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Sixt-ieth Annual Report



Valuation of Property


For the Year Ending December 31st 1964

In Memoriam


Born Deary, New Hampshire, February 6, 1910 Appointed a Police Officer March 17, 1955 Sergeant September, 1956 Chief in August, 1959

Died in office August 2, 1964, at age 54



Special Police Officer 1930

Constable 1955 Sergeant 1955 Sixtieth Annual Report

of the




For the Year Ending December 31 st

1 964

The North Attleborough Chronicle Company 1965 4 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964 TOWN OFFICERS








MILES E. HOOKER Term expires 1967 RAYMOND V. MILLER Term expires 1966 LeROY B. WILSON Term expires 1965 ASSESSORS

FRANCIS W. SIMMONS Term expires 1967 ROBERT B. McALICE Term expires 1966 STANLEY G. COLE Term expires 1965 SCHOOL COMMITTEE

WILLIAM E. CLARKE Term expires 1967 ROBERT W. ROOT Term expires 1967 HELEN A. SMITH Term expires 1966 FRANCIS E. McGOWAN Term expires 1965 HARRY A. SCHOENING, JR. Term expires 1965


MAIDA L. KING Term expires 1967 ALTON E. FRENCH Term expires 1966 BYRON J. SCHOFIELD Term expires 1965 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 5


STANLEY MYERS Term expires 1967 RUBENA F. COLE Term expires 1966 BARBARA P. FLUCK Term expires 1965


JOHN L. HALEY Term expires 1967 ERICK SARGENT Term expires 1966 PARK COMMISSIONERS

THOMAS ARMITAGE Term expires 1967 DANIEL E. HUNT Term expires 1966 RONALD FREDERICKSON Term expires 1965


JOHN E. FARIA Term expires 1969 JESSE W. FRANKLIN, JR. Term expires 1968 WILLIAM E. CLARKE Term expires 1967 EARL PECK Term expires 1966 GEORGIA S. GODDARD Term expires 1965



ERNEST J. LaPORTE (deceased)


H. BERTHA BROWNE Term expires 1967 CLIFTON C. DEMOTTE (resigned) Term expires 1967 ROBERT 0. MALIN Term expires 1966 RICHARD V. FLYNN Term expires 1966 MARSHALL E. BROWN Term expires 1965 DANIEL T. MALONE Term expires 1965 RAYMOND E. CROWELL Term expires 1965 ALFRED G. BOLDUC (appointed) 6 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964



Police Commissioners


Superintendent of Streets EVERETT W. SKINNER




Town Burial Agent RUSSELL E. SKINNER

Director of Veterans’ Services DANIEL T. MALONE

Director of Civil Defense RONALD FREDERICKSON

Acting Chief of Police PHILLIP R. MacKENZIE 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 7



ARTHUR P. MOSKOS—Fernandes only

JOHN LEE—Fernandes only

EVERETT C. DAVIS—Plainville Beagle Club only HOWARD G. WHEELER—Wrentham Sportsman’s Club only HENRY NEVEUX—Plainville Drive-in only

ARTHUR J. PARISEAU—PlainviUe Drive-in only JOHN F. DREW—D. E. Makepeace Co. only WILLIAM F. SHEA—D. E. Makepeace Co. only CHIEF WALTER HOBBS—Wrentham CHIEF CARL MacDONALD—North Attleboro


Board of Appeals

ROBERT W. HAYES Term expires 1967 ROBERT 0. KENISTON Term expires 1966 MELVIN F. DWYER Term expires 1965 8 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Inspector of Animals and Slaughtering Inspector of Milk and Dairies


Sanitation Inspector PUTNAM STEELE, East Bridgewater



Inspector of Wires EARL LAVIN

Building Inspector


Plumbing Inspector


Gas Inspector


Registrars of Voters ROBERT THIBADEAU Term expires 1966 RICHARD M. COBB Term expires 1965 JOHN A. MARTIN Term expires 1964 AUSTIN F. GRANT

Welfare Agent RUTH R. FULTON

Clerk of Selectmen BESSIE BARTON

Town Physician and Board of Health Physician WILLIAM GUILLETTE, M. D.

Town Forest Committee

ALEC H. FREDERICKSON Term expires 1966 ROBERT 0. PROAL Term expires 1965 EVERETT W. SKINNER Term expires 1964 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 9

Town Counsel


School Building Committee


Conservation Committee

RAYMOND SMITH Term expires 1967 STANLEY MYERS Term expires 1967 CLIFTON DEMOTTE (resigned) Term expires 1965 JOHN FLYNN Term expires 1965 ALEC FREDERICKSON Term expires 1966 DOROTHY CHEVERS Term expires 1966 GRACE SIMMONS Term expires 1966 EVERETT W. SKINNER Member ex-officio ROBERT PROAL Member ex-officio

Industrial Development Committee


Plainville Housing Authority

RICHARD FLYNN (State Appointed) 1967 CLINTON E. BARTON, SR. Expires March 1965 RUTH R. FULTON Expires March 1965 FRANCIS SIMMONS Expires March 1965 WALTER FINK Expires March 1965 :



Nortfolk, SS.

To Either of the Constables of the Town of Pla'inville


In the name of the Commonwealth o>f Massachusetts you are hereby required 'to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Plainiville qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Elementary School Auditorium in said Plainville on

MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1964 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., then and there to act on the following articles, viz:

ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town wiil vote to construct and originally equip and furnish a new Elementary School Building on the Northerly side of Messenger Street and to raise and appropriate a sum of money not to exceed $340,000.00 for the foregoing purposes and determine the manner in which the appropriation is to be raised, whether by taxation, by borrowing, by transfer of available funds or otherwise; and if by borrowing, to authorize the issuance of bonds and notes of the Town therefore; said appropriation to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee appointed under Article 1 of the Special Town Meeting held on November 19, 1932; or do or act in any manner relative thereto. (2/3 vote required).

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of securing final plans for a New Elementary School Building and/or architectural fees to be expended under Article 1 of the Special Town Meeting held on November 19, 1962, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to approve the vote of the Board of Selectmen and Park Commissioners that the Plainville Town Park be named “Clarence F. Telford Memorial Park” and that 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 11

a isuim of imoney ibe raised and 'appropriated, 'to be expended by the Park Commissio-ners, for an appropriate marker and dedication cere-

mony, or do or act iin any manner relatiive thereto.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting up seven (7) latteisted copies thereof in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of iSaid meeting.

Given under our hands this 6th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and saxty-tfour.


Selectmen of Plainville A true copy.

Attest: ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Constable

January 13, 1964

January 13, 1964

I have this day posted the within warrant in seven (7) different places at least seven (7) days before said meeting.

ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Consitable of Plainville

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk


January 20, 1964

A special Town Meeting was held in the auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School, Monday evening, January 20, 1964. The Moderator, Charles Peasley called the meeting to order at 7:42 PjM. 'and the call of the meeting was read by Town Clerk, Austin F. Grant. 12 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964 I

The Moderator declared the bounds of the hall to be the seats on the floor of the auditorium, persons sitting in the bleachers would not be entitled to vote. The Moderator appointed the followiing as tellers: Neal Avery and Walter Fink, the right side of the hall; William Simpson and Raymond Fortier, the left iside of the hall.

The voters were checked in by Registrars Richard Cobb 'and John Martin showing a total of ninety-one voters present; 32 women .and 59 men.

ARTICLE 1. iMotion by Peter Armirotto, Jr., and seconded by Robert 0. Malin that the town construct and oriiginally equip and furnish a new Elementary School Budding on the Northerly side of Messenger Street; that the sum of $340,000. be appropriated for the foregoing purposes, said (appropriation to be in addition to any sum or sums received from the Comimonwealth as a miatching stabilization fund grant pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948, as amended; that to meet said appropriation, the .sum of $75,000. shall be transferred from the Stabilization Fund and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen be and he hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $265,000. under and pursuant to Chapter 645 of the Massachusetts Acts of 1948 and to issue and sell bonds or notes of itiie Town therefor, each such issue to be payable over a term not to exceed twenty years from its date; and that said appropriation be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee appointed under Article 1 of the Special Town Meeting held on November 19, 1962. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 2. Motion by Robert O. 'Malin and seconded by Raymond V. Miller and unanimousiy voted that NO ACTION be taken on this article.

ARTICLE 3. Motion by Raymond V. 'Miller 'and seconded by E. Ho'oker and unanimously voted that the Town approve the vote of the Board of Selectmen and Park Com'missioners that the Plainville Town Park be named “Clarence F. Telford Memorial Park” and that thie sum of $100. be raised and appropriated, to be expended by the Park Commissioners for an appropriate marker and dedication ceremony therefore.

Upon a motion by Robert 0. Malin and second by Raymond V. Miller the Special Town Meeting was adjourned at 7:51 P.M. Unani- mousiy voted.

AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk : :



Monday, March 2, 1964

Norfolk, ss.

To Either of the Constables of Plainville


In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet in the Elementary School Auditorium in said Plainville on

MONDAY, THE SECOND DAY OF MARCH 1964, A.D. at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz:


QUESTION NO. 1. “Shall an act passed by the General Court in the year 1963, entitled, ‘An act providing fop the establishment in the town of Plainville of a fire department having a minimum membership of three persons under the control of an officer to be known as the chief of the fire department,’ be accepted?”

For this purpose the polls will be open at eleven o’clock in the fore- noon and shall be closed at eight p. m. in the evening. 14 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

For the consideration of all other Articles in this Warrant the Meet- ing shall stand adjourned to the Third Monday in March at 7:30 p. m. in the Auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School on South Street in said Town.

ARTICLE 2. To choose all other necessary Town Officers not named in Article 1, for a term of One Year.

ARTICLE 3. To consider and act on the Reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, and other Town Officers.

ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 81 of the General Laws.

ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and com- pensation of all elective officers of the Town as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41, General Laws, as amended, as follows:

Moderator $25.00 each Meeting

Town Clerk 650.00 per year

Town Treasurer 1,500.00 per year

Selectmen, Chairman 700.00 per year

Second member 600.00 per year

Third member 600.00 per year

Assessor, Chairman 900.00 per year

Second member 900.00 per year

Third member 900.00 per year

Tax Collector 1,500.00 per year

School Committee, Chairman 75.00 per year

School Committee, each member 60.00 per year

Water Commissioners, Chairman 200.00 per year

Second member 200.00 per year

Third member, Secretary 350.00 per year

Auditor 250.00 per year

Constables 2.00 per hour

Tree Warden 2.00 per hour or do or act in any manner relative thereto. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 15

ARTICLE 6. To appropriate and raise by borrowing or otherwise such sums of money as may be required to defray Town charges for the financial year ending December 31, 1964 and expressly for the following purposes to wit: the total sum of

1. For the Support of the Public Library.

2. For the Selectmen’s current expenses and salaries.

3. For the Board of Health current expenses and salaries.

4. For the Wire Inspector, salary and expenses.

5. For the Building Inspector, salary and expenses.

6. For the Gas Inspector, salary and expenses.

7. For the payment of Insurance.

8. For Memorial Day.

9. For the support of the Town Ambulance.

10. For Heating and Maintenance of Fire Station and Town Office Building.

11. For Welfare Agent.

12. For Street Lights.

13. For Vocational Education.

14. For Dog Officer.

15. For Treasurer’s curernt expenses and salary.

16. For Salary of Town Auditor.

17. For Interest on Temporary Loans and Maturing Debt.

18. For Tax Title.

19. For Maturing Debt.

20. For Town Clerk’s current expenses and salary.

21. For the Assessor’s current expenses and salaries.

22. For the Tax Collector’s current expenses and salaries.

23. For the Sealer of Weights and Measures current expenses and salary.

24. For the Board of Registrars current expenses and salaries. 16 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

25. For the Fire Department current expenses and salaries.

26. For the Water Department for current expenses and salaries.

27. For support of the School and Salaries of the School Committee.

28. For Veterans’ Benefits.

29. For Highways Exclusive of Chapters 81 and 90.

30. For the Removal of Snow.

31. For the Tree Warden.

32. For the Town Forest Committee.

33. For the Moth Department.

34. For the Police Department.

35. For the Park Commissioners.

36. For the Regional School District Committee.

37. For the Industrial Development Commission.

38. For the Planning Board.

39. For the Conservation Commission.

40. For Civil Defense.

41. For the Town’s share of Norfolk County Retirement System.

ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to have the surety of the Collector of Taxes, Deputy Collector of Taxes, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Secretary of the Water Department, and Clerk of the Selectmen’s bond placed with a fidelity or guarantee company, and appropriate a sum of money to pay for same.

ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning

January 1, 1965 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws.

ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for a Reserve Fund to provide for the extra-ordinary un-

forseen expenses, as authorized by Section 6, Chapter 40, General Laws, or do or act in any manner relative thereto. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 17

ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and raise and appropriate Or transfer from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Or transfer from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 81 Highways, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, to continue the laying out and con- struction of George Street from Route 1 to School Street, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for permanent road construction for sections of Wampum Street, George Street and Cowell Street, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money from the Land Damages Account to pay for land damages on George Street, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer, a sum of money for the purchase of a new truck for the High- way Department, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 6H of the General Laws.

ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to accept the layout of Treasure Island Drive and Doreen Way, the plan for both said Drive and Way is to be filed with the Town Clerk and said Plan is recorded with Norfolk County Deeds as Plan No. 1407 of 1951, Plan Book 167; awarding the respective abutting owners nominal damages only, if any, or do or act in any manner relative thereto. (A petition.)

ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to install 2,200 feet, more or less, of water mains, not less than six but less than sixteen inches in diameter northerly on Taunton Street, Route 152, starting at Messinger Street, Route 106, to the D. E. Makepeace Company, on the

2 18 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964 westerly side of Taunton Street, and to appropriate a sum not to exceed $20,000 to be expended by and under the direction of the Water Commis- sioners, and to determine how said appropriation shall be raised, whether by taxation, by appropriation of available funds, by borrowing or other- wise, and if by borrowing, to authorize the issuance and sale of bonds and notes of the Town thereof, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for the Stabilization Fund, under authority of Chapter 40, Section 5B of the Gen- eral Laws, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Fire Alarm Replacement Fund and raise and appropriate or transfer, the sum of $2,500 or any other sum for such fund, or do or act in any manner rela- tive thereto.

ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer, the sum of $5,000 or any other sum to the Fire Department Apparatus Fund, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300, or any other sum, for the control of insects and Dutch Elm Disease ($1,000 for Dutch Elm Disease and $300 for insect pest con- trol) as provided under Chapter 132 of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 657, Acts of 1956, and to be expended under the direction of the Moth Superintendent, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000 for carrying on the different catagories of Welfare, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to install one new light on pole located in the parking lot in the rear of the Town Office Building, and to raise and appropriate a sum of money to pay for same, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of establishing a Conservation Fund, to be used by the Conservation Commission for Conservation purposes, in- cluding the purchase of land, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 26. To choose any committee and hear the report of any committee and act thereon. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 19

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting copies thereof in seven (7) Public Places in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at or before the time and place of said meeting as aforesaid.

Given unto our hands this seventeenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.




Selectmen of Plainville

February 24, 1964

I have this day posted the within warrant in seven (7) different places at least seven (7) days before said meeting.


Constable of Plainville

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk 20 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Plainville Elementary School

March 2, 1964

Pursuant to the foregoing Warrant, rthe Fifty-Ninth Annual Tov/n Meeting was held in the ’Elementary School Auditorium.

The call of the meetinig was read by Modierator Charles 0. Peasley, and the polls were declared officialy opened at 11:02 A.'M. The ballot box was inspected at 10:53 A.'M. by Daniel Malone (R), Earl B. Thompson (R), Marion McCabe (D), Robert Faille (D). The ballot box was declared emp-ty, set at zero 'and locked, and the key .turned over to Ballot Box Officer Adrian Wheeler.

The following officials were sworn in by Town Clerk, Austin F. Grant, Earl B. Thompson (R), Election Warden; Daniel T. Malone (R), Deputy Warden, Robert Faille (D), Clerk, Wihifred Legon (D), Deputy Clerk. Tellers: Jacqueline DiGiantommaiso, (D), Marilyn Cox (R), Marion Cobb (R), Jean Henrich (R), Jane Flynn (D).

Richard Cobb (R) and Robert Thibodeau (D) were representatives for the Board of Registrars, for the Election.

The Polls were declared officially closed at 8:00 P.M. by Election Warden, Earl B. Thompson.

The ballot box was inspected, it registered 515 votes cast. The ballot box was inspected by Robert Faille (D), Winifred Legon (D), Earl B. Thompson (R) and Daniel Malone (R), and the voting list checked, showing 248 men and 267 w^omen a total of 515 votes cast.

At 8:15 the following were sworn in by Town Clerk, Austin F. Grant as counters: William Simpson (D), Jesse Franklin (R), Violet Oster- holm (R), Charles Nowick (D), Gail Kelly (D), Stanley Cole (R), Frank McCabe (D) and Margaret Fredricksen (R). At 10:00 P.M. the results of the voting showed:

Moderator—For One Year Charles 0. Peasley 465 Blanks 50 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 21

Town Clerk—For One Year Austin F. Grant 436 Blanks 79 Selectman, Board of Welfare—Three Years Miles E. Hooker 456 Blanks 59 Assessors—For Three Years Francis W. Simmons 452 Blanks 63

School Committee—Three Years William E. Clarke 420 Roibert W. Root 424 Alfred G. Bolduc 13 Blanks 173

Regional School District Committee—Three Years

John iL. Haley (I) 235 Alfred G. Bolduc 220 Arthur Jordan 4 Blanks 55 Water Commissioners—Three Years Maid a L. King 445 Blanks 70 Trustees Public Library—Three Years Stanley Myers 458 Blanks 57 Park Commissioner—One Year

Ronald A. Fredrickson 462 Blanks 53 Park Commissioner—Three Years

Thomas B. Armitage 448 Blanks 67 Auditor—One Year Lawrence H. Carpenter 459 Blanks 56 Planning Board—Five Years John E. Faria 444 Alfred G. Bolduc 1 Blanks 79 Finance Committee—Three Years Clifton C. DeMotte 410 Hedwick B. Browne 429 Blanks 191 22 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Tree Warden—One Year Everett W. Skinner 451 Blanks 64 Constables—One Year Clarence iP. Avery 442 Ernest J. LaP orte 434 Donald J. Peck 429 Blanks 240

Question No. 1—Fire Dept. Yes 100 No 368 Blanks 47

Meeting adjourned lat 10:30 P.M. until March 23, 1964 at 7:30 P.M.



March 16, 1964

The adjourned Town Meeting was called to order by Moderator Charles 0. Peasley at 7:35 P.M. The voters were checked into 'the hall by Robert Keniston (R) and Robert Faille (D) showing a total of two hundred and forty-eight present; one hundred and fifty men and ninety- eight women.

The Moderator determined the bounds of the hall to be the seats set up on the floor of the auditorium; Tellers were appointed as follows: George Pray and Earl Bennett, left side of ithe hall; Harry Cooper and George Massey, right side of the hall. Austin F. Grant, Town Clerk was appointed ballot clerk in the event of a ballot vote.

Rev. Wayne G. Austin opened ithe meeting by giving the invocation.

The Moderator stated that if there were no objections, the minutes

of the meeting of March 4, 1964, Election of Officers, would not be read. There were no objections. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 23

ARTICLE 2. Upon motion by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by LeRoy B. Wilson and unanimously voted, Alec H. Predrickson, Franeis W. Simmons, Everett W. Skinner and George N. Snell were appointed Measurers of Wood, Bark and Lumber fo-r the ensuing year.

Upon motion by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by Raymond V. Miller and unanimously voted, Ernest J. LaPorte, Donald J. Peck and Clarence P. Avery were appointed Field Drivers and Fence Viewers for the ensuing year.

ARTICLE 3. Motion by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by Raymond V. Miller and unanimously voted that the reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer and other Town Officers be accepted as printed, with the exception of any typographical errors.

ARTICLE 4. Motion by Everett W. Skinner and seconded by LeRoy B. Wilson and unanimously voted that the town accept the provisions of Chapter 81 of the General Laws.

ARTICLE 5. Motion by iMarshall Brown and seconded by Raymond Crowell that the town vote to fix the salaries and compensation of all elective officers of the Town of Plainville, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, as amended, as follows:

Moderator $25.00 each meeting Town Clerk 650.00 per year Town Treasurer 1,500 per year Selectmen, Chairman 700.00 per year Selectmen, member 600.00 per year Selectmen, member 600.00 per year Assessor, Chairman 900.00 per year Second Member 900.00 per year Tliird Memiber 900.00 per year Tax Collector 1,000.00 per year School Committee, Chairman 75.00 per year Schco'Oil Committee, each memberc 60.00 per year Water Commissioners, Chairman 200.00 per year Second Memiber 200.00 per year Third member. Secretary 350.00 per year Auditor 250.00 per year Constable 2.00 per hour Tree Warden 2.00 per hour :


Mr. Wickman, Tax Collector, moved to amend the salary of the Tax Collector be increased to $1,500. ^as printed in the Warrant. Mr. Roibert Malin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, advised the reason the Finance Committee decreased the salary of the Tax Collector, that the work load of the Tax Collector had been lessened by the State making out the Excise Bills, and the workload of the Tax Collector was not com- parable to that of the Town Treasurer.

Mr. Wickman explained his position and reported on salaries of other towns. Mrs. WTckman and Mr. James Cassidy also spoke in his behalf.

The vote taken on the amended Article 5 was not unanimous and was not passed. The vote on the Article 5 as printed in the Town Warrant was passed.

ARTICLE 6. Motion by Robert 0. Malin and seconded by Raymond Mdler that the sum of $636,614.67 be appropriated to defray tow charges for the financial year eading December 31, 1964, and expressly for the following purposes

1. For Support of the Public Library $ 3,910.00 2. For Selectmen’s Current Expenses and Salaries 10,740.00 3. For Board of Health Current Expenses and Salaries 6,121.00 4. For Wire Inspector, Salary and Expenses 250.00 5. For Building Inspector, Salary and Expenses 350.00 6. For Gas Inspector, Salary and Expenses 200.00 7. For Payment of Insurance 9,165.00 8. Memorial Day 200.00 9. Ambulance: For Support and Maintenance 1,100.00 10. For Heating and Maintenance of Town Office And Fire Station Budding 2,206.00 11. For Welfare Agent 1,350.00 12. For Street Lights 9,000.00 13. For Vocational Education 1,000.00 14. For Dog Officer 150.00 15. For Treasurer’s Current Expenses and Salary 2,500.00 16. For Salary of Town Auditor 250.00 17. For Interest on Temporary Loans and Maturing Debt 14,500.00 18. For Tax Title 500.00 19. For Maturing Debt 39,000.00 20. For Town Clerk’s Current Expenses and Salary 1,300.00 21. For Assessor’s Current Expenses -and Salaries 4,200.00 22. For Tax Collector’s Current Expenses land Salary 2,373.00 25 1964 ANNUAL REPORT

23. For Sealer of Weights and iMeasures Current Expenses and Salary 172.00 1,605.00 24. For Board of Registrars Current Expenses 'and Salaries 12,750.00 25. For Fire Department Current Expenses and Salaries 25,104.00 26. For Water Department Current Expenses and Salaries 182,345.00 27. For Support of School and Salaries of School Committee 28. For Veterans’ Benefits 2,300.00 29. For Highways Exclusive of Chapters 81 land 90 16,900.00 30. For Snow Removal 12,000.00 31. For the Tree Warden 300.00 32. For the Town Forest Committee 75.00 33. For the Moth Department 34. For the Police Department 30,507.00 35. For the Park Department 4,250.00 36. For the Regional School District Committee 232,787.00 37. For the Industrial Development Comimission 38. For the Planning Board 250.00 39. For the Conservation Commission 300.00 40. For Civil Defense 500.00 41. For ithe Town’s share of Norfolk County Retirement System 4,104.67

Total $636,614.67

Gordon Proal at this time made a motion that Section 36 of Article 6, he amended to read $254,953.18, the original amount requested by the King Philip Regional School District Committee. This was seconded by Erick Sargent. During this very lengthy discussion the iModerator de- clared a five minute recess.

The meeting was called to order and the question called for. Biancroft Austin moved that a ballot vote be called for, seconded by Raymond Smith. The voice vote was doubted on this motion and a standing vote called for. Result of the standing vote for a ballot vote: Yes 71, No 120. Motion for ballot vote lost.

The vote on the amendiment to increase the 'amount recommended by the Finance Committee to $254,953.18 was again brought to a standing vote, as the voice vote was doubted. Results of the standing vote on lamendiment: No 126, Yes 73. Amendment lost.

Vote on the original .total of Article 6 in the amount of $636,614.67 voted by a voice vote, but was not unanimous. 26 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

ARTICLE 7. Motion by Bertha Browne and seconded by Robert Mailin that no Action be taken on this article, as it is included in 'the In- surance Account. (Officials Bonds) And unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 8. iMotion by Cljifton DeMotte und iseconded by Everett Skinner and unanimously voted that the Town authorize the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow imoney from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1965 and to issue a note or notes thereof, piayable within one year and to renew any note or notes thereof, as may be given for /a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws.

ARTICLE 9. 'Motion by Raymond Crowell and seconded by Reginald Keyes that the Town vote to transfer Nine Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty^five dollars and fifteen cents ($9,955.15) from Overlay Surplus for a Reserve Fund to provide for the extra-ordinary unforeseen expenses, as authorized Section Chapter General Laws, and unanimously by 6, 40, , voted.

ARTICLE 10. Motion by Everett Skinner and seconded by Raymond Smith that the Town accept the provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and raise and appropriate the sum of $2,050.00 for the Town’s share of Chapter 90 Highway Mainitenance and that in addition the sum of $4,000.00 be transferred from un- appropriated available funds in the treasury to meet the State and County’s share of the cost of the work, the reimburs'ement from the State and County to be restored upon their reiceipt to unappropriaited available funds in the Treasury. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 11. Motion by Everett Skinner and seconded by Raymond Miller that the towm vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,750.00 to meet the Tov/n’s share of the cost of Chapter 81 Highways, and ithat in addition the sum of $9,900.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Treaisury to meet the State’s share of the cost of the work. The reimbursement from the State to be restored upon the receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treasury.

ARTICLE 12. Motion by Everett Skinner and seconded by Raymiond iMiller that the Town vote to raise and appropri- ate the sum of $12,050.00 to continue the laying out and co'n- struction of George Street from Route 1 to School Street, under 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 27

Chapter 90 of the iGeneral Laws. The moDey to be raised as follows: $3,050.00 the Town’s share to be raised and appropriated by taxation and the State and County’s share of this work, $9,000.00 to be transferred from unapipropriated available funds in the Tre'as- ury. The reimibursement from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the Treasury.

ARTICLE 13. iMotion by Everett Skinner and iseconded by Raymond Miller that the sum of $5,381.12 be appropriated for the permanent construction of George Street, from CoweU Street to Wampum Sitreet; Wampum Street from George Street westerly 1,000 feet; and the balance of the money to be used on Cowe'U Street from George Street easiterly, and to meet said appropriation the sum of $5,381.12 be transferred from proceeds re- ceived, or to be received from ,the State under the provisions of Chapter 822, Acts of 1963. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 14. Motion by Richard F^ynn and seconded by Everett Skinner that the town vote to transfer 986.00 from the Land Damages Account to pay land damiages on George Street, and unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 15. Motion by Everett Skinner 'and seconded by Russell Mulligan and unanimously voted thiat the town vote to raise and appropriate or transfer $5,800.00 for the purchase of a new truck for the Highway Department. The imoney to be raised as follows: Transfer $3,800.00 from the Road Machinery Account and raise by taxation $2,000.00 the money to be spent under the direction of the Boiard of Selectmen and the Highway Superintendent.

Mrs. Brewster Thorburn moved that Article 17 be taken up at this time, seconded by Mr. Charles Mailgeson. Everett Skinner, Superintend- ent of ithe Highway Department read Chapter 40 Section 6H, and its rela- tion to Article 16, and requested that Article 16 be settled before vote on Article 17 is taken. Motion to take up Article 17, not voted.

ARTICLE 16. Motion by Marshall Broiwn and seconded by Raymond Crowell that NO ACTION be taken on Article 16. After eonsiderable dis- cussion this motion was defeated, and upon a motion by Clifton DeMotte and seconded by Everett Skinner, it was unanimously voted to laccept the 28 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964 provisions of Chapter 40 Section 6H, with the opinion that the Town would gain in the long run With the acceptance of this article.

ARTICLE 17. 'Motion iby Charles Margeson and sieconded by Mrs. Brewster Thorburn that the Town vote to accept the layout of Treasure Island Road und Doreen Way, as this article is in violation of the Town By-Laws, which states streets must be brought to grade, 'and so forth, Moderator Charles Peasley question the legality of this Article. Town

Counsel Charles Mason stated that if acceptance would violate a town by-law, this 'acceptance would not be binding upon the to'wn as the vote could not over-ride a town by-law. Moderator Peasley declared this article as out of order, and no vote taken.

ARTICLE 18. Motion by Robert Malin and seconded by Miles E. Hooker that the town vote to install 2,200 feet, more of less, of water mains, not less than six inches but less than sixteen inches in diaimeter northerly on Taunton Street, Route 152, starting ut Messinger Street, Route 106, to the D. E. Makepeace Company, on the westerly side of Taunton Street, and that a sum not to exceed $19,000.00 be appropriated for the aforesaid purpose.

That to imeet said 'appropriation, of $19,000.00 the sum of $1,814.64 be trans'ferred from the Elementary School Construction Aceount, the sum of 185.36 be transferred from the Water Main Reserve Account, and the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, be and he hereby is authorized under and pursuant to the Massachusetts General Laws,

Chapter 44, Section 8, Clauses 4 and 5, and any other law thereto enabling, to issue and sell, at one time or from time to time, serial bonds or notes of the Town in the aggregate principal amount of $17,000.00, each such issue to be payable over a term not to exceed fifteen years from the date thereof; and that the total proceeds from the transfer of said funds and the sale of said bonds and notes be under the direction of and expended by the Water Commissioners of said Town for the aibove-named pur- poses. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 19. Motion by Mrs. H. Bertha Browne and seconded by Robert Malin that the sum of $10,000.00 be transferred from Surplus Revenue for the SitabiUzation Fund, under authority of Chapter 40 Section 5B of the General Laws, and unanimously voted. 1984 ANNUAL REPORT 29

ARTICLE 20. Motion by Clifton DeMotte and seconded by Everett Skinner and unanimously voted itbat the sum of $2,500.00 be raised and appropriated for the Fire Alarm Replacement Fund.

ARTICLE 21. Motion by Raymond Crowell and seconded by Raymond Miller that ithe sum of $5,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the Fire Department Apparatus Fund. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 22. Motion by Richard Flynn and seconded by Everett Skinner and unanimously voted that the sum of $300.00 be raisied and appropriated for Insect Pest Control and No Action be taken for Dutch Elm Disease, as provided under Chapter 132 of the General Laws, as amended by Chapter 657, Acts of 1956.

ARTICLE 23. Motion by Marshall Brown and seconded by Raymond Miller and unammously voted that the sum of $20,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the carrying on of the different categories of Welfare.

ARTICLE 24. iMotion by Robert Malm and seconded by Russell Skinner that the Town install one light on pole located in the parking lot in the rear of the Town Office Building. The money to pay for same is included in the Street Lights account. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 25. Motion by H. Bertha Browne and seconded by Clifton DeMotte that the Town vote to 'transfer the sum of $1,000.00 from the Sale of Real Estate Account for ithe purpose of estab- lishing a Conservation Fund to be used by the Conservation Commission for conservation purposes, including the purchase of land, and unanimous- ly voted.

ARTICLE 26. As there were no recoimmendations on this article, a motion to adjourn was made by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by Ray- mond Miller. The Moderator thanked the tellers for their assistance and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M.





Norfolk, ss.

To either of the Constables of the Town of Plainville:

Greeting •

In ithe name of the Commonwealth of 'Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Elememtiary School Auditorium in said Plainville on Monday, March 23, 1964 A. D. at 7:30 o’clock p.m., then and there to act on ithe following articles, viz:

ARTICLE 1. To see whether the Town will vote to approve or dis- approve ithe amount of debt (to wit: $130,000.00) 'authorized by the King

Philip Regional School District Committee at la meeting held on February 27, 1964, for the purpose of acquiring land for school sites 'and for con- structing and equipping a regional junior high school building.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, 'by posting up seven (7) attested copies thereof in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the 'time and place of said meeting.

Given under our hands (this 6th day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.




Selectmen of Plainville 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 31

A true copy.

Attest: ERNEST J. LA PORTE, Constable

March 13, 1964

March 13, 1964

I have this day posted seven copies of the within Warrant in seven public places in the Town of Plainville.

ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Constable,

Town of Plainville, Mass.

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk


MARCH 23, 1964

A special town meeting was held in the auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School on iMonday, March 23, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. The Mod- erator called ithe meeting to order at 7:40 P.iM. and tthe call of the meeting was read iby Town Clerk Austin F. Grant.

William Simpson, Eugene Hawkins and Walter Foote and Eiton Franklin, Jr. were appointed tellers by the iModerator, the Town Clerk wias appointed ballot box oifficer in 'the event of a ballot vote, by Moder- ator Charles 0. Peasley. 32 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

The bounds of the hall were declared to be the seats on the floor of the auditorium, persons sitting in the bleachers v/ould noit be eligible to vote.

The voters were checked in by Robert Keniston (R) and Robert Faille

(D) and showed eighty-five men and twenty-nine women, la total of one hundred and fourteen voters present.

ARTICLE 1. Motion by Robert Malin and seconded by Helen Smith that ithe toiwn vote to approve the nmount of debt (to wit: $130,000.00) authorized by the King Philip Regional School District Committee at a meeting held on February 27, 1964, for (the purpose of acquiring land for sehool sites and for consitructing and equipping la regional Junior high school building. Unanimously voted.

A motion to adjourn was made and seconded at 8:10 P.M. by Miles E. Hooker and Daniel Malone.


Town Clerk : :




Norfolk, ss.

To either of the cons tables of the Town of Plainville.


In ithe name of the Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and wiarn the inhabitants of said town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in Plainville Elementary School Auditorium

TUESDAY, THE TWENTY^EIGHTH DAY OF APRIL, 1964 at 12 o’iclock NOON, for th^e following ipurposes To bring in their votes to the Prim'ary Officers for the Election of

Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices: 58 DELEGATES AT LARGE to the National Convention of the Democratic Party.

43 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE to the National Convention Democratic Party.

10 DELEGATES AT LARGE to the National Convention of the Republican Party.

10 ALTERNATE DELEGATES AT LARGE to the National Conven- ttion of the Republican Party.

2 DISTRICT DELEGATES to the National Convention of the Demo- cratic Party, 10th Congressional Dis*trict

2 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELE GATES to the National Convention of the Democratic Party, 10th Congressional District

2 DISTRICT DELEGATES to the National Convention of the Repub- lican Party, 10th Congressional District


2 ALTERNATE DISTRICT DELEGATES to the National Convention of the Repnblioan Party, 10th Con'gressdonal District

District 'Memhers of State Committee— One Man and One Woman) for each politieal party of the Second Norfolk Senatorial District.



The 'poUs will be open from 12 o’clock NOON to 8:00 o’clock p.m. Hereof fail not and imake return of ithis warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this Fifteenth day of April, A.D., 1964.


Selectmen of Plainvihe

A true copy.

Attest: ERNEST J. LA PORTE, Constable

April 21, 1964.

April 21, 1964

I have this day posted seven copies of the within Warrant in seven public places in the Town of Plainville.

ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Constable,

Town of Plainville, Mass.

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 35





John F. Alibano 25 Ru'th ;M. Batson 27 John S. Begley 28 J. William Belanger 35 Francis X. Bellotti 50 Thomas J. Buckley 42 William T. Buckley 32 James A. Burke 31 Garrett H. Byrne 32 John P. S. Burke 27 Robert V. Cauchon 27 Bernard Cohen 26 John F. Collins 40 John W. Costello 29 James J. Craven, Jr. 27 John F. X. Davoren 25 Harry Della Russo 27 John T. Dias 27 Gerard F. Doherty 32 John Thomas Driscoll 36 WUliam P. DriscoU 27 Howard W. Fitzpatrick 32 Mary L. Fonseoa 27 A. Frank Foster 27 Foster Furcolo 31 Edward P. Gilgun 25 WMliam Hartigan 23 James W. Hennigan Jr. 28 John B. Hynes 30 Walter J. Kelliher 25 George V. Kenneally, Jr. 23 Edward iM. Kennedy 56 Robert Francis Kennedy 46 Daniel M. Keyes, Jr. 24 Ida R. Lyons 25 Torhert H. MacDonald 36 36 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Timothy A. Manitalos 25 Norman Mason 33 Edward J. McCormack, Jr. 44 John W. McCormack 40 Patrick J. McDonough 37 Nicholas B. Morrisisey 26 Daniel F. O’Brien 29 Thoimas P, O’Neill, Jr. 32 Endico'tt Peabody 43 Francis G. Poitrast 22 Charles V. Ryan, Jr. 30 Benjamin A. Smith 30 Edward J. Sullivan 28 Sherwood J. Tarlow 25 Balcom S. Taylor 23 Beitty Taymor 25 John F. Thoimpson 30 James A. Williams 25 Kevin H. White 46 Thomas J. White 28

Alternate Delegates

Samuel H. Beer 22 Margaret M. Breen 22 Whliam F. Brewin 22 Thomas P. Broderick 23 James F. Burke 31 Joseph C. Casdin 21 Charles N. Collates 22 Joseph A. DeGugiielmo 24 Henry C. Donnelly 23 Donald J. Dowd 21 Rubin Epstein 18 John T. Farrell, Jr. 21 Joseph F. Feeney 22 William F. Foley, Jr. 28 Charles J. Hamilton 18 John E. Harrington, Jr. 23 Charles V. Hogan 25 Lester S. Hyman 21 Carl R. Johnson, Jr. 28 Frank H. Kelleher 22 Edward King 18 37 1964 ANNUAL REPORT

Philip Kramer Edward Krock Lawrence R. Laughlin 27 James P. Loughlin 19 Edward C. Maher 22 Vincent iMannering 19 Francis V. Matera 17 James R. McIntyre 21 Denis L. McKenna 19 Paul C. Menton 24 Dace J. iMoore 22 Edward S. Moss 22 Bernard T. Moynihan 21 Paul V. Mullaney 21 George F. O’Meara, Jr. 19 James R. Purdy 18 Robert H. Quinn 23 Earl J. RUey 21 Anthony M. Scibelli 21 Bernard Solomon 20 Daniel M. Walsh, Jr. 23 Anthony H. Zabriskie 19





Vote for Two Delegates and Not More Than Two Alternate Delegates

William P. Grant 46 Roland G. Desmarais 43

Alternate Delegates

Patrick H. Harrington, Jr. 46 Joseph E. Hanify, Jr. 40


Adam P. Consoletti 21 38 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Michael J. Curran 13 James E. Mitchell 26

(Vote for One Woman)

Margaret M. Blizard 30 Betty P. Flaherty 26



Francis R. McCabe 34 Marion N. McCabe 34 Helen G. Simpson 35 William E. Simpson 35 Edward C. Reilly 35 Marion E. Reilly 35 Charles G. Nowick 34 Jeanette M. Nowick 34 Roibert R. Faille 35 Wanda B. Faille 34 Richard V. Flynn 35 Jane A. Flynn 35 Fernand E. Preston 35 Rita Preston 35 Gael E. KeUy 35 ShMey E. Miarcoux 35 Robert B. Thibedeau 35 Rita C. Haviland 35 Winifred J. Legon 34 CamiUo P. DiGiantommaso 34 Jacqueline M. DiGiantommiaso 34 Donald G. Colley 34 Lucien G. Baudreau 34 Doris T. Gaudreau 35 Pasquale DiGiantomimaso 34 Lucien R. LaFerriere 35 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 39

Geor'gianna A. LaFerriere 35 Alice M. Barley 35 Vincenit N. Cavallo 35 Margaret P. Thibedeau 34 Eleanora M. Rignanese 35 Jimmy Rignanese 34 Catherine T. Ashworth 35 Helena G. Marley 35 Blanks 1167


Lyndon B. Johnson 38 Robert Kennedy 10

Henry Cabot Lodge 1 Blanks 18

Total number of votes icast — 220

Republican — 153 Democrat — 67

EARL B. THOMPSON, Election Warden




Norfolk, S'S.

To either of the Cons tables of the Town of PlainviMe


In the name of the Commonwealth of IMasisachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in elections and Towm laffairs, to meet at the Elementary School Auditorium in said PlainviUe on

MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1964 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., then land there to act on the following articles, viz: ARTICLE 1. To see whether the Town will vote to approve or disap- prove the amount of debt (to wit: $75,000.00) nuithorized by King Philip Regional School District Committee at a imeeting held on June 12, 1964, for the purpose of securing plans, specifications and other services relating to a junior high school building to be eonstructed on a parcel of land in Wrentham which is now the property of the present King Philip Regional School District.

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote under Massachusetts Gen- eral Laws (Ter. Ed.) Chapter 121, Section 26K, as amended, to establish a Housing Authority and in that connection to make any and all deter- minations and declarations deemed necessary or desirable, and take any action in relation thereto.

ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to file in behalf of the Town, an application (in form and manner required by the United States of America, and in eonformity with Public Law 560, Eighty-third Congress, as amended) and to do whatever else may be required to obtain an advance of a sum of mioney, to be made by the United States of America to the Town of Plainville, to be used to defray 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 41

ithe cost of engineering investigation, report, preliminary plans, contract drawings and .specifications for sewerage and sewerage treatment facili- ties for the Town of Plainville, or take any other action in relation thereto.

And you are directed 'to serve this Warrant, by posting up seven (7) attested copies thereof in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return' of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands this Fifteenth day of June in 'the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.



Selectmen of Plainville

A true copy.

Attest: ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Constable

June 22, 1964.

June 22, 1964

I have this day posted seven copies of the within Warrant in seven

public places in the Town of Plainville.

ERNEST J. LaPORTE, Constable,

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk

Town of Plainville, Mass. 42 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


June 29, 1964

A special town meeting was held in the auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School on iMonday, June 29, 1964. Meeting 'called to order at 7:36 P.iM. by Moderator Charles O. Peasley. The call of the imeeting was read by Town Clerk, Austin F. Grant.

The following were appointed tellers by the Moderator: Arthur W. Washburn, Jr. and Joseph Canole, right side of the hall. Frederick P. Fluck, and Ralph E. Hemmingsen, Jr., left side of the hall. Town Clerk Austin F. Grant was appointed ballot box officer in the event of a ballot vote.

The bounds of ithe hall were established as the seats set up on the floor of the auditorium. Persons sitting in bleachers would not be allowed to vote.

The voters were checked into the hall by means of voting lists which showed 100 women and 108 men, a total of 208 voters present.

Motion by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by Raymond V. Miller that as Articles 2 and 3 have no financial appropriations connected with them that these articles be considered first. Voted but not unanimously.

ARTICLE 2. Motion by Miles E. Hooker and seconded by LeRoy B. Wilson that where there exists in the Town of PlainvUle a shortage of safe sanitary dwellings available for families of elderly persons of low income at rentals they can afford, and that whereas it is hereby deter- mined that a Housing Authority is needed for the provisions of housing for families or elderly persons of low income, that the PlainvUle Housing Authority shall be organized and established under the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws (Ter. Ed.) Chapter 121, Section 26K, and acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto. Unanimously voted.

ARTICLE 3. Motion by Raymond V. Miller ond seconded by Daniel T. Malone that the town vote to authorize the Selectmen to file in behalf of the town, an application (in form and manner required by the United States of America, and in conformity wiith Public Law 560, eighty-third Congress, as amended) and to do whatever else may be required to 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 43

obtain an advance of a sum of money, tO' be made by the Uniited States

of America

A motion by Raymond Crowell that the meeting be adjourned untU

8:50 in order thiat Article 1, King Philip Regional School District Com- (mittee approval or disapproval of vote be disicusised in a hearing. Voted but not luiianimous.

Hearing held for diseussion of Article 1, King Philip Regional Sehooi

Dis'trict Comimittee approval or disapprov 1 of vote of committee.

iMeeting called to order at 8:52 P.M. and Moderator lallowed discussion on Article 1 as written.

ARTICLE 1. Motion by Eric Sargent and seconded by John Haley that the Toiwn approve the (amount of debt (to wit: $75,000.00) authorized

by the King Philip Regional School District Com.mittee , t a meeting held

on June 12, 1964, for the purpose of securing plans, specifications and othe rservices relating to a junior high school building to be constructed

on a parcel of land in Wrentham, which is now the property of the present King PhUip Regional School District. As the voice vote was doubted, Regi- nald Keyes moved thiat a written vote be taken. Results of written vote:

No 147; Yes 60. Motion to approve lost.

Upon motion by Reginald Keyes and 'seconded by Arthur W. Wash- bum, Jr. that the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Unanimously voted.



4< 4


Norfolk, ss.

To either of ithe Constables of the Town of Plainville


In (the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhiabitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Elementary School Auditorium in said Plainville on

MONDAY, JULY 27, 1964 at 7:30 o’clock p.m., then and there to act on the following larticles, viz:

ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Boiard of Selectmen to acquire on bebailf of the Toiwn, by purchase or by eminent domain or otherwise, for municipal purposes, the fee in the parcel of land at the corner of South Street and Cottage Street, supposedly the pro- perty of Garford Realty Coimpany and shown on Assessors Plans of the Town as Sheet 12, Lot 145; land to raise end (appropriate, or transfer from available funds a sum of money for this purpose, or do or 'act in any manner relative thereto. (2/3 vote required)

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money in 'addition to the amount appropriated at the annual Town Meeting, for the 1964 King Philip Regional School District Operating Budget. That to determine the manner in which such appropriation shall be met, whether by taxation, transfer of available funds, borrowing or otherwise. Or to do or not in any manner relative thereto. (2/3 vote required)

ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to amend its zoning by-law by adopting the proposed revised zoning by-law and proposed zoning map which was presented to a duly advertised public hearing held by the Plan- 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 45

ning 'Board on July 13, 1964, in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 of Chapter 40A, General Law; -and being the same proposed by-law and map as filed with 'the Town Clerk and as posited in said Town, in seven public plaices previous to said hearing and further, being the same pro- posed amended by-law and map las posted with and miade a part of the Warrant for the special Town iMeetin'g ealled for the purpose of aeting on this article, or do or act in any imanner relative thereto. (2/3 vote required)

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting up seven (7) attested copies ithereof in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fail not and make return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting.

Given under our hands this Fifteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord one ithousand nine hundred and sixty-four.




Selectmen of Plainville

A true copy.

Attest: DONALD J. PECK, Constable

July 29, 1964

I have this day, posted 7 copies of the within warrant in 7 places in said Town of Plainville, 7 days before said Town Meeting.

DONALD J. PECK, Constable

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk 46 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


July 27, 1964

A special town 'meeting was 'held in the ^auditorium of the Plainville Elejmentary School, iMonday, July 27, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Moderator Charles 0. Peasley ^at 7:40 P.M. The call of the meeting was read iby Town Clerk Austin F. Grant. The voters were checked into the hall by Robert Keniston (R) and William Simpson (D), and showed 111 men and 57 women, a total of 168 voters present.

The moderator appointed Bancroft Austin and Edward Jillson, tellers for 'the right side of the hall, and Walter Fink and Donald McAlpine tellers for the left side of the hall. Bounds of the hall 'deciared to be the seats set up on the floor of the auditorium.

Austin F. Grant, Town Clerk, was -appointed bialloit box officer in the event of a bollot vote.

ARTICLE 1. Motion by Robert 0. Malin and seconded by Raymond V. (Miller that the town vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to acquire on behalf of the Town, by purchase or by eminent domain or otherwise, for municipal purposes, ithe fee in the parcel of land at the ‘Corner of South Street -and Cottage Street, supposedly the property of Garford Realty Company and shown on Assessors Plans of the Town as Sheet 12, Lot 145, and transfer from Sale of Real Estate Account the sum of $25,500.00 for this purpose. As a two-thirds vote was required, a stand- ing vote was taken. Result: 127 Yes — 0 No. Motion -ciarried.

ARTICLE 2. (Motion by Robert Malin and seconded by Daniel T. Malone that the town vote to appropriate a sum not to exceed $30,000.00 for the purpose of meeting any judgment againsit the to'wn for the 1964 King Philip Regional School District Operating Budget.

Thiat to meet said appropriation of Thirty-thou siand ($30,000.00) dol- lars, the Town Treasurer with (the approval of the Selectmen be and he hereby is authorized, under and pursuant to the Massachusetts General

Laws, Chapter 44, Section 7, to issue notes of the Town in the principal amount of Thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars payable over a term not to exceed one year from the date thereof. As a two-thirds vote is required on this Article a standing vote is called for. Results: Yes 135 — No 0. Unanimous. :


ARTICLE 3. Motion by Earl Peck and seconded by Jesse W. Frank- lin, Jr. ithait NO ACTION be taken on this article. (Amend Zoning by-law).

After much discussion 'the question was called and a two-thirds vote being necessary, a standing vote was taken, showing 147 Yes and 1 No, that No Action be taken on this article at this time.

iModerator Charles 0. Peasley thanked 'the tellers for their work of the evening and upon motion of Daniel T. Malone the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.





Norfolk, ss.

To either of the Constables of the Town of Plainville,


In the name of ithe Commonwealth you are hereby required to notify and wiarn the inhabitants of said Town who are qualified to vote in Primaries to meet in Elementairy School Auditorium, in said Plainville, on


at twelve o’clock noon 'to 8:00 p.m., for the following purposes: To bring in their votes to the Primary Officers for the Nomina tion of Candidates of Political Parties for the following offices:

SENATOR IN CONGRESS For this Commonwealth GOVERNOR For this Comimonwealth LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR For this Commonwealth 48 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

ATTORNEY GENERAL For thisi Commonwealth SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH For this Commonwealth TREASURER AND RECEIVER-GENERAL For this Commonwea'lth AUDITOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH For this Commonwealth REPRESiENTATIVE IN CONGRESS For 10th Conigressionial District COUNCILLOR For Second CoimcLllor District SENATOR For Second Norfolk Senatorial District ONE REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT For 10th Norfolk Representative District CLERK OF COURTS For Norfolk County REGISTER OF DEEDS For Norfolk District TWO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS For Norfolk County

For these purposes the polls will he open from 12 o’clock Noon to 8:00 o’clock p.im.

Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting.

Given imder our hands this twenty-sixth day of August, A.D. 1964.


A true copy,

Attest: DONALD J. PECK, Constable

Date: September 1, 1964.

September 1, 1964

I have this day posted seven copies of the within Warrant in seven

public places in the Town of Plainville.

DONALD J. PECK, Constable,

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk Town of Plainville, Mass. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 49


September 10, 1964

The Primary Election was held in 'the Eilementary School Auditorium on Thursday, September 10, 1964. The following officials having been sworn in by Town Clerk Austin F. Grant, after appointment by the Board of Seleetmen, to the faithful performance of their duties:

Warden: Earl lB. Thompson (R)

Deputy Warden: Daniel T. 'Malone (R)

Clerk: Marion McCabe (D)

Deputy Clerk: Jane Flynn (D)

BiallotBox Officer: Adrian Wheeler (R)

Inspectors: Helen Cobb (R), Violet Osterholim (R), Lillian Johnson (D), Frances Muir (D).

Al'temateis: Jean Henrich (R), Shirley Marcoux (D).

Representatives for the Board of Registrars: Richard Cobb .'R) and Robert Thibedeau (D).

The ballot box was inspected, found empty, dial iset at zero and the key turned ovier to the Police Officer.

The Town Clerk read the call of the meeting and at twelve o’clock noon the poUis were declared open.

At eight o’clock P.M. the polls were declared 'closed. The ballot box registered 441 votes east, and check lists showed 441 votes cast; Repub- licans 308; Democrats 133, total 441.

The results of the balloting was as follows:



Senator in Congress

Howard Whitmore, Jr. 254 Blanks 54

Governor John A. Volpe 283 Blanks 25

Lieutenant Govirnor

Elliot L. Richardson 275 Blanks 33 Attorney General Edward W. Brooke 292 Blanks 16 Secretary Wallace B. Crawford 267 Blanks 41 Treasurer Robert C. Hahn 267 Blanks 41 Auditor

Elwynn J. Miller 272 Blanks 36

Congressman — Tenth District Joseph W. Martin, Jr. 237 William F. Nourse 64 Blanks 7

Councillor — Second District Margaret P. Heckler 266 Blanks 42

Senator — Second Norfolk District John M. Quinlan 282 Blanks 26

Representative — Tenth Norfolk District James G. Wheeler 239 J ohn L. Bums 31 William P. McLaren 28 Blanks 10 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 51

Clerk of Courts for Norfolk District Willis Neal 256 Blanks 52

Register of Deeds for Norfolk District

L. Thomas Shine 270 Blanks 38

County Commissioners — Norfolk County

Russell T. Bates 195 Frank C. Bates III 130 Edwin A. Colby 93 Walter J. Hannon 74 Blanks 124


Senator in Congress

Edward M. Kennedy 119 Blanks 14 Governor Endicott Peabody 55 Francis X. Beliotti 73 Pasquale Caggiano 0 John J. Droney 4 Blanks 6 Lieutenant Governor John W. Coistelo 112 Blanks 21 Attorney General James W. Hennigan, Jr. Ill Blanks 22 Secretary Kevin H. White 115 Blanks 18 Treasurer Robert Q. Crane 61 John Joseph Buckley 21 Louise Day Hicks 16 John F. Kennedy 25 Blanks 10 52 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Auditor Thomias J. Buckley 79 Blanks 54 Congressman — Tenth District Edward F. Doolan 104 Blanks 29 Councillor — Second District

Paul J. Donahue 61 John M. Tosca 53 Blanks 19

Senalior — Second Norfolk District Rohert A. Browning 30 Robert M. Murphy 72 Francis X. Sheehan, Jr, 23 Blanks 8

Representative in General Court — Tenth Norfolk District Melvin R. Perlman 103 Blanks 30

Clerk of Courts — Norfolk County John P. Concannon 62 George H. Howard 8 Robert W. McMahon 12 Gordon J. O’Brien 26 Blanks 25

Register of Deeds — Norfolk District

Benjamin Rudnier 103 Blanks 30

County Commissioners — Norfolk County

James J. Collins 57 George B. McDonald 30 John E. Nardozzi 24 John C. Nourse 27 John J. Sullivan 53 Blanks 75



Tuesday, November 3, 1964


Norfolk, ss.

To Either of the Constables of Plainville:


In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the legal voters of the Town of Plainville to meet in Auditorium of Plainville Elementary School, South Street, in said Plainville, on


at 8:00 o’clock in the forenoon, it being the Tuesday after the first Monday in said month, then and there to give their votes for the following officers: Presidential Electors For President and Vice President Senator in Congress For this Commonwealth Governor For this Commonwealth Lieutenant Governor For this Commonwealth Attorney General For this Commonwealth Secretary of the Commonwealth For this Commonwealth Treasurer and Receiver-General For this Commonwealth Auditor of the Commonwealth For this Commonwealth Representative in Congress For 10th Congressional District Councillor For Second Councillor District Senator For Second Norfolk Senatorial District One Representative in General Court For 10th Norfolk Representative District Clerk of Courts For Norfolk County Register of Deeds For Norfolk District Two County Commissioners For Norfolk County

And also to vote “YES” or “NO” on the following questions: 54 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held March 29, 1961, received 219 votes in the affirmative and 26 in the negative, and in YES a joint session of the tw’o branches held May 8, 1963, re- "HO ceived 244 votes in the affirmative and 14 in the negative? Summary

The proposed amendment provides that the terms of office of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Treas- urer and Receiver General, Attorney General and Auditor shall be four years. Executive Councillors, Senators and Representatives shall continue to serve for two years. The four-year term for constitutional officers would become effective at the time of the November election in the year 1966. QUESTION NO. 2 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION

Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the t’wo branches held July 18, 1932, received 238 votes in the affirmative and 1 in the negative, and in YES |

a joint session of the two branches held May 8, 1963, re- NO I ceived 246 votes in the affirmative and 2 in the negative? Summary

In the event that any public office, v/hether elective or appointive, shall becomie vacant as a result of enemy attack, the proposed amend- ment would enable the General Court to provide for prompt and tem- porary succession to the powers and duties of such offices, and to take steps to insure continuity of government of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. QUESTION NO. 3 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION

Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held March 29, 1961, received ______251 votes in the affirmative and 0 in the negative, and in a joint session of the two branches held May 8, 1963, re- NO ceived 252 votes in the affirmative and 3 in the negative? 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 55


The proposed amendment provides that the credit of the Common- v/ealth may be given, loaned or pledged only by a two-thirds vote of each branch of the Legislature. In no event shall the credit of the Commonwealth be given or loaned to or for any individual, private association or corporation privately owned or managed.


Do you approve of the adoption of an amendment to the constitution summarized below which was approved by the General Court in a joint session of the two branches held July 18, 1962, received 220 votes in the affirmative and 24 in the negative, and in YES | a joint session of the two branches held May 8, 1963, re- KO j ceived 258 votes in the affirmative and 1 in the negative?


The proposed amendment authorizes both the Governor and the Executive Council to require opinions of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court on questions of law. The present requirement that the Governor and Council agree before a question may be submitted would be annuUed.

QUESTION NO. 5 LAW PROPOSED BY INITIATIVE PETITION Do you approve of a law summarized below which was disapproved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 109 in the affirmative and 109 m the negative and was disapproved YES | in the Senate by a vote of 16 in the affirmative and 20 in NO | the negative?


The proposed measure provides that henceforth appointments in the executive branch of the government shall not require the advice and consent of the Governor’s Council. Exceptions to this provision include appointments to the Youth Service Board, Industrial Accident Board, Commission of the Department of Public Utilities, Parole Board and Appellate Tax Board, which appointments shall continue to require Council action. However, should the Council fail to act upon such ap- pointments within thirty calendar days, then the person involved shall be deemed to have been lawfully appointed. Any appointments in the 56 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

executive branch by an officer other than the Governor which heretofore required Council approval shall henceforth require approval by the Governor.

Removals from office shall no longer require the advice and consent of the Council, except in the case of the Youth Service Board, which re- movals must still receive Council approval. As in the case of appoint- ments still requiring Council approval, such recommended removal from the Youth Service Board must be acted upon by the Council within thirty calendar days; otherwise the proposed removal shall become effective as if approval had been given. In the case of any appointment which here- tofore required Council approval the Governor may, within fifteen days of the making of the appointment, remove the person appointed without cause.

The Council shall no longer be required to approve the fixing of any compensation for services rendered in the executive department. And henceforth there need be no approval by the Council of actions or agree- ments by executive officers, including but not limited to borrowings and loans, investments, leases, licenses, purchases and conveyances, and contracts, and also including the promulgation of rules and regulations.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Governor shall at all times remain free to seek the advice and consent of the Council upon any matter.

QUESTION NO. 6 LAW SUBMITTED UPON REFERENDUM AFTER PASSAGE Do you approve of a law summarized below, which was approved in the House of Representatives by a vote of 180 in the affirm- ative and 40 in the negative and was approved in the YES | Senate by a vote of 28 in the affirmative and 5 in the NO negative? Summary

Under the Act, effective as of January 1, 1964, each member of the General Court shall receive seventy-eight hundred dollars for each regular annual session, the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each receive the same amount as addition- al compensation, and the floor leaders of each of the major political parties in the Senate and the House, the Chairman of the Senate Com- mittee on Ways and Means and the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of that committee of the House, shall each receive thirty-nine hundred dollars as additional compensation, to be paid as provided in the Act. After the same date the annual expense allowance is to be six hundred dollars for each member and the travel allowance is to be eight cents per with

a stated minimum and an alternative, and a member chosen to fill a vacancy or who resigns during a session is to be entitled to per diem com- 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 57 pensation at the rate for each regular annual session and to the allow- ances for travel and other expenses for the time of his membership.

It is also provided that in addition to the compensation for the 1963 annual session the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House shall be paid thirty-nine hundred dollars, the floor leaders of each major political party in the Senate and House, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means and Chairman and Vice-Chairman of that committee of the House, shall be paid twenty-nine hundred and twenty- five dollars and each other member shall be paid nineteen hundred and fifty dollars. Each member shall also be entitled to an additional expense allowance of two hundred dollars for the calendar year 1963 and the travel allowance shall be at the rate of eight cents per mile with a stated minimum and an alternative for the balance of the calendar year 1963.


A. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages (whiskey, rum, YES gin, malt beverages, wines and all other alcoholic bever- NO ages)?

B. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for YES the sale therein of wines and malt beverages (wines and beer, ale and all other malt beverages)? NO

C. Shall licenses be granted in this city (or town) for YES the sale therein of all alcoholic beverages in packages, so- called, not to be drunk on the premises? NO

For these purposes the polls will be open from 8:00 o’clock a. m. to 8:00 o’clock p. m.

Hereof fail not and make return of this Warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting.

Given under our hands this 21st day of October in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-four.


Selectmen of Plainville A true copy. Attest:


October 26, 1964

I hereby certify that I have posted up seven (7) copies of the within Warrant in seven (7) public places in said Town, seven (7) days before the time of said meeting.

DONALD J. PECK, Constable, Town of Plainville

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of October 1964.



The State Election was held in the Auditorium of the Plainville

Elementary School, November 3, 1964, it being the first Tuesday after the first Monday.

The follov/ing having been appointed by the Board of Selectmen and sworn to their respective duties by the Town Clerk, Austin F. Grant, served as election officials:

Warden, Earl B. Thompson, (R); Deputy Warden, Daniel T. Malone, (R); Clerk, Marion McCabe, (D); Deputy Clerk, Jane Flynn, (D); Tellers, Helen Cobb, (R), Violet Osterholm, (R), Shirley Marcoux, (D), Marion Reilly, (D), Francis Muir, (D), Lillian Johnson, (D), were sworn in at 2:00 p. m. by Election Warden Earl B. Thompson, to replace Shirley Marcoux and Marion Reilly. Alternates for the day were Jean Henrich (R) and Jacqueline DiGiantimmoso, (D). Ballot box officer Adrian Wheeler, (R). At 4:00 p. m. George Prance was sworn in as Ballot Box officer by Earl B. Thompson, Election Warden.

Representatives of the Board of Registrars were: Richard Cobb (R) and Robert Thibideau, (D).

The call of the meeting was read by Town Clerk Austin F. Grant, and the polls declared open at 8:00 a. m. The ballot box was inspected by Marion McCabe, (D), Daniel T. Malone, (R), Earl B. Thompson, (R) and Shirley Marcoux, (D). 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 59

At 7:10 p. m. the ballot box showed 1,400 ballots cast and a second ballot box was inspected, found empty and locked and the key turned over to the police officer. At 8:00 p. m. the polls were declared closed. The ballot box registered 1,697 ballots cast. At this time the Absentee ballots were put through the ballot box, after being checked off on the lists, making a total of 1,722 votes cast.

The following Tellers having been appointed by the Selectmen were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties by the Town Clerk at 8:00 p. m.: Sally Brown, (R), Jesse Franklin, (R), Allie B. C. McAlpine, (R), Lucille Keniston, (R), Robert Keniston, (R), Margaret Frederiksen, (R), Stanley Cole, (R), Edward Jillson, (R), Fernand Preston, (D), Rita Preston, (D), John Flynn, (D), Carol Barton, D), Helen Theriault, (D), Nancy Antonitis, (D), Rita Pimental, (D), and Rita Haviland, (D).

The results of the balloting was as follows:

Electors of President and Vice President

Goldwater and Miller—Republican 566 Hass and Blomen—Socialist Labor 2 Johnson and Humphrey—Democratic 1,118 Munn and Shaw—Prohibition 4 Blanks 32

Senator in Congress

Edward M. Kennedy—Democratic 1,095 Howard Whitmore, Jr.—Republican 606 Lawrence Gilfedder—Socialist Labor 2 Grace F. Leder—Prohibition 2 Blanks 17


Francis X. Bellotti—Democratic 741 John A. Volpe—Republican 970 Francis A. Votano—Socialist Labor 0 Guy S. Williams—Prohibition 0 Blanks 11

Lieutenant Governor

John W. Costello—Democratic 647 Elliot L. Richardson—Republican 1,036 60 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Edgar E. Gaudet—Socialist Labor 2 Prescott E. Grout—Prohibition 0 Blanks 1-37

Attorney General

Edward E. Brooke—Republican 1,364 James W. Hennigan, Jr.—Democratic 332 Willy N. Hogseth—Socialist Labor 2 Howard B. Rand—Prohibition 0 Blanks 24


Kevin H. White—Democratic 968 Wallace B. Crawford—Republican 694 Fred B. Ingersoil—Socialist Labor 4 Julia B. Kohler—Prohibition 2 Blanks 54 Treasurer

Robert Q. Crane—Democratic 752 Robert C. Hahn—Republican 902 Warren C. Carberg—Prohibition 1 Arne A. Sortell—Socialist Labor 3 Blanks 64 Auditor

Thaddeus Buczko—Democratic 674 Elwynn J. Miller—Republican 950 John Charles Hedges—Prohibition 7 Ethelbert L. Nevens—Socialist Labor 4 Blanks 87 Congressman—10th District

Joseph William Martin, Jr.—Republican 1,202 Edward F. Doolan—Democratic 481 Blanks 39 Councillor—Second District

Margaret M. Heckler—Republican 1,025 Paul J. Donahue—Democratic 626 Blanks 71 Senator—Second Norfolk District

Robert M. Murphy—Democratic 703 John M. Quinlan—Republican 983 Blanks 36 1984 ANNUAL REPORT 61

Representative In General Court—Tenth Norfolk District

James G. Wheeler—Republican 1,061 Melvin R. Perlman—Democratic 586 Blanks 75

Clerk of Courts—Norfolk County

Willis A. Neal—Republican 1,016 John P. Concannon—Democratic 629 Blanks 77 Register of Deeds—Norfolk District

L. Thomas Shine—Republican 1055 Benjamin Rudner—Democratic 582 Blanks 85

County Commissioners—Norfolk County

Russell T. Bates—Republican 962 Frank C. Bates III—Republican 690 James J. Collins—Democratic 656 George B. McDonald—Democratic 560 Blanks 576

Question No. 1

Proposed Amendent to Constitution: Terms of Office of Governor, etc.

Yes 1,116 No 376 Blanks 230

Question No. 2

Proposed Amendment to Constitution: Enable General Court to provide prompt and temporary succession to powers:

Yes 1352 No 115 Blanks 255

Question No. 3

Proposed Amendment to Constitution: Credit of Commonwealth by 2/3 vote: Yes 1161 No 252 Blanks 309 — —


Question No. 4

Proposed Amendment to Constitution: Opinions of Justices of Supreme Judicial Court on questions of law.

Yes 1232 No 168 Blanks 322

Question No. 5

Law Proposed by Initiative Petition: Appointments in Executive Branch shall not require advice and consent of Governor’s Council.

Yes 849 No 528 Blanks 345

Question No. 6

Law submitted upon Referendum after passage:

Yes 560 No 806 Blanks 356

Question No. 7

A. All Alcoholic Beverages

Yes 1248 No 287 Blanks 187

Wines and Malt Beverages

Yes 1247 No 245 Blanks 230

All Alcoholic Package Stores-

Yes 1297 No 200 Blanks 225





Norfolk, ss.

To either of the Constalhles of the Town of Plainville


In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereiby required to notify and warn the inhaibitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet at the Elemen- tary School Auditorium in said Plainville on


at 7:30 o’clock p.m., then and 'there to act on the following articles, viz:

ARTICLE 1. To see whether the Town will vote to ^approve or dis- approve the amount of debt (to wit: $1,850,000.00) authorized by the King Philip Regional School District Comimittee at a meeting held on October 19, 1964, for the purpose of acquiring land for school sites and for plan- ning, constru'oting, and equipping a regional junior high school building,

(to be used for the following purposes: $22,000.00 for the acquisition of a

school site in the Town of Plainville, consisting of la parcel of land ap- proximately 22 , on the north side of Messenger S'treet (Route 106), now or formerly owned by the Town of Plainville and extending east about 600 feet from a point ap'proximaitely 1200 feet from the intersection of Routes 152 and 106, bordered by land owned by the Town of Plainville and 'the Parriseau family on the north and east;

$30,000.00 for the acquisition of a school site in the Town of Norfolk consisting of a parcel of land 'about 36 a'cres more or less on the north side of King Street extending west about 1000 feet from the intersection of Union and King Streets, said parcel of land being part of the Carlson tract, so called. 64 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

$1,798,000.00 for planning, constructing, and equipping a Junior High School building on 'the parcel of land in Norfolk hereinbefore described. (2/3 vote required)

ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 to make repairs on Treasure Island Drive and Doreen Way in laccordance with the provisions of Section 6H of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, or take any action in relation thereto. (A Peti- tion). (2/3 vote required)

ARTICLE 3. To isee if the Town of PlainvUle will vote to extend the water main, not less than 6 inches in diameter but less than 16 inches in diameter with east iron, cement lined pipe, a distance of 600 feet, more or less, from Bugbee Street northerly to Brunner S'treet, and to raise and appropriate a sum of money to pay for same, or do or act in any manner relative thereto. (A Petition.) (2/3 vote requhed)

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting up seven (7) attested copies thereof in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting.

Hereof fad not and imake return of this warrant with your doings thereon at the time and place of said meeting.

Given under our hands this 4th day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four.




Selectmen of Plainvdle

A true copy.

Attest: DONALD J. PECK, Constable

November 9, 1964. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 65

November 9, 1964

I have this day posted seven copies of the within Warrant in seven

public places in the Town of Plainville.

DONALD J. PECK, Constable,

Attest: AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk

Town of Plainville, Mass.


November 16, 1964

A special town meeting was held Monday, Novembeir 16, 1964 in the auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PjM. by Moderator Charles 0. Peasley, the voters were checked into the hall by Robert Keniston (R) and Marion McCabe (D) and ithe total count of voters present was 103 men and 84 women, 187.

The call of the meeting was read by Town Clerk Austin F. Grant.

Tellers were appointed by Moderator: rig'ht side of the hall, Francis McCabe, David Lomasney; left side of hall, Earl R. Bennett and Arthur W. Washburn, Jr.

Austin F. Grant, Town Clerk, was appointed ballot box officer in the event of a ballot vote.

Bounds of the hall to be the seats set up on the floor of the auditorium.

ARTICLE 1. Motion by Robert O. Malin and seconded by Richard Flynn that the town vote to approve the amount of debt (to wit: ($1,850,000.00) authorized by the Kin^g Philip Regional School District Com- mittee at a 'meeting held on October 19, for the purpose of acquiring land for school sites and for planning, constructing and equipping a regional junior high school building:


$22,000.00 for ithe acquisition of a school site in the Town of Plainviile, consisting of a parcel of land approximately 22 acres, on the north side of Messenger Street (Route 106), now or formerly owned -by the Town of Plainviile and extending East -about 600 feet from a point approximately 1200 feet from the intersection -of Routes 152 and 106, bordered by land owned by the Town of Plainviile -and ithe Parriseau family on the north and east;

$30,000.00 for the acquisition of a s-chooi site in the Town of Norfolk consisting of a parcel of land about 36 acres more -or less on the north side of King Street extending west about 1000 feet from the intersection of Union and King Stree-ts, said parcel of land being part of the Carlson tract, so called.

$1,798,000.00 for planning, -constructing, and -equippinig a Junior High School building on -the parcel of land in Norfolk hereinbefore -described.

A voice vote was taken on this arti'cle; it was voted but not unani- mously.

ARTICLE 2. Motion by George Ireland and seconded by Robert 0. Malin that the town vote to raise and -appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 to make repairs on Treasure Island Drive -and Doreen Way in accordance with the provisions of Section 6H of Chapter 40 -of the General Laws. The result of the vote on -this petitioned 'article was -unanim-ous.

ARTICLE 3. iMotion by Robert 0. Malin and seconded by Raymond V. -Miller that the To-wn vote to extend the water main, not les-s than six inches in diameter but less -than 16 mches in diameter with cast iron, cement lined pipe, a distance of 600 feet, mor-e or less, from Bu-gbee Street northerly to Brunner Street and to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,400.00 to pay for same.

The vote on this petitioned article, as the voice vote was doubted, a standing vote was called for; result of standing vote: Yes 147, No 10. Motion carried.

At 7:48 P.M. a motion by Raymond V. Miller to adjourn was unani- mously voted.

AUSTIN F. GRANT, Town Clerk —



Date Name Parents


21—Tami Anne Myers John Myers-June Sandra Woodworth


4—Dean Patrick Lynch Frederick Lynch-Barbara Carol Landry 8—Elizabeth Irene Black Richard Black-Jeanne Marie Godinho 14—Ronald James Hall Richard Hall-Margaret Ann Gillette 25 David Boule Leo Albert Boule, Jr.-Ruth Claire Laliberte 26 Norman Edward Jude Paine Riley Norman Riley-Bernadette Marie Dargis 27—Janette Maureen Lamb William Lamb, Jr.-Barbara Lorraine Leonard


4—Anthony Joseph DiRe Anthony DiRe-Mary Mildred Delicata 4 David Allen Dumont Albert Dumont-Rita Marie Bourgeois 8—Bradford Jonathan Kiff, Jr. Bradford Kiff-Noreen Teresa Julius 16—Jane Frances Andrews Charles Joseph Andrews-Janet 11— Marie Sears 12— 19—Paula Jane Blazic Mario Blazic, Jr.-Carol Ann Roberts 25—Deanna Josie Beardsworth Harild Beardsworth-Josie May Benson 29—David Michael Leary Daniel Leary-Joanne Frances Lukow


2—Kevin Louis Larson Louis Larson-Dorothea Christina Metcalf 7—Louise Ann Miconi Daniel Miconi-Mary Catherine Spadea 10—Paul Maurice Pimental Ferdinand Pimental-Rita Georgette Robitaille Donna Marie Schiever Robert Schriever-Claire Janet Hayes William Thomas Walsh William Walsh-Helen Louise Fahey 14—Mark Alan Tardif Robert Tardiff-Janet Rosalie Armirotto 14—John Chapin Tracy II Edward Morse Tracy-Joan Marjorie Hendsbee ———


20—16—Kurt Michael Nevins Paul Clifford Nevins-Georganne Martha Samsel 19 Barbara Ann Brown George Brown, Jr.-Frances Ann Bertone Patricia Jean Grealish Michael G. Grealish-Mary C. Cadogan 20—Glen Edward Santullo Robert Santullo-Lois Nelson 22—Lorraine Anne Lewis Warren Lewis-Patricia MacGregor 25 Peter Briggs Ney Richard Kings Ney*Marianne ZappuUa 26 Julie Elisabeth Kihlmire Charles Kihlmire-Carol Marie Moore


11—Debra Mae Botka John Botka-Sylvia Mae Power 15—Heidia Lorraine Nordberg Roy Nordberg, Jr.-Nancy Evelyn Schnitzler 20—Scott Christopher Ronhock William Ronhock-Edna May Pauline Prien 24—Christine Eliane Hatt Everett Hatt-Eva Christine Maglott 29—Robert William Bishop William Bishop-Judith Elaine MacNeill


13—Yvonne Ann Allen Vaughn Allen-Catherine Ann Strang 24 Lorna Lee McLacklan Richard McLacklan-Barbara Ann White 254— Donna Muriel LaPorte Ronald LaPorte-Louise Ruth Stevens


1—Elizabeth Louise DelSignore Joseph F. DelSignore, Jr.- Mary Louise Bowes 5—Gregory Nelson O’Brien Clifford O’Brien-Katherine Lucy Moore 8—Bryan Wallace Joseph Wallace-Phyllis Ann Bohmbach 10—Michael Roy Davis Roy Ernest Davis-Jeannie Marie St. Pierre 12—Marion Rae Clontz Raymond Clontz-Barbara Mae Fulton 7—Courtland B. Morse Richard Morse-Mildred May Hennessey 30—Paul William Levesque HI Paul Levesque, Jr.-Sharon Rose Cassidy


Linda Joyce Skinner Russell Skinner-Lucille Mary Gomes 5 Carol Ann Blackwell Frederick Lawrence Blackwell, Jr.- Frances Rioux —


5_joseph Bernard Morel Joseph Morel-Elaine Jeannette Savoie 6—Richard Garry Gale Leon Gale, Jr. -Judith Ann Berkley 23— 24— 17 Barbara Ann Herzog Erich Herzog-Gisela Susen 18 Beverly Ellen Loew Robert Lowe-Nancy Ellen Hemmingsen Bonnie Marie Pass Johnny Pass-Anne Helen Ryder Susan Marie Higgins Robert Higgins-Eleanor Marie Fonseca 27—Patricia Anne O’Toole Francis O’Toole-Arlene Agnes Kidd 27—Paula Jean Laferriere Lucien Laferriere-Georgianna Assunta DeLollis 28—Lisa Ann McLeish Davis McLeish-Ruth Nancy Laing 10— August

2—Kim Elaine Cobb Richard Cobb-Dale Weare Pearson 8—Margaret Mary Seymourian Malcolm Seymourian-Sandra Elizabeth Thompson Suzanne Marie Costello Francis Costello-Sharon Alma Dorwin 113—Maureen Skeffington James Skeffington-Joyce Elaine Kettell 18 4——Eric Paul Pettengill Dennis William Pettengill-Jane Marie Haberstroph 20 Sherri Ann Quist John Quist-Merline Jeanne Foster 21 Jeffrey Mark Theriault Normand Theriault-Roberta Anne Wilson 26—Glenn Thomas Bucklin William Bucklin-Morna Gertrude Moran 31—Scott Widak Stanley Widak-Statia Lewicki

31—Grace Elaine Finch Norman Arron Finch, Jr. -Norma Elaine Ward


2 Arthur William Miller Richard Miller-Sandra Claire Peachey 3 Karen Leslie Burns James Lee Burns-Janet Vivian O’Brien Robert August Gurn, Jr. Robert August Gurn-Martha Emma Reynolds Veronica Reynolds Daniel Reynolds-Sandra Lee Skolski 8—June Alayne Snell Frederick Alan Snell-Carol Jeanne LeBoeuf 14—John Francis Lawson Francis Lawson-Theresa Madeleine FenneU 16—Beth Kimberley Kolseth Richard Kolseth-Jean Edith Stevens 18—Lisa Marie Santsaver Jonathan Santsaver, Sr.-Patricia Gail Slade 22—Margaret Mary Flanagan George Henry Flanagan-Carolyn Carroll Clemmey 26—Paul Michael Rofino Bartolo Rofino-Kay Sandra Davis 30— Bagley Gilbert Bagley-Sandra Patricia Stuart ——



9—Diane Thelma Robbilard Alfred 0. Robillard-Mary E. Smith 27—14—Paula Jeanne Walsh William Leo Walsh-Pauline E. Souza 16 Peter John Bolio, Jr. Peter John Bolio-Judith A. Brittain 17 John Franklin McCarthy Thomas F. McCarthy-Myrna Martz 231——Jeffrey Thomas Landry Wniiam Richard Landry-Shirley Feid Jeffrey Francis Scott Francis Gordon Scott-Linda Babb 28 Deborah Lee Purdon Donald Purdon-Virginia M. Dangelo


John Michael Julius Charles A. Julius-Irmalee Kiff 2 Mark Douglas Koning Jan Eppo Koining-Josephine Riemersma 5—Tracy Ann Ronhock Robert Henry Ronhock-Genevieve Goddard 13—Richard Alan Betts Irving Spencer Betts-Barbara Fish 13— Lewicki Stanley F. Lewicki-E. Moriarti 14 Matthew Edward Tolatovicz Matthew A. Tolatovicz-Janet Carlstrom 15 Ted Wilfrid LeBlanc Albert A. LeBlanc-Helen R. Gaboury 22—Ronald Eugene Wharton Paul Russell Wharton-Rita V. Burkett 24 George Philip Antoniti Philip Jerome Antonitis- Teresa M. Ryan 25 Matthew Philip Geminiani Mario Philip Geminiani-EUen Mousseau 30—


10—Mark Wayne Langdon Charles Warren Langdon-Pauline Harrison 12—Mark David Harmon Louis Alfred Harmon-Myrona-Jane Sundell 15—Melissa Ann Young William I. Young, Jr. -Elizabeth Mathewson 19—Carotin Joan Murphy Francis G. Murphy-Mary Louise Nolan 24—Scott Kelly David William Kelly-Gael E. Mortimer 26—Timothy Joseph Llera Pedro Barios Llera-Noreene Snell 29 Michael Louis Bergeron Louis Richard Bergeron-Patricia Pierce David Brian Larson Louis Leonard Larson-Dorothea Metcalf ———



Date Name Married By



11—Raymond Francis Connors, Pawtucket, R. I.

Kathlene Ann Hutchinson, Plainville, Mass. Rev. William F. Pyne


1—Roland Elmer Jordan, Plainville, Mass.

Wanita Mae Loranger, Pawtucket, R. I. Theodore E. Romberg


1 Roger Proctor Chevers, Plainville, Mass.

Doris Helen Huxtable, Foxboro, Mass.

Frenk N. Johnston, Clergyman

14 Alden Eugene Rammel, Plainville, Mass.

Dorothy May (Mathewson) Shepard, Plainville, Mass.

William D. Underhill, Clergyman 15 Walter Thomas Kady, Wrentham, Mass.

Irene Mary Smith, Plainville, Mass. Fabian J. Sammon, Priest March

2 Winston Lee Newman, Plainville, Mass.

Janice Delight Henry, Wrentham, Mass.

George S. Perry, J. P. 72 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


18—Norman R. DeBlois, North Attleboro, Mass. Rose Marie Godin, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest

18—Irving Spencer Betts, Jr., Plainville, Mass. Barbara Marie Fish, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest


9—Richard R. Carlson, Norfolk, Mass. Louise Elaine Breen, Plainville, Mass.

Wayne G. Austin, Clergyman

23—William N. Olsen, Sharon, Mass. Linda L. Mason, Plainville, Mass. Donald A. Hunt, Priest


6—Pedro Barrios Llera, Plainville, Mass. Noreene Heather Snell, Plainville, Mass. Frank H. Knight, Jr., Clergyman 6—Everett Capwell Snow, PlainviUe, Mass. Nancy Ann Boyden, Walpole, Mass. Paul V. Varga, Minister of the Gospel 20—Sidney Russell White, North Attleboro, Mass. Esther Trafton Richardson, Plainville, Mass. James G. Pirie, Clergyman 20—Brewster A. Thorburn, Jr., Plainville, Mass. Carol Ann Medieros, Cambridge, Mass. Wells B. Grogan, Clergyman 27—Thomas Charles Medeiros, Seekonk, Mass. Mary Elizabeth Spavold, Plainville, Mass. Thomas Paris, M.S., Priest 27—Roland A. Nadeau, Jr., Plainville, Mass. Lucille Bergevine, North Attleboro, Mass. Roger D. LeDuc, Priest —


27—John W. Swanson, Beacon Falls, Conn. Linda Louise Morris, Plainville, Mass. Wayne G. Austin, Clergyman


4—Harry William Schaefer, Plainville, Mass. Diana Shaw Kiff, North Attleboro, Mass. Wayne G. Austin, Clergyman 4—John Walter Wheeler, Plainville, Mass. Jean Grace Floyd, North Attleboro, Mass. William Bradford Perry, Minister

11—Robert Joseph Sirois, North Attleboro, Mass. Doris Adele Lewis (LaCombe), Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest 18—Herbert H. Darling, PlainviUe, Mass. 22—Karen Jean Benson, Foxboro, Mass. Pierson P. Harris, Minister of the Gospel


1—Louis Bergerson, North Attleboro, Mass. Patricia A. Pierce, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest

Robert J. O’Neill, Attleboro, Mass. Barbara R. Stuart, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest

23 George Wesley Blanchard, Jr., Franklin, Mass. Abigail Naomi Groth, Plainville, Mass. Clyde A. Leonard, Priest 28—Donald D. Langille, Plainville, Mass. Janice Suvall, North Attleboro, Mass. E. Roger Sherman, J. P.


12—Harry A. Card, Washington, Street, Plainville, Mass. Norma May Campbell, Wrentham, Mass. Raymond P. Gilman, Minister of the Gospel —


Gary T. LeBlanc, Attleboro Falls, Mass. Sharon Lee Scott, Plainville, Mass.

E. Roger Sherman, J. P. 26 Clovis Raymond Morrow, Chester, Conn. Elizabeth Anne Bonney, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest


3—Arthur Lincoln Phillips, Jr., Pawtucket, R. 1. Mildred Louise Ireland, Plainville, Mass.

James R. McDonnell, J. P. 17—Kenneth R. Hamden, Norton, Mass. Virginia S. Lussier, Plainville, Mass.

Lester M. Johnson, J. P.


14—John F. Schwartz, Jr., Wrentham, Mass. Judy B. Beaupre, Plainville, Mass. Cyril E. ToUand, Priest 20—Joseph P. Rezza, North Attleboro, Mass. Joy E. Petrillo (Chase), Plainville, Mass. James R. McDonnell, J. P. 28—Normand A. Paulus, Plainville, Mass. Susan E. Foster, Franklin, Mass. Rev. John F. Fitzgerald, Priest


5—Steven Michael Fasulo, Pawtucket, R. I. Linda Diane Smith, Plainville, Mass. Wayne G. Austin, Minister 31—Sidney Austin Maddocks, Plainville, Mass. Barbara (Martin) Bouchard, Plainville, Mass.

Fabian J. Sammon, Priest 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 75


Date Name Yr. Mo. Day




4—Philip A. Arundel 90 0 0 14—Ernest G. Currier 86 4 24 28—Elizabeth (Dickey) Clarkson 81 8 5


8—Jennie A. Szymkiewicz 66 1 4 11—Benjamin R. Files 74 5 21


5—Charles F. Battersby 84 10 0 10—Richard J. Dunn 29 2 8 15—Everett W. Hudson 57 5 10 25—Richard Gibney, Sr. 70 8 11 27—Ann Frances (McCarthy) Rister 96 2 4


3—Lyman George Issler 77 3 28 8—Ann Frances Riley 84 0 0 28—Leontine Boutin 84 9 15


10—Ludouique Pre court 80 2 8 14—Carrie Neale (Winn) 86 0 28 27—Bridget Duffy “Elwood” 80 5 7 76 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


4—Mary (Fitzgerald) Burnham 72 0 0


1—Ida May Norwood 94 11 7


13—Jeanette Ridley (Landis) 82 3 10 22—Elizabeth Hardman Ousley 76 7 18


6—Joseph Adelard Falardeau, Sr. 96 11 20 17—Philip J. Dupras 77 8 4


8—Josephine Fontana 80 0 0




1—Alzeda Carvalho 36 7 3 14—Thomas M. Landry 0 9 5 19—Maud Alice Miller Field 74 10 2 21—Violet Viola Viewey nee Graves 57 9 10


11—John Joseph Bouchard 42 2 6 7—Gladys Mercier White 52 11 0 7—John Francis O’Brien 36 4 26 12—Bradford J. Kiff, Jr. 0 0 0 23—Courtland F. Fairbanks 87 6 12 —



5—Jessie Daisy Coob nee Dauphinas 85 6 28


4—Lillian F. Martin 93 7 0 8—Charles Murray Boehm 54 1 5 19—Ida Edith (Fisher) Watson 69 5 5 21—Margaret Pearl Jesso (Fish) 83 9 12


24—8—Alice (Smith) Savage 73 10 24 24 Ernest Augustin Jost 78 2 5 26—Elmer E. Stewart 64 2 25


20—Yvonne Ann Allen 2 7 Philip William Desjardins 81 6 0 31—John W. Whittaker 87 0 13


2—Leila M. (FuUer) Grant 79 5 6 6—Stanislaw John Nozko 76 0 0 25 Edna Crotty 81 2 0


12—Gertrude B. Heckman 81 3 12

20—Marion E. Cheney (Woodbury J 79 5 27 22—Clarence P. Avery 71 0 29


2—Ada (Ray) White 90 8 18 2—Harry Elmer Blake 80 11 9 5—John Nixon 68 0 16 10—George C. Wilkins 86 9 15 78 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


2—Laura M. (Waithour) Weber 67 9 22


12—Elsie (Rhodes) Dorset 78 10 17 22—George A. Arthur 92 6 8 23—Arthur Boelker 74 5 19


Appropriation Expended Salary $ 650.00 $ 650.00 Vital Statistics 225.00 199.00 Office Supplies 75.00 60.30 Postage 40.00 40.00 Dues 10.00 9.50 Association Meetings and Expenses 100.00 100.00 Clerical and Printing 200.00 197.50

$1,300.00 $1,256.30 Balance 43.70


Appropriation Expended Salaries $ 800.00 $ 800.00 Office Supplies 40.00 35.33 Postage 25.00 Printing—Street Lists 270.00 163.20 Voting Lists 172.40 Clerical 60.00 50.00 Census 320.00 271.50

$1,615.00 $1,596.17 Balance 18.83

Respectfully submitted,



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The following is a report of the Assessors for the year ending 1964.

Value of Assessed Personal Property:

Other personal property 364.100.00

Stock in trade 15,750.00

Machinery 65,766.00

Live stock 3,948.00

Total $449,564.00

Value of Assessed Real Estate:

Land, exclusive of buildings $ 695.590.00

Buildings, exclusive of land 3,887.760.00


Total Valuation of Assessed Estate: $ 5,032.914.00

Tax Rate—$100.00

Taxes for State, County and Town purposes,

including Overlay:

On Personal Estate $ 44,956.40

On Real Estate 458,335.00

Total Taxes Assessed: $503,291.40

Number of Dwelling Houses 1,052

Number of Acres Assessed 6,306 —


Excise Tax, 1964—$66.00

Number of Cars Assessed 2,616

Commissioner’s Value $1,708,210.00

Excise on Cars Assessed 94,929.17

Appropriation: Salaries $2,700.00

Expenses 1,500.00


State and County Dues $ 12.00

Mary Nixon, Tax Cards 9.50

Norfolk County Registry of Deeds and Land Court 71.20

Banker & Tradesman, Inc., subscription 28.00

Hobbs & Warren, Inc., forms 41.44

Baldwin Office Supply

Office supplies and filing cabinets 314.32

North Attleboro Chronicle Co., advertising 2.80

Clerical 569.00

$1,048.26 Salaries:

Francis W. Simmons $900.00

Expenses 75.00

Stanley G. Cole 900.00

Expenses 100.00

Robert B. McAlice 900.00

Expenses 50.00



Balance $ 226.74 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 81



Number of dogs licensed—309 $637.00

Kennel Licenses @ $10.00—5 50.00 Kennel Licenses @ $25.00—1 25.00

Kennel Licenses @ $50.00—1 50.00


Sporting Resident Licenses 60

Fishing 65

Hunting 60

Female Fishing 10

Resident Minor 28

Resident Trapping 0

Minor Trapping 1

Non-resident Fishing 4

Non-resident Hunting 1

Non-resident Fishing Special 0

Resident Sporting (Free) 25

Duplicates 4

Archery Deer Stamp 1

Alien Fishing 1

Total licenses granted 260



Town of Plainville, Massachusetts

July 1964 — 1965

Alfred G. Bolduc, Bow Street Self-Employed Bow Street, Plainville

Richard A. Breed, Jr. Process Engineer Cornell Dubilier Electric Research Center, Norwood, Mass.

Joseph W. Canole, 17 Huntington Ave. Assistant Foreman Engelhard Ind., Inc., D. E. Makepeace Div., Attleboro, Mass.

Boyd N. Cheney, 101 Pleasant St. Sales & Service Steel Sales & Service, Inc., Cumberland, R. I.

Charles J. Choma, 7 Crestwood Ave. Att. Male Nurses Foxboro State Hospital, Foxboro, Mass.

William E. Clarke, 5 Evergreen Road Metcalf & Eddy, Boston 16, Mass.

Walter L. Coleman, 9 Mathurin Road Foreman Anchor Freight, Framingham, Mass.

Richard E. Cooper, 95 Grove St. Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Ronald C. Darling, 114 East Bacon St. Metals & Controls Corp., Attleboro, Mass.

William P. Dittrich, 14 Fletcher St. Mechanical Designer Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Harold R. Emerson, 7 Fern Ave.

B. I. F. Industries, Providence, R. I.

Robert R. Faille, 736 Hawkins St. Engine House N. Y., N. H. & H. R. R., Providence, R. I.

Robert J. Fawcett, 26 Broad Street Finisher Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Walter T. Fink, 38 E. Bacon St. Office Manager American Jewelry Chain Co., Providence, R. I.

Julian S. Frost, 11 Highland Ave. Sales Engineer Metals & Controls Co., Inc., Attleboro, Mass. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 83

Albert J. Gagne, 3 Sidney St. Jeweler Whiting & Davis Co., Plainville, Mass.

Lucien G. Gaudreau, 9 James St. Jeweler L. G. Balfour Co., Attleboro, Mass.

Clarence J. Gauthier Minnesota Honeywell Life., Boston, Mass.

Robert E. Gay, Jr., 11 Elizabeth St. Toolmaker Webster Co., North Attleboro, Mass.

Richard F. Grant, 4 Evergreen Rd. Technician Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Eugene E. Hawkins, 11 Cottage St. Electrical Engineer Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Edward J. Jillson, 8 Huntington Ave. Jewelry Bench Hand LeStage Mfg. Co., North Attleboro, Mass.

Paul A. Lightfoot, 4 Crestwood Ave. Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Robert F. Littleton, 17 E. Bacon Street American Sisalcraft Co., Attleboro, Mass.

David R. Lockhart, 14 Ewald Ave. Refrig. & Air Conditioning Eng., Nortronics Corp., Norwood, Mass.

George H. Massey, 64 E. Bacon St. Driver-Salesman Cushman Bakery, Lynn, Mass.

Walter McGuire, 15 Highland Ave.

The Woonsocket Call, Woonsocket, R. I.

Richard M. Morse, 23 Bugbee St.

Wire Processing Corp., Manville, R. I.

Earle Negus 75 E. Bacon St. L. G. Balfour Co., Attleboro, Mass.

Norman Pelletier, 10 Evergreen Rd. Barber-Machine Operator

Moore Fabrics, Pawtucket, R. I.

Gordon S. Proal, 12 Cottage St. Salesman Eastern Tire Sales, Plainville, Mass.

Eric F. Renner, 15 Berry Street Tractor & Back Hoe Services, Swank, Attleboro, Mass. 84 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Charles W, Schaefer, 21 Bacon Sq. Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Harry A. Schoening, Jr., Hancock St.

U. S. Rubber Co., Providence, R. I.

Byron J. Schofield, 10 Fletcher St. Rudd-Murray System, North Attleboro, Mass.

Roy Stephens, 24 Brunner Street Toolmaker Alpin Chisholm, Plainville, Mass.

William Stierli, Cowell Rd. Carpenter Joseph Dias, North Attleboro, Mass.

Herbert E. Thompson, 43 Grove St. Stationary Engineer Bird & Son, Inc., East Walpole, Mass.

Walter V. Vine, 3 Hillcrest Drive Hub and Die Cutter

Brier Mfg. Co., Providence, R. I.

Otto W. Wolf, Witherell Place Foxboro Co., Foxboro, Mass.

Jennie B. Babbitt, 34 School St. Housewife

Daisy 0. Cheever, 18 Evergreen Rd. Secretary The Sentinel, Franklin, Mass.

Georgia S. Goodard, Shepard St. Self-Employed Shepard Street

Rosella M. Guillette, Washington St. Housewife Washington Street

Lois Y. Kaufman, 64 E. Bacon St. Accounts Receivable Clerk

Eleanor J. McGrath, 58 School St. Housewife

Mary V. Proal, School St. Housewife 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 85


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:

Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you my report as Sealer of Weights and

Measures for the year ending December 31, 1964.

Scales Tested 4 @ 5.00 $20.00 4 @ 1.00 4.00 17 @ .50 8.50 Weights 17 @ .10 $1.70 Gasoline Meters 23 @ 1.00 23.00 6 @ 3.00 18.00 Grease Pumps

8 @ .25 2.00

Total $77.00 Reweighings 85 Inspections 20 Cash paid to Town Treasurer $ 77.20 Appropriation: Salary $120.00 Transportation and Expenses 52.00

$172.00 Expenses: Salary 120.00 Transportation 25.00 Supplies 15.00

$160.00 Unexpended balance $ 12.00

Respectfully submitted,

ADRIAN G. WHEELER Sealer of Weights and Measures 86 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 19G4


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


We herewith submit our report for the Town Forest Committee for the year ending December 31, 1964.

Again this year the Explorer Scouts did a fine job of trimming and cleaning in our Town Forest.

Appropriation $75.00

Expended—Labor 75.00

Respectfully submitted,





To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


I herewith submit my report as Tree Warden for the year ending

December 31, 1964.

Appropriation $300.00 Expended: Labor taking down trees and trimming 292.19

Balance $ 7.81 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 87


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


I herewith submit my report for the year ending December 31, 1964.

Appropriation $300.00 Expended: Equipment and Labor 299.75

Balance $ .25

Respectfully submitted, EVERETT W. SKINNER, Moth Superintendent


Honorable Board of Selectmen


Planning Board activities for the past year have been for the most part centered around our new proposed Zoning-By-Law.

It is our fervent hope that on this January 25th at a special town meeting called for at the request of the Planning Board the townspeople will approve Article I, “Zoning”.

Our appropriation of seven hundred and fifty dollars was used to defray the cost of printing reports, maps, by-laws, street layout maps and the new Sub-division rules and regulations that were adopted by the Planning Board last April.

On behalf of the other members and myself I would like to thank all departments for the excellent co-operation and assistance extended to us this past year.

Respectfully submitted, EARL W. PECK, Chairman Plainville Planning Board 88 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The Conservation Committee has been meeting once a month through the year with special meetings as they seemed desirable. We have been trying to organize and plan out an overall layout for the town conserva- tion area. It is quite a project and requires a considerable amount of time as well as conferences with other bodies at the local level and with the state.

It is the feeling of the committee that as much of the area as possi- ble be kept in its natural state. However, to have the conservation land adapted to a multi-use program, certain areas will have to be developed for recreation areas. These recreation areas will be developed for camping, picnicking, etc. Also trails wiU be worked out for those desiring them for nature walks, birdwatching and other such uses.

We have had two signs painted to post on the area as you approach from either direction on George Street. These signs say: “Conservation Area, Plainville, Mass. For you to use—not abuse.”

The Boy Scouts have cleared brush along present paths in the area. Two scouts working with the chairman for their Conservation badges, have put in two water bars on a hill in one roadway to turn the water off the roadway, thus stopping erosion.

During the Spring, the Girl Scouts have worked with the committee cutting brush and trimming permanent trees along the border of George Street. They did an excellent job clearing out about two acres of land except for large trees which were removed later.

The committee has been very interested in the flow of water in the old mill brook. This has been an exceptionally dry summer and at no time has the brook dried up. The flow has been reduced through the severest of the drought but has consistently maintained a flow which runs into Turnpike Pond and the town well fleld. By maintaining forest cover in our conservation land, we hope to be able to increase this flow of water. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 89

During this late fall more work has been done in weeding and thin- ning the area we plan to use as a picnic and camping area. This work has improved about five acres and has made a good supply of firewood salvaged from dead and weed trees taken out. This will be cut and stored for the use of picnickers and in campfires.

The committee would be pleased to have the townspeople inspect the area and offer suggestions to your committee.

Respectfully submitted,



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The past year has been mainly devoted to strengthening the book collection with particular attention to the juvenile level. A new World Book Encyclopedia was purchased and we are continuing to buy starred titles from the Children’s Catalog to improve the quality of the basic col- lection. An effort is made to acquire as many titles which are on the King Philip reading lists as possible. The program of maintenance is continuous. Two new sections of shelving have been placed in the adult non-fiction room. The library is a busy place with 1324 active borrowers using a collection of 8340 books.


Juvenile Fiction 6519 Juvenile Non-fiction 1655 Adult Fiction 2881 90 to™ of plainville 1964

Adult Non-fiction 1498 Magazines 628

Total 12,781 Appropriation (includes State Aid) $3,910.00 Expenditures: Salaries $1,698.01 Books and magazines 1,290.81 Operating expenses 921.06

Total $3,909.88 Balance $ .12

Respectfully submitted,




To the Citizens of Plainville:

Submitted herewith is the report of the Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project of its activities in the Town of Plainville for the year ending December 31, 1964.

Ground Spraying 757 Acres Ground Pre-hatch Dusting 70 Acres Drainage 1,415 Feet Brush Clearing 725 Feet Culverts Cleaned 10 Culverts Catch Basins Treated 148 Catch Basins

Respectfully submitted,

JOHN C. KUSCHKE, Superintendent 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 91


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The Plainville Park Department has had a 1964 full of achievement and purpose. Our two park supervisors, Miss Mary Fiumara and Mr. Wayne Newman conducted an excellent waterfront program. Miss Jill Lomasney using skill and imagination ran an interesting ‘Arts and Crafts’ program. Our thanks to Mr. Everett Skinner, Highway Superintendent, for the many hours spent on improvement of the park.

Improvements to the park have included the rebuilding of the pavilion into a crafts center with space for storage. The Bacon Memorial water- ing trough has a new location at the entrance to the park. The school- house bell which toUed the hour for many years has been erected at the Park.

During the extreme drought experienced in Plainville, the back pond was cleaned and graded to a uniform depth. This was a community effort and our thanl^s to all taking part.

The Park Commissioners call to everyone’s attention two pressing problems of the recreational program. The lack of a reliable water sup- ply for the swimming pool and the need of area playgrounds.

Expended for 1964 the sum of $4,203.03

Returned to the Treasury 46.97

Respectfully submitted.



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The following streets were surface treated with one- per square yard of M.C. asphalt with a sand cover; Walnut Street a dis- tance of 7,900 feet; Hancock Street, a distance of 4,200 feet; Bow Street, a distance of 2,100 feet; Hawkins Street, a distance of 7,000 feet; Peterson Street, 800 feet; High Street from Hawkins Street to Warren Street, a distance of 3,200 feet. High Street from Cross Street to Green Street, a distance of 2,600 feet; Garfield Street 400 feet; Grant Street, a distance of 650 feet; Huntington Avenue 1,200 feet; Lynn Avenue 550 feet; State Street 400 feet; Wade Road 550 feet; Harvard Street, a distance of 400 feet; Pearl Street 350 feet; Park Avenue, a distance of 1,000 feet; Robbin Street 450 feet; Bacon Square 1,000 feet; Cottage Street 900 feet; Spring Street, a distance of 2,100 feet; George Street, from School Street to Cowell Street, a distance of 3,700 feet; Taunton Street, a distance of 1,600 feet; Shepard Street, complete length, 2,400 feet, and Hillside Road 2,000 feet.

Under Chapter 90 Maintenance, George Street from East Bacon Street to Washington Street, a distance of 2,800 feet was surface treated with one-quarter gallon per square yard of M.C. asphalt with a sand cover; East Bacon Street, a distance of 2,600 feet two inches of Bituminous Con- crete Type I-l was applied; Road shoulders on Messenger Street were done under this chapter.

Under Chapter 90 New Construction, George Street from Route 1 to School Street construction is under way, the clearing and grubbing, exca- vating, blasting, rough grading is done. The drainage, grading and re- finishing will be done next year.

In conjunction with the Highway Department program, drainage, sidewalks, catch basins, brush cut along the roadside, gravel roads were graveled and scraped; bituminous patching and the usual maintenance of roads was realized.

The Chapter 822 money was used to widen, reconstruct and asphalt George Street from Cowell Street to Wampum Street, and or Wampum Street from George Street westerly. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 93

In submitting this report, I again wish to thank your board and the members of this department, and other department heads of the town for their cooperation during the year.

Respectfully submitted,

EVERETT W. SKINNER, Superintendent of Streets


Appropriation: Includes Street signs. Drainage and Sidewalks $16,900.00


Office Supplies $ 32.15 Telephone 194.55 Dues 8.00 Subscriptions 10.00 Transportation 500.00 Lights 242.60 Heat 622.17 Parts and Equipment 2,750.00 Equipment Rental 1,628.50 Materials 3,834.19 Capital Equipment 624.15 Labor 3,514.30 Gas, Oil and Grease 1,993.59 Repairs to Garage 50.00 Stret line painting 486.00 Surplus Property 406.16

Total $16,896.36 Balance 3.64


Appropriation $14,650.00 Expended: Labor $7,242.75 Materials 7,001.57 94 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Equipment Hire 404.60

Total $14,648.92 Balance 1.08


Appropriation $6,050.00 Expended: Labor $1,236.94 Materials 4,812.61

Total $6,049.55 Balance .45


Appropriation $5,381.12 Expended: Labor $1,865.75 Materials 1,661.15 Equipment Hire 1,705.50

Total $5,232.40 Balance 148.72


1963 Appropriation: George St. Rte. 1 to School Street $12,050.00

Expended: Labor $6,544.95 Materials 1,505.92 Equipment Hire 3,992.00

$12,042.87 Balance 7.13 Expended—1963 $ 1,479.10 Expended—1964 10,563.77 1964 Appropriation: George St. Rte. 1 to School St. 12,050.00 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 95



Material $ 321.36 Equipment Hire 1,918.25

$2,239.61 Balance $9,810.39


Appropriation $12,000.00 Overdraft 2,119.61

$14,119.61 Expended:

Labor $5,000.85 Materials 5,435.76 Equipment Hire 3,683.00



Appropriation $5,800.00

National Motor Sales, Inc. $3,740.00 Eschenheimer Corporation 1,788.00 D. R. Gaskin 25.00 Sousa Bros. & DeMayo, Inc. 240.00

$5,793.00 Balance 7.00 96 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


I herewith submit my report as Inspector of Slaughtering for the year ending December 31, 1964.

The required monthly reports were sent to the Department of Health.

Twelve carcasses have been inspected and stamped.

Respectfully submitted,


Inspector of Slaughtering


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


I herewith submit my report as Inspector of Animals for the year ending December 31, 1964.

All cattle brought in from out of state were identified by ear tag and released.

The fall inspection asked for by the State was completed and the report sent to the State.

Respectfully submitted,


Inspector of Animals 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 97


The School Building Committee invited bids on the new school with sub-bids opened February 11 and general bids February 18, 1964. Bids were higher than the committee expected so all bids were rejected. Invitations were then invited on an 8-room building with 2 additional rooms as an alternate. Sub-bids were opened March 17 and general bids March 24. Prices were within the range the architect and the committee felt reasonable so the low bid by the LaPlante Construction Corporation was accepted. Alternates accepted made it possible to build a ten-room building. Test borings and other tests were made and construction began in April. On May 6, the school building committee met with the School Building Assistance Commission and the Emergency Finance Board for final approval of the building plans and the financing plan.

Through the cooperation and endeavors of the Water Department and Water Commissioners, water was made available early in June and serious construction began. Delays in steel delivery and roofing made the hiring of a “clerk-of-works” unwise but supervision by the architect and his representatives is part of the contract. Weekly inspections and reports to the building committee, plus visits by members, have served to keep the committee informed as to progress on the project. While it is difficult to determine percentage of construction, the building was almost completed by February 15 and should be ready for the Town before August 1, 1965. September 1965 occupancy should be no problem barring unseen emergencies. While it may be premature, the building committee believes that the Town is getting a functional, economical elementary school building of which it can be proud.

Respectfully submitted,




School Building Committee



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


Following is the report of the Water Department for year ending 1964.

On January 16, 1964 bids were opened for the Special APW Mass-57G Water Project, in the assembly room of the Fire Station, rather than the Town Office, due to the number of bids received.

Much time and work was required on this project during the year. All but one of the four contracts awarded has been approved by HHFA. Due to late starting and cold weather the work cannot be resumed on the standpipe until April 1965.

At such time as the APW Project is accepted and turned over to the town, an open house at the Well Site will be held.

On March 4, 1964 bids were opened for the water main installation on Taunton Street from 106 northerly and awarded to Joseph T. lacuzzi, with work having been completed. In the best interest of the town, the Water Commissioners allowed the Plainville Realty (Adams) to cross the Ashman property with installation of approximately 4000 feet of water mains, proper tie in and hydrants as called for in the specifications of the Water Department, and daily inspections by Mr. French.

Water is being furnished to the town of North Attleboro, via Taunton Street (Kelly Boulevard) through North Attleboro Water Dept., meter pit, at the town line. A contract having been drawn up with North Attleboro Water Dept., Commissioners on August 26, 1964, to sell water for the same cost as Plainville is paying them. Contract to expire on the same date (1967) as the North Attleboro contract to Plainville, in order that both contracts may be agreed upon at the same time.

On December 9, 1964 bids were opened in the Town Office for a new water main on Grove Street, for which $5,400.00 had been voted at a Special Town Meeting on November 23rd. The bid was in the amount of $5,210.00 due to gravel and black top being required. The Commission- ers wrote up specifications to save additional engineering fees of 20% of the contract price. Road resurfacing wiU be completed in early summer. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 99

At the time of main installation on South Street, nine old services were renewed. A total of twenty-two new services were installed during the year.

We wish to thank Mr. Everett Skinner for his faithful work for this department, the Highway Dept., Selectmen, Treasurer, also the towns- people, North Attleboro Water Dept., for the cooperation rendered this board during the year.


Appropriation $24,354.00

Capitol Equipment $1,275.47 Hydrant Maintenance 503.15 Parts 923.33 Office Supplies 285.22 Dues 4.00 Transportation 150.00 Purchased Labor 1,741.46 Meter Reading 300.00 Clerk of Selectmen 50.00 North Attleboro Water Dept. 11,089.34 Pumping (Plainville) 1,617.56 Expended $17,939.53

Balance $ 6,414.47

Salary Account Appropriation 750.00 Alton E. French $200.00 Byron J. Schofield 200.00 Maida L. King 350.00

Expended $ 750.00

Balance 0.00

Financial Statement Balance of Accounts Receivable, December 31, 1963 $ 3,412.87 Billing for 1964 34,568.59 Cash Collected 1964 35,140.33 :


Abatements 831.65

Water Liens 1,659.59

Accounts Receivable December 31, 1964 2,841.13

Recommendations for 1965

Pumping Account $17,575.00

General Account 6,799.00

Salaries 750.00

Special Accounts

Route 106 to Elementary School ($15,000.00)

Route 106 to North Attleboro Town Line ($10,000.00)

Appropriation $25,000.00

Expended $12,790.12

Balance—(Not Final) $12,209.88

Taunton Street

Route 106 to D. E. Makepeace Co.

Appropriation $19,000.00

Expended $17,020.31

Balance—(Not Final) $1,979.69

Grove Street

Appropriation $5,400.00

Expended $4,234.70

Balance—(Not Final) $1,165.30 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 101

Special Account—APW MASS-57G

Total Award $277,000.00

Contract No. 1—Well

(R. E. Chapman Co., Oakdale, Mass.)

Expended $9,170.00

Contract No. 2—Pumping Station Storage Tank

(Tracy & Lucey, Inc., Northboro, Mass.)

Expended $42,841.80

Contract No. 3—Water Mains

(Joseph T. lacuzzi—Attleboro Falls)

Expended 114,171.30

Contract No. 4—Tank

(Darcon, Inc., Warren, Pa.)

Expended 63,612.00

Engineering—Inspection Services

Expended 25,885.92

Total Expended to December 31, 1964 $255,681.02

Balance (Not Final) $21,318.98

Respectfully submitted.




Board of Water Commissioners 102 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


As everyone knows the Police Department suffered a real crisis with the loss of our beloved and devoted Chief, Ernest LaPorte, which proved to be a great loss to the town and the Dept., and to us, a great loss of a friend. His devotion to the Dept, and Town was unquestionable. His love of children and their love for him was quite in evidence.

Upon assuming our duty in March, our misfortune and problems were too numerous to put into this Report. As everyone knows the Commis- sioners and the Board of Selectmen spent hours and days and weeks to obtain a new Chief, and feel we are extremely fortunate to have the services of Chief Phillip MacKenzie whose experience and educational background is of the highest. Chief MacKenzie was bom in Norwood, Mass., graduated from Norwood High School; Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts Correctional Officers Training Program; Graduate of Califor- nia Peace Officers Academy; Pomona Police Academy; Sacramento State College-Business Administration Course; Six-month Course Mt. San Antonio Junior College, Walnut, California in Police Administration; Six-month Course in State and Federal Law; Thirteen-week Course in Traffic Engineering, California Highway Patrol at Pomona Police Aca- demy. He is the husband of Joan Bourbeau and they have 3 children.

Each year the work done by the Police Dept, has increased. This year was no exception with the opening of Route 95 which produced a traffic problem at the junction of Route 152 and 106 for which we had installed a lighting system to insure the safety of our Police officers on duty. This year we obtained a Police cruiser built and designed for Police work and have noticed a substantial difference in its availability and with a minimum amount of maintenance cost. A new radio antenna was installed at the Police Station which greatly increased our reception. Installed a new dispatching service for greater efficiency on emergency calls, plus the record system was revamped and a new filing cabinet purchased for better efficiency. A new Penetrator Siren was installed on the Cruiser which included a P. A. system. Also obtained were fluores- cent safety belts for the department plus a new blanket for the Cruiser to be used for accident victims. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 103

It was published in the newspaper the Wrentham lockup facilities were to be denied the Town of Plainville, because of the inconveniences incurred on the Wrentham Police Dept. We are happy to inform that this service is again avaliable to us with the understanding that w^e prov- ide our own lockup keeper.

We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation for the assis- tance and cooperation throughout the year to Chief Clarence Skinner and the Fire Dept., Highway Superintendent Everett Skinner and Dept., Mrs. Bessie Barton, Special Officer Mrs. Ruth Fulton, Board of Select-

men and the men of the Plainville Police Dept.

Appropriations for Salaries and Wages for 1964 $24,682.00

Appropriations for other expenses, including Cruiser 5,825.00

Total $30,507.00

Expended for 1964 29,972.29

Returned to Treasurer 534.71

Respectfully submitted.





To the Honorable Board of Selectmen

Town of Plainville, Massachusetts


I herewith submit the Annual Report of the Plainville Police Dept.

Arrests made in 1964 12

For the following offenses:

Neglect to provide for family 1 Assault and battery 1 Driving under the influence of alcoholic beverage 3 Drunkeness 4 Lewd and lascivious behavior and speech 1 Motor vehicle violations 6 Attempt breaking and entering 2 Using a motor vehicle without authority 1

Traffic Accidents Investigated in 1964 106 This includes those reported for the following categories: Automobile with automobilue 69 Automobile with parked automobile 7 Automobile with flxed object 28 Automobile with bicycle 1

Injuries resulting from traffic accidents 51 Deaths resulting from traffic accidents 0 Property damage resulting from traffic accidents 13 Auto accidents reported on private property 2 Hit and run accidents reported 2

Investigations made in 1964 109 For the following offenses and incidents: Robbery 1 Assault and attempt robbery 1 Larceny 19 Attempt larceny 1 Breaking and entering 10 ;


Attempt breaking and entering 1 Burglary 3 Vandalism 7 Auto theft 1 Trespassing 1 Lewd and lascivious behavior 1 Unnatural act 1 Lewd phone calls 1 Arson 1 Child beating 1 Prowler 2 Drunken driving 3 Drunkenness 4 Peace disturbance 9 Fugitive 1 Cruelty to animals 1 Truancy 1 Suspicious circumstances 3 Juvenile problem 1 Alcoholic beverage violation 1 Injured person 4 Sick person 1 Missing person 2 Overdose of drugs 1 Deceased person 6 Illegal dumping 2 Overloaded school bus 1 Abandoned vehicle 1

Car fire 1 Parking problem 1 Incompetent driver 1 Property damage 3 Found property 3 Vicious dog 1 Dog bite 2 Dog fight 1 Dead dog 1

Traffic Citations Issued 30

For the following violations Hit and run 2 Driving to endanger 5 Passing school bus 2 106 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Racing 4 Speeding 12 Failing to yield to pedestrian 3 Unsafe starting from curb 1 Making harsh and obnoxious noise 1

License to carry firearms issued 64 Gunsmith, dealer license issued 4 Bicycle licenses issued 36 Summonses served 67 Warrants served and effected 2 Capias Warrants served and effected 5 Citizens served by means of vacation house checks 45

ft is my pleasure to express my thanks and appreciation to the fine people of the Town of Plainville for the warm reception and good wishes I have received upon coming into the Town as a new citizen and Chief of the Police Department and to express my gratitude to the Honorable Board of Selectmen and the Police Commission for the consideration given to my application for this position. Be assured that I will try to be worthy of the great trust placed in my care and live up to my obligations of maintaining a Department that the citizens and the employees will be justifiably proud of.

All undertakings and decisions made in my capacity of Chief of Police will be made with consideration to the benefit to the Town and the prog- ress of the Police Department as it is my feeling that the existence of a Police Department is justified solely on the basis of its service to the community.

I wush also to express my appreciation to the present members of the Police Department, both permanent officers and special officers, for their kind willingness to work with me.

Respectfully submitted.


Chief of Police 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 107


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


I herewith submit my report as Inspector of Wires for the Town of Plainville for the year ending December 31, 1964.

87 permits were issued and $87.00 in fees turned over to the Town Treasurer.

In making my report I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Selectmen, Town Departments, Contractors and the Towns- people for the cooperation given me during the year.

Respectfully submitted,

EARL J. LAVIN, Inspector of Wires


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


I herewith submit my report for the year ending December 31, 1964. A total of seventy-three permits were granted for the estimated cost of $810,376.46. 32 Dwellings 11 New Business and Additions to present Business Establishments 23 Additions to Dwelling 1 New Elementary School I granted three permits to move buildings and three permits to raze buildings.

I wish to bring to the attention of all contractors or any person con- templating constructing, altering or razing a building, that a permit must be obtained before the project is started. Also that an occupancy inspec- tion must be made before any home or building can be occupied. Again I wish to thank the contractors, townspeople. Board of Select- men, Planning Board, Fire Chief Skinner and the Appeals Board for their cooperation during this past year.

Respectfully submitted,

CLINTON E. BARTON, SR., Building Inspector 108 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


Sewage disposal systems at all new building starts were designed as a result of determination of porosity of soil, depth to ground water and surrounding surface runoff of storm water. Requirements of adequate disposal is also dependent on estimated daily flow based on size and use of building proposed. Inspection is made before backfill to assure speci- cations have been met, progress inspections are also made if considered advisable.

Bacteriological analysis was made of water in Town Pool during season on weekly basis and any drains, streams or suspicious flows in- vestigated at discretion of Town Officials or Sanitary Inspector.

Proposed subdivisions are closely investigated to determine drain- age, soil conformation and porosity, and each lot is tested separately and permit for each lot, there are no blanket approvals of all lots.

Inspection and bacteria swab counts of utensils were made at eating and drinking establishments, and rechecks as found necessary to main- tain required standards.

Respectfully submitted,

PUTNAM STEELE, R. S., Sanitary Inspector


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


I herewith submit my report as Inspector of Milk and Dairies for the Town of Plainville for the year ending December 31, 1964.

33 milk licenses issued @ $1.00 each $33.00 Paid Town Treasurer 33.00

Respectfully submitted,

EARL B. THOMPSON, Milk Inspector 1984 ANNUAL REPORT 109


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


We are pleased to submit the following report of the Board of Appeals for the year ending December 31, 1964.

The board held eight public hearings during the year. Four of these hearings included requests to locate and reside in Mobile Homes located on private property. One of these requests was withdrawn, one was turned down, and two were approved on a temporary basis. Of the other four hearings, two involved variances in the minimum lot frontage and the minimum lot size regulation, and two involved variances in the front property line and the 20' setback regulations. All four of these requests were approved.

The board was sorry to lose the services of Daniel Malone who re- signed during the year. Mr. Robert Keniston was appointed by the Board of Selectmen to fill this vacancy.

We wish to thank the Town Counsel and the other Town Departments for their assistance during the past year.

Respectfully submitted,



For the Year 1964

To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


Civil Defense has had an uneventful year with no national or natural disasters. Civil Defense must depend on an interested citizenry if it is 110 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964 to be effective. In our community we need a public awakening to the importance of maintaining a strong and alert organization. Our two most important needs are: trained manpower and a control center.

Expenditures for 1964:

Telephone $148.43 Office Supply 25.00 Printing 15.00 Capital 222.33

Total $410.00 Returned to Treasury $89.24

Respectfully submitted,



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


I herewith submit my report as Gas Inspector for the year ending December 31, 1964.

Thirty-six (36) inspections were made. Fees collected $ 72.00 Paid to Town Treasurer 72.00 Appropriation $200.00 Expended: Salary 150.00

Balance $ 50.00

Respectfully submitted,

C. E. SKINNER, JR. Gas Inspector 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 111


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


126 Trips—1,744.5 miles 115 Patients 335 Man hours @ $2.00—$670.00 Total BiUing—$1,262.00 33 Tanks of Oxygen 140.5 of Gasoline Appropriation $1,100.00 Expended: Labor $670.00 Ambulance Maintenance 98.62 Galoline 30.87 Radio Maintenance and Repair 26.00 Laundry 61.22 Supplies 47.83 Oxygen 26.94 Total Expended $961.48

Balance as of December 31, 1964 $138.52

RespectfuUy submitted,



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


We hereby submit our report for the year ending December 31, 1964. Buildings 34 Grass and Brush 86 Auto (fire and accident) 21 Mutual Aid 9 Lost Children 3 Lockouts 3 Rescue 2 112 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Transportation and First Aid 12 Flooded Cellars 2 Practices and Meetings 25 Miscellaneous 40 False Alarms 5

Total Calls 242

Also, one hundred and twenty-six (126) Ambulance runs were made during the year.

Many hours were spent inspecting Schools, Churches, Rest Homes, Business Establishments and homes during the year. Also, fire drills were conducted at all schools during the year.

Many hours were also spent investigating fires and complaints throughout the year, with a large assist from the two Deputies.

The C. D. Auxilary Fire Dept, continues to spend many hours on prac- ticing station coverage and fire fighting. They have proven to be a big asset to the regular fire department.

The Rescue Truck, purchased by the men of the department last year, is now fully equipped and has proven to be most valuable and effective.

We recommend that the Town of Plainville contract to buy a mechani- cal ladder truck this year. The price not to exceed $35,000.00.

We recommend that $2,500.00 be added to our Fire Alarm Replace- ment Fund, continuing the program started last year.

We also recommend that a permanent daytime fire department be established this year. We feel that a three-man force would best serve the needs of the Town at this time.

We wish to express our thanks to you, the Officers and men of the Department, neighboring fire departments, the Police Department, and the Highway Superintendent and his men, and all other persons who cooperated and assisted us so well during the past year.


Appropriation $12,750.00 Transfers (Forest Fire Account) 3,153.89

$15,903.89 Total Expended 15,778.81

Balance $ 125.08 Salaries; C. E. Skinner, Jr., Chief $1,765.75 Thomas Armitage, Deputy Chief 419.80 Joseph Fountain, Deputy Chief 501.00 Department Payroll 3,813.45

Total $ 6,500.00 Forest Fire: C. E. Skinner, Jr. $ 361.25 Thomas Armitage 196.80 Joseph Fountain 260.40 Department Payroll 2,590.50

Total Payroll Forest Fire $3,408.95

Forest Fire Expense (Food) $ 144.94 Expenses: Gas and Electricity $ 274.94 Telephone 471.84 Apparatus Maintenance 1,688.67 Fire Alarm 128.39 Dues, Books, Training 158.45 Chiefs’ Club and Convention 155.00 Radio Maintenance 475.72 Supplies 394.31

Total Expenses $3,747.32

Equipment: Hose $ 482.50 Radio 700.00 Coats 240.95 Miscellaneous 58.70 Tanks for Scott Air Paks 145.53 Tools 42.42 Plectrons 307.50

Total Equipment Expense $1,977.60 Grand Total Expended $15,778.81



To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


1961 I herewith submit to you my report as Collector of Taxes for the year ending December 31, 1964.


Uncollected Uncollected 1/1/64 Collected Abated 1/1/65

Poll $ 6.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.00 None 1962 Personal 260.55 260.55 None Real Estate 669.06 642.08 26.98 None Excise 548.00 260.74 287.26 None


1963 PoU $ 18.00 $ 4.00 $ 10.00 $ 4.00 Personal 2,882.36 990.08 210.00 1,682.28 Real Estate 5,392.26 4,132.66 1,259.60 Water 58.47 58.47 Excise 2,245.60 613.65 544.20 1,087.75


Tax Title

PoU $ 170.00 $124.00 $ 10.00 $ 36.00 Personal 3,317.14 152.75 141.00 3,023.39 Real Estate 23,021.36 13,857.54 23.50 18.80 9,121.52 Water 173.77 139.92 33.85

Excise —23,545.51 29,075.54 20,837.29 3,633.87 4,602.38 Warrant— 5,530.03 (short) 2.00 In 1964 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 115

1964 Account

Uncollected Warrants Collected Abated Tax Title 1/1/65

Personal $ 44,956.43 $40,840.80 $415.00 $3,700.63 Real Estate 458,455.00 388,627.21 28,896.84 302.50 40,628.45

Water 1,649.59 1,247.65 401.94 Farm 34.00 34.00 None Excise 87,875.11 70,798.57 4,284.00 12,792.14

1961 1962 1963 1964

Interest Paid Treas. $ 164.37 $302.29 $336.42 $108.04 Charges Paid Treas. 31.70 62.70 368.70 204.00


Appropriation $ 2,373.00

Salary $ 1,500.00 Office Supplies 61.88 Stamps and Envelopes 306.00 North Attleboro Chronicle, Printing 120.00 Harry F. Dunnebier, Insurance 15.45 Dues Collectors and Treasurer’s Association 5.00 Attending Association’s Meetings 10.00 Clerical 200.00 Deputy Collector 25.00

Total $2,243.33

$ 129.67

Respectfully submitted,


Collector of Taxes 116 TOWN OP^ PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


The year has seen an increase in the number of cases the Veterans’ Department has handled that has entailed the spending of money other than Emergency cases.

Cases were thoroughly investigated and some were kept on an emer- gency basis until their status changed.

There has been a general increase of five percent across the board for 1965.

I wish to thank the Board of Selectmen, Finance Committee, Police Department, Superintendent of Highways and Mrs. Clinton Barton, whose help was invaluable, and all others who in any way helped me during the past year.

Respectfully submitted.


Veterans’ Agent

Appropriation $2,300.00 Transferred 2,000.00

$4,300.00 Expended 3,442.65

Balance $ 557.35 Check returned 130.50

Balance $ 687.85 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 117


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen


There are no cases presently pending in any Court, either for or against the Town.

In addition to many Opinions given to Town Departments for the year 1964, legal activity was required in connection with the Water De- partment Expansion, the acquisition of the Messinger Street property for the school.

There are presently in process, the acquisition of the Garford proper- ty which has been delayed by title difficulty which will take several months still to complete.

Among recommendations for the year 1965 would be:

1. The Registration of the title to the school property on Messinger Street.

2. A search and abstract of the land records at the Registry of Deeds in Dedham with a view towards compiling a list of Town property and the source of the Town’s title.

3. The adoption and publication of rules and regulations by the Board of Health.

4. The adoption of plumbing regulations.

5. The gathering together of the Town’s By-Laws and all other Ordi- nances, By-Laws and Regulations of Town Departments, and Committees, Rules and Regulations so that in one volume there would be easy reference to the same.

Plainville has continued to enjoy a relatively litigation free period due in great measure to its civic minded citizenry and in particular to the diligence and selflessness of its Town Officials.

Respectfully submitted,

CHARLES R. MASON, Town Counsel •" ‘ ' i t* .' •” • • > , 1 ?i ’ ** ' ’ '. •- ''A . ' .yj •r-^ ‘litf/!) £* ,.>''’^r VV*' •-> . S'TJ

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For the Year Ending December 31,1 964 120 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Term expires 1965

Term expires 1967

Term expires 1967

Term expires 1965

Term expires 1966

Meeting of the School Committee is held in the Plainville Elementary School on the Second Monday of each month.

Superintendent of Schools.. Plainville CARL W. GREEN Residence—Telephone: 9-2604

School—Telephone : 5-6571

The Superintendent may be reached at the office in Plainville Elementary School

Authorized to issue Work Certificates:

CARL W. GREEN, Superintendent

School Physician

DR. JOHN T. COTTER Telephone: 5-6342

School Nurse MRS. JEANETTE PRAY Telephone: 9-2149

Attendance Officer PHILIP MACKENZIE :



Elementary School:

First term opens September 9, 1964

First term closes December 23, 1964

Second term opens January 4, 1965

Second term closes February 19, 1965

Third term opens March 1, 1965

Third term closes April 15, 1965

Fourth term opens April 26, 1965

Fourth term closes June 25, 1965


Columbus Day, October 12, 1964

Teachers’ Convention, October 30, 1964

Veterans’ Day, November 11, 1934

Thanksgiving, November 26, 27, 1964

Good Friday, April 16, 1965

School Sessions:

Elementary—Grades 1 through 6—8:25 to 2:05

Fire Alarm (No-School Signals)

3 double blasts of the Fire Alarm


NO-SCHOOL news will be given over Radio Stations WARA and WBZ 122 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Appropriation $182,345.00 Interest on Town School Fund 30.90

$182,375.90 National Defense Education Act—Balance:


Administration School Committee 321.00 Superintendent Salary 8.700.00 Superintendent Travel 240.00 Clerical 4.019.00 Miscellaneous 678.54

Instruction Teachers Salaries 120,060.51 Special Education 3,498.35 Supplies 3,879.03 Textbooks 1,607.80 Educational TV 142.50

Other School Services Health 3,807.09 Transportation 14,519.12

Operation & Maintenance of Plant Custodial 8,049.00 Supplies 1.870.14 Heat 2.248.15 Utilities 3,074.46 Maintenance 2,755.68

Acquisition of Fixed Assets Added or initial equipment 810.61 National Defense Education Act 371.63


BALANCE: $1,723.29 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 123


1962 1963 1964

Chapter 70 State Aid $ 57,328.50 $ 58,535.28 $ 61,163.75

For Superintendent 3,333.33 3,333.33 3,333.00

For School Bus Transportation 4,047.60 6,436.00 6,195.00

For Special Education 189.46 890.13 1,910.18

Receipts from Outside Source $ 64,898.89 $ 69,194.74 $ 72,602.26

Total Expenditures 150,806.98 158,834.98 174,602.55

Expenditures by Town of Plainville $ 85,908.09 $ 89,640.23 $102,000.29


CHAPTER 70, 71 G.L.

Chapter 70, General Laws, State Aid $57,584.62

15% additional as member of Regional District 8,637.69

For Superintendent G.L.C. 71 S59A 3,333.33

For Transportation G.L.C. 71 S 7A 9,138.30

For Special Education 2,540.43



1. Rentals $64.00

2. Interest 30.90 124 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964




School Committee 435.00 $ 321.00 Superintendent 9,100.00 8,700.00 Travel 240.00 240.00 Clerical 4,200.00 4,019.00 Miscellaneous 700.00 678.54


Teachers’ Salaries 137,025.00 120,060.51 Special Education 3.500.00 3,498.35 Supplies 5.165.00 3,879.03 Textbooks 2.060.00 1,607.80 Educational TV 160.00 142.50


Health 4,118.00 3,807.09 Transportation 15,082.00 14,519.12


Custodial 10,292.00 8,049.00 Supplies 2,000.00 1.870.14 Heat 3.500.00 2.248.15 Utilities 4.200.00 3,074.46 Maintenance 3.100.00 2,755.68


Added or Initial Equipment 500.00 810.61 N.D.E.A. 371.63

$205,377.00 $182,345.00

Total Reimbursement—Estimate 1965: $81,234.37 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 125


To The Citizens Of Plainville:

This fall the Plainville Elementary School is overcrowded with 600 pupils in 20 classrooms; in each of six classrooms there are more than 35 pupils. To help maintain educational standards under these conditions a part-time assistant teacher has been used to help the three regular 2nd Grade teachers. Departmentalization in Grades 5 and 6 has improved instruction in these grades. The entire School De- partment is looking forward to next fall when 10 more classrooms will be available in the new school.

Scores on the Science Research Associates tests last March show- ed that on the average the Plainville Elementary School students were again well above national normals. Testing covered Arithmetic and the Language Arts.

The school building and grounds are in excellent condition. As a result of the policy of continual maintenance no major expenditures are anticipated.

The School Committee wishes to thank the administrative staff, the teachers and supervisors, nurse, custodians, lunchroom staff and bus drivers for their contribution in making another successful year for the Plainville Elementary School.

Special acknowledgement is made to the Mothers who volunteered their time in the library program. The Committee is grateful to the P.T.A. for maps, globes and books, and the Teachers Club for their donation of books for the library.

Respectfully submitted,



To the Plainville School Committee;

I hereby submit my fifth annual report on the Plainville Public Schools grades 1—6 with a great deal of pride in what has been ac- complished this year. The cooperation of the school committee, tea- chers, supervisors, custodians, lunchroom personnel, school secretary, nurse, P.T.A. and citizens has been outstanding and the key factor to our good program.

State Aid

One of the greatest problems at the present time in Massachusetts education is that of the source of funds. Costs of schools are going up all the time. There are demands for longer school days, longer school years, school for younger children and school for older children. New programs, new equipment, new space all cost more. Massachusetts, more than any other state, depends on the local property tax to provide the bulk of the funds needed to educate its children. Poor communities, needing the best education, have the least money and wealthy com- munities already having the best education often support these programs with little effort. To say that “it all comes from the same pocket” is not the answer. We must look for some sort of equalization formula that will make help available where needed and when needed so that all chil- dren will have an equal educational opportunity.


On October 1, 1964, 601 pupils were enrolled in twenty classes. A comparison of 1964 with 1965 projections is made below:

Grade 1964 1985

1 115 130 2 102 115 3 108 102 4 82 108 5 111 82 6 83 111

601 648

Six classes have 36 or more pupils. To reduce class sizes to a rea- sonable number wil require at least four and possibly five new classes in September 1965. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 127

Teaching Staff

Although only two teachers who were with us in June 1964 left our system, several changes were made in assignments for September 1964. Mr. Earl Cowan and Miss Lydia Palmer left at the end of the school year. We lost one of the best first grade teachers I have ever been associated with in Miss Palmer who went to Raynham for more money and to be nearer home. We were very fortunate to get Mrs. Helen McGowan Chaney, a former Plainville resident as an excellent replace- ment. Miss Nancy Peters, a graduate of Wilson College in Chambers- burg. Pa. with two years experience teaching third grade was hired to teach that grade. Other changes are tabulated below:

Mrs. Phyllis Martin from Grade 1 to Grade 6 Mrs. Mary Alice Sargent Grade 3 to Grade 1 Mr. John Borgal Grade 6 to Grade 5 Mrs. Cynthia Cargill Grade 2 to Grade 3 Mr. Edward Keaney Grade 4-5 to Grade 5-6

School Facilities

Space was adequate through June 1964 with no real overcrowding but in September 1964 several classes were oversized. Grades 5 and 6 were departmentalized and if necessary an aditional group could have been formed to use the library, all-purpose room, gym or playground while the other groups were in classrooms. Miss Lillian Ardrey was hired as a teacher aide to work mornings with small groups of second graders to alleviate the situation there. Barring some unforeseen event these measures wiU see us through June.


It has been difficult to maintain the so-called homogeneous groups and no attempt was made to group the second grade this way as there will be four sections next year rather than the three this year. The two buildings next year may make this type of grouping impractical. Team teaching or an ungraded organization offers more hope for the future. The small number of pupils in Plainville makes individualized instruction and small group instruction appear as the most feasible program. Special Education

Every town is required by State Law to educate every person in. town between the ages of 7 and 16. Certain pupils must receive special education if over 5 such pupils live in town. We have provided this op- portunity through classes. All expenditures under these programs are reimbursed by 50% state funds. Money invested that makes each person self supporting is money well spent as all citizens know. 128 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Sixty percent of our pupils are transported on 7 buses this year. Our buses are permitted to carry from 73 to 82 pupils and most are loaded near capacity. Distance, safety, age and condition of the child are all fac- tors in determining whether to transport or not. Our present contract with Walter Holmes runs through June 1965 when new specifications will be written. State law requires transportation for pupils living 2 miles from school and supports transportation for pupils living IV2 miles from school. The committee permits pupils living 1 mile from school to ride generally because of lack of sidewalks, the nature of our outlying roads and the lo- cations of route 1 and route lA in town. We pay a fixed amount for trans- portation (actually $5 for every child in town attending Grades 1 through 6 whether in a public or private school) and receive the remainder in State Aid. Noon Lunch

The noon lunch program under the supervision of Mrs. Evelyn Snell continues to be self-supporting and is really a sizeable operation. Four out of five people in the school operation participate in this program while the remaining one carries lunch for various reasons.

The following figures should give some indication of the growth and size of the lunch program; In September 1960, the average number of pupil lunches was 348 — September 1964 was 431. In September 1960, the average number of half- of milk was 451 — September 1964 was 586. The net worth as of October 1960 was $1,822.27 — October 1964 was $4,543.65. Expenditures exceeded $21,000 and over $7,200 was received in National School Lunch and Special Milk funds from the Federal and State governments.

Mrs. Edythe Stafford resigned to accept a position at Wrentham State School. Mrs. Ruth Cooney and then Mrs. Muriel LaPorte replaced her. Mrs. Mary Snell is also working on a part time basis. Additional help will be needed when the new school opens but the program should continue to be self-supporting. New Accounting System

The State Department of Education, in conjunction with the U. S. Office of Education, introduced a new accounting system effective July

1, 1963. All reports and, needless to say, all State Aid programs are based on this system. To compare past costs with present accounts is a very difficult and time-consuming task. Extreme care should be used if this is attempted and an honest comparison is desired. The new system will give a much clearer picture of where school money is spent than our old system. The 1965 budget request is compared to 1964 costs which are the only true figures available for comparison. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 129

School Physician

Dr. John T. Cotter

All of the children in Grades 1 and 4 have been examined during the Fall of 1964. The general health of the children is good. No serious defects were noted. The usual number of enlarged tonsils and adenoids were noted and the parents notified — this was more prevalent in the first grade students. There were a few cases of poor posture reported and correction suggested.

It is planned to have the children participate in a tuberculosis screen- ing test in conjunction with the county in the Spring.

I wish to thank Mrs. Pray, R.N. for her able assistance to me and to thank the faculty for its cooperation.

Dental Hygiene

Miss Patricia Fowler

A total of 297 children participating in the Tufts Dental Research Program were examined and X-rayed during 1964 by Dr. Spencer N. Frankl. A breakdown of the exam results appears below:

24 children had decay-free teeth.

228 children had decay on one or more permanent teeth.

14 children had decay only on primary or first teeth.

31 children needed immediate dental care if their teeth were to be saved.

The dental X-rays taken each year are available for the family dentist upon parental request. Twenty-five children borrowed their X-rays.

Since the start of the Tufts Dental Program four years ago the dental health of the Plainville children has constantly improved.

Speech Therapy

Mrs. Mary L. Voegtlin

During the school year 1963-64 a one-day-a-week program of diagnostic and corrective work was carried on in speech therapy. Twenty-six pupils were enrolled with three being descharged as cured by June, 1963. Diagnoses varied from hearing loss to stuttering. The majority fell into the category of articulatory defects. Newly instituted under a research


program of para-orthodontic service was a corrective procedure for tongue thrust and reverse swallow.

A program was presented in the Spring for the three lower grades to demonstrate new speech skills.

In 1965-65 there are thirty-three pupils enrolled to date. One new diagnostic category is hypernasality. All first-graders were tested for speech defects this year for the first time. By splitting the one-day-a-week into two half-days, it has been possible to see the advanced group twice a week, thus shortening their therapy by one-third. One child has been discharged since September.

Some of the 5th and 6th graders are finding an added incentive to im- proving their own speech by listening to and helping the beginning class members. All groups are homogeneous this year rather than by grade levels.

Since June 1963 no students with speech defects have entered King Philip Regional High from Plainville Elementary School.


The school library has been operated by the P.T.A. mothers under the direction of Mrs. Lois Nelson. We have over 1600 volumes in the library now and every child benefits from the library program. The town owes a debt of gratitude to Mrs. Nelson and the mothers who give of their time to keep the library open. Summary

The 1964 year, which included parts of two school years, is the last relatively simply year for the Plainville Public School System. It has been a good year but there is always room for improvement. The con- tinued cooperation between the appointed and elected officials of the town will be more necessary than ever before.

I wish to thank the school committee, school personnel and all per- sons who have contributed to this successful year. In closing, I plead that all citizens really get behind a program that will give all Plainville chil- dren an educational program second to none.

Respectfully submitted,

CARL W. GREEN, Superintendent 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 131


Extracts from the School Census, October 1964

Age Age

5-7 7 - 16

Pupils between 5 and 7—Boys 000 000 Pupils between 7 and 16—Girls 000 000

000 000

Perfect Attendance for the School Year

1963 • 1964

Grade 6—Patricia Ellis, Lucille Gaudreau, Vincent DeLaiarro, Brenda Marchand, Judith Pierce, Jacqueline Rioux, Francis Roderigues, Jacqueline Turcotte, Geoffrey Whitehouse.

Grade 5—Darlene Ellis, Jean Christensen, Marcia Johnston, John Need- ham, Ray Hormon, Charles Porter, Keith Sharron, Hope Casey, JoAnn Fountain, Linda Matthews, Shirley Wolowicz, Raymond Lumnah.

Grade 4—Brian Cooper, Jill Morris, Debby Strong, Jacqueline Lamb, Cindy Beyersdorfer, Susan Widak, John Matthews.

Grade 3—Patricia Fountain, Patricia Wilkinson, Linda Bagley, Wayne Yankee, Debra Brock.

Grade 2—Gail Currier, Julie McConnell.

Grade 1—Shayne Lumnah, Edward Fountain, Nancy Wolowicz, Charles Velino, Debra Fountain, Susan Yankee.


Number of full-time educational certificates issued 18 Number of part-time educational certificates issued 12 Number of part-time employment permits issued 2 Number of full-time employment permits issued 0 Average number of days the Elementary School was in session 182 I I

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AGES 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total

Grade 1 9 53 3 65

Grade 2 3 32 6 1 42

Grade 3 14 34 8 56

Grade 4 9 27 3 39

Grade 5 9 42 8 59

Grade 6 5 21 8 34

TOTAL 9 56 49 49 45 50 29 8 259



AGES 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total

Grade 1 14 35 49

Grade 2 7 54 61

Grade 3 12 39 3 54

Grade 4 11 28 3 42

Grade 5 12 37 6 55

Grade 6 16 25 4 1 46

TOTAL 14 42 66 50 43 56 31 4 1 307 ( 1 t ! (

CO 00 tr- CO CO 1-H 0 (35 tH CM 0 CD CD CD a m CO LO io CD CD CO CO iO CO CD CD CD 10 iO 1964 1960 1945 a Oi cn CJ5 Oi CO Oi <35 05 C35 <35 Oi <35 <35 <35 1960 1964 r-t T— iH iH ® a T— tH 1— iH r-l tH iH T— tH ^ 'S

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CD CQ W) Ed. a> a o (D O TO Q Music a> fa --j W) CO 3 73 XS •«-> ’3 C/3 fa fa Ed. B. • C/3 CO (D « u in B.S. H C/3 Music, 73 C/3 1964 CD C/3 CuO w fa B.S. c/3 S CD tuo W O m CD fa Ed. CUO P < 3 31, ^ a» w .£ = CD '3 Arts, of o o OJO cO fl) ^ S OJ . O 3 3 in OX) o a u OjO O C/3 fa CD CO CD O) w (D 3 < H of w V. i c« 'to :— 9-^— ’o QQ if c/i College, ;h Lj '' B.A. School M O S B.S. • O OP r j DECEMBER CO CO OQ ^ W - (D M CO s ^ a> S Iowa, CD d) X! CO State T3 •V s 5 CD CJ I Q CO w oT ;h O) S H ^ cS ^ H CO 'o C/3 H S-I W) to OX) '-I CD ^ (D S University, c c: ^ of University 4) g N g O) u o CD O Sh S-i > V kl :=3 c3 « CO H CC 0) CD '3 > -*-> — 0) O) 'c 3 S o -C o • P^ ^ ^ 3 tuO X o ^ a C3 OJO 3 bX) 0 U fa 3 fa Massachusetts ^ G 3 3 to 3 X fa CD Bridgewater n .S $H X2 3 CO ;-l • pfa 3 *-' CD CD CD <73 3 University CD C X! O to o OX) OX) o S £ -*-' s > B i-> to > TJ T3 -S w o to Boston Boston M CO CO CO a HH H-l ^ O Si CO S_| O a 3 3 'u O g TEACHERS PQ fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa ^ D fa fa fa C^


LIST OX) S-I 3 to D >v O 3 O to 3 D X5 CD x: CO CO D 3 a -4-J ^ Sargent CD Sh Sh 0 * P*^ 3 X 0 3 c CtJ D cb fa fa < fa . Chaney fa d w Sh fa cb 0 0 Alice a cb 3 Si • D Cu CD X 3 3 D 3 0 3 fa l-> X X! D <-! Si a 1.1 1-1 3 Marie Louise C/5 3 3 Helen Lester CO • pH ® O xs Q 0 i-H 35 3 3 3 cb >> “ Mary CL 2 Q fa C/3 fa fa fa 0 fa fa >

>> Sn «« >-iO 12C Q CD CD CD 10 10 iO iO H* CO CO CO CO Ovl CM CM tH 1 1 1 g "« C/J D

of the


of the




For the Year Ending December 31,1 964 136 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


of the


ROBERT CARR Term expires 1966 FRANK McGARRY Term expires 1966 EDWARD BROWN Term expires 1967 EVA HOLMES *Term expires 1965

JOHN HALEY Term expires 1967

ERICK SARGENT Term expires 1966

HELEN SMITH *Term expires 1965

WALTER NELSON *Term expires 1965

CHARLES WINTER Term expires 1967

^Appointed by Local School Committee


ROBERT CARR, Chairman FRANK McGARRY, Vice Chairman MRS. DANA HILL, Secretary ARTHUR GLEICHAUF, Treasurer


DR. JOHN F. MacDONNEL—Resigned October 31, 1964 Telephone: EVergreen 4-3143

Superintendent’s Office

Mrs. Paul F. Sheehan Mrs. Raymond R. Hill

Regular Meeting of the School District Committee

Every first and third Monday at King Philip Regional High School

at 8:00 o’clock p. m. sharp 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 137


Wrentham, Massachusetts


The year 1964 was notable for the many changes effected at King Philip Regional High School by a diligent and conscientious School Committee.

In order to bolster the standards at King Philip, the School Commit- tee secured the services of a new Principal, a new Guidance Director, and at this writing is negotiating for a new Superintendent.

Every effort was made during the year to keep spending at a mini- mum, thus reflecting a reasonable budget for the District. The budget has been, and will be, of prime importance to the Committee. Teacher salaries were raised from a minimum of $4700 to $5000, according to State law.

It was certainly gratifying to the Committee, after months of effort, to have the three Regional towns allocate funds for a new junior high school. Immediately upon approval of this project, the Committee em- barked on the actual building program and at present is busily engaged in completing plans and specifications. Our goal is to have the new junior high school ready for occupancy in September, 1966, thus allevia- ting the over-crowded conditions at King Philip High School.

Although regular School Committee meetings are scheduled twice a month, meetings during the past year actually averaged about twice a week, due to the heavy work load. I wish to personally thank and com- mend the Committee for their fine attendance record in the face of great demands on their time. I also wish to congratulate the Committee for not standing still when responsibilities were awesome and important decisions had to be made.

Changes in the curriculum, upon recommendation of our new Princi- pal, have been made and more are being contemplated in order to perfect our educational standards. 138 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

I wish to thank the administration and all those associated with the school for their cooperation and loyalty during this past year.

Respectfully submitted,


Chairman, King Philip Regional

School District Committee


King Philip Regional School District Committee

Citizens of the District

It is with pleasure that I submit my first report as the Principal of the King Philip Regional School. I should like to call attention to the fact that this report is based on the developments since September 1, when I assumed my duties in the region.

I have been very much pleased with the interest, efficiency, and professional competence of the members of the King Philip staff. I have found them willing to work beyond the call of duty in an effort to better serve students and the regional community.

King Philip opened this year with an enrollment of 1324 students, the greatest number ever in attendance at the school. With the projection of even larger number destined for King Philip in the future, a planned program of expansion is vital. To aid in the implementation of this program, the school committee proposed, and the member towns in the region voted, to build a new Junior High School in Norfolk. It was also voted to purchase an additional tract of land in Plainville as a site for 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 139 possible future expansion. The architectural firm of Haynes, Lieneck & Smith has been engaged to work with the school committee to prepare plans and specifications for the new school.

The school curriculum is now being reviewed to ascertain whether the program presently being offered, effectively meets the needs of the regional community. Along this line, at the close of the calendar year, reports were received from all of the department heads regarding the progress made in their department during this period together with plans for the coming year. Information on new programs under study, require- ments for particular courses, and on techniques and materials intro- duced during the past year were included.

In an effort to provide a more efficient method of reporting to par- ents the progress of their youngsters, the marking system has been re- vised. Two new “Report of Progress” cards and a new, more detailed “Warning of Failure” card have been devised. Finally a new N. C. R. report card has been initiated to help eliminate the waiting period be- tween the close of the marking term and the issuance of report cards. In conjunction with the revision of the reporting system to parents a new and more comprehensive summer school policy is being developed.

A new attendance system is now being used in an effort to simplify and yet provide a more efficient method of pupil accounting.

To aid in achieving our goal of providing the best possible education for the students of our region, an efficient, effective guidance department is an absolute necessity. We are extremely pleased to have obtained the services of Mr. Francis O’Regan as Guidance Director as of November 1, 1964. In the short time he has been with us a number of constructive changes have been effected both in the physical setup and in the policies of the department.

My sincere thanks to the members of the Regional School Committee, to Mr. Walter White, Assistant Principal, and to all of the staff at the King Philip Regional School.

Respectfully submitted.


Acting Superintendent 140 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


The King Philip Regional Vocational High School graduated fourteen students in June 1964. There were eight from the machine shop and six from the carpentry shop. All graduates were employed or in the armed service before or immediately after graduating.

There were sixty-eight students enrolled as of October 1, 1964. Forty students in a doubled carpentry division and twenty-eight in a single division in machine shop training.

The doubled carpentry division allows the first and second year students to receive training in shop carpentry and mill work while the third and fourth year students are being taught house carpentry out on the job in conjunction with our building program.

On June 14, 1964, an open house was held at the site of the fourth new home constructed by the carpentry division. Again, as before, there was keen interest shown by all those who made a visit to inspect the work done by the students. Again there were favorable comments received in re- gard to this type of an educational program and on the fine quality of workmanship displayed. The students are now well under way in the construction of their fiJth new home in the region.

The carpentry students in the shop continue to gain valuable trade knowledge by completing many jobs throughout the school year. These jobs are done for schools, municipal departments, churches, charitable organizations, students, teachers, and anyone interested in having work ot suitable instructional value done by the students.

The machine shop department works in a similar manner by doing jobs adapted to the machine trade. Besides doing work for other depart- ments, the students turn out many different machine shop tools during their four year program. For training purposes each of the school proj- ects are assigned to them in order of difficulty so that they advance from the simple to the more complex. The tool that is made by the students belong to them for the cost of materials involved, and by the time they graduate they will have obtained a sizable number of machinist’s tools.

During the coming year the machine shop department is looking for- ward to some additional new equipment that will enable them to develop an even more complete program of training. :


It is expected that the carpentry division will construct an enclosure in the corner of the machine shop that will be equipped with up-to-date testing equipment. This will constitute a very worthwhile addition to our present machine program.

In last year’s report I recommended that it might be advisable to de- termine the feasibility and need of expanding our vocational program even to the extent of forming a separate regional vocational technical high school. As a follow up to this recommendation a meeting was held with school superintendents representing eight communities and a super- visor from the Vocational Division of the State Department of Education.

As a result of this meeting a survey of the area is now being carried on by the State Department of Education to determine the needs and the advisability of forming such a school. It is hoped that this survey will be completed so that the results may be presented to the public at their next regular town meeting.

Under our present program at the King Philip Regional Vocational High School we shall continue to serve the needs of the youth in the region to the best of our ability.

Respectfully submitted,



This year there are twenty-five different evening classes being con- ducted with a total of approximately 370 adults.

The evening classes are divided into four categories and each includes the following courses

I. Vocational Evening Trade Extension: These courses are for those who are employed at the trade but wish to learn more

about it and become more proficient. The courses being held 142 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

are machine shop practice, which is held for 120 hours; and ma-

chine shop blueprint reading and math, which is held for 80 hours.

II. Vocational Practical Arts: These courses are designed to help people in home making and a more satisfying use of leisure time. Classes being held are in beginning and advanced sew- ing, rug braiding, knitting, decorative painting and rug hooking. All the Practical Arts classes are in session for 60 hours.

III. Vocational Apprenticeship Carpentry: This course offers class- room instruction in related math, blueprint reading, estimating, architectural drafting, house framing, and trade science. This

course is for men who are serving an apprenticeship or learn-

ing the trade. It is held for 150 hours each year and the com-

plete course is for four years.

IV. Academic Classes: The classes being held this year are in

typing I and II, bookkeeping, office machines, oil painting,

psychology, sketching and painting, algebra I and II, begin-

ning and advance first aid, English, and income tax returns. All of the academic classes are in session for 40 clock hours

except the first aid and income tax course. Each of these is in session about 20 hours.

Several of the Academic courses are offering credits that are accepta- ble to the State Department of Education, Division of University Exten- sion, and may be applied toward a state high school diploma.

There seem to be more adults each year that are taking courses so that they may earn a state high school diploma.

The King Philip Regional District will continue to promote education not only for the young people but also for the adults who desire to con- tinue their education.

Respectfully submitted.


September February — 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 8 9 10 11 12

21 22 23 24 . 25 15 16 17 18 19 28 29 30 t— — — — — (17 days) tWinter Vacation October (15 days) March 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 * 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 15 16 17 18 19 26 27 28 29 t30 22 23 24 25 26 ^Teachers’ Convention 29 30 31 (23 days) (20 days) November 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 §- 12 13 12 13 14 15 * 16 17 18 19 20 t- — -- 23 24 25 *26 — 26 27 28 29 30 30 tSpring Vacation §Veterans’ Day (16 days) Thanksgiving May (18 days) 3 4 5 6 7 December 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 24 25 26 27 28 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 Memorial Day 21 22 23 a— (20 days) /I^Christmas Vacation June (17 days) X1 o uo A January 7 8 9 10 11 4 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 18 19 20 21 22 (18 days) 25 26 27 28 29 (20 days) Total 184 days

Total number of school days according to the above is 184 days. The minimum allowed by the Department of Education is 180 days. This means that days lost due to bad weather or other causes must not exceed 4. Any days missed in excess of 4 must be made up, probably by extend- ing the June closing. 144 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Wrentham, Massachusetts


The sirens in Wrentham, Sheldonville, Plainville and Norfolk fire stations will be used to sound the signal. The “No School” signal will be:


Signal will have the following meanings:

7:00 a. m.—Omit session in Grades 7 - 12.

“No School” signals will be used only when weather conditions are unusually severe, or in cases of emergencies. The scattered population of the district and the extensive pupil transportation system make it necessary to sound the signal, if at all, a considerable time in advance of the opening hour of the school session. It occasionally happens that weather conditions which appear promising at the hour the signal should be sounded become severe by the time many pupils start for school. Parents are requested to use their own judgment in such cases as to whether or not your son or daughter should attend a school session.

When school sessions are to be called off because of weather condi- tions, announcement will be made over the following radio stations:

WBZ—Boston WPRO—Providence WEEI—Boston WARA—Attleboro WHDH—-Boston

Parents should tune their radios to these stations between 6:30 a. m. and 7:30 a. m.

Should it become necessary to dismiss school before the usual closing time, announcement will be made over the same stations. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 145


ENROLLMENT—1964 - 1965 as of October 1, 1964

Boys Girls Total

Grade 1 (N) 54 38 92 (P) 65 49 114 (W) 60 64 124

179 151 330

Grade 2 (N) 41 39 80 (P) 42 61 103 (W) 63 63 126

146 163 309

Grades (N) 52 43 95 (P) 56 54 110 (W) 54 53 107

162 150 312

Grade 4 (N) 27 27 54 (P) 39 42 81 (W) 53 48 101

119 117 236

Grades (N) 35 40 75 (P) 59 55 114 (W) 56 48 104

150 143 293

Grade 6 (N) 40 47 87 (P) 34 46 80 (W) 59 46 105

133 139 272

Grade? (N) 27 21 48 (P) 42 47 89 (W) 54 45 99

123 113 236


Boys Girls Total

Grades (N) 40 39 79 (P) 47 29 76 (W) 54 52 106

141 120 261

Grade 9 (N) 26 26 52 (P) 36 42 78 (W) 49 43 92

111 111 222

Grade 10 (N) 24 24 48 (P) 35 32 67 (W) 46 38 84

105 94 199

Grade 11 (N) 24 23 47 (P) 24 25 49 (W) 41 46 87

89 94 183

Grade 12 (N) 16 22 38 (P) 28 41 69 (W) 41 48 89

85 111 196


Grades 1- 6 (N) 483 (P) 602 (W) 667 1752

Grades 7-12 (N) 312 (P) 428 (W) 557 1297

Grades 1-12 (N) 795 (P) 1030 (W) (Includes Vocational Students) 1224 3049 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 147


As of October 1, 1964

Grade 9 Machine Carpentry Tuition (N) 3 (N) 2 (N) 1 Machine 3 (P) 8 (P) 0 (P) 8 Carpentry 4 (W) 7 (W) 3 (W) 4

18 5 13 7

Grade 10 Machine Carpentry Tuition (N) 2 (N) 0 (N) 2 Machine 2 (P) 8 (P) 1 (P) 7 Carpentry 1 (W) 5 (W) 2 (W) 3

15 3 12 3

Grade 11 Machine Carpentry Tuition (N) 4 (N) 4 (N) 0 Machine 2 (P) 6 (P) 4 (P) 2 Carpentry 1 (W) 5 (W) 2 (W) 3

15 10 5 3

Grade 12 Carpentry Tuition (N) 2 (N) 1 (N) 1 Machine 1 (P) 3 (P) 1 (P) 2 Carpentry 1 (W) 0 (W) 0 (W) 0

5 2 3 2

Home Economics

Grade 11 Enrollment (N) 3 Vocational 53 (P) 4 Tuition 15 (W) 7 Home Economics 21

14 Total 89

Grade 12 (N) 0 (P) 1 (W) 6



Administration $ 29,060.00 Instruction 541,036.11 Other School Services 116,049.51 Operation and Maintenance of Plant 92,989.97 Fixed Charges 25,308.13 Acquisition of Fixed Assets 8,118.67 Adult Education 8,700.00 Vocational Education 73,767.61 $895,030.00


State Reimbursement Transportation—Chap. 71 $78,000.00 State Reimbursement Special Education 9,270.46 State Reimbursement Vocational School 35,589.56 George Barden Fund—Vocational Salary 3,250.00 Adult Education Receipts 2,601.27 National Defense Guidance 2,869.04 National Defense Foreign Language 837.82 National Defense Math 229.95 National Defense Science 3,545.50 National Defense Social Studies 286.40 Tuition 6,000.00 Transfer from Surplus (Voted 1-25-65) 42,550.00 185,030.00

Net Budget Cost Apportionable To Three Towns $710,000.00

Net Decrease of 1965 Budget under 1964 Budget $8,101.24


Administration $ 25,360.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 29,060.00 Instruction 494,503.83 46,532.28 541,036.11 Other School Services 18,012.11 98,037.40 116,049.51 Operation and Maintenance of Plant 38,253.00 54,736.97 92,989.97 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 149

Fixed Charges 25,308.13 25,308.13 Acquisition of Fixed Assets 8,118.67 8,118.67 Adult Education 8,200.00 500.00 8,700.00 Vocational Education 69,729.65 13,037.96 73,767.61

$645,058.59 $249,971.41 $895,030.00

Total Estimated Receipts: $185,030.00

Net Budget $710,000.00


Wrentham, Massachusetts


January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964

Balance as of Budget December 31, 1964 ACADEMIC BUDGET Salaries $577,570.12 $42,953.10 Expenses 193,620.53 2,399.82

Total $771,190.65 $45,352.92 VOCATIONAL BUDGET Salaries $ 56,360.85 $ 706.80 Expenses 9,917.74 2,754.37

Total $ 66,278.59 $ 3,461.17

GRAND TOTAL BALANCE 837,469.24 $ 48,814.09


Miscellaneous Income $ 11,592.41 Interest Income 2,308.27 $ 13,900.68




Interest due on 5/1/56 Bond Issue at 3.20%

May 1, 1965 $22,000.00

November 1, 1965 20,160.00

Interest due on 3/1/58 Bond Issue at 3.40%

March 1, 1965 3,570.00

September 1, 1965 3,315.00


Principal on 5/1/56 Bond Issue $115,000.00

Principal on 3/1/58 Bond Issue 15,000.00 130,000.00



Reimbursement from State representing 63.9% of

estimated final construction cost: 77,525.06


NORFOLK $101,519.94 X 20.45% = $20,760.83

PLAINVILLE 101,519.94 X 23.53% = 23,887.64

Wrentham 101,519.94 X 56.02% = 56,871.47

$101,519.94 ( 1 ( 1 ( I <

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SCHOOL ci '6^ ^ . CQ CO 0 Tl^ 0 0 -b^ CO 0 CO CM CM 0 CM Tit 0 (=5 <0 <35 0 rH <05 °9 CO CO 0(5 00 <35 CO CO tr; <35 Jm O 5 'b< cd cm’ d to cm" cm’ d tJh’ d Tl<’ d cd d to d ^ CM CO Tf 0 CM CO »b< 0 CM CO 0 CM CO Tf< 0 Pn rH rH rH rH

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TJ CO CM «0 CO CD CD CM • in • • 05 S CM 00 tr to to to Tj< CM rH <35 CM rH CO o CM to to <35 tr Tl< 0 Tl< tH t CM rH CM • CM CD CM a CO to tH 0 CO Tf to 0 CM CO to tH 0 CM CO to H fH

•4^ *2 C3 2 a o 2 2 O fl •c o CM t: (U 2 CO u ^ CD cb u Is 95 o S o s 95 o ls& iz: s ^ Ph TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Assets CASH In Banks $119,346.24 Petty Cash 175.00 $119,521.24

Advance to School Cafeteria 2,900.00 Payroll Deductions Prepaid 10.40

$122,431.64 Liabilities

Tailings — Unclaimed Checks $ 978.36 Commonwealth of Mass. — Taxes (Payroll Deductions) 1,705.39 Federal Grants: George Barden Fund $3,250.00 National Defense Education 1,488.99 4,738.99

Revolving Funds: School Cafeteria 3,630.11

School Athletic 3,551.42 7,181.53

Appropriation Balances: School Construction 6,827.85 Receipts Reserved for Appropriation: Adult Education 2,046.50 Reserve for Petty Cash Advances 175.00 Surplus Revenue 98,778.02

$122,431.64 Debt Accounts

Net Funded Debt: Serial Loans $1,585,000.00 School Construction $1,585,000.00

Trust Accounts

Trust Funds: Scholarship Fund: In custody of Treasurer $437.50 Mrs. Leona Johnson $437.50 :



1964 Financial Report on School Lunch Program

Opening Cash Balance, January 1, 1964 $ 1,386.35

Federal Reimbursements 1964 $16,278.43 Income from Lunches, Pupils 47,268.01 Income from Lunches, Adults 3,344.46 Other Income 269.22

Total Receipts 67,160.12


Expenditures, January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964 Food and Other $45,666.52 Labor 18,961.46

Total Expenditures 64,627.98

Cash Balance December 31, 1964 $ 3,918.49

Total Lunches Served, Pupils 185,717

Total Lunches Served, Adults 7,629 Extra Milk Served 44,914


Year 1964

Balance, January 1, 1964 $1,469.07

Receipts Basketball $1,221.50 Football 3,325.46 4,546.96

Total $6,016.03

Expenditures: Basketball $ 787.00 Football 1,179.51 Other Sports and Expenses 498.10 2,464.61

Balance, December 31, 1964 $3,551.42 154 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


To the Honorable Board of Selectmen:


As directed by you, I submit herewith my report as Treasurer for the Town of Plainville, for the accounting period from January 1, 1964 to

December 31, 1964. This report reflects all financial transactions during the period under reveiw and is supported by the following schedules:

Schedule of Cash Received.

Schedule of Cash Disbursements.

Schedule of Estimated Receipts.

Schedule of Appropriation Accounts Activity.

Schedules of Maturing Debt and Interest Payments due by years.

Balance Sheet as of December 31, 1964, including Trust Accounts and Debt Account.

Respectfully submitted.


Treasurer 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 155


Accounts Receivable:

Tax Levy—1961 $ 906.63 Tax Levy—1962 5,126.74 Tax Levy—1963 14,274.21 Tax Levy—1964 430,715.66 $451,023.24

Actual Receipts from Estimated:

Motor Vehicle Tax—1961 260.74 Motor Vehicle Tax—1962 613.65 Motor Vehicle Tax—1963 20,837.29 Motor Vehicle Tax—1964 70,798.57 Farm Animal Excise—1964 34.00 Water Rates and Charges 32,639.09 Commonwealth and County 128,593.23 Other Receipts 10,307.55 264,084.12

Federal Grants:

Disability Assistance—Adm. 69.35 Disability Assistance 836.50 Old Age Assistance—Adm. 258.24 Old Age Assistance 5,239.00 Medical Aid To Aged—Adm. 374.36 Medical Aid To Aged 6,698.57 Aid To Dependent Children—Adm. 996.97 Aid To Dependent Children 5,167.50 $19,640.49

Anticipation of Bond Issue Note $125,000.00 Anticipation of Revenue Note 100,000.00 Tax Titles 238.06 Excess Collections of Tax Titles 392.15 State and County Aid To Highways 29,937.68 Payroll Taxes, County Pension and Group Insurance Withheld 35,081.82 Dog Tax Refund 602.46 156 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Water Works Improvements—APW Mass. 57G: Federal Grant 120,750.00 Bonds 109,000.00 Water Mains Route 152 17,000.00 Water Mains Route 106 15,000.00 Elementary School Construction Bonds 265,000.00 Ambulance 820.25 Road Machinery Fund 461.60 School Lunch 22,124.82 Stabilization Fund Income 3,000.00 Insurance Proceeds 318.80 Aid To Public Library 952.50 Bond Interest and Premium 864.99 Stabilization Fund 75,000.00 School Interest 30.90

Check Cancellations 1,046.67 Park Reimbursement 25.00 Group Insurance Reimbursement 4.00 Dog Licenses 831.25 Stabilization Matching Funds 75,000.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 2.03

Total Receipts $1,733,232.83

Cash Balance January 1, 1964 181,421.70



Tax Levy—1963 Refunds $ 933.40 Tax Levy—1964 Refunds 1,220.00 $ 2,153.40

Motor Vehicle Excise Refunds—1962 6.60 Motor Vehicle Excise Refunds—1963 253.84 Motor Vehicle Excise Refunds—1964 793.77 1,054.21 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 157

Federal Grants:

Disability Assistance—Adm. 32.49 Disability Assistance 810.95 Old Age Assistance—Adm. 402.04 Old Age Assistance 3,400.75 Medical Aid To Aged—Adm. 632.14 Medical Aid To Aged 5,370.03 Aid To Dependent Children—Adm. 715.03 Aid To Dependent Children 6,228.02 $17,591.45 State and County Payments:

County Tax 7,617.91 County Hospital 166.62

State Parks 1,954.43

Mosquito Control 2,299.19 Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 355.80 $12,393.95

Bond Note 125,000.00 Revenue Note 100,000.00 Payroll Taxes, County Pension and Group Insurance 34,570.20 Water Works Improvements—APW-Mass.-57G 241,780.92 Water Mains—Route 152 16,952.81 Water Mains—Route 106 12,690.12 Elementary School Construction 185,336.99 School—National Defense Education 299.10 School Lunch 21,527.85 Stabilization Fund Income 3,000.00 Insurance Proceeds 303.80 Massachusetts Teachers’ Association 38.00 Bond Issue Premium 287.57 Legal Fees—Regional School 161.75 Departmental Payments 732,360.64

Total Disbursements $1,507,443.76

Cash Balance, December 31, 1964 40,721.77

$1,914,654.53 158 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


From State and County:

Medical Aid To Aged $ 5,514.11

Disability Assistance 1,907.98

Old Age Assistance 316.37

Aid To Dependent Children 3,661.63

Business Corporation Tax 18,734.73

Income Tax, School Aid Ch. 70 61,163.75

School Construction Project Reimbursement Aid 5,592.46

Meal Tax 799.67

Loss of Taxes 35.17

Vocational Education 605.25

Summer Recreation—Handicapped—Retarded 261.38

Transportation of Pupils 6,195.00

Transportation of Vocational Education Pupils 159.50

State Tax 5,625.13

Income Tax 2,800.00

School Aid—Ch. 69 and 71 1,910.18

School Superintendents 3,333.333

School Construction—Ch. 645 9,971.40

Civil Defense 619.00


Other Receipts:

Permits and Licenses 1,068.00

1965 Licenses in 1964 3,966.00

Interest and Costs—Collector 1,578.22 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 159

Rental of Gym and Cafeteria 64.00

Library Fines 235.00

Sale of Dogs 6.00

Photos 19.00

Sanitary Inspections 330.00

Building Permits 791.00

Building Permits 1963 and 1964 950.00

Wire Permits 81.00

Court Fines 175.00

Tax Title Interest and Costs 134.79

Milk Licenses 33.00

Advertising 5.00

Sealer of Weights 77.20

Bicycle Licenses 1963 in 1964 6.75

Gun Licenses 1963 in 1964 71.00

Bicycle Licenses 7.75

Gun Licenses 103.00

Reimbursements—Aid To Dependent Children 950.00

Reimbursement—Highway Overpayment 21.34

Police Reports 125.50

Reimbursement—Medical Aid To Aged 350.00

Oil Permits 12.00

Gas Permits 79.50

Blasting Permits 8.00

$10,307.55 g

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Schedule of Bonds and Interest Payable Yearly

December $275,000.00—2 %

31 200,000.00—3.7% Payable Issue Outstanding Interest


1965 $25,000.00 170,000.00 $5,925.00

1966 20,000.00 150,000.00 5,255.00

1967 20,000.00 130,000.00 4,685.00

1968 20,000.00 110,000.00 4,115.00

1969 20,000.00 90,000.00 3,545.00

1970 20,000.00 70,000.00 2,975.00

1971 10,000.00 60,000.00 2,405.00

1972 10,000.00 50,000.00 2,035.00

1973 10,000.00 40,000.00 1,665.00

1974 10,000.00 30,000.00 1,295.00

1975 10,000.00 20,000.00 925.00

1976 10,000.00 10,000.00 555.00

1977 10,000.00 185.00

$195,000.00 $35,565.00 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 165


Schedule of Bonds and Interest Payable Yearly

Rate 3.2


Due Date Outstanding Principal Interest Total

2/1/65 141,000. 2,256. 2,256.

8/1/65 141,000. $11,000. 2,256. 13,256.

2/1/66 130,000. 2,080. 2,080.

8/1/66 130,000. 10,000. 2,080. 12,080.

2/1/67 120,000. 1,920. 1,920.

8/1/67 120,000. 10,000. 1,920. 11,920.

2/1/68 110,000. 1,760. 1,760.

8/1/68 110,000. 10,000. 1,760. 11,760.

2/1/69 100,000. 1,600. 1,600.

8/1/69 100,000. 10,000. 1,600. 11,600.

2/1/70 90,000. 1,440. 1,440.

8/1/70 90,000. 10,000. 1,440. 11,440.

2/1/71 80,000. 1,280. 1,280.

8/1/71 80,000. 10,000. 1,280. 11,280.

2/1/72 70,000. 1,120. 1,120.

8/1/72 70,000. 10,000. 1,120. 11,120.

2/1/73 60,000. 960. 960.

8/1/73 60,000. 10,000. 960. 10,960.

2/1/74 50,000. 800. 800.

8/1/74 50,000. 10,000. 800. 10,800.

2/1/75 40,000. 640. 640.

8/1/75 40,000. 10,000. 640. 10,640.

2/1/76 30,000. 480. 480.

8/1/76 30,000. 10,000. 480. 10,480.

2/1/77 20,000. 320. 320.

8/1/77 20,000. 10,000. 320. 10,320.

2/1/78 10,000. 160. 160.

8/1/78 10,000. 10,000. 160. 10,160.

$141,000. $33,632. $174,632. loG TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Schedule of Bonds and Interest Payable Yearly Rate 3.2% MATURITY SCHEDULE Due Date Outstanding Principal Interest Total

2/1/65 265,000. 4,240. 4,240. 8/T/65 265,000. $15,000. 4,240. 19,240. 2/1/66 250,000. 4,000. 4,000. 8/1/66 250,000. 15,000. 4,000. 19,000. 2/1/67 235,000. 3,760. 3,760. 8/1/67 235,000. 15,000. 3,760. 18,760. 2/1/68 220,000. 3,520. 3,520. 8/1/68 220,000. 15,000. 3,520. 18,520. 2/1/69 205,000 3,280. 3,280. 8/1/69 205,000. 15,000. 3,280. 18,280. 2/1/70 190,000. 3,040. 3,040. 8/1/70 190,000. 15,000. 3,040. 18,040. 2/1/71 175,000. 2,800. 2,800. 8/1/71 175,000. 15,000. 2,800. 17,800. 2/1/72 160,000. 2,560. 2,560. 8/1/72 160,000. 15,000. 2,560. 17,560. 2/1/73 145,000. 2,320. 2,320. 8/1/73 145,000. 15,000. 2,320. 17,320. 2/1/74 130,000. 2,080. 2,080. 8/1/74 130,000. 15,000. 2,080. 17,080. 2/1/75 115,000. 1,840. 1,840. 8/'l/75 115,000. 15,000. 1,840. 16,840. 2/1/76 100,000. 1,600. 1,600. 8/1/76 100,000. 15,000. 1,600. 16,600. 2/1/77 85,000. 1,360. 1,360. 8/1/77 85,000. 15,000. 1,360. 16,360. 2/1/78 70,000. 1,120. 1,120. 8/1/78 70,000. 15,000. 1,120. 16,120. 2/1/79 55,000. 880. 880. 8/1/79 55,000. 15,000. 880. 15,880. 2/1/80 40,000.00 640. 640. 8/1/80 40,000. 15,000. 640. 15,640. 2/1/81 25,000. 400. 400. 8/1/81 25,000. 15,000. 400. 15,400. 2/1/82 10,000. 160. 160. 8/1/82 10,000. 10,000. 160. 10,160.

$265,000. $79,200. $344,200. 1 1

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To the Citizens of Plainville:

The year 1964 presented many new problems to the Town. The opening of Route 95 northerly from the line to the Robert Toner Boulevard exit in North Attleboro in late October presented a terrific flow on Taunton Street (Route 152) to the Route 1 intersection. The Police Department cooperated by placing an extra traffic officer at the intersection of Routes 106 and 152 during heavy traffic periods. This condition lasted several weeks, until Route 95 was opened northerly to Route 1 in Sharon. No serious accidents occurred during this trying period, which is a fine tribute to our Police Department for a job well done.

The accelerated Dept, of Public Works water project was handled very efficiently during 1964. The only remaining phase of this huge project is the painting of the new one and a half million gallon water tank, which is scheduled for completion early this spring. The town was very fortunate in having this project in operation at a time when the water table was at a very dangerous level. The operation of the new well on the east side of town possibly prevented a serious water ration- ing that was fast developing.

A Housing Authority was established to look into the feasibility of low cost rental units for our senior citizens. We expect to show much progress on this program in 1965.

The new group insurance plan for Town employees was put into effect in 1964, with very gratifying results.

An Area Redevelopment Authority was established to work in con- junction with our Master Plan.

The Board of Selectmen agreed to sell twenty-two acres of land located on the northerly side of Messenger Street to the King Philip Regional School district at a price of $22,000. This is a site for a future Junior High School, as another phase of the King Philip Regional School system.

The Town voted to purchase the Garford property at the corner of South Street and Cottage ‘Street at a cost of $25,000. as a future site for the Fire Police Departments. No appropriation was necessary for this transaction, as it was handled as a transfer from the Sale of Land Account. :


A new Elementary School was voted during the spring of 1964 and work on this project was started in May of 1964. The school is scheduled to be in operation in September 1965. The opening of this new school should alleviate the over crowding conditions in the Elementary School system.

The Highway Superintendent and Selectman Miller have attended many area meetings in regard to the impact of Route 495 crossing the northern section of the town. The latest plans show that a full clover leaf v/ill be installed in Plainville, where Route 495 crosses Route 1, at Belcher Street. From a location near George Street, the new Route 495 will cover 1.3 miles in Plainville to the Foxboro town line, just north of Mirimichi Street. A bridge will be built in Foxboro to carry the Miri- michi Street traffic. Route 495 will then continue easterly to connect with Route 495 to Foxboro.

The low bid of the Chronicle Printing Company of North Attleboro was accepted for the printing of the Town Reports. The bid of $7.65 per page was the lowest of three bidders.

Again we wish to thank the Town Departments and the citizens of Plainville for their excellent cooperation during this past year.

Respectfully submitted.




Plainville Board of Selectmen

Selectmen Current and Incidental Expenditures

Appropriation $10,740.00

Transfer 375.00



Board Salaries $1,900.00 1934 ANNUAL REPORT 173

Clerk’s Salary 3,684.00

Vacation Clerk 100.00

Office Supplies 165.73

Postage 56.00

Telephone 274.53

Dues 56.00

General Law Books Inserts 70.50

Association Meetings 300.00

Election Expenses 2,286.45

Town Reports 1,300.00

Miscellaneous Printing 77.44

Legal Fees 589.55

Moderator 175.00

Total Expended $11,435.20

Town Office Maintenance

Appropriation $2,206.00

Salary $ 286.00

Office Lights 142.19

Fuel 1,225.30

Water 20.00

Building Repairs 316.43

Supplies 7.73

Total Expended $1,977.65

Balance $ 228.35 174 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964


Appropriation $20,000.00


Old Age Asistance $ 2,247.00

Medical Aid To the Aged 10,335.34

Aid to Families with Dependent Children 4,623.57

Disability Assistance 1,621.00

$18,826.91 General Relief:

City of Fall River, Cash Aid 72.95

Food Orders 127.50

Doctor’s Fees 18.00

N. E. Telephone & Telegraph Co. 162.08

Postage 25.00

Miscellaneous Supplies 4.60

Drugs 3.35

Norwood Hospital 491.68



Balance $ 267.93

Federal Grant-—Old Age Assistance

Balance forward, January 1, 1964 $8,404.23

Received Federal Government 5,239.00


Cash Aid 3,400.75

Balance $10,242.48 1934 ANNUAL REPORT 175

Federal Grant—Aid Families With Dependent Children

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $1,395.79

Received Federal Government 5,167.50 $6,563.29 Cash Aid 6,228.02

Balance $ 335.27

Federal Grant—Medical Aid To The Aged

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $2,164.44 Received Federal Government 6,870.14 $9,034.58 Cash Aid 5,370.03

Balance $3,664.55

Federal Grant—Disability Assistance

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $357.65 Received Federal Government 907.50 $1,265.15 Cash Aid 810.95

Balance $ 454.20

Welfare Worker

Appropriation $1,350.00 Expended 1,350.00

Federal Grant Old Age Assistance Administration

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $ 157.48 Received Federal Government 258.24 $ 415.72 Ruth Fulton, partial salary $342.84 Ruth Fulton, travel and expense refund 20.15 North Attleboro Chronicle Co., envelopes 11.25

Baldwin Office Supply 2.80 Postage 25.00 402.04

Balance $ 13.68 176 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Federal Grant Medical Aid to the Aged Administration

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $ 370.27

Received Federal Government 460.84 $ 831.11

Ruth Fulton, partial salary $ 571.40

Mass. Conf. Social Welfare, dues 5.00 Mass. Public Welfare Agency, Membership 10.00

Boston Social Service Exchange 10.00 Public Welfare Administrator’s Ass’n of Mass., Dues 10.00 606.40

Balance $224.71

Federal Grant Aid Families With Dependent Children Administration

Balance forward January 1, 1964 $ 100.46

Received Federal Government 1,029.85 $1,130.31

Ruth Fulton, partial salary $627.10 Ruth Fulton, refund, travel and expenses 185.00

Commercial Press, forms 13.33

Baldwin Office Supply, folders 3.20 Agency Membership, American

Public Welfare Association 35.00 863.63

Balance $ 266.68

Federal Grant Disability Assistance Administration

Balance forward, January 1, 1964 $ 88.20

Received Federal Government 69.35 $157.55

Commercial Press Co., Rx forms 8.33

Balance $149.22 :



To the Citizens of Plainville

The Board of Health was very busy with new problems in 1964. The acceptance by the Town of minimum requirements of the State Board of Health in regard to both sewage installations and additions to present sewage installations should alleviate many sewage problems that have plagued the Board of Health for many years. The following is the proce- dure followed by the Board of Health. An application is filled out by the applicant and forwarded to the Board of Health, the Sanitary Inspector, Putnam Steele, is notified and an inspection is made by him. His require-

ments are typed on the back of the application and made a part of it. The building inspector then issues a building permit and the completion of the sanitary requirements are checked as the building progresses. The building inspector then issues a building permit and the completion by the sanitary inspector. His attention to these problems has been beneficial to the Board of Health and the townspeople.

Mr. Homer Shepard of North Attleboro was appointed as Plumbing Inspector by the Board of Health and an Article is in the Town Meeting Warrant to adopt the State Plumbing Code. The adoption of a plumbing code is a requirement by the Commonwealth.

The Board of Health has on file the following record of dangerous diseases:

Chicken Pox 10 German Measles 15 Mumps 18 Scarlet Fever 6 Dog Bites 25

The Board of Health wishes to especially thank the Highway Depart- ment for the excellent care of the Town Dump, and to all town depart- ments and the townspeople for their cooperation.

Respectfully submitted.




Plainville Board of Health


Board of Health Expenditures—1964

Appropriation $6,121.00

Transfer 218.00



Putnam Steele, Sanitary Inspector 500.00

Special Milk Assay 200.00

Earl B. Thompson, Milk and Animal Inspector 300.00

Care of Town Dump 504.40

Rental of Town Dump 200.00

Care of Veterans’ Graves 138.00

Miscellaneous: Printing, postage, dues, supplies 102.00

Garbage Contract 3,600.00

Premature Baby Hospital Care 365.50

Special Sanitary Inspections 430.00

Total Expended $6,339.00 WARRANT


Town Meeting

1965 :



Monday, March 1, 1965


Norfolk, ss.

To Either of the Constables of Plainville


In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Plainville qualified to vote in Town affairs, to meet in the Elementary School Audi- torium in said Plainville on


at eight o’clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the following

articles, viz:

ARTICLE 1. The following Town Officers to be chosen by ballot viz: One Town Clerk, one Auditor, one Moderator, one Tree Warden, and Three Constables for One Year. One Selectman, Board of Welfare, one Assessor, one Water Commissioner, one Treasurer, one Tax Collector, one Trustee of the Public Library, one Park Commissioner, two members of the School Committee and three members of the Finance Committee, for Three Years; one member of the Finance Committee for two years; one member of the Planning Board for five years, and four members of the Housing Authority.

For this purpose the polls will be open at eight o’clock in the forenoon

and shall be closed at eight p. m. in the evening.

For the consideration of all other Articles in this Warrant the meet- ing shall stand adjourned to the Third Monday in March at 7:30 p. m. in 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 181

the Auditorium of the Plainville Elementary School on South Street in said Town.

ARTICLE 2. To choose all other necessary Town Officers not named

in Article 1, for a term of One Year.

ARTICLE 3. To consider and act on the Reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, and other Town Officers.

ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 81 of the General Laws.

ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and com-

pensation of all elective officers of the Town as provided by Section 108

of Chapter 41, General Laws, as amended, as follows:

Moderator $25.00 each Meeting

Town Clerk 650.00 per year

Town Treasurer 1,500.00 per year

Selectmen, Chairman 700.00 per year

Second Member 600.00 per year

Third Member 600.00 per year

Assessors, Chairman 900.00 per year

Second Member 900.00 per year

Third Member 900.00 per year

Tax Collector 1,500.00 per year

School Committee, Chairman 75.00 per year

School Committee, each member 60.00 per year

Water Commissioners, Chairman 200.00 per year

Second Member 200.00 per year

Third Member, Secretary 350.00 per year

Auditor 250.00 per year

Constables 2.00 per hour

Tree Warden 2.00 per hour or to do or act in any manner relative thereto. 182 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

ARTICLE 6. To appropriate and raise by borrowing or otherwise such sums of money as may be required to defray Town charges for the financial year ending December 31, 1965 and expressly for the following purposes to wit: the total sum of

1. For the Support of the Public Library.

2. For the Selectmen’s Current expenses and salaries.

3. For the Board of Health current expenses and salaries.

4. For the Wire Inspector, salary and expenses.

5. For the Building Inspector, salary and expenses.

6. For the Gas Inspector, salary and expenses.

7. For the payment of Insurance.

8. For Memorial Day.

9. For the support of the Town Ambulance.

10. For Heating and Maintenance of Fire Station and Town Office Building.

11. For Welfare Agent.

12. For Street Lights.

13. For Vocational Education.

14. For Dog Officer.

15. For Treasurer’s current expenses and salary.

16. For Salary of Town Auditor.

17. For Interest on Temporary Loans and Maturing Debt.

18. For Tax Title.

19. For Maturing Debt.

20. For Town Clerk’s current expenses and salary.

21. For the Assessors current expenses and salaries.

22. For the Tax Collector’s current expenses and salary.

23. For the Sealer of Weights and Measures current expenses and salary. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 183

24. For the Board of Registrars current expenses and salaries.

25. For the Fire Department current expenses and salaries.

26. For the Water Department for current expenses anad salaries.

27. For support of the School and Salaries of the School Committee.

28. For Veterans’ Benefits.

29. For Highways Exclusive of Chapters 81 and 90.

30. For the Removal of Snow.

31. For the Tree Warden.

32. For the Town Forest Committee.

33. For the Moth Department.

34. For the Police Department.

35. For the Park Commissioners.

36. For the Regional School District Committee.

37. For the Industrial Development Commission.

38. For the Planning Board.

39. For the Conservation Commission.

40. For Civil Defense.

41. For the Town’s share of Norfolk County Retirement System.

42. For the Finance Committee.

43. For the Plumbing Inspector.

ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to have the surety of the Collector of Taxes, Deputy Collector of Taxes, Treasurer, Town Clerk, Secretary of the Water Department and Clerk of the Selectmen’s bonds placed with a fidelity or guarantee company, and appropriate a sum of money to pay for same.

ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning

January 1, 1966 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. 184 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for a Reserve Fund to provide for the extra-ordinary unforseen expenses, as authorized by Section 6, Chapter 40 General Laws, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and raise and appropriate or transfer from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from unappropriated available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 81 Highways, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate from available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, to continue the laying out and construction of George Street from Route 1 to School Street, and to start the laying out and construction on Messenger Street, or do or act in any manner rela- tive thereto.

ARTICLE 13. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer, a sum of money to pay the following overdrafts. Snow ac- count $2,119.61. Treasurer’s account; Expense of Bond Issue $1,016.29; King Philip Regional School District Committee $22,327.93, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to install one new street light on Pole No. 77, located on Washington Street, near Wonderland Motel site, and raise and appropriate a sum of money to pay for same, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the treasury, a sum of money for the Stabilization Fund, under authority of Chapter 40, Section 5B of the Gen- eral Laws, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town wUl vote to raise and appropriate or transfer the sum of $2,500. or any other sum for the Fire Alarm Re- placement Fund, or do or act in any manner relative thereto. 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 185

ARTICLE 17. To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Fire Engineers to purchase a mechanical-ladder fire truck and to raise and appropriate for this purpose the sum of $35,000.00, and to determine the manner of raising and appropriating the said sum, whether by trans- fer of available funds, or by taxation, or by borrowing; and if by borrow- ing, to authorize the Town Treasurer to give notes or bonds on behalf of the Town; or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer, the sum of $7,500. or any other sum to the Fire Department Apparatus Fund, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300.00, or any other sum, for the control of insects and Dutch Elm Disease ($1,000 for Dutch Elm Disease and $300.00 for insect pest control) as provided under Chapter 132 of the General Laws as amended by Chapter 657, Acts of 1956, and to be expended under the direction of the Moth Superintendent, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,500 for carrying on the different categories of Welfare, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to amend its By-Laws by adding thereto as a Plumbing By-Law, the rules and regulations formu- lated by the State Examiners of Plumbers under Sections 8 and 9 of Chapter 142 of the General Laws, or do or act in any manner relative thereto. (2/3 vote)

ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the Conservation Fund, to be used by the Conserva- tion Commission for Conservation purposes, including the purchase of land, or do or act in any manner relative thereto.

ARTICLE 23. To choose any committee and hear the report of any committee and act thereon.

And you are directed to serve this Warrant, by posting copies thereof in seven (7) Public Places in said Town, seven (7) days at least before the time of holding said meeting. 186 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at or before the time and place of said meeting as aforesaid. Given unto our hands this seventeenth day of Feb- ruary in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five.




Selectmen of Plainville VALUATION of REAL ESTATE


1965 188 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964




Abizaid, Anisa A. A., Comm. Theater Bldg., N. Attle. Plan IIC,

Par 1, V2 , $300. $ 300

Abizaid, Saida, South St., Plan 12, Par. 141, 28,000 sq. ft., $600. House, Faas, $2,300. House, (d), $2,500. Shed, $50. 5,450

Abizaid, William, 449 Coast Blvd., LaJulla, California, Plan llA, Par. 48, 14,365 sq. ft., $500. 500

Achorn, Chas. F. & Alma L., 1 Huntington Ave., Plat 8, Par. 25, 9,346 sq. ft., $250. House, $2,850. 3,100

Adams, Samuel R. & Mary C., RFD Franklin, Mass., Plan 9 Par. 10, 5% acres, $500. House, $2,200, Garage, $200. 2,900

Adams, Theon G. & Lois H., 71 Grove St., Plan HA Par. 153, 25,000 sq. ft., $500. House, $3,450, Garage, $250. 4,200

Alix, Ernest E. & Marie A., School St., Plan 7 Par. 41, 35,650 sq. ft., $400. House & Garage, $2,950. Shed, $50 3,400

Allen, Frank G. Jr., 65 Commonwealith Ave., Boston 16, Mass., Plan 3 Par. 31, 32,800 sq. ft., $100. 100

Allen, Frederick E. & Margaret M., 19 Aberdeen Ave., Warwick,

R.I., Plan 3 Par. .38, 2.65 acres, $500. 500

Allen, Warren B. & Jean R., Mirimichi St., Plan 3 Par. 53, 6.30 acres, $500. House, $3,600. Garage, $200. Barn, $700. Henhouse, $500. Tool house, $100. Cottage, $200. 5,800

Allen, Willis N. & Ethel N., 23 E. Bacon, Plan 11 Par. 120, 14,972 sq. ft., $300. House, $3,300. 3,600

Alltown Realty, Inc., Canton, Mass., Plan 3 Par 29, 72.94 acres, $3,000. 3,000 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 189

Alperin, Esther, 70-4 Middlesex Road, Waltham, Mass., Plan 7 Par. 52, 2.20 acres, Plan IIB Par. 192, 5.72 acres, $1,500. Build- ings, $2,200. 3,700

Amadio, Donald A. & Aldina, 224 Messenger St., Plan 6 Par. 30, $350. Plan 6 Par. 54, 1.69 acres, $350. House, $3,100. 3,800

Ames, Charles H., Hillside Rd., Plan 3 Par. 113, 5,595 sq. ft., Plan 3 Par. 114, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. Camp, $1,550. 1,800

American Tel. & Tel. Co., Att’n. Tax Group, Accounting Mgr., 55 Church St., White Plains,. N.Y., Plan HA Par. 213, 2.61 acres, $1,000. Bldg, sub sta., $3,250. 4,250

Anderson, Chester A. & Alice G., 77 South St., Plan HA Par. 98,

9,285 sq. ft., $250. House (d), $3,050. Garage, $200. 3,300

Anderson, Chester R. & Christy, 18 West St., Attleboro, Mass., Plan

10 Par. 6, 32,800 sq. ft., plus 3,690 sq. ft., $600. 600

Anderson, Harold, 3 Bugbee, Plan HA Par. 37, 35,559 sq. ft., $600. Plan 8 Par. 112, 6,338 sq. ft., $50. House, $2,600. Shed, $250. 3,500

Anderson, Leonard, 366 Washington St., Cambridge, Mass., Plan 3 Par. 26, IV2 acres, $300. House, $700. 1,000

Andrews, Charles J., 19 George St., Plan 7 Par. 88, 11,230 sq. ft., $300. House, $2,500. 2,800

Andrews, Charles J., 19 George St., Plan 7, Par. 88, 11,230 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Andrews, Sydney J. and Dorothy B., 2 Maple St., Plan 12 Par. 132,

10,780 sq. ft. $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Antosca, James F. and Dorothy, Plan 6, Par. 32, 1.22 acre. $350. 350

Antonitis, Philip J. and Teresa M., 1 Walter St., Plan 5, Par. 49, 8,925 sq. ft. $250. House $3,150 3,400

Antonitis, Robert E., 22 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 71, 9,025 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage, $2,650. 2,900 190 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Martin and Applestein, 508 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 15, Mass., Plan 11, Par. 7A, 81,500 sq. ft., $1,000. Apartment house, $52,000, Swimming pool, $500. 53,500

Armirotto, Peter Jr. and Jeannette, Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 33,

28,011 sq. ft., $500; Plan 8, Par 34A, 7,500 sq. ft., $100; Plan 8, Par. 24, 15,510, sq. ft., $300. Factory bldg. $4,300. 5,200

Armirotto, Peter Jr. and Jeannette M., Cross St., Plan IIB, Par.

198, 10,000 sq. ft., $300; Plan IIB, Par. 199, 15,340 sq. ft., $350; Plan IIB, Par. 70, 16,020 sq. ft., $350. House, $4,000. Apartment house, $8,750. 13,750

Armirotto, Peter Jr. and Jeannette M., Cross St., Plat 8, Par 48, 11,540 sq. ft., $300. House, $3,300. 3,600

Armitage, Thomas Sr. and Joan L., 19 Bugbee St., Plan HA, Par. 46, 13,098 sq. ft., $300. House, 2,100; Garage, $100; Shed, $50. 2,550

Armstrong, William R. Jr. and Beverly, 99 Pleasant St., Plat 11, Par 111, Zone B, 12,750 sq. ft., $300. House, $2,750 3,050

Armstrong, William R. Jr., and Beverly A., 99 Pleasant St., Par. F, Maple St., 50,000 sq. ft., $400. 400

Arnold, Lewis, c/o Mrs. Benton P. Estes, 110 Calhoun Ave., Yazoo City, Mississippi, Part of Plan 15, Par 11, 3 ac., $200. 200

Ashman, Robert G. and Ruth E., Taunton St., RED N. Attle., Plan 3, Par. 41, 34.55 ac., $1,000. House, $2,700; Barn, $500; Garage, $100. 4,300

Ashworth, Charles R. and Catherine T., 2 Park Ave., Plat 8, Par. 26, 8,370 sq. ft. $250. House, $2,850. 3,100

Attleboro & Plainville Coal Co. Inc., W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 92, 3.86 ac., $2,000. Roundhouse, $3,000; Office, $2,000; Coal shed, $1,500; Oil tanks, $2,000; Gas pump, $100. 10,600

Plan HA, Par. 29, 9,042 sq. ft., $100 100

Lot, Ellis, 11 ac., $200. 200

Fisher sprouts, 7V2 ac., $100. 100 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 191

Attleboro & Plainville Coal Co. Inc., W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 91, 11/2 ac., $400; Land near pond, V2 ac., $50. 3 tanks, $6,000. 6,450

Auclair, Eugene and Mathilda, Warren St., RED N.A., Plan 12, Par. 17, 5.88 ac., $400. House and Garage, $3,400. 3,800

Auclair, Gerard M. and Phyllis M., 18 Huntington Ave., Plat 5, Par. 85, 9,025 sq. ft., $250. House, $2,250. 2,500

Audette, Arthur J. and Laura, 22 Everett St., Plan HA, Par. 41 17,500 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $2,700. 3,000

Audette, Lionel J. and Jeannette L., Poter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 167. 8,920 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Austin, Bancroft L. and Lucille 0., 27 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par. 70 1.56 ac., $900. House $3,400. Plan HA, Par. 79A, 7,500 sq. ft. $150. Garage $500. 4,950

Austin, Ralph B. and Rose L., 303 South St., Plan 8, Par. 131, 27,092 sq. ft. $500. House $2,000. 2,500

Averill, Bertha B. and Payson B., 73 Spring St., Plan HB, Par. 98, 20,540 sq. ft. $400. House $2,600. Garage $200. 3,200

Avery, Clarence P., 8 Beacon Sq., Par. 86, Plan HA, 19,023 sq. ft. $350. House $2,100. 2,450

Avery, Elsie M., 8 Beacon Sq., Plan HA, Par. 24, 16,775 sq. ft. $250. House $2,200. Shed $50. 2,500

Ayer, Raymond B. and Laura, BUtmore St., Lancaster, Pa., Plan 12, Par. 52, 1.23 ac., $450. House $1,900. Barn $350. 2,700

(Babiec, John and Agnes Estate) Babiec, Steven—Executor, 75 Jefferson St., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 15, Par. 20, 39.3 ac., $800 Barn 150. 950

Babineau, Maxime J. and Eva M., Hillside Rd., RED N. Attleboro,

Plan 3, Par. 112, 3 ac., $350. Cottage $1,700. 2,050

Babbitt, Albert and Beverly L., 91 Pleasant St., Plan HB, Par. 196 14,865 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300 192 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 19G4

Babbitt, Milton and Jennie B., 34 School St., Plan 7, Par. 42A 3 ac., $450 450

Babbitt, Milton and Jennie B., 34 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 80,

27,611 sq. ft. $650. House 3,200. Garage 100. 3,950

Bachand, Louis F. Jr. and Dorothy M., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 27, 1 ac., $300. House $4,500. 4,800

Becheller, Milton H. and Beatrice E., Warren St., RFD. Plan 12, Par. 10, 17.30 ac., $500. House $2,200, Barn $100, Garage $300, Henhouses $200, Brooderhouse $200. 3,500

Bacheller, Milton H. Jr., Warren St., RFD, Plan 12, Par. 133, 29,444 isq. ft. $600. Manor of Music $3,300. 3,600

Bagdon, Steve, 3 Robin St., Plan 8, Par. 65, 10,500 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage $3,250. 3,500

Bagley, Charles F. and Caroline E., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 37, 1.84 ac. $400. House 1,700, Barn $250, Garage $100. 2,450

Bagley, Charles C. and Charlotte M., 2 Garfield St., Plan 5, Par. 93 8,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,450. 2,700

Baker, Florent and Rosemarie, Belcher St., RFD, N.A. Plan 1, Par. 11, 5 ac. $500. House 2,200, Bam $1,500. 4,200

Baker, Emile et al, Belcher St., RFD, N.A., ($350), Plan 1, Par. 12, 38.23 ac., $800. House 2,500, Barn $100. 3,400

Plan 1, Par. 8, 4.50 ac., $100. 100

Baker, Paul E. and Agnes C. E., 143 Hamkins St., RFD, ($320),

Plan 15, Par. 5, 4.1 ac., $400. House 2,100, Henhouse $100. 2,600 Plan 15, Par. 18, 6.56 ac., $400. 400 Plan 15, Par. 21, 17.59 ac., $200. 200

Baker, Ronald and Stephanie, 26 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par. 79, $450. House $2,950, Garage $200. 3,600

Baker, Paul E. and Agnes C., Hawkins St., RFD, N.A., Plan N,

Lot 7, IV2 ac., $300. Building $100. 400 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 193

Ball, Alvin H. and Marian F., 20 George Sit., Plan 7, Par. 115, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,800, Garage $250. 3,300

Bankert, Howard A. and Gilda R., 11 Lincoln Ave., Plan llA, Par. 95, 4,339 sq. ft. $100. House $2,000, Garage $500. 2,600 Plan HA, Par. 94, 7,497 sq. ft., $200. 200

Barley, Francis L. and Alice M., 13 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 68, 34,430 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $3,900. 4300

Barnaby, Ivan J. and Bernice L., Treas. Is. Rd., RR#2, N.A., Plat

3, Par. 93, 12,480 isq. ft., $300. House 2,500. 2,800

Barney, Margaret, 56 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 74, 10,000 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,900. 4,200

Barney, Margaret and Kenneth L., 56 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par.

74A, 10,000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Barnes, John F. and Phyllis, 22 George St., Plan 7, Par. 114, 10,000

sq. ft., $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Barnett, Isaac W. and Sylvia S., 10 James St., Plan 7, Par. 108,

10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Barrett, Frank R. and Rita M., Cor. Spring and Broad, Plan IIB,

Par. 90, 13,090 sq. ft., $400. House $4,400. 4,400

Barrett, Harold C. and Caroline F. S., 399 South, Plan 8, Par. 78, 45,875 isq. ft., $400. House $2,200, Garage $100. 2,700

Barrows, Benjamin W., Wrentham, Mass., Plan 9, Par. 4, 9% ac., $500. House $1,775, Toolhouse $25. 2,300

Barton, Clinton E. Jr. and Carol A., 16 Coombs PL, Plan HA, Par. 102, 33,922 sq. ft., $600. House $2,200, Garage $200, Shed $50. 3,050

Barton, Clinton E. Sr., 67 South, Plan HA, Par. 101, 32,274 sq. ft,, $800. House $2,700, Barn $100. 3,600

Bascoimbe, Raymond A. and Evelyn, 208 South St., Plan 8, Par. 95, 27,465 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $3,200, Swimming Pool $200. 3,800


Batchelder, Frank L. and Adele M., 6 Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 49, 11,540 isq. ft., $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Battersby, Charles F. and Lola, Madison St., RFD, Plan 1, Par. 28, 3 ac., $200. House $1,800, Garage and Henhouse $100. 2,100

Bauman, Emily W. and Donald E. McAlpine, 42 A. E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 29, 20,289 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500, Shed and Hen- house $100. 2,900

Beardsworth, Harold L. and Josie May, Warren St., RFD, Plan 12,

Par. 9, 7.85 ac., $500. House $2,500, Shed $150. 3,150

Beauchaine, Joseph J., North Attleboro, Plan 14, Par. 129, 5 ac., $200. 200

Beaumont, Lewis P., Norfolk, Mass., (2 pare. #42 & 43, Edge-

wood plat). Plan 8, Par. 122, 10,000 sq. ft., $300. 300

Beaupre, Eli and Marie, Fletcher St., ($130), Plan 14, Par. 80, 1 ac., $200. House $1,000. 1,200 Plan 14, Par. 81, 10,500 sq. ft., $100. 100

Beauregard, Noella and Leo, High St., RFD, ($495), Plan 15, Par. 29, 20 ac., $700. House $3,300, Swimiming Pool $400. 4,400 Plan 30, Par. 15, 5 ac., $150. Shed and Garage $400. 550

Beckwith, Robert and Christine, 14 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 92,

9,700 s. ft., $250. House and Garage $2,950. 3,200

Begor, Everett N. Sr., and IMuriel P., 14 Mathurin Rd., Plan 14, Par. 135, 21,122 sq. ft., $300. House and Carport $3,300, Shed $100. 3,700

Seek, James S. and Barbara R., 4 Garfield St., Plan 5, Par. 94, 8,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,900. 3,150

Bell, Charles and Minnie, 11 Huntingiton Ave., Plat 5, Par. 97, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $2,250. 2,500

Belmont, Joseph, 46 Mill St., Randolph, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 75, 4,562 sq. ft., $200. 200 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 125

Belmonte, James and Jennie R., 604 E. Gth St., South Boston,

Mass., Plat 3, Par. 74, 5,425 sq. ft., $200. 200

Belmonte, Frank, 33 Maywood St., Roxbury, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 77, 3,875 sq. ft., $200. 200

Bemis, Walter M. and Joyce N., 4 Wade Rd., Plat 8, Par. 60,

10,500 sq. ft., $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Benker, Charles R., Washington St., Plat llA, Par. 43, 21,767 sq.

ft., $400. 400

Benker, Fred, 80 Washington St., Plan llA, Par. 191, 1.50 ac., $800. Service Station $2,200, 4 pumps, 7 tanks $450, Garage $500. 3,950 Plan llA, Par. 190, 1.6 ac., $300. 300

Benker, Wolfgang Est., 80 Washington St., ($640), Plan llA, Par. 192, 5 ac., $1,000. House (d) $2,300, Barn $250, Shed 50, Cottage $100. 3,700 Restaurant $2,700. 2,700

Bennett, Earle R. and Lillian E., 144 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 57, 3.27 ac., $400. House $2,200, Garage $100. 2,700

Bennett, Esther, Estate, 21 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 27, 12,500 sq. ft. $300. House (d) $3,000, Garage $150, Shed $150. 3,600

Bennett, Harold J. and Rosalie B., 94 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 80, 1 ac., $500. House $2,500, Bam $500, Garage $100, Brooderhouse $100. 3,700

Bennett, Ida H., 30 Broad, Plan IIB, Par. 96, 1.77 ac., $50u. nouse $2,300, Shed $50. 2,850

Bergevine, Homer R. and Ann M. 4 Sidney, Plan 14, Par. 112, 9,000 sq. ft., $200. House $2,300. 2,500

Bergh, George G., 37 Hunting St., N. Attle., (435), Plan 15, Par. 33, 13.0 ac., $500. 500 Plan 15, Par. 22, 44.55 ac., $1,100. Garage $300, Shed $50. 1,450 Plan 15, Par. 23, 7.47 ac., $400. Barn $2,000. 2,400 196 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Bergh, George N. Jr. and Marie T., 3 Harvard St., Plan 5, Par. Ill, 10,400 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,300. 3,600

Bergson Corporation, Cor. E. Bacon and George Sts., Plan IIC, Par. 12, 3.25 ac., $800. Factory $9,500, Office Building $1,800. 12,100

Berkley, Carolyn E., 11 Maple St., Plan 12, Par. 135, 12,225 sq. ft., $300. House (d) and Garage 3,200. 3,500

Bernardini, Maiano and Jacqueline, Circle Drive, Wrentham,

Mass., ($1,670), Plan IIB, Par. 69, 10,885 sq. ft., $300. Apt. House—School St., $8,100. 8,400

Plan 12, Par. 1A8A, 10,000 sq. ft., $300. Apt. House South St. $8,100. 8,300

Betts, Ii'ving S. and Constance L. E., 30 George St., Plat 7, Par. 110, 11,485 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Beyersdorfer, Albert and Bertha L., 98 E. Bacon St., ($2,480), Plan IIB, Par. 185, 24,600 sq. ft., $400. House $2,700, Garage 300. 3,400

Plan 12, Par. 127, $1,250. Factory Building $11,000, Store Building $8,000. 20,250

Plan IIB, Par. 181, 13,225 sq. ft., $250. 250

Plan IIB, Par. 183, 4.86 ac., $900. 900

Beyersdorfer, Albert J. and Elizabeth G., Hillside Rd., RED, Plan

3, Par. 172, 7.3 ac.. Garage $1,600. 1,900

Plan 3, Par. 121, 15,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,350. 2,600

Beyersdorfer, Gustav, 93 Pleasant, Plan IIB, Par. 105, 9,870 sq.

ft., $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Bezema, John W. and Arline, 405 South, Plan 8, Par. 75, 20,000 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $4,600. 5,000

Bibby, Richard H. and Judith R., Warren St., RFD, Plan 14, Par. 136, 14,325 sq. ft., $300. House $3,500. 3,800

Bielecki, Gordon A. and Constance M., Elmwood St., N. Attleboro, Mass., (also John Englewood, Fla.), Plan IIC, Par. 41, 3.59 ac., $400. 400 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 197

Bigelow, Eurilla G. and Howard B., 33 Broad St., Plan IIB, Par. 93, 13,535 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500, Garage $100. 2,900

Bigelow, Howard B. and Helen L., 2 South St., Plan llA, Par. 1, 36,325 sq. ft., $500. House 2,350, Garage $150. 3,000

Bilsborough, J. Roland and Audrey M., 2 Vernon Young Dr., Plan llA, Par. 187, 10,494, $300. House and Garage $4,400. 4,700

Bishop, Harold, 6 Halidon Terrace, Newport, R.I., Plan 15, Par. 37, 4.27 iac., $300. 300

Bishop, Pearl A., 22 W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 107, 32,537 sq. ft., $500. House $2,300, Garage $150. 2,950

Bitel, John P. and Patricia M., 440 South, Plat 5, Par. 27, 14,100 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Blais, Irving J. and iMarie A., High St., RED, Plan 13, Par. 7, 88.10 ac., $1,400. House $1,300, Barn $200, Shed $50. 2,950

Blaisdell, Clarence and Frances, Cor. W. Bacon and Warren, Plat 14, Par. 51, 1 ac., $300. House $2,500, Barn $200. 3,000

Blaisdell, Casper J. and Mary R., 391 South St., Plat 8, Par. 101, 24,100 sq. ft. $400. House $3,000. 3,400

Blake, Elmer H. and Anniemay, Hillside Rd., RFD, Plan 3, Par.

116, 6,206 sq. ft.. Plan 3, Par. 115, 2,000 sq. ft. $100. Cottage $1,500. 1,600

Blanchard, Richard L. and Elfriede, 12 Park Ave., Plat 5, Par. 96, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $2,900. 3,150

Blazic, 'Mario P. and Theresa I., 11 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 124, 15,182 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Bliss, Anna C., Branch Ave., RFD., ($335), Plan 6, Par. 41, 14,000 sq. ft., $200. House and Garage $2,000. 2,200 Garage $200, Camp $800. 1,000 Plan 6, Par. 38, 1.45 ac., $150. 150 irs TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Bliss, Clark E. and Margaret E., 400 South St., Plat 8, Par. 62,

12,780 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Blogref, John and Catherine, 659 Roosevelt Ave., Plan 15, Par.

2 , 10.38 ac., House $2,500. Plan 15, Par. 3, 6,500 sq. ft. $500. Garage $100. 3,100

Boelker, Arthur and Mary, 24 Beacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 98, 9,511 sq. ft., $250. House (d) $3,100, Cottage $500. 3,800

Boehm, Charles M. and Alice H., Hancock St., RFD, Plan 9, Par. 14, 46,000 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,700. 5,000

Boerger, Henry A. and LK>ttie B., 23 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 104, 10, 885 sq. ft., $300. House (d) $2,400, Henhouse $50. 2,750

Boisvert, Andrew R. and Shirley A., 12 Grove St., N. Attleboro, Mass., Plan 12, Par. 147, 19,644.8 sq. ft., $400. House (2) $3,000, Garage $200. 3,600

Boisvert, Andrew R. and Shirley A., 12 Grove St., N. Attleboro,

Mass., Plan HA, Par. 129, 18,842 sq. ft., $400. House (3) $3,500, Garage $300. 4,200

Bolduc, Alfred and Phyllis G., Bow St., RFD, Plan Par. 29 9, — , ae. $900. House and Garage $4,900. 5,800

Bo-mbardier, Roland J. and Carolyne G., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 4, Par. 26, 15,000 sq. ft., $300. House, Garage and Breezeway $2,300. 2,600

Bonneau, Oscar J. and Mary E., Treas. Is. Rd., RR #2, N.A.,

Plan 3, Par. 98, 4,357 sq. ft. $200. House and Garage $2,000. 2,200

Bonneau, Leo E. and Jean T., Visby Ave., ($775), Plan llA, Pa.

184, 30,765 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $4,000. 4,400 Plan IIB, Par. 25, 14,474 sq. ft., $300. House (3) $3,000, Shed $50. 3,350

Bonnell, Lester C., 207 South, Plan 8, Par. 152, 3.63 ac., $600. House (d) $2,800. Garage $200. 3,600

Boucher, James and Constance, 18 Bacon Sq., Plan HA, Par. 25, 1.42 ac., $600. House $2,500, Garage $250. 3,350 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 199

Bonney, Lysander H, and Dorothy A., 3 Crestwood Ave., Plat IIB,

Par. 158, 14,040 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800, Garage $200. 3,300

Booth, Edwin L., 19 Ewald Ave., Plat 7, Par. 82, 14,530 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Bouchard, John J. and Barbara E., Maple St., Plat 7, Par. 2, 30,240 sq. ft., $400. House, Breezeway and Garage $4,200. 4,600

Bouchard, Joseph D. and Margaret, Bow St., RED, Plan 9, Par. 41, 1% ac., $300. House $4,200. 4,500

Bouffard, Blanche Y. and Henry A., 7 Robin, Plan 8, Par. 63,

9,285 sq. ft., $250. House $3,000. 3,250

Bouffard, Henry A. and Christine J., 8 Grant, Plat 8, Par. 29,

6,198.20 sq. ft., $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Boule, Leo A. Jr. and Ruth C., Warren St., RED, Plan 12, Par. 155, 15,000 sq. ft., $300, House $3,000. 3,300

Bowder, Everett G. and Doris J., South, Plan HA, Par. 4, 1.82 ac., $500. House (2) $2,700, Barn $300. 3,500

Bowmar, John M. and Elsie P., 166 Granite St., Quincy, Mass., Plan 13, Par. 33, 1.58 ac., $300. House $2,500, Garage $100. 2,900

Boyle, Delia, Estate, c/o Raymond E. Boyle, 163 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 14, 1 ac., $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Brais, Ronald A., Trustee—Brais Realty, 24 Eddy St., N. Attle- boro, Plan IIB, Par. 76, 21,338 sq. ft., $400., House (3) $3,400, Garage $300. 4,100

Brassard, Eleanor, Messenger St., Plan 6, Par. 56, 2 ac., $400. House $3,000, Garage $200. 3,600

Breed, Richard A. Jr. and Elsie W., 8 Eletcher, Plan 12, Par. 86, 34,714.84, $400. House $3,600. 4,000

Breen, Mrs. Annie, 38A E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 28, 20,871 sq. ft., $450. House (d) $2,700, Garage $200. 3,350 200 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Breen, Charles F. Jr. and Genevieve, 52 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 31, 20,282 sq. ft., $400. House $2,800, Barn $500. 3,700

Breen, Donald E. and Gladys R., 93 Grove, Plan IIB, Par. 52, 1.56 ac., $350. House 3,200, Garage $200, Henhouse $50. 3,800

Breitenbach, Edward R. and Lucy G., Hancock St., RFD, ($395),

Plan 9, Par. 8, 4 ac., $100. House and Garage $3,500, Shed $50. 3,650

Plan 9, Par. 28, 4 ac., $100. 100

Plan 9, Par. 22, IOV2 ac., $200. 200

Brennan, James S. and Ann P., 96 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 82, 14,334 sq. ft., $300. House $3,600. 3,900

Brock, Edward B. and Eileen S., 14 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 73, 18,750 sq. ft., $400. House $4,050. 4,450

Brown, Bernard E. and Edna I., 178 Pine St., Attleboro, Mass.,

Plan 3, Par. 21A, 50,753.91 sq. ft., $500. Foundation and Garage $1,800. 2,300

Brown, George E. Jr., 436 South St., Plan 5, Par. 39, 2.75 ac., $500. House $3,100. 3,600

Brown, James B., South Lakeview Rd., Saylesville, R.I., Plan

15, Par. 9, 1.59 ac., $200. 200

Brown, Lawrence A. and Harriett D., 410 South St., Plan 8, Par. 36, 13,310 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,400. 3,700

Brown, Marshall E. and Sally D., 138 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 55, 32,800 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700, Tool Shed $200. 3,200

Browne, Ralph A. and H. Bertha, 140 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 56, 34,334 sq. ft., $300. House and Carport $3,000, Tool Shed $100. 3,400

Browning, Welcome E. and Bertha I., 154 W. Bacon St., Plan 14, Par. 61, 3.26 ac., $500. House $1,750, Barn $200, Henhouse $50. 3,400

Brown, Leon P. and Edith M., 444 South St., Plan 5, Par. 25, 9,500 sq. ft., $200. House 2,700, Garage $100. 3,000 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 201

Brunner, George E., 2244 Ridgewood Rd., Akron, Ohio, Plan llA, Par. 209, 1.25 ac., $450. 450

Bryant, Kenneth 0. and Hope I., 102 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 186, 18,000 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300

Bryant, Robert R. and Alice M., 18 Park Ave., Plat 5, Par. 73, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $2,250. 2,500

Bucklin. William G. and iMorna G., 7 Fletcher St., Plan 12, Par. 82, 2.60 ac., $400. House $3,150, Garage and Shop $200, Henhouse $50. 3,800

Bryer, James A. Jr. and Georgia L., 170 N. Washington St., N.

Attleboro, Mass., Plan 3, Par. Ill, 7.25 ac., $500. Camp (Bryer) $1,600, Boathouse $100, Camp (Tufts) $1,000, Boathouse $150. Garage $1,000. 4,350

Bucklin, George P. and Adeline R., 47 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 158, 1.50 ac., $300. House $1,500, Garage $100. 1,900

Burlin, Foster H. and Esther A., High St., RFD, Plan 5, Par. 10,

1.38 'a c., $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Burlingame, Walter D. and Dorothy F., West St., Wrentham,

Mass., Plan 12, Par. 55, 25,533 sq. ft., $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Burns, James L. et ux, 2 Munroe Drive, Plan 5, Par. 41, 12,105 sq ft., $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Burton, Wesley H. and Loretta, 31 Broad St., Plan IIB, Par. 92, 16,958 sq. ft., $300. Garage $100, House $3,000. 3,400

Bussey, Francis H. Jr. and Hazel L., 7 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par.

126, 10,603 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Cacciapaglia, Patrick J. and Edna R., 41 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par. 104, 41,400 sq. ft., $500. House (d) $3,500 4,000

Callahan, Elizabeth and Edward V., 246 Court St., Brockton,

Mass., Plan 3, Par. 62, 5,000 sq. ft., $200. 200 202 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Calligan, Richard F., 3 Garfield St., Plan 5, Par. 89, 8,000 sq.ft., $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Calzaretta, Joseph A. and Dolores, Walnut St., Plan 8, Par. 10, 14 acres, $700. House $2,150, Shed $50. 2,900

Candage, Bert M. and Katherine, 11 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 86, 13,900 sq.ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Canole, Joseph W. and Elaine M., 17 Huntington Ave., Plat 5, Par. 83, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $2,250. 2,500

Cardin, Arthur F. and Alice M., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 6, Par. 19, 17,807 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,500 4,800

Cardozo, Ezekiel and Mary A., c/o Plainville Drug, South St.,

Plan 9, Par. 41, 1 acre $300. 300

Carpenter, Lawrence H. and Ruth M., 45 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA Par. 106, 40,198 sq. ft., $800. House $3,200. 4,000

Carroll, Raymond F. and Rita A., 22 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 75, 21,238 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $3,600. 4,000

Carron, Leona M., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 12, 2.11 acres $400. House $2,000. Store $1,200. Garage $100. Billboard $100. 3,800

Attleboro, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 123 8.84 acres $750. House $700. House and Garage $2,500. Shed $100. 4,050

Plan 3, Par. 124, 1,600 sq. ft. $50. 50

Carter, Alfred and Esther A., 97 Pleasant St., Plat IIB, Par. 110,

10,625 sq. ft., $300. House $3,500. 3,800

Carter, Donald E. and Barbara A., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 165, 47,250 sq. ft. $300. 300

Cartier, Roland C. and Marie I., 9 Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. 116, 9,000 sq. ft., $200. Trailer $900. 1,100

Caruolo, Angelo P. and Helen B., No. Prov., R.I., Plan 10, Par. 7, 8 acres $3,300 3,300 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 203

Plan 1, Par. 7, 8 acres $1,000. 1,000 Plan llA, Par. 194, 3.4 acres $500 500 50 Plan llA, Par. 151, 5,000 sq. ft., $50. ,

Carvalho, Alfred J. and Doris E., 88 Ottawa St., Attle., Mass., Plan D, Lot llA 2 V2 acres $400. 400

Carvalho, Mary C., Messenger St., Plan 6, Par. 50, 61.10 acres $3,000. House $1,800. Garage $100. Barn $500. Trailer $100. 5,500

Plan 6, Par. 28, 4.35 acres $400. 400

Plan 6, Par. 35, 11.40 acres 150. 150

Carvalho, George R. and Vivian R., Messenger St., Plan 6, Par. 31, 3.87 acres $550. House $3,350. 3,900

Carvalho, William F. and Louise F., Messenger St., Plan 6, Par. 29, 1.51 acres $300. House 3,300. 3,600 75, 21,238 sp. ft., $400. House and Garage $3,600. 4,000

Casey, Edmund D, and Frances I., 60 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 156, 11,600 sq. ft., $300. House $3,700. 4,000

Cassidy, James J. and Hope E., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 28, 1 acre $300. House $3,700 4,000

Cassels, George E. Jr. and Mildred, School St., Plan 7, Par. 37, 36, 310 sq. ft., $400. House $3,600. 4,000

Cavallo, Vincent N. and Rose, 15 Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 99, 20.000 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $2,400. 2,700

Cedarwood Grille, Inc., 45 Washington St., Plan IIC, Par. 6, 40.000 sq. ft., $500. Grille $4,500. 5,000

Chambers, Norman R. and Olive, 8 Crestwood Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 150, 13,250 sq. ft., $300. House $3,350. 3,650

Chabot, Alfred L. Jr., and Ann J., 5 Hillcrest Dr., Plan llA, Par. 169, 10,494 sq. ft., $300. House $2,850, Shed $50. 3,200

Chase, Oliver G. and Neva J., 5 Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par. 70, 20,639 sq. ft., $400. House $3,600. 4,000 V


Chaney, Richard C., and Helen M., Chestnut St., No. Attle., Plan

5, Par. 136, 9,701 sq. ft., $200. 200

Chamillard, Rohert B. and Harriet G., 38 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 71, 10,300 sq. ft., $300. House $2,950. 3,250

Chase, Bertram P. and Marie A., 104 Belle Haven Dr., Lynn

Haven, Va., Plat 5, Par. 119, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Chevalier, Lorenzo H., High St., RFD N.A., Plan 13, Par. 18, 47.73 acres $1,100. House $1,800. Out buildings $100. 3,000

Cheever, Daisy G., 18 Evergreen Rd., Plat HB, Par. 132, 10,530 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Cheney, Boyd N. and Ruth L., 101 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 113, 11,475 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Cheney, Almon W. and Margaret L., 396 South St., Plat 8, Par. 73, 10,925 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900

Chisholm, Irma G., 14 South, Plan HA, Par. 3, 4.56 acres, $1,000 House and Garage $5,000. Barn $400. 6,400

Chevers, Melvin V. and Dorothy S., Hancock St., Plan 9, Par. 3, 33.70 acres $950. House and Garage $3,200. 4,150

Chichosz, John and Janina, 62 Blissdale Ave., Cumberland, R.I.,

Plan 9, Par. 32, 2.79 acres $400. 400

Choma, Charles Jr. and Lena G., 7 Crestwood Ave., Plan IIB,

Par. 162, 12,930 sq. ft., $300. House $3,350 3,650

Chirstopher Realty Co. Inc., Joseph W. Ress, Trustee, Ress Family Foundation, Prov., R.L, Plan IIB, Par. 116 5 acres $1,000 1,000

45 undeveloped lots, 11 2 acres $2,250. 2,250

Chomeric’s Inc., 380 South St., Plan 8, Par. 81, 10.91 acres $1,500. Factory Bldg., $7,500. 9,000

Christensen, Roswell S. and Rita J., School St., Plan 7, Par. 43, 1.42 acres, $300. House $2,100. Shed $50. Henhouse $50. 2,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 205

Clapp, Roselle L., c/o Trust Department Cit. First Nat’l Bank of

Ridgewood, Ridgewood, N.J., Plan 12, Par. 4, 3 acres, $500. 500

Clark, Willia E. and Joan F., 5 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par. 147

14,400 sq. ft., $300. House $2,950. 3,250

Clarke George A and Gertrude V., 84 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 63,

13,440 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,100 . 3,400

Clarke, Norman M. and Grace E., 186 South St., Plan 12, Par. 117

10,038.98 sq. ft., $200. House $1,300. 1,500

Clark, Raymond D. and Edith M., 91 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 159, 9 acres $500. House $2,200. Barn $200. Shop $100. 3,000

Clegg, Edward and Rita A., 55 Pleasant, Plan HA, Par. 136,

20.000 sq. ft., $400. House $2,800. Barn $100. 3,300

Cientimack, Norman R. and Mary L., Chestnut St., RFD, Plan 5, Par. 11, 7.29 acres $400. House $2,300. Garage $200. 2,900

Cientimack, George E. and Ethel M., Chestnut St., RFD, Plan 5,

Par. 2, Plan 5, Par. 3, 6.75 acres $300. 6.11 acres $300. House $2,200. Garage $150. House $6,500. 9,250

Clerc, Emile X. and Fannie E., 4 State St., Plat 5, Par. 80, 8,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,450. 2,700

Close, Philip G. and Claudette P., 6 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 45, 11,800 sq. ft., $300. House $3,400. 3,700

Clough, Jay E. and Mildred E., 24 George St., Plat 7, Par. 113, 10.000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,800. Breezeway and Garage $200. 3,250

Clow, Dana R. 3rd and Betty J., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 38, 40.000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Cloutier, Paul E. and Virginia H., 411 South, Plan 5, Par. 151, 20,360 sq. ft., $300. House $3,900. 4,200

Cobb, Richard M. and Helen R., 121 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 58, 14,179 sq. ft., $300. House $1,750. Garage $150. 2,200 206 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Cobb, George A. and Beryl A., 99 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 61, 2.52 acres $400. House $2,800. Garage $75. Summerhouse $25. 3,300

Cobb, Mrs. Jessie D., 162 South St., Plan 12, Par. 121, 1.52 acres $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Cobery, Thomas and Elsie, 446 South, Plan 5, Par. 24, 22,550 sq. ft., $400. House $1,000. Garage $100. 1,500

Codding, Russell F. and Alice M. Taylor, 251 Towne St., No. Attle.,

Plan 6, Par. 36, 9 acres $500. Plan 6, Par. 37, 7.22 acres. $500. 1,000

Colburn, David L. and Florence V., 17 Bugbee, Plan HA, Par. 45, 13,111 sq. ft., $300. House (d) $2,700. Garage $100. 3,100

Cole, Frank A. and Arlene E., 169 E. Bacon, Plan IIC, Par. 25, 9,960 sq. ft., $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Cole, Stanley H. and Rubena F., 61 South, Plan HA, Par. 83, 31,736 sq.ft., $600. House $2,200. Garage $200. Shed-tool $50. 3,050

Coleman, Jeremiah, 78 Carruth St., Dorchester, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 82, 5,375 sq. ft., $200. 200

Coleman, Walter L. and Anne V., 9 Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par. Plan Par. 158, 10,312 sq. ft. ,$250. 5 acres $200. House 71, , 12, $3,550. 4,000

Coles, Chester E. and Mabel E., Warren St., Plan 12, Par. 7, 5.81 acres $300. House $2,000. Barn $250. Henhouse $50. 2,600

Colley, Donald G. Jr. and Dorothy, 50 Hancock St., RFD, Plan 9, Par. 21, 18,375 sq. ft. $200. House $2,800. Barn $200. 3,200

Plan 9, Par. 12, 30 acres $700. 700

Plan 9, Par. 19, 7,876 sq. ft. $50. 50

Plan 9, Par. 20, 13,618 sq. ft., $75. 75

Collamati, Juliette and Helen Getty, Bellingham, Mass., Plat 3,

Par. 108, 18,400 sq. ft., $300. House $1,400. Garage $100. 1,800

Colonial Inn, Inc., 449 South St., Plan 5, Par. 123, 9 acres $1,000. Colonial Inn $7,500. 8,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 207

Consolidated Construction, No. Attle., Mass., Plan 3, Par. 35, 9 acres, $800. 800

Plan 1, Par. 19, 24 acres $1,100. 1,100

Consolidated Construction Co., Draper Ave., No. Attle., Plan 3, Par. 36, 5.8 acres $1,500. 1,500

Conrad, Robert S. and Joanne M., Messenger St., RED, Plan 6, Par. 45, 38,400 sq. ft., $300. House $2,000. Garage $100. 2,400

Comtois, Philip and Julienne A., 353 South St,. Plan 8, Par. 107, 1.22 acres $300. House $2,500. Small house $1,300. Out building $50. 4,150

Cook, Frederick Jr. and Barbara J., 5 South St., Plan HA, Par. 33,

12,420 sq. ft., $300. House $3,100. 3,400

Cook, Donald E. and Helen R., 94 Grove, Plan IIB, Par. 34, 18,368.86 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,000. 4,300

Cook, Lois B., 4 Carleton Rd., Plan 12, Par. 84, 23,200 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $4,400. 4,800

Cooper, Clifford C. and Ethel M., 21 Witherell PI., Plan HA, Par. 14, 20,210 sq. ft., $200. House $2,500. Garage $250. 2,950

Cooney, William and Ruth E., Mirimichi St., RFD, N.A., Plan 3, Par. 48, 32,922 sq. ft., $400. House $2,600. Shed $50. 3,050

Cooper, Harry E. and Helen L., 22 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 110, 7,296 sq. ft., $200. House and Garage $3,000. 3,200 Plan HA, Par. 89, 7,900 sq. ft., $200. 200 Plan HA, Par. 90, 9,362 sq. ft., $200. Store and Apartment $3,000. Pump and Tank $150. 3,350

Cooper, John A. and Diane A., 28 Elm Ave., Plan HA, Par. 88, 10,361 sq. ft., $300. House $2,400. Garage $100. 2,800

Cooper, John and Elizabeth, School St., Plan 7, Par. 13, 1.08 acres $300. House and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Cooper, Richard E. and Caroline B., 95 Grove St., Plan HB, Par. 54, 20,000 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,450. 3,750 208 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Carbin, Leroy and Katherine L., 8 Broad St., Plan 12, Par. 143, 14,850 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500. Garage $100. Shed $100. 3,000

Courts, Eddy and Caroline, Hancock St., RED, Plan 9, Par. 13, 37,440 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,900. 4,200

Cornell, Charles E. and Lorraine R., 413 South St., Plan 5, Par. 150

20,300 sq. ft., $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Courtois, Raymond J., (also Norman A. and Albert F.), 15 Illinois

St., Central Falls, R.I., Plan 6, Par. 44, 16.65 acres $2,500 2,500

Coverly, Lydia R. 15 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par, 72, 10,380 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500. Garage $100. 2,900

Cox, Edward R. and iMarilyn A., 7 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 46, 11,800 sq. ft., $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Cragin, Ralph F. and Beverly J., 26 George St., Plat 7, Par. 112, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Croke, James G. and Alice S., John R. and Virginia VanderPyle,

Manorhaven Dri., Attle., Mass., Plan 1, Par. 37, 31,600 sq. ft., $50. 50

Plan 1, Par. 38, 5.50 acres $350. 350

Crotty, Edna M. and Bessie M. Farwell, 34 Washington St., 6.34 acres $500. House $1,200, Barn $400, Shed $50. 2,150

Crowell, Raymond E. and Eleanor D., 7 Highland Ave., 24,191 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $3,300. 3,700

Crowell, Ralph E., W. Bacon St., 21,263 sq. ft., $500. Refinery $4,500, 5,000

Cudwlorth, George B., Warren St., RFD, 7.11 acres $200, 14.35 acres $200, House $1,200, Milk house $400, Barn $200. 2,200

Cunningham, John E. and Thelma L., Warren St., RFD, 2.19 acres $200, 5.69 acres $300, 1.14 acres $300, House $2,000, Garage $150. 2,950 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 209

Curran, James J. and Helen C., Norwood, Mass., 42.17 acres $1,000, 5.71 acres $600. 1,600

Currier, Edmund L. and Elizabeth J., 392 South St., 1.83 acres $500, House $2,800, Garage $300. 3,600

Curtis, George H., 22 Washington, 1.06 acres $500, House $2,200, Barn $100. 2,800

Dahl, Ethel L., 44 School St., 10,250 sq. ft., $300, House $3,200, Garage $150. 3,650

Dane, Earl B., 146 Westminster St., Prov., R.I., 1 acre $250. 250

Daniels, Ernest, Harry and Priscilla, High St., RED, 2.75 acres $500, Trailer $1,500, Versackas trailer $1,200, E. Duval trailer $350, Small building $100. 3,650

Darling, George R. and Norma L., Walnut St., RED, 38,473 sq. ft., $350. House and Garage $3,250. 3,600

Darby, Roger 0. and Virginia E., Bow St., RED, 1.43 acres $300, 32,580 sq. ft $100. House $3,000. 3,400

Darling, Kenneth H. and Juliette, 120 E. Bacon, 10.68 acres $600, 1.66 acres $200. House and Garage $3,200, Shop budg. $600, Shed $100. 4,700

Darling, Ronald C. and Rita L., 114 E. Bacon, 4 acres $400, 1.58 acres $200. House and Garage $3,500, Barn $150. 4,250

Davidson, Robert E. and Gertrude C., Hancock St., 1 acre $400. House ^4,100. 4,500

Dauphinee, Leonard P. and Marjorie C., 1 June, 9,000 sq. ft., $250. House $3,550. 3,800

Davis, Chester H., 295 South St., 3,346 sq. ft., $700, House $2,000, Henhouse $100, House $1,100. 3,900

Davis, Everett C., 7 Lincoln Ave., 4,364 sq. ft., $150. House $2,400, Garage $200. 2,750

14 TOWN OF PLAmiLLF 19&4

Fsvi?, L. siji Helen G,, 431 South S:., 4.11 acres, Sl,OCK). S:rre hldg. SS.500, on: bnUdlncs SSiX). q.soo

Pav2 s. George L. ani Helen M., 435 South S:., 1 acne, S350. House S3 .250. 3.600

Paris, FauPne B., 20,000 sq. f:., S300, 300

Pa'^'s?’-'. £'^el B., Washinrron S:., RFD, acres

Sl.OOO, 1.51 acres S2'.X'. House S21?0 j. 2 ou: bldgs. S200, Billboard S5C-, Roadside stand S250. 3,900

Dean, Ellis A. and MLdred C., 40S Soudi St., 14,520 sq. ft,, S300, House SS.050. 3.350

PeChristofaro, Jadk L. and Frances E., Walnut S:., RFD, 1.20 acres S300, House S2.5'00. 2.SO0

PaPalarro. Paul and Frances. E Cass Avenue. Dedham, Mass., 5 .riv sq. fn. S2'0Ci, Cedar SIOO. 3'>0

Pelalarro, Paul J. and Sophie A.. 14 Park Are., 9,310 sq. ft,, S250, House S2.9'00. 3,150

Delaner. Helen E., IP Bacon So., 14.16P sq. ft. SSCO., House (d) 2.250, Garage 21 S250. 2,800

PelSlgnore. Joseph Jr., 14 Jamea So., 10,'>00 sq. it. S25D, House and Garage S2.550.' 3,200

Pern gen. John 0. and Mary E„ 2 June St., lO,!*-!^) sq. ft. S250, House SS.35-0. 3.610

PedCo'tre. Clifton C. and Marioiie J., 9 Highland Are., E,9-5S sq. f: SOX', House and Garage SS.300. 3,600

Densmore. Thomas H. and Catherine E., 17 Peck St.. .A.rtleboro, Mass., TP acres S4.350, 95 acres S5,2CO, 15 acres SSSO. Club house SS.OOO, 9 hole goE course S4.5C»0, Bam S500. 18.4'J0

DrPasquale, Nicholas and Frances E., 25 South St., 20.S17 sq. ft., ?401-. House di SS.OX, Bam Sl^X). 3,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 211

DesJardins, Raymond A. and Edith, 33 N. Worcester St., RFD#2,

Norton, Mass., 12,960 sq. ft., $200. 200

Desilets, Dona L. and Florence W., 1 Carleton Rd., 15,150 sq. ft. $350, House and Garage $4,650. 5,000

Desper, Charles and Clare, 415 South St., 20,683 sq. ft., $300, House $3,000. 3,300

Diede, John R. and Marie J., Wampum St., 16,900 sq. ft. $300, House $2,700. 3,000

DiGiantommaso, Camillo and Jacqueline, 10 Ro-bin St., 15,700 sq. ft., $300, House and Garage $3,500. 3,800

DiGennaro, Fred J. and Frances R., Jamaica Plain, Mass., 4,286 sq. ft., $200, House $2,400. 2,600

DiGiantommaso, Pasquale and Frances D., 1 Robin St., 10,500

sq. ft., $250. House and Garage $3,200. 3,450

Dion, William A. and Lea F., 160 W. Bacon St., 16,787 sq. ft., $400, House and Garage $3,950. 4,350

Dittrich, William F. and Kate, The Island, 37,120 sq. ft., $300, House $2,000, Garage $50. 2,350

Dittrich, William P., 14 Fletcher St., 1.42 acres $600, House $4,200, Shed $100. 4,900

Doherty, David G. and Mary S., 3 Ewald Ave., 14,140 sq. ft., $300, House $2,800. 3,100

Doland, Oscar A. and Adeline A, 9 South, 24,240 sq. ft., $400, House $3,000, Garage (d) $300. 3,700

Donnelly, Henry R. and Ruth, 6 Ewald Ave., 11,000 sq. ft., $250, House $2,700, Shed $50. 3,000

William Doran Estate—c/o John W. Murphy, 19 Edgemere Drive, Seekonk, Mass., 1.60 acres $300. $300 212 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Dorothy, William J., 8 'Mathurin Rd., 17,734 sq. ft. $300, House $3,100. 3,400

Dorset, Mrs. Elsie R., 50 Pleasant, 14,255 sq. ft. $300, House $2,500, Shed $50. 2,850

Dumont, Philip and Barbara, Box 207C Mirimichi St., RED North Attleboro, 1.25 acres $200, 1.25 acres $200, House and Garage $2,500, Shed $100. 3,000

Dunnebier, Nettie W. and Hilda Freeman, George St., P. 0. Box Plainville, 21,076 sq. ft. $300. 300

Dunnebier, Harry F. and Nettie W., George St., P. 0. Box Plain- ville, 6,727 sq. ft. $300, 67,320 sq. ft. $500. Brick Apt. House $3,700, House and Garage $4,500. 9,000

Dunn, George T., Branch Ave., RFD N. Attle., 12,200 sq. ft. $300, Camp $600. 900

Dunham, Annie L., 236 South St., 7,246 sq. ft. $200, House $3,800. 4,000

Duquette, Edward and Elaine, 7 Huntington Ave., 9,310 sq. ft. $250., House $3,050. 3,300

Dwares, Louis, 276 Camp St. Providence, R.I., 5.65 acres $700, Billboards $100, P. Costa trailer $600, H. S. Sulham Sr. trailer $800. 2,000

Dwyer, Melvin F. and Dorothea E., 10 Highland Avenue. 19,103 sq. ft. $300, 89,198 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $3,800. 4,400

Dwyer, Clarence, 90 Moran St., North Attleboro, Mass., 4,400 sq. ft. $50, 2,800 sq. ft. $50, 10,200 sq. ft. $50. 150

Easterbrooks, Ralph and Laura W., High St., RFD, 76.25 acres $1,950, 16.60 acres $400, 21.20 acres $500, House $2,000, Barn $1,500, Garage $200, Henhouse $50, 3 silos 450. 7,050

Easterbrooks, Ralph Jr. and Rena, High St., 22,500 sq. ft., $300, House $2,600. 2,900 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 213

Eddleston, Harry G. and Helen F., 14 Evergreen Rd,, 10,000 sq. ft. $250, House and Garage $3,050. 3,300

Edwards, Frederick F. and Mildred L., 119 South St., 13,974 sq. ft. $300, House $2,500, 3 car garage $300. 3,100

Edwards, Walter H. and Alice E., Hancock Street, RED, 2.03 acres $350, .97 acre $100, House $3,200. 3,650

Edythe Realty Corporation, 60 Martland St., Brockton, Mass., 20,000 sq. ft. $1,200, Post Office $8,000. 9,200

E. F. B. Realty Corp., Walpole, Mass, 3V2 acres $600, 6 acres $200. 800

Ellis, Gordon L. and Albena C., 18 Elizageth St., 18,750 sq. ft. $300, 22,800 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $4,500. 5,100

Ellis, Herbert M. and Charlotte R., 5 Crestwood Ave., 13,800 sq. ft. $300, House $3,300. 3,600

Ellis, James H. Jr. and Janet C., 1 Wade Rd., 15,670 sq. ft. $300, House $3,000. 3,300

Ellis, Loren L. and Joyce R., 46 School St. 10,365 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Ellis, Richard N. and Geraldine D., 5 Fletcher St., 16,170 sq. ft. $300, House $3,500. 3,800

Ellis, Robert R. and Violet J., Foxboro, Mass., 8 acres $800. 800

England, William F. and Mabel E., 15 Huntington Ave., 9,310 sq. ft. $250, House $2,550. 2,800

Engelhard Industries, Inc., Dunham St., Attleboro, Mass., 50 acres $5,000, Factory $100,000, 2 new bldgs. $3,500, pump house $500. 109,000

Emerson, Harold R. and Edith M., 7 Fern Ave., 20,000 sq. ft. $400, House $2,350, Henhouse $50. 2,800

Ennis, Charles H. and Thelma G., 8 Vernon Young Dr., 11,692 sq. ft. $300, House $3,650. 3,950 214 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Esten, Richard W. and Jane H., High St., .93 acre $350, House and Garage $3,350. 3,700

Etter, Frank W. and Beatrice E., 146 W. Bacon St., 3 acres $400, House $3,000, Garage $300. 3,700

Evans, Ralph A. and Geneva E., 395 South, 4.5 acres $300, 36,190 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $2,300. 2,900

Evan, Earl V., High St., North Attleboro, 39.9 acres $400, 73.23 acres $700, 81.90 acres $800. 1,900

Evans, Ernest R. and Mildred I., Rhodes St., RFD Franklin,

Mass., 9.91 acres $200, 6V2 acres $200, House $2,200 . 2,600

Evans, Ray E., Box 244, iManville, Rhode Island, 41,11 acres $600, 39.53 acres $600, 47.04 acres $700, 38.03 acres $500, 22.22 acres $300, 8.92 acres $150, 7.62 acres $100, 9.61 acres $150, 3.59 acres $150, 1 acre $50. 3,300

Faas, Edwin C., 16 Chester Ave., Brockton, Mass., 27,260 sq. ft., $300, 4.32 acres $500. 800

Faas, George N. Estate, School St., 5,565 sq. ft., $25, 2.85 acres $50, 4.65 acres $300. 375

Faille, Robert R. and Wanda B., RFD Hawkins St., 31.90 acres 11.06 acres $600, 13.28 acres $300, House $1,400, Barn $500. 2,800

Fairbanks, Vernon and Bernice, Walnut St., 9.36 acres $400, House $1,500, Barn $100. 2,000

Fairbanks, Vernon Jr. and Bernice, 15 Walnut St. 24,800 sq. ft. $300, House $3,200. 3,500

Fairbank, Vernon Jr. and Bernice, Walnut St.. 5 ac. $450. House $1,000., Shed $50. 1,500

Falk, Grace L. and Elna B. Fawcett, 76 Spring St., 14,400 sq. ft. $300, House (d) $2,950, Garage $250. 3,500

Falk, George M. and Dorothy E., 6 Maple St., 25,560 sq. ft. $300, House $3,700. 4,000 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 215

Falk, Merrill N. and Florence, 61 Pleasant, 7,500 sq. ft. $250, House (d) $3,250. 3,500

Falk, Merrill N. II, 2 E. Bacon St., 13,570 sq. ft. $500, Store Bldg. $5,200. 5,700

Faria, John E. and Ruth G., Walnut St., RFD, 1 acre $300, House $2,900. 3,200

Fawcett, Robert J. and Elna B., 14 Broad, 16,696 sq. ft., $300, House $2,600, Garage $300. 3,200

Federal Housing, Washington, D.C., 20,123 sq. ft., $300, House (20 James St.) $2,750. 3,050

Feid, Charles D. and Claire K., Haynes Rd., RFD, N.A., 1 acre $200, House $1,300. 1,500

Feid, John F. and Julia M., 77 Spring, 19,000 sq. ft., $300, House and Garage $3,000. 3,300

Felici, Cecil and Esther A., 29 South 24,656 sq. ft., $600, House (d) $3,200, Garage $300. 4,100

Felix, Ray P. and Adele M., 91 Grove St., 24,120 sq. ft., $350, House and Garage $4,150. 4,500

Fellini, Mario and Mary J.—Felix and Rosine, 19 Washington St., 4,200 sq. ft., $500, House $2,500, Garage $300. 3,300

Ferland, Edward J. and Mary, Wampum St., Wrentham, 5.20 acres $300. 300

Fermano, William F., Fuller St., 11,000 sq. ft. $200, Quonset Hut $700. 900

Fernandes Realty Corp., Norton, Mass., 11.42 acres $3,000, 69,931 sq. ft. $500, 1.8 acres $1,000, Supermarket $51,000. 55,500

Ficket, Hannah, 89 Grove St., 5,165 sq. ft. $100, House $2,300. 2,400

Fidda, Daniel and Jennie, 416 South St., 1.98 acres, $1,000, Store Bldg, and Rest. $4,000. 5,000 216 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Field, Robert A. and Louise B., Messenger St., RFD, 15,000 sq. ft. $300, House $2,700, Swimming pool $300. 3,300

Fielding, Herman and Mabel, 222 South St., 20,625 sq. ft., $400, House $2,500. 2,900

Finneral, Lillian F., 215 Lincoln Road, Lowell, Mass., 9 acres $500, 15 acres $525, 3.10 acres $200, 19.50 acres $700, 9 acres $500, 10,000 sq. ft., $100., 2 Sign boards $200. 2,725

Finnegan, Neal P. and Rose M., 1 Pearl St., 12,350 sq. ft., $300, House $2,800. 3,100

Finley, James A. and Olive A., School St., 12,000 sq. ft., $250, House $1,250. 1,500

Firth, Robert A. and Carolyn W., 117 W. Bacon, 41,200 sq. ft. $300, House $2,700. 3,000

Fish, Edward G. and Darlene D., Taunton St., RFD, 15 acres $600, House $1,800, Garage $50, Shop $50. 2,500

Fish, Hannah M., Box 171, Taunton St., Wrentham, Mass,, 5.73 acres, $225, House $1,200, Barn $150, Garage $75. 1,650

Fisher, Louis A. and Lorraine J., 18 George St., 10,000 sq. ft., $300, House $2,700. 3,000

Fitzgerald, Michael J. and Joan C., 166 W. Bacon, 16,840 sq. ft., $300, House $3,700. 4,000

Flannagan, George H. Jr. and Carolyn C., 9 Huntington Ave., 9,310 sq. ft., $250, House $3,050, Shed $100. 3,400

Flack, Robert W. and Mary E., 9 Crestwood Ave., 11,820 sq. ft., $300, House $2,800. 3,100

Flavin, Raymond M. and Wolfe, Mary A., 52 South St., 19,847 sq. ft. $600, House (d) $3,000, Shed $200. 3,800

Floyd’s Inc., Park St., Attleboro, Mass., 1 acre, $700. 700 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 217

Fluck, Frederick P. and Barbara P., 19 South St., 42,697 sq. ft., $600, House (d) $2,600, Garage $200. 3,400

Flynn, Arthur and iMary, Treasure Island Rd. RR#2, 3,868 sq. ft. $200. 200

Flynn, Arthur F. and Mary E., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, 2,725 sq. ft. $100, House $2,700. 2,800

Flynn, John W. and Marilyn, 86 E. Bacon, 40,000 sq. ft., $425, House $2,500, Barn $200, Henhouse $25, Store bldg. $50. 3,200

Flynn, Richard V. and Jane A., 145 W. Bacon, 35,719 sq. ft., $300, House $2,900, Garage $200, Henhouse $100. 3,500

Flynn, Robert C. and Joan F., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, 8,925 sq. ft. $200, 5,995 sq. ft. $200, House $1,200. 1,600

Foley, Martin J. and Eunice E., 56 School St., 11,365 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $3,400. 3,700

Fontaine, Donald L., Ryder Rd., 19,070 sq. ft. $350, House $3,750. 4,100

Foote, Walter W. and Lillian M., 82 Spring, 10,500 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $2,800. 3,100

Fortier, Raymond N. and Mildred E., 9 Berry St., 19,731 sq. ft. $200, 20,218 sq. ft. $300, House $3,100. 3,600

Fountain, Edward and Esther F., 12 Maple St., 22,220 sq. ft. $400, House $2,800. 3,200

Fountain, Edward J. and Esther F., (2 State St.), 8,000 sq. ft. $250, House $2,250. 2,500

Fountain, Joseph V. and Dorothy L, 1 Harvard St., 10,400 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $3,100. 3,400

Franklin, Elton I. and Barbara H., 5 Highland Ave., 12,201.30 sq. ft., $300, House and Garage $3,300. 3,600

Franklin, Jesse W. and Frances A., 29 Cottage St., 10,200 sq. ft. $300, 7,702.50 sq. ft. $250, House $3,600. 4,150 218 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Franklin, Raymond and Eileen G., 56 Washington St., 3.06 acres $450, House $2,000, Garage $150. 2,600

Frederiksen, Hans C. and Henning, 299 South St., 5,000 sq. ft. $100, Quonset hut (d) $1,500. 1,600

Fredericksen, Henning and H. T. Catalano, South St., 5,630 sq. ft. $100. 100

Fredericksen, Henning J., Berry St., 5,000 sq. ft. $100. 100

^redericksen, Henning and Margaret M., 16 Berry St., 40,000 sq. ft. $400, House and Garage $3,200. 3,600

Fredericksen, Alec H., 56 E. Bacon, 15,820 sq. ft. $300, 5 acres $300, House (d) $3,000, Garage $400, Garage $300. 4,300

Freehart, Wayne W. and Anita T. and Theresa Beauregard, 422 South St., 7,125 sq. ft., $250, House $2,750. 3,000

French, Alton E. and Elsie M., 32 Pleasant, 14,762 sq. ft. $300, House $2,200. 2,500

French, Arthur W. and Elsie M., 60 Grove, 20,468 sq. ft., $400, 24,678 sq. ft. $300, House and Garage $3,500. 4,200

French, David L., 165 E. Bacon, 9,865 sq. ft., $250, House $2,650. 2,900

French, Harold E., 35 Bugbee, 15,000 sq. ft., $300, House $2,000, Small house R. $400. 2,700

French, Harry C. and Louise K., 53 Forrest St., N. Attle., 16,391 sq. ft. $300. 300

French, Walter and Rita, 9 Ewald Ave., 11,380 sq. ft. $300, House $2,700. 3,000

Freitas, Daniel C. and Jacqueline, 25 Fletcher St., 21,500 sq. ft. $300, House, Breezeway and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Freitas, Richard and Gloria M., Haynes Rd. RR#2, 2 acres $400, House $3,000. 3,400 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 219

Frost, Julian S. and Ella R., 11 Highland Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 55, 11,945 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,200. 4,500

Fuery, John J. and Elizabeth L., 45 School, Plan IIB, Par. 60,

15,136 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Fuller, John A., Archer St., Wrentham, Plan 4, Par. 6, 1.45 acres $400. 400

Gaffney, Harold F. and Eunice, 10 Cooney Ave., Plan 14, Par. 125, 6.000 sq. ft. $100. House $1,350. Shed $50. 1,500

Gegne, Albert J. and Ida M., Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. 120, 15,000

sq. ft. $250. Trailer $1,000. Garage $150. 1,400

Gagnon, Girard A. and Mary, 12 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par.

i29, 11,260 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Gardner, Bertha Estate: c/o Mrs. Bertha G. Norteman, So. Well-

fleet, Mass., Plan HA, Par. 215, 6,810 sq. ft. $100. 100

Gardner, Douglas W. and Claire L., 15 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 123, 14,548 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Gardner, Robert, Taunton St., RFD N.A., Plan 3, Par. 7, 1 acre $500. House $2,500. 3,000

Gaudreau, Lucien G. and Doris T., 9 James St., Plan 7, Par. 102,

10.000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Gaulin, Candide L. and Bertha G., 32 Zeller Ave., Plat 14, Par. 47,

7,761 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,150. 3,400

Gaulin, Joseph E. and Lynn A., 210 South St., Plat 8, Par. 152A, 3 acres $600. House $4,200. 4,800

Gauthier, Clarence J. and Marcelline F., 1 Grant St., Plat 8, Par. 39, 10,500 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Gauthier, Robert J. and Althea, 27 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 119, 25.000 sq. ft. $500. House $3,100. 3,600 220 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Garford Realty Co., 125 Hillside Ave., South River, N.J., Plan 12, Par. 145, 1.11 acres $2,500. Garage $11,000. 13,500

Gay, Robert E. Jr. and Dorothy A., 11 Elizabeth St., Plat 14, Par. 69, 23,350 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $4,600. 5,000

Geminiani, Mario P. and Ellen T., Mirimichi St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 23, 1.30 acres $400. House and Garage $6,800. 7,200

Gendron, Elexiner and Idella, 135 Bishop Ave., Rumford, R.I., Plan 15, Par. 34, 24.75 acres $600. 600 Plan 15, Par. 35, 4.25 acres $100. 100

George, Henry A. and Edna Haskell, c/o Mrs. Edna H. Pond, 396 Newman Ave., Seekonk, Mass., Plan llA, Par. 197, 20,098 sq. ft. $400. House $2,000. House $2,000. 4,400

Gervais, Albert J. and Dorothy, High St., Plan 9, Par. 39, 4.10 acres $400. House $2,500. 2,900

Getchell, Sheldon H. and Evelyn, 10 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 106, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Getty, Arthur and Helen R., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, N.A.,

Plat 3, Par. 109, 15,250 sq. ft. $400. House $2,900. 3,300

Giacomino, Vincenzo, 3 Fuller St., Plan 8, Par. 83, 14 acres $2,000. House (d) $2,500. Garage $50. 4,550

Gibeault, Hector A. and Anna A., Warren St., RFD, Plan 12, Par. 18, 41,280 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. Garage $300. 3,400

Giesselman, John F. and Maude A., 7 Carleton Rd., Plat 14, Par. 93, 20,300 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $4,600. 5,000

Gifford, Douglas R. and Patricia A., 6 Zeller Ave., Plat 14, Par. 36, 12,322 sq. ft. $300. House $2,600. $2,900

Gilbert, Pauline A. H., and Jane G. Jeffers, 22 Brunner St., Par.

36, Plan 13, 15,280 sq. ft. $300. 300

Par. 1, Plan 12, 8.51 acres $600. 600 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 221

Gilbert, Pauline A. H,, 22 Brunner St., Plan llA, Par. 71, 15,055

sq. ft. $300. House $3,600. 3,900

Gill and Anna N., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 23, 31,753 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $2,800. Paint Shop $100. 3,200

Gleichauf, Arthur H. Jr. and Grace iM., 203 South, Plan 8, Par. 154, 21,200 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,000. 4,300

Glennon, James J. and Evelyn V., School St., Plan 7, Par. 48 4.29 acres $450. House and Garage $2,500. Shed $50. 3,000

Glidden, Carmond R. and Celia H., 31 Bugbee, Plan HA, Par. 49,

11,729 sq. ft. $300. House $2,350. 2,650

Goddard, George and Lucy, Taunton St., RED N.A., Plan 6, Par. 10, 3.16 acres $550. House $3,000. Newhouse and garage $3,000. 6,550

Plan 6, Par. 9 water rits., 23 acres $1,200. Barn and Wagon shed $600. Tool shed and crib $200. 2,000

Plan 6, Par. 24, 8.80 acres $800. 800

Plan 6, Par. 17, 18,000 sq. ft. $150. 150

Plan 6, Par. 5, 14,000 sq. ft. $100. 100

Godin, Ernest and Helen M., 423 South St., Plan 5, Par. 134, 30,664.39 sq. ft. $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Goodknight, Robert M. and Ruth S., 4 Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 50, 11,540 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Goodman, Nathan, 211 High St., Dedham, iMass., Plan 4, Par. 9, 15.75 acres $500. 500

Goodman, William and Edna M., 13 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 141, 1.19 acres $400. House $2,800. 3,200

Goodwin, Arthur P. and Georgia M., 89 Chilson Ave., Mansfield,

Mass., Plan 6, Par. 33, 36,150 sq. ft. $400. 400

Gorton, Carrie E., High St., Plan 8, Par. 6, 26.20 acres $600. House and Garage $2,500. Barn $200. Henhouse $100. 3,400

Plan 9, Par. 24, 61.90 acres $1,200. 1,200 222 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Gorton, Orieanna P., High St., Plainville, Plan 8, Par. 7, 27 acres $800. House $2,200. 3^000

Gosselin, Arthur W. and Alma R., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 9, 39,370 sq. ft. $400. Building $2,600. 3,000

Gosselin, David and Evon, 425 South St., Plan 5, Par. 133, 22,800 sq. ft. $300. House $2,250. 2 car garage $150. 2,700

Gaulet, Henry F. and Jeanne J. Hazlett, 22 Munroe Dr., Plat 5, Par. 52, 9,000 sq. ft. $250. House and Sunpnrch $3,350. 3,600

Goulet, Leon A. and Pauline L. Hastings, 41 South St., Plan llA, Par. 67, 18,221 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $3,550. 3,950

Goulet, Paul A., 177 Pine St., Attleboro, 'Mass., Plan 7, Par. 64, 1.91 acres $800. Restaurant $11,000. 2 out buildings $200. 12,000

Goyette, Bertha G. and Edith V., Chestnut St., Plan 9, Par. 23, 26.60 acres $400. House $1,750. Barn $150. 2,300

Grantk, Austin F. and Esther F., 29 Broad St., Plan IIB, Par. 91, 11,827 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. Kindergarten $1,150. 4,250

Grant, Leila F., 29 Broad St., Balance of lot, 3,914 sq. ft. $50. Garage $300. 350

Grant, Malcolm K. and Mae E., 29 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par. 83, 13,600 sq. ft. $300. House $2,300. 2,600

Grant, Richard F. and Roberta L., 4 Evergreen Rd., Plat IIB, Par. 120, 10,500 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. Shed $50. 3,150

Gray, Robert and June M., 2 Crestwood Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 144, 9,870 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,200. 3,450

Grealish, Michael G. and Mary C., 6 Park Ave., Plan 5, Par. 108,

9,310 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,050. 3,300

Greene, Bernard E. and Alice E., 28 Zeller Ave., Plan 14, Par. 130, 9,321 sq. ft. $250. House $2,500. 2,750 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 223

Green, Carl W., 11 Crestwood Ave., Plat IIB, Par. 166, 10,790 sq. ft. $300. House and Shed $3,000. 3,300

Greene, Robert J. and Muriel S., 8 Walnut, Plan 12, Par. 21, 31,600

sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $4,700. 5,100

Griffin, Lawrence A. and Jeannette M., 2 Pearl St., Plan 5, Par.

72, 9,310 sq. ft. $250. House $2,250. 2,500

Grimaldi, Louis, 209 Chestnut St., North Attleboro, Mass., Lot, IV2 acre $300. 300

Groth, Raymond G. and Blanche I., 7 Ewald Ave., Plat IIC, Par. 35, 10,580 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Grzenda, Adolf, Warren St., Plan 12, Par. 12, 10 acres $500. House $1,500. Henhouse $300. Brooder house $100. New henhouse $200. Shingled house $300. 2,900

Grzenda, Frank H. and Violet, Warren St., RFD, Plan 12, Par. 160, 10.7 acres $500. House and Garage $2,100. Newbuilding $100. 2,700

Guay, Edgar 0. and Pauline I., 13 Brunner St., Plan HA, Par. 62, 42,302 sq. ft. $500. House $2,000. Garage $200. 2,700

Gucwa, Eugene F. and Sophie A., 1 Messenger, Plan IIC, Par. 40, 10 acres $500. House $2,000. Barn $1,000. Garage $400. 3,900

Guillette, Edward A. and Mary M., 46 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 30, 20,285 sq. ft. $400. House $2,500. Garage $400. Greenhouse $50. 3,350

Guillette, Henry G. Jr. and Flore Y., 51 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 141, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,300. 3,550

Guillette, Louis J. and Rosella, Washington St., RFD, Plan 7, Par. 67, 5 acres $500. House and Garage $2,700. New garage $400. 3,600

Guillette, William and Barbara J., 79 Pleasant, Plan HB, Par. 32, 36,000 sq. ft. $500. House $4,300. Office bldg. $1,500. 6,300

Gulesserian, Nubar and Mary, Messenger St., RFD, Plan 6, Par. 48, 5.50 acres $1,000. House $1,000. Barn $100. Cottage $800. 2,900 224 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1984

Gullage, Warren E. and Mooney, Joseph M, and Mooney, John T.,

109 Boston Ave., Somerville, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 56, 6,650 sq. ft. $200. 200

Gullage, William R. and Gladys, 36 Crescent Ave., Melrose, Mass.,

Plat 3, Par. 57, 7,925 sq. ft. $200. Cottage $800. 1,000

Gustafson, Gunnar J. and Dorothy C., 43 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 59, 14,200 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Guy, John D. and Helen J., Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 166, 25,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,900. 4,200

Haley, John L. and Barbara H., 2 James, Plat IIC, Par. 30, 14,200 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Hall, Ralph E. and Anne E., South St., Plan 5, Par. 147, 20,125 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Hamilton, Carroll A. and Marilyn, 51 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par.

134, 20,000 sq. ft. $400. House (d) $2,500. 2,900

Hancock, Ralph E. and Gertrude E., Warren St., Plan 12, Par. 8,

17,490 sq. ft. $300. House 2,700. 3,000

Hanscom, Douglas H., 40 George St., Plat 7, Par. 76, 8,150 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Harmon, Louis A. aand Myrna J., 6 Grant St., Plat 8, Par. 30,

8,880 sq. ft. $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Hamden, George W., 16 George St., Plan IIC, Par. 26, 9,910 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Harper, Wyatt, 6 Radcliffe Sti^ Holyoke, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 34, 21 acres $800. 800

Harrington, Edward F., 129 Florence St., Roslindale 31, Mass., (also: Ella R. Connelly, Boston; Edw. F. Jr., Louisville, Ky.,

and John W. Harrington, Fairlawn, N.J.) Plan 1, Par. 5, 2.69 acres $600. Billboard $100. 700 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 225

Harrington, John A. and Barbara E., 1 Zeller Ave., Plan 14, Par. 43, 7,270 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,050. 3,300

Harriet, Jack and Irving, 67 Savoy St., Providence, R. L, Plan 14, Par. 121, 12,070 sq. ft. $250. 250

Harris, Robert 0. and Lois P., High St., RED, Plan 5, Par. 15, 1.89 acres $400. House $2,700. Garage $150. 3,250

Harrison, Claire D. Off Taunton St., RED, Plan 6, Par. 2, 25,136 sq. ft. $300. Cottage $1,200. 1,500

Hart, Joseph E. and Margaret L., 27 Thatcher St., Hyde Park,

Mass., Plan 7, Par. 117, V2 acre $100. 100

Hartman, George E., 31 Lincoln Ave., Plan llA, Par. 93, 11,483 sq. ft. $300. House (d) $2,700. Shed $50. 3,050

Hartman, Henry P., 428 N. Washington St., N. Attleboro, Plan 5,

Par. 1, 5 acres $200. 200

Hastings, David M. and Dorothy M., 634A Third St., Somerville,

N.J., Plat 7, Par. 94, 10,265 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Hastings, Merrill G. and Pauline L., 41 South, Plat 3, Par. 94, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. Cottage $450. 700

Hastings, Merrill G. and Pauline L., 41 South, Plan HA, Par. 68,

16,655 sq. ft. $350. Quonset hut and garage $1,250. 1,600

Hastings, Bruce E. and Madeline M., 2 Brunner, Plan HA, Par.

67A, 12,660 sq. ft. $600. Quonset hut $1,600. Store Bldg. $1,000. Pkg. Store and Beauty Shop $5,000. 2 pumps and tanks $200. 8,400

Hastings, Ralph A. and Celia A., Washington St., RED, Plan 3,

Par. 19, 5.50 acres $400. House $1,800. Garage $50. Henhouses $50 . 2,300

Hatt, Everett and Eva, 84 South St., Plan HA, Par. 22, 1.26 acres $1,000. House and Apartments $3,400. Barn $300. 4,700

Haviland, Charles S. and Rita C., 51 School, Plan HB, Par. 180,

23,680 sq. ft. $400. House $3,600. 4,000


Hawkins, Eugene E. and Anne S., 11 Cottage, Plan IIB, Par. 73,

23,681 sq. ft. $600. Cottage (d) $3,000. Garage $100. 3,700

Hayden, George W. and Priscilla, 13 Potter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 155, 7,790.44 sq. ft. $250. House $2,900. Garage $300. 3,450

Hayes, Charles G. and Maude I., 21 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 22, 20,540 sq. ft. $400. House $2,200. Shed $50. 2,650

Hayes, Phillip G., Milton, N.H., Plat 3, Par. 83, 5,250 sq. ft. $200. 200

Hayes, Robert W. and Phebe E., 8 Highland Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 66, 18,380 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Hartwell, Lester, 88 E. Canton St., Boston, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 61,

5,000 sq. ft. $200. 200

Haynes, Henry E. and Rae T., Mirimichi St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 39, 25,553 sq. ft. $100. House $2,000. 2,100

Hayter, Michael S. and Patricia, Providence, R.I., Plan 15, Par. 40, 1.51 acres $350. 350

Hazlett, James H. and Jeanne, 406 South, Plan 8, Par. 41, 10,000

sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Plan 8, Par. 40, 8,000 sq. ft. $200. 200

Heath, Alexander D. and Elizabeth C., 6 Messenger, Plan 6, Par.

25, 20,000 sq. ft. $300 . 300

Heckman, Gertrude B. 70 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 47, 20,242 sq.. ft. $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Hemmingsen, Ralph H. and Clara L., 351 South, Plan 8, Par. 108, 19,958, $350. House $1,800. Garage $200. 2,350

Hemmingsen, Elsie D., 349 South, Plan 8, Par. 118, 17,446 sq. ft. $400. House $1,200. 1,600

Hemmingsen, Harold I. and Esther M., 6 Morse Ave., Plan 8, Par. 115, 10,000 sq. ft. $200. House $2,500. 2,700 Plan 8, Par. 109, 22,307 sq. ft. $200. 200 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 227

Hemmingsen, Ralph H. Jr. and Alice B., 234 South, Plan 8, Par. 90, 13,515 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Henrkh, Florence B. and Irving C., 32 Broad, Plan IIB, Par. 97,

17,400 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $2,750. 3,050

Henrich, Frank V. and Avis, 28 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 100, 9,642 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. Garage $200. 2,400

Henrich, Lester C., 6 Huntington Ave., Plat 8, Par. 21, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Henrich, Irving C. and Jean W., 98 Grove, Plan IIB, Par. 39,

18,476 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. Garage $200 . 3,500

Henrich, Othelia M., 30 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 101, 12,549 sq. ft. $300. House $2,100. Shed $100. 2,500

Henry, Edward A. Jr. and Florence L., 6 Potter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 170, 8,920.41 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,000. 3,250

Henry, Joseph A. and (Margaret T., 9 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par. 151, 9,795 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,050. 3,300

Herron, Cornelia, 79 Putnam Ave., Cambridge, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 60, 4,840 sq. ft. $200. 200

Hickman, Darold B. and Edith M., 45 Everett St., North Attleboro, Plan HA, Par. 40, 21,390 sq. ft. $300. 300

Herzog, Erich A. and Gisela, Washington St., Plan HA, Par. 199, 23,650 sq. ft. $450. Trailer $800. Shop $100. House $800. 2,150

Higgins, Elliot J. and Viola C., Washington St., Plan 4, Par. 35, 11.26 acres $1,000 Cabins, 15 units $6,200. Restaurant $1,000. Trailer $800. 9,000

Higginson, Arthur E. and Ada I., 16 James, Plat 7, Par. 105, 9,415 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Hill, Glendon E. and Dorothy I., Warren St., Plan 14, Par. 53, 21,934 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900 218 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Hill, Raymond E. Jr. and Dolores T., 10 Vernon Young Dr., Plan HA, Par. 182, 11,692 sq. ft. $300. House $3,650. 3,950

Hill, Leonard E., 49 Lonsdale St., Dorchester, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 17, 12.70 acres $400. 400

Hillman, Doris 0., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 53, 21,912 sq. ft. $300. House $2,400. 2,700

Hochberg, Fred T. Jr. and Laura L., 92 North Ave., Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 3, Par. 125, 3 acres $300. 300

Hogan, Frank W. aand Rose M., 4318 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.,

Plat 13, Par. 9, 9.09 acres $500. House $250. 750

Hogan, Frank W. and Rose M., 4318 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y.,

Plan 5, Par. 157, 23% acres $1,200. Camp $200. 1,400

Hooker, Eleanor A., High St., Plainville, Plan 9, Par. 38, 3.44 acres $500. House and Garage $3,200. 3,700

Holmes, Shirley J. and Pauline L., Millard Read, North Attleboro,

Plan HA, Par. 34, 11,187 sq. ft. $300. House (d) $3,200. Garage $200. 3,700

Hope, Harold M. and Virginia M., 16 Park Ave., Plan 5, Par. 82,

9,310 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Hopkins, Irvin L. J. and Eunice M., 3 Munroe Dr., Plat 5, Par.

42, 11,800 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Herman, Albert and Adele R., 141 Metcalf Rd., North Attleboro, Plan 12, Par. 150, 10,340 sq. ft. $600. Gas station $5,000. 3 tanks and pumps $500. 6,100

Horn, Robert W. and Janet A., 126 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 67,

10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,700. Garage $250. 4,200

Plan 12, Par. 68, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. 250

Horton, Charles and Mabel, Warren St., RED, Plan 12, Par. 14, 13,309 sq. ft. $300. House $2,200. 2,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 229

Howden, Charles, c/o Miss Evelyn Brill, 346 Chestnut St., Box

663, Wrentham, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 14, 8 acres $500. 500

Hughes, Thomas H. and Florence V., Washington St., RFD, Plan

1, Par. 39, 7,949 sq. ft. $200. House $1,700. 1,900

Hunt, Charles E., 34 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 102, 17,815 sq. ft. $350. House $1,700. Shed $75. Henhouse $25. 2,150

Hunt, Daniel, 4 Huntington Ave., Plat 8, Par. 22, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Hutchinson, Walter P. and Irene L., 6 Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. Ill, 9,000 sq. ft. $200. House and Garage $2,300. 2,509

Hurkett, William N. and Rachel F., Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par.

161, 20,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

lacuzzi, Joseph, North Attleboro, Mass., Plan 8, Par. 120, 10,000 sq. ft. $200. 200

Plan 8, Par. 116, 15,028 sq. ft. $300. 300

Plan 8, Par. 119, 9,475 sq. ft. $300. Garage $2,000. Gas tank $100. 2,400

Ippolito, Caesar J. and Jennie F., 2 Hillcrest Dr., Plan llA, Par.

181, 10,495 sq. ft. $300. House ^,200. Garage $200. 3,700 Plan llA, Par. 128, 13,135 sq. ft. $500. Restaurant $3,500. 4,000

Ireland, George E. and Mildred V., Hillside Rd., RFD, Plan 3,

Par. 120, 33,677 sq. ft. $400. House $2,700. 3,100

Ireland, George F. and Louise B., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2,

N.A., Plan 3, Par. 91, 4,200 sq. ft. $200. House $2,200. 2,400

Ireland, John B., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, N.A., Plan 3, Par. 79, 4,700 sq. ft. $200. House $1,300. 1,500

Ireland, John and Daisy M., Plan 3, Par. 80, 2,725 sq. ft. $150. 150

Jacobs, Jerry and Doris V., 159 E. Bacon, Plan IIC, Par. 20, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House and 2 car garage $3,300. 3,550

Jacques, Charles A. and Doris E., 18 Everett St., Plan llA, Par. 39, 20,460 sq. ft. $300. House and 2 car garage $3,900. 4,200 230 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Jacques, Robert C., 16 Everett St., Plan llA, Par. 35, 10,200 sq.

ft. $250. House (d) $2,800. 3,050 Plan HA, Par. 38, 9,300 sq. ft. $150. 150

Jenckes, Everett W. and Dorothy M., School St., Plan IIB, Par. 194, 5 V2 acres $300. Garage and Machine Shop $1,200. 1,500

Plan 7, Par. 11, 5 acres $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Jenest, John G., (The Floretena) Plan 8, Par. 169, 34,946 sq. ft. $500. Restaurant $3,500. 4,000

Jenney Mfg. Company, 12 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 93, 9,855 sq. ft. $250. House $2,600. 2,850

Jennings, Milon H., 66 Grove St., Plan llA, Par. 135, 16,580 sq. ft. $300. House $2,200. Garage $100. 2,600

Jenoch, Rose E., 161 E. Bacon, Plan IIC, Par. 21, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Jensen, Lloyd and Else, Taunton St., RFD N.A., Plan 3, Par. 15, 32,800 sq. ft. $400. House $2,300. Store Bldg. $50. Roadside stand $50. 2,800

Plan 3, Par. 20, 28.20 acres $1,500. 12 camps $2,200. Billboards $100. 3,800

Jensen, Lloyd A. and Nancy E., Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 100, 26,625 sq. ft., $400. House $3,100. 3,500

Jilson, Edward J. and Mertice L, 8 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 121, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Johnson, Bruce M., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 6, Par. 66, 54,180 sq. ft. $500. 500

Johnson, Bruce M.and Nancy A., 168 Glendale Rd., Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 6, Par. 3, 49,539 sq. ft. $400. Camp $800. 1,200

Johnson, Clifford R. and Jean M., 15 Mathurin Rd., Plan 14, Par. 133, 9,720 sq. ft. $250. House $3,300. 3,550

Johnson, Herbert D., Abbott Run Valley Road, Cumberland, R.I.,

Plan 15, Par. 1, 14.48 acres $500. 500

Plan 15, Par. 4, 10.53 acres $200. 200 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 231

Johnson, Howard P. and Audrey M., 15 Fremont St., Plan 14, Par.

7, 41,374 sq. ft. $400. House $1,900. Shed $100. 2,400

Johnson, James E. and Lillian K., Warren St., Plan 12, Par. 2, 16.20 acres $750. House $3,000. Barn $1,800. Shed $200. Summer- house $100. 5,850 Plan 13, Par. 39, 29,500 sq. ft. $300. 300 Plan 13, Par. 40, 27,500 sq. ft. 300

Johnson, James and Patricia A., 6 Crestwood Ave., Plan IIB, Par.

148, 14,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Johnson, Nancy A., 168 Glendale Rd., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 6, Par. 65, 57,453 sq. ft. $500. 500

Johnson, Paul V. and Edeltraud, 4 Robin St., Plan 8, Par. 71, 14,050 sq. ft. $300. House and carport $3,100. 3,400

Johnston, Douglas E. and Amie H., 5 Grant St., Plan 8, Par. 35, 12,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,050. 3,350

Johnston, Robert I. and Virginia P., 14 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 99, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,450. 2,700

Jordan, Arthur D. and Hazel V., 417 South, Plan 5, Par. 148, 1 acre $500. Cafe $600. 2 camps $300. 1,400

Jordan, Thomas A. F. and Marion D., 13 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 85, 15,100 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Jordan, William E. and Estelle M. R., 2 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par. 118, 10,365 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Jost, Sherman F. and Ruth M., 34 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 17,

20,231 sq. ft. $400, House $3,000. 3,400

Joyce, Henry G. and Eleanore F., 11 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB,

Par. 152, 10,280 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300

Kahler, Howard and Elda G., Hancock St., RFD, Plan 9, Par. 9, 4.26 acres $200. House and Garage $2,500. 2,700 232 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Kaplan, Seymour S., Sharon, Mass., Plan 1, Par. 26, 2.83 acres $900. Garage $2,200. Warehouse $1,050. Gas pump $150. 4,300

Plan 1, Par. 9, 8.70 acres $800. 800

Kapolchok, Alexander and Katherine, Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 107, 16,000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,000. 3,250

Kapolchok, Henry E. and Helen M., 144a Hawkins St., RFD, Plan 15, Par. 15, 2.60 acres $400. House and Garage $3,200. 3,600

Kazinkevich, Blanche, 64 Oakland Ave., Providence, R.I., Plan 13, Par. 32, 9.1 acres $600. 600 Plan 12, Par. 137, 9.3 acres $300. 300

Keating, Joseph P. and Mary J., Foxboro, Mass., Plan HA, Par. 20, 35,316 sq. ft. $600. House (d) $3,400. Shed $50. 4,050

Keegan, Thomas J., 16 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 91, 12,094 sq. ft. $300. House $2,750. 3,050

Keith, Arlene G., 15 Brunner St., Plan HA, Par. 63, 6,739.06 sq. ft. $200. House $2,200. 2,400

Keith, Clarence F., 15 Brunner St., Plan HA, Par. 211, 14,304 sq.

ft. $300. 300

Keith, Elizabeth M. and Clarence R., 15 Pleasant, Plan HA, Par. 69, 13,352 sq. ft. $300. House (3) $3,450. Garage $200. 3,950

(Kelly, William F. and Dorothy E., Foxboro) and Kelley, Richard

T. and Joan C., 8 Park Ave., Plan 12, Par. 122, 1.41 acres $400. Woodworking shop $3,200. 3,600

Kelly, David W. and Gail B., 2 Huntington Ave., Plan 8, Par. 23, 10,450 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Kelley, Richard T. and Joan C., 8 Park Ave., Plan 5, Par. 103, 9,310 sq. ft. $250. House $2,900. 3,150

Kelly, Elton A. and Loretta, 12 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 72, 18,000 sq. ft. $350. House and Garage $4,250. 4,600 1964 ANmiAL REPORT 233

Kempton, Russell H. and Lillian A., 5 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 107, 9,310 sq. ft. $250. House, Breezeway and Garage $3,250. 3,500

Kennerson, Charles H., 22 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 14, 23,302 sq. ft. $400. House $2,500. Garage $50. 2,950

Kenision, Robert C. and Lucille C., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 54,

25,533 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Kenrick, Clarence V. and Vera C., 27 Fletcher, Plan 14, Par. 94,

15,450 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,200. 4,500

Kettell, Albert F. and Edith Stafford, Cowell Rd., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 16, 13.23 acres $700. House $2,400. Barn $500. Billboard $100. 3,700

Plan 4, Par. 24, 4.29 acres $400. 400

Kettell, Chester M. and Priscilla L., School St., Plan 7, Par. 55, 28,750 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Kettell, Ralph R. and Anna R., 176 South, Plan 12, Par. 119, 24,000 sq. ft. $500. House (d) $2,500. Rear house $1,000. 4,000

Keyes, Reginald B. and Ruth G., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 43, 16.32 acres $600. House $2,600. Garage $100. 3,300

Kettell, Edward W., School St., Plan 7, Par. 54, 15,738 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Kiff, Edmond B., 5 Grove St., Plan llA, Par. 210, 14,327 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900

Kihlmire, Charles D. and Carol M., 23 'Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 53, 9,979 sq. ft. $250. House $3,400. Garage $250. 3,900

Killarney, William J. and Mary H., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2,

N.A., Plan 3, Par. 85, 3,933 sq. ft. $200. House $1,500. 1,700

King, Arthur H., 9 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 129, 8,123 sq. ft. $200. House $2,200. Garage $300. 2,700

King, May E. and Maida L., 360 South St., Plan 8, Par. 82, 11.65 acres $600. House $2,000. Barn $300. Garage $200. 3,100 234 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Knight, Ernest F. and Edna R., Messenger St., Plan 6, Par. 52, 1.30 acres $300. House

Plan 6, Par. 51A, 1.50 acres $300. 300

Knight, George R. Jr. and Jean M., Walnut St., Plan 8, Par. 3, 2.25 acres $500. House and Garage $3,700. 4,200

Knight, James I. and Brenda J., Warren St., RFD, Plat 14, Par.

54, 28,743 sq. ft. $400. House $2,000. 2,400

Kolseth, Richard R. and Jean E., 15 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 67, 17,150 sq. ft. $300. House $4,400. 4,700

Koning, Jan E. and Josephine M. L., 4 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 43, 11,800 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. Garage (d) $300. 3,500

Koshgarian, Avedis S. and Harriet, 3 Carleton Rd., Plan 14, Par. 91, 15,620 sq. ft. $300. House $5,200. 5,500

LaBrie, Arthur J. and Cora G., 5 Fletcher, Plan 12, Par. 89, 4 acres $500. House and Garage $3,000. 3,500

LaCasio, Anthony J. and Rita J., 81 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 162, 10,594 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,750. 4,050

Lach, Mario J. and Marjorie A,, 8 Wade Rd., Plan 8, Par. 58, 10,660 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

LaCivita, Frank J. and Everett W. Seavey, Westwood, Mass.,

Plan 2, Par. 7, 10.90 acres $500. 500

LaCivita, Walter P., 107 Polley Lane, E. Walpole, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 56 10,300 sq. ft. $300. 300

LaCivita, Rose M., 107 Polley Lane, E. Walpole, Mass., Plan 5,

Par. 66, 7,905 sq. ft. $250. House $3,000. 3,250

LaCombe, Albert E. and Juliette, 14 Cooney Ave., Plan 14, Par. 123 9,884 sq. ft. $300. House 2,700. Garage $250. 3,250 Plan 14, Par. 108, 31,042 sq. ft. $200. 200

LaFerriere, Lucien R. and Georgiana A., 23 Fletcher, Plan 14, Par. 138, 15,180 sq. ft. $300. House $3,400. 3,700 235 1964 ANNUAL REPORT

Laier, Fred W., Washington St., RFD, Plan 1, P^ar. 10, 40.10 acres $1,200. House $2,000. Barn $300. Henhouse $300. Henhouse $200. 4,000

Laliberte, Richard A., Mirimichi St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 24, 2.13 acres $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Lamb, William H. Jr. and Barbara L., 26 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 15, 20,050 sq. ft. $350. House $3,000. Garage $150. 3,500

Lambert, Harold A. and Evelyne M., Shepard St., RFD, Plan 7, Par. 69, 2.70 acres $500. House $6,000. 6,500

LaMothe, Walter A. and Anna A., 8 Washington, Plan HA, Par. 53, 17,535 $600. House (d) $3,000. 3,600

Lancaster, James V. and Virginia M., 7 Wade Rd., Plan 8, Par. 54, 11,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,100. 3,400

Langille, Charles E. and Grace V., 143 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 50, 1 acre $400. House $2,200. Barn $200. 2,800

LaPerche, Joseph R. and Marie A. E., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3,

Par. 1, 26,700 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. Garage $200. 3,000

Lapierre, Leo O. Jr. and Florence M., 409 South St., Plan 5, Par. 152, 20,000 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,200. 4,500

LaPointe, Norman A. and Bernadette T., 3 Riley St., Plan 14, Par. 107a, 17,421.47 sq. ft. $300. House $2,100. Garage $100. 2,500

LaPorte, Ernest J. and Muriel G., 8 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 2, 5,620 sq. ft. $200. House $2,100. 2,300

LaPorte, Ronald E. and Louise R., Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 139, 17,850 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

LaPusata, Joseph, 273 Chelsea St., East Boston, Mass., Plat 3, Far. 67, 5,000 sq. ft. $200. 200

Laramee, Camille and Lillian, North Attleboro, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 126, 4.10 acres $500. 500 236 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1984

LaRochelle, Paul, Paul E. Baker Trustees, Shepard St., RFD, Plan llA, Par. 131, 9,000 sq. ft. $300. Apartment and Store Bldg. 5,000. 5,300

Plan 6, Par. 64, 31,617 sq. ft. $300. House $2,400. Barn $300. 3,000

Plan 10, Par. 3, 28,000 sq.ft. $300. 300

Plan 6, Par. 62, 32,860 sq. ft. $300. 300

Plan 6, Par. 61, 31,100 sq. ft. $300. 300

Plan 6, Par. 63, 29,950 sq. ft. $300. 300

Plan 6, Par. 60, 5 acres $500. 500

Plan 10, Par. 5, 24,300 sq. ft. $300. 300

Plan 10, Par. 9, 23,900 sq. ft. $300. 300

LaRochelle, Paul D. and Dolores B., Shepard St., RFD, Plan 7, Par. 68, 7.30 acres $700. House $2,300. Barn $2,500. Shop $50. 5,550

Larsson, Walter L. d/b/a Angler Chemical Company, PO Box 173,

Plainville, Plan 10, Par. 1, 1.47 acre $500. New bldg. $5,400. Wooden bldg. $2,000. Box trailer $100. 8,000

Plan 2, Par. 8, 3 acres $300. 300

Larsson, Walter L. and Edith D., P. 0. Box, Plainville, Plan 9, Par. 30, 3.10 acres $400. House $4,800. Barn $200. 5,400

Larsen, Magnus and Laura, 12 Potter Ave., Plan llA, Par. 164, 9,828.57 sq. ft. $250. House $3,550. 3,800

Larsen, Ernest E. and Annie E., 2 Harvard St., Plat 5, Par. 115, 10,400 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Laverty, Thomas R. and Cecilia E., 157 E. Bacon, Plat IIC, Par. 19, 19,350 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. Shed $50. 3,050

Lavin, J. Earl and Mary E., 85 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 38,

12,435 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. Garage $200. 3,300

Laubi, Arthur Jr. and Charlotte, High St., Plan 15, Par. 26, 20,400 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,300. Swimming Pool $500. 4,100

Leary, Daniel J. and Joanne F., 40 Pleasant, Plat HA, Par. 87, 11,991 sq. ft. $300. House $2,950. Shed $50. 3,300

LeBlanc, Herve J. and Bernadette C., 13 Fremont St., Plan 14,

Par. 8, 8,545 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. 2,200 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 237

LeBlanc, Albert A. and Helen R., 6 Harvard St., Plat 5, Par. 117, 10,400 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

LeClair, William H. and Eva M., High St., RED, Plan 9, Par. 24A, 41,250 sq. ft. $450. House $1,850. 2,300

LeDoux, Frank C. Jr., 401 South St., Plan 8, Par. 77, 22,100 sq. ft. $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Leeman, Earl and Mildred, 22 James St., Plan 7, Par. 95, 15,570

sq. ft. $350. House $2,750. Garage $200. 3,300

Legon, Frank E. and Winifred J., 27 Evvald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 78, 8,610 sq. ft. $250. House $2,650. 2,900

Lemmer, Harold M. and Florence A., 5 Ewald Ave., Plan IIC, Par. 34, 13,680 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100 Lerner, Abraham I., 220 Union St., Rockland, Mass., Plan and Par. 47, 13,40 acres $4,000. Store $10,000. 14,000

Letourneau, Alfred and A. Jeannette, Plan 15, Par. 38, 3.40 acres $300. 300

Levesque, Albert E. and Anne C., 25 Elmwood Ave., North Attle-

boro, Mass., Plan 13, Par. 4, 8.20 acres $400. Plan 15, Par. 28, 37.46 acres $500. House $1,500. Garage $100. Henhouse $100. 2,600

Lewicki, Katazyna, Hancock St., RFD, Franklin, Plan 5, Par. 13, 1.41 acre $400. House $2,000. Barn and Henhouse $150. 2,550 Plan 5 Par. 9 23.94 acres $1,200. House $2,000. Garage and Shed $150. Henhouse $100. 3,450

Plan 9, Par. 11, 3.42 acres $300. 300

Plan 8, Par. 16, 18,750 sq. ft. $300. 300

Lewicki, Walter and Iona M., Cross St., Plan 9, Par. 33, 2.79 acres $300. 300

Plan 8, Par. 18, 1.25 acres $400. House $2,600. 3,000

Lewicki, Stanley F. and Eleanor J., 6 Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par. 75, 16,658 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Lewis, Philip T. and Alice, George St., RFD, Plan 7, Par. 45, 5.88 acres $1,000. House $3,000. Kennels $500. 4,500 238 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Lightfoot, Paul A. and Sandra, 4 Crestwood Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 145, 13,500 sq. ft. $300. House $3,100. 3,400

Lewis, Warren and Patricia, 10 Park Ave., Plat 5, Par. 101, 9,310 sq. ft. $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Lightfoot, William H. and Alice M., Walnut St., RFD, Plan 12, Par. 36, 1.35 acre $500. House and Garage $3,200. 3,700

Lighty, Roger K. and Frances A., 59 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 145, 1.58 acre $1,000. Lincoln Apartments $10,000. 11,000

Lilley, Harry F. and Isabelle E., 8 Hillcrest Dr., Plan HA, Par. 175, 9,776 sq. ft. $250. House, Breezeway and Garage $4,150. 4,400

Littleton, Robert F. and Marjorie F., 17 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 122, 14,345 sq. ft. $300. House $3,400. 3,700

Lomasney, Louis E. and Hazel H., 127 N. Washington St., North Attleboro, Plan HA, Par. 154, 17,937 sq. ft. $300. 300

Lomasney, David B. and Miriam B., 9 Potter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 157, 8,081 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,200. Tool house $200. Swimming pool $200. 3,850 Plan HA, Par. 158, 7,725 sq. ft. $250. 250

Long, Paul E. and Barbara A., 5 Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. 119, 10,000 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. 2,200

Lorusso, Antonio, c/o West Sand & Gravel, Wrentham, Mass., Plan 12, Par. 39, 17 acres $1,000. 1,000

Plan 8, Par. 15A, 10 acres $3,000. Garage $600. 3,600

Plan 8, Par. 17, 2.85 acres $400. House $3,600. 4,000

Plan 8, Par. 5, 79.12 acres $7,300. 7,300 Plan HB, Par. 13A, 4,000 sq. ft. $600. Bank $7,200. 7,800

(Irene Lougee) Irene K. Chelloti, Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 159, 1 acre $200. House $1,300. 1,500

Lovely, Weldon and Christine F. C., Warren St., RFD, Plan 13, Par. 25, 33.27 acres $700. House $2,000. Barn $200. New house $2,400. 5^300 Plan 13, Par. 19, 14.43 acres $500. 500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 239

Lumnah, Eugene P. and Lucy H., 23 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 80, 16,155 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Lumnah, Norman H., and Lauretta, 4 Charles St., Plan 14, Par. 110, 44,500 sq. ft. $550. House $2,500. 3,050

Lunn, Frank N. and Gertrude H., 10 iMunroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 51, 9,000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Lynch( Frederick J. and Barbara, 60 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 44, 20,274 sq. ft. $400. House $2,800. Barn $100. 3,300

Lyon, Anna, 268 Norfolk Ave., Pawtucket, R.I., Plan 13, Par. 6, 20.10 acres $500. 500

McAlice, Edith F. and Elizabeth D. Johnson, 7 Potter Ave., Plan llA, Par. 159, 7,661 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,350. 3,600

McAlice, Robert B. and Jacqueline C., School St., Plan 7, Par. 40, 31,093 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $4,100. 4,500

McCabe, Francis R. and Marion N., 4 Grant St., Plan 8, Par. 31, 8,970 sq. ft. $250. House $3,050. 3,300

McConnell, James F. and Beatrice Y., 72 Grove., Plan HA, Par. 138, 16,306 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,300. 3,600

McDade, Eileen, Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, Plan 3, Par. 112A, 13,665 sq. ft. $250. Camp $1,250. 1,500

McGill Box Co. Inc., W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 131, 21,280 sq. ft. $400. House $2,200. Shed $100. Barn $200. 2,900

McGill Box Co. Inc., Cor. W. Bacon and Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 103, 13,416 sq. ft. $300. Factory bldg. $13,600. tanks and pump $100. 14,000

McGovern, Mrs. William, 145 New York Ave., Providence, R.I., Plan 8, Par. 145, 21,060 sq. ft. $300. 300

McGowan, Francis E. and Dorothy L, 419 South, Plan 5, Par. 136A 23,077 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800 240 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

McGowan, Francis J. and Doris M., 4 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 164, 10,782.52 sq. ft. $300. House $2,850. 3,150

Plan 5, Par. 135, 11,100 sq. ft. $200. 200

McGrath, Benedict V. Jr. and Eleanore J., 58 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 155, 11,910 sq. ft. $300. House $3,350. 3,650

McGuire, Walter R. and Dorothea C., 15 Highland Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 61, 11,850 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,800. 4,100

McGunigle, Charles J. and Marion, 10 Logan Way, South Boston,

Mass., Plan 3, Par. 88, 4,000 sq. ft. $200. House $1,200. 1,400

McKay, Raymond E., W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 60, 30,268 sq. ft. $350. House $2,700. Garage $150. 3,200

McKearney, Leona W. and John F., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 30, 1 acre $350. House and Garage $3,450. 3,800 iMcLacklan, Richard L. and Barbara, 404 South, Plan and Par. 52, 11,870 sq. ft. $300. House $3,050. Horse shed $150. 3,500

McLeish, David R. and Ruth N., 3 James St., Plan IIC, Par. 38, 9,870 sq. ft. $250. House $2,650. 2,900

McMahon, Felix P. 11 James St., Plan 7, Par. 101, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. Garage $200. 3,200

McKillop, Donald and Margaret, George St., Plan 7, Par. 60,

16,133 sq. ft. $300. House $2,250. 2,550

McManus, Joseph D. and Helen L., 5 Garfield St., Plat 5, Par. 88, 7,125 sq. ft. $250. House $2,900. 3,150

McNeil, James E. and Maud Estate, 26 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 99, 23,654 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. Bam $300. 3,100

McQuade, Gertrude R. and Leo K., 62 Pleasant, Plan HA, Par. 117, 9,000 sq. ft. $200. House $2,700. Garage $100. 3,000

McQuade, Gladys M., 6 Highland Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 65, 18,350 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,250. 3,550 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 241

MacDonald, Arthur W. and Rena E., 8 James St., Plan 7, Par. 109, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

MacDonald, George E. and Lorraine C., 412 South, Plan 5, Par. 114, 9,375 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

MacDonnell, John F. and Norma C., 94 Pleasant, Plan IIB, Par. 81, 14,542 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,500. 4,800

MacNeill, Clinton R. and Mildred, 80 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 62,

22,400 sq. ft. $350. House (d) $2,650. 3,000

MacNeil, George A. and Leonida G., 15 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 84, 14,930 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300

MacNeil, Robert J., 148 South, Plan 12, Par. 124, 27,007 sq. ft. $400. House $2,200. Garage $200. 2,800

Machado, George L., and Annette A., 2 Zeller Ave., Plan 14, Par. 42, 8,776 sq. ft. $250. House $2,700. 2,950

Madden, Alan E. and Lois B., Treasure Island Rd., RR#2, Plat

3, Par. 92, 4,320 sq. ft. $200. House $2,200. 2,400

Maddocks, Isabel M., 61 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 152, 25,039 sq. ft. $600. House $2,700. Garage $300. 3,600

Maddocks, Isabel M. and Carrie B. Johnson, 9 Melcher St., Plan HA, Par. 74, 14,000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,350, Garage $100. Shed $50. 2,800

Mailly, Oswald J. and Kathlyn T., 434 South, Plan 5, Par. 40, 12,400 sq. ft. $300. House $3,250. 3,550

Maider, Joseph E. 268 Washington St., Dedham, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 12, 24,800 sq. ft. $1,000. Garage $4,500. Gas tanks $300. 5,800

Mailly, Romeo and Mercedes M., 6 Riley St., Plan 14, Par. 109, 8,600 sq. ft. $200. House $1,700. Garage $100. 2,000 Plan 14, Par. 109A, 10,000 sq. ft. $20. House and Garage $2,550 2,750

Major, Charles S. Estate, Messenger St., RFD, Plan 4, Par. 18, 13.20 acres $150. (George St.) 150


Malandruccoio, Lauretta, 38 School St., Attleboro, Plan 6, Par. 34, 24 acres $1,200. 1,200

Maiin, Robert 0. and Ellen R., 43 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 79

21,238 sq. ft. $400. House $3,500. Garage $100. 4,000

Malo, Arthur, Hawkins St., RFD, Plan 15, Par. 19, 10.1 acres $500. House $1,650, Barn $350. Shop $100. Garage 100. Shed $100 2,800

Malone, Marion E., 78 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 20 8,880 sq. ft. 200. House $3,300. 3,500

Manley, Albert K. and Marjorie, 16 Elizabeth St., Plat 14, Par. 74, 13,750 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage 4,600 5,000

Manning, Arline W. and John B., 14 Melcher St., Plan HA, Par. 105, 20,100 sq. ft. $400. House $2,400. Bam $300. 3,100

Marchand, Arsene J. Jr. and Janet A., Belcher St., RFD, Plan 1, Par. 13, 8 acres $500. House and Garage $3,000. 3,500

Marcoux, Edward J. and Shirley E., 3 Grant St., Plan 8, Par. 37, 12,000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Marcure, Conrad A. and Pauline C., 90 Pleasant, Plan IIB, Par. 23, 10,143 sq. ft., $300. House (d) $3,000. 2 Garages $300. 3,600

Margeson, Chas., R. and Elsie E., Treas. Is. Rd., RR #2, Plat 3 Par. 104, 13,750 sq. ft., $400. House $2,300. Garage $150. 2,850

Plat 3, Par. 63, 5,000 sq. ft., $200. 200

Marinelli, Mark, 315 Central Avenue, Dedham, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 155, 47.38 ac., $2,000. 2,000

Marone, Joseph and June R., 8 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par. 124, 10,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Marsland, Thomas and Celia, Messenger St., RED, Plan 6, Par. 47, 23,400 sq. ft., $350. House 2,400. Garage $150. 2900

Marsten, Joseph F. and Pauline E., 162 W. Bacon, Plat 14, Par. 64, 16,164, $400. House, Garage and Breezeway $4,000. 4,400 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 243

Martin, Lena M., (Frank A), 22 Maple St., Plan 8, Par. 165, 19,550

sq. ft., $350. House (d) $2,500. Garage $300. 3,150

Plan 8, Par. 166, 18,125 sq. ft., $250. Small house $1,000. 1,250

Plan 8, Par. 155, 7.70 ac., $500. 500

Plan 7, Par. 15, 17 ac. $700. 700

Plan 7, Par. 2A, 14,890 sq. ft., $200. 200

Martin, John A. and Phyllis M., Maple St., Plan 8, Par. 167, 47,000

sq. ft., $400. House $4,000. 4,400

Masino, Michael and Elizabeth, Norwood, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 154, 1.15 ac., $400. Bungalow $200. 600

Mason, Charles R. and Madeline J., High St. ($350), Plan 5, Par.

27, 46,800 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Plan 13, Par. 8, 20.36 ac., $400. House $1,900. 2,300


Mason, Prescott E. and Edith, 1 Riley St., Plan 14, Par. 105, 37,958

sq. ft., $500. House $2,000. Henhouse $50. 2,550

Massachusetts Electric Co., 35 Main St., Franklin, Mass., Plan

llA, Par. 208, 4,880 sq. ft., $100, Bldg. Crove St., $300. 400

Plan llA, Par. 204, 33,932 sq. ft., $300. 300

Plan llA, Par. 8, 1.39 ac., $200 200

Plan llA, Par. 201, 2.20 ac., $200. 200

Plan 12, Par. 88, 1.45 ac., $100. 100

Plan lie. Par. 2, 20,000 sq. ft., $300. 300

Plan llA, Par. 13, 1.17 ac., $200. 200

Plan 8, Par. 174, 0.46 ac., $50. 50

Masse, Peter E. and Loretta J., 5 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 146, 19,736 sq. ft., $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Massey, George H. and Beatrice S., 64 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par.

14,000 sq. ft., $300. 45, House $1,700. House and Garage $2,000 . 4,000

Masse, Sabrena L., Cor. School and Evergreen, Plat IIB, Par. 142,

10,365 sq. ft., $300. House $3,050. Shed $100. 3,450 244 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Masslite, Inc., 25 Fordham Road-Allston, Boston 34, Mass., Plan 8,

Par. 4, 5.70 ac., $300. Sinter Bldg., $12,060, 12,360

Plan 8, Par. 8, 14.86 ac., $600. Flying Saucer Bldg., $4,350. 4,950

Plan 8, Par. 9, 44.28 ac., $1,000 Office and Lab. $6,000. 7,000

Plan 8, Par. 13, 20.13 ac., $1,500. Pumphouse $900. 2,400

Plan 8, Par. 14, 13.09 ac., $1,000. Spur truck $3,300. 4,300


Mathewson, Charles H., and Pearl, 260 South St., Plan 8, Par. 84, 7.30 ac., $1,200. House $2,200. Barn $1,500. 4,900

Plan 8, Par. 104, 64.97 ac., $700. $700

Plan 8, Par. 110, 23,380 sq. ft, $150. 150

Plan 8, Par. Ill, 36,800 sq. ft., $150. 150

Plan 8, Par. 126, 27,260 sq. ft., $150. 150

Plan 8, Par. 128, 2,000 sq. ft., $100. 100

Plan 8, Par. 134, 30,200 sq. ft., $150. 150

Plan 8, Par. 141, 5,000 sq. ft., $50. 50

Plan 8, Par. 142, 4,752 sq. ft., $50. 50

Plan 8, Par. 171, 19,484 sq. ft., $150. 150 Plan 8, Par. 139 and 140—streets 6,550

(OWNER UNKNOWN), Plan 8, Par. 137, 12,070 sq. ft., $50. 50

Plan 8, Par. 144, 58,176 sq. ft., $200. 200

Mathews, Joseph T. and Jean B., 157 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 38, 22,750 sq. ft., $300. House $2,450. Garage $100. 2,850

Mathews, Eric L. and Dorothy C., Warren St., RFD, Plan 13, Par. 38, 30,250 sq. ft, $300. 300

Matthews, Eric L. and Dorothy, Warren St., RFD, Plan 13, Par. 37, 27,800. $400. House and Garage $4,400. 4,800

Mathewson, Charles H. and Pearl, 260 South St., Plan 12, Par. 72, 9,500 sq. ft., $250. House $3,350. 3,600 Plan 14, Par. 77, 16,200, $300. House and Garage $3,800. 4,100

Mathurin, Armand R., 79 Spring St., Plan 8, Par. 161, 56,171 sq. ft., $700. House $2,200. Shed $50. Henhouse $150. 3,100

Mathurin, Anna B., 120 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 76, 34,450 sq. ft., $400. House $2,500. 2,900 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 245

Maynard, Robert A. and Dorothy M., 13 Bacon Sq., Plan 12, Par. 106, 14,169 sq. ft., $300. House $2,400. 2,700

Mavrides, George, Trustee “Holiday” Rt. #1, Wrentham, Mass., Plan lie. Par. 7, 60 ac., m/1, $17,000, House $2,000. New bldgs. $1,500. Building $200. 20,700

Mazzoli, Eugene E., and Marina F., 40 Washington St., Plan llC,

Par. 5, 40,000 sq. ft., $500. Motel $11,000. 11,500

Meade, Edward L. and Ida L., 92 Grove St., Plan IIB, Par. 33, 20,216 sq. ft., $500. House $3,000. 3,500

Munier, William J. and Vernal E., 11 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 130, 9,264 sq. ft., $200. House $2,000. Garage $200. 2,400

Mercer, Mrs. Helen I., 2 Meadow Lane, Valley Falls, R. I., Plan and Par. 24. 6.50 ac., $400. 400

Meyers, Henry W. and Marjorie G., Box 292, RR#2, N.A., Plan 6, Par. 11, 7.77 ac., $700. House and Garage $3,300. 4,000

Meyer, Hugh L. and Rena D., 33b School St., Plan IIB, Par. 24, 12,397 sq. ft., $300. House (d) $2,850. Garage $150. 3,300

Meyer, Ida, 29 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 92, 4,592 sq. ft., $100. House $2,500. Garage $100. 2,700

Miconil, Daniel S. and Mary C., 12 Huntington Ave., Plan 5, Par. 105, 9,025 sq. ft., $250. House $3,100. 3,350

Miconi, Ralph J. and Dorothy G., 1 Grove St., Plan HA, Par. 212, 17,955 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $2,500. 2,800

Miconi, Santo and Emma, 25 Grove St., Plan HA, Par. 202, 1.27 ac., $400. House and Garage $2,600. 3,000

Mielauskas, Frank E. and Alice M., P.O. Box 663, N. Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 6, Par. 18, 18,500 sq. ft., $300. House $3,650. 4,000

Mielauskas, Frank L., 46 George St., Plan 7, Par. 58, 9 ac., $300. House $1,750. Barn $200. 2,250 246 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Miller, Burton V. and Shirley G., 66 E. Bacon, Plan IIB, Par. 46, 18,639 sq. ft., $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Miller, James and Marion D., 2302 Donwood Road, Northshire, Wilmington, Delaware, Plan IIB, Par. 190, 26,950 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $4,200. 4,600

Miller, Raymond V. and Marie L. J., 62 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 171, 11,875 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,000. 4,300

Miller, Richard A. and Sandra C., 3 Walter St., Plan 5, Par. 62,

8,820 sq. ft., $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Miller, Richard and Richard E., c/o Warrant Officer A. E. Wilkins, 613 A. Fort Schafter, APO #958, San Francisco, Calif., Plan HA, Par. 139, 16,282 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Miller, Weldon C. and Ina P., Bow St., RFD, Plan 9, Par. 27, 40,000 sq. ft., $300. House $3,900. 4,200

Milne, Jeanette M., 4 Ewald Ave., Plan llC, Par. 36, 11,000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,650. 2,950

Milson, Walter R., Branch Avenue, RFD N. Attleboro, Plan 6, Par. 43, 23,200 sq. ft., $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Milum, Earl R., South St., Plan 8, Par. 94, 34,993 sq. ft., $500. House and Garage $4,000. 4,500

Minah, Myrtice A., 263 So. Main St., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 6, Par. 58, ac., $300. 300

Mirisola, Thomas, Ronald Road, Burlington, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 78, 4,373 sq. ft. $200. 200

Mitchell, George W. and Fay, 3 Potter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 161, 10,594 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $2,900. 3,200

Moffat, David A. and Madelyn A., Mirimichi St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 37, 38,800 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,450. 3,750

Morel, Joseph B., 353 South St., Plan 8, Par. 106, 1.35 ac., $300. House (d) $2,600. Shed $100. 3,000 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 247

Moreshead, William E. and Marlene J., Taunton St., RED, Plan 1,950 6 Par. 7, 1.07 ac., $200. House $1,500. Garage $200.

Morgan, Harriet F., 106 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 78, 1.90 ac., $600. House $2,200. Bam $200. 3,000 iMorin, Normand J. and Juliana, Mansfield, Mass., (60.), Plan 7, Par. 38, 13,425 sq. ft., $300. 300

Plan 7, Par. 39, 16,725 sq. ft., $300. 300

Morin, Pierre J. and Adele L., 24 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 54,

10.000 sq. ft., $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Morris, Everett G. and Mildred A., 11 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 18, 84,921 sq. ft., $1,000. House ^,300. 4,300

Morrison, Lawrence H. and Barbara A., 1 Lynn Ave., Plan 8, Par. 46, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Morse, Clarence E., 2 N. Washington St., N. Attleboro, Mass.,

Plan 13, Par. 5, 8.88 ac. $400. 400 Plan 13, Par. 12, 23.43 ac. $600. 600

Morse, Harry H. and Ina M., 26 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 112, 9,143 sq. ft., $200. House (d) $2,800, Garages (2) $300. 3300 Plan llA, Par. Ill, 7,453 sq. ft. $200. 200

Morse, Harvey C. and Mildred B., 9 Maple St., Plan 12, Par. 134, 12,750 sq. ft., $300. House $3,100. 3,400

Morse, James H. and Irene C., 205 South St., Plan 8, Par. 153, 22,260 sq. ft., $350. House and Garage $3,400. 3.750

Morse, Richard M. and Mildred M., 21 Bugbee St., Plan llA, Par. 47, 12,780 sq. ft., $300. House 2,400. 2,700

Moses, Warren H. and Ruth H., 20 Elizabeth St., Plat 14, Par. 76, 20.000 sq. ft., $400. House $4,400. 4,800

Plat 14, Par. 79A, 1,600 sq. ft. $50. 50

Mowry, Daniel and Edith C., 2041 Spinnake St., Anaheim, Calif., Plan 15, Par. 39, 3.93 ac., $400. Foundation $500. 900 248 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 19G4

Muir, Raymond F. and Frances M., 29 Ewald Ave., Plat 7, Par. 77, 9,000 sq. ft., $250. House 2,650. 2,900

Munroe, Gladys A., 430 South St., Plan 5, Par. 57A, 1 ac. $400. House $2,500. 2,900

Plan 5, Par. 57, 1 ac., $500., Barn $800. 4,050

Munroe, Ernest E., 62 Spring St., Plan 12, Par. 144, 41,360 sq. ft., $800. House $3,000., Bam $500. 4,300

Munroe, James A. Estate, c/o James Munroe, 74 High St., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan llA, Par. 17, V2 ac., $500. Gas station $1,250. Pumps and tanks, $250. 2,000

Murphy, Kenneth and Claire T., 442 South, Plan 5, Par. 26, 10,000 sq. ft., $450. House $2,250. 2.700 Lot in Pines, 5,000 sq. ft., $100. 100

Murray, Ambrose J. and Ruth E., 126 Ellis Rd, N. Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 7, Par. 63, 7.80 ac., $1,500., Office, $8,500. 10,000

Plan 7, Par. 62, 4.50 ac., $750., Budding, $4,750. 5,500

Myers, Arthur W. and Margaret, 6 Messenger St., Plan IIC, Par. 11, 60.48 ac., $1,500. House (d) $2,500, Barn $500., Bara $200. 4,700 New House, inc. $1,200. 1,200

Myers, Stanley and Esther P., 30 E. Bacon St., $350. Plan IIB, Par. 16, 20,155 sq. ft., $350. House $3,150. 3,500

Mylod, Kenneth G. and Lillian S., 69 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 48, 14,150 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Nadeau, Roland A., Sr. and Evelyn M., 407 South St., Plan 8, Par. 74, 19,100 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,900. 4,200

Nagins, Augustus Lucy M., 27 Weld Ave., Norwood, Mass.

Plan 3, Par. 103, 6,500 sq. ft., $200. 200

Nahas, Anna Z. and Helen Heame, King’s Highway, RFD No. 1, Valley Cotage, New York, Plan llA, Par. 148, 10,000 sq. ft., $300. House (Mathewson St.) $2,000. 2300 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 249

Nash, Mrs. Annie L., Plan llA, Par. 81, 11,250 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. Cottage $50. 3,150

Nault, Ulysses C., Box 31, RED, Plan 13, Par. 1, 9.21 ac. $300, Barn $200 500

Plan 15, Par. 8, 16.75 ac. $300. 300 Plan 15, Par. 12, 15.25 ac. $200. 200 Plan 13, Par. 42, 4,615 sq. ft.

Navickas, John W., 24 Weld Ave., Norwood, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 106, 5,738 sq. ft. $200. House $1,800. 2,000

Needham, John C. and Estelle N., Mirimichi St., RED, Plan 3, Par. 142, 16,518 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $5,400. 5,700

Neefe, Rudolph K. and Lillian T., 83 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par.

37, 11,423 sq. ft. $300. House $2,850. 3,150

Negus, E. Earle and Ethelwyn T., 75 E. Bacon St., Plan 11, Par. 163, 16,226 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $2,700. 3,000

Nelson, Oscar N.; John H. and Robert H., 34 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 156, 1.31 ac. $350. House $1,600., Shed $50. 2,000

Nelson, Roger M. and Lois C., 8 Potter Ave., Plan llA, Par. 168, 8,920 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,700. 3,950

Nevers, Melvin A. and Bertha J., 37 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 77, 8,693 sq. ft. $200. House $2,100., Garage $100. 2,400

Neveux, Jr., Henry E. and Claire M., Taunton St., Plan 6, Par. 22, 20,000 sq. ft. $300. House $5,000. 5,300

Plan 6, Par. 23A, 5,000 sq. ft. $100. 100

Nevins, Paul C., Taunton St., RED, Plan 6, Par. 16, 1.50 ac. $300. House $2,400., Henhouse $50. 2750

New England Power Co., Plan 7, Par. 23, 81.10 ac. $1,800. (Weber) 1,800

Plan 7, Par. 48A, .87 ac. $300. (Glennon) 300

Plan 7, Par. 18, 9.30 ac. $600. (Weber) 600

Plan 8, Par. 98A, 1.09 ac. $200. (Ind. Nat’l Bank) 200

Plan 7, Par. 49, 13.70 ac. $900. (Town of Plainville) 900 250 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1984

Plan 8, Par. 103A, 1.02 ac. $100. (Passler) 100 Plan 11, Par. 195, 4.60 ac. $700. (Alperin) 700 Plan 11, Par. 9C, 8.76 ac. $2,800. (Fred Paul) 2,800 Plan 11, Par. 14C, 4.75 ac. $1,400. (Fred Paul) 1,400

Plan 5, Par. 128, 5.80 ac. $800. (Perreault) 800

Plan 5, Par. 153, 17.40 ac. $1,000 (Vroom) 1,000

New England Tel. & Tel. Co., Attention Mr. W. H. Thomae,

185 Franklin St., Room 1101, Boston 7, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 14,17,877 sq. ft. $300. Tower $500 800

Ney, Richard K. and Marianne Z., 9 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 70, 31,283 sq. ft. $350. House $4,150. 4,500

New England Homes, 150 South Main St., Bellingham, Mass., Plan lie. Par. 16, 39,430 sq. ft. $400. 400 Plan lie. Par. 17, 23,880 sq. ft. $350. 350

Plan 7, Par. 89, 1 ac. $200. 200

Newell, Alan A. and Jean M., Plan 5, Par. 70, 9,690 sq. ft. $250. House $2,300. 2,550

New York, New Haven & Hartford R. R. Co.—Real Estate Dept., Plan 5, Par. 21, 1.98 ac. $100. 100

New Haven 6, Connecticut, Plan 5, Par. 163, 3.20 ac. $200. 200

Newman, Basil L. and Avis A., 90 W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 79, 1.89 ac. $500. House $2,300, Barn $200. 3,000

Nichols, John and Andrew Musgrove, 42 Ward Well Rd., Canton,

Mass., Plan 3, Par. 73, 6,500 sq. ft. $200. 200

Nixon, John and Nora, Messenger St., RFD, Plan 6, Par. 46, 18.000 sq. ft. $400. House $2,600., Garage $250. 3,250

Noonan, John H. and Bernadette M., 3 State St., Plan 5, Par. 75 8.000 sq. ft. $250. House 2,250. 2,500

Northeast Concrete Products, Inc., Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 15, 19,386 ac. $8,000. Boiler room $500., Trailer $400., Storage $700., Batch Plant $4,200., Curing Beds $6,000., New Boiler Room $1,000., Office Locker Room $4,000. 24,800 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 251

Norton, Everett S. and Edith M., Taunton St., RED, Plan 2, Par.

5, 12.25 sq. ft. $500. Cellar house $200. 700

Nowick, Charles A. and Jeannette M., 37 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 41, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,550. 3,800

O’Brien, Jeremiah W. and Mary F., 4 Vernon Young Drive, Plan llA, Par. 186, 10,494 sq. ft. $300. House $3,750. 4,050

O’Brien, John F. and Mary A., 118 Homes Ave., Dorchester 22,

Mass., Plat 3, Par. 89, 4,590 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. 2,200

O’Brien, George V. and Lorenda A., Treasure Island Rd., RR No. 2, North Attleboro, Plat 3, Par. 90, 4,590 sq. ft. $200. House $2,200 2,400

O’Connell, Daniel E. Jr. and Ruth J., 73 South, Plan llA, Par. 99, 8,723 sq. ft. $250. House 2,750., Garage $100. 3,100

O’Connell, Daniel, 73 South St., Plan 8, Par. 123, 13,557 sq. ft. $200. 200

O’Connor, John T. Jr. and Dorothy M., 3 Wade Rd., Plan 8, Par. 56, 11,000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

O’Donnell, John J. and Ada E., 6 South St., Plan llA, Par. 2, 14,160 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000., Garage $200. 3,500

O’Leary, Florence A., Wampum St., Plan 4, Par. 8, 1.80 ac. $300. House $2,000., Garage $150., Henhouse $50. 2,500

Plan 4, Par. 7, 20,000 sq. ft. $100. 100

Olsen, Albert C. and Lillian A., 16 Huntington Ave., Plat 5, Par. 98, 98, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House $2,650. 2,900

Olson, Oscar E. and Virginia, Washington St., Plan llA, Par. 193, 2.06 ac. $900. Factory and Sales Bldg. $4,000. 4,900

Onorr, Michael, Walnut St., RFD, Plaan 12, Par. 156A, 2 ac. $300. 300

Onorr, Kondrat and Mary, Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 6, 43.21 ac. $1,600. House $2,200., Barn $500 ^ 4,300 252 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Onorr, Kondrat and Madeline B. Rosen, Walnut St., RFD, Plan 12, Par. 156, 2 ac. $300. 300

O’Reilly, Helen Estate, Donald O’Reilly, P. 0. Box 830, Daytona

Beach, Fla., Plaan 7, Par. 17, 21.50 ac. $500. 500

Orlando, Joseph, 87 Reed St., Roxbury, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 59, 5,160 sq. ft. $200. 200

Orlando, Philip, 43 Maywood St., Roxbury 19, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 76, 4,225 sq. ft. $200. 200

Osterholm, Violet, 101 Grove St., Plan IIB, Par. 57, 13,908 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,800. 4,100

O’Toole, Francis J. and Arlene, 5 State St., Plan 5, Par. 74, 7,315 $250. House $2,550. 2,800

Ouellette, Albert E. and Frances H., 218a Taunton St., RFD, Plan

6, Par. 21, 20,000 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Outhouse, Nancy M., 37 Bugbee St., Plan HA, Par. 214, 6,830 sq. ft. $200. 200

Outhouse, Nancy M., 37 Bugbee St., Plan HA, Par. 52, 5,000 sq. ft. $100. House $2,300. 2,400

Packer, Irvin F. and Josephine M., 23 Washington St., Plan HC,

Par. 4, 1.48 ac. $300. House $2,600., Florist house $100 3,000

Padilla, Michael D., 21 Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 97, 30,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300'

Paglari, Warren T., 11 Berry St., Plan 14, Par. 104, 20,175 sq. ft. $350. House 3,650. 4,000

Plan 14, Par. 104A, 15,700 sq. ft. $300. 300

Paglari, Warren F. and Mary B., 11 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 142, 1.40 ac. $400. House and Garage $3,700. 4,100

Parentau, Gerald A. and Claire D., 152 W. Bacon St., Plan 14, Par. 60, 14,250 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 253

Parentau, Albert J. and Rita H., 150 W. Bacon St., Plan 14, Par. 59, 72,870 sq. ft. $400. House $2,750. Garage $150. 3,300 New House $2,100. 2,100

Paquin, Richard W. and Jeanne L., 9 Cooney Ave., Plan 14, Par. 122, 48,362 sq. ft. $350. House $2,850., Out buildings $100. 3,300

Pariseau, Arthur, Box 304, Taunton St., RR No. 2, Plan 6, Par. 20, 18,750 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900

Pariseau, Edna N., Box 304, Taunton St., RRR No. 2, Plan 6, Par. 27, 110 ac. $2,000. House $1,500., Barn $500., Camp $100. 4,100

Pariseau, Edward P. (Trustee) No. Attleboro, Mass. Plan 6, Par. 42, 12,400 sq. ft. $250. Camp $600., Garage $150. 1,000

Parker, Edna M., Plan llA, Par. 107, 44,551 sq. ft. $1,000. House (d) $3,700. Shed $200. 4,900

Parker, Hope F., 162 Pleasant St., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 133, 3 ac. $250. 250

86 Park Realty Corp., Park St., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 6, $13.35 ac. $1,300. 1,300

Parmenter, Amy, 9 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 96, 4,952 sq. ft. $100. House $1,700., Garage $1,000. 2,800 Plan HA, Par. 125, 12,627 sq. ft. $250. House $1,600, House $1,200. 3,050

Parmenter, Lyman H., Jr. and Christine E., Taunton St., RFD, Plan HA, Par. 23, 7,440 sq. ft. $250. House $2,400., Garage $350. 3,000

Parmenter, Lyman H., Jr. and Christine E., Taunton St., RFD, and Plan 3, Par. 11, 11/3 ac. $400. House $3,000., Garage Kennels $700., Trailer $400. 4,500 1,200 Plan 3, Par. 8, 30,900 sq. ft. $400. 2 Trailers $800.

Parmenter, Leon M., 10 E. Bacon St., Plan HB, Par. 3, 6,078 sq.

ft. $200. House $2,000., Shed $300. 2,500

Passler, Herbert G., 393 South St., Plan 8, Par. 99, 7.70 ac. $300. House $1,800., Shed $150., Henhouse $50. 2,300 500 Plan 8, Par. 103, 11.50 ac. $500. 254 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Pass, Johnny D. and Anne H., 5 Walter St., Plan 5, Par. 63, 8,755 sq. ft. $250. House $2,900. 3^150

Patchin, George F. and Rosalie, 3 South St., Plan HA, Par. 32, 17,238 sq. ft. $500. House $2,600., Garage $200. 3,300

Patton, Frank 0., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 45, 24,942 sq. ft. $200. House $2,500. 2.700

Patton, Richard 0. and Alice C., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par. 44, 30.26 ac. $900. House $2,800., Garage $200, Shop $200 4,100

Paul, Fred Jr., Plan 7, Par. 56, 35,879 sq. ft. $300. House $1,800. 2,100

Paul, Lawrence L. and Janice E., 8 Harvard St. Plan 5, Par. 118, 9,375 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Paul, Mary, 137 Washington St., Plan IIC, Par. 15A, 1 ac. $500. House $1,800., Shed $50. 2,350

Paul, Fred Sr., 137 Washington St., Plan IIC, Par. 15, 12.65 ac. $700. 700

Paul, Raymond E. and Jean E., 142 E. Bacon St., Plan IIC, Par. 10, 2.40 ac. $400. House $2,200. 2,600

Paulus, Alga and Romeo, 132 South St., Plan 12, Par. 125, 28,320 sq. ft. $400. House $2,500., Factory Bldg. $900., Garage $500. 4,300

Paulus, Irene, 67 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 94, 10,540 sq. ft. $300. House (d) $2,850. 3,150

Payne, Harry F. and Katherine M., 5 James St., Plat 7, Par. 104, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,050. 3,300

Pease, Elmer C. and Alice M., 59 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 89 17,118 sq. ft. $300. House $2,350, Shed $50. 2,700

Peasley, Chas. O. and Judith M., 201 South St., Plan 8, Par. 159, 12,320 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Peavey, Edgar HI, 5 Wade Rd., Plat 8, Par. 55, 11,000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,950. 3,250 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 255

Peckham, Gertrude M., 9 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 19, 6,000 sq. ft. $150. House $3,350. 3,500

Peck, Earl W. and Dorothy M., High St., RED, Plan 9, Par. 40, 2.06 ac., $400. House and Garage $4,400, Shed $100. 4,900

Pendersen, Donald H. and Rita M., Washington St., RED, Plan 7, Par. 33, 1 ac., $300. House $1,500, Garage $500, Cabin $300, Hen- house $50, Roadside stand $250, Trailer $1,500. 4,400

Pelletier, Joseph A. and Lorraine M., Hancock St., RED, Plan 9, Par. 31, 1.65 ac., $400. House and Garage $3,000. 3,400

Pelletier, Norman and Mary E., 10 Evergreen Rd., Plan IIB, Par. 126, 11,990 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $2,750. 3,050

Peloquin, Robert J. and Monica W., Hillside Rd., RED, Plan 3, Par. 122, 17,720 sq. ft, $300. House $2,700, Garage $200. 3,200

Pensavelle, Russell, 91 Bucknam St., Everett, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 36, 2.16 ac., $1,500. 1,500

Pentleton, Maud E. B. and Willa C. Weagle, 19 Witherell PI., Plan HA, Par. 15, 10,971 sq. ft., $250. House $2,500, Garage $100, Trader $500. 3,350

Pettingill, Dennis W. and Jane M., 12 Huntington Ave., Plat 5, Par. 120, 9,310 sq. ft., $250. House $3,050. 3,300

Perkoski, Stanley M. and Roberta G., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 22, 30,030 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $3,300. 3,700

Perreault, Arthur J. and Margaret, 33 School St., Plan 5, Par. 127,

10.60 ac., $1,000, Plan 5, Par. 129, 11.50 ac., $700. 1,700

Perreault, Donald and Mary J., 34 Cotage St., Plan IIB, Par. 87, 21,238 sq. ft., $400. House $2,900, Garage $150. 3,450

Trustees of Don’s Realty Trust: Perreault, Donald, Mary J. and Donald, 34 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par. 10, 1.29 ac., $1,000. Apart- ment Bldg. $4,000, Diner and Kitchen $4,650, Gas tank and pump $150, Rest rooms $200. 10,000 256 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Perreault, Donald and Phyllis, 49 South St., Plan llA, Par. 80, 1.43 ac., $400. House $3,100, Garage $200. 3,700

Perreault, Donald W. and Phyllis E., 49 South St., Plan HA, Par. 115, $300. House (d) (#56 Pleasant St.) $3,000, Garage $200. 3,500

Perreault, Joan, 2 School St., Plan 12, Par. 143A, 7,378 sq, ft., $200. 200

Perreault, Roland A. and Christine, 4 Hillcrest Dr., Plan HA, Par. 179, 10,495 sq. ft., $250. House $3,800. 4,050 Plan HA, Par. 127, 6,636 sq. ft., $400. Store Bldg. $2,000. 2,400

Perrin, Edward E. and Esther B., 1096 Highland Ave., Needham

Heights, Mass., Plat 3, Par. 96, 4,160 sq. ft., $200. House $1,700. 1,900

Plat 3, Par. 96a, 4,250 sq. ft., $200. House $1,200. 1,400

Perry, William and R. Ruth, Circle Dr., Wrentham, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 134, 50,944 sq. ft., $500. Restaurant Bldg. $1,200. 1,700

Pesanello, Frank and Helen L., 6 Robin St., Plat 8, Par. 70, 13,830 sq. ft., $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Pesce, Michael and Elizabeth, Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 85, 14,000 sq. ft, $300. House $3,500. 3,800

Peterson, Henry A. and Ellen M., Peterson Rd., RFD, Plan 6,

Par. 1, 14.12 ac., $1,000. House and Garage $5,000, Henhouse $50. 6,050

Plan 7, Par. 73, 4.59 ac., $200. 200

Plan 7, Par. 74, 5.91 ac., $200. 200

Plan 7, Par. 75, 8.25 ac., $200. 200.

Pflumm, Use D., HI E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 188, 10,594 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage $4,000. 4,250 Plan HA, Par. 188A, 10,400 sq. ft., $250. 250

Pfeiffer, Byron C. and Jessie L., Taunton St, FRD, Plan 6, Par. 15, 21,200 sq. ft., $300. House $1,700, Small house $100, Shed $100. 2,200

Pimental, Ferdinand A. and Rita G., 3 Pearl St., Plat 5, Par. 69, 9,690 sq. ft., $250. House $2,250. 2,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 257

Pimentel, Joseph, Mathewson St., Plan llA, Par. 160, 10,369 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,150. 3,450

Pitts, Joseph B. and Helen M., 20 Claredon Rd., Belmont 78,

Mass., Plat 3, Par. 97, 4,875 sq. ft., $200. House $1,500. 1,700

Plainville Beagle Club, Inc., Plainville, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 31, 9.31 ac., $250. Club house $2,800. 3,050

Plan 4, Par. 29, 35.95 ac., $900. 900

Plan 7, Par. 30, 22.50 ac., $550. 550

Plan 7, Par. 31, 13.07 ac., $300. 300

Plainville Beagle Club, Inc., Plainville, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 12, 11 ac., $300. 300

Plainville Machine Works, Inc., South St., Plan 8, Par. 130, 7,637 sq. ft., $200. Factory Bldg. $7,200. 7,400

Plainville Real Estate Company, c/o Grace Thompson, 55 Grove

St., Plan IIB, Par. 6, 34,101 sq. ft., $800., 3 double houses $9,000., Garage $50. 9,850

Plainville Realty Trust, Nancy Adams and Joseph Riley,

Trustees, Randolph, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 135, 16,164 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage, inc. $4,500. 4,800

Plan 3, Par. 136, 18,700 sq. ft., $300. House and Gar., inc. $4,200. 4,500

Plan 3, Par. 144, 18,300 sq. ft., $300. House and Gar., inc. $3,300. 3,600

Plan 3, Par. 153, 15,000 sq. ft., $300. House and Gar., inc. $3,000. 3,300

Plan 3, Par. 155, 17,500 sq. ft., $300. House and Gar., inc. $4,000. 4,300

Plainville Realty Trust, Nancy Adams and Joseph Riley,

Trustees, Randolph, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 52., 35 ac., $5,500. 5,500

Plan 3, ar. 54, 54.20 ac., $1,000. 1,000

Plainville Recreational-Drive-In-Theatre, Inc., Taunton St., RFD,

Plan 6, Par. 23, 21.10 ac., $2,000. Concession Bldg. $2,500, Pro- jection Bldg. $2,500, Screen $4,000, Loud Speaker equipment $2,000, Ticket Booth $500, Garage $350. 13,850

Plainville Rug Co., c/o Mrs. Sarah Bishop, Trustees, Bishop

Trust, 22 W. Bacon St., Plainville, Plan 5, Par. 125, 10.75 ac., $400. 400

Plan 5, Par. 130, 13 ac., $1,000. 1,000

Plan 5, Par. 124, 7.03 ac., $200. N EP easement. 200


Plainville Stock Co., South St., Plan llA, Par. 31, 21,271 sq. ft., $800. Factory Bldg. $22,000. 22,800 Plan llA, Par. 30, 19,365 sq. ft., $400. House $2,300, Barn $400. 3,100 Plan HA, Par. 27, 9,312 sq. ft., $250. Garage $850. 1,100

Plante, Richard D. and Lea R., 88 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 90, 20,000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500, Garage $200. 3,000

Poirier, Donald J. and Virginia M., 4 Fremont St., Plan 14, Par. 11, 14,012 sq. ft., $350. House $2,000, Garage $100. 2,450

Poirier, Emillien J. and Ida H., Rhodes St., RFD, Plan 13, Par. 22, 5 ac., $300. House $1,250, Garage $100. 1,650

Poirier, Horace G. and Alice, 7 Fremont St., Plan 14, Par. 13, 5,679 sq. ft., $200. House $2,500, Garage $100. 2,800

Poirier, Leo J. and Yvonne M., 165 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 12, 11,550 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $2,700. 3,000

Poirier, Henry J. and Mary A., 6 Fremont St., Plan 14, Par. 10, 8,939 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,200. 3,500

Poisson, Robert J. and Rosemarie, 5 Munroe Dr., Plat 5, Par. 44, 11,800 sq. ft., $300. House $3,150. 3,450

Porter, Robert C. and Barbara A., Warren St., RFD, Plan 13, Par. 35, 18,006 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,800. 5,100

Porter, Ralph C. and Patricia A., 3 Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par. 69, 10,000 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900

Pothier, Albert A. and Anita A., 3 Zeller Ave., Plan 14, Par. 45, 15,916 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Pothier, Ernest J. and Shirley P., 6 Wade Rd., Plan 8, Par. 59, 10,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Powell, Thomas A. and Sarah R., Treasure Island Rd., RR #2, Plan 3, Par. 100, 4,648 sq. ft., $200. House $1,200. 1,400

Power, Ralph L. and Madeliene L., 215 South, Plan 8, Par. 151, 42,150 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800, Garage $100. 3,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 250

Powers, John V. Jr. and Anne M., 2 Lynn Ave., Plan 8, Par. 45, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $3,050. 3,300

Powers, William Jr., Treasure Island Rd., RR #2, N. A., Plan 3, Par. 102, 11,925 sq. ft., $400. House $1,700. 2,100

Powers, William and Helen, Treasure Island Rd., RR #2, N. A., Plat 3, Par. 101, 12,262 sq. ft., $400. House $2,000. 2.400

Prance, George W. and Edith G., 25 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 91, 4,068 sq. ft., $100. House and Garage $2,500. 2,600

Pray, George W. and Jeannette T., Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 165, 37,400 sq. ft., $400. House $3,700. 4,100

Precopio, Tony J. and Marjorie J., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 33, 1 ac., $300. Trailer $1,500. 1,800

Prefontaine, Normand C. and Lucette, 7 Evergreen Rd., Plan llB, Par. 149, 14,400 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Preston, Fernand E. and Rita, 136 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 65, 1.05 ac., $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Previti, Anthony and Connie, 133 Westwood Rd., Medford, Mass., Plat 13, Par. 70, 3,235 sq. ft., $150. 150

Previti, Domenica, 726 Hyde Park Ave., Roslindale, Mass., Plan

3, Par. 64, 5,000 sq. ft., $200. Building $1,300. 1,500

Prew, William F. and Janice G., 420 South, Plan 5, Par. 91, 7,200 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage $3,350. 3,600

Proal, Gordon S. and Clare T., 12 Cottage St., Plan 12, Par. 146, 25,680 sq. ft., $1,000. House $2,500, Bam $1,000. 4,500

Proal, Robert J. and Harriet B., 73 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 149, 15,054 sq. ft., $300. House $2,300, Henhouse $350. 2,950

Proal, Sumner T. and Mary B., School St., Plan 12, Par. 123, 28,410 sq. ft., $500. Tire shop $5,500, Pumps and tanks $200. 6,200 Plan HB, Par. 68, 19,514 sq. ft., $300. House $4,300. 4,600 260 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Purdon, Donald W. and Virginia, 21 E. Bacon, Plan llA, Par. 121, 23,043 sq. ft., $500. House $2,800. 3,300

Quinton, Richard N., 17 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 66, 23,200 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $4,400. 4,800

Quirk, Charles J. and Laura L., 218 South, Plan 8, Par. 93, 35,580 sq. ft., $300. House $2,200. 2,500

Quinn, Mary, Box 1046, North Attleboro, Plan 8, Par. 143, 13,976 sq. ft., $200. 200

Rabbit Hill Cranberries, Inc., P.O. Box 912, North Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 1, Par. 21, 14.90 ac., $675. House $3,000. 3,675

Plan 1, Par. 22, 22,800 sq. ft., $25. 25

Plan 1, Par. 33, 3.70 ac., $180. 180

Plan 1, Par. 15, 2.65 ac., $135. 135

Plan 1, Par. 16, 8.60 ac., $400. 400

Plan 1, Par. 18A, 1 ac., $350. 350

Plan 1, Par. 20, 11.10 ac., $500. 500

Plan 1, Par. 24, 5.30 ac., $250. 250

Plan 1, Par. 25, 22.40 ac., $1,000. 1,000


Fvabbit Hill Cranberries, Inc., P. O. Box 912, North Attleboro,

Plan 1, Par. 29, 36,000 sq. ft., $125. Building $1,500. 1,625

Plan 1, Par. 30, 12,400 sq. ft., $25. 25

Plan 1, Par. 32, 32.60 ac., $1,450. 1,450

Plan 1, Par. 34, 16.40 ac., $700. 700

Plan 1, Par. 36, 26.50 ac., $1,200. 1,200

Plan 1, Par. 23, 11.63 ac., $500. 500

Plan 3, Par. 32, 11.60 ac., $500. 500

Rabbit Hill Cranberries, Inc., North Attleboro, Lot, Mirimichi, 16 ac., $400. 400

Ralston, Elmer G. and Marcus C., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan 8, Par. 19, 47 ac., $2,000. Bam $2,500, New Bam $1,200, Addition $800, Trailer (S. Thomas) $500, Trailer (C. Mason) $500. $7,500

Ralston, Elmer G. and Antionette, 8 Melcher St., Plan IIT, Par. 103, 41,297 sq. ft., $800. House $3,500, Shed $100, Pidgeon loft

$100 . 4,500 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 261

Rammel, Robert H. and Natalie E., 26 Broad, Plan IIB, Par. 95, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,750, Garage $200. 3,200

Rammel, Thomas H., 8 Broad St., Plan 12, Par. 139, 18,969 sq. ft., $400. House $2,500, Garage $150, Henhouse $50. 3,100

Ramsdell, George A., 191 Brooks St., West Medford 55, Mass., Plan 15, Par. 10, 8.25 ac., $300. 300

Randall, Ernest L., 14 Packard Ave., Somerville, Mass., Plan 13,

Par. 3, 11.32 ac., $500. 500

Raymond, Robert and Mary E., 163 E. Bacon, Plan IIC, Par. 22, 9,865 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage $3,000. 3,250

Reeve, Dorothea R., 67 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 150, 20,037 sq. ft., $450. House $2,500. 2,950

Reid, Howard M. and Hildred J., 211 Taunton St., RED, Plan 3,

Par. 4, 30,546 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage (2) $3,400. 3,800

Plan 3, Par. 132, 6.50 ac., $450. 450

Reid, William F. and Marion H., 5 Carleton Rd., Plan 11, Par. 92, 23,976 sq. ft., $300. House $4,300. 4,600

Reilly, Edward C. and Marion E., 52 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 143, 11,500 sq. ft., $300. House $3,150. 3,450

Renner, Agnes C., Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 126, 16.12 ac., $600. 3 hen houses $300. 900

Plan 5, Par. 160, 1.30 ac., $200. 200

Renner, Eric F. and Mary., Berry St., Plan 3, Par. 117, 6,000 sq. ft.. Par. 118, 2,000 sq. ft., $200. 200

Renner, Eric F. and Mary E., 15 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 140, 1.18 ac., $400. House $2,900, Garage $400. 3,700

Reybrock, Nicholas W. and Marie J., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 40, 6.25 ac., $300. House $2,000, Garage $100. 2,400

Reynolds, Frederick C. and Violet M., 26 South, Plan HA, Par.

6, 10,880 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500. 2,800 262 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Rezza, Joseph P., 39 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 78, 12,545 sq. ft., $300. House $2,600, Shed $100. 3,000

Rhodes, Marion D., 24 South St., Plan llA, Par. 5, 47,280 sq. ft., $700. House $3,000, Garage $300. 4,000

Rhyno, William G. and Bessie M., Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3, Par.

2, 18,750 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500, Garage $300. 3,100

Ribak, Morton and Beatrice, 12 Mathurin Rd., Plan 14, Par. 134, 20,240 sq. ft., $300. House $3,250. 3,550

Rice, Warren H. and Marion G., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan 2,

Par. 4, 12.85 ac., $500. 500

Richardson, William E. and Barbara J. Slayton, Woonsocket,

R. I., Plan 6, Par. 39, 1.40 ac., $400. Camp $1,000. 1,400

Rignanese, Jimmy and Eleanor M., 5 Robin St., Plan 8, Par. 64, 10,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,850. 3,150

Riley, Joseph R. (Plainville Realty Trust), Mirimichi St., RFD,

Plan 3, Par. 51, 2.95 ac., $500. House $2,000, Barn $100, Garage $300. 2,900

Riley, Charles E. Estate, c/o New England Trust Company, Box 2358, Boston, Mass., Cook and Razee lots, 60 ac., $800. 800 (Hawes) sprouts, 19^2 ac., $400. 400 Daggett, Plan 12, Par. 44, 11.9 ac., $300. 300 Plan 12, Par. 11, (Barden), 4 ac., $200. 200

Rines, Elsie W. and Mary L. Holbrook, 4 Pleasant St., Plan llA, Par. 76, 8,400 sq. ft., $250. House $3,600. 3,850

Rioux, Joseph G. and Dorothy S., 6 Vernon Young Dr., Plan HA, Par. 185, 10,495 sq. ft., $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Rioux, Paul F. and Jeanne, 167 South St., Plan IIB, Par. 26, (#25a School St.), 14,106 sq. ft., $300. House (T) $3,000, Shed $50. 3,350

Rioux, Paul F. and Jeanne E., 167 South St., Plan 12, Par. 142, 10,692 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800, Shed $100, Summerhouse $100. 3,300 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 263

Rishton, Gilbert Jr. and Louise A., 3 Vernon Young Dr., Plan 11, Par. 178, 10,490 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,600. 3,900

Rizzo, John and Sue, 426 South St., Plat 5, Par. 77 7,100 sq. ft. $250. House $2,300. 2,550

Rivet, Gerald H. and Dolores, 8 Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. 113, 28,000

sq. ft., $400. House $2,200. 2,600

Roberts, Bernard C., 10 Wessleyan Ave., Providence, R. I., Plan 6, Par. 51, 30.11 ac., $1,000. Trailer $400. 1,400

Roberts, Harvey A., Jr. and Marilyn L., 81 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 35, 14,769 sq. ft., $350. House $3,000. 3,350

Robillard, Alfred 0. and Mary, 57 Bacon St., Plan llA, Par. 140, 10,319 sq. ft., $300. House $3,100. Shed and Garage $150. 3,550

Ardoraz, Inc., c/o Ernest Robichaud, 193 Washington St. RED,

Plan 7, Par. 46, 8.40/less, $900. House, $2,500, Tavern Club $3,500., Shed $100., Garage $300, Cowshed $200, Henhouse $100., Large Henhouse $1,000. 8,500

Plan 7, Par. 59, 5.50 ac., $450., Plan 7, Par. 61, 16,800 sq. ft., $150,

Plan 7, Par. 116, 20,000 sq. ft., $200. 9,300

Robinson, Donald H. and Gloria C., (353 South St.) South St. prop-

erty, Plan 8, Par. 105, 37,999 sq. ft., $500. House $1,950., Shed $50. 2,500

Robinson, Donald and Gloria, South St., Plan IIB, Par. 7, 26,795 sq. ft., $600. Apt. Bldg., and Office $9,300., Garage $400. 10,300

Robinson, Earle W., Jr. and Barbara M., 110 W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 77, 2 ac., $400. House $2,500., Garage $100. 3,000

Robinson, Lewis R. and Margaret, 5 Lyon Ave., Plan 8, Par. 42, 9,515 sq. ft., $250. House $3,050. 3,300

Robinson, Russell S. and Janet, 101 High St., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan 12, Par. 120, 2.60 ac., $500. Budding $4,000. 4,500

Robitaille, Wilfred E. and Doris T., 6 Evergreen Rd., Plan ilB, Par. 122, 10,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800., Shed $50. 3,159 264 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Roderiques, Francis J. and Louise M., 4 Harvard St., Plan 5, Par. 116, 10,400 sq. ft. $300. House $2,850. 3,150

Rodriques, Jack and Mary, Walnut St. RFD, Plan 12, Par. 49, 24,284 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,500. 3,800

Rogers, Freeman P. and Althea R., 39 E. Bacon St., Plan llA, Par. 142, 20,000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,300. 2,600

Rogers, Marion H. and Ruth, 37 E. Bacon St., Plan 11, Par. 143, 12,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,500., Barn $300. 3,100

Rogers, Graces and Henry P., 62 South St., Plan HA, Par. 19, 4.38 ac., $2,000. House $5,400., Nursing Home $3,000., Addition $3,500., 3 Camps $150., Henhouse $100., 2 Sheds $200., 14,350

Rogers, Winslow H. and Mildred A., 41 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 58, 14,020 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Roman Catholic Bishop, Fall River, Mass., Plan 14, Par. 5, 14 ac., $700. 700

Ronan, John J. and Elizabeth C., Warren St. RFD, Plan 13, Par. 34, 16,656 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,850. 5,150

Ronhock, Christian F. and Clara M., 291 South St., Plan 8, Par. 133, 13,146 sq. ft., $300. House $1,900, Henhouse $100. 2,300

Ronhock, William J. and Edna May, 20 Bugbee St., Plan llA, Par. 57, 29,402 sq. ft., $500. House $2,500. 3,000

Ronhock, George and Mary T., 47 Pleasant St., Plan 11,A, Par. 132, 20,000 sq. ft., $300. House $2,450., Garage $50. 2,800

Rook, Leslie and Arlene T., 6 James St., Plan IIC, Par. 28, 10,030

sq. ft., $250. House $2,700., Garage $250. 3,200

Root, John C. and Dorothy G., 209 Edgewater Drive, Framing-

ham, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 42, 3.07 ac. $500. House $2,500., Garage $150, Barn $100. 3,250

Root, Robert W. and Marjorie, Taunton St. RFD, Plan 3, Par. 5, 7.50 ac. $700. House $3,000., Shed $100. 3,800 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 265

Rose, Grenith M. and Edward F., 2 Wade Rd., Plat 8, Par. 61, 10,500 sq. ft., $300. House $2,900., Cotage $1,000. 4,200

Rosenfeld, Joseph, Milford, Mass., Plan 14, Parcels 15-33, through

147,942 sq. ft., $2,000. 2,000 Plan 14, Par. 34-35-39-40-41 and 44, 50,965 sq. ft. $1,500. 1,500 Plan 14, Par. 46, 10,092 sq. ft. $250. Foundation $200. 450

Ross, Edward and Barbara, 7 Harvard St., Plan 5, Par. 109, 9,375 sq. ft. $250. House $2,950. 3,200

Rost, George H. Jr. and Lorraine, 8 Robin St., Plat 8, Par. 69,

15,700 sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Rowe, Leonard W. and Mary E., 80 Spring St., Plan 12, Par. 136, 9,200 sq. ft. $250. House $2,800., Garage $200. 3,250

Royal Hinge & Die Co., Inc., c/o Armand W. Roy and Joseph L.

Ratte, Mirimichi St. RFD, Plan 3, Par. 47, 1.95 ac. $500. Fac- tory bldg. $2,500. 3,000

Roy, Armand W. and Elizabeth L., Mirimichi St., Plan 3, Par. 46, 6.31 ac. $400. House, $1,800., Barn $300., Henhouse $100., 2 Buildings $100. 2,700

Roy, Joanna C., 448 South St., Plan 5, Par. 23, 2.50 ac. $700., Cellar House $1,200., Cellar $200., Shed $50. 2,150

Rouille, Raymond T. and Helen, Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 26, 1 ac. $500. House $4,000. 4,500

Roy, Melvin T. and Audrey M., 1 State St., Plan 5, Par. 76, 7,900 sq. ft. $2,501. House $2,450. 2,700

Rudder, William H. and Verna M., 155 E. Bacon St., Plan IIC, Par. 18, 22,270 sq. ft., $350. House and Garage $3,050. 3,400

Rudd-Murray System, Inc., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan 8, Par. 98, 31.3 ac. $3,000. Park Terr. Swim Club $12,000., Tennis Courts (2) $2,000., Bath House, $1,200., Small Pool, $100., Refreshment Stand $500. 18,800


Rubyck, Frank and Diana M., 127 W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 57, 2 ac. $600. House $2,500., Building $1,000., Henhouse $300. 4,400

Ruest, Gerard J. and Mildred M., 184 South St., Plan 12, Par. 118, 9,302.95 ac. $250. House $2,800. 3,050

Ryan, Charley E. and Carey D., 8 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 98, 11,000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Saad, George, 1244 Washington St., Norwood, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 65, 8,370 sq. ft. $250. House, inc. $2,000. 2,250

Plan 5, Par. 67, 16,420 sq. ft., $350. 350

Plan 5, Par. 50, 9,000 sq. ft. $250. House, inc. $2,250. 2,500

Plan 5, Par. 61, 9,000 sq. ft. $250. House, inc. $2,450. 2,700

Salamone, William and Beatrice, 1 Ewald Ave., Plan IIC, Par. 32, 9,970 sq. ft. $250. House $2,650. 2,900

Salco Realty, Inc., Route No. 1, Plainville, Mass., Plan 7, Par. 35, 15.50 ac. $3,000. Garage $4,300. 7,300

Sanford, Harriet C., 10 Crestwood Ave., Plat IIB, Par. 153, $11,400. $300. House $4,200. 4,500

Santos, Peter and Mary C., Attleboro, Mass., Plan 7, Par. 65, 25,600 sq. ft. $500. 500

Santsaver, Jonathon D., 4 James St., Plan IIC, Par. 29, 12,820 sq. ft. $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Santullo, Robert F. and Louis E., Bugbee St., Plan llA, Par. 44, 11,434 sq. ft. $250. House $2,250., Garage $100. 2,600

Sarakin, John and Lillian M., Washington St., Plan 1, Par. 3, 30,000 sq. ft. $300. Garage $800. 1,100

Sarakin, Thos. J. and Evelyn L., Washington St. RFD, Plan 4, Par. 38, 26,500 sq. ft. $350. House in rear $2,550., Shed $100. 3,000

Sarakin, Charles, George and Thomas, Washington St., RFD, Plan

4, Par. 37, 2.75 ac. $400. House $2,500. 2.900 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 267

Sarakin, Thomas, Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 41, 38,287 sq. ft. $400. House, inc. $2,200. 2,600

Sargent, Erick and Mary A., 9 Hillcrest Drive, Plan llA, Par. 165, 10,284 sq. ft. $250. House $3,350. 3,600

Saulnier, Dorothy M., 11 Potter Ave., Plan HA, Par. 156, 7,877

sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,000., Tool House $50. 3,300

Savage, Alice M. and Ernest, Chestnut St., Plan 5, Par. 4, 4.31 ac. $350. House $1,700., Club House $200., 2 Car Garage $150., Shed $100. 2,500

Scherer, Charles H. and Edna M., 159 W. Bacon St., Plan 14, Par. 37, 28,282 sq. ft. $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Schickle, Albert E. and Cecilia M., 414 South St., Plan 5, Par. 113, 9,375 sq. ft., $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Schmidt, John W. and Donald F., 33 Thomas Road, Wellesley,

81, Mass. Plan 3, Par. 129, 46,499 sq. ft. $400. 400

Schoening, Harry A. and Martha D., Hancock St., Plan 9, Par. 17, 33,750 sq. ft. $350. House $2,700, Garage $100 3,150

Plan 9, Par. 18, 6,750 sq. ft. $50. 50

Schofield, Byron J. and Norma L., Fletcher St., Plan 12, Par. 85, 1.45 ac. $400. House and Garage $4,300., Shed $100. 4,800

Scholtes, William S. and Helen L., 7 Hillcrest Drive, Plan HA, Par. 166, 10,293 sq. ft. $250. House 3,550. 3,800

Schubert, Meta and Eva, 30 South St., Plan HA, Par. 7, 1.86 ac. $500. House (d) $2,800., Garage $100., Shed $50., 3,450

Schultz, Irving W. and Ann Marie, P. 0. Box 65A, Lexington Park,

Route No. 2, Maryland, Plan HC, Par. 31, 8,915 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $2,850. 3,100

Sears, Elsie M. and Frank A., 167 East Bacon St., Plan HC, Par. 24, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,000. 3,250 268 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Seary, Althea C., 66 Highland Ave., Sharon, Mass., Plan 1, Par. 35, 10.65 ac. $300. 300

Semple, Charles W. and Esther L., 40 School St., Plan IIB, Par. 100, 41,360 sq. ft. $500. House $3,000., Garage $300. 3,800

Seymourian, Malcolm J. and Sandra, 7 James St., Plan 7, Par. 103, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,750. 3,000

Sharron, Arthur, 6 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 137, 2.10 ac. $500. House $1,500. 2,000

Sharron, Arthur B. and Jennie F., 2 Grant St., Plat 8, Par. 32, 9,200 sq. ft. $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Sharron, Frank M. and Ruth E., 8 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 138, .81 ac. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Plan 5, Par. 139, 1.04 ac. $350. 350

Shaw, Ralph W. and Mildred MacDow, Mansfield, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 65, 5,000 sq. ft. $200. Trailer $1,000., Shed $200 1,200 Plan llA, Par. 116 300

Shepardson, Verna L., 74 E. Bacon St., Plan IIB, Par. 48, 24,600 sq. ft. $350. House $3,200. 3,550

Sherman, Frederick and Barbara B., Hancock St., Plan 9, Par. 15, 37,674 sq. ft. $400. House and Garage $3,600. 4,000 c/o W. Paglaria and Frank Pesanello, Plainville, Mass.; Sherwood

Realty Trust, South St., Plan 8, Par. 91, 29,200 sq. ft. $350. House(d) $3,950. 4,300

Shurtleff, Florence H., Box 156, Whitestone, Virginia, Plan 9, Par. 24, 12 ac. $300. 300

Simeone, Benjamin A. Sr. and Salvator A. Jr., Wrentham, Mass.,

Plan 5, Par. 20, 7.85 ac. $1,000. 1,000

Simeone, Stone Corp., Wrentham, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 22, 5.70 ac. $750. 750

Plan 5, Par. 17, 26,400 sq. ft. $200. 200 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 269

Simkevitch, Joseph S. and Edith M., 105 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 115, 10,200 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $3,450. 3,700

Simmons, Francis W. and Grace P., 69 South St., Plan 12, Par. 19 26.000 sq. ft. $100. Shed $50. 150 Plan HA, Par. 100, 14,558 sq. ft. $300. House $3,300., Garage $100. 3,700

Simmons, Leathia I., High St., RFD, Plan 5, Par. 20A, 15,112 sq.

ft. $300. House $1,500. 1,800

Simpson, William and Helen, Fremont St., Plan 14, Par. 8A, 10,800

sq. ft. $300. House $3,000. 3,300

Skaanning, Erik and Helen C., 95 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 108, 9,870 sq. ft. House $3,800. 4,050

Skinner, Clarence C. and Grace, 26 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par. 85, 25,996 sq. ft. $500. House $2,500. 3,000

Skinner, Clarence C., Jr. and Arleta, 51 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par. 84, 10,300 sq. ft. $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Skinner, Everett W. and Ruth W., 30 Cottage St., Plan IIB, Par. 86, 6,180 sq. ft. $200. House $2,500. 2,700

Skinner, Russell E. and Lucille M., 55 Spring St., Plan IIB, Par. 88, 21,238 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800

Gomes, Geneva, 94 Howard Ave., Dorchester, Mass., Plan 5, Par. 16, 6.35 ac. $500. 500

Smith, Edward C. and Marion R., 1 Munroe Drive, Plan 5, Par. 55, 10.000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,050. 3,300

Smith, Elmer H. and Rita M., 3 Laurel Ave., Plan 5, Par. 60, 9,000 sq. ft. $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Smith, Chester A. and Joyce A., 70 Grove St., Plan HA, Par. 137, 12,245 sq. ft. $300. House $2,600. 2,900

Smith, Glenn E. and Gladys M., Warren St. RFD, Plan 12, Par. 15, 42,635 sq. ft. $400. House $3,000. 3,400 270 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Smith, John W. and Helen L., 6 Hillcrest Drive, Plan HA, Par. 177, 10,494 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,250. 4,550

Smith, Leon and Ellen C., 240 South St., Plan 8, Par. 88, 5.36 ac. $500. House $2,500., Garage $500. 3,500

Smith, Myrtle F., 117 E. Bacon St., Plan llA, Par. 189, 42,811 sq. ft. $400. House(d) $4,500. 4,900

Smith, Raymond N. and Helen A., 15 Melcher St., Plan HA, Par. 73, 36,415 sq. ft. $550. House $2,700, Shed $100, Henhouse $50. 3,400

Smith, Suzanne, 18 Maple St., Plan 8, Par. 156, 18,375 sq. ft., $300. House $3,000, Garage $200, Tool Shed $100. 3,600

Smith, Warren R. and Margaret E., 11 Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 96, 10.7 ac. $900. House $3,600. 4,500

Smith, William Davis Estate, c/o William Simmons; Green St., Plan 5, Par. 5, Par. 19, 1.25 ac. $300. 300 Plan 5, Par. 18, 40,400 sq. ft. $100. 100

Snell, Charles and Octavia L., Walnut St. RFD, Plan 12, Par. 5, 4 1/3 ac. $300. House $1,000., Garage $200 1,500

Snell, George H. and Evelyn G., 6 Fletcher St., Plan 12, Par. 87, 31,296 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300

Snell, Harold E. and Evelyn L., 9 Brunner St., Plan HA, Par 61, 13,075 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500., Garage $100., Flower Shop $200. 3,100

Snell, Kenneth D. and Ruth W., 24 Everett St., North Attleboro, Mass., Plan HA, Par. 42, 12,725 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $2,750. 3,000 Plan 12, Par. 83, 90,939.93 ac. $300. 300

Snell, Ralph I. and Ruth, 36 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par. 85, 2,580 sq. ft. $400. House $2,000., Shed $50. 2,450

Snell, Robert I. and Mary E., 8 Bugbee St., Plan HA, Par. 55, 13,006 sq. ft. $300. House $2,500. 2,800 1984 ANNUAL REPORT 271

Snow, Chesley L. and Ethel M., Haynes Rd., RED, Plan 3, Par.

28, , 28,000 sq. ft. $300. House $2,000. 2,300

Snyder, Francis A. and Virginia A., 17 Fletcher St., Plan 14, Par. 98, 20,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,450. 3.750

Soule, Donald C. and Evelyn F., 4928 D Kaena Loop, Schofield Barracks, Oahu, Hawaii, Plan 14, Par. 52, 28,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,350. 3,650

Sousa, Reynold F. and Barbara A., Hancock St., RFD, Plan 9, Par. 34A, 38,000 sq. ft. $300. House $3,800. 4,100

Sousa, Frederick R. and Goldie M., 31 Maple St., Plan 7, Par. 118, 17,970 sq. ft. $300. House $3,700. 4,000

South Eastern Construction, Inc., Avon, Mass., Plan 4, Par. 20, 6.20 ac. $400. House $2,500., Garage $300., Camp $100., Bam $200., Crib and Henhouse $100. 3,200

Plan 4, Par. 28, 65.80 ac. ^,300. 3,700

Spaulding, Richard H. and Dorothy E., Walnut St., Plan 8, Par. 2, 2.60 ac. $500. House 4,400., Kennels $300. 5,200

Speer, John H., Jr. and Mary J., 1 Garfield St., Plan 5, Par. 90, 8.000 sq. ft. $250. House $2,900. 3,150

Spence, Harriet; Shirley H. and Mary D., Box 257C, RR No. 2, No.

Attleboro, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 99, 4,225 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. 2,200

Spence, Ralph T. and Rose D., 4 Highland Ave., Plan IIB, Par. 64,

18,520 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $3,450., Garage $250. 4,000

Splaine, Robert G. and Alice, 9 Wade Rd., Plan 8, Par. 53, 13,200

sq. ft. $300. House $3,200. 3,500

Stafford, Stephen E. and Edith A., Cowell Rd., RFD, Plan 4, Par. 25, 10,000 sq. ft. $200. House $1,400. 1,600

Stark, Charlotte F. and John P., 12 James St., Plan 7, Par. 107, 10.000 sq. ft. $250. House and Garage $2,950. 3,200 272 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Steliga, Stanley J. and Wanda L., 7 Vernon Young Drive, Plan llA, Par. 174, 20,145 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage $4,000. 4,300

Stephens, Roy and Veronica T., 24 Brunner St., Plan 11A, Par. 72, 19,950 sq. ft. $300. House $3,000., Garage $200. 3,500

Stepanovitch, Harold E., East Providence, R.I., Plan 12, Par. 154,

1.50 .a c., $400. 400

Stephenson, Elsie I., 11 Sidney St., Plan 14, Par. 115, 18,251 sq. ft., $200. 200

Stephenson, William H. and Elsie I., 11 Sidney St., ($355), Plan 14, Par. 114, 26,888 sq. ft., $300. House $1,500. New House $1,500. Barn $50. 3,350 Plan 12, Par. 93, 11.25 ac., $200. 200

Stern, H. James, 180 Wilmot Road, New Rochelle, New York, Plan HA, Par. 12, 9.10 ac., $500. 500

Stevens, Henry M. and Gladys M., 85 E. Bacon, Plan HA, Par. 172, 26,845 sq. ft., $450. House $2,500. Garage $200. 3,150

Stevens, Henry J. and Mable E., Treas. Is. Rd., RR #2, Plan 3, Pai'. 84, 4,500 sq. ft., $200. House $1,800. 2,000

Stewart, Elmer E., 16 Lincoln Ave., Plan HA, Par. 109, 30,709 sq. ft., $750. House and Garage $3,400. 4,150

Stierli, William, Cowell St., Plan 4, Par. 21, 3 ac., $300. 300

Stigall, William C. and iMarjorie R., 102 Grove, Plan HB, Par. 40, 10,416 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,000. 4,300

Stolworthy, Gertrude H. and Frank H., 153 W. Bacon, Plan 14, Par. 48, 27,450 sq. ft. $300. House $2,000. Garage $200. 2,500

Strong, Fredrick C. and Joyce M., 212 Taunton St., RFD, Plan 3,

Par. 3, 30,750 sq. ft., $400. House $3,250. Garage $100. 3,750

Stone, John and Alice, 35 James St., Plan 7, Par. 100, 9,415 sq. ft., $250. House $2,600. 2,850 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 273

Sullivan, Joseph K. and Anna J., 10 Ewald Ave., Plan 7, Par. 97, 10,915 sq. ft., $300. House $2,800. 3,100

Super Highway Realty Corp., c/o George Spalt, Harwichport,

Mass., $690), Plan 3, Par. 13, 35,200 sq. ft., $400. 400

Plan 4, Par. 27, 32.95 ac., $6,000. Bam $500. 6,500

Suvall, Abraham and Fannie, N. Washington St., N. Attleboro, Mass., Plan llA, Par. 10, 1.71 ac., $500. Laundry bldg. $2,000. Garage $250. 2,750

Swaine, Matthew W. and Louisa, 6 Grove St., ($360), Plan HA, Par. 66, 38,319 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,000. 3,300 Plan HA, Par. 65, 14,302 sq. ft., $300. 300

Swallow, Earl A. II and Margaret H., 134 W. Bacon St. ($465), Plan 12, Par. 162, 31,600 sq. ft., $450. House $3,900. 4,350 Plan 12, Par. 163, 16,050, $300. 300

Swallow, Earl A. and Agnes C., 132 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 66, 24,900 sq. ft., $350. House and Garage $4,000. 4,350

Sweeting, Fred and Mildred F.,17 Witherell PL, Plan HA, Par. 16, 8,998 sq. ft., $200. House $2,700. Garage $200. 3,100

Sykes, Bernard G., South St., Wrentham, Mass., (Fremont St.),

Plan 14, Par. 9, 18,325 sq. ft., $300. House $2,000. Barn $100. Garage $100. 2,500

Taber, Fred A. and Charlotte A., 2 Carleton Rd., Plat 14, Par. 86, 16,482 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $4,500. 4,800

Tarallo, Mrs. Cora, 1 Hixon Court, N. Attleboro, Mass., Plan HC,

Par. 8, 7.60 ac., $1,450. 1,450 Plan HC, Par. 13, 8,000 sq. ft., $50. 50

Tardif, Robert N. and Janet R., 15 Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 173, 15,064 sq. ft., $300. House $3,300. 3,600

Telford, Mrs. Edna B., 54 Pleasant St., Plan HA, Par. 114, 14,799 sq. ft., $350. House (d) $3,000. Garage $200. Shed $100. 3,650


Tellis, Max M. and Zoja, 7 Berry St., Plan 5, Par. 145, 19,245 sq. ft. $300. House $3,150. 3,450

John W. Navickas; Stanley Wallan and Thayer, Elmer I., 39

Byrd Avenue, Roslindale, Mass., Plan 3, Par. 66, 5,000 sq. ft., $200. 200

Thayer, Elmer I. and Blanche, 39 Byrd Avenue, Roslindale, Mass.,

Plan 3, Par. 71, 10,838 sq. ft., $400. House, Inc. $1,000. 1,400

The American Oil Company, 555 Fifth Avenue, New York 17, N.Y.,

Plan 6, Par. 53, 29,582 sq. ft., $1,000. Service Station $4,000. Pumps and Tanks $500. 5,500

The Hilsinger Corporation, 61 Union Street, Attleboro, Mass., ($9,820), Plan 12, Par. 64, 10 ^ac., $1,500. Factory bldg. $72,000. 73,500 Plan 12, Par. 64A, 12 V2 ac., $500. 500 Plan 12, Par. Ill, 3.30 ac., $1,000. Factory bldg. $21,100. 22,100 Plan 12, Par. 112, 3.70 ac. $300. 300 Plan 12, Par. 63, 19 ac., $800. 800 Plan 12, Par. 46, 37 ac., $1,000. 1,000

Theriault, Agnes, 173 South St., ($325), Plan 12, Par. 140, 23,077 sq. ft., $400. House $2,500. Garage $100. Shed $50. 3,050

Plan 8, Par. 121, 10,000 sq. ft., $200. 200

Theriault, Maurice R. and Helen M., Maple St., Plan 7, Par. 1, 16,973 sq. ft., $300. House $3,600. 3,900

Theriault, Norman A. and Roberta A., 17 Mathurin Rd., Plan 132, Par. 14, 9,565 sq. ft., $250. House $3,500. 3,750

Therrien, Robert H. and Germaine E., 362 Calef Ro'ad, Manches-

ter, N.H., Plan 6, Par. 49, 1.22 ac., $450. House $1,200. 1,650

Thibedeau, Harold A. and Ruth A., 10 Grant St., Plan 8, Par. 28, 6,432 sq. ft., $250. House $2,850. 3,100

Thibodeau, Armond R. and Rita B., 6 Garfield St., Plat 5, Par. 95,

7,125 sq. ft., $250. House $2,900. 3,150

Thibedeau, Robert B. and Margaret, 3 Lynn Ave., Plan 8, Par. 44, 10,000 sq. ft., $250. House $2,900. 3,150 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 275

Thomas, Elvira, Plan 8, Par. 67, 11,235 sq. ft. $300. House $3,100. 3,400

Thomas, Marion B., 6 Ivor Avenue, ($40), Plan llA, Par. 108, 8,023 sq. ft., $100. 100

Plan llA, Par. 130A, 22,003 sq. ft. $300. 300

Thomas, Marion B., 6 Ivor Ave., Plan llA, Par. 130, 20,244 sq. ft., $400. House $2,800. Garage $200. 3,400

Thomasen, Raymond C. and Vera R., Walnut St., Plan 12, Par. 50, 1 ac., $400. House $2,000. Garage $50. 2,450

Thompson, Earl B. and Bertha S., 87 Pleasant St., Plan IIB, Par. 42, 20,085 sq. ft., $300. House and Garage $3,700. 4,000

Thompson, Mrs. Ethel, 107 High St., N. Attleboro, Mass., Plan IIB, Par. 197, 4,725 sq. ft., $300. 300 Socony Mobile Oil Co., Inc., 648 Beacon St., Boston 15, Mass.: Service Station $4,500. 2 Pumps and Tanks $250. 4,750

Thompson, Harry B. and Grace E., 55 Grove St., ($465), Plan HA, Par. 196, 40,000 sq. ft., $600. House $3,000. 3,600

Plan 8, Par. 170, 5,356 sq. ft., $50. 50 Plan HA, Par. 195, 7.66 ac., $1,000. 1,000

Thompson, Herbert E. and Carolyn R., 41 Grove St., Plan HA, Par. 198, 2.97 ac., $400. House $4,000. Shed $100. 4,500

Thompson, Rose L., Washington St., RED, Plan 1, Par. 2, 22.37 ac., $1,000. House $2,000. 3,000

Thorburn, Brewster A. and Mildred E., Treas. Isl. Rd., RR #2, ($195), Plan 3, Par. 80, 2,725 sq. ft., $150. 150 Plan 3, Par. 81, 5,625 sq. ft., $200. House $1,600. 1,800

Thorne, Arthur D. and Eilmae C., 270 Exchange St., Millis,

Mass., Plan 3, Par. 95, 4,890 sq. ft., $200. Cottage $1,200. 1,400

Titus, Preston I. and Catherine J., 8 Carleton Rd., Plan 14, Par. 71, 22,260 sq. ft., $350. House and Garage $4,450. 4,800

Tobin, Joseph E. and Irene S., 19 Elizabeth St., Plan 14, Par. 65, 21,550 sq. ft.. House and Garage $4,250. 4,600 276 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Tocci, Louis and Nancy M., 8 Munroe Dr., Plan 5, Par. 47, 11,800 sq. ft., $300. House $3,400. 3,700

Tcdaro, James and Eda, Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 34, 15,000 sq. ft., $300. House $4,200. Garage $300. 4,800

Todaro, James and Eda, Cross St., Plan 8, Par. 47, 10,475 sq. ft., $250. House $3,250. 3,500

Todaro, Nicholas A. and Mildred M., 10 Mathurin Rd., Plan 12, Par 73, 37,487 sq. ft., $600. House $3,200. 3,800

Tongue, Albert E., High St., Plan 15, Par. 26A, 19,600 sq. ft., $300. 300 Tongue, G. Ruth, Hawkins St., RFD, ($400), Plan 15, Par. 13, 20.14 ac.. House $2,500. Garage $200. Barn $200. 3,700 Plan 15, Par. 31, 4.9 ac., $100. 100 Plan 15, Par. 11, 6 ac., ^00. 100 Plan 15, Par. 25, 11.91 ac., $100. 100

Town of North Attleboro Water Dept., N. Washington St., N.

Attleboro, Mass., ($610), Plan 8, Par. 85, 7.50 ac., $500. 500

Plan 8, Par.87, 15.10 ac., $1,000. 1,000

Plan 8, Par. 11, 63.49 ac., $3,000 3,000 Plan 8, Par. 12, 31.85 ac., 1,600. 1,600

Trahan, Lucien J. and Marie H., 219 South St., Plan 8, Par. 150, 33,126 sq. ft., $400. House and Garage $3,600. 4,000

Tremblay, John F. and Irene M., 141A South St., Plan 12, Par. 149,

20,273 sq. ft., $600. House (d) $2,700. Barn $400. 3,700

Turner, Douglas and Shirley, Creek St., Wrentham, Mass., Plan

12, Par. 148, 7,680 sq. ft., $250. House (3) $3,700. 3,950

Turcott, Maurice and Theresa C., George St., Plan 7, Par. Ill, 11,850 sq. ft., $300. House $2,700. 3,000

Turinese, Morino M. and Yvonne I., Reed Ave., North Attleboro,

Mass., Plan 8, Par. 51, 11,540 sq. ft. $300. House $2,900. 3,200

Underhill, Jay L. and Elma M., 135 W. Bacon, Plan 12, Par. 13, 13.24 ac., $900. House, $2,900. 4,400 Plan 12, Par 24, 57,225 sq. ft., $150. Garage, $200. 150 Plan 12, Par. 25, 29,750 sq. ft., $150. Swimming pool, $400 150 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 277

Upham, Edgar R. Jr. and Ruth E., 12 Grant St. Plat 8, Par. 27, 8,200 sq. ft., $250. House and carport $2,900. 3,150

Vaillancourt, Lucian and Fernand, 217 Fisher St., North Attleboro,

Mass., Stewart’s Auto Salvage). Plan 13, Par. 2, 4V2ac., $400. Building, $50. 450

Valley, Russell H. and Anna M., 4 Carleton Rd. Plan 14, Par. 83, 30,142 sq. ft., $350. House, $4,450. 4,800

Varieur, Yolanda, Messenger St. Plan 6, Par 55, 1.96 ac., $400. House, $3,000; Garage, $100. 3,500

Vargo, Rose, 385 South St. Plan 8, Par. 102, 12.80 ac., $1,300. House, $3,900; Garage, $300. 5,500

Varney, Norman L. and Alice M., 2 Ewald Ave. Plan IIC, Par. 37, 11,710 sq. ft., $300. House, $2,750. 3,050

Vassell, Douglas L. and Florence L., 6 State St. Plan 5, Par 81,

7,125 sq. ft., $250. House, $2,250. 2,500

Vetter, Louis J., c/o Attleboro Trust Company, Box 330, Attleboro,

Mass. Plan HA, Par. 203, 1.11 ac., $400. House, $1,600 . 2,000

Viewey, Viola, Washington St., RFD. Plan 3, Par. 18, 31,500 sq. ft. $300. Store Bldg., $1,600. 1,900

Vine, Walter and Joan E., 3 Hillcrest Dr. Plan HA, Par. 17, 11,300 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage, $3,500; Bath house, $50. 3,850

Wadland, Eda B., 252 South St. Plan 8, Par. 86. 2.25 ac. $600. House, $2,000; Garage and Barn, $800, 3,400

Walden, Archie L., 126 South St. Plan 12, Par. 126, 44,720. $800. House, 2,500; Garage, $250; Brooder house, $50. 3,600

Walker, Louis J. and Alice L., 21 Ewald Ave. Plan 7, Par 81,. 18,110 sq. ft. $350. House, $2,700. 3,050

Walker, Beatrice C., 285 Willow St., Mansfield, Mass. Plan 8, Par. 1, 14.45 ac. $1,000. 1,000 278 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Walsh, William P. and Helen L., 3 Evergreen. Plan IIB, Par. 146,

13,650 sq. ft. $300. House, $3,000. 3,300

Walsh, William L. and Pauline, 418 South St. Plan 5, Par 92, 7,125

sq. ft. $250. House, $3,150. 3,400

Wallace, Joseph and Phyllis A., 25 Bugbee St. Plan HA, Par. 50, 16,567 sq. ft. $300. House, $3,200. 3,500

Wallan, Stanley, Treasure Island Road, RR#2. Plan 3, Par. 105, 5,760 sq. ft. $200. House $2,000. 2,200

Plan 3, Par. 69, 4,644 sq. ft. $200. 200

Wallace, Thomas and Pauline L., North Attleboro, Mass. Plan

4, Par. 15, 15.80 ac. $400. 400

Wambolt, Kennth L. and Marjorie, 239 South St. Plan 8, Par. 146, 5 ac. $500. House, $2,800; Incubator house, $200; Garage, $100; Trailer (Fisher), $900; Trailer( Anderson), $900. 5,400

Washhburn, Harriet F., George St. Plan 7, Par. 29, 3 ac. $200. House, $2,000; Garage, $200; Cottage, $200. 2,600

Washburn, Arthur W., Jr., and Dorothea E., 96 Grove St. Plan 11B„ Par. 36, 18,388 sq. ft. $300. House, $3,000; Garage $200. 3,500

Watson, Henry R. and Rita C., 92 South St. Plan HA, Par. 26, 11,570.65 sq. ft. $400. House (d), $3,000. 3,400

Watson, Robert E. and Shirley A., 8a Pleasant St. Plan HA, Par. 77, 24,639 sq. ft. $500. House, $3,200; Bam, $300. 4,000

Waye, Merritt S. and Virginia G., Mirimichi St., RFD. Plan 3, Par 131, 15,040. $200. Trailer, $300; Foundation, $500; Build- ing, $50. 1,050

Weaver, Francis V. and Jena M., 10 Hihcrest Dr. Plan HA, Par. 173, 10,269.6 sq. ft. $300. House and Garage, $3,000. 3,300

Weber, Karl B., George St., RFD. Plan 7, Par. 42, 14 ac. $900. House (d) and Addition, $3,000. 3,900 Plan 7, Par 36, 20 ac. $800. Garage and apple shed,$300. 1,100 Plan 7, Par. 20, 13.14 ac. $400. 400 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 279

Webber, Donald P. and Gertrude L, 16 Evergreen Rd. Plan IIB, Par. 131, 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House, $2,800; Garage, $200. 3,250

Wegiel, John and Adela, 144a Hawkins St., RED. Plan 15, Par. 16, 8.69 ac. $400. House, $2,000. 2,400

West, William E., Taunton St., RED. Plan 6, Par. 4, 2.82 ac. $600. House, $3,550; Barn, $500; Henhouse, $50. 4,700

Wheeler, Adrian G., 57 South St. Plan HA, Par. 82, 18,251 sq. ft. $350. House, $2,700; Garage, $150. 3,200

Wheeler, Dorothy W., 2 Robin St. Plan 8, Par. 72, 12,750. $300. House and carport, $3,150. 3,450

Whitcomb, Florence F., c/o E. Knowles, Walnut St., RED. Plan 12, Par. 31, 43,560 sq. ft. $400. House, $2,500. 2,900

White, Arnold, 5 Vernon Young Dr. Plan HA, Par. 176, 9,969 sq. ft. $250. House, $3,000. 3,250

White, Frederick and Doris M., 4 Sidney St. Plan 14, Par, 118, 22,420 sq. ft. $100. House, $2,500. 2,600

Plan 14, Par. 117, 11,250 sq. ft. $100. 100

White, George H. and Margaret K., 29 Brunner St. Plan HA, Par. 207, 12,745 sq. ft. $250. House, $1,250. 1,500

White, George M., 74 Sagamore St., Oakland Beach, Rhode Island.

Plan 9, Par. 5, 8.23 ac. $400. 400

White, Howard and Helen, 21 Brunner St. Plan HA, Par. 64, 10,527.56 sq. ft. $250. House, $2,000. 2,250

WTiite, Harland S. and Mary R., 421 South St., Plan 5, Par. 135, 28,250 sq. ft. $400. House, $2,200. 2,600

White, William and Flora M., Walnut St. Plan 12, Par. 32, 1 ac. $300. House, $2,200. 2,500

Whiting and Davis Company, 23 W. Bacon St. Plan 12, Par 109. 5.08 ac. $2,000. Factory bid., $90,000; Store house $1,000.; New store house, 5,000; Guard house, $100; Garage $300; Tank, $500; 280 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Tank and pump, $100. 99,000 Plan 12, Par. 110, 4.40 ac., $1,500. New building, $6,000. 7,500

Whitehouse, Barbara B., 158 W. Bacon. Plan 14, Par. 62, 1.06 ac. $300. House, $2,500; Garage, $100. 2,900

Whittaker, John W., Warren St., RFD. Plan 12, Par. 16, 9.61 ^ac. $400. House, $2,000; Garage, $150; Pigeon loft, $100. 2,650

Wickman, Theodore A. and Eva L., 82 Pleasant St. Plan IIB, Par. 21, 16,480 sq. ft. $300. House, $2,600. 2,900

Widak, Stanley and Stacia, iMirimichi St., RFD. Plan 3, Par. 22, 2.21 ac. $700. House and Garage, $5,400; Shed, $100. 6,200

Wiklund, Harold G. and Murial E., 7 Walter St. Plan 5, Par. 64, 10,560 sq. ft., $250. House, $2,900. 3,150

Wilhelm, Charles F., Mary M. and Rajmiond J., High St., RFD.

Plan 5, Par. 12, 17.12 ac. $500 500

Wilkinson, Robert A and Alice A., Washington St. Plan 7, Par. 57, 10 ac. $600. House, $2,000; Store Bldg., $500; Barn, $1,000; Cabin, $100. 4,200

Wilkins, George C., Taunton St., RFD. Plan 10, Par. 2, 33.26 ac. $1,600. House, $2,000; Barn, $1,500; Wagon shed, $150; Milk house, $300; Manure shed, $100; Garage, $100. 5,750

W2scn, LeRoy B., 12 Pleasant. Plan llA, Par. 78, 15,621, .sq. ft. $300. House (d), $2,800; Garage, $400. 3,500

Wisniev/ski, John J. and Theresa J., Walnut St. Plan 12, Par. 35, 1.62 ac. $400. House, $3,000. 3,400

Wiyco Construction, Inc., 164 W. Bacon St., Plat 12, Par. 62, 20 ac. $1,000. 1,000

Wiyco Construction Inc., W. Bacon St., Plan 12, Par. 164, $350. House $2,200. 2,550

Wolf, Carl A., The Island. Plan HA, Par. 11. 10.50 ac. $1,000. House, $1,800; Barn, $350; Garage, $150. 3,300 1964 ANNUAL REPORT 281

Wolowicz, Albert and Francis, 78 Cumberland Ave., South Attle-

boro, Mass. Plan 9, Par. 25, 4.33 ac. $500. 500

Wolowicz, Anthony and Elwyn, Hancock St., RFD. Plan 9, Par. 26, 4.52 ac. $500. House, $2,300; Garage, $300. 3,100

Wood, John F. and Diane L., 25 Ewald Ave. Plan 7, Par. 79, 8,900 sq. ft. $250, House, $2,650; Tool shed, $100. 3,000

Wood, John and Jennie, 119 Quincy Ave., Pawtucket R.I. Plan 13, Par. 26, 4.42 ac. $300. House, $500; Out bldgs., $50. 850

Woodward, Oswin C., 45 South St., Plan llA, Par. 75, 14,310 sq. ft. $500. House, $2,500; Shed, $100. 3,100

Woodward, Richard and Geraldine, 78 South St. Plan HA, Par. 21, 1.38 ac. $800. House, $3,000; Garage and shop, $200. 4,000

Woodward, Richard D. and Virginia F., 20 Huntington Ave. Plan

5, Par. 84, 9,025 sq. ft. $250. House, $2,250. 2,500

Worster, Frederick F. and Freda M., 4 Lynn Ave. Plat 8, Par. 43. 10,000 sq. ft. $250. House, $2,900. 3,150

Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association, Wrentham, Mass. Plan 1,

Par. 31 (Pond), Club house, $2,000; Plan 1, Par. 27, 5.58 ac. $1,000. House, $1,500. 4,500

Wright, Francis E. and Thelma F., 17 Ewald Ave. Plan 7, Par. 83, 14,730 sq. ft. $300. House, $2,800. 3,100

Wyatt, Leonard R. and Laura, Walnut St. Plan 12, Par. 47, 18,600

sq. ft. $300. House, $2,500. 2,800

Plan 12, Par. 47A, 24,541 sq. ft. $300. 300

Wyckoff, Donald E., 25-30 N. 28 Place, Poenix, Arizona. Plan 3, Par. 130, 18,120 sq. ft. $200. 200

Wyckoff, Francis B., Nampha, Idaho. Plan 3, Par. 163, 24,000 sq. ft. $300. 300

Wycoff, Gladys A., Foxboro, Mass. Plan 3, Par. 164, 24,000 sq. ft. $300. 300 282 TOWN OF PLAINVILLE 1964

Young, Philip and Nettie, Walnut St. Plan 12, Par. 51, 1 ac. $300. House, $2,300. 2,600

Zabukas, John and Mary, 244 Don Ave., iRumford 16, R.I. Plan

12, Par. 20, 38,400 sq. ft. $300. 300

Zilch, Jacqueline C., 1 Vernon Young Dr. Plan HA, Par. 180,

10,494.6 sq. ft., $250. House and Garage, $4,000. 4,250

Zilch, John E. and Sylvia M., 26 Bugbee St. Plan HA, Par. 58, l. 26 ac. $1,000. House, $3,000; Garage, $300; Shop, $200. 4,500

Zilch, Francis N., 18 Bugbee St. Plan HA, Par. 56, 1.35 ac. $600. House, $2,900; Garage, $100; New garage, $500. 4,100

Armirotto, Peter, Jr., and Jeannette, 11 Cross St. Plan 8, Par. 34A. Garage, $300. 300

Hemmingsen, Clara L., 351 South St. Plan 8, Par. 117. 3,837 sq. ft. $100. 100

John and Lillian Sarakin, Washington St. RR. Plan 1, Par. 4, 2.25 ac. $400. 400

Walker, Beatrice C., 285 Willow St., Mansfield, Mass. Plan 8, Par. 175. 35,625 sq. ft. $200. 200 INDEX

Ambulance Report Ill

Animal Inspector’s Report 96

Assessor’s Report 79

Board of Appeals 109

Building Inspector 107

Civil Defense Report 109

Conservation Commission 88

Control of Insects and Dutch Elm Disease 87

Fire Engineers’ Report Ill

Gas Inspector’s Report 110

Highway Department 92

King Philip Regional School Committee Report 135

Library Trustees 89

Milk and Dairies Inspector 108

Norfolk County Mosquito Control Project 90

Park Department 91

Planning Board 87

Police Commission 102

Police Department Report 103

Sanitary Inspector 108 INDEX — Continued

School Building Committee 97

School Report—Plainville 119

Attendance Tables 132

List of Teachers 134

Membership by Age and Grade 133

Money Available for Schools 122

Money Received from State 123

School Calendar 121

School Committee 125

School Committee Budget 124

School Officials 120

School Physician 129

Statistics 131

Superintendent of Schools 126

Sealer of Weights and Measures 85

Selectmen’s Report 171

Board of Health 177

Current and Incidentals 172

Welfare Categories 174

Slaughtering Inspector’s Report 96 INDEX — Continued

Tax Collector’s Report 114

Town Clerk’s Report 10

Birth’s Recorded in Plainville during 1964 67

Deaths Recorded in Plainville during 1964 75

Expenditures of Registrars 78

Expenditures of Town Clerk 78

Jury List 82

Licenses and License Fees Received by Town Clerk 81

Marriages Recorded in Plainville during 1964 71

Warrants and Proceedings 10

Town Counsel 117

Town Forest Committee 86

Town Officers 4

Treasurer’s Report 154

Tree Warden’s Report 86

Valuation of Real Estate 187

Veterans’ Agent 116

Warrant for Annual Town Meeting, 1965 179

Water Commissioners’ Report 98

Wiring Inspector’s Report . 107 i 5 »

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3 Emergency—^Police Call 121 Highland Ave. & East Bacon St. 4 Forest Fire 122 Hillcrest Drive & East Bacon St. 5 Fire Station 135 High School 6 Center of Town 145 Methodist Church 7 South & Cottage Sts. 151 Dominican Academy (Private) 8 South & Maple Sts, 155 Saint Martha’s Church 9 South St. & Bacon Square 211 James & East Bacon Sts. 12 South & Pleasant Sts. 212 Bergson Products 13 Assembly Call 213 George & East Bacon Sts. 14 South & Bugbee Sts. 214 Ewald & James Sts. 15 South & Everett Sts. 215 George & Ewald Sts. 16 Spring & School Sts. 216 George & School Sts. 17 Spring & Broad Sts. 217 George & Wampum 18 Pleasant & Cottage Sts. 218 Berry St., Wrentham Line 19 Pleasant & East Bacon Sts. 221 Wilkins’ Four Corners (Rt. 106 & 152) 21 Washington St., No. Attleboro Line 223 Taunton & Shepard Sts. 23 Washington & Bugbee Sts. 224 Taunton & Mirimichi Sts. 24 Washington & East Bacon Sts. 225 Taunton & Cowell Sts. 25 Washington & George Sts. 226 Taunton St., Wrentham Line 26 Washington & Shepard Sts. 231 Messinger St. & Hilbide Road 27 Washington & Taunton Sts. 242 Mirimichi St., Treasure Island 28 Washington & Belcher Sts. 243 Mirimichi St., Foxboro Line 29 Belcher & Madison Sts. 311 South & Harvard Sts. 31 South & Fuller Sts. 312 Grant St. & Park Ave. 32 South & Robbins Sts. 313 Grant St. & Huntington Ave. 34 South & Cross Sts. 314 Garfield St. & Park Ave. 35 Lynn Ave. & Wades Road 315 South & State Sts. 36 Cross St. & Lynn Ave. 316 Pearl St. & Park Ave. 41 West Bacon St. & Bacon Square 317 Pearl St. & Huntington Ave. 42 West Bacon & Fletcher Sts. 318 South & Berry Sts. 43 West Bacon St. & Mathurin Road 321 South St. & Monroe Drive 45 West Bacon & Walnut Sts. 322 Monroe Drive & Walter St. 46 West Bacon & Warren Sts. 323 Latirel & June Sts. 47 West Bacon & Zeller Ave. 325 South St. & Pineland Drive 48 West Bacon & Freemont Sts. 331 South & Green Sts. 49 Sidney St. & Cooney Ave. 332 High & Green Sts. 61 Plainville Stock Co. (Private) 334 High 8c Chestnut Sts. 62 A & J Tool Co. 335 High & Cross Sts. 63 Glines 8c Rhodes 411 Walnut & Fuller Sts. 64 Whiting & Davis Co. 412 Walnut & High Sts. 65 Bugbee & Niles Co. 413 Hancock 8c High Sts. 67 Plainville Coal Co. 4l4 Hancock & Bow Sts. 68 Rogers Rest Home 415 Hancock St., Wrentham Line 71 Plainville Machine & Tool 416 High & Rhemes Sts. 72 George E. Clentimack Co. 417 Rhodes 8c Bow Sts. 112 Pleasant & Melcher Sts. 421 Warren & High Sts. 113 Out of Town 422 Hawkins 8c High Sts. 114 Grove & Brunner Sts. 423 Hawkins St., Cumberland Line 115 Elementary School (Private) 424 Hawkins St., North Attleboro Line 116 Grove St. & Lincoln Ave. 431 Anox Corp. 117 Grove & School Sts. 432 Hilsinger Corp. (Evans Div.) 118 Evergreen Road & School St. 612 D. E. Makepeace Co. 119 Crestwood Ave. & School St, 613 Fernandes Market 2—RECALL IN CASE OF A FIRE OR AN EMERGENCY--DIAL MYrtle 9-2311


C. E. Skinner, Jr., TeL Home MYrtle 5*5762

FIRE STATION: For all calls other than fire or emergency Dial MYrtle 5*5252 NO SCHOOL SIGNALS

7:00 a.m. Three double blasts on Fire Alarm System signifies no school for all Regional School pupils for the day.

7:30 a.m. Same signal signifies no school for all Plainville Elementary pupils for the day.

11:45 a.m. Same signal signifies no school in the afternoon and all pupils will stay in school one hour longer than the usual morning session and then be dismissed for the day.