de la

English version Parc Natural de la Serra Calderona

Plaza del Ayuntamiento, s/n (casa de la cultura) 46119 Náquera () Tel. 96 168 19 93 Movil: 679 19 52 38

[email protected] Assistance from: Layout: Benjamín Albiach Galán Kun.Xusa Beltrán

Photography: Benjamín Albiach Galán Equipo de Educación Ambiental

Map Design: Pau Pérez Puigcerver fuente: ICV (Instituto Cartográfico Valenciano)

Texts: Equipo de Educación Ambiental Printing this material has been possible thanks to the Cooperation Agreement signed on 21st April 2006 by the Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona, "la Printed: IVADIS Caixa" and the Generalitat Valenciana (Autonomous Community Authority) for D. L.: Undertaking the Integral Management Plan for Conservation of the Natural Systems of the ’s Network of Nature Reserves. Technical data:

Date on which it was declared a Nature Reserve 15th January 2002 Date of PORN approval: 2nd April 2001 Date of PRUG approval: 4th April 2006

Municipalities inside the Reserve: Altura, , Algimia d'Alfara, , Gátova, Gilet, Marines Vell, Náquera, , Sagunt, , , Serra and Torres Torres

The “Sierra Calderona” Nature Reserve covers a surface area of 18,019 Ha, between the provin- ces of Castellón and Valencia, consisting of a mountainous alignment in NW-SE direction separating the basins of the rivers Palancia and Turia, extending through the counties of “”, “” and “Camp de Tùria”. It constitutes one of the most valuable natural enclaves in the Valencian Community, its natural-physical characteristics giving it outstan- ding ecological as well as landscape interest. with theoverallnameof“Sierra Calderona”. authors startedtoreferthis mountainrange It wasonlyfromthe1950sthatseveraltraveller Cucalón” and“MontesdelaCuevaSanta”. Nàquera”, “SerraladadePortaceli”, “Montesde “Montes deSegart”,Serray 1797, referstotherangewithdifferentnames: wing onhistravelsaroundValencia from1795- "Observaciones sobrelaHistorianatural..." before? ThescholarCavanilles,inhis known as“SierraCalderona”.Whatwasitcalled This rangeofmountainshasonlyrecentlybeen History Iberian settlementof“PuntaldelsLlops” dra-

B. Albiach Galán ground iscloselylinkedtothe historyofSpain great historicalandarchitectural value,itsback- Portaceli monasterywasfoundedin1272.Of Very soonaftertheconquest theLaCartujade properties ofgreatfeudallords. Náquera, AlbalatdelsTarongers, becamethe mountain villagessuchasAltura,Marines, Arab farmsteads,theoriginofpresent After theChristianconquestbyJaimeI,many Valencia byElCid. their strategicsituationintheconquestof were Moslemfortressesplayingamajorrolefor Beselga, Olocau,Segart,SerraandTorres Torres those oftheArabage:castlessuchasonesin But aboveallthemostplentifulremainsare Náquera, Olocau,andGiletarealsoRoman. and manyremainsofceramicsinSerra, Estivella aqueduct,thebridgeinTorres Torres, mic, commercialandculturalcentre.The ders ofitspresenceinSagunto,agreatecono- The Roman agehasleftsomeappreciableremin- - SomemajorsettlementsintheIberianage - Remains oftheBronzeAgeonPicaio; - Remains oftheEneolithicat“Puntaldels - SignsofthePalaeolithic inthe“Cova There are: from thedifferentdiversearchaeologicalfinds. inhabited bydiversecivilisations,ascanbeseen If wegobackintimethe“SierraCalderona”was “Puntal delsLlops”inOlocauisalsoIberian. Castle ofSagunto);thesettlementin such asArse(anIberiantownlocatedinthe Moros”, Náquera Margarita“ caveinNáquera driving outtheMoriscosin1609ledtoserious the mainfarmlabourersmeaningthatdecree derable allovertheCalderonarange.Theywere The presenceofMoslemsettlementswasconsi- dates backtothesameage. Monte” (1404),locatedinthevalleyofToliu The Franciscan Conventof“SantoEspíritudel is nowinruins. lives oftheinhabitantsAlturaforcenturies.It de Crist”foundedin1401whichgovernedthe Neither shouldweforgetthe“CartujadelaVall of historyinall. and theAncientKingdomofValencia, 700years Beselga Castle(Estivella)

B. Albiach Galán

B. Albiach Galán Valencians' enjoymentandleisure. ol fordifferentgenerations,aplacemany mity toValencia, thishasbeenamountainscho- More recently, sincethe1950s,duetoitsproxi- The mythofmountainbanditsiswell-known. use oftheruggedandinhospitablelieland. shelter tothedifferentcombatantswhomade war, thewarofSuccession,civilwar, giving conflicts hereMoorishuprisings,theGermanías Calderona“ becamethestagefordifferent At severalpointsinhistorythe“Sierra population. economic consequencesandacleardropinthe Convent of“Franciscanos deSantoEspíritudel Monte” (1404) the CarraixetravineandriverTúria tothesouth. main basins:theriverPalancia tothenorthand The hydrographicnetworkcorresponds tothree times ofstorms. drought ismarked,exceptforisolatedrainat form oftorrentialdownpours.Thesummer to 600mm,whichinautumncancomethe rainfall, andannualvaluesrangingfrom350mm from 16to17.5ºCwithgreatirregularityinthe rature swinginvolvingannualaveragesranging Mediterranean system,withamoderatetempe- The climateofthereserveischaracterisedbyits Climate Blancas”. “Rebalsadors”, “Alt delPí”,“Oronet” and“Peñas Picaio) envelopingcarbonatedcoressuchas crests ofredsandstonesappear(Gorgo,Garbí, a prevailingsiliceousnatureinwhichspectacular La Redona andaboveall,apartofthelandwith mounds suchasthe“MolaSegart”,Xocainetor where onecanfindthepresenceoflimestone We shouldstresstheTriassic western core, “Garbí” (601m) “Rebalsadors” (802m),“Oronet” (742m)and Other majoraltitudesarethe“Gorgo”(907m.), tern end,whereitreachesalevelof1,015m. exception ofMontemayor, atthefarnorth-wes- developing under1,000minaltitude,withthe This rangecoversavastsurfaceareamainly Orography The Garbí(601 m)

B. Albiach Galán flora) gorse monspeliensis) by thicketsofrockrose tree, abovealltheAleppopineandaccompanied The woodedareasaredominatedbythepine trees, thicketsandpastureland. sible zones,atpresentbeingdominatedbypine climax vegetationintoravinesandmoreinacces- vity andforestfireshaveneverthelessdriventhe range ofvegetationcangrowhere.Humanacti- and siliceousmaterials,meansthataverywide level, alongwithapresenceofbothcarbonated The ruggedorographyandmajorchangesin Vegetation , withaprevalenceofMediterranean or (Ulex parviflorus) , rosemary and heather (Rosmarinus officinalis) (Cistus salvifolius,C. “Rebalsadors” zone (Erica multi- Cistus albidus ,

B. Albiach Galán

B. Albiach Galán ments. cover andthroughthelackofthermophileele- kermes oakischaracterisedbylowerheightand and semi-aridMesomediterraneangroundthe tisc the kermesoak macchia withextensivehighcoverdominatedby does notallowthekermesoaktodevelop,a trata withadrysemi-aridombroclimatewhich mature stageatanypoint.Incarbonatedsubs- sandstone, thoughscatteredandnotreachinga enclaves ofsubhumidombroclimateonred As forthecorkoak,thisispresentincertain and sageinthesecond. mary inthefirstcaseandheather, rockrose these, suchasthekermesoak,lentiscorrose- different speciesofbushesthataccompany holm oakwoodsbeingobservablethroughthe ferences betweenthelimestoneandsiliceous (Chamaerops humilis) (Rhamnus alaternus) saparrilla one canfindhoneysuckle are alsofairlyextensive,intheirlowerstratum siliceous thicketspecies.Theholmoakwoods maritime pineindecarbonatedsoilsalongwith Species: “Pi delSalt” in the“SerraCalderona”: Monumental andoutstandingtrees (Pistacia lentiscus) Pinus halepensis/ (Smilax aspera) (Náquera) (Quercus coccifera) amongst otherspecies,dif- ; inthezonesofdry , evergreenbuckthorn and thefanpalm “Pino carrasco”. (Lonicera implexa) and thelen- , sar-

EEA del Parc Natural de la Serra Calderona “Olivera Perimeter girthat1.30m:4,30m Height: 18.50m Estimated age:175years Specie: “Pi delaBassa” Perimeter girthat1.30m:6.56m. Height: 4.40m Estimated age:1.500years Specie: “La Morruda” Perimeter girthat1.30m:4.30m. Height: 6.50metros Estimated age:200years. Specie: “Lledoner delaCovaSanta” Pinus halepensis/“ Olea europea/“Olivo”. Celtis australis/ La Morruda”, (Segorbe) (Portaceli- Serra) estimated age1500years “Almez”. Pino carrasco”. (Altura) B. Albiach Galán Peregrine falcon( being thegoshawk extremely diverse,someprominentspecies found, aboveallpredators.Thebirdlifeis fauna, withspeciesofgreatinterestbeing contribute totheexistenceofverydiverse has agreatdiversityofenvironments,which As regardsthefauna,“SierraCalderona“ Fauna gest speciesoflizardinEurope. about 60cmfromheadtotail,andisthelar- (Monticola solitarius) where therearetrees;thebluerockthrush European nuthatch toed eagle terrapin There isamajorpresenceoftheSpanish meles) (Genetta genetta)orthebadger lizard mountain cat Apart fromthisthemammalsinclude the rockierareas. and Bonelli'seagle bubo) , theperegrinefalcon (Lacerta lepida) . (Mauremys leprosa) Falco peregrinus (Circaetus gallicus) (Felis sylvestris) (Accipiter gentilis) (Accipiter (Hieraaetus fasciatus) (Sitta europaea) , theimperialowl . Thelattercanmeasure ) (Falco peregrinus) and theocellated , thegenet in zones or the , short- (Meles (Bubo , in bí ar G Puntal de l e 515 l’Albarda SLV-24 d






a B

1 “El Pla del Garbí”

Leave the car park heading east towards the view- Puntal Garbí 601 point and at the first stop you will see before you the “Pla del Garbí”, an extensive area with a clear 548 lack of tree strata as a result of fires in the 1970s Pla del Garbí 595 and 80s. At present there is a prevalence of the vegetation regenerated after these fires: rockrose el Xorro de 571 Fulgencio T. Albarat dels Tarongers (Citus monspeliensis), kermes oak (Quercus coccife-

570 la Canal ra), “aladierno” (Rhamnus alaternus), “albaida” la Calera el Siti Moro ---> T. Estivella (Anthyllis cytisoides).

T. Segart Go on up towards the viewpoint along a path of reddish hue indicating the red sandstone material Puntal de l’Albella so characteristic of the range. In the area where there is tree cover there is a prevalence of mariti- me pine (Pinus pinaster). This is the fastest growing pine. Its traditional uses included the extraction of resin and its use for wood, but in these parts it cea- sed to be made commercial use of many years ago. . Route 1: From El Garbí as the crow flies Along with the maritime pine there are examples Difficulty: easy. of the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). Its Scientific Approx. length: 1.5 km name (Arbutus unedo) stems from the Latin and Approximate time: 45' means "one" - "alone", reminding us of the need to "eat only one fruit " as it contains alcohol and can From the town of Serra or Torres Torres along give you a headache! The strawberry tree is a fire- the CV-310 you will come to the turnoff heading resistant species, with the root shooting after being for Barraix / Garbí / Segart. Without leaving the burned through using the food reserves provided main tarmac road you will come to a small open by the stump. Formerly the wood and charcoal area where the sign for the start of the route is obtained from the strawberry tree were more located. highly valued even than that of the elm. Along with the strawberry tree there is heather such as the You are in the municipal area of Estivella and will Erica scoparia, (Erica arborea). reach the “Mirador del Garbí”. This is made up of the Puntal de l'Abella (654m) to the west, In front you will see the “La Mola de Segart” and in the Garbí (601m) in the centre and the Albarda the background the Gulf of Valencia. On clear days (521m) to the East. you will be able to see La Albufera Nature reserve and even El Montgó nature reserve. Further to the right you will find the Puntal de On clear days you can see the great arch formed l'Abella (654 m) where such outstanding botanical by the gulf of Valencia, from the Sierra de Irta to species grow that it has been declared a micro- Sant Antoni head, and sometimes even the reserve for flora. “Columbretes Isles” in front of Castellón.

2 “El Garbí” viewpoint 3 Forest track

To your left there is a recreation and rest area, Back to the point of origin, the route goes along a where you will also find the “Santa Creu” chapel, a forest track from which you can observe the valley more modern building which replaced another one of the river Palancia and behind this, the Sierra de built in 1787. The former building had a hostelry Espadán in the province of Castellón, another of until the early 1900s. the nature reserves in the Valencian community. Among the plant life close to the track there are This is a viewpoint of large precipices where one some fine examples of strawberry tree (Arbutus can appreciate the characteristic red sandstone unedo), lentisc (Pistacia lentiscus) and kermes oak rocks forming a spectacular balcony towards El (Quercus coccifera). You will get back to the star- Palancia valley, the Mediterranean sea and in the ting point along this track. distance the city of Valencia.

Panoramic view of Garbí B. Albiach Galán Azuébar Término municipal CV-25 T. M. de de Altura Parc Natural Serra Chóvar Cartuja de la Vall de Crist d’Espadà Rincón de Linares T. M. de Alto del Rojel Alto del Gabino Alfondeguilla Peña del Perdigón Soneja Castillete del Cuervo

Sot de Ferrer El Cesteno Cruz de la Hoya Pinares de Uñoz 640 m T. M. de La Vall D’Uixó

Alto del paso Río Palancia Monte de la Cruz Collado de chirivilla Término municipal de Segorbe Rambla de Cerverola Las Carboneras GR-10 A. R. Fuente El Pino Vero Alameda Peña Gascona A. R. Fuente Rebollo Alto del Águila 878 m Castellet Los Costales El Rebolloso Túnel d’Arguines A. R. Fuente Gátova Alfara de Algimia la Tejería Olivera Morruda Monte de la Mina Algimia de Alfara

Picayo-Icona T. M. de A. R. Fuente del Tormo Fte. Sinainas Peña Roya La Jabonera Baños Árabes Torres Torres Marines Montes Pico Gorgo de Rodeno Peñas Blancas Barranc de Sarba CV-320 A. R. Tristán Área de Montemayor L’Alt de la Nevera Pont Especial Muntanyeta de les Rates del Real Protección Castillo del Real Muntanyeta Negra Font del Poll Estivella Penyes Font del Llentiscle la Penya Roja Altes Peña Roja Font de la Gota Castillo de Beselga Albalat del La Solana Penya de Ventisquer Font de Barraix Font del Frare dels Flares Tarongers Pedralvilla Mirador de Puntal Olocau Rebalsadors L’Oronet Río Palancia dels Llops Penya de Collado de 742 m poblado íbero Casa Senyoria Ali Maimo la Mata Mirador de 601 m A. R. L’Arquet Garbí. Rebalsadors Les Llomes Mirador de Font del Marge 801 m A. R. CV-25 L’Abella Aliaguetes L’Alt del Pí Serra 716 m Segart L’Alt de la RedonaPí. Petres Cartuja de 716 m Portacoeli penyes de La Penyes de Coc Gilet ixet Gorissa.

arra 586 m

Pi del Salt Mola de Segart eC Pi de la Bassa 566 m La Mataditxa Mirador de Monestir de Broseta Sant Espirit

Barranc d A. R. Pla de Lucas A. R. de Náquera Coll de la Calderona Barr Broseta Font de anc Muntanya Negra Els Rabassadors l’Oro Lloma dels Gats Urb. La Torre 262,4 m de Alg Ermita de

Barranc de de Portaceli Sant Francesc la Murta El Pallerás Picaio epsars 387 m 372 m E: 1/135.000 Término municipal Portaceli de Bétera 8.000 m Lliria Les Llomes 0 2.000 4.000

road route 1: From El Garbí as the crow flies information centre quarry recreation area

path route 2: Olocau, a stroll around the traces of history and culture geodesic vertex hermitage Monumental or outstanding trees

administrative boundary route 3: The cork oak grove: a reflection of the past peak arcaeological rest fountain

buildings route 4: Portaceli: Nature and silence viewing point camping Puente del Real Castillo del Real Puntal de Belata

Puntal del el Pozo 395,3 T. Olocau T. Marines Roig Negro

Quebrantada PRV-8 del Castellet Font del l’alcalá Mosquit 562,6 canyaeta de xavialet Olocau is a village in the county of Camp del CV-25 Puntal d’Isidre la Penya Negra Tùria with about 960 inhabitants and located at Collado de 507,3 501

Barranco. Terreta the foot of the “Sierra Calderona”, beside the

B dels Lladres Penya Roja

a Blanca

r 506,5 Barranc del . Its main economic activity



n c Puntal del is based on farming and services. Cementeri Vell la Canyada d de Sultan e 439,3

C Since the Neolithic age numerous remains have a el Colladet r ra del Sentixt been behind left in the form of sites with great ixet A.R. de Sima de B la Bruixa L’Arquet arr archaeological wealth. la Pinadeta la Calera anc d e Font del Frare l Puntal S Puntal dels Llops e n del Siti poblado Penya d’Ali Maimó t Start of the route: i Redondo ibérico Olocau x 433,6 t The route starts from “Font de la Carrasca” Penyes Blanques Font de la el Portitxol spring and goes on along the Terreta Blanca path Salut l’Almadec heading towards the “Castell del Reial”.

1 “Terreta Blanca” hill.

On the way up “Terreta Blanca” path you will . Route 2: Olocau, a stroll around the observe the change from the acid red sandstone traces of history and culture earth to a basic white limestone earth. This chan- ge in the composition of the substrate will also give Difficulty: rise to certain changes in the vegetation. It is quite hard to get up to the castle The rest is very easy indeed. Stop at “Terreta Blanca” hill and from there your Length: 5 km. gaze can roam over the valley known as “Vall de Duration: la Quebrantà del Coixo”. The bottom of the Including visit to Del Real castle: 2h 45' valley is mainly agricultural, while to the right of Without going up to the castle: 2.00 hours. the path there is forestry vegetation, the domi- nant species being the white or Aleppo pine This route sets out from the village of Olocau (Pinus halepensis) which has flourished on former itself, at the Font de la Carrasca. This spring is unirrigated farmland. located by the CV-25 road out of the village hea- ding towards Marines Vell /Gátova. 3 2 tangular keep. defensive wallsandtheremainsoflargerec- buildings. Insideittherearedifferentpartsof several sectionsofthewallandotherauxiliary rooms inthecastlewere,alsoincludestoday The secondpart,whichiswherethemain cistern belongingtothefirstcanstillbeseen. de it.Theremainsofawallandwaterstorage The castleusedtohavetwodefensiveareasinsi- “Moriscos“ in1609. vely abandonedaftertheexpulsionof last tosurrenderKingJaimeI,bedefiniti- the Conquest,thiscastlewouldbeoneof fortress knownas“CastelldelReial”. During The pathgoesuptotheremainsofaMoslem ple notaccustomedtowalkingupsteepslopes. hard andnotrecommendedforchildrenpeo- This isaclimbuptoanaltitudeof574m,fairly “Castell delReial” castle(Optional) intended forstoringrainwater. water cistern,anolddrystoneconstruction Canyaeta deXavieletpathandyouwillgobya If youoptforthesecondchoice,take to continuealongthepathfollowingstop. to thecastleorif, ontheotherhandyouprefer At thispointyoucandecideifwanttogoup “Aljub delCastellet” “Aljub del Castellet”

B. Albiach Galán EEA del Parc Natural de la Serra Calderona 4 over 600l/m as redsandstone),requiringhumidityconditions the ground(theyprefersiliceoussubstratessuch Cork oakgrovesareverydemandingasregards “Sierra Calderona”. remaining patchesofcorkoakgrovesinthe the wholetrip,sinceitisquitehardtofindany Here youfindthemostinterestingvegetationin “Canyaeta deXavielet” cork oakgrovesgivetheroutesuchgreatvalue. temperatures. Thisiswhythesesmallpatchesof 2 and notwithstandingverylow 5 them todevelopin. one ofthemostappropriateconditionsfor bottom oftheravineremindusthathumidityis rance andfreshnessofthevegetationat de Fenollet”,inthe18thcentury. Theexube- built, astheinscriptionsays,byCount“Diego first stopattheFontdelFrare. Thisspringwas The signpostswillleadyoubacktoOlocau,but “La FontdelFrare” spring “Font delFrare”. 1796 a B Min arranco de la Monte de la Mina a Barranco de ill Agua Amarga d a l

Fte. de Sinainas a S

a l







r We propose a simple itinerary by bicycle through

r a

B the very heart of the “Sierra Calderona” moun- tain range. It starts out from the Masía del Tristán,

GR-10 la Jabonera in the municipal boundaries of Segorbe T. Segorbe (Castellón). This is a leisure area where you can T. Gátova enjoy facilities for barbecue-making, tables, water 774 and plenty of cool shade in a pleasant, peaceful

a t i r natural setting. Pico Gorgo o b 907 Sa Cerro la a Ba l T. Marines Moratilla rranco de 834 1 “El Gorgo” and “Castell del Reial” Área de Masia de Tristán Especial Torre de Here you can enjoy a lovely view of the Turia Protección vigilancia valley. One of the highest peaks in the “Sierra Calderona”, the Gorgo massif, 907 m. in height, Barranco de la Olla PRV-8 Montemayor rears up in front of you. Masia de Olla Puntal de la Mina Bco. de la Biuela On the left of the Gorgo you can make out the shape of the Castell del Reial in the distance, bet- ween the municipal boundaries of Olocau and “Marines Viejo”. . Route 3: The cork oak grove: a reflec- tion of the past 2 The farming terraces

Approx. length: 9 km Our mountains have been modified by mankind Difficulty: easy since Neolithic times. The reasons for this were Estimated time: 1 hour forestry, farming and stockbreeding livelihoods. Apart from some buildings for cattle, the most Access to the sign of the start of the route obvious testimony of those times of such intense activity in these mountains are the terraces. From county road CV-25 which leads you to These are like steps which allow the horizontal the villages of Olocau, Marines Vell and Gátova, and vertical space to be used for farming. take a turnoff to the right before going into the Although this technique was used as early as Arab town of Gátova and without leaving the path times, the greatest transformations of the lands- which becomes a forest track you will come to cape in “Sierra Calderona” came about in the the “Masía del Tristan” farmstead, where the Christian age for use growing carob beans, olive route starts. trees, cereals, grapevines, etc... Mirador de Broseta

Pi de la Bassa

i l e o Cami del Campillo C ta r o P

e d



<-- a Serra a


r a Having abandoned these crops has today meant B that the potential vegetation of the zone once a Náquera --> more colonises the mountain and you can find Area Recreativa Broseta holm oaks (Quercus ilex) and cork oaks (Quercus suber) scattered here and there over the countryside Area Recreativa Pla de Lucas

a Bétera -->

3 The “Tristán” cork oak grove Sanatorio de Porta Coeli The cork oak has a thick trunk covered by a cha- racteristic bark known as cork. Its fruit, the acorn, is used as food for pigs

It was once a mainstay of our predecessors' . Route 4: Portaceli: Nature and silence economy. Difficulty: Simple Other interesting aspects of this tree are the Length of the route: 4 km protection meant by the thick layer of cork Estimated time: 1h.30' against fire and its branches' capacity to sprout again after fires. From Náquera on the way towards the town of Serra you will come to a turnoff on the left which will take you to Portaceli and the “Pla de Lucas“ recreation area. The start of this route is at the 4 “Font de Sinaina” spring crossroads where the road goes to the right to La Cartuja and to the left to the Betera-Olocau road. After a circular route around the Masía del Tristán, at the first crossroads you should go on to From Betera, leaving the town, turn to the left the left and go down to the following crossroads, along the road leading to the village of Olocau and where you can choose between Gátova or at the second roundabout take the turnoff to the Segorbe and here head towards Segorbe. This right towards the Military Base /Portaceli. When track will take you to the Sinaina spring. From this you get to the “Pla de Lucas” recreation area, at point you can go back to the “Masía del Tristán” the crossroads of Náquera and Cartuja you will picnic area. find the sign indicating the start of the route. 3 2 1 (Pistacia lentiscus) specimens ofmyrtle anthyllis the rosemarybush medicinal plantssuchasthethyme tation consistsofalargenumberaromaticand Aleppo orwhitepine) pine treesareofthePinushalepensisvariety scattered patchesofMediterraneanshrubland.The The dominantvegetationconsistsofpineswith “Pla deLucas” little aboutthehistoryofourenvironment. Cartuja dePorta Coeliandwithitshistory, findouta take careof, the“PladeLucas”.You canalsoseethe for leisureandsparetimeactivitiesthatweshouldall natural environmentofhighecologicalvalueandasite by thePortaceli mountains:azonewherethereis You arenowatthegatewayto“SierraCalderona” whole valleyof Lullen andyougetanalmostpos- From thisvantage pointtheviewgoesalong “La Pedrera” vantagepoint(orBroseta) Carthusian Monastery. woods thatyouwillseearound here belongtothe do notwanttogetlost.Mostof thehillsandpine take carenottostrayfromthewayindicatedifyou criss-crossed withdifferentpathsandtracks,so time bytheinhabitantsofthisareabecauseitis tainly havebeentakengreatadvantageofforalong You arenowheadingintoazonewhichmustcer- Way uptoPedrera Vantage Point to preservethem. you mustalwaystakegoodcareofthemandhelp for people'sleisure,everyone'senjoyment,so You shouldrememberthattheseplacesaremeant and juniper (Anthyllis cytisoides) (Juniperus oxycedrus) , kermesoak . Theloweststrataofthevege- (Rosmarinus officinalis) (Myrtus communis) . Therearealsosome . (Quercus coccifera) (Tymus vulgaris) , mastic and the (the ,

B. Albiach Galán around 1400.This quarrywasalsoownedbythe period limestoneworkedsince Mid-Jurassic If youlooktotheright,will seeaquarryof which gaveitbacktotheCarthusians in1942. 1931, itwastakenoverbytheRegional government several differentuses:lodgings, hospital,jail...In was sold.Itwentintoprivatehands andwasgiven exclaustration ofthismonasterywasorderedandit In 1835,duringtheMendizabalConfiscations, aqueduct withitselevenpointedarcheswasbuilt. one ofthetimesitseconomicsplendour, the tions oftheOrderSanBruno.In15thcentury, of Albalat,confessorJaimeI,undertheregula- This monasterywasfoundedin1272bytheBishop massif. Monastery, locatedatthefootof“Rebalsadores“ tcard-like sceneofthePorta CoeliCarthusian Porta CoeliCarthusianMonastery.(1272) B. Albiach Galán first path. taking aturnofftotherightwhichleadsyou Go backthesamewaytostartingpoint, all worktogethertopreventforestfires. sion oferosionphenomena.Thisiswhyweshould protection forthegroundandthusprogres- and whosemostdevastatingeffectisthelackof a terriblefirethatbrokeoutinlateAugust1992 In frontofyou,youcanseetheconsequences used forbuildingtheCarthusianchurch. Carthusians andthematerialdugoutfromitwas “Mola deSegart” - PR-CV63.8 - PR-178 - PR-63.9 - PR-287 - PR-329 - SL-68 - SL-23 Signposted routes - PR-8 - GR-10 Further informationonthewebsiteofSendaverde: 18 km-5h45' “Marines-Olocau-Tristán” "EmiliBeütiBelenguer" “Senda del Blanquissar”. 4.382 m-4h.-Estivella “Senda delBlanquissar”. “Senda Tancada”. 5km-1h30'.Estivella. “-Puçol”. 125km-33h55' “Altura toCuevasanta”.9.6Km-2h40' ”Betera -NáqueraSerra”.17km-4h17' “Ruta delSalt”.10.510m-3h12m. “Gàtova toSoneja”.12.5km-3h “El Molinar-Bejís” - “LaAlameda”and“ElRebollo” springs in - “MasíadeTristán” (hostelandrecreationarea - "PladeLucas"and"Broseta"recreation - “SantoEspíritu”recreationareainGilet. - Rebalsadors vantagepointwithviewsof - Garbívantagepoint(Estivella)withrestarea. - Segorbeacityofgreatculturalinterestwith - Sagunto,2000yearsofhistory:Sagunto - “SantoEspíritudelMonte”Monastery(Gilet), - BeselgacastleinEstivella,12thcentury - “Vall deCrist”(Altura)Carthusianmonastery, - CuevaSantashrineinAltura. - MedievalcastleinTorres Torres. - 13thcenturyPortaceli Carthusianmonastery - MedievalcastleofSerra(8th-11thcenturies) - “CastelldelReial” castlebetweenthemunici- - “CasadelaSeñoría”inOlocau.17thcentury PuntaldelsLlops” inOlocau.Iberian - “The Visits ofinterest barbecue facilitiesandplentyof shade. Gátova. Recreation areasfittedwithtables, with barbecuefacilitiesandtables). areas inSerra. Lullen valley(Serra) castle... its Cathedral,theCathedralMuseumSopeña ter... Castle, theRoman Theatre,theJewishquar- 1404. medieval castle. 1385-1835. (Serra) pal areasof“MarinesViejo”andOlocau. mansion. settlement.

Equipo de Educación Ambiental del parc natural de la Serra Calderona Monastery. GoingonalongtheCV-310 youcometo to thecentralareaofrange andPorta-Coeli Nàquera youwillfindaturnoffto theleftleadingyou you jointheCV-310 road,crossing thetownof /Moncadaexist.Heading forNàquera pass towardsBarcelona,taking theNàquera/ Valencia- dualcarriageway:turnoffatBy- road whereyoucanlinkupwithAlturaandCV-25. From N-234Sagunto-Teruel Segorbenationaltrunk Marines Vell, Gàtova,AlturaandSegorbe. the NatureReserve andtothetownsofOlocau, county roadwhichleadsyouintothewesternsideof turnoff atLlíriainMarines/Olocaudirection.CV-25 Autovía Valencia-Ademuz dualcarriageway(CV-35): You cangetbythefollowing roads: Road ACCESSES: Snow well Serra and Torres Torres. The opposite way you can get here from the N-234 road by the Torres Torres exit and take the CV-310 road towards Serra to take you to the Nature Reserve.

From the Valencia-Sagunto dual carriageway join the Teruel national trunk road N-234 (dual carriageway as far as Segorbe), leave this by the Gilet exit which takes you to the Toliu valley and to the Santo Espíritu Monastery, part of the eas- tern sector of the range.

From the N-234 at the Segart/ Albalat dels Tarongers/ Estivella exit, you can head for Segart and link up with the municipality of Serra.

From the CV-310 road crossing the town of Serra turn right along the road leading to Barraix, the Garbí and Segart.

ACCESS by public transport: Metro-bus service: Valencia-Bétera (underground) Connection with buses: Bétera -Náquera- Serra, Valencia - Altura.

Metro to Llíria. From here there is a bus line: Llíria-Marines-Olocau-Gàtova-Llíria

There are RENFE stations in the following towns: Segorbe, Sagunt, Gilet, Estivella - Albalat and Alfara Line C-5: Valencia - Caudiel.


Do not leave the marked Dogs must be on a paths to take short cuts leash

No picking flowers and Do not bother or catch plants any animals

Do not drop litter in the No camping in the reserve. Use the litter bins nature reserve

No smoking in the It is strictly forbidden to nature reserve light fires