Brisbane Grammar School Alan/Tzne

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Brisbane Grammar School Alan/Tzne Vol. XVI. APRIL, 1914. No, 46, !I 1 I S ! AN ! GRAMMAR SCHOOL \lAGAZIN E. lrisbantt: ol 'TIDGE PIINI'IN( C(O., LTIl. 398 QUEIN STR EElI i_ -ilt .l 1914. I The Outridge A Genuine Self-filling 5/ I Fountain Pen. / Time Saver I I Simple Syringe Action, Actual Length 6t inches. 14ct. Gold Nib. Manufactured Specially for I Outridge Printing Co. Ltd. iv I I SPECIAL OFFER of Free Trial and Guarantee, for Short Time Only. This I'en will be sc rt youi Postage Paid on receipt of l'ost;il Note for 5/ (Stamps will he acccpt(l if more convenient). You uill hIKPleased with th. pen, but we guarantee to send your Money back if you are not Satisfied, provided you return it within 7 days. How to order. Just cut out this orler, sign it, and fill in your address, and send it to us with postal order. The I'en will Ie in \ouir haIInds y Ihe next mail; but you must Order Now as this ofler will onlv last a few da\s. I Outridge Printing Company Ltd. I -- 98 OQu.n treet, Bribne. - I -mumo- - - Brisbane Grammar School Alan/tzne. Sehool Institutions. ., l//orl/ ( mlliittFt. SPORTS' M .ST'r ... ... ... .i . STI. III .NSON oUs. T' v .A.,I,K .I. ... ...... M . 1 . i . " \ \ IrIs CRICKET'I CAPTAIN .. .. ... A. I'. PATON FOOTBAI.I. CAPI.x\I ... ... ... L. A.A.. ForKS COMMITrI I.... \\. l. llxi\ , A. S \VW EsT, \\. I 1 . SmIaM sOIs Dl.. AT To (.1.T.I. \.... ... M . IH 'ou l.:K ()OTH.r C.\P AI\s: -11(I I'K\AI.l; : 31(l lAM ; 4 th ( K;is ilANN; 5th (iKnM ,.": thill ,iSt x: 7 th M1 sNIO, it i,.. 1. FONTi r, C. LoN .i;,io )l. llus( 'irfeCts. T. G(;. ( iA\ 'N , 1. I;. Fr' ..i.MAN, C. M . \\ i' NUl, A. i. iH0ow.\\ , A. I. II \ M:.10'N), K. B. FI ASIR . .S(oolI'reel f . .C i.. l. iki\, A.\. 11 h O\\ , I I. 1 K\,R (;. BO c. H\viil. SIo*(HKANl MA A... ... I A. I .i.O |IHIToR . lK).i IMA,' .. B ( ldel T',f.,. -' C().I^.\N , f)ri l 1 \1 I..IO\, .M CI, C AD -.rS. H.I... ./a\si.iir ()IO FlICE . (COI)MMA \II .... ('\ lAIN . \. ). IIIh.i l.I Sllo T~l. s M .. ... .. Mr..\...M. .\ ,) (Oil L.() i'-S-l i.\ N . ... * C l K SERl(;ANTS . ..... <oBli .S \, ('. (Il i .. M. 1) AHAM (IORI' HAIS .1.,. C. I \\ 1I 1 . ( IlNN,s I1 M II I.\V, L..ANCE-C( R1'(IAI.S . \\. I d lliiN :\. i \.lISON, 1E. C SC i\,i. , II. \V. |oM., O()H IC ('ONDMMAN ING . .. ... ... i. r1. )\, I\ L iE;T.l'lNAVlTS ... ... 11. \V . ilOi x, 1 I 1111.1I. > SE ;GEANTS ... ... (. CoolING, P. \V. OIloIKINS Hl'ot<,t.I l .. ... C. (G. lliA S, 1lt lrll li ,IC , .uni,,r Cdets. COMMuN ING OFVliC ... .... I.nlrT. 1. A 1)+AKIN B.G.S.O.H.A.: Ilon. Sec. MI.I .(i. N(\\I.AN, hiislane (iianimar ;and School, or " Ky-\ail. I isinairck Acting Hon. Treas. Strc.t. C(layfiel. P.G.F.C.-Hlon. Sec., Mr. H. SH.Aw. coI I farringtons Ltd., 2ueen St. Adv r tisenentsm !I \Ve supply HAND-SEWN SCHOOL BASS, ati s/it Ifillll 5/Bg4 %sl1wnI oh skcttC'il. iarantee ( la st dI1i n. tile full peri o ,f \.1our sc('hoo1 1 ree r. \\e als, so,,,k Presentation Bags (If et'ci\ dscCriptifnl, to'l'ther Leather Sportint Goods Ring WtI lvo Prices. L,UHL 6 SONS LIMITED S1ddle Narness Makers, gUIn St., Potrie Bight. I B Gardening, For Boys and Girls is one o, the most healthy and iteresting hobbies that can be indulged in out of school hours " here is somethiag new to attract the attentioni every dtay, anlid the delght in watching the growth and expansion of the seed you have taken so much trouble to nourishl and tend. But to properly work your ground you must have good Garden Tools, such as Hoes, Rakes Forks, Spades, Garden 'hers. I land Forks, &c.. &c. Ihese you can get ct our Store, and the goods are all of the highest quality. durability and effi< iency. and suitable alike for the amateur or the skilled gardener Make a point of calling, and let us show you our collection of Garden Tools. as well as other serviceable goods. B. G. WVILSON 6' GO., IOpposite Pavilion Picture Show, lronmongers, c. 152 QUEEN STREET. ---- ~~-~ BrsbaNe Grammar School Malgazine. 6 BRISB N E 3rammar 5chool (flaga3ne, Index to No, I6, Vol. XVI. Page Page Schoo[ Institutions . 3 S\immning .. .. 21 Editorial .. .. .. (Cricket Notes . 22 DI)eath of Mr. T. Harlin .. 9 Rowing Notes .. .. 25 The late Mr. T. Harlin .. 14) Tennis Notes .. .. 27 Mr. A. W. I. Row .. .. 11 Football Notes .. 27 Mr. Powe, B.A. .. .. 12 (;Gymnasium Notes .. 28 Our University Scholarship Cadet Notes .. .. 28 Winners .. .. 12 Junior Cadet Notes . 29 Successes Won by Old Hoys Library Notes .. .. 29 in 1913 .. .. 14 The St. Lucia Aero Club .. 30 Queensland University .. 16 House Notes .. .. 30 ()Our Naval Cadets .. .. 19 l)eath of Mr. N. S. A.dsett 31 Successes Won by Hoys Success of an Old Bo\y .. 31 in Attendance at the The ()ld Boys' Association 32 School in 1913 .. 19 Jottings .. .. .. 35 U'niversity D)istinctions Won Birth .. .. .. 36 hy ()ld Boys in 1913 .. 19 Marriages .. .. 36 List of Colours, 1913 .. 21 Deaths .. .. .. 36 D. J. CLARKE Iatmacctteuttcal 3hcn~let. FINNEY's OLD BUlt DINF, BRISBANE. iI EowrrRD___ STREE. 0 Advert:semern SMART SUITS READY FOR SERVICE in Fine Pure Indigo Blue Serge, an excellent Wearing Quality- D.B. Sac and Trousers, 45/- Al[o in Grey Flannels and Wor steds. Tailoring to Measure. We guLarantee the wear and quality of all our goods. Blue Serge Suits to Measure, £3/15/-H to £6/6/- We quote Special Prices for Boys and Youths. All Clothing and Outfitting for B.O.S. Students in stock. Geo. R. Ryder, Ltd., Queen Street Brisbane Brisbane Grammar School *- -MMAGAZIN E. Published lThree 7 imes a Year. Vol. XVI. APRI L, J( I4. \No. .16. Sulbscriptions, s. 6d. per annum, or is 9il. posted, are payable to the IBusiness Manager, A. J. MASON, lioys' Grammar School The Ilditor will welcome contriblutions ,I correspondence from present or past members (of the School. Suilscrilers are requested to inform the Business Manager ,f any change of Aldress. Ediorial " Companions of old time' ' Nil sine labore ! For ave are we linked in true fe'll\oship's lond. Hurrah fo( o,ur School ! et sit seniper in tlce Our voices shall cheer and your hearts shall respond." Another aryearhas passed, and another has been entered upon, and itagain falls to our lot to welcome tlie new arrivals. In the interval between tlie irst appearance of a Ibo\ in lower School and his departure froml the highest form in l'pper School . much happens. He plays games, lie makes friends. warmer friends, perhaps, than those he will make in later years; he studies 1)oys. books, and masters, and his whole character is m oulded in a furnace of joys, trials and disappointments. In welcoming tihe new bo,,. e must not forget to sa\ a few words of farewell to those of you\who have left us. We wish vom all (;od-sled. Rememlber that though vou are advancing through life, you have not totally left us. You have left \'our record with us, and \we hope that you will always keep in touch with the old School, through tie miedium of the (Old Ho's' Association. i 8 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. On March 7th, our Annual Swimming Sports were held, W. P. Simmonds succeeding in carrying off the School Swimming Championship for the third year in succession. We offer him our heartiest congratulations. The First XI. has been fairly successful this year, but we regret to say that both they and the tennis teams were defeated 1; by the Old Boys. The tennis teams were defeated by a sub- stantial majority, but when we remember that our crack player Quinn, of last year's team was playing for the Old Boys, and that i Paton could not play for the School, owing to the cricket match, we do not in any way feel ashamed. Owing to the scarcity of cricket pitches, a new system of Sports Half-holidays has been introduced, and we may add, with success. Formerly, the whole School had the Sports Half on the one day, but owing to the large number of players there were many boys who could not get a game anywhere. By the new system, the Lower School, Fourth Form, and the V. and VI. forms, have separate Sports " Halves," thus making three Sports " Halves " a month. Once again the coveted honour of winning the Rhodes Scholarship has fallen to a past member of the B.G.S., in the personage of A. W. L. Row. His career at the School was marked by its brilliance in studies and sport, and we wish him every success for the future. The Special Squad has again succeeded in winning the Battalion Competitions, and is now training hard for the Brigade Competitions, under its persevering and enthusiastic commander, Lieut. A. S. West. Changes have taken place on the staff, so that while we announce the departure of Mr. Oakley, we welcome Mr. Lea and Mr.
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