Bothalia 29,2 (1999) 263

Plessis for kindly granting permission to collect bulbs on tion in the fynbos of South Africa. In M. Arianoutsou & R.H. his land; Prof. I. Nordal for her helpful comments; and Groves, -animal interactions in Mediterranean-type Dr J.C. Paterson-Jones and Dr J.C. Manning for their ecosystem s: 137-148. Kluwer, Dordrecht. KER GAWLER, J.B. 1816. Cyrtanthus collinus: narrow glaucous­ generous assistance in the field. leaved Cyrtanthus. Botanical Register 11: t. 162. LE MAITRE, D.C. & BROWN, P.J. 1992. Life cycles and fire-stimu­ lated flowering in geophytes. In B.W. van Wilgen, D M . Richardson, F.J. Kruger & H.J. van Hensbergen, Fire in South REFERENCES African Mountain Fynbos: 145-160. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. MEEROW, A.W., FAY, M.F., GUY, C.L., LI, Q-B , ZAMAN, F.Q. & BAKER, J.G. 1888. Handbook of the Amaryllideae. George Bell, CHASE, MW . in press. Systematics of Amaryllidaceae, based London. on cladistic analysis of plastid rbcL and tmL-F sequence data. BAKER, J.G. 1896. Cyrtanthus. Flora capensis 6: 218-228. American Journal of Botany 86. BATTEN, A. & BOKELMANN, H. 1966. Wild flowers of the Eastern MEEROW, AW . & SNIJMAN, D A. 1998. Amaryllidaceae. In K. Cape Province. Books of Africa, Cape Town. Kubitzki, The families and genera of vascular 3: flower­ COWLING, R.M. 1984. A syntaxonomic and synecological study in ing plants, morutctyledons: 83-110. Springer, Berlin. the Humansdorp region of the Fynbos Biome. Bothalia 15: NORDAL, I. 1979. Revision of the Cyrtanthus (Amaryllidaceae) 175-227. in East Africa. Norw egian Journal of Botany 26: 183-192. DAHLGREN, R.M.T., CLIFFORD, H.T. & YEO, P.F. 1985. The fam i­ REID, C. & DYER, R.A. 1984. A review of the southern African lies of the Monocotyledons. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. species o f Cyrtanthus. American Plant Life Society, La Jolla. DYER, R.A. 1939. A review of the genus Cyrtanthus. Herbertia 6: SNIJMAN, D A & VAN JAARSVELD, E.J. 1995. Cyrtanthus flam- 65-103. mosus. Flowering Plants of Africa 54: 100-103. GOLDBLATT, P. & MANNING, J.C. 1998. Gladiolus in southern Africa. Femwood Press, Vlaeberg. D A. SNIJMAN* HILLIARD, O.M. & BURTT. B.L. 1986. Notes on some plants of southern Africa chiefly from Natal. 12. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 43: 189-228. * Compton Herbarium, National Botanical Institute. Private Bag X7, JOHNSON, S. & BOND, W. 1994. Red flowers and butterfly pollina­ 7735 Claremont, Cape Town. MS. received: 1999-04-16.



Serruria Salisb. consisting of some 54 species, is the Rivers, (-BC), 1-10-1998, J.R Rourke 2151 (NBG holo.; largest genus of the endemic to Western BOL, E, K, MO, NSW, PRE, S, W). Cape. Dr Tony Rebelo, initiator of the Atlas Project discovered this extraordinary species in July 1998. No earlier collections are known, which is scarce­ ly surprising considering its cryptic growth habit and very localised distribution. When not flowering, mature plants are exceptionally difficult to detect in the field, even at known sites.

Serruria rebeloi Rourke, sp. nov. Fruticulus prostra­ tus, ramis glabris gracilibus; foliis secundis praecipue aci- cularibus (aliquando 2-, 3-, vel 4-furcatis), racemis mini­ mis sessilibus terminalibus, 4-9 floribus, perianthiis bre- vissimis, 7-8 mm longis, et ovariis stylopodio, distinguitur.

Fruticulus diffusus, prostratus ad 200 mm altus, 1 m in diametro. Rami graciles vel filiformes, implexi, 1.5 mm in diametro, glabri aut pilis paucis dispersis. Folia secunda, 30-50 mm longa, bipinnata, 2-, 3-, vel 4- furcata sed aciforma apicem versus; primum sparse puberula, demum glabra. Inflorescentia racemosa parvu- la, 10-12 mm in diametro; obovoidea, sessilis, solitaria et terminalis, (4)5-7(-9) floribus. Bracteae 6- 8, peran- guste lanceolato-acuminatae, 8-10 x 0.5-1.0 mm, glabrae sed ciliis marginalibus. Perianthium 7-9 mm longum, rectum ante anthesin, dense villosum. Stylus rectus, glaber, 7-8 mm longus. Ovarium sphaericum, 2 mm longum, dense villosum, stylopodio cylindrico carmineo supcrpositum. Squamae hypogynae absentes (Figura 11).

TYPE.—Western Cape, 3419 (Caledon): Boskloof, south of Akkedisberg, on watershed of Kars and Uilkraal FIGURE 11 —Serruria rebeloi, open inflorescences, ± life size 264 Bothalia 29,2 (1999)

FIGURE 12.— Serruria rebeloi. A, flowering shoot; B, detached inflorescence; C, floral bract; D, unopened flower bud; E, single flower at anthesis; F, ovary, style and pollen pre­ senter; G, ovary with gyno- phore and style attached; H, mature fruit. Scale bars: 1 mm. IJtf Drawn from J.P Rourke 2151. C Artist: Claire Linder Smith.

Low, prostrate, diffuse shrublet up to 200 mm high ly thickly villous; limbs ovate-acute, 1 mm long; tube and 1 m diam. with horizontally trailing branches; form­ region glabrous; perianth segments opening equally at ing a loose tangled mat from a single main stem up to 50 right angles. Anthers sessile. Style straight, glabrous, mm tall, 15 mm diam. Branches very slender to almost 7-8 mm long; pollen presenter clavate, 1 mm long, stig- filiform, 1.5 mm diam., reddish, glabrous or nearly matic groove terminal; style base connected to ovary by glabrous with a few scattered hairs; branches very rarely a cylindrical, fleshy, carmine stylopodium, 1.5 mm long, divided. Leaves secund, 30-50 mm long, very sparsely slightly broader than style, stylopodium and style sepa­ puberulous when young but soon glabrous, bipinnate rated by a distinct abscission layer. Ovary spherical to becoming 2-, 3-, or 4-furcate, but frequently simple and ovoid, 2 mm long, densely villous. Hypogynous scales acicular towards shoot apex; filiform, terete, upper sur­ absent. Fruit a cylindric, villous achene, 6-7 x 2-5 mm, face canaliculate, apices reddish, mucronate. Inflores­ with a glabrous, black, conical beak terminally; truncate cence an obovoid, sessile, usually solitary, much and pedicellate basally with a basal fringe of trichomes reduced terminal raceme, 10-12 mm diam., (4)5-7(-9)- (Figure 12). flowered; very rarely with up to 4 axillary inflores­ cences below terminal raceme. Involucral bracts 6- 8, loosely arranged, very narrowly lanceolate-acuminate, Diagnostic characters 8-10 x 0.5-1.0 mm, deep carmine, glabrous but with a few scattered marginal cilia. Floral bracts narrowly Serruria rebeloi is easily distinguished by its low, dif­ ovate-acuminate, 8-10 x 3 mm, apices patent, bases fuse, sprawling growth habit, secundly arranged, mainly clasping, minutely pubescent, margins ciliate. Perianth acicular (occasionally 2-, 3-, or 4-furcate) leaves, very 7-9 mm long, straight in bud; limbs and claws uniform- small (4-9-flowered) sessile terminal racemes, 10-12 mm Bothalia 29,2(1999) 265 diam., unusually short perianths, 7-8 mm long, straight in bud, and by the absence of hypogynous scales. Moreover, the ovary is surmounted by a cylindric, glabrous, carmine stylopodium, 1.5 mm long from which the style arises, a character that is not known in any other Serruria.

Distribution and habitat

This species is confined to the Perdeberg Mountains ± 12 km northwest of Napier in the southern Cape, where it occurs at elevations between 480 m and 600 m, mainly on the Farm Boskloof with additional populations on the adjacent Farms, Fairfield and Perdeberg. On Boskloof there are several populations southwest of Akkedisberg on the watershed of the Uilkraal and Kars Rivers. These populations each consist of several hundred individuals. Serruria rebeloi is very localised and is presently not known beyond these sites. It favours gently sloping sea­ sonally moist habitats on Table Mountain Sandstone in lax, trailing stems with secundly arranged leaves begin to Mesic Mountain Fynbos (Figure 13). develop towards the perimeter of the shrublet (Figure 14). The leaves on these very slender horizontally spreading Serruria rebeloi is a seed regenerator that passes branches are widely spaced usually with only two or through several distinct developmental stages before the three bifurcations and tend to become simple and undi­ adult growth form is attained. In the first three or four vided towards the growing point. These slender, almost years after germinating the seedlings form a compact filiform branches continue to develop and spread into the semi-upright shrublet 150-180 mm tall with densely surrounding low fynbos vegetation until the lax, diffuse arranged divided leaves. By the fifth or sixth year, long, adult shrublet is about a meter in diameter. Most mature


FIGURE 14.—Serruria rebeloi, developmental stages from seedling to adult. A, young 2-3-year-old seedling of compact growth; B, ± 5-year- old seedling initiating trailing adult stems with mainly sim­ ple undivided leaves; C, fully developed adult shrublet Pait of the type collection, J P Rourke 2151 Scale bars: 100 mm 266 Bothalia 29,2 (1999) shrublets are so cryptically concealed that they are diffi­ the juvenile stages of the plant’s development, the cult to observe, even when flowering. leaves are bipinnate and highly divided but after several years of growth the adult branches produce mainly This species is unique in the genus in that each flower entire acicular leaves. This tendency to reduce bipin- sheds its entire style and pollen presenter soon after pol­ nately divided leaves to entire acicular leaves occurs in lination. An abscission layer develops at the junction of other species ot'Serruria, notably S. simplicifolia Salisb. the style base and stylopodium, neatly detaching the ex Knight and appears to be a strongly apomorphic char­ style which falls away after pollination, whereafter the acter. ovary and stylopodium continue to develop. The sty­ lopodium enlarges considerably and assumes a deep The highly reduced floral characters, reduced leaves carmine colour as the fruit continues to swell but later and specialised growth habit suggests that S. rebeloi is a shrivels as the mature fruits are shed in December. fairly recently evolved species.

Nothing is known of the pollinators of S. rebeloi which are probably small Diptera, Hymenoptera or even ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ants as the tiny, 4-9-flowered inflorescences are pro­ duced almost at ground level. However, the post pollina­ I am most grateful to Tony Rebelo for drawing my tion style-shedding described above, appears to be a pol­ attention to this species and showing me several popula­ linator cue to ensure maximum pollinator visitation to tions on Boskloof. I would also like to thank Thys de unfertilised flowers. An examination of some 50 Villiers, a keen amateur botanist and owner of Boskloof infructescences revealed an average of one mature fruit for giving me access to his property, for his assistance in per infructescence, indicating a fair degree of pollinator collecting fruiting specimens and his hospitality on success. several occasions. Claire Linder Smith prepared the line drawing.


Serruria rebeloi appears to be most closely related to ROURKE, J.P 199<). Four new species of Serruria (Proteaceae) from the S. deluvial is Rourke, principally on account of its ses­ south-western Cape. South African Journal of Botany 56: 497-505. sile, very small, few-flowered racemose inflorescences and very short, straight perianths. Like S. deluvialis (a widely geographically separated Palmiet River Valley J P ROURKE* endemic), S. rebeloi has a strong tendency to reduce the * Compton Herbarium, National Botanical Institute, Kirstenbosch, Private number of leaf divisions, ultimately producing undivid­ Bag X7, 7735 Claremont, Cape Town ed acicular leaves on the adult shoots. Significantly, in MS received: 1999-04-09.