i' V U.

PAGE THIRTY-TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1969 Stores 0pm Vhfa & OXlock Tonight For Sidewalk Sales

and both drivers were scheduled Avarage Daily Net Press T o lla n d for appearance, in Circuit Court 12, Rockville, on Aug. 5. Pfizer^ Six Other Firms r o t The Week Ended The Weather I Jane 28, 1989 Fair, warm and humM to­ ! Boys^ League Tournament .Manchester lEvening Herald Face Drug Monopoly Charge your House deserves the best! Tolliuid correspondent Bette night. Low 70 to 76. Tomorrow Slated Saturday ^Sunday Qiiatral^, tel. 875-2845. WASHINGTON (API The and all seven firms could sell It 15,459 partly aunny. continued hot and Nixon administration, trying to in dosage form. (^iaUfornia liumid. High In 90s. 30 per cent The Tolland Boys League In­ A nominal charge is made for lower spiraling drug prices The complaint also aisked the Manche*ter—‘ 4 City o f VUiawe Charm chance of thundershowen. court to cancel the Pfizer patent dependent Baseball Tourna­ use of the. swimming facilities, State’s New Law through vigorous antitrust en­ VOL. LXXXVra, NO. 244 and prohibit the firm ffom col­ (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ment wUl be held Saturday and but other uses of| the facilities forcement, has charged seven MAkcHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 (Classified AdvertlsiBg on I^sge 18) are free, including the use of Cuts Aid to 88 lecting royalties on tetracycline. PRICE TEN CENTS Sunday at Lavltt’s Field on major drug„flrms with using a An antitrust task force ap‘ sports equipment stocked at the HARTP’ORD, Conn, fAPI — South River. Rd. fraudulent "itatent to monopolize pointed by former President park. As the first .step in its PAINT] s.alcs of a leading antibiotic. Lyndon B. Johnson recommend­ This weekend’s aictlvlties will John Campbell, director of “ fcramble”’ to adjust to revised The government. In a three,- ed last year the government at­ be devoted to the first round the park’s summer activities, welfare law.i, the State Welfare coUnt civil suit, also demanded tack'drug prices by challenging Astronauts of the double elimination tourn­ has announced the start of a AND Strikes, Def artment has cut off Aid to ,-at least $25 million in damages patent abuses. ament which will Include teams, senior life saving class and a Dependent Children payments jo' -probably much more—from Since taking office, the Nixon Carry Medal from Oolchester, Mansfield, beginners class for adults to be 88 families and leferrcd them to two of the companies, Charles .administration’s antitrust chief. Somers and New Britain, as offered from Aug. 4 through 18. local agencies. n U N L , Astronauts Soar Past Pfizer & Co. Inc. and American For Russians well as Tolland. Asst. Atty. Gen. Richard W. Truce Debated Those Interested in participat­ In addition, the department will Cyanamid Co. McLaren, has taken the task Scheduled to play at 1 :30 Sa­ ing may regl.ster at the pond. review the oases of .about 500 The action marked the second force advice and directed WASHING’roN (AP) — Presi­ In addition to Campbell, Carol PAINT J TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras that the enemy troops turday are the Colchester and other f.amllles with 19 and 20- time in a week Justice Depart­ were dent Nixon announced today the probes of .several licensing ar­ (AP) — Honduraa announced Its Manaheld teams, with Somers Palmer serves as both head life ear-old youngsters in school. ment antitrust enforcers moved abandoning their arms and .\merican moon team will leave rangements. troops had strtick Into northeas- vs. New Britain at 3:30. ■ guard and instructor. Other life­ Deputy CommIs.sioncT John P'. against drug patents in a con- The tetracycline suit, involv­ fleeing. behind the lunar surface guards at the pond are Beth t«rn today while On Sunday the two losers of Harder .said Tuesd;iy. certeel drive for more competi­ ing a product with annual sales The Hondurans claimed to medals awarded. to Soviet cos­ Horsman, Jason Bugbee, Patti both eddes in the Central Ameri­ have captured tanks and heavy Midpoint in Moon Saturday's games will play at Ix>wering tiu; m.axlmum age tion in the Industry. of well over $100 million, fol­ monauts killed while pertlclpdt- Elwell and Danny -Roups. In Tuesday’s .suit, filed in fed­ can war haggled over the condi­ artillery. ing in eq>ace pre^rams. 1:30, followed by Tolland vs. the for ADC youngsters In school lowed a complaint last week tions for a oease-flre. winner of Saturday’s first game 4-H Worker from 21 to 18 years wa.s one of eral court here, Pfizer was ac­ against Clba Corp. and CPC In­ Ui The government announce­ Nixon said the medals were Gloria Proctor of Tolland is the ch.anges made by the Gen­ cused of obtaining a fraudulent ternational Inc., challenging The aimotufcement said the ment also said the Honduran air given to actronaut Frank Bor­ slated for 3:30. By HOWARD BENEDICT participating In the work study eral A.s.sembly earlier this year. patent in 1965 on the drug tetra­ restrictive licensing agreements Honiduran forces had thrust into force dominated the skies while man by the widows of Yurt A. The various winning teams an area near Poleros, about five AiP Aeraapare Writer program at the Tolland Coulity In iwldltlon the welfare depart­ cycline, the nation’s largest sell­ on drugs known as benzothladl- oUier ground troops had dom­ Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov W1U play the following week­ miles inside El Salvador, and end. 4-B office this summer. She Ls ment will canvass about 20,000 ing broad spectrum antibiotic. azlncs, which are used as di­ Paint Job for the house? Do it right with California Acrylic ffbuse ination of Honduras' southern during Borm ^’s recent trip to SPACE CENTER, Houston front. (AP) — Guiding themselves by The league postponed its an­ a 'senior at the University of families receiving medical Broad spectrum antibiotics uretics and antihypertensives. Paint! Beautiful colors last and last . . . no more blisters, peeling the Soviet U^on. nual fund drive last Sunday due (.kjnncctlcut, majoring in ele­ sl.vtiince, because the eligibility are popularly known as ’ ’won­ Sales of the drugs total more El Salvador’s ground forces The medals were relayed to the stars, America’s Apollo 11 or chalking. And the trim? Reach for California Trim Paint... the astronauts soared pwst the half­ to the heavy rains. The drive mentary education. fequirement.s for that p;rogr:im der drugs” for their ability to than $63 million annually. have thrust about 36 miles Into the crew of Apollo 11 which will original exterior latex trim paint. way point of their Journey to is to be rescheduled. Steak Siipimr have also been tightened. • counteract and cure a broad Responding to the latest gov­ southwestern Honduras, reach­ leave them on (he moon. nmge of 4llnes.ses and diseases. Franco Set the moon today wrlth men and Crandall’s Park AeUvItles Connecticut Country OpRussia's Luna statements” to the II.S. patent E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. parades. on Rt. 74. th:in_Was requested by the de-- The other firms did not com­ Successor outflank the Salvadoran column They were Air Force Lt. Ool. to sipped Into oriXt around the Office. ment immediately on the I A pet dog ..show will be held Other performers aj>pcsiTlng partment, at Nacaone. V l i ^ I. Grissom, Navy Lt. moon on Its mywUMy mlanion. In doing so, the suit alleged, charges. 723 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER at 1 p.m. with prizes awarded, are Willie Violet, Percy St. 'I'he, department excesvied its MADRID (AP) _ Gen. Fran- In Tegucigalpa, the peace en­ Oomdr. Roger B. Chaffee and A Moscow re|»rt sold the cnoft Pfizer gained support from Cy­ Cisco Franco is expected to followed at 2 p.m. by bicycle Peter luid Ronnie Taylor. Ch'ar- budget hi;st biennium by $75 mil­ voys of the Organdautlon of Air Force Lt. Ool. Edward H. hed became a lunar satellite anamid, holder of a patent to To keep the sparkle on dia­ decoration contacts. cotil-broUed steaks will be lion. n ^ e Prince Juan Carlos de American States worked Into White Jr. but there was still speculation Aureomycin, the first wonder monds and rubles, scrub them Borbon as his heir next Tues­ the unmanned vehicle might at­ Included In this y S<’olt plta.l. three miles behind Its borders. ned a great period In the de­ conspiracy to monopolize the te­ the Cortes to approve hls nomi­ seconda of flight at a iq>eed of The pond Is available for pub­ L. Neff, 19, also of Rtxjkvllli'. State lH>llce said the limou­ —Respect tor the life and prop­ velopment of manned flight — tracycline trade. nation of the 31-year-old prince about 3,000 miles per hour. It lic use every day from 12:30 Mrs. Eckenrod wa.s charged sine, returning to .Connecticut erty 01 citizens of one country fresn 1928, or a yoar after That count stemmed, the gov­ to become king and chief of will take them twice nn long 01 p.m. and all day on Saturday with op«?ratlng’ without a llcen.se from New York's LaGuardla U vi^ in the other. Charles A. Llndbeig’s solo ernment said, from licensing state upon Franco’s death. hours to cover the remalniiv and Sunday. Lessons are and Neff with failure to drive a Alrjxut, .stmek the paint truck transAtlanUc flight, to the mis­ agreements under which Pfizer, Immediate approval of what­ distance. IJke a ctir oaaathq; scheduled during the morning reasomil)lo dlMjince apart. front the rcsir ns It wa.s work­ (See Page Ten) sion of ApoUo 11. Cyanamid nnd Bristol-Myers ever Franco proposes Is expect­ uphill, tha Mpaoenhlp gradually hours on weekdays. No injuries were rejxurted. ing In the center ea.sthound lane. would manufacture the drug ed from the parliament. has slowed from IIm Initial s p e d For 21 years the Franco gov­ of 24300 m.p.h. ernment has groomed Juan Car­ Armstrong. Aldrln ami Chlliiw / los to be king—since the remained tight-lipped, ttie least piince’f father, the Count of Kenney, Mansfield talkative Apolio crew yet. os- Barcelona, agreed to allow his thelr (Urth stirank tn ilw dls son to be educated in Spain. tance. But Don Juan never relin­ Oppose Mars Target ’nwaigtxajt the mornliqt they Don’t drive 50 miles to Patties are as good as I quished hls claim to the throne, <-rt on Uie coreUtlon of sys­ Come to Pinehurst for with. tems. from Dubuque, Iowa . . . 1931 under pressure from the re­ say any U.S. effort to put a man £upport*rs, has approved a pilot, Michael Collins, and their children, Mike, 6; daily Thurs. and Fri. Pinehurst meat men ueel publicans and died in. exile. on Mars by the end of the cen­ $3,715 billion rpace program— Collins coiwentraled on star I shipments of FRESH U.S. CHOICE A source close to Don Juan, tury should take a back seat to exactly the amount the Nixon Banks Excluded Ann, 7; and Kathleen, 10, gather on the lawn of sgltllngs with the sextant and only U. S. Choice Gov’t 1 the 56-year-old dimsustic head of a national commitment aimed administration proposed — for the family home near the Manned Spacecraft {.’en­ other navigation equipment Hr BLOCK ISLAND inspected lean Chucks hls branch of the Borbon family, at meeting the earthly r«eeds of the current fiscal year. It cut ter, Houston, Tex., after the successful launch, of repoftelb. Packer Cut 1.14 lawn looks freahly mowed when Carlos Hugo de Borbon y Par­ country, should have priority,” the next two years. towns, cities and private firms According to the constitution, Early In tbe moinlng they had Have It cut Into Roasts or London Broil . . . Sydss Steaks, ma, the pretender from a rival to decide tor themselvesjwhether Janet Armstrong and hsr dsad- bien aboard a frtsnds boat on 4 lbs. 4 .3 6 Manafleid said. ^ Howiever, the Mdnsfield-Ken- Ground Round. (Does not Include eye, but does Include brtuich of the Borbon family. to give their employes a diay off. tlred aona arrived home the Banana RIvar ii^“ land the un- Vl»M 99.76 '•’•hnhl, FRANKS lb. 79c SIRLOIN TIP Tbe Space Committee men­ Recalls Early Work ;.040 miles fnmi Cape Kennedy, we land to fear." She under­ I //,'■bi/A,, Kennedy, Fla., following the niuuiml craft on tfie moon by re*''- “I'ClI \i > n r,i Boneless Steaks 1O O tioned only a "low-cost miaslen Fla. stands flying and the estremes 1.1 a/i '"I' (I,. '■'(lie Cooke«l Salami lb. 89c Eight Hurt, launch of the Apollo 11 moon SPACE CENTER, Hourion Krt-lay morning '‘■•alli, ■''■/’lie, Lb.„ to the planet Mercury In 1973’’ Hardly hod th<- car bringing to which her husband Is taking Ml,/ I Whole Steer Tenderlolni I a O T ship, because he heads a presi­ (AP) — Quietly following the OliM>ryalory dlrw tor 8lr Ber-, Hr, S3 a likely future project. them from the atrport stopped hls skill. dential committee on re-evalu- progress of Apollo 11 b a man nerd t/nre|l said Izum IS was In "».,x S|>nm’ 5j/ri (FH JET MIONON) 28 Arrested It joined the House in boosting when 12-yeer-old Eric and 6- Her father, now dead, owned ating ' the nation's long-space who began laying medical sn etiptiral urMt almori exacOy •'''■"-"'."f,,,\ ,,l Ioil'''''-" I ' '*M/>/c I '••adh, late 7 lbs. ll{. 12.09 the requested $30.5 mllhon to ; ear-old Mark pUed out to go In- end flew a email plans and one • (’cd "•iril grotuKhrork tor such a flight be­ two Isairs king and OU) to I.20U KSxl \ ,)l < EYE ROUND OVEN ROAST BEEF range space goals. $50 million funds for develop­ •Me' and lo bed. #69 thing Uiat aUraotMl hsr to Nell miles above the moon. In Race Riot Man.sfield and Kennedy, the ment of nuclear rockets ” to pro­ fore the mocsi-bound astronauts Eric, batter iuivsm ae Ricky, were born. when they met at Purdue tlnl- lie lukloLl after checking |0s lb . $ I A » latter considered a potential vide advanced rpeceVpropu’rioij had ptennad to piwy In an aU- YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — 1972 Democratic presidential Dr, HubertiM Strughold, 71, Car baseball game. (See Page Ten) Mg rwllo teleaiope. die Wsst'S My favorite for flavor . . . Roast at 300; for Police arrerted 28 pereoiw and capability tor future. nationa|l Foam Cups 50 7-oz. 49c candidate, speak for a, group of needs,” rrgorded here as tbe "father of main lUIcning poet Uir Lurit IS rare 30 min. to lb., little more for well done . . 1 blanketed 10 blocks of a South spu:e medicine,” watched the since It was launched Sunday, liberals already working to cut Depending on the successes of IPlaytex Rubber Gloves I prefer to use the meat themometer. P.S. We Side street with tear gas early military spending In favor of in­ start of the voyage this week as that k was eendtng back have thermometers for sale here ... • today in putting down Yoisigs- the Apollo n missloU. the Sen- heape" of data Ig. and sm. 73c creased funds tor domestic pro­ a guest here of the NaUonaJ town’s second straight night of jects. (See Page Three) Aeronautics and Space Adminte- The official Soviet news agen­ 3 Comer U. S. Choice . ' ' racial disturbances. tratlon. - ■ ' Press in Europe cy' Tass aald In Mbaccee (Mst Eight persons were injured. As he hears the vnlcos of the Luna' 13 Mtd bn-oms an artlfl- RUMP ROAST OF BEEF Lb 1.49 Three buildings and four jCars crew on the way to tbi moon, rial satellite rjf the nussi. a were burned betore the trouble the spry i^rice expert cian recall Hails U.S. Feat slatamcM inCerpretiMl In the I BABY P.\MPERS MIRACLE WHIP Qt. 39c . was brought under Control. A the day* when he conducted Itusaisn - a|aui as pooslbiy pcriice cruiser was damaged by With $5.00 purchase Secret Talks Set crude tesU of wrighUnanem by LONDON (AP> Europe U the email talk as they set out oh niraring no landing attempt 30 Newborn 1.49 rocks and several others were Clgs. luvl Milk Ebcceptod sluMing in earty ahvianea moonstruck by the Apollo n their greateet moon adventure,” anxikl be mada Mr Bernard hit by sniper fire, police sold. 12 Overriijfht 85c Or he'll remetnbiFr how he mlseton. It declared eakl he did nut believe this. Gov. James A. Rhodes sent spent hours scanning 'he heav- Newspapers throughout the Most Brillsh neserpapers It simply doesn't make sense 30 Daytime 1.65 Sealtest M ilk ...... gal. glass 8 9 ^ 150 National Guardsmen to help On ABM, Surtax enc as e boy In hls native Ger­ continent filled thetr page^ adth streaeed (he relaxed sltttude- of to -rosle ariklwr luistr aatelllta Kabuki Water Pack police protect cleanup crews iSweppes Quinine Water BULLETIN la seen by aome aenators as a many. keeping hls eyes more ptcyxree of the Saturn 5 rocket the spacemen In Ihetr rwdto ooih- s along the Hillman Street area. (lev Page .NIaeCeea) SoUd White TUNA ...... 3 cans 1.00 WA.aHINGTON (AP) — The "aeriouaiy Incrriwtng” Soviet on the aky than on the eeulh." blasting off to forge aarth’s first (act with mlxelon icnlrui and Bit O’ l.,emon in 6 Bumble Bee Green Label Tuna . . . .3 cans 1 .0 0 The racially mixed area was .Senatr Finance Committee vot­ threat wdll also be discusec/d. link with Its natural aatellKe. "Tltc quIsC moonmen bang on the scene of disturbances in Or his thoughu may go bock Dr. Huliertus Strughold packs; 8 pack Cott ed 9 8 today to approve the Senators said they hoped one to 1927. when he delivered hU and headline writers toiad Ihetr target." said the Sun April 1968, following a rally in secret five-hour seaslon will imagtnallana for leords to hall "Bang on course; hang on Quinine Water. I HELLMAN’Slll^ONNAjSE c Hou«e.pa«fted kurtav extension flrot lectures on fUgltt physiolo- Exoapt for a brief visit to the 59 honor of Dr. Martin Luther King bl I without change and send It conclude the debate and that the test. Ume- 'skirta up' and oft to the t y United ttatee to camduct rs- (nidi j Quart Jar J r, assassinated civil rights lo Ihc Senate Hoor ,4or debate. regular, open aeaatons can re- "The greatest advariturs In nuxm.” said the DaUy Moll ors 0^ leader. P,rughold raured last year am aearch. ^ remained In Ocr- Bums Doubt With $5.00 purchase fume tomorrow. II I The vote represented a Hrsl- s top BclenUst at BrrMka the history of humanity h u Beautiful." aatd the Guardian I Glg-a and Milk Ebccepted National Guard units totaling Senate Democratic Leader Air-many until after , Wortd War II in rcund victory for President Nix­ Force Base tn San Antonio. aittrted,” dectaiwd the French and the TTmee "Looking good.' Buy >x>ur Cigarettes here . . Cartons $3.98 and $4.04 . 300 men were placed on standby Mike Manafleld said earlier In He aocetSed an tnvttlaUqn to on In Senate eonsidermtiaa of the Tex , after 21 years rjf Mv/lian nesrspaper Le Figaro: srhlch de­ •aid the Dally Telegraph Moon Trip ess during the night. the week he hopes voUng on Join tha Setsooi of A'vtatlon Medt- R m u I.v tor the Sun MU. service wdth the Air Force voted tour pages to reports tram ^ Ttie f.'ommuniri Morning Star nil,f'ss OttWvtHi MaUr Heinz C atsup...... 3 20 oz. bots. 1.00 The violence began Wednes- the $759 1 million Safeguard d rjf at Randolph FMd. San An­ O u I Sea « Ski 79c a n d f l .«5 However, It was unervlaln as ('urlng the late > ». he be- Cape Kennedy and dlagrame of refused to give ttie story first Havniian Punch ...'...... 3 oz. cans 9 0 « “dsy night in a two-block area. It portion of the $20 bUllon mlll- 1 20 tonio in t»47 Eleven years Later * Has Value ' ^ /. •flit/ ,V to when the legislation would be the mlseton. prominence but conc eded "The •••liU I f'o p p e rto n e 74e a n d t l .28 spread through 10 blocks before lary procurement authorization fsn studying the physiological he and hls siwioctatee conducted \ ••M M, nji , . Case of 12 3.811 called up for S^npte debate. rtfecii of avIsCion. Vhe tabloid Parts-Jour {ro- chaOenga of Yurt Gagarin’s Im- "■''K I s-Psrk Diet Soda 99c -it .was halted by polic^ uriiq; bill will begin next week. a shmilaUd right-day fl||^ to lif>$ ANUKl.ES API ApoU pur/ "lU rv ,41 Th'* * 49 97 Daily shipments of dew fresh Yjollow Corn from cioimed. "The whole srorld tells moftal pioneer •orbit and tha It Is streukt^ through the V Jl>3 \,y 'pot tear gas and armed with rifles F'rom Asaocialed Presa,Reporte 'Sens. John Sherman Cooper. ■ He conducted wsme of the first the mouo with an Air F ^ ce vol- \f6 Bunihiun's netirby farm . . . alw Native puke^ them ’Bravo.’ shame of Ihs Bay of Ptgs inva­ sea space to land men on the TCedar Sponge Mop O P E ^ 'TIMURS, and FR^. and rio^gurvu-^ > Secret Senate aeWona are be- R-Ky . and Philip A Hart, D- rinmlated attitude expertmenu ifnteer In k tiny presauiw chato- U -’Iir, nuUic" ' The c o m m u n I « 4 dally sion of Cuba was being sx- •’ttlcd f M' InlvU and Handle $3.04 and Green Beans plus a sale on Pinehurst Iceberg _’n»a- htjui^ included one po- ing held in Waahlngton today at Wuerzburg, ., In he.- moon but it means hnte to ''>/(l -iiii^- ' R kOch.. are expected to make the I'Humantte led with a' Isuhch punged in lbs rocksl’s fire " 'nl/u,^. •a 39 97 ;ol\ Lettuce at 2 8 « head and another featured price "llcem an and a fireman hurt by help reaolve two aeparate la- 197T staying made a m e te ^ - • Strughold rimembers vividly many of the men/ on Skk} Row. ' Piese s h u r fin e y first move by calling up their picture and devoted its entire Thera was soms aniping ‘'dor unj Wa of 3 9 ^ pint on great large fresh Blueberries. flying glass, another policeman ape -erienxlon of the Income Ic chamberi- for os much i an They dream of other- thinge w * i jils '>n 1.39 till 9 amembnent to limit Uw Safe­ wheel the Soidet Union- sent bock pmge to an enthusiastic lull auixl' I Peanut Butter $ lb. Jar $ struck by a rock, two men beat­ hou- in an elroosphertc prti Ths frilly Mad cartoonist pur- 2i3-cent bed for the night, a . 11"", aurlax and the Safeguard mla- guard program to rrsearch a/ul Sputnik tnto orbit moon raport, dec-^rtb^ the. tu'X en after their cars were set 'orreapondlng to 21,000 feet Iraysd Ism starving children tin harilout. a gtasa at furgetifiit- alle defense controveny. to bar any deiployrment nr rile "lt..dbln*i coare m e." -le swld, coimtdowm and launch. Itwe oa- afire, a woman driver hit by a Biafra gazing at I7i« nwxsi ais$ \,»\S W \m\\ At the latter acasion. Sen acquafUon. ■''•’c y*krs later ‘e was 'tau< I Just did rot like n.” tnznauU' selves and famUles' I lliWf Ui brick, and drug store owner saying "Maybe they'll dtacover "I gat the papers out at Otm Stuart Symihgton. D.-Mo.. wUl There has been some talk of a afaisrd a plane again f»jr more He never doubted that man and backgrounding lunar sHlvl- Ralph White Jr.. 49. who said he introduce materia] complied by experiments . with wreigbUe*-. It la made of cheese and bring trarii and read all about them 'move to clarify ports of thetr woulo travel to other planeto. ties wraa hit by a brick after stamp­ an aide who recently vtaited the ness This Ume iU numbed hls some back for us to rat." tn m u " Happy Don, ame-ofmeht prsribiy by making, Many of Ms papers dwril on the Britain’ s' flVe-milUon rlrcula-^ m yp ing out a. fire bomb at hls store DaUy MirVur columnist John iaUng hie thpulder-length MANCHESTER— N 45 TOLLAND TPKE. Pacific island of Kwajaletn. it expi/cu that the rwr arrh ™r- with ari onerihetlc. c. rsUve eUbJcct. In one he envisions lion Dally Mlfr<.r used two-inch No persons were reported where Safeguard components to gel the full effect. PUger srrole froffl'Gape Kenne­ white mane. SA L It Wie. t h r u S A T ^ Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. wxsjld lake place at Kw-ojalnn man ttvtng a "soptUsticaled high type to herald the launch shot, although police reported are being teoted. Topoecret »• dy. T tie people who gave, tie "But I don’t know what good Exit 93, Wilbur Cr«ts Parkway ONN LAH IVIRY NIGHT CORNER k.AIN and TURNPIKE ■ t unsafe .1 had i,b tee], cave life ' on foe moon In under­ Real cool otd there In space- We fcsgrve ihc nglu lo jitml quinhUf\ several tocidenu. of sniper fliv. telUgence Information on what (Hee Page Tws) tax ' he HKwilsd. ground Uarikllritlonri (he three quiet Aratyfemu cut (7 Page Ntee) (See Page Nlae) \ Ai PAGE TWO MANOHife'liSR EVENING HERAIJ?7TIANCHESTER, COl^:; THU^ JULY 17, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN;, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 PAGE THREE ■'i V Under Foreseeable Conditions ' - - . T olland Cdunty MOVIE AUDIENCE oTi Franco Set Will Stetvart McKinney • ** * * * * Q U I Q £ . Sheinwolfl Bridge R-BEST Superior Court A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS REASONINO UNMASKS MAIN STBEFTT • ROUTE M AND THEATERS. To Designate ontrols ‘Ruled Out’ Run for Governorship? ATTEMPTED SWINDLE NORTH VEllNON. CONNECTICUT 00088 Divorces By DON MEIKLE T h tje t i r i n g $ apply ip f,|nii k 10 6 4 that he could be a hot property ralppaaS aher Nuv 1. I9 S 8 By ALFRED) SHEINWWOLD 878-8200 or 878-9182 Associate Press Writer Q 5 / , Successor ^ Divorces were granted re­ for the GOP, If It has the sense 0 AK42 s Inflation Weapon to use him. THIS S E A L After the play of today’s hand (Continued from Page One) cently by Superior Court Judge HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — ♦ KQl A> WASHINGTON (AP) — Presl- p.m. by the WWte House at a Alva P. Lolselle to: However, others have a bet­ in sd i indicates the illm wae South wondered what he had How about Stewart B. McKin­ aubmltted and approved under EAST Spanish crown does not neces­ dent Nixon, moving- to stam p regular afternoon press brief- ney for governor? ter shot at getting the party done to give himself away, but Jerllyn Bates from Joseph the Motion Picture Code he was on the''wrong track. 7 Q 5 2 sarily pass according to pri- out speculation fed by lids own Ing. The youthful and forceful lead­ elders to confer the guberna­ Lee Bates, both of WlUlmantlc,. torial mantle on them. of Self-Regulation. What he had done meant noth­ 43 A K 1098 roogenlture, to the eldeet son "of treasury secretary, has all but Kennedy told newsmen re­ on grounds of Intolerable chiel- er of the minority Republicans 109873 Q5 the reigning monarch. It is Perhaps the man who has , ing. The giveaway consisted In 0 ruled out wage-prioe controls as gardlng wag«-piice controls, “,I ty. She was awarded custody In the State House of Repre­ ® Suggested for GENERAL 87 542 A93 handed on by the Oortes, and a weapon against inflation. close no doors on any kind of sentatives has been urged to done most to coax the nomina­ audience's. what he had not done. of one minor child and support tion out of the GOP is Me- East dealer. the only requirements are that Press secretary Ronald L. poaslblUty.” He emphasized, payments of |20 per week. consider the idea. B Suggested for MATURE the king be at least SO years old, Both slides vulnerable. Ziegler, after conferring with however, he comidered It an ac- Roman Catholic, of royal Gypsy Dlann Gibson, former­ audicnett (parantal dfacra- Opening lead-— Four of a Nlxon, said Wednesday "The ademlc matter being discussed blood and must swear alte- ly of Manchester and now of tk>n adviatd). Hearts. administration has ruled out only as a possibility If all other Minority Leader Wallace Barnes glsince to the principles of the Virginia Beach, Va., from Ken- The Fairfield Republican was of Farmington. ® r e s t r i c t e d — Persona wage and price controls as a antl-Inflatlonary moves failed, East won the first trick with National Movement, Spain’s way of dealing with inflation un- In spite of all the disclaimers neth W. Gibson of Bloomfield Intri^uced to a GOP gathering Barnes Is generally conceded under 16 not admitted, un- the king of hearts and return­ East North on grounds of intolerable cruel­ In Newtown the other night as I Double only legal political organization der conditions that are now over the word "foreseeable” to be the frontrunner tor the accompanied by pareni ed the five of trumps. South put under the Franco regime. foreseeable." , being a loophole, the White ty. She was awarded.... custody a candidate tor the nomination. gubernatorial nod at the mo­ up the ace of sp^es and re­ Pass 4 4 McKinney took the trouble to or adult guardian. All Pass Early this year, Juan Carlos Lest anyone conclude that the House statement did leave open ihlnor children with sup- ment (the aspirations of Sen. turned a club to force out the made his first openly political deny the 'allegation. T. Clark Hull of Danbury not­ ® Persons under 16 not ad- "foreseeable”‘foreseeable” reference was in- the possibility, however unlike- ^^0 per week ace. Now East put on his most ■tatementa, and these were tak­ and $1 per year alimony. And then he launched into an withstanding) and his attwiUve This ege restriction casual air and returned the tended to be a loophole, Ziegler ly, the administration's knowl­ holding: Spades, A-R-t-S-8; en as a sign that he had decided addedi; Stephen Sadlon of Bolton impromptu speech — he's quite wooing of the Republican State may be higher in certain edge and experience might be deuce of trumps, hoping that H earts, J-7-6-2; Diamonds, J- to challenge hta father. He en­ from- Josephine K. Sadlon of good at Impromptu speech-mak­ Central Committee Is expected declarer would put up the king. "Looking Into the future with altered with the passage of time ■reas. Check theater or 8 ; CTulto, 10-8. dorsed the monarchy as a ing, as even the Democrats will to be rewarded. John Squiers. left, of 43 Rdlson Road. Manchester, tlie the knowledge and experience and that controls conceivably' Blast Hartford on grounds of in- advertising. Declarer thought It over and What do you sayT means of guaranteeing "notion­ toleiraUe cruelty. She was admit — worthy of a candidate. There Is, however. Congress­ male half of the Famed "Shllng .Squiers" Joins Tom Car- that this administration has, could be revived as an option ^ Printed •• a public tarvica then played a low trump, after Answer: Pass. If you eCro al peace and harmony" and and projecting the various alter- awarded custody of three minor McKinney warned the Fifth man Thomas H. Meskill of New nithers In partnership of R-RR8 T l-'urnlture Outlet, Route 83- In dire clrcumctances. by this nawtoaper which the rest was easy. He doubled at one spade you may said: "I will comply with the ■ natives that could be used In the children with support paymento Congressional District Republi­ Britain to consider —although could pick up the queen of In Vernon. located up|>roxlmately two mllra north of Vernon Ziegler em{^aslzed several take only three tricks. It is promise to serve (the father­ (Srele, R-RRST will offer Top Dlscoimts on Famous Name cans th a t the GOP Is In danger Meskill m ay prefer the U.S. trumips 8uid give up one heart future, wage and price controls times Nixon and the admlnlstra- P®"" foolish to step into the auction land) in the post most useful to Furniture as well ns Inexpensive branch,. UmllWY VkA />rvn«rl#lA*vwt .• ** ______■ * ______a______of over-confidence about next Senate nomination. would not be considered. tlon are flatly opposed to feder­ Raymond J. Ference from trick, fulfilling his contract. when you need more tricks the country." Treasury Secretary David year's state elections. In which Also the somewhat indepen­ 16 Get Master’s ally-imposed lids on wages and Estelle M. Ference, both of How did South know who had from your partner than you can The new king will have only In addition to their showriMHn a t the Colonial PW e. they Kennedy has on several occa­ Stafford, on grounds of Intoler­ a governor and a U.S. senator dent-minded freshman congress­ the queen of trumps? have room nettings m>t up at the W nj,0\V BROOK APT8 .. prices and expressed confidence will be chosen. . From RPI School produce yourself. limited powers and can choose a Center Rd. nml Ridge Home. Route 83. both In Vernon. Join sions made statements resulting that current anti-inflation strat­ able cruelty. He was granted man from Greenwich, Lowell P. South knew that East would premier only from among noml- Weicker Jr. Copyright 1908 Tom extend a eordliU invitation to eome In curd see their In speculation the President, egy will succeed. custody of one minor child. The implication was that the Sixteen Manchester and area have done something very dif­ General Fedtures Ooip. / . nees of the Council of the There Is ho shortage of talent, displays, Ra«'h week they will feature a special — where might put a celling on' wages The President te trying to Selma Laneri of Bolton from party had better p,ut up lively, town students received master’s ferent If he had held only two Realm. The council has 18 and McKinney may feel that he prices will be 40% to 00% below list. Almost anything will and prices, something not tried combat rising living costs prin­ Alfred T. Laneri of Manchester attractive candidates if It ex­ degrees from Rensselaer Poly­ small trumps. East would have mem bers, 10 of them elected by be considered for trade-ins. since the Korean war. pects to take advantage of the has little to gain from making, cipally through attempts to cut on ground of IntolofAble cruel­ technic Institute of Connecticut, taken his three top cards in the Oortea. Kennedy always Indicated he disarray in the ranks of the a move at this point. t n E o '! Always featured will be their fine selection id Ruga * government spending, high In­ ty. She ‘ was awarded custody Inc. oh June 13. hearts and clubs and then would Carpeting. did not favor such controls, but ruling Democrats. But he is not likely to com­ terest rate to discourage con­ of two minor children with sup- Manchester residents are have led another heart In the * STATE What vegetables to serve with refused to state flatly they for each child. After watching McKinney In plain very loudly about being hope that his partner coujd MANCHISTItt CINTIB Easy Credit — No Money Down — I-ay Away Plans tinuation of the income tax sur­ Lawrence J. Cernoch. Gerald J. F«llSOUTH PASK BfAd Of THIA1BI sliced smoked tongue? Mashed wouldn't be imposed, particular­ action as minority leader in the introduced as a gubernatorial overruff the dummy. This line — Tenns To Suit Your Ihidgpt — charge to sop up 110 billion a Janet D. Turner of WilUngton, Dixon. Silas Gonzales Jr., Mi­ 4 AK983 or boiled potatoes and croamied ly If Congress refused to extend House — a Job of little power hopeful. All he has to do, for of play would defeat the con­ MtUktees At 1:80 year of potential buying- power, formerly of Manchester, from chael Ingalllnera, and Richard " B ^ y " 8K)0-6:10-9!SOJ 762 ^nach make on excellent ac- the income surtax, considered but considerable visibility' — the time being, is to keep on tract If West held Q-x of trumps Beniem bee—"YOIT GF.T THE BEST FOR IJESS AT R-BEST* It reemed apparent the ad- Ellery A. Turner of Manchester Pcppln. 0 16 oompanimdnt. essential by the administration many legislators, including Dem­ happily issuing denials and dis­ and only two hearts. Thfir Ne*w f'ulM.unKth Movii ! ministration, which looked upon on groundo of Intolerable cruel- Prom area towns they are: 4 1 0 6 in fighting the wage-price sp4-- ocrats, have become convinced claim ers. ' Why didn’t East adopt this Metrc.r;avid M. D'Amajto of Ver­ and Charles A. Smith. / Even temperatures In the AUies G>ntributing Troops this only If he himself had the OoHit 1:30 A 7:48 The aimual summer “Side­ niore on a wide range of items stores because airconditioning pers were sharp buyers, It Is sue. Ziegler said he made his non on grounds of intolerable KocKviiie: James L. Crook, queen of trumps. mia-nlnetles and an almost walk Sales,” sponsored by the from men's shirts to fake flow­ enticed shoppers to come Inside still amazing what people will Ziegler at a morning news statement after talking with cruelty. She was granted a Philip Hetmltch, Joseph Mazan- Everything East actually did ANYTHING B POSSIBLE IN... stifling humidity cannot keep briefing mode the first refer­ Nixon, Kennedy, White House change of name to Lynne S. ec, Joseph C. Plvar, and Ron­ Retail Division of the Manches­ ers to desks and lawmmowers and be tempted by an oven wid­ buy just because it la on sale: W. G. GLENNEY CO Show No Sign of Cutback was perfectly reasonable, but women away, from a sale. They and boats. There are Nehru er range of offerings, not all ence to presidential opposition counsellor Arthur F. Burns and Fkiskaimper. ald Rencurrel. ter Chamber of Commerce.will suit tops without .Hatching his failure to cash out and lead came in small droves today’ ac­ jackets for 69 cents, dreises and of which were on sale. to mandatory wage-price res­ Chairman Paul McCracken of Donna Davto Herztg of Mian- By GEORGE McAr t h u r dlers have been killed in action. skirts; dresses that don’t quite I a third heart gave him away. companied by husbands and continue Friday and Saturday nightgowms for two dollars and The sale has a twofold pur­ traints. This was followed by a the Council of Economic Advis­ cheator from Eldward Heralg of Associated t*re«s Writer The Thai Black Panther Divi­ fit; and last year's Christmas | SUMMER SUPER Power Failure Daily Question / »*W3gSI0N« children, to save money on a In Downtown M anchester, the less, and aspirin and rubbing al­ pose: (1.) For customn,s to Kennedy news conference about ers. Avon on grounds of IntoJerable ______sion, which recently replaced jen tQ * cards. SAIGON AP) While the SOUTHINGTON (AP) A fail­ With both sides vulnerable, FttxnMGM / METROCOIOR large variety of clothing and Parkade and Burr Corners. cohol at a discount. save money on Items they prob­ 1 p.m., when the spectre of con- He said Nixon has been con-. oruhlty. She was awarded 111,- United State* hM begun gradual Queens Cobra Regl the player at your right opens wares. Still, the large turnout In­ ure In a cable at a power sub Prices are sliced by half or The heat was a boon to some ably needed anyway; and (2.) trols was a^^ain raised. This in slstent In opposing the idea of 500 aUmony upon conveyance of withdrawal of its forces in Vlfet- hao taiketi over an old with one heart. Yon are next. Wed.: “TRUE ORTP’ dicated that most people were VALUE SALE turn waa followed by the Htrong controls oa an anti-inflation intoreat In gmoperty and a nam there has t»ein no sign—eo Anierlcan camp called Bearcat ::tation left some 2,140 customers for store owners to get rid of enjoying the sale and satisfied | of the Connecticut Light & Pow­ an excess of merchandize that statement Issued about 3:80 weapon.' change of home to Donna far—that allied nations who co»»- about 28 miles east of Saigon. Andover with the merchandise. If to­ er Co. without electricity for Vernon wax not otherwise selling quick­ Davis. tribute 70,124 men plan similar It Is In an area whore there day's turnout Is any Indication, more than an hour Wednesday ly. 10 DAYS ONLY June A. Long of Bloomfield cutbacks. ho^ been little recent flghtli^. the pickings may be slim as the afternoon. AR AMPEMY AWARD BELL-RIMOERI Smokey the Bear ^ " ii o Although most of the shop­ end draws near. from Roland C. Long of Ridge- Iniormed officials say that But In two battles In March and Consumers on the outskirts of Secret Talks Set field on grounds of intolerable such plans have been discussed June, the Panthers, elded' by Plantsvllle and Southington In Fainyl HMri-Wanili|S Has a Booth At 1 WO F u n d u ig SouFces 5a ve *50 on this cruelty. He was awarded cua- tm on Informal basis, but that U.S. orWilery and gunships, re- central Connecticut were with­ tody of one minor child. none of the allied nations has ported Wiling 380 Viet Oong out vpower tor 1 % hours. The South Windsor “walk in" On ABM, Surtax Sheryl A. Mltterholzer of mode any official moves toward against the loss o< eight Thais centers of these townships were ALAN ARKIN Sought for Renewal Jr., of East Hartford on, a troop cut. killed and 20 wounded. Hie tn (Contliiiiixl from i’uge One) not affected by the failure. She waa granted custody of The biggest contributor is Thab' do not announce over-all Service, was restored by ^ suggestion irf Mrs. b* ready tor signatures next chairman said It was his inten­ grounds of Intolerable cruelty. South Korea with 80,343 men. casualty figures for the war. ^ WlUlnms, executive month. Foreign Exchange Students and Eiilwetok, but nothing baa tion that some signiflcunt re­ switching power lines, said a "poqi” developed yet. She was granted custody of Their oommionder, burly Lt. These allied battles have often spokesman of the power com­ bar to be held ^®* 4jr of the Bedevelopmenit As her final reason, Mre. J form amendments be added to Waiting In tho wings Is Son. three minor chUdnen with sup- G«n. LA> 9ae Ho, recently told been peripheral to the war. be- pany. Saturday evenings from 8^ A fo n c y , tho commlssloneirB Williams said there would be Take to Water—U. S. Style STORAGE SHED the measure. Thtwruus J. McIntyre, D-N.H., port payments of |10 per week nowemen that there were no cause Viet Oong and North Viet- midnight Sm^e^ wiU haw a submit no additional financial obllga- This schedule still would per­ for each child. platu' at all to reduce his forces, mmese-units hove concentrated ^(‘ ) p B U R N S I D E Thirty-eight traveling foreign a picnic held last night at the author of a rival amendment to SPACE CENTER, Houston At.7 rtW-9 K)6 firT^revenUon on the “i°" mit the Finance COmmlliee to Diane Regius from' Robert Meanwhile, the troops of the *bie AmericanH and the South exchange students. accom­ Blast and Cast, which' will be bar "• Th® f«®ncy would have mlHSiles but perm tt In'ilnllnWon Regius, both of Monchestor, on “-Ulec naUonfi are conducting op- Vietnamese, for the early 1070s include en youngsters while giving ^ In - ren ew a l prograim. nothing to lose, but rather have panied by a like number of local followed today by ii trip to the bate by the end of this month In groinvds of Intolerable cruelty, erahons at the same rate as In However, U.S. autlioriUes capitol and the governor and a | of compuUTw and ruubirs for fur­ lime for final action before the earth orbiblng workshop tn formation on home fire safety. “ rs. WUliam^ told tho com- 'o ways of beginning Phase 2 high school students ns compan­ ther teotirrg at llwr twer proposal. from Kredierick Roberts of En- Korea: Thailand, 11,612; Aus- NEW YORK (AP) — The Entertainment includes two more funds available in th© more of a rehabilitation pro- Griffin Rd., Wa(>plng, was grad- tension. gram . more than a crowd of young­ The second closed-door con­ field on grtninds of Intolorablo ‘fiitia, 7,617; New Zealand, 862. Church is becoming a "sign” in PREIIORY / OMAR kiddle rides, one a swing ride Urban Renewal Program," Mrs. uatod from Uvo Aviation Or- The area proposed for Phase sters arriving together. dlnanceman School at (tie Naval fab secs the Senate's Finance SPACE CENTER, Houston ‘■•''•«t(y- St'o was awarded the Philippines . hen 1,803 sol- the.... world rather than a "sanc------and the other a smaller ride. WiUlams sold, "the repreeen-, (AP) — Television broadcasts ®»f’(ody of ore minor child with d‘®t^Ju Vietnam engaged solely tun^ ^from it, a new study Is- ■mere will also be Wngo, a 'tative has suggested that Ver- 2 is bounded ^ on the south by They arrived during a 10 - Air Technical TVuinlng Center. Committee, whose members in clvle action projects. sued by the MaryknoII order PECB / SBARir dunking machine {md games of xx^ submit a survey and plan- *“® railroad tracks, on the west minute “all out" break at the Jaokson'vUlc, Fla. are ready to charge off In three of man's activity on the moon payments of $18 per The Koreans have two Inf an- contends. Called "The Church drive-in skill and chance. ••(••S' application os had been Orchard 8t., north by park and the life guards Imd He studlod the use and main­ different directions, meeting to will bo transm itted from the week ar-'l a Ir in t'er of intcrast C.\m. K()RI-:.M.\iN’S 'n pioiHTty as alimony. try dlvl':4ou«, a Marine brigade StKn," It stresses the recognl- A food sale is again being ptanned prior to Oie inception P'wpect St. and east by Grove the embarrasing task of keep­ tenance of the various guns. chart u course for foaling with Apollo 11 lunar module, using L ------—.— ----- iukI a special con.struc'.lon unit 'lion of God’s presence and sav- sponsored by the Women’s Aux- <*« NDP." ing 80 hot and Impatient con­ munUions, and rockets used by extension of the Income sur­ IU1 umbrella-ltke antenna placed W hile GROIINDS FOR FKIENDHIIIP “Pcetul mainly over Wio 200-mlIe in8 activity outelde the church lliary with food from many of Mrs. Williams told the com- temporaries out of the water Navy and Marino Corps olr tax . on the moon's surface. MRCBEm ’S BOLD The signals will bo beamed to ONAWA, lown (AP) — Ray «i»’ctch of central coastlnnd of i« ‘he worid-at-large, where the Andover’s finest cooks and mission that -no one, Including Of Aloo until the rest period was over. units. ------they leaf The position of Rcpubllciuis I.lndlcy gave re helping band to ‘‘i® Corps Aren. Thetr church simply serves as a sign recipes. the regional offloe, seei^ Development Corp., developers ^ The students are completing M arine Sgl. Denis SUls. on the committee, at a 10-7 ths- the radio telescope at the Na- . „ . .. A real step-saverl Store ' tional Radio Astronomy Obser- n local «ite. The cafe ran out of “f'ops arc ^mainly In th? coastal ^“c divine mystery embrac- Music will be provided by a to know that actual status of of the ^ area, said____ _the ..crew work- . ^ a year of study In the States, son o t Mr. and Mrs. RoHhrt Sills, SUPER PANAVISION TECHNICOLOR lawnmower, blcycies, garden adviuitage, was that th - panel vntory, Parkes, Australia, for coffee and h© lent the owners “teas, but tlniy have recently ‘••^ all men, Christian rend non- surm nmAvoioN itcHSKouxu' | 6 J sm-ou all combo for those who the NDP and that waa. why and from all Indications yester­ 366 HUton Dr., was promoted to Immediately start drafting Its STEREOPHONIC SOUND tools, toys, charcoal grill ... rpUiy via Intelsat 8 Pacific sat- I'vo pounds. cxpmidcd . thrir operational Uhristlan. United Apiitit > enjoy dancing, while refresh- day they have become pretty his present rank during cere­ version of the House-passed she was suggesting the dual ^ eUite to Houston. Mi. and Mira. Rex Plummer areas inland oB pacification pro- __.._J ______pins—Short Subjects raents are offered by the Wo- appHcatlon She said this would * ^ week­ much "Americanized" right monies ( I t Marine CVirps Air all in one handy spot. measure wltliout watting 'to con­ Tolevtston transmissions from of Rapid City, 8.D., the former Kretred. They are now mainly mens’ Auxiliary. open tw 6 down to the ritual of Iragglng Station (HeUi-opter), New River, Assemble it yourself with only a sider any tax reform riders. Wed.: "Maltme Bippy'^ doors tor possible u,e building. The devek^ the command module will be In owners of the cn/e, visited IJnd- •‘®«PonHlble for pacification in funds a screaming girl into the water Jacksonville. N.C. screwdriver! But the Demoeratlc ixiwers In , actually has until Nov. 1 to color, from the lunar module In ley and returned the coffee nft- coiustnl provlnoos. Matinees Dally at 2:0Q — Mon., Fri. E v m 1:801- 0:00 Th© survey and planning ap- /«/vmrkio,»i> <» u..* u i— —or was that a South Windsor He Is assigned to H eadquart­ the Senate Majority IvcadeT youth? AoUar-actlon doors permit more black and white. er 18 yeiua, "They ore good luwl they are 8 : 0 0 plication wlU take about ^ . ers and Molntenam e Squadron Mike Mansfield of Montana luid Saturday Sunday 2:S0 - 4:4S - 1 :# ■ Two Senators methodical,’’ a slta/f irfHcer ro- weeks to prepewe and the,NDP ^ Ue The exchange students are (HAM8-26r. This Is one o f nine iM if k atoruro 108 cu. ^ his QHslstfUit, Edwarrl M. Ken­ said the state 'wUl be able to FornMfly $#f .tS_ porled. "They are luw getting a application aiXMit five months, staying In homes in South squadrons ItuU (»m prise Marine Outside eroe 6*4” x S f ” nedy of Mas-sachusetts—wont Oppose Idea start moving In furniture by Am kill ratio of alm ost 20 to 1 with Mre. Winiams said. Windsor until Friday morning Aircraft Group-26. Not Exactly Uhatnitad Into the session Holding out for then. AM A Says: Mrs. Williams explained she when they leave for a tour of A graduate of H«)hillon on care men could live and work for ex- munlty.” glass and glass weld, the build­ ' 17.96 ed Just Uy btuck tn sand. Sen. John V Williams of Dela­ Ne w YORK (AIM The for With their area of oi>araUonB wI m AAi 0P£NHE.(^RTH Has Ignored Referendum the (xx>r, the AMA «atd luiilth er Is delayirjg the installation Clvai e or 8 ci/lurs Ideal to r I ware, Senior Republican mem­ only Infrequently active, the Dick'Wn'Dyke tended periods. It also voted to She added that the ground- American Medical Araochitloii iuhxIs do not exist In Isolation, AuKlraUanH have recently tolcen E A S T H A R T F O R D • T E L .' S 9 4 5 s' of this until the last minute be­ wwtka A '(stisw. Mislular sias | ber of thCyCommlttce, was lead­ supply funds for unmanned mis- work has been complete for The Vernon Chapter of the an example of flaciil Inrespon- 2 " X H • X 16 • has pledged It.solf to work to- adding that ste)» must be taken on the role of utltempUng to up­ 860 MAIN ST • OPPOSITE CONNECTICUT BLVD .slons to Mare, Venus. Mercury the submission of the NDP ap- cause of vandalism. This build­ Connecticut Caucus of ' Demo­ slblllty when. In fail, aome of •5.95 ing the e ^ rl to get quick action lionel Jeffries ward the duy when the (xx>r ot e^nibat (HKir housing, malmi- grade the ' South Vietnamese and Jupiter. pItcaUon. The Department o t ing too was Bchedul^ to be crats today cha'rged the Board jxir existing recreational facil- I GaL on the /tax extension measure completed by Aug. 1. 27c Em. the N l^n admlplslratUm says la the United Stntesyw'lll gel the Icltlon, employment problem-'! 18th Infiuitry Divteion, one of ■'coun, Sally Ann Howto AT THE NORWICH MOTOR INN • NORWICHTOWN The committee sold intense Community Affairs has Inform- of Representatives with failure Itiea need repair at Ihla very EXIT »: OFF CONN TPKE • TEL j£' j:!4 The developer said be ex- tim e." vital to slow down inflation. .same qiHillly itiedleal eart> ns ‘"'d Inadequate education. the IcoHt efficient In the ooun- scientific Investigation of Mare cd tiie" agency that Its appUca- "to enlighten the voters on the y Ivong had proiKisc.d his panel the rich. 'Unle.ss efforts are sucoes.sful try. nte real secret in serving by orbiting craft will begin in tlon for state funds to compieta have a letter from importance of Monday's . refer­ The pool facility will cost OUTDOOR-INpOOR CARPBT hofo quick hearings on reform AI Uie same time, a jxmng *•’ Improving the over all qiial'ty One battodion of the 18th, foreign food Is deciding just 1971. the NDP appHcatlon has boon. SN®TOO confirming changM In endum ." $138,000 and If the amount Is approved. It will be construe^ f l L B VERMONT SLATE uposalR .next...... week, and. . go p ychiatrlst rhai-gvd that the 'K® all iwople.” tile AMA about 430 men, eompletod a slx- "how” foreign to get. Seine But nowhere did it indicate reviewed, that a letter approv- Aelay, and The referendum orill ask the mto rxeculivc aesslon to vote on imtlori's tumlth eare system. In- "efforts In the heiUth oaro week training ond joint opera- (M) people are confused and be­ there Is any current decision to Ing It will be received dioftijr “•®*‘**® •>* (*•*• rather than the voters to apfirove approprts - ed on land to the rear of the FLAGSTONE provisions of tho Honse bill lUid clndli g the AMA hs.i "no aUio- "IH "«• b*' en.mgh"^Uon period with the Austratinna wildered the minube they get try»rv fm-for a ktore Mn-ra landing.laruRne. andand finailvfinally tlmithat aa i^nntea©#Contract willwill Aug, 1 occupancy date It WlU tkms for Fs-evaiusUon of the Vernon Elem entary School. Rt. ttwrs'g no evwheedl / the reform amendments. The hde eommltmont ' to see tlp(l “•• Iraiigurallon ceremony, early this month. A second bat- off the steok-and-potato be Sept. 1 to U. town and for ah' outdoor swim­ 90. MDfGLED SHADES bandwagon. You'll find the It's mskitonancw-fraa everyone gets tlu« .suine level of Gerald D. l>onn in of New talion Is now undergoing £4M w/mo/f DICarla said Alco has rs- ming pool. New* of Hervteeencai th«- most Interesting and original Just hoM oft dki eare. '^'ork look over.«is head of tlie oamr program. DKIVI IN - k MT S celvsd a letter of Intent from The hours for voting will be Airman Thomas J Gorman, party food served in the both the OonnecUcut Bank and Lockad-in bssuty - I'he AMA, acting at its annual ffoin Dr, DwlghL,i(j. Wil- The ' AustraJUui task force homes of people who have from noon to 8 p.m. Tie two soei o t Mr. and Mrs Fred R Trust abd the People's 8a.vlngs Ootmian. Cjiiirch 'HI., has re­ can't fads,' rot or 8q. F t fRaurl?civU'r convention, \xjtcd iirmnlinously Oalifornia. Earlier. th»> convnmrider, Brig, C.M.l. Peaiv traveled widely. Their enter­ polling pUcM win be the Me- mHdow Wedne.sday In favor of a re.sxiUi- Home of Delegates iinanImou.slv son congrwtulated the first bat- taining takes on a* wrorlAy PLAZA DEPT. STORE Bank. He expects t o have a morlsl Building. Park PI , and ceived his first U B Air F«jrre plot plan for CBT next week, duty aastgnment afte r ooen- lion giving "top priority'' to a clwxso Dr Walter t\ Ifonie- talion at the end of_thc.£xercl8e DEUCIOUS quality with the excitement Tonight thru Tues.— 1st Run (M'e Have A Notion To Plemse) Vernon Elementary School/Rt. 7 Ijrrali) program It .said was aiimx! at meter of UhSagti as prraident- luid said. "You have pozM ev- of discovery. If you make Edgar Alkui Poe E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular afsritet) and Um completion date of that 90 / pieting basic training at Lack­ your dishes relatively sim­ land AFB, Tex. »T r i lo.-lng "the ackiK)W’ledg<‘d gMp" elts'l He will take offlee In June ery- lest." ____ Sa^ “WATCH OUT” buUding will be no later than The caucua group ^Id the (No itod> PubUshfHl DaUy Excopi Sumiiiy* helwee." health eare for the af- ple, but follow the foreign Open WetL, Thors, and Fri. till 9 Nov, 8. A gmduate of Rockville High and H.tUdayn at 13 HliwcU Sircct More titan 280 Australian sol- RAVIOLI flair right down the line to board has" failed to ilxplaln to HRJicholcr. Coiu\ fh’cnl and the (xxir. NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME... DiCario also promised a plot the voters that the Item on the Hcltool, he has been ajisigned the demH and coffee, you to a ubM of the Htralegv Air Tcleidioite d4!t-27U 'I’he A.MA .Hjild It will begbi C a iM N o R i, will have, I'm sure a i^a NAME BRAND SWIM TRUNKS plan of parcel 1 (commercial re-eisluaUon must be passed 8«coml Chui.s PnM EDGAR ALLAN POE’S area) In lU entirely within 10 Oommand for training and duty Manchester. L'otm ws>rklng with .state ami cmmty affair! You give your pmNy The amount involved la $82,700. MhMStroiw for Mon ani Bo|s days. He also hopes to have a as a security p'Jiieman st K 8UBScnn*noN ineihcal roi'leitie.! to set up lot's! more atmosphere and style Classic Tale of the If the appropriation li not sp- MANCHESTER Payable in Advancr (irograms to improve the care If you make a gesture, dec- rendering of the area. Plana prm ed then It would be neces­ i. Sawyer AFB. Mlih DONT MISS and SoiHoqG Clifford A Hurlburt. 21. srsi One Yea.r ...... POU' of I'-i* IKKir. otnUvely speaWng. to the at Special Prieos are. to have a mall-type com­ sary for the board to' make' a Mr Mootha ...... U PO ■ I ■ I of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A ■'ll has btven n'cognlzed tor Available at all ttmeo, made geographical source of your plex. --n special appropriation from the T^ree Months ...... 7.Wi Hurlburt, 39 Bnlpstc St . -was On* Month ...... 3.P0 year.-','" the AMA said, '‘that the LUTHER BLACK lor your eating ^eaoore at general budget This could be home. ’ prpniated to Army specifUtat 4 649-5253 •siupe quality of medleal ixire spread over a two yes.-', period. STRAIGHT FROM DETROIT ' . ^ \" Volimteem Switch J(una\ 30. He hi serving wKh ths ' ■ ; should Ih* aeet'ssil)!,' to all |h*o- Come and see Rina and The. ednthart haa already !-■ . \)'V W And It's stire'to be a happy WASHINGTON -y Eighteen 3rd Intantry Dlviaicc as a | the OLD ple. Ite.dizatlon of this Idtxil ONLY AREA SHOW P eter — o( e.xpeorienoe tor you when you former Peace COrpa i-olunteere been algned and the work haa ha.s'. for a variety' 'of rea.sons, tracked field driver near As- join iM for luncheon here at w re appointed Foreign Bervloe betr Btarted on re-e / iluaUon. chaffenburg. Germany not bt'en fully uehlex'ed. Plus MR. STBIAK: 244 Center PAVE and SAVE officers In 1988, bringing to 100 I-ow bidder for the job was Ap­ 3 3 6 ileanwhlle. Dr. Light P!i» Airman Thomas E Sctilebel. W e ld o n RlchSxl “The Quiet VILLA MARIA Street. 648-1088. We have the the number working directly for praisal ConaultanU of W ater ■ Kunnes, 27. u reeldent In pay- Shows ‘Westbound greatest menu apd the moot BITUMINOUS CONCRETE town sen of Mr. and M rs Clarence NORTH MAIN STKICT Ones” pleasant and relaxing at­ the State Deportment and with E. Behlebel. 28 Michael D r. ehliitry at Albert Eiiurteln Col­ Lane” the U S InformeUan Agency D r u g C o . lege of Metllclne. told n news FOODS mosphere here at Mr. Steak, DRIYEWAYS-FARKING LOTS According to st4ite sUtutea. RFD i; has ootnptsted batoc and we sure hope eeo towns have to re-evaluate every tralnlag at lisckland AFB. TVx confereivce :," There Is \no over­ 818 Colebrook Road to you ELLINGTON SHOP FRIDAYS TO 8:30 P.M. GLASTONBURY o' ihi'.' r, « orid'r > soon. — A U t f M C A N OOMMEBClAl>—RESIDENTlAir ' TWl' A BOMKYN OP BEER! 10 years The last time If waa He has bsen assigned Vj K teeler all cuimnitment by tlid system MANCHESTER ARMORY INTERHATIONAL # i Giaatoabory LONDON In the old days done In Vernon was 1900 The AFB. Mlsa. for training tn to assurt' ttuit everytineWets the 767 M A IN ST. FroM^DCKCXR ftim come m a bmd. Icwl was work has to be completed for, ri/mlnunloaUuM electromu sys- BUILDING MATERIALS— LUMBER— FUEL same'level of earv." I CHICKEN PRIES Friday, July W h HELPFUL HINT to GRAND PROU G & H PAVING CO., Inc. measured m binge snd unboisvd the grand list of October, 1970, tsm s Kuimes .stild tw s|>oke on be­ . AJ.SO A SPECIALTY WEST STWCET. BOLTON ‘‘ books came to u r boles to the KrlriXing to the apprpprta- A 1986 graduate ftockviUs half of up to 1,000 peroons In the SUenoe squeaky shoes by SHOP F R ID A Y S TO K:30 P.M. 8 P.M. to 12 P.M ADMISSION $1.75 piercing aeveral holes . G i9 - S 2 3 S—Uj OI Anjrttaw V fact. T a j could olao buy a bom- tk>n tor the pool, the Vernon High Hchool. he attended DeVry New York area, 33 jier cent of CALL 633-9058 'kyn of beer. • tapnet o l figs a through the sole ]iat in back i t s - - i 'aums aaid. ' Bulldt:« the pro­ Institute -jf Toctmotegy, Chi­ them llceiwd ptiystcluip) and of the ball of the foot. tother of lead and k tntl of /©ol posed swimming pool would be cago MncWMTtBWawnui

V •,' N PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, OOIW.. THURSDAY, JULV. 17,«1969 " \ ' \ \‘ ' - ■ MANCHESTER EVENlNGTIERALD7-MAN0 m !! s m : CONNT T T I ^ 17. 1969 PAGE FIVE FRI-CITY FRL. SA T. TRI-CITY FRL. SA T. PLAZA JU LY 18-19 Tn“/ PLAZA / / J U LY 18-19 T o lla n d Vernon America series. She Is a mem­ ber of ; the Americen Historical Legion Women home, sign of the arrow; Mary books; Susan Sterlin, troop Aasooiation. Penn Central Commuters and Mrs. Allen Gone were cor T ow n W om an At ConveiHion G irl Scout N<>tes Hafner, troop camper, hospital­ camper, dancer, home, health leaders. Joins University Nuns Enter Business ity, dancer, home, health and and safety; Laura Thomas, Moon Landing May Delay WestFundat$11^961 Mias Deborah Dearstyne, The >'ear's activities ended' Joins St. Joseph S evei^ members of the Amer­ Promised New Equipment safety and my home; Marcia troop camper', hospitality, danc­ daughter of Mr. and Mre. Stan­ with a day trip to Mystic Sea- ican Legfam Auxiliary are par­ ’I'roop 642 Hohweller, troop camper, hoa- er. petB, home, health and safe­ ley FYederick Dearatyne Jr., port. Legislative Session After $169 Donation College Faculty ticipating in the department WASHINGTON (AP) — Dis- ji^iidltloh of the passenger c a n World in St. Paul Girt Scout ’Troop ^ of the plt^ity, dancer, pets, collector, ty- Mountain Springs Rd., has ac­ grUatled commuters can expect that carry than to and from An ajdditdonal $169 has been A workshop meeting is plan­ convention at the Hotel Amer­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, (AP) home, health and safety; Susan Alto. Becky ’Timbrell, troop LYME. Oonn. (AP) — State cepted a clerical position in the ica In Hartford this weekend. the Department of Transporta- work. » • are paid directly to toe order. Northeast Neighborhood held a Imler, troop Camper, hospital­ and Atty. G en/R obert K. KU- Fund, swelling Its total to $11,- ned for the flr.t week in Sep­ Mrs. George R. Cowden, 27 — To meet a large payment camper, hospitality, daniMer, administrative offices at Bob Mrs. Joseph Wallett Is de­ tlon to release a long-delayed ’The Penn Central, which took The sisters wear conservative Court of Awards recently In ity, dancer,, my camera, home Space Suits Hand-Sewn officials are to meet today to Uan would .meet to review toe tember to assist the teachers Baker ,^Rd., will become a lec­ soon due on their new St. Paul pen pal, home, health and sme 981, according to fund drive co­ Jones University, Greenville, partment hlotorlan; Miss Bar­ $28.4 million grant to the Penn over the line from toe New Ha- street clothes and black veils on health and safety. At Hartford Company decide whether they will convene President's proclamation. for the forthcoming year. turer of history at St. Joseph priory, nuns of toe Order of St. FeUowshlp Hall of the Commune ty, and collector; Cindy ’Tlm- S.C. ' ■ Central Railroad "in toe veiy ven, has blamed toe delasrs on toe job. Sifter Rolaine said the Under tfte state constitution donated to the James West College in September. bara Wallett, program chair­ Benedict are working this sum­ Ity Baptist Church. Several Also Vicki Imler, hospitality, brell, troop camper, hoapitaiity, a special session of toe state ■St. Matthew’q Parish will con­ A 1968 graduate of Rockville near future,’’ Sen. Abraham Rt- old equipment and tracte. veils are removed if employers, HARTFORD (API—’The space Mrs. Griuso said. If the start chairman (Jharles ThiHault. An educator who has taught man; and Mrs. Hemi Pessini, m er as typists, receptionists, girls received badges. Including dancer, books, pen pal, home Cancer, water fun. collector, leglstature that had been called duct a special cooperative col­ High School, Miss Dearstyne re­ music chairman, bicoff, D-Ck^., said Wednesday. ’ Riblcoff on July 10 asked toe object strongly, to them. suits being warn by the Apollo of the special session falls oh TTto $169 represents the profits lection Sunday for the Xaverian at various University of Con­ file clerks and in a variety of Mary Charert, troop camper, health and safety and storytell­ housekeeper. ’ sing of the star, H astronauts vx'ro hand-sewn for Monday, the same day the ceived a certificate of comple­ Mrs. Leon Bradley, Mrs. Clif­ ’The grant was approved in Interstate .Condnerce Commis- Most of the 253 nttns who re­ a legal holiday, toe General As­ from a block dance held Sat­ Missionary Society of Mary, a necticut branches, she will teach other Jobs with business firms hospitality. dancer, home, er; Donna Lateano, troop camp­ home, health aird safety, Mari- by Welaon & Co.. Inc,, of Hart­ tion for the one-year business ford Walker, Mrs. Everett Ken­ side at the priory ar^ Involved U.S. astronauts are to land on sembly ahall be convened on the urday night by the stores in* religious order of women serv­ two courses on the undergrad­ December 1967 to help toe old Investigate the ad- in the ’Twin ClUes. health and safety, pet and sign er, camera, hoapitalRy, dancer, beth Fodder and -Barbara ford.' course In the School of Business nedy and Mrs. WUber Little are in the project. Sister Rolaine the moon. next working day. The special ing in Africa, , Brazil and uate level. New Haven Railroad buy 144 equacy of toe Penn Central of the’ star; Cathy and Debby home, health and safety, pets Smith, troop camper, hos­ the Post Rd. Shopping Plaza Administration this May. delegates. ’The project was begtm when said. The company la working how President Ntxon has suggested seoslon Is required to reconsider the Worcester IMocese of Mas­ Bom in Woburn, Mass., she new passenger cars. Legal tech- commuter service,’’ mabitaining Cone and pebby Dow. troop and water fun. pitality, dancer, collector, in Vernon under the directiGn While a student at the South Mrs. Eugene BYeeman and toe sisters found themselves on suits to be worn on a space that all Americana obseive the bills vetoed by Gov. John Demp­ earned her Bachelor’s degree nlcallties have prevented its re- promise ' of/ federal Sister Mary Katherine, nor­ camper, hospitality, dancer, Also, Susan Pagluica. troop home, health and suifety. of Bob Warner of Stereo Blast. sachusetts. Carolina school, she was a mem­ without sufficient income to station of the 1980s. Sherwln historic event with a hollday.-He sey. Mrs. Robert Curran are also at­ lease unUl now, toe adminls- lunds had been "fo U ^ e d by mally a high school teacher, is home, health and safety; Jan­ camper, hospitality, dancer, Thifault reported ho has re­ Honka Hikers In government at RadcUffe Col­ meet toe payment, the size of Patrol leaders for the year* Welson, company president, said Issued a proclamadon declining ber of the Sdgma Kappa Rho tending. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. tratlon says. 19 months of delay b m increas- doing photocopy work for a Min­ di awthg ■ and painting, home, Nixon said the federaj govern­ ceived numerous ^ Is since the Roger Gaulln has been elect­ lege, Cambridge, Mass. Her ice Dahm, troop edmper, hos­ were Debby Dow, Kaivn too Butts will protobly be mod­ Monday "a national day o f pai^ Literary Society. Curran wUl take part In the Sen. Riblcoff said that Sec- InR commuter frustr^bn. which was not disclosed. ’The neapolis synagogpie. She said health and safety; ’Ttacy Scott, ment will excuse employes from drive offidaily ended May 31® ed president of the Honka Raster’s degree’ in history was pitality, dancer, -home,- health Fahey, Becky Timbrell. niri eled after those wbm on the llclpatton." massing of the colors at the retary of Transportation John "As of this date,’/ he said, situation stemmed from a drop the position offers her "an. ex­ their jobs for the day. He urged from people in the area asking Hikers 4H Club at a recent re- earned at TrMty CoUego_She and safety collector and cam­ Iroop camper, hospitality, danc­ Cindy Tm brell. Mary Chnrest television program "Star ’Trek.” opening ceremonies. A. Volpe assured him of the "no new cars have- appeared In toe number of young women era. Secretary of the State Elia toe authoriUes of states and If there was something that, organlzatlonal meeting. Karcfi photo is presently a ‘ ciandldate^%r the cellent opportunity to listen to, er. home, health and safety, was scribe and Donna Lateaiw, TTie ’TV show Is based on space 830,000 Out Window grant’s imminent release after on the tracks; none have been joining the older, combined and get to know, others.” Grasso, reached at her stimmer ctUea and private employ«rs to they could give the youth. Other officers of the ouUoor doctorate in history at UConn. Also, Lynn Davis,* troop collector, my camera and treasurer. Mrs. Robert Johns exploration. home here Wednes^y, said she New Baptist Figures toe senator asked ' him to in- ordered, and no federal money with increased retirements. Sister C^arol, another of the do the saiiM. cooking club are Richard Jedl- E n g a g e ^ Mrs. Cowden and Richard O. BERKELEY, CaUf. (AP)' — camper. hospitality, home, One Item which would receive VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (AP) tervene. has yet been aUo<»ted.’’ Sister Rolaine, assistant to toe nuns 'participating, said the ex­ rzlewskl, vice president; Tony Curry of UConn are co-edltlng More than $30,000 worth of glass .health and safety, collector and extensive use is the donatian of The engiigement of Mite —Membership In congregations ’The $28.4 million will be U.S: Rep. Lowel} Welcker Jr., mother superior, said the nuns Ouellette, secretary; Earl Bee­ for > repubUfjatlon 'Theodore windows have been smasAied by perience has drawn the sisters- my home; Karen Fahey, troop / tapes for a four-track tape re­ of the American Baptist conven- matched with equal amounts R^Conn., said last spring that were faced with finding the closer together in terms of un­ be, treasurer, and Terry Jed- Maria Christina D’Amato of Wold’s "Slavery As It Is,” ori- demonstratora on the Univoslty camper, magic carpet hospital­ corder, Thifault explained. tlon scored an annual gain of from Connecticut and New YOTk'lt might take as' much as two needed funds or else refinancing rzlewskl, reporter. The club Manchester to George Michael gtnnlUy'\ published in 1839. ’This of California campus since Jan. derstanding the problems con­ ity,, dancer and sign of the star; Young West has been given a 17,656 to a total of 1,474,181, ac­ —the two states in which jxlm- yeans between approval of the at a 8 cent hike In interest fronting toe order. meets every Wednesday at the new ^ition will become a part i, a undveislty official aaid Nancy Fahey, troop camper, portable tape recorder which is Prattson of Bloomfiel'd ha-s been cording to newly Issued statis­ muters have been complaining grant and dellvay of new equip- ' rates, to 8% per cent. . For many of the nuns, who home of leader Mrs. Chester of the Dwumentary History of Wednesday. tics. hospitality, dancer, dabbler, used for transmittal of personal announced by her father. ^An­ loudly about late itraina and the ment. One sister contacted a Minne­ joined toe order while in their home, health and safety and messages from Ms fri^ids and Jedrziewskl. thony A. D'Amato Sr. of 157 apolis emplojment firm which teens, the project has givm collector; Debby Foreman, olasamates, for entertalnmenit Baton Winners specializes in tempoary posi­ Branford St. She is alao the them their first contact with the troop camper, hospitality, and for educational purposes. Winners of the Board of tions. A company official of­ VERN daughter of the late Mrs. business world. dancer, home, health and safe­ /Sorry, No Moll or Phono Ordnn The tapes could ho dropped off 'Recreation-sponsored baton lea- fered a free brush-up course in “ I think people are surprised ty. son revolving trophies last week D’Amato. at Three Sons Cleaners, he add­ office practices before t placing' to find we want to go.,out to Also, Barbara Glass troop ed. were Donna Brooks, Shelly Her fiance la the .son of Mr. 7 the sisters in jobs. work iq^ad of begging for camper, hospitality, dancer, Krechko, Kathy Koths, Karen and Mrs. Frank Prattson of Friday and Saturday, July 1 M and 19Hi West remains paralyzed with All of the salaries they earn money," Sister Rolaine said. home, health and safety, my no noticeable improvement since Brooks and Patty Singles. Wethererfleld. his transfer to Newington Child­ Mis.s D’Amato is a 1965 grad­ uate of Mt. St, Joseph Acad­ ren’s Hospital. TIks youth was Manchester Evening Herald emy, West Hartford. She Is em­ Injured in a gym accident sev­ Tolland correspondent Bette ployed as a rating clerk at Annual Tri - dity Plaza eral months ago. Quatrale, tel. 876-2846. r Jaycee BasejMtll T^im Travelers Insurance Oo., Hart­ ford. The Ja>x>ee-Courant baseball o « Mr. Prattson is superinten­ Wapping Njlaam ended Its third week of Vernon T olla n d play with a 9-6 win over Herb’s dent of the Connecticut Hlsfori- r< SIDEWALK SALE Hanford Sport Shop and a 2-1 loss to cal Society. SUMMER Wethersfield Legion. Gory Cac- People’s Savings The wedding is planned for Sept. 6. Open Thursday and Friday till 9 clatore and Steve Koths led the Lists S1.2 Million team to Its third win with three r ■sA/. hits each. , R ise in Assets < uie «™rt m the SIDEWALK Houso and Town Sovings The local team is scheduled \ area to anmounce five par cent Lingerie Savings Frotoon Vz Roductfom to play Bage-Allen tonight on Aaseto of People’s Savings Easy-Care Cotton Blend Sleepwear Colt field 2. t Bank, RockvUlT and V e m ^ ^ z v 100 Aprons, Half Aprons St. Matthew’s Notes i * 1 T , 9 1. ^ J Slacks Dreases ancte, have climbed to a new i ^ 3.99-5.99 St. Matthew’s Church will SALE OOs. 3.0O-S.0O unxm V 4 I high level. The gain, which oc- compounded Waltz gowns, Sleep coata, Baby Dolls, T T W each Skirts Blouses again be boat to the St. Bon- In curred In the fiscal year end­ PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Sleep shirts/pants. S-M-L. ^ aventime University Alumni ingmg' jJtsie w e ouui,80th, was reportedroponea byoy Re-oleoted at the mooting ROTH S CLOTHIERS EM S BAKERY PRAGUE SHOES Sleepwear Swimwear picnic Sunday. PrcBldent Alfred W. Cavedon at offloers and directors. FIRST NATIONAL STORE SAGE-ALLEN FANTASTIC VALUES! FANTASTIC SAVINGS! Nykm Tricot Briefs, Bikinis Students, entering atudente, the annual------meeting. -• The otflceirs are Alfred W. ALBERT a. LARRY'S SALON CAROUSEL .GIFTS Famous-Nams Summer Drossos parents, entering freshmen and Oavedon Stated toot the Cavedon, president; John R VERNON DRUG MAM SELLE APPAREL TAYLOR CLEANING W. T. GRANT COMPANY 6 for 5.99 Sovin^it for Childrnn their femillea will attend ihe bank’s aa*ieto had roachped an Gotlter, vice president; FYod Tailored and lacy. Pastels and white. 1 11:48 a.m. Mohb preceding an 1/3 - 1/2 Off all-Ume high of $19,679,066, ^'n'^'ey. »«;rctary- Glrla' Summer Sleepwnar old fashioned outing and full Sizes 5-7. . J which represents on Incroimo of Misses' 10-18 Women’s 12V^-22Vi course dinner late in the aftt«r- $1,234,000. Cavedon attributed 20" CUT Nylon Tricot Petticoats noon. ’Tickets may be obtained the incroeso to the bank’s pro- treasurer. F V n ^ L. Ja- 2.59-3.99 from George H. Willis Jr., Tol- grcBHlve leodarahln worski was reappointed man- 2 . 5 9 - 2 9 9 4.00-5.00 75 Drossos Z99 each rog. o.oo-zodo cottvtllo. Misees’, Women’s Toddlers’, Girls’ 4-14. Teachers for ■ St. Matthew’s S IZE / S-M-L. Average, Short. Confraternity of Christian Doc­ v o s t n ^ and reghtar savlngH r . gweenoy, Alfred W Zve! Nylon Tricot Sllpa .Waltz Gowns trine religious oduemtdon pro­ Girb’ 4-14 TIchta a o c o ^ by cx^putlng tatereat jon, Mok^olm W. Thompson ^ reg. 6.00 gram are - still being sought. 3-H.P. BRIGGS Famous Mokor Bottor Sportswoor W. Gamble, Fronrf^ J.' 1.29-1.99 0 ’Ihose interested are requested to contact either ’Tom Furoy or Prichard, WllUam Schneider. THE AREA’S OUTSTANDING SUMMER SALE EVENT Sab «Reg. Bob Bergen. Lai* month People’s again Donald B. CaldwoU and Fred- AND STRATTON ^ Loungowoor Plnyw w nnnounood Increased dlvldtendM. erick 8. WInkley. T-Shirts 6.00- 7.00 1.49-5.29 * ENGINE 1/3 - 1/2 Off Shirts 4.4fH I4N > 7.60-11.00 Toddlers’ and Infants’ — Boys’ and Girls. Boys’ 4-7, 7.99-19.99 rcg. 12.00-35.00 Skirts 11.00-20,00 -/ SALE , Inhuita' and Toddbra’ Dreases Dusters; Shifts; Housecoats; Long, short Culottes 9jm 15,00-16.00' Z99-7J9 culottes. Assort^ colors, fabrics. Slacks 9.9» 15.00-17.00 L 'Toddbra’ SwMtori Intimoto Appoml Solo Dresses lI J N M B J N f 18.00-28.00 1.99-3.99 » L ■ Warner’s Panty Girdle S E Culotte ANNUAL Vertical stretch tummy panel; double Dresses 19.00-26.00 Boys’ and girls’ upper hip and seat control. Nylon Boys’ 4-7 Sweatoni spandex. S-M-L. i Blouses SM ivitjm 10.00-21.00 3.19-4J9 Sale Reg. Assorted prints, solids, stripes. .Sizes 6-16. Short 10.00 Boys’ 4-7 Sommer Sbepw,wear TRI-CITY PLAZA 00 IN ALL TRHCITY Average 7JSB 11.00 109-2.59 PLAZA STORES 1969 ARROW "RANCHER" Long 7JB» 12.50 Spomwoor Spockdt Zippered Girdles Pbytex Dbpoeabb Diapers rag. lB-00 Shelli 3.99 I u < *Sab Reg. STORAGE HOUSE Dacron®/cotton with nylon satin con­ Assorted styles. Sleeveless, short sleeved, 2 DAYS some long sleeves. Assorted colors, solids Pkg..of.80 7 9 ^ L6^ trolling panels. Sizes 26-34. and stripes. Sizes 34-40. Pkg. 'o f 46 WN y 1.98 Fashion Colored Bras I

1.99-3.99 Jamaica Shorts 3.99 Boyv* Shojp Roducrtom Some % off original prices I Sizes 82- lOO*"? cotton. .Sizes 10-18. Prints, stdids, 36A, 32-38 B, C. novelties. Knit Shirts 1.99- 2-S9 Cotton/polyester, machine washable. J Special Purchase! Bosomur SpofHwoor Sovinigt no iron. Famou»«Nanio SulH from Famous-Name Manufacturers! No-iron Walk Shorta i (blifom b Tank Tops 14.90 2Ji9-3A9 ^ ‘ \ 4.99 . Cotton/polyaster. Also available in. Lightweight, easy-care fabrics. 2-piece 1100^ polyester. Pastel stripes. S-M-L slinu and huskies. tailored and fashion styles. Pastels and darks. Sizes 8-16. Callfonda Jnnlor Sbeks Bathlr« Salta -..... • ■ , ' __ 4.99 “ 1.99- Z99 Cloaranco of Wbitor Cootf GottOT/rayon. Assorted coiort. Assorted styles, fabrics. Sliss 3-20; at a fraction of the original price!* I .Special Parchpae! Fur triifimed 59.99-79.99 Gingham Separates Gro«9 Moo's V( Untrinuned 19.99-29.99 Imported suedes and leathers 3.99 V i Prica! .19.99-79^99 Tunic tops, bloOses, skirt«. slocks, Tailored and fashion styles. Sizes 6-18, linwi shorts. 1 (>()'; cotton I.im i' .Shortb Psjsmss reg. $ M 7 white check. Size* 8-16 Middy and coat styles. Esey-care fabrics. Solids and prints on light grounds. FRIDAY SATURDAY Moiiiffocrurer's Somplo Jowoiry Short Sbsvt Sport Shirts Sv4G*JM m AND Hosiory Covntor Sovingt! lO'xlO' WITH LOCK AND KEY, j reg. $8 - »7 V Priea- .. /r” - Essy-care fabrics. JULY 18th JULY 19th SHELF UNIT, PERMA PLATE R N ISH S4 pairs of open-back slippen 1.00 ' "Y * ~ H h ^ Sbeve Dress .Shirts WITH 3 - Y M GUARANTEE I 9 9 ( ^ ^ ^ \ , C reg. 13 - 13 ./V. \ Some matching seta.' ^eckiaces. Pins, Rroken sizes and sizes. AG AINST RUST. 'Novelties, Bracelets, Earrings. 1229.00 ’ Junior ViNago Cboronca Homo Docor RoducHom 10’ X T STORAGE HOUSE Bright Night Sheets | /S Price ALSO AVAILABLE 50% O ff _ VALUES .SALE *144.00 Bath Toweb, some irregubm Junior, Junior Petite Dresses Popular colors. Sizea 8(M2. . t f o r x m I.M «m rh CASH ONLY reg, r4(K>..‘V).()0 every style in all sixea.) ALL SALES FINAL TRI-CITY PLAZA VERNON Irregular Bbnkcto (72x90) S 4 H | Sportswear S J IfF U N I reg 88.-118 10 A.M. TO CLOSING White .'16" Curtain and Vabnee ALL ROADS LEAD TO TRI-CITY PLAZA • PARKING FOR OVER 1200 CARS Open Mon. • Sot. 10 A-M- to 9:30 PM. reg.— ‘ 0.(5' • to f ^ .Slacks, &ooters. Skirts, JumjMuits

■ :\ v ■

■ I ■ .

1; ■ I ' ' V • ' iv'”**.'' •• T A-: ■ . ' . , , — ■ ,1.. PAGE s ix £ ^ -ilA N C H E ^ 3 R EVENING HERALD,-MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 ~ ^ ~ T T \ PAGE SEVEN Bank Merger Voted ATTENTION PASENTSI TRI-CITY An Al-Anon Meeting TV-Radio Tonight WATEI^Uky, (3onn. (APb- FRL, SAT. Stockholdm of Colonial Bank WMMER READING CLASSES ^ d. Note: Hiis ia the second . le said, "Anythii^ he may and Tiu st Co. of Waterbury and , Jr. High, High Seliool iMid CoUege Stodenta ^ s^es. The first have gained by being in hospital Bfboka Bank and Trust Co. of y esi^ y described an AA la being undone now.” PLAZA Television I'lj Torrington have Approved a pro­ SECOND FOUR-WEEK SESSION I ! I ( JULY 18-19 • meeting. Tomorrow’s series Joyce said some of his rela-' S:00 (3) Buricefs Law • (X) Rustley-BrlnUey ' . posed merger of the two banks. NEXT SESSION BEGINS JULY 28 ci^ng a^cle will be about fives had tried to taJee him (8-23) Hike Douslaa _ „ (8-12) Truth or Oonsequeacee ^®**®“ * % back. But when they got near (10) Perry Hsson 7:X iMY Folk Oultar . In a jqfnt announcement. Co­ (12) Merv Orinin (18) Della Reewe Show S n ^I, tffeofive classes in reading and study skills. Individual- (U ) Skinerheroea lonial President Francis M. iw M.rmTmjr Ulo h«?>ital. he cried and cried. (X) Thle Is Uie Life (IX Animal . tin.,,. " progrosss according to pre-test thagnoals. Programs may Vernon men, including four Negroes, and frankly we hod just not everybody at the same level and By MAIXXILM B A R inW He waa afraid of the plaoe and (X ) Hunetere (10) niursday Night at the "m i* And Brooks Chairman fi^ d e such a iw as word attack skills (phonics), compel Hovies Whitney L. Brooks, said a fonn- Negro Colonel Quits Army from factory jobs and trained been able to hire this..^ Und of the dqcks are fully Integrated Three<. women came eariy to 'would not bring him In. (X) P Troop (3llX)Ptalet Boone henM^. vocabuiaiy devsiopment. speed reading, how to study 8:X (X) Weathw (33) 1 al application will be filed seek­ Jhem to be biochemical lab employe on the outside in the now and Have some Negro fore­ the Al-Anon meeting on a •^«"hin, they brought him boCk 6:X (X) Truth or Co»equ n im t ^ O n t w S t, Manchester I Cali Fred Young. chael Blaszcak, Denise Bou - Negro army colonel who long (X ) HichUshts lion. according to the announce- Seniors receiving high honors: made the conunltment, peirlod. meeting to begin. advice.” (M) Ikaherty Fnat ures "*** ***»*»urant Kapro>'«, A A n U g h j i l Juniors receiving high honors: dreau, Sandra Bray, Richard felt insulated from racial pre­ And I don’t mean to imply that (18) LfCAvgit to Beaver 10:M (lOdaaMO Dean Martin Pre-' ment, and would have 28 offices Deborah Carter, Martha Cls- “I have a court order to evict Kay said. “Turn them off. (30) HcRale’g Navy aenla The Golddi**ers FREE PAXBSSO \ 6 4 3 - 9 V 4 7 Christina Beer, Kathleen Carlo, Bunce, Holly Darlco, Johfi Rocco photo (90) Open ^ I k e con, Richard Davenport, Debra judice give up a brilliant mili­ everything’s perfect, but the him,” Ann said, after telling Unless the^ are willing to ac- (8) The Oulcaats ______Mary Corsl, Mary Crane, Con­ Davenport, Kathy Devaney, 6:06 (40) '^.Sunset Strip (18) News :------— ------— '■ Dickinson, Pamela Gardner, tary career and return to his commitment was communicated about how violent her husband cept full responsibility tor him, Engaged 6:30 (8) frank Re>TK>lds (X ) It Takea a Thief rad Dwlre, Susan Fagan, Dennis Christopher Fahy, M ark My fVivorite Martian Janet Cottier, Susan Grindal, through the ranks and we estab- had become. turn them off. Do what yoii (24) CrltlQUo Gladden, John Halloran, Anne Felghn, Deborah Hawley, Jud­ native North Carolina to be­ (94) What’s New 10:M (18) Ten-’nilrty Movie Deborah Hess, Wendy Hollister, Itshed' annual minority goal in­ Joyce said, “ He juat got out know must be done. 1 know I engagement of Miss Nan- (30) (^iuiadlan Film (X ) FUm Higgins, Beth Horsman, John ith 'Krlksciun, Karin Krut, Di­ come a personnel executive of (10-23^) Huntley-Brinkloy Mary Huebner, Dorothy Ilgen, creases and we are auditing of the faoqiMal and he'a drink- couldn’t operate ■with that man Anne DeiVol ofRye, N,Y., (12) The Deputy Jzyk, Michele Latulippe, Deb­ ana Leie. Frank Malkin, Bar­ . (M3) Walter Cronklte 10:X (24) evitique Louise Kase\dch, Mary King, a company dominated by them^on a day-today basis." in my house. to Mark Alexander of Glaston­ 6:46 (30) News 11:00 (8-10-l2-22X^) News BOB TOPLIFF BRIAN VIBBERTS orah Luth, D ebor^ MacArthur, bara Marquis, Holly Martin, Not many years ago Retmolds 7;00 (18) What’s My Line Weather (C) Theresa Kulawy, Sharon La- whites? bury has been announced by (S-3CM0) News, Weather. Donna Marquis, Marcia McFad- Margaret Noonan, Jody Owen, had only a few N ^ ro white- The discussions went on. (X) Detecllyea Porte, Christine Latulippe, Cry­ "I began thtaiftlng about the her parents, Mir. and Mrs. Mi­ ,Sports . 11:36 (3) Thuraday StartlKht den, Richard Miller, Francea Deborah Pike, Deborah Raez- collar workers. Today It has 302 Alice admitted she could CM) IVke Bndleee Porrst 11 :X (B-X) Joey Bishop stal Luglnbuh^, Christine problems of ■ other Negroes and chael Thomas DelVal of Rye. UO) Alfred Hitchcock Invite You To Their Mordasky, Holly Nickerson, kowrkl, Jane Thompson, Mary — an Increase from 238 a year master every part of the eighth (1 0 -X 2 2 X ) Tonl«ht Show Mitchell, Maureen Mordasky, the unequal opportunities out­ Her fiance is the son of the (3) After Dinner Movie (13) Late Movie Cynthia Pratt, Karen Prlddy, Thompson, and Henry Urbach. ago. Of all vacancies on sal­ step but for one person, her Donna Morganson, Carol Nick­ side the imilltary," says Mar­ late Dr. and Mrs. Etttot Richie SEE SATURDAYrti TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE LISTINGS Joel Robetrtfl, Nancy Rowe, Sophomore receiving hon­ aried payrolls — clerical, tech­ husband. erson, Schelly Numrych, Mark shall Baas, "and I began won­ "i can’t yet say I’m sorry to Alexander of Urbana, Bl., and Maryann Rixlnansky, Dianne ors: Laynef 'AHhxm', Nancy Bar- nicians, professionals and execu­ Phllllpa; Charles Plader, Linda dering ■why I was just enjoy­ Saunders, Diane Sllsz, Linda rueiy, Nora Belanger, James tives—filled in 1968, 17.6 per him. right or wrong,’’ Alice •^• GRAND OPENING Powers, Diane PrachnJak, Bar­ Radio Welqh,.Theona Wheelock, PhUlp ing (the insulation and doing sold, recounting how she had ^ 221 Keeney at. Glos- bara Rapp, Evelyn Schiebel, Bayer, Cynthia Brown, Dennis cent were filled by minorities. (This listing Inclndea only Omse news broadcasu of 18 or II THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SAtURpAY. JULY 17. 18, 19 Whitehead, David Wilcox, Lor­ Burleigh, Gregory Caravella, nothing. For 24 years I never •blown up’ at him a few nights supervisor of music in Jeanne Teraila, and Mary WoJ- really felt that a decision was And promotions of minorities in M a n e h.e s t e r Elementary minute length. Some stantmt -nrrv other short newsrnsts.) nar. raine Wilhelm and Jervnifer Thoma.s CRrruthieT.v„ Jane Cnrd- blue collar ranks during 1968 ing again. He won’t go bock. past Young. made for or against me be­ No one ■will help me. I don’t Schools and director of mmic at WMCB^U Seniors receiving honors: den, Bradford Esten, John was 29 per cent. "I went to bed with a guilt 7:56 Red Sox vs. YaiAcet Also, Steven Abbott, Susan cause I wia» black -— and honest know what to do.” Manchester High School. 6:00 Harttord Hlghllrbo 10:40. Nljrhtbeat Jearuve Aberle, Steven Blen- Gerapd, Calvin Goldsmith, Je.an SPORT NOW feeling. I know he’s stIH sick. 7:00 News BOB ond BRIANS Arzt, Carolyn Baril, Patricia to God, It’s a good feeling." "We're maintaining the same LIU, with a grandmother’s But he’s at my son’s throat and Miss DelVal graduated in 8:00 CHullcht 11:00 Newt, Weather. SiktHs kowski,, Susan BIron, Deborah Gunther, Wilfred Halllday, Pa­ 11:90 Other Side of the I^ y 50 TOLLAND TPKE. . ^ Berger, Beverly Blow, Gall One o f Bass' main worriee ratio In 1969 and we don’t be­ kindliness, told the two Women, at my throat ^ the time. It’s ’^“ ne from Springfield (Maas.) 13:00 Quisc H oun Brasefleld, Madeleine Brault, tricia Halloran, Roger Horton, lieve another miqjor company Blythe, Darlene Boney, Fred- when he sought dvUJan employ­ of a visit to her husband in a. going to be a lot^, hot sum- Co“o«« and wlU teach elemen- ^ wrop>-i4i4 MANCHESTER. CONN. Annette Browning, Daniel Carole Ireland, Elaine Jael^s^, in the is coming COATS $20'**' 6:00 Danny Clayton Scout Jamboree 0 |mmi8 rlc Clement, Helen Crosby, L3m- ment Was that a largo compa­ hospital over the weekend. She mer,” she said. ‘ “ Y education in Westchester tf: 00, Dick HeaUtertoi Chambers, Gary Chrlsljenoen, Wayne Knight, Karen Llsk, close to that,” says a Reynolds Values to $45. 3:00 BUI bove da Czameckl, Joy DeCarll, Jayne Luglnbuhl, Nancy Mey­ ny might try to exploit him, as said he asked to come home. sue said' "You’re projecting County. N.Y., in ro m , ------Maryann O’Coln, Onndlco Os- SHORTS SLACKS , Pair ■ _ ' Roberts, Elizabeth St. Germain, and Laurie Williams. make it work in the largest Bible. No dues are coU ^ ed . ^ ^ lund, Darlene Pease, Miargarct company dn Winston-Salem — Values to $6 Vahies to $20. women toss coins in a cup to to^C m lJS^’^ " " t^ay and there was little Plaxler, Lucille Salterhaich, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. \pay for,____ coffee,______toeir room,-_e and meofings. prospect of any widespread gen- Kathleen Sclarra, Carolyn Sllsz, As manager of personnel de­ RAPP'S FROM OUR RENTAL DEPT. Wmphlets. Sue took on toe eighth step, ci^il relief. Tolland Thomtts Strand, Paul Thayer, velopment for the firm, Bass "Jewish Styl^' ^ lU W., c<>founder of AA, She recalled how it made her Temperatures that soared into Judy Wentworth, cuid Denise NOW Many Other i realize she was never reoUy Ui® Wednesday from the C u ld or “Summer Saver’^ Sale! oversees all promotions and Delicatessen & ReslauranI WHITE sayk in one oi Al-Arum’s pam- Wlttnok, trailing tor about 12,fi00 em- phl'ete, "Any family, wife and talking to her husband. Every- Crulf of Mexico to the Great Freshmen receiving lionors: Great Items thing was criticism and he re- Lakes and eastward to toe At- ZB A Hearing Due July 28 ployeti, including top-level man­ DINNER $inoo childreh, who have had to Uve “ m l ,'’ ” KciTen AlMson, Peter Aneatls, agement. Aboiit 27 per cent of with an VeohoUc a number of Al-Anon lantlc settled no lower than in meeting, her attitude waa much the sticky 70s’ overnight, Kathy Blbmult, Janice Boczar, the employes are Negroes, Also Included years are bourui to be ratoer Ftaturlno a Full Lina of JACKETS different. A slight cooling trend edged On Four Variance Requests BnJbara Boettcher, Elaine Bo- roughly the ratio of Negroes to Over Stuffed Sandwiches neturotlc and distorted them­ Pickle* - Delicioui Salads "It was amazing the change °v®c toe northern Midwest be- nomo, Deborah Brownstone, the total popidatlon of the em­ selves. They’ can’t help it.” The Zoning Board of New York Style Deieerti > Cheese Cakes in that man,” she said adding, tore dawn and triggered occa- teacher at Weaver High School Shari Cantor, Sandra Cochran, ployment area. RARE Roast Sect HOT Corned Beef ' FRIJDAYandSATURDAY, JULY I8and 19 This Al-Anon meeting was G irls’ will hold a public hearing July In Hartford and board chair­ Joriine Conti, Nnincy Crime, Today Reynolds has one of 1557*Pastroml HOT Knithei \ CASH SALES ONLY r.ioT,rv»a .V. drinking. But toe slonolly severe toimdcrstorms. man o f, the Greater Hart­ Barbara Dow, Denise Dutton, the best records of equal em­ GRINDERS • Catering * Airthdoy Cokes atmosphere at home is so much However, the Weather Bureau 28 at ,8 p.m. in the Town Hall Open Sun. - Thurs. Till 1 A.M. elghto rtep of toe 12 steps used better." said it appeared toe cool front ford Campus Ministry, will bo Liiidn Qlfroy, William * Hale, ployment opportunities in the Fri, ft Sot. Till 2 A.M, Shorts Sets to hoar four roqucHts for vari­ in^bers to c<^ liii had her turn near toe Would stall halfway across the the guest preacher at the 9:30 Karen Kblanko, Terewa Mecca, nation. And that is because the "Enjoy at Ragps" or take out anything on TRI CITY PUZA VERNON CIRCLE our menu . - - - ^ w ^ thedr p ro b l^ s . It reads, meeting’s end. She told of vlsU- the Ml(hvest and then be, dls'- ances. a.m.' service of the United Ck>m Patricia Mllkle, Patricia Mit­ firm Is overcoming what a civil STORM „ Made a list m aU persons ber husband in toe hospital, placed by more hot weather. Marshall Smith of Buff Cap gregatloniU Church Sunday. chell, PavId Mordasky, Marian rights official In the Justice De- 875-8150 VERNON, CONN. 644-8221 Menafield Shopping Center^ Ston*B harmed and became " i t ’s a nice clean place." , 'Tornadoes and funnel clouds Rd, Is seeking a special ex- Mrs. Barbara Hill of Vernon Murawskl, Jn y Nordby, Alan portmem recently Said was one (Rte. 44A * Near Rte. 195 NeJtfTTXTP) (OPEN: Mon., Tues., Sat., 10 AJU. to 8:80 P.M.—Wed., Thurs., FrI., tUl 9) will bo the guest organist. Paris, Sharon Powera, Stanley w ^ing to make amends to Soon the two-hour meeting were sighted in parts of Nebraa- oeptlon for a permit for a re­ of the main problems in dls- Sadlak, Cynthia Sharkey, Jean them ^1. Each person around over. The women stood ka and Iowa late Wednesday, pairer's license on property at crii.itnatlon by large, firms — the table was to discuss the around the table, held hands, and severe weather warnings ^ 1 . 7 7 Munrhester Evening Herald Storre, Michael Tedfmd, Rich­ failure of top managcinent to the conw of Morrow Rd. lUid step and tell what they did and said the Lord's prayer. On- were In effect much of the night f • ■ * Tolland ('orros|iondx Lyle Thorpe of Andonran Rd. pass tonight. I don’t have much rest sipped coffee ai\d chatted Heavy downpours, strong and 7/14 is seeking a vorUuice to per­ to say.’’ i for a few minutes more. winds afid hall frequently ac- mit the rental of a dwelling Ann sai(i, "The people I’ve ------companied the storms which with less than the required floor hurt most are my children and ranged eastward Into the cen- area on the comor of Anderson myself. I can’t say ’I’m sorry’ T r C O t n i d l t Gr®at Lakes and west as and Cider Mill Rda. to the kids, so I do something far as the Southern Rockies. Girls’ Terry for them.” Mrs. Helen Lec« of Skunga- G oU rS C ■ IcHlHCQ Isolnied storms broke out in muog Is seeking a variance to Ann went on to describe her sections of the southeast. status with her husband. She permit on addition to a living If you'have a high school ed- season’s first prolonged has separated from him main­ Beach Wear room at her house. ucation or equivalent, posses , outbreak of hot weather pene- ly because of his violence. Des­ Rotwit Robllhird of Crystal some mechanical aptitude, and iraied the interior of New Eng- pite this, he came Lake Rd. Is seeking a side line into her ^ interem. in toe expand- i®^d Wednesday and drove the SHOP house a few days before, look­ vorhuico to permit the (onstruc- look- ^ waste- mercury up to 94 at Portland, Our ing for their 16-year-old ___ Uon of a breezeway luid a twq- water treatment, toe Coruiootl- Maine, and' Burlington, Vl. TRI CITY PLAZA VERNON, CONN. He wanted him to work for him. CST garage „,at the (xmier of cut State Emploiyment Service’s Syescusc sizzled up to 93. He came into toe basement Crystal Isike Rd. jmd Hurl- , H , u ... .. new training course may be Temperatures before dawn “ 2 . 0 0 burt R<1. where she was working and , ^ ^ seeklrm ranged (Tom 46 at Areata, Cal- asked forfoe his son. She said he ^ e ^ caltf., and IIN1 Slide Show FRIDAY I'onclim , robet. tln iiiic iop\ I'nnu SIDEWALK DAYS SPECIALS would not jwork for his father. In response to an evisloned de- Vegas, Nev. The International Develop­ Ann’s husband got furious, a n d u i l i d c o I o i l . wnne with liiH idt, on m.ind in the waste-water treat- ment Oommlaslon Is prepiLring TIIIIR.SDAV - FRIDAY - HATURIIAY - JULY 17 1819 JULY toe said. He heaved something o tlifii w illi Irinyc liiinx .Si/c\ ■! i d ment field of l.WO nefv jobs in a slide show depleting im up- at the hot water heater and I -I . todate view of . tlu* town luid 18th b „ K . I,-. 7 ; : i its (Xmimercdal and IndusLiial DELICIOUS toe has no money to fix it. He ^ngUmd area alone, toe Em- / WASHINGTON (A P )-A Y al. luasets. does not make Ws support pay­ pioyment Service has made or- Law School professor said Wed- T h e slide ^ prcHentotlon Ls de­ ments. rangtments for a group o4 nesday that it would be better signed to bo shown to prospec­ STRAWBERRY " I ’m not wrapped up in Wm studtots to start ckusses in Sep- to let judges police toemselvea Misses’ Nylon T o | )s tive customera by a mcanber of anymore," Ann said. “ I’m try­ temhUr at the Southern .Maine than have Congress require them the IDC. it Is felt to be a more ing to__ work______on,__ myself^______now. ____ I’m VoealloniU Tetrhnlcal Inalitulo to reveal their financial affelrs. Jinky nil " 1 ncik in (.(iinplrjiirnl \latkx, diutiv diiii\ nn trying to keep myself stabile South Portland, Maine. This The te^m ony was given be- practlca) luvd »>fflclertt presen­ Tnlr and ladiiDii tolnii. Sl/c^ J-t 40. 1 tation than a booklet devised CHEESE dAKE for the.the children.:,'.r hilflren :,• school is only the .>-< Bottle of 100. O O .. The discussions went on. At Development Training Act of a propoedd law that would Fringed Patricia Bennett of Tolland Reg. $1.59. OTC one point, Joyce picked up trill cover complete school prohibit ju ^ e s from engagit^ has been honored by the Fu­ S O U R C R E A M M A N Y OTHER something another woman said for quaJifrtng applicants., in nonjudlclary activities, ture Farmers of America, ac­ ONE-A-DAY and added. "When I come near I" addition, there are piwusions Si'atler Rti^s cording to FFA Advisor David our house, . I get so nervous. ^ too Manpower Development ~ Cook. CAKE VITAMINS liNADVERTISED I'm shaking. I can't do any- (tnd Training; Act Uvit would She has been accepted for the Bot. of 100 ph x SO Free thing.” - - make -subaistfence and family Amerlcim International Choro- Reg. $8.iM. Sue, a woman on the other Wlowances possible, depending CJur lalse Breeders Association, ia 8|wotal ♦1.77 side of toe table, asked, "D o upon the (tocumstan^es of toe ASSORTED ' ' S P E C k L S you feel g am ?" indivtduai applicant. program offered at Pennsyl­ . 1 ■ - ! vania State University. She Joyce said, "Y es." Kor further mformatlan con- 2.00 will attend classes In meat cut­ Sue said. "It's not you that tact toe Connecticut State Em- ting and grading, cattle judging FRUIT FILLED caused Ws drinking. Get rid of pioyment Service at 806 Main W jdubir ’ ru’f: «1. \tit\gcd rjyon and management. AT SAVING S that feeling. If he didn’t have St. ^ >A.iUcf ^.1= :ijjr y '‘i4 to •a a wife to blame, it would be ------|- Cook learned of the program -J - — ir-- -f-- sometoing disc." ai^d encouraged Miss Bennett and Miss Frances Modosky of W IN E C A K E Joyce, almost In tears, .said. Manslaughter Conviction / \ UP TO He’s just lying drunk in the ______Stafford to apply, and both V ^ ^ PT'PT'QC'TITT r\ U .... o Dacron^-Ninon cellar. How long is he goij^ to PITTSFIELD. Mass. Polyester I’ iastu’ Shower were accepted. Only one other stay there ? ’ ’ Berkshire CTounty jury has sen­ Connecticut youth was sponsor­ ON TNE T f M V M « Sue asked. •’Can't he go to tenced John E Winn. 33, of Curtains Bed Pillows OvtTiii^hl ed by the prognun. Pittsfield to 18 months Ip prison . (Curtain S«*t8 We Specialize In toe hospital?" Mtss Beimett wiui elected vice after convicting him of man­ Get en -tlie rood yourielf A IAN rHERHOs. Joyce said. "Hi couldn't com- president of the Junior Charo- slaughter in'^the death of a Nor­ Ask us about .Stria’s Auto- I mlt himself." Rite: it’s car lasurancc for . THERMOS walk, Conn., man last April 7. lalse Breeders Association, TEK ROLL-ON Joyce .said ' her husband's safe drivers only. If you P aillJH TS Colonial Chppter, which in­ 60 Edwand D Boutin. 41. was qualify, yon’U like the % BOTtLES TooHibnisIm o,. brothers had taken turn out of cludes the northeast part of the beaten to death outmde a cafe money you.k^ve, the handy Quart 8 1 , toe hospital because they felt ^ s 2 .0 0 it Country. WEDDING and Reg. 60c, each, that Winn managed in Stock- quarterly payilyentt. and 2.99 sorry for him They told |to? 1.99 bridge According to defense tes- Its single limit of protec­ According to Cook, who a|so tion. C all us today. Lgh^' and *iry Dacron ^ pol^cLte'f Non-aUergenie ^ d pillowt, .pofyev f*rr!l) pfiiilcd plailK.''tofjwrr \ur- serves as chairmart of the 4 r , , ; * 1 . 0 0 a l l ;s A les f in a l CASH ONLY taUdred curiaim in toect nln^m • ler fill|:d ^nd crAer'ed'wah a pnrit,ed Jiiii 'Aith iiulthfng . lie ,.ur|Jin and , Board of Education here, there manager charged' husband got weave While or patteit k| " width Cbltori licking KriiUant, mm-rnal- v jl j i D f Ai-.''itcd pjtleriiL. iiid ‘ are many opportunities for per- Boutin had molested hl^ 5-year- Robert J. Sm ifh, Inc. they could pot sober him. old daughter. lo. each pair. 6J" or 72" lengthi ting. i.,dDi frec.( ut S u e 21*27. toluiitto brigjitcii ever) hsltiri * sonal involvement of the vo-ag BIRTHDAY CAKES \'Insuransrruthe ly. they took him to her UttR: or no ironing. students. - ~ The verdict was handed down' llcav> gauge plattK Ilut rfttili and leA him. Wednesday 963 Mom a t . Tel 649-5241 “I had an opening this sunf- Sue sajd. "If he's out cold, mer for a student to study the just have him carried to toe Mancheiefer salt water fishing Industry, In­ hoapttal." - cluding afternoons on a ship off ORDERS FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE VERNON DRUG GREETING CARDS TRI-CITY PLAZA Joyce hold. "He's neeliy not , Point Judith," he added. "This VERNbN C^CLE o u t cold. I’m hoping to get turn POS ALL onrirsowi is perhaps the -most unusual of SPECIAL PISCOO n TS TO: ' | many opportunities for our stu­ OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY TNX 10 / dents." " ’ CHURCHES. SYNAGOGUES. ORGANIZATIONS Guest Minister you really think you can teik "The Rev. Richard Pierce, W n EVERYDAY in c l u d in g SUNDAY 8 A.M, to 9“ P.M. ' sejtae to him drunk or •dber'*" / /

• / PAGE EIGHT '' \ / ' / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCI|ESTER. CONN., THURSDAY^ JULY 17, 1969 // ^ crease In rail posaengera between the . ■ \ iHanrljpHtpr two cities, with a 72 per cent increase MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 PAGE NINE iEtJpm«3 In the number of nonstop paaBenB«i«,' Coventry which indicates that (he Motrollner* P F iT O . And Mankind’s Unparalleled Effort Columbia PUBUSHKD BY THE ■ / have indeed been offerii^ real compe­ Bums Doubt H EJIAU } PRINTINa- C »., INC / PINTO, People Interested 13 BIsaell Street tition to the air lines. With .a time Bruce Wilson Sees Town In Narcotics Treatment Or­ UAncheate^ Coim. ApoUo 11—The M o ^ ent Moon Trip THOMAS P. TORaUSOH schedule of two and a hloif hours from ganisation Inc., is now open George Patros Commended W ALTER R. FERGUSON Monday throu^ Wednesday I PuMlehere / ^ the Center of one city to the center of At ^Crossroads of Future^ evenings, 6:30 to 10, in the ■ ' ______Founded October 1, ISSl /_ To Coast-To-Coast liiOTStry HasValue ^ During Farewell Party the other, with a quiet, comfortable, bottom floor of the Williams \ PUbllahed Every Evening Except Sunday* Bruce A. Wilson, Republican to develop one of the best pub­ Building of St Mary’s Epis­ and Holiday*. Entered at the Poet Office at luxurious ride to offer, the MetroUnera candidate for the new Town By JIM 8TROTHMAN at Cape Kennedy, misOton otuni- (Continued from Page One) George Patras, former as- schifelder, Paul Brookman, Manchester, Conn., as Second Class MaO lic school systems , in the copal Church on Parte 3t. can be expected to continue to prove AP Aeroqwee Writer tro' in Houston and.tracxlng sta- Matter. Council, believes that/'’Coven­ state?” An ex-addict^ a parent ot a It Is goln’ to the moon. You slatont superintendent-principal Peter Chick, Mrs. Mabel Oobb, try is at the crossroads of its CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) tiors around the world. ’ SUBSCRIPnON rate5 that the right kind of railroad' passenger Wilson continued, "The pro­ drug user, and'a professlovl can’t even .grow anything there. of Porter High School, was given future,” and has outlined a — ApoUo 11 Is the product of a To accomplish Apollo, indus­ . . . _ * man, . Richard Davis, Watter Payable In Advance blems Coventry falces in regard counselor are on hand to talk There ain't no air.” One Year ...... 330.00 •sendee can reclaim an increasing num­ campaign which he believes “ is na^on—^America’s answer to try tiad to produce stronger and a Sarewell party Tuesday night Drew, Edward CheJton, Clifford Six Months ...... 13.B0 to its teacher attrition rate are to anyone on an anonymous It was night in the asphalt ber of customers from the air routes. designed to meet that future.” th t^ who said toe Soviet Union lighter materials and discover at the school gym. attended by Erickson, Stanley Field. Charles Three Months ...... 7.80 not unique to this community. basis. The phone number is jungle. Somewhere In space, a One Month ...... 2.80 Wilson said that in choosing the would be first to land men on how to k^p components from well over 100 persons. Puller, Kenneth Garrison, Ar- The Metrollner’s chances wUl be im­ I suggest that one of the most 643-2300. tiny space ship was carrying new government, there are the Xioon. falling apart under high stresses ' MEMBER OF important things we are going three men to the moon's Sea of Several of his pupils, now col- Hinckley. _ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS proved some more If Penn Oentrai many questions to be asked of Rocket and i^iaceshlp cue a of launch and re-entry. Parts ^ ^ ^ ^ Gloria Holbrook. Arthur *ni® Associated Press la exclusively entitled to have to offer potential incom­ Tranquility. lege students, came to wish him Martin Hunt. PhUlp Ts- keei^ its promise to eliminate some of the candidates, and that he in­ monument to an. industrial e f­ had to be made smaller and to the use o f republlcatlon of all news dls- ing business is the education "Why, the moon was put up pat^®8 credited to It or not otherwise credit- tends to answer these questions fort unparalleled in .the history more reliable. And to meet the well, os did teachers no Icnger ham and Burton Ives, m this paper and also the local news pul^ the seemingly unnecessary rod tape now program we will offer em­ there as a lig h t” says Charley,- llBhed here. during the course of his cam ­ ployes’ children. o f mankind. national goal of a lunar landing in the Porter School system. Also, Raymond Jolie, Mrs. AU rlahts of republlcatlon of special dl^^ woven Into the process o f getting on paign. For, while the spotlight shinea by 1970, it all had to be done the moonlight skipping over his one ot whom came from Nlan- Psnnle Kaskowitz, Samuel ” tt goes without saying that patches herein are also reserved, on Cape Kennedy and the Hous­ wltli extraordinary speed and shaggy beard. tic. Kassman, Ttiomas Keegan. board a Metroliner. Petm <3entral seems According to Wilson areas Coventry’s problems are ones "Hie Herald Printing Conipany Inc.^as- ton, Tex., mission control, cred­ precision. i\ "Gotta admire them guys, to have boinowed from the air lines a of importance include industrial of the futufe. We are faced now ARRESTS Albert Hadlgten of the Board Mrs. Sylvia •umes no financial responslDlllty for typo it for taking man to the moon’s ” We were forced Into S o lvin g though. They really mounted Craphlcal errors appearing In advcrtlseTnentt and commercial development, with guiding Coventry into a Thomas Topping, 28, of 101 of Education, presented Patros Kristoff, and other reading matter ’tn The Manchester reservations system which has no peace doorstep belongs to many thou­ a new philosophy, a neW ^ap- to somethin" educated and all. education and town financial dynamic, fast-paced age. We B ranford' St., charged with with a scroU from toe board. ^ e s - Evening Herald. sands of people and Industriee "Look at me. I ’m a bum an' 1 of mind for anybody, and on top of management. :* must decide how we will grow, making ap unneoeasary noise proach—systems managemeht, Riohard Curland and Donald ' / throughout the United States. getting the big picture—solving w ont never be nothin, but a Subscriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washlng- rcservatlonF there Is an additional re­ M.V. In the area of development who will benefit from this with a motor vehicle. Court Macauley, former teacher. ,ManWRrren. ton Post News Service. During its peak in 1966, when h im ,’’ he added. progress, Wilson pointed out growth, who will pay the price date July 28. the big problems, learning how s ^ l c e client of N. E. A. Service. Inc. quirement for a boarding permit which the ApoUo man to U«e moon A.^group of men stood outside Publishers Repreeentatlves — The Julius some of the factors that lead to of growth, whether growth can to look at the next level above in V Mathews Special Agency — New York Chi­ makes Just getting to the -train itself a a "strong economic develop­ equipment was in fuU produc­ order to do a complex job well,” U rioh.-^scue Mission, tr>-lng to ^ . _____ Mrs. Rosemarie Prlhoda, Ar- cago. Detroit and Boston. be achieved at no cost to the ACCIDENTS nr n humorous, Qulmby. Elm er Renisen, ment and the personal develop­ tion, more than 30,000 compa­ said Dr. Van Bearlnger, vice mooch A'quarter to pay for a rather grim triumph over a system pos­ taxpayer, and whether, in Donald Summers, 16, of Hart­ bed for tnb^nlght. O^^s of I otioB 19 years Ruilchkn. Wayne AUDIT BUREAU OF CmCULA- ment of our citizens. With the nies and nearly 400,000 persons president of Honeywell. Inc., of fact, taxes can be reduced as ford, was charged with operat­ Si-hoppaul, Jerry Shine, Arnold sibly designed to keep passengers off. aid of a professional town ad­ participated directly In it. Minneapolis, Minn., which pro­ "M ight he'-roniethln' to go to the result of growth.” ing a motor vehicle wl)ile his Mrs Marjorie Grant. Prexldent SIhhoven. John Sullivan, Mrs. But aside from , the red tape which ministrator, Coventry needs, to " ’nus is the finest industrial vided the spaceship’s sMblllsa- the moon," otie hollou’-chreked D l^ la y advertising closing hours: Other questions that must be license 'was under suspension of the PTA road an original Gertrude Tappon, Mira Karen For Monday — i p.m. FVlday. team ever assembled by the panhandler said, lookli^ sky. sttu nomcnidcaJly binds the now train, expand and Implement existing answered, according to Wilson, tlon and control system. For Tuesday — l p.m. Saturday. and failure to grant right of government to do any job,”, ob­ ward. "But I don't^ce anything poem, and- Mlsa Edith Haver, Tasker, Mrs, Sarah Thomp- For Wednesday — i p.m. Monday surveys and to investigate new are "Will we court industry, By participating in the man to X |^>r Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. the MetroUrer seems to do exactly what way out of a private driveway, served WilUam B. Bergen, pres- to it. They should use ^he money Board o f Education' member, eon. Mrs. Helen Waldron and programs that will lead to a new commerce? Will we build the moon project, however was mlrtreas of oeremcnles. Mrs. Leona Wolmer. / * For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. after the car he was driving iednt of North American Rock­ to keep 'peopje workin’.’X . / Saturday — i p.m. Thursday. believers hi the continuing value, and commercial and industrial plan homes in one section of the American industry has strength­ Classified deadline ~ 5 p.m. day before pulled In front o f a car driven well Coip.’s Space Division, "G wan, you bum." tnteiyupt. George Groff, former super­ the continuing patronage for any clean, designed to ease the citizens’ town while reserving others for ened itself. publication. 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday by Anna Morasco of 29 Jordt prime contractor for the ApoUo ed another. "Bums don't llk/Xo intendent of schools, and M y­ Manchester Evening Herald. and Monday publlcatkm. / tax burdens. commercial and industrial ’’The challenge of the space decent, comfortable - rEillroad passengeir St. yesterday at 6 p.m. on spaceahlp and the Saturn 6 w ork." \ ron Collette, present superlh- Oolunibia correspondeni, Vlr- “ Do we wsint sin airport in growth? How will the cost of program has really been a chal­ Thursday, July/i? Broad St. Both cart' ted to be moon rocket’s second stage. Down o^ the corner, two men tj^ e n t , spoke briefly and Don- system hoped It would do. We’d like to Coventry? Do we want a large municipal services and of run­ lenge over-all to the country’s glnl.* Carillon, tel. 238-9224. towed. Court date tor Summers ” I look for the effects of the were atttlng against, a wall, old Tuttle, board chairman, see one run between Hartford and New industrial complex in the town? ning the. schools be affected by Industry.” said Christopher C. 'i3 July 28. ApoUo program to continue long passing around some "Knioke" spoke of the many lruK>vaUcns Les.son.s Of A Small War What are the inherent prob­ commercial a n d industrial Kraft, .director of flight />pera- York, and see the business it would do. eifter the lunar landing,” he wood alcohol mixed with a Potroe X was . reoponalble for lems in industrial development? growth? Will we have to hire tionr for nasa’s Manned Space- Unbathed Are Banned So far there has been only one good Larry B. Atwood, 17, of 56 said. “ And I expect these ef­ .‘oft drink. brtnglng\^ the school. He men­ Will we need to build more new administrators, new teach­ crait Center in Houston. Blssell St., was charged with fects to be felt in every facet of 'I sure wirii 1' had some of tioned departmentaliseduvf*«u*iiiaiH4uiseu gradee.zrsuen. I.-AREIX), Tex. (A P ) — Imml- thing about the ant^l war between two schools, provide additional ers, and new municipal employ­ For example: From experi­ Matters Of Liturjfy driving left on a curve, after Industry.” tho library 'program and the B*'’til»in nfflclala in Nuevo Lsue- President Nixon declined to appoint health and social services, re­ es? ence gained building power- that money they're spendln’ to of our good neighbors, Honduras and the car he was driving crossed ”T1te one tiling that has im­ excellent progiiinis for aperlel atwwunoed Wednesday that Dr. John H. Knowles as the CJovern- membering that when we do producing AjxiUo fuel celts, ^ to the moon, " he said slowly. ’’These are problems to be the center line on Center St. pressed me most about the- students, among (M jw things. hippies wltl be refused tourist El Salvador. The United States hasn’t mertt's top medical administrator, and ^hls, we must be sure the Ijal- solved through Joint efforts by Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Corp, " I wish I had my own bed. 1 got near Olcott St. and struck a car ApoUo progrsun and its complex sent ite troops down, by Its 'own Instead appointed his political and aZjce sheet is always on the all of the elected and appointed 1s moving ahead with pitxluclng beat up last night. I betcha I Tuttle"then presented Mr, and Mexico unlaw driven by Mark A. Palmer, 22, operations Involving many peo­ philosophical twin, Dr. Roger O. Ege- plte side.” town officials,” Wilson said. ” I similar ' systems for oceano­ wouldn’t get beat up if 1 had my Mn». Patros with a TV, a gift unilateral decision, to police ■ the situa­ of 86 Hawthorne St. this morn­ ple and many contractors has berg. Therefore the 'President has sold Photograiitoed ^ Brivlaii OtlAr* Wilson continued, “ What hope to share in that effort as graphic, m ilitary and *ommer- own bed. All Pd need la about a from friends in the town. _ ing at 12:05. been the unflagging indlvltoial tion. / about\personal development? hundred bucks” ^ •e. KL ...... Uilbato Oasaros. chief of his soul to the forces of black reaction, CONNECTICUT R IV E R ^ Looking West From Vicinity Of Salmon River Boat Landing a member of the town council.” enthusiasm demonStratisd ttey cial applications. I “ Mexican Immigration In Nuero Right? What services should be provid­ A man In soiled khaki ponta But b ^ iy ! wo pat ourselves on the He added, "The dates of most and night,” said Joseph Oartn living Kessler, division vice b a ^ ^ l y - ™ g e d cen- ^ authortllai In Mex This Is the non sequltur of the hour ed in a town that is going to immediate concern to all EJdward Madalinski, 23, of 8 president of RCA Corp.’s de­ wearing work sho«i witiiout back for thio, it might be honest to ad­ Central St., Vernon, was pulling Jr., vice president of Grumman wid other In certain political and Journalistic clr- face a m a W expansion with the voters, whether Democrat or. fense electronics products .said socks raid: "Ootoipred to them baby . hre.^. done by J ^ .\ p ,^ k u - tourist spots have Aeraepoce Corp., prime con­ astronaut boy*." mit that the particular circumstance cle;). The reasoning, Indeed, seems to comjdetion ^ the new Route I- Republican, are the August cau­ out of a Hilliard St. driveway computer know-how developed Philip Isham using mostly flow- Herald when his car struck a bicycle tractor for the lunar module — which might tempt us to rush in has be part of a pattern, coming atop simi­ 84? The peoplbof this town are cuses (now sot for Aug. 10) '' called LM—landing craft. In space 1s having an enormous ere from Solly T liu e WUlian,.’ ^ lar reacUons to some of the President’s Inside Report its most im p o rt^ t asset, They Wilson sold he urges all driven by H-year-old James impact on American industry. SPACE CENTER. Houston garden, l>un.h^lna cooktrawero ... not yet beer, reported. The Apollo 11 command ship Yesterdays Connecticut Yankee Watts of 134 Hilliard St. Accord­ (AP) — Despite toe overwhelm­ served. Dai kgrxHind mmUc was ^ «nd other Western speeches, the school desegre­ must be utllizedXproperly to voters to make their voices was assembled in Downey, Cal­ ’’The nation that can be We have not yet hod the first report *»y ing \o police, the car was not ing advances in technology and gation guidelines dispute and the Ad- help us all develop, positively.” heard at these important ses­ if., but stainless steel honey­ trained to think for Itself, using provided by eighth grade plan- By A.H.O. moving very fast. • ■clentiMc information amasasd He wiid all long-haired Ameri­ lhat one side or the other reprewents mlnlstratlon’a voting rights proposals. Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak 2S Yean Ago Wilson Is also qu^tloning the sions. He further urges, he comb panels that help give U computer technologies, will ac­ Isis. Cniherlm* HoUand, David local educational s y ^ m and during the space program tola ls*Mnlaskl and Jason Browning. cano will be hJd h> return to the Moscow, .or Peking, or Havana,. So In each cofse Itie effort ^eems to be to said, all registered Republicans structural strength came from quire on unbeatable edjge in WASHINGTON — The fuUl- Behind the scenes, both the . AlWe Booth, (he “ 'yialo back- In the days of war and dead­ But there are really no politi­ decade. It has not been aehlevsd Jury IJat United...... w.Msa-a,States, take*ve«*«’ na bathL'UUI Uland brand the Admlnlstmtlon as reaction­ how it can be improved';^ "'What to carefully consider the qual­ COMPLAINTS Middletown, Ohio. worlo competition,” he said. far as we understand, this is Just a tty of President Nixon’s hopes U.S. and the Soviet Union are field wonder of a decade ago,” lock and compromise between cal or ideological keys to that without some failures. Lo<-aJ residents chosen tor *** “ ****rifot hefobe he Usum ary by seizing on Issues of meager sub­ are other communities dbing to ifications and ideas of all the There was a break and en­ Communication antennas on that Washington and Moscow speaks at the Klwenls CBub crisis, and nobody can solve Of 248 NASA m ajor launches jury duty Include: Mrs, Uuih six nusuh imiHwtourist .-..'wicord to th «v strnlghtfor

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD', MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 PAGE THIRTEEN ■ A , BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with . MAJOR HGOPLE J HMMAAl^E'S TWYIK1& THAT AtU. Uc,Inc . SLEEPWALKIMG TW/IC< TAI. ••• UJ. tm. Off. From Yotir Neighbor’s Kitchen s o u S U V IS Call Was Right A&AIN SO HE CAN WAIP Asnrer Is PrsTtoM Pasdc The Baby lias By VIVIAN F. FERGUSON WEFWISEWATQgj a b 6 u jc v iy rail I WISH HfcXJ OOOU? THE oof^ssor flowery When ^Unor Haahim was a NEW YORK (AP) — A 15- HAVE SEEN ClVPES AM EAA^PEEMCY E liear-oki girl dialed a, wrong 'J FACE AREIS VJESAtP rr WAS CA^L/ THEY WBBE child in Pittsfield, ktess., she \WB PIPNT WJOW TOO AAUOW' ENOUGH would never tell her little number that becanie the ttrat HlAA-**'rVB 6EEN A ACROSS DOWN WE MAP TO TO B U N friends what was on the menu step In saving the life o< an eld­ CAcr bOOK BETTER c o n r ^ a s i SOU IN / ‘^lG«nuiof sW Been Named at heme. Snails, grrape leaves, f f t e a CATCHIN' HIS , perennial 2 HHebreyr ^ t erly Queens woman. 85 East Center S t IN A BLENPBB/> yogurt were strange fare to the herbs ‘ ascetic^ Patricia Dume ot Manhattan ^ At Summit St. 5 Common 3 Shoshone unlnitiattd. Elinor is of Lebanese garden^— Indian descent and gourmet foods were tried to telephone her cousin WEEKEND CASH and CARRY SPECIAL n 9 Fall flower. 4 Sea (Ft.) Easter, Brent BliUord, son of WUfrod Jr. cu^ Donna commonplace In her mother’s Tuesday night. But she reached 11 Weird 5 Through Payne Easter, 156 Prospect St., Rockville. He was bo^July 8 kitchen. a ■wrong number, and Marie 12 Solo whist 6 Masculine- ^ Manchesiter Menrorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother When Intcrtst in yogurt for Cahill, 75, answered. term appellation weight control first became Sweetheart Roses doz. $1.89 7-/7 13 Short 7 Finest 26Hai m in t' is Mrs. Christina Payne, Essex Junction, Vt. Hb ,, “JPlease help. Help me. Some­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Easter Sr., 58^ evident, Elinor viewed the rage one has to do something for OPEN T^9kP.M.vTHURSDAY and FRIDAY, prayera S Sharper . goddi 39StyIiih(c!oIL) with amusement. It was nothing ALLEY OOP 15 Goddess of 10 Biblical name 27 Soviet 40Chair,for St., Rock'vUle. He has two sisters, Pamela. 6. and Sherry, 214N me,” Mrs. CahiU toM Patricia. BY V. T. HAMLIN iniatviation 11 Hen product 29 Little (Fr.) inatance new to her. "No Lebanese After a few more words, the \ housel)({ld would be complete MVaSOHESS, / 7WAr13 NOT A 16 Pouch. 12 Brewing 33 Zoo primates ^43Corroaive phone dropped, and , Patricia y e h ? w e u ., i V e ...EITHER MXTRE 18 Suffix ingredient 34 Lariats accretion Lehmann, Scott MlchaeJ, son of L*. Arthur and Paula \wtthout yogurt." It ■was an ac- auz, THAT'S I CONTUSION, IT'S b e e n a r o u n d thaT s MEBBE, b u t WHA3CHA VvA 1 w'as worried. QUITE A \ /VN /VSTROLOSICAl. OONNA HARA THINk AiLLEY OOP /JANM 19 Diminutive of 14 Ra t 35 Fruitless 4 6 ^ 4 ^ e Huffleld Lehmann, 8366 Pine St.. FtLlrchlld AFB, Spokane, ^mpanlment to the meal—as a fDR A LONG BECAUSE SET UP-TO-IWE AkI* /WM A ADir She notified the telephone' CONTUSION V Manifestation ■ TIME BUT VDU'RE Leonard 17 Circle part 36 Source of' 4 9 5 ^ th a Washington. He was bom July 4 at Fairchild AFB HdBpltaJ. His sldcc, dish ■with stuffed grai)e r e a r t h e r e ,'^ OR 3 0 OUTA 20 Argon (ab.) - THASSA NEW I OBSOLETE b u s in e s s ,' 21 Anoint light s o c i a l maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Huffleld. leaws, for example. company which traced the dall ONE ON MEie 7 f ' WI2ER... 21 Bewildered 23 Food fish 38 Genus of 52 Craft,'' Manchester. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ If it happened that the main when Patricia remembered the l3csfe 22 Allowances 24 Dispatched Eurasian 53Frcp^ti thur Lehmann, Torrington. course'^id not appeal to one of number she dialed by mistake. BITUMINOUS WILL BE for waste • • • 'tj The girl's mothet' Mrs. Margar­ BOSS* 2S Nation nr the children, he could simply 28 Corded fabric Nichols, James Paul, son of David R. and Jacqueline eat yogt^ and rice. It was et Dunne, returned home, heard ■©’SAJge*c^v1tf>r/>,;ek: 30 Priority Bennett Nichols, 74 Amott Rd., Manchester. He was bom July never centered dessert so it the story and notified poUoe. ♦ Hm,>SA.ticTM,WtlXSW 7*17 (prefix) 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandpar­ took awhile before Elinor tast­ PoHoe bnoko into Mrs. DihllTs DRIVEWAYS 31 Individual ents axe,Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Bennett, Manchester. His pater­ ed the commeVpial fruit-flavored apartment in . Queens and touivd 32 Chemical salt . PARKING ^E A S • GAS STATIONS iT nal grandfather 1s Arthur Nichols, Manchester. yogust which. Incidentally, she her unconscious on the floor. BASKETBALL COURTS OUT OUR WAY 33 Floral emblem * *4 « liked. \ She had been stricken b>' a BY J. B. WILLIAMS of Nova Scotia Lebanese womek^make their twHit attack. Her hands, aOU NOW BOOKINQ — PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! y 37 Grants use OotUer, Gayle Christine, daughter of Roberf and Joyce Work PerMoatly Supervtoed. We are 100% faaared.| temporarily own yogurt and, sintse you must otutched the phone. r BO/, IP ^ W SWITCHIKT ( Gottler, 15 Center 3t., Rockville. She waabom July 9 TH A N k HB ALMOST PIO Bu t HE 41 Irish fuel have a Uttle yogurt to cre­ She was rushed to Elmhurst THATSuy?5 \ CHANNELS HEAVENS . POOLED OUT-TOLK FATHER atNManchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar- ate a new batch, ElWr, her A OQMEPIAH1 -WE*LLTR!/ CMPSOO- \ TALKS TOD A/UCH/ NOW 42 Chaldean city erttsN^e Mrs. Avis Adams, East Hartford, and Colin Irving, OeneitU Hospital, where site DEMAIO BROTHERS I'M IR T L E SOMETHINO INSSOME- OKAMPAM WILL SET HIM 44 ^fo re brother and two atsters^always DAVY JONES LORD FAUWT-1 ELSE/ PER- WestfiMA Mass. Her patomal grandparents are, Mre. Eva was in fair condition today CALL 643-7691 or 647-9798 BY LEPP and McWILLIAMS TH IN S TO INTOA HASSLE ABOUT 45 AuricM wondered, "Whoever made the Mrs, CahlU waa tlalted todiiy by LERO//THAT\BONAUy, ' Q U IE T WHY HE THINKS THAT 46 Babylonian Gottler, R«kvUle and Christian Oottier, Hockvllle'. She has first yogurt?” To make y<^rt, AINTCOMEpy i I t HIUK tSRAMP/W COMICiesOSREAr/ two slsters>Jar^ts are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond CSiarest, Vemon. He has \ (Ilereld plwto hr Bucelviclu*) OR \ two brotbere, Michael 5, and Scott 3. Elinor’s cucumber salad is a GRADUATE,..THIS IS SRAMPAW refreshing summer side dish. MISS' ELINOR HASHIM *’ 7-0 SSnmI « « * A BIG RESPONSIBIUTY/, NEAR MISS ( You might try it for a light Young, Kimberly Anne, daughter of Daniel P. and Judith lunch or as an accompaniment tome of ail stuffed dishes, "t^lih- Elinor Hashlm was Just re­ Moore Yornig, 1712 Manchester Road, Glastonbury. She ■was to- her eggplant recli>e. shee” means stuffed hnd cently made head of the refer­ SHORT SHORT RIBS BY PRANK O’NEAL bom July 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Cucumber Salad with Yogurt “aheJt” 'best.' \ ence department of Mary Che­ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. HolUs Moore, Amherst, Maas. Slice cucumber fairly thin. Lebanese Rice \ ney Library.‘She changed her $ Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Young, Add clove of fresh garlic, crush­ Ml cup orzo (pasta) career a little over a year ago. lb . 1.39 PUftsfield, Mass. She has a brother, Daniel 18 months. STEAK ed with salt, and chopped fresh 1 cup rice (not minute and tintil January of 1968, she Was * ' *1 • *. • mint leaves. Add more salt to not precooked l supervisor of engineering as- ...■ ■ rfl ' M ' Harris, Patti Marie, daughter of Peter S. and Mary cucumbers and yogurt, using 2 tablespoons butter sisf^ts for the research labor:<» approximately one cup yogurt t iS N Howard Harris, 31 Vlilage St., Manchester. She was bom July 2 cups water tory\of Pratt & Whitney Divi­ 13 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her mstemal grandpar­ to one fairly large cucumber. H teaspoon salt sion ^ United Alrcriift Corpo­ «r’ Elinor crushes the garlic with T 7 T - ents are Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Howard, Bemgor, Maine. Her pater­ Saute orzo in one tubleapoon ration. \peslring a profession, nal grandmother is Mrs. Edward Kafris, Manchester. She has a mortar and pestle. You could butter until golden brown. and wll^ a deep Interest In -OMTP/-M a brother, Peter 2%. a also use a garlic press. (Watch carefully as it burns books iuid\people, library work BUZZ SAWYER • « . J* . • Baked Stuffed Eggplant BY ROY CRANE in quickly.) Add the other tohlc- was a natural. She set to work (Sheik 11 mlhshee) spoon butter luid rice. Mix to- to attain her master's degree Beyor, Amelia Caroline, daughter of Thomas and Kath­ Filling: PORTERHOUSE STEAK leen Makray Beyor, R.F.D. No. 1, Stafford Springs. She was gettier and add water lUid sail. In library scl^ce for which she 1 lb. lean shoulder lamb, cut bom July 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal Cover, bring to bolUr^ point 1b now fully accredited.aq< ST . in small pieces . *1.49 grandparchtB are Mr. and Mrs. .Rudolph Makray, Stafford and reduce heat to simmer. Rice Elinor has be^ a Manches­ SIRLOIN STEAK 2 medium to large onions, \\ r^moFFTHB Springs. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Is done when oil Uquld has dis­ ter resident slnce\l961. Her fa­ PONT LOOK NOW, BUNNINS Beyor, Mansfield Depot. - chopped appeared (about 20 minutes). J i m o i rvEHAp Ml cup pine nuts ther was always nottve In poll- IENOU6HOFCOF5 DEER BUT J 1H(N< VOURE . If you )iave yogurt for lum-h deiNB STALKBP. 2-3 tablespoons oil tics, BO U was logical that she VAMDRoevm Beaiilleu, LAsa Marie, daughter of Wayne M. and Linda salt, pepper, cinnamon to sample Elinors elegtuit Hhould take part in the Eisen­ TOP ROUND ^ JDRAWHIl^ Jimmo Beaulieu, 10 King St., Manchester. She -was bom July lime pie. It's not a Lebimose hower presidential campaign of -x^gS taste recipe. 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar­ Saute onions In oil until trans­ 1»,')2 while a student at tJte Uni­ -*1.29 Lime Pie STEAK ents are Mr. and Mrs. iiene Jimmo, Rockville. Her paternal parent. Ad^ meat and spices. versity of Vermont. 8he\ is a grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Perley Beaulieu, Rockville. Continue cooking until meal is Pie Crust: past president of the Manches­ 0H IRE SPIES SAFELY IN THE CUSTODY OF TllF She has a sister, Debbie 2Vi. well browned (about 10 minutes M lb. cream cheese ter Republican Women's (3lub Wk b .t ^ t h e saycters vacation in the over medium high heat). Add 14 . lb, butter and currently a member of il^ w h ite A40UMTAINS OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, Brown, Melanie Caron, daughter of Stewart and Regene pine nuts during laat five min­ 1 cup flour executive board, serving as BONELESS "If'you’d ever rather listen to a drum or a horn Caron Brown, 18 Wildrose Dr.. Wappmg. She was bom July 11 utes of cooking. Makes bottom crust. For an­ parliamentarian. instead of that organ, just let me knowI”J at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandfather 2 large eggplant other pie, use double quantity As lender of' Voting District SIRLOIN STEAK . 1.39 MICKEY PINN Is HllcUre Caron, Clair, New Brunswick, . Her peitemal 3 cups tomato Juice when top is desired. No. 1 for the Republican Town \ BY LANK LEONARD grandmother is Mrs. Madeime Grisevlch, Hartford. Her pater­ 1 largo tomato (optional) Filling: Committee, she Is a member of ) I HAPPEN TO BE nal great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carpenter, Peel eggplant and cut Into ttomblne: that group's executive board. W8LL— THE STUDIO N O [ t'l/E YOU'RE MY 'OKAY— BUT DON'T EXPECT THE A PRETTY IMPORTANT DOESN'T LIKE TO BE , TORN UP Manchester She has two brothers, Michael 7, and Thomas 2, ■slices approximately one-inch 1-15-oz, can .‘jwiHitsvd c-onden- List fall, she ser\-ed as Man­ WHAT IN THE WO/fLP AGENT— / SAME KIND OF A DEAL.' ONE BOTTOM ROUND NAME AT THE PUSHED AROUND, EITHER,] THE GET ME r MILLION BUCKS PLUS ROYALTIES STEVE CANYON and a sister* Lori 8. thick. Using sharp knife, cut out sed milk chester chairman of Ed May's POSSESSED you TO BOX OFFICE-AND CAL' I'M ADVISING CONTRACT', ANOTHER BY MILTON CANIPP ‘4 cup lime Juice 14 limes) OUT OF THAT FILM ? I'M N O T GOING TO IS SOMETHING m u MAY NEVER centers of eggplant slices, leav­ senatorial campaign. Elinor Is YOU TO GO BACK* PICTURE' ^ GET AGAIN.! * 1.09 IT'S A GREAT STOPyj BE PUSHED AROUNDI Boy Jr., Joseph Richard, son of Joseph R. and Betty ing part of each center portion ■4 teaspoon salt a member of Children's Serv, ROAST / You SAID VDU JV Glttman Roy Sr., 10 Michael Ave., East Hartford. He was bom Stir until thlekcned. YANK. tS. PIDNYcARE IFVnu intact In a circle. Arrange large Ices. eoNAROA r CONTRACTED July 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grand­ eggplant slices in baking pan. Blend In: Suggested reading: The Art BUBONIC PLAGUE.' mother is Mrs. Thelma Casseday, York, Pa. His piatemal grand­ Fill well of each slice with meat 1 cup (9-oz. nnn) Irushid of Syrian Cooking by Helen - HOLD ME ! mother is Mrs. Gladys Roy, East Hartford. He has two broth­ filling. Top each with smaller pineapple, well drained Corey. Authentic Syrian and FRESH PICKED NATIVE ers, Anthony 8, and Christopher 5, and two sisters, Tamara 6,. pieces of eggplant (retained af­ 4 drops green food coloring Is^banese dishes. Available at and Laurie 2%. ter scooping out centers) amd Mix well. . A Mary Cheney Library. Just ask L ' then a slice of tomato. (Egg­ Pour: for Elinor at the library. CORN _ 6 cars 3 9 ^ Murphy, Datyn Marie, daughter of Richard J. and Diane plant which has been scopped filling, into cooled baked {ke Shimaltls MurhpyrlSfi Woodland St., Manchester. She was bom out from centers may be cut shell. July 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ into small pieces and put in Chill 2-3 hours. LARGE PINK MEAT parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shimaltls, Manchester. Her pan around the thick slices.) Whip: paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Murphy, Pour tomato Juice Into path over \ cup heavy cream until stiff Rockville. Her maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Anna eggplant. Cover and bake for Fold In CANTALOUPES 3 (or 3 9 ® MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and PRANK RIDGEWAY Shimaitis, Manchester. '•i hour at 450. Reduce heat to 1 tablespoon confectioners e J* .* '*■* ^ 400 and continue baking for an sugar and evergoRe'8 WOWEE, MB. 7 ^ DARN CIGARS DONY LA'Sr VERY Crescimanno, Amy, daughter of Russell E. and Lenette addfUonal 45 m.t/uites, or until H teaspoon vanilla extract ICE COLD ABEHNATHyl LONG WHEN lOU'RE QIRL-WATCHING.' Meyer Crescimanno, R.F.D. No. 4, Box 277A, Coventry. She done. Serve with rice." Serves Spread over top of chilled LOOK AT THAT was bom July 10 at Manchester Memorial HospUai. Her mater­ four. pie ' favorite* OOB6EOUS each 3 a WINTHROP nal' grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Meyer, Denver, The Lebanese name .^for this Sprinkle with WATERMELONS BY DICK CAVAj .LI Colo. Her paternal grandparents are SebacXlon Crescimanno, dish means the best or the eipl- 1 tablespoon grated chocolate Middletown, and Mrs. Anne (Y^clmanno, Middletown. (Ye A (3QEAT • • •> . r • PLACBFOB O f l i . KEEP TAWNG' 'iOU\l£AaULLl>/ LAND O' LAKES P e u B U J P IN G MINE-TDFtJRDyfe Basfls, Kelly Ann, daughter of Richard A. and Kelsie 12uMfi5J,St0V£/t, YONeSV- e r a s iT D P tC T U Q B e j P R O eS T D R E . Bouton Ba.rtls, Root Rd., Coventry. She •was bom July 12 a t ^ CA|I«40IES_ JiD&EWAY JHBOiCtCeiDE Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents Going On Vacafion? I-lb. OFTHEMCON? are Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Houton, North Hortiand, Vt. Her qu«rt«rt lib paternal grandpiarents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bastls Sr., BUnER Framingham, Mass. She has a sister, ilichele 19 months.! Why not keep pace with your home town V Jby Roving youi^Manchester| Evening SHURFINE FROZEN SLICED PRISCILLA’S POP Burdick, Carrie. Ann, daughter of 'Thomas E. and Frieda BY AL VERMEER LaBler Burdick, 73 Union St.,' Manchester. She was bom July 16-oz.. 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospltai. Her maternal grandmoth­ Herald mailed to you each day? TOOAV I W A T E R E D IS t h a t m a n a t t h e pitg; THE HORSES, s w e p t RENT-A-HORSE YOU er is Mrs. Arvin LaBier, Winder Locks. Her paternal grand- STRAWBERRIES THE BARN AMD a g e m c v p a y i n g A M D M E ] pau^ts are Mr. and Mrs. Rob^yt Burdick, Mandiester. r a k e d t h e c o r r a l BOTH YOU? It cMiHA-i Fill in the below application and mail T n guide,-Karen Ann, daughter of Rlchand and Jeanne SHURFINE Hanna Suhie, 15 Dover Rd., Manchester. She was bom July 11 it to The Herald along with your cheek! CAPTAIN EASY at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandfather BY LESLIE TURNER is Raymond Hanna, Manchester. Her paternal grandmother is 2 weeks 11.20 1 month 12 60 3 months: 47AO PEANUT BUTTER I HEABP \ FIPPteSTlCKSI HE N»[^ MY Mrs. Mary Suhie, Manchester. Her maternal great-grandmoth­ ««. TOPBOCK \ TRACT-ANP m MOLPINe OUT ^ TOPROCK , IF YOU DECO6T0 WEU, er is Mrs; Elsie Hanna, Manchester. Her paternal great-grand- tail mail subscriptions are payable in advancer I* LOOpJNO for 990,000! . Musrve a x t SELL WITHIN REASON, PONT FORCHHAPtR J U LOCO, OFFERwe I TLL BE AT THE RITZ HOLD mother is Mrs. Rachael McNeil, Manchester. She has a broth­ QUAKER'S / , LAND, MV, HOTEL . YDOR er, Michael 2^. ooeti finATN: I? • Name ...... 'V -I ■ r Boyle, Sean Michael, son of Lt. Jcdm M. and Evelyn I I '/i ox. Kumpitch Boyle Jr., Seymour Johnson AFB, Gotdsboro, N. C. CAP’N CRUNCH He was bom Juiy 14 at the base hospital. His maternal grand­ parents tue Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kumpitch, West Hartford. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle Sr., ROBli^ MALONE 46 ox. BY BOB LUBBERS Manchester. WELCHADE can ^THATB ir.'Kf t F iMISfAlVii^T 1 \ ^ CTT*' 1FTS RCALLV TUPM Thomas Jr., Michael Lawrence son o< Michael and THE TOUCH f /K'.tt 'TElPfHUWU TtXI, CcNTIMUC \ ONfT>:aMCB'.''yct'WANrTC>W®A/< w pur C^MTIE AUPNTY. THf-lEi'-f-ON ) Ct!rA6AVjp( \ ' Loretta Howe T horns 9r., 5J Mancherter. He was I.' ^ NAMlNUr^,/ A O IO O f ^ bom June 22 at RockvUle (general HU paternal ASSORUD KATHY.' ' grandmother is Mrs. RtXh Thomas, B ^Ington, Vt. |-He has a CHOCCRATES ^ • • b l e r , sister, Sandra. I lb tl95 PIHER pa tter PEANUT BUHER COOKIES lb. 53c 2 'bs Vi 85 LITTLE SPORTS Doeer, Krystal Anna, daughter of Max snd 'Theda 1 Start Date BY S O U S O N Stop Date T-/.T DoMr, 53 School St.. Rockville. She wsis bom July 5 at Rock- KtA.NY AS508TV,£NTS ' -vUie GeneraJ HospltSLl. Her maternal grandparenu are Mr. and Mrs. Owen Moore. Pllkttsburgh. N Y. Her patemal grandfather TO. GIVE AND tNXDY -cCJOI U Arthur Doeer, Sagtnaw. Mlcldgan She biu a sister. Jenny Make checks payable and mall to • » • • • Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d LENOX SedUk. Scott John, kon of Edward a u l Regina Moexfeow- " , c /o Circulation Dept FIRST FOOD PHARMACY akl SedUk. 12 Scott Dr . Vepon. He waa bom June SO at Rock- 13 BisseU Street i rlUe General Hospital. HU materaai grandmother U Regtns Manchester. Coon 06040 E. CENTER *T Mi CENTER ST. MANGHESTEI^ 4 t . M o^ow aki. RockvlMe. He hsu two brothera, Gregg 8. and (We B ferrs TW Klght Te Urott Qn— Maes) Todd 2. t' I - - .1


*4.* Quarterback Appears Closer to Rejoining Jets Camp ’s Base Running r x a- .. L Namath Has Held Talks Troublipg for White Sox

NEW^ORK (AP)—All ing the. White Sox a dose of pow­ —their winning streak to eight Orioles and Tony Horton belted W itli NFL Commissioner right, you Chicago White er and then switching quickly to in a row and 17 of 19 In the sec­ a pair of solo shots for the In­ finees. Rich Reese started the ond game as Uhlaender drove in dians. H E M PS^A D , N. Y. Word of Namath's ,hastUy days. Beyond that, I roolly sun, betere his teammot##, Sox , open your called meeting with hi#’ team­ fireworks with a three-run hom­ three runs with as many sin­ Ken Suarez and Chuck Hinton (AP)— Jp4> Namath ap­ couldn't soy anything ifiore at Namath defended hltnMlf and primers to the lesson for mate#, Including tight end Pete er In the Brat im ing of the gles. The lumbering KUlihrew each drove In a pair of runs os peared toda.v to be several this time.” Bachelors m . today. It’s on how to hold Lammon#, wa# brought" by opener—and he drove In two lat­ stole second In the fifth inning (Cleveland took a 6-0 lead in the steps^loser to returning Namath, of course, announced runners close to their bases. Johnny Sample, the defensive "The g l^ > f his whole dqn’ver- er runs with another homer and and Tovar and Frank QuUtci did opener, but Mike Paul had to hi# retirement In a tearful new# to me New York Jets’ captain who has acted as an In­ satlon to us," Sompia sgld, Ready? a single. it in the seventh. put down a ninth-inning rally. conference June 6 rather than See the Twins run. See Bod huddle following a secret termediary between the unpre­ “ was that Mr. Rosella h a jn t "W e weren't trying to em'bar- Prank Robinson hit his 21(d sell his Interest tn Bachelors in run. See Harmon run. See Oeuor Then, In the second, after Chi­ meeting with his team­ dictable quarterback and the given any evidence that h# (Na­ rass ' them," said Minnesota homer. ^ a# ordetwd by Roselle, who sold run. See Charlie run. See Frank cago scored twice In the top of mates and the revelation press throughout the week. math) or the place has dons the inning, CJesarfrovar singled Managr Billy Martin. "W e * * . * the swinging Bast Side night­ anything wrong. To a man, sr- run. Rtm, Twins, run. that he has been having "Namath said he's been taik-' and stole second.^ Tom were trying to score runs. The RED SOX-YANKS— _ spot waa being frequented by ery man on the team was be­ You couldn't blame Chicago face-to-face talks' with tng to Roselle and they hope to A' Hall popped a single to right, steals turned out to help us win Chrl Yastrzem^ ripped four undesirable character#. hind him." pitchers if they saw Mlnneaota have the thing resolved by Fri­ ■5>- the gamjes." hits, including a , and Ckimmissioner Pete Ro- How the question of Bachelors £ U » . runners stealing bases in (heir sending Tovar to third, and Ted day or Saturday," said Sample That Included Lommons, who The night wasn't all perfect, George Scott slammed a two- zelle. Ill—the key issue in the entire sleep Wednesday night after the Uhlaender beat out a bunt tor a In relating what Namath told walked out of comp Tuesday In tliou^. Outfielder Tony Oliva, run homer os the Red Sox Namath stole onto the Hofstra case—will be resolved still re­ twinkletoed Twins ran and bat­ run. Carew forced Uhlaender appsLrent sympathy with Na­ batting .339, came down with stopped the Yankees behind University campus Wednesday his teammates. "They've been mains a big question since Na­ ted (heir way to a 0-8, 6-3 dou­ and Reese struck out but Har­ meeting every day (or three or math, contending. "If Namath the chicken pox and catcher Mike Nagy's flve-Wt pitching. night, met (or about 48 minutes math, publicly at least, has re­ ble header sweep thal pushed mon KlBebrew. walked and so • • • four day#." plays. I'll ploy." John Roaehoro received spike with veteran mertibers of the fused to budge on selling. hi# them five gomes ahead of Oak­ did Charlie Manuel, forcing In a Jets Ookch Weeb Bhvbaak met '2 & !l wounds on his right arm and ’nOERS - SENATORS — Super Bowl champions In the Immediate confirmation of half-interest in the restaurant land In the American League run and making it 8-2. with Namath and his' oUamey, left leg in a play at the plate. D etrolt'e/m ckey» LoUch and (Jlub’s dressing room quarters, (he face-to-face meetings came and bar. JONES LEADS HITTING ATTACK — New .York Cubs. Cubs’ catcher is Randy Hundley with umpire West. Careiw then swiped home on « * « Washington's Dlok Bosnian and told them the entire sftua- from Roxelle, who said: James Walsh, later In the eve­ The chief culprit was Rod the frotit end of a triple steal, However, all indications are ning and officially 'granted Na­ Mets’ Cleon Jones meets a» pitch for a hit in the Augie Donatelli behind the plate. Mets scored four A’S-PILOTS— were lockpd in a sc<»eleas battle Uon surrounding his reUrement "I wUl acknowledge that I Carew, who stole home In the giving him 7-tor-7 in that de­ that before the case Is resolved, math permission to remain first inning of yesterday’s game with ChicaJro Two-run homers by Dick untU Willie Horton Kkiubled in LOMBARDI IN ACTION—Vince Lombardi, Wash­ might be resolved by the week­ have had private conversations runs in the first innijHMMets won the game 9-5. partment. The fleet second monishes a player; center, he bends over in,dis­ Namath will somehow have t o away from practice while he second inning of the opener tor Green, . Rick Monday and Sal three unearned rung^wltfa two ington Redskin’s new head coach, appears in three end. with him (or the last couple of baseman singled with two out in gust, and right, compliments the team for execu­ relent on this issue, continued his talks with Roselle. the seventh time this season, Bando powered Oakland past out in the eighth liming. LoUtdi different moods during workout. At left, he ad­ the eighth, stole second and tion of a play. The workout was held in Carlisle, Pa. Totnmie Agee Paces Attack, Pull Within 3V Games breaking the AL record of six Seattle and Lew Krausse limit­ scattered four singles and 2 scored what proved to be the aet by Detroit's Ty Ctobb in 1916 ed the losers to four hits, includ­ struck out nine, getting slugging winning run on Reese's single. Youngster Lowers 440 Yard Mark and matched by Cleveland's ing Don Mincher's solo homer. EYank Howard three times. Limited Distance, Major Problem Bobby Roth two years later and Ron Hansen and Carlos May The setback stretched the Pi­ Palm er Set equalling the major league belted solo homers tor the Sox, lots' losing streak to seven ROYALS—A N o fx S — Glastonbury Legion Wins, Amazing Mets Do It Again, mark estahUhed by Brooklyn's who outhlt (he Twins 17-11 in the games. Andy Messersmith stopped Record Breaking Run Pete Reiser In 1946. opener and 9-8 In the nightcap. • • • Kansas OHy on six hits and dou­ His Sights .Natural Movements Ellaewhere, Oakland thumpedi "I'm very, very happy," Oar- ORIOLES - INDIANS — bled In a run as the Angds Seattle 6rl, Baltimore nipped ew said of his record. "What Brooks Robinson singled with made It three straight and tied Manchester on Losing End Down First Place INDY SOFTBAI^ Cleveland 6-6 after losing 6-4, On Tourney For Sophomore Mills Chicago else can you say? To mC, tt's two out In the ninth inning tp their longest 1969 winning T-ToNfmrw —a a _ .i ...... Wyman OH tallied foilc runs Boston downed the New York more of a thrlU to steal home streak aet during the first week Qla«t4»nbiir>* (12) Needed in Pitching CHICAGO (A P )— The That's easy, it's Tommie Agee." "Before we'd be happy to lose break a tie and win the nightcap a.b r h po a e rW PHILADELPHIA (AP) — ^C()LLF;(1E s t a t io n . Tex. (A P )_T ex as A&M has in tho first inning and wtdi held Yankees 6-2, Detroit blanked than to hit one out. Usually the of the season. Loser Jim Rooker to get a winning combina- toning popping out, Hughes New York Mets are for Agee hH the first pitch of the t-3. Now we're not satisfied un­ for Baltimore after Stan WU- Time is running out for Arnold a second inning rally by L^nox Wash'ngton 3-0 and Califonba White Sox are the ones who do homered tor the Royals, his tion together, Manchester issued ,a walk, Berham LoHouiij^r. u the distinction of producing two world-record holders NEW YORK (AP)—If 1 were tutoring a youngster real. They know it and game for a double to trigger a less we win no matter what the llams' had retired Curt Motton 4 3 2 3 1 0 6 Palmer in his quest of a spot on in a span of only three years. four-run rally and then sluggtd score is." Pharmacy to win 6-3, last nlglit beat Kansas City 4-2. the running. We turned it and pinch hitter Frank Robin­ third in two games. Messer- American Legion was de- by a ^ch. Vaii forced 4 2 3 3 0 0 3 to lieconie a pitcher, the first thing I would do would now they are in the iJroc- fo a fo /l lo o t ■Vil'n'Ll Hughes at third. LeHouUler Sarra. ib. the U.S. Ryder'Chip team, but One tyf them -th e great Randy — ...... his 16th homer to open the sec­ at the Keeney Field. Curt Far-'^ TWINS - WHITE SOX — around." son with the bases loaded. Mot- smith fanned 10, most by an An­ 4 1 3 7 0 0 3 1)6 to play catch with him and see if he has a natu­ ess of proving it to every­ Oil Hodges, the mild Met 3 1 3 1 0 1 the big belter was a relaxed, Matson, who tossed the shot » ond and send Cub ace Ferguson manager, praised his players rell. Bob Coulombe and John \The Twins started out by giv­ The Twins ran—pun intended ton hit a two-nm homer for the gel hurler (his year. S'SLXXA* 5^ u,. b ~ .. Bub KSS"S: » 3 1 1 3 0 0 0 ral niovenieht aiitj isn’t herky jerky. Anderson all had two hits with 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 joking guy today when he set sensaUonal 71 feet 5%lnche« T h o j ^ InviUUten he one else . >-v Jenkins to the showers. „ and singled out the flve-lnnli^ Dury. Xt was the locars third granr the flnala spokesman for the Cubs, called "Everybody asks me but I along that we can do the job," CrLspIno. rf. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Connie McCurry hurled a By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS singled to toad the bases. Ken Smith’s sacrifice Muro. 2b, He started digging through his mors than 80 feet until after a other guys srlth ihors natural the shot t^ orc Wednesday's don't know," said Agee. "I did said Hodges. fly 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 stor but he Imrdly expected the quarter In ting support for CaHton against across, glvng a National League Ough singled to center scoring O'Neil... A double locker and found a notice an­ year or so. ability thiu) I have, but I dont loss, w h ich '^ le d (he Mets even put on 10 pounds and ’ feel By doing the Job do you mean three hitter which enabled NEW YORK (AP) — Totals 2fT 6 9 18 3 0 4 .voting mjui to do what he iHd a# the Phillies. The fleet outfielder cushion to stand off Adolfo Phil­ Gagnon and Socha. Mike Jef- the inning, nouncing that fittings for the By the Ume the lad reached 14 believe they dedicated tham- on the season with the Cubs. stronger but that also slows me pennant, he was asked. "I never Green Manor to win their first Slowly, almost surreptN East Divlaion a sophomore defeat game of the year, they de­ drove In tour runs with a homer lips’ homer in the bottom of the fries sacrificed pitcher to first. The Icx-ail crew t Innin^Ts 1 3 3 4 6 6 7 Totals Ryder Cup uniforms would be or 16, I'd rtart teaching Mm to aelvea to the gams the army I . The two teams have split in It down on the bares and I can't talk about pennants in mid- tiously, the St. Louis Car­ W. L. Pet. O.B. OfiLBtonburv 004008 X 12 Mills had anticipated id tonrt throw a curve. Not a snapping did. feated Elks 3-0, EM Rowley went and a double. ninth. Rusty Staub, Coco Laboy Manohr 040002 0 6 held at such and such a time at tliind plaic In the NCAA but *<.rkle. Ho 45.9 to win tfto meetings and have four games steal as much anymore. July," he said "but I think you dinals are starting to stir. Chicago 67 86 .618 — curve, but one to tsacSt Mm how Nowadaya, I Imaglits, there la 3-3, Mike Landry had two Carlton, 12-8, struck out 12 and Bob Bailey also homered and scored N osk ^ T lm O'NeU game. a,, WroWcu^t: a>: o Nell. Ar- such and such a place. couldn't Inutglne himself beol- Conference (Kle this remaining with each other. "Our chances are as good os know what we mean'. While the Chicago Cuba and New York 61 37 .680 3 ^ to rotate the ball arxi'develop a even leas datsrmtruiUan to excel singles' for Manor. Greg Powell and lowered his league-leading tor the Expos whUe WUIie Star­ reached on a shortstops error Big sticks (or the winners Sarra: lu-: KiPin: »b: ONell: "I think that was ye.rterday," tog btAh Evans and VllUuiova STrat "You're darned right they are anybody elses," continued Agee. "There's 2% months of tough New York Mets have created a St. Louis 48 46 .611 9% callous on Ills finger wMch wfll In sports The kids' parents are and Ron Slemlenski had one hit to 1.68. gell connected for the Pirates. ^ O u g h crossed with the were Sana going 3-4, and^t^e someone said. rtiu-' sIjurry _ James. • trliimTditriumph jitat f^twwvlIlA'Knoxville for real," said Bemto. "They're "There are a number of guys on baseball left. These boys think diverting commotion at the top Pittsburgh 46 47 ^.489 11% lx- use,l til place pmiMurr «x« the affluent so the Mrki have loars/ apiece for the Elks. • • » * * * Arnle grinned and tossed the He surprised himself wMh the toughest club in the league this team that ore having good they can win but It's been of the National League’s East PhUa’phla 38 61 , .427 17 nmrth run. players going 2-4. Manchester's ,3; hits off: Juries 6 for 6 It was some time after his boll. Manor Const. 102 000 x 3-8-2 METS\^ CUBS — REDS - BRAVES — paper back In the locker. cracking thi> world record but arxi money at 17 aisl are oqt' for us U> beat. The big reason? years. though convlhclng others." Division, the Cards methodical­ Montreal 28 63 .308 28 (Jl^onbury came right back Ron Noske 2-4, and Kent Smith nSs la 7; 5 fir 6^™™ in" L great run that he realized he I'd teach him liow to stand, seektog thrills and (un. 8 o r ^ Elks 000 000 0 0-8-3 Jimmy Stewart, who had hit In the bottom ol the third scor- 2-3 were the leading hitterB b: w: Bkt- "That’s me and the Ryder decided afterward thiU hr ranlly ly have gone about the business The M'eto, meanwhile, crept toul set a world rexjord. Down­ how to stride, when to rsleaas McCurry; Germain and only one homer all year, jolted • ^ ’ ruwn; L« 1 MbIm? r. ■ Cup a day late," he said. could haw mode 44.8 hml he t»t how, you get the lilaa Oisy <$Mi't of reversing half a season of within 3 ^ ' games of the Cubs, West Divtslon ing Evuns and Jiuncs was the bell and all the nscsssary Landry, Maher and Bergln. a pair In ■ successive innings, Palmer has been a member of Klowtxl In the stretch to (trnpitro want to do anytMng so oorgy as Manager Mayo Smith Set for Tilt mediocrity. using home \runs by Tommie Los Angeles 62 38 .878 — eixnigh to be ttirlltod about tor a stretch to imepore fundamentals. You oan't teach to learn to play hasehall.,' MORE MORE driving in five runs to lead Cin­ Atlanta every team since 1961 and cap­ llfetdmo much le## running the ® fttoidilng kl< k thm might Major League St. Louis has won 11 of Agee, A1 Wels'md Art Shamsky 82 41 .689 1V4 anyone to throw a strike. But avery now and thsh atong ALUMNI JR. BASEBALL cinnati part Atlanta. Bobby To­ San EYan. tained the squad In the biennial the lost 13 games including to beat Chicago, ace Ferguson 61 41 .664 2 event o»ie full Ne<'ond ranter Uuin Elvan#, who wits Throwing a strike la hand-to-sya comas a yuur«atsr who has bath Scott Leone pitched a five hit- lan also homered for the Reds, i competition with a team of Brit­ lx- over had before. l« ^ n g Jiimee on the ftmil turn = L e a d e r s = Steve Carlton’s 6-0 flve-hltter Jenkins. \ Cincinnati 47 39 .647 3 coordination and that canrtot be dfslrs and aUHty. yiMth aU the tor os (he Mets downed the Red It marked the secqnd straight"’ Clete Boyer hit a pair and Houston 47 47 .800 7 Had Shot ish professional^ to 1963. Jok'ngly, before the NCAA ft- . ! • knew I hnd a over Philadelphia Wednesday taught. good coaching ava$liidlls at the AL All-Star Bench Sox 6-1 last night at tne West drove in three runs for the But he hasn'Y won a toui-na- night. Combined with the Mets’ series In which NewXvork had San Diego 32 62 .340 22 nals, lx- had predlctod Atod he " t ‘ Mills recoUs Etetural ability, of ooures, high school and coltags Isvsio, a American I.«ague Side Oval. Loone had fine sup­ Braves. ment to more than a year, 9-6 decision over the first-place taken 2-out-of-3 from ^the divi­ would win In 44.7 and also >,k- goes a kmg way and tm every- yrxuigatsr wtllinf' to sp p ly hSm- Batting (278 at bats)—R. port from his team. He also Wednesday’s Reoult# ranks 1 Bill In the competition for Cubs, It left the Cards 9% sion leaders. The Mew, have * * « Ingly lx- hnd forecast after (muksde In thing. Along with natural abUl self has a great ohanos t o ' Packed with Power led the team in hitting with two Lofl Angeles 3, Houston 2 the 12-rniui squad and faces a Smith, Boston .348; F. Roblnnon, games back of the leaders. won 11 of 14, keeping pace with DODGERS-ASTROS— Before Startling Open Win doing 48 7 to the semifinals, that t*- to ty. a youngster con learn to add coma a major Isagus pttchsr. liitn including a double. Ray New York 9, CTilcago 6 very stiff test If he Is to make BOSTON (A P )— Three memliers of the East Division Baltimore .341. That’s 'not an Insurmountable the hot Cardinals. WUlle Davis, who had hit an he wrmld beat Evans and to hts tsisnts Ha can Incresas / ' ■■ ...i Sullivan hod a perfect night tor Cincinnati 10, Atlanta 7 the team for the fifth time. Jiuniw. of ooudm/' h«* ■ Runs—Blair, Baltimore 76; R. bulge with half a season still re­ Weis, who had hit four homei^ Inside-the-park homer an inning OLD WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP) “ '0>me on down,' Moody and finished 11 shoLs'behlnd Ju­ Wa spsad by sthat ws call ohok- DOITOR'^ NOTE: Ken Hotto- leading and the , the the loet^s going 3-3. The two In eight big league seasons, con­ St. Louis 6, Philadelpjiia 0 Points are awarded through ■ Thorr s no preosuro on me," '"’‘Pto*'" Tto. »r«l and need a- Jackson, Oakland 76. maining. earlier, tripled liome Los An­ — This waa three days before ^ Id , 'I need the paon*y-’ " lius BoroH. You can bet that ing the ball and pushing off ths man, 23. ttrhoas thrsa psesrlotai West pace-setters, are among the reserves named to first place teams meet Friday nected for the second time In as Pittsburgh 8, Montreal 7 the PGA Championship Aug. Runs batted in—KUIebrew, Elsewhere In the National geles’ winning run against Moody doesn't need the mon­ Moody will play in this year’s he qulj»p1 StoUlcmyre, New Leone imd O'Dell; SulUvon lead. Shamsky’s tWo-run shot in 22nd Hqmer accounting for the on a sliding scale down through sacrince. Blair, Baltimore 119. Ia)S Angeles edged Houston 3-2 Montreal (Reed 4-2), N ville Moody. He qualified (or the he's eighth with $67,921. wants to do better than hia lx> in tlx) hraidlinm tom orrow " N C ^ leiun cha/nptonshlp The/ southpaw sron 10 of Ms Krai Blair were (ho Oiioles' reserves York; Bam McDowell, Clcve- (Ui<4 Miller. the eighth added some breath­ Astros’ hms, but It was his er­ 10th plape. and San Francisco nipped San Philadelphia (Wise 6-7) at ' "When he won the Open I .$1,831 of last August. ' But the jokoH were on Evan* To hetp the" slUutHiin afisig I was la ysalw old when I de­ II idsctalons. selected WeAiesdny by Mayo land; John "Blue Moon" 0


X' Our of Town Our of Town Our of Town MANCHEsTlsR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 PAGE NINETEEN For Solo 75 For Soto 75 For Solo 75 S T A R G A X E R CLASSIFIED HEBRON — Just reduced, as­ TOLLAND — Immaculate 8% ----- By CLAY R. POLLAN------Banks Excluded A]x>Ik> 11 crew a han>y Journey COVENTRY —Exquisitely re­ », A « IK UIIU sumable mortgage, 8% - room room Ranch, buftt-lns, S large Your Doily Aefivify Guido Soviet Shot and a full success,” said the So­ South Windsor stored eight-room Colonial. Ranch, "acres, trees, brook, f UA*. 2> bedrooms, large kitchen, acre ’’ According lo tho Stan. viet newspaper Pravda. Elve fireplaces, four bed­ country living, 6 miles from ^ A fi. i» rooms, seven acres. Bel Air lot, utility shed, . assumable 2- 9-11-13 To develop message for Friday, The Communist party organ ADVERTISING Manchester. EaTle Everett 14-1324-29rv4 BERRrS WORLD Orbits Moon, Real Estate, Vincent Boggrlni, mortgage writh $132 payment. By IH E ASSOOIA’rED PRESS '6373-a(V82 reod words correspotxling tonumljers 54-5546 State Calls Holiday made the A{x>Uo flight a front- School Playgrounds Set Real Estate, 643-7^19. of your Zodioc birth sign. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Realtor, 643-9832. Only $22,800. OolU - Wagner ” Thla admintotraiUon is pur­ TAURUS SCORPIO I»g e story, an unusual tribute Realty, 878-3396, 643-9088. ^ An. 20 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. COVENTRY — $1,900 down. suing a oourae c4 action to cool, 4 1 Silfl* 31 Some - 61 Fovored ocr. jjp Sends D ata to a U.S. space venture. All oth­ the eootiotny and ttie streutegy 1 ■5-^ may 20 2 Local 32 To 62 Into er Soviet |M]>eri {tromtnmtly Games, Prizes Tomorrow Price reduced. Nine-room 3 If Hor. V " At Firms’ Discretion W ant«d— R m I E sfa l* 77 ,!"?k’I2-15-I7-40 33 And 63 Plons (CooUmied from Page One) dteidayed Apollo coverage and BOLTON CENTER Split. Fireplace, family room, which this administration Is fol­ C&/52-75-79-87 4 News 34 Be 64 Antogonism 31-48-594Si COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. lowing does not Include wage 5 Stubborn 35 First 65 Is 76-77-i (Continued from Page O n e ) ------— ______echoed Pravda's good wlahea ^ series of iqxiclal programs Paul P earson, Leslie Petersen, two-car garag^. Exterior needs SELLING YOUR HOME? For GIM im 6 Should 36 Heart 66 Affoirs SAGITTARIUS at this stage of the Soviet pro­ 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION ^ Large custom built Ranch son(e work. Only $18,900. H.M. prompt courteous service that and price controls.” —Ronald D. 7Terr^otIon 37 Gratifying 67 Woy Um tq>eclal three-day “trailer” o fflo ^ closed Monday, The dally press Ignored Apollo ‘ " I* UAY 21 SYouTi gram,” Lovell declared. 11 on the eve of the launch but ***• school playgrounds. Sohmld, MicheUe Shavel, Mor- with extensive <^ew. Four Frechette, I^ lto r s , 647-9993. gets results. Call Louis Dlmock Zelgler, White House prods' sec­ 38 ‘n»ot 66 Trouble session to consider 'vetoed bills Plans celled tor big televtsion Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:80 p.m. Friday retary. 20 9 Activities 39 Non- 69 Or J Dec. 21 ^ 1 "In my opinion, this Is not the after- the ’ successful blastoff, At the Wappfng School alt garet Slowick, Ksithertng Stoeo- bedrooms baths, ten Realty, 649-9828. lOTo 40 To 70Todoy must convene on a Mcmday — acreens to be installed in Oen- BOLTON —/Vacant Split-Level. 5- 8-23 end of the exercise but probably coverage began on televirion children from Uie ages of five nls and Debra »to*uga.Sieluga. ^ ___ rooms In all. Also two-car ” I don’t believe thiert’s e sin­ -77-62-88 11 Or 41 Affairs 71 Write l6-22-2S-45er unlesB that Mimday is a legal Park to aUow onkxriceia to YOUR COOPERATION WILL Three bed^^ms, fireplace, ga­ 12 ExpoivJ o ,42 Essentioft 72 Of 51-67-70 W- the beginning,” he added. ” I «nhomoro honors: Terry garage and ' separate tool SELLING YOUR HOUSE? gle thing our country does...that 13 Travel 43 Soy holiday. vleiw" the climactic moon landing BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 rage, 1% acre lot. Price only CANCIR 73 Could CAPRICORN think it will stay In orbit proba- The Moscow Radio morning , Addington. Lucia Barber, Mar- shed and play area. Well I guarantee in writing a $300 has greater potential for peace j^KJUNE 21 14 Outlo^'s 44 Your 74 Importont Mrs. GrasEo noted that Presl- early kfonday. ' $21,900. H.M. Frechette, Real- 15 Your 45 Hove 75 Urwxplored OK bly tor the rest of the day and news program l«d ott with melon-eatiiw contest and pea- garet Bell. Faye Chomberialn. over an acre of grass. minimum newspaper advertis­ than the apace effort.” —former ^ J U IY 22 dent Nixon did not declare M. Chiiattno Cologne, Sensibly priced In the low ing program on all 90-day ex­ 17 Efforts 47 Thif>gs 77 Hurt day a legal holiday, and neither vanagh declared Mkmday a city Conrinued From Preceding Pago President Lyndon B. Jed 78 Tin>e did the governor. holiday. In PhUadelpbla, munto- land the whote spacecraR or S lo th * ” It la my duty to call upon the '60-78-81-86 19 Avoid 49Gve 79 Fertile 144-46-57 ^ - - There wlU be a Crasy Con- co. David Dodd. Nancy Ediund. tor, 643-1B77, Raised Ranch, 2% baths, . 2- Dally coverage in more than 20 Home Monday will not be a IioUday Ipa tofflces will remain open but part of it, and coHect some practice. The ApoUo 8 mooto . governments of both countries LIO 50 Arouse 80 Be AQUARIUS rock." flight usually wasthe last Item lO:*® a-m. J«>ycoIyn Evans. Ann Falrman. Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 car garage, treed lot. Mid 30’s. one newspaper. -S^ JULY 22 21 Moves 51 Their 81 To for banks, because they can not will be marmed by skeleton to cease using force and to di­ 22 Other 52 Cover 82 Confusing JAN. 20 Sir Bemam conceded that he n e l. b^ca^ “1 w«h and 8ry« Bralthwalte Agency, 649-4893. 22 23 Wind 53 First close exce{)t on legal holidays staiSs. MANCHESTER — Two-story PLUS rect thdr efforts to the use ot 83 Something F(B. II games, contests, races and Also. Gary Forghetti, Gloria HEBRON —3-bedroom Ranch , Once a week your house is pic­ 24 For 54 Or 84 Be and whenever the governor la- The Houston City Cbuncil vot- MANCHESTER — South End. home, two baths, 4-8 bedrooms, MAINE PROPER'TY peaceful means for the solution !6-32-35-47 25 Interests 55 Social 19-21-38-50/ ^ ^ ^ Luna 18 prizes. Children are asked to Oerton. Mark Gray, David Hag- with 2 full baths, first floor '5358-74 85 Key 54-72-aS^V sues a proclamation declaring ed to give city employes the day Iminaculate like new Califor­ Central location. Newer fur­ SPORTSMEN; INVESTORS; ture advertised In Ms own of their dlfferenoes.” —U.N. Sec- 26 Attending 56 Specioily 66 Chatterboxes ^ Soviet bring their own lunch, with a gett. Oatha Johnmn, SWephen family room, or 4th bedroom, 27 Up 57 Rises a bank holiday. No such procla- off. "EhnerytHK will be up nia styled Ranch, home on the nace. Lot of house for $20,800. 4x5” ad. retery-General U Thant, in urg­ VIRGO 87 Fields pisets ^ ^ VrYYvtded by iLfbury. Mark Lee, Unda walk-out basement with RETIREMENT; WE HAVE - a x , -41/S. 22 28 People 58 Is 68 Officials mation was Issued, and Bank 'watching it until Uwee or tour In most attractive acre plus lot Hayes Agency, 646-0131. SEVERAL ACRES LEFT EVERY WEEK UNTIL ing Honduras and El Salvaito 29 Firnmciaf 59 Person 89Toctful Other unmanned spaceships the Recreation Department. Levack, Anne LeVasseur, Kurt partially flnl^ed rec room, sen. 22 30 Avoid 60 Little Commisaioner Philip Hewes said the nvamit^, and r » o ik will be we’ve ever seen. Priced In the THROUGHOUT THE STATE to halt their war. 90 Clever MAI. 20^^^ ^ *. btke-decoraUng contest will Urensen, James Moyer. Kalh- large well landscaped lot. $24,- SOLD 020-25-3336 1- 7-1CM3^ banka must be open tor busi- woeliing much on Monday ai»y- high 20's. Hayes Agency, 646- $14,000 — Attractive 8-room OF. MAINE. CALL FOR FREE _(S)Good (§ ) Adverse A m ^ ^ * m ^ e d “ "A ^ te ^ landed *«" O’Brlant. Honors Parks. 900. Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ LINSAY REALTY ” Our leaders are struggling c£/41-56-61 169-71-83-901 nesa Monday. way,” observed Oounctlmari Ho- 0131. home, 2 bedrooms, dining LISTING: RAY DUCLOS 828- Luna 18 has pro- for 1:80 p.m. at the Ell Terry D**"® PerrotJta and Russell tors, 646-4200. 649-9158 with dUflcult problems which There waa no immediate 'word mer Ford, room, hot water baseboard 7924, 829-5537. JOHN SQUIRES bring back lunar wun- ceeded more riowly than pre- School. .^1 l p.m. at to, Av^I^ PhllUps. MA NCHESTER — FO UR-bed- heat, attached garage, Hutch­ they wrlU not totally solve. To­ as to the ^ tu s of the state Bloomington, Ind.’s mayor, HEBRON —Glastonbury line, 875-8209, 643-0868. SELLING Your Home, Buying ; ,, . vious ships in toe series, and street School. Freshman high honors: Walt- room brick Sipllt Level. Dou­ ins Agency, Realtors, 649-8324, morrow those problems will be courts. John Hotrfeer, said, ’’WeH be He said It was likely that the there has been speculation that $ er Booth Unda Borreson C^th- 4-bedroom Cape, wooded acre a Home For prompt efficient ble garage, three baths, flre- SOUTH WINDSOR ours. We now have the chance An official of the judiciary de- happy to do ■what the President Russians, with a Umlted amount the slower speed was due to a -Undlngs tor toe play- L«w a norreson, caip plaoed living room. Spacious FOUR-ROOM Ranch. Floor to lot, aluminum siding, built service R.B. Associate Brok­ Opinions Differ About Bugs; L.7 “ uie Slower speea was due to a *,ftbail league Intocats ®rtn« Doocy, Debottto EUen- to start building ourselvts/’— partnient said Justice John P. suggested.” But city employee payload, perhaps a detach- {T tte fo, ^ s t ^ e m »>«*. Erickson. David Fok celling stone flreplac e. 1962, fireplace, Immaculate, 4 BEDROOMS—7 ACRES ers, 649-9928. landscaped lot. $38,800. Call Custom built for graclo\is Charles Hart, 16, Woodbury, Cotter, the chle.f administrator of in Omaha and Mimeapotis will and Uiey \o*l c M ro l able rocket lhat would try to Wapping and U^nion ler. David Francla, Debbie Warren E. Howland, Realtor, Beamed celling, paneled walls, $23,800. Meyer Agency Realtor, Of the cmflt. woiiM iw tw tn 1bm/I nos um w ocnooiB __ living. Huge living room BUYERS waiting for youto Oonn., In a speech at the 7th an­ Quarantine to Last 21 Days the court system, waa consider- be at their posts as usual. not try to land, scoop up moon soU and re- with both teams sporting per- Howley. Mlrism Hyman. Robert 643-1108. attached oversized garage, 643-0609. with floor to celling stone call. Paul J. Correntl Real nual National Boy Scouts Jam­ Ing what to do. in Grand Junetton, CXdo., City lard ^ e ^ l y . earth. A v e ^ S t ^ Kehmna, Ann LucU. Usurn porch. $18,900. Hayes Agency, Estate, 648-8363. Call now! boree. By ALTON BLAKESLEE so doctora can idetnlfy ttioae By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Manager Rtehend Gray said he MANCHESTER -Custom built SOUTH WINDSOR —Delightful firoplaoe. FV>rmal dining (D kr NEA. Iw. I think that tomorrow mom- Former Vice President Hu- and Orclmrd Hill share secosid Myers and Robin Sandenburfh. 646-0131. AP Science Writer which simply made a round trip Several governors and may- would check 'wUh ttK council 6-roomi Raised Ranch. Stove, 6ti-room Spilt Level! Three room, large kitchen with ’’Hlsboiry has brought us to the ing we may find it eittwr on toe bert H. Humphrey, who saw a place hoiKMW with 1-2 recoitfe Also, Barbara Schultz, Deb- ALL CASH for your property to the moon, aa against any that: ora have already honored Presl- but added: ” I fe d that the as- disposal, dishwasher, two-flre- MANCHESTER — J’.ter, 843 ry.” —Herbert E. EUlngwood, have no Immunity, no vaccines Elaborate tests will begin Donald Ray Is Commodore Luna 18 may remain in orbit for Sputnik, to watch this launch.” Honor Roll Hrodford Oaraon, Catherine Cyr. ing. Tree shaded private lea’s greatest moments,” said rocket for the Apollo shot, said Ken Ostrlnsky, Realtor, 643- Four - room expandable Manchester 649-6306. Main.. St., Manchedter. 643-8666 legal affairs secretary to Cali­ or drugs to protect them . . . A with pulverized rock to see if it lome time,” Lovell said. ’'It Is Hum|)hrey told a reporter. Ttie following seniors recelv- James DaFemla, Terrance De- grounds. Phllbrlck Agencv, 1333. home. One block from lake or 643-6168. fornia Gov. Ronald Reagan. frightening epidemic sickens or makes germ-free mlco sick. South CaroUna Gov. Robert E. It would he busInesB as usual McNair as be announced on offi-. Monday. reaaonable to areume tojit they Hum)>hrey is In the Soviet Un- honors at South Wind- Ro«», AnMa Dodd. 8te{rfien Realtors, 646-4200. with private beach facili­ EAST HARTFORD - $18,200. kills millions of humans, o r ' Rocks wrtU be tested against a O f Amston Lake Canoe Q u b would ten try to land.” Ion on an unofficial visit, hut he High School for the fourth Engman' David Ooptiwln, Ken- MANCHESTER — $1,900 dovm. ties Recently paneled inter­ Five-room Rajudt, hot water variety of algae, human Usstie dial holiday for state employes. ” As major partldpanlB in the MANCHESTER — One owner twists their minds . . . Or the The newly formed Amstoh markedly white admissions from Lovell said algnala from Luna plans to meet Soviet srtentltlc quarter: Sandra Antonowlch, noth Goodwin and Michael Four-bedroom Colonial. Two- ior, new artesian well- sys­ heat, basement, large trees, cultures, 28 types erf plant Ufe, Cape. Six full rooms Including Into Northwest Passage moon bug strikes down birds, car garage. Needs some^ work tem. Double lot. Ideal sum­ near school, bus line. Hutch- Japanese quail, shrimp, oysters; dtSX^^yT"^ l^e'omoe' Oub "h^s de^ ^ ^^cr'oo^^emU^; S^HluS^Tw^ "X, H.U, Diana. LewU. three bedrooms, formal din­ trees, food crops, fish, farm ani­ but who cares at this ^prlce. mer home. Priced for Im­ Inn Agency, Realtors, 649-8324. gui>pies, roches, flies and a var­ ^ jr of parUclpaUon hours after great,” aaid a Boeing amounoe- Donald Ray os Conunodore. svr im a a , o-i by the RuJKtans ing room, spacious kitchen. mals . . . To the moon bug, the will be dlscuoaed. Konjoyan, Margaret IJnko, I-ee Sisian levering, Donna MUler, $18,900. H.M. Frechette, Real­ mediate .sale. Only $9,500. iety of other Ufe forms for 30 to Owner transferred. $23,800. TOLLAND — NEW and lovely Black Gold Spurs Journey; earth is a glorious, hospitable, Mills. John Phipiis, Susan Ro- Margaret Mone, Frank Nledsr- tors, 647-9993. Call Robert D. Murdock, 80 days, ail to answer the ques­ srrr*A'sr's' 'ss ru is rz ' ^ ■“ ■ Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 6-room Rianch on large level explosive breeding ground after Wedneedav ^ Thomas Pill, vice-oonunodore; ed to increase 99 per cent, Luna 18 was In or- man and Suoan Staiger. werfer, Rlohard Olmstead. Realtor. tion ; "Are they hasardoua? SeiUoni receiving honors: Samlm Paaquale, Nancy Rivosa. 649-2813. MOVE RIGHT IN, assumable lot Formal dindng, -oven and cons of Imprisonment on the gave the day Off to < « » - adm iaslons^w lH ^ mri 1. 8% per cent, 8 rooms with range, fireplace, garage, walk­ Another Challenge for Man moon. . The spacecraft wH be quar­ Public Records Sandra Alpers, (Tutrioite An- Debra Rome*. David 8he|wni. ail federal employeo except A spokesman at Lockheed modore and as pursers, Frank ceiR Dittos said. MANCHESTER --4-4, two fam­ garage, near Waddell School U & R REALTY CO., INC. out basement. Only $25,900. C. A likely prospect? No, say all antined, too, wIRi ape dal nu­ drusUi, Dorothy Rlacte, Denise Hisian Smith, Annette Tamoll*. By JOHN CUNNIFF thoee in national security and Aircraft Oorp.’s Surniyvate, Oal- McQuade, secretary and Karla Manchester Memorial Hos- crall’s oavload Warrantee Deeds ily. Best of condition. Fire­ onrl Parkode. Bralthwalte 643-2692 B. Govang Associates, 643-9674, passage, where men and ships the authorities. But possibly trient culhiies dropped Into It to Roguah, Thereea Hoyle. Albert Paul Tomel and Rarbora Zak. place in each apartment. Agency, 649-4893. 872-4166. AP Business Analyst - have vanished before. possible? Yes, they agree, be­ see what. If anything, grows on public service areas. if. plarM ^ ” We h a ^ ^ p la n s Berglund. treasumr. T^'cTnfpri* ------Joel E. Janendn.--- - trustee, to nrlindlsh. Muriel Brown, Ruth —----- There la some chanoe that the The President urged gover- at this Ume to declare a hoU- The Canoe au b was organ- P*™ “^hout 28 Infant h e ^ e evstem fm- ;inin Ooneral EqulUes with prtn< lp«l {>^^10 Btoves and refrigerator. Re BOLTON — 814 room Ranch Ne w YORK (A P ) — Thla cause BO little is known about them. ______Kathleen lieNlcoln. Manchester Evening Herald MANCHE3HTER — Executive BOLTON —Large Ranch, four nors, mayors, school offtrials day. We have a tegular holiday July B of thla year and A $8.1 million con- trans- „ „ „ b e n . Burr R. " cent wiring and plumbing. with fireplace, three bed­ week’s moonahot aurpaaaes ajiy Manhattan, which la more than the moon. ScientlrtB who contend this luid Carol D. Dmgone, MlchaUe Fav- Hro- Carlson, {>roix-rty on Harlfonl Deborah ForghotU, June Carol Moulhm, tal. M l-n it. residential area. $29,800. Call mal dining room, mrdem kitch­ ______. . . . . ^ Rfl VirkiitwtfoH rm thrMh id/lAA hv , ______•*. . * * . a ton Agency, 649-2813. $22,600. Phllbrlck Agency, man. In popular Interest at investment of millions of dol­ tined In special, elaborate quar­ teat mainly that the hatch will sbtolar action that as many tract and are bound to that.” ^ o S .m tS ' n igirfm m to ^ s ;' Higgins; "oeort. lir d .Jxl Tor^ en with bullt-lns, 2-car ga­ of pur clttaens as poesihle will The New York and American the tract known as Ortonl Vll- J.D. Real Estate Associates, Realtors, 646-4200. least, but there remain some lars, won’t make It—that it ters for a planned 21 days upon be ened at sea, so that space­ frey Mok'ombo. MANCHES'TER —Three fam­ rage, large lot, near high be aJhte to share in the signifl- Stock Exchanges said their M ra Prit Murphy, founder of neler ‘•gc. conveyance tax of $338.80. 643-8129. remnants of the old ierreetrlal might be crushed between the their return—suspected pariahs, craft air or astronautl: breath Also, Robin Karkosvskl. Nan- , IrfuidlurtTa Choicr ily In central location with ex­ school. $26,900. Phllbrlck Agen­ COVENTRY — Lots of privacy. cart enrerts of that da/y.” boairdB of governgrs would meet the Ckrfumbia Lake Canoe CTub «n»ergency room facility cost- the specific challenges that made heroes of relentless pressure ridges of denied any pf the traditional might during some five to 10 ini. evwas or tnaz oay. - DoairaB ot govemgrs would meet tiM non 'Z Z t purpose of the probe, but there luid Elsie H. Spen- Kuehn. Jacoue laUry, Jurtllh cellent Income. On a treed lot. TWO-fnmlly, B-B. New roof, alu­ cy, Realtors, 646-4200. 714 room custom built L- ice. NEW HAVEN (AP)~A land- yesterday’s adventurers. immediate hugs, kisses or pa­ minutes time or more allow He also calted upon "all of our after trading ended today . to r a d lo l^ c ^ ’ f , ^ . *»««'> niuch unofficial specu- Nlederwerter, Alahe Silver For further Information coll minum storms and screens, Rnnch. Fireplace, bull't-ln cen­ I>eople on that historic day to conrideo' a Monday closing. Division o f Oanoe Clubs, has •’“ ‘Uologlcal treatment faclll- The Northwest Passage, for Why make the trip? OIL—be­ rades. The moon rocks -they *’'*°®*' oigantams to esoane Into latlon that they would t ^ to Irene Plcanl,'Sharon SklendzKm 1”'^ ^ the Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, largo lot, center of town, $23,- TOLLAND — 3-bedroom cream tra! vacuum, many extras. Al­ Join In {irayier tor the atcceeaful The big tour automakers bi glven many hours ofoi herirer timeume - — other------ancillary fociU- puff Ranch, a.ssumable 8^ per example. tween five and ten blUlon bar­ take home will be treated Just tho octen, a flertlle bed tor life. 11 by landing PatrUla SulUvnn, Carol Hux'er, ^ 648-4200. 900. Gerard Agency, Realtors, so 8l4 acres possible. Only oonclurion of Apollo l l ’s mission Detroit and U.S. Steel m PHts- . ^ of 133. ' given toe oholcechoice nfof rywracKna-correcUng cent VA mortgage, $128 pay­ True, this foggy, Ice-choked rels of It by conservative esti­ as gingerly. Some urge the spacecraft be nrxl Bally Swanson. 643-0368, 649-0538. $22,800. Call owner, 742-8106. and the safe return of Its crew.” .burgh said no decision had been condibona on hts property or MANCHES'TER — Price reduc­ ment, bulll-lns, garage, treed route between the Atlantic and mate, and double that if the geo­ It la all part of an insurance picked ^ up, uno{>ened, onto the Rul(]h E. Sind Niini'y T Harris Jimlnni receiving hlgti lusvirs SOU’njr cbVEN’TRY bePght- The go-vernors of the nation’s made on toe ed. Elght-ixxim Colonial. Ex­ MANCHESTER —Centrally lo­ lot, young, quiet neighborhood. Pacific Oceana waa soiled more logists’ hopes are fulfilled. The policy, costing perhaps $10 mil­ carrier to seal this possible ■ ful 4-room Ranch, living room, two mort , |x>{>ulous states—Nel- quest cellent area. Needs work but cated B-unIt Income property. Yours for only $23,800. Colli- huge size of the discovery Is ob­ lion, against the slim chance of leak. canoo Which they intend to pur- ^ ,acllittes. Bank picked up loud. No. 18 in Green Man.^ sxmrux fUmoxberg. Janrt Fro- 2 twin size bedrooms, eat-ln than too years ago, biit few son A. Rockefeller of New York Gov. Predton Smith of Texas Money will be raised by price warrants It. Low, low Vacancies never a problem. Wagner Realty, 878-3396, 643- vious when it la realized that locBlng some dangerous new In­ NASA officials reply this The $8.1 mllUon cost of toe *** ihenHcne, Pnmete Hobby, Wnn- g i u l L roro S ^ u ^ t klichon, oil heat, enclosed commercial vessels have made twenties. H.M. Frechette, Excellent investment. Mid 40’s. 9088, only 21 fields have ever pro­ fection upon tho earth. could be too dangerous for the and Ronald Reagan of OaUfor- and Gov. Msirvia Mandcl were bake sate on Julv 26 * presented an un- "*’ ‘P Wednesday and again this u,rtMwnl. Sharon IxxjniUi, ed into the sea. heed toe FTealdent’s holiday re- Idents to diisplay the American d o m ^ o f ^ ^ l n d e ^ o l S P‘^ '•O'nate Amid toe observatory’s mas. Joeeph A. OonU rt ete. prop „ml Blaine Wateon JUST LISTED—B-room Ranch, with trees, ameslte drive, $12,- with attached garage, one half Now a 118,00(3ton tanker, the If -this oil can he brought to' the moon bugs might be friend­ " I would be willing to eat queat. flag on Monday. Mayors In ----- V^ ' ‘— ^ ’ of toe oort was some $2 million radio equipment. Lovell’s rriy at 19-21 Knox 8t., convey- Juntora receiving honora In- '(norths nrobatlon’’ three bedrot)mH, with eat - In SIX ROOM Colonial, 1% baths, 800. Keith Real Estate, 649- block from boating and swim­ Manhattan, newly fitted with an the vast Blast Cbast market. It ly. Might they cure headaches some lunar samples, be wllitng Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox Pittsburgh, Denrver, San Fran- m « r t w ' or R o b ^ lower—$8,800,000. sclentlsU poured over Luna’s 'ui'-o bix of $46.78. elude Gall Honlrier, lOza Bionzl. The santanesa are lo nm con- kitchen, carpeted bath, de­ aseumable 5% per cenl mort­ ming, wooded lot, $18,900 takes 1922, 640-4126. icebreaker Jaw, la expected to will mean -tremendous profits or cancers? . , . boost crop to expose myseU and my family also granted state employea the cisco. Oevedand. Cape Oirar- rMcklna^ To ------comiXMind^ future prob- ™‘"o slgpals as they were Building Pemilto Keith Burnham, l*nnvela Caatet-' aecuUvely a total of 3 000 dnve tached 2-car garage, full base­ gage, $28,800. Call owner, 643- It. Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, SOUTH Windsor — Immediate '.set off this summer on an- un­ for the companies Involved. yields? . . . a/fect human minds to moon rocks," says Dr. Wil­ ^ off^ ^ a d ^ : " I wotM deau. Mo., and Tucson, Ariz., euMMii jneeana lems, a nationally - reorganized '™n»laled into computer tape. tniffond W Sheer of Wap l»>r, Kom ( ’omeau. Mlctewl t\ir- or eight years and three montoa ment, 100 X 200' private lot. 2900. 646-4200. occupancy, 5t4-room RrnicJi In precedented Journey Into the The Manhattan’s experimen­ to reduce arrogance or brutali­ liam Kemmerer, manager of hope that tho P re a ld ^ , the made alnillar requests. Hebron Board of Educa- *'<*P*‘*1 consultant has said The signals ore unlike those ping for Frank Della Rik-co of tin, Robert IVMalo. Alfred ^ jail unleai Hunt ftxro UD Ms Owner anxious. $21,900. Wol­ excellent condition, large lot, governors and all the psopfe of One group which does not tl^^ meets this evening at 7 '30 Manchester Memorial Hospital received from previous Luna Glastonbury, single-family house Francis, Siusui (lerr. Riseiell |>ropsrty. EAST HARTFORD — iJi^rge 4- tal voyage, ftnenced by Humble. ty? . . make the humorless medicine for the receiving labo­ verton Agency, Realtors, 649- attachid garage, close to tolls nation will kneel ait the plan any special hoUday Mon- in the llbrarv of the Gilead HUl expand to 320 beds by spacecraft, and Lovell’s team— at 310 Bush Hill Rd., $20,000. GUlor, Mary Ouimotul ond —______1 Ixxli-oom Colonial, 2-c.olored AUanUc Richfield and BP Oil team to laugh?. . . ratory. "But I still say the proc­ 2813. :h( bools, Ix)w 20’s. Call the- Mil- cross on the morning when the.1— dayA.... is1. toe•*.. Navajoir— Indian ...... tribrt y If u jg meet projected » department of Manchester iJiUon Sliver of 328 E „ Mid- O'UY Hale. ' Inside Work Lots For Sole 73 baths, double garage, family Oorp., will determine ' whether Justifiable concern that any ess (of strict quarantine) is val­ ji-i- ten Realtors, 643-6930. men land on the moon.” council In ’Window Rock, Ariz. RANCH —26’ living room with room. Immediate occupancy, NOTICE this oil can be transported eco­ moon organisms might be foes id. The terrestrial biosphere Is area needs. Unlverslly- ajrjjarently found die T{>ke.. addMIon of a kltch- 'Also, Scot! Iks-kenberry, l>e- NA8HVIIJJS Tenn (A P) IIIUMLANI) I^irk Area Large Other states where a hoUday The reason—a tribil legend The imrpose of the meeting ______— ____ — fireplace, formal dining room, $28,sob. Meyer Agency Realtor, nomically from the reonoto has prompted an elaborate pro­ so valuable that no one jshould Dlttus said that as soon as them difficult to Interpret. $2,000. borah Holland. Robert Ibelle. Uke other institutions. Ihs lot, could be dlvldtxl Into two TOWN OF was declared included Oregon, says a oou{de of Navajo boys v*® ^ detfermtne the amount to the present corvstructlon is com- The signals were being re- built-lns in kitchen, four bed­ 643-0609. LEGAL North Slope df Alasica, a barren tocol of precautions, one that telease any lunar sample until Norman 8. Hohenthal Oo. of Olgs Kebaki. Pauline Usotte. church can! be changed ’’bv/'' building lots. City utllltlea. $10;- EAST HARTFORD rooms, two full baths. Immed­ area on the Arctic. not all BclentistB ore yet quite he’s sure it Is not dangerous. Florida, i Maryland, Idaho and madt toe .trip to the moon ages apjjroprlated to cover the pieted, a second, even larger celved by one of the observato- 141 ... OciMer______Bt.___ for Edward and .Denise Perrroult. IJnila HImI- standing on the outside and 000. Ask for Mr. Phllbrlck, NOTICE EAST HARTFORD, New Mexico. The office of Gov. ago. hiring an architect and {moject will begin. The original ry's four 280-foot diameter tele- KUuiboto Blevlna of Main iate occupancy. Only $26,900. COVENTRY — New L1hUiu ^,.,8i As a human adventure, the dl- satisfied with. This Is a public health prob­ ft!., dk-k, Sheila Strohm, Hheltey throwing rockss at' it.” e.M eru Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, lem.” Dan Evans of Washington said Allen Hill, assistant to the preliminary 80-year-old section of the hoe- s< oi>e bowls. Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, room winterized homar'^Ftrej TOWN OF MANCHESTER CONNECTICUT 'menalons of this black gold pro­ Some recent evidence sug­ ------. two-family house ot 44-46 llorucn Strohm. Slitney Trombley. Undo Mill Cultege »e n l«r ^ D «v ld 040-4200. he would follow suit today. tribal chairman, sold the legend “ rawlnp tor a j^ room ^ d W ^ p j i a i villl be demolished and In Moscow, toe Sovlrt Union $28,000. Wright end Shirley YorUka. Smith told a B ou th ^ iteplUt 646-4200. place, out-bulldlng, "7 drilled The Zoning Board of Appeals INVITATION TO BID ject could be surpassed only by gests the probability of life on One geologist estimates the at.. chances of there being life on An exception was North Coro- telb; of two yourg Navatas who “ ® • a new addlUon wUl rise In Us hailed toe Apollo 11 flight and Jo«eph H. Sloviianui «rf Enat Sophomore liigti honora IjeoA- student c o n f e r^e n c a MANCHESTER Choice Lake- well, opnclous lot. Desirable will hold public hearings on ON THE FOLLOWING a government-backed space the moon is not zero, says one of hers. MANCHESTER Immaculate e i g h t y t h r e e the moon at one in 10 blUlon. Una— —■where...... Gov. .. Bob...... Scott sold stopp^ . at the moon on toe ■way The board will then seek ap place—at an estimated cost of wished it succe— wood Circle, half acre treepro|>rlatlon $io-u million. "Let us wish the courogsous lot, overlooks Globe Hollow Szelugn ReiUty, 742-8,130, 742- at 7:00 p.m. in the Hearing NUM VENETIAN BLINDS IN­ seldom takes such chances, Augensteln, ai Michigan State Any such figure Is pure esti­ 109 Avery 81,, $18,000. reen NIchoIss, Margaret Oberg. and work.’>' park-like 3 acre.s with |M>nd. mate. from the Board of Finance {trior ______Reserv^r, all utilities. Call 9234. Mary Benoit, 742-8474. Room of the Municipal Build- STALLED IN TOWN HALL, spends so much money. University biophysicist. "Thua,” working day tor state employes, sun; The tribe’s religion regards garage, work bam. All alumi­ bo bringing the request before , owner, 647-1816. In to hear and consider the Agent, 740 Main Street, East To serve the West Coast, a he says, ” we cannot afford to The moon is known to be Mayor John V. Lindsay or- the sun and moon as U vii« num shUng, underground wir­ VERNON PRICE reduced. dered mort New York CUy mu- beings. a town meeting to select a following petitions: HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT pipeline is planned to carry the take the chance we might be bathed In fierce ultraviolet light Town Will Buy ing. A veritable show place. Owner leaving, must sell. nlnetmember building commit­ ELLINGTON — High on a hill, Item 1 Morlarty Brothers, Inc., Sealed bids will bb recelevd crjide product 800 miles south wrong. This is a decision that from the aim, a potent killer of Bel Air Estate, Vincent A. Ymmg four-bedixiom Raised tee. view, 2 lots, $i,B00. each. Keith 318 Center Street, Business at the office of the Purchasing throuigh the Brooks Mountain involves the entire world.” micro-organisms If they are ex-' Leaf Collector Boggini, Realtor, 043-9.332. Ranch, 2-car garage, fireplace, Manchester Hoofiltal Study Agency, 640-4126, 649-1922. Zone II, Variance la request­ Agent, 70 Main Street,- East range to a port at Valdez, from The space agency’s {dans to {X)sed to it. But below the 1,486 square feet plus 876 ^Skiff Crossing Atlantic Over half of the potlento ad- The Town of Manchester is ed to erect sign nearer to Hartford, Connecticut, until July where it will be shipped down protect against any {xisaible in­ moon’s surface, they could be MANCHESTER — Two-fnmily, square feet rec room. $27,900. mltted to Mnncherter Memor- advtrtlslng for bids tor a va- street than permitted. 31, 1969 at-10:00 a.m. and will the coast. Cost: $900 million. sheltered from it, and some excellent location In good con- Ray S. Holcombe, Realtors, vader have been a{>i>ioved by lal Hospitrt lost yoar, Uved in collector to help Its Resort Proporty Item 2 Berto Clvltlllo, 111 Bol­ be opened publicly and read at The problem at the moment, an Inter-Agency Committee on moon spMlahsts speculate there Battered* Halted hy Storm dlUon. $23,800. Phllbrlck Agen­ 044-1288. Is water under the surface, |)er- - .M o n c h e ^ oollecUon program, ton Street, Residence Zone A. that time and place for the Itwolves the E a^ Ooost mar- Back Contamination. It includes cy, Realtors, 846-4200. For Solo 74 haps supplying the “ wet chem- yet less than three per cert of COVENTRY -^Nimr Lake — Variance Is requested to re­ above mentioned commodities locts, which are far less axx:easi- scientists of the National Acade­ OSLO (A P) — Ih or Heyer- feeling ot sus{>ense, but no anx- The near $4,000 machine wlU OPPORTUNITIES IsUy” tor life as known on the 8U{>portlng donations re­ POUR bedrooms, older 7-ns>m WATERFRONT lot Bolton Flve-nxuu lumse With attach­ duce side yard to 6 feet for and service. ble. Among the plans being con­ dahl and his six crewmen have lety.” -u. agitata and suck up leaves my of Science, U.S. Public earth. ceived came from out-of-town home with lots of Imirrove- Lake. This lot la dry and well ed garage. Artesian well, all carport erection. Information for bidders, specl- sidered are tanker shipments Health Service, the Depart­ tea their Uttte papyrus boat Ra Mrs. Heyerdahl, who Uves l ^ I d ^ , ^roortUng to T iu d y And it’s known that some or­ ments too miuiy to mmllon, cleared In good aciMiptable new septic system, two fire­ Item 3 Robert Winkler, 179 flCutlon.s, propo-sai and contract through the Panama Canal and ments of Agriculture and the In­ tacnporarily because of storm here near the sea, was partlcu- recently oatnpietod by Bert "**"'*'*>' Department to ex- ganisms can survive under fan­ large lot, dead end .street., o;®ii- area. C.J. Morrison Realtor, places, large lot. Call 742-6042, Middle Turnpike West, Busi­ forma are available at the of­ a costly transcontinental pipe­ terior, and the National Aero- dainage to their craft, a Norwe- lariy glad that her husband fi- DKtus, the hospital’s ^velop- program and, .at leost, tastic condltlonB, such as cer­ er anxious, $21,000. Wolverton 643-1018. If !no answer 742-7388. ness Zone II and Residence fice of the Purchasing Agent, line. r.autlcs and Space Administra­ gian amateur radio o(>erator re- naUy had some sleep. ment rdlnaiDr. ^ "P^*^ <■** the Agency RooJtors, 649-2813. 740 Main Street, East Hartford. tain bacteria that live in boiling UNLIMITED Matched against the potential tion. ported today. “ He told nle,” she said, ” lt iLtttus astd the three per cent machines h r ^ BOLTON — Seven room Ranch Zone B. Variance Is request­ springs at nearly 200 di^eea The right Is reserved to re­ costs of such transportation The two astronauts who walk But Heyerdahl, now aboard was the first sound sleep they figurei,-,.™ I.is »a generous______iL estimate . ____ _ iJown- The present tnachinss MANCHESTER — An excellent offering three bedrooms, first ed to continue business use Fahrenheit. On earth too, algae Out of town Into portion of Residence B ject- any or all, or any part of methods, the economics' of on the moon will leave tttelr the fishing -veesel Shenandoah In all had since they embarked on and he s{>eculated that the total bmop years old. location la Just -' flve-bcdrooms all on the soeond OotonlBl, four bedrooms, panep acre lot. Only $26,900. Phil- hicles; side yard reduction to sued, completely sterile, from I ' - , East Hartford. naice» is obvious. Baaed on a re­ sim once It ferries the men back he and his men can repedr the Growt|l Poses Necfls year. Thla figures out to be begin when enough floor and still a jWalk-up attic. ed family room, formal dining brick Agency, Realtors, 646- zero feet for that part of vtdeanoes. Town of East Hartford. liable estimate, it will cost 60 to the mother ship. \ damage. NEW DELHI—India murt pro- about 0 7 {>er cent of the ^®6(YSs hsve fisilen. This rtould The first floor, hiui a large i'(x)m, living room and country 4 ^ . building In Residence Zone A counterargument voiced By; John Torpey, cents a barrel less by Northrwest Homeward bound,- t ^ y will , He said he atUl {tanned to vide 128,0(» achoois. 372,800 of 18,000 patients admitted to ^ •ometlme between Isle Sep- front-to-bnek living room, a style kitchen, 2% bal'is, two- B. against too strict quarantine Is WE ARE EXPANDING IN AIX SIX OF OUR VERNON Purchasing Agent Passog than by pipe. stow their moon suits in plastic oonUnue his -Voyage to Barbados eohofiltoochers, ■ 2.8 miUlcn the hos{>ital late year. tember and late Ortotoer, ac- paneled ^ p o fcb > a formal car garage. Choose your own Item 4 Frank & Marlon Cream­ that mllllona of tons of moon FOIIR-HEDROOM er. 261 Spring Street, Re.st- Adding to the unusual dramo begs. Filters will vacuum clean aboaid toe Ra: if the lives of Ms houses and 4 mUUon Jobs each DlUua expressed concern that to Herman PasscarteU. dining room and a nxmiy kitch­ decor. $40,000. U A R Realtv Is, the announcement thla week material have already reached PLANTS WHICH WILL REQUIRE ADDITIONAL i COU1NIAL dence Zone AA. Variance Is the air in the returning s{>aoe- men would not be endangered. Just <*> support the 13 mil- only a small portion of the hos- h%»n»sy w p ^ U n d e r t. en that leads to a spacious pan­ Oo., Inc., 643-2692, R. U. Mur by the state of Alaska that It earth, unsterlllzed. It came The Shenandoah reached the annual papulation growth, {j i t i ’s su{jport ts coming from ----- *------eled family room. Tlie Ixise- dock. Realtor, 643-6472. 'I On a lovely wixxlld lot. l i v ­ requested ‘to reduce aide yard craft. When they land, s{>ecial from moon material tossed vi­ NOTICE will accept bids Sept. H, for Ra WeihMsday and began tak- —------Hebron’s residenu. He said In U SKILUD MACHINISTS AND MACHINE ‘ ' meot has a finisited rec room. ing iXK>m with wall to wall t(* to feet on the west lot line bloldgical protection suits will olently out into orbits—which Don't Turn 'Nose leases to 431,104 acres of poten­ l i « aboaid film and other eq u ^ SPACE CENTER, Hourton view of the stsJUMlos, these LOfl ANGELES (A P ) There are 2H baths, tliree SOUTH WINDSOR — 8 room fln'idaiH'! Dining room, 2'u to expand ' garage. TOWN OF ' be dro|)ped into their craft, bob­ the esrth interce{>ted—^when tial oil bearing lands on the ment from the .damaged, par- to B. Vurtiuice la requested to .’The astronauts will also put on rial was sterilized on the out­ CONNECTICUT The 80th state's good fortune made his name wtth his pioneer- reach an DUlus* Audy, which projecU taid oil to M# product to nmloe R everything. Priced In the upper Agency, 646-0131. sclxx>ls luut ixu'k. Priixxl — convert single-family dwell­ masks that filter their breath. side, at least, by the heat of en­ 1WAINING SCHOOL WITH A NEW CLASS only $38,900!! .Itm Florem-e, INVITATION TO. BID, ..doesn’t ,cnd there. Another ir^ reft voyage across too Pa- orM talqieed of abort ^ mite hospital admisHons to 1«80. obnoxious to eniflen. 40’s. U A R ReaHy t'o., Inc.. ing to two-family dwelling Emerging, 'they will sterilize tering the earth’s atmpsphsrs. 649-5,306. ON THE FOLLOWING 800.000 acres, some underwater, their new suits with a Ucquid oific, salted foom Mortxxo May *^**®*f??, admissions from The oil, the company says. 643-2692. R. D. Miu-dock Real- EAST HAimxiRD with less total floor area than SIX (8) PRE-CAST SEPA- \ One critic of NASA’s plana, oomrpand module. STARTING SOON. may be leased in the future, 26. in a replica of the papyrus c|utt:lying towiui wlU increase walkipe the nasal area wtth the ■-tor, 643-6472. required. RATE BOX CULVERT agent, and frogmen will sterilize Dr. Martin Alexander, professor ' perhaps at prices hlgh^ than the spacecraft; Ha hatch sealed boats sailed by toe anrtert ______Impact of a mouthful of ma»- NEW LISTING B W Rem 6 ^Richard Buslinell. 3 SECTIONS of soil microbiology at Oomell MANCHESTER Bti per cent those expected on initial again. Eigyptlana. He hoped tp s ^ it -f tard or horseradish. HARROWS mid WAU.ACE Co. North Fairfield Street, Resi­ Three (3) sections to be 3 bids. University, objects that 2i dsys PLANT KMA'nONS luwumable mortgage. Seven six-room CaiH', full slied Taken by helicopter to the air­ are too short a Ume to detect across (he Attenbc to Latin Ctwrtas D. MUler, president of Miuu-lH-ster Parkade dence Zone B. Variance la ft. X 11 ft. X 8 ft. -Base The gales and the fog and the Two Men Held generous sized rooms, private dormer", vestibule. two craft carrier Hornet, the nien many organisms that could in­ Amertea lo demonstrate hts toe Rockford. Bi., oorporotten. Miuicht>«teir 649-8306 requested to reduce side yard 13 ft. ^eel-buokllng toe of the Arctic well cared for lawn. Walk to bath.s, two fireplaces, large will enter a sealed van and thus fect humans, particularly since theory that the Egyptians could told a news oonfersnee hwre PALM BEA( :H GAR DEN.S, FLORIDA enclosed porch - breezeway. for erection of garage Three (S) sections to be 3 cannot produce the hostile emi- bus and shopping. $24,900 EUJNGTON start their quarantine. T ?» car­ Indtvldusls vary in their suscep­ have mode the same voyage Wetoiiesday (he company had r"c room, comblniUlons. ga- Item 7 Kenneth O, Harley. 108 ft. X 8 In. X 11 ft. x 8 ft.— tunment of space, but many ex­ Don’t miss this one. Keltli rier will take the van to Pearl tibility to a great ranga of dis­ more than 4,000 years ago. workd -for several years to find FORT LALDEKDAI.E, FLORIDA rige, carjxirt Ixirge treixl ELEGANT IT IS! Helatnt Road. Residence Zone Base 13 ft. plorers have died trying to ftnd ‘Speed’ Pills Found Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922. Harbor, from which It wrill be ease Bgento. For weeks the Ra made a way to moks sni(flr« dtsa- lot. Prlcixl at $26,900. Hen- Is a 7-i\xun custom A. Variiuice Is requested lor Sealed bids will be received the Northwest Passage. It took tAilonlal bulli on a Ixnuitl- flown to Houston's Lunar Re­ .{sogreas, but on Sunday it was greeafale Tester wlU provide MANGHF-STER. LON.NEt.TIGlJT NEW USTING - 6S nx>m re- Club. Only $33,900. ride world, the sstrooinits wiu wish to subject the astronauts Heyerdahl’s report said he were arrested on narcoUos at ^>eeds of 60 to TOvmiles per 1 RUTLAND. VERMONT Homesltes wllli orarvge trees, 16. Norwood Street. Resi­ ,place for the above mentioned Northwert Passage story and a ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. ' Ilm inurvm-e,. 649-8306. wall out thefr quansnttne along and all attsndhig them to ksiger and hla crew left the Ra after 18 cnarges after the stodept -was hour 'petore the cor ermabed la- ____OCTMi \ waterfronts. Commercial, acre­ dence 2kme AA. commodities , and service. modem space age tale are \yitn doctors, tsetmidrins. rt»ka, Incarceration. focA waves caused furthen dam­ captured following a hlgA speed to some rocks on the Unhrerrtty _ age. For free literature phoni Item 9 Winston H, Sharp, 368 Information for bidders, feeble. It took a space age. lii I JUST\LISTED O-b Hwo family Stewards and other persctmel Three weeks. The astronauts age. chase Wednesday. of Hartford campus in migh- ^AJr»ng ths W y o tn ^ plucking collect Mr. Snyder, 1-203-327- • B' &. Summit Street, Residence sp^lftcatlons. proposal and which the impossible was at­ Vl7e will be inferviewing of our Admihistratlon Bolldlng locat­ duplex, ceramic baths) large already confined thera . It is "are not going to like It,” aaye In Latgueglla. Italy, Heyer PoUce said more than 2.000 boring West Hartfonl. police comnrtlon’# annual 8678 or write Stinland Realty HARROWS and \VA1J*.-\C’K iV ixwitruot forms are, a\'allable tempted, to give man such big living rooms, two-car attached Zone A. Variance Is requested spMKious. prenridem donnltortaB, Dr. Chariee Berry, chief medi­ dahl s wife said she spoke to her ca$wules of drugs called dextro- sa | d . dinner. 30 Jopaneee -Juckers Corp., 322 Main St., Stamford. Maiu-he.slVr Ibukade at the office of the Purchasing Ideas as opening up a new ocean ed at 273 Adams Street, Manchester, Connecticut, Monday garage, full basement with to reduce aide yard to 2 feet bedrooms, exercise facilities. cal officer tor the mission "But husband with the help of an lUi- amphetamine and btpbetamlne, Outtormsen. uninjured, got out *”Ynea to be gueett ateng 'Conn., 06901. Mmu-he.-4ler 649-831H1. Agent. 740 Main Street, Bast route. laundry hookmps. Beautiful for the purpose of erecting All wrastea tnchsZng the air. they are highly nwUvated mwi, Ian amateur radio operator this commonly known as "speed.” and threw a pa$>er beg Into Interpreter. One of ths thru Friday 9 AM . to P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 12 Noon. grounds. Mid 20’s. Wolverton Hartford. 5 — VERNON Ixjvely. three-bed­ COLUMBIA Attnictlve’ 5H garage. In (he laboratory will be treated and tremendously reapcnatble morning. She added that the were seised when toe student nearby woods, where poUcc re- /“ P * * * * decldsd bs wanted a The right Is reserved to re­ Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. room Riuich. IJvlng room with ixx'iii RiuK'h. living nxml with All persona Interested may by steam sterihsatlon and meii. Thay know they must take storms damaged the bast’s was arrested. covered It mpmenu later. lorthptek but he could not at- Other hours by appointment. Telephone 643-2473. Ask for Mr. attend this hearing ject any or ail. or any part of Embezzlement Charge mast which threatened to col- pyie student. Harry Guttorm- Addazlo was arrested In. Ju.st what organisms are aboard second roughly 3 to • miles sa 1 A GULF A WESTBRN COMPANY 1969 ' Purchasing Agen| tonia branch. the ^lacecnkA before departure. hour. - am i— she — 'Tve never a short time later, to vtolats "the controlled dtiig weak art and bougW been worried. I know my bt>- GutloRnsen got into his own law Bond tar each -was set at toriitoruahaB tor the eiiUhy 3b- I band. I can my I Uve artth a oar, and poUoe sold they began $7,300. mnn tapenaas ilslsgsttnri V -A - PAGE TWENTY ■\ THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 AYwage Daily Net Press Run lEtiptttng ilf r a li Far The Week Ended June 28. 1666& The Weather les, Simsbury and Evelyn Rob­ R ockville erts. Prospect St,, Rockville.' Chance o4 scattered thunder­ Dlschagred Tuesday: Dale PJV.C. 15,459 showers toward evening, ’IV> Hospital Notes Schenk, Mt. Vernon Dr., Rock­ night cloudy, decreasing hu­ ville; Frank Mlffltt, Rockville; midity. Low 85 to TO. ’Tbtnor- Visltlniir hours are 12;S0 to 8 Thomas Lee, Franklin Park. MancheMer— 4 City of Village Charm row cloudy, idiowers likely. p.m. in all areas except mater­ Rockville; i Oliver Johnston, VOL, LXXXVm. MO, 2<5 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES-TWO SECTIONS) nity where they are 2 to 4 and Rockville; Katheryn Pippin, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1969 6:30 to 8 p.m . ''' (Claaslfled Advertlstiig on Page 20) Broad Brook; B arbara Olen- I ~ ~ ^ ------^------PRICE TEN CENTS der, Gehring Rd., Tolland; Admitted Tuesday: Patricia* BINGO Louis Lavltt, Hillsdale Dr., Fournier, Cook Rd., Tolland; EVERY MONDAY-E P.M. Rockville; BMlen Gunther, Rock­ A Donald Johnson, Rock^lle; ville; Robertha H a^s, Rock­ 26 VILLAGE STREET, ROCKVILLE Apollo TV Schedule George Allen, Rt. 2, Tolland; ville, and Kathleen Duval, Vil­ P. A. C. BALLROOM NEW YORK (AP)—F^low- Vernon ;n-ald lage St,, RockvHle. Scott Tetro, Broad Brook; Mar­ Honduras Charges ing are the television s^ed- jorie Nelson, Tankerhoosan ules of major networiu for A liquor company In Peoria. Apollo 11 coverage; Birth Control Advice Rd., Vernon; John Bemache, 111., produces up to 1,500,000 bot­ ThompsonvlUe; Josephine Rob­ Read Herald Advertisements BMday : Live color trans- tles of liquor a day. missiiMi scheduled for 7 :32- 7:47 p.m. BH>T, all three net­ Cease Fife Breach works; • ABC. one-minute progress report at 10:58 p.m. Saturday; ABC, 1-2:80 p.m. and 4-4:30 p.m ., decision on Proposed by Nixon It Yourself or Lei Us Do If For You auras agreed provisionally peace plan calls for a vador and Tegucigalpa, the can­ lunar orfott and transmission to halt their war at dawn by the Itals of the two w anSi natloi^ from ciqMule, 6 p.m. bulletin today but Honduras ™ s ^m Honn .While the negoUatlng went on, on commltal to lunar bum, - WASHINGTON (AP)— charged its neighboring ’ SaivadoFs larger, better progress report 8:28 p.m.; President Nixon told (3on- enemy broke the cease than ^ 5 ooa equipped army made new ad- OBS. 4-4:22; NBC 1-2 p.m. gress today he wants to 4-4:20. U ve transm ission Is Highlights “I t»JTS between 4 and 4:20 p.m. make available within five ’ years free birth control ad­ we,tem"f„V ' “ force hit back'at several points. Of Moon Trip vice to American women of A government spokesman In Plaza said a team head- There was no official word on child-liearing age with low Tegucigalpa. Honduras’ capital ^ CouncU Chairman casualties In the four-day-old »°torton incomes. s^d the Honduran forces at Holguin of was TEMPLE’S war. but informants In Teguci­ Sp ace Words “'■® toghllghls of In a spoclnl message, NLxon Nuevo Ocotepeque returned the through the rilght on a galpa said close to 1,000 Hondur­ ^^llo 118 second and third estimated that nearly 5 mUHon fire. draft of resolutions for ending SPACE CENTER, Houston ^ e conflict. ans had been hilled or wounded. U S. women "do not now have CARPET and FLOOR COVERING Up to that time, prospects had (AP) — Ah. the comforts of SiSu?“='^' ‘‘to'* adequate access to family plan­ ’The Honduran governm ent ra- The day ahead: ning aaaistance. 300 MAIN STREET fighting that^ hadta d beenb . „ Dehydrated^lood. weightless­ Astronauts Nell a . Arm- ' Proposing an expansion and TEL. M3-6M2 way since Monday. There were reports In Tegucl ness. a picture window view of Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. ™d reorganisation Of federal family Glen Haven Campers Hold Swim Meet guln’s group was In constant the world, sleeping under the Michael Collins awake from a phinsiing services, but giving no A peace committee of the Or­ telephone communication with ganization of American States (See Page Ten) couch—such la the life of an lab o u r rest period at 8:30 a.m estimate of the Increased spend­ Camp Cilen Haven’.s second annual swim meet was shown behind the boys. Toby Kimball, the former remained In Tegucigalpa In Its Apollo 11 astronaut. then eat a breakfast of peaches’ ing Involved. Nixon s a k l: held last ni^ht and these three younf? natators University of Connecticut basketball star and now effort to achieve a formal For amusement, there’s al­ bacon squares, apricot cereal "Clearly, In no circum stances were competing in the medley relay. Arts and a member of. the NBA’s San Diego Rockets, will be cease-fire which both naUons ways the night plan. It makes c ^ and grape and orange will the aotlvlttes associated crafts, and nature study projects were also exhibit­ at the camp for the final camping period from would respect. good reading for moonbound with ow" pursuit of IMs goal be ed la.s't niffht ,and one of the di.splay boards is. Aug. 4 to Aug. 15. (Herald photo by Silver) Foreign Minister Francisco spacem en Nell A. Armstrong, After a morning of im ie acUv- allowed to Infringe on the rell- Jose Guerrero of El Salvador Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Mi­ ■ Ity. they eat lunch at l :30 p.m. glous canviettona or persvml Both Countries constating of chicken soup, tur^ chael Collins. Miss Judith A. Tects of 44 Donald W. Fish of 61 Oliver ■aid the temporary cease-fire wishes and frevdoin of any Indi­ Mrs. Hedvlg Vllllu of Ra.st -m "We are very comfortable up key with gravy, fruit drink and vidual. i«>r will they be allowed Porter St.; Alan R. Tupek of 19 Rd. received a bachelor of fine orders had been sent to com­ Hartford will display .■■a^veral of here," Collins said Thursday. cheese cracker cubes. About Town Concord Rd., and Sherry L. arts degree, and Ronald M. ^3 DAYS ONLY— THURS., FRI., SAT. mand pouts at all three fronts to Impair the absolule right of her oil paintings at the Connec­ on which the Salvadoran army "We do have a happv home. Main activity of the day be­ all Individuals to have such Miembor.s of Memorial Tem ­ ticut Bank and Tnist Co. on Banister of 23 Maple St., Wap- Povlovsky of 0 Tolland Ave., Badly Dantagec gins at 4:30 p.m. when the luruu* ple. Pythian SlstcTH, will meet Rockville,.received a master of Invaded Honduras. ’There’s plenty of room for the mattera of consctence rrapected Main St. for a, month starting plng are on the. honors dean’s JUST ARRIVED^e x 12 module (LM) ia pressurised for tonight a t 7:15 at the Holme.s list for the spring semester at education,'from Ohio University DISCONTINUED One of these fronts Is around By ELOY O. AGUILAR dor w « c In a pn three of us and I think we’re all by public HUthortUes." tomorrow. She Is a mem ber of Nuevo Ocotepeque. A Honduran m «oo- learning to find our favorite llt- the first time, ’The hatch be­ Tit expand family planning Funeral Home^, 400 Main St., the Manchester Fine Arts As- the University of New Hamp­ In Athens, Ohio. Associated Press Writer - nomic growth at a __ tween the LM and the command to pay respects to the late Mrs. shire. Miss Carolyn J. Trask of CARPET SAMPLES spokesman said Thursday the to tie comer to sit In.” servlms, Rotart H Finch, sec­ Eoelatlon, BRAIDED RUGS Collins said weightlessness Is ■hip Is opened at 5 :40 p.m., and retary of health, education and Etta PerkJns, a member. Ripley Hill Rd., Coventry was John Mather Chapter, Order Aldrin crawls through the tim- named to the highest honors of DeMblay, 50th Annlveamry 100% Nylon C A .^ Ea. 2’ X 3’ and caused permanewt damage Oential American O om i^ comfortable, ’’but after a while welfonc. told newsmen an InlUal William E. Brennan, son of northward to Honduras’ Carib- to the Central American Cbm- Market Oomnfcfi you get to the point where nel Irtlo the Id l. Armstrong fol­ ♦ 80 million will be needed plus King David Lodge of Qdd committee wUl have a sped^ ■/s” Thick lows 10 minutes later. Both In­ Fellows will meet tomorrow at Mr. ani Mrs. Robert D. Bren­ meeitlng tomortow at 7:30 p.m. $ 4 9 .9 5 mion Market,” Hbnihiran Ifor- El Salvador the smallest ‘**'*‘’ rattling ♦30 million annual Increases un­ spect the LM's Interior and be­ 7:80 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall. nan of 28 Princeton S t.; Wil­ Miss Belly-.Iane Turner and at 610 Spring St. home of Rooco FairtaHtic Color Sefleotlon MAKE IDEAL CAR ® Salvador elgn Minister Tiburdo Cartas most industnUl^ country*^ “Vund Md tanging off the cell- til. In the fifth year, the cost ex- liam H. Martens, son of Mr. and Miss Debbie Ransom of the come familiar with working in cwils 1150 million. J. FraixxxUne Sr., dad adWaor. While 'nwy Lent Beg. 76.06 FLOOR MATS had to a temporary Castillo said this week a«er El the flve-Tnember toe sides.” • the 1.A1 In weightlessness. Mrs. William Martens of 0 Betty-Jane Turner School of cease-fire Wednesday night, but Salvador invaded his country munity—Guatemnls. "find a Ittle cor- He etolmaled more than one*- Theiy will act of (be global ern State College In Wllllmantlc or grapefruit drink. Mrs. Francis Madden of 128 tend the student session of fhe |x>pulatlon explosion If govern­ where he Is majoring in social Cosmefics BIhsoU St., has been promoted convention.- Astronauts begin nine-hour studies. He transferred .to rest period a t 0:80 p.m. ments, private ogmolm and the ' to his present rating While home Nine Vetoes Target M V .A , TV ^ BX3SC from Manchester Com­ The day past; United Naltons tell to begin ITS on leave, H6 Is serving with HEW U ia UttTINB BEHHTY EBB YBBB HBME AT... Andrew Aldrin, 10, in followed by a group of neigh- dealing now wUh antlctpoted Miss Bonnie Lynn Lawrence, munity College where he had AU this and the potenaal tor All three pilots were awake at lhi» Navy Mobile ConstnKttlon ’’Well . It looks like It’s about Ixirhood youngHterR anxiouH to see his picture in problems of 571 Porter St., a third grade maintained a dean’s list aver­ Increased economic cooperation 8:20 a.m. when mission oontrol 7Ui Bn. (Seabotw). Ho ret>«me was with Uve ~ of money to be clashing armies. Mrs. Edwin E. Aldrin was the hero of the neigh- visit to Sao Paulo, Brazil, said he got 6% hours sleep, 100 million to more Ilian 300 mil­ At The Pftrkade 3rd M arine Divlstm in tlie Miss Mary-Jane Dodge and legislative ste^ a n d R------is said In----- Latin Amertca where her sister and brother- Miss Annabelle Dodge, daughr Armstrong and OoUlns each got l)orhiK)d around the/ Manned S|iacecrnft Center, lion by the year 2,000| he pred Northern I Corps area. He will tave i^lded to recommend that studies —‘‘with no required re- that toat nothing cancon bebo as bitter as Icled MANCHESTER in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. tors of Mr. arid Mrs. Paul tta le^lature override nine of porting of expenditures to any- between two seven. Houston, Tex., aftef his photo api>eareopulaavsrn- branch equality with the execu- ^ t o r hnmlgrants, aritenna aboard the lunar land- earth from 148,(XX> mites sway, past their appointed wukeup While the sstronsuta slept, Uve and judicial branches of ® “^"“ted that mon* than Ing craft, where Aldrin will be showing North and Central lime. state government.” ^ when highway co^mna- ^,000 Salvadorans reside in listening before he step* out on ' "How do all our lystem i Ihelr epareahip hurttad toward (ftae Page Tea) America and the Psclflr Ocean- a soisUled "twilight ions" In Dempsey’s veto message last proceelngs are delayed; Hxsidurae, most in farming the lunar suifoce. In daylight, streaked by rlqudef^ lookT" Edwin E Aldrin Jr ask which the gravltellonaj Influ­ month saw the hill puts no curbs (See Page Nineteen) ______(See Page Nineteen) (S<» P«g, Twraty-lhree) / ed on waking. (Mmi PGfe Tro) "They’re looking great," ence of the earth and moon, to about equal CThoice of patterns and color in icalpi- came the reply from . the ground , At It 22 p m EDT tonight, USSR Says tur^, tweeds, plush. Aldrii), Nell A Armstrong and the moon will win the gravita­ Michael (.tolllns had rested II tional tug-of-war and ApoUo 11 hours, spenning an entire shift, will be In the grip of the moon’s L i^ a Path of oontrollera. gravity The astronauts srill ALL PURPOSE CARPET KITCHEN CARPET "The old black team le com- This Is the outdoor carpet you pass through this invisible bar­ No Threat can't beU from indoor c a r^ pialiring that they didn't have a rier when they sri 43,4M miles Made of strong man-miade NOW 1/2 PRICE! chance to meJie any , tranemts- from ths moon and 214,400 8I*ACE CENTER, Hcasrion Olefin fibers. Use It on patio $ 0 9 9 lUofiM during the nlgtd," mission mUes . from their ehrtnldng 6.66 8q. Yd. Regular $10.00 yard yd. ll's speed will ..Increase from Ulna IS would m t Interfere with ”Tha*'e the best kind." Cot about 2.000 to 6,000 mUes an the night of Apollo II, ostronwit llns Joked. p-a hour as the pUote sweep Prank Bornton seJd h e r o to S ^ 100% NYLON 9 IK 12 NYLON RUGS Artranaut Erana U the cap­ toward Ihe moon. The Soviet reeponse to Inqutr- h e a v y d u t y sule rommunk-ator b^r the over­ lea frwn here, relayed by Bor- PRICED AT, The Quiet All Ends FiafelMd. AS LO night, or black, shlft^ • (I Piige Tea) ftoto, gave no hint of whether While They LmH. the Luna speicecraSl would RUBBER BACK • 4 9 . 9 S ' make a landing. / ' i KITCHEN In a cahie from academician Air Conditioner M V Keivyah. preotdant at the CARPET CERlUflC BATHROOM Soviet Academy of Setoneso. Earthly Problems Borman was told thot the BxeeBent Beleetton of FASHIONETTE Ootora—I t Ft. WUMAe Ht costs so little aad adds so/inuch. orbit would nut "toterseci the TRIM. TAPERED AND TRULY PORTABLE ■ It lasts a lifetime. Don't settie for sub- i publtohod Irajectery" of ApoUo :stitutee. Nothing has the style tike M and that Soviet qfflclato CERAMIC’ Beset Home Front • 6,000 BTU’t would inform Horman If there SPACE CENTER, Houston photogrephera aad dump traeka were any change 179 • Smooth, Ullra-Quial rotary comprataor (AP) Hie near-perfect carting soil from the swimming Borman, who returned recant- 6 Reusable air filter can be vacuumed or emoothneae of'the night of Apol­ poo* escavaUan. ly from a uoir at the Soviet Un­ lo 1-1 . so ter hss not been w ashad There was a high space center ion. asked tor details of the mmtch«d on th« hom« front, strategy meeting, rsaultli^ In Ulna night In a telepfame coil. • Ten-poaition automatic lharmoalat ‘fueedsy night, before Ihe NAhA ufhclala here the neighbor poetponing work on USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • Two (an-apaad aattinia * Up to 100 Sq. Ft, IndiiileB ^bor, launch, e midden ihun-Jerstorm the swimming pool for one day The Sovtel reeponoe was re­ • Fresh air exchanger ' Materials and Your Cboiee of Atora. blew down a Mg shade tree be­ and In an early mornliqi cable ceived here last night In ths m L ftwrn of a • able from KslvyMl. side Michael ColUi^' front door repair Job by the etoctrte power Manned ■paceerafi Center offi- company The Soviet response gave do- LEXAN« Eaiy to Inaiall clato sent an emergency call to tsUs of the Luos path. They cor­ Molded Outer Four rotator air Apollo commander Nell ^ A Compact.. . light­ direclora turn in- n il ENCLIISIK Nasmiu Boy city workers, who responded to what hod bean ro- ^aae weight. Ready to divlduatly to tailor had the hsekberry Ire4 aiwed Arti.strong's home to oh a elreet pofled Thursday by the JodreO Virtually unallcor Inatall in moat airdirecllnn. \A Into fireplace wood within s few traveled frequently by heavy Bank Observatory Ut CngUnd. ted by^weelher ; .. windowi. Elimlnatai direct conetrucllon trucks going to a l-una le urbuing the moon al aJ- won't chip, peel'or txam . drafla on room neeiby restdcnttol development. moet (he sam e tevet Apotlq to to flake. occupanti. WHILE On the sam e dsjir, workmen S0 7 J 5 rtsried digging s ewhmmlng A p>x>l televtolon crew whooe ny roughly 6b miles- but on a THEY pool behind s house sdjsccnt te rqurpmsnt vehicle steye parked whully dlffsrent path. LAST Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.'s hmii^ In front of the house os a tempo­ fforman mods two calls, which to on B diort dead snb rary relay center comptolned NASAjafficlato sold, both at ths rtrtet, ^ . ." J that the trucks' Urea would CtuimofSar C. Croft. m O N ES REQ. fS9.M FifM. the, Wovtarii cut Into sn Mum Ihe televtolon- iranomto- ®* flight opsroUons #75-6292 te»

% J I