Course title in English Aesthetics Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA001105S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 30 workload hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To acquire basic knowledge of aesthetic categories needed to understand the cultural and aesthetic circumstances of professional design. C2 - To introduce students to the basic trends and dilemmas of contemporary architecture. C3 - To develop skills in critically analyzing a work of architecture, its solutions, their history, its methods of functioning.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 - Demonstrate basic knowledge needed to understand the cultural and aesthetic circumstances of professional design. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Perform an analysis of aesthetic value of works of architecture and art in terms of the scope and degree to which theories formulated by aesthetics manifest in architecture.

Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se1 Introduction to aesthetics. Asking questions. General versus detailed concepts. 2 Relationships with other fields. Se2 Plato’s Cave. 2 Se3 The Pythagoreans. 2 Se4 Neo-Platonic and neo-Pythagorean themes in contemporary architecture – Le 2 Corbusier Se5 Neo-Platonic and neo-Pythagorean themes in contemporary architecture – Le 2 Corbusier (II) Se6 Visual-sensual and speculative-rational themes. 2 Se7 Semantic transparency - Plotinus. Iconophiles and iconoclasts 2 Se8 Language of Medieval Art 2 Se9 Suger of Saint-Denis and Bernard of Clairveaux 2 Se10 The most interesting architectural implementations of the last decade. 2 Se11 The problems of realism. 2 Se12 Non-realist movements. 2 Se13 Contemporary architecture - Tradition and innovation 2 Se14 Contemporary architecture - Tradition and innovation (II) 2 Se15 Contemporary architecture - universalism and regionalism; Symbols in 2 Architecture Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 1. multimedia presentation. 2. interactive seminar.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_U01 Grade for the content of opinions voiced during interactive discussion. F2 PEK_U01 Assessment of skills in analyzing a work of art and architecture F3 PEK_U01 Grade for participation in discussions P2 is the final grade that results from continuous assessment F1 – F3; 15 grades – weight 0,66

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Sławińska J., Estetyka dla projektantów, Wrocław 1979.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Tatarkiewicz W., Historia Estetyki, T. I-III, Warszawa 1985.


Learning Relation of given outcome Course Curriculum Number of teaching Assessme outcome with learning outcomes objectives content tool nt method formulated for the major (from table above)

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W10 C1, C2 Se1 – Se15 1 - 2 F1 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U11 C3 Se1 – Se15 1 - 2 F1 – F3

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE (optional) During the seminars in the course three elements are assessed (F1 – F3): the content of opinions voiced during interactive discussions, skills in analyzing a work of art and architecture, participation in discussions. This serves as the basis for the final grade.


Course title in English Descriptive Geometry 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA 105600Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 30 Number of student workload 180 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a x group of courses ECTS points: 6 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 4 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. competence and abilities in geometry (within the scope of mathematics), verified by positive assessment on the high school certificate 2.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop basic knowledge of descriptive geometry as the theoretical foundation for creating drawing documentation in architecture and other branches of technology

C2. To develop the ability of representing three-dimensional objects on the plane, restituting flat images, ability to communicate in technology using drawings

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of types of projections as image representations in technology. PEK_W02 Demonstrate knowledge of parallel projection (axonometric drawings) PEK_W 03: Demonstrate knowledge of basic parallel projection, rectangular projections using Monge’s method as the theory of image representation in technology (technical drawing).

PEK_W04: Demonstrate knowledge of basic geometrical constructions, represented in Monge’s projections (belonging, sections, measured geometric constructions)

PEK_W05 ; Demonstrate knowledge of constructing polyhedrons - roof polyhedrons PEK_W06: Demonstrate basic knowledge related to 2nd degree surfaces, used in architecture and construction. PEK_W02 Demonstrate basic knowledge of image representation in projection with elevations. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Demonstrate the ability to choose the type of projection to the drawing tasks.

PEK_U02: Demonstrate the ability to construct and to present three-dimensional objects in axonometric drawings (dimetric projection and isometry).

PEK_U03: Demonstrate the ability to present three-dimensional objects using Monge’s projection. Demonstrate the ability to read three-dimensional objects from Monge’s projections.

PEK_U04: Demonstrate the ability to construct sections of three-dimensional objects as parts of technical documentation.

PEK_U05: Demonstrate the ability to construct roof polyhedrons according to building norms.

PEK_U05: Demonstrate the ability to construct sections of basic surfaces, applied in architecture and construction.

PEK_U07: Demonstrate the ability to construct sections of topographical surface as a basis for designing trenches and embankments.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Information about the course. Lec1 Projective space. Basic geometrical components and their relations. Types of 2 projections. Dimetric projection Parallel, rectangular projection using Monge's method, on 3 and 2 projection planes. Lec2 2 Basic geometrical components in rectangular projections. Planes in the projecting location. Sections of polyhedrons with planes in the Lec3 2 projecting location. Traces of lines and free and projecting planes in the arrangement of Monge’s Lec4 projection planes. Belonging of geometrical elements 2

Transformation of the reference system. Structures of rotation and revolved section Lec5 2 in rectangular projections Lec6 Geometrical methods of solving chosen measurement problems. 2 Lec7 Mutual penetration of polyhedrons. 2 Lec8 Geometry of multi-hipped roofs 2 Lec9 Conicoids. Conical surfaces. Sections of conical surfaces with a plane. Conic section 2 Lec10 Cylindrical surfaces. Sphere. Sections with a plane. 2 Lec11 Mutual penetration of pairs of surfaces: cone, cylinder, sphere 2 Lec12 Penetration of surface (cone, cylinder, sphere) with polyhedrons 2 Basics of projections with elevations. Basic geometric structures in projections with Lec13 2 elevations. The application of projections with elevations for sections of topographical surface: Lec14 2 area profile, designing embankments and trenches Lec15 Revision of chosen geometric structures. 2 Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Sections of polyhedrons with free planes, three given points ABC - implementation 2 in axonometric drawings (dimetric and isometric projections) Tut2 Sections of polyhedrons with free planes - implementation in axonometric 2 projections and rectangular and projections - parallel Tut3 Sections and cutting of polyhedrons with planes in projecting location. 2 Implementation in the arrangement with 3 and 2 Monge’s projection planes Tut4 Structure of traces of lines and plains. Structure of projections of belonging 2 elements Tut5 Sections of polyhedrons with free planes. Revolved section of polygon onto 2 projection plane of system Tut6 Measured geometric constructions using transformation, rotation and revolved 2 section Tut7 Construction of common edge (edge of penetration) 2 Tut8 Construction of roof polyhedrons on a detached building 2 and the adjoining building. Tut9 Construction of line of section and cut of cones 2 Tut10 Construction of the line of section and cut of cylinder and sphere 2 Tut11 Construction of the line penetration of pairs of conicoids (cone, cylinder, sphere) 2 Tut12 Construction of lines penetration of pairs: conicoid - polyhedron 2 Tut13 Basic structures in projections with elevations. 2 Tut14 Sections of topographical area. Designing trenches and embankments 2 Tut15 Revision of chosen geometric structures 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: traditional method, N2. for tutorial: traditional method, problem-solving exercises, consultation etc.



Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 – PEK_W07, Drawings - a1 = 0.8 PEK_U01 – PEK_U07 F2 PEK_U01 – PEK_U07 Drawing - evaluation of their quality -

a2 = 0.2 P1 PEK_W01 – PEK_W07, Drawing examination a1 = 0.8 PEK_U01 – PEK_U07 P2 PEK_U01 – PEK_U07 Drawing examination - evaluation of the quality of the workmanship a2 = 0.2

F = a1 F1 + a2 F2 gdzie : a1 = 0.8 a2 = 0.2 Σ a = 1 P = a1 P1 + a2 P2 gdzie : a1 = 0.8 a2 = 0.2 Σ a = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [2] T.Bogaczyk, T.Romaszkiewicz-Białas, 13 wykładów z geometrii wykreślnej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2011 [3] B.Grochowski, Geometria wykreślna z perspektywą stosowaną, PWN, Warszawa 2008 (3) K.Dyba, Geometria wykreślna w zadaniach z rozwiązaniami, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1974 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [2] S.Szerszeń, Nauka o rzutach, PWN, Warszawa 1978

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Bogaczyk, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 ÷ K1AIU_W05 C1 Lec1 – Lec15 N1 PEK_W07 KNOWLEDGE PEK_U01 ÷ K1AIU_U06 C2 Tut1 – Tut15 N2 PEK_U07 (skills)


Course title in English Theory of Structures 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA002305W, AUA002305C Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 15 Number of student workload 60 30 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 1 including ECTS points for 1 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 3. Knowledge of algebra and mathematical analysis in the field of secondary education. 4. Hand drawing skills with pencil and ink.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basics of elementary statics. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of mechanics of buildings C3 - To familiarize students with a flat convergent system of forces C4 - To familiarize students with graphical and analytical conditions of equilibrium C5 - To introduce students to an arbitrary coplanar force system – conditions of equilibrium. C6 - To introduce students to the concept of moment of force relative to point. C7 - To introduce students to the concepts of loads, supports C8 – To develop the ability of calculation of bearing reactions. C9 – To acquaint students with definitions of internal forces - bending moment, transverse forces and longitudinal forces.

C10 - To develop skills in solving free-ends beams

C11 - To develop skills in solving hinged multi-span beams C12 - To introduce students to the concept of statically determinate frames. C13 - To develop skills in solving statically determinate frames C14 - To introduce students to the concept of and principles of creating trusses. C15 - To develop skills in solving trusses with Cremona method. C16 - To develop skills in solving trusses with Ritter method. C17 - To introduce students to the concepts two, three- and unhinged arches . C18 - To introduce students to the basic concepts of thrust and line of pressure. C19 - To develop skills in solving three-hinged arches.

C20 - To introduce students to the basic concepts of geometry of plane figures. C21 - To introduce students to the basic concepts of static moment, inertia, deviation . C22 - To introduce students to the Steiner’s theorem. C23 - To introduce students to the design of Mohr's circle. C24 – To develop the ability to calculate the main moments of inertia the position of the main central axis of inertia of plane figures. C25 - To present problems of preparing for a written and oral exam in mechanics of the building. C26 - To develop skills in designing and presenting static calculations of basic structural systems.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Describe characteristic features of basic structural systems. PEK_W02-Describe phenomena occurring in statics of buildings PEK_W03-Understand the relationships and dependencies between active, passive and internal forces in basic structural systems PEK_W04-Demonstrate general knowledge in the field of Mechanics of Buildings in terms of elementary statics PEK_W05-Identify and characterize internal forces occurring in structural systems PEK_W06-Identify basic structural systems and classify them according to statical determinancy PEK_W07-Demonstrate basic knowledge of graphical and analytical methods for the determination of reaction and internal forces PEK_W08 Demonstrate basic knowledge of field geometry Related to skills: PEK_U01-Demonstrate the ability to develop and present the results of static calculations carried out using analytical and graphical methods with the application of manual methods

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. Lec1 General overview of the course. Scalars. Vectors. Flat converging system of forces - 2 graphical and analytical conditions of equilibrium. Arbitrary coplanar force system conditions of equilibrium. Moment of force relative to Lec2 2 point. Loads: Supports. Calculation of bearing reactions. Lec3 Bending moment (M) definition. Shearing/Transverse forces (T) and longitudinal 2 forces (N). Relation between M and T (T=dM/dx). Free-ends beam - examples of calculations of the values of internal reactions and Lec4 2 and internal forces. Multi-span hinged beams - distribution of articulated joints/hinges,, Lec5 2 calculation of bearing reactions and internal forces. Lec6 Multi-span hinged beams - numerical example. 2 Frames forming principles. Statically determinate frames – calculation example. Lec7 2

Trusses forming principles. Conditions for internal statical determination of trusses. Lec8 Cremonas method – introduction. 2

Trusses. Cremonas method continued. Ritters method- Lec9 2 beginning. Lec10 Trusses. Ritters method - final remarks. 2 Arches overview. Types of arches. Three-hinged arch Lec11 graphical method of calculating reaction values. Pressure line 2 in arches. Plane geometry basic definitions. Static Lec12 2 moment of area relative to line (Sx ). Moment of inertia (Jx). Plane geometry. Steiner Lec13 s theorem for moments of inertia. Moment of deviation (Dxy). Steiner theorem. 2 in moment of deviation. Plane geometry. Main central inertia axes – Mohrs circle. Lec14 2 Calculation Example: Lec15 Semester summary. Preparation for the examination. 2 Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Discussion and assignment of topic for task No. 1 Scalars. Vectors. 2 Flat converging system of forces - conditions of equilibrium. Tut2 Flat converging system of forces - examples. Flat arbitrary system of forces. 2 Simple beams. Calculation of reactions of supports. Tut3 Free-ends beams - calculation of bending moments (M), transverse forces (T) and 2 longitudinal forces (N), examples of calculation of internal forces. Tut4 Test No. 1 (1 hr) 2 Submission of home assignment No1. Handing out of task no2 Statically determinate frames example of calculation of internal forces. Tut5 Statically determinate frames example of calculation of internal forces. 2 Trusses - calculation of forces in rods using Cremona method. Tut6 Trusses - calculation of forces in rods using Ritter method. 2 Assignment of topic for task no. 3 Tut7 Test. Submission of home assignment No 2. 2 Tut8 End of semester. Grading 1 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1 Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. Multimedia presentations N3 Interactive discussion about completed tasks developed during lectures and tutorials. N4 Preparation of an assignment in the form of a report. N5 Test. N6 Final test N7 Exam. N8. Consultations

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01- PEK_W08; Written exam on the 1st date PEK_U01 Resit exam - oral Tutorial Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01- PEK_W08; Assessment of the content quality of the completed PEK_U01; PEK_K01 assignments. F2 PEK_W01- PEK_W08; Grade for the content of homework PEK_U01 F3 PEK_W01- PEK_W08; Grade for the content of the test. PEK_U01 P - Weighted average for completed tasks 10%, homework 30%, tests 60%



Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 (knowledge) Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W06 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15 Tut1- N1-N8 Tut7, PEK_W07 K1AIU_W06 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 Tut1-Tut7 PEK_W08 K1AIU_W06 C20-C24 Lec12-Lec14 N7

PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N8 (skills) Tut1-Tut7 PEK_K01 C01-C26 Lec1-Lec15, N1,N3 (competencies) Tut1-Tut8

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE Mechanics of Buildings 1 and Mechanics of Building 2, are the subjects that open the lectures and tutorials of construction courses taught at the Faculty of Architecture in full-time and evening programs. Failing any course in Mechanics of Buildings (tutorial or lecture) delays the possibility of attending the tutorial and lectures of construction courses in subsequent years of programs at the Faculty of Architecture.


Course title in English Elements of Architectural Design 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA001101W, AUA001101P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 30 120 hours Grading policy pass with pass with grade grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 4 including ECTS points for 4 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in searching for the designing principle. C2 To search for the relations between the user and the space. C3 To understand basic principles of architectural drawings and methods of project presentation. C4 To present the results via models and conventional drawings. C5 To understand the basic problems and contemporary trends related to designing architecture. C6 To develop skills in creating spatial scenarios that correspond to the assigned topics. C7 To develop skills in formulating opinions and analyzing the learned designing methods.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic rudimentary knowledge of designing skills. PEK_W02 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of principles of designing elementary architectural forms and space and use this knowledge to develop own designing method. PEK_W03 Demonstrate elementary knowledge of recent trends in architecture. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Create spatial scenarios and use them to search for the principle of designing. PEK_U02 Formulate own opinions. Demonstrate an analytical approach to the learnt designing methods. PEK_U03 Appropriately use architectural drawings in designing. PEK_U04 Present the project by means of a set of drawings and models and discuss their project in a short public presentation. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the existence and influence of non-technical aspects of an architect’s activities and the influence of his work on the relations between the recipient and the designed space.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hou rs Lec 1 Introduction to the lectures, overview of: a) the scope and subject of lectures and project course, 2 Lec2 b) requirements and standards required during the course. Lec 3 Problems related to the creation of the project - basics: Lec 4 a) conventional set of drawings as forms of communication of the architect with the recipient, 4 Lec5 b) model and visualization - forms of communication between the architect and the Lec6 recipient. Lec7 Problems related to designing architectural structures presented using selected Lec 8 examples of contemporary architectural structures – basics: a) material, structure, form, Lec 9 5 b) elements of structures, function, composition. Lec10 c) principle of designing Lec11 d) spatial scenarios, user-space relationship Lec12 Problems related to recording and implementing the concept. Concept and reality. 2 Lec13 Lec 14 Problem of evaluating architectural designs and structures. 2 Lec 15 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hou rs Pr1 Subject I: Event in space: I meet others 12 Pr2 Subject 2: Event in space: I play 12 Pr3 Subject I: Event in space: I rest 12 Pr4 Subject I: Event in space: I eat 12 Pr5 Subject I: Event in space: I protect myself 12 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Problem-oriented lecture N2. Expository lecture N3. Workshop-based activities N4. Use of architectural models N5. Creating architectural sketches and drawings N6. Individual presentations of projects. N7. Discussion. N8. Individual studies related to the project


Lecture Grades Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning P – summative (at the end outcome outcome of semester) P PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Credit in the form of an interview and answers to PEK_W03, PEK_K01 questions related to the content of lectures Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Project work in the classroom, preparation of simple PEK_U03, PEK_K01 designing exercises, temporary presentations of projects, participation in discussion α1=0,3 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Preparation of projects based on assigned topics and PEK_U03, PEK_U04 public presentation of such projects by means of models and a set of architectural drawings. α2=0,7 P = F1xα1+F2xα2=1, where α1=0,3, α2=0,7, Σ=1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Żórawski Juliusz: O budowie formy architektonicznej, Warszawa 1973. [2] Ciechanowski Kazimierz: Podstawy kompozycji architektonicznej, Wrocław 1972. [3] Wejchert Kazimierz: Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984. [4] Neufert E.: Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady. [5] Krier Rob: Elements of architecture, Academy Edition, London 1992. [6] Alexander C. I in.: A Pattern Language. Towns. Buildings. Construction. Nowy Jork 1977. [7] Hertzberger Herman: Space and the Architect, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2000 [8] Hertzberger Herman: Lessons for students in architecture, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2005 [9] Rasmussen Steen Eiler: Odczuwanie architektury, Biblioteka Architekta, Warszawa 1999 [10] Norberg-Schulz Christian: Bycie, przestrzeń, architektura, Biblioteka Architekta, Warszawa 2000 [11] Grandjean Etienne: Ergonomia mieszkania aspekty fizjologiczne i psychologiczne w projektowaniu, Arkady, Warszawa 1978. [12] - regulations and norms: Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie. DZ. U. 02.75.690.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Wines James: De-architecture, Rizzoli International Publications, Nowy Jork 1987. [2] Budak Adam (red.): Co to jest architektura? Antologia tekstów, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków 2002 [3] Vyzoviti Sophia: Folding Architecture, Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam 2003 [4] Praca zbiorowa: The Metapolis – Dictionary of Advanced Architecture, Actar, Barcelona 2003 [5] Szmidt Bolesław: Ład przestrzeni, kanon, Warszawa 1998. [6] OMA, Koolhaas Rem, Mau Bruce: S,M,L,XL, New York 1995. [7] Hrezog & de Meuron: Natural history, Montreal/Baden 2002/2005. [8] Tschumi Bernard, The Manhattan Transcripts, John Wiley&Sons, Londyn 1994 - Journals: [9] Architektura i Biznes, wyd. RAM. [10] Architektura, wyd. Murator. [11] Archivolta, wyd. Archivolta. [12] Detail, wyd. Institüt fur internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, München. [13] L'architectur d'aujord'hui, wyd. Jean Michel-Place. [14] Architectural Design, wyd. John Wiley & Sons. [15] A10 New European Architecture, wyd. A10 Media BV. [16] Casabella, wyd. Francesco Dal Co. [17] Mark, Frame Publishers [18] Frame, Frame Publishers COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Zenon Marciniak, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W12 C3, C5 Lec3-Lec6, N1-N6 (knowledge) Pr1-Pr5 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W12 C1, C3, C5 Lec7-Lec11 N1, N2, N7, N8 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15 C5 Lec7-Lec11 N1, N2, N7, N8 PEK_U01 (skills) K1AIU_U13 C1, C2, C6 Lec7-Lec11 N3-N5, N7,N8 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U13 C4, C7 Lec7-Lec11, N3-N8 Lec14, Lec15 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U22 C3, C4 Lec3-Lec6, N3, N5, N6 Lec12, Lec13 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U22 C3, C4, C7 Lec1-Lec6 N3-N6 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K07, K1AIU_K08 C2, C6, C7 Lec7-Lec11, N1-N5, N7,N8 (competencies) Lec14, Lec15, Pr1-Pr5


Course title in English Information Technologies Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA001107W Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1: The computer and the process of its development C2: The operating system as a link between the hardware and the software C3: Basic information about programming languages C4: Computer networks C5: Databases C6: Functional software: CAD, computer graphics and GIS

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 understand the basics of computers, operating system and network PEK_W02 identify the basic concepts of databases, CAD systems, computer graphics and GIS Related to skills: PEK_U01 demonstrate greater awareness in the use of computer and network PEK_U02 broader view of the functional software in the field of CAD, graphics, and GIS Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 understand the need of self-education in the dynamically changing information society

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours A brief history of the computer. Von Neuman’s computer. Information, manner of its Lec1 2 recording. Position systems, bits, bytes, words. Lec2 Elements of the computer. Types of computers. Peripherals 2 Operating systems and their role. Managing memory, peripherals, files. The structure Lec3 2 of files and directories. Examples of operating systems and their characteristics. Programming languages Compilation. Object-oriented languages (Visual Basic, 2 Lec4 Avenue). Data types, variables, constants, arithmetic and logical operations. Conditional statements, loops, functions, and procedures. Classes, objects and 2 Lec5 operations on objects. Computer networks Types of networks (LAN, WAN, Internet). Layers and protocols. 2 Lec6 Technology 2 The Internet: TCP / IP protocol. DNS. Network services (email, ping, ftp, telnet). The 2 Lec7 HTTP protocol and the web service. Databases - idea, basic components, data structure, matrices, relations, views. 2 Lec8

Data management, SQL database management language. Methods of accessing 2 Lec9 databases. Lec10 CAD / CAM software. Concept Development trends. Applications. 2 Color in the computer graphics. 2 Lec11 Color models. Raster images and methods of processing. Formats of raster files. Vector graphics. Principles of creating of flat and three-dimensional images. Curves, 2 Lec12 planes and surfaces in 3D. Lec13 Generating perspective presentations. Animation. 2 Lec14 Geographic Information Systems. 2 Lec15 Test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Traditional lecture using computer presentations

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester)

P K1AIU_W03 Test

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: Metzger P., Anatomia PC, Helion, Warszawa 2008 Anderson A., Benedetti R., Sieci komputerowe, Helion 2007 Zabrodzki J., Grafika komputerowa, metody I narzędzia, WNT, Warszawa 1994 Jankowski M., Elementy grafiki komputerowej, Warszawa WNT 1990

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: Shirley P. , Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 2005 Stevens W.R., Biblia TCP/IP Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa 1998 IT journals & information downloaded from the Internet COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Elżbieta Litwińska PhD, [email protected] EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR

Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives teaching tool the major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W03 C1, C2, C4 Lec1-Lec2, (knowledge) Lec6-Lec7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W16 C5, C6 Lec8-Lec9, Lec10-Lec14 PEK_U01 (skills) K1AIU_U03 C1, C4 Lec1-Lec2, N1 Lec6-Lec7 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U03 C6 Lec10-Lec14

PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1-C6 Lec1-Lec14 (competencies)


Nazwa w języku angielskim: Fine Arts and Compositions unit 1 Kierunek studiów: ARCHITEKTURA I URBANISTYKA Stopień studiów i forma: I stopień, stacjonarna i niestacjonarna Rodzaj przedmiotu: obowiązkowy Kod przedmiotu: AUA001102L Grupa kursów: NIE

Wykład Ćwiczenia Laboratorium Projekt Seminarium Całkowita liczba godzin zajęć 45 zorganizowanych w Uczelni (ZZU) Liczba godzin całkowitego 60 nakładu pracy studenta (CNPS) Forma zaliczenia Zaliczenie na ocenę Dla grupy kursów zaznaczyć kurs końcowy Liczba punktów ECTS 2 w tym liczba punktów ECTS 2 odpowiadająca zajęciom o charakterze praktycznym (P) w tym liczba punktów ECTS 1 odpowiadająca zajęciom wymagającym bezpośredniego kontaktu (BK)

WYMAGANIA WSTĘPNE W ZAKRESIE WIEDZY, UMIEJĘTNOŚCI I INNYCH KOMPETENCJI 1. Znajomość podstawowych zasad projekcji przestrzeni na płaszczyźnie. 2. Umiejętność posługiwania się techniką rysunku ołówkiem.

CELE PRZEDMIOTU C1. Doskonalenie umiejętności posługiwania się technikami projekcji przestrzeni na płaszczyźnie. C2. Rozwijanie umiejętności posługiwania się podstawowymi technikami rysunkowymi. C3. Doskonalenie umiejętności studiów rysunkowych z natury – bryły, wnętrze architektoniczne, figura ludzka. C4. Rozwijanie wyobraźni przestrzennej i kompozycyjnych umiejętności tworzenia układów płaskich i przestrzennych. C5. Rozwijanie umiejętności wizualizowania w formie rysunkowej sytuacji przestrzennych z wyobraźni.

PRZEDMIOTOWE EFEKTY KSZTAŁCENIA Z zakresu wiedzy: PEK_W01 - Zna różne metody projekcji przestrzeni na płaszczyźnie. PEK_W02 - Ma podstawową wiedzę na temat warsztatu rysunkowego. Z zakresu umiejętności: PEK_U01 - Potrafi posługiwać się podstawowymi metodami projekcji przestrzeni na płaszczyźnie. PEK_U02 - Potrafi posługiwać się podstawowymi narzędziami rysunkowymi. PEK_U03 - Potrafi wykonać studia rysunkowe z natury, m.in. brył geometrycznych, figury ludzkiej, wnętrza architektonicznego. PEK_U04 - Potrafi tworzyć układy kompozycyjne płaskie i przestrzenne przy zastosowaniu podstawowych technik rysunkowych i modelarskich. PEK_U05 - Potrafi narysować z wyobraźni wnętrze architektoniczne lub urbanistyczne ze sztafażem.

TREŚCI PROGRAMOWE Forma zajęć - laboratorium Liczba godzin La1 Wprowadzenie: omówienie wymaganych sprzętów, materiałów oraz stosownych 3 technik rysunkowych; omówienie i prezentacja tematyki zajęć. La2 Studium rysunkowe brył geometrycznych z natury, rysunek ołówkiem. 3 La3 Studium rysunkowe brył geometrycznych z natury, rysunek kredką. 3 La4 Studium rysunkowe martwej natury, rysunek pędzlem. 3 La5 Szkice postaci z natury, rysunek ołówkiem. 3 La6 Studium postaci z natury, rysunek kredką. 3 La7 Studium głowy żywego modela , rysunek kredką. 3 La8 Studium gipsowej głowy, rysunek pędzlem. 3 La9 Studium wnętrza architektonicznego z natury, rysunek ołówkiem. 3 La10 Studium wnętrza architektonicznego z natury – detale, rysunek ołówkiem. 3 La11 Szkice do kompozycji płaskiej „Wnętrze architektoniczne”, rysunek kredką. 3 La12 Rysunek wnętrza architektonicznego z wyobraźni, rysunek kredką. 3 La13 Szkice do kompozycji przestrzennej, rysunek ołówkiem. 3 La14 Realizacja wybranej formy przestrzenne, technika – wycinanie z tektury. 3 La15 Rysunek wykonanej formy przestrzennej w kontekście wnętrza urbanistycznego z 3 wyobraźni ze sztafażem, rysunek kredką. Suma godzin 45

STOSOWANE NARZĘDZIA DYDAKTYCZNE N1. wykonywanie studiów plastycznych N2. praca koncepcyjna, eksperymentalna N3. konsultacje N4. prezentacja prac

OCENA OSIĄGNIĘCIA PRZEDMIOTOWYCH EFEKTÓW KSZTAŁCENIA Oceny (F – formująca (w Numer efektu kształcenia Sposób oceny osiągnięcia efektu kształcenia trakcie semestru), P – podsumowująca (na koniec semestru) F1 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Ocena prac plastycznych wykonywanych w ramach zajęć laboratoryjnych F2 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Ocena wykonanych prac plastycznych jako zadania domowe P = α1 F1 + α2 F2, gdzie α1 = 75 %, α2 = 25 %, Σ α = 1

LITERATURA PODSTAWOWA I UZUPEŁNIAJĄCA LITERATURA PODSTAWOWA: [1] Civardi Giovanni, Rysunek. Przewodnik po sztuce rysowania, Wydawnictwo K. E. Liber, Warszawa 2011. [2] Siomkajło Barbara (red.), Rysunek i malarstwo. Problemy podstawowe, wybrane zagadnienia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2001. [3] Barber Barrington, Rysowanie postaci ludzkiej. Kurs dla artystów i amatorów, Delta, Warszawa.

LITERATURA UZUPEŁNIAJĄCA: [1] Bruzda Jan, Szkice architektoniczne, A-7, Kraków 1993. [2] Gill Robert, Zasady rysunku realistycznego, Galaktyka, Łódź 1997. [3] Natusiewicz Ryszard, Rysunek architekta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [4] Siomkajło Barbara, Rysunek i malarstwo pomiędzy naturą a architekturą, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2010. OPIEKUN PRZEDMIOTU (IMIĘ, NAZWISKO, ADRES E-MAIL) Dr hab. Inż. arch. Leszek Maluga, prof. PWr., [email protected]


Przedmiotowy Odniesienie przedmiotowego Cele Treści Numer efekt efektu do efektów kształcenia przedmiotu programowe narzędzia kształcenia zdefiniowanych dla kierunku dydaktycznego studiów PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C1 La1 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C2 La1 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C1 La2 – La15 N1, N2 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C2 La2 – La15 N1, N2 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C3 La2 - La10 N1, N2 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C4 La11, La13, N1, N2 La14 PEK_U05 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C5 La12, La15 N1, N2


Course title in English Building Materials Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA105522Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 15 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 1 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to selected physical and mechanical characteristics basic building materials C2 - To acquaint students with the principles of choosing building materials in architectural design

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W02 - Demonstrate knowledge of the main characteristics of selected groups of building materials. Related to skills: PEK_U02 – differentiate between basic types of selected groups of building materials PEK_U01 – interpret and analyze information pertaining to the application of basic types of building materials Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. Lec1 2 Selected physical and mechanical properties of building materials Lec2 Wood and wood-based materials 2 Lec3 Natural stone materials and building ceramics 2 Lec4 Mineral adhesives, grouts and mortars, concretes 2 Lec5 Insulating materials and products, bituminous binder and products made of 2 Lec6 Metals and metal products 2 Lec7 Building glass, plastics and painting building materials 2 Lec8 Final test 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. 2 Tut2 The use of wood and wood-based products in construction and finishing works.. 2 Drawing exercise Tut3 Building stone and ceramics in construction. Drawing exercise 2 Tut4 The use of slurries, mortars and concretes in construction. Drawing exercise 2 Tut5 Thermal insulation and bituminous materials in partitions. Drawing exercise 2 Tut6 The application of metal products in construction. Drawing exercise 2 Tut7 Building glass, plastics and painting building materials Drawing exercise 2 Tut8 Assessment of a set of drawing exercises. 1 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Educational lecture N2. Interactive tutorial. N3. Consultations. N4. Individual work – drawing assignments. N5. Individual work – preparation for the test.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Test α1=0,4 F2 PEK_U01 Assessment of a set of drawing exercises.α2=0,3 F3 PEK_U02 Test α3=0,3 P=F1 α1+ F2 α2 + F3 α3, where α1=0,4, α2=0,3, α3=0,3, ∑ α = 1


BASIC LITERATURE: [6] GENERAL BUILDING ENGINEERING T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [7] GENERAL BUILDING ENGINEERING T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [8] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [9] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [4] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [5] Act on the Building Law of 07 July 1994 as amended.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Profesor E. Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07 C1-C2 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02 C1-C2 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U08 C2 Tut1- Tut8 N2, N3, N4, N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (competencies) PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (competencies)


Course title in English Building Engineering 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA001103W, AUA001103W Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 30 Number of student workload 30 60 hours Grading policy pass with pass with grade grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To acquire rudimentary knowledge of basic construction elements and systems

C2 To develop skills in identifying and interpreting basic construction elements and systems. C3 To learn and develop skills in applying basic laws applicable to building engineering.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of general building engineering Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic systems and construction elements PEK_U02 – Create basic architectural drawings Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - lectures Number of ho ur s Lec 1 Overview of terminology, types of building, basic systems and elements of a 2 building. Basic systems and elements of a building. Buildings and their structural systems. Lec2 Overview of theoretical problems related to basic construction elements in 2 architectural design. General principles of designing structures and their elements. Lec 3 Overview and summary of basic technical issues related to designing and building 2 structures. Lec 4 Overview of basic structural systems of buildings. 2 structural elements: foundations, walls, ceilings, flat roofs, roofs Lec 5 Actions on structures. Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings. Snow 2 loads. Wind actions. Thermal actions. Lec 6 Presentation and overview of principles of building foundations, types of 2 foundations, thermal insulation, damp proofing, waterproofing and wind insulations. Lec7 Overview of the principles of developing horizontal and vertical partitions, ceilings, 2 walls, material and structural solutions. Lec 8 Discussion of the problems related to constructing roofs, flat roofs, 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Scope of tutorial course, course completion requirements, literature. 2 Tut2 General principles of creating technical drawings, types of lines, architectural 2 drawing, drawing scale. Drawing exercise Tut3 Description of drawings, technical lettering. Drawing exercise 2 Tut4 Graphical symbols of building materials. Drawing exercise 2 Tut5 Graphical symbols of selected construction elements, basic principles of 2 dimensioning architectural drawings. Drawing exercise Tut6 Projection of elements and building structures, creating and describing sections. 2 Drawing exercise Tut7 Horizontal section of a simple building structure. Drawing exercise 2 Tut8 Foundations of a simple building structure, principles of formulating. Drawing 2 exercise Tut9 Ceilings in buildings, supporting ceilings on walls and binding joints. Drawing 2 exercise Tut10 Vertical section through a simple building structure. Drawing exercise 2 Tut11 Stairs in a building. Principles of calculating stairs, creating drawings and 2 dimensioning. Drawing exercise Tut12 Steep roofs, flat roofs, principles of designing and constructing Drawing exercise 2 Tut13 Principles of creating and describing drawings of elevations of a building structure. 2 Drawing exercise Tut14 Principles of creating and describing drawings of architectural details. Drawing 2 exercise Tut15 Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Educational lecture, multimedia presentation, educational films N2. Drawing practice – short 10 minute written tests. N3. Consultations. N4. Individual work - drawing practice N5. Individual work – study and preparation for the test.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Kolokwium α1=1 P=F1α1, gdzie α1 =1 Tutorial Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 Test α1=0,5 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 Assessment of a set of drawing exercises. where α2=0,5, P=F1α1 + F2 α2, gdzie α1 =0,5, α2=0,5 ∑ = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [10] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [11] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [12] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [13] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [6] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [7] Ustawa Prawo Budowlane z dnia 07 lipca 1994 z późniejszymi zmianami Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury w sprawie warunków technicznych jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002r. (Dz. U. Nr 75, poz. 690 z późniejszymi zmianami)

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Elżbieta Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W26 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U16 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U07, K1AIU_U08, C2, C3 Tut1- Tut15 N2, N3, N4, N5 K1AIU_U16 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N5 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C2, C3 Tut1- Tut15 N2, N3, N4, N5


Course title in English Fine Arts and Compositions unit 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA001102L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 45 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Basic knowledge of principles for projecting space on a surface. 2. Skills in freehand drawing with pencil.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop skills in using techniques of projecting space on a surface. C2. To develop skills in using basic freehand drawing techniques. C3. To develop skills in drawing scenes from nature – three-dimensional solids, architectural interior, human figure. C4. To develop spatial imagination and composition skill in creating flat and spatial systems. C5. To develop skills in visualizing imaginary spatial situations in the form of drawings.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 - Apply different methods of projecting space on a surface. PEK_W02 - Demonstrate basic knowledge of drawing skills. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Use basic methods of projecting space on a surface. PEK_U02 - Use basic drawing tools. PEK_U03 - Draw scenes from nature, including three-dimensional solids, human figure, architectural interior. PEK_U04 - Create flat and three-dimensional composition systems using basic drawing and modeling techniques. PEK_U05 - Draw an architectural or urban interior with staffage from imagination.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Introduction: overview of required tools, materials and appropriate drawing 3 techniques; overview and presentation of course topics. La2 Pencil study of three-dimensional solids from nature. 3 La3 Crayon study of three-dimensional solids from nature. 3 La4 Painting study of still life. 3 La5 Pencil sketch of a human figure from nature. 3 La6 Crayon study of a human figure from nature. 3 La7 Crayon study of a head of a live model. 3 La8 Painting study of a gypsum head model. 3 La9 Pencil study of an architectural interior from nature. 3 La10 Pencil study of an architectural interior from nature – details. 3 La11 Crayon sketches for a flat composition „Architectural interiors”. 3 La12 Crayon drawing of an architectural interior from imagination. 3 La13 Pencil sketches for a three-dimensional composition. 3 La14 Implementation of the selected spatial form, technique – cardboard cutouts. 3 La15 Crayon drawing of the finished spatial form in the context of an urban interior from 3 imagination with staffage. Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. preparation of artistic studies N2. conceptual, experimental work N3. consultation N4. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Assessment of artworks made during the laboratory course. F2 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Assessment of artworks assigned as homework. P = α1 F1 + α2 F2, gdzie α1 = 75 %, α2 = 25 %, Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Civardi Giovanni, Rysunek. Przewodnik po sztuce rysowania, Wydawnictwo K. E. Liber, Warszawa 2011. [2] Siomkajło Barbara (red.), Rysunek i malarstwo. Problemy podstawowe, wybrane zagadnienia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2001. [3] Barber Barrington, Rysowanie postaci ludzkiej. Kurs dla artystów i amatorów, Delta, Warszawa.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bruzda Jan, Szkice architektoniczne, A-7, Kraków 1993. [2] Gill Robert, Zasady rysunku realistycznego, Galaktyka, Łódź 1997. [3] Natusiewicz Ryszard, Rysunek architekta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [4] Siomkajło Barbara, Rysunek i malarstwo pomiędzy naturą a architekturą, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2010. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Profesor Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C1 La1 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C2 La1 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C1 La2 – La15 N1, N2 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C2 La2 – La15 N1, N2 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C3 La2 - La10 N1, N2 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C4 La11, La13, N1, N2 La14 PEK_U05 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12 C5 La12, La15 N1, N2


Course title in English Mathematics 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code MAP 001093Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 30 Number of student workload 180 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 6 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 4 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. It is recommended that students know basic mathematics at the level of high school graduation

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. Mastery of basic knowledge on the general properties of the function and learning of the basic concepts of differential calculus of functions of one variable using for function analysis and solving optimization tasks. C2. Develop basic knowledge of definite and indefinite integral. C3. Knowledge of methods for solving any system of linear equations using matrix calculus and determinants C4. Application of acquired knowledge to create and analyze mathematical models to solve theoretical and practical issues in the various fields of science and technology.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge, the student: PEK_W02 identify bases of probability calculus of one-variable function. PEK_W01 – Demonstrate elementary knowledge of definite and indefinite integral. PEK_W03 identify methods for solving systems of linear equations using matrices and determinants Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to calculate the derivatives of a function and to interpret received values, use the differential for estimating, solve optimization problems for functions of one variable, analyze properties and a function plot with one variable

PEK_U02 Demonstrate the ability to determine the indefinite integral using the properties and methods of integration learned in the lecture, calculate and interpret the definite integral, solve engineering problems using integrals PEK_U03 Solve any system of linear equations using matrices and determinants Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 understand the need of individual work to learn the course curriculum PEK_K02 understand the role of mathematics in technical and design areas

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec 1 The concept and properties of function. Cyclometric and hyperbolic functions. 2 Lec 2 Limit of sequence. Theorems on calculation of finite and infinite limits. 2 Lec 3 Limit of Function Technique for calculating limits. Function asymptotes. 2 Continuity of functions. Derivative of function, its geometrical interpretation. Derivatives Lec 4 2 of basic elementary functions. Calculation of derivatives. Differential function, its application in approximate Lec 5 2 calculations. Intervals of monotonicity of function. Local extremes of function. Necessary and Lec 6 2 sufficient conditions of existence of local extremes. Convex and concave functions and points of inflection of the graph of a function. Lec 7 Analysis of function. 2

Complex numbers. Complex polynomials. Fundamental theorem of algebra. Proper Lec 8 2 rational functions and their distribution into simple fractions. Original function, indefinite integral. Lec 9 2 Integration by parts. Integration by substitution. Lec 10 Integration of trigonometric functions, with incommensurables and commensurable. 2 Lec 11 Definite integral as a field, Newton-Leibniz formula. 2 The application of the definite integral in geometry. Field of curvilinear trapezoid, curve Lec 12 2 length, volume and surface area of the rotary solid Lec 13 Matrices, operations on matrices. Matrices vs. systems of linear equations. 2 Lec 14 Determinants. Properties of determinants. 2 Methods of solving any systems of equations. Cramer theorem. Gaussian elimination Lec 15 2 method Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Analysis of general properties of the function (field, monotonicity, injection). 2 Transformation of function graphs Tut2 Calculation of the finite and infinite limits of sequences and functions. Calculation 4 of limits of indeterminate forms. Tut3 Determination of function asymptotes. 2 Tut4 Calculation of derivatives of functions using the rules of differentiation. Applying 2 L'Hospital's rule for calculating limits. Using the differential for approximate calculations. Tut5 Analysis of function plot - ranges of monotonicity, local extremes, concavity, 2 convexity, points of inflection of the function graph. Tut6 Division of real polynomial into real coefficients. Distribution of proper rational 2 function into real simple fractions. Tut7 Calculation of indefinite integrals – integration by parts , by substitution. Integration 6 of trigonometric functions, with incommensurables, commensurable. Tut8 Calculation of definite integrals. The use of integral calculus for calculating areas 4 of fields, length of curves, volumes and areas of solids. Tut9 Operations on matrices. Calculation of determinants. Solving systems of linear 4 equations using Gaussian elimination or Cramer's formulas. Tut10 Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 1. Lecture - traditional method 2. Problem-solving and arithmetic exercises – traditional method 3. Consultations. 4. Individual student work – preparation for tutorial. 5. Materials for work.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F-Tut PEK_U01-PEK_U03 Oral tests, short tests, tests PEK_K01-PEK_K02 F-Lec PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Examination P PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Set by the instructor PEK_U01-PEK_U03 PEK_K01-PEK_K02

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [2] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [3] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006. [4] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] G. Decewicz, W. Żakowski, Matematyka, Cz. 1, WNT, Warszawa 2007. [2] T. Huskowski, H. Korczowski, H. Matuszczyk, Algebra liniowa, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [3] W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Cz. I-II, PWN, Warszawa 2006. [4] T. Trajdos, Matematyka, Cz. III, WNT, Warszawa 2005. [5] J. Pietraszko, Matematyka. Teoria, przykłady, zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2000. [6] W. Stankiewicz, Zadania z matematyki dla wyższych uczelni technicznych, Cz. A-B, PWN, Warszawa 2003.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Jacak, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with learning Course Curriculum Number of teaching outcome outcomes formulated for the major objectives content tool

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W04 C1, C4 Lec1-Lec7 N1-5 (knowledge) PEK_W02 C2, C4 Lec8-Lec12 N1-5 PEK_W03 C3, C4 Lec13-Lec15 N1-5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U05 C1, C4 Tut1-Tut5 N1-5 (skills) PEK_U02 C2, C4 Tut6-Tut8 N1-5 PEK_U03 C3, C4 Tut9 N1-5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1 (competencies) K1AIU_K02 PEK_K02 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1


Course title in English Mathematics 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code MAP 001093Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 30 Number of student workload 180 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 6 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 4 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 2. It is recommended that students know basic mathematics at the level of high school graduation

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. Mastery of basic knowledge on the general properties of the function and learning of the basic concepts of differential calculus of functions of one variable using for function analysis and solving optimization tasks. C2. Develop basic knowledge of definite and indefinite integral. C3. Knowledge of methods for solving any system of linear equations using matrix calculus and determinants C4. Application of acquired knowledge to create and analyze mathematical models to solve theoretical and practical issues in the various fields of science and technology.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge, the student: PEK_W02 identify bases of probability calculus of one-variable function. PEK_W01 – Demonstrate elementary knowledge of definite and indefinite integral. PEK_W03 identify methods for solving systems of linear equations using matrices and determinants Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to calculate the derivatives of a function and to interpret received values, use the differential for estimating, solve optimization problems for functions of one variable, analyze properties and a function plot with one variable

PEK_U02 Demonstrate the ability to determine the indefinite integral using the properties and methods of integration learned in the lecture, calculate and interpret the definite integral, solve engineering problems using integrals PEK_U03 Solve any system of linear equations using matrices and determinants Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 understand the need of individual work to learn the course curriculum PEK_K02 understand the role of mathematics in technical and design areas

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec 1 The concept and properties of function. Cyclometric and hyperbolic functions. 2 Lec 2 Limit of sequence. Theorems on calculation of finite and infinite limits. 2 Lec 3 Limit of Function Technique for calculating limits. Function asymptotes. 2 Continuity of functions. Derivative of function, its geometrical interpretation. Derivatives Lec 4 2 of basic elementary functions. Calculation of derivatives. Differential function, its application in approximate Lec 5 2 calculations. Intervals of monotonicity of function. Local extremes of function. Necessary and Lec 6 2 sufficient conditions of existence of local extremes. Convex and concave functions and points of inflection of the graph of a function. Lec 7 Analysis of function. 2

Complex numbers. Complex polynomials. Fundamental theorem of algebra. Proper Lec 8 2 rational functions and their distribution into simple fractions. Original function, indefinite integral. Lec 9 2 Integration by parts. Integration by substitution. Lec 10 Integration of trigonometric functions, with incommensurables and commensurable. 2 Lec 11 Definite integral as a field, Newton-Leibniz formula. 2 The application of the definite integral in geometry. Field of curvilinear trapezoid, curve Lec 12 2 length, volume and surface area of the rotary solid Lec 13 Matrices, operations on matrices. Matrices vs. systems of linear equations. 2 Lec 14 Determinants. Properties of determinants. 2 Methods of solving any systems of equations. Cramer theorem. Gaussian elimination Lec 15 2 method Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Analysis of general properties of the function (field, monotonicity, injection). 2 Transformation of function graphs Tut2 Calculation of the finite and infinite limits of sequences and functions. Calculation 4 of limits of indeterminate forms. Tut3 Determination of function asymptotes. 2 Tut4 Calculation of derivatives of functions using the rules of differentiation. Applying 2 L'Hospital's rule for calculating limits. Using the differential for approximate calculations. Tut5 Analysis of function plot - ranges of monotonicity, local extremes, concavity, 2 convexity, points of inflection of the function graph. Tut6 Division of real polynomial into real coefficients. Distribution of proper rational 2 function into real simple fractions. Tut7 Calculation of indefinite integrals – integration by parts , by substitution. Integration 6 of trigonometric functions, with incommensurables, commensurable. Tut8 Calculation of definite integrals. The use of integral calculus for calculating areas 4 of fields, length of curves, volumes and areas of solids. Tut9 Operations on matrices. Calculation of determinants. Solving systems of linear 4 equations using Gaussian elimination or Cramer's formulas. Tut10 Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 1. Lecture - traditional method 2. Problem-solving and arithmetic exercises – traditional method 3. Consultations. 4. Individual student work – preparation for tutorial. 5. Materials for work.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F-Tut PEK_U01-PEK_U03 Oral tests, short tests, tests PEK_K01-PEK_K02 F-Lec PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Examination P PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Set by the instructor PEK_U01-PEK_U03 PEK_K01-PEK_K02

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [5] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [6] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [7] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006. [8] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [7] G. Decewicz, W. Żakowski, Matematyka, Cz. 1, WNT, Warszawa 2007. [8] T. Huskowski, H. Korczowski, H. Matuszczyk, Algebra liniowa, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [9] W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Cz. I-II, PWN, Warszawa 2006. [10] T. Trajdos, Matematyka, Cz. III, WNT, Warszawa 2005. [11] J. Pietraszko, Matematyka. Teoria, przykłady, zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2000. [12] W. Stankiewicz, Zadania z matematyki dla wyższych uczelni technicznych, Cz. A-B, PWN, Warszawa 2003.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Jacak, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with learning Course Curriculum Number of teaching outcome outcomes formulated for the major objectives content tool

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W04 C1, C4 Lec1-Lec7 N1-5 (knowledge) PEK_W02 C2, C4 Lec8-Lec12 N1-5 PEK_W03 C3, C4 Lec13-Lec15 N1-5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U05 C1, C4 Tut1-Tut5 N1-5 (skills) PEK_U02 C2, C4 Tut6-Tut8 N1-5 PEK_U03 C3, C4 Tut9 N1-5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1 (competencies) K1AIU_K02 PEK_K02 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1


Course title in English Elements of Architectural Design 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA001201W, AUA001201P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 150 hours Grading policy Examinatio pass with n grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 5 including ECTS points for 5 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 5 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES - Demonstrate systematic rudimentary knowledge of designing skills. - Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of principles of designing elementary architectural forms and space and use this knowledge to develop own designing method. - Demonstrate elementary knowledge of recent trends in architecture. - Create spatial scenarios and use them to search for the principle of designing. - Formulate own opinions. - Demonstrate an analytical approach to the learnt designing methods.

- Appropriately use architectural drawings in designing. - Present the project by means of a set of drawings and models and discuss their project in a short public presentation.

- Demonstrate awareness of the existence and influence of non-technical aspects of an architect’s activities and the influence of his work on the relations between the recipient and the designed space.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in searching for the designing principle to create architectural structures with simple function.

C2 To understand advanced principles of architectural drawings and methods of project presentation. C3 To present the results via models and conventional drawings. C4 To understand the advanced problems and contemporary trends related to architectural design

C5 To develop skills in creating scenarios for architectural structures with simple function. C6 To independently formulate the functional program for architectural space and structures with simple function.

C7 To design architectural structures with simple function in relation to the environments and urban context.

C8 To develop skills in formulating opinions and analyzing the learned designing methods.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic advanced knowledge of designing skills. PEK_W02 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of principles of designing architectural forms, space and structures with simple function. PEK_W03 Demonstrate advanced knowledge of recent trends in architecture. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Create spatial scenarios and use them to search for the principle of designing for the proposed architectural structure. Concentrate on the relations between the user and the architectural structure. PEK_U02 Analyze the context for the proposed architectural structure. PEK_U03 Independently formulate the functional program for the proposed architectural structure. PEK_U04 Design an architectural structure with a simple function and its surroundings. PEK_U05 Demonstrate advanced skill in using architectural drawings in designing. PEK_U06 Present the project by means of a set of drawings and models and discuss their project in a short public presentation. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the existence and influence of non-technical aspects of an architect’s activities and the influence of his work on the relations between the recipient and the designed space and on the relationship between the proposed architectural structure and the context.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hou rs Introduction to the lectures, overview of: Lec 1 c) the scope and subject of lectures and project course, 1

d) requirements and standards required during the course. Advanced architectural drawing: Lec2 c) types of drawings depending on the project phase 1 d) scale versus drawing detail, Lec 3 Problems related to project creation using selected examples of contemporary Lec 4 architectural structures: e) urban context, Lec 5 f) program of an architectural structure, 4 g) relation between the user and the architectural structure, Lec 6 h) spatial scenarios, program – function, i) function of an architectural structure, j) relationship between the structure and the environment, Lec7 Problems related to designing architectural structures: Lec 8 e) material, structure, f) form in the urban context, Lec 9 5 g) elements of architectural structures, Lec10 h) composition in the urban context. Lec 11 Lec 12 Problems related to recording and implementing the concept. Design and the 2 Lec 13 surroundings. Lec 14 Problem of evaluating architectural designs and structures in the urban context. 2 Lec 15 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hou rs Pr1 Subject I: Residential structure for one person with additional function 30 Pr2 Subject 2: Architectural structure with simple function in the urban context. 30 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Problem-oriented lecture N2. Expository lecture N3. Workshop-based activities N4. Use of architectural models N5. Creating architectural sketches and drawings N6. Individual presentations of projects. N7. Discussion. N8. Individual studies related to the project

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Grades Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning P – summative (at the end outcome outcome of semester) P PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Examination in the form of an interview and answers to PEK_W03, PEK_K01 questions related to the content of lectures

Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Project work in the classroom, preparation of designing PEK_U03, PEK_U04, exercises, temporary presentations of projects, PEK_U05, PEK_U06, participation in discussion PEK_K01 α1=0,3 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Preparation of projects based on assigned topics and PEK_U03, PEK_U04, public presentation of such projects by means of PEK_U05, PEK_U06, models PEK_K01 and a set of architectural drawings in a public presentation. α2=0,7 P = F1xα1+F2xα2=1, where α1=0,3, α2=0,7, Σ=1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [13] Żórawski Juliusz: O budowie formy architektonicznej, Warszawa 1973. [14] Ciechanowski Kazimierz: Podstawy kompozycji architektonicznej, Wrocław 1972. [15] Wejchert Kazimierz: Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984. [16] Neufert E.: Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady. [17] Krier Rob: Elements of architecture, Academy Edition, London 1992. [18] Alexander C. I in.: A Pattern Language. Towns. Buildings. Construction. Nowy Jork 1977. [19] Hertzberger Herman: Space and the Architect, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2000 [20] Hertzberger Herman: Lessons for students in architecture, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2005 [21] Rasmussen Steen Eiler: Odczuwanie architektury, Biblioteka Architekta, Warszawa 1999 [22] Norberg-Schulz Christian: Bycie, przestrzeń, architektura, Biblioteka Architekta, Warszawa 2000 [23] Grandjean Etienne: Ergonomia mieszkania aspekty fizjologiczne i psychologiczne w projektowaniu, Arkady, Warszawa 1978. [24] - regulations and norms: Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie. DZ. U. 02.75.690.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [19] Wines James: De-architecture, Rizzoli International Publications, Nowy Jork 1987. [20] Budak Adam (red.): Co to jest architektura? Antologia tekstów, Bunkier Sztuki, Kraków 2002 [21] Vyzoviti Sophia: Folding Architecture, Spatial, Structural and Organizational Diagrams, BIS Publishers, Amsterdam 2003 [22] Praca zbiorowa: The Metapolis – Dictionary of Advanced Architecture, Actar, Barcelona 2003 [23] Szmidt Bolesław: Ład przestrzeni, kanon, Warszawa 1998. [24] OMA, Koolhaas Rem, Mau Bruce: S,M,L,XL, New York 1995. [25] Hrezog & de Meuron: Natural history, Montreal/Baden 2002/2005. [26] Tschumi Bernard, The Manhattan Transcripts, John Wiley&Sons, Londyn 1994 - Journals: [27] Architektura i Biznes, wyd. RAM. [28] Architektura, wyd. Murator. [29] Archivolta, wyd. Archivolta. [30] Detail, wyd. Institüt fur internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH, München. [31] L'architectur d'aujord'hui, wyd. Jean Michel-Place. [32] Architectural Design, wyd. John Wiley & Sons. [33] A10 New European Architecture, wyd. A10 Media BV. [34] Casabella, wyd. Francesco Dal Co. [35] Mark, Frame Publishers [36] Frame, Frame Publishers COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Zenon Marciniak, PhD [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool outcome major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W12 C2, C3 Lec2, Lec12, N1-N6 (knowledge) Lec13 Pr1, Pr2 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W12 C4, C6, C7 Lec2, Lec3- N1, N2, N7, N8 Lec11 Pr1, Pr2 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W28 C4 Lec3-Lec6 N1, N2, N7, N8 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U13 C1, C4, C5 Lec3-Lec6 N3-N5, N7,N8 (skills) Pr1, Pr2 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U13 C4, C7 Lec3-Lec6 N3-N5, N7,N8 Pr1, Pr2 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U13 C6 Lec3-Lec6 N3-N5, N7,N8 Pr1, Pr2 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U13 C1, C5, C6, C7 Lec3-Lec11 N3-N5, N7,N8 Pr1, Pr2 PEK_U05 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U22 C2, C3 Lec2, Lec12, N3, N5, N6 Lec13 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_U06 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U22 C2, C3, C8 Lec1-Lec2 N3-N5, N7,N8 Pr1-Pr5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K07, K1AIU_K08 C5, C7 Lec3-Lec6, N1-N5, N7,N8 (competencies) Lec14, Lec15 Pr1, Pr2


Course title in English Theory of Structure 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Kod przedmiotu AUA002405W, AUA002405C Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 30 Number of student workload 60 30 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 1 including ECTS points for 1 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 5. Knowledge of algebra and mathematical analysis in the field of secondary education. 6. Hand drawing skills with pencil and ink. 7. Knowledge of issues taught and practiced in Structural Mechanics 1 course

COURSE OBJECTIVES C01 - To present problems of preparing for a written and oral exam in mechanics of the building.

C02 - To introduce students to the basic concepts of geometry of plane figures. C03 - To introduce students to the basic concepts of geometry of plane figures. C04 - To introduce students to the Steiner’s theorem. C05 - To introduce students to the design of Mohr's circle.. C06 - To develop the ability of searching for main values of moments of inertia

and the position of the main central axis of inertia of plane figures. C07 - To develop skills in designing and presenting static calculations of basic structural systems. C08 - To introduce students to some of the valid Polish Building Standards. C09 - To familiarize students with the states of stress, strain of construction materials, Hoke law, the material constants E, G, n, simple strength cases C10 - To introduce students to methods of limit states C11 - To introduce students to straight bending (d = m/in) and oblique bending.

C12 - To introduce students to cutting in bending beams, t = TSx/bIx.

C13 - To introduce students to trajectories of main stresses. C14 - To introduce students to cases of eccentric loads. C15 - To introduce students to cases of Buckling of axially compressed rods. C16 - To introduce students to bracing . C17 - To introduce students to elastic and plastic bending C18 - To introduce students to methods of calculating bending line - using Mohr formulas C19 - To introduce students to methods of solving single-span statically indeterminate beams C20 – To develop the ability of studying and solving statically indeterminate beams and frames using Cross method.

C21 - To familiarize students with the issues of water pressure, earth pressure. C22 - To familiarize students with the issues of friction. C23 - To familiarize students with the issues of stability of buildings.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01-Solve problems related to geometry of plane figures PEK_W02 identify and differentiate between state of stress, state of strain. PEK_W03- distinguishes and defines simple strength cases PEK_W04-identify the rules for using the methods of limit states PEK_W05-solve problems associated with straight bending issues PEK_W06-solve problems associated with skew bending issues PEK_W07-solve the problems associated with flexural shear PEK_W08 - understand the principles of defining directions of trajectories of principal stresses. PEK_W09-solve problems associated with cases of eccentric loads PEK_W10 Solve problems related to cases of buckling of axially compressed rods. PEK_W11-understand principles related to the essence of compression of construction elements PEK_W12-identify the theory of elastic-plastic bending PEK_W13-identify methods of determining the line of bending of statically determinate beams PEK_W14 Solve statically indeterminate single-span beams PEK_W15-Solves statically indeterminate beams and frames using Cross’s method PEK_W16-understand principles of water and soil pressure PEK_W17-understand the principles of friction PEK_W18-identify the principles of stability of buildings Related to skills: PEK_U01-Use the relevant applicable building standards PEK_U02-Solves statically indeterminate beams and frames using Cross’s method

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. General overview of the course. State of stress, state of strain. Hooke’s law. Material Lec1 2 constants E,G,n. Tensile, compression, shear. Strength of materials. General principles of structure dimensioning. Method of boundary states. Torsion of circular and ring-shaped sections. Straight bending (d = M / W). Oblique Lec2 bending. Shape of the section of bent elements. 2

Numerical example of designing sections for bending. Cutting in bending beams, t = Lec3 TSx/bIx. 2 Principal stress. Trajectories of principal stresses. Lec4 Eccentric loads. Buckling of axially compressed rods. Compression significance. 2 Elastic and plastic bending Line of bending Mohr’s formulae. Examples. Line of Lec5 2 deflection - examples. Statically indeterminate single-span beams examples. Statically indeterminate Lec6 2 continuous multi-span beams introductory notes. Cross’s method. Cross’s method. Statically indeterminate continuous multi-span beams - numerical Lec7 example. Water pressure, earth pressure general remarks. Friction. 2 Stability of buildings. Lec8 Semester summary. Preparation for the examination. 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Presentation of the course completion requirements. Plane geometry. Assignment 2 of topic for task no. 3 Tut2 Plane geometry. Main central inertia axes - numerical examples 2 Tut3 Overview of task no 4 - assignment of topics. Submission of assignment no 3. 2 Standards of loads - overview. Tut4 Simple cases of strength-tensile, compression, shear 2 Tut5 Examples of calculating loads for selected structural elements of a single-family 2 home Tut6 Examples of dimensioning of structural elements of a single-family home 2 Tut7 Examples of dimensioning of structural elements of a single-family home- 2 continuation. Review of progress of assignment no 4. Tut8 Review of progress of assignment no 4. Cutting in bending beams. Principal 2 stress. Tut9 Test no 1 . Submission of assignment no 4. 2 Tut10 Overview of test no 1 . Assignment of topic for task no. 5 Eccentric loads. 2 Buckling. Line of deflection of beams-examples. Tut11 Statically indeterminate beams. Continuous multi-span beams - Cross method 2 - beginning

Tut12 Continuous multi-span beams - Cross method 2

Tut13 Statically indeterminate frames with unmovable joints numerical example - Cross 2 method. Tut14 Final test no 2 Submission of assignment no 5. 2 Tut15 Resit test, supplementary topics, grading 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 3. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. 4. Multimedia presentations 5. Interactive discussion about completed tasks developed during lectures and tutorials. 6. Preparation of an assignment in the form of a report. 7. Test 8. Final test. 9. Exam 10. Consultations.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01- PEK_W18 Written exam I date oral exam II date PEK_U01 Tutorial Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01- PEK_W18; Assessment of the content quality of the completed PEK_U01 assignments. F2 PEK_W01- PEK_W18; Grade for the content of homework PEK_U01 F3 PEK_W01- PEK_W13; Grade for the content of the test. P - Weighted average for completed tasks 10%, homework 30%, tests 60%



Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C02-C06, Tut01-Tut04 N3-N5,N7,N8 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C09-C20 Lec01-Lec08, N1-N8 Tut04-Tut15 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C09-C18 Lec01-Lec05, N1-N8 Tut4-Tut15 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C10-C18 Lec01-Lec08, N1-N8 Tut04-Tut10 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C11,C16,C17 Lec2-Lec5, Tut4- N1-N8 Tut15 PEK_W06 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C11,C17 Lec2-Lec5, Tut4- N1-N8 Tut15 PEK_W07 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07 C12,C13 Lec3,Tut4-Tut15 N1-N8 PEK_W08 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C12,C13 Lec3,Tut4-Tut15 N1-N8 PEK_W09 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C14-C16 Lec4,Tut10 N1-N8 PEK_W010 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C14-C16 Lec4,Tut10 N1-N8 PEK_W011 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C14-C16 Lec4 N7,N8 PEK_W012 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C17 Lec5 N7,N8 PEK_W013 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C18,C19 Lec5, Tut10- N1-N8 Tut11 PEK_W014 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C19,C20 Lec6 N7,N8 PEK_W015 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C19,C20 Lec6,Lec7, N4,N7,N8 Tut11-Tut13 PEK_W016 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C21 Lec7 N7,N8 PEK_W017 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C22 Lec7 N7,N8 PEK_W018 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09 C23 Lec7 N7,N8 PEK_U01 (skills) K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U07 C08 Tut3-Tut9 N1-N8

PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U07 C20 Lec6-Lec7, N1-N8 Tut11-Tut13

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE Mechanics of Buildings 1 and Mechanics of Building 2, are the subjects that open the lectures and tutorials of construction courses taught at the Faculty of Architecture in full-time and evening programs. Failing any course in Mechanics of Buildings (tutorial or lecture) delays the possibility of attending the tutorial and lectures of construction courses in subsequent years of programs at the Faculty of Architecture.


Course title in English History of Ancient Architecture Academic major Architecture And Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA001204S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

*delete as applicable


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the history and changes of ancient architecture C2 - Overview of the skills of an architect in antiquity C3 - Analysis of determinants of ancient architecture C4 - To introduce students to methods of analyzing historic materials C5 - To develop skills in analyzing and presenting architectural structures

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic knowledge of history of ancient architecture and understand the dependencies between architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W02 – Identify the most important ancient structures and characterize their spatial layouts.

Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Analyze the form and structure of ancient buildings. PEK_U02 – Identify architectural structures and forms from individual antique periods

Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of various representatives of social groups in the ancient world PEK_K02 - Demonstrate awareness of historic and cultural values of heritage structures

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Introduction, preliminary assumptions, definitions and architectural Se 1 notions; 2 Prehistory; Architecture of Mesopotamia Architecture of Mesopotamia, Asia Minor up to the 3rd century Se 2 2 A.C.N. Se 3, 4, 5 Architecture of Ancient Egypt. 6 Se 6 Aegean architecture 2 Se 7, 8, 9, 10 Architecture of ancient Greece. 8 Se 11 Architecture of Etruria, architecture of ancient Rome 2 Se 12, 13, 14, Architecture of ancient Rome (optionally: architecture of Byzantium) 8 15 Total hours 30 It is possible to change the order of topics or postpone them.

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentations N2. Case studies N3. Problem-oriented discussion as part of the seminar. N4. Presentations by students


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Test PEK_U01, PEK_U02 F2 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Presentation of opinions. PEK_U01 P = 0.6 F1 + 0.4 F2


BASIC LITERATURE: [16] W. Müller, G. Vogel, Atlas Architektury, Tom I, Historia Architektury od Mezopotamii po Bizancjum, Warszawa 2003 [17] T. Broniewski, Historia architektury, Wrocław 1980 [18] N. Grimal, Dzieje starożytnego Egiptu, Warszawa 2004 [19] W. Müller-Wiener, Greckie budownictwo antyczne, Kraków: „Platan” 2004 [20] S. Parnicki-Pudełko, Architektura Starożytnej Grecji, Warszawa 1985 [21] W. Koch, Style w architekturze, Warszawa 2005

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] J. Śliwa, Sztuka i archeologia starożytnego Wschodu, Warszawa-Kraków 1997 [2] M. Roaf, Wielkie Kultury Świata: Mezopotamia, Warszawa 1998 [3] B.J. Kemp, Starożytny Egipt. Anatomia cywilizacji, Warszawa 2009 [4] J. Lipińska, W cieniu piramid, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 2003 [5] J. Lipińska, Historia architektury starożytnego Egiptu, Warszawa 1977 [6] K. Michałowski, Nie tylko piramidy. Sztuka dawnego Egiptu, Warszawa 1966 [7] R. Schultz, M. Seidel (red.), Egipt świat faraonów, wyd. Könemann, 2004 [8] R. Rutkowski, Sztuka egejska, Warszawa 1987 [9] E. Papuci-Władyka, Sztuka starożytnej Grecji, Warszawa-Kraków 2001 [10] K. Ulatowski, Architektura starożytnej Grecji, Warszawa-Poznań 1962 [11] D. Wildung, Egipt : od czasów prehistorycznych do rzymskich, seria: Architektura Świata, Warszawa 1998 [12] H. Stierlin, Grecja : od Myken do Partenonu, seria: Architektura Świata, Warszawa ; Köln 1998 [13] H. Stierlin, Imperium Romanum : od Etrusków do Cesarstwa Rzymskiego, seria: Architektura Świata, Warszawa 1997 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) professor Ernest Niemczyk, [email protected] professor Rafał Czerner, [email protected] Hanna Golasz-Szołomicka PhD, [email protected] Teresa Dziedzic PhD, [email protected] Aleksandra Brzozowska MSc, [email protected] EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE HISTORY OF ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR

Course learning Relation of course outcome with learning Course objectives*** Curriculum content*** outcome outcomes formulated for the major and specialization (if applicable)**

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W13 C1, C2, C3 Se1-Se15 KNOWLEDGE PEK_W02 K1AIU_W13 C1, C3, C4, C5

PEK_U01 K1AIU_U14 C2, C3, C4, C5 Se1- Se15 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U14 C1, C3

PEK_K01 K1AIU_K08 C3 Se1- Se15 (competencies)

PEK_K02 K1AIU_K09 C3

** - enter symbols for learning outcomes related to the academic concentration/specialization *** - from the table above


Course title in English Mathematics 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code MAP001094Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 30 Number of student workload 180 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 6 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 5 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 3. Demonstrate the ability to analyze the convergence of sequences and calculate limits of functions of one variable. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of the calculus of functions of one variable and its applications. 5. Identify and apply the indefinite and definite integral of functions of one variable.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. Learn the basic concepts concerning analytical geometry in space

C2. Develop the ability to apply integral calculus of multivariate functions in engineering calculations

C3. Develop basic knowledge of plotting isometry on a plane . Develop knowledge of groups of symmetry of plane figures and endless belt.

C4. Application of acquired knowledge to create and analyze mathematical models to solve theoretical and practical issues in the various fields of science and technology.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 identify vector calculus in space, identify equations of lines and planes PEK_W02 identify bases of integral calculus of multivariate functions

PEK_W03 demonstrate elementary knowledge of isometry on a plane and symmetry groups of flat figures and endless belt.

Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to apply the vector calculus for exploring mutual positioning of lines and planes in space

PEK_U02 Demonstrate the ability to calculate and interpret the double integral, solve engineering problems using double integrals PEK_U03 Demonstrate the ability to create basic geometric structures using isometry, design plane figures with a given symmetry group, create a pattern in a belt with a given symmetry group

Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 understand the need of individual work to learn the course curriculum PEK_K02 understand the role of mathematics in technical and design areas

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Vectors in R3. Addition and multiplication by scalar vectors. Lec1 Dot product of vectors. 2

Vector product. Triple product. Lec2 Using these products to calculate fields of areas and volume of solids. 2

The normal, general and parametric equation of a plane. Mutual positioning of planes. Lec3 2

Parametric, directional and edge equation of line. Mutual positioning of lines, Mutual Lec4 positioning of lines and plains. 2

The concept of function with two variables, domain, contour lines, surfaces as graphs. Lec5 2 Intuition of the concept of limit and continuity for functions of two variables. Lec6 Integral double as volume, replacement of double integral by iterated integrals. 2 Calculating double integrals over normal areas related to the axis of system. Lec7 2

Polar coordinates in double integrals Lec8 2

Application of double integrals in geometry and mechanics. Lec9 2

Types of representations. Plotting transformations, inverse transformation. Fixed points of transformation. Lec10 2 The concept of isometry, translations, rotations, reflections and glide reflections.

Theorem of plane isometry as combination of at most three reflections. Lec11 2 Plotting of isometry. The concept of consistent and opposite isometry - their relationship while maintaining the orientation of the plane. The concept of group and subgroup. Lec12 Group generator. Group of all plane isometries. 2

Symmetry groups of figure limited on a plane - cyclic group of rotations and dihedral Lec13 group Description of these groups using generators. 2

Classification of seven symmetry groups of the trail (pattern in unrestricted belt). Lec14 Motif and fundamental area. 2

Examples of symmetry groups in architecture. Lec15 Classification of finished symmetry groups of the plane. 2

Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Operations on free vectors. 4 Calculating the dot , vector and triple product. Application to examine the orthogonality and parallelism of vectors.

Tut2 Calculating equations of normal, general and parametric planes. 2 Examining mutual positioning of planes. Calculating the angle between plains.

Tut3 Calculating parametric, directional and edge equations of lines . 4 Calculating distance between two oblique and parallel lines. Calculating the angle between a line and a plane. Calculating the projection of line on an plane and reflections of the point in the line and the plane.

Tut4 Calculating domains of functions of two and three variables. 2 Analyzing the function describing rotational planes.

Tut5 Integrating over a rectangle. 2 Transformation of double integral to iterated integrals.

Transformation of double integral over normal area with one variable into iterated integrals. Change in the order of integrating.

Tut6 Moving from Cartesian coordinates to polar and inversely. 2 Calculating double integrals with the application of polar coordinates.

Tut7 The application of double integrals is geometry - calculation of fields of areas and 4 volume of solids. The application of double integrals in physics - calculating homogeneous and heterogeneous masses of areas, calculating coordinates of the center of gravity in such areas.

Tut8 Basic structures : plotting two rotations, two translations, rotation with translation, 4 reflection with translation, of reflection with rotation. Describing the table of operations.

Tut9 Plotting of isometry using the grid of equilateral triangles, squares, diamonds and 2 trapezoids. Tut10 Drawing figures of a given symmetry group. 2 Creating patterns in endless strips with a given symmetry group. Indicating motifs and fundamental areas.

Tut11 Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 1. Problem-oriented lecture - traditional method 2. Problem-solving and arithmetic exercises – traditional method 3. Consultations. 4. Individual work – preparation for tutorial. 5. Materials for work.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F - Tut PEK_U01-PEK_U03 Oral tests, short tests, tests PEK_K01-PEK_K02 F - lec PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Examination P PEK_W01-PEK_W03 Set by the instructor PEK_U01-PEK_U03 PEK_K01-PEK_K02

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [9] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 2. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [10] M. Gewert, Z. Skoczylas, Analiza matematyczna 2. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2005. [11] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Definicje, twierdzenia, wzory, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006. [12] T. Jurlewicz, Z. Skoczylas, Algebra liniowa 1. Przykłady i zadania, Oficyna Wydawnicza GiS, Wrocław 2006.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [13] T. Huskowski, H. Korczowski, H. Matuszczyk, Algebra liniowa, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [14] W. Krysicki, L. Włodarski, Analiza matematyczna w zadaniach, Cz. I-II, PWN, Warszawa 2006. [15] W. Stankiewicz, Zadania z matematyki dla wyższych uczelni technicznych, Cz. A-B, PWN, Warszawa 2003. [16] T. Trajdos, Matematyka, Cz. III, WNT, Warszawa 2005. [17] W. Żakowski, W. Kołodziej, Matematyka, Cz. II, WNT, Warszawa 2003.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Jacak PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with learning Course Curriculum Number of teaching outcome outcomes formulated for the major objectives content tool

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W04 C1, C4 Lec1 –Lec4 N1-5 (knowledge) PEK_W02 C2, C4 Lec5-Lec9 N1-5 PEK_W03 C3, C4 Lec10-Lec15 N1-5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U05 C1, C4 Tut1-Tut3 N1-5 (skills) PEK_U02 C2, C4 Tut4-Tut7 N1-5 PEK_U03 C3, C4 Tut8-Tut10 N1-5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1 (competencies) K1AIU_K02 PEK_K02 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15 N1


Course title in English Building Engineering 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA001203W, AUA001203P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 30 Number of student workload 60 60 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 8. Knowledge of rudimental problems pertaining to basic construction systems and elements.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To acquaint students with the principles of creating from architectural drawings of a selected part of the building.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate elementary knowledge of general building engineering Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic application of construction elements PEK_U02 – Create basic architectural drawings of selected parts of a building Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec 1 Principles of constructing stairs. 2 Stairs made of stone, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden stairs, stairs made of mixed Lec2 2 materials. Lec 3 Principles of designing handrails, stair finishes 2 Lec 4 Roofing, principles of constructing 2 Lec 5 Flat roof covering, inverted roofs 2 Lec 6 External finishing of buildings 2 Lec7 Principles of finishing different types of interiors 3 Lec 8 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 2 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Assignment and overview of individual project topics to students. Students’ individual Pr2 2 project work. Overview and summary of problems related to the structural system of a single-family Pr3 home 2 Students’ individual project work. Presentation of problems and requirements related to designing and constructing stairs in a single-family home and other buildings, geometry of stairs, spiral and Pr4 2 mixed stairs (with winders), principles of drawing Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of first drafts of projects by students. Assessment of the Pr5 2 first drafts of projects. Overview and summary of problems related to designing the stair structure, the Pr6 dependencies between the structure of the building and the choice of stair structure. 2 Students’ individual project work. Architectural elements of the building structure in the surroundings of stairs (walls, Pr7 ceilings, foundations, roof). 2 Students’ individual project work. Optimization of stair structure. Pr8 2 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of problems related to designing stair balusters, requirements, material solutions, material finishes of stairs and their surroundings, Pr9 2 floors. Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with creating detailed drawings. Pr10 Choice of details for detailed study. 2 Students’ individual project work. Further work on the study of details of stairs and balusters. Pr11 2 Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of second drafts of projects by students. Assessment of Pr12 2 second drafts of projects. Pr13 Optimization of detailed solutions in the project. Students’ individual project work. 2 Pr14 Presentation and submission of final projects. 2 Overview of completed projects. Assessment of projects Pr15 2 Grading. Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Educational lecture N2. Interactive project. N3. Preparation of project in phases. N4. Consultations. N5. Individual work – preparation of project. N6. Individual work – preparation for the final examination.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Examination α1=1 P1=F1 α1, gdzie α1=1, ∑ α = 1 Tutorial Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F2 PEK_U01 Assessment of a set of drawing exercises α2=1 PEK_U02 P2=F2 α2, where α2=1, ∑ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [22] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [23] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [24] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [25] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [10] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [11] Act on the Building Law of 7 July 1994 as amended.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor E. Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W26 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N6 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U16 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N6 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U07, K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U16 C1 Pr1-Pr15 N2, N3, N4, N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N6 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C1 Pr1-Pr15 N2, N3, N4, N5


Course title in English Composition and Fine Arts Module 2 Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA001202L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Total number of contact 45 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop skills in using advanced freehand drawing techniques. C2. To develop skills in drawing human figure from nature. C3. To develop skills in creating composition systems using different artistic techniques and different materials. C4. To learn the basics of color theory and the technique of tempera painting. C3. To develop skills in analyzing and artistic recording of the architectural and urban space and landscape through plein-eir drawing studies.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate basic knowledge of color theory. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Use advanced freehand drawing techniques – stylus, stick, mixed media. PEK_U02 – Draw a study of a human figure using different drawing techniques - from sketches of movement to head study. PEK_U03 - Create flat and three-dimensional composition systems using different painting techniques and basic modeling materials. PEK_U04 – Use the basic technique of tempera painting. PEK_U05 – Create a plein-eir drawing study of an architectural and urban space and landscape.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Pen and ink study of still life 1. 3 La2 Stick and ink study of still life 2. 3 La3 Pen and ink study of a functional form (home equipment, furniture, etc.) 3 La4 Stick and ink sketch of a human figure from nature. 3 La5 Pen and ink study of a figure. 3 La6 Pen and ink sketches for a composition of a three-dimensional form. 3 La7 Making the three-dimensional form out of cardboard. 3 La8 Mixed media drawing of the finished three-dimensionalform in the context of a 3 landscape from imagination with staffage. La9 Lecture: Basics of color theory. Flat geometric composition 1, tempera painting 3 technique. La10 Flat geometric composition 2, tempera painting technique. 3 La11 Flat geometric composition 3, tempera painting technique. 3 La12 Pen and ink study of urban space (plein-eir 1). 3 La13 Stick and ink study of urban space (plein-eir 2). 3 La14 Painting study of urban space (plein-eir 3). 3 La15 Mixed media study of urban space (plein-eir 4). 3 Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. preparation of artistic studies N2. conceptual, experimental work N3. consultation N4. presentation of projects N5. problem-oriented lecture

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Assessment of artworks made during the laboratory course. F2 PEK_W01 - PEK_U05 Assessment of artworks assigned as homework. P = α1 F1 + α2 F2, gdzie α1 = 75 %, α2 = 25 %, Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Civardi Giovanni, Rysunek. Przewodnik po sztuce rysowania, Wydawnictwo K. E. Liber, Warszawa 2011. [2] Siomkajło Barbara (red.), Rysunek i malarstwo. Problemy podstawowe, wybrane zagadnienia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2001. [3] Barber Barrington, Rysowanie postaci ludzkiej. Kurs dla artystów i amatorów, Delta, Warszawa. [4] Parramón José M., Kolor w malarstwie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1995.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bruzda Jan, Szkice architektoniczne, A-7, Kraków 1993. [2] Gill Robert, Zasady rysunku realistycznego, Galaktyka, Łódź 1997. [3] Matusiewicz Ryszard, Rysunek architekta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1992. [4] Siomkajło Barbara, Rysunek i malarstwo pomiędzy naturą a architekturą, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2010. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C4 La9 – La11 N3, N5 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1 La1 – La8, N1, N3 K1AIU_K07 La12 – La15 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2 La4 – La5 N1, N3 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C3 La6 –la7 N1, N3 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C4 La9 – La11 N1, N3 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U05 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C5 La12 – La 15 N1, N3 K1AIU_K07


Course title in English Computer Aided Design 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA001206L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Identify the principles of creating technical drawings. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. 2. SKILLS: Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using AutoCAD software to create a 2D drawing C2 To familiarize students with the standards of using AutoCad software to create construction documentation.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of computer aided design. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation using AutoCAD software, printing documentation prepared with AutoCAD software. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Prepare documentation related to the implementation of engineering task using AutoCad software.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 General principles of working with CAD software. AutoCad user interface. 2 Reference system. Methods for introducing coordinates. Preview of drawing La2 Basic drawing and edit commands 2 La3 Basic drawing and edit commands 2 La4 Precision drawing 2 La5 Drawing task - consultations 2 La6 Layers, structure features 2 La7 Drawing task - consultations 2 La8 Creating and editing blocks. 2 La9 Description of drawings 2 Creating and editing blocks with attributes La10 Drawing task - consultations 2 La11 Dimensioning. 2 La12 Crosshatch 2 La13 Model space, paper space, printing 2 La14 Drawing task - consultations 2 La15 Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultation.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of content quality of final work – a1=0,6

F2 PEK_U01 Assessment of quality of final work – a2=0,4 P=a1F1+a2F2

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 9. Andrzej Pikoń: AutoCAD 2011 PL. Pierwsze kroki. Helion 2011 10. Andrzej Jaskulski: AutoCAD 2011/LT2011+. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2011 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [25] http://cad.pl/kursy/5-kurs-autocad-poczatkujacy.html COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Wąsowicz PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W16, K1AIU_W24 C2. La1-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U21 C1 La1-La14 N1, N2 (skills)


Course title in English Descriptive Geometry 2 - Painter’s Perspective Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA105601P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 90 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 3 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 11. competence and abilities in geometry (within the scope of mathematics), verified by positive assessment on the high school certificate

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop elementary knowledge of theory of central projections as theoretical basis for plotting images of architectural structures in perspective on a vertical plane C2. To develop skills in drawing visualization of architectural structures in the form of perspective - visualization

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate basic knowledge of central projection as a theory of painting perspective

PEK_W02: Demonstrate basic knowledge concerning perspective on the vertical plane, points, straight lines, polyhedrons, curves of the second degree, basic surfaces of the second degree, basic geometric structures

Related to skills: PEK_U01: Demonstrate the ability to draw a composition of polyhedrons as the implementation of central projection in the arrangement of Monge’s projection plane. PEK_U02: Demonstrate the ability to draw a composition of polyhedrons in a perspective on the vertical plane, using the method background traces and vanishing points

PEK_U03: Demonstrate the ability to apply Thales theorem to draw perspective divisions such as the facade of the building and stairs representation PEK_U04 Demonstrate the ability to draw the perspective of basic surfaces used in architecture: cone, cylinder PEK_U05: Demonstrate the ability to construct shades on flat-walled and mixed objects: polyhedrons, surfaces

Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 PEK_K02

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Perspective as the implementation of central projection in the arrangement of two Pr1 2 Monge’s projection planes - perspective of composition of polyhedrons - sheet 1 Perspective on the vertical plane of a composition of polyhedrons, method Pr2 2 background traces and vanishing points – sheet 2 Perspective of divisions of elevation of a flat-wall object - sheet 3 Pr3 2

Thales theorem In the perspective for the construction of an image of stair runs - Pr4 sheet 4 2

Perspective of a composition of cones and cylinders - sheet 5 Pr5 2

Construction of shadows in a perspective on a flat-wall composition - sheet 6 Pr6 2

Construction of shadows in a perspective on a composition of cones and cylinders - Pr7 sheet 7 2

Construction of perspective on a vertical plane, of an architectural object - Pr8 assignment of homework 2

Construction of shadows in a perspective of an architectural object - Pr9 2 as homework Perspective of the interior of an architectural object, in-class assignment , part 1 Pr10 2

Pr11 Perspective of the interior of an architectural object, in-class assignment , part 2 2 Pr12 Perspective of the interior of an architectural object, in-class assignment , part 3 2 Bird’s-eye perspective of an urban composition, in-class assignment, part 1 Pr13 2

Pr14 Bird’s-eye perspective of an urban composition, in-class assignment, part 2 2 Submission of homework, credits Pr15 2

Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Short traditional lecture, short presentation, consultations N2. Short lecture, consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02 Drawing panels from 1 to 7 – a1 = 1 PEK_U01 ÷ PEK_U05 F1 PEK_U02 ÷ Homework – a1= 0.2 PEK_U05 F2 PEK_U02 ÷ Two in-class tasks – a2= 0.8 PEK_U05 F = a1 F1 where a1 =1 P = a1 P1 + a2 P2 where a1 = 0.2 a2 = 0.8 Σ a = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [26] T.Romaszkiewicz-Białas, Perspektywa praktyczna dla architektów, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2011 [27] B.Grochowski, Geometria wykreślna z perspektywą stosowaną, PWN Warszawa 2008

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Bogaczyk PhD, [email protected]

EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE DESCRIPTIVE GEOMETRY 2 WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 ÷ K1AIU_W05 C1 Pr1 ÷ Pr7 N1 PEK_W02 (knowledge) PEK_U01 ÷ K1AIU_U06 C2 Pr8 ÷ Pr15 N2 PEK_U05 (skills)

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE OF WRUT COURSE SYLLABUS HISTORY OF WORLD ARCHITECTURE 1 - THE MIDDLE AGES Course title in English History of World Architecture - the Middle Ages Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002308S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the skills of a medieval architect – problems of composition, theory of architecture and knowledge of style. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of architecture from Early Christian times to late Gothic

C3 - To develop skills in describing and analyzing architectural structures

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of history of European architecture since the 15th century to mid-. 19th century, and understand the dependencies between architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W02: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature, databases and other sources, demonstrate the ability to integrate, interpret the obtained data and draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions Related to skills: PEK_U01: Analyze the aesthetic value of a work of architecture. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. PEK_K02: Understand the social role of the graduate of a technical university, in particular understand the need to protect the cultural heritage.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se 1. Introduction Political and economic situation in the Roman empire of the I-IV century 2 Old Christian architecture – long structures. Se 2. Old Christian architecture – central structures. 2 Byzantine architecture - vaults, churches of Constantinopol.

Se 3. Architecture of Byzantium in the 6th-15th centuries. 2 Asturian and Visigoth architecture in 7th-9th c.

Carolinian and Ottonian architecture of the mid- 7th-early 11th w. Se 4. Introduction to Romanesque architecture (XI - mid- XII century) - structures, 2 architectural details. The origins of Roman architecture - Burgundy, Catalonia Se 5. Romance architecture in France - Normandy, Auvergne, Poitou, pilgrimage churches, 2 Aquitaine, Cistercian churches. Se 6. Romanesque architecture in Italy - Tuscany, Lombardy, Venice, Sicily. 2

Romanesque architecture in Germany. Se 7. Written test 1 2 Se 8. Gothic architecture (1140 - 15th century) - structure, spatial arrangements, 2 architectural details.

France - Cathedrals of early period (1140-1200) - Laon, Paris, Bourges. Se 9. France - Cathedral of the classical period (1190-1250) - Chartres, Reims, Amiens, 2 Beauvais.France - Gothic beyond Île-de-Françe. Flame Gothic. Se 10. Gothic architecture in England - early, decorative, vertical period. 2

Se 11. Gothic architecture in Italy - Franciscan, Dominican churches and cathedrals (Siena, 2 Orvieto, Florencja, Milan).

Se 12. Gothic architecture in Germany. Commercial buildings in the Middle Ages. 2

Se 13. Castles, homes, palaces. 2 Se 14. Gothic architecture in Spain. 2 Se 15. Written test 2. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. Multimedia presentations N3. Presentation of paper by student. N4. Interactive seminar. N5. Consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Test 1 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F2 PEK_W01 Test 2 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F3 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 presentation PEK_K01 P = average of grades F1, F2, F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Wczesne Średniowiecze, ser. Architektura świata, Warszawa 1998. [2] D. Watkin, Historia architektury zachodniej, Warszawa 2001. [3] N. Pevsner, Historia architektury europejskiej, Warszawa 1979. [4] W. Koch, Style w architekturze, Warszawa 1996. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [5] B. Filarska, Początek architektury chrześcijańskiej, Lublin 1988. [6] Romanesque art. Architektura, rzeźba, malarstwo, pod red. R. Tomana, Köln – 2000. [7] Gothic. Architektura, rzeźba, malarstwo, pod red. R. Tomana, Köln 2004. [8] O. von Simson, Gothic Cathedral. Jej narodziny i znaczenie, Warszawa 1989. [9] J. Grimpel, Jak budowano w średniowieczu, Warszawa 1968. [10] P. Riche, Życie codzienne w państwie Karola Wielkiego, Warszawa 1979. [11] B. Geremek, Życie codzienne w Paryżu F. Villona, Warszawa 1972. [12] Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych, red. S. Kozakiewicz, Warszawa 1969, 2007. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Małgorzata Chorowska, [email protected]

EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE HISTORY OF WORLD ARCHITECTURE 1 - THE MIDDLE AGES WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W13 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4, (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U14 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (skills) PEK_K01 K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C3 Se1-15 1, 2, 3, 4


Course title in English Building Engineering 3 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002304C Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 12. Knowledge of elementary problems pertaining to basic construction systems and elements. 13. Knowledge of basic building materials, their characteristics and assortment

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To acquaint students with principles of developing a selected construction system C2 - To introduce students to requirements related to creating architectural drawings pertaining to a selected construction system

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic application of appropriate materials, building structures and technologies in designing a selected construction system. PEK_U02 – Choose construction elements and technologies and create architectural drawings for a selected construction system Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work and demonstrate readiness to follow the rules of teamwork

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - tutorials ho urs Tut1 Scope of tutorial course, course completion requirements, literature. 2 Assignment and overview of individual drawing exercise to students. Overview of the Tut2 2 drawings included in the drawing practice set Presentation of problems related to designing and constructing roofs with different Tut3 2 structure and span Overview and summary of problems related to the construction of wooden roofs. Tut4 2 Continuation of drawing exercise Tut5 Optimization of the structure of timber roof trusses in steep roofs 2 Tut6 Overview of the first stage of the drawing exercises prepared by students. 2 Overview and summary of problems related to the constructing functional attics in Tut7 2 single-family homes. Continuation of drawing exercise Tut8 Analysis of structures of external partitions of roofs and flat roofs 2 Overview and summary of problems related to creating detailed drawings of roof Tut9 3 truss. Continuation of drawing exercise Overview of problems related to creating detailed drawing exercises. Continuation of Tut10 2 drawing exercise Overview of the problems associated with creating detailed drawings of the roof structure - details. Tut11 3 Continuation of drawing exercise - assignment of individual topics pertaining to roof detail Tut12 Overview of the second stage of the drawing exercises prepared by students. 3 Tut13 Continuation of drawing exercise 3 Tut14 Continuation of drawing exercise 3 Assessment and overview of sets of drawings prepared by students as drawing Tut15 3 exercises. Summary of tutorial, assessment of students, grading Total hours 30 TEACHING TOOLS N1. Interactive tutorial. N2. Consultations. N3. Individual work – drawing assignments.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 Assessment of set of drawings prepared as drawing assignments α1=1 P 1= P1=F1 α1, where α1=1, ∑ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [28] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [29] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [30] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [31] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [12] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [13] Act on the Building Law of 07 July 1994 as amended. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor E. Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U27 C1, C2 Tut1- Tut15 N1, N2 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U07, K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U10, C1, C2 Tut1- Tut15 N1, N2, N3 K1AIU_U16 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1, C2 Tut1- Tut15 N1, N2 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C1, C2 Tut1- Tut15 N1, N2


Course title in English Computer Aided Design 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA002309L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of computer aided design. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation using AutoCAD software, printing documentation prepared with AutoCAD software. 2. SKILLS: Prepare documentation related to the implementation of engineering task using AutoCad software.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using AutoCAD software related to using selected advanced functions of AutoCad. C2 To develop skills in using AutoCAD software to create a 3D model

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic knowledge of 3D objects created using Cad software. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Apply selected advanced AutoCad functions in design practice. PEK_U02: Use AutoCad to build a 3D model of an architectural object and on its basis generate technical documentation for the object.

Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Link to raster image 2 La2 Link to an external drawing (XREF) 2 La3 Creating and editing dynamic blocks. 2 La4 Overview of topic of individual work. 2 Setting the working space, global coordinate system, creation of local coordinate systems, previewing 3D drawings La5 Basic 3D objects, predefined objects 2 La6 Other ways of creating 3D objects 2

La7 Other ways of creating 3D objects - cont 2 Review and discussion of individual topics. La8 Creating and editing 3D objects. 2 Individual work, consultations. La9 Creating and editing 3D objects. 2 Individual work, consultations. La10 Creating and editing 3D objects. 2 Individual work, consultations. La11 Creating and editing 3D objects. 2 Individual work, consultations. La12 Development of a visualization based on the modeled 3D objects. 2 La13 Generating of 2D drawings from 3D objects - creating technical documentation 2 based on 3D objects La14 Individual work, consultations. 2 La15 Submission of final work 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of the correctness of the structure of the PEK_U02 3D model – a1=0,5 F2 PEK_U02 Assessment of the quality of the 3D model – a2=0,25 F3 PEK_U02 Assessment of construction documentation generated using a 3D model – a3=0,25 P=a1F1+a2F2+ a3F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 14. Andrzej Jaskulski: AutoCAD 2011/LT2011+. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN 2011 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [26] http://cad.pl/kursy/7-kurs-autocad-sredniozaawansowany.html [27] http://cad.pl/kursy/8-kurs-autocad-zaawansowany.html

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Wąsowicz PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W16 C2 La4-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) K1AIU_W24 PEK_U01 (skills) K1AIU_U16 C1 La1-La3 N1, N2 K1AIU_U21 PEK_U01 (skills) K1AIU_U16 C2 La4-La14 N1, N2 K1AIU_U21


Course title in English: Technical Infrastructure Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002307W Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 Number of student workload 30 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Ability to use rules and technical requirements. 2. Knowledge of basic principles of creating project documentation.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To acquire knowledge of the principles of designing elements of technical and transport infrastructure on plans and longitudinal and cross sections. C2. Develop skills in preparing basic project documentation.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W09 describe basic principles of designing elements of technical and transport infrastructure. PEK_W02 – prepare project documentation. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Use technical regulations for designing elements of technical and transport infrastructure in order to self-educate. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Independently acquire knowledge of many technical and transport problems.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hours Introduction History of the development of roads. Basic definitions in road Lec 1 2 construction. Lec2 Studies and analysis of road traffic. 2 Principles of designing elements of technical and transport infrastructure on plans Lec 3 2 and longitudinal section. Lec 4 Principles of designing roads and street in cross section. 2 Materials used in the construction of road surfacing. Division and characteristics of Lec 5 2 road surfacing. Structural design of road pavement. Lec 6 Division and characteristics of road intersections – principles of designing. 2 Principles of designing urban transport systems (mass communication, pedestrian Lec7 2 traffic, bicycle traffic). Lec 8 Credit Test. 1 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture, multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture. N2. Consultations, problem-solving discussion


Grades Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (F – formative outcome outcome (during the semester), P – summative (at the end of semester) P (lecture) = 0.3  F1 + PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Mid-term assignment (F1) + final test (F2) 0.7F2 PEK_U01


[32] Gaca S., Suchorzewski W., Tracz M.: Inżynieria ruchu drogowego. WKiŁ, Warszawa 2008. [33] Kamiński L., Szydło A., Drogi - projektowanie i budowa. Skrypt Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Wrocław, 1981. [34] Radziszewski P., Piłat J.: Nawierzchnie asfaltowe. WKiŁ, W-wa 2005 [35] Rosset A.: Drogi i mosty w średniowieczu i w czasach odrodzenia, Warszawa, WKiŁ, 1974. [36] Sieniawska – Kuras A.: Budownictwo drogowe w zarysie. Kabe. Krosno 2010. [37] Szczuraszek T.: Bezpieczeństwo ruchu miejskiego. WKiŁ, Warszawa 2006. [38] Szydło A.: Nawierzchnie drogowe z betonu cementowego : teoria, wymiarowanie, realizacja. Polski Cement, Kraków 2004.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [14] Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 3 July 2003 on detailed technical specifications for signs and traffic signals and traffic safety equipment and the conditions of their placement on the road. Dz.U. 2003 n0 220 item. 2181. [15] Wytyczne projektowania ulic. WPU. GDDP Warszawa 1995 [16] WYTYCZNE PROJEKTOWANIA SKRZYŻOWAŃ. Część I i II. GDDP Warszawa 2001 [17] Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of 2 March 1999 on the technical conditions to be met by public roads and their location. Dz.U.99.43.430

COURSE ADVISOR Czesław Wolek, Department of Roads and Airports, [email protected]) Teaching team (Antoni Szydło, Henryk Koba, Piotr Mackiewicz, Maciej Kruszyna, Dariusz Dobrucki, Jarosław Kuźniewski, Robert Wardęga, Krzysztof Gasz, Łukasz Skotnicki, Bartłomiej Krawczyk)


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum Number of teaching outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content tool major

KNOWLEDGE PEK_W01 K1AIU_W18 C1 Lec1-Lec7 N1 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W18 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec7 N1 SKILLS: PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02 C2 Lec1-Lec7 N2 COMPETENCIES: PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1 Lec1-Lec7 N2


Course title in English Composition and Fine Arts unit 3 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA002303L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Total number of contact 45 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for course „Composition and fine arts module 2” or „Composition and fine arts module 2w”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop skills in using basic painting techniques (tempera). C2. To develop skills in analyzing and synthetizing spatial forms and situations as paintings from nature. C3. To develop skills in creating colorful compositions. C4. To learn the skill of composing spatial forms and systems using clay.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Use the technique of tempera painting in studies from nature and imagination. PEK_U02 - To apply the technique of tempera painting in the study of a real spatial situation and express an individual point of view. PEK_U03 - Consciously create a harmonious composition of colors, both flat and three-dimensional. PEK_U04 - Use the technique of clay modeling and apply it in basic composition studies.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Overview of the course curriculum, sketches for summer composition (homework). 3 La2 Mixed media study of still life 1. 3 La3 Tempera painting study of still life 2. 3 La4 Tempera painting study of still life 3. 3 La5 Tempera painting study of still life 4. 3 La6 Flat composition, tempera painting. 3 La7 Dry brush sketches of a human figure from nature. 3 La8 Tempera painting study of a human figure from nature. 3 La9 Three-dimensional composition 1, technique of clay modeling. 3 La10 Three-dimensional composition 2, technique of clay modeling. 3 La11 Three-dimensional composition 3, technique of clay modeling. 3 La12 Three-dimensional composition 4, technique of clay modeling. 3 La13 Three-dimensional composition 5, technique of clay modeling. 3 La14 Three-dimensional composition 6, technique of clay modeling. 3 La15 Three-dimensional composition 7, technique of clay modeling. 3 Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. preparation of artistic studies N2. conceptual, experimental work N3. consultation N4. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 - PEK_U04 Assessment of artworks made during the laboratory course. F2 PEK_U01 - PEK_U04 Assessment of artworks assigned as homework. P = α1 F1 + α2 F2, gdzie α1 = 75 %, α2 = 25 %, Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Civardi Giovanni, Rysunek. Przewodnik po sztuce rysowania, Wydawnictwo K. E. Liber, Warszawa 2011. [2] Siomkajło Barbara (red.), Rysunek i malarstwo. Problemy podstawowe, wybrane zagadnienia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2001. [3] Barber Barrington, Rysowanie postaci ludzkiej. Kurs dla artystów i amatorów, Delta, Warszawa. [4] Werner Jerzy, Podstawy technologii malarstwa i grafiki, PWN, Warszawa - Kraków 1978. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Siomkajło Barbara, Rysunek i malarstwo pomiędzy naturą a architekturą, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2010. [2] Rzepińska Maria, Siedem wieków malarstwa europejskiego, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1979. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1 La1 – La8 N1 – N4 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2 La2 – La5, N1 – N4 K1AIU_K07 La7 – La8 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C3 La2 – La8 N1 – N4 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C4 La9 – La15 N1 – N4 K1AIU_K07

Annex no 3 to ZW Faculty of Architecture of WrUT COURSE DESCRIPTION STRUCTURES 1

Course title in English Building Structures 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code AUA003504W, AUA105607C Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 30 ------Number of student workload hours 60 60 ------Grading policy Examination credit ------ECTS points: 2 2 ------Including ECTS points for - 2 ------practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for contact 1 2 ------hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Skills in solving flat statically determinate systems 2. Skills in solving flat statically indeterminate systems 3. Skills in developing flat, basic tangential systems for s simple cuboidal form

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To gain elementary knowledge of structures using knowledge of the following basic subjects: C1.1. Mechanics. C1.2. Strength of materials. C1.3. Basics of chemistry of building materials. C2. To develop skills for conducting qualitative and quantitative research and interpretation, based on laws of mechanics, strength and chemistry, of selected phenomena and building processes in the following areas: C2.1. steel structures. C2.2. structures made of metals used in construction. C2.3. structures made of solid and glued timber. C3. To develop skills in formulating problems. Skills in solving problems based on literature and multimedia tools. To develop social competencies including skills in collaborating with a team. Responsibility, honesty and reliability in conduct: respecting the rules that govern academic and social environments.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES I. Related to knowledge: Demonstrate basic knowledge of elementary mechanics, strength and basics of chemistry of building materials

PEK_W01 – describe advantages and disadvantages of steel structures used in construction, types of structural steel and their basic properties. Recognize basic products used in construction PEK_W02 – perform basic calculations for ultimate and serviceability limit states Describe basic design principles and methods of calculating steel solid-web girders, as single-span and continuous beams, and their connections and principles of reinforcing. PEK_W03 – describe basics of designing and calculating plate girders (binding joists) in steel ceilings, as single- span and continuous beams of small and medium span lengths. Describe principles of creating I- sections and box sections with parallel and curvilinear flanges, properly formed webs in terms of statics and aesthetic requirements. Calculate and create connections and support nodes PEK_W04 – demonstrate knowledge of developing and calculating flat truss girders up to 20.0 m in length, dimensioning rods and designing aesthetic nodes. Describe the purlin structure of simple steel roofs, their horizontal and vertical bracing. PEK_W05 – perform elementary calculations and describe basic structures of solid-web and complex columns, (trusses, caps, bases) axially and eccentrically compressed columns. Describe basic structures of composite columns. PEK_W06 – design static diagrams and corresponding steel structure of industrial halls that have a simple cuboidal form. Describe basic structures of roofs and external walls. PEK_W07 – describe and explain static work of thin-walled structures, composite ceilings, mid-span girders, space frames with a span of over 20.0 m. PEK_W08 – identify advantages and disadvantages of aluminum structures and those made of other metals used in construction. Describe types of metals used in construction and their basic properties. Describe basic products made of metals used in construction. PEK_W09 – describe basic principles of designing structures made of solid timber and composite timber. Recognize basic classes of timber for structures, timber strength, principles of static calculations for simple structural element.

II. Related to skills: Properly and effectively apply basic laws of mechanics, strength and chemistry of materials, and the learned principles of construction to qualitative and quantitative analysis of selected engineering problems

PEK_U01 – use norms and basic engineering literature, search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic systems and construction elements for a simple cuboidal form PEK_U02 – choose the appropriate static diagram for the cuboidal form design and apply selected steel products to its implementation PEK_U03 – create basic construction drawings of installation diagrams of the structure for a simple cuboidal form PEK_U04 – calculate and design a steel ceiling with a small and medium span, grid of columns, binding joists and beams, nodes and mutual connections. PEK_U05 – estimate proportions and calculate the magnitude of forces in rods, design a truss girder with a span up to 20.0m for a steel, pitched purlin roof PEK_U06 – properly estimate forces for a one-, two- and three-story axially compressed column of a steel ceiling Estimate the dimensions of the shaft, cap and base of a column PEK_U07 – create basic structural elements from timber for a simple cuboidal form: simple and complex beams, solid-web girders, box and lattice girders. Simple columns, buckling lengths, slenderness. PEK_U07 – create basic structural elements from timber for a simple cuboidal form: simple and complex columns, box and lattice columns. PEK_U09 – create basic structural elements from timber for a simple cuboidal form: simple and complex columns, box and lattice columns.

III Related to social competencies: developing and solidifying competencies related to: PEK_K01 – searching for information and its critical analysis, PEK_K02 – working in a team and cooperating in order to improve working methods aimed at finding optimal solutions to problems assigned to the team, PEK_K03 – understanding the necessity of self-education, including improvement of skills of attention and concentration on significant things and development of the ability to apply the existing skills and knowledge, PEK_K04 – developing the ability of self-assessment and self-control and the responsibility for the results of performed actions, PEK_K05 – respecting the rules and customs that govern academic environments. PEK_K06 – thinking independently and creatively, PEK_K07 – the influence of technological development, material engineering and structures on the technological and social progress and environmental protection through openness to knowledge and curiosity about scientific achievements and advanced technologies, PEK_K08 – objectively evaluating arguments, rationally explaining and substantiating one’s opinion using knowledge of structures.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - lectures Number of hours Overview of the scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. Lec1, Selected physical and mechanical properties of uniform materials used in 2 construction Actions on a structure. Basic principles of creating Lec2 2 and calculating simple structural systems for a cuboidal form. Principles of creating and calculating steel roofs with a small Lec3, 2 and medium span Lec4, Principles of creating and calculating ceilings with small and medium span 2 Principles of creating and calculating simple structures with spacing between Lec5, 2 supports exceeding 20.0 m Principles of creating and calculating elements made Lec6, 2 of solid and glued timber used in construction. Lec7 Principles of calculating and creating aluminum structures 2 Lec8, Test 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Scope of tutorial, course completion requirements, overview of literature. 2 Assignment of project topics. Principles of implementing construction projects. Tut2 Calculating actions on a structure. Comparison of loads. 2 Tut3 Application of basic steel products. Designing beams of steel structures using 4 Tut4, basic static diagrams Tut5, Basic conditions of structure safety. Designing girders of steel structures : 4 Tut6, objectives, calculation of forces in rods, dimensioning, bracing Tut7, Designing columns of steel structures : objectives, calculation of forces in rods, 4 Tut8, dimensioning, bracing Tut9, Principles of designing installation diagrams for a cuboidal form in a steel 4 Tut10, structure. Tut11, Solving problem related to simple statically indeterminate beams: single-span 4 Tut12, and multi-span Tut13, Designing basic structural diagrams of a cuboidal form of a timber industrial hall 2 Tut14, Project completion 2 Tut15, Final test 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Traditional lecture using multimedia tools N2. Arithmetic exercises : solving problems and interactive tutorial N3. Arithmetic exercises – written tests N4. Consultations. N5. Individual work – reading literature N6. Individual work – project assignments. N7. Individual work – preparation for the final examination.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Tutorial Assessment F – formative Method of assessing the (during the semester), achievement of learning Number of learning outcome S – summative (at the end of outcome semester) Oral tests, PEK_U01  PEK_U09; PEK_K01 discussions, F1  PEK_K08 written tests,


Lecture Assessment F – formative Method of assessing the (during the semester), achievement of learning Number of learning outcome S – summative (at the end of outcome semester) PEK_W01  PEK_W09; F1 PEK_U01  PEK_U09 Written and oral exam PEK_K03  PEK_K08 P=F2


Relation of course outcome with learning outcomes formulated for Course Curriculum Number of Course learning outcome the major objectives content teaching tool

K1AIU_W09 C1.1, PEK_W01, Lec 1 N1 C1.3, K1AIU_W09 C1.1, PEK_W02, Lec2 N1 C1.2 K1AIU_W09 PEK_W03, C2.1 Lec 3 N1

K1AIU_W09 PEK_W04, C2.1 Lec 4 N1

PEK_W05, K1AIU_W09 C2.3 Lec 5 N1

K1AIU_W09 PEK_W06, C2.2 Lec6. N1

PEK_W07, K1AIU_W09 C2.1 Lec7 N1 C2.2 K1AIU_W09 PEK_W01W08, C.3 Lec8. N1

K1AIU_U10 K1AIU_U07 PEK_U01, C2.1 Tut1. N2,

K1AIU_U10 N2, PEK_U02, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut2.

K1AIU_U10 N2, PEK_U03, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut3, Tut4.

K1AIU_U10 N2,N4 PEK_U05, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut5. Tut6.

K1AIU_U10 N2,N4 PEK_U06, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut7, Tut8.

K1AIU_U10 N2,N4 PEK_U07, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut9, Tut10.

K1AIU_U10 N2,N4 PEK_U08, K1AIU_U07 C2.1 Tut11, Tut12.

K1AIU_U10 N2,N4 PEK_U09, K1AIU_U07 C2.2 Cw13

K1AIU_U10 N3 PEK_U09, K1AIU_U07 C2.2 Cw15

K1AIU_K01 K1AIU _K02 Lec1Lec8 PEK_K01 PEK_K08 K1AIU _K03, K1AIU _K04 N1N7 C3 Tut1Tut15 K1AIU _K06


Course title in English Rural Design with Elements of Physiography Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Kod przedmiotu AUA002302W, AUA002302P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 30 90 hours Grading policy pass with pass with grade grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Demonstrate basic skills in of preliminary architectural design 2. SKILLS: Use specialized computer aided design software for rural design. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Take into account extra-rural aspects of design, in particular the impact of the proposed building on the surrounding landscape.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic problems of designing rural estates at a scale of 1:2000 C2 - To acquaint students with the mutual diverse influence of elements of the building development on the surrounding space

C3-Visualization of the various problems associated with the replenishment of the existing development with new facilities with residential, service and business-related function in rural settlements C4-Acquisition of skills in formulating simplified land-use plans taking into account the whole set of functions forming the rural estate

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01: Demonstrate basic knowledge of the tourist development in the Sudeten mountains in connection to its history and with special consideration of the role of mountain shelters and inns as one of the crucial elements of tourist development of the Sudeten PE_W02: Demonstrate basic knowledge of the development of forms of regional architecture in the Sudetenland that affects the shape and form of mountain shelters and inns located there. PE_W03: Demonstrate basic knowledge of spatial relationships of networks of inns and mountain shelters with tourist development of rural settlements located in mountain areas. Related to skills: PE_U01: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature, databases and other sources; demonstrate the ability to integrate the obtained data and draw conclusions PE_U02: Identify and evaluate the cultural values of architecture of regional tourist structures and their components, recognize the separateness of the cultural landscape for various settlement units, define the trends in the protection of selected values Related to social competencies: PE_K01: think and operate in an effective and economically justified manner PE_K02 work independently and in a team by assuming various team roles; assess time needed to complete a task and complete them in due time PE_K03 understand the importance of lifelong learning; use the knowledge of others and acquire new qualifications

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Introduction to problems of physiography and rural design. Situational-altitude maps Lec1 2 and interpretation of existing symbols. Lec2 Valuation of land according to slopes and area exposure. 2 Lec3 Airing conditions. Water relations and map of physiographic conclusions. 2 Elements of rural development. Lec4 2 Communications service for plots and their relationship with the environment. Types and spatial forms of rural settlements, formal and physiognomic typology, Lec5 2 typology in terms of concentration of development and genetic-historical typology. Elements of planning of contemporary village and functional centres in the rural housing estate. Lec6 2 Conditions of location and physiographic and indicator requirements of the size of individual functional centers. Lec7 Detailed guidelines for designing functional centers in areas of rural settlement. 2 Regional development of Sudeten villages, issue of continuation of regional forms of Lec8 1 architecture in contemporary architectural design. Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Introduction, discussion of the settlement specificity of the Sudeten mountains with specification of projected areas, discussion of the scope of the proposed project, Pr1 presentation of basic literature on the subject, presentation of situational backgrounds 3 for the design, discussion of topographical signs, presentation of course completion requirements Field trip of students to learn about the place of the design study, creating photographic inventory, description of towns in terms of existing diversified building Pr2 development, communication layout, topography, water relationships, matters 3 connected with the structure of the population, employment, developmental trends.

Physiographic analysis of areas that are the subject of the project, (use of area and Pr3 greenery, land slopes) 3

Physiographic analysis of areas that are the subject of the study (water relationships and airing of the area, solar exposure of the area, map of exposure and board of Pr4 3 results), completion of physiographic analysis.

In-class assignment, creating aggregate physiographic panel at a scale of 1: 2000 Pr5 3

Start of the second phase of the project - preparation o a simplified zoning plan of a Pr6 3 rural housing development. Pr7 Preparation of inventory panel for studies area of rural settlements. 3 Pr8 Overview of secondary division of settlement residential parcels , critiques. 3 Modification of the communication system of rural settlements in accordance with the Pr9 3 design guidelines, critiques. Pr10 Overview of service parcels and parcel for education services, critiques. 3 In-class assignment that sums up the current design cycle. Pr11 3

Pr12 Overview of the results of in-class assignment, continuation of design work, critiques. 3 Pr13 Continuation of design work, critiques. 3 Completion of project work on a panel with simplified zoning plan of rural settlements Pr14 and the panel with balance of rural housing development, development of 3 visualization panels. Pr15 Early date of project submission, critiques and supplementation. 3 Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: Expository lecture, multimedia presentation. N2. for project: project presentation, consultations


Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PE_W01, PE_W02, Test - α1 + attendance- α2 = 0,8 +0,2 =1 PE_W03, PE_K01 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 Assessment of content a- α1 F2 PE_U01, PE_U02, Graphics- α2 F3 PE_U03, PE_K01 Attendance - α3 P=0.6 +0.2 +0.2 = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [39] Biesiekierski T., z zespołem, Studium architektury regionalnej Dolnośląskiego Pasma Sudetów, Inst.Arch. i Urb. PWr., Wrocław, 1979. [40] Chowaniec M., Rzymkowski A., Ruralistyka – Planowanie obszarów rolniczych i budownictwo wiejskie, Arkady, Warszawa, 1972. [41] Mazowiecki E., Pogodziński Z, Więckiewicz Z., Planowanie przestrzenne i projektowanie terenów wiejskich, PWN, Warszawa, 1988. [42] Szponar A., Fizjografia urbanistyczna, Wydawnictwo naukowe PWr, 2003 [43] Teschich A., Wiśniewska M., Wiśniewski J., Architektura i budownictwo wiejskie, PWN, Warszawa 1974 [44] Trocka-Leszczyńska E., Zabudowa zagrodowa w Sudetach, Monografia, Oficyna Wydawnicza PWr, Wrocław, 1995 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [18] Niedźwiedzka-Filipiak I., Wyróżnik krajobrazu i architektury wsi Polski południowo-zachodniej, monografia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław, 2009 [19] Suchodolski J., Regionalizm w kształtowaniu formy architektury współczesnej na obszarze Sudetów, Monografia, Oficyna Wydawnicza PWr, Wrocław, 1996 [20] Tworowski M., Słońce w architekturze, Wydawnictwo Arkady, 1996 [21] Tłoczek J., Dom mieszkalny na polskiej wsi, PWN, 1985

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jacek Suchodolski ([email protected])


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PE_W01 K1AIU_W01 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1 KNOWLEDGE PE_W02 K1AIU_W20 C2 Lec4, Lec5, N1 Lec6, Lec7 PE_W03 K1AIU_W19 C3 Lec6, Lec7 N1

PE_U01 K1AIU_U14 C1 Pr1-Pr15 N5 (skills) PE_U02 K1AIU_U23 C3 Pr8, Pr9, Pr10, N5 Pr11, Pr12, Pr13, Pr14 PE_U03 K1AIU_U28 C4 Pr1-Pr14 N5

PE_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1-C4 Pr1-Pr15 N1, N5 K1AIU_K03


Course title in English Architecture of one-family house in historic urban units Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Kod przedmiotu AUA105565W, AUA105566P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 180 hours Grading policy pass with Examination grade Mark (X) for final course in a

group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credits for all required design courses within the courses in year 1 engineering studies 2. Credits for artistic courses within the major courses in year 1 engineering studies

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 Ability to harmonious introduce a contemporary single-family development into the existing historic context. C2 To develop skills in verifying the knowledge and problems related to a single-family homes.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of issues related to designing architecture of single-family homes in a historic context. PEK_W02 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of designing architecture of single- family homes. PEK_W03Identify basic principles of developing and protecting the cultural landscape. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Understand mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings, PEK_U02Understand the cultural circumstances and relations between heritage architecture and contemporary architecture. Demonstrate skills in evaluating a work of architecture in terms of location, cultural circumstances and aesthetics. PEK_U03 Create an architectural design of single-family home Demonstrate the ability to apply different techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s and architect’s work, including its impact on the environment and the related responsibility for decisions. PEK_K02 Demonstrate awareness of the social dimension of architecture and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and aesthetic preferences of users of architecture. PEK_K03 Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. Respect the existing cultural environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hours Introduction to the subject. Anthropological place vs. space Lec1 2 Topological order vs. geometric order Types of single-family developments. Principles and patterns of shaping single-family Lec2 housing complexes in the perspective of the protection of the European cultural 3 heritage. The interior / exterior opposition - the boundary between closed and open space. Lec3 Emphasizing vs. the attempts to withstand this opposition in the design of single-family 2 homes. Home as a place House of dreams - designing the space of the house in connection with needs of residents. Lec4 2 Functional models vs. organization of the house. Horizontal and vertical circulation.

A single-family home vs. structural systems (plate, skeletal, mixed), the rafter framing, Lec5 materials, insulations and the technical infrastructure. 2

The house vs the expression of form (architectural styles) - canon of single-family Lec6 2 housing architecture of the Art Nouveau and modernism The house vs the expression of form (architectural styles) - canon of single-family Lec7 2 housing architecture of the post- and after -modernism Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hours Introduction to the project. Appointment of tasks. Overview, choice and assignment of Pr1 4 backgrounds. Consultations. Historical study of the given area (with the use of archival materials, Pr2 4 photos, drawings, literature). Pr3 Submission 1. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Consultations. Preliminary concepts of forms of single-family homes in the selected Pr4 4 context. Pr5 Consultations. Creation of a physical model of a single-family home. 4 Pr6 Consultations. Proposals of functional solutions for proposed homes. 4 Pr7 Submission 2. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Consultations. Continuation of work on the project with special consideration of the Pr8 4 spatial context. Pr9 Consultations. Zoning of single-family homes and horizontal and vertical circulation. 4 Consultations. Zoning of single-family homes and horizontal and vertical circulation and Pr10 4 structural and material solutions. Consultations. Perspective and axonometric drawings houses and their surroundings. Pr11 4 Perspectives of interior, axonometric sections. Pr12 Submission 3. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Pr13 Consultations. Attempts to develop a graphic design with composition of panels. 4 Pr14 Consultations. Development of the final version. 4 Pr15 Final submission according to scope. 4 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture N2. For project: project presentation, consultations, discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01, PEK_U01, Examination PEK_K01 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_U01, Project review, discussion PEK_K01 Assessment of the content quality, presentation and graphical design. F2 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Project review, discussion PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Assessment of the content quality, presentation and PEK_K01, PEK_K02 graphical design. F3 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Project review, discussion PEK_W03, PEK_U01, Assessment of the content quality, presentation and PEK_U02, PEK_U03, graphical design. PEK_K01, PEK_K02, PEK_K03 P - Final grade for project (weighted average for three reviews of projects F1+F2+F3 – 60% , + presentations – 20% + graphical design with composition – 20%).

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [45] Architektura Wrocławia, Instytut Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1995, t. 1-4. [46] Peters, Paulhans, Rosner, Rolf, Wohnhäuser: Einfamilienhäuser und Wohnungen in kleinen Siedlungen, München: Georg D. W. Callwey, 1977; wydanie polskie: Peters, Paulhans, Rosner, Rolf, Małe zespoły mieszkaniowe: domki jednorodzinne, małe osiedla, Arkady, 1983. [47] Wprowadzenie do projektowania, skrypt Pwr., Wrocław, 1978. [48] Urbanik, Jadwiga, WUWA 1929 – Wrocławska wystawa Werkbundu, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2002. [49] Hafer, Hannelore, Wohnhäuser: Formn, Räume, Architekten, Köln: Rudolf Müller, 1990. [50] Mackay, David, Einfamilienhäuser: Neuste Tendenzen in einer Architektur Übergangs, : Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1984. [51] Salazar, Jaime, Gausa, Manuel, Single-Family Housing, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1999. [52] Schneider-Skalska G., Kształtowanie zdrowego środowiska mieszkaniowego. Wybrane Zagadnienia, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków 2004. [53] Alexander, Christopher.,Język wzorców, GWP, Gdańska, 2008.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [22] Adamczewska-Wejchert, Hanna, Kształtowanie zespołów mieszkaniowych, Warszawa: Arkady, 1985. [23] Neufert, E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Warszawa 1995. [24] Kadłuczka, A., Problemy integracji architektury współczesnej z historycznym środowiskiem kulturowymi, Kraków, 1982. [25] Gehl, Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, 2009. [26] Wejchert, Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Warszawa, Arkady, 1984. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jacek Kotz PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 (knowledge) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W12 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W22 C1 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U13 C1 Lec1-Lec15 V (skills) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U14 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U13 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 (competencies) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K08 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K09 C1 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15


Course title in English Architecture of one-family house in historic urban units Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Kod przedmiotu AUA105565W, AUA105566P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 180 hours Grading policy pass with Examination grade Mark (X) for final course in a

group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credits for all required design courses within the courses in year 1 engineering studies 2. Credits for artistic courses within the major courses in year 1 engineering studies

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 Ability to harmonious introduce a contemporary single-family development into the existing historic context. C2 To develop skills in verifying the knowledge and problems related to a single-family homes.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of issues related to designing architecture of single-family homes in a historic context. PEK_W02 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of designing architecture of single- family homes. PEK_W03Identify basic principles of developing and protecting the cultural landscape. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Understand mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings, PEK_U02Understand the cultural circumstances and relations between heritage architecture and contemporary architecture. Demonstrate skills in evaluating a work of architecture in terms of location, cultural circumstances and aesthetics. PEK_U03 Create an architectural design of single-family home Demonstrate the ability to apply different techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s and architect’s work, including its impact on the environment and the related responsibility for decisions. PEK_K02 Demonstrate awareness of the social dimension of architecture and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and aesthetic preferences of users of architecture. PEK_K03 Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. Respect the existing cultural environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hours Introduction to the subject. Anthropological place vs. space Lec1 2 Topological order vs. geometric order Types of single-family developments. Principles and patterns of shaping single-family Lec2 housing complexes in the perspective of the protection of the European cultural 3 heritage. The interior / exterior opposition - the boundary between closed and open space. Lec3 Emphasizing vs. the attempts to withstand this opposition in the design of single-family 2 homes. Home as a place House of dreams - designing the space of the house in connection with needs of residents. Lec4 2 Functional models vs. organization of the house. Horizontal and vertical circulation.

A single-family home vs. structural systems (plate, skeletal, mixed), the rafter framing, Lec5 materials, insulations and the technical infrastructure. 2

The house vs the expression of form (architectural styles) - canon of single-family Lec6 2 housing architecture of the Art Nouveau and modernism The house vs the expression of form (architectural styles) - canon of single-family Lec7 2 housing architecture of the post- and after -modernism Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hours Introduction to the project. Appointment of tasks. Overview, choice and assignment of Pr1 4 backgrounds. Consultations. Historical study of the given area (with the use of archival materials, Pr2 4 photos, drawings, literature). Pr3 Submission 1. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Consultations. Preliminary concepts of forms of single-family homes in the selected Pr4 4 context. Pr5 Consultations. Creation of a physical model of a single-family home. 4 Pr6 Consultations. Proposals of functional solutions for proposed homes. 4 Pr7 Submission 2. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Consultations. Continuation of work on the project with special consideration of the Pr8 4 spatial context. Pr9 Consultations. Zoning of single-family homes and horizontal and vertical circulation. 4 Consultations. Zoning of single-family homes and horizontal and vertical circulation and Pr10 4 structural and material solutions. Consultations. Perspective and axonometric drawings houses and their surroundings. Pr11 4 Perspectives of interior, axonometric sections. Pr12 Submission 3. Presentation, discussion, assessment. 4 Pr13 Consultations. Attempts to develop a graphic design with composition of panels. 4 Pr14 Consultations. Development of the final version. 4 Pr15 Final submission according to scope. 4 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture N2. For project: project presentation, consultations, discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01, PEK_U01, Examination PEK_K01 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_U01, Project review, discussion PEK_K01 Assessment of the content quality, presentation and graphical design. F2 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Project review, discussion PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Assessment of the content quality, presentation and PEK_K01, PEK_K02 graphical design. F3 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Project review, discussion PEK_W03, PEK_U01, Assessment of the content quality, presentation and PEK_U02, PEK_U03, graphical design. PEK_K01, PEK_K02, PEK_K03 P - Final grade for project (weighted average for three reviews of projects F1+F2+F3 – 60% , + presentations – 20% + graphical design with composition – 20%).

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [54] Architektura Wrocławia, Instytut Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1995, t. 1-4. [55] Peters, Paulhans, Rosner, Rolf, Wohnhäuser: Einfamilienhäuser und Wohnungen in kleinen Siedlungen, München: Georg D. W. Callwey, 1977; wydanie polskie: Peters, Paulhans, Rosner, Rolf, Małe zespoły mieszkaniowe: domki jednorodzinne, małe osiedla, Arkady, 1983. [56] Wprowadzenie do projektowania, skrypt Pwr., Wrocław, 1978. [57] Urbanik, Jadwiga, WUWA 1929 – Wrocławska wystawa Werkbundu, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2002. [58] Hafer, Hannelore, Wohnhäuser: Formn, Räume, Architekten, Köln: Rudolf Müller, 1990. [59] Mackay, David, Einfamilienhäuser: Neuste Tendenzen in einer Architektur Übergangs, Stuttgart: Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1984. [60] Salazar, Jaime, Gausa, Manuel, Single-Family Housing, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1999. [61] Schneider-Skalska G., Kształtowanie zdrowego środowiska mieszkaniowego. Wybrane Zagadnienia, Politechnika Krakowska, Kraków 2004. [62] Alexander, Christopher.,Język wzorców, GWP, Gdańska, 2008.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [27] Adamczewska-Wejchert, Hanna, Kształtowanie zespołów mieszkaniowych, Warszawa: Arkady, 1985. [28] Neufert, E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Warszawa 1995. [29] Kadłuczka, A., Problemy integracji architektury współczesnej z historycznym środowiskiem kulturowymi, Kraków, 1982. [30] Gehl, Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, 2009. [31] Wejchert, Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Warszawa, Arkady, 1984. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jacek Kotz PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 (knowledge) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W12 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W22 C1 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U13 C1 Lec1-Lec15 V (skills) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U14 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U13 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 (competencies) Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K08 C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K09 C1 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2 Pr1-Pr15


Course title in English: Landscape Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002402P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 45

Number of student 90 workload hours

Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P)

Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – to introduce students to the method of designing architectural structure in close connection to the surroundings, based on landscape analysis, [knowledge of methodology of the design process (studies – analysis – concept and program – project) with account being taken of landscape aspects]; C2 – to introduce students to the need and methods of introducing plant matter into urbanized space [elementary knowledge of the importance of the natural environment for man and the specific characteristics of flora as a material for creating space]; C3 – To introduce students to the problems and meaning in the landscape and the methods of creating semantic values of a place [knowledge of material and non-material values of the landscape “magical places” etc.]; C4 – development of skills in using study materials, performing landscape analysis and using them as a basis for formulating area development plans and/or architectural designs, [skill: using the literature of the subject, performing and recording analyses and formulating design objectives based on the context of the landscape]; C5 – development of pro-ecological attitudes, open to the application of plant matter in connection with and in the surroundings of architectural structures, [skill in formulating design studies which exhibit basic knowledge of plant material and principles of landscape composition].

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Basic knowledge of spatial composition 2. Knowledge of problems related to physiography in architectural design

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 ─ demonstrate elementary knowledge of landscape composition, recognize basic trends in developing landscape interiors and urban detail. PEK_W02 ─ describe relationships between a building and its visual surroundings, demonstrate basic knowledge of natural elements of land development; PEK_W03 ─ understand basic relationships between cultural context of a place and methods of land development and choice of urban detail. Related to skills: PEK_U01 ─ analyze resources and threats to landscape at the level o plot and its immediate surroundings; adequately evaluate them; clearly edits individual stages of analyses (resource, evaluation, conclusions);, PEK_U02 ─ creatively apply analysis results and studies from the literature of the subject to the architectural and landscape concept, Related to social competencies: PEK_K01─ understand the need of social participation in protecting, managing and planning the landscape,. PEK_K02 ─ state their own opinion regarding spatial order and clearly present it in a public debate.

Mode of teaching - project Number of hours Pr1 a - Introduction to the topic and completion requirements of the course: 3 presentation of objectives, methods and trends in landscape architecture; illustration of the principles of designing which respect the landscape values; introduction to project assignment no 1 (garden, semi- public delimited area); role-play being an investor, designer and decision-maker in the process of landscape design. Pr2 a – Public presentations on selected problems from the literature of the subject 3 and discussion (preparation for project assignment no 1) b - Overview of the problems of preliminary studies, analysis method, and methods of creating them and applying in design briefs c) Overview of methods of performing field work for project assignment no 1. Pr3 a – Acceptance of field studies and analysis. b − In-class assignment no 1 (design 3 basis – brainstorm), c – Public presentation of selected projects and discussion of results with special focus on the application preliminary analysis. Pr4 a – Continuation of Project assignment no 1 (concept cont), b – individual 3 consultation; Pr5 a – Public presentation of results and discussion of project assignment no 1. b - 3 Introduction to Project assignment no 2 (fragment of public space) Pr6 a – Public presentations on selected problems from the literature of the subject 3 and discussion (inspirations for project assignment no 2). Pr7 a – Collaborative assignment: landscape analysis of the terrain. Consultations. 3 Overview of contemporary trends in developing gardens. Pr8 a – Acceptance of field studies and analysis. b − In-class assignment no 2 3 (preliminary land use concept), c – Public presentation of selected projects and discussion of results with special focus on the application preliminary analysis. Pr9 a – Presentation of project assignment no 2 and discussion of the principles of 3 designing in compliance with environmental circumstances. Consultations. Pr10 a - Individual work on project assignment no 2. Consultations. b - Overview of 3 contemporary trends in developing urban and garden detail. Pr11 a – Presentation of working version of project assignment no 2, Discussion of 3 used materials and methods of expression Pr12 a - In-class assignment no 3 (Urban / garden detail design for project assignment 3 no 2), b – Presentation of selected projects. Pr13 a - Individual work on project assignment no 2. Consultations. 3 Pr14 a - Presentation of the working version of project assignment no 2, discussion 3 (with special focus on project graphics standards) and documenting of its results. Pr15 a – Presentation and submission of final project assignment no 2. 3 b – Credit Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1, Expository lecture with multimedia presentation. N2 Problem solving lecture with multimedia presentation. N3, Filed trip to the project area N4 Presentations of projects (multimedia or traditional) by students – in front of class and in public. N5, Interactive lecture and project N6 Project workshop with discussions. N7, Preparation of project documentation (description and drawings) in printed form and as a digital copy Individual consultation. N8


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 Assessment of the analytical part of the project: PEK_K02 scope of analysis, validity of landscape conclusions (natural and cultural), F2 PEK_U02 Assessment of the quality of content and the PEK_K02 aesthetics of presentations with results of work in the context of landscape architecture objectives F3 PEK_U02 Conformity assessment of proposed design solution PEK_K01 with: 1. the conclusions of the analytical part 2. the special character of flora P = Weighted average: (F1x0,4+F2x0,2+F3x0,4)

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE [1] Bogdanowski J. (red.). Landscape architecture Warszawa – Kraków 1981 [2] Brookes J: Projektowanie ogrodów. Warszawa 2001 [3] Calkins M., 2012, The Sustainable Sites Handbook; A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies and Best Practices, for Sustainable Landscapes, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey. [4] Farr D., 2008, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. [5] Gehl J., Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych. Kraków 2009 [6] Harris Ch., Dines N, 1998, Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture: Design and Construction Data. McGraw-Hill Inc. [7] LaGro J.A., 2007, Site Analysis: A Contextual Approach to Sustainable Land Planning and Site Design. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ. [8] Mc Leod, 2008, Detail in Contemporary Landscape Architecture. Laurence King Publishing. [9] Steenbergen C., Meeks S., Nijhuis S., 2008, Composing Landscapes: Analysis, Typology and Experiments for Design. Birkhauser, Basel – Boston – . [10] Wejchert K.,1984, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej. Arkady, Warszawa.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE [1] Bell P. A., Greene Th. C., Fischer J. D., Baum A., Psychologia środowiskowa. Gdańsk 2004 [2] Cieszewska A. (red.): Płaty i korytarze jako elementy struktury krajobrazu – możliwości i ograniczenia koncepcji. Warszawa 2004 [3] Conran T., Pearson D: Nowoczesne ogrody. Warszawa 2000 [3] Drapella Hermansdorfer A. (red.): Kształtowanie krajobrazu: idee, strategie, realizacje. Część I-III. Wrocław 2005-6. [4] Richling A, Solon J:: Ekologia krajobrazu. Warszawa 1994 [5] 1000 x Landscape Architecture. Braun Publishing 2008 (1. wyd.)

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Profesor Alina Drapella-Hermansdorfer, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K_W01, K_W02 C1 -3 Pr1 1,2,5 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K_W01, K_W02, C1-3 Pr6 1,2,5 PEK_U01 K_U01, K_U02, K_U19 C2-4 Pr2 – Pr9 3-6, 8 (skills) PEK_U02 K_U01, K_U19, K_U23, K_U24 C4-5 Pr9 – Pr14 7,8 PEK_K01 K_U09, K_K05 C4-5 Pr2 – Pr7 3-7 (competencies) Pr10 – Pr13 PEK_K02 K_K03, K_K06 C4-5 Pr1 – Pr13 4,5,7


Course title in English Computer Aided Design 3 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA002409L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Identify the principles of creating technical drawings. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. 2. SKILLS: Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using MicroStation software to create a virtual model of a building C2 To develop skills in using MicroStation software to create technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of computer aided design. Demonstrate basic knowledge of BIM type software for architectural design. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation using MicroStation software, printing documentation prepared with MicroStation software. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Prepare documentation related to the implementation of engineering task using MicroStation software.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Overview of topic of individual work. 2 Installation of MicroStation and additional programs,

Use of program and e-learning. Creating a new project and its structure. La2 Creating drawing files in the project; file attributes, 2 Working in view windows, Project attributes, creation of own project templates, Division of drawing file into thematic layers, Basic 2D drawing operations; attributes of vector objects, functions assisting drawing.

La3 Editing and modifying functions, 2

Tables of colors and line styles, Automation of labor, Creating cells. Crosshatch, filling with areas La4 Vector reference files. 2 Inserting raster files. Create new project drawings. Cooperation of the application with MS Office (Word, Excel). La5 Styles of texts, 2 Dimensioning, styles of dimensioning. Styles of lines, Printing / Plotting, La6 Creating a new 3D project and its structures, 2 Navigating in the 3D space, Simple 3D objects; types, Creating a definition of simple objects and their modification, La7 Complex 3D objects; types, 2 Creating a definition of complex objects, Modification of simple and complex 3D objects, Vector and 2D raster reference files in 3D design. La8 Creating a definition 3D shells, 2 Modification of 3D layers. La9 Camera position and navigation, 2 Basics of rendering, Lighting setting, Defining materials, Advanced Rendering - setting the background using the existing terrain, mist, light in the geographical zone, rendering at night, Internal rendering and light decorations Recording of results, printing of results, creating 3D pdf La10 Creating a definition of building materials, 2 The use of created materials to create objects. La11 Creating and editing basic construction elements. 2 Managing floors of a virtual building. La12 application of Parametric Cell Studio to create parametric objects, 2 designing by introducing successive dependencies in size. La13 Creating technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building 2 Description of documentation, graphical symbols. Comparison of materials and objects. Printing of documentation. La14 Individual work, consultations. 2 La15 Submission of final work 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of the correctness of the structure of the virtual building – a1=0.4 F2 PEK_W01 Assessment of the quality of the created virtual building – a2=0,3 F3 PEK_U01 Assessment of construction documentation generated using a virtual building – a3=0.3 P=a1F1+a2F2+a3F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: Manuals created by software developers which are its integral part. 15. Bentley Institute, Essentials MicroStation 7, Bentley Institute Course Guide 16. Bentley Institute, 2D Architectural Drafting and Building information Modeling, Bentley Institute Course Guide 17. Bentley Institute, MicroStation Basics for Building Design, Bentley Institute Course Guide 18. Bentley Institute, Productive MicroStation, Bentley Institute Course Guide 19. Bentley Institute, Moving to MicroStation Fourth Edition, Bentley Institute Course Guide 20. Bentley Institute, Imaging with Bentley Descards, Bentley Institute Course Guide 21. Bentley Institute, Introduction to Bentley raster Tools, Bentley Institute Course Guide 22. Bentley Institute, Introduction to Bentley Architectur, Bentley Institute Course Guide 23. Bentley Institute, DWG for MicroStation Users, Bentley Institute Course Guide 24. Bentley Institute, Everything 3D third Edition, Bentley Institute Course Guide 25. Bentley Institute, Introduction to 3D Building Design, Bentley Institute Course Guide 26. Bentley Institute, Architecture for MicroStation Triforma and Structural for MicroStation Triforma V8 Update, Bentley Institute Course Guide 27. Bentley Institute, Introduction to Bentley Architecture, Bentley Institute Course Guide 28. Bentley Institute, Introduction to Bentley Structural, Bentley Institute Course Guide 29. Jerry Flynn, Bentley Institute, Rendering for Building Design, Bentley Institute Course Guide 30. Bentley Institute, pdf composer, Bentley Institute Course Guide 31. Bentley Institute, Feature modeling and Mesh Modeling, Bentley Institute Course Guide 32. Bentley Institute, Parametric Cell Studio, Bentley Institute Course Guide

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [28] „MicroStation V8 PL 2004 Edition. Program komputerowego wspomagania projektowania” T. Zieliński 2005. 100s. [29] "MicroStation 95/J" autor: Dariusz Frenki wyd. Helion 2000/03 [30] "MicroStation 95/J Ćwiczenia praktyczne" autor: Dariusz Frenki wyd. Helion 2001 [31] "MicroStation 95" autor: Jarosław Sobolewski wyd. Helion 2000/02

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Wąsowicz PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W16 C1 La1-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) K1AIU_W24 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16 C2 La1-La14 N1, N2 (skills) K1AIU_U21


Course title in English Computer Aided Design 3 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA002409L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Identify the principles of creating technical drawings. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. 2. SKILLS: Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using ArchiCAD software to create a virtual model of a building C2 To develop skills in using ArchiCAD software to create technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of computer aided design. Demonstrate basic knowledge of BIM type software for architectural design. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation using ArchiCAD software, printing documentation prepared with ArchiCAD software. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Prepare documentation related to the implementation of engineering task using ArchiCad software.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Overview of topic of individual work. 2 ArchiCad user interface. Navigation related to Project Map. La2 Creating and editing basic construction elements. 2 Managing floors of a virtual building. La3 Review and discussion of individual topics. 2 Creating and editing basic construction elements. La4 Creating and editing basic construction elements. 2 Individual work, consultations. La5 Support of library elements. 2 La6 Support of library elements. 2 Individual work, consultations. La7 Support of library elements. 2 Individual work, consultations. La8 Individual work, consultations. 2 La9 Creating technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building 2 Navigation related to Views Map. La10 Creating technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building 2 Tools for dimensioning and describing. La11 Creating technical documentation based on a virtual model of a building 2 The tools „Detail” and „Area”. La12 Development of a visualization based on the modeled virtual building. 2 La13 Preparation of technical documentation for print. 2 Using Sheets Folders. La14 Individual work, consultations. 2 La15 Submission of final work. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultation.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Assessment of the correctness of the structure of the virtual building – a1=0.4 F2 PEK_W01 Assessment of the quality of the created virtual building – a2=0,3 F3 PEK_U01 Assessment of construction documentation generated using a virtual building – a3=0.3 P=a1F1+a2F2+a3F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 33. Karl-Heinz Sperber ArchiCAD 10. Helion 2007 34. Rafał Ślęk ArchiCAD 8.1/9. Helion 2006 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [32] User manuals for ArchiCAD 15 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Wąsowicz PhD, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool outcome major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W16 C1 La1-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) K1AIU_W24 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16 C2 La1-La14 N1, N2 (skills) K1AIU_U21


Title in English:Building Structures 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA105609W, AUA003604C Group of courses NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 30 Number of student workload 60 60 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Credit for courses Mechanics of Buildings 1 and 2 Skills in recording algebraic calculations and drawing static diagram using computers

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to strength properties of concrete and steel. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of reinforced concrete structures. C3 - To introduce students to the idea of creating reinforced concrete. C4 - To introduce students to the calculation model of reinforced concrete bending beam. C5 - To introduce students to the principles of reinforcing reinforced concrete elements. C6 - To introduce students to the principles of constructing reinforced concrete elements. C7 - To introduce students to designing reinforced concrete foundations. C8 - To introduce students to methods of securing reinforced concrete structures. C9 - To develop skills in calculating reinforcement in reinforced concrete beams C10 - To develop skills in constructing reinforcement in reinforced concrete slabs and ceilings C11 - To develop skills in designing reinforced concrete columns C14 - To introduce students to the principles of prefabrication C12 - To develop skills in designing shallow foundations of buildings C13 - To develop skills in locating elements of reinforced concrete structure in the body of a building C14 - To introduce students to the technology of constructing pre-stressed reinforced concrete elements. C15 - To develop skills in creating manufacturing drawings of reinforced concrete elements C16 - To introduce students to Eurocodes for reinforced concrete structures.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Describe the idea of reinforced concrete PEK_W02 Describe systems of forces in sections of reinforced concrete elements PEK_W03 Describe calculations models for basic reinforced concrete structures PEK_W04 Describe basics of prefabrication of reinforced concrete elements PEK_W05 Describe pre-stressed concrete technology Related to skills: PEK_U01 Calculate reinforcement for simple reinforced concrete elements PEK_U02 Design reinforcement for basic reinforced concrete elements PEK_U03 Design a system of reinforced concrete structures for simple buildings PEK_U04 Use norms in designing reinforced concrete structures Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Responsibly assess the safety of designed reinforced concrete structures PEK_K02 Optimize reinforced concrete structures in terms of economics

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec 1 Properties of materials, calculation models, method of borderline conditions. 2 Bending of beams and reinforced concrete slabs, forming of section, reinforcement Lec2 2 system. Lec3 Shear in beams and slabs, reinforcement of supporting zones. 2 Lec 4 Reinforced concrete ceilings, slab and rib structures, reinforced concrete coatings. 2 Lec 5 Reinforced concrete columns, frames and disks, prefabricated elements 2 Lec 6 Reinforced concrete foundations, retaining walls, excavation protection. 2 Pre-stressed reinforced structures, pre-stressed concrete and cable-concrete Lec7 2 technologies, forming of elements. Lec 8 Anticorrosion protection of reinforced concrete structures. 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Constructing static diagrams of reinforced concrete elements based on projections 2 of buildings, comparisons of loads acting on structural elements Tut2 Calculation examples of systems of internal forces in sections of reinforced 2 concrete elements Tut3 Creating sections of reinforcement in bending elements 2 Tut4 Examples of reinforcement systems for reinforced concrete beams 2 Tut5 Examples of reinforcement systems for reinforced concrete slabs 2 Tut6 Determining reinforcement system of support zones in beams 2 Tut7 Test Submission of home assignment No1. 2 Tut8 Constructing reinforcement for reinforced concrete ceilings, slab and rib structures 2 Tut9 Constructing reinforcement for reinforced concrete coatings 2 Tut10 Creating sections of reinforcement in axially compressed elements 2 Tut11 Constructing reinforcement for reinforced concrete frames 2 Tut12 Examples of reinforcement systems for reinforced concrete discs 2 Tut13 Examples of foundation designs 2 Tut14 Examples of compression reinforcement design in beams 2 Tut15 Test. Submission of home assignment No2. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving. N2. multimedia presentations N3 Interactive discussion about designing solutions developed during lectures and tutorials. N4 Preparation of an assignment in the form of a report. N5 Test. N6 Final test N7 Exam. N8. consultation

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01-5; exam PEK_U01 -4; PEK_K01-2 Tutorial Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01,2,3; test PEK_U01,2 F2 PEK_W04,5; Test. PEK_U04; PEK_K02 F3 PEK_U03,4 interactive discussion. P weighted average of grades 30%F1+50%F2+20%F3


ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [32] W. Staropolski, KONSTRUKCJE ŻELBETOWE , T. I i II, PWN, Warszawa [33] PN-EN 1992:2008 EUROKOD 2 CZ. 1 and 3

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Waldemar Bober (PhD), [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01 C1;C2 Lec1; F1;P (knowledge) Tut1 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W06 C3;C4 Lec2,3; F1;P Tut2,3,4,5 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W09 C5 Lec4,6; F2;P Tut6,8,9 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W09 C6;C7 Lec5; F2;P Tut10,13 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W21 C8 Lec7,8; F2;P Tut14 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U10 C4;C5 Lec2,3,4; F1;F2;P (skills) Tut3,4,5,6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U10 C6;C7 Lec2,4,5,6; F1;F2;P Tut8,9,10 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U04 C6;C8 Lec4,6,8; F3;P Tut11,12,13 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U16 C4;C6;C7; Lec1,2,3,4,5; F1;F2;P C10;C12 Tut3,6,8,13 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K04 C8;C12 Lec1,6,8; F2;P (competencies) Tut1,2,13 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K08 C6;C9;C10; Lec2,3,4,5,8; F1;F2;P C13;C16 Tut2,8,10,11,12


Course title in English Composition and Fine Arts Module 4 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002403L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 45 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To master skills in using basic painting techniques (tempera). C2. To master skills in creating painting compositions. C3. To master the skill of composing spatial forms and systems using clay and other sculpting materials. C4. To develop skills in analyzing and artistic recording of the architectural and urban space and landscape through plein-eir painting studies.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Use the technique of tempera painting in advanced studies from nature and imagination. PEK_U02 - Create abstract and narrative compositions. PEK_U03 - Apply sculpting techniques to create abstract and narrative compositions. PEK_U04 - Create a plein-eir painting study of an architectural and urban space and landscape.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Tempera painting study of still life. 3 La2 Tempera painting study of a human figure. 3 La3 Flat composition 1, tempera painting technique. 3 La4 Flat composition 2, tempera painting technique. 3 La5 Flat composition 3, tempera painting technique. 3 La6 Three-dimensional composition 1, technique of clay modeling. 3 La7 Three-dimensional composition 2, technique of clay modeling. 3 La8 Three-dimensional composition 3, technique of clay modeling. 3 La9 Three-dimensional composition 4, technique of clay modeling. 3 La10 Three-dimensional composition 5, technique of clay modeling. 3 La11 Tempera painting study of urban space (plein-eir 1). 3 La12 Tempera painting study of urban space (plein-eir 2). 3 La13 Tempera painting study of urban space (plein-eir 3). 3 La14 Tempera painting study of urban space (plein-eir 4). 3 La15 Tempera painting study of urban space (plein-eir 5). 3 Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. preparation of artistic studies N2. conceptual, experimental work N3. consultation N4. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 - PEK_U04 Assessment of artworks made during the laboratory course. F2 PEK_U01 - PEK_U04 Assessment of artworks assigned as homework. P = α1 F1 + α2 F2, gdzie α1 = 75 %, α2 = 25 %, Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Civardi Giovanni, Rysunek. Przewodnik po sztuce rysowania, Wydawnictwo K. E. Liber, Warszawa 2011. [2] Siomkajło Barbara (red.), Rysunek i malarstwo. Problemy podstawowe, wybrane zagadnienia, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2001. [3] Barber Barrington, Rysowanie postaci ludzkiej. Kurs dla artystów i amatorów, Delta, Warszawa. [4] Werner Jerzy, Podstawy technologii malarstwa i grafiki, PWN, Warszawa - Kraków 1978. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Siomkajło Barbara, Rysunek i malarstwo pomiędzy naturą a architekturą, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2010. [2] Rzepińska Maria, Siedem wieków malarstwa europejskiego, Ossolineum, Wrocław 1979. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 – La5, N1, N4 La11 – La15 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La3 – La5 N1, N4 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3 La6 –La10 N1, N4 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C4 La11 –La15 N1, N4


Course title in English History of Polish Architecture 1 - the Middle Ages Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002408S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Knowledge of history of general architecture in the middle ages, confirmed by credits for course: History of World Architecture 1 -

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the skills of an architect in the medieval times in Poland – problems of composition, theory of architecture and knowledge of style. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of architecture from pre-Roman times to late Gothic in Poland C3 - To develop skills in analyzing and presenting architectural structures

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of history of Polish architecture from the 10th to early 16th century, understand the dependencies between architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W02: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature, databases and other sources, demonstrate the ability to integrate, interpret the obtained data and draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions Related to skills: PEK_U01: Analyze a work of architecture. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. PEK_K02: Understand the social role of the graduate of a technical university, in particular understand the need to protect the cultural heritage.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se 1. Introduction. Periodization. Pre-Romanesque architecture: palas, cathedrals, fort 2 churches . Se 2. Romanesque architecture 11th- half of the 12th century: cathedrals, collegiate 2 churches, the first monastery churches. Se 3. Romanesque architecture of the 12th century: collegiate churches, monastery and 2 garden churches. Se 4. Architecture in the first half of the 13th century: Cistercian monasteries in Lesser 2 Poland and Silesia. Se 5. Architecture in the first half of the 13th century: Dominican and Franciscan 2 monasteries. The first castles. The city and its buildings. Se 6. Test. 2 Se 7. Early Gothic. Sacral and secular architecture of the 2nd half of the 13th century. 2 Se 8. Late Gothic: cathedral and parish churches of the fourteenth century. 2 Se 9. Regional schools of architecture in the fourteenth-fifteenth century 2 Se 10. Castles in Poland and Silesia. 2 Se 11. Castles in the State of the Teutonic Knights. The fortifications of cities - walls, gates, 2 towers, bastions. Se 12. City of the late Middle Ages: buildings, city halls, commercial buildings. 2 Se 13. Late Gothic. Sacral and secular architecture of the 15th century and early 16th 2 century. Se 14. Test. 2 Se 15. Educational tour of Wroclaw 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. Multimedia presentations N3. Interactive seminar. N4. Consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Test 1 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F2 PEK_W01 Test 2 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F3 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 presentation PEK_K01 P = average of grades F1, F2, F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [13] Dzieje architektury w Polsce, praca zbiorowa, Kraków 2002/2003. [14] History of art in Poland: Romanizm, Świechowski Z. Warszawa 2004; Gotyk, Skibiński S. i Zalewska- Lorkiewicz K., Warszawa 2010. [15] Krassowski W., Dzieje budownictwa i architektury na ziemiach polskich, t. 1/3, Warszawa 1990-1991. [16] Miłobędzki A., Zarys dziejów architektury w Polsce, Warszawa 1978. [17] Różycka E., Materiały pomocnicze do zajęć z Historii architektury polskiej średniowiecznej, kserokopie do wglądu w bibliotece I-12. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [18] Architektura gotycka w Polsce pod red. T. Mroczko i M. Arszyńskiego, tom 1-3, Warszawa 1995. [19] Kębłowski J., Dzieje sztuki polskiej, Warszawa 1987 [20] Leksykon zamków w Polsce, Kajzer L, Kołodziejski S., Salm J., Warszawa 2001. [21] Wrocław. Jego dzieje i kultura, pod redakcją Świechowskiego Z., Warszawa 1978. [22] Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych, red. S. Kozakiewicz, Warszawa 1969, 2007. [23] indicated articles in professional journals, such as "Bulletin of the History of Art" and "Quarterly Architecture and Urban Planning." COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Profesor Małgorzata Chorowska,. mał[email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool outcome major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W13 C1, C2, C3 Se1-5,Se7-13, 1, 2, 3 (knowledge) Se15 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01 C1, C2, C3 Se1-5,Se7-13, 1, 2, 3, 4 Se15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U14 C1, C2, C3 Se1-5,Se7-13, 1, 2, 3, 4 (skills) Se15 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 Se1-5,Se7-13, 1, 2, 3 (competencies) Se15 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C3 Se1-15 1, 2, 3

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish Projektowanie Wspomagane Komputerowo 3 3ds Max Course title in English Computer Aided Design III 3ds Max Academic major (if applicable): ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Specialization (if applicable): not applicable Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA002409L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

*delete as applicable

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. He has a knowledge about the use of programs that enable building of the virtual building model.

2. Demonstrate basic knowledge of graphic programs on the Windows platform. 3. Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 Develop the ability of 3D modelling for the purposes of animation and photorealistic visualization.

C2 To develop skills in using Autodesk 3d Studio Max software to create a photorealistic visualization and 3d animation

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of computer aided design. Demonstrate basic knowledge of BIM type software for architectural design. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation using CAD software. Demonstrate basic knowledge of 3D modeling and visualization in Autodesk 3ds Max environment.

Related to skills: PEK_U01: Design and model 3D objects in the scene and conduct the process of photorealistic visualization and animation in Autodesk 3ds Max environment.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Introducing students to the principles of functioning of laboratory and 2 course completion requirements Presentation and discussion of photorealistic visualization completed in the environment of Autodesk 3ds Max. La2 Introducing students to basic components of Autodesk 3ds Max 2 environment. Presentation and practical exercises of using the program interface: toolbar, windows and views, manipulating the view, system units, working with files containing scenes.

La3 Work with structures. Creating basic objects. Using the Create menu. 2 Basic object types. Basic architectural structures. Construction of complex models based on basic objects. La4 Work with structures. Selecting objects. Selection tool. Setting object properties. Hiding and freezing the object. Principles of using layers. Explorer of stage. Moving, rotating and scaling objects. Transform tool. Rotation center Location and orientation of the object. Grids and snapping function. La5 Cloning of objects. 2 Cloning options. Mirror images Arrangement of cloned objects. Clone and Align tool. Object array Grouping, joining and hierarchizing objects.

La6 Basics of 3D modeling in Autodesk 3ds Max environment. Working 2 with subobjects and auxiliary facilities. Modelling types. Modifiers and the use of modification stacks. Types of modifiers. Drawing and editing 2D splines and shapes. Editing splines. Modifiers of splines. La7 Modeling at the level of polygons. Poly objects. Construction of 2 Editable Poly objects. Editing poly objects. Editing vertices, edges, sides, polygons and components. Graphite tool. Painting with objects. Polygon Modeling and Modify Selection panels. Freeform tool. La8 Materials, material editor Properties of material. Using the material 4 La9 editor. Browser of materials and maps. Creating and using standard materials. Algorithms of shading. Other parameters of materials. Defining the property of material using maps. Types of material maps. Programs to create maps. Complex materials. Modifiers of materials. Overlaying multiple materials. La10 Basics of working with the camera. Camera control. Setting the 2 parameters of the camera. The effect of depth of field. The effect of blur. Stage lighting techniques. Types of light. Construction and setting up of stage lights. Change of lighting parameters. Sunlight and daylight. Volumetric light. La11 Basics of animation in Autodesk 3ds Max environment. Keyframes. 2 Animation time control. Motion panel. Preferences of animation Animating objects. Preview of animation. La12 Using mantal ray and iray rendering engines . Mental ray renderer 2 preferences. Caustic effects and photons. Indirect lighting Rendering control La13 Own work - implementation of final projects.. 4 La14 La15 Submission of final work. Summary of laboratory. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Introduction to the laboratory prepared in the form of multimedia presentation including the specification of the laboratory task and sequences of copies of screenshots of Autodesk 3 ds Max environment, with detail documentation and commentary for the scene, useful for the completion of laboratory task. Materials sent by e-mail. N2. Collections of web addresses and articles in the electronic version, which are an additional source of teaching materials, contextually related to laboratory tasks. Materials sent by e-mail. N3. Individual consultations.


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, In the course of laboratory classes students PEK_U01 solve 9 laboratory tasks consisting in constructing a 3d scene with 3d objects, materials, defined lights and cameras in accordance with the presented specification. For each correctly solved task 0, 1, or 2 points are awarded. F2 PEK_W01, The summary of the laboratory is a design and PEK_U01 model of a photo-realistic 3d animation of an architectural object (10th Laboratory task). For properly completed task 10, 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 points are awarded. P Final assessment of laboratory is based on points P obtained during laboratory in accordance with the table. The 5.0 and 5.5 grade can be obtained only if task 10 is completed.

P 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-20 21-22 Grade 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5


BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Joanna Pasek, 3ds Max 2012. Ćwiczenia praktyczne, Helion, 2012. [2] Kelly L. Murdock, 3ds max 2012. Biblia, Helion, 2012. [3] Joanna Pasek, Wizualizacje architektoniczne. 3ds Max 2011 i 3ds Max Design 2011. Szkoła efektu, Helion, 2011. [4] Joanna Pasek, 3ds Max 2010.Animacja 3D od podstaw. Szkoła efektu, Helion, 2010.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Lesa Snider, PhotoShop CS6/CS6PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik, Helion, 2013. [2] Jeffrey Harper, Mastering Autodesk 3ds Max 2013, John Wiley & Sons, 2012. [3] http://max3d.pl/ [4] http://www.autodesk.pl/products/autodesk-3ds-max/overview [5] http://www.computerarts.com.pl/


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives*** content*** of teaching tool*** outcome major and specialization (if applicable)**

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C1,C2 La1-La15 N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) K1AIU_W16 K1AIU_W24 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U03 C1,C2 La1-La15 N1, N2, N3 (skills) K1AIU_U21

** - enter symbols for learning outcomes related to the academic concentration/specialization *** - from the table above


Course title in English Urban Engineering Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA002406W Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 Number of student workload 30 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. Identify basic principles of designing and creating reinforced concrete and pre-stressed structures


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To introduce students to the specific character of designing and building structures of underground infrastructure in cities. C2 To introduce students to the technologies of constructing underground pipelines. C3. To introduce students to the technologies of constructing communication tunnels.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 define and understand the principles and specificity of designing and constructing underground structures for vehicular, train, pedestrian transport. PEK_W02 identify and understand the specificity of trenching and trenchless construction methods of underground pipelines. PEK_W03 Identify selected problems pertaining to trenchless methods of constructing communication tunnels. PEK_W04 identify principles of selected problems of designing cubic underground structures with foundations below the level of ground water. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the necessity to increase knowledge related to contemporary methods of design and technology of implementing structures of underground infrastructure in cities.

Mode of teaching - lectures Number of hours Lec 1 Use of underground space in cities 1 Lec 2 Underground garages 2 Lec 3 Underground pedestrian crossings 2 Lec 4 Deep excavations, cavity walls and sheet piling 2 Lec 5 Problems related to water tightness of reinforced concrete structures 1 Lec 6 Communication tunnels – structural solutions, methods of constructing - examples 2 Lec 7 Network of underground utilities - planning, collisions, construction methods - 2 examples Lec 8 Selected problems of geotechnics 2 Lec 9 Summary and credit for lectures 1 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Traditional presentations N2. Multimedia presentation with overview. N3. Specialist films

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P (lecture) PEK_W01, PEK_W02 Written test covering the contents of the course. PEK_W03 PEK_W04, PEK_K03

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [65] Madryas C., Kolonko A., Wysocki L., Konstrukcje przewodów kanalizacyjnych, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2002. [66] Michalak H., Garaże wielostanowiskowe, Arkady 2009 [67] Gałczyński S., Podstawy budownictwa podziemnego, skrypt PWr, Wrocław 2001. [68] Kuliczkowski A., Madryas C., Tunele wieloprzewodowe, Skrypty Nr 293, Politechnika Świętokrzyska, Kielce, 1996. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] WSTDI, Mechanised Tunnelling and Segmental Lining, German Czech Scientific Foundation 2009 [2] Stein D., Der begehbare Leitungsgang, Ernst & Sohns, 2002. [3] Inżynieria Bezwykopowa. [4] Geoinżynieria

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Andrzej Kolonko PhD , [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W18 C1, C3 Lec 1 – Lec 9 N1, N3

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W18 C1, C3 Lec 1 – Lec 9 N1, N3

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W18 C1, C3 Lec 1 – Lec 9 N1, N3

PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1, C3 Lec 1 – Lec 9 N1, N3

Annex no 4 to ZW 33/2012 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning COURSE SYLLABUS BUILDING ENGINEERING 4

Course title in English Buildings Ebginnering 4 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA105528Wp Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 90 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 3 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 3 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 35. Knowledge of basic problems related to the application of basic building elements and materials 36. Knowledge of dependencies between individual elements of a building 37. Knowledge of the principles of creating architectural drawings.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To acquaint students with the principles of creating a construction project. C2 - To acquaint students with the principles of creating architectural drawings of a selected building. C3 - To develops skills in designing architectural detail.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate elementary knowledge of general building engineering Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Create technical documentation of a simple building PEK_U01 – Search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic application of appropriate materials, building structures and technologies in designing. PEK_U03 – Apply general principles of designing energy-saving buildings Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work and demonstrate readiness to follow the rules of teamwork

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec 1 Requirements pertaining to the scope and form of the construction project. 2 Lec2 Land development plan description and drawings. 2 Lec 3 Architectural and building design. 2 Lec 4 General principles of formulating project documentation drawings 2 Lec 5 General principles of formulating technical descriptions 2 Lec 6 General principles of consulting project documentation 2 Lec7 Principles of formulating plot plans 2 Principles of formulating balance sheets and other calculations applicable to project Lec 8 1 documentation Total hours 15

Number Mode of teaching - project hours Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 3 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Assignment and overview of individual project topics to students. Students’ individual Pr2 3 project work. Overview and summary of problems related to the scope of the construction project Pr3 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of problems related to the choice of structural and construction Pr4 elements and design of building foundations 3 Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of first drafts of projects by students. Assessment of the Pr5 3 first drafts of projects. Overview and summary of problems related to creating horizontal and vertical sections Pr6 of a building. 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Pr7 3 Students’ individual project work. Pr8 Overview and summary of problems related to the scope of the land-use plan. 3 Overview and summary of problems related to creating and describing drawings of Pr9 building elevations 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with creating detailed drawings - Pr10 details. 3 Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of second drafts of projects by students. Assessment of Pr11 3 second drafts of projects. Overview and summary of problems related to creating technical descriptions. Students’ Pr12 3 individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Pr13 3 Students’ individual project work. Pr14 Presentation and submission of final projects. 3 Overview of completed projects. Assessment of projects. Pr15 3 Grading. Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving. N2. Interactive project. N3. Preparation of project in phases. N4. Consultations. N5. Individual work – preparation of project. N6. Individual work – preparation for the final examination.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Examination lecture α1=0.5 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 Project assessment α2=0,5 PEK_U03, PEK_K01, PEK_K02, PEK_K03, P = F1 α1 + F2 α2, where α1=0,5, α2=0,5 ∑ α = 1


BASIC LITERATURE: [69] General Building Technologies T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [70] General Building Technologies T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [71] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [72] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [34] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [35] Act on the Building Law of 07 July 1994 as amended.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor E. Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16 C2, C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N3, N4, N5 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U16 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N5, N6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U08 C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N6 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N2, N6 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C2, C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N3, N5

Annex no 4 to ZW 33/2012 Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning COURSE SYLLABUS BUILDING ENGINEERING 4

Course title in English Buildings Ebginnering 4 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA105528Wp Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 90 hours Grading policy Examination Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 3 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 3 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 38. Knowledge of basic problems related to the application of basic building elements and materials 39. Knowledge of dependencies between individual elements of a building 40. Knowledge of the principles of creating architectural drawings.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To acquaint students with the principles of creating a construction project. C2 - To acquaint students with the principles of creating architectural drawings of a selected building. C3 - To develops skills in designing architectural detail.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate elementary knowledge of general building engineering Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Create technical documentation of a simple building PEK_U01 – Search, analyze and select information using different sources related to basic application of appropriate materials, building structures and technologies in designing. PEK_U03 – Apply general principles of designing energy-saving buildings Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work and demonstrate readiness to follow the rules of teamwork

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec 1 Requirements pertaining to the scope and form of the construction project. 2 Lec2 Land development plan description and drawings. 2 Lec 3 Architectural and building design. 2 Lec 4 General principles of formulating project documentation drawings 2 Lec 5 General principles of formulating technical descriptions 2 Lec 6 General principles of consulting project documentation 2 Lec7 Principles of formulating plot plans 2 Principles of formulating balance sheets and other calculations applicable to project Lec 8 1 documentation Total hours 15

Number Mode of teaching - project hours Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 3 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Assignment and overview of individual project topics to students. Students’ individual Pr2 3 project work. Overview and summary of problems related to the scope of the construction project Pr3 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of problems related to the choice of structural and construction Pr4 elements and design of building foundations 3 Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of first drafts of projects by students. Assessment of the Pr5 3 first drafts of projects. Overview and summary of problems related to creating horizontal and vertical sections Pr6 of a building. 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Pr7 3 Students’ individual project work. Pr8 Overview and summary of problems related to the scope of the land-use plan. 3 Overview and summary of problems related to creating and describing drawings of Pr9 building elevations 3 Students’ individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with creating detailed drawings - Pr10 details. 3 Students’ individual project work. Presentation and submission of second drafts of projects by students. Assessment of Pr11 3 second drafts of projects. Overview and summary of problems related to creating technical descriptions. Students’ Pr12 3 individual project work. Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. Pr13 3 Students’ individual project work. Pr14 Presentation and submission of final projects. 3 Overview of completed projects. Assessment of projects. Pr15 3 Grading. Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving. N2. Interactive project. N3. Preparation of project in phases. N4. Consultations. N5. Individual work – preparation of project. N6. Individual work – preparation for the final examination.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Examination lecture α1=0.5 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 Project assessment α2=0,5 PEK_U03, PEK_K01, PEK_K02, PEK_K03, P = F1 α1 + F2 α2, where α1=0,5, α2=0,5 ∑ α = 1


BASIC LITERATURE: [73] General Building Technologies T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [74] General Building Technologies T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [75] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 [76] Przemysław Markiewicz. Detale projektowe dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2010 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [36] Przemysław Markiewicz. Projekt jednego domu w pięciu technologiach. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2002 [37] Act on the Building Law of 07 July 1994 as amended.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor E. Przesmycka, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N1 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16 C2, C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N3, N4, N5 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U16 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N5, N6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U08 C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N6 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1 Lec1-Lec8 N2, N6 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C2, C3 Pr1- Pr15 N2, N3, N5


Course title in English The elementary housing services' desing - village Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Kod przedmiotu AUA105545W, AUA105546P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 180 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1: Organizing knowledge in the design of multi-functional objects C2: The ability to integrate objects in the spatial structure of the existing development

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate basic knowledge of architecture in the description of the relationship function-form- design PEK_W02 Demonstrate systematic knowledge of the design of multi-functional objects PEK_W03: Demonstrate knowledge of the functional-spatial zoning of the object

Related to skills: PEK_U01: use the modular structural mesh for schematic systems of rooms

PEK_U02: solve necessary architectural barriers

PEK_U03: arrange and select the kind and size of hygienic-sanitary elements in commercial buildings

PEK_U04: competently use contemporary techniques in the process of designing and audio-visual presentation

Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: recognize the need to connect architecture shape to the nearest cultural environment PEK_K02: remember to include in the architectural solutions the needs of people with disabilities

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec1 Basics of architectural design, form, history and contemporaneity 1 Lec2 Basics of architectural design, function - current trends 1 Basics of architectural design, architectural design forms, adjusting the structure and Lec3 2 its variation Lec4 The development plan of the plot's zoning, standards 2 Lec5 Schemes of functional solutions and their links with other functional zones facility 2 Lec6 Guidelines and examples of spatial solutions for people with disabilities 2 Architectural form of the object vs structural solutions, examples and reviews in Lec7 contemporary architecture 2

Lec8 Lighting of rooms 1 Colours of the elevation vs. material solutions Lec9 1

Surroundings and the penetration of external space with a newly designed inner Lec10 1 objects of architecture, examples of solutions Total hours 15 Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Discussion of functional programs of designed objects and their relationship with Pr1 4 building plot Pr2 Schematic variants of location of the study and selection of the optimal solution 4 Pr3 Forming the shape of the structure in the context of the surrounding 4 In-class assignment; regarding the shape and its location Pr4 4

Solutions of spatial layout of a given function and its impact on the correction of the Pr5 4 shape Main and auxiliary passageways in organizing spatial arrangements Pr6 4

Pr7 Critiques of function 4 Pr8 Critiques of shape 4 Pr9 Critiques of construction 4 Final in-class assignment; correct choice of solutions Pr10 4

Pr11 Course critiques 4 Pr12 Course critiques 4 Approval of the scope of final works and definition of the scope of final works Pr13 4

Pr14 Material, structural and color solutions 4 Preliminary submission of finished object Pr15 4

Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentations N2.schemes and drawings N3.overview and conclusions N4. freehand drawings and computer processed graphics

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P - Exam

Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester)

P 0.4 continuous assessment, 0.1 attendance, 0.5 assessment of the final submission = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [77] Ernest Neufert, Podręcznik projektowania archi toniczno-budowlanego, Arkady, 2010 [78] Markiewicz P., Budownictwo ogólne dla architektów, Archi-plus, Kraków 2007 [79] Herbert Kuldschun, Erigh Rossmann, Budownictwo dla upośledzonych fizycznie, Arkady, Warszawa 1980

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [38] Bąbiński Cz., Elementy nauki o projektowaniu, WNT, Warszawa, 1972 [39] Wilkinson P., 50 teorii architektury które powinieneś znać, PWN, Warszawa 2011 [40] Projektowanie i systemy, Tom I i II, PAN, Ossolineum 1980 [80] Trocka-Leszczyńska E., Wiejska zabudowa mieszkaniowa w regionie Sudetów, W.P. PWr,1995 [81] Jiri Skabrada, Svatoplyk Vodera, Vesnickie stavby a jej ich uprava, 1975


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K_W01,K_W07,K_W08, K_W10, K_W12, C1-C2 Lec1-10 N1,N2,N3 (knowledge) K_W15 PEK_W02 K_W01,K_W07,K_W08, K_W10, K_W12, C1-C2 Lec1-10 N1,N2,N3 K_W15 PEW_W03 K_W01,K_W07,K_W08, K_W10, K_W12, C1-C2 Lec1-10 N1,N2,N3 K_W15 PEK_U01 K_U10, K_U11, K_U12, K_U13, K_U14, C1-C2 Pr1-15 N4 (skills) K_U19 PEK_U02 K_U10, K_U11, K_U12, K_U13, K_U14, C1-C2 Pr1-15 N4 K_U19 PEK_U03 K_U10, K_U11, K_U12, K_U13, K_U14, C1-C2 Pr1-15 N4 K_U19 PEK_U04 K_U10, K_U11, K_U12, K_U13, K_U14, C1-C2 Pr1-15 N4 K_U19 PEK_K01 K_K01, K_K06, K_K07, K_K09 C1-2 Lec1-10 N1,N2,N3, N4 (competencies) Pr1-15 PEK_K02 K_K01, K_K06, K_K07, K_K09 C1-2 Lec1-10 N1,N2,N3, N4 Pr1-15


Course title in English History of Polish Architecture 2 - Modernity Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA003508S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Knowledge of history of general architecture – the middle ages and modernity, and medieval Polish architecture, confirmed by credits for courses: “History of Polish Architecture 1-2” and “History of Polish Architecture 1”

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the skills of an architect in the modern times in Poland – problems of composition, theory of architecture and knowledge of style. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of architecture from the Renaissance to Romanticism in Poland C3 - To develop skills in analyzing and presenting architectural structures

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of history of Polish architecture since the 16th century to mid- 19th century, and understand the dependencies between architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W02: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature, databases and other sources, demonstrate the ability to integrate, interpret the obtained data and draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions Related to skills: PEK_U01: Analyze a work of architecture. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. PEK_K02: Understand the social role of the graduate of a technical university, in particular understand the need to protect the cultural heritage.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se 1. Periodization of Polish architecture of modern times. Architecture of the Wawel in 2 early 16th century. Trends: Italian, and Gothic-Renaissance. Se 2. Renaissance in Silesia - manors and castles. Architecture of cities in the early 16th 2 century new and traditional motifs. Architectural details. Se 3. The boom of Polish Renaissance : castle, mansion, palace, villa, church, town hall. 2 Attica. The origins of the use of Italian architectural treaties. Se 4. Italian Mannerism in secular and sacral architecture of late 16th century and early 2 17th century. Dutch Mannerism. Architecture of Gdańsk. Se 5. Churches of late Renaissance, early 17th century in Poland. „Polish variety” of 2 mannerism. Architecture of cities in the 16th/17th century. Modern townhouse Se 6. Residential architecture of early 17th century (“in the Vasa period") - palace, palazzo 2 in fortezza. Mannerism in sacral architecture. Se 7. Test. 2 Se 8. Beginnings of Baroque. Churches in the period of Counter-Reformation of the Jesuits, 2 Camaldolese, the Carmelites. Hermitages and calvaries. Se 9. Secular and sacral architecture of late Baroque. 2 French garden. Italian models. Se 10. Residences of late Baroque. 2 Se 11. Late Baroque in sacral architecture. 2 Luminism. New sources of inspiration, types of churches in different regions Poland. Se 12. Baroque in Silesia - reconstructions of great monastic developments. 2

Se 13. Classicism in the time of king Stanisław August Poniatowski. 2

Se 14. Classicism of the Congress Kingdom. 2 Gothic Revival. Romanticism. Se 15. Test. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. Multimedia presentations N3. Interactive seminar. N4. Consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Test 1 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F2 PEK_W01 Test 2 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 PEK_K01,PEK_K02 F3 PEK_W02,PEK_U01 presentation PEK_K01 P = average of grades F1, F2, F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [24] Dzieje architektury w Polsce, praca zbiorowa, Kraków 2002/2003. [25] Dzieje sztuki w Polsce: Renesans w Polsce, Kozakiewiczowie H. i S., Warszawa 1976; Barok w Polsce, Karpowicz M., Warszawa 1988; Klasycyzm w Polsce, Lorentz S., Rottermundt A., Warszawa 1986. [26] Miłobędzki A., Zarys dziejów architektury w Polsce, Warszawa 1978. [27] Różycka E., Materiały pomocnicze do zajęć z Historii architektury polskiej nowożytnej, kserokopie do wglądu w bibliotece I-12. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [28] Miłobędzki A., Architektura polska XVII wieku, Warszawa 1980, t. 1-2. [29] Kalinowski K., Architektura doby baroku na Śląsku, Warszawa 197 [30] Wrocław. Jego dzieje i kultura, pod redakcją Świechowskiego Z., Warszawa 1978. [31] Zlat M., Renesans i manieryzm, Warszawa 2008. [32] Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych, red. S. Kozakiewicz, Warszawa 1969, 2007. [33] wskazane pozycje monograficzne i artykuły w czasopismach – Biuletyn Historii Sztuki i Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Małgorzata Chorowska, mał[email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool outcome major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W13 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4

PEK_U01 K1AIU_U14 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3, 4 (skills) PEK_K01 K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 Se1-6,Se8-14 1, 2, 3 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C3 Se1-15 1, 2, 3


Course title in English Physics of Buildings Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Kod przedmiotu AUA105525Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 15 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a x group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 1 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 41. Knowledge of basic issues related to the construction of horizontal and vertical partitions 42. Knowledge of the basic properties of building materials.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to basic problems of heat and water vapor exchange between two environments divided by a partition. C2 - To introduce students to basic problems of daylighting of interiors C3 To develop rudimentary knowledge of acoustics – propagation in open space, interior acoustics, acoustic insulation of partitions. C4 – To develop basic skills in formulating project documentation in accordance with the requirements of thermal, acoustic protection and lighting rooms with natural light

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of physics of buildings Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Interpret and analyze information pertaining to physics of buildings PEK_U02 – Apply general principles of physics of buildings in in designing buildings Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the importance of lifelong learning, inspire and organize the learning process of others PEK_K02 – Understand the responsibility for one’s work and demonstrate readiness to follow the rules of teamwork

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Scope of the lecture, course completion requirements, literature. The importance of thermal protection of buildings in terms of conditions of use of the Lec1 2 interior. Climate and microclimate of rooms.

Basic concepts, definitions of symbols, parameters related to heat transfer, forms of Lec2 2 heat transfer, heat transfer through opaque partitions in contact with the outside air. Lec3 The concept of thermal bridges in walls, point and linear bridges. 2 Lec4 State of humidity of partitions. 2 Factors affecting the daily illumination in buildings, quantitative and qualitative criteria Lec5 of daylight illumination. 2 Basic norm requirements for daylighting when designing buildings Principles of sound propagation in open spaces, transfer Lec6 transmission of sound through partition 2 Sound insulation of partitions. The impact of the ventilation system on the microclimate of rooms, basic ventilation Lec7 2 systems. Lec8 Final test 1 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Scope of tutorial course, course completion requirements, literature. 2 The role of thermal insulation materials in the building's thermal protection Tut2 Thermal conductivity of materials. Calculation of thermal resistance of 2 partitions, calculation of heat transfer coefficient. Tut3 Calculation of the temperature distribution in partitions 2 Tut4 Surface and Submerged condensation of water vapor in the building partition. 2 Tut5 Analysis of the daylighting conditions in a given room. 2 Tut6 Analysis of structure of partitions in terms of sound insulation. 2 Tut7 Final test 2 Tut8 Summary of tutorial, assessment of students, grading 1 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. Multimedia presentations N3. Interactive tutorial. N4. Preparation of computational exercise. N5. Consultations.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Test α1=0,5 F2 PEK_U01 Assessment of a set of drawing exercisesα2=0,5 PEK_U02 PEK_K01 PEK_K02 P = F1 α1 + F2 α2, where α1=0,5, α2=0,5 , ∑ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [82] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.1. Materiały i wyroby budowlane. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Bogusława Stefańczuka. Warszawa: Arkady 2007 [83] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.2. Fizyka budowli. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Piotra Klemma. Warszawa: Arkady 2005 [84] Budownictwo Ogólne. T.3. Elementy budynków, podstawy projektowania. Praca zbiorowa pod red. Lecha Lichołai. Warszawa: Arkady 2008 [85] Przemysław Markiewicz. Budownictwo Ogólne dla architektów. Kraków: Archi-Plus 2006 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [41] PN-EN ISO 6946:1999 Komponenty budowlane i elementy budynku. Opór cieplny i współczynnik przenikania ciepła. Metoda obliczania

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) A. Chądzyński, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W08 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N2 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U09 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N2 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U08 C4 Tut 1- Tut 15 N3, N4, N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K02 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec8 N1, N2 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C4 Tut 1- Tut 15 N3, N4, N5


Course title in English History of Town Planning 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA003507S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To familiarize students with the history of the construction of European cities from ancient times to the end of the Renaissance. C2 To acquaint students with the patterns shaping urban space in ancient Greece and Rome, and medieval and Renaissance Europe. C3 Presentation of the impact of political, social and economic factors on the method of forming cities. C4 Equip students with the ability to recognize and analyze detailed spatial solutions in historic cities

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate general systematic knowledge of the development of cities in Europe since the end of pre-Greek times to the end of the Renaissance. PEK_W02: Demonstrate knowledge of methods of forming elements of the city plan in the aforementioned historical periods. PEK_W03: Demonstrate general knowledge the impact of the geographical, social, political and economic factors on design of cities and settlements. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Demonstrate skill in the application of known spatial solutions of historic cities in designing and conservation practice. PEK_U02: Evaluate the historic value of an urban solution. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of the social dimension of architect’s work


Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se1 City shaping factors. Pre-Greek urban developments (Aegean culture) 2 Se2, 3 Cities of ancient Greece. 4 Se4, 5 Cities of ancient Rome. 4 Se6 Written test - a test of knowledge concerning the development of cities in the 2 culture of the Aegean and in ancient Greece and Rome. Se7, 8 Early medieval settlement and medieval cities in West Europe. 4 Se9, 10 Urban design in medieval Poland. 4 Se11 Urban treaties and their role in designing cities of the Renaissance. 2 Se12 Implementations of Renaissance cities in Western Europe. 2 Se13 Renaissance cities in Poland. 2 Se14 The role of statues in developing squares in cities of the Renaissance. 2 Se15 Written test - a test of knowledge concerning the development of cities in the 2 Middle Ages and the Renaissance Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. multimedia presentations N2. Case studies N3. Problem-solving discussions

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Written test 1 F2 PEK_W03 Written test 2. F3 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, grade for presentation PEK_W03 PEK_U02 P=40%F1+40%F2+20%F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [86] Benevolo L., Miasto w dziejach Europy, red. J. Le Goff, Warszawa 1995; [87] Bogucka M., Samsonowicz H., Dzieje miast i mieszczaństwa w Polsce przedrozbiorowej, Wrocław 1986 [88] Grimal P., Miasta rzymskie, Warszawa 1970; [89] Gutkind E.A., International History of City Development, t. I-VII, New York 1964 – 1972; [90] Kalinowski W., Zarys historii budowy miast w Polsce do połowy XIX wieku. Toruń 1966; [91] Książek M., Zarys budowy miast średniowiecznych w Polsce do końca XV wieku, Kraków 1996; [92] Książek M., Materiały pomocnicze do studiów w zakresie historii urbanistyki, Kraków 1994; [93] Mumford L., The City in History. Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects. Harmondsworth 1975; [94] Ostrowski W., Wprowadzenie do historii budowy miast - ludzie i środowisko. Warszawa 1996; [95] Parnicki - Pudełko S., Architektura starożytnej Grecji. Warszawa 1975; [96] Tołwiński T., Urbanistyka, t. 1: Budowa miast w przeszłości, Warszawa 1947; [97] Wróbel T., Zarys historii budowy miast, Wrocław 1971; [98] Zarębska T. , Teoria urbanistyki włoskiej XV i XVI wieku. Warszawa 1971;

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [42] Bernhard M.L., Sztuka archaiczna, Warszawa 1989; [43] Bernhard M.L., Sztuka grecka IV wieku p.n.e. Warszawa 1974; [44] Bernhard M.L., Sztuka grecka V wieku p.n.e. Warszawa 1975; [45] Bernhard M.L., Sztuka hellenistyczna. Warszawa 1980; [46] Bogdanowski J., Architektura obronna w krajobrazie Polski. Od Biskupina do Westerplatte. Warszawa 1996; [47] Münch H., Początki średniowiecznego układu miejskiego w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Śląska. „Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki”, t. V, 1960, Z. 3; [48] Ostrowski W., Działalność urbanistyczna Stanisława Leszczyńskiego w Nancy i jej pozycja w dziedzinie budowy miast. „Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki”, 1957, z. 3-4; [49] Pudełko J., Działka lokacyjna w strukturze przestrzennej średniowiecznych miast śląskich XIII wieku. Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki, t. 9, 1964, z. 2, s. 115-137; [50] Pudełko J., Rynki w planach miast Śląska. Kwartalnik, Architektury i Urbanistyki, t. 4, 1959, Z. 3-4, s. 235- 263; [51] Wąsowicz A., Zagospodarowanie przestrzenne antycznych miast greckich, Wrocław 1982;

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jadwiga Urbanik, PhD; [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AiU_W14 C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AiU_W13 C2 PEK_W03 K1AiU_W14 C3

PEK_U01 K1AiU_U23 C1, C2, C3 Se1-Se15 N1-N3 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AiU_U14 C4

PEK_K01 K1AiU_K06 C1, C3 Se1-Se15 N1-N3 (competencies)


Course title in English VISUAL TECHNIQUES IN ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000134L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To raise the awareness of the role of graphic notations in the architectural profession. C2 – To increase knowledge and skill in using different artistic techniques in creating architectural drawings. C3 – To develop skills in communication through images. C4 – To develop skills in creating original graphic communication.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Understand the importance of architectural drawing as an artistic record of the creative process in the architectural profession. PEK_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of architectural drawings. PEK_W03 – Identify basics of visual communication pertaining to artistic skills and theory of information. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics in architectural drawings PEK_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas (project notation). PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of spatial idea. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication (architectural drawing) in designing work as the basic channel of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 Introductory lecture – architectural drawing as a form of visual 2 communication La2 Lecture 2 – Presentation of advanced artistic skills of designers 2 La3 Task 1 - The phenomenon of illusion of space on a plane - the artistic and 2 compositional values / conceptual sketches, graphic experiments La4 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La5 Lecture 3 – History of architectural drawing – image and skills 2 La6 Task 2 – application of simplified methods of printmaking techniques 2 La7 Task 2 - as above 2 La8 Lecture 4 – Architectural drawing in the 20th century - between form and function 2 La9 Task 3 – From drawing to 3D form 2 La10 Task 3 - as above 2 La11 Lecture 5 – Presentation of artistic skills of selected contemporary architects 2 La12 Task 4 – Narration in architectural drawing 2 La13 Task 4 - as above 2 La14 Lecture 6 - Presentations of drawings of theoreticians and visionaries of 2 architecture La15 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. preparation of artistic studies N5. conceptual, experimental work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01- PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α1=80%, α2=20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Fikus, Marian, Przestrzeń w zapisach autorskich, WAiPP PP, AW Zebra, Poznań / Kraków 1999. [2] Knauer, Roland, Entwerfen und Darstellen. Die Zeichnung als Mittel des architektonischen Entwurfs, Ernst&Sohn, Berlin 1991. [3] Maluga, Leszek, Autonomiczne rysunki architektoniczne, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2006. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Catafal, Jordi, Clara Oliva, Techniki graficzne, Arkady, Warszawa 2004. [2] Grice, Gordon (red.), The Art of Architectural Illustration, Number 003, Rockport Publisher, Gloucester (Mass.) 1999. [3] Jurkiewicz, Andrzej, Podręcznik metod grafiki artystycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1975 [4] Uddin, Mohammed Saleh, Hybrid Drawing Techniques by Contemporary Architects and Designers, Wiley, New York 1999. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PE_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La1, La2, La5, N1, N2, N3, N8 La8, La15 PE_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La2, La3, La4, N2, N3 La6, La7 PE_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C3 La1, La12, N2, N3, N5, N6, La13 N8 PE_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La2, La3, La4, N4, N5, N6, N7 La6, La7 PE_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2, C3 La1, La12, N4, N5, N6, N7 La13 PE_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2, C4 La9 - La14 N4, N5, N6, N7 PE_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C3 La 1, La 11, N2, N7, N8 La14

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish LABORATORIUM FORMY - MALARSTWO Course title in English LABORATORY OF FORM - PAINTING Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To discover and develop an individualistic style of artistic expression. C2 – To develop creative and independent thinking. C3 – To increase the knowledge of the artistic skills in painting. C4 – To expand knowledge of historical and contemporary painting. C5 - To develop skills in critical observation. C6 – To develop aesthetic sensitivity.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – demonstrate advanced knowledge of easel painting techniques. PEK_W02 - demonstrate knowledge of historical and contemporary painting. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Use different painting techniques. PEK_U02 – Create artistic compositions inspired by nature and the imagination in an individualized style. PEK_U03 - Analyze and synthesize the observed reality. PEK_U04 - Define own opinion about a given artistic solution and express it using professional formulations. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Demonstrate sensitivity to problems of visual culture, especially in the context of architectural design.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Introduction to painting techniques, problems of historical and 3 contemporary painting - lecture and presentation. La2 Exercise 1: Technical workshops - discovering new methods of painting - 3 monotype, multiplication, stencil. La3 Exercise 2: From realism to synthesis - 4 steps. 3 La4 Exercise 3: Abstraction of still life. 3 La5 Exercise 4: Hommage a ... painting artwork as a tribute to the selected 3 architect (part 1 - Preliminary sketches). La6 Exercise 4: Hommage a ... painting artwork as a tribute to the selected 3 architect (part 2 - finished work). La7 Exercise 5: Composition from imagination on a given topic (part 1 - 3 preliminary sketches). La8 Exercise 5: Composition from imagination on a given topic (part 2 - 3 finished work). La9 Public exhibition - discussion: critique. 3 La10 Exhibition of student work - discussion: self-commentary and critiqe. 3 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Problem-oriented lecture N3. Technical and artistic workshops N4. Presentation of projects. N5. problem-solving discussion N6. Critiques/consultations

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Assessment of artworks. PEK_U01 PEK_U02 PEK_U03 F2 PEK_W02 Assessment of participation in problem-solving PEK_U04 discussions PEK_K01

P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Kozakiewicz Stefan, red., Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych, PWN, Warszawa, 1976. [2] Doerner Max, Materiały malarskie i ich zastosowanie, Arkady, Warszawa 1975. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bazylko Piotr, Masiewicz Krzysztof: 77 dzieł sztuki z historią. Opowiadania zebrane, Warszawa 2010. [2] Kandyński Wasyl, Punkt, linia a płaszczyzna, PIW, Warszawa 1986. [3] Kandyński Wasyl, O duchowości w sztuce, PGS, Łódź, 1996. [4] Piotrowski Piotr, Znaczenia modernizmu. W stronę historii sztuki polskiej po 1945 roku, Rebis, Poznań 1999. [5] Rottenberg Anda, Sztuka w Polsce 1945-2005, Warszawa 2005. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Karolina Jaklewicz, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum No. learning with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool outcome formulated for the major and concentration PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C4 La1 N1, N3, N4 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11 C4 La1, La9 N2, N5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12 C3 La2 – La8 N3, N6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12 C1, C2, C3, La3, La7, La8 N3, N6 C6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U12 C1, C2, C3, La5, La6 N3, N6 C6 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11 C5 La9, La10 N4, N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K07 C5, C6 La5, La6, La9 N3, N5


Course title in English WATERCOLOR Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000138L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to basic aspects of watercolor technique. C2 To acquaint students with methods of mixing color and obtaining desired colour sets using watercolour.

C3 - To prepare students to the implementation of architectural visualization using this painting technique. C4 – To sensitize students to the influence of observation of the surrounding reality on effects of creative achievements in the course of studies and in the professional work of the architect.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 - Demonstrate elementary knowledge of basics of watercolor technique. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Demonstrate the ability to create an image of space as seen in nature, and spatial arrangements of imagination in watercolor technique. PEK_U02 - Interpret the surrounding world by creating their own using in this technique. PEK_U01 - Create and develop their sensitivity through painting studies from nature and imagination.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture: Introduction to watercolor technique - knowledge of color, tools, primers, 3 and technique of painting. Presentation of workshop and examples. La2 Exercise 1: Flat composition I – application of knowledge about color and 3 technique training - each box filled with a different color, obtained from mixing the three primary pigments. La3 Exercise 2: Flat composition II - advancing technical skills - painting and film, fields 3 partially overlap, mixing colors as in Task 2 La4 Exercise 3: Task flat composition III - increasing knowledge of color - three flat 3 compositions, each with one basic pigment changed. La5 Exercise 4: Still Life I - painting from nature, flat composition. 3 La6 Exercise 5: Still Life II - painting from nature, the illusion of three-dimensional 3 space. La7 Exercise 6: Architectural composition I – Interior – flat composition. 3 La8 Exercise 7: Architectural composition II – urban layout – flat bird’s-eye view 3 composition. La9 Exercise 8: Architectural composition III – City – flat composition inspired by a 3 specific place. La10 Exercise 9: Architectural composition IV – Visualization a single-family home (or 3 other) en plein eir – illusion of three-dimensional space. Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. expository lecture, N2. Presentation of projects. N3. Consultations.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_U01, Assessment of artworks. PEK_U02, PEK_U03 P = F1 (average grade for artworks)

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Clarke Michael, Akwarela, Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie, 1994 [2] Techniki malowania: Akwarela (praca zbiorowa), wyd. Muza, 1997 [3] Ostrowski Stanisław, Malowanie: Akwarela, Wyd. Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1993 [4] Parramon Jose, Jak malować akwarelą, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1993 [5] Pearsall Ronald, Podstawy malarstwa: akwarela i gwasz, Wyd. Arkona, 1993 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jacek Walczak, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2 La1 N1 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3, C4 La1 - La10 N2, N3 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3, C4 La5 – La10 N2, N3 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C4 La1 - La10 N2, N3 K1AIU_K07


Course title in English SPACES OF PHOTOGRAPHY. ELEMENTS OF COMPOSITION Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000319L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2

Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to use photographic equipment in creating and editing images. 3. Knowledge of the basic functions of Photoshop. 4. Knowledge of basic problems of theory of composition and visual communication.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To learn the principles of composing a photograph. C2 – To increase visual communication skills.

C3 – To develop the ability to observe the surrounding spatial reality and seek inspiration in it . C4 – To develop skills in solving composition problems.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 knowledge of principles of composing a photograph. PEK_W02 - Understand the relationship between the principles of image composition and its content Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Ability to use various media useful in the work of architect (camera and computer) PEK_U02 Develop the ability to observe the surrounding spatial reality and seek inspiration in it . PEK_U03 - Develop the ability to create compositions using photography and computer techniques Related to social competencies: PEK_K02 – Demonstrate awareness of the influence of visual culture on the quality of spatial values in human surroundings.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture: The art of photography as a form of visual 2 communication - a man in architectural space (perception of scale of detail, object and space). La2 Exercise 1: Photographic inventory of the urban space. 2

Studio work and consultation. La3 Task 1: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La4 Task 1: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La5 Task 1: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La6 Task 1: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La7 Lecture 2: Composing a photograph. 2 Exercise 2: Composition of architectural detail. Studio work and consultation. La8 Task 2: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La9 Task 2: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La10 Lecture 3: Collage. 2 Composition as narration - between the recording and reflection.

Exercise 3: Photographic portrait of architectural structure.

La11 Task 3: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La12 Task 3: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La13 Task 3: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La14 Task 3: cont. studio work and consultation. 2 La15 Assessment and overview of tasks completed during the semester. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. study N5. consultation N6. presentation of projects N7. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Assessment of artworks. PEK_U01, PEK_U02, PEK_U03, PEK_K01 F2 PEK_W01, PEK_W02 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1F1 + α2F2 α1=80% α2=20% Σ α=1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Ang Tom, Fotografia cyfrowa – podr., Arkady, Warszawa 2004 [2] Otton Charlotte, Fotografia jako sztuka współczesna, Universitas, Kraków 2010 [3] Scot Kelby, Fotografia cyfrowa. Edycja zdjęć, Helion, Gliwice 2008 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Photography, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1987 [2] Hoffmann Torsten Aneas, Sztuka czarno-białej fotografii. PhD Od inspiracji do obrazu, Helion, Gliwice 2009 [3] www.swiatobrazu.pl [4] www.fotopolis COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Beata Juchniewicz, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C1 La1, La7, La10 N1, N2, N3

PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11 C1 La1, La7, La10, N1, N2, N3 La15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12 C2 La2 - La6, La8, N4, N5 La9, La11-La14 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12 C3 La2 - La6, N4, N5 La8, La9, La11-La14 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U12 C3 La2 - La6, La8, N4, N5 La9, La11-La14 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K09 C3 La2 - La6, La8, N6, N7 La9, La11-La14


Course title in English LETTER – SIGN – LOGO – TYPEFACE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000129L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Using basic freehand artistic techniques as basic artistic skills of the architect. 3. Ability to use the computer-aided design software.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop basic knowledge in the field of visual perception and visual communication C2. To learn about the principles of visual communication in the range between the sign and the typeface, in terms of intentional artistic composition of given identity (form-meaning + function + physical media): C3. To learn about color and shape as elements of artistic and informational composition and symbol and typefaces as an artistic form/ carrier of information in terms of structure, function, type, and style C4. To develop the ability of using the sign colour and with a typeface as media of the non-verbal property in the author's intentional composition straight/folded with taking into account of the physical medium

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate basic knowledge of theory of communication. PEK_W02 - indicate the importance of colors and shapes. Identify methods of presenting the shape using different conventions. PEK_W03 - Demonstrate knowledge of the symbol in terms of: structure, function, type, method of coding. PEK_W04 Demonstrate basic knowledge of fonts. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Demonstrate the ability to use the color and shape as carriers of meaning. PEK_U02 - Develop a selected type of symbol for a chosen function, content and identity. PEK_U03 - Perform intentional transformation of elements of the typeface. PEK_U04 - Develop an original lettering composition with certain artistic and information characteristics. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication in work. PEK_K02 – Demonstrate awareness of the influence of visual culture on the quality of human life environment in their spatial surrounding.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 Introduction – problems of theory of information, problem-solving 2 discussion. La2 Lecture 2 Issues related to color, shape and sign, problem-solving discussion 2 La3 Lecture 3 Issues related to a logo, problematic discussion 2 La4 Lecture 4 Issues of typefaces, problem-solving discussion 2 La5 Task 1 Logo - presentation of sources of inspiration, conceptual sketches. 2 La6 Task 1 as above - conceptual sketches, artistic experiments 2 La7 Task 1 - as above, creation of logo, problem-solving discussion 2 La8 Task 2 Development of lettering board illustrating the concept 2 La9 Exercise 2 - as above presentation of sources of inspiration, conceptual sketches. 2 La10 Task 2 as above development of panels, problem-solving discussion 2 La11 Task 3 Development of a formal compositional lettering panel 2 La12 Exercise 3 - as above presentation of sources, artistic experiments 2 La13 Exercise 3 - as above 2 La14 Task 3 Development of panel , problem-solving discussion 2 La15 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U04, PEK_U06, Assessment of artwork PEK_K02, PEK_K03, F2 PEK_W01, PEK_K01, Assessment of participation in problem-solving PEK_K02, discussions PEK_K03, P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Szanto Tibor, Pismo i styl, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 1986. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Klanten Robert iAdeline Mollard, Los Logos, Gestalten, Berlin 2010. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Ewa Górska, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11 C1, C2 La1, La2 N1, N2, N3, N8 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C2, C3 La 2 N1, N2, N3, N8 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C2, C3 La2, La3 N1,N2, N3, N8 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C3 La 4 N1, N2, N3,N8 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12, C3 La 5, La6, La7 N1,N2,N3,N8 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12, C3 La5,La6,La N4, N5, N6, N8 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U12, C3 La 8, La9, La10 N4, N5 N6, N8 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U12 C3 La 11 - La14 N4, N5, N6,N8 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C4 W1, W4 N1,N2,N3, N8 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C4 W1,W2,W3,W4 N1,N2,N3,N8


Course title in English COMPUTER GRAPHICS – BASES Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Course level and study mode: first cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000126L. Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Basic skills in using computers.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To raise the awareness of the role of diversified forms of graphic notation in the architectural profession. C2 – To increase knowledge and skill in using different artistic techniques - traditional and computer - used to obtain the expected effect and combining them in creating architectural drawings and project illustrations. C3 – To develop skills in communication through images, choosing appropriate form of communication in relation to its contents. C4 Skills in using basic graphic software – Coreldraw, Photoshop. C5 – To develop skills in creating original presentations.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of artistic skills in the architectural profession PE_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of design PE_W03 – Identify basics of visual communication pertaining to artistic skills and theory of information. PE_W04 - Understand the importance of skills in graphic shorthand notation. PE_W05 - Understand the differences resulting from the nature of graphic software programs. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics in architectural drawings PE_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of artistic idea. PE_U04 - Demonstrate the ability to creatively apply the differences resulting from the nature of computer programs. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication in designing work as the basic channel of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture - Basic graphic software, types, application. 2 Task 1 - Design of a logo - individual symbol and its application, a project for a person or company La2 Lecture 2 - Logos 2 Exercise 1: – as above/conceptual sketches La3 Lecture 3 – Coreldraw, overview of the program 2 Exercise 1: – as above/conceptual sketches La4 Lecture 4 – Coreldraw, overview of the program – continued 2 Exercise 1: – as above/conceptual sketches La5 Lecture 5 – Coreldraw, overview of the program – continued 2 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La6 Lecture 6 – Coreldraw, overview of the program – continued 2 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La7 Lecture 7 – Coreldraw, overview of the program – continued 2 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La8 Task 1 - Summary of task / submission 2 La9 Lecture 8 - Programs of the bitmap type 2 Task 2 - Illustrations to a chosen text La10 Lecture 9 - Photoshop, overview of the program 2 Exercise 2: – as above/conceptual sketches La11 Lecture 10 - Photoshop, overview of the program - continued 2 Exercise 2: – as above/conceptual sketches La12 Lecture 11 - Photoshop, discussion of the program - continued 2 Task 2 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La13 Lecture 12 - Photoshop, discussion of the program - continued 2 Task 2 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La14 Lecture 10 - Photoshop, overview of the program - continued 2 Task 2 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. La15 Task 2 - Summary of task / submission 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02-PE_W05, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01-PE_U04 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Class participation assessment P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 gdzie α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Pliki pomocy programu Coreldraw – zgodne z wersją stosowanego programu. [2] Photoshop help files – corresponding to the current version of the used software [3] Evanmy M., Logo. Przewodnik dla projektantow, PWN, Warszawa 2008. [4] Magazyn PSD, Wydawnictwo Software. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Journals related to problems of 2D graphic design COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Łuczewska, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3 K1AIU_K07 La15 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2, C3 La3-7, La10-14, N2, N3, N5, N6 La8 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C3 La1, La2, La6 N2, N3, N5, N6 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1,C3 La3-5, La9 N2, N3, N5, N6 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C4 La1, La2, La6 N2, N3, N5, N6 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C2, C4 La1-8, La9-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3, C5 La1-8, La9-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2, C5 La1-8, La9-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_U04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2, C3, C4, La1-8, La9-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C3 La1-8, La9-15 N2, N7


Course title in English PAINTING – STUDY OF THE NUDE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000133L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Skills in using basic freehand artistic techniques, especially painting and drawing.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To develop sensitivity to form and color and the ability to observe reality through artistic studies from nature. C2 – To learn basic facts from the history of nude painting. C3 -To increase skills in using basic freehand artistic techniques, especially painting and drawing.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Advanced knowledge of history of art , especially painting and drawing. PEK_W02 – advanced knowledge of painting and drawing techniques . Related to skills: PEK_U01 – advanced skill in observing nature, increased sensitivity to form and color. PEK_U02 – Basic skills in transposing a natural image into original, autonomous painting art form. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 –Understand the role of nude painting in the processes occurring in old and contemporary art.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture: Introduction to nude study. 3 Sketch from nature- drawing La2 Task 1: nude sitting, paintbrush drawing 3 La3 Task 2: nude reclining, monochromatic painting 3 La4 -5 Task 3: nude standing, color painting 6 La6 -7 Task 4: nude sitting, color painting 6 La8 -9 Task 5: nude reclining, color painting 6 La10 Task 6: nude reclining, color painting 3 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Introductory lecture N2. Study from nature N3. Passive critique - consultations N4. Active critique N5. Presentation of artworks – analysis and discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F PEK_W01 - PEK_K01 Assessment of a single assignment P = Σ F

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Poprzęcka M., Akt polski, Warszawa 2006. [2] Jak malować akt, technika pastelu , Warszawa 1998. [3] Clark K., Akt – studium idealnej formy , Warszawa 1998. [4] Rzepińska M., Historia koloru w dziejach malarstwa europejskiego, Kraków 1983. [5] Gombrich E., O sztuce, Warszawa 1997. [6] Janson H.W., Historia sztuki, Warszawa 1993. [7] Becket W., Historia malarstwa, Warszawa 1996. [8] Techniki wielkich mistrzów malarstwa, Warszawa 1999. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Pignatti T., Historia rysunku, Warszawa 2006. [2] Eco U., Historia piękna, Poznań 2005. [3] Eco U., Historia brzydoty, Poznań 2009. [4] Jaszczuk P., Przestrzeń koloru a iluzja przestrzeni w obrazie i realnej, fizycznej przestrzeni życia. Wzajemne relacje, Wrocław 2005. [5] Jaszczuk P., Obraz, obrazowanie, przestrzeń obrazu. Wpływ obrazu na otaczająca przestrzeń i odwrotnie, Wrocław 2006. [6] Parramon J.M., Jak powstaje kolor, Wrocław 1993. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Paweł Jaszczuk , [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives content teaching tool the major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C2 La1 N1 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11 C3 La1 – La10 N1, N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12 C1 La1 – La10 N3, N4, N5 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12 C1, C3 La1 – La10 N3, N4, N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K07 C2 La1 N1


Course title in English THEORY OF COLOR AND COLOR IN ARCHITECTURE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time /Part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000150L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to distinguish basic colors.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to phenomena related to color perception. C2 - To acquaint students with the methods of color manifestation

C3 - After learning about color and the complexity of the phenomena of colorful vision students are able to use that knowledge in architectural design.

C4 To learn about the problems of the impact of color on a man.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 - identify the problems of color sensations and phenomena related to the perception of color. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills pertaining to color in order to represent examples of color vision phenomena. PEK_U02 - Use knowledge of color and apply it to architectural design. Related to social skills: PE_K01 – Understand the role visual communication with special regard to basic phenomena of color theory in designing work as the basic method of communicating ideas to the professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory: Color vs. perceived color Colour in different aspects of 2 life

La2 Lecture 2 - Stimuli and color impressions, features of colors, color mixing, 2 chromatic and achromatic colors. La3 Task 1 - color composition depicting the selected phenomena related to the 2 psychophysiology of vision and perception of color. Color mixing. Achromatic and chromatic colors/conceptual sketches, color experiments. La4 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La5 Lecture 3 - Phenomena of color vision, phenomena of adaptation and contrast of 2 color, additive and subtractive color mixing. La6 Task 2 - Composition with an intended emotional and aesthetic expression, 2 conceptual sketches, color experiments. La7 Task 2 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La8 Lecture 4 - Afterimage. Contrast of contemporary colors 2 La9 Task 3 - Afterimage, contemporary contrast of colors / conceptual sketches on this 2 issue. La10 Lecture 5 - Phenomenological characteristics of color. 2 La11 Lecture 6 - Phenomenological characteristics of color cont. Psychology of color. 2 La12 Lecture 7 - Color using the example of paintings. 2 La13 Lecture 8 - Color in architecture - implementations and projects. 2 La14 Task 4 - color solutions of architectural structure – studies with consideration of 2 details – several variants of the proposal. La15 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentations N4. Artistic experiments N5. Conceptual work N6. Consultations. N7. Presentation of projects. N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_ W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01 – PE_ U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α=80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Zausznica A., Nauka o barwie, PWN, Warszawa 1959. [2] Starkiewicz W., Fizjologiczne podstawy wrażeń wzrokowych, Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich, Szczecin 1968. [3] Zeugner G., Barwa i człowiek, Arkady, Warszawa 1965. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Hochberg J.E., Percepcja, PWN, Warszawa 1970. [2] M. Rzepińska, Historia koloru w dziejach malarstwa europejskiego, Warszawa 1989. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Krzysztof Skwara, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1 La1 - La5 N1, N2 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1 La1 - La5 N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C2 La4 - La7 N4, N6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C3 La14 - La15 N4, N7 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C4 La6 - La12 N4, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C4 La11 N8


Course title in English PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE; Man in Urban Space – Transforming the Urban Structure of the City 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105548W, AUA105549P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload hours 60 90 pass with Grading policy test grade ECTS points: 2 3 Including ECTS points for practical 3 hours (P) Including ECTS points for contact 2 2 hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Knowledge of problems related to designing residential buildings and areas and commercial buildings and areas confirmed by positive grades for appropriate courses at the Faculty of Architecture.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the relations between man and the elements of urbanized space. C1.1 - To acquaint students with basics of city sociology. C1.2 - To present problems related to creating the urban space of the city. C1.3 - To present methods of identifying and defining spatial and social problems of a city at an urban scale C1.4 - To introduce students to development prospects of urban design. C2 - To develop skills in interpreting and using planning documents C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting urban and architectural concepts

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES KNOWLEDGE PEK_W01 Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of theory of urban planning, urban elements and urban composition. PEK_W02- Demonstrate theoretically grounded knowledge of city sociology. PEK_W03 – demonstrate theoretically grounded of relations between psychophysical features of man and urbanized space. PEK_W04 - Identify the technical infrastructure in urbanized areas. SKILLS: PEK_U01 - interpret the basic regulations concerning land development. PEK_U02 – Propose land use plans with account being taken of spatial and sociological circumstances in urbanized space SOCIAL COMPETENCIES PEK_K01 - Demonstrate awareness of the the influence of role of architect-urban planner on developing spatial and social relations in urbanized areas. PEK_K02 - Demonstrate awareness of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s and architect’s work, the social dimension of architecture and urban planning, their influence on the quality of spatial surrounding of man and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and preferences of its users.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec1-2 Psychophysical relations between man and space 3 Lec2-3 Interpretation of the provisions of planning documents 2 Lec3-4 Principle of developing basic urban elements 3 Lec5-6 Social and technological functions in the space of small urban complex 3 Lec6-7 Principles of creating accessible and safe space 3 Lec8 Public space in small urban complex 2 Total hours 16

Number of Mode of teaching - project hours Scope of projects: Shelter", "Meeting", "Road"; course completion requirements; literature. Pr1 3 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a selected fragment of urban space) „Shelter” - part of an urban space with a dominant residential function (1-2 ha). Pr2 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. „Shelter” - part of an urban space with a dominant residential function (1-2 ha). Pr3 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. „Shelter” - part of an urban space with a dominant residential function (1-2 ha). Pr4 Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 1. Review - „Shelter” - part of an urban space with a dominant residential function Pr5 (1-2 ha). 3 Presentation and submission of final projects. Assessment. „Meeting place” - part of an urban space with public space (1-4 ha). Overview and Pr6 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. „Meeting place” - part of an urban space with public space (1-4 ha). Overview and Pr7 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. „Meeting place” - part of an urban space with public space (1-4 ha). Overview and Pr8 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. „Meeting place” - part of an urban space with public space (1-4 ha). Overview and Pr9 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 2. Review - „Meeting place” - part of an urban space with public space (1-4 ha). Pr10 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. "The Road" - fragment of an urban space connected to an important communication Pr11 route (4-10 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. "The Road" - fragment of an urban space connected to an important communication Pr12 route (4-10 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. "The Road" - fragment of an urban space connected to an important communication Pr13 route (4-10 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. "The Road" - fragment of an urban space connected to an important communication Pr14 route (4-10 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 3. Review - "The Road" - fragment of an urban space connected to an important Pr15 communication route (4-10 ha). 3 Presentation and submission of final projects. grade Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS [33] Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. [34] Multimedia presentations for lecture and project. [35] Interactive lecture and project [36] Preparation of project in the form of panels and presentations. [37] Presentation of project. [38] Consultations. [39] Individual work – preparation for project. [40] Individual work – study and preparation for the final examination. ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Project Assessment (F – formative (during Method of assessing the the semester), S – summative (at Number of learning outcome achievement of the end of semester) the learning outcome PEK_W01; PEK_W02; PEK_W03; Grade for the content of the F1 PEK_W04; PEK_U01; PEK_K01; project. PEK_K02 Assessment for the F2 PEK_U02 presentation of problems covered by the project. PEK_W01; PEK_W02; PEK_W03; Final grades for projects: P PEK_W04; PEK_U01; PEK_U02; P=1 PEK_K01; PEK_K02 F1, F2 - do not affect the final assessment (P), however, they are required to pass.

Lecture: PEK_W01; PEK_W02; PEK_W03; Final assessment in the form of P PEK_W04; PEK_U01; PEK_K01; a test: PEK_K02

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 43. Baxter Alan & Associates, Llewelyn-Davies consultants, Better Places to Live: By Design, 2001 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/betterplaces) 44. Chmielewski Jan M., Teoria urbanistyki w projektowaniu i planowaniu miast, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2001. 45. Czarnecki Władysław, Planowanie miast i osiedli t.2 Miejsca pracy i zamieszkania, PWN, Warszawa-Poznań 1960. 46. Gehl Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, Kraków 2009. 47. Lynch Kevin, Obraz miasta, Wydawnictwo Archivolta Michał Stępień, Kraków 2011 48. Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of April 12, 2002 on the technical conditions that buildings and their location should meet. 49. Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of March 2, 1999 on technical conditions for public roads and their location (Dz.U. No 43, item 430); 50. Sztompka Piotr, Socjologia. Analiza społeczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 2003 51. Wejchert Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [37] Alexander Christopher, Język wzorców. Miasta – budynki – konstrukcja, GWP, Gdańsk 2008. [38] Benevolo Leonardo, Miasto w dziejach Europy, Wydawnictwo Krąg, Oficyna Wydawnicza Volumen, Warszawa 1995. [39] Francis Carolyn, Marcus Clare Cooper, People Places: Design Guidelines for Urban Open Spaces, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1998. [40] Jałowiecki Bohdan, Społeczne wytwarzanie przestrzeni, Wydawnictwo naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2010; [41] Korzeniewski Władysław, Budownictwo mieszkaniowe. Poradnik projektanta, Arkady, Warszawa 1981. [42] Lang Jon, Urban design. The American Experience, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York etc.1994; [43] Newman Oscar, Creating Defensible Space, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research, 1996 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.defensiblespace.com/book.htm) [44] Tanghe Jan, Vlaeminck Sieg, Berghoef Jo Living cities. A case for urbanism and guidelines for re-urbanisation, Pergamon Press,Oxford-New York-Toronto-Sydney-Paris- 1984. [45] Wytyczne projektowania ulic – WPU, - Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Publicznych, Warszawa 1992.; [46] Wesołowski Jacek, Miasto w ruchu. Przewodnik po dobrych praktykach w organizowaniu transportu miejskiego, Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich, Łódź 2008 (available at: http://www.miastowruchu.pl/info/publikacje) COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Grzegorz Wasyluk: [email protected]

EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE URBAN DESIGN: MAN IN URBAN SPACE – TRANSFORMING THE URBAN STRUCTURE OF THE CITY 1 WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR Relation of course outcome with Course Course learning Curriculum Number of learning outcomes formulated for the objectives outcome content teaching tool major K1AiU_W19 C1.2; C1.3; Lec3-8; PEK_W01 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 K1AIU_W28 C1.4 Pr1-15 Lec1-2; C1.1; PEK_W02 K1AiU_W19 Lec5-7; 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C1.3 Pr1-15 Lec1-2; C1.1; PEK_W03 K1AiU_W19 Lec5-7; 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C1.3 Pr1-15 C1.2; C1.3; Lec5-6; PEK_W04 K1AiU_W18 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C1.4 Pr1-30 Lec2-6; PEK_U01 K1AiU_U18 C2 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 C1, Lec1-8; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; PEK_U02 K1AiU_U18 C2 Pr1-15 7; 8 C3 K1AiU_K02; Lec1-8; PEK_K01 K1AiU_K07; C1; 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 K1AiU_K08; K1AiU_K02; C1, Lec1-8; PEK_K02 K1AiU_K07; 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C2 Pr1-15 K1AiU_K08;

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 Faculty of Architecture of WrUT COURSE SYLLABUS Urban Design: Podstawy Projektowania Urbanistycznego - Zespoły Urbanistyczne 1

Course title in English PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE; Urban Design Rudiments – Urban Complex 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105550W, AUA105551P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 60 90 hours Grading policy pass with pass with grade grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Knowledge of problems related to designing residential buildings and areas and commercial buildings and areas confirmed by positive grades for appropriate courses at the Faculty of Architecture.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the relations between the elements of urbanized space. C1.1 - To acquaint students with basics of city sociology. C1.2 - To present problems related to creating urban complexes. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of urban design. C1.4 - To present methods of identifying and defining spatial problems of a city at an urban scale C2 - To develop skills in interpreting and using planning documents C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting urban and architectural concepts C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting urban and architectural concepts

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of theory of urban planning, urban elements and urban composition. PEK_W02 - Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of city sociology. PEK_W03 demonstrate basic knowledge of the technical infrastructure in urbanized areas. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - interpret the basic regulations concerning land development. PEK_U02 – Propose land use plans with account being taken of spatial and sociological circumstances in urbanized space Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Demonstrate awareness of the the influence of role of architect-urban planner on developing spatial and social relations in urbanized areas.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hou rs Lec1-2 Elements of urban design in small complexes 3 Lec2-3 Interpretation of the provisions of planning documents 2 Lec3-4 Principles of land development 3 Lec5 Communication in small urban complexes 2 Lec6-7 Creating accessible and safe space 4 Lec8 Basic services in a small urban complex 2 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hou rs Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected 3 areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan) Small residential and commercial complex (1-2 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr2 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Small residential and commercial complex (1-2 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr3 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Small residential and commercial complex (1-2 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr4 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 1. Review - Small residential and commercial complex (1-2 ha). Pr5 3 Presentation and submission of final projects. Assessment. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Pr6 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected 3 areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan) Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr7 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr8 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr9 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 2. Review - Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Pr10 3 Presentation of final projects by students. Assessment. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr11 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr12 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr13 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Residential and commercial complex (4-6 ha). Overview and summary of the Pr14 problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 3. Review - Residential and commercial complex. Pr15 3 Presentation and submission of final projects. grade Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected 3 areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan) Total: 45

TEACHING TOOLS [41] Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. [42] Multimedia presentations for lecture and project. [43] Interactive lecture and project [44] Preparation of project in the form of panels and presentations. [45] Presentation of project. [46] Consultations. [47] Individual work – preparation for the project. Individual work – study and preparation for the final examination.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) PEK_W01; PEK_W02; P PEK_W03; PEK_U01; Final assessment in the form of a test: PEK_K01 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) PEK_W01; PEK_W02; F1 PEK_W03; PEK_U01; Grade for the content of the project. PEK_K01 Assessment for the presentation of problems covered F2 PEK_U02 by the project. PEK_W01; PEK_W02; P1 PEK_W03; PEK_U01; Final grades for projects: P1=1 PEK_U02; PEK_K01 F1, F2 - do not affect the final assessment (P), however, they are required to pass.

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 52. Baxter Alan & Associates, Llewelyn-Davies consultants, Better Places to Live: By Design, 2001 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/betterplaces) 53. Chmielewski Jan M., Teoria urbanistyki w projektowaniu i planowaniu miast, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2001. 54. Czarnecki Władysław, Planowanie miast i osiedli t.2 Miejsca pracy i zamieszkania, PWN, Warszawa- Poznań 1960. 55. Gehl Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, Kraków 2009. 56. Lynch Kevin, Obraz miasta, Wydawnictwo Archivolta Michał Stępień, Kraków 2011 57. Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of April 12, 2002 on the technical conditions that buildings and their location should meet. 58. Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of 2 March 1999 on the technical conditions to be met by public roads and their location (Dz. U. No 43, item 430); 59. Wejchert Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [47] Alexander Christopher, Język wzorców. Miasta – budynki – konstrukcja, GWP, Gdańsk 2008. [48] Korzeniewski Władysław, Budownictwo mieszkaniowe. Poradnik projektanta, Arkady, Warszawa 1981. [49] Newman Oscar, Creating Defensible Space, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research, 1996 (available at: http://www.defensiblespace.com/book.htm) [50] Wytyczne projektowania ulic – WPU, - Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Publicznych, Warszawa 1992.; Wesołowski Jacek, Miasto w ruchu. Przewodnik po dobrych praktykach w organizowaniu transportu miejskiego, Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich, Łódź 2008 (available at: http://www.miastowruchu.pl/info/publikacje)


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 Lec1-2; Lec3-4; K1AiU_W19 C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 (knowledge) Lec6-8; Pr1-15 PEK_W02 K1AiU_W19 C1.1 Lec6-7; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 PEK_W03 K1AiU_W18 C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 Lec3-5; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 PEK_U01 K1AiU_U18 C2 Lec2-5; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 PEK_U01 C1; (skills) K1AiU_U18 C2; Lec1-8; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 C3 PEK_K01 K1AiU_K02; C1; (competencies) K1AiU_K07; Lec1-8; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C2 K1AiU_K08;

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 3 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN OF MULTI FAMILY HOUSES Course title in English Architectural design of multi-family buildings Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: elective Kod przedmiotu AUA105572W, AUA105574P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 - - 60 - Number of student workload 60 - - 180 - hours Grading policy Examination - - pass with - grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Understanding of problems related to theory of composition and construction of architectural structures: credit for basic courses in study years 1 and 2 (building engineering, structures, architectural designing, etc.) 2. SKILLS: Ability to create architectural form in the urban context. Ability to present architectural ideas in the form of freehand drawings. Knowledge of computer-aided architectural design software. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Openness, creativity, active involvement in learning about architecture, art and science

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To develop creativity and skills in designing multi-family residential architecture. C2 - To introduce students to the basic problems of designing multi-family residential architecture in relation to the existing spatial order and cultural heritage of the place C3 - To present contemporary housing needs, trends and directions of the development of the built environment and future concepts of the habitat and the dwelling.

C4-To acquaint students with the criteria for designing and verifying the correctness of functional and spatial and structural-technical solution of residential architecture and energy efficiency and economics of architectural solutions for multi-family buildings C5-Presentation of the aesthetic canons of multi-family residential architecture C6 - To develop the ability to prepare and present the architectural design of multi-family building in a clear and visually attractive manner.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 Demonstrate detailed knowledge of individual needs and expectations of man in relation to the development of space surrounding their life, including knowledge needed to understand the phenomenon of habitat - living environment of man. PE_W02 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of problems of spatial order, protecting the natural environment and the cultural heritage of a place. PE_W03 Demonstrate the ability to define the main challenges for current and future concepts of housing and town, resulting from the development of civilization PE_W04 Describe the principles of composition and principles of creating architectural forms, including problems related to durability (firmitas), utility (utilitas) and beauty (venustas) in residential architecture PE_W05 Identify the typology of multi-family homes and define models and canons of multi-family residential architecture in European culture PE_W06 Identify models of spatial organization and understand the criteria for evaluating the correctness of functional and spatial solutions PE_W07 Demonstrate elementary knowledge of structural and material conditions of multi-family residential architecture PE_W08 Demonstrate elementary knowledge of ecological, energy-saving and economic conditions of multi- family residential architecture Related to skills: PE_U01 Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature of the subject, databases and other sources, draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions, and interpret such information in the form of freehand drawings PE_U02 Analyze the existing condition and prepare guidelines for architectural-urban design, pertaining to the preservation of spatial order, protection of the natural environment and cultural heritage of the place PE_U03 Demonstrate the ability to formulate a program intent for the proposed multi-family building PE_U04 Demonstrate the ability to harmoniously integrate the proposed architectural form of multi-family building into the context PE_U02 Use a modern language of architectural forms PE_U05 Demonstrate the ability to properly solve structural-technological problems of residential architecture PE_U07 Demonstrate the ability to verify the correctness of functional and spatial solutions of residential architecture PE_U08 Prepare project documentation with technical description of the design, and demonstrate knowledge of architectural CAD software PE_U09 Present an architectural concept in a clear and graphically appealing manner PE_U10 Work individually and in a team, prepare an architectural design in accordance with the adopted work schedule Related to social competencies: PE_K01 Demonstrate the awareness of the responsibility of an architect for maintaining the spatial order, protecting the natural environment and the cultural heritage of a place. PE_K02 Demonstrate awareness of the social dimension of architecture and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and aesthetic preferences of users of architecture.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Residential architecture of the future - review of Utopian visions Lec1 2

The idea of the habitat vs. cultural heritage - spatial order, spatial patterns of Lec2 2 development of multi-family housing complexes Attractiveness of the residential environment -Types of multi-family development – Lec3 2 social infrastructure of residential architecture Dwelling vs. human needs - functional standards of dwellings, zoning and spatial Lec4 2 patterns of dwellings, residential interior design Types of functional and structural systems of multi-family residential buildings, Lec5 2 technical infrastructure, occupant safety and energy efficiency of buildings Form of residential architecture vs architectural styles Lec6 2

International exhibitions of residential architecture (Amsterdam, Weissenhof, Berlin, Lec7 3 Fukuoka, Borneo-Sporenburg, Valencia, etc.). Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Introduction to the subject, scope of the project, course completion requirements and literature. Pr1 4 Assignment of topics and choice of location of design task In-class assignment. Pr2 Variants of urban composition of multi-family complex (work in teams of 2-3 people) 4 Studies of landscape, perspective drawings, sections and land use, spatial model Pr3 4 chosen variant of residential complex (work in teams of 2-3 people) Pr4 Presentation of projects and discussion 4 In-class assignment. Variants of spatial form of habitats (Individual work, Pr5 4 consultations.) Choice of variants and functional-spatial analysis of arrangements of dwellings based Pr6 on the literature on the subject (individual work, consultation) 4

Analysis of the communications service of the multi-family building, zoning, spatial Pr7 thresholds and barriers in the habitat (individual work, consultation) 4

Pr8 Presentation of projects and discussion 4 Variants of solid and material solutions of the proposed multi-family building Pr9 4 (individual work, consultation) Proposals for structural and material solutions of the proposed multi-family building, Pr10 4 (individual work, consultation) Proposals for solutions of energy-saving and ecological of the proposed multi-family Pr11 4 building, architectural detail (individual work, consultation) Pr12 Presentation of projects and discussion 4 Pr13 Residential interiors (individual work, consultations) 4 Detailed design solutions of multi-family development, proposals for graphic design Pr14 4 (individual work, consultation) Pr15 Presentation of projects and discussion. Credit 4 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture N2. for project: project presentation, consultations

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F PE_W01, PE_W02, Written examination - α1=1 PE_W03, PE_W04, PE_W05, PE_W06, PE_W07, PE_W08, PE_K01 P = α1 F1 where α1=1, Σ α = 1 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_U01, PE_U02, Assessment of the functional-spatial values of the PE_U03, PE_U04, project (utilitas, venustas) - α1=0,6 PE_U05, PE_K02 F2 PE_U06, PE_U07 Assessment of structural-technological values of the project (firmitas) - α2=0,3 F3 PE_U08, PE_U09, Assessment of the content quality of the project PE_U10 α3=0,1 P = α1 F2 + α2F3 + α3F4, where α1=0,6 α2=0,3 α3=0,1 Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [99] Forster, Wolfgang, Housing in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Prestel Publ., 2006. [100] French, Hilary, Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations, Laurence King Publ., 2008. [101] Gregory, Rob, Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century Plans Sections and Elevations, Laurence King Publ., 2008. [102] Guallart, Vincente, Sociopolis: Project for a City of the Future, Actar/Architectektur Zentrum Wien, 2006. [103] Hastings, Robert S., Wall, Maria, Sustainable Solar Housing, Earthscan Ltd, 2009. [104] Jones, Will, New Residential Architecture: Radical Approaches to Contemporary Housing, Mitchell Beazley Publ., 2005. [105] McLeod, Virginia, Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture, Laurence King Publishers, 2007. [106] Mozas, Javier , Fernandez Per, Aurora, Dbook: Density, Data, Diagrams, Dwellings, a+t ediciones, 2007. [107] Schittich, Christian, High-Density Housing: Concepts, Planning, Construction, Seria In Detail, Birkhäuser Basel, 2008. [108] Schneider, Friederike, Floor Plan Manual Housing / Grundrißatlas Wohnungsbau, Birkhäuser, 1994.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [52] Architektura Wrocławia, Instytut Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1995, t.1-4. [53] Benevolo, Leonard, Die Geschichte der Stadt, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1983. [54] Breeze, Carla, New Modern – Creative Living Spaces, Glen Cove: PBC Intern, 1995. [55] Ghirardo, Diane, Architektura po modernizmie, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo VIA, 1999. [56] Krier, Léon, Architektura - wybór czy przeznaczenie, Warszawa: Arkady, 2001. [57] Living Spaces – Sustainable Building and Design, Thomas Schmitz-Günther, Cologne: Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft, 1999. [58] Schleifer, Simone (red.), Small Apartments, Köln: Taschen, 2005. [59] Schleifer, Simone (red.), Small Lofts, Köln: Taschen, 2006. [60] Solar Architecture Strategies, Visions, Concepts, Seria In Detail, Birkhäuser Basel, 2007. [61] Till, Jeremy, Schneider, Tatjana, Flexible Housing, Architectural Press, 2007.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Ada Kwiatkowska, PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01 C3, C4 Lec4, Pr6-Pr14 N1, N2 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W14 C2, C5 Lec1-Lec3, Pr1- N1, N2 Pr5 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W15 C1, C3, C5 Lec1 N1 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W12, K1AIU_W25 C3, C5 Lec1-Lec7 N1 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W13, K1AIU_W21 C1, C2, C5 Lec2-Lec3, Pr5- N1, N2 Pr6 PEK_W06 K1AIU_W21 C3, C4 Lec3-Lec4, Pr6- N1, N2 Pr14 PEK_W07 K1AIU_W09 C1,C4, C6 Lec5, Pr9-Pr11 N1, N2 PEK_W08 K1AIU_W17 C1,C4, C6 Lec5, Pr9-Pr11 N1, N2 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U14, K1AIU_U22 C1, C6 Pr1-Pr15 N2 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U14, K1AIU_U19 C2, C3, C4 Pr1-Pr6 N2 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U19 C3, C4 Pr6, Lec4 N1, N2 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U18, C1, C2, C5 Pr1-Pr5, Lec1- N1, N2 K1AIU_U23 Lec3 PEK_U05 K1AIU_U24 C1, C5 Pr9-Pr15, Lec6- N1, N2 Lec7 PEK_U06 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U09, K1AIU_U10, C4, C6 Pr10-Pr11, Lec5 N1, N2 K1AIU_U17 PEK_U07 K1AIU_U13 C4 Pr6-Pr7, Lec4 N1, N2 PEK_U08 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U21, C6 Pr1-Pr15 N2 K1AIU_U22 PEK_U09 K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22 C1, C6 Pr4, Pr8, Pr12, N2 Pr14-15 PEK_U10 K1AIU_U25 C1, C6 Pr1-Pr15 N2 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K11 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec3, Pr1- N1, N2 (competencies) Pr5 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K04, K1AIU_K12 C1, C3 Lec1-Lec7, Pr1- N1, N2 Pr15


Course title in English Multifamily housing architecture in a historic setting Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 105571W, AUA105570P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 180 hours Grading policy credit Examination Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Credit for the course in architectural design of single-family houses

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To introduce students to the problems of designing multi-family architecture in a historic surrounding. C2 Learning to analyze and evaluate mutual relations of the proposed structure and historic surrounding C3 To familiarize students with contemporary global and European trends.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of problems of spatial order, protecting the natural environment and the cultural heritage of a place. PEK_W02 demonstrate detailed knowledge of the development of residential architecture in accordance with the cultural heritage of places and existing architectural and urban qualities of the historical development of the city, with reference to the modern housing needs and lifestyle. PEK_W03 identify the typology of multi-family homes and define multi-family standards and canons of housing architecture in the European culture.

PE_W06 Identify models of spatial organization and understand the criteria for evaluating the correctness of functional and spatial solutions. PE_W07 Demonstrate elementary knowledge of structural and material conditions of multi-family residential sarchitecture Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to analyze historical and spatial conditions of the proposed land . PEK_U02 Understand the urban cultural environment and the mutual relations between contemporary residential buildings with historic surroundings. PEK_U03 Apply contemporary techniques and materials in architectural project presentation.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Habitat vs. cultural legacy of the place. Lec1 2

Spatial models of multi-family residential architecture in European culture: a review of Lec2 entopian solutions of quarter buildings and apartment block from ancient times to the 3 present. Quality of the public and private space in the downtown quarter housing development: space of street, square, courtyard; studies and analyses of historical Lec3 2 and urban and architectural models of quarters housing development.

Dwellings in the city center: functional standards of adapted and newly-designed Lec4 2 dwellings in the downtown quarter. Types of functional and structural systems, technical infrastructure, safety of use of Lec5 2 multi-family residential buildings in downtown development. Lec6 Form of residential architecture vs architectural styles: modernism vs. historicism. 2 Lec7 Modernity of an architectural object in a historic setting. 2 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Pr1 Organizational meeting, discussion of the scope of work and requirements. 4 Historical and iconographic studies of project area, analysis of existing state and Pr2 4 preliminary design guidelines. Pr3 Presentation of 1st projects task; discussion and assessment 4 Consultations - discussion of issues related to the reconstruction of historical fabric, Pr4 4 Polish and European examples. Pr5 Consultations - search for functional and spatial solutions of the whole development. 4 Pr6 Consultations - discussion of variants of conceptual solutions. 4 Pr7 Presentation of 2nd project task; discussion and assessment 4 Pr8 Consultations - Construction of a spatial model of the proposed development. 4 Pr9 Consultations - review of modern examples of residential buildings. 4 Pr10 Consultations - functional solutions of dwellings. 4 Pr11 Presentation of 3rd project task; discussion and assessment 4 Pr12 Consultations. 4 Pr13 Consultations - structural and architectural solutions. 4 Pr14 Consultations – graphical presentation. 4 Pr15 Final submission , discussion and final assessment. 4 Total hours 60 The order and contents of individual meeting are subject to change

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, problem-solving discussion N2. for project: project presentation, consultations, problem-solving discussion, multimedia presentation.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01- PEK_W05 grade for examination Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 assessment of the content quality of the first project task F2 PEK_U02 assessment of the content quality of the second project task F3 PEK_W01, PEK_U03, assessment of the content quality of the third project task P - Final grade for project (weighted average: for projects – 60% , for presentations - 20% and graphical appeal 20%).

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [109] Alexander Ch., Język wzorców. A Pattern Language. GWP, Gdańsk 2008. [110] Architektura Wrocławia, Instytut Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1995, t.1-4. [111] Atlas historyczny miast polskich. Tom. IV Śląsk. Red. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa, z. 1. Wrocław, z 5. Świdnica, z. 9. Legnica, Wrocław 2001, 2008, 2009. [112] Benevolo, Leonard, Die Geschichte der Stadt, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 1983. [113] Breeze, Carla, New Modern – Creative Living Spaces, Glen Cove: PBC Intern, 1995. [114] Ghirardo, Diane, Architektura po modernizmie, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo VIA, 1999. [115] Forster, Wolfgang, Housing in the 20th and 21st Centuries, Prestel Publ., 2006. [116] French, Hilary, Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations, Laurence King Publ., 2008. [117] Gregory, Rob, Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century Plans Sections and Elevations, Laurence King Publ., 2008. [118] Jones, Will, New Residential Architecture: Radical Approaches to Contemporary Housing, Mitchell Beazley Publ., 2005. [119] Krier, Léon, Architektura - wybór czy przeznaczenie, Warszawa: Arkady, 2001. [120] McLeod, Virginia, Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture, Laurence King Publishers, 2007.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [62] Gehl J., Życie między budynkami – użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych. Wydawnictwo RAM 2009. [63] Giedion S., Przestrzeń, czas i architektura, Warszawa: PWN, 1968. [64] Kadłuczka A., Problemy integracji architektury współczesnej z historycznym środowiskiem kulturowym. Kraków 1982. [65] Kononowicz W., Wrocław - Kierunki rozwoju urbanistycznego w okresie międzywojennym, Wrocław: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1997. [66] Lubocka-Hoffmann M., Miasta historyczne zachodniej i północnej Polski. Zniszczenia i programy odbudowy, Bydgoszcz 2004. [67] aktualna Ustawa Prawo Budowlane [68] Taraszkiewicz A., Wielorodzinna architektura mieszkaniowa w Polsce okresu transformacji na przykładzie Trójmiasta. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej 2004. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Roman Czajka PhD, [email protected]

EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE IN HISTORIC CONTEXT WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for objectives teaching tool the major

PE_W01 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W10 C1, C2 Lec1, Lec2, Pr1-Pr6 N1, N2 KNOWLEDGE PE_W02 ( K1AiU_W10, K1AiU_W21 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec3, Pr1-Pr6 N1, N2 PE_W03) K1AiU_W21 C1, C2, C3 Lec4-Lec5, Pr5-Pr14 N1, N2 PE_W04 K1AiU_W21 C3 Lec5-Lec7, Pr4-Pr14 N1, N2 PE_W05) K1AiU_W07 C3 Lec5, Pr8-Pr14 N1, N2 PE_U01 (skills) K1AiU_U14 C1, C2 Lec1, Lec2, Pr1-Pr5 N1, N2

PE_U02 K1AiU_U14, K1AiU_U19 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec3, Pr1-Pr14 N1, N2 PE_U03 K1AiU_U19 C3 Lec6, Lec7, Pr14,Pr15 N1, N2


Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN - ARCHITECTURAL SCALE 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000147L. Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To expand the problems related to the conscious development of architectural space with the application of color, form and texture. C2 – To increase knowledge and skill in creating and presenting architectural work using different artistic techniques. C3 – To develop and increase the awareness of the role of an original graphic study as an efficient method for communicating with the social and professional environment.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of design decisions pertaining to color, shape and texture in developing architectural forms. PE_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of architectural drawings. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics in architectural drawings PE_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas (project notation). PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of spatial idea. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication (architectural drawing) in designing work as the basic form of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture: 2 - presentation of problems and requirements related to the course, - graphic techniques as an instrument of visual communication. La2 Lecture 2: role of color, form, texture and composition in developing architectural 2 space. La3 Task 1: 3D situation – choice of study scope, conceptual sketches. 2 La4 Task 1: 3D situation – 2 - conceptual sketches and graphic experiments. La5 Task 1: 3D situation – conceptual sketches, graphic experiments. 2 La6 Task 1: 3D situation – conceptual sketches, graphic experiments. 2 La7 Task 1: 3D situation – graphic experiments. 2 La8 Task 1: 3D situation – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La9 Task 1: 3D situation – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La10 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created 2 La11 Task 2: wall / floor – choice of study scope, conceptual sketches. 2 La12 Task 2: wall / floor – conceptual sketches 2 La13 Task 2: wall / floor – graphic experiments 2 La14 Task 2: wall / floor – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La15 Presentation - summary, discussion, assessment of work created during the 2 semester Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Artistic experiments N3. conceptual work N4. consultation N5. presentation of projects N6. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01, PE_U02 F2 PE_U03, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Basista Andrzej, Kompozycja dzieła architektury / Composition of a work of architecture, Universitas, Kraków 2006. [2] Meerwein Gerhard, Color - communication in architectural space, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel 2007. [3] Konarski Stefan, Światło i barwa, IWZZ, Warszawa 1982. [4] Władysław Strzemiński, Teoria widzenia, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1974.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bojrakowska-Przeniosło Agnieszka, Andrzej Barcikowski, Dekoracyjne malowanie ścian, Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa 2009. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Maciej Balasiński, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PE_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C2 La1, La6, La7, N1, N2, N4 K1AIU_U12, La8, La9, La13 K1AIU_K07 PE_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C2 La14 N2, N4 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 PE_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C2 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_U12, La9, La11, K1AIU_K07 La12, PE_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12,K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_K07 La9, La11, La12, PE_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12,K1AIU_U12, C2 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_K07 La9, La11, La12, PE_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C3 La 2, La10, N1, N5, N6 K1AIU_U12, La15 K1AIU_K07


Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN - ARCHITECTURAL SCALE 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000148L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Skill in creating briefs in different scales. 3. Basic skill in using different artistic techniques and building spatial models in creating project documentation. 4. Knowledge of basic building materials and the scope of their application. 5. Basic knowledge of method of artistic representation of furnishings in architectural structures.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To expand skills in combining technical, functional and artistic issues in creating clear forms of presentations of project work. C2 – To increase skills in creating and presenting project work using different artistic techniques and using different study scales.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – understand the architectural-artistic factors that comprise the art of design. PE_W02 – Identify artistic forms and methods of presenting project tasks in different scale. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Artistically interpret building materials, technical solutions and technical furnishings of architectural structures. PE_U02 – Clearly create and deliver forms of presentations of project work. PE_U03 – Graphically define the finishing materials and architectural furnishings that meet the artistic intent of design concept.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching ‐ computer lab Number of hours La1 Presentation of problems and requirements related to completion of the course. 2 Choice of individual topics with overview of the scope of the study. Task 1- elevations of selected building La2 Overview of artistic context of elevation materials: 2 color, texture, shape, size, division raster, ,,double” elevations with application of glass, sliding barriers, grids, uniform and nonuniform elevations. Individual work of students : conceptual sketches with the application of different material solutions. La3 Individual work of students - graphic experiments with the application of different 2 artistic techniques. La4 Discussion of helio plastics of elevations in the context of adopted design solutions 2 and materials used. Individual work of students - graphic experiments at different scales and with the application of different artistic techniques. La5 Choice of graphic form of documentation – individual consultation. 2 La6 Development of the selected graphic form - individual consultations. 2 La7 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La8 Submission of complete study: presentation and discussion. 2 La9 Overview of artistic context of cladding materials: 2 color, texture, shape, size, division raster. Designs and methods of creating floor and wall coverings. Task no 2 (element of interior of specific structure) assignment of individual topics with overview of scope of study , conceptual sketches with the application of different cover materials. La10 Overview of example documentation. Reading scenarios of material solutions and 2 technical furnishings of architectural structures. Individual work of students - graphic experiments with the application of different artistic techniques. La11 Choice of graphic form of documentation and method of presentation (drawing or 2 model)– individual consultation. La12 Development of the selected graphic form - individual consultations. 2 La13 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La14 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La15 Submission of complete study: presentation and discussion. 2 Summary and assessment of work created during the semester Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Artistic experiments with the application of different techniques. N2. Conceptual studies in different scales. N3. Presentation of projects. N4. Consultations. N5. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Assessment of the content quality of the created PE_U01, PE_U02 artworks F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of the presentation of problems covered by the project P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α1=75%, α2=25% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Hornung David, Kolor. Kurs dla artystów i projektantów, Universitas, Kraków 2009. [2] Sánchez Vidiella Àlex, Sergi Costa Duran, Julio Fajardo, 1000 Detali w architekturze, TMC 2010. [3] Komar Beata, Joanna Tymkiewicz, Elewacje budynków biurowych. Funkcja, forma, percepcja, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2006. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Concrete, Evergreen 2009. [2] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Wood, Evergreen 2008. [3] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Glass, Evergreen 2008. [4] Fachadas / Facades. Case study, Monsa 2010. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jolanta Karek, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 - La15 N3, N4, N5 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La3, La5 -La8, N1, N2, N3, N4 La11-La15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La2 - La7 N1, N2, N4 La8 - La14 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La5 - La8, N2, N3, N4 La11 - La15 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La3 - La7, N1, N2, N4 La12 - La14

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE DESCRIPTION 3D Parametric Modelling

Course title in English 3D Parametric Modeling Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000352 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Identify the principles of creating technical drawings. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. 2. SKILLS: Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using software to create a parametric model C2 To develop skills in using software to create technical documentation and fabrication and visualization based on a parametric model

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of creating parametric model. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation with the application of parametric models. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Build a parametric model related to the implementation of engineering task.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Installation program, 2 Use of program and e-learning. Creating a new model. La2 Creating a parametrically variable shell 2 La3 Creating a parametric component to duplicate in the project e.g. pyramids. 2 La4 Creating a parametric model based on a series of variables (e.g. stairs) 2 La5 Use of modifiable curves in the model. 2 La6 Model division through a series of modifiable planes. 2 Fabrication of obtained planes. La7 Introduction of link from Generative Components to MicroStation (Autocad) and back. 2 La8 Writing scripts in the application 2 La9 Plotting the "cutting" elements of the shell, printing and creating the model, 2 Using 3D printers for printing. La10 Determining the topic of individual assignment, 2 Individual work, consultations. La11 Camera position and navigation, 2 Basics of rendering, Lighting setting, Defining materials, Individual work, consultations. La12 Advanced Rendering - setting the background using the existing terrain, mist, light in 2 the geographical zone, rendering at night, Internal rendering and light decorations Recoding of results, printing of results, creating a 3D pdf Individual work, consultations. La13 Individual work, consultations. 2 La14 Individual work, consultations. 2 La15 Submission of final work 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultation.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of the correctness of the structure of the parametric model – a1=0.4 F2 PEK_W01 Assessment of the quality of the created parametric model – a2=0,3 F3 PEK_U01 Assessment of construction documentation generated using a parametric model – a3=0.3 P=a1F1+a2F2+a3F3


BASIC LITERATURE: Manuals created by software developers which are its integral part. 60. Ais Robert, “Introduction to Generative Components, A parametric and associative design system for architecture, building engineering and digital fabrication”, Bentley Institute Course Guide 61. Bentley Platform Training, „Generative Components Essentials”, Bentley Institute Course Guide

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Przemysław Wojsznis PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W16, K1AIU_W24 C1 La1-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U21, K1AIU_U22 C2 La1-La14 N1, N2 (skills)

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish Techniki multimedialne w architekturze Course title in English Multimedia techniques in architecture Academic major (if applicable): ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Specialization (if applicable): not applicable Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000220L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 75 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

*delete as applicable


1. Basic knowledge of the possibilities of the Internet in the field of multimedia support. 2. Basic knowledge of graphic programs on the Windows platform. 3. Basic ability of programming in any programming language.

\ COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 Develop the skill in using the Adobe Flash environment.

C2 To develop the ability of creating multimedia applications in Adobe Flash environment.

C3 To present principles of distribution of multimedia applications.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Identify and understand the specificity of multimedia applications PEK_W02: Demonstrate knowledge of designing and programming of multimedia applications PEK_W03 Demonstrate knowledge of programming tools for processing and creating of multimedia.

Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to define a set of potential functional requirements of multimedia applications and, based on this set design the multimedia application . PEK_U02 Construct a multimedia application. PEK_U03 Convert and generate multimedia.

Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate the ability to cooperate with a potential user of a multimedia application in order to define a set of potential functional requirements. PEK_K 02 is able to take into account in the design process of mobile application interface the specificity of requirements of a potential user.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - lectures Number of hours Lec1 Lec2 Lec3 Lec4 Lec5 …. Total hours

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Tut2 Tut3 Tut4 .. Total hours

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 To introduce students to the principles of functioning of laboratory and course completion requirements Presentation and discussion of the 2 completed application in Adobe Flash. Basics of Adobe Flash environment. Principles of using graphic tools. Animations on the timeline. La2 Overview of the rules of defining buttons, movie clip and graphic symbols. Implementation of interaction mechanisms. Importing 2 multimedia components to the operating environment.

La3 Interactive gallery of photograph with animated films of alpha channel on the timeline (in the form of clips). 2 Construction of applications on multiple layers. Interaction and animation in ActionScript.

La4 Construction of an interactive photo gallery enriched with animation and sound effects. Coding in ActionScript. Downloading multimedia 2 components from the application library. La5 Design and programming in ActionScript of different mechanisms of 2 interaction in the form of a menu. La6 Construction of an application that retrieves multimedia components from 2 external sources (from the specified location of a disk) using ActionScript. La7 Construction of a multimedia application for sound and video management using ActionScript. Implementation of integrated 2 mechanisms of reconstructing sound and video.

La8 Construction of a multimedia application for management of animations 2 created using external tools (3ds Max and Blender). La9 Construction of multimedia application for managing collections of large 2 number of graphic objects. La10 Designing in Adobe Flash environment and programming with La11 ActionScript of a complex, multi-level, hierarchical structure with various mechanisms of interaction (zoom, pull down menu, ribbon) 4

La12 Overview of the principles of simulating the download of a multimedia 2 applications with different data transfer rates. Constructing indicators of load progress of a multimedia application. La13 Designing multimedia applications such as "portfolio", implementation in La14 the ActionScript programming language , launching and testing. 4 La15 Summary of laboratory. Credit. 2 Total hours 30

Mode of teaching - project Number of hours Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Pr4 … Total hours

Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se1 Se2 Se3 … Total hours

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Introduction to the laboratory is prepared in the form of multimedia presentation including the specification of the laboratory task with detailed documentation and commentary and fragments of code, useful for the completion of laboratory task. Materials sent by e-mail. N2. Collections of web addresses and articles in the electronic version, which are an additional source of teaching materials, contextually related to laboratory tasks. N3. Individual consultations.


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 In the course of laboratory classes students PEK_W02 solve 9 laboratory tasks consisting in PEK_W03 constructing and launching a multimedia PEK_U01 application in accordance with the PEK_U02 presented specification. For each correctly PEK_U03 solved task 0, 1, or 2 points are awarded.

F2 PEK_W01 The summary of the laboratory is the PEK_W02 design, programming in ActionScript and PEK_W03 launching of application that is a PEK_U01 multimedia, interactive portfolio compatible PEK_U02 with the specification (laboratory task 10). PEK_U03 For properly completed task 10, 0, 1, 2, 3 or PEK_K01 4 points are awarded. PEK_K02 P Final assessment of laboratory is based on points P obtained during laboratory in accordance with the table. The 5.0 and 5.5 grade can be obtained only if task 10 is completed.

P 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-20 21-22 Grade 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5


BASIC LITERATURE: [121] Adobe Creative Team, Adobe Flash CS5/CS5 PL Professional. Oficjalny podręcznik, Helion, 2011. [122] Todd Perkins, Adobe Flash CS5/CS5 PL Professional. Biblia, Helion, 2011. [123] Derek Franklin, Jobe Makar, Macromedia Flash MX 2004 ActionScript. Oficjalny podręcznik, Helion, 2004. [124] Nathan Derksen, Jeff Berg; ActionScript 2.0. Od podstaw, Helion, 2007. [125] Keith Peters, Manny Tan, Jamie MacDonald, Flash. Akademia matematycznych Sztuczek. Wydanie II, Helion, 2007. [126] Sven Lennartz (Editor), Vitaly Friedman (Author), The Smashing Book #1. Edycja polska, Helion 2013. [127] Matt Ward, The Smashing Book #2, Helion 2012.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [69] Smashing Magazine, Podręcznik freelancera. Tajniki sukcesu niezależnego projektanta stron WWW. Smashing Magazine, Helion, 2013. [70] Cameron Chapman, Podręcznik genialnych pomysłów. Od inspiracji po realizację. Smashing Magazine, Helion, 2013. [71] Shelley Powers, Grafika w Internecie, Helion, 2009. [72] Julius Wiedeman, Web Designe: Flash Sites, Taschen, 2006.


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives*** content*** of teaching tool*** outcome major and specialization (if applicable)**

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W03 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W03 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W03 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U03, K1AIU_U13 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_U03, K1AIU_U13 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U03, K1AIU_U13 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K05 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3 (competencies ) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K01, K1AIU_K05 C1, C2, C3 La1-La15 N1,N2,N3

** - enter symbols for learning outcomes related to the academic concentration/specialization *** - from the table above


Course title in English Geometry in Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA000153L Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. to acquire elementary knowledge of descriptive geometry that have a direct application in architectural design C2. to develop skills in the application of descriptive geometry in architectural design

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: demonstrate knowledge of designing multi-hipped roofs on different levels of eaves line PEK_W02: demonstrate knowledge of designing surfaces of areas for precipitation drainage PEK_W03 : demonstrate knowledge of constructing geometry of rod cupolas and straight-line surfaces as coverings PEK_W04 demonstrate knowledge of structure of shadows in rectangular projections PEK_W05 ; demonstrate knowledge of projections characterized Related to skills: PEK_U01: demonstrate skills in designing roofs on two levels of the eave line, development of roofs, creation of model PEK_U02: demonstrate skills in designing the drainage of area surface, e.g. parking lots PEK_U03: demonstrate skills in designing geometry of economic rod sections PEK_U04: demonstrate skills in analyzing the shading of existing structures in terms of the building code PEK_U05: demonstrate skills in designing trenches and embankments and create a terrain profile

Mode of teaching ‐ computer lab Number of hours La1 Designing roofs on detached buildings of various height of eaves line 2 La2 Structure of roof surfaces, development of roof polyhedron, creation of a roof 2 model La3 Structure of geometry of the planes that drain the land surface 2 La4 Regular polyhedra, the proportions of the "golden" division 2 La5 Structure of rod domes on octahedron and regular dodecahedron 2 La6 Straight-line surfaces : conoids , Catalan surfaces 2 La7 In-class assignment. 2 La8 Structure of shadows in rectangular projections on polyhedrons 2 La9 Structure of shadows in rectangular projections on 2 degree surfaces 2 La10 In-class assignment. 2 La11 Analysis of shading of existing structures: daylight analysis, computer programs 2 La12 Projection with elevations: analysis of the terrain using a profile 2 La13 Designing trenches and embankments 2 La14 In-class assignment. 2 La15 Submission of homework, credit 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. traditional method


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 / P1 PEK_W01 ÷ EK_W05, Drawings made at home, in class, model PEK_U01 ÷ PEK_U05 F = P

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [128] A.Korynek, J.Mroczkowski, T.Romaszkiewicz-Białas, Geometria wykreślna. Wybrane zagadnienia dla architektów, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2007 [129] S.Przewłocki, Geometria wykreślna w budownictwie, Arkady, Warszawa 1982 [130] M.Twarowski, Słońce w architekturze, Arkady, Warszawa 1996

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Bogaczyk PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 ÷ K1AIU_W05 C1 La1 ÷ La15 N1 PEK_W05 PEK_U01 ÷ K1AIU_U06 C1, C2 La1 ÷ La15 N1 PEK_U05

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish DESIGNING COLOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN – COLOUR ARCHITECTURE DESIGN Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to use the computer-aided design software.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To broaden the knowledge of color theory and acquire elementary knowledge of the visual communication theory. C2 – To develop knowledge of principles of color composition in relation to architectural structures. C3 – To develop skills in finding artistic inspirations from the surrounding reality. C4 – To develop skills in creating color compositions for diversified architectural structures.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 demonstrate systematic knowledge of color theory, demonstrate elementary knowledge of the visual communication theory. PEK_W02 demonstrate systematic knowledge of color composition in relation to architectural structures. PEK_W03 – identify current trends in color composition in architecture. PEK_W04 – demonstrate elementary knowledge pertaining to contextual circumstances of the composition of color in architecture. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Analyze the surrounding reality / context in search of inspiration. PEK_U02 – Create intentional variations of color palettes. PEK_U03 - Develop a variant of the color of the elevation for a specific type of architectural structure. PEK_U04 - Convey content by using artistic forms. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of precision in communicating nonverbal content in visual communication. PEK-K02 – Demonstrate awareness of the influence of visual culture on the quality of human life in their spatial surrounding.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Lecture 1: Introduction – problems of color theory. 2 La2 Lecture 2: Problems of color theory and color composition. 2 La3 Task 1: Color-form-function-meaning, graphic experiments, conceptual 2 sketches. La4 Task 2: Color-form-function-meaning, preparation of a selected task 2 concept. La5 Task 3: Development of design of presentation panels. 2 La6 Lecture 3: Problems of color composition using examples of colors of 2 structure elevations– revaluation and contemporary structures. La7 Task 4: Development of the color of elevations for student project made in 2 two variants - a preliminary analysis. La8 Task 4 - as above presentation of sources of inspiration. 2 La9 Task 4 - as above preparation of a color palette - first variant. 2 La10 Task 4 - as above preparation of a color palette - second variant. 2 La11 Lecture 4 – Problems of color composition using examples of colors of 2 structure elevations– revaluation and contemporary structures. La12 Task 5: Development of the color of elevations for selected existing 2 structures in the surroundings – preliminary analysis, context. La13 Task 5 - as above preparation of a color palette. 2 La14 Task 5 - as above 2 La15 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Assessment of artwork PEK_U03, PEK_U04, PEK_K01, PEK_K02, F2 PEK_W03, Assessment of participation in problem-solving PEK_W04, PEK_U01, discussions PEK_K01, PEK_K02, P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Zaunger G., Barwa i człowiek, Wydawnictwo „Arkady”, Warszawa 1965. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Cage John, Kolor i kultura, Uniwersitas, Kraków 2008. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Ewa Górska, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum No. learning with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool outcome formulated for the major and concentration PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1 La1, La2, N1, N2, N3, N7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1, C2 La1, La2, N1, N2, N3, La6, La11, N7, N8 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C2, C4 La6, La 11 N1, N2, N3, N4 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1, C2, C3, La6, La 11, N1, N2, N3, C4 La15 N7, N8 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U12, C3 La7, La 8, N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 La12 N8 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02K1AIU_U12, C1, C2 La3 - La5 N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 N8 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U02K1AIU_U12, C2, C4 La9, La10, N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 La13, La14 N8 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U02,K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3, La3 - La5, N4, N5, N6, C4 La7 - La10, N8 La12 - La14 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C4 N1, N2, N3, N7, N8 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C4 N1, N2, N3, N7, N8


Course title in English COLOR IN ARCHITECTURE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/ part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Knowledge of problems of color theory.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To apply knowledge of color theory in designing colors in architectural and urban design. C2 - To develop skills in designing color with account being taken of colorful context of the surrounding. C3 - To develop skills in designing colors of historic townhouses in an urban tissue, mosaic and its colors in architectural interiors and wall painting.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of colors of architectural structures and their surrounding as an artistic record of the creative process in the architectural profession. PE_W02 – Identify methods of eliminating unwanted color effects in designing colors of architectural structures. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills pertaining to color in order to design colors of buildings, floors, wall painting etc.. PE_U02 – Prepare original concept of color climate for an architectural complex and the surrounding space. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication (color of structures) in designing work as the basic method of communicating ideas to the professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture. Recap and expansion of knowledge of color 2 theory in designing architecture color (elevations, floors, mosaics, wall painting). La2 Lecture 2 - Color in architecture - implementations and projects. 2 La3 Task 1 - color solutions of architectural structure – studies with consideration of 2 details – several variants of the proposal. La4 Exercise 1 - as above 2 La5 Exercise 1 - as above 2 La6 Overview of projects pertaining to task 1 – presentations, discussion. 2 La7 Task 2 – Color and formal solution of floor in an architectural interior. Several 2 variants of the proposal La8 Exercise 2 - as above 2 La9 Exercise 2 - as above 2 La10 Overview of projects pertaining to task 2. 2 La11 Task 3 - Color solutions of wall mosaic – several variants of the proposal. 2 La12 Exercise 3 - as above 2 La13 Task 4 - Color solution of wall painting in architecture 2 La14 Exercise 4 - as above 2 La15 Presentation - discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentations N4. Artistic experiments N5. Conceptual work N6. Consultations. N7. Presentation of projects. N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_ W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01 – PE_ U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α=80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Arnhem Rudolf, Sztuka i percepcja wzrokowa. Psychologia twórczego oka, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, Gdańsk 2004. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Crosbie Michael J., Architecture colors, 1997 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Krzysztof Skwara, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 - La5 N1, N2 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La7 – La10 N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La11 - La15 N4, N6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3 La11 - La15 N4, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3 La11 –La15 N4, N7


Course title in English ARTISTIC SUPPORT FOR DESIGN – URBAN SCALE AND THE LANDSCAPE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To acquaint students with issues of spatial composition in public space in a city and in the open landscape. C2 – To increase skills in solving composition tasks in the urban context and in the open landscape. C3 – To develop skills in integrating urban space through artistic activities.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – understand the composition-artistic relationship of elements creating the city space. PEK_W02 – recognize the basic problems of developing landscape using artistic activities and describe the range of artistic means used in developing the image of the urban space. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – prepare the artistic concept of and urban interior. PEK_U02 – Create artistic concept of spatial forms for communication passageways. PEK_U03 – prepare the concept of artistic intervention on the boundary between the city and the open landscape. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – understand the culture-forming role of artistic activities in developing man’s spatial environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Introduction to the topic of the course. 2 La2 Lecture 1 – Scenography of urban space - artistic and composition qualities. 2 La3 Task 1 – „Plaza”: conceptual studies. 2 La4 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La5 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La6 Lecture 2 – Painting and sculpture in urban space – problem of composition and 2 integration. La7 Task 2 – „Spatial form in communication passageway”: conceptual studies. 2 La8 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La9 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La10 Lecture 3 – between landscape architecture a landscape art (land art). 2 La11 Task 3 – „River in the city”- conceptual studies. 2 La12 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La13 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La14 Lecture 4 – Contemporary implementations that integrate architecture and art in 2 city and open landscape. La15 Assessment and overview of tasks completed during the semester. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. conceptual work N5. consultation N6. presentation of projects N7. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01- PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Vidiella Alex Sanchey, Atlas współczesnej architektury krajobrazu, TMC, Warszawa 2009. [2] Krajobraz miejski. Nowe trendy, nowe inspiracje, nowe rozwiązania, TMC, Warszawa 2008. [3] Franta Anna, Reżyseria przestrzeni. O doskonaleniu przestrzeni publicznej miasta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków 2004. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Jodido Phillip, Architecture: Art, Prestel Verlag, Munich 2005. [2] Cullen, Gordon, The Concise Townscape, Architectural Press, Oxford 1998. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La3 – La5 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La7 – La9 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La11 – La13 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N7 K1AIU_K07 La10, La14


Course title in English ARTISTIC SUPPORT FOR DESIGN – URBAN SCALE AND THE LANDSCAPE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To acquaint students with issues of spatial composition in public space in a city and in the open landscape. C2 – To increase skills in solving composition tasks in the urban context and in the open landscape. C3 – To develop skills in integrating urban space through artistic activities.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – understand the composition-artistic relationship of elements creating the city space. PEK_W02 – recognize the basic problems of developing landscape using artistic activities and describe the range of artistic means used in developing the image of the urban space. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – prepare the artistic concept of and urban interior. PEK_U02 – Create artistic concept of spatial forms for communication passageways. PEK_U03 – prepare the concept of artistic intervention on the boundary between the city and the open landscape. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – understand the culture-forming role of artistic activities in developing man’s spatial environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Introduction to the topic of the course. 2 La2 Lecture 1 – Scenography of urban space - artistic and composition qualities. 2 La3 Task 1 – „Plaza”: conceptual studies. 2 La4 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La5 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La6 Lecture 2 – Painting and sculpture in urban space – problem of composition and 2 integration. La7 Task 2 – „Spatial form in communication passageway”: conceptual studies. 2 La8 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La9 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La10 Lecture 3 – between landscape architecture a landscape art (land art). 2 La11 Task 3 – „River in the city”- conceptual studies. 2 La12 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La13 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La14 Lecture 4 – Contemporary implementations that integrate architecture and art in 2 city and open landscape. La15 Assessment and overview of tasks completed during the semester. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. conceptual work N5. consultation N6. presentation of projects N7. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01- PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Vidiella Alex Sanchey, Atlas współczesnej architektury krajobrazu, TMC, Warszawa 2009. [2] Krajobraz miejski. Nowe trendy, nowe inspiracje, nowe rozwiązania, TMC, Warszawa 2008. [3] Franta Anna, Reżyseria przestrzeni. O doskonaleniu przestrzeni publicznej miasta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków 2004. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Jodido Phillip, Architecture: Art, Prestel Verlag, Munich 2005. [2] Cullen, Gordon, The Concise Townscape, Architectural Press, Oxford 1998. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La3 – La5 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La7 – La9 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La11 – La13 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N7 K1AIU_K07 La10, La14

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish MURAL Course title in English MURAL Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To prepare for wall painting. C2 – Basic preparation to the implementation of wall painting. C3 – To prepare for graphical presentation of the conceptual design of wall painting.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – recognize basic techniques of wall painting. PEK_W02 – design a mural. PEK_W03 – create a mural. PEK_W04 – Present a project in an appealing way. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – design a mural for a given structure. PEK_U02 – Present design of wall painting in an appealing way. PEK_U03 – prepare original structure of wall painting. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Increase the aesthetic values of public and private space. PEK_K02 – Demonstrate readiness to apply for contests for wall painting design.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Techniques and examples of wall painting - lecture and presentation 2 La2 Design and implementation of a mural - a lecture and presentation 2 La3 Exercise 1: Wall painting design I - selection of structure, documentation - 2 existing structure La4 Exercise 1: Design wall painting II - source materials, inspirations. 2 La5 Exercise 1: Design wall painting III - preliminary briefs. 2 La6 Exercise 1: Design wall painting III - development of briefs in selected 2 directions La7 Exercise 1: Design wall painting IV - development of selected concept 2 La8 Exercise 1: Design wall painting V - finalization of selected concept 2 La9 Exercise 2: Creating an alternative chromatic / achromatic variant 2 La10 Exercise 3: Development of the structure of wall painting - Workshop 2 La11 Exercise 3: Development of the structure of wall painting - Workshop 2 La12 Exercise 4: Design of style of panels 2 La13 Exercise 4: Panel preparation 2 La14 Exercise 4: Panel preparation 2 La15 Presentation of work, overview. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Presentation N3. Artistic workshop N4. Critique / consultation

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of artworks. PEK_W02, PEK_W03, PEK_U01, PEK_U03, PEK_K01 F2 PEK_W04, PEK_U02, Grade for presentation of projects PEK_K02 P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Doerner Max, Materiały malarskie i ich zastosowanie, Arkady, Warszawa 1975. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Dymna Elżbieta, Rutkiewicz Marcin, Polski street art, Warszawa 2010. [2] MacNaughton Alex, London street art anthology, London 2009. [3] Sikorski Tomasz, Rutkiewicz Marcin, Graffiti w Polsce 1940-2010, Warszawa 2011. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Karolina Jaklewicz, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum No. learning with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool outcome formulated for the major and concentration PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C1, C2 La1 N1, N2

PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11 C1 La2 N1, N2 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11 C2 La2, La10, N1, N3 La11 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W11 C3 La12 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12 C1 La3 - La9 N3, N4 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12 C3 La12 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U12 C2 La12, La13 N3, N4 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La2 - La11 N1, N2, N4 K1AIU_K09 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K07 C3 La9, La12 - N3, N4 K1AIU_K09 La14


Course title in English COMPUTER ARTISTIC TOOLS Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000145L Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Basic knowledge of programs such as Coreldraw, Photoshop. 3. Skills in using basic freehand artistic techniques.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To raise the awareness of the role of the graphical form of project presentation in the architectural profession with special consideration of basic typography and text editing. C2 – To increase skills in conscious use of traditional and computer artistic techniques, and combining them to create understandable project illustrations and in presenting them. C3 – To develop skills in effective communication through images, choosing appropriate means of communication in relation to its contents. C4 – To raise the awareness of the possibilities of applying graphic and DTP software in the process of architectural design. C5 – To develop skills in creating original presentations.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of project illustration and the form of its presentation in the architectural profession PE_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of project illustrations and their presentation. PE_W03 – Identify basics of visual communication pertaining to artistic skills and theory of information. PE_W4 – Demonstrate awareness of the importance of form and artistic quality of graphic design of original presentations including the role of conscious application of typographic elements. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics (including elements of typography) in the design processes and when preparing project presentations PE_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas in the form of project notation PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of project idea Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication in designing work as the basic channel of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture – Visual communication in designing – meaning of 2 form as an element of marketing Task 1 – Presentation of topic – preparation of material (choice of project) La2 Lecture 2 – Presentation of artistic skills of designers – graphic programs 2 Task 1 - Selection and preparation of materials for artistic study of architectural space (base - the project made earlier during project class or space proposed by the instructor) La3 Lecture 3 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – floor 2 Task 1 – Floor La4 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La5 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La6 Lecture 4 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – wall 2 Task 2 - Wall La7 Task 2 - as above 2 La8 Task 2 - as above 2 La9 Lecture 5 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – spatial element 2 Task 3 – Spatial element La10 Task 3 - as above 2 La11 Task 3 - as above 2 La12 Lecture 6 –– Preparation of presentation – meaning of form 2 Task 4 –– Preparation of presentation La13 Task 4 - as above 2 La14 Task 4 - as above 2 La15 Task 4 - as above 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02-PE_W04, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01-PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Class participation assessment P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Pliki pomocy programu Corelaw – zgodne z wersją stosowanego programu PhD [2] Photoshop help files – corresponding to the current version of the used software [3] Indesign help files – corresponding to the current version of the used software [4] Magazyn 2+3D, Fundacj Rzecz Piękna WFP ASP Kraków [5] Tschichold Jan, Nowa typografia. Podręcznik dla tworzących w duchu współczesności, Wydawnictwo Recto verso, Łódź 2011. [6] Ambrose Gavin, Paul Harris, Layout. Zasady / kompozycja / zastosowanie, PWN, Warszawa 2008. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Journals related to problems of 2D graphic design and DTP COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Łuczewska, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C2, C4 La2-15 N2, N3, NN5, N6 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C3 La1, La2, N2, N3, N5, N6 La12-15 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1,C3, C4 La1, La2, N2, N3, N5, N6 La12z-15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C4 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C2, C3 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C3, C4 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C3 La12-15 N2, N7 (competencies)


Course title in English STAINED GLASS PROJECT Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000317P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to solve problems of composition on a plane with color.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To increase the knowledge of the function and role of stained glass in architecture in the past and today. C2 – To acquire knowledge of the process of designing stained glass and the process and technology used in its creation. C3 – Design of a stained glass window addressed to a particular sacral object or another object with an important social function. C4 – To increase skills in the application of composition that is appropriate to the content of stained glass.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 demonstrate knowledge of the function and role of stained glass in architecture in the past and today. PEK_W02 – demonstrate knowledge of the process of designing stained glass and the process and technology used in its creation. PEK_W02 - Demonstrate advanced knowledge of artistic skills of an architect. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – design stained glass in accordance with technological requirements. PEK_U02 – Use composition and means of expression that are appropriate to the contents of stained glass. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of stained glass in creating symbolic content in structures of sacral architecture and commercial buildings

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1: Role of stained glass in architecture in a historic perspective and today. 2 Task1: In-class assignment - geometric motif. La2 Lecture 2: The process of design and technology of a stained glass window. 2 Task 2: In-class assignment - floral motif. La3 Task 3: In-class assignment - sacral motif. 2 La4 Trip to stained glass studio. 2 La5 Design of stained glass window for selected sacral or commercial structure 2 public space. Analysis of structure and choice of topic. La6 Stained glass design. Iconographic analysis and preliminary sketches. 2 La7 Stained glass design. Choice of topics, preliminary sketches cont 2 La8 Stained glass design. Preliminary sketches continued 2 La9 Stained glass design. Preliminary sketches, preliminary concept of color. 2 La10 Stained glass design. Preliminary design. 2 La11 Stained glass design. General project – form and color. 2 La12 Stained glass design. General project – form and color. 2 La13 Stained glass design. Detail design. 2 La14 Stained glass design. Detail design. Preparation of project presentation. 2 La15 Stained glass design. Development of projects - final touches. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. problem-solving lecture N2. In-class assignments N3. trip to stained glass studio N4. consultation N5. Active critique

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F PEK_W01 - PEK_K01 Assessment of a single assignment P = F

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Sztuka witrażowa w Polsce, red. J. Budyn-Kamykowska, K. Pawłowska, Kraków 2002. [2] Pawłowska K., Witraże w kamienicach krakowskich z przełomu wieków XIX i XX, Kraków 1994. [3] Adamowicz T., Witraże fryburskie Józefa Mehoffera. Monografia zespołu, Wrocław 1982. [4] Kucza-Kuczyński K., A.A. Mroczek, Nowe kościoły w Polsce, Warszawa 1991. [5] Chavarria J., Mozaika, Warszawa 1991. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Lee L., G. Seddon, F. Stephens, Stained glass, London 1982. [2] Chagall M., K. Mayer, Herr mein Gott, wie gross bist du!, Würzburg 1994. [3] Donovan P.J., 150 Years of stained & painted glass, Adelaide 1986. [4] Techniki wielkich mistrzów malarstwa, Warszawa 1999. [5] Rzepińska M., Historia koloru w dziejach malarstwa europejskiego, Kraków 1983. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Paweł Jaszczuk, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 N1 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La2,La4 N1,N3 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3,C4 La5 – La15 N4,N5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La1 N1,N3 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C4 La5 – La15 N4,N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1,C2,C4 La1,La5 – La15 N1,N4,N5

Faculty of Architecture

COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish Zarządzanie jakością Course title in English Quality management Academic major (if applicable): Architecture and Urban Planning Specialization (if applicable): …………………….. Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code ZMZ1495 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student 60 workload hours pass with Grading policy grade Mark (X) for final course in

a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for

practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

*delete as applicable



C1. To acquire elementary knowledge pertaining to skills in understanding problems of quality management in business organizations. C2. To acquaint students with the issues concerning quality in business, process approach to quality management and international standards for systemic quality management. C3. To develop the ability to identify and analyze the factors affecting the results of quality management. C4. To raise awareness of the importance of quality management in business practice and in everyday life.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – Demonstrate systematic knowledge of systemic quality management PEK_W02 – Describe the issues of process and product safety. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Distinguish between causes and effects and employ the appropriate research instruments for the analysis of a quality-related problem Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Demonstrate awareness of the importance of systemic quality management in business and in everyday life

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - lectures Number of hours Lec 1 Introduction to the management of quality-oriented organizations. 2 Philosophy of quality. Essence and concept of quality, quality Lec 2 2 management styles. Lec 3 Development of the knowledge of quality in the history of economy. 2 Lec 4 Quality management principles. 2 Lec 5 Quality management models. 2 Lec 6 Non-standardized quality management systems. 2 Standardization – its significance and essence, classification of Lec 7 2 standards. Lec 8 Standardized quality management systems. 2 Lec 9 International ISO standards and their derivatives. 2 Lec Certification of quality management systems. 2 10 Lec Quality costs – their significance, essence and models. 2 11 Lec Product (in the meaning of both finished product and service) safety. 2 12 Lec Responsibility for product quality and safety (product liability). 2 13 Lec Basic methods and techniques of quality improvement. 2 14 Lec Credit (test) 2 15 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. multimedia presentation, N3. problem-oriented lecture


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01 Credit (test) PEK_W02 P=1


BASIC LITERATURE: [131] Zofia Zymonik, Adam Hamrol, Piotr Grudowski „ Zarządzanie jakością i bezpieczeństwem”, PWE, Warszawa 2012.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Zofia, Zymonik, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content*** No. of learning learning outcomes formulated for the objectives*** of teaching outcome major and specialization (if tool*** applicable)** Lec1, Lec2, Lec3, Lec4, Lec5, Lec6, PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01 C1, C2, C3 Lec7, Lec8, Lec9, N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) Lec10, Lec11, Lec12, Lec13, Lec14 Lec3, Lec4, Lec5, PEK_W02 K1AIU_W02 C1, C2, C3 Lec6, Lec10, Lec11, N1, N2, N3 Lec12, Lec13, Lec14 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02 Lec8, Lec9, Lec11, C2,C3 N1, N2, N3 (skills) Lec12, Lec13, Lec14 Lec1, Lec2, Lec3, PEK_K01 Lec4, Lec5, Lec6, K1AIU_K01 (competenci C4 Lec7, Lec8, Lec9, N1, N2, N3

es) Lec10, Lec11, Lec12, Lec13, Lec14

** - enter symbols for learning outcomes related to the academic concentration/specialization *** - from the table above



Course title in Polish Team management psychology Course title in English: Team management psychology Academic major (if applicable): Architecture and Urban Planning Specialization (if applicable): …………………….. Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code: PSZ001158 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar

Number of contact hours 30

Number of student workload hours 60

Grading policy pass with

grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for contact hours (CH) 1

*delete as applicable


\COURSE OBJECTIVES C1.To understand the mechanisms of effective team management and effective conservation unit in the group. C2 To develop knowledge of both the stages of the formation of the team and about the processes occurring in the course of his work. C3. To develop awareness of the benefits of group work and threats such as the composition of the group, the group thinking syndrome, conformity and motivation rivalry.

C4. To learn the rules of proper communication within the group and group roles useful for the effective performance of team tasks. C5. To acquire knowledge of tools and techniques of stimulation, motivation and persuasion group members, which may use supervisor / group leader to effectively influence to group members


Related to social competencies: PEK_K01student is aware of the mechanisms of effective human teams PEK_K02 he knows the conditions and methods of effective communication in the group PEK_K03 he can identify problems in the effective functioning of the team PEK_K04 he can adapt methods of motivating and activating group for creative and entrepreneurial works PEK_K05 he is aware of the importance of the role of group processes in the functioning of the organization PEK_K06 is aware of the need of team management and the impact on the behavior of subordinates

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - lectures Number of hours Lec1 The process of team building: stages, building a group identity 2 Group processes: roles, cooperation-competition as members of the motives of Lec2 2 behavior Lec3 Groupthink syndrome 2 Lec4,5 Determinants of effective communication in the group 4 Lec6 The dynamics of conflict and ways of solving them in the group 2 Lec7-8 Techniques of influence and persuasion in the group 4 Lec9-10 Motivating and activation of group members work 4 Lec11 Managing teams: style, the manager-leader 2 Lec12 Determinants of the effectiveness of teamwork 2 Lec13 The potential and limitations of individual and group work 2 Lec14 The induction of individual and team work 2 Lec15 The induction of individual and team entrepreneurship 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Lecture N2. multimedia presentations N3. Problem lecture (stimulating questions and answers)

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_K01 – PEK_K06 test P=1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Brown, R. (2006). Group processes. Intergroup and transgroup dynamics. Gdańsk: GWP. [2] Chybicka, A. (2006). Psychology of group work. How to moderate creative teams and task forces? Warszawa: Oficyna Wydawnicza IMPULS. [3] Cialdini, R. (2006). Influencing people. Theory and practice. Gdańsk: GWP. [4] Gade, E. G. (2005). Effective groups leadership. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Wam. [5] Robson, M. (2005). Group problem solving. Warszawa: PWE. [6] Stephen, W.G., Stephen, C.W. (2000). Influencing groups. Psychology of relations. Gdańsk: GWP. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Stoner, J. A.F., Gilbert, G.R. (1997). Managing. Warszawa: PWE. [2] Koźmiński, A.K., Piotrowski, W. (2006). Management Theory and practice. Warszawa: PWN.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Beata Bajcar PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated objectives*** content*** of teaching for the major and specialization tool*** (if applicable)** COMPETENCIES: Lec1, Lec2, PEK_K01 K1_AIU_K1 C1, C2, C3 Lec6,Lec7-8, N1, N2, N3 Lec11 Lec3, Lec4-5, PEK_K02 K1_AIU_K04 C3, C4 N1, N2 Lec6 K1_AIU_K01 PEK_K03 C3 Lec1, Lec2, Lec3 N1, N2, N3 K1_AIU_K04 Lec1, Lec4-5 PEK_K04 K1_AIU_K05 C5 Lec9-10, Lec12, N1, N2 Lec13 K1_AIU_K01 PEK_K05 C2, C3, C4 Lec1, Lec4-5 N1, N2, N3 K1_AIU_K04 K1_AIU_K01 Lec9-10, Lec14, PEK_K06 K1_AIU_K04 C1, C5 N1, N2, N3 Lec15 K1_AIU_K05

** - enter symbols for learning outcomes related to the academic concentration/specialization *** - from the table above


Course title in English Economy and Management of Investments Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA 105542Wc Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 15 15 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 63. Demonstrate basic knowledge of general construction, which allows to identify and define elements of the building 64. Demonstrate basic knowledge of technologies used in construction.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to vital statistics about the role of the architect and his duties in the investment process

C2 - To equip students with skills in cooperation with the client (investor) of individual structural systems in specific design tasks C3 - To equip students with skills in organising and managing design works

C4 - To equip students with the ability of drafting basic economic analyses in the construction process

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 Demonstrate systematic knowledge of the organization of construction investment process and the relationship between the participants PE_W02 Understand the economic aspects of the investment process Related to skills: PE_U01 Demonstrate the ability to develop basic elements associated with the exchange of information in the investment process PE_U02 Demonstrate the ability to prepare the organizational structure for the design task Related to social competencies: PE_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the importance of economic and organizational conditions in the creation of a work of architecture

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Participation of architects in the investment process. Architect as the coordinator of the investment process. Phases of building “life”. Phases of work of the architect - RIBA Plan of Work. Historical development of methods for modeling of buildings; predicted directions of Lec1 2 further work. Specific features of the construction industry: the dispersion and individuality of production. Investment as the constant process of formation and information exchange. Contemporary Techniques and tools of information exchange. Project organization - functional structures, definition of the project (specification of customer, project scope, specification of contractor). Scheduling of of design Lec2 assignments Sheets of information exchange, histograms, fibular diagrams, diagrams 2 of priority. Changes in the project. Cost management of design work Feasibility study as a tool for an architect in the definition phase of the project. The Lec3 2 role of business-plan in project work (in various phases of the project) Division of labor and coding in projects. Nature of classification, types of information. Basic concepts and operations Rules of division into classes. Types of Classifications. Notation. Lec4 2 Requirements for classification. Porphyrian tree. PhD Classification and coding in the investment process. Facet classification. SfB system. Polish replacements of SfB system tables. Object-oriented classification systems. Coding systems as a basis for classification during preparation of documents in projects. Encryption of images and layers. Lec5 Uniclass system. Norma PN-EN ISO 13567-2:2002. Building documents in phases 2 preceding the tender.

Quality management. History of systems of quality assurance. Japanese system of Kaizen. Lec6 ISO 9000 and ISO 10006 standards. Scope of quality control. Quality loop. The 2 levels of audit in quality management. Quality assurance in design work. Quality handbook of a design studio. Selection criteria for the organization of the project team. Sources of failures in project management Lec7 Agreements in the work of an architect. Public orders contests for design work. 2 Issues related to project management aboard. Methods of preparing descriptions of works and specifications in European countries and outside of Europe. Principles of Lec8 1 public procurement in the European Union. International standardization work in the field of exchange of information management in construction. Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - tutorials Number of hours Tut1 Basic information about the investment process. Phases of building “life”. 2 Organizational structure of investments. Exchange of information in the investment process Assignment of topic for task. Tut 2 Aspectual analysis of built structures. 2 The concept of a partial product, part of a building, type of work. The application of classification and coding. General and special codes. Catalogues of descriptions SfB system. KNR catalogues. Resources packets. Review of progress and consultation of completed assignment. Tut 3 Description of work as a basic document in organizing the exchange of information 2 in the investment process. Methods of inputting data to descriptions of works. Databases and their updating. Data sorting and stacking of prints. Preparation of documents in various phases of the investment. Documentary “how it was built". Review of progress and consultation of completed assignment. Tut 4 KNR system. Appraisal of investment costs Cost components. Cost estimation of 2 construction works: formula of price estimate, calculation of labor. Construction cost estimation. Costs of investment preparation. Cost estimation of project work Review of progress and consultation of completed assignment. Tut 5 Scheduling Types and methods of developing schedules. The application of 2 scheduling in phase of investment implementation. Review of progress and consultation of completed assignment. Tut 6 Public orders The Law on Public Procurement. Scope of the Act: Modes of public 2 procurement. Methods of tendering. Specification of essential terms of a contract Contests for design work. Review of progress and consultation of completed assignment. Tut 7 Quality management in design work. Review of progress and consultation of 2 completed assignment. Tut 8 Presentation of assignments and discussion. Credit for tutorial. 2 Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lecture: Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. N2. for lectures and tutorial: multimedia presentation. N3. for tutorial: presentation of assignment, consultation and interactive seminar.


Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Assessment for test covering lecures – α1 =0.5 PE_U01 F2 PE_W01, PE_U01, Assessment of the completed exercise and PE_U02, PE_K01 participation in discussion and activities in classes – α1 =0.5 P is the summative assessment based on assessments F1 ÷ F2 P = α1 F1 + α2F2, where α1=0.5 α2=0.5 Σ αi = 1.00

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [132] Ziolko J., Dokumenty w zarządzaniu inwestycjami, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 1995 [133] Werner W.A., Proces inwestycyjny dla architektów, Oficyna Wydawnicza politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2000 [134] Kowalczyk Z., Kosztorysowanie w budownictwie, Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, Warszawa 1995 [135] Płoński M., Kierowanie budowlanym procesem inwestycyjnym, Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 2009

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [73] Architects’s Handbook of Practice Management, RIBA, London 2003 [74] Pabian A., Biznes plan, Wydawnictwo PWN, Warszawa 2000 COURSE INSTRUCTOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Romuald Tarczewski PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PE_W01 K1AIU_W20 C1, C2 W1 – W8, Tut1, N1, N2, N3 Tut2 PE_W02 K1AIU_W20 C1, C4 W3, W4 N1, N2, N3 Tut2 – Tut5 PE_U01 K1AIU_U23 C1, C2, C4 W3, W8 N1, N2, N3 Tut1 – Tut8 PE_U02 K1AIU_U23 C1, C3 W2, W7 N1, N2, N3 Tut1 – Tut8 PE_K01 C1, C2, C3, C4 W1, W8 N1, N2, N3 Tut1 – Tut8

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE (optional) For tutorial, during the whole course the assessment pertains to completed tasks, participation in discussion and active participation. The final evaluation is a grade given based on evaluations of components from the final test of the lecture and from tutorial, taken with rates αi =0.5.

Zał. nr 3 do ZW Faculty of Architecture of WrUT COURSE SYLLABUS CONSTRUCTION LAW

Course title in English Building Law Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time evening Course type:obligatory Course code: AUA105634W Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 Number of student workload hours 60 Grading policy Examination ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for practical hours

(P) Including ECTS points for contact hours 1 (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES  Understanding of problems related to architectural design and land development.  Knowledge of basic planning documents related to principles of development and land development

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the legal circumstances of the work of architects and urban planners C2 – To acquaint students with basic acts and implementation regulations for design and realization of building structures.

C3 – To indicate other legal acts in force in the construction industry.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES, upon completion the students I. Related to knowledge: Demonstrate basic knowledge of the application of the law in the construction project and the architectural profession PEK_W 01 - Demonstrate knowledge of the functioning of the professional associations: architects and urban planners, and rules for obtaining building and planning licenses.

PEK_W02 - Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of creating an architectural project. and obtain a building permit in accordance with the building code PEK_W03 demonstrate knowledge of technical requirements for buildings and their location: PEK_W04 demonstrate general knowledge of administrative units of architecture - construction and construction supervision II. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Demonstrate the ability to develop a book of professional practice PEK_U02 - Demonstrate the ability to maintain the form of architectural and construction project required by regulations and technical requirements for buildings and their location: PEK_U03 - Apply the learned principles in the preparation of construction projects

PEK_U04 - Work in the administrative units of architecture and construction and supervision construction PEK_U05-Achieve compliance with the proposed investment provisions of the local plan zoning or development conditions III Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Understand the social role of the graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of Wrocław University of Technology in the development of public order. PEK_K02- Understood aspects of the work of an engineer and architect and their responsibility for the technical work and cultural values.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Numbe Mode of teaching - lectures hours The scope of the functioning of professional associations of architects and urban planners. Legal basics. Lec 1, 2 Act on building law, implementing obtaining building, urban planning permission. 2 Developing a book of professional practice The scope of examination for professional certification. Construction law Autonomous technical positions in construction. Rights and obligations of participants in the construction process. The procedure before the commencement of construction works. Lec 3,4,5,6 4 Content of building project Obtaining the building permit. Creation and commissioning of structures. Administrative units of architecture - construction and construction supervision Lec 7 Principles of creating architectural and building design. 1 Technical requirements for buildings and their location: Basic definitions. Development and buildings on a buildings plot. Lec 8,9,10, General requirements; lighting and solarization; entrance to buildings and dwellings, 16 11,12,13 stairs and ramps. Rooms intended for human residence; hygienic - sanitary rooms. Requirements for apartments in multifamily buildings, technical and utility rooms, garages. Technical equipment of buildings. Obtaining compliance of the architectural and construction project with the arrangements Lec14 1 of the master plan or development and land use conditions; List and discussion of other acts governing the process of architectural - construction Lec15 1 design Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS 11. Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. 12. Multimedia presentations 13. Interactive lecture. 14. Individual work – study and preparation for the lecture test


Assessment (F – formative (during Method of assessing the the semester), S – summative (at the Number of learning outcome achievement of end of semester) the learning outcome PEK_W01  PEK_W04 P PEK_U01  PEK_U05 Written examination PEK_K01  PEK_K02

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [136] Ustawa z dnia 15 grudnia 2000 r. o samorządach zawodowych architektów, inżynierów budownictwa oraz urbanistów, Dz.U. z 2001 r. Nr 5 poz. 42 z póź. zm. [137] Rozporządzenie Ministra Transportu i Budownictwa z dnia 18 kwietnia 2006 r. w sprawie samodzielnych funkcji technicznych w budownictwie, Dz.U. Nr 83 poz. 578 z późn. zm. [138] Ustawa z dnia 7 lipca 1994 r. Prawo Budowlane, tekst jednolity z 2010 r. Dz.U. Nr 243 poz. 1623 z późn. zm. [139] Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 3 lipca 2003 r. w sprawie szczegółowego zakresu i formy projektu budowlanego, Dz.U. Nr 120, poz. 1133 z późn. zm. [140] Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie, Dz.U. Nr 75 poz. 690 z późn. zm. [141] Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym, Dz.U. Nr 80, poz. 717 z póź. zm.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [75] Ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960 r. Kodeks Postępowania Administracyjnego Tekst Jednolity z 2000 r. Dz.U. 98 poz. 1071 z późn. zm. [76] Obwieszczenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 16 lutego 2009 r. w sprawie wykazu dyplomów i innych dokumentów, wydawanych przez inne niż Rzeczpospolita Polska państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej, Konfederację Szwajcarską, państwa członkowskie Europejskiego Porozumienia o Wolnym Handlu (EFTA) - strony umowy o Europejskim Obszarze Gospodarczym, potwierdzających posiadanie kwalifikacji do wykonywania zawodu architekta oraz terminów, w których odbywało się kształcenie, M.P. 15 poz. 191. [77] Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 23 czerwca 2003 r. w sprawie informacji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia oraz planu bezpieczeństwa i ochrony zdrowia, Dz.U. Nr 120, poz. 1126

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Aldona Kożan, 71 3206208; [email protected]


Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum Number of Course learning outcome with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool formulated for the major K1AIU_W01 C1 PEK_W01 ÷ PEK_W04 K1AIU_W02 C2 Lec1 ÷ Lec15 1,2,3,4

K1AIU_W07 C3 K1AIU_W10 K1AIU_W26 K1AIU_U02 C1 PEK_U01 ÷ PEK_U05 K1AIU_U04 C2 Lec1 ÷ Lec15 1,2,3,4 K1AIU_U08 C3 K1AIU_U26 K1AIU_K01 K1AIU_K02 K1AIU_K03 C1 Lec.Lec15 PEK_K01 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K05 C2 1,2,3,4

K1AIU_K07 C3 K1AIU_K11


Course title in English Interior Design Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA003603W, AUA003603P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload hours 30 90 Grading policy pass with pass with grade grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 1 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of technical problems related to programming and designing and construction of architectural structures: credit for courses in building engineering and design courses from semesters 1-5 2. SKILLS: Skills in analyzing the needs of occupants and evaluating the mutual relations between small functional units in interiors and in designing interior elements at different scales. Ability to apply different methods of composition, technology and materials in presenting architectural concepts: ability to use freehand drawing techniques and knowledge of computer-aided architectural design software. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Ability to take into consideration the non-technical aspects of design (especially functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of future occupants in the proposed interiors).

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic problems of designing different types of interiors C2- To acquaint students with the influence of functional requirements on the spatial organization and ergonomics requirements requirements on the functional quality of selected types of interiors. C3- To develop skills in verifying the degree to which interiors are adapted to serve basic functional and spatial needs of people, including those with diversified psychophysical ability. C4- To present the possibilities of applying diversified solutions related to materials, finishes, decorations and aesthetics. C5- To develop skills in applying color solutions in interiors. C6- To acquaint students with the development prospects in interior design C7 - To develop skills in designing and presenting medium-complex architectural concepts .

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. KNOWLEDGE PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of programming and designing selected types of interiors . Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of technical problems related to programming, designing and creating such structures. PEK_W02: Describe characteristics of contemporary interior design. PEK_W03: Demonstrate general knowledge of safety and designing standards and of selected interior types. Recognize basic regulations pertaining to technical requirements for of rooms and their location. PEK-W04: Understand the relationships and dependencies between designing interiors and non-technical aspects that influence the architectural solutions and aspects of society, environment, humanization of space of work and leisure, investment economics, etc. 2. SKILLS: PEK_U01: Integrate and apply technical and non-technical knowledge in solving a design problem pertaining to an interior in a building, rooms, as well as elements of finishes and furnishings PEK_U02: Understand the cultural constraints and the mutual relations between the structure and the social surroundings. Create functional and spatial program of structures in accordance with functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of potential occupants. PEK_U03: Create a basic conceptual architectural design of interior design, taking into account the functional - spatial solutions and technical solutions pertaining to general construction, finishes and furnishings. PEK_U04: Demonstrate the ability to apply traditional and electronic technical means in presenting architectural ideas. Prepare documentation for the design task using for computer-aided design. Use appropriate tools computer-aided design tools to simulate the proposed space and verify the correctnesses of interior design elements, among others in adapting them to essential functional and spatial needs of people with diversified psychophysical ability. 3. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES PE_K01: Understand the role of non-technical aspects and consequences of interior design, especially the influence on the surrounding environment and the associated responsibility for decisions. PE_K02: Understand the importance of interior design and its impact on the quality of life of contemporary society.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Architecture and design; form, shape and space Lec1 2

Organization of the architectural space and the technology of architectural objects Lec2 and their interiors 2

Functional, social and aesthetic needs of users Lec3 2

Arrangements and functional zones in interiors Lec4 2

Lec5 Rules of ergonomic design, somatography 2 Lec6 Designing for people with disabilities 2 Color and light in material environment, colors of interiors and furnishings Lec7 2

Lec8 General principles for design of industrial forms 1 Total hours 15

Number Mode of teaching - project hours Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Overview of Pr1 3 backgrounds and choice of project topics. Assignment of design topics to students. In-class assignment: functional program, conceptual sketch of the interior, scheme of functional zones, communication layout and interior composition (functional Pr2 3 arrangement, mood and decor of the interior). Axonometric drawings or perspective of the whole development. Any graphical technique. Review of the in-class assignment. Analysis of the topics: functional programming, Pr3 3 schemes of relations between main functional zones in the project. Consultations. Preliminary concept of the functional and spatial solution of interior. Functional Pr4 3 diagrams. Black and white graphic. Consultations. Functional and spatial concept of interior, determining the mood and decor, Pr5 projections, typical cross sections, axonometric and perspective drawings. Black and 3 white graphic. Consultations. Pr6 First submission of project for assessment - presentation and discussion. 3 Functional and spatial concept of interior, determining the mood and decor, Pr7 projections, typical cross sections, axonometric and perspective drawings. Black and 3 white graphic. Consultations. Detailed functional and spatial concept of interior, determining the mood and decor, Pr8 projections, typical cross sections, axonometric and perspective drawings. Black and 3 white graphic. Consultations. Detailed functional and spatial concept of interior, projections, typical cross sections, Pr9 axonometric and perspective drawings. Samples of color and choice of materials. 3 Consultations. Pr10 Second submission of project for assessment - presentation and discussion. 3 Functional and spatial concept of an interior. Ergonomic analysis of a s selected Pr11 fragment of the project in the relation man – technical product. Samples of color and 3 choice of materials. Consultations. Functional and spatial concept of an interior. Ergonomic analysis of movement and Pr12 maneuvering space of people working. Samples of color. 3 in selected fragment of the project. Consultations. Functional and spatial concept of an interior - axonometric drawings and perspective. Pr13 3 Colors of interiors, principles of graphical presentation. Consultations. Colors of interiors, detail, principles of graphical presentation and composition of Pr14 3 project panels. Consultations. Pr15 Submission of final project, 70 x 70 cm format. Assessment and credit. 3 Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: Expository lecture, multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture N5 for project: project presentations, case study, consultation


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning outcome Method of assessing the achievement of (during the semester), S – learning outcome summative (at the end of semester)

F1 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W02, Written test covering lecture topics - α1=0,8 K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, Attendance at lectures - α2=0,2 K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_U02, K1AiU_K02 F2 K1AiU_W10, K1AiU_W15, Assessment of the content quality of the project K1AiU_W23, K1AiU_U12, - α1=0,6 K1AiU_U20, K1AiU_U22, K1AiU_K08 F3 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W10, Assessment for the presentation of problems K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, covered by the project - α2=0,1 K1AiU_W27, K1AiU_K03 F4 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W10, Assessment for graphic design of the project K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, α3=0,3 K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_U12, K1AiU_U20, K1AiU_U22 P 1= (α1+α2 )F1 where Σ α = 1 P 2= α1 F2 + α2F3 + α3F4 where α1=0,6; α2=01; α3=03; Σ α = 1 P1 - Attendance, final grade for written test P2 - Project attendance and final grade for project (weighted average for projects – 60% , for presentations 10% and graphical appeal 30%).

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Gedliczka A., Atlas miar człowieka, CIOP 2001 [2] Grandjean E., Ergonomia mieszkania, Arkady, 1978 [3] Hinz S., Wnętrza mieszkalne i meble, Arkady, 1980 [4] Kreft W., Ladenplanung, Alexander Koch Verlag 2002 [5] Kuldschun H., Rossmann E., Budownictwo dla upośledzonych fizycznie, Arkady 1980 [6] Lawson F., Restaurants, Clubs & Bars, Design…, Architectural Press 1998 [7] Neufert E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady, 1995 [8] Ramsey Ch., Architectural Graphic Standards, John Willey & Sons, 1988

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Charytonowicz J., Projektowanie laboratoryjnych stanowisk pracy, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1994 [2] Hugues T., Die altengerechte Wohnung, Callwey 1975 [3] Marmot A., Office Space Planning, McGraw – Hill 2000 [4] Tilley A., The measure of man and woman, Whitney 2001 [5] Zeugner G., Barwa i człowiek, Arkady 1965 Czasopisma architektoniczne i wnętrzarskie dostępne w bibliotekach wydziałowych COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Jerzy Charytonowicz, [email protected] EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE INTERIOR DESIGN WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR

Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content Number of teaching outcome learning outcomes formulated objectives tool for the major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec8 N1 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W011, C5, C6 K1AIU_W012, K1AIU_W015, K1AIU_W023, K1AIU_W027, K1AIU_W028 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W010, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1, Lec2, Lec3, Lec4, N1 K1AIU_W015, K1AIU_W023, C5, C6 Lec8 K1AIU_W026, K1AIU_W027, K1AIU_W028 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C1, C2, C3, Lec2, Lec3, Lec5, Lec6, N1 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W023, Lec8 K1AIU_W026, K1AIU_W027 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec8 N1 K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W010, C5, C6 K1AIU_W011, K1AIU_W012, K1AIU_W015, K1AIU_W016, K1AIU_W023, K1AIU_W025, K1AIU_W027, K1AIU_W028 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U06, C1, C2, C3, C4, Pr2 – Pr14, N1, N5 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U13 C5, C6 Lec1 – Lec8 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U11, C2, C3, C4, C5, Pr2 – Pr14, N1, N5 K1AIU_U24, C6, C7 Lec1 – Lec3, Lec6, Lec7 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U08, C4, C5, C6, C7 Pr2 – Pr15 N1, N5 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, Lec7 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U06, K1AIU_U12, C1, C5, C6 Pr2 – Pr14 N1, N5 K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, C1, C2, C3, C6 Pr1 – Pr14, Lec1 – Lec8 N1, N5 K1AIU_K08 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C5, C6 Pr1 – Pr14, Lec1 – Lec8 N1


Course title in English History of 19th Century Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA105535Ws Group of courses YES

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 15 Number of student workload 30 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a X group of courses ECTS points: 1 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To introduce students to the most important theoretical problems associated with architecture of the 19th century

C2 To present mainstream movements of architecture in the 19th century

C3 To present the works of leading architects the 19th century

C4 To introduce students to the most important nineteenth century buildings in Silesia. C5 To emphasize the influence of non-artistic factors on architecture the 19th century

C6 To underline the link between the nineteenth century architecture and contemporary architecture.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 - Demonstrate basic knowledge of theory of 19th c. architecture PEK_W02 identify main trends in architecture of the nineteenth century and the activities of their most important architects. PEK_W03 Demonstrate general knowledge to understand the dependencies between 19th century architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W04 Identify the most important works of architecture in Silesia Related to skills: PEK_U01 Analyze the forms of buildings built in the nineteenth century PEK_U02 Understand the relationship between 19th century architecture and contemporary architecture. PEK_U03 Apply historical background in architectural design; Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the historical values of architecture heritage of the 19th century

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Historicism and eclecticism in architecture Lec1, 2 2

Lec3 Patriotism and nationalism in art and architecture 1 Lec4, 5 The most important trends of 19th century architecture. 2 The concept of iconography and iconology, their usefulness in the analysis of Lec6 1 art and architecture Lec7 Vernacular architecture 1 Lec8 Selected issues of the history of architecture of Silesia 1 Industrial architecture in Silesia and in Europe Lec9, 10 2

Totalitarian architecture in Silesia, in Poland and in Germany as the Lec11 continuation of the principles of eclecticism 1

Lec12 The work of Karl Friedrich Schinkel 1 Lec13 Violet-le-Duc, his theories of architecture conservation and practical activities 1 Lec14, 15 A new type of garden with an English provenance 2 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se1 Eclecticism and historicism in architecture 1

Se2 Gothic Revival in Europe 1 Se3 Gothic Revival in Poland 1 Se4 Sacral architecture in the 19th century in Europe 1

Se5 Sacral architecture in the 19th century in Poland 1

Se6 Architecture of synagogues 1 Se7 The work of Theodore Talowski and Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz 1 Se8 Nineteenth century theatres - typology and genesis of form. 1 Opera Garnier in Paris, Slovak Theatre in Krakow Se9 Industial architecture 1 Se10 “Indigenous architecture" – style of Zakopane 1 Se11 Art nouveau, Jugendstil, the Secession 1

Se12 Viollet le Duc, theory and practice 1 Se14 Romantic palace and garden developments 1 Se15 Test - test of knowledge of architecture of the 19th century 1

Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Problem-oriented lecture N2. multimedia presentations N3. Case studies N4. Problem-solving discussions


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01-PEK_W04 assessment of test (seminar) F2 PEK_W01-PEK_W04, assessment of the presentation (seminar) PEK_U01 F3 PEK_W01-PEK_W04, assessment of written work PEK_U01, PEK_U02 P=0.5·(F1+F2)+0.5F3

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [142] Chojecka Ewa, Gorzelik Jerzy, Kozina Irma, Szczypka-Gwiazda Barbara, Sztuka Górnego Śląska od średniowiecza do końca XX w., Katowice 2004; [143] Dobesz Janusz, Tradycje formy – innowacje funkcji; dylematy architektury przemysłowej XIX w., [w:] Tradycja i innowacja, Materiały Sesji Stowarzyszenia Historyków Sztuki, Warszawa 1981, ss. 221-240; [144] Dobesz Janusz, Schloß Kopitz (Kopice) – eine schlesische Residenz der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts, [w:] Zeitschrift des Deutschen Verein für Kunstwissenschaft, Bd. XXXIII, H. 1-4, Berlin 1979, s. 79-96. [145] Erwin Panofsky, Ikonografia i ikonologia, [w:] Erwin Panofsky, Studia z historii sztuki, Warszawa 1971, ss. 11-32; [146] Grabska Ewa, Poprzęcka Maria, Teoretycy, krytycy i artyści o sztuce 1700-1870, Warszawa 1989; [147] Hans Poelzig we Wrocławiu. Architektura i sztuka 1900-1916, red. J. Ilkosz, B. Störtkuhl, Wrocław 2000; [148] Hansestadt – Residenz – Industriestandort. Beträge der 7. Tagung des Arbeitskreises deutscher und polnischer Kunsthistoriker in Oldenburg 2000, München 2000; [149] Koch Wilfried, Style w architekturze. Arcydzieła budownictwa europejskiego od antyku po czasy współczesne, Warszawa 1996; [150] Kozina Irma, Pałace i zamki na pruskim Górnym Śląsku w latach 1850-1914, Katowice 2001; [151] Nacjonalizm w sztuce i historii sztuki 1789-1950, red. D. Konstantynow, R. Pasieczny, P. Paszkiewicz, Warszawa 1998; [152] Pevsner Nikolaus, A history of building types, London 1976; [153] Słownik terminologiczny sztuk pięknych, red. S. Kozakiewicz, Warszawa 2004; [154] Sztuka świata, t. 9, 10, Warszawa 1989-1996;

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Janusz Dobesz; [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AiU_W13 C1 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N4 (knowledge) Se1-Se14 PEK_W02 C2, C3 PEK_W03 C5 PEK_W04 C4 Lec8-Lec10, Se8 PEK_U01 K1AiU_U14 C1-C4 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N4 (skills) Se1-Se14 PEK_U02 C6 PEK_U03 K1AiU_U15 C1-C6 PEK_K01 K1AiU_K09 C1-C6 Lec1-Lec15, N1-N4 (competencies) Se1-Se14

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 Faculty of Architecture of WrUT COURSE SYLLABUS


Course title in English PROJEKTOWANIE URBANISTYCZNE; Man in Urban Space – Transforming City Urban Structure 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105555W, AUA105556P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 60 90 hours Grading policy Examinatio pass with n grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 65. Credit for the course Urban Design: Man in Urban Space – Transforming the Urban Structure of the City 1

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the relations between man and the elements of urbanized space. C1.1 - To acquaint students with basics of city sociology. C1.2 - To present problems related to creating the urban space of the city. C1.3 - To present methods of identifying and defining spatial and social problems of a city at an urban scale C1.4 - To introduce students to development prospects of urban design. C2 - To develop skills in interpreting and using planning documents C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting urban and architectural concepts

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of theory of urban planning, urban elements and urban composition. PEK_W02- Demonstrate theoretically grounded knowledge of city sociology. PEK_W03 – demonstrate theoretically grounded of relations between psychophysical features of man and urbanized space. PEK_W04 - Identify the technical infrastructure in urbanized areas. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - interpret the basic regulations concerning land development. PEK_U02 – Propose land use plans with account being taken of spatial and sociological circumstances in urbanized space Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Demonstrate awareness of the the influence of role of architect-urban planner on developing spatial and social relations in urbanized areas PEK_K02 - Demonstrate awareness of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s and architect’s work, the social dimension of architecture and urban planning, their influence on the quality of spatial surrounding of man and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and preferences of its users.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec1 Concept of the city since the early 20th century 2 Lec2 Methods of evaluating the quality of urbanized city space 2 Lec3 Principle of developing large urban complexes 2 Lec4-5 Social and technological functions in urban space 3 Lec5-6 Urban public spaces. 2 Lec6-7 Selected elements of urban infrastructures 2 Lec7-8 Selected elements of biourbanism Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hours “A place to live in” - scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected 3 areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan) “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr2 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr3 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 1. Review - “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Pr4 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr5 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr6 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr7 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 2. Review - “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Pr8 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr9 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr10 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr11 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr12 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 3. Review - “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Pr13 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20-40ha). Overview and Pr14 summary of the problems associated with projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Assessment review - “A place to live in” - part of a multifunctional urban space (20- 40ha). Pr15 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. Credit Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS [48] Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. [49] Multimedia presentations for lecture and project. [50] Interactive lecture and project [51] Preparation of project in the form of panels and presentations. [52] Presentation of project. [53] Consultations. [54] Individual work – preparation for project. Individual work – study and preparation for the final examination.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PEK_W01; PEK_W02; Final assessment in the form of a written examination: PEK_W03; PEK_W04; PEK_U01; PEK_K01; PEK_K02

PROJECT ‐ DEFINE THE WEIGHTS OF FORMATIVE GRADES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) PEK_W01; PEK_W02; PEK_W03; PEK_W04; F1 Grade for the content of the project. PEK_U01; PEK_K01; PEK_K02 Assessment for the presentation of problems covered F2 PEK_U02 by the project. PEK_W01; PEK_W02; PEK_W03; PEK_W04; Final grades for projects P PEK_U01; PEK_U02; P=1 PEK_K01; PEK_K02 F1, F2 - do not affect the final assessment (P), however, they are required to pass. BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [51] Baxter Alan & Associates, Llewelyn-Davies consultants, Better Places to Live: By Design, 2001 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/betterplaces) [52] Chmielewski Jan M., Teoria urbanistyki w projektowaniu i planowaniu miast, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2001. [53] Czarnecki Władysław, Planowanie miast i osiedli t.2 Miejsca pracy i zamieszkania, PWN, Warszawa-Poznań 1960. [54] Gehl Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, Kraków 2009. [55] Lynch Kevin, Obraz miasta, Wydawnictwo Archivolta Michał Stępień, Kraków 2011 [56] Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of April 12, 2002 on the technical conditions that buildings and their location should meet. [57] Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of March 2, 1999 on technical conditions for public roads and their location (Dz. U. No 43, item 430); [58] Sztompka Piotr, Socjologia. Analiza społeczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 2003 [59] Wejchert Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: e) Alexander Christopher, Język wzorców. Miasta – budynki – konstrukcja, GWP, Gdańsk 2008. f) Benevolo Leonardo, Miasto w dziejach Europy, Wydawnictwo Krąg, Oficyna Wydawnicza Volumen, Warszawa 1995. g) Francis Carolyn, Marcus Clare Cooper, People Places: Design Guidelines for Urban Open Spaces, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1998. h) Jałowiecki Bohdan, Społeczne wytwarzanie przestrzeni, Wydawnictwo naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2010; i) Korzeniewski Władysław, Budownictwo mieszkaniowe. Poradnik projektanta, Arkady, Warszawa 1981. j) Lang Jon, Urban design. The American Experience, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York etc.1994; k) Newman Oscar, Creating Defensible Space, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research, 1996 (available at: http://www.defensiblespace.com/book.htm) l) Tanghe Jan, Vlaeminck Sieg, Berghoef Jo Living cities. A case for urbanism and guidelines for re-urbanisation, Pergamon Press,Oxford-New York-Toronto-Sydney-Paris-Frankfurt 1984. m) Wytyczne projektowania ulic – WPU, - Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Publicznych, Warszawa 1992.; n) Wesołowski Jacek, Miasto w ruchu. Przewodnik po dobrych praktykach w organizowaniu transportu miejskiego, Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich, Łódź 2008 (available at: http://www.miastowruchu.pl/info/publikacje

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Grzegorz Wasyluk: [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AiU_W19 Lec1; Lec3-8; C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 (knowledge) K1AIU_W28 Pr1-15 PEK_W02 C1.1; Lec1-2; Lec4-6 K1AiU_W19 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C1.3 Pr1-15 PEK_W03 C1.1; Lec2; Lec4-5; K1AiU_W19 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C1.3 Lec7-8; Pr1-15 PEK_W04 Lec1; Lec3-5; K1AiU_W18 C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Lec6-7; Pr1-15 PEK_U01 Lec1; Lec3-5; K1AiU_U18 C2 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 (skills) Lec6-8; Pr1-15 PEK_U02 C1; K1AiU_U18 C2; Lec1-8; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 C3 PEK_K01 K1AiU_K02; (competencies) K1AiU_K07; C1; Lec1-8; Pr1-15 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 K1AiU_K08; PEK_K02 K1AiU_K02; C1; K1AiU_K07; Lec1-8; Pr1-30 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C2 K1AiU_K08;

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 Faculty of Architecture of WrUT COURSE SYLLABUS Urban Design: Urban Design Rudiments – Urban Complex 2 Course title in English: Urban Design: Urban Design Rudiments – Urban Complex 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105553W, AUA105554P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 45 Number of student workload 60 90 hours Grading policy Examinatio pass with n grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Credit for the course Urban Design: Urban Design Rudiments – Urban Complex 1

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the relations between the elements of urbanized space. C1.1 - To acquaint students with basics of city sociology. C1.2 - To present problems related to creating urban complexes. C2 - To introduce students to development prospects of urban design. C1.4 - To present methods of identifying and defining spatial problems of a city at an urban scale C2 - To develop skills in interpreting and using planning documents C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting architectural-urban concepts. C3 - To develop skills in designing and presenting urban and architectural concepts

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of theory of urban planning, urban elements and urban composition. PEK_W02 Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of city sociology. PEK_W03 demonstrate basic knowledge of the technical infrastructure in urbanized areas. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – Propose land use plans with account being taken of spatial and sociological circumstances in urbanized space Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 - Demonstrate awareness of the the influence of role of architect-urban planner on developing spatial and social relations in urbanized areas.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures hou rs Lec1 Concept of housing development/complex since the early 20th century 2 Lec2 Program of residential areas 2 Lec3-4 Elements of urban design in large complexes 3 Lec4-5 Communication in large urban complexes 3 Lec6 Public spaces. 2 Lec7 Services in large urban complexes 2 Lec8 Selected elements of biourbanism 2 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project hou rs Estate (approx. 30 ha). Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 3 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan) Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr2 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr3 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 1. Review - Housing estate (approximately. 30 ha). Pr4 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr5 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr6 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr7 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 2. Review - Housing estate (approximately. 30 ha). Pr8 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr9 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr10 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr11 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr12 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. 3. Review - Housing estate (approximately. 30 ha). Pr13 3 Presentation of projects by students. Assessment. Estate (approx. 30 ha). Overview and summary of the problems associated with Pr14 projects. 3 Students’ individual project work. Final review - housing estate (approximately. 30 ha). Pr15 Presentation of projects by students. 3 Assessment. Credit Estate (approx. 30 ha). Scope of the project, course completion requirements, literature. Pr1 3 Choice of topics, in-class assignment (urban concept of a fragment of a selected areas in accordance with the provisions of the land-use plan)

TEACHING TOOLS [55] Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. [56] Multimedia presentations for lecture and project. [57] Interactive lecture and project [58] Preparation of project in the form of panels and presentations. [59] Presentation of project. [60] Consultations. [61] Individual work – preparation for project. Individual work – study and preparation for the final examinationN3.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) PEK_W01; PEK_W02; Final assessment in the form of a written examination: P PEK_W03; PEK_U01; P=1 PEK_K01

Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) PEK_W01; PEK_W02; F1 PEK_W03; PEK_U01; Grade for the content of the project. PEK_K01 Assessment for the presentation of problems covered F2 PEK_U02 by the project. PEK_W01; PEK_W02; Final grades for projects: P PEK_W03; PEK_U01; P=1 PEK_U02; PEK_K01 F1, F2 - do not affect the final assessment (P), however, they are required to pass.

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: 66. Baxter Alan & Associates, Llewelyn-Davies consultants, Better Places to Live: By Design, 2001 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/betterplaces) 67. Chmielewski Jan M., Teoria urbanistyki w projektowaniu i planowaniu miast, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 2001. 68. Czarnecki Władysław, Planowanie miast i osiedli t.2 Miejsca pracy i zamieszkania, PWN, Warszawa-Poznań 1960. 69. Gehl Jan, Życie między budynkami. Użytkowanie przestrzeni publicznych, Wydawnictwo RAM, Kraków 2009. 70. Lynch Kevin, Obraz miasta, Wydawnictwo Archivolta Michał Stępień, Kraków 2011 71. Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of April 12, 2002 on the technical conditions that buildings and their location should meet. 72. Regulation of the Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of March 2, 1999 on technical conditions for public roads and their location (Dz. U. No 43, item 430); 73. Wejchert Kazimierz, Elementy kompozycji urbanistycznej, Arkady, Warszawa 1984 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [60] Alexander Christopher, Język wzorców. Miasta – budynki – konstrukcja, GWP, Gdańsk 2008. [61] Korzeniewski Władysław, Budownictwo mieszkaniowe. Poradnik projektanta, Arkady, Warszawa 1981. [62] Newman Oscar, Creating Defensible Space, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Policy Development and Research, 1996 (dostępne na stronie: http://www.defensiblespace.com/book.htm) [63] Wytyczne projektowania ulic – WPU, - Generalna Dyrekcja Dróg Publicznych, Warszawa 1992.; [64] Wesołowski Jacek, Miasto w ruchu. Przewodnik po dobrych praktykach w organizowaniu transportu miejskiego, Instytut Spraw Obywatelskich, Łódź 2008 (available at: http://www.miastowruchu.pl/info/publikacje) COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Grzegorz Wasyluk; [email protected] EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE : URBAN DESIGN: BASICS OF URBAN DESIGN URBAN COMPLEXES 2 WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR

Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 Lec2-4; Lec6-8; K1AiU_W19 C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 (knowledge) Pr1-15 PEK_W02 Lec1-2; Lec6; K1AiU_W19 C1.1 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 PEK_W03 Lec1; Lec4-5; K1AiU_W18 C1.2; C1.3; C1.4 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 PEK_U01 Lec4-5; Lec8; K1AiU_U18 C2 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 PEK_U01 C1; Lec1-8; (skills) K1AiU_U18 C2; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8 Pr1-15 C3 PEK_K01 K1AiU_K02; C1; Lec1-8; (competencies) K1AiU_K07; 1; 2; 3; 6; 7; 8 C2 Pr1-15 K1AiU_K08;


ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN 4 - DESIGNING UNIVERSAL PRODUCTION PLANTS Course title in English Universal design of production facilities Academic major (if applicable): ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105587W, AUA105588P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 15 60 hours Number of student 30 180 workload hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 Including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

*delete as applicable

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of technical problems related to designing and construction of architectural structures 2. SKILLS: Ability to analyze and evaluate mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings. Ability to apply different techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts: knowledge of computer-aided architectural design software. Use of specialized computer aided design software. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Students can take into consideration non-technical aspects of design, in particular the impact on the environment.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic problems of designing workplaces C2- To acquaint students with the influence of technological processes on the spatial organization of workplaces, primarily – manufacturing, in the urban and architectural scale

C4-To present the problems associated with the use of large-span structures, as well as modern systemic and solutions and installations C4- To develop skills in characterizing contemporary architecture of workplaces. C5 - To introduce students to development prospects in designing architecture of workplaces, especially sustainable design. C6 - To develop skills in designing and presenting medium-complex architectural projects

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of designing workplaces in an urbanized environment and in rural areas. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of technical problems related to designing and building such structures. PE_W02: Describe characteristics of contemporary architecture of workplaces. PE_W03: Demonstrate general knowledge of parameters and OHS standards in design social rooms in workplaces. Recognize basic regulations pertaining to technical requirements technical requirements for buildings of workplaces and their location. PE-W04: Understand the relationships and dependencies between designing workplaces and the non- technical aspects that influence the architectural and urban solutions: social aspects, ecological and environmental aspects, workplace humanization aspects, economics of investment aspects, etc. Related to skills: PE_U01: Integrate and apply technical and non-technical knowledge in solving design problems of the work place at an urban and architectural scale. PE_U02: Understand the cultural environment and the mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings. Create a basic architectural design of architecture of workplaces, which takes into consideration the functional and spatial solutions and technical solutions: buildings, structural and installation solutions. PE_U03: Apply contemporary techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts. Prepare documentation related to the design task using computer aided design software. Use appropriate computer aided design tools to simulate, design and verify elements. Related to social competencies: PE_K01: Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of designing work space, especially influence on the environment and the associated responsibility for decisions. PE_K02: Understand the importance of the design of work places and its impact on quality of contemporary life of the society.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Industrial architecture: beginnings, tradition and functionalism Lec1 2

Basic knowledge of the industry and its architecture; the role of the architect Lec2 2

The development plan of the industrial plant and its components Lec3 2

Industrial buildings and facilities typological context; Lec4 2

Hygienic-social rooms in an industrial plant - the programming and the design Lec5 2

Architecture of industrial building (system casings) Lec6 2

Lec7 Humanization of the workplace 2 Lec8 Development trends - architecture of future factories 1 Total hours 15

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Introduction to the subject of course projects, discussion of design issues and Pr1 4 preliminary site selection Analysis of the location of the plant, preliminary functional-spatial Pr2 arrangements of structure of workplaces 4

Pr3 Preliminary land development plan for plant. 4 Alternate representation of the architectural concept of the plant - working Pr4 4 model (physical or digital) Choice of the structural system of buildings, its influence on elevations and Pr5 4 sections; development of horizontal projections Mid-course submission of project - review of the progress of design works Pr6 (land development plan of the plant - 1: 500, horizontal projections 1: 200 / 1: 4 100, working model 1: 200) Project work, consultation and verification of the implementation of remarks Pr7 from the control of the progress of the project; vertical sections 1: 200 / 1: 100, 4 elevations 1: 200 / 1: 100; Project work, consultation and verification of the implementation of remarks from the control of the progress of the project; vertical sections 1: 200 / 1: 100, Pr8 elevations 1: 200 / 1: 100; area summary, preliminary spatial visualisations of 4 the object

Optimization of the entire architectural design, preparation of models of course Pr9 4 project panels Mid-course submission of project - review of the progress of design works; first presentation of the project (land development plan of the plant - 1: 500, Pr10 horizontal projections 1: 200 / 1: 100, working model 1: 200, elevations 1: 200 4 / 1: 100, axonometric drawings of the entire development or bird ‘s-eye view Pr11 Design work, consultation, critiques, optimization of solutions 4 Pr12 Design work, consultation, critiques, optimization of solutions 4 Preparations for final submission of the course project; preliminary Pr13 4 assessment of the working drawings / printouts of project panels Preparations for submitting of the course project; preliminary assessment of Pr14 4 the working drawings / printouts of project panels Pr15 Completion of project work, assessment of course project 4 Total hours

TEACHING TOOLS EXAMPLE: N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, N2. for project: project presentation, consultations …


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Oral exam - α1=1 PE_W03, PE_W04, PE_K01 F2 PE_U01, PE_U02, Assessment of the content quality of the project - PE_K01 α1=0,6 F3 PE_U02, PE_U03 Assessment for graphic design and presentation of problems covered by the project- α2=0,4 P 1= α1 F1 where α1=1, Σ α = 1 P 2= α1 F2 + α2F3 where α1=0,6, α2=04, Σ α = 1

P1 - Final grade for oral examination P2 - Final grade for project (weighted average for content quality of projects – 60% , graphical appeal and presentation 40%).


BASIC LITERATURE: [155] Arct Zdzisław: Projektowanie architektoniczne zakładów przemysłowych, Warszawa 1974; [156] Henn Walter, Henn Hilde: Obiekty socjalne w zakładach przemysłowych, Arkady, Warszawa 1974; [157] Szparkowski Zygmunt: Architektura współczesnej fabryki, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 1999; [158] Niezabitowska Elżbieta: Architektura i przemysł. Nowe spojrzenie, Śląsk, Katowice 1997; [5] N. Juzwa (red), A. Gil, N. Juzwa, A. Sulimowska-Ociepka, A. Witeczek; Architektura i urbanistyka współczesnego przemysłu, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2010

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [78] Hlaváček Emil: Architektura pohybu a proměn (Minulost a přítomnost průmyslové architektury), Odeon, Praha 1985; [79] Drury Jolyon: Factories. Planning, Design and Modernisation. The Architectural Press, London, Nichols Publishing Company, New York 1986; [80] Schmidt Karl: Zblokowane budynki przemysłowe, Arkady, Warszawa 1969, [4] Szparkowski Zygmunt: Humanizacja architektury zakładu przemysłowego, Warszawa 1977;


Learning Relation of given outcome Course Curriculum Number of Assessment outcome with learning outcomes objectives content teaching method formulated for the major tool

PE_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W07, C1, Lec1-Lec8 N1 P1 K1AIU_W09, C2,C3, K1AIU_W16, K1AIU_W21, C4, C5 PE_W02 K1AIU_W01, C1, Lec1, N1 P1 K1AIU_W21,K1AIU_W15, C2,C3, Lec2,Lec4,Lec6, C4, C5 Lec8 PE_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W21, C1, Lec3, Lec5, N1 P1 K1AIU_W23, C2,C3, K1AIU_W26, C4, C5 PE_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W21, C1, Lec1, Lec2, N1 P1 K1AIU_K02, C2,C3, Lec6,Lec7, C4, C5 Lec8, PE_U01 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U17, C1, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 F1,F2, P2 K1AIU_U19, C2,C3, Lec2,Lec7,Lec8 C4, C5,C6 PE_U02 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U18, C1, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 F1,F2,F3, P2 K1AIU_U19, C2,C3, Lec3, Lec4, C4, C5,C6 Lec5, Lec6, Lec7, PE_U03 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U19, C1, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 F1,F2,F3, P2 K1AIU_U21, C2,C3, C4, C5,C6 PE_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 P1, C2,C3, Lec1,Lec2 F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6 PE_K02 K1AIU_K06, K1AIU_K08 C1, Pr1 – Pr10, N1,N2 P1, C2,C3, WyWy1,Lec2, F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6 Lec7, Lec8

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE The course is designed to teach students the basics of designing the widely understood architecture of workplaces. Shortening of the life cycle in production technologies and work practices are the fundamental design problem that subject of Architecture Workplaces prepers to solve: Design of Universal Production Plants for the purpose of advanced technology.



Course title in English Integrated workplace and residence Academic major (if applicable): ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Course level and study mode First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA105590W, AUA105589P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 15 60 - hours Number of student 30 180 - workload hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 Including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of technical problems related to designing and construction of architectural structures 2. SKILLS: Ability to analyze and evaluate mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings. Ability to apply different techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts: knowledge of computer-aided architectural design software. Use of specialized computer aided design software. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Students can take into consideration non-technical aspects of design, in particular the impact on the environment.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic problems of integrated workplaces and dwellings C2 - To acquaint students with the influence of production processes on spatial integration of workplaces and dwellings in the urban and architectural scale

C4-To present the problems associated with the use of variable-span structures, as well as modern material solutions and installations C4- To develop skills in characterizing contemporary architecture of integrated workplaces and dwellings. C5 - To introduce students to development prospects in designing architecture of integrated workplaces and dwellings , with special regard to principles of sustainable design. C6 - To develop skills in designing and presenting medium-complex architectural projects

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of designing workplaces and dwellings in an urbanized environment and in rural areas. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of technical problems related to designing and building such structures. PE_W02: Describe characteristics of contemporary architecture of integrated workplaces and dwellings. PE_W03: Demonstrate general knowledge of parameters and OHS standards in design social rooms in workplaces. Recognize basic regulations pertaining to technical requirements technical requirements for buildings of workplaces and dwelling and their location.

PE-W04: Understand the relationships and dependencies between designing integrated workplaces and dwellings and the non-technical aspects that influence the architectural and urban solutions: social aspects, ecological and environmental aspects, workplace humanization aspects, economics of investment aspects, etc. Related to skills: PE_U01: Integrate and apply technical and non-technical knowledge in solving design problems of the work place at an urban and architectural scale. PE_U02: Understand the cultural environment and the mutual relations between the structure and its surroundings. Create a basic architectural design of architecture of workplaces and dwellings, which takes into consideration the functional and spatial solutions and technical solutions: buildings, structural and installation solutions. PE_U03: Apply contemporary techniques and materials in presenting architectural concepts. Prepare documentation of the concept related to the design task using e.g. computer aided design software. Related to social competencies: PE_K01: Demonstrate awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of designing work and living space, especially influence on the environment and the associated responsibility for decisions. PE_K02: Understand the importance of the design of work places and dwelling and its influence on the quality of contemporary life of the society.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Development of architectural of production workplaces in a historical context. Lec1 Periods of industrial development and industrial architecture. Spatial relations 2 of workplace and home Development of architecture of production and office workplaces in a historical Lec2 context. Twilight of traditional industries. The search for new forms of creative 2 activity. Programming and designing hygiene and sanitary facilities; functional systems Lec3 of employee cloakroom and washroom, current legislation. Examples of 2 design solutions. Contemporary structural and material solutions for small objects of production Lec4 and service workplaces. Small craft and service shops - should the be 2 combined with residential development? Gastronomy in production plants. Lec5 Functional diagrams. Architecture of small design studios and artistic studios. 2 Examples of design solutions. Architecture of garages and houses of their owners - spatial effects of the Lec6 development of the automotive industry 2

The specificity of the architectural design of small objects of healthcare (dental Lec7 2 offices, small clinics and surgeries, etc..) Tradition of exhibitions of "Work Place - Place of Residence" and its impact Lec8 1 on Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS EXAMPLE: N1. for lectures: multimedia presentation, N2. for project: project presentation, consultations


Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Oral examination - α1=1 PE_W03, PE_W04, PE_K01 F2 PE_U01, PE_U02, Assessment of the content quality of the project- PE_K01 α1=0,6 F3 PE_U02, PE_U03 Assessment for graphic design and presentation of problems covered by the project- α2=0,4 P 1= α1 F1 where α1=1, Σ α = 1 P 2= α1 F2 + α2F3 where α1=0,6 α2=0,4 Σ α = 1

P1 - Final grade for oral examination P2 - Final grade for project (weighted average for content quality of projects – 60% , graphical appeal and presentation 40%).


BASIC LITERATURE: [159] Arct Zdzisław: Projektowanie architektoniczne zakładów przemysłowych, Warszawa 1974; [160] Biedrońska J., Figaszewski J., Kozak K., Lisik A., Mikoś-Rytel W.: Projektowanie obiektów motoryzacyjnych. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2008 [161] Dzięgielewski Tadeusz: Kształtowanie nieuciążliwych zakładów przemysłowych. IKŚ, Warszawa 1973; [162] Dzięgielewski T., Borkowska, A., Obarska, M.: Zagospodarowanie terenu zakładów przemysłu mało uciążliwego. Prace IKŚ, PWN, Warszawa 1974; [5] Henn Walter, Henn Hilde: Obiekty socjalne w zakładach przemysłowych, Arkady, Warszawa 1974; [6] Niezabitowska Elżbieta: Architektura i przemysł. Nowe spojrzenie, Śląsk, Katowice 1997; [7] Szparkowski Zygmunt: Architektura współczesnej fabryki, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa 1999; [8] Juzwa N. (red), A. Gil, N. Juzwa, A. Sulimowska-Ociepka, A. Witeczek; Architektura i urbanistyka współczesnego przemysłu, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2010

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [81] Drury Jolyon: Factories. Planning, Design and Modernisation. The Architectural Press, London, Nichols Publishing Company, New York 1986; [2] Hlaváček Emil: Architektura pohybu a proměn (Minulost a přítomnost průmyslové architektury), Odeon, Praha 1985;


Learning Relation of given outcome with learning Course Curriculum content Number of Assessment outcome outcomes formulated for the major objectives teaching tool method (from table above)

PE_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W07, K1AIU_W09, C1, C2,C3, Lec1-Lec8 N1 P1 K1AIU_W16, K1AIU_W21, C4, C5 PE_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W21, K1AIU_W15, C1, C2,C3, Lec1, Lec2,Lec4,Lec5,Lec6,Lec7, N1 P1 C4, C5 Lec8 PE_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W21, K1AIU_W23, C1, C2,C3, Lec3 N1 P1 K1AIU_W26, C4, C5 PE_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W21, K1AIU_K02, C1, C2,C3, Lec1, Lec2, Lec8, N1 P1 C4, C5 PE_U01 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U17, K1AIU_U19 C1, C2,C3, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 F1,F2, P2 C4, C5,C6 Lec1,Lec2,Lec3,Lec4,Lec8 PE_U02 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U18, K1AIU_U19, C1, C2,C3, Pr2 – Pr14, Lec4, Lec5, Lec6, N1,N2 F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6 Lec7, Lec8, PE_U03 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U19, K1AIU_U21 C1, C2,C3, Pr2 – Pr14, N1,N2 F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6 PE_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1, C2,C3, Pr2 – Pr14, Lec1,Lec2 N1,N2 P1, F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6 PE_K02 K1AIU_K06, K1AIU_K08 C1, C2,C3, Pr1 – Pr10, Lec1,Lec2, Lec8 N1,N2 P1, F1,F2,F3, P2 C4, C5,C6


Course title in English Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA000156W Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours - - - - 30 Number of student - - - - workload hours 60 Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Basic understanding of problems related to designing architectural structures. 2. SKILLS: Ability to assess the quality of technical products. Knowledge of different composition, technical and material media . and material media applied in architectural space. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Awareness of the relationship between design processes and consciousness aspects of design (especially functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of occupants in the proposed interiors and their furnishings).

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic principles of designing ergonomic technical products. C2- To acquaint students with the influence of functional and technological requirements on the spatial organization of interiors and ergonomic requirements on the functional quality of selected types of products of everyday use. C3-To develop an understanding of the principles of adapting technical products to the needs and psychophysical capabilities of man - the subject of the design process C4- To gain an understanding of the possibilities of applying diversified solutions related to materials, finishes, decorations and aesthetics to guarantee ergonomic quality of interiors and technical products. C5- To develop skills in applying color solutions in designing in relation to ergonomics requirements. C6- To acquaint students with the development prospects in designing interior furnishings.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES related to knowledge PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of trends design of interior design technical products to meet the needs and psychophysical Possibilities of man PEK_W02: Demonstrate knowledge of the types and characteristics of human activities and their impact on functional programming of interiors and products of everyday use. PEK_W03: Understand the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge on technical sciences, medical and social sciences and covers topics which are necessary for designers of architecture. PEK_W04: Demonstrate general knowledge of safety and designing standards and of selected types of technical structures with diversified functions. PEK-W05: Understand the relationships and dependencies between industrial design, and social, environmental aspects, humanization of living space of people etc.. Related to: PEK_U01: Match technical and non-technical knowledge in solving a design problem pertaining to elements of finishes and furnishings (especially work and leisure space). PEK_U02: Understand the cultural constraints and the mutual relations between the structure and the social surroundings. Understand industrial forms in accordance with functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of occupants. PEK_U03: Understand basic technical media applied in designing architectural interiors and industrial designs, which take into account the ergonomics criteria. PEK_U04: Understand the basic functional requirements in terms of aesthetics and color of technical products. 3. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES PEK_K01: Understand the role of ergonomics in designing architectural space and the comfort of lives of people. PEK_K02: Understand the role of non-technical aspects of design, especially the influence of on the relationship man - architecture - technical product - the environment. PEK_K03: Understand the impact of the problems of ergonomics on the quality of contemporary life of the society.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec1 Orientation, introduction to the course 2 Lec2 Basic types of equipment and devices of everyday use 2 Lec3 History of craft production 2 Lec4 History of industrial production 2 Lec5 Principles of rationalization and improvement of everyday tasks 2 Lec6 Mechanization and automation of activity performance 2 Lec7 Conditions and possibilities of use and servicing of equipment and facilities 2 Lec8 Technological and production requirements 2 Lec9 Aesthetic aspects 2 Lec10 Man - furniture relationship 2 Lec11 Man - equipment relationship 2 Lec12 Safety requirements, conditions of elimination of threats 2 Lec13 Principles of designing appliances and equipment for children 2 Lec14 Specialist element for people with disabilities 2 Lec15 Summary, credit. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: Expository lecture, multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning outcome Method of assessing the achievement of (during the semester), S – learning outcome summative (at the end of semester)

F1 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W02, Attendance at lectures - α2=0,2 F2 K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, Written test covering lecture topics - α1=0,8 K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_U02, K1AiU_K02 P 1= (α1+α2 )F1 whereΣ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Charytonowicz J., Projektowanie laboratoryjnych stanowisk pracy, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1994 [2] Gedliczka A., Atlas miar człowieka, CIOP 2001 [3] Grandjean E., Ergonomia mieszkania, Arkady 1989 [4] McCormick E., Human factors in Engineering and design, Taylor & Francis 1982 [5] Mirski Z., Kształtowanie wnętrz produkcyjnych, Arkady 1986 [6] Neufert E., Poęcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady, 1995 PhD

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bańka A., Architektura psychologicznej przestrzeni życia. Behawioralne podstawy projektowania, Gemini - Print 1999 [2] Kennedy J., Ergonomics for Children, Taylor & Francis 2008

Architectural and interior design magazines from the faculty libraries

COURSE INSTRUCTOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Jerzy Charytonowicz, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content Number of teaching outcome learning outcomes formulated objectives tool for the major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W10, C1, C2, C3, C6 Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W27, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C2, C3, C4, C5, Lec5 – Lec7, Lec10 – N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, C6 Lec12, Lec14 K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W27, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C4, C5, C6 Lec5 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W27, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C2, C3, C4 Lec12 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W27, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, C2, C3, C4, C6 W7 – Lec11 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W27, K1AIU_W28 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U08, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, C5, C6 K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec8 – Lec11 N1 K1AIU_U20 C5, C6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U11, C2, C3, C4, Lec5 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22, K1AIU_U24 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U11, C4, C5 Lec9 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22, K1AIU_U24 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, C1, C2, C3, C4 Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_K08 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_K08 C6 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C1, C6 Lec1 – Lec15 N1


Course title in English Review of Western European Painting Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: second cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000312 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact hours 30 Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE General knowledge of concepts and definitions related to aesthetics, styles, history architecture 2. SKILLS: Ability to analyze works of art and assess aesthetic values. Ability to write a short literary text.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - Propaedeutics of a selected field of art history - western European painting between the Middle Ages and the 20th century C2 - To introduce students to selected notions related to problems of history of western European painting, formal and aesthetic differences between western European painting and that of other cultures C3 - To present problems related to defining art, aesthetic criteria for western European painting. C4 - To introduce students to general notions of analysis of paintings, presentation of so-called layers of painting meaning: formal, depicting, depicted and symbolic C5 - To present basic features of figurative and abstract painting, C6 - To introduce students to basic formal methods applied in paintings (contour, line, solid, chiaroscuro, color, size, shape, scale, composition) C7 - To present the problems of iconographic and iconological analysis of a painting C8 - To acquaint students with basic painting techniques C9 - To equip students with skills in characterizing and defining concepts and problems related to aesthetics and European art C10 - To increase the aesthetic sensitivity of students

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W Demonstrate general knowledge of history of western European painting PEK_W02 Demonstrate basic knowledge you need to read the content of allegorical and may attempt symbolic interpretation of the content of a painting PEK_W03 Demonstrate general knowledge of style and author of a painting PEK_W04: Identify selected notions related to problems of history of western European painting, formal and aesthetic differences between western European painting and that of other cultures PEK_W05 Identify problems related to defining art, aesthetic criteria for western European painting. PEK_W06 Demonstrate knowledge of general notions of analysis of paintings, presentation of so-called layers of painting meaning: formal, depicting, depicted and symbolic PEK_W07 Identify basic characteristics of figurative and abstract painting and the basic formal methods applied in paintings (contour, line, solid, chiaroscuro, color, size, shape, scale, composition) PEK_W08 Demonstrate knowledge of iconographic and iconological analysis of a painting Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to interpret the painting - to recognize and identify the mythological, biblical or literary origin of the work PEK_W02 Demonstrate knowledge needed to read the allegorical content and attempt a symbolic interpretation of the content of a painting PEK_U03 Perceive and evaluate the importance of the painting in the context of other paintings PEK_U04 Identify basic painting techniques PEK_U05 Based on lectures, identify original or stylistic features of work of art PEK_U06 Analyze the composition, color use, chiaroscuro and space of a painting PEK_U07 Properly characterize the context of the creation and function of a painting PEK_U08 Compare contemporary and historical works of art related thematically Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 understand the cultural importance of a work of art PEK_K02 understand the material value of a work of art PEK_K03 recognize the importance of aesthetic solutions and their impact on the society

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - seminar hours Scope of the seminar lecture, course completion requirements, literature. General concepts of the history of painting. Four layers of painting meaning: formal, depicting, depicted and symbolic - figurative vs. abstract painting, Se1 - contour, line, solid, chiaroscuro, color, size, shape, scale, 1 composition, illusion vs reality - realism vs symbolism. - context of painting - technology - thematic content and rank of work The origins of Western European art. Depictions in the art of antiquity. Icon painting. Se2 1 Verism of portraits. The birth of western European painting - from Byzantine icons to Giotto (Pisano, Cimabue, Giotto, Cavalini) Se3 1 From symbolism to realism (Lorenzetti, Simone Martini) The development of rules for the application of perspective, north of the Alps Medieval Painting (Limburg brothers) and the painting of “the Autumn of the Middle Ages" - Flemish region, France 14th-15th century (Hans Memling, Roger van der Se4 1 Weyden, Jan van Eyck, Hugo van der Goes, Hieronim Bosch) Altar, miniature painting Oil technique. Hidden symbolism Great schools of Italian Quatrocenta - from Venice to Naples (Massaccio, Piero della Francesca, Ghirlandaio, Fra Angelico, Botticelli, Bellini, Mantegna, Uccello, Gozzolli, Se5 1 Piero di Cosimo) The importance of content in the painting. Allegory and symbol in painting Painting of the late Renaissance: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Se6 students. 1 Realism in painting Painting of the "Northern Renaissance" (Hans Baldung Grien, Albrecht Duerer, The Se7 Cranachs, Hans Holbein, The Brueghels. 1 Mannerism in France. Portrait of the court Rome and Venice - two centers of Italian Mannerism (Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Arcimboldo, Pontormo, Brozino, Parmigiano, Veronese, Correggio) Se8 1 Mannerism in northern countries. School of Fontainebleau by Jean Clouet-George Gower. Two trends of Italian Baroque - academicism and Caravaggionism Se9 Carracci brothers, Reni, da Cortona, Pozzo, Caravaggio, Gentileschi, de la Tour, 1 Light effects in painting, theory and practice, Tenebrism. Rubens and Rembrandt. Vermeer. Se10 1 Little Dutch masters. Genre painting. Landscape and still life. Se11 Spanish Painting from Mannerism to Goya. 1 Se12 French paintings from the Baroque to Classicism. French tenebrist artists. Rococo art 1 English painting from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. Anton van Dyck, William Hogarth, Thomas Gainsborough, William Blake, Reynolds, Turner, Constable, prerafaelici. Se13 Landscape. Symbolism. 1 Trends in 19th century European painting - Romanticism and realism. Karl Frieich Schinkel Johan Fuessli Gericault Eugene Delacroix, Courbet PhD academicism, impressionism, Polish and Lower Silesian art in the context of and western painting. Field trip to the Se14 1 National Museum. Case studies of selected works. Painting of non-European countries before the 19th century-a comparison of methods Se15 1 of composition, color, methods of shaping the perspective with European painting. Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. expository lecture, N2. multimedia presentation, N3. problem-solving lecture N4. problem-solving discussion N5. case study N6. consultation ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PE_W01- 08 Assessment based on written studies on the selected PE_U01-08 work of art PE_K01-03

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Arenas Jose Fernandez, Klucze do sztuki renesansu, Wyd. Dolnośląskie 1993 [2] Arenas, Klucze do sztuki renesansu, Wyd. Dolnośląskie 1993 [3] Bracons Jose, Klucze do sztuki gotyku, Wyd. Dolnośląskie 1993 [4] Geller Katalin, Malarstwo francuskie w XIX wieku, Wyd. Art. i Film. Warszawa 1990 [5] Levey Michael, Od Giotta do Cezanne’a, Warszawa 1972 [6] Malarstwo włoskie - Mistrzowie i arcydzieła, Arkady Warszawa 1998 [7] Reyero C., Klucze do sztuki od romantyzmu do impresjonizmu, Wyd. Dolnośląskie 1993 [8] Rzepińska M., Historia koloru, Warszawa 1985 [9] Rzepińska M., Siedem wieków malarstwa europejskiego, Warszawa 1979, [10] Rzepińska, Malarstwo Cinquecenta, Warszawa 1976 [11] Secomska K., Mistrzowie i książęta. Malarstwo francuskie XV i XVI w., Warszawa 1989 [12] Secowska K., Malarstwo francuskie XVIII w., Warszawa 1985, [13] Skubiszewska M., Malarstwo Italii w latach 1250-1400, Warszawa 1981 [14] Symbole i symbolika, wybór i wstęp M. Głowiński, Warszawa 1990 [15] Waźbiński Z., Malarstwo Quatrocenta, Warszawa 1989 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [16] Baujean Dieter, Diego Velazquez -Life and work, Koenemann Koeln 2000 [17] Buchholz Elke Linda, Leonardo da Vinci-Life and work, Koenemann Koeln 2000 [18] Genaille R., Sztuka flamandzka i belgijska, Warszawa 1976 [19] Gilles Lambert, Caravaggio, Taschen Warszawa 2005 [20] Groemling Alexandra, Michelangelo Buonarotti- Life and work, Koenemann Koeln 1999 [21] Kriegeskorte Werner, Arcimboldo, Taschen Koeln 2000 [22] Nochlin L., Realizm, Warszawa 1974. [23] Seria: Geniusze malarstwa, wyd. Arkady, Warszawa 1998-2005 [24] Serie: Masters of the Italian art, Masters of the German art, wyd. Koenemann Koeln 1998-2001: [25] Zwolińska K., Malicki Z., Mały słownik terminów plastycznych, Warszawa 1975 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Bogna Ludwig PhD, [email protected],pl


Learning Relation of given outcome with Course Curriculum Number of Assessment outcome learning outcomes formulated objectives content teaching tool method for the major

PEK_W01 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06 , K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 PEK_W02 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 PEK_W03 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, C2, C3, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03 , K2AiU_U06 , C7,C9,C10 K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 PEK_W04 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, C2, C3, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06 , C6,C8,C9, K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 C10 PEK_W05 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1-C10 Se1- Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06 , K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 PEK_W06 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06, C4,C5,C7, K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 C9,C10 PEK_W07 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1, C2, C3, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06, C6,C7,C8,C K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 9,C10 PEK_W08 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C7,C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W03, K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K01, K2AiU_K03 PEK_U01 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1-C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , K2AiU_U06 , K2AiU_K03 , K2AiU_K04 PEK_U02 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C2, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , C3,C4,C5, K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K03 C7, C10 ,K2AiU_K04 PEK_U03 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C2,C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K03, K2AiU_K04 PEK_U04 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C6,C8,C Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03, 10 K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K03, K2AiU_K04 PEK_U05 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C2,C3,C Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , 4,C5,C6,C1 K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K03, 0 K2AiU_K04 PEK_U06 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C2, Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03, C3,C3,C10 K2AiU_U06, K2AiU_K03 , K2AiU_K04 PEK_U07 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02, C6,C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , K2AiU_U06 , K2AiU_K03, K2AiU_K04 PEK_U08 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 , C1,C7,C10 Se1-Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_U01, K2AiU_U03 , K2AiU_U06 , K2AiU_K03 , K2AiU_K04 PEK_K01 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_K01 C1,C10 Se1 – Se15 N1-6 P1 PEK_K02 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_K01 C1,C2,C3,C Se1- Se15 N1-6 P1 10 PEK_K03 K2AiU_W01, K2AiU_W02 C1, Se1- Se15 N1-6 P1 K2AiU_W04, K2AiU_K05 C2,C3,C10

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE During the course one problem-oriented lecture takes place at the National Museum, with a discussion of selected works of painting in situ. For many students this is often the first contact not only with the collection of Lower Silesian paintings, but even European.


Course title in English History of Silesia Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 100392 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30

Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES Knowledge of the History of World and Polish Architecture - the Middle Ages

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the skills of an builders in the medieval times in Silesia . C2 – To increase knowledge of the history of architecture, urban planning and medieval art in Silesia (X - half of the 16th century) and the most important works of construction in the area, taking into account the results of the most recent work on them C3 – To deepen the skills of analysis leading architectural objects from Silesia

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of history of Polish architecture from the 10th to early 16th century, understand the dependencies between architecture and the civilizational background of the era. PEK_W02: Demonstrate the ability to retrieve information from literature, databases and other sources, demonstrate the ability to integrate, interpret the obtained data and draw conclusions and formulate and justify opinions Related to skills: PEK_U01: Analyze a work of architecture. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of artistic, cultural and historic value of heritage sites. PEK_K02: Understand the social role of the graduate of a technical university, in particular understand the need to protect the cultural heritage.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Fort settlements in Silesia in 8th-12th c. Lec1 Genesis of oldest work of monumental architecture. 2

Architecture as the basis of power. Lec2 Building activity in Silesia XI-XII c. 2

The founder and his work - the church, the monastery and the castle to mid-13th Lec3 century 2

“The great location" and spatial development of Wrocław in the 13th century Lec4 2

"Revolution of the 13th century" - the city and the founded village in Silesia (two waves Lec5 of location of cities). 2

Architecture of founded city. Assignment of subjects of final works. Lec6 2

Church architecture in the context of new objectives. Churches of urban and country parishes. Lec7 2 Monasteries and monastic temples, Wrocław cathedral.

Lec8 Trip around Wrocław 1 - Cathedral and Sand Island. 2 Forts, castles and manor houses in relation to economic and legal transformations in Lec9 Silesia from 13th to 15th century. 2

Feudal office - stronghold or house? Lec10 Castles, forts and manor houses continued 2

Between mysticism and politics. Lec11 Sacral architecture in the 14th and 15th century. 2

Fortifications of cities in the beginnings of firearms. Lec12 2

Life of Silesian bourgeoisie in the mirror of architecture. The house and the bourgeois Lec13 tenement up to the half the 16th century 2

Lec14 Critiques of final work. 2 Trip around Wrocław 2 - markets square Lec15 2

Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. multimedia presentations N2. Problem-oriented lecture with elements of expository lecture. N3. consultation


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Assessment of attendance, final paper and oral PEK_U01 answer P= F1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [163] Atlas historyczny miast polskich. Tom. IV Śląsk. Red. Marta Młynarska-Kaletynowa, z. 1. Wrocław, z. 2. Środa Śląska, z. 3. Trzebnica, z. 4. Niemcza, z. 5. Świdnica, z. 9. Legnica, Wrocław 2001-2009 [164] Krassowski W., Dzieje budownictwa i architektury na ziemiach Polski, tom 1-4, Warszawa 1990-1995 [165] Leksykon architektury Wrocławia, Wrocław 2011 [166] Świechowski Z., Sztuka romańska w Polsce, Warszawa 2000 [167] Wrocław. Jego dzieje i kultura, pod redakcją Zygmunta Świechowskiego, Warszawa 1978. Warszawa1990-1995

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [82] Architektura gotycka w Polsce, pod redakcją Teresy Mroczko i Mariana Arszyńskiego, tom 1-3, Warszawa 1995 [83] Architektura Wrocławia, tomy 1-4: Dom, Urbanistyka, Świątynia, Gmach, pod red. Jerzego Rozpędowskiego, Wrocław 1995-1998 [84] Chorowska M., Średniowieczna kamienica mieszczańska we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 1994 [85] Chorowska M., Rezydencje średniowieczne na Śląsku. Zamki, pałace, wieże mieszkalne, Wrocław 2003 [86] Chorowska M., Dudziak T., Jaworski K., Kwaśniewski A., Zamki sudeckie, t. 2. Księstwo jaworskie, Wrocław 2008 [87] Czechowicz B., Mecenat książęcy na Śląsku w okresie średniowiecza [88] Czerner R., Zabudowy rynków. Średniowieczne bloki śródrynkowe wybranych dużych miast Śląska, Wrocław 2002 [89] Jaworski K., Grody w Sudetach, (VIII-X w.), Wrocław 2005 [90] Kozaczewski T., Kozaczewska-Golasz H., Portale trzynastowiecznej architektury na Śląsku, Wrocław 2009 [91] Kozaczewski T., Wiejskie kościoły parafialne XIII wieku na Śląsku, Wrocław 1994 [92] Łużyniecka E., Architektura klasztorów cysterskich na Śląsku, Wrocław 2002 [93] Małachowicz M., Katedra Wrocławska, Wrocław 2000 [94] Świechowski Z., Architektura romańska na Śląsku do połowy XIII w., Warszawa 1955 [95] Z dziejów wielkomiejskiej fary, Wrocław 1996 [96] Selected articles in journals and magazines, such as: „Architectus”, „Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki”, „Silesia Antiqua”, „Sobótka”, „Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne”, „Prace Naukowe Instytutu Historii Architektury, Sztuki i Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej”, Wratislavia Antiqua

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Małgorzata Chorowska, [email protected] Co-instructors: Roland Mruczek PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W13 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U11 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 (skills) PEK_K01 K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 (competencies)


Course title in English: Exotic Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000152 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To present the wealth of representative forms of architecture of non-classical (and non-European) cultures C2 To emphasize environmental and natural determinants and their impact on architectural forms C3 To present the development of exotic architecture in the context of cultural changes

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate knowledge in history of exotic architecture and understand dependencies between architecture and the cultural context. PEK_W02 Identify selected buildings of exotic cultures. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Analyze the form and structure of exotic buildings. PEK_U02 Identify architectural structures and forms of discussed cultures. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Understand the mentality of people in exotic areas.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec1, 2 Architecture of India – from prehistory to the Mongolian Empire 4 Lec3, 4 Architecture of historic China – until the rise of the republic 4 Lec5, 6 Architecture of Japan until World War II 4 Lec7, 8 Architecture of Islam 4 Lec9, 10 Architecture of Sub-Saharan Africa 4 Lec11, 12 Jewish architecture and art – from prehistory to contemporary times 4 Lec13, 14, Pre-Columbian architecture of Mesoamerica and South America 6 15 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Lecture with multimedia presentation N2. Case study N3. Discussion.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 Drawing F2 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Oral test PEK_U02, PEK_K01 P=0.3·F1+0.7·F2

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [168] Wielki atlas architektury – 3 wersje językowe (angielska, francuska i niemiecka) The Word Atlas of Architecture, London 1984; [169] Niemczyk E., Cztery żywioły w architekturze, Wrocław 2002, 2008; ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: Pothorn H., Das große Buch der Baustile, Berlin 2000 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Ernest Niemczyk; [email protected] EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE EXOTIC ARCHITECTURE WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING MAJOR

Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W28 C1-C3 Lec1-Lec15 N1-N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 PEK_K01 K1AiU_K08 F2 Lec1-Lec15 N1-N3 (competencies)


Course title in English Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000350W Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours - - - - 30 Number of student workload hours 60 Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Basic understanding of problems related to designing architectural structures. 2. SKILLS: Skills in evaluating mutual relations between small functional units in interiors. Knowledge of different composition, technical and material media applied in architectural space. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Awareness of the relationship between design processes and consciousness aspects of design (especially functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of occupants in the proposed interiors and their furnishings).

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic principles of ergonomic architectural design. C2- To acquaint students with the influence of functional requirements on the spatial organization and ergonomic requirements on the functional quality of selected types of rooms. C3-To develop an understanding of the principles of adapting architectural space to the needs and psychophysical capabilities of man - of subject of the design process. C4- To gain an understanding of the possibilities of applying diversified solutions related to materials, finishes, decorations and aesthetics to guarantee ergonomic quality of interiors. C5- To develop skills in applying color solutions in interiors in relation to ergonomics requirements. C6- To acquaint students with the development prospects in designing architecture and interior furnishings.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. KNOWLEDGE PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of trends design of space to meet the needs and psychophysical capabilities of man. PEK_W02: Demonstrate knowledge of the types and characteristics of human activities and their impact on functional programming buildings and their interiors. PEK_W03: Understand the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge on technical sciences, and social sciences and covers topics which are necessary for designers of architecture PEK_W04: Demonstrate general knowledge of safety and designing standards and of selected types of structures with diversified functions. Recognize basic regulations pertaining to technical requirements buildings in terms of ergonomics and legal standards. PEK-W05: Understand the relationships and dependencies between architecture, and social, environmental aspects, humanization of living space of people etc.. 2. SKILLS: PEK_U01: Match technical and non-technical knowledge in solving a design problem pertaining to an buildings, interiors, elements of finishes and furnishings (especially work and leisure space). PE_U02: Understand the cultural constraints and the mutual relations between the structure and the social surroundings. Understand the form of structure in accordance with functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of occupants. PEK_U03: Understand basic technical media applied in designing architectural interiors and industrial designs, which take into account the ergonomics criteria. PEK_U04: Understand the basic functional requirements in terms of aesthetics and color of spaces and their furnishings. 3. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES PEK_K01: Understand the role of ergonomics in designing architectural space and the comfort of lives of people. PEK_K02: Understand the role of non-technical aspects of architectural design, especially impact on the relationship man - architecture - the environment. PEK_K03: Understand the impact of the problems of ergonomics on the quality of contemporary life of the society.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec1 Introduction to the lectures, curriculum, requirements, etc. 2 Contemporary ergonomics research (objectives, state of research, development Lec2 2 trends) Conceptual ergonomics - criteria of ergonomic design Lec3 2

Lec4 Psychophysiological basis of human activity 2 Lec5 Anthropometry in product design 2 Lec6 Somatography techniques in engineering design 2 Lec7 Integrated design – people with disabilities 2 Lec8 Designing for children and the elderly 2 Lec9 Psychology of architecture. 2 Lec10 Issues of operational health and safety in designing 2 Lec11 Principles for product design – industrial forms 2 Ergonomics of function, structure and form of products Lec12 2

Lec13 Methodology of designing - Ergonomic Checklist 2 Lec14 Ergonomics of color solutions 2 Lec15 Summary, course credit 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: Expository lecture, multimedia presentation, problem-solving lecture


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning outcome Method of assessing the achievement of (during the semester), S – learning outcome summative (at the end of semester)

F1 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W02, Written test covering lecture topics - α1=0,8 K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, Attendance at lectures - α2=0,2 K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_U02, K1AiU_K02 P 1= (α1+α2 )F1 where Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Charytonowicz J., Projektowanie laboratoryjnych stanowisk pracy, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1994 [2] Gedliczka A., Atlas miar człowieka, CIOP 2001 [3] Grandjean E., Ergonomia mieszkania, Arkady 1989 [4] Hall E., Ukryty wymiar, Muza 2005 [5] Mirski Z., Kształtowanie wnętrz produkcyjnych, Arkady 1986 [6] Neufert E., Poęcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady, 1995 PhD

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bańka A., Architektura psychologicznej przestrzeni życia. Behawioralne podstawy projektowania, Gemini - Print 1999 [2] Sanoff H., Integrowanie programowania ewaluacji i partycypacji w projektowaniu architektonicznym. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Stowarzyszenie Psychologia and Architecture Architectural and interior design magazines from the faculty libraries COURSE INSTRUCTOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Jerzy Charytonowicz, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content Number of teaching outcome learning outcomes formulated objectives tool for the major (from table above)

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W07, C1, C2, C3, C6 Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W10, C2, C3, C4, C5, Lec3 – Lec10 N1 K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, C6 K1AIU_W28 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, C1, C3, C4, C5 Lec2 – Lec5, N1 K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 Lec7 – Lec9 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W07, C2, C3, C4 Lec12 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W05 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W07, C1, C2, C3, C4, W1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, C5, C6 K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U08, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, C5, C6 K1AIU_U22 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec7 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_U13 C5, C6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U11, C2, C3, C4 Lec5, Lec6, Lec13 N1 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U22, K1AIU_U24 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U11, K1AIU_U12, C4, C5, C6 Lec11 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_U22, K1AIU_U24 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, C1, C2, C3, C4 Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_K08 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, C1, C2, C3, C4, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_K08 C6 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C1, C6 Lec1 – Lec15 N1


Course title in English Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 103920S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Knowledge of History of Architecture and Urban Planning 2. SKILLS: Performing library and internet queries and preparing a presentation 3. COMPETENCIES: Ability to work in teams

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 Knowledge of basic components in the field of revalorization activities including conservation and adaptation of historic objects with special consideration of contemporary tendencies.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Realize the importance of restoration and revaluation activities in the image of contemporary urban organism. PEK_W02 Identify current trends in the field of conservation and revaluation activities Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate the achievements in the field of conservation in conjunction with new architecture PEK_U02 Demonstrate the skills in discussing, exchanging opinions, presenting their case for the conservation work Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Demonstrate awareness of the complex problems and issues related to conservation practice.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - seminar ho urs Introductory lecture Heritage vs. the new architectural form. Se1 2 (W. Brzezowski) New life of a historic site. Wertheim 1930 - Renoma department store 2009 Se2 2 (K.Kirschke) Se 3 A trip to the Renoma department store (K.Kirschke) 2 Se 4 Modern architectural buildings in the downtown development of the city. (P. Szkoda) 2 Se 5 Contemporary commercial buildings in the historic center of a big city. (P. Szkoda) 2 Se 6 Methods for restoration and adaptation of sacral structures (E. Łużyniecka) 2 Se 7 Methods for restoration and adaptation of sacral structures (E. Łużyniecka) 2 Se 8 What is architectural research (A. Legendziewicz) 2 Se 9 Reconstruction of (A. Legendziewicz) PhD 2 Se 10 Selected examples of revaluation of castles (M. Małachowicz) 2 Se 11 Conservation work on the example of fortresses in Silesia (M. Małachowicz) 2 Selected issues concerning the revaluation of the Old Town in Wroclaw - The East- Se 12 2 West route (M.Jagiełło) Selected issues concerning the revaluation of the Old Town in Wroclaw - New Market Se 13 2 (M.Jagiełło) Conservation and revalorization activities in Wrocław (W. Brzezowski) Se 14 2

Se 15 Summary. Credit (M. Jagiełło) 2 Total hours 30 PLEASE NOTE: The order of individual subjects is subject to change.

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Laptop N2. Screen N3. Multimedia projector


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02 attendance F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 participation and preparation of the seminar

F3 PEK_K01 Participation in final discussion P= F1 x0,45+F2x0,45+F3x0,1 (corresponding to grades 2,0-5,5)


BASIC LITERATURE: [170] Edmund Małachowicz, Ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego, Wrocław [171] Edmund Małachowicz, Stare Miasto we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 1985 [172] Edmund Małachowicz, Wrocław na wyspach, Wrocław [173] Olgierd Czerner, Rynek wrocławski, Wrocław 1978 [174] Atlas architektury Wrocławia, Wrocław 1997 [175] Leksykon architektury Wrocławia, Wrocław 2009

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [97] O. Czerner, Wrocław na dawnej rycinie, Wrocław 1989 [98] K. Kirschke, Fasady wrocławskich obiektów komercyjnych, Wrocław 2006 [99] I. Bińkowska, Natura i miasto, Wrocław 20 [100] G. Thum, Obce miasto. Wrocław 1945 i potem, Wrocław 2008 [101] N. Davies, Mikrokosmos. Portret miasta środkowoeuropejskiego, Kraków 2002 [102] www.dolny-slask.org.pl


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W22, K1AIU_W28 C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N2 (knowledge)

PEK_W02 K1AIU_W22, K1AIU_W28 C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N2

PEK_U01 K1AIU_U25, K1AIU_U19, C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N2 (skills) K1AIU_U02

PEK_U02 K1AIU_U25, K1AIU_U19, C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N2 K1AIU_U02

PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1 Se1-Se15 N1-N2 (competencies)


Course title in English History of Civilization Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA000104W Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To increase knowledge of the achievements of the human civilization related to culture, art and technology. C2 To increase knowledge of problems related to organization of societies, main religious and philosophical systems.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 define the notion of civilization. PEK_W02 demonstrate knowledge of the achievements of the human civilization related to culture, art and technology. PEK_W03 demonstrate knowledge of problems related to organization of societies, main religious and philosophical systems. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Understand the complexity of processes that govern the development of civilization. PEK_U02 Identify and characterize the eras and trends in development of individual civilizations from a historical perspective and appreciate their role in the development of civilization. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Understand the social role of creator (architect, artist, engineer) in the development of civilization. PEK_K02 Demonstrate awareness of the complex activities involved in the development of civilization.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Introduction, overview of the lectures, features of culture, its divisions, chronology and Lec1 territories. Assignment and overview of topics for preparation by students. Overview of 2 methods of assessing students. Lec2 Art of the Neolithic period. 2 Lec3 Chinese civilization 2 Lec4 Chinese and Japanese civilization 2 Lec5 Indian civilization 2 Lec6 Mesopotamian civilization 2 Lec7 Aegean civilization 2 Lec8 Greek civilization 2 Lec9 Roman civilization 2 Lec10 Judeo-Christian civilization 2 Lec11 Judeo-Christian civilization 2 Lec12 Islam civilization 2 Lec13 Pre-Columbian civilization 2 Lec14 Civilizational achievement of Africa 2 Lec15 Course summary, assessment of students’ work. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. projector N2. notebook N3. monitor

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, PEK_W02, Attendance PEK_W03 F2 PEK_U01, PEK_U02 Completion of selected task related to the lecture cycle. P= F1(0.5)+F2(0.5)=1 (oceny od 2.0-5.5) BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [176] Wielkie kultury świata. Islam, Chiny, Japonia, Kultury andyjskie, pr. zb., wyd. Muza 1998. [2] Jane McIntosh, Clint Twist, Cywilizacje, dziesięć tysięcy lat historii starożytnej, wyd. Muza 2002

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [103] Timothy Laughton, Majowie. Życie, legendy, sztuka, wyd. National Geographic 1998. [104] Charles Freeman, Starożytne kultury. Egipt, wyd. Penta 1998. [105] Aleksandra Wetzel, Leksykon,cywilizacje. Chiny, wyd. Arkady 2010. [106] Rossella Menegazzo, Leksykon,cywilizacje. Japonia, wyd. Arkady 2008. [107] Enrico Ascalone, Leksykon,cywilizacje. Mezpotamia, wyd. Arkady 2009. [108] Ryszard Kapuścińki, Heban, Warszawa 1998.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Marzanna Jagiełło, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, C1, C2 Lec1 N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) K1AIU_W10 PEK_W02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 PEK_U02 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3 (competencies) PEK_K02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec15 N1, N2, N3


Course title in English Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000158 Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload hours 30 Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for practical hours (P) Including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Basic understanding of problems related to designing architectural structures. 2. SKILLS: Skills in evaluating mutual relations between small functional units in interiors. Knowledge of different composition, technical and material media applied in architectural space. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Awareness of the relationship between design processes and consciousness aspects of design (especially functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of occupants in the proposed interiors and their furnishings). COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to the basic problems of designing different types of rooms and their furnishings with regard to work comfort and leisure C2- To acquaint students with the influence of functional requirements on the spatial organization and ergonomic requirements on the functional quality of selected types of rooms. C3- To develop skills in verifying the degree to which rooms are adapted to serve basic functional and spatial needs of occupants. C4- To gain an understanding of the possibilities of applying diversified solutions related to materials, finishes, decorations and aesthetics as well as the furnishings of the interior. C5- To develop skills in applying color solutions in interiors in relation to specific needs. C6- To acquaint students with the development prospects in designing architecture and interior furnishings.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. KNOWLEDGE PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded general knowledge of trends in designing space with regard to performing different types of work (related mainly to office work) and different forms of leisure (especially at home). PE_W02: Describe the types and character of work (in the office, kitchen, etc..) and functional and spatial needs of people in different types interiors. PE_W03: Describe characteristics of contemporary interior design, workplaces and leisure space. PE_W04: Demonstrate general knowledge of safety and designing standards and of selected types of rooms with diversified functions. Recognize basic regulations pertaining to technical requirements for rooms in terms of ergonomics standards. PE-W05: Understand the relationships and dependencies between interior design, and social, environmental aspects, humanization of living space of people etc.. 2. SKILLS: PE_U01: Match technical and non-technical knowledge in solving a design problem pertaining to an interior, elements of finishes and furnishings (especially work and leisure space). PE_U02: Understand the cultural constraints and the mutual relations between the structure and the social surroundings. Identify forms of structures in accordance with functional, psychological and aesthetic needs of working occupants. PE_U03: Understand basic technical media applied in designing architectural interiors and industrial designs, which take into account the basic functional requirements. PE_U04: Understand requirements pertaining to aesthetics and color of interiors and room furnishings. 3. SOCIAL COMPETENCIES PE_K01: Understand the role of ergonomics in designing architectural space in order to develop work comfort and leisure. PE_K02: Understand the role of non-technical aspects and consequences of interior design, especially the influence on the relationship between human and the work and leisure environment. PE_K03: Understand the impact of the problems of interior design on the quality of contemporary life of the society. CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec 1 Orientation, introduction to the course 2 Lec 2 Anthropometry – spatial and motional requirements for people 2 Lec 3 The relationship between man and architectural space (house outfit) 2 Lec 4 Communication, maneuvering and servicing space. 2 Lec 5 Processes and conditions of work in interiors 2 Lec 6 Conditions and principle of storing equipment and furniture 2 Lec 7 Body hygiene and maintaining tidyness 2 Lec 8 Conditions and types of leisure 2 Lec 9 Psychological aspects of the work and leisure environment 2 Lec 10 Basic ergonomic criterions of designing the work environment 2 Lec 11 Basic ergonomic criterions of designing the living environment 2 Lec 12 Principles of developing selected types of furnishings for work rooms 2 Lec 13 Principles of developing selected types of furnishings for homes 2 Lec14 Methods of aesthetic development of interiors 2 Lec 15 Summary, credit 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. for lectures: informative lecture, multimedia presentation, problem-oriented lecture


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning outcome Method of assessing the achievement of (during the semester), S – learning outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W02, Written test covering lectures - α1=0,8 K1AiU_W15, K1AiU_W23, Attendance - α2=0,2 K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_U02, K1AiU_K02 P 1= (α1+α2 )F1 where Σ α = 1 P1 - Attendance, final grade for written test

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Bańka A., Architektura psychologicznej przestrzeni życia…, Gemini - Print 1999 [2] Gedliczka A., Atlas miar człowieka, CIOP 2001 [3] Grandjean E., Ergonomia mieszkania, Arkady 1989 [4] Hall E., Ukryty wymiar, Muza 2005 [5] Neufert E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Arkady, 1995 [6] Olszewski J., Podstawy ergonomii i fizjologii pracy, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu 1997 ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Charytonowicz J., Projektowanie laboratoryjnych stanowisk pracy, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 1994 [2] Górska E., Ergonomia w projektowaniu stanowisk pracy…, Oficyna Wydawnicza PW 1998 [3] Olszewski J., Podstawy ergonomii i fizjologii pracy, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu 1997 [4] Tilley A., The measure of man and woman, Whitney 2001 [5] zbiorowa, Bezpieczeństwo pracy i ergonomia, CIOP 1997 [6] Zeugner G., Barwa i człowiek, Arkady 1965

Architectural and interior design magazines from the faculty library

COURSE INSTRUCTOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Jerzy Charytonowicz, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum content Number of teaching outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W10, C1, C2, C3, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W023, K1AIU_W28 C6 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, C2, C3, C4, Lec2 – Lec5, Lec10 – N1 K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 C5, C6 Lec13 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W10, K1AIU_W15, C4, C5, C6 Lec10 – Lec14 N1 K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, K1AIU_W10, C2, C3, C4 Lec3 – Lec5, Lec10 – N1 K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 Lec13

PEK_W05 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W02, K1AIU_W10, C2, C3, C4, L3, Lec14 N1 K1AIU_W15, K1AIU_W23, K1AIU_W28 C6 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U20, C1, C2, C3, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 K1AIU_U22 C4, C5, C6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U20 C1, C2, C3, L3, Lec14 N1 C4, C5, C6 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3, C4, Lec2 – Lec5, Lec10 – N1 K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22, Lec13 K1AIU_U24 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U08, K1AIU_U11, K1AIU_U12, C4, C5 Lec14 N1 K1AIU_U13, K1AIU_U20, K1AIU_U22, K1AIU_U24 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C1, C2, C3, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 C4 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C1, C2, C3, Lec1 – Lec15 N1 C4, C6 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K02, K1AIU_K03, K1AIU_K08 C1, C6 Lec1 – Lec15 N1


Course title in English STAINED GLASS PROJECT Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: AUA 000317P Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to solve problems of composition on a plane with color.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To increase the knowledge of the function and role of stained glass in architecture in the past and today. C2 – To acquire knowledge of the process of designing stained glass and the process and technology used in its creation. C3 – To design a stained glass window addressed to a particular sacral object or another object with an important social function. C4 – To increase skills in the application of composition that is appropriate to the content of stained glass.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 demonstrate knowledge of the function and role of stained glass in architecture in the past and today. PEK_W02 – demonstrate knowledge of the process of designing stained glass and the process and technology used in its creation. PEK_W02 - Demonstrate advanced knowledge of artistic skills of an architect. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – design stained glass in accordance with technological requirements. PEK_U02 – Use composition and means of expression that are appropriate to the contents of stained glass. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of stained glass in creating symbolic content in structures of sacral architecture and commercial buildings

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1: Role of stained glass in architecture in a historic perspective and today. 2 Task1: In-class assignment - geometric motif. La2 Lecture 2: The process of design and technology of a stained glass window. 2 Task2: In-class assignment - floral motif. La3 Task3: In-class assignment - sacral motif. 2 La4 Trip to stained glass studio. 2 La5 Design of stained glass window for selected sacral or commercial structure 2 public space. Analysis of structure and choice of topic. La6 Stained glass design. Iconographic analysis and preliminary sketches. 2 La7 Stained glass design. Choice of topics, preliminary sketches cont 2 La8 Stained glass design. Preliminary sketches continued 2 La9 Stained glass design. Preliminary sketches, preliminary concept of color. 2 La10 Stained glass design. Preliminary design. 2 La11 Stained glass design. General project – form and color. 2 La12 Stained glass design. General project – form and color. 2 La13 Stained glass design. Detail design. 2 La14 Stained glass design. Detail design. Preparation of project presentation. 2 La15 Stained glass design. Development of projects - final touches. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. problem-solving lecture N2. In-class assignments N3. trip to stained glass studio N4. consultation N5. Active critique

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F PEK_W01 - PEK_K01 Assessment of a single assignment P = F

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Sztuka witrażowa w Polsce, red. J. Budyn-Kamykowska, K. Pawłowska, Kraków 2002. [2] Pawłowska K., Witraże w kamienicach krakowskich z przełomu wieków XIX i XX, Kraków 1994. [3] Adamowicz T., Witraże fryburskie Józefa Mehoffera. Monografia zespołu, Wrocław 1982. [4] Kucza-Kuczyński K., A.A. Mroczek, Nowe kościoły w Polsce, Warszawa 1991. [5] Chavarria J., Mozaika, Warszawa 1991. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Lee L., G. Seddon, F. Stephens, Stained glass, London 1982. [2] Chagall M., K. Mayer, Herr mein Gott, wie gross bist du!, Würzburg 1994. [3] Donovan P.J., 150 Years of stained & painted glass, Adelaide 1986. [4] Techniki wielkich mistrzów malarstwa, Warszawa 1999. [5] Rzepińska M., Historia koloru w dziejach malarstwa europejskiego, Kraków 1983. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Paweł Jaszczuk, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 N1 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La2,La4 N1,N3 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3,C4 La5 – La15 N4,N5 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La1 N1,N3 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C4 La5 – La15 N4,N5 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1,C2,C4 La1,La5 – La15 N1,N4,N5

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish DESIGNING COLOR OF ARCHITECTURAL STRUCTURES (PWP 5) Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN – COLOUR ARCHITECTURE DESIGN Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Ability to use the computer-aided design software.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To broaden the knowledge of color theory and acquire elementary knowledge of the visual communication theory. C2 – To develop knowledge of principles of color composition in relation to architectural structures. C3 – To develop skills in finding artistic inspirations from the surrounding reality. C4 – To develop skills in creating color compositions for diversified architectural structures.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 demonstrate systematic knowledge of color theory, demonstrate elementary knowledge of the visual communication theory. PEK_W02 demonstrate systematic knowledge of color composition in relation to architectural structures. PEK_W03 – identify current trends in color composition in architecture. PEK_W04 – demonstrate elementary knowledge pertaining to contextual circumstances of the composition of color in architecture. Related to skills: PEK_U01 - Analyze the surrounding reality / context in search of inspiration. PEK_U02 – Create intentional variations of color palettes. PEK_U03 - Develop a variant of the color of the elevation for a specific type of architectural structure. PEK_U04 - Convey content by using artistic forms. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – Understand the role of precision in communicating nonverbal content in visual communication. PEK-K02 – Demonstrate awareness of the influence of visual culture on the quality of human life in their spatial surrounding.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Lecture 1: Introduction – problems of color theory. 2 La2 Lecture 2: Problems of color theory and color composition. 2 La3 Task 1: Color-form-function-meaning, graphic experiments, conceptual 2 sketches. La4 Task 2: Color-form-function-meaning, preparation of a selected task 2 concept. La5 Task 3: Development of design of presentation panels. 2 La6 Lecture 3: Problems of color composition using examples of colors of 2 structure elevations– revaluation and contemporary structures. La7 Task 4: Development of the color of elevations for student project made 2 in two variants - a preliminary analysis. La8 Task 4 - as above presentation of sources of inspiration. 2 La9 Task 4 - as above preparation of a color palette - first variant. 2 La10 Task 4 - as above preparation of a color palette - second variant. 2 La11 Lecture 4 – Problems of color composition using examples of colors of 2 structure elevations– revaluation and contemporary structures. La12 Task 5: Development of the color of elevations for selected existing 2 structures in the surroundings – preliminary analysis, context. La13 Task 5 - as above preparation of a color palette. 2 La14 Task 5 - as above 2 La15 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01, PEK_U02, Assessment of artwork PEK_U03, PEK_U04, PEK_K01, PEK_K02, F2 PEK_W03, Assessment of participation in problem-solving PEK_W04, PEK_U01, discussions PEK_K01, PEK_K02, P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Zaunger G., Barwa i człowiek, Wydawnictwo „Arkady”, Warszawa 1965. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Cage John, Kolor i kultura, Uniwersitas, Kraków 2008. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Ewa Górska, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum No. learning with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool outcome formulated for the major and concentration PEK_W01 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1 La1, La2, N1, N2, N3, N7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1, C2 La1, La2, N1, N2, N3, La6, La11, N7, N8 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C2, C4 La6, La 11 N1, N2, N3, N4 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W01, K1AIU_W11, C1, C2, C3, La6, La 11, N1, N2, N3, C4 La15 N7, N8 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U02, K1AIU_U12, C3 La7, La 8, N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 La12 N8 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U02K1AIU_U12, C1, C2 La3 - La5 N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 N8 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U02K1AIU_U12, C2, C4 La9, La10, N4, N5, N6, K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 La13, La14 N8 PEK_U04 K1AIU_U02,K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3, La3 - La5, N4, N5, N6, C4 La7 - La10, N8 La12 - La14 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C4 N1, N2, N3, N7, N8 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K01,K1AIU_K07 C1, C4 N1, N2, N3, N7, N8

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Course title in Polish MURAL (BKP 7) Course title in English MURAL Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student 60 workload hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To prepare for wall painting. C2 – Basic preparation to the implementation of wall painting. C3 – To prepare for graphical presentation of the conceptual design of wall painting.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – recognize basic techniques of wall painting. PEK_W02 – design a mural. PEK_W03 – create a mural. PEK_W04 – Present a project in an appealing way. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – design a mural for a given structure. PEK_U02 – present a design of wall painting in an appealing way. PEK_U03 – prepare original structure of wall painting. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – increase the aesthetic values of public and private space. PEK_K02 – demonstrate readiness to apply for contests for wall painting design.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - laboratory Number of hours La1 Techniques and examples of wall painting - lecture and presentation 2 La2 Design and implementation of a mural - a lecture and presentation 2 La3 Exercise 1: Wall painting design I - selection of structure, documentation - 2 existing structure La4 Exercise 1: Design wall painting II - source materials, inspirations. 2 La5 Exercise 1: Design wall painting III - preliminary briefs. 2 La6 Exercise 1: Design wall painting III - development of briefs in selected 2 directions La7 Exercise 1: Design wall painting IV - development of selected concept 2 La8 Exercise 1: Design wall painting V - finalization of selected concept 2 La9 Exercise 2: Creating an alternative chromatic / achromatic variant 2 La10 Exercise 3: Development of the structure of wall painting - Workshop 2 La11 Exercise 3: Development of the structure of wall painting - Workshop 2 La12 Exercise 4: Design of style of panels 2 La13 Exercise 4: Panel preparation 2 La14 Exercise 4: Panel preparation 2 La15 Presentation of work, overview. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Presentation N3. Artistic workshop N4. Critique / consultation

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of formative (during the outcome learning outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of artworks. PEK_W02, PEK_W03, PEK_U01, PEK_U03, PEK_K01 F2 PEK_W04, PEK_U02, Grade for presentation of projects PEK_K02 P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Doerner Max, Materiały malarskie i ich zastosowanie, Arkady, Warszawa 1975. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Dymna Elżbieta, Rutkiewicz Marcin, Polski street art, Warszawa 2010. [2] MacNaughton Alex, London street art anthology, London 2009. [3] Sikorski Tomasz, Rutkiewicz Marcin, Graffiti w Polsce 1940-2010, Warszawa 2011. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Karolina Jaklewicz, [email protected]


Course Relation of course outcome Course Curriculum No. learning with learning outcomes objectives content teaching tool outcome formulated for the major and concentration PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11 C1, C2 La1 N1, N2

PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11 C1 La2 N1, N2 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11 C2 La2, La10, N1, N3 La11 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W11 C3 La12 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U01 K1AIU_U12 C1 La3 - La9 N3, N4 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U12 C3 La12 - La15 N3, N4 PEK_U03 K1AIU_U12 C2 La12, La13 N3, N4 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La2 - La11 N1, N2, N4 K1AIU_K09 PEK_K02 K1AIU_K07 C3 La9, La12 - N3, N4 K1AIU_K09 La14


Course title in English COLOR IN ARCHITECTURE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Knowledge of problems of color theory.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To apply knowledge of color theory in designing colors in architectural and urban design. C2 - To develop skills in designing color with account being taken of colorful context of the surrounding. C3 - To develop skills in designing colors of historic townhouses in an urban tissue, mosaic and its colors in architectural interiors and wall painting.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of colors of architectural structures and their surrounding as an artistic record of the creative process in the architectural profession. PE_W02 – Identify methods of eliminating unwanted color effects in designing colors of architectural structures. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills pertaining to color in order to design colors of buildings, floors, wall painting etc.. PE_U02 – Prepare original concept of color climate for an architectural complex and the surrounding space. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role visual communication (color of structures) in designing work as the basic method of communicating ideas to the professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture. Recap and expansion of knowledge of color 2 theory in designing architecture color (elevations, floors, mosaics, wall painting). La2 Lecture 2 - Color in architecture - implementations and projects. 2 La3 Task 1 - color solutions of architectural structure – studies with consideration of 2 details – several variants of the proposal. La4 Task 1 - as above 2 La5 Task 1 - as above 2 La6 Overview of projects pertaining to task 1 – presentations, discussion. 2 La7 Task 2 – Color and formal solution of floor in an architectural interior. Several 2 variants of the proposal La8 Task 2 - as above 2 La9 Task 2 - as above 2 La10 Overview of projects pertaining to task 2. 2 La11 Task 3 - Color solutions of wall mosaic – several variants of the proposal. 2 La12 Task 3 - as above 2 La13 Task 4 - Color solution of wall painting in architecture 2 La14 Task 4 - as above 2 La15 Presentation - discussion, assessment of work created during the semester 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentations N4. Artistic experiments N5. Conceptual work N6. Consultations. N7. Presentation of projects. N8. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_ W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01 – PE_ U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α=80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Arnhem Rudolf, Sztuka i percepcja wzrokowa. Psychologia twórczego oka, Słowo/Obraz Terytoria, Gdańsk 2004. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Crosbie Michael J., Architecture colors, 1997 COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Krzysztof Skwara, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 - La5 N1, N2 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La7 – La10 N2, N3 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La11 - La15 N4, N6 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3 La11 - La15 N4, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C3 La11 –La15 N4, N7


Course title in English COMPUTER ARTISTIC TOOLS Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy Credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Basic knowledge of programs such as Coreldraw, Photoshop. 3. Skills in using basic freehand artistic techniques.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To raise the awareness of the role of the graphical form of project presentation in the architectural profession with special consideration of basic typography and text editing. C2 – To increase skills in conscious use of traditional and computer artistic techniques, and combining them to create understandable project illustrations and in presenting them. C3 – To develop skills in effective communication through images, choosing appropriate means of communication in relation to its contents. C4 – To raise the awareness of the possibilities of applying graphic and DTP software in the process of architectural design. C5 – To develop skills in creating original presentations.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of project illustration and the form of its presentation in the architectural profession PE_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of project illustrations and their presentation. PE_W03 – Identify basics of visual communication pertaining to artistic skills and theory of information. PE_W4 – Demonstrate awareness of the importance of form and artistic quality of graphic design of original presentations including the role of conscious application of typographic elements. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics (including elements of typography) in the design processes and when preparing project presentations PE_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas in the form of project notation PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of project idea Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication in designing work as the basic channel of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture – Visual communication in designing – meaning of 2 form as an element of marketing Task 1 – Presentation of topic – preparation of material (choice of project) La2 Lecture 2 – Presentation of artistic skills of designers – graphic programs 2 Task 1 - Selection and preparation of materials for artistic study of architectural space (base - the project made earlier during project class or space proposed by the instructor) La3 Lecture 3 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – floor 2 Task 1 – Floor La4 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La5 Task 1 - as above / preparation of selected task concept. 2 La6 Lecture 4 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – wall 2 Task 2 - Wall La7 Task 2 - as above 2 La8 Task 2 - as above 2 La9 Lecture 5 – Diversity of materials and artistic solutions – spatial element 2 Task 3 – Spatial element La10 Task 3 - as above 2 La11 Task 3 - as above 2 La12 Lecture 6 –– Preparation of presentation – meaning of form 2 Task 4 –– Preparation of presentation La13 Task 4 - as above 2 La14 Task 4 - as above 2 La15 Task 4 - as above 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Artistic experiments N5. conceptual work N6. consultation N7. presentation of projects

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02-PE_W04, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01-PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Class participation assessment P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Pliki pomocy programu Corelaw – zgodne z wersją stosowanego programu PhD [2] Photoshop help files – corresponding to the current version of the used software [3] Indesign help files – corresponding to the current version of the used software [4] Magazyn 2+3D, Fundacj Rzecz Piękna WFP ASP Kraków [5] Tschichold Jan, Nowa typografia. Podręcznik dla tworzących w duchu współczesności, Wydawnictwo Recto verso, Łódź 2011. [6] Ambrose Gavin, Paul Harris, Layout. Zasady / kompozycja / zastosowanie, PWN, Warszawa 2008. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Journals related to problems of 2D graphic design and DTP COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Dorota Łuczewska, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C2, C4 La2-15 N2, N3, NN5, N6 PEK_W03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C3 La1, La2, N2, N3, N5, N6 La12-15 PEK_W04 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1,C3, C4 La1, La2, N2, N3, N5, N6 La12z-15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C2, C4 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 (skills) PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C2, C3 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C3, C4 La1-15 N4, N5, N6, N7 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K09 C1, C3 La12-15 N2, N7 (competencies)


Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT FOR DESIGN – URBAN SCALE AND LANDSCAPE Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time/Part-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To acquaint students with issues of spatial composition in public space in a city and in the open landscape. C2 – Do increase skills in solving composition tasks in the urban context and in the open landscape. C3 – To develop skills in integrating urban space through artistic activities.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 – understand the composition-artistic relationship of elements creating the city space. PEK_W02 – recognize the basic problems of developing landscape using artistic activities and describe the range of artistic means used in developing the image of the urban space. Related to skills: PEK_U01 – prepare the artistic concept of and urban interior. PEK_U02 – Create artistic concept of spatial forms for communication passageways. PEK_U03 – prepare the concept of artistic intervention on the boundary between the city and the open landscape. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 – understand the culture-forming role of artistic activities in developing man’s spatial environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Introduction to the topic of the course. 2 La2 Lecture 1 – Scenography of urban space - artistic and composition qualities. 2 La3 Task 1 – „Plaza”: conceptual studies. 2 La4 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La5 Task 1 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La6 Lecture 2 – Painting and sculpture in urban space – problem of composition and 2 integration. La7 Task 2 – „Spatial form in communication passageway”: conceptual studies. 2 La8 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La9 Task 2 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La10 Lecture 3 – between landscape architecture a landscape art (land art). 2 La11 Task 3 – „River in the city”- conceptual studies. 2 La12 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La13 Task 3 – cont.: studio work and consultation. 2 La14 Lecture 4 – Contemporary implementations that integrate architecture and art in 2 city and open landscape. La15 Assessment and overview of tasks completed during the semester. 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-oriented lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. conceptual work N5. consultation N6. presentation of projects N7. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W02, PE_W03, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01- PE_U03 F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Vidiella Alex Sanchey, Atlas współczesnej architektury krajobrazu, TMC, Warszawa 2009. [2] Krajobraz miejski. Nowe trendy, nowe inspiracje, nowe rozwiązania, TMC, Warszawa 2008. [3] Franta Anna, Reżyseria przestrzeni. O doskonaleniu przestrzeni publicznej miasta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Krakowskiej, Kraków 2004. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Jodido Phillip, Architecture: Art, Prestel Verlag, Munich 2005. [2] Cullen, Gordon, The Concise Townscape, Architectural Press, Oxford 1998. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Leszek Maluga, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C2, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N6, K1AIU_K07 La10, La14 N7 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La3 – La5 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La7 – La9 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La11 – La13 N4, N5, N6 K1AIU_K07 PEK_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, C1, C3 La1, La2, La6, N1, N2, N3, N7 K1AIU_K07 La10, La14


Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN - ARCHITECTURAL SCALE 2 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”. 2. Skill in creating briefs in different scales. 3. Basic skill in using different artistic techniques and building spatial models in creating project documentation. 4. Knowledge of basic building materials and the scope of their application. 5. Basic knowledge of method of artistic representation of furnishings in architectural structures.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To expand skills in combining technical, functional and artistic issues in creating clear forms of presentations of project work. C2 – To increase skills in creating and presenting project work using different artistic techniques and using different study scales.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – understand the architectural-artistic factors that comprise the art of design. PE_W02 – Identify artistic forms and methods of presenting project tasks in different scale. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Artistically interpret building materials, technical solutions and technical furnishings of architectural structures. PE_U02 – Clearly create and deliver forms of presentations of project work. PE_U03 – Graphically define the finishing materials and architectural furnishings that meet the artistic intent of design concept.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching ‐ computer lab Number of hours La1 Presentation of problems and requirements related to completion of the course. 2 Choice of individual topics with overview of the scope of the study. Task 1- elevations of selected building La2 Overview of artistic context of elevation materials: 2 color, texture, shape, size, division raster, ,,double” elevations with application of glass, sliding barriers, grids, uniform and nonuniform elevations. Individual work of students : conceptual sketches with the application of different material solutions. La3 Individual work of students - graphic experiments with the application of different 2 artistic techniques. La4 Discussion of helio plastics of elevations in the context of adopted design solutions 2 and materials used. Individual work of students - graphic experiments at different scales and with the application of different artistic techniques. La5 Choice of graphic form of documentation – individual consultation. 2 La6 Development of the selected graphic form - individual consultations. 2 La7 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La8 Submission of complete study: presentation and discussion. 2 La9 Overview of artistic context of cladding materials: 2 color, texture, shape, size, division raster. Designs and methods of creating floor and wall coverings. Task no 2 (element of interior of specific structure) assignment of individual topics with overview of scope of study , conceptual sketches with the application of different cover materials. La10 Overview of example documentation. Reading scenarios of material solutions and 2 technical furnishings of architectural structures. Individual work of students - graphic experiments with the application of different artistic techniques. La11 Choice of graphic form of documentation and method of presentation (drawing or 2 model)– individual consultation. La12 Development of the selected graphic form - individual consultations. 2 La13 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La14 Continuation of the development of the selected graphic form - individual 2 consultations. La15 Submission of complete study: presentation and discussion. 2 Summary and assessment of work created during the semester Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Artistic experiments with the application of different techniques. N2. Conceptual studies in different scales. N3. Presentation of projects. N4. Consultations. N5. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Assessment of the content quality of the created PE_U01, PE_U02 artworks F2 PE_W01, PE_K01 Assessment of the presentation of problems covered by the project P = α1 F1 + α2F2 where α1=75%, α2=25% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Hornung David, Kolor. Kurs dla artystów i projektantów, Universitas, Kraków 2009. [2] Sánchez Vidiella Àlex, Sergi Costa Duran, Julio Fajardo, 1000 Detali w architekturze, TMC 2010. [3] Komar Beata, Joanna Tymkiewicz, Elewacje budynków biurowych. Funkcja, forma, percepcja, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej, Gliwice 2006. ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Concrete, Evergreen 2009. [2] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Wood, Evergreen 2008. [3] Schleifer Simone, Architecture materials Glass, Evergreen 2008. [4] Fachadas / Facades. Case study, Monsa 2010. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Jolanta Karek, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PEK_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La1 - La15 N3, N4, N5 PEK_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La3, La5 -La8, N1, N2, N3, N4 La11-La15 PEK_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1 La2 - La7 N1, N2, N4 La8 - La14 PEK_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C2 La5 - La8, N2, N3, N4 La11 - La15 PEK_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 C1, C2 La3 - La7, N1, N2, N4 La12 - La14


Course title in English THE ARTISTIC SUPPORT OF DESIGN - ARCHITECTURAL SCALE 1 Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time / Part-time Course type: elective Course code: Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 30 hours Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 Including ECTS points for 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. Credit for “Composition and fine arts modules 1 - 4”.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 – To expand the problems related to the conscious development of architectural space with the application of color, form and texture. C2 – To increase knowledge and skill in creating and presenting architectural work using different artistic techniques. C3 – To develop and increase the awareness of the role of an original graphic study as an efficient method for communicating with the social and professional environment.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PE_W01 – Understand the importance of design decisions pertaining to color, shape and texture in developing architectural forms. PE_W02 – Describe the wide spectrum of methods and techniques of creating images for the needs of architectural drawings. Related to skills: PE_U01 – Use advanced artistic skills in order to enrich graphics in architectural drawings PE_U02 – Combine artistic form with communication of ideas (project notation). PE_U03 – Prepare original concept of visual presentation of spatial idea. Related to social competencies: PE_K01 – Understand the role of visual communication (architectural drawing) in designing work as the basic form of communicating with the widely understood professional and social environment.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Lecture 1 – Introductory lecture: 2 - presentation of problems and requirements related to the course, - graphic techniques as an instrument of visual communication. La2 Lecture 2: role of color, form, texture and composition in developing architectural 2 space. La3 Task 1: 3D situation – choice of study scope, conceptual sketches. 2 La4 Task 1: 3D situation – 2 - conceptual sketches and graphic experiments. La5 Task 1: 3D situation – conceptual sketches, graphic experiments. 2 La6 Task 1: 3D situation – conceptual sketches, graphic experiments. 2 La7 Task 1: 3D situation – graphic experiments. 2 La8 Task 1: 3D situation – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La9 Task 1: 3D situation – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La10 Presentation, discussion, assessment of work created 2 La11 Task 2: wall / floor – choice of study scope, conceptual sketches. 2 La12 Task 2: wall / floor – conceptual sketches 2 La13 Task 2: wall / floor – graphic experiments 2 La14 Task 2: wall / floor – development of the selected graphic form. 2 La15 Presentation - summary, discussion, assessment of work created during the 2 semester Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. Artistic experiments N3. conceptual work N4. consultation N5. presentation of projects N6. problem-solving discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment (F – Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning formative (during the outcome outcome semester), S – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_W02, Assessment of artworks. PE_U01, PE_U02 F2 PE_U03, PE_K01 Assessment of participation in problem-solving discussions P = α1 F1 + α2 F2 where α1 = 80%, α2 = 20% Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [1] Basista Andrzej, Kompozycja dzieła architektury / Composition of a work of architecture, Universitas, Kraków 2006. [2] Meerwein Gerhard, Color - communication in architectural space, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel 2007. [3] Konarski Stefan, Światło i barwa, IWZZ, Warszawa 1982. [4] Władysław Strzemiński, Teoria widzenia, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków 1974.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bojrakowska-Przeniosło Agnieszka, Andrzej Barcikowski, Dekoracyjne malowanie ścian, Wydawnictwo RM, Warszawa 2009. COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Maciej Balasiński, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major PE_W01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C2 La1, La6, La7, N1, N2, N4 K1AIU_U12, La8, La9, La13 K1AIU_K07 PE_W02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C2 La14 N2, N4 K1AIU_U12, K1AIU_K07 PE_U01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C2 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_U12, La9, La11, K1AIU_K07 La12, PE_U02 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12,K1AIU_U12, C2, C3 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_K07 La9, La11, La12, PE_U03 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12,K1AIU_U12, C2 La3, La4, La5, N2, N3, N4, N6 K1AIU_K07 La9, La11, La12, PE_K01 K1AIU_W11, K1AIU_W12, C1, C3 La 2, La10, N1, N5, N6 K1AIU_U12, La15 K1AIU_K07


Course title in English Geometry in Architecture Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000153 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. to acquire elementary knowledge of descriptive geometry that have a direct application in architectural design C2. to develop skills in the application of descriptive geometry in architectural design

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: demonstrate knowledge of designing multi-hipped roofs on different levels of eaves line PEK_W02: demonstrate knowledge of designing surfaces of areas for precipitation drainage PEK_W03 : demonstrate knowledge of constructing geometry of rod cupolas and straight-line surfaces as coverings PEK_W04 demonstrate knowledge of structure of shadows in rectangular projections PEK_W05 ; demonstrate knowledge of projections characterized Related to skills: PEK_U01: demonstrate skills in designing roofs on two levels of the eave line, development of roofs, creation of model PEK_U02: demonstrate skills in designing the drainage of area surface, e.g. parking lots PEK_U03: demonstrate skills in designing geometry of economic rod sections PEK_U04: demonstrate skills in analyzing the shading of existing structures in terms of the building code PEK_U05: demonstrate skills in designing trenches and embankments and create a terrain profile

Mode of teaching ‐ computer lab Number of hours La1 Designing roofs on detached buildings of various height of eaves line 2 La2 Structure of roof surfaces, development of roof polyhedron, creation of a roof 2 model La3 Structure of geometry of the planes that drain the land surface 2 La4 Regular polyhedra, the proportions of the "golden" division 2 La5 Structure of rod domes on octahedron and regular dodecahedron 2 La6 Straight-line surfaces : conoids , Catalan surfaces 2 La7 In-class assignment. 2 La8 Structure of shadows in rectangular projections on polyhedrons 2 La9 Structure of shadows in rectangular projections on 2 degree surfaces 2 La10 In-class assignment. 2 La11 Analysis of shading of existing structures: daylight analysis, computer programs 2 La12 Projection with elevations: analysis of the terrain using a profile 2 La13 Designing trenches and embankments 2 La14 In-class assignment. 2 La15 Submission of homework, credit 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. traditional method


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1, P1 PEK_W01 ÷ EK_W05, Drawings made at home, in class, model PEK_U01 ÷ PEK_U05 F = P

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [177] A.Korynek, J.Mroczkowski, T.Romaszkiewicz-Białas, Geometria wykreślna. Wybrane zagadnienia dla architektów, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Wrocław 2007 [178] S.Przewłocki, Geometria wykreślna w budownictwie, Arkady, Warszawa 1982 [179] M.Twarowski, Słońce w architekturze, Arkady, Warszawa 1996

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Tomasz Bogaczyk PhD [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 ÷ K1AIU_W05 C1 La1 ÷ La15 N1 PEK_W05 PEK_U01 ÷ K1AIU_U06 C1, C2 La1 ÷ La15 N1 PEK_U05

Zał. nr 4 do ZW 33/2012 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE DESCRIPTION 3D Parametric Modelling

Course title in English 3D Parametric Modeling Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time Course type: elective Course code AUA 000352 Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Laboratory Project Seminar Number of contact hours 30 Number of student workload 60 hours Grading policy pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 including ECTS points for 2 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Identify the principles of creating technical drawings. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge of materials used in civil engineering and architecture. 2. SKILLS: Demonstrate basic skills in using information technologies.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To develop skills in using Generative Components software to create a parametric model C2 To develop skills in using Generative Components software to create technical documentation and fabrication and visualization based on a parametric model

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate systematic and theoretically grounded knowledge of creating parametric models in the Generative Components software. Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge in designing architectural structures, preparing technical documentation with the application of parametric models created in Generative Components using MicroStation and AutoCAD software. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Build a parametric model related to the implementation of engineering task using Generative Components software.

Mode of teaching - computer lab Number of hours La1 Installation of Generative Components, 2 Use of program and e-learning. Creating a new model. La2 Creating a parametrically variable shell 2 La3 Creating a parametric component to duplicate in the project e.g. pyramids. 2 La4 Creating a parametric model based on a series of variables (e.g. stairs) 2 La5 Use of modifiable curves in the model. 2 La6 Model division through a series of modifiable planes. 2 Fabrication of obtained planes. La7 Introduction of link from Generative Components to MicroStation (Autocad) and back. 2 La8 Writing scripts in the application 2 La9 Plotting the "cutting" elements of the shell, printing and creating the model, 2 Using 3D printers for printing. La10 Determining the topic of individual assignment, 2 Individual work, consultations. La11 Camera position and navigation, 2 Basics of rendering, Lighting setting, Defining materials, Individual work, consultations. La12 Advanced Rendering - setting the background using the existing terrain, mist, light in 2 the geographical zone, rendering at night, Internal rendering and light decorations Recoding of results, printing of results, creating a 3D pdf Individual work, consultations. La13 Individual work, consultations. 2 La14 Individual work, consultations. 2 La15 Submission of final work 2 Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Multimedia presentation with discussion. N2. Individual consultation.


Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01, Assessment of the correctness of the structure of the parametric model – a1=0.4 F2 PEK_W01 Assessment of the quality of the created parametric model – a2=0,3 F3 PEK_U01 Assessment of construction documentation generated using a parametric model – a3=0.3 P=a1F1+a2F2+a3F3


BASIC LITERATURE: Manuals created by software developers which are its integral part. 76. Ais Robert, “Introduction to Generative Components, A parametric and associative design system for architecture, building engineering and digital fabrication”, Bentley Institute Course Guide 77. Bentley Platform Training, „Generative Components Essentials”, Bentley Institute Course Guide

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Przemysław Wojsznis PhD, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W06, K1AIU_W16, K1AIU_W24 C1 La1-La14 N1, N2 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U16, K1AIU_U21, K1AIU_U22 C2 La1-La14 N1, N2 (skills)


Course title in English Conservatorial design- revalorisation of the cultural landscape Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code: AUA 004702 Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 45 Number of student workload 90 hours Grading policy credit Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 3 including ECTS points for 3 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 1. KNOWLEDGE Understanding of problems related to architectural and structural design. Knowledge of general concepts of the history of architecture. 2. SKILLS: Ability to apply technical and material methods in presenting architectural concepts: knowledge of computer-aided design software. 3. OTHER COMPETENCIES: Understand the importance of cultural values and tradition in the design process.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 - To introduce students to basic notions of heritage protection and protection of the cultural landscape. C2 - To acquaint students with problems of protection of historic urban, rural layouts and other historic developments (e.g. industrial complexes with historic values). C3 - To present problems related to the protection and revaluation of works of architecture and building engineering. C4 - To equip students with skills in field research needed to establish the values of the cultural landscape and the values of its constituent elements in the selected example of the project area. C5 - To develop skills in identifying the style and dating the resources of the area under study. C6 - To develop methods of evaluating the condition of structures that exist in landscape units selected for an example study. C7 - To develop skills in analyzing the results of field work and presenting them in graphical form and as description, (e.g. analysis of technical condition, original and current functions, dating structures, valorization of architecture). C8 – To prepare students to create accurate, explicitly expressed conservation postulates useful in the fields of protection of cultural heritage and cultural landscapes.

C9 - To develop skills in the application of conservation recommendations and objectives in project work. C10 - To present basic criteria for designing architecture which is introduced into ensembles of historic centers and other centers with cultural values. C11 - To prepare students to implement architectural designs of forms, details and other elements in the context of historic centers, historic architectural structures, archaeological and architectural reserves, technology complexes, culture parks. C12 - To equip students with skills in public presentation of results of project work “project defence" C13 - To develop skills in publically discussing the presented problems. C14 - To develop skills in interpreting the influence of different conservation and non-conservation activities on the cultural landscape, the social interpretation of historic sites and complexes, the authenticity of architectural structures or development complexes.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01: Demonstrate basic knowledge of the system of conservation activities. PEK_W02: Describe the phenomena occurring in the process of transformation of the cultural landscape or its units. PEK_W03: Understand the relationships and dependencies between the methods of shaping space in time in the form of cultural continuity. PEK_W04: Demonstrate general understanding of the shaping of architectural detail, woodwork, color and articulation of facades of buildings. PEK_W05: Distinguishes between the concept of conservation, restoration, revitalization, unveiling, transfer of the object, restitution, integration, recomposition and can support them with examples. Related to skills: PEK_U01: Analyze the state of the existing cultural landscape complex. PEK_U02: Analyze and characterize the advantages and disadvantages of new projects carried out in the historic context propose optimum solutions and possibilities of correcting errors. PEK_U03: Demonstrate the ability to take a stance on historical and contemporary solutions of greenery in landscape interiors and to show the directions of their conservation and revalorization of potential transformations in accordance with the protection of cultural landscape.

PEK_U04: Properly construct a set of conservation guidelines for the protection and restoration of a cultural landscape complex. PEK_U05: Demonstrate the ability to formulate the revaluation project of a complex of the cultural landscape with application of conservation guidelines and general knowledge of urban planning related to architectural design and basic provisions of the building code. PEK_U06: Present the effects of design work on panels in the planning dimension and the third dimension (visualization) and also in the form of a description (paper report) and a multimedia presentation. PEK_U07: Publicly present the results of research and design decisions justifying the latter with knowledge gained in the last semester. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01: Demonstrate awareness of the importance of historical research and field research for the identification of the substance of the problem. PEK_K02: Understand the importance of shaping space in conjunction with cultural traditions and specifics of a place.

Number of Mode of teaching - project ho urs Scope of the project, basic concepts and tasks, research methods, graphical Pr1 presentation methods, literature, course completion requirements. Assignment of 3 individual design topics to students, overview of individual tasks. Discussion and summary of historical issues in the study area based on materials Pr2 collected by students - bibliography, iconography and cartography. Individual work of 3 students on the project. Consultations. Overview of results of field study pertaining to historic function and technical condition Pr3 of existing development and condition of greenery development. Students’ individual 3 project work. Consultations. Overview of results of culture studies – attempt to date and define stylistic and Pr4 3 aesthetic features of studies complex. Impact assessment in context. Consultations. Attempt of valorisation of cultural buildings and greenery. Students’ individual project Pr5 3 work. Students’ individual project work. Consultations. Overview of principles of formulating conservation guidelines and application of the Pr6 3 principles in individual cases. Individual work of students. Consultations. Pr7 Structure of conservation postulates for studied themes. Consultations. 3 Functional and spatial concept, problem of integration in the historical context of Pr8 3 contemporary forms. Consultations. Functional and spatial concept cont., current frontage, dimensions and shapes. Pr9 3 Consultations. Functional and spatial concept cont., forms of elevations, material, articulation, Pr10 3 details, woodwork. Consultations. Functional and spatial concept cont The third dimension - representations of concepts Pr11 3 in the landscape. Consultations. Presentation of projects in the field of restoration of the cultural landscape from a Pr12 large city area (examples of Wroclaw and other cities - streets, squares, panoramas, 3 riverside areas). Discussion. Presentation of projects in the field of restoration of the cultural landscape from a Pr13 large city area (examples of Wroclaw and other cities - streets, squares, panoramas, 3 riverside areas). Discussion. Presentation of projects in the field of restoration of the cultural landscape in the area Pr14 3 of small and medium cities - the specificity of a small town. Discussion. Presentation of projects in the field of restoration of the cultural landscape with Pr15 specific characteristics (industrial complexes, rural complexes and manorial systems, 3 etc.) Discussion. Assessment and credit. Total hours 45

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture – introductory, problems, research methods. N2 studies of literature, cartographic sources, drawing, photographs, field research. N3. consultation N4. multimedia presentation, Interactive discussion.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Assessment F – formative Number of learning outcome Method of assessing the achievement of (during the semester), learning outcome P – summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK – W01, PEK – W02, Grade for the content of the project. PEK – W03, PEK – W04, a1 = 0.6 PEK – W05, PEK – U01, PEK – U02, PEK – U03, PEK – U04, PEK – U05, F2 PEK – U06, PE K– U07, Assessment of participation during the course a2 = 0,2 F3 PEK – K01, PEK – K02 Assessment of manner of speaking during presentation a3 = 0,2 P = a1 F1 + a2F2+ a3F4 gdzie a1 = 0.6, a2 = 0.2, a3 = 0.2 Σa = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [180] Czarnecki W., Planowanie miast i osiedli, Warszawa 1960 [181] Czarnecki B., Plac rynkowy współczesnego małego miasta w Polsce, Białystok 2003 [182] Lubocka-Hoffmann M., Miasta historyczne zachodniej i Północnej Polski. Zniszczenia i programy odbudowy, Bydgoszcz 2004 [183] Majdecki L., Ochrona i konserwacja zabytkowych założeń ogrodowych, Warszawa 1993 [184] Małachowicz E., Konserwacja i rewaloryzacja architektury w zespołach i krajobrazie, Wrocław 1994 [185] Ostrowski W., Rewaloryzacja zabytkowych zespołów urbanistycznych, Warszawa [186] Rymaszewski B., O przetrwanie dawnych miast, Warszawa 1984 [187] Tajchman J. Stolarka okienna, Warszawa 1993

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE (CHOICE): [109] Atlas architektury Wrocławia, red. J. Harasimowicz, t.1 i 2, Wrocław 1997, 1998 [110] Czerner O., Wrocław na dawnej rycinie, Wrocław 1989 [111] Weichert K., Miasteczka polskie jako zagadnienie urbanistyczne, Warszawa 1947 [112] Suchodolski J., Regionalizm w kształtowaniu formy architektury współczesnej na obszarze Sudetów, Wrocław 1996

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Grażyna Balińska, [email protected]

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE The first required course - which introduces conservation design - covers aspects of cultural heritage protection in the broadest aspect of the protection of the cultural landscape and its units. The proper - in accordance with the objectives of permanent harmonious development, management of the natural and cultural landscape is now one of the priorities e.g. in the countries of the European Union (compare: European Sustainable Development Strategy of 2001 and numerous earlier ones). The complete implementation process of topics from research through conservation postulates, project and student discussions develops sensitivity to this issue. Recommended discussions - perhaps in the future additionally in the form of a seminar.


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_U14 C1, C2, C3, Pr1, Pr2 N1, N3 PEK_W02 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_K09 C2, C13 Pr2, Pr3 N1, N2, N3, PEK_W03 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_W28, K1AiU_K07, C1, C2, C3, Pr2, Pr3, Pr4, N2, N3, N4, K1AiU_U14 PEK_W04 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_W10 i W11, C7, C8, C9, Pr3, Pr4, N2, N3 K1AiU_U14 C10, C11, Pr6, Pr7, Pr10, PEK_W05 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_K09 C1, C9 Pr1, Pr5, N3

PEK_U01 K1AiU_W01, K1AiU_W10, 1AiU_W13, C4, C6, C7, Pr2, Pr3, Pr4, N1, N2, N3, K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_U14, K1AiU_U24, K1AiU_U25, K1AiU_U26, K1AiU_K09, PEK_U02 K1AiU_U11, K1AiU_U14, K1AiU_U23, C4, C7 Pr3, Pr4, N2, N3 K1AiU_U24, K1AiU_K08, PEK_U03 K1AiU_W14, K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_K09, C4, C6, C7, Pr3, Pr4, Pr5, N2, N3 PEK_U04 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_K07, C8 Pr6, Pr7, N3, PEK_U05 K1AiU_W10, K1AiU_W18, K1AiU_W22, C9, C11 Pr8÷Pr11, N3, K1AiU_U13, PEK_U06 K1AiU_W16, K1AiU_U12, K1AiU_U13, C9, C10, C11, Pr9÷Pr11, N2, N3 K1AiU_U16, K1AiU_U28, PEK_U07 K1AiU_W16, K1AiU_U16, K1AiU_U22, C12, Pr12÷Pr15, N4 K1AiU_K04, K1AiU_K06, PEK_K01 K1AiU_W22, K1AiU_K09, C4, C6, C8, Pr2, Pr3, Pr4, N2, N3, N4, PEK_K02 K1AiU_K08, K1AiU_K09, C2, C3, C5, Pr6÷Pr11, N2, N3, N4,


Course title in English History of Contemporary Architecture Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: obligatory Course code AUA 004704W, AUA004704S Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Total number of contact 15 30 hours Number of student workload 60 30 hours Grading policy Examination pass with grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 1 Including ECTS points for 1 1 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 78. Demonstrate basic knowledge needed to understand the cultural and aesthetic circumstances of professional design. 79. Perform an analysis of aesthetic value of works of architecture and art in terms of the scope and degree to which theories formulated by aesthetics manifest in architecture.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 To present the history of architectural movements and ideas since the early 20th century C2 - To introduce students to the latest development prospects of contemporary architecture C3 - To equip students with the ability to analyze a contemporary work of architecture, the adopted solutions, its origin and functioning. C4 - To equip students with skills and the habit of analyzing contemporary architecture and theories related to it.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 Demonstrate the current knowledge and the latest trends in contemporary architecture. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Analyze a contemporary work of architecture, the adopted solutions, its origin and functioning.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number of Mode of teaching - lectures ho urs Lec1 Secession and related trends. 2 Lec2 Constructivism. 2 Geometry in contemporary architecture. Formalism. Lec3 2

Lec4 Architecture of postmodernism 2 Lec5 Deconstructivism. 2 Lec6 Role of material in contemporary architecture. 2 Lec7 High-tech architecture. 2 Lec8 Virtual architecture 2 Total hours 15

Mode of teaching - seminar Number of hours Se1 Organic architecture. 3 Se2 From functionalism to minimalism. Modernism yesterday and today. (Beginnings of 3 the movement, function). Se3 From functionalism to minimalism. Modernism yesterday and today. (Abstraction 3 and autonomy of form, minimalism); opposition of brutalist architecture. Se4 Postmodernism and popular culture. 3 Se5 Palace and hovel - concepts for residential architecture; 3 Symbol in architecture; Real and illusory space.. Se6 Deconstructivism. 3 Se7 High-tech Continuation of constructivist thought. Architecture of modern 3 technologies. Se8 Eco-tech. Environmental protection vs. the development of modern architecture. 3 Sustainable architecture Se9 Contemporary trends in architecture. The most interesting architectural 3 implementations of the last decade. Se10 The most interesting architectural implementations of the last decade. 3 Contemporary Architecture of Wrocław Total hours 30

TEACHING TOOLS 1. for lecture: Expository lecture with elements of problem-solving lecture. 2. for lectures and seminar: multimedia presentation. 3. for seminar: interactive seminar.

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) P PE_W01 Final grade for oral exam Seminar Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PE_W01, PE_U01 Grade for the content of opinions voiced during interactive discussion. F2 PE_U01 Assessment of skills in analyzing a work of architecture F3 PE_W01, PE_U01 Grade for participation in discussions P is the final grade that results from continuous assessment F1 – F3; 10 grades – weight 0,1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [188] Ghirardo D., Architektura po modernizmie, Toruń 1999; wyd. ang. London 1996. [189] Gössel P., Leuthäuser G., Architektura XX wieku. Köln 2006. [190] Jodidio P., New forms., Köln 1998. [191] Sławińska J., Ruchy protestu w architekturze współczesnej, Wrocław 1995. [192] Watkin D., Historia architektury zachodniej, Warszawa 2001.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [113] Banham R., Rewolucja w architekturze, Warszawa 1979. [114] Cerver F. A., The World of Contemporary Architecture, Köningswinter 2005. [115] Frampton K., Modern Architecture. A Critical History. London 1985. [116] Jencks Ch., Kropf K., Theories and Manifestoes of Modern Architecture, London-Chichester 1979. [117] Jencks Ch., The Architecture of the Jumping Universe. A Polemic: How Complexity Science is Changing Architecture and Culture, Chichester 1997. [118] Peel L., Powell P., Garret A., An Introduction To 20-th Century Architecture, London 1996. [119] Sławińska J., Ekspresja sił w nowoczesnej architekturze, Warszawa 1997 (wyd. II.

COURSE INSTRUCTOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Barbara Widera PhD, [email protected] Professor Rafał Czerner, [email protected]


Learning Relation of given outcome Course Curriculum content Number of Assessm outcome with learning outcomes objectives teaching tool ent formulated for the major method

PE_W01 K1AIU_W15 C1, C2 Lec1 – Lec8, Se1 – Se10 1 - 3 P1, F1, F3 PE_U01 K1AIU_U24 C1, C2, C3, C4 Lec1 – Lec8, Se1 – Se10 1 - 3 P1, F1 – F3

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE (optional) During the seminars in the course three elements are assessed (F1 – F3): the content of opinions voiced during interactive discussions, skills in analyzing a work of architecture, participation in discussions. This serves as the basis for the final grade P2.

FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE COURSE SYLLABUS Intellectual Property Law and Professional Ethics

Course title in English Intellectual Property Law and Professional Ethics Academic major: Architecture and Urban Planning Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type:obligatory Course code: AUA004703W Group of courses: NO

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 Number of student workload hours 30 pass with Grading policy grade ECTS points: 1 Including ECTS points for practical 0 hours (P) Including ECTS points for contact 1 hours (CH)


COURSE OBJECTIVES C1. To develop basic knowledge on the protection of intellectual property and the deontology of the profession of architect C2. To develop skills in acting in accordance with the standards of conduct and professional ethics C3. To develop and consolidate social skills associated with the profession of architect and urban planner. Responsibility, honesty and reliability in conduct: respecting the rules that govern academic and social environments.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES, upon completion the students I. Related to knowledge: Demonstrate rudimentary knowledge and understanding of elements of professional ethics of architects. Understand the rules in the Code of Ethics in the Architectural Profession, Professional Performance Standards, and issues related to the act on Copyright Law and Similar laws.

PEK_W01 Demonstrate the ability to characterize personal and property copyright law, understand their definitions. PEK_W02 - Distinguish the original work from derivative work inspired by someone else's work. Understand the concept of integrity of work. PEK_W03 - define the characteristics of plagiarism, identify the legal consequences of plagiarism in academic activities and architectural work . PEK_W04 - characterize the principles of the so-called permitted use of the work. PEK_W05 - define the rules for tranfer of copyright, in particular, understand the concept of a license, field of exploitation of the work, author's supervision PEK_W06 - evaluate architectural criticism for compliance with professional ethics PEK_W07 - identify actions inconsistent with the deontology of the architectural profession PEK_W08 - identify basic definitions of the scope of protection of industrial property: invention, functional and industrial design

II. Related to skills: Understand the problems and operate in accordance with the principle of professional ethics of an architect and urban planner.

PEK_U01 - Understand the principles of ethics of the architectural profession and is able to analyze specific professional activities in the context of these principles PEK_U02 - Demonstrate the ability to analyze design tasks in the light of the principles of copyright and legal projection, protect social, environmental and creative interests

III Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Correctly identify and resolve dilemmas related to professional work. Demonstrate an awareness of the importance of professional etiquette, respecting the principles of professional ethics and respecting the diversity of opinions and cultures. PEK_K02 Demonstrate awareness of the social role of a technical university graduate, and in particular understand the need to formulate information and opinions and inform the society – e.g. through the mass media – about the achievements of architecture and urban design and heritage protection as well as other aspects of an architect’s and urban planner’s professional work. Make an effort to spread such information and opinions in a way that is clear and with justification of different points of view. PEK_K03 Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s and architect’s work, including its impact on the environment and the related responsibility for decisions. PEK_K04 Demonstrate awareness of the impact of visual culture on the quality of the space surrounding people, contribute to the improvement of this quality and promote it in different professional and social situations. Demonstrate the awareness of the responsibility of an architect for maintaining the spatial order, protecting the natural environment and the cultural heritage of a place. PEK_K05 Demonstrate awareness of the social dimension of architecture and respect the diversity of needs, beliefs, opinions and aesthetic preferences of users of architecture. PEK_K06 - Demonstrate the ability to think independently and creatively, express their opinions in a balanced and reasonable manner. Conform to the rules and customs that govern academic environments.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Numb Mode of teaching - lectures hours Morality and ethics - introductory lecture The subject and object of copyright W-y1-2 2 law, work in architecture. Personal and property copyright law. Scope of copyright law protection, the architect as the author and coauthor of a work. W-y 3-4 Copyright law in teaching architecture - student as an author, copyright law in 2 science, rules of citation and scientific papers. Permitted use. Creative commons. Plagiarism The integrity of an architectural work, original work and derived work Possibility of introducing changes into an architectural design by an architect who W-y 5-6 2 is not the author of the original work. Agreement for performance of the work. Pursuing copyright claims. Limitation of copyright by civil law The code of ethics of the profession of architect vs. the provisions of copyright: duties of the architect, arising from the code of professional corporation. W-y 7-8 2 Professional Performance Standards and International Professional Standards in the Architectural Profession Violation of KEZA regulations: Case studies of violation of operation norms with respect to the responsibilities of the architect towards the society Lecs 9-10 2 Violation of KEZA regulations: Case studies of violation of operation norms with respect to the responsibilities of the architect towards the clients Violation of KEZA regulations: Case studies of violation of operation norms with Lecs 11-12 respect to the responsibilities of the architect towards the profession 2 Patent protection - invention and utility model. Problems related to architectural criticism. Copyright in photographs and image protection, related rights. W-y 13-15 Management of property copyright, organizations for collective management of 3 copyright.

Total hours 15

TEACHING TOOLS 1. Traditional lecture using multimedia presentation 2. Interactive lecture. 3. Consultations. 4. Individual work – study and preparation for the final test


Assessment (F – formative Method of assessing the (during the semester), S – Number of learning outcome achievement of summative (at the end of the learning outcome semester) A written essay, study of a chosen issue of intellectual PEK_W01  PEK_W08; property rights or so-called P1 PEK_U01  PEK_U02; case study (this form of PEK_K01  PEK_K06 credit is available to students whose native language is not Polish) PEK_W01  PEK_W08; P2 PEK_U01  PEK_U02; Written exam, test PEK_K01  PEK_K06 P = P1 or P2


BASIC LITERATURE [1] Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (Dz.U. 1994, nr 24, poz. 83 z późn. zmianami) [2] Zasady Etyki Zawodu Architekta. Standardy Wykonywania Zawodu Architekta i Zakres Usług Architekta. Warszawa 2006 [3] Kucza-Kuczyński Konrad: Zawód – architekt. O etyce zawodowej i moralności architektury, Warszawa 2004

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE IN POLISH: [1] Akt paryski konwencji Berneńskiej o ochronie dzieł literackich i artystycznych (Dz. U. 1990, nr 82, poz. 474). [2] Anzenbacher, Arno: Wprowadzenie do etyki, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków, 2008 [3] Barta J., Markiewicz R.: Prawo autorskie: przepisy, orzecznictwo, umowy międzynarodowe. Warszawa, 2002 [3a] Barta J., Markiewicz R.: Prawo autorskie. 3. wydanie Wolters Kluwer Polska SA,Warszawa, 2013 [4] Lisak Marcin: Elementy etyki w zawodzie architekta, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Poznańskiej, 2006 [5-7] Materiały pokonferencyjne z cyklu Prawo autorskie w Architekturze: . Ochrona prawno – autorska obiektu architektonicznego, Oficyna Wydawnicza PWr Wrocław 2007 . Projekt architektoniczny jako przedmiot ochrony prawa autorskiego, Oficyna Wydawnicza PWr Wrocław 2005 . Prawo autorskie w kształceniu i badaniach naukowych architektów, Oficyna Wydawnicza PWr, Wrocław 2003 [8] Matlak, Andrzej : Prawo autorskie w europejskim prawie wspólnotowym, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Prace z Wynalazczości i Ochrony Własności Intelektualnej Z. 79 .- (2002), s. 1-428 [9] Kasprzycki, Dariusz: Problematyka pojęcia utworu jako przedmiotu prawa autorskiego, aspekty psycho- i socjologiczne, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Wynalazczości i Ochrony Własności Intelektualnej .- Z. 71 .- (1999), s. 5-20 [10] Ustawa z dn. 29 marca 1926 roku o prawie autorskim, tekst jednolity Dz.U. 1935, poz. 260, [11] Ustawa z dn. 30 czerwca 2000r. Prawo własności przemysłowej, (Dz.U. 2001, nr 49, poz. 508) [12] Walerjan, Marek: Zakres zbiorowego zarządzania prawami autorskimi w polskiej ustawie o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych oraz, znaczenie tego pojęcia, Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Wynalazczości i Ochrony Własności Intelektualnej .- Z. 78 (2001), s. 9-51

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE IN ENGLISH: [1] Fischer, Thomas: Ethics for Architects. 50 Dilemmas of Professional Practice, Princeton Architectural Press, 2011 [2] Harries, Karsten: The Ethical function of Architecture, MIT, 1997 [3] Ray Nicholas ed., Architecture and its ethical dilemmas, Taylor and Francis, London and New York 2005

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Grażyna Hryncewicz-Lamber; [email protected]

EQUIVALENCY MATRIX OF LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR COURSE Physics 1.2. WITH THE LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE Environmental Engineering MAJOR AND SPECIALIZATION IN Environmental Engineering Relation of course outcome Number of with learning outcomes Course Curriculum Course learning outcome teaching formulated for the major objectives content tool and concentration PEK_W01, K1AIU_W27 W-y1-2, C1 1-4 W-y3-4 PEK_W02, K1AIU_W27 C1 W-y 5-6 1-4

PEK_W03, K1AIU_W27 C1 W-y3-4 1-4

PEK_W04, K1AIU_W27 C1 W-y3-4 1-4

PEK_W05, K1AIU_W27 C1 W-y5-6 1-4

K1AIU_W27 PEK_W06 C1 W-y13-15 1-4

W-y 7-8, K1AIU_W27 PEK_W07 C1 W-y 9-10, 1-4

Lecs 11-12 K1AIU_W27 PEK_W08 C1 Lecs 11-12 1-4

W-y 7-8, PEK_U01 K1AIU_U26 C2 W-y 9-10, 1-4 Lecs 11-12 PEK_U02 K1AIU_U26 C2 W-y 1 - 15 1-4 PEK_K01 K1AIU_K03 C3 W-y 1 - 15 1-4 W-y 7-8, PEK_K02 K1AIU_K06 C3 1-4 W-y 13-15 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K02 C3 W-y 7-8, 1-4 W-y9-10 K1AIU_K07 W-y 7-8, PEK_K04 C3 1-4 W-y 7-8, PEK_K05 K1AIU_K08 C3 W-y 9-10 1-4 PEK_K06 K1AIU_K01 C3 W-y 13-15 1-4

The course in professional ethics acquaint students from the Faculty of Architecture with the scope of legal and copyright protection of architectural works, as well as the problems of architectural axiology and deonthology. The course focuses on the analysis of Polish law and corporate regulations of the Chamber of Architects with respect to copyright law and professional responsibilities of the architect, and is illustrated with case studies from disciplinary court. Students should gain a clear understanding of the rules in the Code of Ethics in the Architectural Profession, Professional Performance Standards, and also become fluent in the act on Copyright Law and Similar laws pertaining to architectural practice..


Course title in English Architecture Design – Commercial Buildings Academic major: ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING Study cycle and study mode: First cycle, full-time and part-time Course type: elective Kod przedmiotu AUA105558W, AUA105559P Group of courses No

Lecture Tutorial Lab Project Seminar Number of contact hours 15 60 Number of student workload 60 180 hours Grading policy Examinatio pass with n grade Mark (X) for final course in a group of courses ECTS points: 2 6 including ECTS points for 6 practical hours (P) including ECTS points for 1 2 contact hours (CH)

PREREQUISITES RELATING TO KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND OTHER COMPETENCIES 80. KNOWLEDGE Students demonstrate knowledge of designing building with a simple structure and form. Prepare a program for structures with a uniform function. 81. SKILLS: Students use computer aided design software and computer graphic programs to create presentations.

COURSE OBJECTIVES C1 The objective of the course is to present knowledge of commercial architecture. C2 The course equips students with the skills in designing commercial buildings of small cubic volume and one dominating function, by solving a selected structure in one of the proposed locations.

COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Related to knowledge: PEK_W01 demonstrate elementary knowledge of commercial architecture and its typology necessary to design structures with a simple function in an urban and historic context; demonstrate elementary knowledge of technical problems related to design and construction of such structures, including fire safety and the use of structures by people with disabilities. Related to skills: PEK_U01 Demonstrate the ability to design simple, small commercial buildings with a single leading function of the type: collective residential (hostel, dormitory), educational function (library, media library, cultural center), with exhibition function (art gallery, exhibition pavilion), administrative function (Town Hall, administrative building), service function (commercial facility, service facility, etc.). Perform analysis on: the link with the existing environment and the accessibility of the proposed facility, functional and spatial relationships, and the used construction solutions. Demonstrate skill in the preparation of architectural documentation for selected structures that meet the requirements of the applicable building code. Related to social competencies: PEK_K01 Understand the need and identify the opportunities for continuous learning (graduate and post-graduate programs, post-graduate courses, training courses) - improving professional, personal and social competencies. PEK_K02 Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the importance of non-technical aspects and consequences of the engineer’s work, including its impact on the environment and the related responsibility for decisions. PEK_K03 Think and operate in a resourceful manner.

CURRICULUM CONTENT Number Mode of teaching - lectures hours Lec1 Legal basis for designing part 1 (including design of open car parks). 3 Structures with mass residential functions (hostels, halls of residence, mountain Lec2 2 shelters). Lec3 Structures with educational functions (libraries, media libraries, culture centers). 2 Lec4 Structures with exhibition function (art galleries, exhibition pavilions). 2 Lec5 Structures with administrative function (town halls, administrative buildings). 2 Lec6 Structures with auditorium function (cinemas, amphitheatres) 2 Structures with commercial function (simple commercial facilities, catering, catering- Lec7 2 service facilites). Total hours 15

Number Mode of teaching - project hours Analysis of the natural and urban environment - 1: 500 scale, preliminary concept of Pr1 structure. 8

Pr2 Land-use plan – 1:500 scale, working model of the structure with the surroundings. 8 Pr3 Presentation I, discussion. 4 Pr4 Work on the architectural concept, including: 20 - views of all floors 1:200 scale, selected fragment 1:100 scale, -characteristic sections and elevations - 1:200 scale -perspective drawings and visualizations of the structure and its surroundings, - working model of the structure with the surroundings. Pr5 Presentation 2, discussion 4 Work on technical and material solutions and graphic presentation of the project: - views of all floors 1:200 scale, selected fragment 1:100 scale, Pr6 -characteristic sections and elevations - 1:200 scale 12 - architectural detail, scale 1:20, 1:50, - perspective drawings of the structure, visualizations with the surroundings, - as a supplement: model of the structure with the surroundings. Pr7 Final 3rd presentation , discussion, assessment 4 Total hours 60

TEACHING TOOLS N1. Expository lecture N2. problem-solving lecture N3. multimedia presentation, N4. Presentation of project. N5. consultation N6. discussion

ASSESSMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Lecture Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_W01 Examination - α1=1 P 1= α1 F1 where α1=1, Σ α = 1 Project Assessment (F – formative Number of learning Method of assessing the achievement of learning (during the semester), S – outcome outcome summative (at the end of semester) F1 PEK_U01 Assessment of the content quality of the project - α2=0,8 F2 PEK_K01 PEK_K02 Class participation assessment (min. 50% critiques, credit for all reviews) α3=0,1

F3 PEK_K03 Assessment of oral presentation α4=0,1 P 1= α2 F2+ α3 F3+ α4F4 where α2=0,8, α3=0,1, α4=0,1 Σ α = 1

BASIC AND ADDITIONAL LITERATURE BASIC LITERATURE: [65] Błądek Z., Hotele bez barier: przystosowanie do potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych, 2003. [66] Błądek Z., Hotele: programowanie, projektowanie, wyposażanie, 2001. [67] Cerver F., A., The World of Contemporary Architecture, Koenemann 2005. [68] Edwards B., Libraries and learning resource centers, 2002. [69] Izenour G.C., Theater design, 1996. [70] Jodidio Ph., Nowe formy: architektura lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX wieku”, 1998. [71] Jodidio Ph., Architecture Now!, Taschen (najnowsze wydania). [72] Koziński., Projektowanie obiektów handlowych, Warszawa 1973. [9] Matthews G., Museums and Art Galleries, 1991. [10] Neufert E., Podręcznik projektowania architektoniczno-budowlanego, Warszawa 2011. [11] Rozporządzenie Ministra Infrastruktury z dnia 12 kwietnia 2002 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać budynki i ich usytuowanie. (Dz. U. nr 75, poz. 690; z późniejszymi zmianami). [12] Rattenbury K., Bevan R., Long K., Architects Today. Laurens king Publihing 2004. [13] Thompson G., Planning and Design of Library Buildings, 1991.

ADDITIONAL LITERATURE: [1] Bieżące czasopisma architektoniczne, np.: Architektura & Biznes, Architektura – Murator. [2] Popławski B., Projektowanie szkół wyższych, 1982. [3] Ujma-Wąsowicz K., Ergonomia w architekturze, 2005. [4] Urządzenia sportowe, planowanie, projektowanie, użytkowanie, praca zbiorowa pod redakcją R. Wirszyłło, 1982.

COURSE ADVISOR (NAME, SURNAME, E-MAIL) Professor Elżbieta Trocka-Leszczyńska, [email protected]


Course learning Relation of course outcome with Course Curriculum No. of outcome learning outcomes formulated for the objectives content teaching tool major

PEK_W01 K1AIU_W21 C1 Lec1-Lec7 N1, N2, N3 (knowledge) PEK_U01 K1AIU_U13 C2 Pr1-Pr7 N1, N2, N3, N5 (skills) PEK_K01 K1AIU_K01 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec7 N1, N2, N3 (competencies) PEK_K02 K1AIU_K02 C1, C2 Lec1-Lec7 N1, N2, N3 PEK_K03 K1AIU_K05 C1, C2 Pr1-Pr7 N6, N4