THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE CAT FANCY RULES © Ethel Lady MacIntyre February 2018 Edition THE RULES of THE GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE CAT FANCY Contents Section 1 The Register 3 Section 2 Show Management 20 Section 3 Judges and Stewards 35 Section 4 Exhibits and Exhibitors 41 Section 5 Veterinary Surgeons 49 Section 6 Miscellaneous 51 Evasion or breach of any of GCCF Rules or of the articles of its Byelaws may, and often will, lead to disciplinary action and you are advised to familiarise yourself with all sections of the Rules and with the Byelaws. These are obtainable from the GCCF Office. Except where the context demands otherwise, the word "cat" in these rules includes kittens and neuters. A kitten is defined as a young cat under nine calendar months of age. Thus a kitten born on 12th January becomes a cat (adult) on the following 12th October. Previous Edition February 2017 Rules updated to include Council approved amendments to 14 June 2017 Important Note Rules that have been amended since the last Edition are highlighted thus Cover photo, unless noted otherwise, by kind permission of: Marc Henrie ASC NUJ 22 Warbeck Road, London, W12 8NT 0208 749 3803
[email protected] The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy 5 Kings Castle Business Park The Drove Bridgwater TA6 4AG United Kingdom Telephone 01278 427 575 Website Email
[email protected] The Governing Council of the Cat Fancy is a company limited by guarantee Registration No. 07431259 registered in England at the above address VAT Reg.