brokerage clerk Finance clerk Insurance clerk Mortgage clerk 0,98 Financial investment portals, websites that search and provide the cheapest insurance products on the market and statistical reports available for large public on internet, are only some of the possibilities available today directly, with no need of mediation. Yet not everything that is published on the web is the result of automated algorithm. Financial and insurance clerks should become less “clerk” and more “consultant”: i.e. they should improve their technical skills, in order to give their clients professional suggestions and visions that an algorithm is not able to give. Case example 1 Calling itself an “insurance robo-advisor,” Clark’s iOS and Android apps let manage and Insurance robot purchase various insurance products. Specifically, it uses algorithms to analyse the advisor customer’s current insurance situation and automatically proposes opportunities to improve coverage or the deal the customer is currently on.

Case example 2 There are many platforms that give the opportunity to trade online, such as Plus500, Trading online eToro, 24Option, etc and that require no specific skills to operate. platform

Case example 3 H20 is an open source source Artificial Intellignence that has revolutionized the field of risk valuation by insurance companies, from the old system (experience, static data, ex post analysis, fraud), the the AI age, founded on a plethora of robust background of data analysis, real time prediction and response,


32 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Library assistant 4411

Library clerks issue and receive library materials, sort and shelve books, sound and vision recordings, periodicals, journals, magazines and newspapers and provide general library information to library users. Librarians and related information professionals collect, select, develop, organize and maintain library collections and other information repositories; organize and control other library services and provide information for users (ILO, 2018). Other Clerical Support Workers Other clerical support workers sort and deliver mail, file documents, prepare information for processing, maintain personnel records, check material for consistency with original source material, assist persons who cannot read or write, and perform various other specialized clerical duties (ILO, 2018).

Mail Carriers and Sorting Clerks Filing and Copying Clerks Library clerk Library filer Archivists and Curators Bibliographer 0,95 Librarians and archivists have been feeling the effects of digitization in their respective fields by the late 1980s. Today, literally no decent sized library (university, municipal, national, private) is run manually. The use of RFID chips have allowed users use check out machines and not interact with the staff. New strides in automation technologies has allowed for a more efficient use of space where machines scan, identify and place and retrieve books within minutes. Digitization of archives has also allowed for a more dispersed and selective use of physical books. Thus librarians as a discipline has been reduced to working in smaller libraries where the cost of installing expensive management systems does not match the volume. Case example 1 At Aberystwyth University in the , a group of students Artificially intelligent created a voice-controlled artificially intelligent robot that helps library robot Hugh users to quickly find any book in the library within an instant. Interacting with Hugh is simple, this is done by simply speaking with him like you are talking to a person.

Source: Aberystwyth University Case example 2 A group of researchers at Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology High-tech librarian knows and Research (A*STAR) created AuRoSS robot, which uses a robotic arm its books: AuRoSS robot and RFID scanner to catalogue book locations, and uses the laser-guided navigation to wheel around unfamiliar bookshelves. Also, AuRoSS can be programmed to scan the library shelves at night and instruct librarians how to get the books back in order when they arrive in the morning.

University of Chicago has one of the more automated and technological advanced systems in the world. The Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) (2) allows users to access any book within minutes and with fail safes to ensure that books are never lost/misplaced or any other way mistaken.


33 Resource Pack 1Skıll Level 2 Mail carrier 4412 Mail carriers and sorting clerks perform sorting, recording, delivery and other duties in connection with mail services from post offices or related organizations, as well as from or within an establishment (ILO, 2018). Other Clerical Support Workers

1 This number refers to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) Other clerical support workers sort and deliver mail, file documents, prepare information for processing, maintain personnel records, check material for consistency with original source material, assist persons who cannot read or write, and perform various other specialized clerical duties (ILO, 2018).

Library Clerks Sorting Clerks Filing and Copying Clerks Post carrier Postman/woman 0,68 The number of letters and documents that used to be sent by ordinary mail has been considerably reduced by e-mail and web services. Yet the numbers of deliveries of goods is getting larger due to e-commerce.

A number of technologies has allowed great automation in this area. Chief among them, the introduction and rapid sophistication of stability, power, security and identification technologies of the drone (The Washington Post , 2018). Several companies, beginning with Amazon have been making huge strides and some countries’ national post offices have been experimenting with this. (recode, 2016) (The Guardian, 2015). Another very simple automation is the client’s ability (personal or business) to essentially do the work of front desk mail career in the comfort of their own home by printing stamps, weighing and packing in a very simple process. Case example 1 Stamps is an online postage service that allows users to buy and calculate exact postage, print postage and mail the items you need in a very simple process.


Case example 2 One particularly interesting innovation is self-service Packstations. 24-Hour Parcel Service These kiosks allow customers to ship packages as well as print postage. Packstations also provide 24-hour access for parcel pickup. Customers can register to receive their packages at any packstation in the country. When the package arrives, the recipient receives an e-mail or text message.

Case example 3 These self-service kiosks are typically placed in Post Office lobbies to Self-Service Mail Technologies provide customers with a convenient alternative to the full-service counter. They offer customers a wide range of postal products, services, and information. For example, the Post of Slovenia has closed small and unprofitable units in recent years and replaced them by the self-service kiosks.


34 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Shop sales assistant 5223 Shop sales assistants sell a range of goods and services directly to the public or on behalf of retail and wholesale establishments, and explain the functions and qualities of these good and services (ILO, 2018).

Shop Salespersons

Shop salespersons sell a range of goods and services directly to the public or on behalf of retail and wholesale establishments. They explain the functions and qualities of these goods and services, and may operate small shops or supervise the activities of shop sales assistants and cashiers (ILO, 2018).

Shopkeepers Shop Supervisors Shop Sales Assistants (retail establishment) Salesperson (wholesale establishment)

0,92 While a good sale assistant is an invaluable contribution to retail shopping, with the migration of a large portion of the consuming public in the web the growth of this occupation was stifled, poised to increase at a measly 2% in the US (Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2018). AI Sale assistants, essentially chatbots using natural language, predictive analytics, access to personalized data and its ability to learn is touted to become the next big thing in online retail, although it still hasn’t seen the exponential benefits its advocates were promising, so far (FT, 2016) . However, big retails do not yet see an adequate Return on Investment to fully adopt the new technologies like chatbots, robot assistants etc. The future adoption will be based on the success of implemented technologies by online retailers i.e. amazon (Tech Emergence, 2018).

Case example 1 Beauty retailer Sephora has enlisted the help of an AI sales assistant, chatbot, through online platforms Snapchat and kik by starting conversations with costumers, providing tips and giving sale proposals to people.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelarthur/2016/03/30/sephora-launches- chatbot-on-messaging-app-kik/

Case example 2 Saturn, a well-known electronics store chain, has launched Saturn Holotour in Microsoft Hololens , an initiative that will allow customers to touch one of the most innovative hi-tech devices in recent years, Microsoft Hololens. It is called Paula and to visualize it Hololens must be worn: the flying robot will accompany customers in the departments of the shop, will arrive near the products and it will show the main technical characteristics.

Case example 3 A new tool allows clients to try dresses and be able to watch at themselves Smart mirror from behind. A “smart” mirror has a delayed video camera that records people mirrored on the screen. It is also able to suggest fitting accessories like belts or shoes. If an item doesn’t fit or the color isn’t right, the customer taps the mirror, which triggers a request on store clerks’ mobile devices. Magic Mirror also allows shoppers to take a photo of each of the clothes they have tried and compare the photos side by side.


35 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Cashiers and ticket clerks 5230 Cashiers and ticket clerks operate cash registers, optical price scanners, computers or other equipment to record and accept payment for the purchase of goods, services or admissions, in settings, such as stores, restaurants and ticket offices (ILO, 2018). Cashiers and ticket clerks operate cash registers, optical price scanners, computers or other equipment to record and accept payment for the purchase of goods, services and admissions in settings such as stores, restaurants and ticket offices (ILO, 2018).

Checkout operator Service station cashier Service station console operator Store cashier Ticket issuing clerk (entertainment and sporting events) Checkout supervisor 0,97 The occupation of cashiers and ticket clerks have an alarmingly high risk of being replaced by technology in the future. Already now there are operating self-service cashiers, which gradually replace the human cashiers. Shopping has deeply changed in recent years due to digitalization and new technologies. Most stores have enrolled automated cashiers along with humans and the work has been downgraded in terms of salary (Business Insider, 2018). Sophistication in the industry can be demonstrated by the prevention of POS (point of sale) delays (self-checkout machines that encounter unreadable tags) using intelligent AI to identify products thus reducing customer frustration (Market Scale, 2018). The methods of payments are very recently changed with contactless cards and smart-phone payment tools such as Apple Pay or Google Wallet. A big factor for the decline is the large share of shopping that has migrated to the web, not only for electronic products, but also for dresses, shoes and even for food and fresh products. Amazon Go is pushing the limits to the extreme by creating stores with cashiers or check-out desks thus eliminating the occupation altogether. Case example 1 Self-checkout machines provide a mechanism for customers to process their own purchases. They are an Self-service cashiers alternative to the traditional cashier-staffed checkout. The customers perform the job of the cashier themselves, by scanning and applying payment for the items.

Case example 2 The customers may scan the barcodes directly during their shopping with a scanner or mobile phone to get Self-service scanner a consistent overview of their spending. They can pack the goods from racks straight into their shopping bags. There is no need to unload the purchase at the cash desk - the customers simply scan the final barcode, pay and they can go.

Case example 3 As the customers put a new item into their bag or cart, they use the QThru app to scan its bar code with Mobile checkout their phone’s camera. When the customers have gathered and scanned all their items, they move toward the exit and scan a QR code at a QThru kiosk, which then prints the receipt. A staffer only makes sure the right items are in the cart. Self-scanning, no lines and a platform for stores and vendors to connect with customers.

Case example 4 – now in Amazon has opened in Seattle the first store with no cashiers: Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no beta version checkout required: you simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store, take the products you want, and No checkout go. Shortly after, you’ll be charged on your account. Checkout-free shopping experience is made possible by the same types of technologies used in self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, and deep learning. The technology automatically detects when products are taken from or returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in a virtual cart. When you’re done shopping, you can just leave the store.


36 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Telemarketer (Contact center salesperson) 5244 Contact centre salespersons contact existing and prospective customers, using the telephone or other electronic communications media, to promote goods and services, obtain sales and arrange sales visits. They may work from a customer contact centre or from non-centralised premises. Other Sales Workers Other sales workers display, demonstrate, display and sell goods, food and services, usually to the general public, in contexts other than sales in markets, streets and shops. This group includes sales workers not classified in Minor Groups 521: Street and Market Salespersons, 522: Shop Salespersons and 523: Cashiers and Ticket Clerks.

Sales Demonstrators Contact Centre Salespersons Call centre salesperson Customer contact centre salesperson Internet salesperson 0,99 While screen texts are in use for many years now, a new way has been on the rise is based on so called “soundboard-assisted calls” “voice conversation” technologies or generally “agent-assisted automation technology”.

The way the technology works is that there are a number of pre-recorded sound clips that are recorded in perfect language and the human is there to direct the conversation based on the outcome of each response. The software is advanced enough to have multiple responses to one question and can move seamlessly between pre-recordings and live conversations and the end result will still feel “natural speech” (The Atlantic, 2013). This technologies allow telemarketing companies to move to where they can find the lowest labour costs countries to base their operations as the language barrier is less important, hence the growth of the profession both in terms of employment as well as income will probably stagnate. Case example 1 Semi-autonomous telemarketing (or "cyborg telemarketing") artfully combines men and machines. There is a human, who functions as ears and hands and pushes Avatar Technologies PHL respective buttons as a response to the customer’s query. All the audio is pre- recorded and it's triggered live in response to what a call receiver says. In some cases, a single call-center worker will run two or even three calls at the same time.

Case example 2 The company offers the most advanced solutions in all areas offered by different call centers, including sales agents. Avatars have replaced the work of call agents. The advantage of working with avatars is to reduce errors, reduce the risks of issuing confidential information outward, emotional reactions, speed, and efficiency.

Case example 3 – Avatar Avatars function also as contact persons at Employment services or as virtual tax Iza from Employment assistants. They are available every day of the week, 24 hours a day and are able to Service of Slovenia answer general questions relating to their field.


37 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Concrete Placers 7114 Concrete placers, concrete finishers and related workers erect reinforced concrete frameworks and structures, make forms for moulding concrete, reinforce concrete surfaces, cement openings walls or casings for wells, finish and repair cement surfaces and carry out terrazzo work (ILO, 2018). Building Frame and Related Trades Workers Building frame and related trades workers construct, maintain and repair buildings; erect and repair foundations, walls and structures of brick, stone and similar materials; shape and finish stone for building and other purposes; and perform miscellaneous construction and building maintenance tasks (ILO, 2018).

House Builders Bricklayers and Related Workers Stonemasons, Stone cutters, Splitters and Carvers Concrete Placers, Concrete Finishers and Related Workers Carpenters and Joiners Building Frame and Related Trades Workers Not Elsewhere Classified Cement finisher Concrete placer 0,94 Using CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing construction which tended to be the original artisanal profession has been ushered in the 21st century with designs that are totally different from previous generations, costs a fraction of traditionally built houses and minimum time resource waste and environmental impact (Building Radar, 2015). The impact of these technologies are still muted (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2019) because the technologies are still developing and is currently a novel architectural concept (The Guardian, 2017)

Case example 1 Contour Crafting construction projects will be extremely accelerated – for example a 190 m2 house can be constructed in less than 24 hours. This rapid construction time minimizes the financing costs of construction projects that typically take six months or longer to complete.

Case example 2 Apis Cor is a company, which is able to “print” buildings, which are economy and ecology friendly. They developed a mobile construction 3D printer, which is capable of printing whole buildings completely on site. Mobile printer is an efficient operational unit, which can be easily delivered to the site. It requires minimum time and energy to start working in the field. Thus, people can “hire” a printer for work and save on labour costs, dealing with construction waste, renting construction machinery, tools and house finishing. One printer can replace a whole team of construction workers, saving time without loss of quality.

Case example 3 A Shanghai company, Winsun Decoration Design Engineering Co concluded in 2014 a project to produce 10 houses of 200 square meters each using large 3D printers. When applied this way, 3D printers have the potential to transform the construction industry. Workers that operate these printers require skills in civil engineering and architecture to understand the requirements of the objects to print.


38 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Painting / coating worker 7131 Painters and related workers prepare surfaces of buildings and other structures for painting, apply protective and decorative coats of paint or similar materials, or inner cover walls and ceilings of buildings with wallpaper or other finishes (ILO, 2018). Painters, Building Structure Cleaners and Related Trades Workers Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades workers prepare surfaces and apply paint and similar materials to buildings and other structures, vehicles or various manufactured articles. They cover interior walls and ceilings with wallpaper, and clean chimneys and exterior surfaces of buildings and other structures (ILO, 2018)

Painters and Related Workers Spray Painters and Varnishers Building Structure Cleaners Building painter paperhanger 0.92 Robots used in the auto industry have been adopted as early as the 1970s as the apply paint evenly and consistently without the toxic hazard.

Remote operating robots were developed to paint and clean tall buildings. These robots deliver a very efficient service and avoid to put the life of workers at risk. In addition to external surfaces, there are already technologies that paint walls inside the buildings faster than human workers. Drones are also being used to perform painting and cleaning of buildings. They are considered faster and more effective to reach difficult surfaces. Case example 1 OutoBot is a robot created by engineers from the Nanyang Technological University - Singapore. This robot performs maintenance tasks on external areas of the buildings, including cleaning and painting. The cleaning of the buildings is performed using water jets; the painting is done through layers of ink. Cleaning and painting is done in successive passages carried out until the defined quality parameters are reached. A robotic arm performs these tasks with the aid of a camera. The camera verifies the areas at each passage and the images are analysed to produce the decision of continuing or stopping the task. The robot’s creators claim that the tasks are done more accurately, with clear paint savings and less waste.

Case example 2 Worker Bee, of Apellix, is a drone prototype able to paint surfaces with spray paint that can reach up to three floors. It is connected by a rope to a base that is equipped with a software controlling electric power as well as cleaning supplies and spray paint. The workers that traditionally used to perform these tasks must now develop the skills required to operate the drone.

RobotWorx integrates robots for coating in various industries by building custom made work areas based on various industries requirements.


39 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Foundry mould maker 7211 Metal moulders and coremakers make moulds and cores for casting metal. Sheet and Structural Metal Workers, Moulders and Welders, and Related Workers Sheet and structural metal workers, moulders and welders, and related workers, make moulds and cores for casting metal, weld and cut metal parts, make and repair articles of sheet metal, and install, erect, maintain and repair heavy metal structures, tackle, cable cars and related equipment.

Metal Moulders and Coremakers Welders and Flame Cutters 7Sheet Metal Workers Structural Metal Preparers and Erectors Riggers and Cable Splicers Coremaker Metal casting moulder 0,67 The foundry mould maker is a skilled worker who makes molds for use in metalworking and other manufacturing industries. They create moulds for the casting process. The skilled mouldmaker of yesterday is a scarce commodity in today's market. No longer it there a worker, who can "do it all." Today, the mouldmaking shop is filled with specialists, who with the help of softwares design the mould and the mouldmaker is the person, who assembles the final mould. Much of the machining processes involved in mould making use computer-controlled equipment, CAD (Computer Aided Design) and is digitally transferred to CNC (Computer Numerical Control) for the actual manufacturing of the mould. Case example 1 It is assumed that in the future, the 3D manufacturing 3D technology technology will replace the traditional mould making industry. Nowadays, there are offers for 3D mould making on the market for some types of materials, which can change the number of workers required to produce the moulds.

Case example 2 Automation suppliers have been working hard to provide the Automation suppliers and latest in automation technology for the mould manufacturing outsourcing industry. For example, Mastercam for SolidWorks product is constantly being worked on and new hybrid machining provides better surface machining, which yields a better surface finish and less secondary hand-work is required. Big outsourcing company is China Savvy, which is highly automated, and casting companies use their services, because the price is convenient.


40 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Printers 7322 Printers set-up and operate digital, letterpress, lithographic, flexographic, gravure, newspaper and other printing presses.

Printing Trades Workers Printing trades’ workers compose and set type prior to printing, set up and operate printing presses, bind and finish printed products, and prepare stencils and operate screen printing equipment

Pre-press Technicians Printers Print Finishing and Binding Workers Press operator Feeder operator (printing) Screen printer Textile printer 0,99 Employment in printing and related support activities has been on the decline since the late 1990s. Traditional printing methods are experiencing difficulties due to the dominance of the digital technologies. Increasingly people are accessing the digital versions of newspapers and magazines available on the internet and keep most of their documents in the cloud or in digital storage. Policies to reduce paper use also have an indirect influence on this change. Alongside this, printing has also undergone a marked evolution with the emergence of smart printers. The printing devices are increasingly autonomous and able of complex printing tasks. Finally, entertainment industry has embraced fully the digital world, were most of advertising is occurring and is slowly moving away from print invitations, posters, banners etc. instead embracing TVs, projectors et al. Finally, a decline in print newspapers and magazines also means a decline for printing workers (Boston, 2014) Case example 1 „Clickable Paper™ is an interactive print solution that uses image recognition software to connect printed materials to digital content. It allows you to add up to 6 links to one or more hotspots on any piece of printable material, and then assign rich media results like websites, video and e-commerce portals to each link. You can also enable mobile devices to take actions like making a phone call, opening a map or sending an email or tweet.“

Case example 2 Because of increasing environmental and sustainability goals, the paper FANUC America and printing industries have increasingly looked to robotic automation to help them meet production demands. These robots provide paper and printing manufacturers with a wide range of material handling, packaging and palletizing systems that increase productivity and reduce overall operating costs.

Case example 3 Printbox is a self-service kiosk for printing, copying and scanning PRINTBOX – patented in documents. Using is simple and done via touch screen. Slovenia: self-service printing kiosk


41 Food and Related Products Machine Operators 8160 Skill Level 2 Food and related products machine operators set, operate and attend machinery used to slaughter animals and trim meat from carcasses; bake, freeze, heat, crush, mix, blend and otherwise process foodstuffs, beverages and tobacco leaves. (ILO, 2018)

Mining and Mineral Processing Plant Operators Metal Processing and Finishing Plant Operators Chemical and Photographic Products Plant and Machine Operators Rubber, Plastic and Paper Products Machine Operators Textile, Fur and Leather Products Machine Operators Food and Related Products Machine Operators Wood Processing and Papermaking Plant Operators Other Stationary Plant and Machine Operators 0,61

Processing activities in the mass food industry have been mechanized for years now. Introducing automation and monitoring tools to integrate machinery in a general ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) however become a challenge as companies upgrade their equipment as “…recruiting, training and retaining skilled employees to operate automated machinery remain one of the critical concerns of food manufacturers for 2017…” (Food Engineering, 2017) This is good news for the occupation is rather stable even if it is not growing (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018) and a possibility of a income growth as labor is adapting to newer equipment. Case example 1 Starbucks “Evolution Fresh project” new facility in California hardly uses any human labor in its new facility

http://www.ledcor.com/our-projects/building/light- industrial/evolution-fresh Case example 2 Cambelle soup is a historic brand that has been making canned soup products for 146 years and the impact of automation on labor cannot be more evident.


42 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Machine Setter 7523 Machine setters operate and monitor automatic or semi- automatic woodworking machines such as precision sawing, shaping, planning, boring, turning and woodcarving machines to fabricate or repair wooden parts for furniture, fixtures and other wooden products (ILO, 2018) Wood Treaters, Cabinet-makers and Related Trades Workers Wood treaters, cabinet-makers and related trades workers preserve and treat wood; make, decorate and repair wooden furniture, vehicles and other wooden products and components; and set up, operate and tend wood seasoning and preserving equipment and woodworking equipment, machines and machine tools (ILO, 2018).

Wood Treaters Cabinet-makers and Related Workers Woodworking Machine Tool Setters and Operators Carving machine operator (wood) Furniture production machine operator Wood products machine operator Woodworking machine setter 0.98 Using smart tools has made the precise handling of wood easier. Human strength will no longer be necessary to cut wood and transport it. Nowadays, CAD (Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing) is creating new designs that can be then brought to reality using Computer Numerical Control (CNC) technologies, which allow robots to cut materials and model parts at a high precision, low cost and reduced likelihood of errors. Case example 1 The Smart Handheld Woodworking tool developed at MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology – uses a two- dimensional map created by the tool itself, which simply positions the slide on the object to be changed and together with a drawing of the required cuts plans it automatically and with high precision does the work previously done by humans. This technology avoids the risks for human workers, reduces the errors associated with the cutting of hard materials, and enhances the quality of the final result.

Case example 2 The Automatech Robotik company created robots that perform various tasks associated with the handling of timber, such as the autonomous processing of timber and metal.

Case Example 3 IMA Schelling creates woodworking machinery and processes that are adaptable to new materials, new applications, designs, opportunities and markets.

43 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Locomotive Engine Drivers and Related Workers 831

Subway and Streetcar Operators operate subway or elevated suburban trains with no separate locomotive, or electric-powered streetcar, to transport passengers. May handle fares. Locomotive Engine Drivers and Related Workers Locomotive engine drivers and related workers drive, or assist in driving, locomotive engines to transport passengers and freight; take charge of and safeguard railway freight trains during runs; control the movement of railway traffic by operating signals; switch rolling stock and make up trains in railway yards; make up trains for hauling in mines; and control their movement.

Locomotive Engine Drivers Railway Brake, Signal and Switch Operators

0,86 The number of subway systems with automated trains is growing steadily. There are more than 40 fully automated urban metro subway systems in the world. Despite common psychological concerns, driverless metros are safer than traditional ones. None of them ever had a serious accident. Intruder detection systems can be more effective than humans in stopping trains if someone is on the tracks. Financial savings in both energy and wear-and-tear costs because trains are driven to an optimum specification. Also, train turnover time at terminals can be extremely short.

Case example 1 The Port Liner from Kobe Japan was the world's first fully automated train line. The second in the world (and the first such driverless system The Port Liner from Kobe in Europe) is the Lille Metro in northern France. Japan

Case example 2 Some automated metro trains have drivers sitting in the front cabins for Barcelona Metro line 2 safety reasons or to address public concerns. One of those systems is in without train driver. Barcelona (Line 2).

Despite proven safeness of automated systems, some passengers might still have safety concerns or be afraid of trains that seem to run by themselves (despite the fact that elevators are driverless for decades).

Case example 3 Metro in Santiago De Chile Rolling Stock drives more over one million Metro Santiago De Chile potential network users, via 28 new stations, daily. Rolling Stock


44 Crane, hoist and related plant operators 8343 Skill Level 2 Crane, hoist and related plant operators monitor and operate stationary and mobile cranes and other hoisting equipment (ILO, 2018). Transport and Storage Labourers Transport and storage labourers propel cycles and similar vehicles and drive animal-drawn vehicles to transport passengers or goods, drive animal-drawn machinery, handle freight and baggage, and stock shelves (ILO, 2018).

Mobile Farm and Forestry Plant Operators Earthmoving and Related Plant Operators Lifting Truck Operators Ski-lift operator Baggage handler Freight handler Warehouse porter Crane operator Hand and Pedal Vehicle Drivers Drivers of Animal-drawn Vehicles and Machinery Freight Handlers Shelf Fillers Forklift operator Hotel porter Luggage porter

0,90 Specialized personnel with high degree of skill through expertise tended to be shielded from technological advancements. However, due to an exponential increase in computing power, advances in sensors and software design as well as an exponential increase in trade and volume of products moved, complex tasks can now be performed, with a smaller degree of failure, by automated machines. This technology is mature and due to the significant concentration of the occupation in centralized locations a number of practices have been implemented all over the world. Case example 1 The Rotterdam port (one of the biggest in the world) has recently updated its cranes to almost fully automatic. The container cranes in the port of Rotterdam are unmanned and practically fully automated. Robots, with a height of more than 125 metres welcome to the Port of Rotterdam, at the automated RWG terminal. The terminals in the Port of Rotterdam are the world’s most automated terminals, operating largely autonomously, and with remote operators with a loss of almost 1000 jobs.

Case example 2 In Australia’s Sydney Port operate 45 so-called AutoStrads, or automated straddles. They are machines that have taken on the work that until a couple of months ago was at least in part performed by dockworkers.

Case example 3 First fully automated farm, equipped with machines, which will do everything from re-planting young seedlings to watering, trimming and harvesting crops.

45 Resource Pack Skill Level 1 Model Maker 9329 Model makers set up and operate machines, such as milling and engraving machines to make working models of metal or plastic objects. Metal and plastic model makers set up and operate machines that cut, shape, and form metal and plastic materials or pieces. Model makers are responsible for the layout, machining, fitting and assembly of castings and parts to metal or plastic foundry patterns, core boxes, or match plates. Manufacturing Labourers Manufacturing labourers perform a variety of simple and routine manual tasks in manufacturing to assist the work of machine operators and assemblers (ILO, 2018).

Machine setters, operators and tenders Milling and planning machine setters, operators, and tenders Metal-refining furnace operators and tenders Hand Packers Manufacturing Labourers Not Elsewhere Classified

0,93 Model makers must be highly skilled in the use of many machines, such as manual lathes, manual mills, Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machines, lasers, wire EDM, water jet saws, tig welders, sheet metal fabrication tools and wood working tools. As such, even today model makers are highly dependent on the use of machines for their jobs.

Today, model makers are employed to create three-dimensional representations of a design or concept; however, with advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, the popularization of 3D printing, open software, CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing) , and the potential of future developments in this domain, it is likely that the traditional profession will decline but specialized sub-sections of the profession will not only survive but thrive (software programmers) (I-Ganavto, 2017) Case example 1 The Digital Wood Carver makes carving easy. With the computer controlled functions, the user simply sets up the design, which is to be carved, insert the material and the machine goes to work with accuracy and precision.

Case example 2 Tebis improves your model manufacturing throughout the entire CAD/CAM/NC process chain. The user controls all processes, from the concept through design to design modifications on the actual model. Tebis links the simulated virtual world with reality and vice versa. The model makers can now manage the entire manufacturing process in a single software environment. This software is suitable for manufacturing show cars, prototypes, casting models, function cubings or data control models. Tebis simply and quickly prepares the parts for single-part manufacturing. Tebis has a high degree of software automation and flexibility in programming, very good surface quality and dimensional accuracy.



Skill Level 1 Parking Lot Attendants 9629 Elementary Worker. For instance, the group includes those who issue and collect parking or admission tickets, provide personal items to patrons or customers in cloakrooms, and assist patrons at entertainment events (ILO, 2018) Other Elementary Workers Other elementary workers deliver and carry messages and packages; perform a variety of simple maintenance and repair tasks; collect money and stock vending machines; read meters; collect water and firewood; and collect and issue tickets for parking or events (ILO, 2018).

Parking attendant Parking valet Cloakroom attendant Ticket collector Usher Messengers, Package Deliverers and Luggage Porters Odd-job Persons Meter Readers and Vending-machine Collectors Water and Firewood Collectors Elementary Workers Not Elsewhere Classified 0.87 Sensors that allow intelligent signalling free or occupied parking spaces are already a reality. Car parks in commercial areas and airports are examples of sites that already use this technology to improve the quality of the provided service both in waiting time and cost of parking. The sensors signal the free parking spaces in both in covered and uncovered areas; they allow to inform the driver where the nearest spot is. In addition to these sensors, parks usually have automatic payment that does not require any interaction with the staff.

More recently, advanced systems in autonomous cars communicate with the sensors of parking infrastructure letting cars drive themselves into a parking garage without any human intervention. An example of this technology is the autonomous parking system at the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart, Germany. Mainstream cars are also being equipped with self-parking capabilities.

In Japan fully automated parks with robots that drive the cars to the parking places are becoming a reality. Case example 1 Stan, a robot produced by Stanley Robotics, has the ability to park a car to the parking place and leave it there locked. Later, Stan can be called again to retrieve the car to its owner. This technology is now available at Charles de Gaulle Airport – Paris (Stanley-robotics, 2018)

Case example 2 In Japan there are underground car parks where robots park vehicles in just seconds. Developed by Giken Ltd. and called Eco Park, this is an automated car storage. The park covers an area of only 20m x 20 m, uses a rotary elevator to carry and store the cars automatically. The loading and unloading of cars are controlled by a computer. The users of this service have access to a magnetic card which allows them to enter a loading cabin and simply follow instructions. According to Giken, construction costs and operating costs are very low because very little human labor is used. (GIKEN LTD. , 2018)

Sources References

47 Resource Pack Skill Level 1 Fast food preparer 9411 Fast food preparers prepare and cook to order a limited range of foods or beverages that involve simple preparation processes and a small number of ingredients. They may take orders from customers and serve at counters or tables. Food Preparation Assistants

Food preparation assistants prepare and cook to order a small variety of pre-cooked food or beverages, clear tables, clean kitchen areas and wash dishes.

Fast food cook Hamburger maker Pizza maker Short order cook 0,87 The connection of food machine to the IoT is creating an incredible number of new possibilities but food preparation assistants are expected to grow as much as the economy until 2026 (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018) but a number of industry leaders, including the CEO of Pizza Hut, KFC and Taco Bell assert that automation will replace food preparation assistants by the mid-2020s (CNBC, 2017) and a number of other fast food chains have created self-service kiosks (Brookings, 2016). However, the occupations in danger are not in the preparation phase of the food but on the ordering and delivering. In fact technology is not yet complex or mature enough to enter the messy world of the Kitchen on large scale (Tech Emergence, 2018).

Case example 1 Waiting for the right moment to reach for the next ingredient, Robot-chef Moley Robotics’s robot-chef moves its arms as if in a shrug. Incorporating two enormous arms and a pair of surprisingly nimble hands, the uncannily anthropomorphic actions are choreographed from movements caught by motion-capture technology. For the producer company Oleynik, the vision is to produce a hi-tech solution to an everyday domestic issue.

Case example 2 The Foodini 3D printer automates some of the cooking Food printer preparation process, by for instance, printing out individual ravioli instead of the cook having to make the dough and fill and assemble each individual piece themselves. The machine looks like a large microwave and inside, there is a set of capsules for the ingredients. The cook puts the ingredient in one capsule, chooses a nozzle size and a design and within two minutes, out comes

mashed potato or noodle in an interesting shape. Case example 3 June is a smart oven which includes an internal camera in its roof Smart oven connected with iPhone. The oven recognizes the food that are put in and suggests the method (toast, bakes, roast or broil) of cooking and the right time for a perfect cooking.


48 Resource Pack Skill Level 1 Meter reader and vending-machine collector 9623 Meter readers and vending-machine collector stock vending machines and collect money from them or from parking meters and other coin boxes, or read electricity, gas or water meters (ILO, 2018). Other elementary workers deliver and carry messages and packages; perform a variety of simple maintenance and repair tasks; collect money and stock vending machines; read meters; collect water and firewood; and collect and issue tickets for parking or events (ILO, 2018).

Vending-machines collector Messengers, Package Deliverers and Luggage Porters Meter Readers and Vending-machine Collectors Water and Firewood Collectors Elementary Workers Not Elsewhere Classified

0,85 The technology for remote monitoring is mature and easy to install. The problem is the scale of substitution and Return on Investment. Furthermore, coin boxes/games/parking tickets are slowly being digitized, using SMS, debit cards or NFC derived technologies to automatically process payments (Business Insider, 2016). Case example 1 Automatic meter reading is the technology of automatically collecting Automatic meter reading consumption, diagnostic, and status data from water meter and energy metering devices (gas, electricity). It transfers data to a central database for billing, troubleshooting and analysing. This technology mainly saves utility providers the expense of periodic trips to each physical location to read a meter, so they can save money, because they don´t need so many employees. Another advantage is that billing can be based on near real-time consumption rather than on estimates based on past or predicted consumption. There are various types of reading: through satellite transmitters (the most common), AMR Hosting (track consumption over the Internet), power line communication PLC, etc. Case example 2 Telemetron is a company that provides sensors and remote monitoring tools for vending companies which also provide comprehensive data on sales, repair, down time, availability of products and set up and optimized refilling schedule http://telemetron.net/

Case example 3 Nowadays, new types of vending machines (for example ticket Paying by credit card, SMS or internet automats for public transport, parking automats, food automats, etc.) appeared in our cities, when the automats are equipped with payment by a credit card, thus the need for the employees collecting the coins is receding. Another option is to buy tickets through the internet or SMS.


49 Resource Pack Skill level 2 Travel consultant and clerk 4221 Travel consultants and clerks provide information about travel destinations, arrange travel itineraries, obtain travel and accommodation reservations and register passengers at check-in and departure (ILO, 2018). Client Information Workers Client information workers provide or obtain information in person, by telephone or electronic means such as email in connection with making travel arrangements, describing the products or services of an organization, registering and greeting guests and visitors, making appointments, connecting telephone calls and collecting information from survey respondents or applicants for services (ILO, 2018)y.

Travel Consultants and Clerks Contact Centre Information Clerks Telephone Switchboard Operators Hotel Receptionists Inquiry Clerks Receptionists (general) Airline ticket agent Check-in attendant Ticket issuing clerk Tourism information clerk Travel agency clerk Travel consultant Travel desk clerk 0,99 Travel clerks are already largely being replaced by automated multiplatform, transactional software (bridging the gap between costumers and air companies/hotels/car rentals etc.), and the profession has been decreasing rapidly at the same as air travel is has increased rapidly (Occupational Outlook Handbook , 2018). Consumers, especially millennials, move effortlessly between mobile and wearable devices to research travel options, book room and board, check-in to hotels and flights, and reserve cars or restaurants throughout their stay. The second phase of that automation trend will be knowledge based, able to provide the costumer with a tailored proposal for the whole trip based on a plethora of variables such as weather, tourist trends, crime statistics etc. based on the ubiquitous Watson Ai by IBM (The Vital Edge, 2014). Case Example 1 AgencyAuto is platform that provides agencies an AI tool which incorporates multiple travel platforms like air, bus, train, car, hotel, forex and visa in tandem with a full ERP (Enterprize Resource Management) (AgencyAuto) http://www.agencyauto.net/whoweare

Case example 2 Wayblazer is a travel recommendation engine that integrates the whole of the travel experience and produce complete intel based on relevant media and reviews. The software continually learns from the client’s preferences, customizes its suggestions and can assist you discover what you want to experience through discussion that feels natural (WAYBLAZER)

Case example 3 In some airports in Europe, travel clerks at check-in desks are also being replaced by self-service kiosks. The passengers can scan their passport, print their boarding passes, weigh their baggage, print tags for their bags and place their own luggage on the belt on their own. This fully automated service is already available through Ryanair and Aer Lingus in Dublin airport. Sources

50 Resource Pack Skill level 2 Metal pourer and caster 8121 Metal processing plant operators monitor, operate, adjust and maintain single-function process machinery and equipment to process and convert mineral ores and refine, harden, roll and extrude metals (ILO, 2018). Metal processing and finishing plant operators monitor and operate single-function process control machinery and equipment to control the conversion, processing and finishing of mineral ores and metals (ILO, 2018).

Ladle pourer Metal extrusion plant operator Metal heat treating operator Steel roller 0,87 The steel industry used to be a hallmark of big jobs for ages but Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things are changing this reality. A productivity and responsiveness to the needs of the customers by making it possible for the steel plants to quickly and easily modify and adjust production processes. As a result, the steel plants can generate a greater diversity of products from the production processes. Still, there is needed some involvement of the human operators in supervisory or monitoring roles. Case example 1 Primetals Technologies provides aautomation systems that support Advanced automation streamline production, resulting in highest product quality. A new interface - Primetals analyzes and optimizes processes and applications. While flexibility and the Technologies limitation wasted resources is a near impossible proposition in traditional (pure.automation) steel mills, automated mills can change output, characteristics or any number of variables with the flick of a switch. This is somewhat difficult, and often prohibitively expensive to do while using conventional technologies during the manufacturing processes https://www.primetals.com/portfolio/electrics-automation/plant-process- automation/

Case example 2 ABB is the world's largest provider of control automation systems. They ABB – robotic and provide platforms that enable complete automation solution from melt automation shop to processing lines. They for example supplied an automated casting innovations line or industrial robots to operate pressure and metering equipment in the final casting process (ABB).

Case example 3 The traditional steel making town of Donawitz in Austria and was a host of the largest steel mill in Europe in the early 20th century. 2017 has seen the opening of yet another rolling mill (creation of wires), except this mill has incorporated the lights out manufacturing approach (does not require large labor inputs). It only employ 14 personnel, using the most recent automation systems to produce half a million tons of wire a year (Voestalpine, 2015), (Biesheuvel, 2017). Sources

51 Resource Pack Skill Level 2 Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers 7231 Motor vehicle mechanics and repairers fit, install, maintain, service and repair engines and the mechanical and related equipment of passenger cars, delivery trucks, motorcycles and other motor vehicles (ILO, 2018).

Machinery mechanics and repairers fit, install, maintain and repair engines, vehicles, agricultural or industrial machinery and similar mechanical equipment (ILO, 2018).

0,91 Motor vehicle mechanics are projected to grow at the same pace as the national average in the US between 2016 and 2026 (Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2018). However, some disturbing trends seem to cloud these projections in the medium turn. The introduction of major hardware and software components in car design in order to benefit of the lower weight (steering, braking, cornering, off road, petrol efficiency etc.) and added capabilities (automated braking, self- driving etc.) (USA Today, 2016) , has resulted in a level of complexity rivalling that of airplanes for luxury cars. This fact would prove especially hard for small independent shops rather than dealerships as the shift from a wrench to a computer may be impossible for classically trained mechanics with limited access to training programs. An added fact to this conundrum, is that big car companies are reluctant to give access to the data collected by the car’s sensors (On-board Diagnostics), claiming that they can’t provide unlimited access to their intellectual property for security, data protection, corporate theft and other reasons (QUARTZ, 2017). For some of the technological companies engaging in the automated car development, like Google and Tesla, this has turned into a major issue with independent mechanics, especially exacerbated by the fact that they can update remotely the software and address problems via the internet, taking advantage of the IoT (Gizmodo, 2015). The move into full electric cars is also a cause for alert. Unlike traditional automobiles that have around 2000 moving parts, with all the wear and tear that this entails, the engine oil etc., new cars like hybrids and fully electric cars usually only contain around 20 moving parts, thus maintaining just a small portion of the traditional mechanic’s bread and butter (like suspension and brakes) and requiring retraining for the software and hardware aspects, electric motors, and batteries (Washington Post, 2017) . Tesla, one of the leading electric companies globally, suggests in its website that maintenance performed once yearly to check for very basic tasks like tire alignments, software updates, pointing out that even break pad replacements are rare as the breaking regenerative technology charges the battery instead of wearing the brakes, thus minimizing the need for regular visits to the mechanics. It also states that the particularities of the car, from batteries to tires, require visit on certified dealers. https://www.tesla.com/Support/maintenance-plans-ms-mx Sierra Wireless provides solutions of internet connectivity in cars to provide continuous machine-to-machine car information, and taking advantage of mass data to provide analytics to auto manufacturers in real time in terms of ‘...in-vehicle internet-based services, including remote vehicle access, roadside assistance, diagnostics and maintenance...’ working with major manufacturers such Volkswagen (Volkswagen prefers Sierra Wireless to enable next-generation connected vehicles with 4G LTE embedded modules, 2017) and Peugeot Citroen (Sierra Wireless, n.d.). These interactions are between the car, driver and manufacturers-dealerships. https://www.sierrawireless.com/applications/automotive-and- transport/automotive/ https://www.sierrawireless.com/company/newsroom/pressreleases/2017/ 02/02-09- 2017_volkswagen_prefers_sierra_wireless_to_enable_next_gen_connected _vehicles/

IBM’s multifaceted AI platform provides an integrated car management system which collectes sensor and environmental data, analyzes and communicates them with the driver and the car manufacturer, thus possibly allowing for diagnosing possible problems with the car and schedule maintenance thus streamlining and preventing breakdowns (risk prevension) something that is also promoted by car insurance companies in order to minimize excessive car fixing costs (IBM, n.d.) (IBM)