Minutes of Proceedings of a Meeting of Magherafelt District Council held in the Council Chamber, 50 Ballyronan Road, Magherafelt on Tuesday, 8 March 2011. The meeting commenced at 7.30 pm.

Presiding: Mrs E A Forde

Other Members Present: J F Kerr P J Bateson SWS Brown J Campbell T J Catherwood J Crawford P E Groogan O T Hughes Miss K A Lagan Mrs K A McEldowney P McLean J J McPeake I P Milne G C Shiels Miss B A Scullion

Officers Present: J A McLaughlin (Chief Executive) J J Tohill (Director of Finance and Administration) W J Glendinning (Director of Building Control) M Young (Director of Environmental Health) A Cassells (Director of Operations) Mrs Anne-Marie Campbell (Director of Policy and Development) Mrs Audrey Junkin (Chief Executive’s Secretary)

Representatives from Other Bodies in Attendance:

DoE Planning Service:

Mr M Bowman – Planning Officer

McCready, Donnelly & Lowry:

Ms Anne McCready Ms Ann Donnelly

1 Minutes

1.1 Councillor J Campbell referred to the following items on Page 11:

Item 9.2.1 – Dog Fouling - he said that he had raised the issue of dog fouling in the Coolshinney Road area and not Councillor J J McPeake as presently recorded in the Minutes; and

Item 9.2.2 – Meadowbank Sports Arena - he had raised the issue of directional signage to Meadowbank Sports Arena and not Councillor P McLean as presently recorded in the Minutes.

Councillor Campbell asked that the Minutes be amended accordingly.

1.1.1 It was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor J Campbell, and

Resolved: that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member) subject to the above amendments be taken as read and signed as correct.

1.2 It was

Proposed by Councillor O T Hughes Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: that the Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council held on Monday, 14 February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member) be taken as read and signed as correct.

1.3 It was

Proposed by Councillor O T Hughes Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: that the Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member) be taken as read and signed as correct.

2 Matters Arising Out of the Minutes

2.1 Minutes – Tuesday, 18 January 2011 Submitted letter of reply from the Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety, Mr Michael McGimpsey, MLA to the Council ‘s letter requesting continued funding for the Barnardo’s Home from Home project which includes the SK Club for children and young people with disabilities dated 11 February 2011 (copy circulated to each Member).

2.1.1 The letter explained that the Children’s Fund, which had been created by the NI Executive in 2003 to provide direct support to children in need and young people at risk, and which had funded the Barnardo’s project had come to an end in March 2008. Following this the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Services, which had been delivering the Children’s Fund on behalf of the Executive, continued to fund the project but advised the project that it would be expected to move to a position of self-sustainability or secure an alternative funder.

2.1.2 In July 2010 the Department wrote to the project advising that its funding arrangements would be reviewed as part of the spending review process, and were also advised that nothing could be guaranteed about future funding and it would be prudent to plan ahead on the assumption that funding would not be available beyond 2011.

2.1.3 Referring to the Council’s offer to send a joint delegation of Councillors from Magherafelt and District Councils to discuss the matter further, the Minister advised that such a discussion could have little merit until the Executive’s Draft Budget had been agreed and his Department could finalise the detail of its Budget. This meant that he was unable to give guarantees to any group about the availability of funding beyond March 2011.

2.1.4 The Chairperson, Councillor Mrs E A Forde said that she had spoken with Mrs Claire Knox who had indicated that she felt that Barnardo’s could provide some funding towards the project. However, Mrs Knox’s and the parents’ main concern was that the amount potentially available would be insufficient to fund the Barnardo’s summer scheme which was financed by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety.

2.1.5 Members were generally sympathetic to the SK Club’s situation and discussed a range of avenues potentially open to the Committee including applying to other grant award bodies such as ‘Awards for All’ and ‘Healthy Minds’. A number of Members suggested that the Council should consider reallocating some of the funding which was presently set aside for Sporting Grants to support groups such as the SK Club.

2.1.6 Councillor P McLean said that the Council needed to be conscious of the equality agenda and be cautious when considering whether to fund one group and not another. He stated that there were many groups that could apply for funding and he felt that the whole issue of funding for charity groups required to be carefully considered to ensure that all the groups could potentially obtain funding from the same budget.

2.1.7 On consideration it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor I P Milne, and

Resolved: that the Chief Executive consider the possibility of the Council applying some of its funds towards funding charitable bodies and report back to the Members at its meeting scheduled for Monday, 14 March 2011.

2.2 Submitted letter dated 2 March 2011 from the DRD Roads Service’s Divisional Roads Manager, Mr P B Doherty, concerning a Review of Off- Street Parking Charges (copy circulated to each Member) which stated that the Minister for the Department of Regional Development had considered and approved the following changes to car park charges in the Magherafelt District Council area:

• Rainey Street, Magherafelt – charges to increase from 30p per hour to 40p per hour;

• Union Road, Magherafelt – charges to increase from 30p per hour to 40p per hour; and

• The introduction of charges in car parks which are currently free – 79 spaces in Magherafelt Central (38 remain free)

The letter also set out the key considerations that had been used in setting the changes and further intimated that the increase in charges generally from 30p to 40p were being implemented throughout provincial towns in .

Finally, the Divisional Roads Manager advised that the Department would advertise a notice in the local press once the order had been made. The notice would detail the changes in tariffs and the date the new tariffs would come into effect.

2.2.1 Members were very displeased about these increases and hoped that the Chamber of Commerce would discuss the matter at its next forum meeting and respond to the Divisional Roads Manager.

2.3 Submitted a letter dated 18 February 2011 from Mr Stephen Hughes, Roads Service, Transportation & Engineering Policy Unit acknowledging the Council’s response to the draft policy and draft EQIA on proposals for bi-lingual traffic signs. The letter intimated that the Council’s response would be considered at the end of the consultation period.

Noted .

2.4 Submitted letter dated 4 March 2011 from Ms M McAleer, Director of Investigations in the Northern Ireland Ombudsman’s Office, advising that, following the announcement by the Minister for Justice in June 2010 of the establishment of a Tribunals Terms of Reference Working Group to examine the administrative justice landscape operating in Northern Ireland, she was undertaking research in support of the Working Group.

2.4.1 Mrs McAleer requested that the Council complete an enclosed questionnaire and return it to the Northern Ireland Ombudsman’s Office by 25 March 2011.

2.5 Submitted letter from the Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland (HSENI) dated 4 March 2011 in response to the Council’s letter of 25 February 2011 regarding an abandoned site adjacent to 45 Portna Road, Kilrea (copy circulated to each Member). The letter indicated that the HSENI had written on 25 January 2011 to agents (Sproull Solicitors) who were believed to be in control of the site and, following their response which raised a query about specific health and safety risks, the HSENI had visited the site again on 14 February 2011 and issued a further letter dated 16 February 2011 to Sproull Solicitors. The HSENI’s letter to the Council advised that if there were any developments in terms of ownership or if work began and Health & Safety did not appear to be adequately managed then a complaint should be lodged with HSENI. It also indicated that vandalism or unauthorised trespass issues should be referred to the PSNI.


2.6 Submitted an email from Rural Generation confirming that a presentation would be made to Council on Monday, 14 March 2011 by Ms Christine Hutton and Pat Graham.

Members agreed that the meeting on Monday, 14 March 2011 would commence at 7.00 pm.

2.7 Submitted a letter from Mr B Green, Head of 2011 Census Statistical Development, Outputs and Dissemination, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) which advised the Members that NISRA was holding a Census user information event in Cookstown from 9.30am to 1.30pm on Wednesday, 23 March 2011. The letter further advised that attendees were required to register in advance and that places would be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.


3 Congratulations/Sympathy

3.1 It was

Proposed by Councillor Miss K A Lagan Seconded by Councillor J F Kerr, and

Resolved: that a message of Congratulations be sent to Mrs Charmaine Bell, Tourism Officer on the birth of her daughter, and that a message of Sympathy be sent to Mr Albert Hogg on the recent death of his mother, Mrs May Hogg.

3.2 Members agreed.

4 Planning 185/3/2011

4.1 New Planning Applications:

H/2010/0328/O – Michael Quinn Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0349/F – John Thomas Quinn Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0457/F – North and West Housing Association Ltd Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0467/F – Mr S McEldowney Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0475/F – Michael McKenna Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0513/F – Mr William Nesbitt Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillors P McLean and G C Shiels under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2010/0524/F – Mr & Mrs Selfridgel Deferred for an office meeting on the request of the Chairperson, Councillor Mrs E A Forde and Councillor G C Shiels under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2010/05404//F – Mr Paul McCorry Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillor J J McPeake under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2010/0562/O – Mr William O’Kane Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillor J F Kerr under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2010/0566/F – Mr & Mrs D Moore Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillor I P Milne under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2011/0004/F – Ms Margaret Walker Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillor O T Hughes under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

H/2011/0006/F – The Trustees of St Columba’s Primary School, Straw Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2011/0043/O – Mr John Kelly Deferred for an office meeting on the request of Councillors J F Kerr and Miss K A Lagan under Criterion 5. A letter of submission was handed to the Planning Officer.

4.1.1 Applications Deferred from Previous Meeting:

H/2007/0632/F – Henry Brothers Deferred. The Council agreed to Councillor P McLean’s request that the applicant be allowed two weeks to withdraw this application before the refusal decision was issued.

H/2007/0744/O – Miss Lesa Crossett Deferred. The Council agreed to hold this application until Monday, 14 March pending possible withdrawal.

H/2009/0416/F – Mr Seamus Cushley Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0006/F – Mr & Mrs Higgins Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0076/F – Blackquarter Properties Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0282/F – Mr Enda McGoldrick Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0382/F – Mr Cudden Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0388/F – Mr John Martin Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

H/2010/0395/F – Mr J Higgins Deferred. The Planning Officer advised that the Planning Service had withdrawn this application from the schedule in order to consider additional information received from DARD.

H/2010/0426/F – Mr Peter Donnelly Refusal. The Council agreed to issue the planning decision.

H/2010/0451/F – Mr A Armstrong Deferred. The Council agreed to hold the decision notice until after the meeting arranged with Ian McCrea MLA and the Chief Executive of Planning Service. Following discussion and a request by the Planning Officer for the Council’s view on the application, Members agreed that the Council would support the applicant.

H/2010/0495/F – Sean McCloskey Change of opinion to Approval. The Council agreed to the issue of the approval.

4.1.2 It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor J Campbell, and

Resolved: to adopt the Planning Schedule dated 8 March 2011 subject to the above conditions and amendments.

4.2 Submitted schedule of Streamlined Planning Application decisions issued from 3 January to 31 January 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member).


The Planning Officer retired from the meeting at 8.00 pm.

4.3 Submitted letter from the Divisional Planning Office in connection with Planning Application H/2008/0068/F – proposed new laneway to access existing dwelling (existing access to be blocked off) at 33 Airfield Road, Toomebridge in the names of Tom and Caroline Walls informing the Council that Planning Service now wished to amend the wording of refusal reason 1 (copy previously circulated to each Member).

The contents of the letter were noted.

5 Presentation – Joint Working Arrangements between the Public Health Agency and the Mid Ulster Cluster Councils

The Chairperson, Councillor Mrs E A Forde welcomed Ms Anne McCready and Ms Ann Donnelly from McCready, Donnelly & Lowry to the meeting and asked that they make the presentation to Council.

Ms McCready gave a PowerPoint presentation. She said that the Action Plan for 2011 to 2012 was about Physical Activity and Healthy Eating but on the themes of inclusion, rural isolation and disadvantage surrounding mental health and emotional well-being. Ms McCready outlined who would be involved and an overview of the Action Plan and stressed the need for joint working.

The joint working goals would be

• more people taking part in more physical activity • more people making more healthier food choices

especially for the most isolated and disadvantaged.

In conclusion Ms McCready listed all those that the joint group would continue to work with in carrying out its Action Plan and flagged up a number of areas that members might wish to reflect on. She also advised the Members that a Joint Working Arrangements Planning Meeting had been arranged to be held in Magherafelt District Council Offices from 12 noon to 3.30 pm on Wednesday, 16 March 2011.

The Chairperson thanked Ms McCready for her presentation and requested questions from Members.

Councillors J F Kerr, Miss K A Lagan and P McLean all welcomed the objectives of people living healthier and more active lives. Members noted that Councils’ leisure services could contribute to the aims of the Joint Working Group but recognised that there were sections of the community who were hard to reach, especially in rural areas.

It was agreed that Mr Young, Director of Environmental Health would channel any further feedback from the Council to the Group.

6 Building Control Department 210/3/2011

The Director of Building Control presented the Department’s report for the period 1 February to 28 February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member).

6.1 During this period thirty-one applications have been recommended for approval. A total of one hundred and forty-six applications required amending by Architects and Agents before granting approval.

6.2 Applications for Notices and Regularisations

During the period from 1 February to 28 February 2011 there were no Regularisations or Notices issued.

6.3 Building Regulations Inspections

During the period from 1 January 2011 to 31 January 2011 forty-two applications commenced on site and twenty-two applications were found to be complete in accordance with Building Regulations.

The department carried out two hundred and seventy-eight inspections this month.

6.4 Granting of Extension of Time and Cancellation of time lapsed Approvals

During the period from 1 February 2011 to 28 February 2011 – three applications were cancelled having gone beyond the four years expiry date and not having commenced on site.

During this period twenty applicants applied for extensions of time.

6.5 Entertainment Licensing

Annual Re-Licensing Applications

During the period of this report seven entertainment Licensing inspections were carried out.

6.6 Naming and numbering of Streets

During the period from 1 January 2011 to 30 January 2011 eighteen new postal numbers and postcodes were issued for private dwellings.

6.7 Property Certificates

There were twenty-four Property Certificates issued for this period.

6.8 Following discussion it was

Proposed by Councillor T J Catherwood Seconded by Councillor J F Kerr, and

Resolved: that the report as submitted be adopted.

7 Licences and Registrations

7.1 Entertainment Licences

Submitted the following applications for Entertainments Licences which were recommended for renewal:-

E. 47 St Oliver Plunketts GAC Pavillion, 231 Mayogall Road, Clady – Mr Paul Bradley

E. 97 Mary’s Bar & Lounge, 10 Market Street, Magherafelt – Henry & Teresa McGlone

E.127 The Bridge Bar & Lounge, 1 Bridge Street, Castledawson - Mr Keith McCullogh

E.146 Slaughneil Community Hall, 18 Halfgain Road, Maghera – Mr Bernard Kearney

7.1.1 It was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor P J Bateson, and

Resolved: to grant the renewal of Entertainment Licence applications as submitted.

7.2 Street Trading Licences

Submitted the following application for a Street Trading Licence which was in order and recommended for renewal:

M.11 Mr Alan G Coffey, 39a Cloughey Road, Portavogie Central Reservation, Market Square, Magherafelt

7.2.1 It was

PROPOSED by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: to grant the renewal of the Street Trading Licence as submitted.

7.3 The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 1985

Members considered a letter received dated 1 March 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member). The letter requested an extension of the two year period ended 10 March 2011 within which an application for a final amusement permit may be made, based on a provisional amusement permit, relating to 44 Queen Street, Magherafelt.

7.3.1 After due consideration of the contents, it was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor T J Catherwood, and

Resolved: that , as the applicant had failed to establish to the satisfaction of the Council reasonable grounds for the failure to complete the necessary construction, alteration or extension of the premises, the application for a final permit could not be entertained on the basis of the provisional permit after the expiration of two years from the issue of the provisional permit.

8 Environmental Health Department 196/3/2011

Mr M Young, Director of Environmental Health submitted the report for the month of February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member).

8.1 Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878

After due consideration of a report relating to conditions prejudicial to health at 33 Coleraine Road Maghera, it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor I P Milne, and

Resolved: that, being satisfied that a nuisance exists, the actions of the Environmental Health department in serving a notice under the Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878 on the owner of 33 Coleraine Road Maghera be approved.

8.2 Draft Tobacco Control Strategy Response .

Mr Young advised Members of the Tobacco Control Strategy which had been issued for consultation by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety and sought Council endorsement of a response prepared by the Chief Environmental Health Officers’ group.

8.2.1 It was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor O T Hughes, and

Resolved: that the Council endorses the response to the Tobacco Control strategy as detailed in the report.

8.3 It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor P J Bateson, and

Resolved: to adopt the remainder of the report which was for information.

9 Operational Services Department 322/3/2011

Submitted report by the Director of Operations for the month of February 2011 (copy previously circulated to each Member)

9.1 Mr Cassells gave a detailed presentation of his report, and where appropriate sought the Council’s opinion/approval/permission regarding a number of specific proposals/recommendations contained in the report. In respect of these items the following resolutions were agreed by Council.

9.2 Operational Services: Items for Information

9.2.1 Draperstown Library

Councillor Miss K A Lagan introduced the issue of the potential closure of Draperstown Library which was being proposed by Libraries NI. It was noted that the library which is housed on the ground floor of the Old Courthouse in Draperstown (which is owned by the Council).

Following discussion, it was

Proposed by Councillor Miss K A Lagan, and Seconded by Councillor P E Groogan, and

Resolved : that the Council write to Libraries NI expressing its support for the Library in Draperstown.

9.2.2 Bridge Street, Castledawson

The current situation regarding the Right-of-Way from the River Moyola Bridge, Bridge Street, Castledawson was discussed. It was agreed that the Council, being mindful of not setting precedents in this regards, was progressing the matter appropriately and that any proposed diversion of this Right-of-Way would properly be an issue for the landowner and not the Council.

9.2.3 Following the presentation of this section of the Directors Report

It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor O T Hughes, and

Resolved : that, in addition to the above items, the section of the Directors Report marked “Items for Information” was noted.

9.3 Technical Services: Items for Decision

9.3.1 Bi-lingual Street/Road Nameplates: Survey Results

Councillor T J Catherwood thanked the Director of Operations for providing him with the cost details of erecting bi-lingual signs in the previous year (2010). Councillor T J Catherwood commented on the appropriateness of the expenditure. Councillor J F Kerr referred to the rights of minority languages under the European Charter which had been transposed into domestic legislation to request such signage in an appropriate second language.

Following discussion, it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor Miss K A Lagan, and

Resolved : to approve the erection of bi-lingual street/road nameplates at Meetinghouse Avenue, Maghera.

10 Development Department

Mrs Anne-Marie Campbell, Director of Policy and Development submitted the Policy and Development report for the month of February 2010 (copy previously circulated to each member)

10.1 Good Relations

Following discussion it was

Proposed by Councillor Miss K A Lagan Seconded by Councillor O T Hughes, and

Resolved: to approve Magherafelt District Council’s Good Relations Plan for 2011/12 as presented in the report.

10.1.1 Award Winning Businesses in the District

Mrs Campbell outlined some of the businesses in the District that had won awards.

Members agreed that congratulations should be sent from the Council to these businesses to mark these achievements.

10.2 Economic Development

10.2.1 ERDF Funding

Following discussion it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor SWS Brown, and

Resolved: that Council agrees to

• Submit an application to DETI for funding as part of a cluster approach with Cookstown Council, Dungannon and South Tyrone Council and Fermanagh District Council for an Export Programme. • Submit an application to DETI for funding for an Enterprise Programme.

10.2.2 Construction Industry Business Breakfast

It was noted that this business breakfast would be held during the first week of April. The focus of it will be looking at how the construction industry can work together to manage change within the industry.

10.3 Towns and Community Regeneration

10.3.1 ‘One World’ Project

A lengthy and heated discussion took place as to whether or not the venue “The Diamond” in Magherafelt was suitable considering that the workshops would be focusing on understanding of identity, trust and tolerance, respect for different traditions and self-esteem.

Councillor P J Bateson pointed out that “The Diamond” was unsuitable to many people and asked how the project could improve relations with the Union Flag flying in the centre of The Diamond.

It was

Proposed by Councillor P J Bateson Seconded by Councillor J J McPeake

That the Council would not proceed with the implementation of the ‘One World’ project and would not to accept the Letter of Offer received for funding of £30,000.

On a vote being taken, 8 Members voted for the motion, 0 Members voted against, 8 Members abstained, voting being by show of hands. The Chairperson declared the motion carried.

10.4 It was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: that the report for the Policy and Development Department as submitted be approved.

Adjournment of Meeting

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 9.45 pm for a comfort break.

The meeting reconvened at 10.00 pm.

11 Payment of Accounts 03/2011

Submitted Statement of Expenditure setting out payments to be made during the month of Marcy 2011 (copy circulated to each Member).

11.1 The statement made provision for £822,147.60 out of the Revenue Account and £250782.64 out of the Capital Account.

11.2 It was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved : to approve the Statement of Accounts as submitted for March 2011.

11.3 The Chief Executive said that because of the forthcoming Council elections the Council required to decide if and when they would meet during the months of April and May 2011.

11.3.1 On consideration Members decided that, apart from the Special Council Meeting scheduled for Monday, 14 March 2011, there would be no further Council meetings of the present Council and that the next monthly meeting would be held on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 at 7.30 pm.

11.4 Annual Meeting

It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor O T Hughes, and

Resolved: that the Annual Meeting of the Council would be held on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 at 6.00 pm.

11.5 Planning Service – authorisation

Members further agreed that, in the absence of a Council meeting in April, the Planning Service be authorised to issue non-contentious approvals during the recess as was the normal arrangements during the month of July each year.

11.6 Authorisation to pay accounts in April 2011

There being no Council Meeting in April, it was further

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor J F Kerr, and

Resolved: that the payment of accounts for the month of April be approved by the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and one other Member of the Council .

12 Financial Contributions 56/3/2011

Submitted the following letters of application for financial assistance from:

12.1 South Derry Down Syndrome Group

Submitted letter from the Secretary, South Derry Down Syndrome Group requesting financial assistance to help with its work of supporting parents and children/young adults with Down Syndrome (copy previously circulated to each Member).

12.1.1 Following discussion, it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: that the Council make a donation £200 to the South Derry Down Syndrome Group.

12.2 Magherafelt & District Road Safety Committee

Submitted letter from the Secretary seeking a donation towards the cost of purchasing trophies for Road Safety Events (copy previously circulated to each Member).

12.2.1 Following discussion it was

Proposed by Councillor J Crawford Seconded by Councillor P McLean, and

Resolved: that the Council makes a financial contribution of £600 to Magherafelt & District Road Safety Committee.

13 Conferences and Courses

Consideration was given to the nomination of delegates to attend:

13.1 Rural Network NI Seminar – ‘The Changing State of the Rural Economy: Where to now?’ To be held in the South West College, Dungannon Campus on Tuesday, 29 March 2011 (details previously circulated to each Member).

After discussion it was agreed to leave nominations “open”.

13.2 National Association of Councillors – Training Conference To be held in the Crown Spa Hotel, Scarborough from 8 – 10 April 2011. The subject to be The Local ism Bill & The Big Society (letter previously circulated to each Member.

After discussion it was agreed to mark the letter “read”.

14 Consultation Documents

Submitted the following consultation documents:

14.1 Letter advising that the Department of the Environment was extending the consultation time Taxi Operator Licensing Supplementary Consultation on Proposals for New Fee Structure and Fee Level until 7 March 2011 (copy circulated to each Member)

14.2 Consultation on the DHSSPS Equality Scheme and Equality Action Plan produced by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety seeking comments by 31 March 2011

14.3 Consultation on Proposals for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 prepared by the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland seeking comments by 22 April 2011

14.4 Consultation on Sector Specific Guidance to accompany the Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010 published by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety seeking comments by 3 June 2011

14.5 It was agreed that if any Member or Party Grouping wished to comment on any of the documents they should forward their comments to the Chief Executive who would arrange to have them forwarded to the Government Department or body concerned.

14.6 Submitted for Members information copies of Managing Risk in Play Provision, Implementation Guide including the following three documents-

• Managing Risk in Play Provision – letter of endorsement by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister • Managing Risk Statement

• ‘Common Sense, Common Safety’

(copies circulated to each Member).


15 Presentations to Council

Submitted the following requests to address the Council

15.1 NILGA to present its Annual Business Plan 2011-2012 and Subscription Fees (copy previously circulated to each Member)

15.2 Eamonn Loughrey of DPP to discuss the issues surrounding the Department of Regional Development’s 10 year Regional Development Strategy Review (letter previously circulated to each Member).

15.3 Following discussion it was agreed that both would be invited to attend and address the Council at its Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 17 May 2011.

16 New Radiotherapy Centre at Altnagelvin Hospital

Submitted letter from Strabane District Council seeking the Council’s support in seeking Minister McGimpsey to take the appropriate action to ensure that revenue spend is allocated to a new radiotherapy centre at Altnagelvin Hospital and enclosing the letter sent to the Minister from Strabane District Council (copies of letters previously circulated to each Member).

16.1 Following discussion, it was

Proposed by Councillor I P Milne Seconded by Councillor J F Kerr, and

Resolved: that the Council support Strabane District Council and write to the Minister of Health seeking assurance that funding would be allocated to facilitate a new radiotherapy centre at Altangelvin Hospital.

17 Roads Service

Consideration was given to the following –

17.1 Private Streets (NI) Order 1980 – Adoption of Street Works at:

1 Moneymore Road, Magherafelt (Stages 0, 1, 2 & 3) 2 The Spires, Station Road, Magherafelt (Stages 0 & 1) 3 Station Road, Castledawson (Stages 0 & 1) 4 The Glynns, Crewe Road, Coleraine Road, Maghera

(details previously circulated to each Member).


18 Resolution to Proceed “In Committee”

It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor J J McPeake, and

Resolved: that the Council proceeds “In Committee”.

Council “In Committee”

19 Review of Public Administration – The Challenge for Councils

This item was taken “In Committee”.

20 Staff Matters

This item was taken “In Committee”.

21 Legal Matters

This item was taken “In Committee”.

22 Resolution to Proceed in “Open Council”

It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor J J McPeake, and

Resolved: that proceedings be resumed in “Open Council”

Proceedings in “Open Council”

It was

Proposed by Councillor P McLean Seconded by Councillor J J McPeake, and

Resolved: that the foregoing proceedings of the Council “In Committee” be and they are hereby approved and adopted.

Councillors O T Hughes and P E Groogan retired from the meeting at 10.42 pm.

23 Sealing of Documents

The seal of the Council is hereby affixed to the following documents:

23.1 Grant of Right of Burial to Mr Alan Bowman of 15 Lisgorgan Road, Upperlands BT46 5TE – Plot A115, nephew of Mr Harry Bowman (deceased).

23.2 Grant of Right of Burial to Mr Christopher Young of 37 New Row, Kilrea BT51 5TA – Plot A117, son of Mrs Beverley Eaton (deceased).

24 Erection of Memorial Stone

Mr Tohill advised that an application had been received from Mrs Jennifer Lennox, (grantee and Grandmother of (deceased), of 2 Westland Gardens, Magherafelt to erect a memorial stone at Plot A91 – Dylan Alan Lennox (deceased).

24.1 Following discussion, it was

Proposed by Councillor J F Kerr Seconded by the Chairperson, Councillor Mrs E A Forde, and

Resolved : that the Council authorise the erection of a memorial stone in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of Polepatrick Cemetery at Plot A91.

25 For the Information of Members

25.1 The following items were submitted for the information of Members:-

(a) Copy of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland’s revised Equality Schemes (b) Copy of The William Keown Trust’s Newsletter – December 2010 (copy previously circulated to each Member) (c) Copy of Northern Ireland Housing Council’s Summary Report – October 2010 to January 2011 (d) Copy of the inaugural issue of Borderlands (the journal of spatial planning in Ireland) – January 2011

The meeting concluded at 10.45 pm.

Chief Executive

The foregoing Minutes are hereby Confirmed.

