Meeting of Coastal Community Team – Management Team

Meeting Notes

Tuesday 20th June 2017 at Rayleigh Civic Suite at 1 pm

Meeting Attendees:

Paula Chapman PC Council Cheryl Milton-White CMW Rochford District Council Anglene Crowley AC Maldon District Council Doug MacEwen DM CCT Vice Chairman & Crouch Area Yachting Federation Clubs Chris Tyas CT RSPB Dave Smith DS Burnham Week Limited Keith Powell KP Volunteer Cllr. June Lumley JL Rochford District Council Parish Cllr. Glen Dryhurst GD Parish Council

1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

 Apologies received from Dean Border, Father Mark North, Russell Everard, Darren Braine, Cllr. Mrs Julia Jeapes, Wendy Stamp, Cllr Penny Channer.

 AC entered the meeting and was officially welcomed by DM. AC formally introduced herself giving a brief background of her experience working in London Boroughs on various regeneration projects.

 Introductions were made around the room, during which DS confirmed that the previously named Joint Clubs Committee is now called Burnham Week Limited and this year is celebrating their 125th year anniversary

2. Declaration of any conflicts of interest

 None were declared. However, KP confirmed that he was no longer a representative of Dengie Enterprise, as Maldon DC had not renewed the contract to provide business support. Therefore members were consulted on whether or not KP should remain a member of this group. It was unanimously agreed that KP could still represent the business community as a volunteer as he has vast expertise and his contribution to this community group is much valued. He was also thanked for all his efforts in relation to the reprint of the River Crouch Guide.

Action: RE/PC to update membership records to state KP as a volunteer from the business community.

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3. Notes & Actions from the previous meeting

 DM to inform Aqualia Ltd of CCT Views on swimming pool proposal – DM confirmed email was sent end of April to inform Aqualia that although the CCT wished them luck with the project, it could not be an adopted project of the CCT as it was a private business that will make profit from the facility. Aqualia did reply to express their disappointment.

 DM to share video project timeline with CCT members – DM emailed RE the project timeline, although management team members had not seen it yet. DM confirmed that filming in Battlesbridge and Wallasea Island will take place on Thursday and will include Canewdon. Filming is due to finish on 30th June so that the video can be produced in July before the school year ends. This project will cover the Geography, History and IT subjects of the national curriculum. One of the parents is a film maker and so is advising students on the technology side, but all the ideas about content have come from the students themselves.

4. Lower Crouch Crossing

 DM summarised a meeting that some members of the Lower Crouch Crossing sub-group had with Maldon DC, which overall was very positive. Although Rochford DC was not invited to this meeting, they had previously held a telephone conference call with Maldon to discuss content of a potential bid to CCF. DM reported that once the notes of the meeting had been approved, he would be happy to share them with the Management Team. Maldon DC requested that DM work on financial viability of the ferry and look carefully at the costs as £5 per journey was considered too high. Maintenance of the pontoons were also an issue as RSPB were not keen to have ownership of the pontoon on the south side. DM suggested that 50 pence of every ticket sold would be put towards maintenance. A follow-up meeting of the sub-group has since been arranged for 30th June at Maldon DC, which Rochford DC will also be attending. CT reported that RSPB will be submitting their planning application for the pontoon to Rochford DC tomorrow (21/6/17).

 Site visit to Wallasea Island – NH was not present at meeting but was happy to accommodate any site visit. PC thought it may be in relation to ascertaining the actual proposed siting of the pontoon. Council officers to contact NH if any members wished to do this.

 Project presentation to District Councils - It was previously suggested that a presentation be given to Full Council at both Districts to obtain member backing, however this had been put on hold due to the General Elections. DM and KP are currently working on a presentation to give to Royal Burnham Yacht Club (RBYC) on 16th July and Burnham Town Council on 18th July. DS requested that Burnham Week members also be included in the presentation at RBYC, that way all the Commodores have been invited. Cllr. JL thought that a presentation should be given to Rochford DC members prior to the Summer recess if one was also to be given to Maldon DC. Next Full Council at Rochford is on 18th July in the evening.

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Action: DM to include Burnham Week members in 16th July presentation. Cllr. JL/CMW to ask if Rochford Members would like a presentation on the Lower Crouch Crossing project.

 GD reported that the proposed ferry from to South Fambridge got final approval and the pontoon was approved by the Department of Environment. This service will be open to the public as well as boat owners and can take bicycles. It will be operated by Yachthavens who own North Fambridge Marina and it is thought ticket prices are around the £3-4 mark. They have also got permission for a car park next to the Shell packing station at South Fambridge.

5. River Crouch Guide

 DM reported that the new guide had been very well received and going very quickly. 100 copies have also gone to Rayleigh Museum. DM suggested a press release about the new guide and maybe the video project. CMW had contacted the relevant parishes within Rochford district via the Clerks, to collect their boxes but many had not yet done so, despite chasing. Cllr JL suggested going through the Chairperson or Members.

Action: PC to email KP contact details for Rayleigh Museum to be added to distribution list for the guide and do a Members Bulletin at RDC to inform elected Members of the revised guide.

 Promotion of Guide via Rochford Town Team – PC confirmed an electronic copy had been sent to them to upload to their website. The Rochford Town Team Chair also offered to have the parishes south of the river individually listed on their website as places of interest.

Action: KP to email Rochford DC the individual parish listings of the guide for PC/CMW to contact the Rochford parishes to see if they wished to pursue the Town Team website offer with their current entries.

 Finalising printing quotes – KP reported that a formal judging panel took place to evaluate the printing quotes received comprising of KP, DM and RE. The criteria they assessed the quotes against were; Matching quality of existing leaflet How many leaflets could be printed for the price quoted

The winning quote was 23,000 leaflets for £1,700 using a better quality of paper than previously used. Storage of the original digital artwork was discussed and GD requested that an electronic copy be forwarded to parishes to upload onto their websites.

Action: Agreed that Maldon DC store the original artwork electronically within the Economic Development Team as the Accountable Body for the CCT. KP to arrange transfer. PC/CMW to email parishes within Rochford District with an electronic copy of guide.

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6. Footpaths

 CMW reported that this work was now completed and should be removed as agenda item. Three routes have been established on both the north side and south side of the river, six in total. The routes on the south side are being promoted on the CCT page of Rochford DC website;

Action: GD found out that Hullbridge PC had their footpaths marked wrong on their website so he will update the CCT promoted routes and email PC/CMW to update their website with corrected version.

7. Work Plan 2016/17

 Video Project – This was discussed previously under item 3. The final film will hopefully be published on the Visit website.

 Events – PC was unsure why this item had been assigned to her as she was not involved in the sub-group. CT reported that RSPB have no open days planned this Summer at Wallasea. DS confirmed Burnham Week was taking place 26th Aug. to 2nd Sept., with Quay Day being on 28th August Bank Holiday Monday. PC read aloud an email from Father North that confirmed he had secured a stand at Quay Day for free and the stand would need to be staffed from 11 am until 5 pm. It was agreed to display the final video on a laptop (battery charged) In addition, attractions/places listed in the guide could be contacted to provide individual leaflets.

Action: DM, GD, AC all agreed to help staff the stand and if enough people volunteer it is hoped the stall could be covered in 2 hour shifts. CT agreed to see if any RSPB volunteers were available that day and look into some RSPB freebies to giveaway or possibly run a competition. CMW to draw up a work plan for the event. PC to organise a laminated sign (Explore the Beauty of the River Crouch) and AC to look into a possible gazebo being loaned from Maldon DC. DM urged members to think of ideas for future events.

 GD mentioned that Stow Maries Aerodrome have a good programme of events this summer so it would be good to make sure they continually display the guide, especially as they are in it and a good opportunity to promote the Crouch to their visitors.

8. Social Media

 Contact list – This action is to be carried forward to next meeting. However, partners are also asked to ensure we continue to supply content that can be used on social media.

Action: This agenda item to be carried over as NH not present.

9. Project List

 AC circulated the current project list and all agreed we had already achieved as a group. The main focus currently needs to be on the Lower Crouch Crossing project in order to meet the grant application deadline. PC reported

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that the CCF website now states that the next round of CCF funding will open late 2017 which gives us more time to prepare the bid. PC advised that the cycling project from Rochford Train Station to Wallasea Island is currently on hold due to lack of funding for the next stage, a detailed study of the preferred route.

 CCT Website – KP confirmed that he has still been unable to clarify who has the admin. rights to update the River Crouch CCT page on the national CCT website. It is believed that currently the only content on there is the Terms of Reference.

Action: AC/Maldon DC to find out who has the admin. rights to update the River Crouch page so we can upload more content and links to local web pages of the River Crouch CCT.

10. AOB

 GD asked if there was any update on the possible ferry link from Mersea to Bradwell, which was mentioned as a possible project by the Maldon and Blackwater CCT.

Action: RE/AC to provide an update at next meeting.

 PC reported that National Maritime are currently conducting a consultation with stakeholders and business groups to develop a Maritime Strategy for the River Thames, Lower North Sea and English Channel. There is an online survey to complete before 1st August 2017. PC will circulate the email and survey link to all River Crouch CCT members.

11. Future meeting arrangements

 Next meeting date for the full partnership was set for Weds. 26th July 2017 at 10 am in Maldon District. Venue to be confirmed.

A management meeting will also immediately follow this meeting to discuss final arrangements for Quay Day.

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