THE COLLECTION OF DAME JUDITH TE TOMAIRANGI O TE AROHA BINNEY AND AND SEBASTIAN BLACK The Collection of Dame Judith te Tomairangi o Te Aroha Binney and Art+Object 4 June 2015 A+O 93 Sebastian Black The Collection of Dame Judith Te Tomairangi o Te Aroha Binney and Sebastian Black Thursday 4 June 6.30pm Art+Object 3 Abbey Street Newton, Auckland PO Box 68 345 Newton, Auckland 1145 Telephone: +64 9 354 4646 Freephone: 0 800 80 60 01 Facsimile: +64 9 354 4645
[email protected] EXHIBITING FJ6A>INA6C9H86E:H WILTON LODGE, FJ::CHIDLC Privately positioned on 3,450 square metres, this substantial 6gXa^cZV`^iX]Zcl^i]i]gZZaVg\Zldg`heVXZh!ZmiZch^kZhidgV\Z north-facing waterfront property overlooks Lake Hayes with GZ[jgW^h]ZYl^i]XdcXgZiZ!hX]^hihidcZ!XZYVgVcYXdeeZg magnificent views to the mountains beyond. Award winning BVhiZgHj^iZl^i]ildheVX^djhlVa`"^cYgZhh^c\gddbh architect John Blair designed this home to achieve maximum :miZgcVa]ZViZYhl^bb^c\edda^hXdbeaZbZciZYWnVÒgZeaVXZ sunshine and lake views from almost every room. Italian marble BZY^Vgddb!\nbcVh^jb!i]gZZhijY^ZhVcY[djgXVg\VgV\^c\ features throughout the spacious and elegant four bedroom home. :miZch^kZbVijgZaVcYhXVe^c\VcYigZZ"a^cZYVXXZhhidaV`Z[gdci 434 LOWER SHOTOVER ROAD, FJ::CHIDLC Situated on one of the most sought after land positions in ;djgWZYgddbhZcXdbeVhh^c\hZa["XdciV^cZYbVhiZghj^iZ Queenstown, this 547 square metre Kerry Mason designed 9Zh^\cZg`^iX]Zc!hijYn!ilda^k^c\VgZVh!Y^c^c\gddb!XZaaVg home was built in 2012.