~t-^i^ .

V Read the Herald For Local News Th* Wmfatrt Serving Summit For $$ Yeart Mortly dottfly, wamand feontWl •**, with (AMMO of evtafaf •kowen. Tomorrow, fate and cooler.

63rd Year—No. 4 , sr SECTION «• Two Section* rtlephoM Summit «-«MM SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUN6 It, I9SI 14 A VIA* ICINU fat ContingentCommonwealth Of Herald Campers Asks PUC for Water fA Only Fair Skies Heeded For Off to Bonnie Brae With tlm HerakS-Family Servic< Rate Revision A request for a 35 per cent in- 'Best Ever'July 4 Celebration imp Fund now about $330 Jess crease in water rates was made *•** ' last year's total of 11,664. the last week by the Commonwealth Resident* of Summit and their friends will be treated contingent ~of campers num- Water Company to the Public to sa Qld-fa*hloned Fourth of July celebration with the 17 boys, departed Saturday Utilities Commission. The com- latest trimmings next Wednesday at Soldiers Memorial [for Bonnie Brae where they will pany, which mrvta Summit and Held. [pend two weeks. Transportation other suburban New Jersey com- Since the holiday falls in the middle of the week, at- VM provided by .members of th.e munities, aaks that the'Increase ; tendance at thia ye&r'c action- JpUsilst Club. In rates be granted effective July packed program is expected to Contributions this week to the20. ,r exceed that of any preview* year, jnd totaled Jl 12.86 and Included The water company, which An- Chamber Adds 28 and the celebration committee, ?100 donation from the Con-nounced, the PUC application, in heade4 by George Hufnail, h*r valescent Fund Committee and a newspaper advertisements, 'atated New Members in made arrangement** to accojnrno- aion*yord*r from the fifth hat ib operating expense* and date the throng in complete com- and ' sixth grades at Franklin nateriaiu costs- had greatly in- fort. , creased and that a higher rate One-Day Campaign Special effort* aleo have gone Franklin School gift repre- is needed. Additional revenue from Tw*nty#ifht new Summit area into the program, as evidenced by sented the balance of dues >col- th« rate increase would amount to usiness e*t*bllshttents joined the the booking of a six-act circus ected throughout the school year 1570,000. Surtmlt Ar»a Chamber of Com- which the committee feels is th» jfrora pupils for operating expenses Baeree *» a remjlt of last Tuesday's beat obtained by any community Commonwealth aervea about in this area. . i Df a club. In an accompanying 36,000 cuatomers in Summit, Chat- oae-day membership campaign, letter, the Franklin children wrote ham Township, Miilburn, >Jew the Chamber office announced In ca«e of rain on July i, th» tsat itf was voted to give this bal- Providence, Springfield, Irving- tfiif week. 1T» number is «c-circus will be held the following to the Fund "to help some pkiiti to bt lit'ftt than 28 be-evening at 7:30 p.m.—at Memorial ton, West Orange, Mapjeyvood, cause, of the fact that some re- Uat fortunate than ourselves Paseaic Township and parts of Field or, in the event of rain oa have «, pleasant summer." port* have not jret been received. July S, too, in the Senior High Hillside and Union. Its main of- With the iS pew raembera the The Family Service Association fices, are located on* Beechwood School auditorium. If the fire- reported last week that 19 Chamber membership now stands works, display is rained out July 4, road, Summit at «0S. It U estimated that the ces of luggage had been left •WAN'TOV DEStRUCTION of tho Lincoln Playground shelter la pic it will held at Memorial Held on The last rate increase granted are* contains bujine<*» con- the next clear night at 9 p.m. py residents at the Summit Leather the company by the PUC was for jtured above. Left is a view of'one of the rest rooma showing jsmashtid toilet, ripped out plumbing-.and on-the floor some "of "thi c«tiw of *U types. Fourteen of As in previous years, taga ad- »nd Luggage Goods Center and re-20 per cent on May 1, 1948. The the new memberships were from paired by that concern for camp- adjustment of Kites at that time Court Acts Upon jr—Ffng retreat and a, varianci e so that a &ix-story, {{attention of city officials last wctrk of tlio vandalism. : Crane, executive secretary of the band concert. Anonymous ... $.00 the Commission in establishing f hurches. He l$ tht author' of a Mrs. lUljih t. fitieett . 340 the new rate. He added that this 42-fsiji)i!y «pir -'Tr* Vf-'-i rrti'rt ' whrn ' >n r-f-'hon-- «t Lirro'n Hegan Last Fall loaen books;, many ef^ which Chamber, made the Berkeley » p.m.—Firework* dinplay, kiWUs A!!«* truilow , 2,00 be built at ; < f.>rv: (.f s ininsit [•! i>r-' "'I v, '.•• f|'-iovi>r. 1 m J fact, together with increased costs, ni'\ ting between' Board of een selectlqus of tlie Heights call*. Root's BtpU Bttm .....-., S5.W c and V. ,,i i ,<• ..ii > ;-:i' miju-". T.v r v. mV.- of Mots Men* Shop .„ *$.#» made it mandatory that the com- t ji'on in& police repre#ente- eook-of-tne-Montli Clij Because of *tt* fact that «onte VUflinla Thornton ...,....., 2J.00 Ed mlttlng each person to all of tht Klwanti dull S pany g«ek an adjustment at this tiu .id Fridny, brought out hem are the poptilar, R. CoSif Moil-I .- -, <-..,.»! bt } time. thr 1'ii thiit a substantial Approaci h fo ^eojogy,* further return* are to be made the given to each family contributing C. t. P, ...„ 18.99 when the J3i ;" i, .1 u i;n Eviry pane nf tmount of (inimge had been done Theism and the Scientific fplrit," to th« Mrs. ivtnet W. Baetxer .. 2SM "We feel." Mr. Cokman stated, 1 li to th Mr. is4 Mr*. John M. M*fkl» !«.«»' 'that once'the'consumers and the Corp. of Swii'f.it • n 0 "tton ' c<\ in th $2.4 U0 bm i'njr PI • Ii.st fill din ing thp week between md "Can Christianity S«ve anil- rwuits Summit Junior 6«r\ic« of a city 7. irn • 1') i : m n " 11 r s's re:-,! room > atlon." made later.. Ltague tmM PUC determine the conditions that, 'h • >u. »t._ 29.99 they will be fair-minded and j»w. v,,| After World War 2, Cr. H h r< r !''>!• >•'• iquipmcnt Wooiiwi ('i.or-, IM < ii ' in establishing proper rates which Mih-.tnntiated by a Board pent three summer* lit Europe [to purchase them at the field Mrs. MITT K. C. SUcGrejor . 20.09 ing vrsr^ni ' n>.i'i» uj in the hut w-f r.- piil'fil fiom th r him. ' V*raui G. Carrier * .. nM will enable us to operate souruiiy ntitiw who said when the sparing for "his part In" the or- next Wednesday or buy then? In Mr. tad Mr«. Edmund K«re _ 15.00 name of the K i *. r.i. ;> n: Xi ,. Walks in both th • hm i "•>.' „ > ." > i- v.-1.-. railed to his attcn- anizatlon of the World Council of In Auto Accident 190* and produce the service to which 1 advance at a cpeclal booth In Mr*. M. !, Weyom 19.0* 1 York, pro-Hi • i ii [ nJ.ji., r of lornv*. wvro >1( J.H i i Four teen-Agera were Injured C. N. Walls .'..19919.9©© • our consumers are entitled. ' i\on (,„„ )i > ! id .ordered the door.? :hurches which took place; In I front of tha Summit Trust Co.x the Zuhod!ai\.n plan*. and chii'k. SCUI.II> we Sunday when the car they Mr. ind Mrt Alfred M. a t) n.uk.„.,,!, l OIHII and Additional screen- .msterdam In 1948 where he was The booth will he open through Het* ;., .. ... SiM hiL? and 1 riding In went out of control The suit ftg.iinst .the city of| ^gg«f! roeKs • covered ing put on the windows. elegate. next Tuesday. uttHar Music Clsk In he windotv ms ar!42 which permitted T«»—it-.i-=_ toi!t.-t:- inary, New York, from which he ering « telephone pole. The acci- Chirt«t, Lonli» «»d Helm directly after the firet indi ing ceremony at 9:45 a.m. and yi . ..„ :.oi a (l the m { 1 was #r«du«ted. In 191T he > re- dent occurred at 9:50 a.m. when SummiT t UOBI Club 100.09 to rn.-in»f,KHire war-• prwi'sion in- i " ^»^" ^ P- '^ c.ition of vaiidaiisin, Chief Egan will be followed by a werlew of F. C. Kentz, Jr. fillf d wiIh rocks iecrrt f the driver turned th« car from John M. Reeiw 40.00 struments in a rosldfntial section. I ' ' P " ! «!i<3. "AliK.ii of' thi.i cmild ' hftvo ceived his A.B. degree with. high 1 Broad street into Ashwood avenue. track event* in which boys and :HiM6 UM I(find l«»(f~im"d"Othpr debris An air been avoided if we had known honors from Harvard. His muter * L»uli I, V D»y . ».W Removed to Overlook Hospi- girls will compete for bandsomi : *nonymou* , 1S.00 •-• Slh« the end,, at. JVoxW,Wftr...&j. ^.^. mbaIxlg m4 what was. going on, Additional and doctor's degrees #er« .awarded As President Zanodfakln l-.as maintained only a !}j j tal were: Robert Dalton, 17, of prizes. Annnjmem . S.09 ro (Cn patrols could have been put in by Columbia University. Mri. Mary I, Wtymtt .„.,.» 10.00 skeleton staff at the plant «t River j Newark, the driver, who suffered Wval Teams to Meet _d i_ profiwion of red anil Costly to Repluc« {he area." Dr. Davkl K. BantWeil, mlnliter Ann* C.rCromwell „ .. HM road and Morris avenue. In Jan- shock and cerebral concussions; The next feature will be a base- W, ». Kcithan „„. 10 00 |j white carnations, ProdtTick C of the Baptist Ctjurch,- will preside mTy llic 'corj'brAtirtu- nsi?fd- to A Board bf Education spoltes- The playground is located In Anonymouj _. 2S.W Kentz, Jr. of 2E Dxuid Hill road} at the service. He said yesterday, Robert Sprlngh*m, 17, of New-ball game between two Summit B«ri>ar» K. Tneit 15 00 have tlie variance continued In the ! mgn, in clarifying the elasticity a wooded residential section ark, J*c*raU©ni of the hands; rivals, the Red Sox and the Car- Hst V*» », Kig|tni ... 200.00 inducted into office Ml- bounded by McGregor roari, Cres- ''We are especially pleased n Klli»«)#th rn»iish 25.on dent of the Summit Rotary Club; nam" of Ulp Corp. but this j of the estimate, said that when our schedule of distinguished Mary Williams, 16, of Millburn, dinal*. h cent and Woodland avenues. I nr, »nd Mn. A. F, Acktrmtn at it* regular meeting in thp FMCA >" Zoning the building wns constructed tho guesfcj. Dr. Lyons and I laceration* of the leg*, and Elaine At noon the field will be thrown A yBi Bcurd. The original variance was Board of Education used doors Oe.«pite a cold trail n police Sproles, IS, of South Orange, back f From •**.-.* i.«i- = .. i.eo Monday. it to be the finest preAchlUg open as a picnic ground; the clr- I with ITio =p*iffiibii^g==«j»tpm«»t^.wbidi.Lroiin{l-up of younft*tcrs revealed Injurie* Ult Sunshine Swluty . Frederick C. Kent^, Sr, himself j u!e offered In any summer In Sum- cu» will start At 3 p.m.; a flag ...-_•_•;...... 1S.W1 12 boye-and girls. (Continued on page 3) I had been removed from soinc., of ' that id mit, Four visitor* from Britain Dalton, who wa» using h\x retreat and band concert will ll.oo a past.president of the club. Imdj the schools. To replace those I ranging between nine yearn old D. HchW»« „.. ZS.OO are on the roster; clergymeri who faiher> Packard jedan, told po- take place at 7:30, and at 9 the ...honor of pinning to the iapclj BOQI^.Ap|SOlntl.;_,_ items at to'days' prices he said. Und 1^, took part in tho destruc- Compoilni Room 4.11 of his son's coat a reei carnation are coming to America at th« In-Ikse thai he stopped at the cbrhir o'clock;™ • nn^.—howr-Joa^f—fir-ewotk* Total $l,S5*.9f» . would "hitofc !tle*"ahkunt"of"aanv- I Hon. Others VVIIGM they display will be touched off to top which in this instnnco 'Viirs—th<* vitation ef the National Council of before turning Wt Into Ashwood Donation* swe greatly needed Three New Teachers j age con«li*rably. . . (arc slated for questioning. The of the fun. badge of the presidency. In doing 10 Churches of Christ In America. avenue. He said the car seemed |»>)(i contributors should mah« Tiu-ec new teachers were ap- i Tho vandalism was discovered children are «!) pupil.s at Lincoln ^ e w|,, ^ weleome The elrcua again will be pitched Mr. Kent*, Sr., sakl he was d<>- 1 hear to be it*Ulng then suddenly #hot | ©r inoney , order* pay- pointed t-o tho Summit school j'tm(; SchSchooll and thth e majority fir* resi Ught-ed and honored in being nl- Ernest P. Fatten these unusual guests." forward and over the curb. (Continued on page 2) |ahl« u> Herald Camp Fund and I faculty nmi tin resignation of j jWfUj 'Of. the Board of Recreation, dents Of high Ini'pme ar«aa. f)r. Arthur MeNanghtan of the lowcd to pin the flower on hit son.! 0 1 1 W;ls | i l , , ?ni»U er bring them to this „ , 1 n-i n^r«n,,lr,,, Aiioni ' ' »''^ i ' 'd aat trithee meetinmeetingg jj whe whenn he was making A routine Church of Scotland Is listed for .Previous to thi., ceremony, Allan of ^ R^ ^ milcMm heW jt01j r pr|Of to UK'ov,ning ()( the . la Bank atr«et R. Devenney, a past-president, in- July 8 and IS at the Bapttat -Church ducted into the past-president's as- Monday nighty . '[playgrounds Monday, He notified William Bedell, where nli July services will be held. Troop 67 of St. Teresa's J sociation Robert, O. Peterson, nn.l^ Miss Julia VHyte,, fenehcr- nt Leonard E. 'Bv&i, head,.of tho In August the meetings will be olic» Chief Returns of Education. ' conducted In the Methodist Church : Mr. Peterson and Mr. Devenney inj Br/iyton School, rcsignud effective Marks 25th Anniversary rom State Convention turn inducted several other mem-1 Saturday, The new teachers ap- •Both Mr. Patten and Mr. Veteran Reporter, until August 26 when the congre bers into that association, with the j pointed an- Miss Bertha Christ- expressed shocked • anger at gfttions will be guests of Calvary Boy Scouts and leaders of Troo Benner, chairman of District 8; [Police Chief Edward K. F^an Episcopal Church. *urn«dl Thundsy after spending carnation as » •»ymbol..oi...nj.Milwr:!^nson_of UH\ JIMS, JtijuJrrgarten; 67 of St. Teresa's Church l«s A. Peyton Swver, commissioner- ee days «t Spring I^k* attend- ship and a laugh-producing prrs-j Miss FrancH ~Cr"Snwir-of—Mt*r - Meanwhile. l%Uw-€ Dies at Home week celebrated the troop's 25t elect of District 3; and Thomas J, ent as an Rside These wen* by (ride, .V. Y., high school English, K. Egan expre-wwl -Mr Beechwood Londmark iwntWfiKiryiirtth neireinonle* eon- €row«v ....former.... .troop_ .con^mittea th# 39th annual convention of newspaper editor ntui reporter find Stat* Anaooiatlon of Police Carleton VV. Plerson on Vice-Presi- and Mrs. Mae Elien liledM of that the police department w«s To Remain, Owner Sayi ducted In St Teresa's recreation chairman. Miliington, assigned to Brayton not Imntediatety notified of the printer for seventy yenrs, died nt Hill. Perfect attendance pins wet« dent t)ean H. Travis, Raymond W. his home, 7« Division avenue, Tues- Rumors that t^e Beechwood (Continued on p*ge 3) School. . * iuddent The police were asked Hotel, lorif a landmark, would be Joseph F. Barry, troop commit given ,to David Cfllinhan, Coyle, [Th» convention pa»n*I n. resolu- day morning after a long Sllncsit Patrick Gelson, Richard Gelson !'n Ringing full support to the He was 84 nnd retired from active torn down and K modern hotel ttt chairman, wa* toa«tn»st«r o erected were emphatically denied tht night. He pointed out thu and Rfttlgwn. Scoutmaster Wil- In Ut inveitlgstion of e»plon- service in 1047. liam J. H. Rynn mode the presen- this wwk by Wilfred I* Dempsey, when.,(th«. troop w«« chartered in iftboUgp and iubveralve nn- Mr. Rcrieli came to Summit m tations. and In ltd nocurlty program. prudent of the Beechwood Hotel Aprllf ''it was, kknown as thf< reprc«entBtlv*» of the Newark Co. Troop l *nd had U aeouU. It now On behalf of tht troop, Senlof ^iJlliHUl. idi. I nilii l.i .Mi. i 'I Evening News over 35 yc«t» Ago, Mr. D«mp*ey mquelehed the has 32 scouts and five leaders. Patrol Leader Robert McGrath Deadlines Announced Not only did he report current #ppciiI»tlonB by d«<;l*r!nf that Mr. Barry re*d congratulatory presented scout lapel pins to th« new* evenfn tar th© Newit but he only th« coekt«ll Immt* WAS going !««*« from R«v. George M troop committee In appreciation of For Hum of July S acted. «s a one-man office for #11to b« discontinued, M«*l« wij! fee nations! director of the their efforts In aiding th« troop. d>p«rtmentf »f that JNip«r for The troop Committee conslat* ofs Th* Hi>t«Jd wlU puhlhh, MI M usual, h* saW, andCatholic Committee on Scouting in n n y yp(\r« -- rtmm* wl!l lw« available and from Kennfrth K. Cook, direc- Father Twomey, T, J. Barber, H* •r usual 1 &w xfctim^^^ July B, reporting' flrrs. rouncll ownwi and op«r- tor of the Catholic RcalUonshlps P. Boehi, T.J. Callahnn, J tf. Htmulm of th« Vt•nHfc «f Th«» • hut HH'otingA and taking «tr

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ire may be any number of reasons why you can'V^Mo~tJiVliimVM. often as ydu would like. The important thing is that you can still make use ©I eur services by doing your banking by mail.

WIMIW—Thii Jantien U charm- Our mail deposit service may be used for either Regular Checking, ingly shirred for utmost flgur* flsttery, woven of excluilve Shan- Btfdgtt Checking, or Time Accounts. If you'll let us know, we shall send you tung LaiUx, Hevolutlontry Nylon- an4'L*st«x Br»-Btnd provliti bust the special envelope! and $imple instructions. . •mphasli , . , A snug back tipper •iMkli th« hlpi , , , (Af. md elasti- city for fratr swimming ., . n»ok- ««r«p is removable. %M «« , \.

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torn tkmt IWtral fttterve »*% I A, M. te 4tM h W Ptmm, M, 's-,00 i,fc CLOUD AU DAY iUir-H, ipBS

•><*' - THj SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 2i. I ft, 1 BOX Soar.* which wm» sung at * Kl- Kan; Hia fliat wife, MM. Mary Mayor Issues Plea Interest** in Baseball Committee assignments will be Rtv. H. S. Carbon lock ] Bedel wanic dub national coaventloa, Ckrdiner Bedell, died in 1935? announced at the next club meet- (Continued frotp Pa«e l) la Summit, Mr. BedeQ .._ He WM a »ea»btr «r Klwaai*/ Funeral services will be oon- From Amy Tour of Duly* Philadelphia Pre* tad th« Phila- found at nil kind* of mettinjy, ing. For City to Curb E«tc4 dub ductftj at Uw E. P. Burroughs Jk Rev. Hsny 8. Cutaoa, pastor o| delphia. Times. "covering" the new* as he aw it Son FunereU Home, 3» Springfield Visitors were introduced by First Evangelic Lutheran Church,- During his service in Ajbury He w*» a baseball fan and Us in- For th* Uut ««renl ywtf sir. avenue, tomorrow at 2 p.m., Rev. Richard L. Corby, Jr, a member of July 4 Accidents Park Mr. Bedell formed an ac- terest in the sport won him a pkac* Bedell edited the weekly Kiwani* Irvine Goddard, awUtont rector the inttrcilib relations committee: hes returned from a 15-day touv or Percival M. Bland thla a* representative from Sumx/it on BulleUn, writinjc vetscs tor it» quaintance with Jaoac* J, CorbeTt, of Calvary Bplseopa] CSiurch, of- John A. Saathoff, Jamestown, No. of duty Burgher introduced Richard Maut- During hte «t«y he <*&& enter- annual dinner* of the baseball wrote news itoriej, tained at the home of Lt. Col, L. nated by the National Safety al*o wm acquainted with James club. He ftito supplied them for Stafford oa Walter S. Eddy, Joseph ner and Darryl Turgeon,- who have Council. Its only purpose i» to save J. Jeffrie* and Bob FltMimmomas Mr. BedeU it s«rvive removed as unlawful. 1840. Tlrnnks to Fabric Blended of 4 Great Yarns

Yes, if s here... the summer suit with the crisp, cool look and feel of a EVER HEAR OF ,. costly imported tropical, thanb to 84 years of textile research and sci- entific weaving know-how. This has produced Sunfrost'i wonder fabric, blended and woven of not merely one yarn, but jeur great yarns in just the right proportion.. • nyon for crisp smoothness, wool for body, springy mohair for resilience and magic nylon for long wear.

Marvelous Styles, Imported-Looking Patterns, Wonderful Today's entirely new Sunfrost Tropical i» shape-holding... has smart styling, beautiful tailoring, and a wide choice of "imported-Iooking" patterns inrwond*rfu\l . colors, you'd expect to find only in "expensive" year 'round mils. ' * v. Fresh Summer Comfort All Day Long

Now you can feel cool, look crwp-fresh and smart ill day long no matter how hot and humid it gets .. .because Sunfrost'i fabric was made to do just that. Comt in aad try one on. You'll tee what we mean. And the price... it's» grest value at only:

Mr*. fMHIt RtMl (noM •nodi in* rota of "ifvd«n»" **«• Mht Mly rW*y •» "t«oehw" d«iflO(>«fo»« • cardboard iwllthboord In owr Princeton Office. fti Operating pfwvf<P«rtun»lM to* •oVaneemwl Hi qu

Here't one—and there are downs more in tele- phone exchanges throughout the State. They're used, M you can we here, to tram student operators before they begin work at a regular switchboard. This way they can give you fait, efficient service from the very molmnt they •tart handling your calls. Today there are 5,000 more telephone operator* serving than 10 yean «go. They're serving 7O0J000 more ""'••.. telephone! in New Jertey tlian only 6 yean ago. And every day more telephones are added, making your telephone more useful. When you gtop to think that your tele- phone! lervice tftliea lew of your Mmbr & tkiSu mmti Am Ctombtr «f V budget than evftr before, It'i quite • bargain. Isn't it? St»r» H«wn Dally f A, M*»« 4t00 f. M. Mrf.y t A. Mi •• f P.

NIW JIMIY IIU TIUPHONI COMPANY THt SUMMIT HMALO. THUMPAY. JUNE M, HSI or miisioneri to use the busses for their busi- DEATHS 1 n«tiei, whether patrons approve or not. It D«odftim died U» r I isn't American. For ISMM of inly I BOROUOH—Mre, Faani« Oooo- t fii BRALD Overtook Hcpital ** " t fc SUMMI So the courts say the bus company can- Ttee Herald will publirf., e* hu« Sop«r of 1 Holm«s oval, died not stH time to radio advertisers and compel usual, en Thurtdty, July % Saturday at h«r hoai« after a abort m. She w« the widow of 2" U1H«M. She wu U and W«MI th« B Cummku. st,« Wit i?~* ridtrt to listen to the recitation of the worth but becauw of th* Fourtb of July holiday wbtu th* U«nU4 widow of OMrSev E. Soper. Mrs. Mn. Cumtnlm wl«,' , *a» of commercial products. It is much the same Bop»r wu born In Wa#htntton, had m •ditoriai, *dv#»ti*iDf and »e- h»f mn, GiraH Cummin, ! as a city selling meter space to advertisers. lived i& J«««y City for. * number 0| # chani«ali topmrlmmt* «riH t* road since F bru . . R*« IVMT, DM. Any attempts to use what belongs to the ctowd, eattfatr deadline* fOr of y«ari and in Summit tot S4 f ar> &h 1 yeari before coming to Hew Provi- born la Che-rteroi. P«, ,nd h ttUHtfat Tin public, by law or by the necessity of modern Mm and advertising copy wiJJ b* in effeot denct. « midwit of Washington Ut fejr tb» lumisut Co. t»*nr metropolitan life to serve any individual for Uu, Soper tt «urvived by two •t 2) Susk aaw#«t . Summit.Sit, Raw Jerwy Kaum *« t«en&4 Th« deadline for new* will be- the lut *i>t Ytttt. propaganda or for financial gain i» objection* daughter*, Mrt. Henry 3. Harm&n C!MM § m»tt«r Ocw>b*r 1 IMS tt tit* jkoci office. Summit How r© K*>tp Out of Jo.il at B pJM. Monday. July t Ph«- M» Curnmiu, * , 1. « set of U*rcn 3, i*». OVBMS »td opemMl able. Only under limited conditions, where of Summit «nd Mr*. George G«nung ll0 eav ts tad Cui 0 Bulttt- tographi mwt be iubtnltt«4 by [daughter, Mrs. G«or«e RoulStd n tht sentiment in its favor is overwhelming, A goodly croas-sectioa of humanity charged with con-! noon the MOM day. of thU borough; a »kter, 4£h* San Diego, Cal,; » ^ r U&rsuutt ft. Q&rk — Marg«rtt «Oonohue of New Provi- totheT F should any such perversion of personal liber- victing- crimes of all aorta and descriptions has passed] l>l»play and riaiiifled adfer- MeClure of Ch&rScroi. and th * Btatrlc. K. Arthur ...... Advtrtijint ty be tolerated, before me recently as I took a turn at grand jury duty. On I tiiiiiK copy tviO lie accepted op dence, ,tftd three grandchildten. Carl i. Hatett ... the basis of this eyoopening experience—and after recov-j to 9 p.m. on July I, Funeral iervlce* were conducted in tht E. P. Burrough* tt Son Service* were held in the E p It it tmrnmoy r+quetttd tkmt ium* fvt ing from.the emotional strain of saying who's right and! Church** and orgaaltationi Burmugbi k Son .Funeral limit licatiun «« mbmltf* •* mtuiy to lk+ mnek m Funeral Home, 309 Springfield who'* wrong—Tt like to live you are earnestly rtquenied to sub- •809 Springfield, avenue, on Sun' JKMMU*. Copy r—*i»pd tfttt § ft. M, Tmttimj Truckers Talk Foolishly avenue on Monday at 2 p.m., by a few tip* on' keeping out of the Laws are ?ery confusing too, m mit e«py corporated/is distributing a pamphlet which utes before embarking on crime and Insure publication. Bayrjtw Cemebtry, Jewey City, sets forth the industry's position on highway crime, and get uwny with it— For instance, it's against the law icttting. unless aorneone, your sneaky next- in this state Jo attempt suicide— idl D*p*rtm»at» planning, taxation, finance and administra- a »at»ne« door neighbor or a. busy-body and fail. If you succeed, naturally tion. Part of it expresses sound principles, policeman enters a complaint. So be you can't go to court. But if you but another part restates the industry's tra- sure you operate w|Sh no witnesses fail, you're a criminal Grand ditional opposition to the "misuse" of motor and iu> traces of guilt. Then, no juries usually to&s out thase indict- THURSDAY, JUNE Sa, IW1 vehicle use taxes through their "diversion to one- can compl&in, and ytm're ment*, but tfiere l» the file and safe. Unfortunately, this is more there Is the ease, and technically A Job For All of is nonhighway purposes." difficult than it sounds. a crime has been eopumitted, wast- From July 1 to 4 a ch'ain of eventt will The statement of policy, framed by the- Due to the zeal of the FBI, the ing time for everyone. . be set in motion in the City of Philadelphia National Highway Users' Conference, makes propensity of all lasgt comp&nle* Sometime,* the individual who that could spell the difference between free- the startling observation that "the total an- to fingerprint their employees, hu committed th* greater crime, dom and slavery for the Liberty-loving peoplt the existence of a number oJf id- in th« eyes of the uninitiated, by nual collections from motor vehicle use taxes entific method* like lie detector* some quirk of law becomes the "Here's of the United States. should not exceed the motor vehicle owner's and J handwriting exp«rta, and the wltne&s for the state. If a tavern It will herald the beginning of a new Era proper share of the cost of highways of gen- enthusiasm of the state police for owner sell* a beer to a minor, the in American Independence—perhaps the most eral motor use." It is "discriminatory and in- their work, it U» almost impassible crime i.« against the tavern owner, to do anything wrong without and in cornea the minor who profound beginning since 1776—and mark the equitable" to use motor. vehicle taxes for leaving a trap*. You'd be sur- caused all this trouble asking for starting point for a nationwide, year-round "general governmental purposes unrelated to prised. beer, to testify against the tavern Good News" return to the American ideals so realistically highways- General government functions If you'r* ttilJ bent on commit- owner. Of course he doesn't want set forth by the Founding Fathers in the should be paid for by taxes which distribute ting a crime, keep an accurst* to, but he has to. Declaration of Independence. the burden among all classes of citizens, the I «h«Jule o every movement, Occasionally it appears that thp . . . .. ! Prosecutors arc able mathemati- old adage, innocent unle&s proven The occasion it tht 175th Anniversary of guilty, has been forgotten, and th? the sacred. American charter which pledged statement continues. cians. They want t$ know *jtactly Carry this argument to its natural con- what you were doir.g at 5:31 on irmocent Is accusfed of a crime h« the lives, fortunes and honor of a small band the afternoon of April 21. Five- never committed, though tell-tale of Patriots to give us a century and three- clusion and a lot of taxes now imposed would thirty-one? How would J know? evidence ia lying all around. Your have to be abolished. The railroads might I might have been planting beans watch is missing, and it's found in quarters of life, Ubtrty and the pursuit of my car. How'd it gtt there? I happiness. trgue that they receive very little in return. or taking a bath cr cooking sup- Another They buy tnd maintain their own rights of per. Ail right, planting beans. Do quick have to explain my way out The setting is Independence Hall which you customarily plant beans at of this embarrassing situation, cradled American Liberty and watched it way and terminals and need little government that hour? Only once a year, though it's obvious to anyone no< grow into t world-wide way of life called service. The cigarette smoker, too, could friend prosecutor. Do you custom- j in the prosecutor's office that a democracy. charge discrimination, for he receives no arily take & hath at that hour! third party might have planted tt Dividend - Earning Period special benefit from the state tax he pays and Yes_._,, when Ti. n dirty, friend prose- there. But tht finger of guilt The necessity stems from th« most serious points at me. from whichcigar and pipe smokers are ex- cu^r. Silly, Isn't it? If you aid threat yet raised to th» moral standards, the 1swer like that, you'd probably Then again, the law does • spiritual values, and tht inalienable right! erapt. Consumers of whiskey and beer and ge" t hauled up again for contempt quick about-face and exonerate* that we once held dear but now tike for purchasers of cosmetics, furs and all other i oJ court. But the prosecutor U those who look guUty. By that time, it doe»n't matter, of course, Starts JULY 10 things which carry heavy excise taxes would i intent on recording any d«viatlon granted. A deadly enemy, aggressive and to- becaos* the defendant probably it talitarian, ia challenging these freedoms glob- be laughed at if theyxsuggested their taxes ! from routine b#b&vior. What should be set aside for special purposes bene- routine behavior U, I don't know, d«&d. Killed on the right of way? ally and internally on a scale never before but evidently the Innocent are Agaitot the law to be ther*. It'i experienced by the United States of America. fiting them alone. So would-the childless who supposed to do the same things your own fault. A car runs over If you want to earn dividends at HILL CITY'S generous rate It no longer is safe to assume that the sacred argued they should not be mxti for the sup- every day, taking baths by the you? What were you jay-walking of 2% open a savings account — or increase tne amount in heritage bequeathed to us on July 4, 1776 can port of public schools. clock, and stop-watching their acroa* th© atreet for? your present account — on or before July 10th. Your savings The trucking industry's demand for every activity. So play safe, and Really, it's easier to walk the stand alone. be routine, even if you're com- atraight and narrow. Let's give will earn dividends from July 1st. At Philadelphia inspires and the Nation equitable taxation is unattainable. No tax mitting a crime. . up crime and keep out of jail. prepares, let all of us join the Independence seems equitable to those who are paying it, Remember, the safety of your savings is ituiyed up to Crusade. The time is NOW lor each and and few taxes yield proportionate direct garden into oblivion smacks too' $10,000 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. every one of us to pledge a Re-Declaration of benefits to the taxpayers. The argument that LETTERS much of the bureaucratic bungling motor vehicle taxes should be limited to the Sayt Ruling Unjust in Washington. ThU ia Summit Independence from the forces of Evil and a where people and moral values new Dependence on a kind and bountiful God, owner's "proper share" of highway costs is, 80 Pine Grove Ave., are important! FOUNDED J9I4 It it hoped that citiiens of Summit will in effect, a claim that the trucking industry Summit, New Jersey, Sincerely youri, should be treated differently from the rail- June 22, 1951. VIRGINIA W. HOFFMAN*. join wholeheartedly in thii great effort to Summit Herald: roads and other public utilities and not taxed Editor, strengthen the base of our freedom: A wider Two boya, one an Army Air LEGAL ADVERTISEIMENT for the privilege of doing business. Corps veteran, th^ other a Sum- understanding of our rights and dutiet ts NOTICE Of'SETTLEMENT HILL CITY SAVINGS mit High School aealor, have had American citizens. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OtVEH. That a five acre garden fronting on Pin* she 3rd I&tcmedtett account of the Let ua not confine the tradition and ideal Current Comment XGroy« lyenue for teveral yeart. subicrttwr. Tnatet under th* U*t WUJ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of the Fourth of July to our one-day celebra- ind.Tt«t*!ntnt of Det*jn*l H*tib, dt- "Moral FlabbtneM" I The honey sweervegetibtei; new- ee**e4. wttl B« iuaRiaTHar'lWtttf'inr tion at Memorial Field. The holiday it more }ly picked, hav« a flavor which tbt Surrogate, tad reported for settle- (Hartford Courant) mtnt to the Union County Court. than a day of foot races, ball games, picnics makes the much-mauled «tore Va- l»robjtt» Division, on Tuesday the 3I»t The Presbyterian General Assembly, which day of Juty next, at to AM. - •nd fireworks. Let this Fourth be the open- D&ted: June 23. 1951 SUMMIT • NEW JERSEY ing gun of a continuing crusade to return to has been meeting in Cincinnati, issued a state- ing in comparisOfl, Th» Summit Trust Company L&jst year the»e boys had aamall Of Bummlt. N. J. American ideals. ment on the ethical standards of the present " Truttet. " *tand, about four feet by aix feet. Schm!*- k. Bourn«. Attr't Summit'$ Mosl Convenient Place to Save Philadelphia has the ball rolling for the A »calc swung from it, and a brown Summit\(r 3. day. It assert* that the nation is tortured by a 4-5-S-7-O iNW 4 W ft: biggest, most significant Fourth of July since condition of "moral flabbiness." paper bag lintcd the prices in the founding of the Republic. Let'i keep U crayon. A tobacco box wa» the We like the phrase because of its descrip- cash register, The cuttomera oarne rolling throughout the year. This tis every- and mor« often than not, «erred body's job. tive accuracy. There is little downright anti- themselves—metlculoualy weighing decency in the country in this generation. peas or selecting; a dozen «tn of The Busses Stay Silent People are respectable, or try to be. But the corn. Then they mad* their own moral tone of society is flabby soft, uncer- change from the tobacco IMW or often left an I.O.U, unsigned w The courts have now decided a momentous tain.' ••' ' issue. It originated in Washington where th perhaps signed with an Itemized !W of purchases. street railway companies thought it would There was a time when a substantial fraction of our -population would stand aghast The#e boya* faith in the innate be a clever scheme for the increase of revenu honc«ty and• jrObcThwis of*fiuntinrT~ if the busses were equipped with radios. Then at activities which seemed to border on im- people reflected their own charac-- u propriety. Many people would rather die than i ter« a* th# h If heat typ« ctf Amer- the various commercials would have a vastly icRn Kil increased audience at times when spots on th commit heinous sin. There was a widespread I y°^ - ooh what I've b*M musing!" program now are not desirable, willingness to forego certain questionable I pleasures so that others might not be i But there was a squawk from the riding boj-w with thfir neat row, on row public. If one has a radio in his house and an venienced—or so that one's position might of delectable garden vegetable* unwelcome program or a commercial come not be compromised. Lying was not looked ««? no longer permitted to itll th« upon as an occasional necessity. The objective rwulta of their labor. The neigh- over the air there is a way to avoid it, One **I knew nott of our friends and neighbor* was no more important than the process by bor* who *ntlcip»t«d tht v«g«* (tad checking itccotiniiv can turn the radio off. Or, if somebody in the which it was attained. tablei will have to totega that house wants to listen, there are other rooms plewute. It »e«m» that the road tat I always thougfil they were • luxury Not so on a bus. One must listen to th Tht public could have resisted. But it stan-d wan an effen*? to tomeont ... until I discovered didn't. It accepted crookedness in politics as or ©ther *o it can't be erected. soap opera and the commercial claims of th ( h<^ liul* It costs l» P«y by check. inevitable; and later it began to adopt sim- Food »hort«gM and war effort sponsor that punctuate it or he must walk m*m to h«v« bt*n f«rgott«n by ! milted wtiai Vi been milling He it put into the position of being deprived ilar standards, The attitude oi the public on the hair-#p!ittlng SSonlng Board. of his liberty. the revelation! of the Kefauver and Fulbright The fact that the city fewta able- Somt people do not realise that freedom committee* is in point, The average comment bodied good-for-nothln|i» too itilft- has not been » sense of horror and a deter- lmn to work while It pen«llst*« th« is a two-way street. It is true that men in a iliJtifttlve and hard work of k *'Now, I pay all my h'ills democratic country are not compelled to fol mination to support effort* to rid the country coup!# of hnym in by eheek . - . md by mml- of iti criminal thongs but rather » sophini- It low the fixed patterns prepared by tht gov «av« in «ffff:t. "We're t save lime, I save »tep*> cated feeling of amusement. "Of count thit h»v# "* of eminent. They can seek their own ways of enA I Mve&mont-y life and pursue them. But there is a proviso. hai been going on," say many folk»l "Every- v*K«tabtfi that yoii cftn't. m\\ from body knowi ij^JBut what cart you do? There the field, but why did ytm plant paying by check ro»!» nuich Ie» They have the freedom to do as they please th«m In thn first pkiCT?" will always oe criminals in the world." than the ffnioline md »ho« leather provided they do not interfere with the free Jf frarA th«t a vegetable dom. oi somebody else. In short, they can do Those civilisations which nine in the moral w«re d«i»trlmpntA! io th* 1 used to waste paylrtf btlti In cn»h." pretty near)/ anything except stip on the ICtlt art not the do-nothing civilizations. hood-that ihif bo^» might «r«ct a other fellow'* tots. ««pfrm*rl«««t ovfir nifht on They ire the civilisations which are outraged thai right to quiet to the same degree snd in curb or abolish tht evil. None of th«m has thty w«r« Mftfroun4- th# senw manner that a manufacturer, me?. approached perfection but tht very struggle >d. Tht right \0 haw a f*NMMt (award it brings it nitre?, ilv«n them «teh ymr. chtttt, politician or doctrinaire has to exploit It turn* rldiculvua In hi* W«aa or hit wares. But when the «« Not long ago a prominent tjt«e§m«n *aid (hit United flt«K* that t« UtW i plotter triis compulsion he has to be dealt the country needed more than ptiything tJge be A fl|M FUST MTI by * AND TR1J9T COMPANY with wmmarily. In « bus. § ntcessity for a return to Sundny School religion. Certainly tributi*!. th*m**4f *r*y d*y in a great city, people il needs something rnor# thin rriodtrn soph< If th or mutt fcire the right m think, to talk o. Jo fitry—'iomethfng mor« than the letting that of the vtt-y ftl«:l (•Ifchcwggh I r*#t |» their heart's eootant. They havt ill moral principle can ft* stretchtd or for- theh y ini utiltti n th« Summit tftttffct jpsce for riding, **t for being bom- fatten jf thty hiM(licip.i'I""*twa«*« financial or City Hull *h«rn pr«H- !!•» **N#4 with Hit vittu- #f mm manure political «ucco«. "Mor*J fl«bbj)i«»i" it the «M. n#Jth*r nt wh)>rs and marines 4 r«turalng uv&ge of 2» Mountain avenue, from Korea aboard MATS hospi- I is now servtog in fitawali a* a tal places. She k assigned to the •flight uuJ'se with the Pacific Divi- HUZid Medical Air Evacuation .Squadron, iil^kam A|.r_ Base, Honolulu. "w"

PRIVATE SALE JBBAJU MWAW5 AND ENTIRE CONTENTS OF Newsweek "GIT NALLYN" A Borne Of Distinction ,, TW* t» not »n.auction' tale. A<1 Items priced for jour con. TerUence »t lair pries*. Person*! *tfect« comrifct >>* MI outstanding collection of earlj Eagtltb furniture, antique Flemish tapestries, bras*, pewter, bronae, Iron. Collector's Items. , pottery, silks, print*, etc' A eol- Proof From The front Pages! toettoo of museum calibre. Over one hundred Oriental tugs English and American paper- weight*. Tiffany, Gotham, - Black, Siarr mid Frost sterling silver. In aJl GETS ARMY DUTY—2nd Lt. Wai- fornus, serving pieces, tea st;ts, flatware, etc. Outstanding pair of plated eight branch candelabra. feUrUnjc and plated trays. ter Seth Crone, son of Mr. and Mrs. isaret China, Dresden, Ulnton, Coa.1 Port, CauJdtn, Limoge, antique American and Wntfcrford gia.«, in color »mt clear. Paintings Include Lester A. Crone, is now attached »n exceptl'(>a«l George A Brown depleting the News Boy* Card Game, to the Army Ordnance at Aber- j; Price Cuts blart MUSEUM ITEMS; Five sculptured ttones panels with early Bible scenes, IMU century deen ^Proving Grounds, Md, Lt, Linens of every description. , Garden Statuary—lead figures, ornamental Iron, etc. and many Crone was graduated this June KINGS other interfating Hems. from Cornell University where he TIME OF SALE: Starts Saturday. June 30ih, 10 A.M. to 8 P.M.; Monday, July 2nd Daily to'Saturday, July 7th, inclusive. received a bachelor of science dt" NOTE: There will SM> an admission charge of $1,00 per person Saturday, June 30th only which will be applied-to any articles pur- gree in mechanical engineering. chased. He is & member of Alpha Chi Rho Sal* conducted for the 'executors of the estate of Mrs. Wiitu fraternity, and Pi f&u Sigma hon- H. Redman, deceased. Unti/r the management of ' orary engineering society. He be- T — T. A. M. .RKT - lungs to the American Society of PRKES Location: Canfleld Road, Convent Station, Morrlstown. fl J. Mechanical Engineers, During his ' let's b« honeit—pricei are pretty much the tame First one down when they kicked out the fair- Just off Madison Avenue, opposite St. Elizabeth Coll«ge; Telephone: Morrlstown 4-0828. years at Cornell he was a Me- in aljjSteres. Nobody undenslls everybody on every- trade law) thing all the time. Mullen Scholarship student. He First one down when wholesale prices permit itl was a member of the varwity crew, .!•;:- — "M The only way to SAVE it to shop in the ttores that reduce prices FIRST. That's KINGS, of course. i Follow the leader—shop in a store that leads a wearer of "C" and a wearer of l Num, and was on the Engineering First ons down when they ended thW price-fixing prices down. That's KINGS. OIL BURNERS of cigarettes! Council. This front page of your newspaper proves it. Immediate Lowest Installation* Prices Two Local Men to Get Newark Engineer Degrees Two area residents are among ANY ASSORTMENT - ONE BUCK! . DEAN OIL COMPANY approximately 400 candidates who received engineering degrees et NESI1E 24 Hour Service ' • • • V\ \\ \ , n tai, • • .. • Newark College of Engineering's MAPIECREST BELTSVIILE PLUMP thirty-fifth commencement held Save 12c FAnwood 2-8484 recently at the .Mosque auditorium MEATY FULL-BREASTED \ 8 ° EVAP.MILK - - FRESH-KILLED BABY HEN in Newark. Bachelor of science FRUIT FLAVORS AND PUDDINGS degrees will be awarded to 330 students and more than sixty ad- ANNOUNCEMENT vanced degrees will be conferred TURKEYS JELL 0 - - - - - on master of science candidates "Tully Mosetey, talented concert pianist, has joined thu WHITE ROSE faculty of the Lauter Piano School. Mr. Moseley was awarded during the exercises. The program will begin at 8 p.m. J"to 7 lbs. 16-oz. the Ezernian Foundation Scholarship at the Philadelphia Ib. Average Conservatory of Music and subsequently a three-year fel- Local students who will receive cans degrees are: Bachelor of Science 65 TENDA-BIG PEAS ^ - lowship at JuiUiard Graduate School. He has given recitals 6 In many parts of the United States and made most success- degree in mechanical engineer- HOLLAND IMPORTED MILL BRAND PARD ful appearances with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra and ing: Charles Burton, 11 New Eng- toll land avenue, and Farris Smith, 18 30-oz. the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra. cans Hobart avenue. CANNED HANS can We" are pleas«d to welcome to our school teaching staff 7 DOG FOOD - - - an artist of Mr. Moseley's great ability and fine personal 7OBINS SUGAR CURED AN0 WHITE ROSE LIGHT MEAT character. MORREU'S PRIDE SEA FOOD 7-oz. LAUTER PIANO SCHOOL Sliced Bacon cans Frederic Berry, Director" BUY U.S. BONDS OltP SEA TUNA FISH • layer 58c Ib 3 561 Broad St., Newark * MArket 2-8O80 SCALLOPS - - - 59c CONTAD1NA MORREU'S PRIDE-SPICED FRESH CAUGHT Luncheon Meat b ISUCED) MACKEREL - - 25c 6 = TOMATO PASTE • <5B lIBBY'S HAWAIIAN urnuure for B Save 12c GENTLE Fancy Georgia Freestone "•"• Pineapple Juice "The Lady of the House" -• IVORY SOAP PEACHES MUSSELMAN'S 7 16-oz. cans Ib. 12' 8= APPLESAUCEPETER PAN - • 453 12-oz: VINE RIPENIO CAllfORNIA PEANUT BUTTER Cantaloupes • )b 12c 3 FROZEN FOODS f>ss«»r quantities wilt be snltl at Mr. joe's regu- CAUFORNIA Ib lar low price! Sweet Plums - 17c Groceries^ meat and tluirtf price* effective all CAllfORNIA week—T#itirsda?#. June Zltth, through Tuetdey, Sweel Apricots 17c

JUICY ' . **. 4,' SWKBTORARGES •—A*Z» f ? WAY DOWN $ IN ™i€E!

ORANGE JUICE KRAFT CHEESE SPREADS 1.8 4*.,,, *n r.g. « H-«. A mtou: set Pinrapplr—Olke Pimento—Pimento—Relish s tan £3b 33c A '""> Of Genuine Pyrtx A 6t", 1.00 BLUE BISD CUSTARD CUPS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE I' M'^T^ Kralt DELUXE SLICES FREE! r 4»-'-^^ ' •" ' VltiH American—Ameriran~PimtntO-~ s ,S(<»» TO fRIINDS Of fiUICIOUS. FMSHMIOAITID in 3 X; 1.00 —WHITE ROSE- ARISTOCRAT COFFEE D*liv«r*i - 31,51.00 BLENDED JUICE little rooim and demndlng baby-timr budget*! Crib., youth bed*, 2::: 25c r 29c Ib. 81 rxm maltrenieii; carriage* and utrollew; rhifferobot, bathinetlei, blanket! /. and tinytot bmpi. Lullaby* and Whitney furniture, hi our «L»tlI# Cilicent Shopl" nun OPEM TILL 9 p. m.

With fwehmt ef TUESDAY, RINGS TEA BAGS JULY 3rd cwsm AH M, Open Dotty coma ON A ncstct , . Jf.'to */**!>. If.

IATUHDAYS UNTIL iiOO Morrii Avtnut <*•«*• 24), Springfield. N, I ^^W Millburn $-4300 THE /

;'x: wSm* opening :~X:



7. Reg. 4.95

Cm**? AftOt i«e»m«i<« TdUtlr: I 7FC.

Polished . v CiweraZ Mifli fra-!T«it Iron Wooden Bowl Set *Q-95 r. 8.9$ Stmm Ironing Attachment , 0m Ommd Mm TmJlmi h»m) mf*mlim*+mtK>mi*m»mrbm mtm kon hi a *ML Himwirtwtponttn And Many Of hers IPONMVIVIT

X •x.

Senp thtt risky, riefcety, mtfcuhift lacMtr. Do out-4rf-r««h loin en t WARE •tunttw, ttendier, Mf«f CoiCO AS- Metal Step 8t«x4 RubWtreftdtd tttpt swing out to form • sturdy, sii-teg ladder—WLrin| in to iMkt a comfortable sett, 14* high. SupfNfte 1,000 pounds—»II tdgti reu«d«4. Chromium lep; uf^ehttted in r«4* yeikw, blm, gxetn or Made Dunn. •*»**• C05C0 SUMMIT "s.

:-£.:*'' '*••'• '' 359 Springfield Avenue THE SCIMM1C T

•VI ;3 NEW EPARTMEHT Friday and Saturday, June 29th and 30th REAL LIVE ORCHIDS!

Flown direct from will be given FREE to the first 1,000 (adits

attending our opening celebration. Remember, no obligation to buy.


magnetic f 6-piece 1st PRIZE, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER knife holder wardrobe 2nd PRIZE. MlfcRO-MATIC PRESSURE COOKER

As we review our past, we pause to thahl? the people of Summit ;•.. . whose loyalty and support have played an impoitant pai^in^the success of Summit Hardware &

Paint Company. \x \ Mtwvfctofcte Of course we couldn't have existed for a QUARTER OF X CENTURY unless we

- 8- p

^ Ntwl On* hindiomt, cftvtr knift holder thai go«i tnyv/htr* you winl it In yew horn*. Llftlim* migntt holdi «II culUry ; MCivtty, «v«n upiid* down! R«c«»«d ]toov«t pfottct knives «j«in»t Our NEW HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT will feature hundreds of natiohally njcki «nd h«ndi tftlnit cut*. So btiutifu! it c*n lit right on th« 4nnw Ublf ntxt !« th* c»nr«t. S«l includtt holder, ptrin; knift, known important items for the home ... kitchen, bath and miscellaneous accessories: *«ftitbit knift, 7-tn. utility ilietr, 9-in. ntrrow French cook kn(f« •n4 utility fotje. E«chknift blidi It cutiom mtdt of iht tx- Come in today for the housewares you need... select others for "right" gift griving, dmlvt ntw Robtwn Fro«tn Httl StiUltn Stttl. Complttt *19.9S

X *5^

Marvalon Plastic Table Covering

SLUinG-flLUAY Complete Line of Fireplace OPINS CANS Equipment OP RDWARE ANY SUE, ANY SHAPl w Mill mni r»e«*» NIW PROVJDINCI Summit Red Sox AS. R. B. AB, R, Darling to Head Swtek, « » a Ifnturet 9 I Srat win f-0 Two Takes Double-Header MeCM-a; lt> X 1 IMoO'dy, lb S I iuriew y f t^ Defeat St. Marys P»u] ,2b II JV*I«ta c S 0 Community Fund Bovit. c * 0 OBldoer, rf 4 0 record leads the moundsm* Borough Gutda.lf 4 4 0NtP.uk, 40 4 t Brny, with a two and one From Cardinals and Hardware By 8 to 5 Score CotterelL cf 3 0 I KJmbte, if j, i 1 Appeal This Year 4 0 I Murray, Jb 4 8 and Craig MeClelten, a ne \ BORO—Warren L Dwlag w»» In two exhiMtion games Sunday night at Washington Summit Red Sox returned to o He team. p 3 0 OBart, p 1 0 * Deadlines Announced ; appointed campsgn director . of Field, Summit C-0 Two won both ends of the double- their winning ways on Sunday by Sunday's box. score: Bora Council defeating the St. Mary* nine of 49 For Issue of July 5 i the New PwridM.:* Boroagh Com* header, defeating the Cardinals from Perth Amboy by a Tot*!* sa a : inanity Orap**i»» *t * sie*t2Eg *>" 3-1 count and downing the Summit Hardware of the local Dover by a score of 8 to 5. Pave The Herald will publish, M ] the Campaign's Ceutw'. Commit* Moroney went the distance for the POUO INSUIUNCI Passes Revised ^ T \yV a $.% count behind the no-hit pitching of field«r, hit a home run in the final usual, >n TUunrfa} July 5, : tee in' the Bc^iigji Hall OH lomls to notch hte- third win Two Tear Protection For ; Rosie Glvens cf Linden. Thb was frame of the visitor* with one The Entire Family but because of the Fourth of : June 30. Given*' first start for Summit and as against no defeat*. Moroney mate aboard to feature the futile Dog Ordinance July holiday when the Herald Mr, D*rliRg, »r*» Uv*s en South whik he la not ready for the tough Rosory Society to was in complete charge all the editorial, adveHisin* and me- Dover rally. BOROUGH — Borough Council street wits his wife and thr*e competition of the New Jersey Give Card Party way although tiring In the last chanical departments will be r«fu»ed comment on a meeting children. >** b**« *«tn with Stat# League, no doubt he will TOWNSHIP — A card party, two innings because of the op- The Red Sox's next ga.me will closed, earlif" deadline* tot CHARLES C. KUCHER Jield Monday nisrbt with L. B. Cod- young people** f-*ap» us the Bc*r- develop into a topnotch chucker sponsored by the Rosary Society pre&sive he«if. be on Wednesday when they will news and advertising copy will 'oogft for a numtn *4 y**r». He & SON |ington, Jr., owner of the prop- within a few years with proper of St. MftryW Church, Stony Hill Harold "Red" Ahern again led play the Summit Cardinals &s be in effect, k asaockted mis, la*., handling. For « youngster, still in will be held Tuesday at 8 p^p. in part of the local Fourth of July frtv under option to HIP Thomas the attack with two singles and Ku h The deadline for news will be Iuiuranc« Coas|»»-iy. Wg-h #chooJ, he displayed a good 60 Park PIIMMI "• *" « *' £ Beets Co. of Elizabeth for a new St. Mary's Hal! on Plainfield ave- two doubles. Three of his last hits celebration. Game Um« is sched- at B p.m. Monday, July %, Pho- In accepting the d; fast ball with both a riser and j 25 Ilidgrview ilant site- A closed «<«ion i«Min.e nue, Berkeley Heights. The pro-iigured in the three scoring uled tar 11 «- m- In the previous , tograph* mutl be submitted b>' Mri Darting p©sw**d out•• that the drop to go with it- ! ceeds will be used for furniture N«w«rfc, N. 3. Avt, for 1 hour «n mlTiutrs was held thrusts of the winners. Fred meeting between the twp teams on , ^*** l*TOvldtnf# noon the wune day. success cf tfe* ^Am^edgn. will de- fft the M«yor'e office but both the In the first frame, called at the for the hall's new kitchtn. Swtck and "Hutch"' Paul contri- Memorial D«y the Red Sox Ml 2.0700 . ••• " • Displiiv HIM* • lasslfted adver- p*nd" on "he d'-tree, of irterert Mayor and members of thr Council end of five and one-half innings | buted two hits apiece. emerged victorious by a 4 to -I 1h»injr. copy will be accepted up and ent!itt$i*ssi *S»WB by t.he in- United States pafk'r money is Local, Pi-rtouul Reclined to disclose any details of due to the curfew on all games i ! count. Another win by the Red to 5 p.m. on July 2. 6 t inches long. Joe Prestcr, visitor'*, center- jh*> meeting. dividual workers who will m&ke pkyed on th« local diamond, Sum- Churches ttiui organltationa the huae-to-JKK** oan\«&* this mit defeated Perth Amboy behind t The Council pwjwd a dog con- are earnestly requested to sub- fall. He aak*d th> repre«Etativea the four-hit pitching of Jimmy trol ordinance that requires ell mit eopj »» 'ar In advance M of each aejtber *^Rey to famish Mrckenj. Mickens was never In . (fogs off an owner's premiers to be possible to farJUUt* produc- him with a list s^K>ri»lb!e under this lead and struck out nine lo'lowing its introduction ii0hpri) for the eniats*"it of campaign batters on th« way. Included in yhen several persons objected, The Co-Chairmen for workers. Ciznp&ifT dates of Octo- 2M Perth Amboy lineup were sev- 4ct we ^-introduced'on June 11 ber 20 to 2T were tpproved by th* eral familiar faces formerly with With revisions. Committee the Perth Amboy Buddies Social ' An ordinance placing a time County Fair W. W, Br*ua»-»rtfe presented Club in the State League. Red . ijmit on building permits was re- the report of Xh*> •ptcml commit- O'Here struck the only extra ba«« SINGER FLOOR SAMPLES quested by Councilman Steuhler. tee which wt* a^i^r.ted by Pres- blow in this game, a long triple K- The measure also would require Appointed ident Jay A. E*w' to review the to right center in the sixth in- steady progress until 'construction Borough—Mias Dorothy # IStti budget req-j^ts o the. mem- ning, but 'Mickens struck out the is completed and would force con- j and T. L. Marsh have been ap- ber ageneia*. Fin^ action in set- preceding batter and the following \ |racu>rs to fi!l in excavated holes j pointed co-chairmen of the fifth two to end the threat. >l ting the budfe:»3 g-3*i will he AND DEMONSTRATORS UP TO 20% off annual Country Fair, (sponsored H. construction were not started ! taken by the Csafra. O^mmitte* Within & specified time. I by the Book Club of the Presby- Monk Trioia collected a hit and terian Church, New Providence. at its mee'ing s*«i»4u>n to the Board j YWCA. 3. Bryan, c 2 1 0, Trioia. cf 3 1 1 Of Assessment was also discussed who have come to the church will H. Bryan, 3b 1 o <*' Klvlen, rf 2 0 0 CONSOLES, DESKS, jut no action was taken. The terms be a source of many new ideas Zsi, tf 3 0 0) J. Pecca. « 3 1 0 • NEVER OUT OF OUR HANDS SOME BUDGET and new energy for our biggest Scours CoHecr CHara. lb 2 0 2. Bftnatiak, c 2 0 0 Qf both expire Saturday. Wot«r. is 3 0 0! Lawrence, lb 2 0 1 fund-raising venture of theyear. 12 Tons of Paper SrtneUo, rf 3 0 0 Muras'kl, 2b 1 0 0 • CHECKED BY SINGER MECHANICS TO INSURE MECHANICAL MODELS. Jenle, cf 2 n a' Swiek, as 2 0 1 • • - -.. Everyone is cordially invited to BOROHGHl—., Bar .Scout. .Troop.. C. Niion.r 2b 3 » I| MlckeM,-p 2... 0 1 PERFECTION Originally 89.50 participate, and either co-chair- 63 collected 12 M>s»of paper during R. Nixon, p 2 0 Oi men will be ready to receive a its 8'jaiiEer .paper drive held Sun- 22 I ~3j 19 3 4 United Vacation cal for volunteer help and ideas." day. Money &Staise-3 from the «ele Petit Amboy 10 0 0 0 0—I LIMITED NUMBER Mrs. Henry T. • Fielding and of the paper will be applied to- Summit 3 0 0 0 0 0—3 Church School Dayton B. Parcel!* are in charge wards the Scouts efforts to rake SECOND OAME of soliciting of articles for the Summit Hardware . C-0 Two COMPLETE SEWING COURSE WITH EVERY money .witfe •arfeJci to-go-to camp. ill r h! »b r h sale. Anything families are filling Local basine** swn provided Quids, lb 3 0 0, YanotU, 3b 3 2 1 j to donate to will be a real contri- MACHINE PURCHASED Has 120 Pupils tracks ani gasoline for the 22 W. O'dl*. Ib3 0 0 Trioia, cf 4 11 bution to the ehureh, Henry d. McH»le, 3b 2 0 0; BinasUk, rf 2 1 2 B o r o u g h—The fourth annual scouts and their t.gbt iead*r» to Wenman end his committee of : Ste^ber, c 3 1 0: Klvlen, rf 2 0 0 • t|nited vacation church school en- canvass the streets cf the' Bor-SldScy. cf 2 0 o; P«ca, If 4 12 rolled 120 boys and girla from reparimen will work at putting Cm'.Uno. m 3 0 0 Lawrence, lb 4 1 2 articles in good condition. •ough. Those #app'yir.f the track* D, Q'fiia, rt 2 0 Oi BOTU, c 3 0 0 »ge 3 through 13 years of age on were: J- Nigro, A. V. Maasucco,. HU1. 2b 2 0 Oi Murz'BW. Jb 2 0 0 A telephone call to Mrs. Field- . p 10 0! Swtck, ss 2 10 Monday, June 25. The school is C. P. Behre asd A. E. Small. R. S. ! Given*, p 3 11 SINGER SEWING CENTER ing (SU. 6-4381-J) or to Mr. Par- cooperatively sponsored by the Kennedy . putlkiy thanked the cels <3U. 66171-J) will bring a 20 1 0| 29 8 9 diamond Hili Community Church, business mefi &B4 the dtixens of truck to pick up articles. Summit Hardware 0 0 0 10 0 387 Springfield Avenue Su. 64278 the Methodist Church, St. Luke's the Borough wfco cooperated with Summit .C-Q 17 0 0 0 0 Reformed Episcopal Church, and the Scou-ia, - the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. BorolALliHs Arthur F» Bennett w the stiper- Holf-Way Marit Rcoched iitendent. In Softbdi Leoque . ,, s. »L»ate registration of children Is Nine Wins, 13-5, BOROUGH-This week- niarks ' accepted, and parents are welcome the half-way- point ia the' battle tp bring their children to the for first ?:&« In tie Mta'm Twi- parish house, Springfield avenue Over Morristown light SatlhiZ- Le«T'» of New ^nd Pamaic streets, between 9 BOROUGH-Sp&rked by Coanie Provder.ee Bormigls, The four «.m. and 11:30 a.m.. Monday Raymonds' four hit • pitching and teams currently engaged in league through Friday, this week and two three-run home runi, The New- play are: ts* Pmoe Club, captained 4L On Friday, July 6, a cloa- Providence P.A.L. Girls' Softball by Johnny Genaetti; Oatorood led Team went on to vanquish the mr «e«ion will be held, etartlng by JSm Rolwson: PeriBo'a Express, f an 'open-house" at 10:30a.m., Mepco (Morrlatown) Softball behind. Jimrcie Pertllo; end Es 4 team, by the score of 13-5 In a when parents may look over the i Bud's. p:I«e-i by Caarlie-Vign work done by the children. At game played at Morristown, June j-Tb«.-g»aaes-begin. *Lfc45...p.Bj- each 3(1: a.i». a service will be con- 20. Monday ar.d Tbursdity, ' The New Providence girk r«ifa|trtd « W yes- * Without Muzzles *nd Fining the f License Fern for Dog» and the Pen- day for an eight week program of terday to go with their first, round I «ltii» for th« Violation of the Reg-varied activities for children of 67 to flninb witb a 133 and * .* ulatlon* «s to Licensing and Mui- * jsling of DORS, and the Allowing of all age*. / - / • owi Jowrpb * Vlcloiis Dogs to Ron at Large" W*lt#r HirtL 1 I, THOMAS C. MU88ON. Borough Glufr ground* on-Liv- •fork of the Borough of New Provl. Ingstqrl avtnup will remain open tint I«nc«, «lo hereby certify that the above "' led Ordinance WM duly JXUMKM! »t during the jnorning from 9 luaa, .. Ctlitu reading at an ndjrmrnwl meet- until noon/ The Uncoln School ZtSMSfrtmus, untt- >f the Borough Council h«ld on tselMtf, »ua B- O. C5tw»iau . .. J*y evening the 25th d*y of pfeygrf>ur)4 on Sprlnjrfteid «v»nue Joseph S!*T».ai.?c, DtaJ, M54 •un#, 19S1. and Oa.Kwood Park playground on THOMAS C. MUMON, / ComrnftiiweaHh avenue will be Irrtsg Mwr Borough Clerk, / optn from 1 to * p.m.

f John BMb^lw, and B*lph t turn

bare id IT; M Hftntr H>Tt—Mi »

John C. Fertiliiers tattoo. IB4 CN«tt* MW> Oorrtnn a m-m-m BIDE IN STYLE EVERY "ROCKET" MILEt RUh th« "fadm" Holiday! Ii'» Peat Moss Fool. »n4 « ttw nowest, mmt gl»inwou§ model of nil the great new Oldsmobile Super "BftV'I A. C llen't imarter $tyling—mw gtmt, new glamor, new «p«rkle in every hm*pn\ml lincf Ootm town* haw Hm*» mmher ridin$~hw md level over the roughest roa.li with Qldimobile'l GRASS SEID MOWCt Of

r —OX VttiCttilONI CHI (flUfl WITH DOVOMl f !DWAttltR~t/tOMI>AY THRU PHtUAY At 7;JI f. M, L W. BALDWIN CO. Or. W, .**. COIWVMff fir t4 j A fms MURRAY HILL tWto WwfDt Su. $-0973 te!2SUNfM,YM0RNIN#S tHUtt SPERCO MOTOR CO.. INC h*t«. 491 MORRIS AVENUE SUMMIT 6-1700 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1951 Columbia PTA Offictrs i ization for the procurement of ur- lerve chMalru while continuing CMstim Settnee Casting Results Attend N. J. Conference j Army Issues Call gently n«d«d Aro.y chaplain* had la the ministry ot * iooal church. been formed In NVw Jerney. j Two weeks summer duty and an To Iroodcott Strvie* TOWNSHIP — The officers of; "A* the tnlisturnt program of evening at Je&»t twice « month la Two Christian Science programs the Columbia Parents-Tearing denomi- title of the address on the latter rector of the Stony HtH^yeri, Those attending were: Mrs. B clergymen ry ClMpUur Ed.ward R. "We are now *enin|it out clergy- national ward, whe i* between program will be "Can Religions' azunou&ees final c«#Ung of "Blitlie A. Nesbitt, president; Mrs. T. J. Martin, First Ariry Chaplain, to men of all faiths who are willing 21 and 33 years of «ge, in good Healt" Spirit" a very iuceei»ful comedy Williams, vice-president, and MM. volunteer toe Res*." ve'duty as chap- to volunteer foe Renerve duty. health, and poMt'ms educational by Noel Coward. "Blithe Spirit" A> Harden, second vlee-prfBldent laina in the United States, Army. There is no bette; way to learn tht background equa'ini four years Small American bats have the i* to be given at Columbia School, The-{allowing night, the program Between 120 atv1 150 Army Re- t&ska of a chap «in than to give of college ttnd there years In »emi- fastest heartbeats among ani-" Berkeley Heights, November 2nd planning xcommittee met at the serve ehaolalm »re currently re- part time to the work of the Re- mala. quired for iesig»'( ent to Organized and 3rd. home of Mr»pxNe»bitt where they Cast in the play are Mary Taor- discussed ''a stepped-up but infor- Reserve and NaH'tts: Guard unit* ; mina, Virginia Takac#, Thomas mative" program lot., next year. of the First Army Area, which j Allan, Robert Poweri, Sue Wedaa, In addition to Mrs. Neabitt, Mr*. incMp New York, New Jersey SUMMIT AUTO LAUNDRY SAYS- i Alice Frcidemaa and Mildred Willlami and Mrs. Harden tftcxse in and nlffi, New Encland atate», . STARTING JULY 2nd attendance were: R. De Roode,"'pro- Chaplain Major Karl G, Kumm, vicar of §t. Paul's Church at Chat- : Virginia Takaca, Thomas Allan, gram chairman; R. O. Jahn, Jr> 95c CAR WASH - Every Monday thru Wednesday mn«u. chairman, and Mrs. J ham, and "8th Infantry Division at 496 MORRIS AVE., SUMMIT 4-7174 : Robert Powers and Sue Wadaa chaplain, announced thrit an organ- i will be remembered for their Painter, hospitality chairman. work in "Ramshackle Inn" given by Stony Hill Bayers In Novem- ber 1950. Alice Freideman is expected to ] carry on duplicating tfl« superla- ! tsve performance she gave In "For Love or Money". "For Love or Save $15! 100 pc. DINNER SET j Money" wai given by Stony Hill ! Player* in the Spring of 1831. Mary Taormlna, a very win- some newcomer to the group, , did a fine piece of work In a I play last year entitled "Cuwa | You, Jack Daltoh", Service For 12 . Thomaa Allan, president of 1 Stony Hill Players, announces a ; particularly interesting detail in , connection with Ibsen's "A Dolt'e Slight seconds of the HouM*" which is to be given in 1 January 1952. The version of • Ibsen's masterpiece to be given pdptilar "Ballerina" will be a special adaptation of the ] William . Archer translation-. The" KEADY TO 00—Final connections bKwtvn n»••«•• aerial po-ver <.aij:,. special' adaptation will be made (running up polo) that feeds Blu«* M'n;ritiL'i iiM:icn, ar.J t\!»::r;£ ;,-.i , by director Fred Sch«ff. The ef- shape . .x . 6 extra cups ..wire circuits (top, on crossarms>, are made on Mountain avenue pole-i fort in thLs respect is to keep the top. by Tyres Clarke, New Providence Borough, (right) and Jack • spirit and feeling of Ibsen'* for accident insurance Tailor). Morrlstown, Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Summit district j original while bringing -(the play linemen. Note rubber hose and .shield.* • placed for 'safety on wires \ into sharper* focus for modern *nd guys (left and right); also, new-type protective rubber tl • audiences. Casting for "A Doll's 'worn by linemen. i House" will wtart Sunday, June, 24. 1951 I to the flag and sicj^ng of Eighth Grade ' America" also »•«#. led by Mis» of Mrs. '• • An eighth grade girls* quartet HeldoilMondayMorning j Graduates 34 : composed' of Beverly K:h3grcn. TOWNSHIP—Mr«. ^ary B. : Ruthann Becker, .Nanette DiPas- Erny of 221 Mountain avenue If perfect 39.98 i quale and S^Uy Turgeoh. stag. A died at Overlook Ho»plt«! on j bran* q«irt*?t .directed by David At Columbia Thursday last after on Illness of TOWNSHIP—Neariy 500 parent* , injtrumer.tal rnsiaic «u- land friends attended commence- p!ayc-d. Member* -. are a week. She was the wife of Kresge •Newark does it again . . . repeats | iru-nt exerclffe.1 for the eighth grade ! Richard Sehultz.- Lawrence Ben- Cimrles Erny.' 'actuating class of Columbia n?r, Michael Foiv'.er and Friti Mrs. Erny was born in New a sell-out of American porcelain services for :hool Monday night, June 18, in Hartig, Brunswick, wa« 62 year* old and I the school. The 34 graduates were Paitoi* Take Part had lived in Boonton «tnd"Kearny twelve in a new and exquisite Tea Rose dec- I presented by Supervising Principal before moving here 28 yearn ago. The invot'ation wm> made by tac [Kenneth C, Bothwell to Otto M. She was ft member of St. Mary's Rev. Father Cc>lr;ck of Our Lsdy oration with gold line edge. The slight sec- •hw&rtz, president of the Board Church, Stony Hill, and of Its of Pear* Church, New Providence I of Education, who awarded Hnrough.. Tn>* RKV. Arthur Schuck, Rosary Society. onds (no cracks or chips) are not noticeable, I diploma* pastor of th* Diamond Hill Com- Surviving al«o are three soni, Frank'end Joseph, both of Berke- 1 but they save you $15.00. Buy for town and Michael Fowler spoke- on "Look- i 'muntty Church, pronounced . the ton ONLY 24 ben^dirtiori. ?y-HeHfhU, and Robert of Clinton, •EIRE * WHAT.YOU ling Back at'Columbia" while Saliy J Okla.; a daughter, Miss Mary Summer cottage entertaining! The priv~t>55:or.n! ar.fi r«i***l»ional iTurgeon dUcuased plans and aspi- j Erny at home; two sinters, Mr*. 12 BIN NEB "PLATES' 1 PICKLE D»H Jritiona of the claw for a succe*"- wt rf player! by the school band William .Stuart of HUlslda and N I fill, high school career. ; tinder direi-tion of Mr, Ruuettc. Mrt. Julia Hemmel of Hamburg;. 1-i SA&AD PLATES 1 'SAUCJE BOAT Co-rx'tKi1-* •"" the Ki.is and bouton- A prano solo wtm pViyed by j The funeral was on Monday at n SOUPS 1 MEDIUM PLATTER iSuoanc Graf and an Eighth grade j nlerta for the boy* w*r« gift» from the Board of Educasion. 8:30 a.m. from the E. P. Bur- I boys quartet composed of Law I rough* * Son Funeral Home, 309 II DREAJ) AND BUTTER t LABGHPLATTEB ri»nce Benner, Fritz Hurtij;. WJI- ! The frr.adiifttfta w#re trained.for I'LATES ' . : tiu» cicoro^M by WiJIiam Hummel Springfield avenue. Summit, 1 COVERED SUGAR on ham Stepht-nson and Miclmd : thenee to St: Mary'i Church )» KttUIT SAICEKS I Fowler, sang. ' • • i and Tho.nrts Hugnei, eighth grade (? pieces) Budget Charge Account fa* u'.ty «tlvi«i>rs. where, at 9 o'clock a, high requiem 8 OPEN' VEGETABLE' Mies Lorraine Conovvr, uiiisu : m«s» was celebrated. Burial was DISHES 1 CREAMER supervisor, led the graduates sn ' in the parish cemetery. linglng. The pledge of a!!egi«inc; j Pellegrino Imbimbo, 70, Mail and Phone Orders Filled. Call Su. t-6450, 6r I* •••••••»*•••••••••••••* Dies ot Home on Thursday Railroad and retired from the 18 Cups ... 12 Saucers TOWNSHIP Thf }-.in era I of j service in 1938. contult your local directory for toll free number. |V!!"!ffm» In-h:n;ho, 7>X wl:o died 1 Mr. Imbimbo is survived by six FINEST MADE Thursday ••-l.i.it »t his homr. 596) 1 > sons, Charles of Union, William, SpriiiKft'' ld Sven"f , after « long j Somurl and Michael, of Berkeley illness, was "heM, on Monday at j Heights, Anthony of New Provi- 3 «.m. from the r^wdence to the j donee Borough, and Dominick of Church of the Littl^ Flower j N BornarJiville; two daughter*, whereat »:3p.o clock «' feicb re-i Mrs. Mildred -Cefilia of Berkeley Floor samples and discontinued models BurUl »*• in SL Tetena'i CLE of'Newark, and 11 gr*nd- In Summft. • Mr. Irnbinjbo «*i born *n Italy and ^atf to thi*.country. 40. yearn Penjrtiins difter from other birds BUDGET AID! «gft ami Bad lived. h*r* ever In not hftidng any specially-de- ...«., -„.,, cup* pur pound since, He was employed a* a veloped quill feathers on their FAMOUS BRAND TELEVISION

•• ft.C. 4. PHILCO MAQNAYQX priced 339.00* 19" Oosley Regularly 479.95 .Sale priced 249.00* TOPGASSAVER 16" Croslev Regularly 339.95 ...... Sale Regularly 379JO ...... Sale •priced 299.00* priced 379.00* 19" RCA Console • Regularly 450.00 Sale OF THE TOP 4 Regularly 389.50 ...... ••>.. Sale priced 319.00* 16" RCA Console priced 399.00* IN ITS LOW PRICE FIELD! 16" RCA Combination Regularly 550.00 .Sale priced 449.00* 16" RCA Combination - • • • • Regularly 595.00 ...... Sale priced 259.00* !(>" Round Magnavox Console Regularly 337.50 ' Sale 16" Rectangular Ma*nnvox (Console Regularly 337.50 Sale priced 259.00* 16" Philco Table Model '... .*..., Regularly 273M , Sale priced 179.00* priced 149.00* 12«/2" Philco Table Model ...... /.v.. Regularly 227M .Sale \r Philco Console Regularly 448.38 ....,:. Sale priced 289.00* 17" Philco Combination .. Regularly 512.92 Sale priced 399.00*

AUK H«frtg«m<«r '51STUDEBAKER CHAMPION n en. r<. II CV. 'fT. 179-00 199o9 o Regular® 229.9$ ReMlarly2.S9.95 A RIAL *• 3« "ttmimd ^Jl Si OAS tnttfef of IM CHAMPION! mwv mQtrr Clo$td Saturday* GEDDIS MOTOR SALES. INC. Optn all Hay Wmimtdm .( . -S Ml Avt.. 'immH THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, I»H The Methodist Church it Kent Place, ftlvd. Summit Woman CHURCH DIRECTORY Rev. Je»*» H. Lyons South Mountain Nurseries Bev. NoS-tnan McLean Elected Head of Sunday—11 am., Union services . LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS Oakes Memorial Church N. P. Methodist Church in the Fintt Baptist Church; Scr-' Everything tor Your Garden Methodist Reeoe R, Hill mon by Dr, Douglas Horton. dean- Greystone Group ' - ' ISO Morris Avenue of Oberlin Theological Seminary, Mrs. E. J. Bonnesen of Summit SEEDS • HANTS • SHRUItS • 1105 • FERTILIZERS ' B«T. FMUp a Watter»( Jr. Today—8 p.m., Senior choir re- Monday—!) a.m. to nuuji, Vaca- '. waa elected president of the Grey- tion Bible School. • . . stone Park Association at Its an- CM. V»U* Sunday—10 a. in., Holy com- hearsal. 120 Miners Av... MiHbum, Si munion. , Sunday—11 am., United Service Tuesday-.9 a.m. to noon* Va- nual rawting held in Voorheea of Presbyterian and Methodist cation Bible School. Cottage on June 14. MILLBURN 6-1330 Pint Ev. Lutheran Church churches, Communion, sermon First Church of Christ, Other* elected to office for the Bev. Harry B, Carton topic: "The Command of Love." Scientist- ensuing year included, first viCe- * 217 Morris Avenue (During July Union Services will pr«aid«nt, Mre, Robert IXmaldtwi be at the Methodist Church.) The science by which the in- of Morristown; second vice-presi- Sunday—9 ;3Q a. m., Worship. spiring rules of , Christianity can dent, Mrs. H, J. Delebaraps of (Please note change of time.) Monday—S p.m., Special meeting bo successfully applii'd in daily Mountain Lak^s; third vice-presi- of Official Board. lift1 will bo dealt with in Christum dent, Mrs, Carl Edwards of Mor- Central Church Science services next Sunday, j r.utown; treasurer, Mne. William O. Presbyterian Calvary Episcopal Church The subjft't of the lesson-sermon : Rogers of Madison, L. V. BuM-hnian, D.D. Rev. E. F. Fraiiela Is "Christian Sdi-nee." > Mlas Lorraine Stemrnler of The Big , Harold F. Man to S5 Woodland Avenue The golden text is from Habak- Madison, membership chairman, Maple St. and Morris Ate. kuk: /'The tarth shall bo filled , rilOMOTED John I* Bacon of reiwrted a membership of 323. . GETS DEHiUCE — Edward P. with the know'eiige of tht- glory ' 25 Laurel avenue has been ap- Lindquist, son of Mr. and Mr*. H. Sunday—9:30 a.m., Worship and Today—10 am., Communion. Mrs, Charles A, Higgina of Moun- Edward Lindquiet of Gienside Question strmon, The Declaration of Our Tomorrow—10 a.m., Communion. of the Jjord, us the- wains cover : pointed sales manager of the Mid- tain Lakes, chairman of production, s the sea." (2:lj>. ; state Oil Heating Corp. of New road, Murray Hill, has b«?t'n gmnt- Ffcihera," by Rev. Harold F. Man- Sunday—8 a.m., Communion; 11 told that 252 patr» of curtains, 1, ed an Associate in Applied Science In this rapidly changing • tt; '* nursery will be provided for a.m., Communion and address by Readings from tlu> Bible (King I Brunswick, installers, of oil and 068 pairs of cloth slippers, and 178 world in which we fimi g«s burning equipment and other degree from Rochester Institute HtOe children during the service. the rector James Version > will include this j b«djackets for intlitxK-ry ptitients of Technology where -he majored ourselves, the big question heating systems,. A resident of were made. It w&s reported that promise: "Vorily, verily, I s.«- Summit for the last three years, the supply room has distributed unto you, He that bt-lievoth on{ the printing «nd publishing df- ing themselves is • Cui me, the works that I do shall h<> Mr; . Bacon is a gradual* of Mor- over 10,000 articles of used wear- we afford'it?" The answer to this question dependsiargi-lv ristown High School and Union ing apparel, ae well as costume partment, He was active in wrest- do also; and greater ivorks than ling, a member of the riding club upon what you and >oi»r family are planning to get for your these shall he do; because I go [College in Sehenectady, N, Y. He jewelry, playing cards, toilet ar- money. If n. is something that will furnish .benefits, im- ticles, candy and cigarettes to hos- and a member of Phi Signwi Phi unto my Father." (John 14:12'. jwas associated with the Standard fraternity. prove your standard ot living, increase your earning c;i|i;uuty, From "Science and Health with | Oil Co. of New Jersey and the pital patients. giw vvu better fteaita, save your time and money, il .v.,.;i.-. Key to the Scripturt-s" by Mary Lenox Furnace Co of Syracuse, It w*a» reported that Red Cross likelv that you anoutd try to buy iL Tht? next quc-iUin iiiv Baker Eddy: "Divine mcUijihy- N. Y., before joining the Midstate chapters from the five northern you should' ask yourself, "Can we get along without u"' slcs is now reduced to k system, Corp. three years ago, counties have given, 35 ward par- Watchung Area •When thv're are *» many billion* of dollars m-ecl.-j fur ; New Providence ! his wife and four sons. The Duns- bring entertainment to the pa- ung Area Council have heen Awotton to details, thoughtful and sympathetic lighting a ten dollar h.ii* and waieh it burn and y.t tint Rev. Harry ji. Aufiero morcj have resided in Brazil- for tienta at the hospital. A letter was merged ^ 1 MMUntanding and a genuine desire to be helpful form the last four and a half years, read expressing the appreciation District one, composed of 16 mu- would be far k ** iwrmlHi Shan inhaJing th«? cancfr-fonnin^ tfa* foundation of our service. Call on us at any time. Sunday—11 a.m., Prayer and Later they will vacation in Maine. of the board of managers of the nicipalities including SomcrvtHe. tab.icco sjtioke of one cigarette. -Of course no one gets tam-tr sermon, "Liberty, Its Fruits and While attending Summit High State • Hospital for the help and Raritan. Manville, Whitehouse. from the $m»Kf «>£ one cigarette, cigar or pipe full but \vh<••,> Roots;" Sunday school discon- School, Mr. Dun-smore won track assistance rendered by the As- Belle Mead, and others, ia now this is r(?peatP«ierj~ase caffeiBe-drtnks-such -n#-tea;- 'coffee.;iw».- FUNERAL HOME 13 DeForest Avenue from Princeton Theological Semi- committee headed by Mrs. David "We believe the consolidation «nd colaa. which create a nervous.tension. It is quiti- t-asy to (I'MX. atnokingj *-ben the use of thestf drinks ia omitted. Springfield Ave. at Morris Summit 6-0218 I nary in 1939. H« held pastorates Young, 3rd, of Towaco. Members of the two districts will give a Today—2 p.m.. Women's So- at Shamokin, Pa:, and Amber, Pa.,Jof thJ medical and nursing staff better program to present and fu- Perhaps you may have an inferiority complex and iVi'l ciety; Book review. "Here I until 1948. and the affiliate nurses in train- ture Scouts," said Mr. Lewis. "A that you n««d something to Bsake yournelf appear iikr .. Stand," given by Mrs, G. C. Reier; In Brazil, Mr. Duiwmare was ing at the hospital were guesti* of survey was initiated eight months person of -distinction as illustrated in the cigarette aclvmis.ng Hostesses will be Mrs. k. Mueller, one of the directors of a-Presby- the Greyatone Park Association. flgo by the Council's executive Certainly there i$ aothlng reor« conspicuous or alarming thiin First Church of Christ, Scientist Mrs. S, E. Gcise, Mrs. P. A. Rell- terian Mission school in Salvador, board to study present and future a flrc with tae saioke pawing in and out of .a person'* nunit.-i. ingr. and Mrs. H, F. Schorling: Bahia, Mr. Dunsmore was in Dr. Trapp to Preach needs in the area. Has it ev«r occurred to you that every time you h-iv.- 292 Springfitld Avfnw Summit, New J«reey Election of officers. charge of the religious program "Like any business or industry your picture taken with or are teen using one or more o; X Branch of Th« Mother Church. The First Churah of Christ Saturday—3 p.m., Fellowship of the echool( which has 750 stu- In Grand Rapids which trips to keep up with the tbe'addktivfs (coltw, tea, cocoa,. col», tobacco .and aicohoii.; Scientist, to Boston, Massachusetts picnic at Hilltop in Echo Lake dents. Dr. Jacob Trapp of the Com- times and Its responsibilities, the !>everag#».>, you are automatically acting as a- dcmonjirrator On Augu.«rt 19, Mr, Dunamore Scouts must do the same," A{r. Park. munity Church of Summit will »nd MICJUBAB and thai advertising your main rompctitor- (Sundny SirrlMi itU/LM. Sunday School 11 A. It Sunday—9 a.m., Martins: Scr- will prearh in Central Presby- L^wjs continued. "At profit!, The more u person *|>eiJi!l» for these addictive*, the ]«< i« W*la«*day Meeting st 8:10 P.M. 1 mon, "The Hard Step in Rwri- terian Church. In October he will conduct the summer services of flhout 1,000 hoys sponsored by left far your more valuab'kf aervlcts. This is no small mattor ciliation.'1 come from Princton td »how films, the Bast Congregational Church forty organizatlon.il with a. vo'un- since SS billion dollam « year are besng spent for thw nun- slides and curios from Brazil to of Grand Rapids, Mich. from | tepr leadership of 309 men me in- rsceiiLials and by owercomnjg their use, the physical, rm-nu1. FACTOGBAPHS the Sunday school of Central Pres- ; volved in our districts one and two ipfritual, social *a4 economic health of th« American pvapw _ Christian Science Reading Room byterian. July g through July 29. The Columbia river, forming programs. can be greatly iihprovcd. The Human Engineering FOUJHIH- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC .- Dr. Ti*pp, who vdth M«. Trapp. i the boundary between the The word paper is derived from i Wi$h |h|hee lc0Ullnlc0UllnKK m(lVemram(lVemrat t tlon wajBts ywi to brfp promote a better way of life 840 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE of Washington and Oregon, is the Egyptian "papyrus." •was a former resident of Grand j continuing to grow and tho in* Open dtilf 10:00 to *:30 except Sunday* and holidays: also Friday e«e- er'wiitt'd with carrying more water Hapids will deliver a series off crease in the boy population." Mr, Howard B. Bhhtip, ninga 7:30 to 9:30 and after the Wednesday meeting: LUeratur* on four sermons on "The Paith and Christian 8cienc» may be rwt borrowed or purchased. than a'l the other Pacific- coast In western Asia, some tribes Lewis said, "we felt H ner-eisary streams combined-. worship the dog. the Heritage of the West." to survey our present situation. n\}>\\H CNGINEKKING FOUNDATION "An actual count of boy» in pub- lic, parochial «rtd private ichools Summit, Sew Jersey »hows that 20 per cent more boys will be available for Scouting in the next ymt." Mr. I^-wis atatrd. Write for free booklet. "We have a responsibility to give those boys the heat program **e can. With this consolidation we c«n gfive to our present boys "and future Scouts a better scouting program under better administra- tion, "Bewuse of the extent of the area, transportation facilities and I the mittee made up of John It Mc- Magna Charta from King John and Murr*y of Bound Brwik, criair- Funeral Home rmn, Richard Nugent of Rariten, l*t*b!ish«J 1S20 his forces. flcorge Ijei«tcn»n*fdcr of Sotner- villc, Michael Kncbottky of Man- 509 Springfield Avenue • Summit 6-0259 The Greeks say further back yet, VIIIP, and Kari WiiliRms of Fin- dernp, have bjeen (ippolnted lo pre- Jt«Wl B, iwkn to Marathon when their young ath- sent l

letes, the best in the world, as hoplites, drove back the hordes of Persia and the East. Rev. McLean fo But Israeli remembers that at the dawn of their national history it was the hope of Assume DutJef RPV. Norm«n McL*an retura»d of their national history it was the hope of Freedom, a pillar of fire that led their fathers last w«ek from th« Brie Con- ference of The Methodist Church put of Egyptian bondage. % to begin hi* riuti#* «a mummer jmttloT of The Methodlrt Church Freedom is timeless. Freedom is instictive. of Summit, Mr, and Mr», MeL««n wilt live Freedom, as stated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, is in the parsonage «t 68 D#F«>rttt air-conditioned enm during the Absence of-U>« mans inalienable right; - — minuter, Rev. J«»S# Lyow«, who IJI iMvlitf thin we«k to *p«nd • comfort And "Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty!" vacation at B«y View, Mich, "Freedom is not free." A* part ot « thoughtful DttKlllntt Announctd For lsiut of July I •ervice—both of o»t IIcrnM trill puhlf«h, m «re com- il»iml, «n Thiirwlay, July 0, but iwcai»*fi ttt tb«, Koiirtb of fortably air«coiidJtioDPtl July hnMmy «hrn the

fhUnlcst; dotn»rtm«iiti will far Mtmb»r n*w« nnd ultvertininf copy win SMITH AND SMITH Ftdtnl Dvpoift btt In *ff«*t. Tbn dnfuillnfi for n*w» will h» fUHIIAl dt (» p.m. Monday, ifuly t, Fbo» tntntph* mint hm *tibmltl#<| hf noon 4h« ««tn« A»i. Mnp\*y null <»l««*tfU>i| (l*liiir ropy wtil It* to 5 p.m. «in July %. mtd to mH enpy «• far In »th*nem *•

ttnn Mtd Umur* Bamberger Buys THE. SUMMIT HERALD, land for New lainfield Store John C. Williamii, president of L. _.unberger & Co- ot Newark, an- nounced yesterday the purchase of two and one half acrei of land on East Front street and Kim ' street 1« PJalnfleto, on which, u> toon ha pl»n« and regulations pwrait, Bamberger1* will erect a new store to serve tht 150,000 residents of thU fast-growing ^ area. "The *tee of the property, which kjg upwards of 110,000 square feet" ''MA Mr. Williams, "will enable us to create a lively new shopping area, with an important Bam- berger store, end a comfortable large parking space, augmenting the adjoining city parking-space,, Shop In Comfort! •;-,;•. which now parks 300 cam" Following Bamberger's an- nouncement a few weeks ago of plans for a new store In Prince- • Plenty of Parking Space! ton, to open late In 1952, Mr. Wil- liams said that the new Plain- iield project is part of an over- all plan to make Bamberger's •^ Enjoy Tremendous Savings! foods and services available to customers throughout New Jersey. &s th4 foremost store In size In the state. • Visit Our Show Rooms Now! ''• "M in Princeton," he added, "the type of store will follow the pattern of our successful Morrte-, town store, opened in 1949," ••o- • / • Open Eves. TifUO O'clock. Echo Lanes Alley Space to Be Taxed Many of the Unton County area's outstanding bowling leagues will be seen in action this fall at the $750,000 Echo Lanes, New Jer- sey's pin showpiece which is being erected on Route 29, Mountain- • ' • ••*-:• side. The 38-team Bel] Laboratories * Heil Heating Equipment League of Summit is among the circuits which have reserved space in the new establlsmcnt, only Eastern pin plant with 40 alleys in « row. * Chrysler Heating and The owners, Harry and Herman lectric Sewing Sturcke of Westfield, announced that league reservations already Cooling Equipment are more than 75 per cent full mm I • ** and undoubtedly will be taxed to capacity before the mid-August opening. The beautiful Mountain- >t side plant will have such features * Room Coolers as air conditioning, an elaborate cocktail lounge, large milk bar, with carrying case men's-and women's locker rooms, a private league meeting room, j r~v 1 semi-automatic pin sotting ma^ chines and all the latest bowling * Crosley Refriqerafors equipment. The m a n a g e m e n t also an- nounced the signing of Jack Best, well-known Columbus, Ohio, bowl- j ing manager, as manager of Echo Lanes. Best currently is in ^ Electric Ranges charge of a 32-alley Columbus establisment. Among the other loops signed ' NEWEST DESIGN jp at Echo Lanes are Crawford JN SUCTRIi; PORTABLES! LOCK bobbin Bowling League, 24 teams; fivc typo, *ew « Millburn leagues with a total of ; Exhaust Fans d 6 lib I e -I o <• fe ' stitrh, adjM&^Dt>W 40 teams; Scotch Plains Bowling j for nil m»t**kl«, League, 20 teams; District Rotarj' (liiivi>rral A(-i)(" motor with League, 18 teflms; Sphering Corp. ! tiAruiy ftxit eootKil, I'ull apt «f d&nl uttachmeBia. I'flrta nvail- of Union, 18 teams; Kcnilworth- j.y(TV»liirf I'rnlprtii by league, 12 teoim: Echo Lake extra charge •Uln-1 ini fdriory worrnnU- Country Club League, 10 teams; General Electric Gas Mountalnsde Le.agup, 10 teams; if Garwood .League 8 teams, and Wlgton-Abbott Corp. lyxigue of Fired Heating Units Plainfield, 8 teams. : Industrial, commercial and so- • rial leagues m•(# jwr dollar than the average of the largest IU cw. n. »'IJi«t; hnnuid*, yet tl»y require htm kitchen ilpiicfl JHT foot of MAKES 1VIRY Mi AL If, ^toniKe... fiv« ymt nsore1 noewt-wanted feature*, rejtartllem of pricel A PARTY! ., Model 1181 $ tl ThwoflTer is good oaly on 3 Admiral models', in tlic 11.3 cu. ft. 95 dw. Bu(, tftbtrwiw, th«P mw no rfftrictioiif. You can get the ,/' ii.3 cu n. 369 •rwing machine wbetbtr you buy on time—with taw down payment and «*ay t#rn»8—or whether you pay in full* * •mw BOOI mim * FUU-WIBIH mn* *m WTIH KffPtl •mUWGlH (010 Wwryf Com* in now whib our ^NIW GIACIII HUE IMTIHOt SUMMIT Smwing Machine $vpply latt$l NO WASTED SPACE! US* THMSI GIMIROUS TRADE-INSI COM! IN N0WI McKerrell's AUTO SERVICE 24 Franklin Plot* hr IL 4L ENGINEERING CO. /• WILLYS Route 29 at Mountainside—Springfield Line .s..*-~ SALES ««* SERVICE Opposite Somerset Bus Terminal

OfMUINI WILUS :-/i. Westfield 2-0094-5 fftRIt


*, *« *i$ft'Z' '- .••-;. Hhi-., '-„...,"....", P«M IS You (an

RETIRED—Grover Cherry, vet- eran of 42 years Of pole climbing for 1 ocai.utility companies, was faonortd recently by hia associate* of Jersey Centra! Power & Light Co., with whom i'e has served the Morrtetown area for thirty yeera. In point of .-jervice, Mr. Cher- ry is one of the region's oldest power linemen hiving started in 1909 with Jersey Central'*) Summit- area, predecessor, Commonwealth Water & Light Co. While living in Summit, Mr. Cherry married tha former Mary Fitzpatrlek of thta city. In 1M1 he tnanoferred to MorrlsWn when that" area wajs served by Morris & Somerset Elec- tric -Co. which later became a part of Jersey Central. Mr. Cherry now is a resident of Morrlstown. $393,832 Estate Left By Late David Walter Trustees' account for the estate of David S. Walter has been filed of the center part is removed U> be sold as center slices. with Charles A. Otto, Jr., surrogate. We believe that when you buy a Iwlf ham you should get a They may, be ju»t as large as half hams, but they don't give Mr, Walter died January 26, 1946. lull half with none of the clioice center slices removal. And He conducted a meet market here you the same percentage of choice center meat. Naturally, for many years and was also vice- tfaaCs what You do get at A&P. Our half hams are never just they should cost less. And at A&P they do. A&P's hams are tive president of the Citizens Trust portions. They're full halves, which we get by cutting hams famous brands. . . specially selected. Serve ham from A&P Co. and of the Summit Mortgage into two full-cut halves. No center slices are removed. I or- and Finance Company. on the holiday. It's sure to please, and give full value. The audit was submitted by the Hans on the other hand, are cut from hams from which some Howard Savings Institution, New- ark, and Frank A. Welt, attorney, it Process Smoked Pork Shoulders 49c Elisabeth, as co-trustee*. It showed Rib Roast 1 cho,ce .nd prim, bw r «* ife. 82*' «>" cut ib. 74«= ft current balance of $392,072.79 Smoked Pork Butts »«••!•» 79c plus $1,759.73 in undiaburacd in- Sliced American )1H Steak JuicV' flavorful-choke and prim* beet Ib ) JC come. Sliced BflTCOn Sunny(i*!-trJ hia widow, Mrs. Catherine A. Wal- lb. Frankfurters 67c ter of 8 Walnut atrect receive an Ducklings i«. isLmfi fin«t »»-39« fl 67c Income of $50 a week for life. The Planning • picnic? It's Bologna or Meal Loaf remainder of the income goes Leg or Rump of Veal • . • • • ' equally to three surviving daugh- to make delicious sandwiches Boiled Ham ters, Mrs. Dorothy W. Strauss of with this economical cheese! Breast of Veal ..'.. . . • • • • ' Eart Orange; Mrs. Blanche W Spiced Luncheon Meat sti«d Heas of 12 Waldron avenue, and Fresh Hams Who!, or either hall Mra. Mae W. Newman of East Bacon Squares suawewtd 39c Orange. At the death of the last Fresh Butter F««y«•«"•'* ift»- surviving daughter, the principal is Rib Veal Chops short eut-Uu ««»• 93c to b# divided among Mr. Walter's Sharp American Cheddar >65« grandchildren, of which there are Plump mm* Hmmtgl A*P'.F—« filmrim Brmnd Pork Loins ww«««iwi«*« now five. Borden's Gruyerc • 60I Pkg 35« b 73c Kraft's Kay-Natural . 'wib.pkg.35* Loin Pork Chops cwNremi Summit Man Named to H At Strvk. M«t D.pu. Only ||, •%^Bi Pork ChopS H.P tnd shoulder cuff .43c U. S, Loan League Milk M- 2.q|: ™« 45c Homog. 2 q». conis. 47c Arfliur" Y. bailey, president of Sttw 5 tefk the Summit Federal Savings and leys Fine Quality Seafood Loan Association, has received Froaum Foods • * - fW twbwv«e c*kbr*ifd forthei r tend«r, tempiing fl.*or, th.ir «!«•• word of his appointment to the Fresh Cod Steaks ib .Tie Fresh Mackerel * Federal Section Committee of the Lemonade Mix M.nui.M..d 6 o*. can 15c S^^kTs. for « bmgup holiday fe.it, ^ your h,rke7 from A&P. United States Savings and Loan Fresh Scallops # » lb.69c Shrimp Cocktail 5'i or League. The appointment came Welch's Grape Juice . . *««. c.n 23« from Walter J. L. Ray, Detroit, Michigan, president of the League, French Fried Potatoes 8irds.y.ioor.22« which Is the 58-year-old nation- wide trade organization of the sav- Green Peas i.M>/*orBird»y»-i2**.pto-23« FOB rVUBPMCMC . . , ings association business. Kent Place Graduate Gets /'VV' Tuna Fish 7oi aw 32c Stuffed 01ive8 Small-Sulleni Highest Radcliff Honors Sweet Mixed Pickles Manhittan 1201,22< "Saefjft BCoRmvsJti, who was grad- \ \ Tuna Fislj Flakes &»>••«• uated from Kent Place School in GhifcBl French's Mustard • « 4oii«r9« 1B47, w«* one of three seniors r\ -, who were graduated aitmma cum C French Fried Onions o&c.3Vi_«- «n 25 laude at recent commencement ex- Maine Sardines tan 13 erciser held at Radcliff College. Harris Crab Meat *»•»«" 6^<«"n 65c There were 196 seniors In the c li Cod Fish Cakes «««rd»i»y -»&<*.c»*21 . **i\k »mpl>lter Met. f«r-27c 24ox i« Miss StokowskI, who is a resi- dent- of N*w MUf-i*»-19« Potato Chips >n«P«fbr 1lbe.non.75e wu awarded the Captain Jona- Priced, than Fay prize ($837) given to the Boned Cliicken «** bwd graduating woman student who i showed the greatest promise in Libb) *s Beef Stew „ Sunshine Chccz-it • Watermelon arfiol&whip, conduct and charac- ter. Roast Beef Hash c«««hy i Ritz Crackers Nabu« 'i6oipk«.35c; NEW ^\' ' Blueberries Vacation School Rally ^'tii Libby's Corned Beef « « «n > Crispo English StyleAiionmeniiit39« Slated for Sunday LOW PRICE! Claridge Liiiich MeatAitbw(i2< C 3 to 5 The Vacation Bible School open- LOOklCS Burry't Happy Family Atiortment 1lb. 4*3 To in a tties* *•* <*«» ing rally will be held Sunday at Parker Gotd or Marble NestJe's Morsels 5emi,iwe«» «*%. k 20« 9:30 am, at the Methodist Church, Junket Danish Dessert P B LettUCe Nearby l*rn»' he»dlU* Kent Place boulevard. Mrs. Wil- a U*m P. Thoele of St. John's Luth- Nectar Tea Bags • pkfl ** <« 42« Nestle's Cookie Mix MOI Pk9 37e r larmt buliclljril' eraa Church will preside, Color Pound Cake » 49c Our Own Te* Bags pt« ^ 4i38« Lux Toilet Soap ..... u»hsix*2for25

, "••£. -T k r ADJOINING STORE t •--.v** ^fTJ-r ' THE SUMMIT HEftAm^TWft$OAT\ JtfNE 28, US! 1$ ¥our Home Made of Shingies, Your Magic Key May Be The One To 1 Brick, Stucco ANEW I or Cement? WIN 19S1 HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR OR ONE DF 12 ADDITIONAL PRIZES MAGIC KEY OFFER Just get your key at the local merchants and-if your key opens the Magic Lock located it' Summit Radio & Appliance, you are entitled to one of the preliminary prizes and also eligible for the Grand Prize of a 1951 Hotpomt De Luxe Refrigerator. This refrigerator will be awarded Friday, June 29, at 8 p.m. in the showroom of The Summit Radio & Ali anceCo. Gil a Free Demonttration of CARBOZITE A MODERN MIRACLE COAT- TIMES GETTING SHORT INO FOR HOMES AND COM- MERCIAl PROPERTIES MADE OF ASBESTOS SHINGLES, BRICK, STUCCO & CEMENTI

CARBOZfTC U a superior coaling tpnially pr«par«d la ««tiit <(«• SIWI.UIT Y0i:TH WINS I.iirry Scmnzi,-17, 12 Low,.] Av. nur, Summit, right, was one of the top Pmioratioo In «•*»» (eim. H»li»» winners in. Union Cqunty Plymouth dealers model airplane contest. Left is Harold Relnliandt, -18, . reini, inew and darnpnttt—, and commercial buildlnpt. stunt competition. James Gorman, Inc. and Otto Schmidt, Jr., were the cooperating Summit deslere.

CAUOZITI color it bright, fr.ih, OFFICIAL NEWS Summit Hardware n«w —ond ptrnantnll forg«l teafly exterior painting whtn ye* apply CAI8OZITI which tcmboti chipping, icollng and pitting! OF Opens Complete HOSPITALITY HOUSEI CIVIL DEFENSE iiouseware Section CAUOZITI will gristly impr««« A modern and complete house- lh« vallt* ot you horns and building, Thtr«'s nothing n«wti j and Their Plac« fn I assigned their own part ir. th new section ot OUTSTANDING ADVANTAGES 1 Civil Deft.'ose in a booklet en- I director of the iTtunicipaiity is House "treasure chest" of prkes ... and it IK. store, lotated in the biwenient, tMitwi Surfo«»i of AJ6E5TOS SHINCtES titled "Ru!".s and Regulations i charged with the duty of a.->.sui- give you the opportunity to get, com- „ IRICX, STUCCO 4 CEMENT. covering 'fvquirenifnts for Indus- ! ing his municipality that evrry ! adds an entt re floor of displaj Cantaiiti Wuitiilil* • Lif«!on3 „»<,, Upacc j*o!t-]y for houscware items pletely free, the big, beautiful 1951 f*rnian«fit Colon • Prslongtd Home l,(« trial Plant Protection" has desig- phn. »e of the Civil Drfensf effort Mild«w Pomtoit • Y*ar 'Round Comfort nated 0. George Kreuger aa di- U adequately covered. j Entrance to the new department Hotpoint De Luxe Refrigerator illus- inutawd Ham* Yoli»» rector of state plant protection 'is by a stairway from the h.ard- trated. Just ask for your Magic Key— Wtoihtrproaf It can be safely stat>d that thi; .servico of the State of New'Jer- '.viri- cU-pnrtment on the main nothing to buy! You'll be glad you did. f«EF D«mom(ra»/on and £>fimaf* majority of the- industries, plants, sey and the measures to be taken and bu5iiH't>cr\s LM ibe Summit area floor. But hurry! This special offer fora limited • The b'At-ment of the store has Without a&MgQti n, pl«oi« by j>l.mt«-, indu.-itru'ji and other are organize! to function immedi- time only./ K»w I can b»oulir biir'iinosst-'S in providing adi-quato ately should an eim rpeney arise, ; been attractively decorated In with CAMO2ITE. •safety f«ir thoir <'mploye(f»i hi either in pc-aec or war. i limed oak with a pastel green protection aga;n«t Bflbotnge nml color scheme planned by the in- terior decorating department of , thpinnasc and the procedure to the Bonjarain Moore Paint Co. follow in I.VUSP of a direct attack Mrs. Smith's 89 Fluorescent lighting is of the i is mitlinr-W in detail. latwt design and especially plan- I The in John Ovens. brand-n«w 1951 Hotpoint are made responsible for trie or- , The*, new section of the store lor, the big 8,1 cu. ft. d« lux* mad*l, 183 North 1.1th Street g.inization of an adequate pro- Baltusrol Play Newark, N. J. ; contains such features as a model with the newest Hotpoint fealurti, gram to he followed in au\- of Wish the •!• rt'linsr lights hu.jy in HI'. 3-275-1 j fireplace for thi> display of fl're- f, ni> for Is cffic. nt MAY8£Y0Uti£ ?2l Exit Klnncy St. i W^men'* NV". •• 'nril t> t !u at IV.Ita^M-v! 0->!f Chib. [been provided, Kitchen appliances 8.1 cu. ft. Deluxa i direct n -p<»ns m tv o! th> indi\id- i Ar; a..'^ ">i jr.i-«ii nowcomor, Mr.' aro siltw included in the Mock. ' u •! p' >nt in ip iq» rM> n* • JiHnrs Pinith nf Ciro*1 Brnok. c«p- The new 'drp.-trtment new jives ! Thi \\\ '. 1!> f r-it "r; \n il on DAILY TO Indian Pt. tur.il low ji-'i>s honors with an tin* company three floors in eddi- of 'h> nr r r ;• u " m u In i.ii.-i) tion to the toy department, 1 1 : ?t>. She WJ< ('•to r«n'y player in the Look at these De luxe Features! • npf>n bv tb< »nri \ iliri p irt.i !•• Bear Mi ' fir>!d f,f .76 nh> to hrrnk 90 oh the ftt'l- 1-.M *•' 11 Ifi, *)l 'lllfl *Ht f'!)'1 I Ndvy Man Tif U.S.TAfter • 24-lb, stainless steel Speed Freezer Interior Light • Smooth Wrap-over n tcptinK • il{''|"'r (•<•>!:r.«<\ • >West Pt. Kfi-v b? *o \ \!tc in r^ u^i 1 Aft.f-r Roinff out in 48. Mm • Two Hl-Humidity Drawers, with glass Construction • 5-Year Protection Plait M thnt 'kf r ,?!.< if <>rs? »d ? it.on <>' Months in Korean Waters %A *Sn;:th w»« only tVo ovfr wrewn's thf* indu**r\ < sti'i^t t M>» th .t flunru r'.i Mate 3 c Anthony J, eovtfs—roller mounted • Large Meat Pan, famous Hotpoint Thriftmaiter Unit Newburg par for the first: sw>ven holes ot the T!ie n'j, ippnirt^ >.p light Yfmkffs 12 15 . volunteers from the central Civil Another association newcomer, »KMt Bout" ttrnt IT" 1 M J.25 Deff-nsf forcp will be assigned to formeriy of Summit. Mrs. Fred ember USS Manchester, — tv.W.42St ji !•« that area. | Shehndi of Moplpwood, tied youth- In support ing- US ground forces *ajt..Xun.4 lift ( l,,;,i (,»'.!~Uff In Summit the.'p-fobl^m of in- j ful Bvtty Park of Glen Ridge for in Kore«, the cruiser- fired, more Carlan's Embassy Fabric isqulrt Mtn's •Htt Springfield Visit ROOSEVIIT MEMORiftCHYM PK. dustrial protection find «#pcurity the runn«T-up t-hnt at 91. roimds of ammunilion thaji any & Curtain Shop & Boys' Shop Avenue dor* not wwump the proportion.-; \ H41 .(ii/firc- of 8ft was good Allied warship in the campftijrn. 347 Springfield JM SlH 1 Following one attack she was that it do**« in othor rmnmuniHf.s, enough t<> win thi handsc«p divi- rn. JTSM. MOOMUGHT s«t credited with more thwi 8,(KX) Dancing 6 Entertainmtnt s [ Still, th.TR »r<-:. industrial plants sion, ,Mr.«. Pii'il (Jrrtry at Pfain- Du*v i WISTE « ST, ijo t.m. in the Summit Area and even enemy troop easualtlrt», Tho M«.n- fwld turruil in the biaJf tmrd oC Tthfni.eb -ih r: WHITt rtW "VUMHMItTfUH " fOlMI M I-M 18-I5 "fiD''"""JTTs?""rTf'K~fui71 Mr*. •M m>tm r TrifTi t 4 d « f IM major «nij>hib!oiis operation. H^fflRimOaj Line 303 W. 42-JU &-53W Walter C. Smith of Echo Deadlines Announced trailed with 83's. T]u- -otlief. net Fashion prize winners w«re Mr*. Shchndi, iChatham Girl, Employed For Issue of July 5 Mr*. Homer Llcht;enwn;!ter qt B«i- Center, Inc. Doyle tu»rol Knoll pro, • (III with Si's, iHere, Becomes Engaged 336 Sprlnjtfleld The llfrnUt will puhli-th, Furniture Co. The summaries: j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. flrrvo.se Avenue S7» Sprinffleld , •% Mrs Jimn Smith Cano* j of Taltodgp nvenuf, Chntham. Avenue but »>ecnu«i« r< thr Fourth of Brook 89- 9—S3 j have wnnounced the enRagemenl July holiday tth'n thf HernM Mis. Iliimpr Uchtenwulter, Baltusrol 105-31—84 ! of their daughter, KU'inc CJci'vaso, cilitorinl, Hilvcr.i-.inK nml WF- Mrs. Fred Shehkdl. Maple- j to Robert W. Hompesch, eon of wood 91- «~85 rhflnlcall pirtni.'i»(«i will h* Mr* W, C. Hurt*. Btltut- Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hom- closed, rarlifr d'-ndllnw for rot 105-18—«7 pesch, of West Seventh avenue, H Mr«. I. Bixter, Bulfttwol 109-32-$? Mrs E. T. DexJg*, C*nec R«e!le. Summit lip in «ffiCl, Brook 103-13-88 Mr*. O. A, Mufr«K, C»no* Willt&i^OThvycr was the 100th Shoe Shop Chorlines Luggage The (ifmlline for ww* will He Brook lOS-It—M 414 Springfifld lit 5 l>.m Momlny. July t. Vhn- Mrs. J. McAullflfe, BMtUt- mayor of New York City. Cut Rate Drugs Uathtr Goods rol - 104-25—W Avrnue 417 Sprlngfleltl tngmphi mu^t hi- MiMitltted hy Mr*, a. W. TUdklt, lUltue- Ctnter n«on' the WHIP . rt>t • ' tW Sfffliiffl«l(l < 1 Mr* r, J. tu«a«rf. Btltus* >, nml .l:t * »ill<* rol 108-19—«9 Everett T. Spinnini Avenus thg PJ Mr». D P*ll«ler, Bmltwrol 106-JT—99 Mrs 1 V. Mnrphrt*, Bil- Summit N. J* ti» 5 p.m. on July "'• tiurol 10J-14-W Churclips «ml Mm. J. S. B»*M, U«HunroI Insurant* Mr* W, V Cadfliiu. B»ltu«- «r«> fnrncMly r *cilltiitf* produe- rol • II«-2«~M (inn mil instirr publiralion. Mon's Store Fashion Store Ptnguln Frown 102 Springfield 425 Springfield Foods, Inc. mi C*IH Thp yearly Pu!*e of Industry Avemw gurvpy, conducted by VEND Majtn- Street SIA8OARD t\ne, 'rrvcftb thnt B0 p«f cent of the full time vending machinf op- TIRE SALE eratorn give free mate he* with All or tone cigarette purcrMww. A mire-flre gMtur« of good will «nd Goodyear Amerlcmt jl Get Your Key And Try Firestone BATTER UP The Lock At Goodrich SUMMIT RADIO OPEN THE STADIUM ALLSI2IS wl«h (*• pit**- FRI. N Utt Ing «f NITES Inf n TIL f P.M. hmttM At SrRINaMELD AVI. APPUANGE CO, Ml luw r«tT «»» GEDDIS MOTOR SALES, INC. * few t *i R9if »• Clli* OUum Flit M| ortr tt« Union - Vault H«« \ i iHi*t«nrc ft Hunk M«n*tll 112 m mrnwm AVINWI MPANWD BV PASRN*S OR mmm jr«tt try it. 'r* THE SUMMIT HEJALD. THURSDAY, JUHS U, Itll imlL Summit victor. Tbe score of ntr Ar Judicial Cwiftrtnet Ucd Rrm G«ts Deadlines Announced match with Miss Grace Mirabella Sportswear Co. Dofatt* Contract Tennis Club was «-*, &-€• It was Mrs. Beams' Prior to 38-Doy Cnrfs* ANTHONY P1MIA For Usue of July 5 consistency which won the match Gets ECA Award John I* Hug set of Summit pre- Corporation' of *QB Bro*d «tx*cf,' and she was able to return the PLUM0I\C HEATING 185&S* The Herald will J>uWi*h, t» D. Xknlger & Co., m»»u- siding Jvdfft of the Union Coun- Members Have best that opponent could offer. •wit£h *a*wnb2«r«, wa# «w«rded usual, on T\ July 5 tscturen of McGrefo? •porUwe*r SHEET METAL WOlUt ( The match between Miss Harriet ty District Court, will attend a «ft* of 48 defence contracts given tot beeiHiMs «» the FouJ-tli oit wsth pknts in Summit axd Dover, Stokes and Mrs. Virginia Parker special judicial conference in 7 Chestnut Avenu* by th* aoverntneni to New Jersey i July holiday when the HeraM Busy Week-End was awarded « "certificate of co- firms. Thii was announced last was a thriller with Miss Stokes Trenton, June 27, 28 and 2S. At the Summit editorial, *dverti*iag; aftd n»*r The early round* of the annual optratioa" from the FwkraJ Eco- to MT. K.T. ottht, utt'2 /;*•'* it w«*k by th* Mt-w Jersey State winning 6-d, 5-7, 6-3 to score for cbaiueal depiirtnwiJi srilj be club championship of the Summit nomic Co-operation Adouaktra- close of tbe conference, Judge Gtuumbtr of MapJewood, Miss- Edith Needed dwwd, earlier deadline* far Tenais Cub were played *t the tson for their work under the Mar- Hughes and Mrs. Hughes will tail of Summit was bettea by Mrs. ; new* stid advertising copy wlB Sunset drive courts of the dub «aall Plan. , SCREENS, S. Stofces who excelled with a net from New York on the S.S. Argen- be in ert<<"t last week-end with several upset* .... , , Tee award w&i presented last Summit Live Poultry Market 411 »lt« 111 ftock t tine for a 3S-d»y cruise to South The deadlin* for ue\m will N' taking p5a.ce. .game a«d good pl«em*nt .oj , Bermt4 StatJ COMUNATION DOORS America. . > Ore * Dressed Poultry Of AH Kinds at 5 p.m. Monday, July 2. Pho^ Bill Gi'ison, defending wen's shots. Miss Barbara Cottreil and f . .. . , , # . , KNOTTY PINE PANELING . Fre»h Eggs — Free Delivery tographs must He submitted by champion in both singles and M». Gloria-john.on. «f Summit y^P^deiit m charge of rmnu- Samuel ColC^Tnventer of the INSULATION BOARD noon the sanv day. , double*, Joit the first set of his ! lost to Mb« Harriet Stokes aad tetttre' M*yor R°*Ch " DoV" Colt's revolver, U said to have CAUL SUMMIT 6-1562 Hmtl, C*4*t Meitetf, CtJliisi he TiU, M*K>&itt, HoutSinp, Comet Display and »las*ifl*»d adver- Initial round match to Jimmy Miss Anne Ber.ll 6-0. 8-3. Ag*in"]'»***'* •!*««*•*»» « «J« »«»* got the Idea from the revolving 11 Cottage Lon» Svumtit Csfcinttt, Door*. liiiuUtioa Hd tising copy will be accepted up Richardson, Pingry School player, Miss Stok«' superior playing ! ** William C. Foster, hmd ' ** ** SCREEN & LUMBER CO. are earnestly j-<|ueU«d to sub- 'rushing the net at every oppor- two teams possessed of" players of j **«**"-tot-tvTaahimi-ttxhnic*l. u< 2170 Springfield Ave. mit copy a* 'ar in advance *• tunity came through to victory great steadiness but because Ma- j swtance to the people ttf the Mar- at 1-8; 6-1, 6-0. Gi'son experienced plewood was able to use sharper shall Plan countries to aid them in HAVE YOUR FANCY SPORT SHIRTS Voux Hall UN. 2-7108 possible -to fiwHHate produc- maintaining individual liberty, free Op*« Sit. I'ntil «» P.M. tion and insure publication. little difficulty with a tired Ed angles successfully and play a C!o**d SttB. UJllne Ju!) £ A Nixon, dropping only one game, slightly mor«. offensive game, its instituti&ns.'and peace," to enter the semi-finals. He will team emerged victorious. Stunt explained that bis cotapany "CUSTOM FINISHED" I be opposed by his doubles partner, A return match is tentatively had b*en *sked by the administra- A process combining the advantages of both ONE J George Hiraadi, who played im- scheduled at the Summit club the tion to instruct people from Mar- laundry and dry cleaning! | pressivety to down Pete Ketchem CHEER GOOD OLD 6L0RY first week in September. | ahall Plan countries' at McGreror Each shirt given individual attention according WITH A WOW/ OF | 6-3. 8-1. and Bob MHllgaa 8-2, 6-3. | plants so that they could re-estab- ! Second seeded Tony Megagee | | ILM industry in their own countries. to requirements, and returned on a hanger. Ideal AND OR0£R WINTERS NEW JERSEY'S bested the dangerous Dick Trow-j In U. S. After for gabardine, silk, rayon and other fancy sport bridge 8-3, 6-2 in his first round | He said groups from Norway, FUEL OIL NOW/ Naval Duties Sweden, Italy sad. othe/ land* shirts. LARGEST match but his brother Dick, ex- pected to proride opposition in Seaman Apprentice Lawrejice A. visited their factories for three or Only Each APPLIANCE the semi-finals, fell before the on- ! Walsh, USN, of 94 Kent Place four-day period* arid studied the 35 siaught of newcomer Bob Thomson !boulevard, has returned to the machines, processes, production? in- DEALERS in the first round. ) United States from a-Oaribbe&aJ-itntive and! methods The company \ The women's singles was marked i cruise aboard tb# aircraft carrier a!*o helped with a Post "Exchange"i USS Tarawa. The ship b now ,in buyers school at Fort Monmouth COR&Y'S EHTERPRISE LAUNDRY, Inc. by one stunning upset and a lesser j one as first seeded Betty May drydock at the U. S. Naval Ship at which civilians and military em- fell before Joyce Ftockiner 2-8, 6-2, Yard, Portsmouth, Va., undergo-1 ployees attended a 120-day course- Summit 6-1000 6-3 and Mary Beams lost to Gloria ing minor repairs. in tbe method* of buying. | Johnson. Miss Pecjdner, who has been giving evidence for several years of becoming a top player, V4C4TI0N-TIME fUN BEGINS WITH YOUR CAR! PRE-4TH OF JULY SALE SAVIHQSi •wore down and outsiugged her j opponent who has many Impor- | r.v+ JtAnt victories tocher fergdit. Miss » Johnson has "elso""Been ~"pT»ytog t good tennis for several years and in spite of the fact that Mrs. Beams was the sole Summit win- of Fun ner in the match with Mapteft'ood, Main Store Open Every Evening she dropped her match to Miss Branch: IS Beeehwood Road Phone: SU, 6-O008 Johnson by a score of 6-1, 6>4, Doubles Get t'nderway Play in the men's doubles wits herdly underway but Gilson, who has been returned the wianer In NEW this event in every postwar year, HOME IDEA BOOK seemed on the way to repeat with Regularly HSS a fourth partner as he and Dr. 5 ( TMDE-IN ALLOWANCE OF ALL Hinsadi disposed of Carl Holmes and Max Van Oven 6-1, 8-1. FREE 15 IOW PRICED SENSATION! Play also had only begun in the OME in and get yours to- mixed doubles. Dr. and Mrs. Rel-2 . ALLSTATE BATTERIES C day. Hi page* of prac- yea were given a stiff battle by ' tical ideas for Home Building Barbara Cottrell and Pete Ket- »nd Modernizing, ALLSTATE chaja before winning 6-3, 6-8, 8-6, 18 Mo. Guarantee Peeked from toter to eorer wif/i This was a tense, close match all jnl«re*(ing, Iirnr-Jating anrf moricv- the way with the Issue in grave Mtting ideai and /IOIC-IOHIOI /rom off the doubt until the younger pair fin- 15 ally succumbed to the steadiness g 1950 iituei of Popular Home Magaiine. of the Relyea team. And when you come for your free copy, you will have Semi-iimls are scheduled for Costs 45c per month the opportunity to see our 1MI EXHIBITS of the latest | Saturday and finals on Sunday of in home designs, materials and equipment. i this week, this being ^slight change from former years when COME OUT TODAY — YOU'LL BE TBRILLEB i, the tourney closed on July Fourth, Visitors are welcome ' at all ALLSTATE matches. V WtU install Ifofm^ txtra charge Women'! Team Lose* 24 Mo. Giieran*** U. S. BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. Last Sunday at Mapiewood V W*'B give you a 12 mo«Mi wrifftn Country Club, the women's team s guarantee 1 * < H & H I i D * * f . M £' & HI 5 of Maplewood defeated the Sum- V Wt'H cut 2.S0 off fh» regular PORTABl? RADIO TIKPHOHf SUMMIT t. 3 15 : mit Club's women's teem 3 to l. 10f Mrs. Mary Beams was the lone -price of 8.45 Costs 4o* ptr Month Fits many .95 16'i makei and ALLSTATE ©M and new 5 plus iorftry operofed Sthrrfcw America's Newest, Smarten Haidlop Convertible ploy I wl»»r# yo« playf Cfl* 36 Mo. &uanmt«« models— t battery* pact, ligfirweighf, -. «

SALE PRICE AUSTATE Regular MOTOR OIL Reg. 1.47 plui tax NOW SAVE 4tc

8qt. COR Jr M

Kwilf $500 of Custom Acwisorlis Included in the low Pita! • Rtilitt Breafcdo»vn —. Now §ee something endrtly new-th« Nash Rambler in a dazzling • Ctowier ond Gl

tihordtr jt-mtl, uphaitwtd in fin* Httdle-pnlrn, tfuipptil with marly ,

; Mm,jrt itftt tUMiiy o/f a/mm*!/ Man tlm Iffmt oftl^ar flats, with a eurvtd, 0li lh ; Conw In and drive It...ON DISPLAY TODflT firm Ixtmguiah«rs dailon Picnic Jugs PortabU ic« lex TV TUN ClUI ., . timth mtd Krfittatar nnnfaw ktf —«• •- m^, " . Pofwtoto Ufmt # Contolntr Ksspt F06di Dry ///mm: low ..2,44 LEONETTE MOTORS %*ff

l!l*lfi iMpi St. ft Summit Av« Ill Avt. I ./ WMMIT, NIW JIMIY '

- i- 1 THE SUMMIT HERAIP, THURSDAY. JUNE 21, IfS I • Pit II 29, Mountainside, oppoalte the well traveled highway. will handle a-1 major name brands SHS Graduate Wim ley, won the handicap jumping tht mounted squad event, the •KISS ME, .4L Engineering SomerMt Bus Terminal. The con- event at the troop'* Miniwl rtvltw major competition at the 20th an- The firm distributors for Hell |a llwCM !RC!Udjas television It's as old European custom cern, owned by Al and Lou Farina, Heating Equipment and ChryaSer Handicap Jumping Event at Wait Ormnge recently. Wlebe nual review held at Essex Troop and refrigerators. It has complete among tbe young that if a fa] play- $ on Routs 29of Scotch Plain* and HilUide." re- Airtemp heating and ropffng pro- James R. Wiebe, Jr., a member li the son of Mr. Wlebe, mcUl Farm, We«t Orange. fully blows out the m*tea her mate fflcjal op«Uif of A of U En- spectively, occupies .5,000 square ducts, ,Has a beautifar appliance sht-et metal fabricating facilities. of the class of 1951 at Summit (hop supervisor in tht Summit lng Co. formerly of Hill- feet of floor #paee and is one \>f ehowroom end remain* open!which include* builder and ret/all High School and of Troop C. of School, and Mr*. Wlebt. Troop A No machine Invented can blow companion ha* fu«t struck—rfs ft g lln Rottte the largest of ita type, along the nirhtlv until D n'ftm-V A .& 1 itnnirtmant • beited Troop C, 87 to MH to win took pl«l e I* v** nightly until » o'clock, A. &" L. Junior Essex Troop, riding Chic- as well as man. «ure xlgn sfte wants to be kissed.

Shop ^ sate for the first time on Paris-inspired Prestige nylons! The exact same nylons that created a smMQikm

W • : »"«/ r ^

Tomorrow, you get nylons by 5 grea,HParig couturiers—at a price you'd pay lor the most uiual hosiery. It'i po«»ible only because some rtyles may be altered this Fall. Be early—we'll haye^wrtra space, extra belp but the time murt be limited! es Fath's 20 colors in 51-gauge, 15-deniers

Regularly 1.63. You tare on gossamer sheen in colors with all the fltir tbat'i made Fatb a foremost name m fasriioht Come~?SlB!rfy~I"nd you'll find everfihing from subtle beige to absinthe green. Sites 8% to 11.

Playtime (true beige) Midday Brown (medium brown) Daybreak (light beige) Evenglow (mauve-taupe) Sunbeam (toasty tan) Morning Cloud (beige-taupe) Daytime (medium-tan) Afternoon (cocoa beige) Dawn (mauve-taupe) Sundown {chocolate brown) Cocktail Hour (neutral) Evening Shadow (gray taupe) High Noon (lively copper) Dusk (brown taupe) Starlight Blue (gray-blue) Teatime (soft black) Sunglow (warm skin-tone) Matinee (absinthe green) Sunrise (warm beige) Blue Skies (baby blue)

ROBERT PIGUEPS proportion*! ©(Njaugt, 15.dtnl.rt, rta. 1.95.

Tailoredtofit;inS(8yr10),M(8l/2.ll),L(9yrll). Playtime, Sunrise, Midday Brown, Daytime, Afternoon, Dawn. See Fath color* for definitions.

PATOtPS contrast hetls and itami luxury ihwn, "*>}$* P** ^___._^.».Biack heels and seams on Daytime or DuS, blue heel, and seams on Sunrise. 8^-11. See Fath colors for definition*,

JACQUES GRIFFE'S colorod ttam. on luxury theorf, rtfl 1 95. 51-gauge, 15-deniers. Black seams with Dawn; blue with Playtime; brown v with Sunbeam; red with Sunglow. 8%-ll. See Fath colors for definitions.

JEAN DESSES' wndalfoot nylont in 51 -gaugt, iS-deni.r; rtg. 1.95 pr. With just a ghost of reinforcement at the toe. Sunglow, Midday Brown,

Cocktail Hour, Morning Cloud. 8»/rll. See Fath colors for definition..

51-GAUGE, 3O.DENIERS^_ .r«g. 1.65 1M A buy in daytime sheers by Prestige. Ch'ooie Call your Midday Brown, Sunglow. .8^.11. See Fath colors local Teletervic* number and awe! Tdfttrvlct, man M 101 or owi il«fo dtflrttJ ttnalfc. MO 4-6000 MA 2-2600 RO ••WOO MI 3-0400 •,- V *

Shop Barn's Mormtown Friday 'til 9 P •"*--.,i^r- - THE &MM1T HgyA{.bLjgUKSPAY, JUNE Jl, JMH Betrothed Fifty-Four Summit Bridal Couple Leave Church Newcemmfo Engaged Mgry f, Heising Hme Luncheon Is Engaged to Youngsters Get Diplomas In Mid-July Plan Foil Former Resident Plan* for th# July 17 luncheon Mr. «nd Mn.. Fioyd The following children from bridge meeting of the Summit of South PfMwiic Menu* Mr. and Mr§. Rayniond A. Hds- Kununit received diplomas of Ing of 232 Oak Ridge avenue an- Newcomers Club at the YWCA. the engairemrnt of their ! KmduMtion from the Elkwood Play w«re formulated Monday evening nounce the engagfcmrit of thr^r School at closing exercises held J«not to John J. Powers J &t the home of the ehelrmaa, Mrs. of Mr. and Mm. John J poj" ^ * daughter, Mary Ellen, to J,Qse;'ii Friday. rf George Atifeman, Jr., scyv'bf Ms. H. George Strachan of «5 Pros- &» BeecHwood road * Susie Blttekmar, Meyra Green, pect UiU avenue; and Mri, Joseph Gtywge Ausman Charlotte HummeH, Ptun Bate, Uk* Woodward, »' of Amarillo, Teya*', formerly of Those who will serve as com- of the Mt Mr. and Linda Burton. Kathie Lcnnon, mittee members are Mrs. Todd Summit. Margaret Lombard!, Betty^Hayi. Woodward of flelrt Alexander, M». Kenneth W, Eric- York City, u a gmdu«t, Miss poising" is » graduate of .\o!« Ruppert, Gretchen I>»wlg, «.on, Mts. Janinti A- Hermann, of Sumptif High School and {he Col- Nancy Limbach, Susie Lawrence, h«O» High School and I*** Mrs. Gordon Iddlas, and Mrs. Louts College, l$-gi of New Rochelle; . | iSarah Pennlngton, Gail Petty, E. Van Damme. Officer* in at- ; Mr,, Power. aiuma,, Mr. Ausman graduated from' Ann Williams, Diane Slack, Kitty tend incc at the meeting were MM. an j Buonaparte, Elisa- Prior. Cindy Omtory Sdioo . Highland Park High School, Dal- . 'T. W. Allison, Mrs. Clark N : j Marsh, Pat-Marie Moeder, IMlty University. He j (>v"f 7" las, Texas, and from the L'niver- Breisch, Mrs. D. Douglas MaeAl- yeurs with the Navy. «ity of Texas. He Is .associated I Underwood, Joanne Smith, B*uby pine. Mrs. Frank W. Warren, and with the Genera! Elc* trie Com- McKoivan. Gail Fditoute, Alice Ma. Janies W Wd-flh and Mrs an insurance'a«tm-y pany. Elberson, Linda Lindahl. William Satterthwaite, A September -wedding ,s Also: Robert Wellbrock, Jimmy The deadline for making lunch- Lathrop, Charles Parker, Jeff Brown Graduate Leaves eon mjorvations » Thursday, Mary Ellen HrMng Spencer, Gus Hedberg, Johnny July 12'. Mrs. Hermann, Summit Janet Woodward 2nd U. John C Barton, USMCR, Hughes, Jimmy WUley, Tommy 8-4356-W, has been appointed res- LUNCHEONS eon of Mrs. Floranee P. Barton of Maggio, Trippy Franklin, David ervation ehajrman. MM, Wltllarn Darling of Hotel AND 66 New England "'avenue. Mt Two Are Graduated Barton, Scott RusaeJl, Doug Mc- Thursday for basic training at the Suburban has gone to liryn From Harvard Rae, Bobby Hale. Randy Risehe, DINNERS • Marine bast- at Quantico, V«. A Doug Treuting, Bill McCollom, road and Mtes Charlotte Child of Mawr, Penn»yh'ania, to visit her Fi.U'.k Boas, of 570 Springfield graduate of Summit High School, Harry MacWilliams, Donnie Die- Philadelphia, a classmate at Rad- daufhter, Mra. Willlarn Gow and detidom homeemked Barton was graduated and re- avfiiiir. was graduated from Har- fendorf, Robbie Eisele, Billy cliftV College, KfUSed for Europe ceived his ..commission at the -re-vanl University cum laud? at Monday on the SS Nelly, which is attend the wedding of her grand- meat cor/irnenceinrm *x-ercizKn held last Rowe, Johnny Matthews, Ricky cent commencement exercise) Young, Nfltchle Wllk," John under the auspices of the atudent daughter. Sandwiches - Salads held, at Brown University, Thursday. He received a bache- coiracU for international 'travel. lor of arte degre*. Swe«ney, Dickie Kixmiller, Ter- Mrs. C. M, Baylor" «md MM, Id- Ftne Wines & uqmr Another Summit man, Erik A, ry Fearon, Tlmmy Spencer, Billy They pl«n a'three month tour of England, France and the low coun- ward L, Alexander of Newport Stromsted of 22 Sherman avenue, Graves. News, Virginia, were guests at Beacon Hill Tavern New 1 tries. aV.o was awarded « B A. dfrgrei, Hotel Suburban for « week. 14 Beechwood Rd, THIRD DIMENSIONAL 1 .it the commencement exercises. The new executive board mem- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Skehan hove PHOTOGRAPHS bers of Franklin School ^PTA re- JUST MARRIED—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitney Paters arc, photo- rt-turned to the' Hotel Suburban IN COLOR— REPAIR SERVICE | cently were entertainecf*by Miss after a trip to Sarasota,^Florida. • Weddings graphed after they were married at First Baptist Church Sa^uw.iy, Watch Repairs Sarah E. Cadoo at her home. Plans iJune 16 at 5 pirn. Rev. Dr. David K. Bamwell officiated. The bride ; Mrs E. L. Dun bar of Washing- LEEDS • Children Pearli Restrung for the coming school year were is the former Miss Nancy Flindcll. daughtt-r of Mr, and Mrs, Edwin F. Outdoors or Indoors ton. D. C, is registered at Hotel Engraving : completed. Fllndell of 23 Oakley avenue. — ifroschke's Studio.) i Suburtxm for an indefinite stay. • Garden Scenes ..Plating, T E R RI FIC ! is the only word Crystals Fitted J Mr. end Mrs. Elmer Zuckerman From The Studio Of lot- Detroit, Micbifam'.are.. gu«t«^ : Immediately PERSONALS .:•-— - for our -.•••«.• •.:- - • at the Hotsl Suburban for *n in- Jules A. Wolin Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard and the program was "Educating j ing at her home. Thia was the Sna! . definite stay, 447 Springfield Ave. CARLANS daughter, Judy, of Unifln avenue, Youth Against Xareotica" ar.d Mr. meeting of the season. SEMI-ANNUAL (Strand Theatre Bldg.) Your Community Jeweler Bishop spoke aa prceident of the I Mr. and Mra. George A. Zebold Open Friday Evening* . New Providence, will leave June Open Fri. Eve«. 'til 9 P. M. 30 to take up permanent residence Humen Engineering Foundation. Mrs. George F. Eft!ish of * of Wilmette, Iltinote, are guests at Summit 6-0087 in their new home at West Palm etee avenue, with her .parents. Dr.I Hotel Suburban for ievewtl days 149 Springfield Ave. Su, 8-1448 and Mrs. CKarles Reitis of Walnut- Beach, Fie. . Mr, and Mrs. John C. Bennett j while visiting their daughter, Mn, of 40 Beekman road are planning port, Pa., Rttended the American jj. A. Trues of Summit, CLEARANCE SALE to move to Asheville, K.C., where Medical Association convention at Mn. William Fowler Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lob of and sorts William, Jr., and Laird they will malce their permanent Atlantic City from June II to 13. home. Mr, Ik-nnett, who built a „ _ _ _.._ Ol Dou?! Miss Margaret Geria and MM. C. A. Miller, of 28 Oakland I at 20 Lamed road. Mr, FinH*! Is NORCROSS which she was formerly president. Bu.sinesfi this month, graduating: i assockited in buslnfu with Adolph The club, which at one time num- with distinction, and will become place, and Mies Eileen Boyd of GR£ETING_ CARPS Chatham. j Root.at Root's Department Store. bered 50O members, ha^ recently associated with a bank at Rich- I Mrs. Finkei is the former Mlai at been reactivated and will meet mond, Miss Ev^ RvrsjK-it will re- Miss Yvonne Laird of 24 Windsor Marcla Hoot,'. each month. The July meeting will- main in the North for a time, be held on L>ong Island. The club Com* i«t —. was originated in Paris by Ameri- SIEGEL'S Stationery Store can.! a-ith at least six months resi- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stamler OUR GIGANTIC Thtie Wfrfidvrfu! Velufli and find .tons, Jo.*f-ph, Jr.. end Pati! of 394 Springfield Ave. Summit 6-2191 dence there, and members worked • $»It«t Two, Three or More Hah with French organizc.tlons during I 103 Fcrnwowl roa'l. bfivt' loft for SAYING SALE the German occupation. j Stonoy Creek, Conn,'for the sum-1 mor. STILL CONTINUES While H> Ha** hny M#reh»mlli* L«ft, Mrs. Austin Towner. of 220 Ho-' Our S.iir Got-? On! Running Now For : Mr. and Mrf. Fr^fi M(.ti?cr and one H'trh, U fomtnun With Wonf 35 4nd Other Wond»tfu) Valutv ( onm In »nd Se»—W* iMt night «t B public meetlnR held Bpcchwood roa mont. Mr, mi Mr*. Jameu W. YOURRUfiU of 2fl lyjcittt drive wll! !«v« 8«»t- iirrtay for a two-weekn trip to to IIDROSIAN for iaf« and thorough Canada, Pick a date R«v. ind Mf». Harold f. M«int* GREETINGS A.GIFTS of 70 Mnpls rtreet havp rtlurned •re hrought to you from from * vncfttten durinf whleh Cleaning and Storage from 1 to 10 . Friendly Neighbor! thfy vl*ltprl frl<>n*1« Mnd sr#](ktiVM In N««w YOTII gt*tt, Michigan, and rfio iumm»r & Civi« a Social Welfar* Wsmhington, D, C. Mr, Mtnte, who Leader* Is amlMtaiit' mlnlxt«f oi C«ntr«! And you'll H# rkhtr, no mA»«p how throu|h PrcDbytJ'rlAn Church, «Vo M. CIMHI Lllie Ntwl Cuifom elMiitd wllfi tht tarn* Indi- you choose. Arty saving* brought li«r* ton«*ktm t«(th« Alph* Obiloron 2% per «rtfmn. Save jun •« you 1*1 Alumnae of Northern N»w J#r- »ny oft Ttt«»d«y it pleaie—any amount at any time. Put Rugs Stored — Moth Proofed "T ir< your money to work foday—«t«t an Repaired if Needed Suit pictured hy Ck»l« of C!i!lfeml* U? account with $1 or more! Cwttomtri tell MI Mat Bobt it a vtrltablt paradUa. Think of ihapplng in Itlmrtly cor. * * Phone Summit 6-0500 mlnutti from your (»om«, and finding •vtrytW»9 yjj Smvt any amount any lime Ptrftctly out floor, l«$t of oil—-In your fovorlM brandi. SAVING* tmmmn t* •!•,#•# 0OOD- LOOKING ©LASSES Dividend* P.id Twice Yc.rly 1HOAOLOOM Bab* Irlnfi ColM»rnlo To Yau ASK YOUR IYE PHYSICIAN CAHMTINO of Summit '•cUral fornltt, MRM «f M»||f*rto4 Row Mnrl«- 'I'"'1 MIM of (.'itMfiiffllns Mt* hy HO«MII»HMI» »* • avfiif f AND MAN m% evemer thMmntn, ~ 31 I«MI)W#MI RMH * fvmmlt, H. i.

Op*n DtHy, ttt, 4, hi. t*i*ln§tt 4 Summit, N. J. 6tti Ornng«, N. J. ; SU. 6-3848 Oa 3-1006 j 418 Sprinir«#ld Am, K. J. 411 SPRINGFIILD AY1 THE SUMMIT HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNi 28. I95f IT ..* erlook Winifred D. Sorg Becomes Bride of at Stanhop* Princeton Girl Married Here Noted Stylist Bride-elect Tucker-Zenker The engagement of Mkw JJoro- Roy 5. Vogt at First Baptist Church The wedding of Miss Winifred Wed at Hotel Engagement Told |jiy Ark-en Roberta to Carmine Di lace and satin made with Sorg, daughter of Mr. «nd Mrs, At Garden Party ernard has been announced by H, Theodore Sorg of l Haslet slcevea and a full trein. Her Suburban Mr. end Mrs. Roy E. Tucker of her mother, Mrs, Clarence Eob- avenue, Princeton, formerly of fingertip length illusion veil was In a double ring ceremony in Whitehead road, Morristown, an- erts of Main street, Stanhope. Mr. Short Hills and Summit, and Hoy fastened to a. half-bonnet of the the Silver Boom of the Suburban S. Vogt, son of Mr. and Mrs, nounce the engagement of their Di Bernard li the *on of Mr, and lace, and ahe carried eucharis Hotel, New York stylist MarahaU Henry Vogt of 80 Piospect Hill daughter, Miss Jeanne Constance 13 lilies, white delphinium and lilies Adams of "Five Acres," Fleming- Tucker, to David Odgen Zenker, Mrs. Andrew DI Bernard of M avenue, toot k placl e here Saturday North street, N«tcong. j at the First Baptist Church. The of -the valley. j ton, became the bride of LeRoy nun of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Z-nk<-r of -17 Whittredge road. Miss Robert* i» A graduate of i pastor, Rev. Dr. David K. Barn- Miss Janet L. Sorg was maid of Beane of New Hope, Pa., at 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Marshall is the daugh- | The announcement ' was made Roxbury Hi£h School and Over- well, officiated at the ceremony, j honor. for . her water, and 'Mrs | at a cocktail party on the terrace and a reception followed at the ter of Mr* VVilmer Alice Adams. llook Hospital School of Nursing. Thomas F\ Troxell, Jr. of Upper at the Tucker home. Fortnightly Club. Philadelphia lecturer and author, |Mr. pi Bernard la a. graduate of Montclair Wt fiTPinonics ^held June 20 nt Matron of honor was Madame vlllp, PH., • w«s beat num. Ushers j given in honor of MKs l/misc | Roi.-klt>lU>r Memorial Chapel on pur banquet personnel Delia Vineifi, designer, of New wore Albert D. Branson of (Mm- \ Whittoniore; daughter of Mr. and | thp Midway univrrsity hriilgi', MRM,;' <*UIIUP| R. Koiger | York and Summit, N. J,, Ma- Mrs. Whittnnnrc' of 105 Nrw daint? Delia wore one of her own of Morton, IV; William K. Millar England a von UP, formerly of I MitJ.-i \Vhitt<'Miofs> was given la^t ri'LMtions, a formal gown of drl- of Arlington, Va.; John M. Moon '. Montcbir. M i e H Whittcinore'p | riight by Mis. Richard R<-g»T end (ihinlum blue Chantilly -lace, while of Bala Qynwyd; \V. Roger Sorg marriagp to Lawrence Franklin ! her daughter. MLia (»retehen"Reger, Call Miss Carpenter of East OWwfge; J^mrs B. Wright • the bride's mother wore a Delia Hine of Fairfiold. Conn., will ! of Monteluir. :«* original, a sweeping taffeta gown for Appointment of Upper Darby, Pa., and Kenneth take place on Saturday in Glen t Mr, and Mrs. Paul A. Colwell, A. Wright of N'cwton Center, Mass. pruned in summer roae garden pat- Ridge, Mrs. Boy S. \ ojjt i 19ii Park wtreet, Montclair, wllj- The bride was graduated from Brartfj:d BiUhrn'li Mrs, Stnnley A. Blanchard, of. | enlertnin twelve gueits for din- Kent Place School where .she WHS i The two ring hearers were four E.*>.sex Fells and MM, Walter K. niT at a rehearsal party Friday a member of the faculty this Student* »t ROTC tamps | year old Christopher, and eight Cabot of Upper Monteluir enter- evening. Oue^iU will include the ymr, and from WclJesley College. ! year old Johnie, son* of the bride biincd Mi«s Whlttemore at a members of the wedding party and Summit college siudenta who are Her hustmnd is an alumnus of ] through former matrimony. Mr. luncheon party and kitchen .shower of the immediate families and the 570 Springfield Ave., Summit,— Su. 6-3000 the Pingry School, Elizabeth, and The College attending ROTC camps this sum- best man was Andrew at the Blanchard home on Fells- Rev. Marcus B. Hall, rector of EASt ORANGE—The .Suburban Hotel System—Summit Havcrford College. He is associa- mer include William^F. Sabater. j wdsenbergof Swcetwatcr. Farma.. creflt Road last Thursday. A mis- j St. Luke's Church in Montclair, ted with Smith, Kline and French Corner . , , Jr., son of Mr. and Mw. Churchville, Pa., consulting engi- eellaneoiw shower in honor of land Mrs. Hall. Laboratories in Philadelphia and F. Sabatcr of 7 DeBary place, neer for the Fairies* U.S. Stee! ,1 -•• ; is a member of the- Merion Cricket [ Joins Naval I'nit a* Ensign Sabater, a junior at Lafayette, Is plant in iti new Bucks County lo- fipigfflMSiffifflfflsiasJSJSSJaw^ taking his training at Fort George You Always Walk Out Satisfied. Club at Haverford. cation. Ensign Richard S. Williams has | O. Meade, Md. i After a wedding trip to New reporttid for duty aboard the S.S. j Three Princeton students. Wil- The bride's sister and maid *of j IS YOUR FURNITURE READY I England. Mr. and Mrs. Vogt will honor, Miss Joanne Adams, the Powcr based at Newport, R.I. \ Ham R. Mcllvaine of 264 Oak CAROUSEL magazine illu.vtrator, flew in from „ ,,,-,, , , Ridge avenue;. J6shuK J. Ward of FOR THE FALL SEASON AHEAD? — Ensign . Willianu wa« graduated s J, , , , ,,,, southern California, while Mr. and ; 38 Hawthorne place, and EdwiVA n HAIRDRESSERS Mrs. Nicholas Meredith Turner ar- from the University of Illinois on j A Baldwin of 128 Canoe Brook Now is the time to have worn or drab appearing sofas rived from Oklahoma City. Mrs. 816 Springfield Ave. Su. 6-1983 June 17 with high honors. He was j parkway, are all at Fort Bragg, Turner had been on concert tour, .^...W...,chc|l|ri^irefurjb|!A«d. _ ,....."__, commissioned) at the university, ! N. C, -^singing under. hsx ...cclfibratocL. r e cci vtrrg "~ honors' ih r - \ns — N«va1 To Kater Bryn Mawr jmaiden name of Jessica Dragonette. Select from our complete display of materials, unit. He is Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ann Kirk, daughter of Mr. ! Madame Delia and the bride met Otis P. Wililams of 5 Greenbriar land Mrs. William A. Kirk of Colt during Marshall's cub reporter days color cor related,for your individual environment. drive and a graduate of Summit j road, will be a member of the as the Washington Post's fashion High School, freshman claas at Bryn Mawr this editor assigned to interview the Estimates Cheerfully Given Awarded Drama' Cup year. She attended Dana Hall Franco-Italian designer upon her John S. Tennant, 3rd, son of Mr. School at WelU'.iley. Maw. arrival in this country at the time and Mrs, Tennant of 220 Hobart of the British King and Queen's Saleswomen On Book Selling* Committee avenue, received the drama cup visit. Madame Delia was former Arline A. Alisopp. » junior at Royal Court coutourier. Joseph Zeigner & Son, Inc. at graduation exercises at Trin- St. Lawrence University, has been ity-Pawling, Pawling, N. Y,, on named to the St. Lawrence song- 47'i Springfield Avenue Summit 6-0039 June 8, for his excellence in dra- committee for next flower girl. If you ore thoroughly experienced in the selling of ' matics during his three years there. He will enter Massachu- better coats, suits, and dresses, and are desirous of setts Maritime Academy "in Sep- Hitierest avenue. tember. ! Piano Recital Given Win* Ipsala Ho«or» 1 By Carlini Pupils making a change for the better, you will be interested Members of Court ; Mis.i Jean Pellet of 2H Spring- Two local student's were ch«s«-n j Music students of Phyllis Mane- TENNIS RACQUETS 1 I field'avenue was avi-arded academ- ' field Carlini gave a recital at th« to know that after July 4th, we will have two openings member. ? of the Rhododendron ! ie honor* for the spring semes- JHABVARD (/KADI ATE — Erik Court at Endicott Junior College, ter Upsala College, the dean < Summit Art Association on ft rf- Arnold Strorn*.t*<], ton of Mr. and Beverly, Mws, for Wnior ckuv«. ' of students announced this week. ' cent Sunday afternoon, with for experienced saleswomen. Excellent salary and RESTRUNG Mrs. Aif J./Stronitrted of 22 Sher- day activities this la.»t week-end, r George A. Walker, baritone, Louis niaii avenuo received a bachelor a major event in the commence- | Wins 1-etter Carlini. violinist, and Mrs. Car- working conditions. Call or write for interview. ONE DAY SERVICE of arts degree on June 31 at Har- ment week-end. Senior Barbara J Charles D. Srsead, Jr.. of 619 lirii' assisting artists. vard College, Cambridge, Mass., A, Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Springfield avenue was one of 136 Those taking part were Penny where he majored In physics. He Lloyd A. Sloan of Summit undergraduates who were- award- {Buxto n, Judy Walker, Carolyn h»s been active on the Harvard avenue,. and freshman Betty A. ed letters end nttinerals for Lawrence, Jeff Bogumil, Ginny and up radio network as announcer and Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mra. participation in Lehigh Universi- Lawrence, Hdyvood Bush, Char- producer and won ninjor numeral* W. Gilbert Baker of Mountain ave- ty's spring sports program, it was lotte Hays, Jean McAlplne, Jerry fn freshnifn tra«k and major let- nue, were chosen by studeftt vote announced yesterday by the Uni- Pointer, Nancy Nichols,' Karen SPORT & rpr SHOP ter .in ,varsity .track .hammer for their contributions to eampu.~ versity. Snead was a cheerleader. Lundry, Bill Moran, Jr.. Jo Ann The Suburban Shop .throwing. He is a member of the life. Merdnny, Valerie Walker, Nina SUMMIT HARDWARE & PAINT CO. | llusty Pudding Institute, Harvard In Top Tenth Air-Conditioned For lour Shopping Comfort an associate in science degree. Kent Place : Epsllon fraternity. He ii a gradu- She hfl.i served as vtct'-pre^ident 359 Springfield Ave. Su. 6-7282 Mnrjorie B; Chambers of 1S2 Oak Millburn ate of Summit liijrh School. of her clns," and co-chairman of 321-B Millburn Ave. Ridge avenue, are currently in the the social committee. .Miss Baker, top tenth of their classes at Drew MILLBURN 64520 ; Awarded Master's who has been freshman class University, Dean Raymond A. president, -•served aa an u^her «.t Withey of the College of Liberal Degree by Harvard the commencement exerctse-s. Edwin E. Tuttie of 76 HIM Crest Arts announced yesterday. avenue WM graduated with dis- Heads Chapel SfniceJi Miss Ensdin haa just completed tinction from Hcrvard University Patricia E. Gulick, daughter of her junior year and Mrs. Cham- at commencement exercsvs held Mr. and Mr* Ivan E. Gulick of bers her freshmnn year In the SHOE last Thursday, it 'has been *n- 22 Valley View avenue, will be liberal flrts course. The former Is ncunced by the university. He was j head of the chapel services anil « graduate of Fort Hamilton Hi«h IN NEW JERSEY School In Brooklyn find the tetter awardeddd ia ddegre e of mastet r in wilill assisitt in tthh e musiic dtdepartment t j School in Brooklyn and the tetter The new "chic" hair out by The 1 of Summit High School. biwinea. ! ndinlnirtratJon. Tyttlc j of Colbytown Camp, thr Colby DrSantb Beauty Salon )• wiusing received Iv* A R. dogrpp from i camp for rcfugre children. Mis* Dogs to' Graduate gals to hpal a path to the door. RENT A SALE Haverfortl College. Havrrford, PA. j Gulick graduated from Co4by this M-^ltc your date for one soon, in 1949. i month. " At Beechwood Hotel Have real comfort this summer The public i.« invited So attend i "chic" huircut. Entire Stock of Summer Shoes the graduation exercises of the Mid- Jeixy Companion Dog-Tmining When von buy egg.* nnd butter Club to be held Tuesday. July | ffom Scl*lm!l]z Da\Ty, you know 3. at the Bwchwood Hotel at 8 ^^ ^ eotting t&p quality. Many SPINET "MAJORING , P •»• AnlKW.. WftH^^n^Mrs. Ann ; ^^ wbA tocnd nn Schmal. wonderful milk and cream order and novicp classes reaper butter and egrs. too. IHU;A\ Classes will be suspended for • * • IN BASEBALL the summer and will resume in Hall'fl SIIOJK, 30 DeForrst «vo- to $18.9S September. rnw, ff-aUitr Trimfit «c>ck.<» for the Rinnll fry. When ordering barefoot sandals \>r keds for your young- PER Whit* . Hut ft Whir. . .. Irown A Whlrt . . Red WERNER ster, include Miiif Trimfit. Saves a lot of shoppine nround. You can rent a lovely Hammond MONTH I, Whir* To S«w Organ for only $25 per month at 25 People catch on tml that The Griffiths, the hotvn of oil model at Summit Hills Florist do « beauti- Also R»4. Orttn and Hut Calf far Drtts and Walking Hammond Orgoni in North Jersey. Rental Money ful job of wedding flower*. Deco- ration* in rtiurch or home and Can Be Applied to You con k«9p this Hammond Organ bridal bouquet* are a refll feature. Purchase Price LAKE EDGE for a% long a* six month*. If you d«- LM your name wish them, Wotchung. N«w Jtrsty • • • * cid» to pwrehoM* It oil the rental* you When the -bent comes, you will have paid may be applied to Htth# for be diwhing to shore or take UP porcho*« price. Th« balance, can b« paid ovtro Ions p«rfod prepared with 'bathing o«P», *un- of morithj. ' Clearance of all • Luncheon (nmtan lotion* «nd »ueh. Pharmacy abound* •" Iveryone who ho* *##n or»d htord tb« Mommond • Cocktail Hour Items. * conftrmi the fact that it ii on* of th« »anKjHccl for your One *nd Qnly. vUlt Kugene FILL OUT-TEAR OFF AND MAIL 75 year* l>y Uig iwinc of the National • Supper ,lun(f, jflwel#r of Bwchwood rowel. Hi«M »nd m« full dttail* on yo«f Hommowl League. 'Mir \S|MI Delia t>t I»ndon Shop. B«>- n tliconly ()lfi(ial I'^e ball ever Used by Mrthdatt* tatur of cloning for the lummr ihc Nfttional I.cjg"? MIK? in beginning. month*, Ma. KIMNWAY HfMlKffiNTATIVM - Town* Luneheowtte. Ooid eut#. 603 BROAD STKEKT, NEWAKK 2, W, h SUMMIT HARDWARE rMMMt pUtMi «r h*t 4IHIM revlv. South Ave y »p!»J»Ji>« m«*t cut* Ule». for tdutAtle-a; »U,000,OOC for Fomuhiluiii for the itirmtK'K cf 't>te> fear ut wide»prc*d tax ad* a State Lacks Tax just merit" • • rent expense*; the taag'range one Bwctl on the -^...._-, mmm iw h«««fe '%. DO YOU will und welf*rt; 190,000,000 for medic*! ijan. Tbta !• th? Hrnt in »'i Property T»s ftltiin lour«f of establishing a eourKl t«x eya- ua* eeaiiuily oompletcd n of building; |S,OOO,(M>0 tot b«**ch Other* w id IK! p r t » «ti t c n at the DRINK Policy That Plans A balanced SUtf budget ha* gene ml utAte i»urpo*e*. Thl* no« «r««ian; and other million* far been achieved in the pati of diveriion I* (MKibta only ji»y »diu»tminU, civlil»n defenw, ing Command, y, g, Man Ttoa You Worn To? fes the govtminvnU years by (II a jijarp inare«i* in timtt, the Couinil»*i»n augr«tti nt the national emergen- Ri>d relief of locwl twtpnyeri. For Future Needs •y, State and loeal, ing Station, Newpoft IT Xvw .h i due to prtuperoMW tiijnrs; that the Legilature conn I tier cy which rt«trlcU highway oon* The lanf>ring« mrt it lUli for ALCOHOLICS EDITOR'S XOTK: The follow- \i requests for «.iidi" broftdtning the t«s biuie by one or Iven »t th|t, «* H found, ne»tbie tA« structure b the for tii-hoot*, for wci- xwtponemenf of many in* ing nrUHr on N>\v J^rM*)'* las I.miii! r.liiila more of the following! (J) a,r«vi» O'riicoit ha« «tr«M«4, fMrtd to the ne*d* of A fr»#ing 160 SpringfieW *v»nur ANONYMOUS l.iit . fur •ii htiayti, for salaries, payments; and S3) the [tolit y t* (tr«'|»nrr<| liy (hr Xew lion of buiines* t«««! «g< tax on heavy tructtt: (S) a th« «ni of >. Inability to «attefy many "of : purposes other thmn__ road build- ttu problem*" For example, th« er local taxes? Kaoh of these pro- these legitimate demand* sugg*»i«s general «»le« Ux; (4) « perform! budget dotf not t*k« into eonald* training f&r>tay wh« will new I ing. Many revenue resource* are fKMtli will be discussed in detail the necessity for eitiiens to be- income tax; or (3) a grant of op- (ration ntw noedi which m«ny In furtntf articles. K new duty aMignmem, come tamlHar with the tax system [being tapped to the estreme. This YOU CAN'T BUY of the State. Aji nunifrous -siuriits i emphasizes the targe number of have concluded, thf State of N<-* . iniquities in. the tax- structure. Jersey is compioti'Iy kicking in a The "besie tax philosophy ha* THE SHOE long-range fiscal policy «ntl ha* j (ailed to keep pace with the cheng- no tax program a hie to provide , jng economic and industrial con- WITH THE for the needs of « growing ?U-Ui?. |ditions. Alatm.-d at tins situation, .«r New Jersey, Respite being one of iEAUTIfUL FIT BETTER COFFEE! group of utiiens nw.t. recently to jtJuv greatest industrial states, de- form ilie Nr\v Jersey Citizen* | ppnds largely on local property Tux fitudy Foundation. Modeled j taxes for its revenues antt these slici the New Jersey (.'onstitution- local taxes on a per capita basis are «! Fou n da t i »i>, which laid now higher than those in any other the groundwork for the revision industrial state. Improved admin- •of Uii; State •Conjitilulion. in 1947. istratLoQ And... beter assessment Top value... this group bflievrs that if the policies would help, but they j HtizuTiS ujniersMnd their present would not solve the problem. As [ t«x system,1 intelligent revision a matter ut fact, New Jersey 1 low prices in this can bt / in ad i*, spends almost as much per Because of the, public intertsl In ] for government as do other highly taxation, your lr>caJ r in states. Tax collec- ceoperotion with the NPW Jersey | (ions for the use of the state gov- twice yearly event! Press A*J* wi1'* of HIM nrticii's, • i «pprar e) • and 0- per cent of *all tort** AND LOAN ASSOCIATION locnl taxis. To r-xfim the* present •4 Mate St. nt Sl»*^ssnt Av». 21 WASHINtiTOS; VI. tax structure to provide for any MONEY SAVER! UNION EA»r ORANGE major increase in spending Ls Mora, betttr cvpt ptf pound '"stubborn reluctance to face

The Wet Hen and the Weekly Wash

F YOU were in the middle of the family When they do you may be sure that darttge« I laundry — Hke Mn. Jones —»and some- are repaired as quickly as conditions permit thing happened to the electricity, you might Wars — even small ones — have their ef- 0 lose-up. ...01 an American Tradition ! call up the electric company feeling madder fect, too. Right now we are on priority on than a wet hen, too. many essential; items needed to bring you ' We don't blame her — dependable electric dependable electric service. Copper, for in- later, tt*ry quality-conscious free simplicity of a dwiga wiih Up 10 ride that's unequalled anytehtrt lot aervice ha« become a baaic necessity. Even' family fails in love with a Packard. 23% fewr uorkfojt puflt than in (gentle smoothness «nd wditringty htm stance, is restricted to 75% of last year's j-,-Th*t'»--tn American tradition. engines at" comparable power. readability. unavoidable Interruptions are difficult to usage though the needs of a growing popu- And orver h«s the pride of Packard You fltt th« ctmaaing srnnottine« of The dMpor y©w te«k, the better you'll tolerate. In our modern way of life, when owntfihip been 10 completely ptuciiat, Packard* mltwve Uitramahe Drive. lation call for more copper/ know why Puckftrd hM chalked up the you flick a switch it haa to work. because here you're getting not only the And with ir: rlie exrra effaienty of IM most illustrious durability record in mto* lespite the limited auppl/of Iftbor and ntw t«r of the ye»t... but the fi/Htiwfing slippage u/htn crtiiiinf'. motive hmory For it'* » fact th«t at «lt And, when you think of It — it doea work most likely 10 Hay thjt way fur materials we are going ahead as rapidly a« You^et the lamed I'Mlitrd Limousine the Packsrdi bwllt—in the 1»« '^2 ynn almoit every time, y a ye«r to come! Just consider Ride, with ill its liew m ttill in it powibli with our expansion program. Our point! like their Of course, atom™, accident*, and other men are working nix days a week instead of Y«w §*f fh« •ff(ci«n«yl »nd the incred- ible imomhnemt, of new P»ck*rd Thyrj- unpredictable events are going to happen. the usual five to keep pace with your d derbolt enginei—America'* higbeil- •wM^'4fe-(3Sf>* * 'i&f #•:' 7 i tigblt. PIo*: the strpiet- wwttowMi mtu Jersey ventral Jtoower& Light

Consumers Agency, Inc. >*?~:-f:;>m. «ys 7* WANKUN PLACE SUMMIT. N J, THS JUMMtTHERAlOr THURS&AY, JUNE It; I »51 Me- G«orge Wa*hlBf£on'* ftrit in LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT augural wu held ia Nit York LEGAL AV\ EKTISEMENT LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT IJQGAL ADVERTISEMENT Uth day rt 3\Hy. n*« at ISAM. u mor# »4 4 iit -. 165!_ at 8:00 i'.M in old Municip»i ' Prob»te Division, on "' Notes of the City of Summit, tn tft'e House In the Gity of Ellwtbeih, N. J,. BuiidinB "I! Siinunit Avufttise. Summit i»ld tlfceaitd wuhln *.lx moutitc H<.«n NO IFS OR IUTS County of rjni;jn. New Jtrtf>y to spter • of »»ld Title, »»,« icy other on N. J , at wliich Unit »jid plAti; any the date of *»ld order, or tfyty will i)V Men BsM Appromlation. Jorevej barred from urojiecutlng or rt. RUBBER STAMPS WEDNESDAY.' THE »TH DAY OP pfi'sou who may oe ttuereeted uiei*- HH JTAl,: ft hereby appropriate* for the In ihaii be giun an opportunity to covering the same againat the sun- mi VAI.IFV smu« Punnmrt to due mum by the Board hfcio piupuse of acquiring as part of JULY, A I). 1951 j be heard voncerjitDa such Ordlnancr. scriber*. '--, IL ft, I'RATI* of -rauc»tioij of the rity ',,f summit. n* tlte of the propost-d Lincoln SchmjJ H two o clock In' the afternoon of j Dated: June a 1931. CALL SUMMIT 6-7197 PRO ' County of Union. New Jerte> ri». "i'"'1-.*. ln lh* Cltsf *hfcwn °n H» O4VIO J. MACK1S. NEW fURNITUKE Official Tax Aueuinent M«p «» Lot* VIRGINIA MARL-OW, ^»t it* mticliUK luld Juae 5 J9J]' All the following .tract, or parcel bf ! Sorr. tary m.jric turn of (Jo.oCg has to 1n the r«cit«) hareof; lajly deacnied.-situate, lying »n**•««., .-»-- -"-..». ...».•• Sertlon 2, The det»rnmi»tlou of l|ig In thp City of Summit,, In the f U2 Springfield A»e, VUlt Our ahow Boo TWILL MARKING DEVICES been «t'.m*ttdx«*ed SUK! drtcrintned l hw lhe um tierel NOTICE TO CREDITORS •at Hlestatlow evernltlH. l,r«vr* Uiml- ua. the amount sj«-i.- »my !t_>r school *hi n * >y diiproprlnted County of Union and stale of New Summit H.J. • •• . Op«n Every On «hi!l be Sevled andt collected or bor- Jersey; Vailty Rd. Uttrtiuni CL I-7OJ 382 Broad St., Summit, N. J. |t« fttlii tffetilve up t<* 6 month*. Javv parfi")»riS lf.r tl;;.. DU!]iQ?,« of fuqulrin:: BSTATB OF ELMA O. DOUBLD. De- 2-3-«-5-g e » w 3 w FM». IT.80 «*e. p*ittl, ipray, bru«h or pour. *Sc, M p«rt of the Un- oNihe propose) rowed upon, pernuneut bonds M r«- BEOINNINCi at » ttone mouumeut f |,7», *!*» »vitiit>tf )n double Unrola Sc;ifK,,.| ihe liuitSs'if^ the Cltv ffried to in Section 18.8-13 of the He- vised Statuif* is huttty postponed and on the northerly side line'if M6rrl» Pursuant to the order "of CHARLES' Uvtrtcltt PR" BOMB. J.*9. Ouir«nte«« shown on i'\ Official Tax AA*^-merit Avenue distant 2SS.47 feet easterly A. OTTO, JR., Surrogate of the County i «» itmn^v tuck if no! satl»tte<), I Promissory Notpj of the City of Sum- Map MI La's 1 snt! I'V ui , mlt. New Jersey.arp heifby authorized from the easterly side line of Ash- of Union, made on the eighth day of it *» dri»x Mores. lui Ut.DiuViiiu the [ to tje lssu.fd in the principal amount of wood Avenue, from uld point of be. Juiu.' A. ».. ISJ!, upon the''application i Mjot exeefdlug $50,000 in anticipation of ginning running thence (I) along of' me undersigned, m Executrix of J tinur the levy »nrt collection of taxes laud* of Alton** Lepore North 15° 13' the pirate of sain deceased, notice U or ofK^hp- authorisation and sale of East 105-60 feel to a point on the South- liereby glvin to the creditors of tdld erly siaeiineof Broad. Suert; thence |>enrmi)ftn^ bonrK »s may sub(.cquettt- dt't'i-dsrd io exhibit to the bUtXicrUitT ly hp deteiftitned. 12) along the Southerly side line of .utuirr oath or ntflrniatlo:i tlietr claims, Broad Street Easterly on a curve to ana denuuids aealust tiif estate of Section 3. ^iid -Promissory Not«* the left the radius of which U 5U2.28 «ald dtH-t<4*t-(t within six mouths from TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITYTO SAV E *hall hear !ntpn«ixgt a rat? or r*»e» feet for a rtutaucr- of 101.08 f<*et to not in excess at slither centum (6%) iho dute of snlii ordrr, or they will b* lands of Antonio Natale; thene* (3) forewr barred (rotn. prottcrtitiue "f **- per aimuni, All othrr^inattiirt in re- along lands of said NaUilp South 15' spect of 5(tld Promissory'-JSotM shall covering ih*. giinie aguliifct tHo «uli- 13' West 122 17 feet' to the aforemen- see ih(5r. t>e dft• nnlrifd by rrf.oUiUonXor rtfio- tionr-d Northerly side line of Morris lutlojis h'T(>»fter adopted or, purimant Avenue: thence <4i a!on« the North- KL1NOB H.. MARTIN. to iB|(l r«.solutions, .by the official t-xK'uUtig lhe *arn* nr by a flriftnclal erly fide Jlncof MorrU-Avenue North Mrliutlf-ld Avt,, Section 4, Thp Common Council be- Summit. N- J. ing the governing body of the City, Bel-ax commonly known as No. 198 3-3-4-5-6 o ,i w 5 w Fee* 17-80 hereby concurs in and consent* to the Broad Sue-et, Sutnmlt. New Jersey. mid nDp'oprintir,)) and to the Iwuance There i«-~ , H)51, upin the applleiittoii j n« to both prlnrlpal Bnd lnterMt from CITV OP Kt'MMIT.i N. «jf tho lisiilprslviJt' il. as Eserutrls of , ?rt vslorom taxrs which may h» levIM HIP ^tdtr of salt) drreicHf, notice t» | •without, limitation »*.tio mt« or imount l^r^by H»Vin ln Hir ix rnontru from : from thp dste of pnbllcattrm thereof : Permlta, by Adding Supplement (f) I this date of »atd. ord^r. or they will he aft'r final piussaRP as providpd by l«w. thereto of "Thp Sunltury-Mllk- | forever h»rred Irom pronMUttnK or re- Plumbing .Code of the Board of rovprlng the »am« ngalnst ihf> sub- Fines* NOTICE Health of the City of Summit. N.J." scriber. . Tiii« ordinance published herewith BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of MAItOAHET A FOUST. was )i!!ror|iiccd at a mefjing of the Health of the City of Summit, Union Common Council of thp cjiy of-Sum• County, New Jersey: SCHMID A BOUnNE. At'orneys.' mlt, In the County of Union New 1. Section 7, Article 3, Tltl* 3 3B2 hprlnsflfld Ave , Jercev. held on June 19. 1051, and will (Plumbing Code), Permits, of "The Summit, N J. be further considered for final passage SiinlUry-MUk-Plumblng Code of the 2-3-4-5-fi o s w 5 w Fe?« $7 SO after oubllc hr(\rlnn Rt a meetlnK of Board of Health of the City of Sum- CROSS SHOES «, salt! Common Council to be held at mit N.J." Is amended and supple- NOTICE "i« City Hull In snld city on July !7 mented by adding thereto section (f) 1S31 nl 8:30 o'clock P M ' ns follows: TAKE NOTICE that Frank M;i»lno WILLIAM R, O1LSON and Frank MMlrtn, Jr . tradlnss M 3-"' Cltv Clerk "Section 7 (ft. Industrial Build- ings. In the Installation of special- Mftslriti & . son lias applied to the , It» the most eagerly awaited sola in Amerko—- ized equipment where conditions State CdiinnLsslonpr of Alcoholic Be*- ; LOSING OniHNANCE erage Control for a State Beverage j OARh OF AIJlliSTMENT niay arise requiring exception or yovr opportunity to make realty importer*! exception* to th* Plumbing Code, Distributor License for the prermtcs i sltuntcd at 55 Park Avenue, Summit, j NOTICE such exception or exceptions must on famous Red Cross Shoei! We hd»e a be shown In the plan and specif lea- j N. J., nnd to maintain a warehouse j Tiic regular monthly mectlm; of thi- 1 ttons filed for the work to be done. 1 at 55 Park Av<>nm\ Summit. N. J . ; ieledion of distonlirwod sryfei, buf not every TURKEYS Summit Zoning Ordinance Board or and to maintain n salesroom si 55 •Artftisrmpnf -wHi--be hrttr-ftr thfr cny - H»ll Monday evening, July 9, 1931. av Inspector finds the exception or eit- T .—ityi(r--in---«v«ry'--i1rr hntfT'eordT;'So~ come^ Varfyf" elijht o'clock. eeptiona mechanically iround and Objections, It any, ahouid be mad« i ln no w»y Interfere with the tanl- lnmwdlatcly In writing to State! The application of Samuel D Vs- Commissioner of Alcoholic Be»er*s* I eosl will be prisented and taken up tary operation of the drainage, sys- tem permlsalon may b» granted by Control a', 1M0 Broad Street, Newark. \ for consideration. the Board of Health to make luch Dated: June 21, 1931, j Dreiiy, caiual and walking ttylei Sold application requests an excep- exception or exceptions to the FRANK MAS1NO. I tion to the zoning ordinance, to per- Plumbing Code," j :.1 IJndsley Place. ;' mit the erection of R single-family 2 All Ordinances or purts of Ordi- Orange. New Jersey, ', Medium, high and low Ke«|« residence, corner of Hickory and Bev- nances of the Board of Health of i erly Roads, ela»*r to front property the City of Summit, N.J, incon»l»tent FRANK MASINO, JR., line on Beverly Road than proscribed herewith ar« hereby repealed, «,nd thli 21S Like Street. ' Suedei, calfikini, potenti by ordinance. Ordinance shall taks effect upon final NewarK, New Jerney. Any objectors to the urantlnps of pawsuKe end publication according to : the above application will be heard law thirty (30) days after the date j Blacki, browflt, rods, gr««nt, b\vt at said time and place. of thp fl,r,it publication hereof. I NOTICE TO t'RKDITOBS ZONING ORDINANCE I I. VIRGINIA MAKLOW, Secretary ' BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I nnd Clerk of the Board of Health of j ESTATE OF ISABEL T. MACKIK. also KINOSLEY G. THOMSON, I the City of Summit, N. J., do hereby j known as ISABEL TURLAY MACKIE, Secretary. certify that the foregoing Ordinance I 4 was duly Introduced and passed at Pursunnt to order of CHARLES ', ZONING ORDINANCE for a limited tint* only I FRYERS BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT Hurry in for bftt «eieH an e*ifep- Minimum spate. 25' x 50'—Can be located off Main •!on to the zoning ordlnnnce re«ulat- inc "U.s'a" nnd "Arm.1." In 'B-5" von's to penult the me of property Road or Highway known as No. 57 Beauvolr Avenue a* a fonvalmcent and fresh atr home. Write Oivlnff Complete Details to Nee Dell Shoe Stores Any ohjectom to the granting of Box No. 348,17o SUMMIT HERALD the above application will be heard «t said ' Imp and place. 386 Springfield Ave. Summit, N. J. I ROASTING 7ONINO ORDIN'ANCK IKlAFtn OF ADJfSTMKNT. KlNCiSLKY (1. THOMSOrf,

4 CHICKENS NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT NOTICF IS HEREBY: OfVKN, Th»t the 3rd nccmint of the julbswlbern, Truitr(i •.mtt>»r ti'»l»M Will and Tests- men! of John D Morsun. rtfrcusert, will ne n'ulliffi «nr! «tiit>»rt by fh« ^iirr'-ijatf. m:ri rencrted for «ettlen)jnt_ rl rft^Tf:PrirtiV Division, nn Tn«(l»y, the .list day of | FRESH KILLED July, next,, at Ifi A.M Dafd' .I'.nip j3nrt. 1M1 MATTIE n MOnOAN, Th? First National Hank nnrt Tnist Cnmpany of Summit. N.J. j McOarter, Kngli^h A- Rtudrr, Atty'a. f 11 Commerce St.. Newark. N. J. i CAPONS 4.5-8.7.0 a w 4 w Fee *8;O0 j flONINO ORDINANCE lit. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENt

..;. :::: . .: NOTICE . ;.... ._„.]. The regular monthly meeting of the 45 Sttramtt- Zoning Ordinunc*-- Jio*tA of AdJ\i»tment will be held In the city Mail Monday evening, July 9, 1M1, »t eight o'clock. The »ppllf-s,tlon of B*rth« T- Oor- ton iinrl Eawts of Thoma* P. Prout, rterPafed. will be pretented and taken i-WA¥ CHOICt I *U»e«ry »nlt«ri\">i. f'liitrary to the provisions of lhe /-i»nInpt orrti"iiin'<" Anv objectors to the k'nmlliiK of • lie «bn\p appllffltlnn will f>« heflrd ni .xiiifl umf antl iilncc. f,(')NINO OHIMNANCK AHn OF ADJUSTMENT INOHI,K¥ tl. THOMSON, -" SU Spring LAMB SINUS TROUBLE Square Cut Hi, and ASTHMA

Shoulder HOW INTMINATIONAIJ-V fAMOUS RH «RT AMAZINO RKOITLt* eil SOP the mtlrle by fitmfd BUILT TO TAKE 1T1 T«it-tra«k proof—ownerihip proof—long le>rm rtgii- 69 m»i«'%l!. I" Tlte CMmiipoll- ,iet!lnt! (url.il tlin ri-ailltB foundotion—i»i h«ovy-duty frftme—li frotten proof—any way fw timk MWCURY yow Und i'*'n IIITHIHIHI rxpcrlein'e? It »« CANNED HAMS 85 .irtniit tu hp»!Ui tint It w«n «d for ifrtnuow drivinfl. •»* »P»ete' d"1*!" documented proof of h«odlin« performance, durobility, •». Vniter! BtutM H*liM* f-V>emnei»t .. Huule » V p^ovld« tor lower unsprung weiflh!. •. o*««w»i j« laillflg of»rf •conomkal powif f lry>-today- Hid »'»» rcprlntrt I" Th* Hiwnl. Ami (tlrt yott «M thf urtiolc hv better i icling on anyroad. Exclu»ively d«»ign»d and built for MERCQtY, the Hrlputf KclItuK. WftJdrmur K»wn|»mrt. mighty Vtyp» 8-cy finder •nght* •mbodi#t many ipeciol 49' 1 builf r FRANKrUBTS • ii, ThV Nf« V.»»b Tl dwriblim MERCURY'S body I* rego* * • ' ' '« •*"* l of features for reliability dcid continuout economy. !rr»tlW totmlt •h»ngtr. with ctll-»t«el torntrucilon. wtwrely h»oted ()nH r,inforc«d O» .lrote,»k potflU. No wonder Y#Jr MERCURY fomf ttumi from ottion on (he rood— Prieet Effective Thtiri,, ftt, Siir., Mow,. 1 Tuts. MOOKR.H trf»tmH MERCURY lost* longm, from *(Onomy and ptrformane* recordi and enthuiioirit mERCUHY rti'l even In nj.p»f«»H> t«"l»j-l*« <*«* own*r«hip report! that can't b* disputedt tn mi ln^Uhldttll1 l1(H>k (Hily III, NF.W MERCURY'S enelne U built to t«l«« ••• ><>0- '•• P ChKlf th» MWCURY ttory yw^elfl Coll on your oT>our SUBURBAN AN» AttHMA elio0 pother ~ MERCURY dealer ond get Hi. fact* today I or of help keep MtRCURY nun h»p- or TMi with »un«iir •*•»<»•» hta #25 VM. ftmrt t. ,„ l f«r

{f1 it ) w «clum-rt if. rw mj h B JOHN L DIETCHE MOTORS. INC. MARKET IL JL< DELIVERY 10*12 franklin Wt tptfuff Mtf A v. mm !•#»» 4*»W \ THE SUMMIT HffttALD, THURSDAY JtINt tf.^^ C-0Drops Game to Paterson-Summitvs. "Belleville PAL Hardware Corby, Bell Labs Jolted for Game Played in Bad Weather j Sports'Sidelights Here Tomorrow; To Nip IACF, 10-8 Trailing 8-6 going into the bot- tom of the sixth. Summit Hardware First Defeats in T Softball ! COACHES WILL MQUBN Tie Irvington. 1-1 rallied for four rurw in the_ bot- 1 I»tal b e « e o » 11 fast were Rain was not * the only thing which affected the B -Out Hit Opponents 6 to 3 The wosld may be more cockeyed than ever before but tom of the alxth to defeat Italian Softball League week before last Public'Service dumped to 6 re a! old-fashioned American Civic Federation, 10-8, In a eame olaved under the very worst of conditions.; th t hasn't'changed the eondiUon of things when it comes last Wednesday night Corby's Laundry, 8-6, to hand the league leaders their ill a. Mm,w»;v .„_„ J „ A_O jJaoisiftn Tfl . ,.._ : i: fn,<* M^IIDE rtf nnr> tftums Will tnotim in mn "A" Softball League geme constan B t aHzzle, C-0 Two dropped a 4-2 decision to:t o gfaduatAion time. The coaches of our teams will mourn when the first defeiit, and Root's Men's Shop knocked off Bell Labs 11in1 aR CUIUtUtUl Ul.li.cic, wv * ., ~ rr._ ^ . . being i at Memorial Field, June 18. , 15-13, for the latter's initial setback. Public Service 8C« — —— players and hope for the best. As for the Jads themselves, |pregent to throw out the first bail j coupled to « two-biwe 'error by and Tony TireHa with ft home run, «w. r. h.i fly bell on which Monk Trlola got their high school days are over and something altogether | and officially op~h the lota! home j fefortarulo enabled the Hardware Carlaon, •* 5 1 2;c to tally fftur times. pacfd-the. winners at the platt-, S 1 * slow start*let in the »th«?r two different is on the docket. If it's a whirl into the college {season. ' •» •-"« •*»* •«•"— a a 3ij»uiiio. :ih" ' Twill Raps IACF Pebby Brunnan and Bill Howe V'HBtOi*. runs. Summit scattered its hits Kin© errori behind Leedale, I > realm, new opportunities face them in the field of athletics. SVM.MIY collected iwo biu* each for th« Anj;ll', ill Ih over five innings and in only the *AB M 8 ro A E j which added to hi# wildnese, gave lb i 1 : If they are about to embark on a journey into the so-called 1 , 3 l a 1 i 2 ! TACF five of its six runjs. Sud»mc;n. l,aau»»r, rf 4 0 UiVero. If sixth when Lefty Pecca and PatAs Both Teams 2 4 2 3!fHIIty, 2»» I ; cruel, "cruel world—a brand new world will, open up forjg!^ 10 116 tf Banaaiak bunched two singles IACF (HI ;minium Hardware 16 Root's win over Bell Labs (I i BOTU.' : I 8 II I 2 »b. r. Ii.! **>. r. h. Host land,. U 43 I1 ijUmbani1JO»M, it i ,» them. It was always thus! ' ——' a alugft'Bt all the way, with the Clprlttnl, p 34 12I )j fowlrrU . b 1 2 were...they..able, to get more than i 2 a o o Iann?Ua, Ih 3 O l;autii*. It) i I 2 '-i 1 on« an ginning. However, Summit Fall Apart, 13-5 DID YOU KNOW THAT- 3 6 e • e o MoneruSo rt 3 t liW.Oerttll*. rf i 1 2 winners garnering twenty two 3 ! 0 4 4 lSKcelJtL . M *. I ! Tqtalf 39 1^ 195 'Toi»l» remains right in the thick of the Twin 'Marking got out ahead \ \jQre tnan i.ooo.OOO book matches are given away rf 3 1 i « ? *!"*!»€«•«,*( 3 0 Imuthtt,"tl .1 "i 1 hits,- and th6 losers ntneU>en, M, By»n, 3b 3 « 3 8 10! 3 1 I fight for first place- in the New 'Gl«ntMte. If U (I r'Tfloio. s» Formiche'lia with "four and four" tt 4 « 1 6-o in the rint inning in the. Juw •w ith tobacco purchases every- hour of the day? MeCleUand, S 9 0 0 I (1 (J Jersey State League, having' lost 1 1 1. Ustt, 2b S J S» ii i o ?jan«l K. Fowl.* and J, Schneider 20 twilight -"A" Softball League ! . . . i # • PixxulU. ,»-„„. s i o.fkunfinpo, while Jersey cit>' (ateitf„ - Field against Totftla 27 « I 31 6 5 48 (j) Every time you blink your eyes your vision is shut IKY1SGTON r. A. t. Aufitron.H»n». ,3 rbi J3 l% «lM«HIti• *.c»tt*no, . tb 3* 3o tj vvith three hita «u-h, led RootV which Is in first place h«w lost | A)li^ican civjc Federation «nd -41 liLeeda!», P J '1 1 Bob Angle, I^aauser, IVI'il'ltw, 3b ,3 S llHirnn, s« off for 3/10ths of a second, and since a short period of atsfie, p CPIt'otUi « 3 0 2|Iniikeai», four game* With a double header I - h-wled thereafter. >b 2 0 0 2 2 0 c wcr(k neVPr » '» Tol»U 33 10 12 and Joe Pecca nailed three hits H.Bon'po, If ;i it '.'faiifiiifr, tt readjustment is needed after each blink, psychologists re- b 1 0 0 1 0 0 ToU>» apkH-f for the at Jersey City on tap tonight, |^,ith 5.run -n u foUft Xh 4 II rH]|lien«\ Hi port you are unseeing as much as 20 per cent of your wak- j e 3 0 0 6 4 0 IACF 2 3 0 0 •-• 1 f.i- <* Spring lukv jnwhid ovor the 3 II tl Kill).mil, Summit could almost take over jt} m ^m} j Masterson, cf 3 0 11 0 0 JHarxiwur ,.3 2 • 0 , Home run* l*rrc»rlo. tf 2 (I (I trfing. |i 1 Br<5nn v l^ong, Spencer, J.Bon'po, tt I o 'OiY ington Field in a State League j bcU.cen t^e Twin Marking In a lifetime, the average American woman washes 3 0 0 0 10 Uef oa tiatl*—Lfedalt K N«t»le 5. Hit - KP hurn, 3 : * double header, Newark takes on IS 0 10 0 • - ijiufctr—Aufiero by l.cfdalf. ssrufk and Yannotta had two hits each. Monaco, p 2 0 (I and the IACF, on Wednes- 2,500,000 dishes—enough to make 72 stacks, each as.high P»!u|nbo, rf 10 0 0 0 0 it-~iby Lreedale ». Nail'.e 2. Etrors- vvhik1 H. Bontempo. C. Pisciotta Patetson in the first game and day night last in an "A" Softball as the Empire State Building? Keating, p 3 0 0 0 2 0 usd». O*, Martin and V. 1'i.iciottrt all collected a j-Hocol *«"—**""'* *"I o (i tp Summit plays Roselle Pftrk in the League game, the former had * • • • t) l-~2 I ,1 tt 10 0 i Giantasio. Plziutti. Van Brunt, pair for .the L»c«l. "... siring O 0 I (1 second. better luck in hitting ih the Earned ruc«. • Irrington, j sowytr. - The score: This August's Hambletonian promises to sport the i 5«rko. —. j Rain washed out tbf twft ro- clutches and virtually ran away 0. Two b*se hits. Shoemsker. nrla n n TunlKht'i i.aiiu closest matched three-year-olds in the history of the eveat, three &*»« filts. Kenny. base* . I ' ' 8 8»4lBf« Smit Wins from Twill McN&b. p 3 0 o'j. Pecca. If 3 0 2 ted in while the beat IACF could and the Spring book favorite, Mighty Fine, Scotch Rhythm 1 M'Glnnis, as 3 0 O'BabulsScl, c 3 1 0 l'• The locals wiJ be At home, | Shoemaker.'doubled to left Hdd. !Curbr, , J" \ Marketing by 7 to 0 Collna, cf 3 0 OlBanaslak, rl 3 0 2 do in that line was to score one. and Betsy Volo? ' nigbt at the \and Mac Barker mppitl a single ! B»M UM ^ _ ;...,4 i time If 3 0 0'Lawrence, lb 2 0 0 The big producer of hits, how- again tomorrow The Smit team of the "A" T*i- McP'yd'n, rf 3 J o Murz'skl, 2b 3 1 0. Memorial Field ith the Belle-J in the hoiC- bc'v'cen short and | ^'^"^rvkJ * IITIIIZ-ZIIII7IZ-3 3 light League had an ea»-y tiiiic Decker, lb 3 1 ljMSotow, p 2 0 o ever, was lv. Pecca, of the losing Money is wem out at the rate of $40,000,000 a day, team, who belted the leather for ville P.A.L. provie; 0 2 9 2 0 0 cent of them of the SI denomination, are returned to the i was run down between first and ! cib« .» 1 s score wao 1 to 0. Psterson Twill Marking (13); IACF <5> Craig MeClelland Summit hnr\- , . ,;;;; omrif 0 10 0 1 0—2 steal to I One of the fetUuns of the ion- b t fe;,,,. ab treasury? c«n,r'» ««> f Baiteh. cf 4 2 J-Iandla, X6'S er, who deserved a better fate, «eond »n. «n at-mp: to st »b. r. h. Struck out by Mlettens 6, toy McN'ab ""•• t " -•• --*•- -- LbeLped ...the. vieit*r» to their lone.J ?nd the i«n»K- 0 ,1 teat "WIM the twirling of-Kuztmek 9 Bases on balls—Of! dickens 2, otl O. TwUl. p 3 2.0, \itale, p, 2 0 ! Kfi'y, 3b' 11 VConway. ** DeOulto 2b 3 1 0! Mtorulo, ci 2 0 "Or«r the-seven -jnm*g—ta.ii t.ir...;.Marfl>(!n ._E...,..3.....|._ of Stnit, who let the Marki-ting 2. The outdoor pole vault record lias been pushed up 2;run when in th. 2nd Iniint; lej xiv^r the J •-V C. T«U. c 4 2 2Mto'lo, p-cf 4 0 1 ! ; Dennis. If 1 1 M. Pec«i, 3b 4 J feet, 5 •> inches since 1912 to the present mark of 15 feet, j made a bad thro*- to first b*s« ai- jMcCieUand only one hit jS£^. j i> 2 .R.M»rc'nlo. H 2 •l ;! ; 3 0 fli Brad«h»w, 3b 3 n by Trengrove in the first wnt». F'ny, 1' 2 1 ljMftrthle. i? 4 1 i 7 j inches, while Over the same period, almost 40 year?, j lowing Jerry Ac-udi to arrive at }and issued 2 bas"/, on balls while Ca»<*. tt l Wednesday Closing for Bruno, sa 4 1 1 J. PeecflPeecfl,, c * 1 0 j p y fi 3 Another was the way in vvhuh '.he rst He •-•osi-.g batsmen, lamina, u :s n irTimn. "»> 2 2 I Spezzi, 3 3 IIGWSICW . If 3 1 0 the high jump record has been raised only four inches, 6 | f' ^My^ th«" pxocwded to (striking ou; 14 «P: 1 2 the high jump record has been raised only four inches, 6 | 3 I 3- Burk*. e » O 2 winning team put the R.\:nc un Stores Starts July 4 SSperco. lb 3 0 J'Auflero 2b 3 1 2 (get Rishary ani ..Xeedhftm on [Keating w:Uked only 1 Summit:»^-^' 0 1 T'grove, rf 4 0 V, D.Piaata, tl 3 0 I 2 (1 flFftiniworr. r( 3 •ice in the sixth frame by piiihing feet, seven inches, to 6 feet, 11 inches ? [strikes but Georjt* Smi'b delivered | batter, and «tru»""ou*.' five -corby.'Sb" T~ O" trTirrtta; »f 3 1 I All-day Wednesday closings Totals 31 13 10;' Totals 33 5 10 „. ' ,, . „ • ' ., nun ,, ithe only Irvinj^on hit of the j In three icftg'ie game* played 3 O V four tallies owr the plate to pm Twill Marking 8 0 1 5 .0 1 0-13 4 the contest beyond r. Mortorulo 1 Bases tied—he played 180 minutes in Rose Bowl games, 1934- Ithen died m 8«-f>- as Me-1 runs. Public 8*r*lt* 0 * « 0 0 II •*—» turning the opposing batters «w«y- Chamber of Commerce have a» on balls—off Mortemlo 4. Errors— ( 5 Eallsh, C. Twill. Er-iy, Bruno. Sperco 35-36? • . •' . • .j 1 nounced. The summer gchedue 2, Tr#ngr I«I .. ab r h fitory to either support or discredit any claim of foul, white way. Tbe dimple, pleasant way Bori». Jti 2 1 i)| fluid*, 1b I 2 0 3 2 1! 1 till, r( i> n o being of inestimable value further in determining exactly it to visit a Rood auto laundry. 4 0 3JB, Cf 3 1 I Pwil, 3b 2 I 2iKo#b*l, 3h 3 0 1 how a race was run. Later in the season Monmouth Park You will find that every car Dfnmnn. lb 3 O 0! Rlrfti-y. cf O 0 0 E, Twill, p S O j!Bt**b*r, rf 10 will be the Betting for the return to hurdle racing to the that i* waohed receive* th« Fu»M>, if 3 0 OJW«1«. « 3 0 0 area. Flourishing at old Monmouth Park during the mauve Hsr't'n, c 3 0 010. C«lt»no. Ml 3 2 benefit of a thorough vacuum Bln*|ir». rf 3 0 Oi*. Catttno, 2b 0 0 fl decade of the Ws, the sport of steeplechasing haa been I McIIal'. If 3 0 1 cleaning Job. You will not b« M«ftln, e 3 11 kept alive during the intervening years at betless meet-1 charjfptf extra for -whH*«"wnH JABiSiSi.... B. ...l_9. ings sponsored by hunt clubs...of the Garden State—ihe- ilren! If yon wnnt your ear TetKlB 24 « 7| TotdU 23 « 7 revival of the sport is another on the long line of "firsts" North Hummit 2 0*920 Q-~i clean and new-looking, bring- it Bumfcilt Nardwsre 0 0 0 J«S i x^-« to be registered by the seashore racing plant. Mom* run—C. Caltwio. IJoubl* pla^i to the Summit Auto Laundry, —Ko*fe»] la Kftrttn, Twill t« Ptul. Hit by pltchtr—Bori* (b* L««l»le). WllJ 4M Morri» Avenue, Tel. Sum- pit chs» -Twill 2, t*m!kte 2. BMt on Top 10 Batten in 'A' Softball Uoqut HH)I« Off b*«ltl# 4; oft K, Twill 3. mit e-im. Struck out- hy ,U«M!« «, toLlB,1 Twill, a. Ilreplr»»—P*«4»»rflll «nd V»t» Brunt C, Twill, Twill M~*li.' It .8*1 .. <»rTh i*cr jo .509 ««n», lummlt Hdwe 8, H0*r SO AM {iKt )! 8tol n Let cs «ay, just for the sake of emphasizing a truth, that the i^ke of your own welfare—please listen to this: «. IM*« .....1 IH Ui ; tJ 2 * " * we we talking nbout yon. Mitrtln, U Kd«* „ « l J.K. Bmlt (3), n ot«»M There is only one ear which is recognized wherever tl. ««m«l( .. ." fi North Dammit—%tx r>«»«nm, N. Hummlt ,,, it AD mar life, since you prere old enough to see and highway! lead at the "Standard of the World." Bitttgm, ff. $ummh .. tt .429 understand, you have known that Cfcadillac represents h. P«ee«. lACf ...... 12 3 All There is only one car which is held in the" highest- I Roc«t Doily (exctpt Svndayt) Jtott!. P«e« ,. II 6 $ All mt. Tinqomioned supremacy in the mofor car world. Rnnmit H.I<*« respect by newsboyi and millionaire!! alike. 'A' Softball Uodtrs P««il, Nortrthh flummlt flummlt J And you have said that—-"when the time arrived"— JVSK 14 MAMMXM O. TwillTill . TwilTi l Marking •'--••— • There is only one car which is the hope and the ideal <>f fl*!tl»d in motorists everywhere. Twill Twill M»k .»» Now, "the time has arrived." You have reached the 1 dummlt tlnriwar» And there i» only one tar which you, yourself, really a" ' tm i{lo, rr*c« point in your endeavors where you feel you arc entitled P.. f'ntlftii'i. HMmmil t!»Hi»%» C CMI*m, Rummll'ifam truly want. c- Twill, T*lil Harbin* to a Cadillac—and all the things it represents. r Twill. Twill M»f*lfi« •, r Twin Mki I f So *tand firm in your convictions! Be patient! l'" But yon hear that some delay in delivery has become patience will bring you the richest reward in themoto rr unavoidable. Mtrty LliKluhl, «ixth. "car world. It will bring you—a Cadillac! Summit Girls C(«u» 4, trooper*' lumpcrir Bell«, "Maybe," you think, "there is a »ubstitute. Perhaps See your Cadillac dealer today—and get your ridden by Kll#n Htll*-*, tourth. tomtoiher car, which I can get more quickly, would do." on hi* order li$t. Win Honors ot O*m 8, hridte path hark*: Plekfc Hill rldAin by Nicky Tully, |«oond. Wofchung Show Ci«iM «, t»riflf« path hacki,- •«?- of fA»t, rlrlJxn by ftf New ProvMrnrf, flr«t. OCIANPORT, N. J. OAU th« Clw« 7, t)f>r«»mftn#Wp Jump*; Bllen IUIIM, **«ond. Ciwn », hunter h*«!k«: m Yow Enjaymtnt LONO MANCH nt ikwitue *tablf» of the MANOICAP ridden by Oonnlo Union Y>x>nty fitrk Providwict, fourth. Wf wHM nttmhmr of p«rti«i{wn(* Ml ttl«n«l MM M «nri lor*l winner* nr« A" OfH I |||0 NW " 1. htrmmaiMtotp, 14 fftfkw. flO* SPERCO MOTOR CO.. INC. Daily Double CNn*^ I- 1 5 Chm ir hormtmnhip, M AVMUI SUMMIT I. 7- THE SUMMIT HIRAID, THUESPAY. JUNi 2tf i9St

(!) fuMic »» r fc.ftf'Mt'iiio.rf 4" i 2 orby's Lead by Two Games in | | ftTtrell*, if 8 i i 3 0 Ly'iil'more cfO o (f 3 t 0 1 C'r'niib, its o so oi League - Tie for 2nd Place Bratlorf. «f 3 o 1 2 1 i Corby'i Laundry beateff the ehftlltnge of Bfll Labs 3 i Ib 1 1 kngckhm them 0" 10-0 i» the Bwd of Rtere&tion'a II & J fafue, The win was -tjbe ''Sudsrrten's" seventh against Toi*»i Ji # 1; MUi«r i e ae tow- le Soviet 2 ©1 29 1 * t—M " Harroyn tossed a ne«t five-fiitter fojr the Bell , ^ r - »ij r h Honors with AJ »f*lW, IKAOI.IK ir soil, If 1 0 fiC»Ui, ef 3 1 JO whlnu, M 3 0 0 K*ily 3i 4 1 8 ieuted ttirae hit*. Ralph CUprl Va*tol». ib 3 0 0 B*kw. t, 3 3 M'jort*, if i o SiBrtuwi 4 I 2 hurlw, jot two of to? Curij/ i 1 ... »i,36 2 a 9'Hart>r»1» « Bwbterl. rt 2 0 1 Corby, If 30 2 ServJet;, s tegjn (hit (» S a • «•• g iptennedK, sf 3 o O'Hrough rf S : o 3 4 (Angle, c , - ,1 o J Va». 31) »r« m*n h°Wftig U* »wn thii 2 g i.Hawlpit. c t o « 3 1 g iClprlanl. j> 2 0 2 Mr, won I wo of tM three f »m«s j lm»\ 48 — -.5 1 t ,ey played last week. They up. T 4 •"' rf 4 0 0 Mennitt, If 3 1 1 , t» s n 0/B'ntwppo- — . (r i o o r iil'more, If 3 i « Ommsl), »f 1 1 1 The gitme against the hnml *'•*« «r s o M), !b flrelta, If l n jJAJwrn, Ib 3 ! 2" -PUclotu " . !cb 2 rn, 7o p % 2 O'ni . 3h3 o 1Pstignano.es a |#ry well played, with the winners Sb 3 t 3' « l McOulre. cf s o 1 MoTOity, 3t> 3 3 1 lit jits only *tx liHS »rtd the l'psp'rji M'tonto. If z 2 .3 . 0. ..0 Cramner,. Jh-4 D O'nh'egsh", if 3 10 "-•- '---'""cf 3 0 t!filr»rrt, it 8. f) !iConw»y, i» 1 • o OlBinford, w- 3 n 1 even. B. BTO4SJI«W jii*,c«*4 the Ib 3 0 ft ^"ffiaflo, i 3 n o Twrrrl.-p 2 1 l-'P'tlxiiauo. rf 3 0 0 T(iif!«f, f 3ft r Monaco, p 3 0 2 Burke. <• ! n 0'Peterson 2b 2 0 0 gervi«:e attack with two hit" ZSetler, 3b S « j|Keating, p I l o

'tuibby "Monano and t'hartie i'isei- R«m»no, rf o o n'r Mooney, nf 0 0 t>\ Visit Ntw Jersey's Its. hud'trie gam* number for the Tottls $ « T»t»U JJ 2 28 2 "si ToUU Js'l ! Newest and Smartest .oca!, R H Service ft' 1 ft •« 3 n 3 Super Marker The victory over Stephens-'Mill«r Local 4* 2 0 0 0QD0 Two Local Men Going as a close one, with the winning To Stuart Air Base at 11 Elm Street in not being scored until the bot- lib* Root* (10) thie ilsth ihriing,' J. tb r h r h Two Summit men, Henry Gtyeeo Morristown, New Jersey King, 3b 4 1 I C**p»r, cf 1 2 "Of 20 Summit avenue, and Charles yiro wtm the leading "sticker" P«t«rionP , e 3 7 \>U*)*t*\, If 3 the Big Opening Week ( tlrlr If; the "Service" with three hlU Groh. If 4 ! 31 A- PlHev. 3b 3 2 1 Bowman of 15 Irving place, cadets Shank $anom of 9 Black- Potato Salad Piet , . 25/ Canned Him . «"'5.43 .0-6. and beat the Post Office. 10-2 Spring L»k» (9) lSt«ph*m-Mlller (5) burn road, has hen promoted to Canadian Style Bacon . Stor rasper, Lombanli, H. Plllcy, wid »b r h ab r h a new poslMon at Grasgelli Works Frankfurters «« Potato Salad . . Uot.eyp Boiled Din ttt.pkt. Bchncidcr each knocked out a pair f^J^ 3 2 2 Smith' 3b 4 1 * I 49/ c 4 I 2:Tw'mbley, ss 3 0 1 division, General Aniline & Film Sliced Bacon prtmium or Stor jjf hits for Root's, as they gained RKillburn, 3b 4 1 3,K'unan. If 2 0 0 Corporation, Lin.Vn, it was an- both for Selatin Salads . Cooked Salami • oi, [fair third win. Ray Schmidt an.i ? Ib 3 1 0 Hunlon, c 3 1 1 nounced this wivk by Robert S. Sandwich Steaks 25/ 43/ u f 4 1 2 Cav'augh, Ib 3 2 2 J. WiUon netted a trio of base hit»jr,ong, 'p 4 1 2 Tan'tftU, Cf 3 0 1 Shrewsbury, '&cK'.r% manager of Premium or Ciba. ' ~ 2b 4 0 QlC'bertton, rf 3 0 0 personnel relations. Teddy's Quick-Frozen Fresh Fish Ulster Satad . . 7M.P»|.45/ Chopped Han i-f 4 1 3lBr«loff. *f 3 1 2 49/ D. Quick with "4 for 4" and Bud Long, Jr. cf ,4 1 .3|tawrence. 2b a 1 1 Dr. Bloom ha.2 be'en named a Coil Fillets ..... Cod SSteak s .\ 8 . . « 35^ Halibut Steaks . • m Premium or StoMar j Nelson, p 0 2- »latte with "3 for 3" paced Ciba supervising chemist In the inter- Flounder Fillets • . . Siriup . . . , .^.^65^ !•«•• Maetorri Chicken Salad . 40f Spiced LncheM ••••*• 39/ o their win over the Post Office. [ Toiata 24 9 18' TotsU 30 5 10 mediates group, process develop- R H fim Dcnman had two hits for th? 0 0-23 9—16 ment dcpaitment A native of OSSl'S. " .". , - • Steph -MHlrr 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 5—11 Mount Carniel, Pi, he is an alum- FRESH FRUITS nus of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and he held a Harrison Fellowship at the Start till Oiy Right University of Pe.insylv<4nia, where Cantaloupes he received his M S, degree and W. L Canady & Co., Inc. « doctorate in l<*i) Employed In 1946, Dr. Bloom ww a senior.chem- Fir i D'!icl»u» Sktrteakt ist prior to assuuVng laa preaent Peaches Securities- post in which ho is Li charge of termcton the development program con- cerned with dys'iiffM intermedi- for a Quick Snick 40 B«echwood Road E. Paul Emert ates and related chemicals. He Red Plums is a member of the American Summit 6-6666 Manager Chemical Society and Sigma Xi, natioMfti honorary icientiflc so- Ftr a Refreshing Drink ciety. Lemons Cucumbers Celery Hearts Green Beans

• bunch- >-• JrTsco lTverRTce Cracker Jacks Sundaettes NitrititH Dellclois Confection Ocean Spray M*; < Cfsd Alm Sachard can 6^25/ Cranberry 1}M.st>. Sauce EomFltkti Dwarf ^'s Super Renuzit Sparktet Aiitrtid Citklit 7 Ctomitag Fluid lib, quart BondBresd •-. 29< fttfrgf tin Srapo Jiiict . . P_c " — — PJU f< Ben N Strvt 16oi. • si, t»f> • § 9/i Vegetable Chop Siey °" 00< witk Chicken can 18 My. T-Fine Desserts 11< CatFHtf IiDAy"GR(

Hellmann's Mayonnaise «..i|M M ~lua> '•T ""tt im* 2 A HUNDRED USES Libby's Pineapple Tidbits . . . . 2 Grand Union Bartlett Peart . . Penguin Beverages . *"«"lt 2 Post's Sugar Crisp »*•*" •"*•*tm" 2 27< Sunshine Krispy Crackers Kirkman's Think of hbw many Jobs In your home ar» performed..bf flraiilatH haf the qau flatn®. Your autotnatlc ^m range with its low Clorox Ivory Hakes Silver Dust For cooking •p#«d« ... your clothas dry«r which dri«i a luu Mtkn Clbthw CLOROX Clean For fin* P*bf»csi Nr wenh to 45 mtnutti .... your automatic gas water heater that itiffpltM hot wat#r on tap 24 houn a day. . . your •ilont gag r«frlg«rator-all traall opwrallons by IhemselveB but whtn connidtred ov«r a period of a month; or a year Rlnso Lux Flakes Klrkman Hakes It'i WAR tMEROBXCT _ Tfttt n»»*pi|>M 4«* * wo 0JST SPOT CASH TOOl FURNISHED ROOMS PO* REN1 Af ARTMEWTS WA.NTI0 4wtts*in*nti from unployen ol- NO LOT TOO SMALL OR TOO LAROBI To Grist CLASSIFIED frrinn let! than th« mlttimain •«|* m MELLUSO is x S3 front room next to 2-3 ROOM uuturniihed tnremat, Firm* engafttd ID Interstate MM** Oarpeatrj. altemttda*. Oatttcuft wort ,„„.,..., oarwos, old nwttrm&m, pil- bath. Newly de«or».ted. 4 large IIKIB- Prefer Mlllbura, M*pl**tim, Bomh i»firr or tn lh« pruduftton al too** f lisn&tes Summit #-301f. lows, crutltf. comforter*,- blanket*, old dow», Cfntjralljr located. Coup!« or •••t iiin.Tt,«r>-f mint iu>» ft*j at teMf rags, mlied any klud, old nylon, rope two girts. 5 Woodtfiad Av«nu#, Bum- Playhouse July J5 tents »n h»ur *smtlo»'^\ "' AllVIIUIMX Rero>2taaii Eepstrtxtg. Ccbtost Wort- old aluminum or metal cooking uten- J tied by thi* U»:"*IM> O«M lowe* r ti&ft. summit »-««-w. ciaity. To |7(J< with Jae«,t, Bovi 0'Ha.Mi. RtphaM t>«^J^ ' "aj t$-IN-l CLASSIFIEI/ ratn to t«b seeker* tbeuld M «- sil*, or *pp4iwice«, or foil, or c0lIa.p5.lbW Or*age 3-10M. wUJ ba UuwteiS to aJI live* at SB* eew*{»pera Mated ported to the U S Department ft 1 toottspMt* tuba*, etc, iKrtut ralrea, LARGE eoiafort&rjleauniay room, ben- rens Hart, Libut 3! Climua Sireet. Nevut. I fauceta, plj»«. sinks, *tove». radla- tie-men or coupl* preferred, Summit Bruce, wiil Below -toi'Obiy ae*ea ceata e« "'«1 or ohorte Mitchell t-ZlSt ! tors, oiet&l mugs, vas««, or »nythlng 6-74S1-W, HOU5I MINIMUM OMARO I? 10 WORDS - TO CKM1S - I'ASB WITH OBOKB ••• I of tor*:*, copper, lead, tin. lrou or tht ( I steel, also »iwl drum*. AJX furnished house or apcrUrctnt •OMUIT IlKKAJLD MILL* I** -SHOOT HILUJ fTSJI ! _ __ FOR SAU Deliver via guwaioblle to our buying Springfield Avwut. wtated for six month* *tsrstag Sep- the^k beginning July t^^ platform sad bailey pr«u. Open M<>n- tember I5ih Phiwie South Grange.2- BPHINGFlEtO StTK • S~HOL'S£H0fI.I> GOODS tztfkml which delight,-,! UJ) ' day thru Saturday, i »an. to 6 P m 4814 evenllys* (or JurthM itifQrma< 1(1 MltlbUfii $-1276 _j ' We pick up tlnks, tubs, tJO'Se-rs, radls- ttou. ,-'' house* oa Broadway DINING room sujle. *oltd mahogany, ARTHUR W, NEVIOS ArAKIMCNI rvK error, tn cop* must t>* H«o afi.r first luierttap J'**™££* • * ' «tc. MINIMUM lour 10 pieces, suitable large room'-' Ex- 81 UM ST.. SUMMIT m% new i %h* fault of Uie adrercUer *»' »* adjured »s> on* ttn Ujertiao cellent condition: Phone Summit <• Summit «-6535-M house, within ono mlIe>Mtui of ni YABD, UNION to rtfiit ALL COPY hfUSJ BE LN BY 5 P,M _ 411.1; ; _ CABPSNTTEK WORK. HOME REPAIRS Summit station to tenl^ir Of the rti: AND NEW ADDITIONS NEW JfStSEY with option to bu>>xS*pteiill»CT t«- viva, of two of us ab t PI. 1943 KeJvluataf....r*f.r*8*™t«-- ! St-ftt* Highway No. 29, 'West Lane, eumittcv. Please describe fully. Prln. HELP WANTED FEMALE : "Bmitched, Bothers HELP WANTED FEMALE Perfect running condition. Bwgain uurn right on Frick Farm Lau« Just i-ipata 'attly. /Box #at3, Sumnilt at $30, Summit 8-1970. , beyoaS Smith Caterpillar Tractor BEECH SPKOtd GARDEN Heruifl. s/_____ BOSB broadloom rug. !5 x 15* 8", I Plant £o our yard.) Telephone: UNloa-

KtHtriu ptowed" isrwt«l «n«J c«r«l Vtiig 3 W5 ! - ,„,. • — APARTMENTS' ' APARf.WANflO MAHOGANY dayb«rDiiiic«n for Rocfltinfr !*r*<» U »» Wrt j CASH FOR jou» tfJfl 60OJM iateHlgcnt and l:t«r«tr plot t.Yo'V GET PAID WHILE LEARNING Summit y and August or _ . . f-oitt-. slip Cs>vtr included. AEdirora, from O'Hara's fan.oui, Ntw Yo't'kf HFPEK • hu:a\u'. p«at mftsa, top sol!. aiuf dmwliter, biuliitwt women, li»- the fascinating -AC-rk of sere eh. and mei*\ wood l>«ket. Trie- IJIIJ tin^in bedrtwm kitchen »«id»U«. 3 cu. i; , good coual- CHILDREN'S outdoor ss-tngs, &ee~ SUMMIT, $. tion, will be rwLnaberofi by r! MW«, *&adiK)x, etc. Call Suoimtt TELEPHONE OPERATING tion, 120 CiUl a'tfr 6 ? ni. Millburn who saw the Joyo.»riy ,„„,.,„, . 4 ^_ __ __„ MAHOGANY »KrftaiTN,*58.' Oid cap- '\VAMTS5~by prlf*te psrtv. m&t«n»iy 1'x to 5 R<5bm Apartments WAKTED—tn the Orangw, .'»«pfewoouix»«. tain's chi'.r $20 Ma'jjje che»: on 3.000 YARDS clothta, size 16 or 18 Alw children's Vacan^k-S Front Timp To Tim<> SUirt Hills. Summit, Chatham. «c— and the revival o.f chf*t 138. ChriMiie inciisn &et, $79 gyra set. slide or other,Outside L1ST1NO3 - SAtES - APPHAlSAtS The excellent starting• »dtary is incrcA.-cd four trnses jn- the. OF TOPSOIL "" ^ from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. MANAGEMENT - 1NSORANCB few year* n« U»h, side chair $6. •Gov.N^'iathrop games. Call \Ve*tftrid thp first year. . desk MS. Itif.frspr'iiisi mstrrt-W-s- $IH . MUST BE SOLD Summit 6-7W5 DONAL.H W WILLETT, Realtor achieved thf 'I •Sofa |>tS. Wain'it er.d t;»8!fts *1! ei» CALL SUMMIT 6-2207 15 Hittstetl at,. Ka*t Omnse. N J. the New Work donr in pieasant surroundings sear bom^anwng-people... EdoiiiQol f.4. Oid Sheraton 4 'drawa: rjioiie OR 3-2623 Kvta. OR S-5294 -ic« (or h,r „. ciifS'. $85 Andtroni f4'""W;if^'<"!lsw- citing WE BUY Bcr»D irott »nd mMatT Top LARCHC Uvlns, brdioom ••1 «' thr rf-lr of you'll like. . »28. StudS'i t55 Walnut -t>fd.r>x>iii tm. prices paid itjHourn 8-JJ92-R. ROOM WANTED "Julie", the jm , . \\f i'.ave hiindreAs <">f things for thf TODAY Complpf? modern kitch«"n, breeik- r Krt Come in and talk it over or call your Chief pperator. .. . , home • conip in sjort and brtws* IOl.»»'i)i and Gardens. Fhonf (M! room. hmp. plenty of CIOMX.%. elderly ChJTl&liMi couple !ate Hri^n Mftrgnn.S Colonial Tre.\sur<> Ho;w^ Route ^29. for estimate, TcmpkStu, Millburn <• UtllitiH lncHideut *7S. Avail- rk 12 rug ' niirrori. , ,ai! se:.andirons. ;»»K Eipcrt Fair Prices. Mlllbttro J No. 5433. Finder please re- able Julv IS. Buniinlt 6-J888 —: such movies as "Tfais \\',,:m,, f 386'Mil!burn Avenue, Millfaurn Miliburr. 6-4109-W. R turn to First NMlonal Bank of Sprlngfifid. PRIVATK house, being rMiiodejpct into "•^GARXGl"WANf 10]____ s i , FOR rr'it—Power *stw 2-man lnan or • Hand embroidered bedspread from 1 two;, »par!ment,s, ready Atigii&t 1. 4 WA1STKD~* iiarage lor Ford piis»TOger ! J' »tlnt* in '!,«- bcttc-r Mctro- Germany. Swnixit 6-0234-W 30" . sa* . 115 per day Stuj p & room, bath apart merit. 1st How 4 bed- e*r, vicinity ol Fost OttXct or cen- 1 politan Supper ''! 11 b < p*<,,•• .• j 544 SprFngfietjJ Avenue, Summit . W )»{ M ' jra. FOUND roorna, living room, kltrhpti »nd bath. 5E'VVING~TI4 ter Mlllbura 8-1838-R ; , ,, „ h «,,'„,„ ,,.. * ' '•-•'M.|) • i « duplex. 2uct and 3rd fluor. Short • Home Port $4<» 20 ear DOGS — CATS - 8«t Summit. Antrntl « on s Welfare Leftgm oottc« SncUl p«ge. walk to train. Summit 6-4331-J. ati«.*e. Res ' e u Summer School for Boys "Takst Of The Tv.vn ' ' Mu.;,•a! Summit H*rald. if tour doj U lost HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED—MALE parts and ripd « - •* - Nw ROTUUT PLOWING OP V^fc —. —~- ' ~ " • - Haryj^ • W ^ - Kc M " i T1CE. Le.%.ra linoleum and " I i tS NS ,v ff ARD.DSS Lars* serv «.# de > r** » F*e« ' t* LO1 \U\UKE - TOP SOIL nd young children and light housework carpe: Uyir.; :rade, App:y Cordon • USED CARS FOR SALE 1ST FLOOR, 2 roonw; 2nd Iloor, 3 Ollen Superv^[ ?S?e»«on .nd to. i* other"tiopu|.ir TV M,UA> up and de:i\c~i t IT fc>v.J i - M - " R Q6SKL1S. JR. lor l"month « seashore. AUJ-JS: 1st L. K'JDt'.-:, 5*.7 Millburn Avenue. ', chinp Cea'tr 1Mb i" An - ii- rooms. Can he seen at 2»Sauy> St. ' struction In «ecorwUry icinoo) subj«ta •$ FMtureil wi*h ; L i ilA^Ape Contractor BUICK, 1939, 4-door sedan. In good n 11 wun to September Ut. Call Summl". 6- Mlilb'4711, ' m'.t. N-. J •>!. ii a" t 2 ' HATHAM 4-2555' Call between 5 and fl p.m. Or Call Site of group Is llmJted. Modern* f ,*" ' ^ 6519. , LtNo£xCM~!r.t:cair.ic, ' Appl.v~Gordoti • runnlns: condition. One owner g^od Summit 6-0989-M. B^fc for Andrew. G. E. .Rmt'CERATOR t ^ O - > ratea Call or write WUllam R B*»ue, 1 'Tal Joev" wll? be P.nh-V, L- Hubert. 5:7 Millbar^ Avesur. ! Jlrw South Wind heater. R« a.'sorj- Masol Olatutone, M J. — PoapacJe 8-0298 W , SECRETARIES, btenographers, cleric* condlrSoo. { 0 C ^ z-:_ ccpUonauy wlcnt. -C3oatnict<» PRODUCE MEN experienced, good 1945 CHEVROLET >j ton picK-up. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR REN1 jTOO LATE TOXIASSIFI^ accountant nr.ale or itm&lei- Ex- 840 F ^ btoae orlck sidew»tls» Alt vro* _;.who recently k* • ..•harmed the- perienced and beginners. Call N?s- Call Sum:' • « "> J Good condition 'ReasonaWe. Sum- NEW, 2 , bedroom, b»y wat«r front marfcs Accy. 24 Park PI. MorrU- ;:o:w. App;y Sn person,. 284 Es,s« 6'.. concrete *or>c Summit 6-1281-J » mlt 6-0*24. ^HELP WANTED MALI jatrc audh'necs in "Dance Ma A A c irra«or, pg, bunrt*alow. E, T. §tlks. Harbor Side' town. 4-3699. irUOEDAKEB Champion 194ft, **4-door Drive Ortley BeiCh at Buy End of AUTOMOBILE mechanic's helper, e*. i Song", ''Mak<> .N'^re Mnnhf Mm" ~T;;7;^. an a n : REAL ESTATZ SALESMAN to: acUve n - : , ' ' " ' COUPLES.' cooks first floor, genera! ; C'Sice :« 3u:K:r,.',' board niftncer. : • maids, mothers helpers, children's j owner. Best oBer. MSllburn 6-ld&5. w.'ck. Apply btiween » tnd 4. Jant«4 and "Caii JH»> Ml-trr", Hunj,- r -•«•-' ; ur.de: Mif.:.'.?!* L':'!:;g cTft*m; « spm.EX Irontr. cabinet ^y".f.,.<•*• orKIni; conriKion. $30. C.'ili Surtunit Ua»no work • PlMttrlng «ad *idt- prs p-hone NtwroarK'* A.cy,, 24 pari. ::aV All re»'lf= c "' 6-7021!-H ?,,f:f-r 7 pm. ' j ccltent comiltion. fully «-quk)pe'fT 50. General c. Hc-f- j Cxi] Summit 6-793.5? " • Marthas Vlnc-yarti, Mrtssachusrtts. Wltb or without !eg_! esperier.ee, •Drug S;ore, FOR ALTERATION. EfiPAIB" ANt) ..„-S<"par»t« apartment. 3 rooira with GOODS Parade", "Broadway Opt-n Hni^c-'". Summit 6-1QC3. 1 TWIN size map)? bed. spring and" PAINTING kitchenette "arid '"balh."' " Retweatta- Sum rait 'N. J. mattress (Vuod condltioK. $2i>. Cs.il Rentals ( CAUL CHESTER SPIVEY, Contr&ctor requlred. Call Summit 6-1460, Rt/Ci i3!i»2), tablv. the "Kate Smith phow'- nmi 'Th(, JSEAOTICIAK •wanted; all-arouna op- Saturday. Jiv.nunl: 6-44S0 CHATHAM 4-0711-M FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT sprffidi, frrnery. parch chairs, 6 ' >eiator. 5-day Wf?k. Jo & StMt'i BREAKFAST room bench pasts, t*o. porcn n*ric!is, URTI mo-'Ai'r. 2 50- Buras and Alien Show"- A!>n tex- jBwuty Saioa, ""•"Maplewoott: S-natfc- '.^afi cr o*.fi*r to lesrr, , 1 STORE TO RENT -BdS'CT • PHOOCCTION - -*red ttauiixe leather Coaditlon <;cKxi. PEHMASES1 drlvewaj* with Power (t. length, hate »taX leil. Call Suni- 1 3-35:8. RAiltr—Cruahtd Stone—Top 'Soil— SINGLE anil double rooms centrally j tured In the pier ncfion L« J«m p st x is x 3. cost i-'ljor^!! rdr"-|w.- located. Qentlemen prelerr»d. 9 !CHOICE centra! location tor hlgh- Sutnrott 8-1303-M R-ilabi?—Estimates' Given; Cfifartor • class.reta.ll.,store Call Hutnmlt 6- Must Be p SehaSernoth Mlllbura 8-1SS4-M. Pirniley" H. Suamtt • * ' RUO W!i!O[i. tlnen,-'bjiclt 9x12. exrel- Mann, who loc«l f>eatri-gorrj re- BOOKftEE3»DRr-p_rt iirae, fuH ciaigt. , GENERAL Eectric 6 cu !'.. refrtgera- j SINGLE »nel double rooma, fdeaf aoji. ' .' •••• li.ist"* rot!#:TSS7~w»tinii!li0ut« - r*. •wrdouteJe entry bookicMpiSrig, or etcaog-. BAKERY MAID INC. foi, her. rimtai.'!^ .ccrEtdj-- ; tor. Westlughouse Lauudrom;i!. j We cle»s chlnan"'-'*, gutter*, fur- Summit 6-2038. frlgerv.or. 1 CM. ft- Club chair. Port- I , , ., rapher-bookkef per, !ull time, ,-39 323 Springfield Ave. guaranteed transmlsslsr.. SIT5. Baby i nac&s ami flrep' «ces. Also repair OFFICES FOR RENT able washing machine with wringer, i «aricing rf»ie in •'"" iritid! „ hour week. Give s_"ary r&quir.errtentj. : LIGHT, airy furnished room. Resi- chil'eroh-e, s«1-.-pl dfsk chair, an- J chimneys 4-3036. WlTHIN* 1 block of Rallroadiatation. USED CARS FOR SALE ._.weekly. „ , pirt Ume, ao eaaruslSE- i., HaaoMib!<» for the vhortognnihy N d nationally dtlrt S10 pir month. Summit B-5«fia TWO Chevrolet truck*. w»!sht 7,000 company. Box K, Springfield Sua. i EXPEHIENCED laundress will accept j condition. Price cheap'. Can Summit HOME Cleaning Service, Floor wax- In Madison. Private bath, near ! Sprlngflelfl. K S : • \ wash from a few selecied families to 1 6-2763. • xc? Ji:d general cleaning. Unlonvtlle transportation. Good for biwlnt&s GARAOE to rent on Protppot, t:i-ar atul B 000.'To tio-e a nfiUa'.f. Short the rousica! Tulip. CaT! Summit 6-1915 MOTHER'S ttelpET, white, hrs. 9 to 5. 3-71K1-B. alter 5 p.m. couple or 2 single ladles. Call for mv '71-aj j Call >{tw 6 p.m. Mllitjiun 6-4481. ?o » »»d Irons. $15. 2 maple Information. Chatham 4-7585-W. rck-ui and dc''vp- «—r*I.NTI.VO-DECOKATl.NO HOUSE FOR SALE GIRL prtag.i«ia. W.J. MtllBurn * Alternate Saturdays, u d*y. Inter- a! Electric Bqulpinfnt Co S55 WASTED nnu»r» to p»wt o. a esting work, good &»la.ry Mid bene- COU.EGD student wlshfts summer Job. • &tulh«rrr «tr«« Mitchell 2-7*20 White Jr. Sc Co Pmlnter »nd Dec- HASTED* Experienced with children. Short orator, 18 Edgar Street. Summit flta. Meyer-Werner Motor Co. 517 HilU 7-3355 • >—MIS 1 L Springfield A»e.. SummS, JJ. J. Summit 8-1193-R fr«* «ttm»t«». REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WOMAN (white) cooktn JiOTKER'S Jitlpw; fonfl of children; IAN (white) cooktns; and "house- • IF it's Woven -IKY ALPERS'S " PFR- Palntlag and P«per Hanging woir B SS IliIbu n Tt n TOM BUCCI *«!eep-ln; own room and bath; new 2Lj-il!L"i?- 2^L ^ l <" - I1 CALKS, from 29c; CHAMBRAY, fmmim WOMAN, colored, wuhes work for from «0c CCE Summit 6-61T3-J. REAL ESTATE FOR SAU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SAU REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l-SUMMTT 1-SUMMIT 1—SUMMIT cm 9 CaCalnl unioUnionn - IS "AKDY. ,£permarifc GAUZEt finish. ,line fronm 49c" . j A COMPLETE piano rratoraMon acrT- Mr.' Humenlk, manager. Singer S«w- fill* 2-3320-j; THEATB AL jntf Center. CIA Main Strtet. MUl- | Dotted SWISS, from 43c; TAFFETA Sce. Tuning, repairing, rebuilding }-••"• CAN'T BEAT IX 45-Jn., from "3Sc; SATIN, from 89c; Harold Heiier, T«h. 17Nlon*lIl9 2- i; M: burn. 843! or UNIonvllle- J-4SS0. Ne'w Multiple Lasting No. 688 CAPE COD Like Swimming? | Come a*« this ii?»* <" >' ' Employment Wanred—Male Rayon qABAEDINE, «-lo.. from Tic; I PranltUn &ch'>ol arra Fl->' f, ' B*aA»n fM or woman, two half 54-10. VfOOh REMNANTS, 69c eactt; dayi w»«)tly. B«terenc««. Millburn MO VINO, feneraj trucking, call Sum- it—CESSPOOs CONVENIENCE PLUS VICINITY 1 Ing roow, ainlns ro-jm it!" ;»'• Irish LtSEIf, pr»-»hiunlt.jci»Ma rea'ltt- room with ftrtpuet, kl!<:h«n, THIS IS FOR YOU! I IWT. t"*o porch fi h'1 ''"' :- S-OSOS-B, mit «-l!30, Wrty MB4 WistM. ant. Irom $169; VZLVTBTEW, from bath," 3 bwjroomj, acretned porch on « lt , , , , bedroom* and bath. A »-vr" '' for g»ner»3 11.49; MONK'S CLOTH, 4S-ln., Sic T*f.""L'Ml*'"1l«froam, atoraf* on in6 Summit vicinity, »«clud*d amall «atat* tion mom In tfrn ba.«»a-.»r.- 2-:' work, lull or p«rt tlm»; tMur*n«# ; 1MPLOTMENT AGENCIES Siml'ir Bitlnga In famou* name brand* EXPERT Ju»t a few rr.lnutf* walk Iroai Full ctllar, oil itsam, gar»s«, lot SO on private rs>*d, awimminj pooT, fuett i fat* All' tttt* m4 morm ijr »3 of Wool, 811k. Cotton, Nylon, bridal. r exp«rl#a(» "••» ' upholstery, drapery fabrics. ar«sm&kfr SANITARY CESSPOOL tlfuUjf shrub&fd grounds. Main hou»» o? calk for appolntm*r.--M' (fe- notions and accessories. SIMPLICITY EDMONDSON REALTOR calk for appo 1 py AND MODES ROYALES PATTERNS SERVICE lr»roe Colonial, has 3 t)e-clrootns. 2 baths j>anp!#?lumhlns(. Sow ta5tf» Ai) i JHW' MORRISTOWN 4-5076-J CLEAKETT, BUILT, REPAIRED It contain* I ouf bedroonUi two In All it'a a am hfj-nnrt rompar!« «, n. Kealiors SCOTT'S EatPLOTMEWT AOENCY. ALPBRN'S YARD COOPS, oppflett* son for 138.000, Tn*p,iHi.t thM property -iZ!LzZ tOXTttQ lady for retail M)M worx. First XUUM a-omMilc help furnished AUlprney Mil's Batn on Route IB."En- ftKfw, t«e»igioB room ami recreation 115,000 trance on Littleton ' 84. (Route 202t; now - today - ana 'make, an offer. :; Some knowledge of «ewtn« helpful. Qooa jobs available. 421 EBS« St., CARt-GULICK room In addition to the large c-o-o-o-t. fd '* , PdrmaaeaP t JK»itl«all .Q Op- . MlUbaro. MUlburn 6-0317.- No. 72 Bus 'stop 100 ft. away. Morris H«rea a lot for your rnon»y: a neat OBR1G, Realtor v BOX 83S - 4-room CoSonlal »roun .' "portumty for Mtvancenwit. Inter- | [ room, dining room and kitchen, II Maple SJ. r : :• «ating work. Recent gr«duste «Ui be j AGENCY, Placement Speciajh from Jpff^rson School, with 18-H of this horn* Takf >"' i'- ',*,; U«. 44 year*, Fin«t domnstlca. DON "T THROW YOURSHiRf S MGRRISTOVVN porch, larg* stone fireplace. 3-tgr R»- summit fi-0435 • %tm * 39OS-J . £«n»lder«J. Apply In penton. «H for Collars and eu!J« turned or r«*plac«!l ! Mr. Croivk, ! Quailflrf commercial. iechfilCui, MORRISTOWN 4-2082- at rai;*", 60 % W lot. .The keynote' IIM* It hall «IM1 aee lb» «•»>'•! ' *1 sale? Position* open. Help available. New collars and cuff* In stock rfut- re«l Urpsblllty with great economy, 111* paiipl^**fl (llfilrs? f SINGER SEWING CENTER Csll KOW, 1979 6prtngn>.ltl Aventie. tonholes - Garerecl buttorw • BpHa - BERNARDSYILLE 8-2082 tow tax, low heating, low mainten- kitchen, the l M*p!ewon* intMtmeni, l e»«ythli»K, <"on<5l(t*-r eve «-0210. Next to Jersey Central Power & 1896 *«8(*«,8(» l UghtJIo/ Hare t>e«s removett by »n •inwt- Pranklin lor itlnn. tf>» STENOGRAPHER-CLERK NOTICE 1« Jjerebj" giren thst all piec«a Msllhurn 6-DJW or 1991 -M. U-Maple Str««l fiUrnmU 8-1342 yard. The-n Ws of fttmiture- n«t-e*l»«l for by-July WHAT MORE ELMER N. RINH ART & CO. Good starting pay, permanent. Regu- " BABY EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE ______I Vlr won't lar Milftry ln«rwi»e. Exeellent oppor- 15, 1951 will t>e a4«erttsed for Mle. Carrlftge* high chairs, pjay [*eiig, etc CAN YOU ASK? 10 st, Summit «*-f»3« tunity for advancement 35 hour work Est»t# Of A. Stanrselcft 31 Park A»e- Baby clothe* In RO©<1 condition. Buy, week. All legal holidays. Employees ou». Sumnut, V. J. , swap or lUt for **le. Chatham 4- RECORDS and Jnion&graphB to tern Small Investment, large Sneomt, beau- NEW LISTING HOLMKS A welfare program, nl'fi MiifNiyrnent for 23flS-ft. (or daaces. Will deilter and pick tifully remtxMwl Victorian stone and NEAR SUMMIT Kntat.ltl.fi M»j>!« Hlrcrt part tlnif ciprk^ Pmrt'iilUI Irvn. Co, FOR SAU 0IFT8 for your Jioet or hostess, 6*c- up. Call Summit 8-8311 between 4 frame home. 37 foot living room, -4 $14,500 Mill top Colon!*' on »WMJ*C1 half Summit N ,1 I'hrmo ff>r onils of pottery und chia», beer and 6 pm. bedroom*. 3 batlw, lot 1»7 u 321, In acre. Center ha.1l. IJ«i« iwxn. fllnjng ' 8- CHATHAM Untanvllle J-'TO mugs, Mh travs. cups ai«l mucer*, addition, s barn which can be mart? room, modern kUohi>n, ««n, ttl«| H*»- and p!at«e Iif pme bird and hort* VACATIONS Into a 8 room howe Vn vry llttif, Franklin School tory. hrpskfsgt room. op?n iKJrdi on HITCHCOCK «h»ir», lln# curly maple, dealjtM. Contemporary Qer»mic». 31 Estltmte%l! re«d? to m alif*^. i Mnckn first floor. Four Irtrcjy hdrww ant) pillow btvck-- Orit Tijioiuand Wantls. Quebec »nd Mon- | room, WWlim. r»Rth, i b»clro«na on \ 30 jim to 8, $34000. Ttlephon* MontcHU a- PORTABLi typewrttff, tlS ri* H. McK. GLAZEBROOK l»t. I hejdrootn on 2nd. 1 cur ••nr K*r*fi;«, Ou liont. 1,'ow I*KM C>Wh*r from thr n!t»t',"" ' am 8 rtiiy wefk Permanent p treal, leaving Jttly 7 tot one tr»n»f?rr>d. An exception*I «f. 1 6»M week. Trtnuportvuton, j, meals per i» till* »-fll jilii'iii" ' ttona. Mrxlern building. Call Sum- Realtor EDMONDSON REALTOR «t |3IV)Q ft ciiifal'i* /"'if '"•<'• mit «-»7IW^___ tf»y and tleeptttK quftrtrra, 160. For iniormatloJi c« room, (tin Colteotora Itema DlMtM, |30. Radio. Hilllerafter tH% MOUNTAIN, WHITMOItE n. den null AUTOMoBfl,* mir)uuihf Wp iiave on ,7 tuhw, mod. 8-38. 100. Ur»lver#*l SUMifttfT «•*»» - 4*10 E Kvening* ftumnilt 6-U30 - 3SW opening fo<- two B'KMI nwhsiilrj, ex- Cholct Otfta & JOHNSON, Realtors ^ *n<\ 'ill «i petlencerl on f'hryslpr Ctvrptirstlon *lec. Iron, 17. Gas stove and o»»n, INSTRUCTIONS FtlrH\ »(i ."II a »mtlt $>ortabi*, W Klec. oren. umali I-SUMMIT 85 5l'mmii ***•""• Summit «.|*n cam. tUxiri dfilnry fdeal wcirkliiv con- THE COLLECTOR'S I^OOK port,, M. 3 lAdaer ft»«k chair*. IJ KXPERIBNCED t**«hfr wJJJ do »», I AiJ dition*. A fl'ie Kffwly Job Jor the each. Bide- chair, curved Vlctwlan, cutlonlng tutotiiig in gride nod hl»h 7 flwl!"1" "I !' tight men. Hot 344. Huminlt Herald. •ANTIQUES IS, Ml««i»n rocker, W, BookC8*«» •chool subject!. Box 34o, Humrnlt 21S FEET ON HILLSIDE :: small »«tlor«l, II *», Fl«»f-Jainp. Hersld ANCH TYPE—ONE FLOOR RESIDENCES from.on Rohln Ho«t Jtani) and T*mp- "*AUTO"MiECHANICS" (2) *M SpringtMi An- Summit »-M»l h no »had« II. Bummlt 1-3WW M Way, Wmit#d to I Uoxwm. Wunt One dftj-n 44hr»ir wtmk, other Learn To Drivc^ a—BICTCXKI UIKL'S bfryt'le HMifiio rouch. : in t> M i/i I A M : S d»>'« » w«>k. LSARN Tf) DRIVE rrr-ifted AAA in- snf) en (l.i. Hfs»on«blf- J- CROMWELL PARK he Kiyxl s!l-ntontirt men, good WKiTHISU). racer MNe tor fnle. Will fltrtir-tlWi, <~r,rjvp(i{lritnl fluid & hy. pay. Mfivrly wotk. •ell iPftWiriahle Call BUrrtmit «-2ftM- dr»m«Ur rtrlvr*, dvmi i-ontr'/li Mor- 20 BEEKMAN ROAD SUMMIT, N. .!.; JUST LLSTED ,'M! nfmn Imll'. '' J or c»]i 3fJ McrFfM ArenUf Summit. 2 l.'Uft'Kir&«re«n . oii«>T x 35V, ru Crwiuy Aunt Drl»li,R Behool; Jo- net* ri»n»" i" GIPTOIU) (TUKV., INC. »eph Rubiii'i, mBiihet-r. M'irrUtowo 7 "• II N J. _ one 0 7';" x 11V 'hunt ronttlllon. W»|| within 'ily limits, one-lull milr fiom ntBtlyn, «l»ojw, in. WHIFPANY: WH g-OOfft « 119 M 4-S2SJ -.I BJ<; Tout! ""irirtlir"**1. "»cb win ii.' ei- »nd arhool, trjf« hMiidful frjimft CIDIUWPII K»t»l« U now fOONO fur mimrner ]n+j, t>rfv«r« k rondltlou 123 00 dhorl Hill* nHng demoted to a iniinforr nr DIUMUM »nd at-Uirllvj rmitli ppT H DIAMOND APPKAISflTs"" typ* .hornt*. ,, JOBS-BECK-ACHM IDT trartp. Omul «nlary and Work- COMPANY 1 Inst rcxulUlmi* CKII Sumintt A-Ktl] Anul! Dftby granrt, l, UlamonSl»""Mt«(>I> SHOP will be !lnl#h 19.18 Bxifllsrit J iut«)tl)t«) for «ny. ALL SPACIOUS' ROOMS l, Mn»ln« trnt 'if t'i*n Con- * l« Sl, & C'wnual A»*, Miirm.v MrliiK ttny Miirnmit «-i'(.lH >«K)M_ O. B. g in(Mi>M»», S rn mi • ,.i.-i %irtf'»i» in uitriT W SUMMII AVBNWB 3 BEDROOMS I & 2 B A TILS 2 CAR OARAGE ra-IUnt timt. p«iqu»t i ~&nm'nroh < t\ Ann MA J u own whidsrt roun MUFPIHO AND tut pre*er»(rtg. on U,«*T * »r*w) n«w thtm* In , t-ONTAINKR t?O 1J# w»n«: thnmaii ( ftwm, T« WIGHTMANS tii« to<;m. (|»lu with *VWII«, CSKATBAM. K OPEN FOR INSPECTION «WIH« r••»!•, to ll )ar«f» i(M»»(i ait Ifp- , nif» Toy, UttM ahrt •OMMtf Ai?f4lON HTKIIM RESrcNAi' Tii bMti OJJ h*n \f,m t*», m«i« »M

S. f. & E. G. HOUSTON 00A. •-•Ml. *.^mH «M*4, h ftiMmlt HOU1I8» "AOK Y, R«iiltor IP"™™ UtUt t:0», 951 Movie Timetable standing camedy vintage hit with SUMMIT i in the v«Jn of comedy is "Up From ! Gay Tunes Make •Miss Kuzak uinging the melody and the Gutter" which the same quar- WANTO (Miss Cunningham and Knoj,>lw jtrttf do. jure 2«. 28. ily *"u.-WUl d y C«det J-05. S:15, 8:20. 4jUy 1 Orwt Jun* 28, 2». . *ppaiatnw« with' for"' ;other sweet number which'i-jyji- Missouri B»ld 4:00, "7:05 I0:8S. Air Daagtw, 7:33. 9:«3, Juno 30. &Bpoiai-'i*j highlight ii "The FJirds and the bines melody and dancing is "Have meat wiyi Dauggr, J:SO s*a, 730'tv| 3 J X Show One of Best 'B.-i.i"' in Ajui'n Miis Kuzak,-Mis* 20 B-20. July 4- Ato»« th# a.re*t V A* ^'i - Tfa».Oi»vliii«o«urt B*ld,' wirfc iYou' Seen My Currier HIK! Ivt-s" ,' 2'*S. 5;J0. 7:30, 9:U. ,3:**-«•=?'• 9:M, Doubl* Orowboat.. 2 j July } Pretty meiodies ivlth top (.'unnin^tiii.'ti '"ljtenuc Nordstrom' with Knowlea and Miss Ciinninj;- 2:30, 5:40, 8;40. July 2, The Ore»t Mu-' jicul and vintiigt .itid Aliurt < \u ff-ll ;iif heard, Still •batn. MORRISTOWN sou*l JUM, 1:0$, fo:0o..-Doubt* Crc^- e musical itfiits i give an unuituul >»U«UN1TY boc«, 8;«. July 3. M» & P» Ket'wt I flavor to Sig- B«* oa th# ftirm, T-OS 8*0 2J*-.y Jmund Floniberg's June 28, 28, 30, Sabiola.. W«ekdm. Bouna, *:35. July 4.* M* 4c F»'Kettle MAPLEWOOD s< ore fq,r "Up In 1 -Jo 7 -00. t :IO Saturday, J:W. 4:03, 8,08, jBack on the fun, 2;1S, 4;S0 JJJ !Central Park," the j-erent Broaii- STRAND j-'ift* 10:15, July 1. Sorroeoo, 2:CO, 4:00. 10:09. Navy Bound, 3:33. «:lo, »:S0. >W « W«» JiS 2, 3 SwtoccoSwocco, • way hit, whii-'Si bt-gan thf Ihhj. 8 Oh I 'w-ffk of its cngagt-mont at thr Summit «-3i»oo 7:00. UNION : Paper Mill Playhouse in Miilbu.'n Now thru Sat,, June :t(t Tr*Jn. UNION 10 June U n. Katie Did It, 1:20. 7 :u I .Monday, June 25. June t3. Gambling House, 2:0O, 8:30.; 10:li. Appointment with Diu..~.. ..„ Cry Da»B«. 3 :30. 7:00, 9:50. Jun«2». F«t \t:*i.i Juue 30. Kills Did It, 3:10 5 so "Closv As Pages in a Book" an-1 Xur ''•00- 8:40. Apache t>runu. 3.SO, 8:55. 'Appointment' with Daoget, 3,«' • •>It Doesn't Cast Yoti_Anything 1.1 1 n0*'»-M. Juo« 30. Pst Man. 3:10, S:«, 7:15, 10:30. Bwery Boy* TrouU* M*K- Dream" are ;tiu dui ti 3:00, i'-IA *;1?- July 2, My forbidden for Andzia Ktizak and I'VrJinari . •"ms 3*40^ 8:25. They've Got M* Cov- , d"9*) 6;i5, 10:00. July 3. Hoiue on |7:10. 10:00. July 3. My Forbladtn ..BO. ,Hilt, the star^ of the jirodiietiun •fJraph'HlU. 2:00, 8:40. Fighting Coaat jJ:5<). 8:43, Lucky Sick Cala, 1:20, !V. j On another occasion they sing or.e i'-."rd* 3:4S, 7:00, 10:10. July «. House , T«i«mpli Hill. Plgbtlng Cowl « Htr F;r»! I mure of the outstanding Honshuy I -it < S3 t h... !melodies, "April Snow," Hilt is RIVJ Guards. ! CRANFORD 1 -0 fa M, |CRAKFORH Her tut - » «•». j heard in a solo rendition of "Whin MILL8URN 10 133 J * I'lus 28, Father's Little Dwtdtiid -in: -1-00 !She Walks in the Hoom " HEiVKK MII.LBUKN • 3:00, 8:43. Soldier* Thr*e, 1:25 7 oo' .s u* a :i 110:05, June 29. fa.ther'» tlnle Dlvi- 12 43, 14 I Two outstanding topie:il itrius arc VALLKY" June 28, 29. along the Qreu Divide, jdena, 3:00, 7:00. 10:00. Soldier's Thr— AM BA5- Bullfighter & tidy, 1:40, :1:25, S:30, June 30. Father's •••'.. "Boas Tweed," a quartettr number Ho iO'05. June 30. Father's Mule iDlvldwid, 4:00, 7:15, 10:&j fc.jlu.fr s with (jean Greenwt'il, lio'n.-rt Heiss 'd 3:», I'M. 10:10. Soldier* (Three, 2:30, 5:35. 8:45. Sa^ ,. - a 1:35, 5:40, 8:45. July 1, Father'* 11:30. July 1.. Alfcig the Orpat Ui^iu Henry Craig Neslo mid William 11:00, 830, Ghost Cha*er«, in ; ,, MaciJotigaii, and "Hip Van Winkle.'1 ; 10:20, July 2. 'i, Klotit Orr •• l):,We 2:45. 8:10. Uhost CIlMen, Mi 7 JO Sin which Greenvvol! is -joiiiM \n {Itonnie Cunninghiin!, Hal McMur- '"'"'EAST ORANGE a 3 ,c .1 |rin, Alien Knowies and tin- r.vo AIR CONDITIONED H. .» MONKEY SHINES -Tiuit's 11 f-uii-y tih'k the i'hinip i.> perform-jatur^. Knowles dunces an iuijier- BEACJON 1 1 m,', md he'll do it again for Summit's thousands at the Fourth ofjsonation of the character de«fnbe Brkit" is the out- Guest, 3:10. JlUy 1, The 11 Ii > <,i PHOWI M 4.2050 ,4:03. 7:08, ,110:09. A At C Me.' 1 v j 'Man. 2:41, 5:44 fl:47 July •> 3 r Heads NYU Alumni Club .Thing. 3:07, 7:00, 1 10:03. A A, •- M • ilnvislble Maa, 1:48. 8:41. July < A-,. fc.' nest G. Mflihuek o£ West End j UTOlutniciit with Danger. ,mr ie has been clcctoi] president,' NOW THRU SAT. } HOJXVWOOU of t ic New York Univ'ijrsity Alum- \ i June 28, 23 30, Julyr I, J 3 I-_aid» ' • Walla of Kolsom Prison, Al- C-tdf- m flub of Suburban New Jer-/ July 4. Follow the Sun, Sword <.i ORANGE ••i\ Chief'Justice Vanderbilt was f*ffi p»-^ FabulouFabulous JMont* Crlsto. i rf-doctod honorary chairman of llfon. Ovenware To Ladies! 1 ELIZABETH tli advisory board of thft bp»r • — N. V. Posl 4:05. 7:10, 10:15. Brite Le Drande. 2:,- ' 5:40, 8:45. June 29. 30, July Z. 2. 2 (Flrtt Lt-Blon. Air Cadet. July 4. Bra.'.- ' Bulls. Al Jennings of Oklahoma. DIXKJONL IT: ']iiu .<• .uu tilt- (J.inzult-.s Mntt-ri-, fioru SJUIII .\:n, uri. PK and UiL-ir cleverly trained dogs, another attraction in tin-sis-act vir.-sis EELEASED THRU ^JWITED AKHST8 June 23. 29. Iruide the Walls or FoJsom Prison, 1:00, 4:10 7:05, S:55. arranged for Summit's Fourth of July cok-bration. Sunt Thru, TUPN. Flame of 8umboul. 2:55, 5:50, a:45. 10:33. F 3:55. 29, S5:t? *: c* Wo* 10:13. Bptr 1IUMPIIBKY MAnTA 30. Spirt- Five Local Students TOUKN AIR-CONDITIONED 15 s NEWARK Under T^r.-.- E^r : To Attend Upsala i « S • ; %'• In M*a of A~i::a. Z X B*d Jt»r. •.;.' Stuii. 'S'M. '«:!6, Five students from Summit have MGM's "SIROCCO1 S:S8 Jul-? ". 1- Eli TERMITES registered for the first semester of 7:22! % Si 1-iS *"" the Upsala College summer acssions TECHNICOLOR S3 Ellrabdth ATe. — N>w»rk are dying again. Watcb for which convened Thursday, Theyj IOHAV—Frl June 2S-29 ^SMrarms" of "Flying Ants wore: Joan Eastman Bennett, 135 \ The GREAT CARUSO" Hig tth o/ July Shine MARIO ANN Rohtrt Mltchurn - Ava Gardner-. SOUTH ORANSE Hobart av«nue; Kay Lindstrom, i Itt "MY FORBIDDEN PAST" which come wllh Spring, thwJ BLYTHI CAMEO 105 Now England avontie; Thomas! LANZ•O AND . IATE "LUCKY NICK CAIN" their «ing», then disappear "STRANGERS ON for FBI 3 I « Sen Tf, 3:«, 1:0(5, C. Lindstrom, 105 New England SHOW Gtor|e 1UIC - Coleen Gr»j IT 1 X, Al«i| fhf Gre».t These wood destroying insccti ,'The PAINTED HILLS' EVERY Bu""-fi*.*T A: li*f icc*t elaborate protection of property displays er prejeitsd at ^je Ir- r?*ms-»S srrfBgrc but, in against TERMITES and other the ir.tereit aJ ,*af*:tj". T&ckt'ts *ud Wood Destroying Insects, 5:.mi!;ir'«*ri.si ?teo» wul be miss ing. using dpppnrtahlo MiKineering DRIVE IN THEATRES The mausf*d Si=acnBBd» likely methods We are not simple «x UNION MORRIS P t A I N S to b« p*ea«2t as* tie pwatimity tfnniriutors. Every joli is »upi>r- ftourr ;« — *n«i nA of hired rede of kaaxxs pr»TRpt*d vlsrd by nn (•xperlpriped nie'.illy truinwl, licrnsrrt Fri Sat. #Mnf W-J0 rri. Sat. June 2S-30 the park wATmf.fBnem. to waive -Stewart Barbara H»lt Tup Action Hit any pyroteciriys •••hJrti.'•miffht be 'THE JACKPOT" "STEEL HELMET" n —'-FootllKht Vnrirtie t* *et off Wed- Comrd.v - S|>ort - Cartoon ground piipces to tion, finpkty iitR Nrvv Jfiwcy rfim be i«pt-cl«c\iiflr Sun. M«m. .July I-J rr.«(i«y a:f"at dents iinil Wd have snrvrd 1VP» Sim. Man. July 1-3 but ultra-s&fe, IS A. Murphy - It, Xdiilevy M»rlo Mnz» Ier»ry properly owners siircpfis Tn Technicolor fully for IS y#i»r». OUT reput/i- In "IVchnirolnr Auatraiiars « re- "OREAT CAUl'SO" tion in thin fl<-lfl i* iinMirpit»ne«l KAIDEitS" -th»-.-.«rarM*a puted - l»- b* most ThQ!!S?«nrt».... »f ri'ioreme* «!«• Mp in V**1 .Ifnry—not in some disturb Stnte. te&af ttw.»=a«:J'«n coal are* of nay ceximtwf. Our «ork K (U AUANTEED HI FOR 5 YEARS without nt1tl< T ttonsil eharg:*— a one-year gunr HEMS DEI ELOPED 's worth!«>!«*, 8 «r *• Roll* For Informntion or Frrr In ANT1QUBB »nd OIL Gtamj 29c artrt A(lvic(> — BOlHiHT AND SOI40 Print of Et- STEP-HENS-MILLSR OO. GEORGES AUCTION ROOMS rls. TfRMITE •3 Summit Avcnut Snamit 6-0&29 Summit ••09W OOllPAJfrf"' Confrof Bureau AUCTION JSJ-230 Broad Stre«t 35c •7-49 Suminit Av»nu« •ummlt <-00Bt*< Bit. EASTERN FUEL Funeral Service Summit 8-13«7 W-339 Bro«d Scrt*»t RYAH POTTO - BOX tM Summit

IU1IIIIINM MATTCB1AI* CXJRBVS KNTERPRUB LAUNDRf. INC BTKI'HKNS-MILLER OO 3T Summit Avem»» HO M1CMAN1C CAN KNOW 15 MAKIS - U RuMelt ri«ct Summit 1-1000 THI WAY Mi CAN KNOW SMI . RW-tahied t*0Q39 LAUNDRT, IWC FIREWORKS 15-21 Induwtrlai Phut To ttt thr longest fwsnibk life from ymir Ford'i lattery, Summit 0-1711 Fourth of Ju^jr, 10 P ^ , new type, brilliant, easier to watch n v..U*»e re«iil»i«r check slioukl I* pirt oC every tuneiip RlJl'I'l.IKS tdb'ruuf <*t r««iv*». Vmi c»n be \urt that ilm t»l» i» MOTOR gT()KKR§ FRttflXCUS . . SWIMMING POOL ilfrtie tnil tloiie right »l if1* tttvked by i V^td ipwrtlwt , . , by your KotuDwIer. Mi Sprinicfielci Av«ou« EASTKHN h\mi. OOM-PAITf Shi** 4 8-d 9-30—trained lifeguards—white sand beach 333-2S» Rro* Yftu we, we Vml l)ra!m iervirt more r*w». «j&-*f! MeT> Go Rn. "•d, Mrlrt' Deals, Crm kpot, Looper «Dvnn« tlw. We «« only die latest. fihe»( tMd «wct Summit t-0006 melhmli . . . pt*wriliecl by the engineer* wlu> made your A niUJ,I»KIW Fi.nl the Rn* c»r ii »«. And we h»v« on h«ml |he m.»»l U|IUMJ*M FO ) R«p*l»-. K-rvke jtA. JOHN I. CROOf S,,, il'ii only MUiral llttl «<• *»« «'«« f'"» •'»« nnelt Ifon» A Oonhtll «»"•*' g.r.y parking ford urtviit »iivrtlie»f . . M«r >m» lime »n 1 "sound life insurance inveat- golden ginger , ale. Buy a cose, assorted as you wish, Special through Tues. menU." The society, with offices *t 1137 Eest J*'i"ty street, Eliza- EDUCATOR beth, will furnish on request the 12-ox. pkg. names of physicians who are doing Butter Cookies general practice at specialty prac- tice, who may be consulted. DAIRYCREST pint1 carton •At times when the family doc- Open Tues. Ice Cream World's greaest ice cream value! Richer, cresmier, imcother! Serve with Educator butter cookies'. tor i* not available, its doctor*' JULY 3rd emtrgencey service will supply a J'4-OI MEATS physician when needed at any Sardines-ln-Oil 7c Tritzel Sticks •••s. time during the tnenty-four hours until 9 p.m.' CHIttfl of the day. Hospitals, Red Cross I I una whit. M.«t 40c Potato Chips ...»•?«•*•• 25c ^/i Pric« Effective Thru Tuesday, July 3ri chapters and police departments \ Closed All Day Alc aiso will help, it wag Mated. A j Wed., July 4ih i una tight w.c «," 36c Peanut Butter'« -^ '£* 39c recent State-wide survey by the i CU8ID0I D Medical Society of New Jersey! Hamburgers 1&-af. con 61c Lily Drinking Cups * ,9c baa shown that \hi* service is ! With Perk HAMS SHalf 59c Campbell's Beans 16-O can 13c Napkins ,m* *> •*»"<>25c functioning .well in mast com- • For picnic or full-course meal! Butt Half, Ib. 63c munltica, the county society re- Kcebler'Weyl WAXrm jar Waxtex * UJ.f..r r.H 23c ported. Gulden's Mustard r 13c Club Crackers HHIMANS turfs (• "Your doctor, your county med- Mayonnaise pint jar 4/C .»,. ...19c ical society, your State medical = packo,. TURKEYS society, the American Medical As- Open fr/t/oyi Till 9 P. M. 12 to 16 lbs. Drawn (9 to 14 lbs.) Oven-Ready, Ib, 75c. sociation—all are working for you to provide you witn the best medi- eal care in the wnrld, twenty-four Peter Pan (Whole hour* a day," the goe'rty empha- Canned Ham in Can) Ib, sised. "You help yourself when Peanut Butter Open, Tumday, July 3rd, Until 9 P. M, you know >our doctor, and he, in U-oi. Smoked Tumbltr 36c Ib, turn, knows you." Special! Fresh Frotted FUh Ham Slices 12 oi. can It's "fresher than HAS BAUXITE Swift's Prem fresh" — frosted Hercegovina in Western Yugo- 7-Minit Complete when caught! slavia, with adjacent sections of IDUCAIOR CHOCOU1E 2 ;e 67c Bosnia and the Dalmation coas*\ Pie Mix "£* 27c Baby Foods l^rsr 49c holds more than a fifth ,of the Ice Box Cookies "£ 2\c Lemon orcacaanut. Contain* r roods womo o \ ovc worWs known bauxite, crude ore birth erufl and filling on Liverwiirst ^> ^.fc of aluminum. Cookies !S°I^, £2',, 26c Flounder fo»n Inn wltT0NI AlMr"d A'ir Beech-Nut Cereal^l 5c S/iop ri/©s., Ju/y 3rd Until 9 f.M. R& R Salmon Steaks nyde Park ,,^ pa*at. 3Vc Tenderleaf Tea MX. 33c SOLID PACK Nabisco Ritz XBi20c First in Quality, BonedChicken ROSTE Value and Variety! H E A LT H Educator Crax „£ 29c Ideal Tea Bags •fit «3C Prket Effective POOOS ™ 74c NABISCO AmoM.d ch8tBbt 11-01. Thru Tuet., July 3rd Ideal Concentrated ENGLISH STYU ''r 42c Bosco Mid AmplHit* r jer 27c us a HABIT Wilson's Royal Crown Colored Oleo CRESCENT s d Orange Juice t" 19c ponces* IDIAl Each can makes i Vi pints of pure juice! U'l, M». rtti. Brood Tomatoes """. .» 19c TYM Httltk 1I t fctbit-a MOR PORK Cola Salted Peanuts gmd biblt, liy»*r htilth isn't OOOD All- T-t. ( Perfect slicing. Firm^fancy quality. V balikt LUCK 37c SWHmmT 38c 24c Broccoli Spears"?«!.,. pit 23c all it should b«, now it, the tils* r 48c SfABROOK fr«nth- m do something ibout it $«• n Green Beans Sly!* I0-OI plij 22c your phjiicitn. H« will help Cider Vinegar IZ L. 18c Hi-C Orangge Ade :: 1 Oc Cantaloupes""""^ 19c BIRDSIYt 10-o. you to get on the Health High- Underwood 1DIA Sweet, mellow large cantaloupes, 23c. » I Cut Corn 20c way. And of court* you will Orange Juice L, 13c SMOW CHOC wtntto bring hit pitscriptioa Deviled sss Raspberries B»d 12-tii flkf.. 35c b«t for careful eorapotiadiof. a Heinz Gherkins^L. 31c M3C0 Orap.lrull Ham ri7c d Blueberries" tT29c Mok»« Hi Pintt t-oi Jon 15c Heinz Ketchup Rob-Fbfd Peanuts ^. 23c Luscious, plump, large ripe! L MOADCAJMDCT 13c Charlfnt's Cut Rate R& R Chicken Shredded Whegt,£X17c POQPhoc FoBcy 0 ,L OCii MAWPIHIBi «* prtBifltM *?«. red oil DO Frwitont/»bs./gy French Fries 9-81, 17c iBnunlt, N. #, Chopped Ham 60c Pitchers ""'"" luunlt •.*»« a La King i«. lit* *»VC Evap Milk lS 2r.27c Tumblers 6'- 69c ^ef'crousiHiley Belle. At all Acmes! 63c tirn 53c Seabrook Chopped WESTON Chocolate Chip 9-ox. pkg. Watermelons >»6c 31c Red ripe. Sugar sweet. What o treofj Spinach New! Farmdale gL 5e Dry Milk r 35c Peppermint Chiclets Pack O pkgt. 23c Rnn*fat tdlidt rfry $kim milk, PANTRY 'NEED'S "*^ rnth rnn ntahtii % full qitnrli Chotolai, IKickBB* Soap uuNDr? 3 '•••" 25c Homogenized Peanut Brittle T! ?" 35c Cleanser «*«•«• 2 "2 19c HAND' Clf ANIt Orange Slices "",";..?t»£S 19c Boraxo •••t, 17c SPRY KICHARDION'I Cream Cheese "•&,i, 15c Cheese Food Aflcr-Otnntr 9c 18c, 31c Mild Cheese uh'" IBIAl lBr-# Party Patties S 29c Chiffon * 57c Eggs IN* Carfsn tf Luaen s ku. Provolone Sit SIAl Clapp's 19c Niagara Starch „!£',. 19c Colon, |«rf C«rlsn ef 13 Strained Baby Gold Seal Gold Seal American ?£i 57c Foods 5 ?.r 49c B & B Malties S Noodles Macaroni & Candy J;;*. 31c 2^ Spaghetti ^ 16c Swiss Cheese €«n4r Itept, Fmlftrtit Clapp's ilttnilf Dmpt. ftmturtl For your July 4rn picnic, with Supivmt ratty ry# br«odf Chopped Jr. Banner's Sugar- Luden's Cashmere Bouquet Foods 6 119c Coated Jordan 5th Ave, Jrs. Soap 2 .'3? !9c T •ATM Sin Almonds Z 29cCnndy lord !?.», 41c Super Suds Z 27c Cherry fffcf> *kmd4 y*» w. 18c 6-Qt. Dutch Oven •PKon» SUmmft Palmolivc Imp IS 9c Rye Bread 17c $£.49 »9.oo Dessert Shells «« MM trj*l •4 4 17c with Suprimt Whiti «*t «hlt If iimt, 49-51 Maple St Summit Springfield A" i South St. New Providence