Core Strategy Hearing Statement Matter 3 – Policies On behalf of Gallagher Estates May 2016 Core Strategy Hearing Statement Matter 3 – Policies On behalf of Gallagher Estates Project Ref: 25514/A3/FW/jmm Status: Issue/Rev: P4 Date: 18th May 2016 Prepared by: Faith Wright Checked by: Authorised by: Barton Willmore LLP 101 Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6PU Tel: 0117 929 9677 Ref: 25514/A5/FW/jmm Date: May 2016 Email:
[email protected] COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Barton Willmore LLP. All Barton Willmore stationery is produced using recycled or FSC paper and vegetable oil based inks. CORE STRATEGY HEARING STATEMENT Matter 3 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 We act on behalf of Gallagher Estates who own the majority of land at Pill Green (see enclosed plan). 1.2 We have previously made substantive submissions in respect of land in this area acting for the previous landowners RS Hill Settlement. Gallagher now owns “the Hill land” and we continue to promote the land on their behalf. Given that we have submitted significant and comprehensive representations in respect of the site to the North Somerset Core Strategy and Site Allocations Plan documents previously, we have kept our comments as succinct as possible. We will expand on the points made within these participant statements in person at the Hearing Sessions. 25514/A5/FW/jmm -1- May 2016 CORE STRATEGY HEARING STATEMENT Matter 3 2.0 MATTER 3 – POLICIES 3. In those settlements and locations where the consequential changes have significantly increased the housing requirement, can it be demonstrated that the capacity exists to deliver the increased number of homes to enable the Core Strategy housing requirement, including those of the consequential changes, to be met in the following locations, in terms of overall numbers and housing mix? a.