~t-^i^ . V Read the Herald For Local News Th* Wmfatrt Serving Summit For $$ Yeart Mortly dottfly, wamand feontWl •**, with (AMMO of evtafaf •kowen. Tomorrow, fate and cooler. 63rd Year—No. 4 , sr SECTION «• Two Section* rtlephoM Summit «-«MM SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, JUN6 It, I9SI 14 A VIA* ICINU fat ContingentCommonwealth Of Herald Campers Asks PUC for Water fA Only Fair Skies Heeded For Off to Bonnie Brae With tlm HerakS-Family Servic< Rate Revision A request for a 35 per cent in- 'Best Ever'July 4 Celebration imp Fund now about $330 Jess crease in water rates was made *•** ' last year's total of 11,664. the last week by the Commonwealth Resident* of Summit and their friends will be treated contingent ~of campers num- Water Company to the Public to sa Qld-fa*hloned Fourth of July celebration with the 17 boys, departed Saturday Utilities Commission. The com- latest trimmings next Wednesday at Soldiers Memorial [for Bonnie Brae where they will pany, which mrvta Summit and Held. [pend two weeks. Transportation other suburban New Jersey com- Since the holiday falls in the middle of the week, at- VM provided by .members of th.e munities, aaks that the'Increase ; tendance at thia ye&r'c action- JpUsilst Club. In rates be granted effective July packed program is expected to Contributions this week to the20. ,r exceed that of any preview* year, jnd totaled Jl 12.86 and Included The water company, which An- Chamber Adds 28 and the celebration committee, ?100 donation from the Con-nounced, the PUC application, in heade4 by George Hufnail, h*r valescent Fund Committee and a newspaper advertisements, 'atated New Members in made arrangement** to accojnrno- aion*yord*r from the fifth hat ib operating expense* and date the throng in complete com- and ' sixth grades at Franklin nateriaiu costs- had greatly in- fort. , creased and that a higher rate One-Day Campaign Special effort* aleo have gone Franklin School gift repre- is needed. Additional revenue from Tw*nty#ifht new Summit area into the program, as evidenced by sented the balance of dues >col- th« rate increase would amount to usiness e*t*bllshttents joined the the booking of a six-act circus ected throughout the school year 1570,000. Surtmlt Ar»a Chamber of Com- which the committee feels is th» jfrora pupils for operating expenses Baeree *» a remjlt of last Tuesday's beat obtained by any community Commonwealth aervea about in this area. i Df a club. In an accompanying 36,000 cuatomers in Summit, Chat- oae-day membership campaign, letter, the Franklin children wrote ham Township, Miilburn, >Jew the Chamber office announced In ca«e of rain on July i, th» tsat itf was voted to give this bal- Providence, Springfield, Irving- tfiif week. 1T» number is «c-circus will be held the following to the Fund "to help some pkiiti to bt lit'ftt than 28 be-evening at 7:30 p.m.—at Memorial ton, West Orange, Mapjeyvood, cause, of the fact that some re- Uat fortunate than ourselves Paseaic Township and parts of Field or, in the event of rain oa have «, pleasant summer." port* have not jret been received. July S, too, in the Senior High Hillside and Union. Its main of- With the iS pew raembera the The Family Service Association fices, are located on* Beechwood School auditorium. If the fire- reported last week that 19 Chamber membership now stands works, display is rained out July 4, road, Summit at «0S. It U estimated that the ces of luggage had been left •WAN'TOV DEStRUCTION of tho Lincoln Playground shelter la pic it will held at Memorial Held on The last rate increase granted are* contains bujine<*» con- the next clear night at 9 p.m. py residents at the Summit Leather the company by the PUC was for jtured above. Left is a view of'one of the rest rooma showing jsmashtid toilet, ripped out plumbing-.and on-the floor some "of "thi c«tiw of *U types. Fourteen of As in previous years, taga ad- »nd Luggage Goods Center and re-20 per cent on May 1, 1948. The the new memberships were from paired by that concern for camp- adjustment of Kites at that time Court Acts Upon jr<jekss that had been thrown against the porcelain fixtures. At th Noted Religious | right is a view of a storage room showing twisted playground ap Berkeley Heights. The citric, ers' use. Luggage w«* needed by produced an additional $253,871 an- prc-fewional And service division Program of Events five members of Saturday's group nually, Before that the company •parattis that had been stored for the winter and one of the "door* Zahodiakin snd 'pulled from its hinges. A'drinking' fountain at the left wa3 als of the Chatnber received 11 new of campers and they were supplied was granted an increase in 1918. Leader to Give members, the mercharits division For Fourth of July from the stock of repaired luggage. The Bernards Water Co., an aC- broken. Other damage Included smashed windows, defacement o: wails, iji\:)ki.'n air vents and smashed doors. Officials estimate that li and the Industrial division one. Here'* the program for th« fiilate, serving Bernardsvllle end Paefula Zone Suits sill cost more than $1,000 to repair tho building, erected only last Sermon Sunday About 25 worker* donated their Fourth of July celebration to Bernards Township also requested Contributors to A Zoning Board of Adjustment year at a cost of ?2,400. (Chcll-Frantzen and Police Department photos). Opening the traditional unite* time for the campaign which be staged Wednesday at Me- the PUC for a 33 H per cent in- ruiing was affirmed by one court' summer church iervict* »t Jl «.ia.opened at a br«skf««t at the Hotel morial Field: Hercld Camp Fund crease which would give an in-and • decision . on another wns re- Sunday will be Dr. WalUr Beechwood sad cloned with A *up- 9:45 a.m—Fltif-raltlng. The Sumndt Herald-Family crease of $153,000 annually, 'Com- served as two actions of the Board Horton of Oberlin College who wfl fer at the Hfotel Suburban. The 10 &jnv-Trse« event* for boys Service summer camp fund monwealth sells water to the Icame into court this week. preach in First Baptist Cfturch. driv« the general and girls. Elizabeth Water Co. and the Ber- The Methodist Church fo cHiirmanahip of Robert N, Duiu- 10 a-m—Kiddie rifles, totting gratefully acknowledges the On Monday Judge Daniel J. ; Lincoln Playground following contributions to date: nards Water Co. and First Baptist ar« uniting theit mor« who was «*il*ted by Fred all day. Brennan of Superior Court up- C Kentx, Jr., in charge of pro 11 a.m.—Bftsetall game, Sum- Convalescent Fund Thomas W. Colenwjj of thia held the city in .thp Arthur H. congregations for th« summer months as they hav« don* ror the fesllonsj group calls} Harold S. mit Red Soi-Summlt Cardi- Committee ,$100.00 city, manager of both the Com- Paihila case, Padula. a Summit Beacon Fire, DAB 10,09 monwealth Water Co. and tho fer Ruined by Vandals ast 12 years. Spitier, In charge of 'merchant nal*. resilient unii N'fivvailt contrat.-tor, Franklin School, Fifth and Bernards Water Co,, said tho 1948 Or. Horton liu Internationally division oaUa an4 John Segetken Noon—Plan a picnic lunch. broujjlit suit against the citv wl The willful! destruction of school to investigate on June 21, a day Sixth tirades t.W rate revision did hot produce ex- t ch nown teacher of re%lon and. »in charge of Industrial division « pjtu—Six-act drcu*. the Board doiim! his ivfjuest for (property by juveniles fame to the after the Summit Herald learned Short HUls DAR f 10.00 pected revenue contemplated by easier in the "World Council of calls. Mr. Spltter and W. Kae 7:S0 p.m>—Ffng retreat and a, varianci e so that a &ix-story, {{attention of city officials last wctrk of tlio vandalism. : Crane, executive secretary of the band concert. Anonymous ... $.00 the Commission in establishing f hurches. He l$ tht author' of a Mrs. lUljih t. fitieett . 340 the new rate. He added that this 42-fsiji)i!y «pir -'Tr* Vf-'-i rrti'rt ' whrn ' >n r-f-'hon-- «t Lirro'n Hegan Last Fall loaen books;, many ef^ which Chamber, made the Berkeley » p.m.—Firework* dinplay, kiWUs A!!«* truilow , 2,00 be built at ; < f.>rv: (.f s ininsit [•! i>r-' "'I v, '.•• f|'-iovi>r. 1 m J fact, together with increased costs, ni'\ ting between' Board of een selectlqus of tlie Heights call*. Root's BtpU Bttm .....-., S5.W c and V. ,,i i ,<• ..ii > ;-:i' miju-". T.v r v. mV.- of Mots Men* Shop .„ *$.#» made it mandatory that the com- t ji'on in& police repre#ente- eook-of-tne-Montli Clij Because of *tt* fact that «onte VUflinla Thornton ...,....., 2J.00 Ed mlttlng each person to all of tht Klwanti dull S pany g«ek an adjustment at this tiu .id Fridny, brought out hem are the poptilar, R. CoSif Moil-I .- -, <-..,.»! bt } time. thr 1'ii thiit a substantial Approaci h fo ^eojogy,* further return* are to be made the given to each family contributing C. t. P, ...„ 18.99 when the J3i ;" i, .1 u i;n Eviry pane nf tmount of (inimge had been done Theism and the Scientific fplrit," to th« Mrs. ivtnet W. Baetxer .. 2SM "We feel." Mr.
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